Catálogo do Sarlink
Catálogo do Sarlink
Think Performance and Value Sarlink® products are thermoplastic elastomeric compounds resulting from a process technology unique within the Teknor Apex’ TPE portfolio. Our products are made to the highest global production standards, sold and distributed by a dedicated and service-driven sales force and supported by an expert application development team. Our Sarlink® range represents a versatile and durable solution when your application needs properties that closely match those of thermoset rubbers like EPDM. About Sarlink® With Sarlink®, our specialized engineers have succeeded in creating a product range that feels like rubber yet processes easily thermoset rubbers. In these respects they like plastic. They are available in numerous ODERUFRVWVFDQEHVLJQLÀFDQWO\UHGXFHG improving your competitive advantage in the marketplace. Sarlink® grades have been developed to provide solutions for under the hood applications, automotive sealing systems, pipe seals, wire and cable, wine corks and many more uses. product families and customized formulations. Sarlink® is unique among the TPE portfolio of Teknor Apex in offering remarkably long term stress relaxation characteristics, excellent tensile properties, chemical resistance and aging properties comparable to many outperform other families of TPE products. By replacing traditional solutions with Sarlink®, Dedicated TPV specialist Extrusion, Injection and Blow Molding Teknor Apex manufactures TPEs of a consistently high quality, comparing very Sarlink® grades are well suited for the extrusion process and can be used for favorably not only with thermoset rubbers, but DXWRPRWLYHDQGEXLOGLQJSURÀOHVKRVHV also with other incumbent materials like PVC, ÀOPVKHHWLQJDQGZLUHDQGFDEOHMDFNHWLQJ through several heat cycles without loss of SK\VLFDOSURSHUWLHV6SHFLÀFJUDGHLQIRUPDWLRQ on recommended regrind to virgin blend ratios and the maximum number of reprocessing cycles is available on request. TPU or latex. As a dedicated TPE specialist, we Sarlink® is equally well suited for blow PROGLQJDQGLQMHFWLRQPROGLQJIRU Other Teknor Apex TPE Products seek to understand our customers’ needs in detail and partner with customers to develop solutions and provide support that exceeds expectations. Our global reputation for world class partnership, quality and dedication will guarantee successful operations on your SURGXFWLRQÁRRU Sarlink® is one of six distinct product groups within the Teknor Apex TPE Division. applications such as household appliances, power tools, sports and leisure articles, personal care products, food contact and medical applications, and automotive under the hood components. Elexar®: Medalist®: Cheaper and Greener Production Exacting Applications Monprene®: Unsurpassed Design Flexibility Wired for Performance Medical Elastomers for Main features of Sarlink® ([FHOOHQWÁH[XUDOIDWLJXHHQGXUDQFH 5HVLVWDQFHWRKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVXSWR 135°C +LJKLPSDFWVWUHQJWK Compared to thermoset rubber, using Sarlink® will reduce production costs due to its shorter cycle times, reduced energy needs, and a YHU\KLJKPDWHULDOHIÀFLHQF\DVDUHVXOWRI its recyclability. By replacing traditional Telcar®: /RZVSHFLÀFJUDYLW\ ([FHOOHQWUHVLVWDQFHWRFKHPLFDOVDQG solutions with Sarlink® and fully automating production, your labor and material needs Contact can be reduced, giving you a competitive Our customer support resources can assist weathering Sarlink®: Tekbond®: Think Performance and Value A Soft Touch for Tough Demands Top Performance for your %RWWRP/LQH 2XWVWDQGLQJHOHFWULFDOSURSHUWLHV advantage in the market. Sarlink® is also the \RXIURPSUHOLPLQDU\GHVLJQWRSODQWÁRRU $EUDVLRQUHVLVWDQFH environmentally friendly equivalent to general processing, making us the ideal partner for $YDLODEOHLQKDUGQHVVHVIURPORZVKRUH A to well into Shore D purpose EPDM rubber compounds. Chemical resistance is comparable to general purpose your upcoming program development. If \RXKDYHDSURMHFWWKDWFRXOGEHQHÀWIURPD *RRGFRORUDELOLW\ polychloroprene rubber compounds. development partnership, please contact us. (DVLO\UHF\FODEOH &RLQMHFWLRQPROGLQJDQG PXOWLH[WUXVLRQZLWKSRO\ROHÀQV ZLWKSRO\ROHÀQV /RZWHQVLRQDQGFRPSUHVVLRQVHWV We look forward to working with you. We are Reduced Waste Scrap generated during processing of Sarlink® also happy to answer any questions you might SHOOHWVRUIURPUHMHFWHGSURGXFWVFDQEH reground and reused without a decline in raw material quality. Sarlink® can be reprocessed information on (the processing of) Sarlink® is available on Corporate Headquarters About Teknor Apex TPE Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. Europe Telephone: + $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds WKDWH[KLELWRXWVWDQGLQJUXEEHUOLNHSURSHUWLHVZLWK particular characteristics while being processable