June 2016 - The Roundup
June 2016 - The Roundup
Farm & Ranch Monthly Magazine Published monthly by The Roundup PO Box 1207 • Sidney, MT 59270 • 406-433-3306 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup ECRWSS Postal Customer Burns Creek Creations See Page 10 June 2016 Trey Blesser kneels next to his personal favorite piece, a coffee/end table made out of horse shoes. 2 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 Mark Your Calendars for the MonDak Area Field Days in June and July By Meagan Dotson The MonDak area is home to a unique “research triangle” featuring three agricultural research facilities in Sidney, MT and Williston, ND that regularly share the UHVXOWVRIWKHLUZRUNZLWKSURGXFHUVWKURXJKDQQXDOVXPPHUÀHOGGD\V7KLV\HDU WKHJURXS·VÀHOGGD\VDUHVFKHGXOHGDVIROORZV The 2016 Froid Research Farm Field Day will be held Thursday, June 23rd, IURPSPXQWLOSPPRXQWDLQWLPHDWWKHIDUPVLWHORFDWHGHLJKWPLOHVQRUWKRI &XOEHUWVRQ07RQ07+Z\,QDGGLWLRQWRDWRXURIWKHIDUPWKHGD\·VDFWLYLWLHV LQFOXGHVHYHUDORXWVLGHVSHDNHUV\HWWREHÀ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·V(DVWHUQ$JULFXOWXUDO5HVHDUFK&HQWHU($5&7KLVLVWKHVHFRQG\HDU WKHWZRUHVHDUFKIDFLOLWLHVKDYHMRLQHGWRJHWKHUIRUWKHÀHOGGD\ZKLFKZLOOLQFOXGH DGGLWLRQDORXWVLGHVSHDNHUVDORQJZLWKWKHSORWWRXUV$IUHHOXQFKHRQZLOOIROORZ VSRQVRUHGE\WKH5LFKODQG&RXQW\([WHQVLRQ2IÀFH)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW WKH$56DW 2Q7KXUVGD\-XQHWKWKH068(DVWHUQ$JULFXOWXUDO5HVHDUFK&HQWHUZLOOKRVW LWVDQQXDO)LHOG'D\LQ6LGQH\ZLWKWKHIRFXVRQLUULJDWHGFURSV5HJLVWUDWLRQDQG UHIUHVKPHQWVZLOOEHDWWKH($5&UHVHDUFKIDFLOLW\DW1&HQWUDO$YHLQ6LGQH\ EHJLQQLQJDWDPPRXQWDLQWLPHXQWLOSP$WDZHOFRPHDQGLQWURGXFWLRQZLOOEHJLYHQIROORZHGE\WKHWRXU7HQWDWLYHWRSLFVLQFOXGHYDULHW\HYDOXDWLRQ for sugar beets, pulse, and cereals, disease control in sugar beet and pulse crops, IHUWLOLW\VWXGLHVDQGFURSURWDWLRQVZLWKVSHDNHUV\HWWREHGHWHUPLQHG )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFWWKH($5&DW7KHUHZLOOEHSHVWLFLGH DSSOLFDWLRQSRLQWVDYDLODEOHIRUDOOWKUHH)LHOG'D\V The Williston Research and Extension Center will be holding their Dry Land Field Day on July 14th located at the Extension Center, 14120 Hwy 2, Williston, ND WHQWDWLYHO\VFKHGXOHGIRUDPXQWLOSPFHQWUDOWLPHZLWKQRUHJLVWUDWLRQUHTXLUHG'XULQJWKHPRUQLQJVHVVLRQDWWHQGDQWVFDQSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH$JURQRP\7RXU IRFXVLQJRQÀ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ÀHOGGD\DQGOXQFKDUHRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFWWKH :LOOLVWRQ5HVHDUFKDQG([WHQVLRQ&HQWHUDW AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 3 Serving Farm & Ranch Tire Needs For Over 60 Years! IN-THE-FIELD FARM TIRE SERVICE WE’RE READY TO SERVE YOU! • On-The-Farm & In-The-Field Tire Service • Quality Firestone Tractor & Implement Tires ? Straight Talk ? Honest Service ? Fair Prices 1601 S. Central • Sidney, MT | 433-3858 (After-Hours Call Forwarding To Service Rep) | Mon-Fri: 7am - 5:30pm • Sat: 7am - 12pm 4 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR FREE ENERGY... ...YOU’RE GETTING WARMER! The Electric Geothermal Solution Helping you grow. As you spray, fence or put up hay, we’re here to help you get the equipment, facilities and operating cash you need to grow. Visit with our ag lending professionals to help you build your operation. Give us a call: we’ll provide peace of mind to keep you growing in today’s farm and ranch economy. KURT NIELSON BOB RUDE AARON GRANLEY MARSHA SCHMIDT A single, simple system for heating, cooling & even water heating, which uses the abundant & natural energy the Earth stores beneath us. Ground Source Heat Pump • Flexible Options • Most Efficient • Home Heating & Cooling Options Available Today Annual Meeting 5pm • June 1st Richland County Event Center Your Best Home Comfort Solution You May Qualify For Substantial Federal & State Tax Credits PLUS LYREC Rebates! 774-4100 • www.asbt.com 223 Main Street • Williston, North Dakota Member FDIC 3200 W. Holly • Sidney, MT | 406-488-1602 • www.lyrec.com AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 5 6 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 Public Comment Period To Open on LYIP Intake Fish Passage Project EIS Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project faces another hurdle with public comment on the Intake Diversion Dam Fish Project Environmental Impact Statement. 7KHGUDIW(,6LVQRZDYDLODEOHWKURXJK5HFODPDWLRQ·V/RZHU<HOORZVWRQH Project Website: http://www.usbr.gov/gp/mtao/loweryellowstone/index.html. The public comment period will open on Friday, June 3, 2016 when the Environmental Protection Agency publishes the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The public comment period will run for 45 days, ending on July 18, 2016. Two public meetings will be held: Tuesday, June 28, 5:30 p.m., Richland County Event Center, Sidney and Wednesday, June 29, 5:30 p.m., Dawson County High School Auditorium, Glendive. Comments can be submitted three ways: handwritten or verbal at a public meeting; email: cenwo-planning@usace.army.mil or by mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, Attn: CENWO-PM-AA, 1616 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. The Corps and Reclamation are serving as joint lead federal agencies in the preparation of the EIS which analyzes six alternatives: no action, rock ramp, bypass channel, PRGLÀHGVLGHFKDQQHOPXOWLSOHSXPSDQGPXOWLSOHSXPSVZLWKFRQVHUYDWLRQ PHDVXUHV 7KH &RUSV DQG 5HFODPDWLRQ KDYH LGHQWLÀHG WKH %\SDVV &KDQQHO Alternative as the Preferred Alternative. All public comments will be reviewed by the Corps and Reclamation and will EHLQFOXGHGLQWKHÀQDO(,6 About The Ag Roundup The Ag Roundup is a monthly Farm & Ranch Magazine. It is delivered to over 10,000 farm & ranch families in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana. The advertising and news deadline for the July 2016 issue is June 28. Subscription Rate: $20 per year. Mailing Address: The Roundup P.O.Box 1207 Sidney, MT Telephone: 406-433-3306 Fax: 406-433-4114 3URGXFWLRQ2IÀFH Located at 111 West Main in Sidney e-mail: info@roundupweb.com “ROPIN RIDIN & LIVESTOCKIN” McKenzie County Fair • Thursday-Saturday, July 7-9 • Watford City, ND General Admission: ................................ $5 Button (Good for All 3 Days) Demo Derby/NDRA Rodeo: .................. $10 Adult, $5 Ages 6-13, Under 6 is Free NDRA Rodeo: ......................................... $10 Adult, $5 Ages 6-13, Under 6 Free Entertainment Highlights Carnival & Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone Thurs–Sat, July 7-9 • Draft Horse Competition Thurs, July 7 • FREE BBQ Thurs, July 7 Thursday, July 7 • • • • • • Carnival Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone FREE Beef Barbecue Olaf Leiseth Jr. Memorial Draft Horse Competition Animal Specialities Double Vision Strolling Magicians Friday, July 8 • Carnival • Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone • Demolition Derby • Animal Specialities • Double Vision Strolling Magicians Saturday, July 9 • • • • • • Carnival Curly’s Funtastic Kid Zone NDRA Rodeo Youth & Lil’ Buckaroo Rodeos Animal Specialities Double Vision Strolling Magicians AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 7 Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede Thurs-Sat, July 7-9, 2016 at the Marvin Brookman Stadium, Wolf Point, MT | Parade at Noon Fri & Sat RODEO TIMES Thurs, Fri & Sat - 7 pm Children 6 & under free to Rodeo (Gen. Admission Only) Wild Pony Carnival Races! July 7-9 Feature Attraction: Thursday Rodeo Barrelman JJ Harrison Tickets Go On Sale June 20, Order By Calling: 406-653-1770 • For Info, Call: 406-653-2012 | Wed, July 6 at 7 pm: KVCK Country Showdown 8 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 Montana Farmers Union Report: Climate Change Could Cost Agriculture Industry Almost 25,000 Jobs and $726 Million During Next 50 Years Submitted by Adam Pimley According to an eye-opening new report released today by Montana Farmers 8QLRQ0RQWDQD·VUREXVWDJULFXOWXUHHFRQRP\FRXOGWDNHDELJKLWIURPFKDQJHVLQRXU FOLPDWH7KHUHSRUWWLWOHG7KH,PSDFWVRI&OLPDWH&KDQJHRQ0RQWDQD·V$JULFXOWXUH (FRQRP\ZDVFRDXWKRUHGE\UHQRZQHG0RQWDQDHFRQRPLVW'U7KRPDV3RZHUDQG With CNH Industrial remanufactured A/C Compressors, you have a repair option that meets or beats Case IH performance standards, yet still costs 20-40% less than new. Saving money without compromising quality – that’s helping you keep your cool. The CNH Industrial Reman advantage • 100% NEW WEAR PARTS All ball shoes, gaskets, o-rings, shaft seals and bearings are replaced with new Case IH parts • BALANCED AND TESTED Meets or exceeds Case IH specifications • LEAK-FREE ASSEMBLIES Thoroughly tested to ensure zero refrigerant loss • BEST-IN-CLASS PROTECTION Industry-leading 12-month warranty covers parts AND labor when installed by a Case IH dealer To order CNH Industrial Reman A/C Compressors, see your local Case IH dealer. Case IH is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Reman is a trademark in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. www.caseih.com MRC TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT, INC. 2429 W HOLLY STREET SIDNEY, MT 592709213 406-488-4400 KLJKOLJKWVWKHVHULRXVHFRQRPLFWKUHDWVIDFHGE\0RQWDQD·VIDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUV DVRXUDYHUDJHWHPSHUDWXUHVFRQWLQXHWRULVHDQGJURZLQJFRQGLWLRQVFKDQJH :KLOHVHYHUDOVWXGLHVDQGUHSRUWVKDYHH[DPLQHGKRZZDUPLQJWHPSHUDWXUHV ZLOOLPSDFW0RQWDQDFURSFDWWOHSURGXFWLRQWKLVLVWKHÀUVWWLPHHFRQRPLFLPSDFWV IURPWKRVHFKDQJHVKDYHEHHQH[DPLQHG ´ZDVDELJ\HDUIRU0RQWDQDDJULFXOWXUH3URGXFWLRQZDVXSRYHU OHYHOVDQGWRSHGELOOLRQLQHFRQRPLFLPSDFWIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHHYHUµVDLG&KULV &KULVWLDHQV0RQWDQD)DUPHUV8QLRQ/HJLVODWLYH'LUHFWRU´0RQWDQD)DUPHUV8QLRQ LVFRPPLWWHGWRHQVXULQJRXUDJULFXOWXUHLQGXVWU\UHPDLQVUREXVWHYHQLQWKHIDFHRI VHULRXVFKDOOHQJHVIURPFKDQJHVLQRXUFOLPDWHµ 866HQDWRUDQGRUJDQLFIDUPHU-RQ7HVWHUVDLG´DVDIDUPHU,·YHVHHQWKH LPSDFWVRIFOLPDWHFKDQJHÀUVWKDQG7KHEL]DUUHFKDQJHVLQZHDWKHURYHUWKHSDVW \HDUVDUHXQOLNHDQ\WKLQJ,·YHH[SHULHQFHGRQWKHIDUP7KHQHJDWLYHLPSDFWVRQ DJULFXOWXUHDUHXQGHQLDEOHDQGWRVLWEDFNDQGGRQRWKLQJLVLUUHVSRQVLEOHµ ´7KHUHSRUWLVD´EXVLQHVVDVXVXDOµORRNDWWKHQXPHURXVFKDOOHQJHV0RQWDQD IDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUVZLOOIDFHDVZDUPLQJWHPSHUDWXUHVEURXJKWRQRUPDGHZRUVH E\ WKH H[SHFWHG GHJUHH DYHUDJH WHPSHUDWXUH LQFUHDVHµ VDLG FRDXWKRU7RP 3RZHU 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0RQWDQD 5HVHDUFK 3URIHVVRU DQG 3URIHVVRU (PHULWXV ´:H SURMHFWDSHUFHQWGURSLQUDQJHODQGFDWWOHSURGXFWLRQDQGDSHUFHQWGHFOLQH LQJUDLQSURGXFWLRQE\µ ´6WDWHZLGHZH·UHORRNLQJDWWRDGGLWLRQDOGD\VHDFK\HDUZKHQWKHWHPSHUDWXUHULVHVDERYHGHJUHHVFRXSOHWKDWZLWKDQH[SHFWHGOHVVUDLQLQ WKHVXPPHUDQG\RXKDYHDJURZLQJVHDVRQWKDWORRNVYHU\GLIIHUHQWWKDQWKHRQH ZHHQMR\WRGD\µVDLGFRDXWKRU'RQRYDQ3RZHU´$QGLQZLQWHUZHH[SHFWWRVHH IHZHUGD\VEHORZIUHH]LQJ7KHLQFUHDVHGKHDWFRXSOHGZLWKOHVVPRLVWXUHLQ WKHVXPPHUEULQJVWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUQHZZHHGVDQGSHVWVWRWKULYHµ 7KHUHSRUWIRXQGWKDW0RQWDQD·VJUDLQSURGXFWLRQZLOOEHDIIHFWHGE\FKDQJLQJ ZHDWKHU SDWWHUQV DQG VKLIWLQJ JURZLQJ VHDVRQV UHGXFHG ZLQWHU VQRZSDFN DQG VXPPHUUDLQIDOOKRWWHUVSULQJDQGVXPPHUGD\VDQGQLJKWVDQGH[SDQGLQJUDQJHV RIZHHGVDQGSHVWVUHGXFLQJFURS\LHOGVE\DVPXFKDVDQGFRVWLQJIDUPHUV DOPRVWMREVDQGPLOOLRQLQHDUQLQJV &DWWOHSURGXFWLRQZLOOEHVLPLODUO\LPSDFWHG:DWHUVKRUWDJHVLQFUHDVHGWHPSHUDWXUHDQGLQFUHDVHGFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRI&2ZLOOPDNHJUDVVDQGKD\OHVVGLJHVWLEOH DQGQXWULWLRXVWROLYHVWRFN7KLVDORQJZLWKLQFUHDVHGFRPSHWLWLRQIURPZHHGVLV SUHGLFWHGWRUHGXFHWKHSURGXFWLYLW\RIWKHUDQJHODQGFDWWOHLQGXVWU\E\FRVWLQJ UDQFKHUVMXVWRYHUMREVDQGPLOOLRQLQHDUQLQJV (ULN6RPHUIHOGZKRJURZVZKHDWPDOWEDUOH\DQGKD\RQWKHIDPLO\IDUPQHDU 3RZHU0RQWDQDVDLG´,W·VQRVHFUHWWRIDUPHUVWKDWWKLQJVDUHFKDQJLQJ:HVHHLWLQ HYHU\VHDVRQ:H·UHSODQWLQJDWOHDVWZHHNVHDUOLHUWKDQZHGLG\HDUVDJRDQG ZH·UHQRWJHWWLQJWKHHDUO\DQGPLGVXPPHUPRLVWXUHWKDWFURSVOLNHPDOWEDUOH\QHHGµ 7KLVUHSRUWLVSDUWRI0RQWDQD)DUPHUV8QLRQ·VRQJRLQJFOLPDWHFKDQJHHGXFDWLRQ SURJUDPZKLFKDLPVWRKHOS0RQWDQDIDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUVFRQWLQXHSURGXFLQJKLJK TXDOLW\DJULFXOWXUHSURGXFWVHYHQDVFOLPDWHLPSDFWVVXFKDVFKDQJHVWRJURZLQJ VHDVRQVDYDLODELOLW\RIZDWHUDQGFKDQJHVLQZHHGDQGSHVWUDQJHV 0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUH'LUHFWRU5RQGH<RQJVDLG´,W·VLPSRUWDQWIRU RXULQGXVWU\WRUHYLHZFOLPDWHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGUHSRUWVOLNHWKLVRQHWRKHOSPDNHGHFLVLRQVIURPSROLF\WRSUDFWLFHVLQWKHÀHOGJRLQJIRUZDUG:HORRNIRUZDUGWRFRQWLQXHG UHVHDUFKRQFOLPDWHFKDQJHLW·VLPSDFWVDQGDGDSWDWLRQVWUDWHJLHVIRUDJULFXOWXUHµ 7KH0RQWDQD)DUPHUV8QLRQLVDVWDWHZLGHJUDVVURRWVRUJDQL]DWLRQFHOHEUDWHG LWVWKDQQLYHUVDU\ODVW\HDU7KURXJKWKRVH\HDUV0)8KDVZRUNHGIRUVWURQJ IDPLO\IDUPVDQGUDQFKHVKDVDGYRFDWHGIRUWKHPHPEHUV·SROLFLHVDWWKHVWDWHDQG IHGHUDOOHYHOKDVZRUNHGWRVXSSRUWVWURQJSURGXFHUFRRSHUDWLYHVDQGKDVSURYLGHG HGXFDWLRQIRUDOODJHV 7KHIXOOUHSRUWFDQEHYLHZHGGRZQORDGHGRQWKH0RQWDQD)DUPHUV8QLRQ ZHESDJHZZZPRQWDQDIDUPHUVXQLRQFRP AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 9 AFTER HARVEST INSPECTION SPECIALS SPRING SERVICE SPECIALS INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AND SAVE COSTLY DOWN TIME! Don’t put your machines away until they have been inspected and repaired by $ In-Shop Round 325 Baler Inspection Key Points • • • • • • • • • • Combines Belts & Chains Feeder House Components Elevators & Augers Hydraulics & Gearboxes Straw Chopper & Spreader Engine Components Air Conditioner System Threshing & Separating 75-91 Items! Free Fluid Samples $ 599 elf-Prope e In-Shop $ I - ho In ti 575 Combine Inspection ** HEADERS KEY POINTS • Cutterbar • Hydraulic System • Center Feed Section • Electrical System • Reel • Float System • Crop Converging System In Shop Header Inspection $ 399 o • • Free ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid $ In-Shop Tractor spection 565 John Deere & Bourgault Air Drills & Tanks 4-WTr Key y Poin $ Self-Propelled Swathers & Mower Conditioners 600 • Engine • Fuel System • Power Train • Hydraulic Sys Key Points • Electrical System • Engine Components • Hydraulics & Hydrostat • Powertrain & Brakes • Air Conditioning System • Cab Components • Free Fluid Samples $ 325 ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid $ y 465 - *Offer ends July 1, 2016 and is subject to approved credit on a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. For Agricultural or Commercial use only. Minimum purchase required. After the promotional period, interest charges will begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. See dealership for complete details. HWY 200 EAST 804 EAST 1ST AVENUE 21 W. 2ND STREET 54275 HWY 2 EAST CIRCLE, MT 59215 PLENTYWOOD, MT 59254 CULBERTSON, MT 59218 GLASGOW, MT 59230 406-485-2145 406-228-2496 406-765-1531 406-787-6201 10 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 High School Senior Starts His Own Business By Sheridan Martin Trey Bloesser, a recently graduated senior from Savage High School, is the ultimate example of Montana students. Bloesser