Singapore Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. China Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 Japan Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, DXWRPRWLYHFRQVWUXFWLRQPHGLFDOGHYLFHZLUHDQG cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compound ing, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit have regarding Sarlink® or our solutions. More 3100 Series Combining the Advantages of Thermoplastic Processing and Elastomeric Performance Sarlink® 3100 series grades exemplify our aesthetically superior surface appearance. The curiosity and discipline in research, and our care and dedication in production. Sarlink® 3100 series contains a wide variety of grades with hardnesses from 35 Shore A up to Our engineers have succeeded in creating a product range that feels like rubber yet 45 Shore D, in black and natural colors. processes easily like plastic. Sarlink® 3100 6DIHW\ is based on carefully selected raw materials in combination with a proprietary process Sarlink® TPVs do not present a toxic hazard through skin contact or inhalation when technology, which combines superb elastic handled under normal conditions. Contact properties with the processing ease of thermoplastics. with molten polymers or inhalation of fumes should be avoided during processing. More and detailed information can be downloaded +LJK5DZ0DWHULDO(IÀFLHQF\ Sarlink® is an environmentally friendly from equivalent to general purpose thermoset rubber compounds, with high chemical 2WKHU7HNQRU$SH[73(SURGXFWV Sarlink® is one of six product families within resistance comparable to general purpose the Teknor Apex TPE portfolio. The Sarlink® polychloroprene rubber. This unique combination enables a broad range of range itself contains multiple grade series, each with a specialty set of properties applications. Compared to thermoset rubber, GHVLJQHGWRÀWDYDULHW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ using Sarlink® will reduce production costs due to its shorter cycle times, reduced energy requirements. In addition to standard Sarlink® series, special Sarlink® grades QHHGVDQGDYHU\KLJKUDZPDWHULDOHIÀFLHQF\ as a result of its recyclability. exist or can be developed to meet unique FXVWRPHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDVVSHFLÀF OEM or regulatory approval requirements, 0DLQ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV The Sarlink® 3100 series can be processed by UV resistance, or potable water contact. Information regarding these specialty grades standard thermoplastic processing techniques and other Sarlink® series are available via your such as injection molding, extrusion and EORZPROGLQJ7KHZHOOEDODQFHGÁRZ representative or at characteristics of this range help to create an 'DWD6DUOLQN®JHQHUDOSXUSRVHJUDGHV,62VWDQGDUGVW\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7HVW VWDQGDUG 8QLWV6, 3135 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190 3139D 3145D 'HQVLW\ +DUGQHVVVHFGHOD\ ISO 1183 kg/m3 930 930 950 950 950 950 940 940 940 ISO 868 Shore A or D 38A 43A 41A 46A 54A 56A 62A 65A 71A 75A 80A 84A 89A 92A 38D 41D 47D 50D MPa MPa % 2,2 2,1 200 2,5 2,5 210 4,1 3,0 240 5,4 3,8 270 6,7 5,1 300 8,5 6,7 330 12,1 10,0 380 17,4 13,3 400 19,4 15,5 400 MPa MPa % 4,0 1,1 600 4,4 1,2 600 5,1 1,9 600 6,3 2,5 640 7,7 3,3 670 9,4 4,5 690 13,5 6,6 700 18,5 8,9 700 22,5 12,8 700 kN/m 15 16 24 32 42 51 81 101 131 % % % 15 30 52 18 31 52 20 32 52 23 34 55 25 43 63 32 50 65 48 61 75 53 67 85 57 70 90 pts % % % 1 104 111 101 1 111 106 107 2 107 105 108 3 99 107 89 3 96 105 86 2 92 109 84 2 95 111 88 1 93 111 89 2 95 108 89 pts % % % -1 100 104 98 -1 112 105 112 1 94 107 93 2 96 103 95 -1 92 110 87 0 91 117 85 -1 90 109 85 0 95 109 90 1 102 116 89 % 150 135 130 120 115 95 73 55 52 Pa.s 270 270 270 310 290 290 310 310 310 Extruded sample Injection molded sample 7HQVLOHSURSHUWLHV Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B &RPSUHVVLRQVHW 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C 70 hrs@125°C ISO 815 +RWDLUDJLQJFURVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ 168 hrs@150°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break ISO 188 1000 hrs@135°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break 9ROXPHVZHOO 70 hrs@125°C in IRM 903 oil ISO 1817 $SSDUHQWVKHDUYLVFRVLW\ @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: August 1, 2008 &RUSRUDWH+HDGTXDUWHUV Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) $ERXW7HNQRU$SH[73( Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product (XURSH Telephone: + The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds that exhibit outstanding rubber-like properties with particular characteristics while being processable 6LQJDSRUH Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. &KLQD Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 -DSDQ Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical-device, wire and cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compounding, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. LQIR#WHNQRUDSH[FRP ZZZWHNQRUDSH[FRPVDUOLQN Grades for Potable Water and Beverage Applications Sarlink® 3400 Series Sarlink® 3400 series materials exemplify our FRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWKRWKHUSRO\ROHÀQVSURYLGH unique opportunities for part integration and commitment to developing TPV materials that have the physical properties necessary for demanding applications. Even more critical, these grades also ensure the wellbeing of consumers by meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements for product safety. Because Sarlink® materials are based on dynamically vulcanized rubber within a polypropylene matrix, solutions based on Sarlink® take advantage of the cost, design ÁH[LELOLW\DQGUHF\FOHDELOLW\RIWKHUPRSODVWLF SURFHVVLQJZLWKRXWVDFULÀFLQJWKHHODVWLF properties critical to part performance. reduced overall system costs. The Sarlink® JUDGHVHULHVKDVEHHQVSHFLÀFDOO\ A wide variety of water applications Sarlink® 3400 series materials are an excellent FKRLFHIRUVRIWWRXFKJULSVÁH[LEOHWXELQJ and elastic seals requiring beverage and potable water contact, both cold and hot. Thermoplastic processing methods and developed for can liners, beverage and drinking water applications, water stops, home plumbing, laundry gaskets, tubing for food appliances and industrial liquid conveying hoses. With Sarlink®, Teknor Apex is a TPV leader in material development, quality, and program support. Coupled with the application expertise of our customers, there are endless opportunities to be explored. Regardless of the complexity of your new idea or application development, Teknor Apex has the materials and knowledge to help you achieve your goals. &RQWDFW\RXUUHSUHVHQWDWLYHWRÀQGRXWLIRXU materials, practical application support, and customer focus can be a key component to your successful product launch. Sarlink® 3400 series materials are available processing techniques such as injection The materials that make up the Sarlink 3400 VHULHVFRPELQHÁH[LELOLW\DQGHODVWLFSURSHUWLHV in hardnesses from 45 to 90 shore A, and are molding, extrusion, and blow molding. As a produced in both black and natural color. UHVXOWWRWDOV\VWHPFRVWVDQGGHVLJQÁH[LELOLW\ (such as low tension and compression set) Table 1 illustrates the basic physical properties are improved when compared to traditional ZLWKH[FHOOHQWÁH[XUDOIDWLJXHUHVLVWDQFHDQG of Sarlink® 3400 series materials. More thermoset rubber solutions. Additionally, long term stability (thermal, UV, and ozone). extensive and detailed data can be provided 7KHVHSURGXFWVDOVRKDYHJRRGÁXLGUHVLVWDQFH by your representative. Sarlink® materials can Sarlink® is fully recyclable from both process scrap and post-consumer waste. properties over a wide temperature range. be processed using standard thermoplastic Main Characteristics ® Tabel 1: Physical properties of Sarlink® 3400 grades Data Sarlink® 3400 general purpose grades Typical properties Test standard Units S.I. 3440 3450 3460 3470 3480 3490 Density Hardness (5 sec delay) ISO 1183 kg/m3 930 950 950 950 950 940 ISO 868 Shore A or D 42A 47A 55A 57A 64A 67A 70A 74A 81A 85A 90A 93A MPa MPa % 2.4 2.4 215 4.2 2.9 235 5.4 3.7 280 6.6 5 290 8.7 6.8 335 12.3 10.2 400 MPa MPa % 4.3 1.2 620 5.2 1.8 590 6.4 2.6 650 7.6 3.4 660 9.5 4.6 710 13.7 6.7 720 kN/m 17 23 33 43 52 82 % % % 19 30 51 21 33 52 24 36 57 26 41 64 33 52 67 47 60 76 pts % % % 2 115 110 110 3 110 105 110 3 100 110 90 4 100 110 90 3 90 110 85 3 100 110 90 pts % % % -2 110 105 110 2 90 110 90 2 100 100 95 0 90 110 90 1 90 120 85 -1 90 110 85 % 130 130 125 120 100 70 Pa.s 260 275 300 300 300 300 Extruded sample Injection molded sample Tensile properties Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B Compression set 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C 70 hrs@125°C ISO 815 +RWDLUDJLQJFURVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ 168 hrs@150°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break ISO 188 1000 hrs@135°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break Volume swell 70 hrs@125°C in IRM 903 oil ISO 1817 Apparent shear viscosity @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: January 6, 2010 ÀWWLQJDVRXWOLQHGLQ7DEOH6DUOLQN® 3400 standards NSF 61 and NSF 51 outline crucial The Sarlink 3400 series product line meets the requirements of NSF and ANSI (NSF series materials also meet the NSF and ANSI requirements for drinking water and food requirements for food system components V\VWHPFRPSRQHQWVDQGGHÀQHDFFHSWDEOH 61) for both hot and cold potable water (NSF 51). These grades are suitable for use at levels of migration from these components applications requiring a surface