has been able to earn over $20,000 in scholarships, has started his own successful business; while at the same time ZRUNLQJRQKLVIDPLO\IDUPDQGHQMR\LQJKLNLQJDQGÀVKLQJ:KDWVWDUWHGDVDMRNH DQGODWHUDQDVVLJQPHQWIRU7UH\·V(QWUHSUHQHXUVKLSFODVVKHZDVDEOHWRVWDUWXS KLVRZQEXVLQHVV%XUQV&UHHN&UHDWLRQV:LWK%XUQV&UHHN&UHDWLRQV7UH\SURduces art, furniture and custom pieces using horseshoes. Trey and his dad work in a personal shop and will soon have a room dedicated to his work at Picture Perfect Studios in Sidney, MT. ´3HRSOHKDYHEHHQUHDOO\DZHVRPHVLQFHRSHQLQJDQGWKLVZRUNKDVGHÀQLWHO\ taught me a lot about working with people,” said Trey. “They understood that I was VWLOOLQVFKRRODQGÀQLVKLQJXSDQGWKH\ZRXOGEHUHDOO\JUHDWDQGOHWPHNQRZWR MXVWJHWLWGRQHZKHQ,FRXOG1RWWRPHQWLRQ,·YHMXVWEHHQHQMR\LQJWKHZRUNDQG the customer experience all together.” Bloesser has worked hard his entire high VFKRRO FDUHHU HDUQLQJ UHDOO\ JRRG JUDGHV DOO IRXU \HDUV ÀOOLQJ RXW PDQ\ OHWWHUV RIUHFRPPHQGDWLRQIRUVFKRODUVKLSVDQGVFRULQJYHU\KLJKRQKLV$&7´,·PUHDOO\ grateful for my mom, she really helped me a lot through all of this. And our school has a really great guidance counselor. I just really wanted to go into college debt IUHHDQG,·PKDSS\WRKDYHUHDFKHGWKDWJRDOµVDLG7UH\ Trey will go on to college in Bozeman, MT where he plans to major in Livestock Production and Management; while still working hard and enjoying the Montana landscape. Burns Creek Creations has their own Facebook page where you can ORRNDW7UH\·VGHVLJQVDQGJHWLQWRXFKZLWKKLP6RRQKHZLOOKDYHKLVYHU\RZQ VWXGLRORFDWHGDW3LFWXUH3LFWXUH3HUIHFW6WXGLRVRZQHGE\-DQ%ORHVVHU7UH\·V mother), where he can showcase his art and products for sale and orders. Be sure to check them out! 2QHRI%XUQV&UHHN &UHDWLRQV·PRVWSRSXODULWHPV WKH:LQH/RYHU·VUDFN ZKLFKFDQKROGERWWOHV <RXFDQJHW\RXUYHU\RZQERRWUDFNPDGHE\%XUQV&UHHN&UHDWLRQVIRURQO\ %XUQV&UHHN&UHDWLRQV·ERRWKDW7UH\·VYHU\ÀUVWDQWLTXHVKRZ AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 11 12 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 KEEP YOUR PIVOTS RUNNING AT TOP PERFORMANCE! Services Offered By Valley at Your Local Valley Dealer: ® • Valley Pivot Sales Installation Services and Parts Floati ting ng g IIrrigation rrig ig gat atio ion Pumps Pump Pu mps Instal alla lati tion & Repair Rep epair • Pipeline Pipe Pi p line pe • Floating Installation See Us For Parts, Repairs & New Systems! Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309 Agri Industries Offers These Services: • Valley Pivot Sales • Installation Services & Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps • Installation & Repair • Electrical • Pipelines • Water Well Drilling & Well Maintainence • Plumbing • Trenching • Boring • Directional Drilling • Heating & Cooling • Full Parts Counter “WE CAN DO IT ALL! NO SUBS NEEDED.” www.agriindustries.com | Licensed in MT & ND Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 13 WREC 2016 MonDak Ag Showcase Scheduled for July 14-15 By Bill Vander Weele The 2016 MonDak Ag Showcase is scheduled for July 14-15 at the Williston Research Extension Center Ernie French Center in Williston. ´:H·YH JRW PRUH SHRSOH ZLOOLQJ WR VSHDN WKLV \HDUWKDQIRUWKHODVWIHZ\HDUVIURPSULYDWHLQGXVWU\ 1'68DQG86'$µVDLG-HUU\%HUJPDQGLUHFWRURI WKH1RUWK'DNRWD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\:LOOLVWRQ5HVHDUFK ([WHQVLRQ&HQWHU´:H·UHORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRKHDULQJ IURPDOORIWKHPµ 7KHGU\ODQGWRXUZLOOUXQIURPDPWRSP RQ-XO\7KHFHQWHULVORFDWHGPLOHVZHVWRIWKH MXQFWLRQRI+LJKZD\DQG+LJKZD\ %HUJPDQVDLGWRSLFVZLOOLQFOXGHFURSSLQJURWDWLRQ ZHHGFRQWUROIRUVPDOOJUDLQVDQGSODQWGLVHDVHV $IWHUFRIIHHDQGUROOVDWDPDQGDZHOFRPH DWDPDKRUWLFXOWXUDOWRXULVSODQQHGWREHJLQDW DP /XQFKVWDUWLQJDWQRRQZLOOIHDWXUH%%4FKLFNHQ ´6WXPSWKH3ODQW'RFWRUVµZLOOWDNHSODFHGXULQJOXQFK %HUJPDQ H[SODLQHG ´6WXPS WKH 3ODQW 'RFWRUVµ ZLOO IHDWXUH ZHHG VFLHQWLVWV SODQW SDWKRORJLVWV DQG DJURQRPLVWV´3HRSOHFDQDVNWKHPTXHVWLRQVDERXW DQ\WKLQJWKHPµ%HUJPDQVDLG $IWHUQRRQVHPLQDUVEHJLQDWSP7KH0RQ'DN 6KRZFDVH VRFLDOGLQQHU LV VFKHGXOHG IRU SP 2Q-XO\FRIIHHDQGUROOVVWDUWDWDPDWWKH :LOOLVWRQ5HVHDUFK([WHQVLRQ&HQWHU·VLUULJDWLRQVLWH ORFDWHGPLOHVHDVWRI:LOOLVWRQRQ+LJKZD\ $Q LUULJDWLRQ WRXU EHJLQV DW DP DQG OXQFK LV DW QRRQ7RSLFV RQ WKH WRXU ZLOO LQFOXGH LUULJDWLRQ PDQDJHPHQWFURSYDULHWLHVSRWDWRDQGVXJDUEHHW SURGXFWLRQDQGDOWHUQDWLYHLUULJDWLRQFURSV Shop Equipment Auction Saturday, June 18, 2016 9:00 am MDT LOCATION: Kittelson Shop, Thunder Hawk, South Dakota (Thunder Hawk is 10 miles east of Lemmon, SD on Highway 12) -- Bob Hourigan Executor 1-605-374-5189 OWNERS: Ronald Kittelson Estate Thunder Hawk, South Dakota Shop Equipment Vehicles & Trailers Vehicles & Trailers South Bend Metal Turning Lathe Milwaukee Floor Drill Press Large Floor Drill Press with Tapered Shank Bits Ellis Metal Band Saw Snap-On Engine Analysis System Hydraulic Press - Sunnen Valve Machine Pipe Thread Cutter - 2 - Tap and Die Sets Gear Pullers - Radiator Cooker +\GUDXOLF3UHVVXUH7HVWXQLWZLWKÀWWLQJV Radiator Repair Table - Parts Washer FMC Brake Service - 2 - Air Floor Jacks Engine Stands - Large Anvil Century H.D. Wire Feed Welder Century AC-DC Welder Oster Power Driven Thread Cutter Magnatized Electric Drill Several Hydraulic Bumper Jacks Propane Forge - Cherry Picker Large Floor Hoist - Dual Truck Tire Slide Sunnen Valve Equipment M & W Dynaometer Several Brand Name Tool Chests Large Metal Brake about 11’ (air operated) Excellent Selection of Scaffolding Large Selection of Hand and Power Tools Dynamic Specialities Inc. - Hole Punch Cedar Rapids Milling Machine Lincoln Power Mig 140 Welder Malco Minnie Brake - Conduit Bender Shop Built Shearer &DPSEHOO +DXVÀHOG +3 *DOORQ $LU Compressor (220) AC-Delco Inspection Camera (new) Large inventory of new and used parts 1999 Chevrolet Blazer LS 137,000 miles, excellent Toranado 2 Dr. HTP 1968 Chevrolet 4 dr. Chevrolet Silverado 20 Suburban 4x2 Dodge Prospector Ext. Cab 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity 4 dr. Station Wagon, excellent, new tires and battery 1962 Ford Econoline Pickup 6 - VW Bugs, various states of repair IHC Scout 2 IHC Travel All IHC R-160 Truck Frame and Cab IHC S-170 Dump Truck Chevrolet 6400 Fire Truck IHC 1600 Loadstar Truck w/Box and Hoist Scottsdale 10, 4x4 Several IHC Pickups Ford Falcon Olds Royal 2 Chevrolet Citations Willys Jeep (not running) Ford Econoline Van IHC 1210 Pickup w/Utility Bed, V8, Auto, Welder and Generator, Snap-On Road Chest Tool Box Dodge Adventurer, Ext. Cab IHC Loadstar 1600 School Bus 3 - Oldsmobile Toranados 2 - Falcon Ranchero Bodies Plymouth Valient Car Body Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Stepside Apache 20 Pickup Body Large Selection of Pickups and Car Bodies for Salvage Pickup Box Trailer Haulmark Cargo Trailer Shop Built Trike w/VW Power 8’ X 40’ Storage Van w/Swinging Doors 8’ X 18’ Van Trailer w/4 Wheel Trailer Car Dolly (new tires) Fox Trac 440 Snowmobile Skid Steer Trailer - Snowmobile Trailer Honda 90 Trail Bike - 6’ X 8’ 2 Wheel Trailer 4’ X 16’ Steel Trailer Tractors & Equipment IHC 574 Utility Tractor IHC H w/Woods Belly Mower LA Case - IHC W-6 - VC Case - 300 Case Dimco Loader w/Pallet Fork and Bucket IHC W-4 w/F-10 Loader and Snow Bucket IHC 300 Utility Tractor w/2 Pt., T.A., P.S. Excellent Rear Tires IHC TD 14 Crawler Tractor w/Dozer (Bucyrus Erie) IHC WD-9 Case 300 Utility Tractor w/Loader and Backhoe Large Selection of IHC Engines IHC Stationery Engine 5’Flail Mower - 3 Pt. 6’ Disk IHC 300 w/Post Hole Digger Cub Cadet 125 Lawn Tractor w/Mower Hough