area to temperatures up to 212°F (100°C) in contact into a liquid. Sarlink® 3400 series materials volume ratio of 100 in2 / I. (0.16mm2 / L). with dry solids, aqueous liquids, acidic liquids, have been tested and approved against these Sarlink® 3400 series materials are also suitable and beverages with up to 50% alcohol content. requirements, and are also backed by our IRU(QG8VHVGHÀQHGDV3LSH)LWWLQJ Additional information on suitable grades and uncompromising commitment to product and (A)ppurtenances other than pipe and use types can be found in Table 3. NSF / ANSI safety. NSF/ANSI approvals for Sarlink® 3400 ® Table 2: Sarlink® potable water grades approved according NSF/ANSI STANDARD 61 drinking water system components. Sarlink® grade End Use Water Contact Temp Sarlink® 3440B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3440N[1] P,F,A C. HOT P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink 3450B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3460N[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3460B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink 3470N[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3470B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3480N[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink 3480B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3490B[1] P,F,A C. HOT Sarlink® 3490N[1] P,F,A C. HOT ® Sarlink 3450N[1] ® ® ® >@&HUWLÀHGIRUDPD[LPXPVXUIDFHDUHDWRYROXPHUDWLRRIVTLQ/ Table 3: Sarlink® 3400 grades approved according NSF/ANSI STANDARD 51 for food equipment materials. Sarlink® grades Color Type of food Maximum temperature of use in° F 3460N, 3470N, 3480N, 3490N Natural Dry solids Aqueous Acidic Beverages up to 50% alcohol 212° (100°C) Other Teknor Apex Products Sarlink® 3400 series materials are only one portion of our extensive product portfolio. Teknor Apex TPE materials are used for many diverse and demanding applications in automotive, building product, medical device, packaging closure, consumer product, and other markets where excellent elasticity, VHDOLQJSURSHUWLHVDQGGHVLJQÁH[LELOLW\DUH required. Corporate Headquarters Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) Europe Telephone: + Chances are that there is an existing Teknor Apex TPE grade that will offer a solution for your next development program. If there is not, we also have an long-established track record of developing specialty materials to meet unique customer requirements. If you are interested in learning more about the Teknor Apex TPE product line please contact your local Representative or visit us at About Teknor Apex TPE The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds that exhibit outstanding rubber-like properties with particular characteristics while being processable Singapore at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as Telephone: +65.6265.2544 being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. China Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 Japan Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical-device, wire and cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compounding, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. 4100 Series Combining the Advantages of Thermoplastic Processing and Superior Elastomeric Performance Sarlink® 4100 series grades exemplify our thermoplastic processing techniques such curiosity and discipline in research, and our care and dedication in production. as injection molding, extrusion and blow molding. The Sarlink® 4100 series contains a Our engineers have succeeded in creating a product range that feels like rubber yet wide variety of grades with hardnesses from 45 Shore A up to 50 Shore D, in black and processes easily like plastic. Sarlink® 4100 natural colors. is based on carefully selected raw materials in combination with a proprietary process 6DIHW\ technology, which combines superb elastic Sarlink® does not present a toxic hazard properties with the processing ease of thermoplastics. through skin contact or inhalation when handled under normal conditions. Contact with molten polymers or inhalation of fumes +LJK5DZ0DWHULDO(IÀFLHQF\ Sarlink® is an environmentally friendly should be avoided during processing. More and detailed information can be downloaded equivalent to general purpose thermoset rubber compounds, with high chemical from resistance comparable to general purpose 2WKHU7HNQRU$SH[73(SURGXFWV polychloroprene rubber. This unique combination enables a broad range of Sarlink® is one of six product families within the Teknor Apex TPE portfolio. The Sarlink® applications. Compared to thermoset rubber, range itself contains multiple grade series, using Sarlink® will reduce production costs due to its shorter cycle times, reduced energy each with a specialty set of properties