Payloader (motor needs work) Shop Built Trencher Galion Road Grader, Auto Trans., New Cutting Edge Misc. Amida Generator (diesel powered and trailer mounted) Small Cement Mixer Walk Behind Snowblower Large Selection of IHC Parts Singer Treadle Sewing Machine convereted to electric 2 - 30,000 BTU Propane Heaters (new) Jerri Mower Small Bale Conveyor 550 Gal. Skid Tank w/110V Pump Large Inventory of New & Used Parts Repair & Shop Manuels Radiators and Other Iron Winpower Generator Much More!!!! Antiques and Collectables Old Farm Toys Lionel Engine #671 w/Tank Car, Working Crane, Merchandise Car, Milk Can Car, Cattle Car, Hopper Car, Caboose w/ Track Layout High Wheel Tricycle Pedal Car (make unknown) Roy Rogers & Gene Autry Comic Books and other Comic Books Cap Guns and Holsters - Saddle Bag Mickey Mouse Watch - Scythe Selection of Old Games View Master w/Slides Erector Sets, Tinker Toys - Tonka Toys Evil Knivel Stunt Cycle Little Country Doctor Set (complete) Donald Duck Projector Brass Horse w/Stage Coach Clock Wooden Wagon Wheels 2 - Kerosene Lanterns Several Old Cameras - Match Cover Album Old Bowls and Dishes Nursery Rhyme Records Two Handle Wood Saws Stained Glass Window Montana Smith Collection of Belt Buckles Misc. - 2000 - 2011 NFR Award Collection of Belt Buckles Hesston NFR - 1975 through 1998 See website for collection of years of belt buckles Wood Shop Equipment 2 - Craftsman Miter Saws Craftsman 14” Band Saw Tool Craft Band Saw - Air Nailers Tool Shop Belt and Disk Sander Craftsman 10” Table Saw Power Craft Jointer - Delta Table Saw Craftsman Jig Saw - Belsaw Planer Wards Drill Press - Belsaw Blade Sharpner Craftsman Radial Arm Saw Wood Turning Lathe w/Chisels Large Selection of Power and Hand Tools Large Selection of Misc. Shop Items SALE ORDER - Because of the large amount of merchandise it will be necessary to conduct (2) sales for much of the day! Ring #1 - 9:00 am Salvage vehicles and machinery for parts and iron, followed by Tractors and Vehicles (operating or restorable) and machine shop equipment. Auctioneers and Clerk #33 Terms: Cash Lunch will be served Firearms Marlin .357 Cal. Winchester .44 Lem Mag. Marlin Model 9, 9mm Marlin Model .45 Auto Winchester Model 670 A 30-06 Marlin Model .44S 6SULQJÀHOG Marlin Model 57 - .22 Mag. Savage 300 Remington Model 31 16 ga. 6SULQÀHOG'RXEOH%DUUHOJD Mossburg .22 LR Concorde .22 LR Savage Model 99 .22-250 Remington .22 Speclal Remington Model 788 .22-250 Savage Model 24 (.223 - 12 ga. overunder) Savage Model 6A .22 Short Remington Model Mohawk 600 w/Scope Marlin Model 75 .22LR Remington Model 788 .243 w/ScopeStevens 410 Winchester Model 12, 12 ga. Marlin 35 Model 336 SC w/Scope Rogue .223 Marlin Model 1895 SS Govt. 45-70 Sears Roebuck Model 101 1380 Marlin .17 HMR Model 917 VS w/Scope Marlin .22 WMR Rogue .22 Model 1022 Remington Model 870 20 ga. Taurus .17 HMR Revolver (new) Smith & Wesson PK 380 .38 Cal. (new) Colt Lein Inc. DD 410 Cal. .22 LR overunder Hi Standard .22 Revolver AR Model 415 CVS .223 AR Model A15 DPMS .223 AK S.62 Noeinco Model MAK 90 Sport Rogue Model 77-22 Horner .22 AK 7.62 Serial #11957 Chilean Mauser .308 AK 7.62 Wase Sporting Freedom Gun Safe Lots of Ammo Auctioneers Note: Ron was well known and respected for his mechanical skills. Do not miss this sale!! Licensed Firearms dealer will be on site. Loaders will be available Sale Day. S.D. Sales Tax Laws apply. Everything Sells As Is Where Is Not Responsible for Accidents WEISHAAR AUCTION SERVICE Wayne #99 .......... 701-376-3109 Lyle #340 ............. 701-622-3286 Website: midwestauctions.com/weishaar Any statements made the day of the Auction take precedence over any previous advertising. Scott #493 ........... 701-872-5299 Eido Printing - Mott, ND -701-824-2605 or 1-888-522-2605 14 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 WIFE Announces The Winners Of Their 30th “The Art Of Farming” Calendar Art Contest Montana WIFE (Women Involved In Farm Economics) announces the winner of their 30th “The Art of Farming” calendar art contest. WIFE received 437 entries, wih 172 from Scobey Schools and we thank the students and their teachers for sending VRPHH[FHOOHQWDUWWKDWPDGHMXGJLQJWKHPDFKDOOHQJH&DVKSUL]HVDQGFHUWLÀFDWHV KDYHEHHQDZDUGHGWRÀUVWVHFRQGDQGWKLUGSODFHZLQQHUVDQGFHUWLÀFDWHVIRUWKH HUGE REWARDS FOR EVERY CUTTING, FEEDING AND DAY Increase production with the parts you’ll need and the offers you’ll love during our Seasonal Readiness Sales Event. Don’t miss purchase rewards and financing offers designed with your quality goals in mind. Ask us for details. Visit us today—event ends August 31, 2016. $50 CASE IH REWARD CARD with a $500 purchase of any combination of genuine Case IH filters or all-makes Fleetguard® filters, lubricants or coolants. One per household. $75 CASE IH REWARD CARD with qualifying purchases of Case IH Quick-Change knife kits. SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE1 when you use the CNH Industrial Capital Productivity Plus Account on qualifying purchases of $1,250 or more1. 1 Subject to credit approval. Terms and conditions apply. Ask an associate for details. ©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital, CNH Industrial Genuine Parts and Productivity Plus are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. Productivity Plus is licensed or sublicensed to Citibank, N.A in the United States and to Citi Cards Canada Inc. in Canada. honorable mention places in kindergarten through eighth grades; a total of 45 winners. Only 25 drawings can be used on the 2017 calendar that will be ready for distribution in the fall. We try to put pictures on the calendar from all grades around Montana. This contest is held in conjunction with National Ag Week and students GUDZDERXWWKHLULQWHUHVWVLQIDUPOLIH7KLV\HDU·VZLQQHUVZLWKDQ\SODFLQJRQWKH calendar are: Kindergarten Liv Cote, Scobey, 1st place, July; Felixe Becker, Lambert, 2nd place; Chloe Handran, Scobey, 3rd place; Rayleigh Waggoner, Lewistown, Honorable mention; Andrew Thomas, Elliston, Honorable mention. First Grade Kailaya Vanderholm, Havre, 1st place, June; Noah Waldner, Cut Bank, 2nd place, December; Danica Denowh, Sidney, 3rd place; April DeFord, Ekalaka, Honorable Mention; Ruth Solberg, Scobey, Honorable Mention. Second Grade :DYHUO\.RQHQ)DLUÀHOGVWSODFH-DQXDU\0DLV\6NDJJV)URLGQGSODFH Back page; Olivia Leininger, Scobey, 3rd place; Sophie Roberson, Ft. Benton, Honorable mention; Sophia Stewart, Ft. Benton, Honorable mention. Third Grade Marcus Wipf, Conrad, 1st place, back page; Leah Knudsen, Culbertson, 2nd place, back page; Destiny McIntosh, Winifred, 3rd place, October; Sawyer Andon, Sheridan, Honorable mention; Camilla Mandel, Conrad, Honorable mention. Fourth Grade Jacelyn Brown, Saco, 1st place, February; Andrea Wurz, Conrad, 2nd place, March; Tristen Lingle, Culbertson, 3rd place; Jacob Lind, Sheridan, Honorable mention; Danielle Cahill, Scobey, Honorable mention. Fifth Grade Kayla Wipf, Conrad, 1st place, May; Aimee Wurz, Conrad, 2nd place; Own Fishell, Scobey, 3rd place, September; Ellie May Guthrie, Fortine, Honorable mention; Kass Baldry, Scobey, Honorable mention. Sixth Grade Adrianna Wipf, Conrad, 1st place, April; Luana Righi, Scobey, 2nd place; Kayara VanHoy, fortine, 3rd place, J.P. Braut, Scobey, Honorable mention; Reagan Machart, Scobey, Honorable mention. Seventh Grade Madison Manshiem, Kinsey, 1st place; Gracee Lekvold, Scobey, 2nd place, November; Carson Summers, Scobey, 3rd place; Jayden Wipf, Conrad, Honorable mention; Taylor Leischner, Scobey, Honorable mention. Eighth Grade Sadie Hohnson, Roy, 1st place, Cover; Taylor Crohn, Scobey, 2nd place, August; Sarah Anson, Sheridan, 3rd place; Keenan McCalmont, Ekalaka, Honorable mention; Wyatt Welchlin, Scobey, Honorable mention. The Calendar has a cover, 12 months and 3 back pages with four small pictures each. MRC TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT, INC. 2429 W HOLLY STREET SIDNEY, MT 592709213 406-488-4400 'RQ·WJHW QLFNHO GLPHGIRU \RXURQOLQH QHZVDQG FODVVLÀHGV AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 15 Lambert Residents Report Large Number of Mosquitos Collectable Farm Equipment & Antique Auction Farm Equipment AUCTION Saturday, June 11, 2016 Bison, South Dakota - 9:30 am MDT LOCATION: Bentley Building - Bison, South Dakota -- For more information call 605-390-3586 OWNER: Gene Smith - Bison, SD Antique Tractors and Farm Equip. Vehicles Ford 3000 1997 GMC 2500 Gran Prix Conversion Van with all leather, 6.5 L Diesel, Auto Trans., 4 Bucket seats with bench seat in back, TV, Indirect lighting, only 100,000 miles - SHARP! 1948 Ford 8N SHARP! IHC 504 Gas with 2 Hydraulics JD GP (serial #17060) NF Spoke Wheels By Bill Vander Weele $OWKRXJKPRVTXLWRVDUHQ·WDFWXDOO\ELWLQJWKHPWRGHDWKVRPH /DPEHUWUHVLGHQWVPLJKWWHOO\RXWKDWLWIHHOVWKDWZD\WKLV\HDU /DPEHUWUHVLGHQW%U\DQ3UHYRVWWROG5LFKODQG&RXQW\FRPPLVVLRQHUV GXULQJ D UHFHQW PHHWLQJ DERXW WKH YHU\ XQSOHDVDQW VLWXDWLRQ 3UHYRVWVDLGKHZDVQ·WDZDUHRIKRZEDGLWZDVXQWLODWWHQGLQJ KLJKVFKRROJUDGXDWLRQDFWLYLWLHV´,W·VKRUULEOHµWKH/DPEHUWQDWLYH VDLG +HDGGHGWKHFRQGLWLRQVZHUHDOVREDGDWDFHPHWHU\LQWKH FRPPXQLW\´,W·VKRUULEOHWKHUHWRRµKHQRWHG´,GRQ·WNQRZZKDW WRGRµ /DVW\HDU3UHYRVWFRQWDFWHGFRPPLVVLRQHUVDERXWWKHSUREOHPVKRUWO\EHIRUHWKH)RXUWKRI-XO\FHOHEUDWLRQ7KHFRXQW\WKHQ SURYLGHGFDQVRIPRVTXLWRUHSHOOHQWWRSHRSOHDWWHQGLQJWKHHYHQW :LWKFDQVOHIWRYHUWKHFRXQW\DOVRRIIHUHGWKHPDWWKH)DLUYLHZ 2OG7LPHUV)HVWLYDO &RPPLVVLRQHU6KDQH*RUGHUVDLGKHDWWHPSWHGWRUHDFKRXW WRRWKHUFRXQWLHVWRVHHZKDWWKH\GRWRÀJKWPRVTXLWRSUREOHPV 6RPHKDYHIRUPHGPRVTXLWRGLVWULFWV%URDGZDWHU&RXQW\KDVLWV ZHHGGLVWULFWDQGPRVTXLWRGLVWULFWFRPELQHG *RUGHUEHOLHYHVWKDWLQRUGHUWRIRUPDPRVTXLWRGLVWULFW SHUFHQWRIUHJLVWHUHGYRWHUVRUSURSHUW\RZQHUVPXVWEHLQVXSSRUW 3UHYRVWVDLGKLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJLVWKDWSHRSOHXVHGWRJRGRRUWR GRRUDQGJHWGRQDWLRQVIRUWKHHIIRUWWKDWZD\$SODQHZDVXWLOL]HG WRVSUD\WKHDUHDXQWLOFRPSODLQWVZHUHPDGH ´,ZLOOWU\WRGRVRPHUHVHDUFKWRÀQGRXWRXUQH[WVWHSµ*RUGHU VDLG+HSODQVWRFRQWDFWWKH0RQWDQD$VVRFLDWLRQRI&RXQWLHV &RPPLVVLRQHU 'XDQH 0LWFKHOO VDLG KH ZLOO VHH ZKDW VRPH 1RUWK'DNRWDFRPPXQLWLHVGRWRFRQWUROWKHSUREOHP $W WKLV SRLQW FRPPLVVLRQHUV KDYHQ·W KHDUG FRQFHUQV IURP RWKHUFRPPXQLWLHV JD Ripper on Steel 2 Bottom IHC Plow 3 Pt. 2 Row JD Corn Planter 2 Row JD Corn Planter with Cast Lids New Idea Mower (rough) 3 Pt. Ford Blade Block for JD 820 Potato Planter (pull type) 1938 McCormick Corn Binder (PTO), Always shedded NICE! 1941 JD B 2001 Ford Winstar, New Tires, 308 engine (136,000 miles) NICE! 1990 Suburban with 41,000 miles on Mr. Goodwrench, Auto. Trans., New rear tires (NICE) 1954 Chev. Truck (cab is Bobsled & Tack 1935 JD D Gravely Walk behind Tractor with Snowblower Gravely 2 Wheel Cart Gravely Rotary Mower Maytag Washing Machine Engine Signs Red and White Food Store Sign (16’ Long) IH Uptime Service Lighted Sign 1937 JD GP (Serial #4-32699) Massey Harris 44 (Serial #44-681714) Auctioneers and Clerk #33 Complete Bob Sled (stored in doors) Dahamel Stock Saddle Stock Saddle Saddle Stand Chariot Racer Horse Collar Mirror Harness and Collars Double Tree Auctioneers Note: Do not miss Genes Collection of Early Day Antiques and Collectable. The Buildings are full and there will be many surprises!!! Terms: Cash Lunch will be served Household Antiques 1901 Vortex Round Stove Huge Selection of Kerosene Lamps and Lanterns Wall Telephone Enamel Ware Very Old Treadle Sewing Machine Several Dolls (many very old) Bread Making Pans Kerosene Wall Lamps Gold Field Spitton from Gold Field, Nev. Toys Brass Bed Stead Robert - J Goldsmith Display Case (long) Very Old Barrel Churn Several Daisy Butter Churns Singer Tread Sewing Machine Rocking Chair Cast Iron Fry Pans Copper Boilers 2 - 20 Gal. Red Wing Crocks plus others Parlor Chair Bentwood Chairs Oak Buffet Steamer Trunk Wicker Rocker Red and White Kitchen Cupboard Large Selection of Salt and Pepper Shakers Glass Ware and Dishes The rooms are full - many surprises!! Jurgens Jr. Wood - Coal Stove 2 Burner Kerosene Stove Other Collectables RR Oil Can Cream Cans Bicycles Large Selection of Hand Sheep Shears JD PTO Air Compressor Steel Rake Wheels Cow Stanchions Economy King Cream Seperator Shop Equipment A complete sale of shop equipment tools, etc. to numerous too mention! Not Responsible for Accidents WEISHAAR AUCTION SERVICE Wayne #99 .......... 701-376-3109 Lyle #340 ............. 701-622-3286 Website: midwestauctions.com/weishaar Scott #493 ........... 701-872-5299 Any statements made the day of the Auction take precedence over any previous advertising. Eido Printing - Mott, ND -701-824-2605 or 1-888-522-2605 16 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 Richland County 4-H Holds Annual Speech And Demonstration Day By Josie Evenson The annual 4-H Speech and Demonstration Day was held on May 1 at the Sidney High School. Speech and Demonstration Day is a local 4-H event, where 4-H members get to practice pubOLF VSHDNLQJ VNLOOV WKDW EXLOG VHOIFRQÀGHQFH DQG self-esteem. This year the event was comprised of three different categories for 4-H youth to compete in; Demonstrations, Prepared Public Speaking and Career Communications. A demonstration gives the 4-H member the ability to teach others how to do something that they have learned, they present the step by step process to the audience and judges. They are evaluated on understanding of subject matter, their public speaking skills and how they answer questions from the judges. In the Prepared Public Speaking category youth communicate an idea, thought or point of view without using any visual aids. They are evaluated on knowledge of subject matter, speaking skills and maintaining audience interest. The Career Communications is a contest that is new this year. In this category, youth get to go through a mock interview for a career of their choice, including an application, cover letter, resume and interview. This year 18 4-H youth competed in these events. Five of those youth competed in the Junior Demonstrations; juniors are age 9-13. Taking top honors in this division were Jori Horsburgh, as the top girl demonstrator, with her demonstration on How to Make a Blueberry Smoothie and Corbin Steinbeisser, top boy demonstrator, with his demonstration How to Make a Natural Battery. Marett Schieber, Curtis Mullin and Bobby Knotts also impressed the judges and received blues for their demonstrations. The Crown Division is comprised of junior members who have, in years previous, already won their respective division. This year three youth competed in the Crown Demonstration division and taking top honors was Becca Deming with her demonstration on How to Make Flarp. Emma Torgerson received a blue and Frank Kunda received a red in this division. Three 4-H youth also competed in the Junior Speeches. Amariah Hier took top honors with her speech titled “Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project.” Lauren Prevost and Corbin Mullin also competed in this division and both received blue