GHVLJQHGWRÀWDYDULHW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ QHHGVDQGDYHU\KLJKUDZPDWHULDOHIÀFLHQF\ as a result of its recyclability. requirements. In addition to standard Sarlink® series, special Sarlink® grades exist or can be developed to meet unique 0DLQ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV The compounds of the Sarlink® 4100 series FXVWRPHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDVVSHFLÀF OEM or regulatory approval requirements, combine chemical and abrasion resistance UV resistance, or potable water contact. with high tensile properties and excellent elastic properties such as low tension and Information regarding these specialty grades and other Sarlink® series are available via your compression sets. They outperform the Sarlink® 3100 series in many respects. Our representative or at compounds can be processed using standard 'DWD6DUOLQN®JHQHUDOSXUSRVHJUDGHV,62VWDQGDUGVW\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7HVW VWDQGDUG 8QLWV6, 4145 4155 4165 4175 4180 4190 4139D 4149D 'HQVLW\ +DUGQHVVVHFGHOD\ ISO 1183 kg/m3 960 960 960 960 960 950 950 940 ISO 868 Shore A or D 45A 48A 53A 56A 63A 65A 72A 75A 79A 83A 86A 90A 39D 40D 47D 51D MPa MPa % 3,1 2,6 180 4,3 3,1 240 5,8 4,2 280 7,2 5,3 300 9,0 6,8 330 13,6 10,2 380 18,0 13,3 420 21,6 18,0 420 MPa MPa % 4,3 1,3 550 5,2 2,0 550 6,8 2,5 570 8,5 3,3 590 10,2 4,5 620 14,5 6,7 650 19,0 8,9 700 23,1 13,0 740 kN/m 20 22 29 39 48 71 97 141 % % % 11 26 35 14 26 37 17 27 40 22 31 45 26 40 58 36 48 72 46 56 80 55 64 85 pts % % % 0 95 97 106 2 91 98 94 2 89 100 89 3 91 103 84 2 90 105 85 3 92 110 83 2 85 115 80 2 85 115 80 pts % % % 2 98 100 113 2 95 102 101 2 91 104 92 2 98 105 95 3 91 110 85 3 89 115 84 2 85 120 80 2 92 125 80 % 112 85 83 78 64 54 47 38 Pa.s 320 320 340 340 340 340 370 440 Extruded sample Injection molded sample 7HQVLOHSURSHUWLHV Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B &RPSUHVVLRQVHW 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C 70 hrs@125°C ISO 815 +RWDLUDJLQJFURVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ 168 hrs@150°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break ISO 188 1000 hrs@135°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break 9ROXPHVZHOO 70 hrs@125°C in IRM 903 oil ISO 1817 $SSDUHQWVKHDUYLVFRVLW\ @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: August 1, 2008 &RUSRUDWH+HDGTXDUWHUV Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) $ERXW7HNQRU$SH[73( Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product (XURSH Telephone: + The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds that exhibit outstanding rubber-like properties with particular characteristics while being processable 6LQJDSRUH Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. &KLQD Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 -DSDQ Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical-device, wire and cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compounding, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. LQIR#WHNQRUDSH[FRP ZZZWHNQRUDSH[FRPVDUOLQN 4700 Series +LJKÁRZ&RPSRXQGVWKDW&RPELQHWKH$GYDQWDJHVRI 7KHUPRSODVWLF3URFHVVLQJDQG(ODVWRPHULF3HUIRUPDQFH Sarlink® 4700 series grades exemplify our DSSHDUDQFHHVSHFLDOO\IRUXVHLQKDUGWRÀOO curiosity and discipline in research, and our care and dedication in production. parts. Products using these grades can be manufactured with fast cycle time and easy Our engineers have succeeded in creating a product range that feels like rubber yet mold release. The Sarlink® 4700 series is available in hardnesses from 50 Shore A up to processes easily like plastic. Sarlink® 4700 85 Shore A, in black color. is based on carefully selected raw materials in combination with a proprietary process 6DIHW\ technology, which combines superb elastic Sarlink® does not present a toxic hazard properties with the processing ease of thermoplastics. through skin contact or inhalation when handled under normal conditions. Contact +LJK5DZ0DWHULDO(IÀFLHQF\ with molten polymers or inhalation of fumes should be avoided during processing. More Sarlink® is an environmentally friendly and detailed information can be downloaded equivalent to general purpose thermoset rubber compounds, with high chemical from resistance comparable to general purpose 2WKHU7HNQRU$SH[73(SURGXFWV polychloroprene rubber. This unique combination enables a broad range of Sarlink® is one of six product families within the Teknor Apex TPE portfolio. The Sarlink® applications. Compared to thermoset rubber, using Sarlink® will reduce production costs range itself contains multiple grade series, each with a specialty set of properties due to its shorter cycle times, reduced energy GHVLJQHGWRÀWDYDULHW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ QHHGVDQGDYHU\KLJKUDZPDWHULDOHIÀFLHQF\ as a result of its recyclability. requirements. In