ribbons. In the Senior division for Demonstrations Kyle Topp, Rakayle Hier and Katrina Meldahl all received blue ribbons. Also in the Senior Speech division Seth Prevost and Sierra Osborne were awarded blue ribbons. In the new Career Communications division four Richland County members competed. Receiving a red was Jake Kunda and blues were Sierra Osborne, Johren Carpenter and Kyle Topp. $OO WRS MXQLRUV ZLOO EH KRQRUHG DW WKLV \HDU·V Achievement Day that will be held in the fall. All seniors that received blue ribbons and meet all other requirements are eligible to attend Montana 4-H Congress in the summer to compete for the state title. Richland County 4-H would like to thank all the judges, volunteers and Sidney High School Staff for making this a successful event. Left to right Amariah Hier, Corbin Mullin, Lauren Prevost- Jr. Speech Division Bobby Knotts, Curtis Mullin, Marett Schieber, Corbin Steinbeisser, Jori Horsburgh- Jr. Demonstrations Division Emma Torgerson, Frank Kunda, Becca Deming – Crown Demonstration Division Below: Sierra Osborne, Jake Kunda, Johren Carpenter, Kyle Topp – Career Communications Above: Sierra Osborne, Seth Prevost – Sr. Speech Division Kyle Topp, Rakayle Hier, Katrina Meldahl – Sr. Demonstration Division AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 17 Farm Equipment Auction Extension Friday, June 10, 2016 Update: Dale Hedstrom Cutworms in Northeast Montana and Western North Dakota Time: 1:00pm MDT Location: From Hettinger, ND 17.5 miles south on SD Hwy 75 to mile marker 228 then 1 1/2 miles east. From Bison, SD west on SD 20 to the junction of Hwy's. 20 and 75 then 14 miles north on Hwy. 75 to mile marker 228 then 1 1/2 miles east. Owner: Lodgepole, SD 605-564-2142 or Cell 701-928-1338 Tractors Air Seeder John Deere 7810 MFD, (serial #RW7810P001625) with 18.4Rx42 duals (tires like new), 3 hydraulics, 3 Pt., with JD 740 Classic Loader (new in 2010) about 7500 hours John Deere 8760 (serial #8760H001479) 20.8 x 38 duals, 4 hydraulics, 24 spd. 9400 hours John Deere 2240 diesel Utility Tractor with 3 Pt., PTO, 1 hydraulic. good condition John Deere 1850 Seeding Tool with 2 seasons on new blades, HD Boots, 2 seasons on guage wheels, in 2015 closing wheels up dated to 1860 series, secondary hose is new, 4 new rear tires. John Deere #1900 270 Bushel Double Hopper cart, dealer updates, seed meters new in 2015 (tow between) Grain Storage and Auger PTO Generator Jeffrey M. Chilson, MSU Extension Agent, Roosevelt County, MT Montana State University Extension has received reports of cutworms in Northeast Montana and Western North Dakota (Roosevelt, Sheridan, Valley and Williams County). Cutworms are moths that are native to North America with one reproductive cycle per year. The larvae of the moth is the stage that is damaging to crops. There are two main types of cutworms present in the MonDak region and both varieties may cause damage to small grains, alfalfa, canola, peas and sugar beets. Pale WestHUQ&XWZRUPODUYDHIHHGRQWKHSODQWV·VWHPVEHORZWKHVXUIDFH and can be found below the surface of the soil, 2-5 inches deep. Larvae of the Pale Western Cutworm are pale yellowish gray with two white stripes along the mid dorsal line that form a V and can reach lengths up to 1 ½ inches. The second variety, the Army Cutworm, feeds above ground at night and resides in the dry upper portions of the soil. Damage may, therefore, be visible. Army Cutworm larvae usually have a pale mid-dorsal stripe and the head is pale brown with darker brown freckles; their bodies are greenish-brown to greenish-grey with the dorsal (top) side of the body being darker than the ventral (bottom). Multiple insecticides are registered for control of cutworm and both species are susceptible to parasitic wasps. For additional information please FRQWDFW\RXUORFDOH[WHQVLRQRIÀFHRUYLVLWPVXH[WHQVLRQRUJDQG search for cutworm publications. 2015 Winco 50 KW Generator with 3 Pt., Hookup and PTO Drive (like new) Trucks & Suburban 1973 GMC C6000 with 350 V8, 4/2 Trans., 16' Box with roll tarp, new 9:00 x 20 rear tires (75,000 miles) 1973 Chevrolet C65 Twin Screw with 366 V8, 13 spd. trans., new front tires 1999 GMC K2500 Suburban with 7.4 L Gas, Auto Trans., 158,000 miles, Rires are like new Auctioneers Note: This is a complete listing of the sales. There are no small items on the sale bill. BE ON TIME!! Tillage Equipment Summers 32 1/2' Diamond Disk, cushion gang with harrows John Deere #230 Tandem Disk, set up for fertilizer application with John Deere #787 230 bushel cart (meter boxes have been rebuilt) John Deere #1610 37' Chisel Plow with walking tandems and harrows Combine & Header John Deere 8820 Turbo Combine (serial #8820X56453) with dealer service and updates, extension hopper, hydro John Deere 930 R with 12" Lucke Pans John Deere 224 with Bonco Pans (needs work) John Deere 930 R Auger Header (shaft drive) John Deere 212 Pickup head with Sund Pickup ATV's & Bale Fork 2013 Honda 4x4, with electric shift, 1357 miles 2007 Honda Forman 4x4, with electric shift 3570 miles Archibald 3 Pt., Double Bale Fork Guest Consignment Arv Lachowitze 605-855-2442 John Deere 4450 Tractor w/158 Loader, Approximately 8,000 hours, Power Shift 20.8x38 duals, 2 hyd. 3 pt., 1000/540 PTO (#RW4450P013827) John Deere 4230 Tractor w/565 Koyker Loader, 18.4x34 Tires, 2 Hyd. Synchro Shift (#4230H007949R) Haybuster 2620 Bale Processor Meridian 5000 Bushel Hopper Bin with Unloading Auger box and 10" WestÀHOG$XJHUZLWK+3VLQJOHSKDVH motor, drying cone (no fan) Roof Vents. Double skid (like new) Meridian 90' Grain Ring with 55,000 bushel capacity, new tarp in excellent condition :HVWÀHOG 0. [ 6ZLQJ $XJHU excellent condition Vermeer 605 Series Round Prairie Bilt 6 ton Tender Baler, Twine only, (hydraulic auger) (#1VRB141PTT1002867) 400 Bushel Seed and Fertilizer Tender Vermeer R-23 Hydraulic Rake (hydraulic auger) WEISHAAR AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers - Clerk: #33 Terms: Cash Wayne #99 .......... 701-376-3109 Lyle #340 ............. 701-622-3286 Concessions will be served by Brenda Wiseman Scott #493 ........... 701-872-5299 Not Responsible for Accidents Website: midwestauctions.com/weishaar Any statements made the day of the Auction take precedence over any previous advertising. Eido Printing - Mott, ND - 1-888-522-2605 18 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 The following specialty providers will be seeing patients in Williston at the Trinity Community Clinic-Western Dakota in June. Gillian Lavik, MD Mark Noel, DO General Surgery Ear, Nose and Throat June 2nd June 2nd & 16th For an appointment call (701) 857-5764 For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 Tricia Nechodom, AuD Jerrica Maxson, AuD Audiology Audiology June 2nd & 20th June 6th For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 Robert Fischer, MD Diane Bigham, DO Ear, Nose and Throat Urology June 6th & 20th June 13th For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 For an appointment call (701) 857-7396 Aaron Albers, DPM Erdal Diri, MD Foot & Ankle Specialist Rheumatology June 13th & 27th June 14th & 28th For an appointment call (701) 857-3584 For an appointment call (701) 857-7495 Amanda Weidler, FNP-C Emad Dodin, MD Cardiology Cardiology June 15th June 15th For an appointment call (701) 857-7388 For an appointment call (701) 857-3584 Register Now for the Sidney Chamber 17th Annual Ag Appreciation Golf Tournament By Bill Vander Weele Registration for golfers