addition to standard Sarlink® series, special Sarlink® grades exist or can be developed to meet unique 0DLQ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV Sarlink® 4700 series compounds are FXVWRPHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDVVSHFLÀF OEM or regulatory approval requirements, FKDUDFWHUL]HGE\KLJKRUVXSHUKLJKÁRZ properties coupled with excellent elastic UV resistance, or potable water contact. Information regarding these specialty grades behavior and UV resistance. These grades and other Sarlink® series are available via your DUHVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUXVHLQLQMHFWLRQ molded parts requiring outstanding surface representative or at 'DWD6DUOLQN® KLJKÁRZLQMHFWLRQPROGLQJJUDGHV,62VWDQGDUGVW\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7HVW VWDQGDUG 8QLWV6, 4750B42 4755B42 4765B40 4765B42 4775B40 4775B42 4785B40 'HQVLW\ +DUGQHVVVHFGHOD\ ISO 1183 kg/m3 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 ISO 868 Shore A or D 50A 53A 54A 56A 62A 65A 62A 65A 74A 76A 74A 76A 84D 86D MPa MPa % 3,9 2,2 320 4,3 2,7 390 5,0 3,0 360 4,9 2,9 340 6,0 3,5 410 5,8 3,4 410 8,9 5,5 450 MPa MPa % 4,2 1,5 440 5,0 1,8 500 5,6 2,4 490 5,1 2,3 400 6,6 3,1 490 6,3 3,2 470 9,5 4,8 540 kN/m 16 19 26 25 33 31 40 % % % 15 26 40 19 28 43 20 26 45 23 32 48 24 36 52 24 39 56 32 44 72 pts % % % -1 80 93 87 -2 94 99 98 0 82 98 83 1 80 100 76 1 78 102 71 1 81 102 76 3 90 107 82 pts % % % 2 89 99 99 2 98 107 96 2 88 102 87 1 82 101 78 3 88 105 84 -2 82 103 72 1 96 109 86 % 85 90 84 84 74 73 65 Pa.s 220 220 230 210 220 200 190 Extruded sample ,QMHFWLRQPROGHGVDPSOH 7HQVLOHSURSHUWLHV Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B &RPSUHVVLRQVHW 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C 70 hrs@125°C ISO 815 +RWDLUDJLQJFURVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ 168 hrs@150°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break ISO 188 1000 hrs@135°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break 9ROXPHVZHOO 70 hrs@125°C in IRM 903 oil ISO 1817 $SSDUHQWVKHDUYLVFRVLW\ @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: August 1, 2008 &RUSRUDWH+HDGTXDUWHUV Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) $ERXW7HNQRU$SH[73( Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product (XURSH Telephone: + The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds that exhibit outstanding rubber-like properties with particular characteristics while being processable 6LQJDSRUH Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. &KLQD Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 -DSDQ Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical-device, wire and cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compounding, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. LQIR#WHNQRUDSH[FRP ZZZWHNQRUDSH[FRPVDUOLQN 5700 Series Combining Outstanding UV Resistance and Sealing Performance Sarlink® 5700 series grades exemplify our and defects. The lot-to-lot and intra-lot curiosity and discipline in research, and our care and dedication in production. variations are well controlled to very low levels. These qualities make Sarlink® 5700 Our engineers have succeeded in creating a product range that feels like rubber yet series materials extremely suitable for extruded automotive sealing systems. The processes easily like plastic. Sarlink® 5700 Sarlink® 5700 series is available in hardnesses is based on carefully selected raw materials in combination with a proprietary process from 25 Shore A up to 50 Shore D, in black color. technology, which combines superb elastic properties with the processing ease of thermoplastics. 6DIHW\ Sarlink® does not present a toxic hazard +LJK5DZ0DWHULDO(IÀFLHQF\ through skin contact or inhalation when handled under normal conditions. Contact Sarlink® is an environmentally friendly with molten polymers or inhalation of fumes equivalent to general purpose thermoset rubber compounds, with high chemical should be avoided during processing. More and detailed information can be downloaded resistance comparable to general purpose from polychloroprene rubber. This unique combination enables a broad range of 2WKHU7HNQRU$SH[73(SURGXFWV applications. Compared to thermoset rubber, using Sarlink® will reduce production costs Sarlink® is one of six product families within the Teknor Apex TPE portfolio. The Sarlink® due to its shorter cycle times, reduced energy range itself contains multiple grade series, QHHGVDQGDYHU\KLJKUDZPDWHULDOHIÀFLHQF\ as a result of its recyclability. each with a specialty set of properties GHVLJQHGWRÀWDYDULHW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ requirements. In addition to standard 0DLQ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV Sarlink® 5700 series compounds are Sarlink® series, special Sarlink® grades exist or can be developed to meet unique characterized by their fully optimized, superb UV resistance and improved fogging FXVWRPHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDVVSHFLÀF OEM or regulatory approval requirements, properties, combined with excellent elastic UV resistance, or potable water contact. and sealing performance. Their well balanced rheological properties allow for a broad Information regarding these specialty grades and other Sarlink® series are available via your operating window and their controlled representative or at morphology reduces surface imperfections 'DWD6DUOLQN®H[WUXVLRQJUDGHV,62VWDQGDUGVW\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7\SLFDOSURSHUWLHV 7HVW VWDQGDUG 8QLWV6, 5725B4 5735B4 5745B4 5755B4 5765B4 5775B4 5780B4 5790B4 5740DB4 5750DB4 'HQVLW\ +DUGQHVVVHFGHOD\ ISO 1183 kg/m3 930 930 950 970 970 970 970 970 960 960 ISO 868 Shore A or D 23A 26A 34A 36A 44A 46A 55A 58A 65A 68A 72A 75A 80D 82D 87A 89A 38A 40A 49D 52D MPa MPa % 1,5 1,1 200 2,6 1,7 210 3,0 2,1 230 4,6 3,1 280 6,3 4,2 320 7,3 4,9 340 9,0 6,8 360 13,4 9,8 370 18,0 13,3 490 21,5 18,0 490 MPa MPa % 2,5 0,5 510 3,3 0,8 530 4,3 1,2 540 5,2 1,9 550 7,1 2,7 570 8,5 3,2 590 10,0 4,5 590 14,1 6,5 600 19,0 9,0 640 23,0 13,1 640 kN/m 9 10 17 21 29 35 47 70 88 141 % % % 10 20 51 12 23 42 13 26 42 17 27 42 21 30 44 23 32 47 28 41 60 36 49 72 46 58 80 55 67 85 pts % % % -3 96 93 82 1 102 108 112 -2 102 101 112 -2 88 98 98 1 87 96 95 2 90 102 89 -1 88 107 80 1 87 110 80 3 78 105 75 3 84 115 75 pts % % % -1 96 93 76 0 95 104 115 -2 93 100 114 1 94 103 110 2 93 105 98 3 92 104 93 1 90 110 81 1 93 114 80 3 80 109 75 4 80 124 70 % 71 110 120 99 91 88 73 60 47 38 Pa.s 140 210 280 315 340 330 330 350 400 430 Extruded sample Injection molded sample 7HQVLOHSURSHUWLHV Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation Elongation at break 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B &RPSUHVVLRQVHW 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C 70 hrs@125°C ISO 815 +RWDLUDJLQJFURVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ 168 hrs@150°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break ISO 188 1000 hrs@135°C Change in hardness Retention tensile strength at break Retention modulus at 100% elongation Retention elongation at break 9ROXPHVZHOO 70 hrs@125°C in IRM 903 oil ISO 1817 $SSDUHQWVKHDUYLVFRVLW\ @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: August 1, 2008 &RUSRUDWH+HDGTXDUWHUV Telephone +1.866.438.8737 (all TPE enquiries) $ERXW7HNQRU$SH[73( Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) manufacturer of TPEs, offering seven broad product (XURSH Telephone: + The Thermoplastic Elastomer Division of Teknor families based on generically distinct chemistries and operating plants in the US, Europe, and Asia. The processes used by TA TPE produce compounds that exhibit outstanding rubber-like properties with particular characteristics while being processable 6LQJDSRUH Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to see the TPE product families. &KLQD Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 -DSDQ Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the Division is an international supplier to the appliance, automotive, construction, medical-device, wire and cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compounding, and Vinyl Divisions and Teknor Color Company. Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries. LQIR#WHNQRUDSH[FRP ZZZWHNQRUDSH[FRPVDUOLQN 6100 Series Combining Excellent Flow with Colorability and Elastomeric Performance Sarlink® 6100 series grades exemplify our to most chemicals like hydrocarbons and curiosity and discipline in research, and aqueous liquids, and good thermal our care and dedication in production. Our engineers have succeeded in creating stability. a product range that feels like rubber yet processes easily like plastic. Sarlink® 6100 The Answer to Multiple Application Issues Sarlink® 6100 series compounds are well is based on carefully selected raw materials designed for use in household appliances, in combination with a proprietary process technology, which combines superb elastic power tools, personal care products, food contact applications and sports and leisure properties with the processing ease of HTXLSPHQW'XHWRWKHLUFRPSRVLWLRQDQG thermoplastics. manufacturing technology, Sarlink® 6100 series grades solve problems such as corrosion Sarlink® 6100: Ideally Suited for problems during processing and paint staining Applications with High Aesthetic and Tactile Requirements LQDUFKLWHFWXUDOSURÀOHDSSOLFDWLRQV7KH\FDQ also be formulated to comply with regulations In addition to the superior performance and ease of processing found with other Sarlink® for medical devices. Sarlink® 6100 series can be processed through standard thermoplastic TPVs, the Sarlink® 6100 series