and sponsors are now taking place for the 17th annual Ag Appreciation Golf Tournament scheduled for July 11 at the Sidney Country Club. 9DQHVVD3RRFKFKDLURIWKH6LGQH\&KDPEHU·VDJULFXOWXUHFRPPLWWHHVDLG there is one new sponsorship level this year. Being a Partnership sponsor costs ´,W·VIRUORFDOEXVLQHVVHVZKRZDQWWREHPRUHLQYROYHGLQWKHQHWZRUN process,” Pooch explained. Partnership sponsors will have the opportunity to talk with participants and sponsors throughout the course while having a cart with beverages. Cost for a team sponsor for two golfers remains at $200. A hole sponsorship costs $150 and provides the chance for business representatives to talk with golfers at the hole. A cart sponsorship is $50. The day will begin with registration and breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Tee-off is planned for 9 a.m. with awards at 4 p.m. /DVW\HDU·VWRXUQDPHQWDWWUDFWHGPRUHWKDQJROIHUV7RVLJQXSWRJROI in the tourney or to be a sponsor, call the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce DQG$JULFXOWXUHRIÀFHDW ´,W·VDUHDOIXQGD\µ3RRFKVDLG´:HWU\WRKDYHGLIIHUHQWSUL]HVHDFK\HDUµ Don't Lose Pounds to Infertile or Subfertile Bulls! All bulls should have a breeding soundness exam each year. Bulls can be fertile one year & go bad the next! We can test your bulls according to Society for Theriogenolgy (reproduction) standards. When we test bulls we will: 1. Measure the scrotal circumference 2. Palpate internal sex organs 3. Inspect penis & sheath for warts & other problems 4. Collect sperm & observe them under high power microscope for abnormalities. We do bulls from 12 months to 12 yrs. of age. Larger groups of bulls can be done on your ranch. Individuals & trailer loads can be done MondayFriday in the clinic. PLEASE CALL AHEAD! Laura Greer, AuD Audiology June 16th For an appointment call (701) 857-5986 1321 West Dakota Pkwy • Williston, ND • (701) 572-7711 trinityhealth.org Williston, ND 701-572-7878 • 1-800-828-6681 Doctors Lee Garbel, Jody Smith, Charlie Noland, Heidi Miller, Shayla Sorenson & Melanie Philippi AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 19 MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association Awards Scholarships By Bill Vander Weele :LWKIXQGVUDLVHGIURPWKH0RQ'DN&DWWOHPHQ·V%DOOIRXUVWXGHQWVUHFHLYHG VFKRODUVKLSVIURPWKH0RQ'DN$UHD6WRFNJURZHUV$VVRFLDWLRQRQ0D\ 2IÀFLDOVH[SODLQHGWKDWEHFDXVHRILQFUHDVHGSURÀWVIURPWKH&DWWOHPHQ·V%DOO WKHQXPEHURIVFKRODUVKLSVLQFUHDVHGIURPWZRWRIRXUWKLV\HDU 0DUFL6RQGHQRFRRUJDQL]HURIWKH&DWWOHPHQ·V%DOOQRWHGLQHDFKRIWKHWKUHH \HDUVWKHEDOOKDVEHHQPRUHVXFFHVVIXOWKDQWKHSUHYLRXV\HDU,QSURÀWV ZHUHPRUHWKDQ7LFNHWVZHUHVROGRXWLQGD\V ´,·PSUHWW\SURXGRIWKLVHYHQWµ6RQGHQRVDLG´7KHPRQH\VWD\VLQRXUDUHDµ $ORQJZLWKWKHVFKRODUVKLSVIXQGVDUHGRQDWHGWR6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHUIRUKHDOWK FDUHSXUFKDVHV7KH)RXQGDWLRQIRU&RPPXQLW\&DUHOLVWVQHHGHGHTXLSPHQWDQG WKHQWKH0RQ'DN$UHD6WRFNJURZHUVGHFLGHVZKLFKWRSXUFKDVH ´,WEULQJVWZRLQGXVWULHVWRJHWKHU²WKHFDWWOHLQGXVWU\DQGKHDOWKFDUHµ6RQ GHQRVDLG 2UJDQL]HUVWKDQNHGUDQFKVSRQVRUVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVSRQVRUV ´:H·UHUHDOO\SURYLGLQJDQHYHQWWKHSXEOLFVHHVYDOXHLQµ9DQHVVD3RRFK FRRUJDQL]HURIWKHEDOOVDLG 7KHIRXUWKEDOOLVVFKHGXOHGIRU)HE :KLWHPDQDQG:LFNHDFKUHFHLYHGVFKRODUVKLSVZKLOH/XQGHUE\DQG )HOOPDQUHFHLYHGVFKRODUVKLSV$SSOLFDQWVPXVWEHSXUVXLQJIXUWKHUHGXFD WLRQLQDQDJULFXOWXUHUHODWHGÀ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ÀOOWKHYHWHULQDU\QHHGVRIKHUUXUDOFRPPXQLW\ Estate Auction Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:00 am MDT -- Location: Golva, North Dakota From Beach, ND - 9 miles south on Hwy. 16 to mile marker 66, 4 miles east, 1 1/2 south, 1/2 east Andrew Vanvig Estate For more information contact: John Kouba 701-872-6424 Combine Tillage Equipment Hopper Bins & Augers Combine, Header, Transport (all will sell separately) John Deere 9770 STS Bullet Rotor Combine, 883 Engine hrs. 615 Rotor hrs. (Ser. # 1H0070SPA0736916) John Deere 635 F Hydra Flex Draper Head Combine Header UM Unverferth Manf. Roadrunner RR 38 Header Transport (LIKE NEW) Trucks 3 – Amber Waves Model 1530 G 2850 bu. Hopper Bins – are not epoxy lined 1 – Fan for Hopper Bin 2 – Sakundiak HD&-1000 7x32 Augers w/13.0 Honda Engine :HVWÀHOG$XJHU372Z6ZLQJ Auger :HVWÀHOG$XJHU372Z6ZLQJ Auger :HVWÀHOG$XJHUZ+RQGD(QJLQH Tractors 1979 Chevrolet C70 Tandem Truck, 366 V8, 5-2 spd, 10:00-20 radials w/20ft Frontier Box w/Roll 7DUS2GRPHWHUUHDGV 1974 Ford F600 Truck & Box Red (Hoist is sprung on this truck) 1973 Ford F600 Truck 2.5Ton w/box & Hoist w/Roll Tarp 1975 Ford F600 Truck 2Ton w/15ft Box & Hoist Vehicles 1970 Ford 100 Sport Custom 4spd, 4x4, .5 ton 1982 Ford F250 XLT, 4spd, 4x4 Chevrolet Deluxe, 4dr car body Buick Electra 225, 2 dr. (has not been running) Misc. Equipment Summers Pickup Mount Sprayer – 60ft. Boom, 500 Gal Tank, (Foam Markers & Rate Control Does Not Work on sprayer) Batch Boy 15 Gal, w/Briggs & Stratton Engine, 1200 Gallon Water Tank 2 Drill Fills – Hyd Fertilizer Hopper for Truck Box Rotary Mower (Seal Kit is out) Wheat Heart Hyd. Bin Sweep Puma Indust. Air Compressor, 20 Gallon Misc. Shop Tools Craftsman 8” Bench Grinder Screw in Aeration Tube Intl. Stationary Engine 100 gal. Field Service Tank w/Elect. Pump 2OG6FUDS,URQ 2 – 300 Gallon Fuel Tanks w/Stand Auctioneers Note: Very few small items, auction will not take lone. Please be on Time!! WEISHAAR AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers - Clerk: #33 MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association President Gary Schieber presents scholarships to students, from left, Joyce Wick, Dillon Lunderby and Brittany Whiteman. Samantha Fellman is not pictured. 8650 John Deere 4x4 tractor, 20.8-R38 DuDOV Z6WDUÀUH *XLGDQFH 6\VWHP hrs, Quad range, Factory 3pt, 1,000 372%LJ6KDIW+\G 2OLYHU7UDFWRU+\GUD3RZHU'ULYH 560 IH Tractor w/325 Dual Loader John Deere Model A Tractor (#536449) – Engine locked up 2 – John Deere 750 No-Till Drills w/Erskine Hitch, Hyd. Markers, 1 Season on new disks, Appx. 1800 acres. (offered Separately) .UDXVH5RFNÁH['LVNIW²%ODGHV like new IH 470 Disk – Blades good 2OG2QHZD\IW5RWDU\+RH -RKQ'HHUH2QHZD\2OG'UDJ Wayne #99 .......... 701-376-3109 Lyle #340 ............. 701-622-3286 Terms: Cash Lunch will be served Scott #493 ........... 701-872-5299 Not Responsible for Accidents Website: midwestauctions.com/weishaar Any statements made the day of the Auction take precedence over any previous advertising. Eido Printing - Mott, ND - 1-888-522-2605 20 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 36th MSU-EARC/Extension Annual Field Day, June 24th S c h e d u l e o f E v e n t s f o r F r i d a y , J u n e 2 4 th Weed Identification Exercise (continues throughout the day) – Richland County Extension / Sidney ARS Marestail ID / Control – Tim Fine, Richland County Extension, Sidney MSU-EARC field stops: 1) New Plant Pathologist and research interest, Dr. Frankie Crutcher, MSU-EARC, Sidney 2) Herbicide residuals affecting pulse crop germination and growth, Dr. Prashant Jha, MSU-EARC, Sidney 3) Macro- and Micro-nutrients study for cereal and pulse crops, Dr. Yesuf Mohammed, and Dr. Reza Keshavarze Afshar, Post Doc Assocs., MSU-EARC, Sidney, and Dr. Gautam Pradhan, Agronomist, NDSU-WREC, Williston 4) Pulse crops and dryland crop rotation studies, Dr. Chengci Chen, Cropping Systems Agronomist, MSU-EARC, Sidney Sidney ARS field stops: 1) A cooperative model for preventing resistant weed invasions – Dr. Natalie West, Entomologist/Ecologist, USDA-ARS, Sidney 2) Diversified cereals with pulses and oilseeds study (spring wheat-pea-winter wheat or barley-oilseed) – Dr. Brett Allen, Agronomist, USDA-ARS, Sidney 3) Warm season legumes (demonstrations plots) – Dr. Brett Allen, Agronomist, USDA-ARS, Sidney 4) National Oilseeds Project For more info, interested persons can contact: a) Yield report – Dr. Brett Allen, Agronomist, USDA-ARS, Sidney Beth Redlin, Technical Information Specialist - Biol. Sci. b) Water use and Water Use efficiency – Dr. Jay Jabro, Soil Physicist, USDA-ARS, Sidney USDA/ARS, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory 1500 North Central Ave. • Sidney, Montana 59270 Phone: 406-433-9427 • Fax: 406-433-5038 • E-mail: Beth.Redlin@ars.usda.gov Lunch provided by Richland County Extension On the farm service! Niehenke Welding Since 1921 “95 Years of Service” Sweley Location: 406-433-2508 B&W Hitches Grade 8 Steel Bolts 312 N. Central Ave Sidney, MT 406-433-1007 Mon-Kota, Inc. Fertilizer & Irrigation Sales & Service Fairview, MT • 701-844-5300 R Tires, es, Mechanical ec a ca & Service Se Work! FARM CREDIT SERVICES Here to Help You Grow 3 22nd Ave NW • Sidney, MT 349 4406-488-6636 • 1-800-967-3795 1&HQWUDO$YH6LGQH\07 _ZZZQRUWKZHVWIFVFRP RDER BO Customer Service is Our #1 Priority STEEL AND RECYCLING, INC. Farm & Ranch, Oil Field & Construction Materials, Fencing Supplies, New Steel, Pipe, Bring Your Scrap Metal To Us! Aluminum & Stainless 809 East Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3400 Northwest R Sidney: 406-433-7737 • 1-855-810-2995 | Glendive: 406-377-4398 • 1-800-423-5219 | Plentywood: 406-765-2624 | Williston: 701-572-5493 | Miles City: 406-874-7428 HURLEY’S OILFIELD SERVICES Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Dispatch: 701-844-1234 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 21 NOW IN THREE LOCATIONS! WE’RE YOUR SUMMER FUN HEADQUARTERS! Full Line Of Grills Plus All The Accessories R PLUS ALL YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS! BE THE BEST DRESSED IN THE WEST! 109 6th Ave SE • Watford City, ND Mon-Fri: 9am - 9pm • Sat: 9am-8pm • Sun: 12-6pm 701-842-2629 703 E Main Street • Sidney, MT Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm 406-433-2629 3275 W Ridge Dr, Unit G • Dickinson, ND Mon-Fri: 9am - 9pm • Sat: 9am - 8pm • 12-6pm 701-483-2629 W WWW.SADDLEUPWESTERNWEAR.COM GOLF CARS Concrete Form Rental Full Sales, Parts & Service See Us For All Your Trailer Needs Too! Markk BBrodhead M dh d | Manager M • 4064066 480-7332 (Cell) • Office: 406-433-1888 | www.bbSalesAndService.com 34940 Hwy 23, south of Sidney by the Flashing light | Open M-F: 8am - 5pm • Sat: 9am - 1pm Farmers & Ranchers are invited to join the fun at the Ag Appreciation Golf Tournament Free for area Farmers & Ranchers! (Adults Only) Monday, July 11th, 2016 At The Sidney Country Club Registration 7:30-8:30am • Golfing g starts at 9am Yes, I’d like to play in the golf tournament. Please register no later than July 1st. Limited number of participants. Must be 21 or older. Name Average 18-hole score, if available: Phone If you will be using your own golf cart: Return to the Sidney Chamber office at 909 S. Central, Sidney, MT 59270 or Call 433-1916. Golfing is free for producers, businesses must sponsor a team to play. Adults only. Please wear proper footwear. Boots are not permitted on the course. Team makeup will be assigned by Ag Committee and Golf Course Pro. Sponsored by the Ag Committee of the Sidney Area Chamber. 22 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 Neal Hermanson Ranch Horse Competition and Memorial Ranch Rodeo June 11 Grab your cowboy boots and hat for the À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ÀYH WHDPHYHQWVWHDPEUDQGLQJWHDPWUDLOHULQJZLOG FRZ PLONLQJ WHDP GRFWRULQJ DQG EURQF ULGLQJ SURPLVH JUHDW DFWLRQ DQG IXQ DV WKH FRZER\V VKRZRIIWKHLUVNLOOV7KHFDOFXWWDIRUWKHWHDPV ZLOOWDNHSODFHEHIRUHWKHURGHRZLWKWKHFDOFXWWD IRUWKHEURQFULGHUVWDNLQJSODFHMXVWEHIRUHWKDW HYHQW7KHZLQQLQJWHDPTXDOLÀHVIRUWKH1,/( LQ%LOOLQJV .LGVFDQVWDUWVKRZLQJRIIWKHLUURGHRVNLOOV HDUO\GXULQJWKHPXWWRQEXVWLQ·DQGULEERQSXOOLQJ FRPSHWLWLRQV VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH 0RQ'DN 6WRFNJURZHUV 3URFHHGV IURP WKH GD\·V HYHQWV JR WR WKH (PSW\6DGGOH0HPRULDO)RXQGDWLRQZKLFKZDV VWDUWHGLQLQORYLQJPHPRU\RI1HDO+HUPDQVRQDQG/HYL:LVQHVVZKRZHUHERWKWUDJLFDOO\ ORVWLQ 7KH (PSW\ 6DGGOH 0HPRULDO )RXQGDWLRQ VHHNVWRKRQRUDQGPHPRULDOL]HORVWORYHGRQHV ZKRVH OLYHV KDYH EHHQ VKDSHG E\ WKH ERQG EHWZHHQKRUVHDQGULGHUDQGZKRVHFKDUDFWHU DQGVSLULWZHUHWKXVVKDSHGE\WKHLUWLPHVSHQW LQWKHOLYHVRIWKHLUKRUVHV7KH(60)PRWWRLV ´0HQGWKHP7HDFKWKHPµ7KHJRDODQGSXUSRVH LVWRKHOSRXU\RXQJIRONV7KLVKDVEHHQDQGZLOO EHFDUULHGRXWWKURXJKÀQDQFLDODLGIRUPHGLFDO H[SHQVHVDQGHGXFDWLRQDOVXSSRUWWKURXJKVFKRODUVKLSVWRUHFLSLHQWV7RGDWHWKHIRXQGDWLRQKDV EHHQDEOHWRJLYHRXW 3ODQ WR VSHQG -XQH HQMR\LQJ WKH UDQFK KRUVHFRPSHWLWLRQDQGUDQFKURGHRNQRZLQJWKDW \RXU FRQWULEXWLRQ JRHV WRZDUGV KHOSLQJ \RXQJ 5\DQ)RUEHVFDUULHVWKHÁDJZLWKWKHÁDJZKLOH7UDYLV6FRIÀHOGLVOHDGVWKHKRUVHZLWKWKHHPSW\VDGGOH)RUEHV SHRSOHLQRXUDUHD DQG6FRIÀHOGZHUHWZRRI+HUPDQVRQ·VEHVWIULHQGV AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 23 Fairview Empty Saddle Scholarship winners presented by Jason McNally to Reagan Finsaas and Benjamin Hardy. Savage Empty Saddle Scholarship winners presented by Kristen Larsen to Trey Bloesser and Paxton Miller. Team Trailering 24 AG ROUNDUP JUNE 2016 THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK CASE IH PUMA 130 WITH LOADER New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 530C Disc Ripper Used Tillage Equipment Artsway 24ft Landplane ............................... $14,000 Case IH Tigermate 2 Field Cultivator, 57', Harrows, Rolling Basket ............................................. $19,500 Eversman 24ft Landplane ............................. $12,000 Eversman 20ft Landplane ............................... $6,000 New Skidsteer Loaders Case SV280 Cab, air, heat Case SV300 Cab, air, heat New Skid Steer Attachments In Stock New Tractors In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine • Case IH 500 Steiger Quadtrac Case IH 130A Farmall • Case IH 120A Farmall • Case IH 35C Farmall Lease Returns Available Case IH Puma 130 Used Tractors In Stock 1997 Case IH 9370 7600 hours, 12 speed ..... $59,000 2002 Case Ih MX170 MFD, loader, 10,500 hours...$45,000 2000 Case IH MX240 4900 hours, MFD, wight package, no 3-point ......................................................... $65,000 2008 Case IH DX45 1568 hours, loader, hydrotransmission, MFD ............................................................. $24,900 2009 Case IH Puma 155 MFD, loader ............. $99,000 1979 John Deere 4840 3-point, PTO .............. $22,000 1998 New Holland 9682 4600 hours, Trelleborg duals, wight kit, EZ-steer guidance........................... $75,000 2004 Case IH MX230, MFD, 3-point ............... $75,000 1994 Case IH 7230, 10,050 hours ................ $35,000 2002 Case IH MX 110, loader, MFD ........... Just Traded REM VRX Grain Vac In Stock! New H&S Rakes (12, 14 & 16 wheel) In Stock Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000lb Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers Lawn & Garden John Deere Z810A zero turn mower, bagger ........ $6,500 John Deere 265 lawn tractor, mower ................... $1,000 New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock 727 Fuel Injected 61" or 72" deck 729 Liquid Cooled 61" or 72" deck 725 Diesel 61" or 72" deck 620 with 61" deck H&S RAKES