features techniques, but these compounds are H[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHÀQLVKLQJDQGFRORUDELOLW\ Striking bright colors can be achieved, using particularly well suited for injection molding. less colorant. The performance, design and Safety cost advantages make Sarlink® 6100 ideally suited for applications with high aesthetic Sarlink® does not present a toxic hazard through skin contact or inhalation when and tactile requirements. The exceptional ÁRZFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQGQRQK\JURVFRSLF handled under normal conditions. Contact with molten polymers or inhalation of fumes properties of the Sarlink® 6100 series make should be avoided during processing. More LWDQHDV\WRSURFHVVPDWHULDO'U\LQJLVQRW necessary due to the fact that there’s virtually and detailed information can be downloaded from no moisture absorption. Sarlink® 6100 Offers New Opportunities Other Teknor Apex TPE products Sarlink® is one of six product families within Sarlink® 6100 is available in hardnesses from 35 Shore A to 90 Shore A in natural color. WKH7HNQRU$SH[73(SRUWIROLR7KH6DUOLQN® range itself contains multiple grade series, Important characteristics of Sarlink® 6100 are: each with a specialty set of properties GHVLJQHGWRÀWDYDULHW\RIDSSOLFDWLRQ requirements. In addition to standard /RZHPLVVLRQVPHDQH[FHOOHQWQRQ fogging properties, especially for automotive interior applications where Sarlink® series, special Sarlink® grades low VOC’s (Volatile Organic exist or can be developed to meet unique Compounds) are required. FXVWRPHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDVVSHFLÀF ([FHOOHQWÁRZDQGSURFHVVLQJEHKDYLRU 2(0RUUHJXODWRU\DSSURYDOUHTXLUHPHQWV opening new design opportunities LQYROYLQJORQJÁRZOLQHVLQODUJHFRPSOH[ UV resistance, or potable water contact. Information regarding these specialty grades injection molded shapes. 9DOXDEOHSK\VLFDOSURSHUWLHVVXFKDVD and other Sarlink® series are available via your representative or at high degree of elasticity, good resistance Data Sarlink® 6100 easy processing, high colorability general purpose grades (ISO standards) Typical properties Test standard Units S.I. 6135 6145 6155 6165 6175 6185 6190 Density Hardness (5 sec delay) ISO 1183 kg/m3 888 890 910 912 926 937 956 ISO 868 Shore A RU' 32A 36A 42A 46A 53A 58A 61A 65A 72A 76A 80A 84A 87A 91A MPa MPa % 2,3 1,1 374 3,1 1,6 396 3,4 2,4 337 4,0 3,1 307 5,4 4,3 336 7,3 6,0 385 9,7 8,1 424 MPa MPa % 2,7 0,8 555 3,7 1,1 612 4,4 1,8 609 5,2 2,2 615 6,3 3,2 641 8,0 4,2 650 10,5 5,5 670 kN/m 10,5 15,7 20,1 24,2 33,2 45,6 58,8 % % 23 30 24 33 27 40 28 42 33 48 39 54 42 57 Pa.s 195 225 215 211 198 212 258 ([WUXGHGVDPSOH Injection molded sample Tensile properties Flow direction Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation (ORQJDWLRQDWEUHDN ISO 37 &URVVÁRZGLUHFWLRQ Tensile strength at break Modulus at 100% elongation (ORQJDWLRQDWEUHDN 7HDUVWUHQJWKFURVVÁRZ Unnicked angle ISO 34B Compression set 22 hrs@23°C 22 hrs@70°C ISO 815 Apparent shear viscosity @206 1/s, 200°C ISO 11443 Capillary Some grades may not be available locally Revised: June 26, 2009 Corporate Headquarters 7HOHSKRQHDOO73(HQTXLULHV About Teknor Apex TPE Telephone +1.800.556.3864 or $SH[&RPSDQ\7$73(LVWKHPRVWGLYHUVLÀHG +1.401.725.8000 (Teknor Apex Company) Europe Telephone: + 7KH7KHUPRSODVWLF(ODVWRPHU'LYLVLRQRI7HNQRU PDQXIDFWXUHURI73(VRIIHULQJVHYHQEURDGSURGXFW families based on generically distinct chemistries DQGRSHUDWLQJSODQWVLQWKH86(XURSHDQG$VLD 7KHSURFHVVHVXVHGE\7$73(SURGXFHFRPSRXQGV WKDWH[KLELWRXWVWDQGLQJUXEEHUOLNHSURSHUWLHVZLWK particular characteristics while being processable Singapore Telephone: +65.6265.2544 at high rates like any other thermoplastic, as well as being recyclable. Visit to VHHWKH73(SURGXFWIDPLOLHV China Telephone: +86.512.6287.1550 Japan Telephone: +81.352095151 Headquartered in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US, the 'LYLVLRQLVDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOVXSSOLHUWRWKHDSSOLDQFH DXWRPRWLYHFRQVWUXFWLRQPHGLFDOGHYLFHZLUHDQG cable, and other consumer and industrial product industries. Other plastics businesses of Teknor Apex include the Bioplastics, Nylon, Specialty Compound LQJDQG9LQ\O'LYLVLRQVDQG7HNQRU&RORU&RPSDQ\ Visit The information and recommendations contained in this bulletin are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. All products are sold upon condition that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes and uses and purchaser assumes all risks and liability for the results of use of the products, including use in accordance with seller’s recommendations. Nothing in this bulletin constitutes permission or a recommendation to practice or use any invention covered by any patent owned by this company or by others. There is no warranty of merchantability and there are no other warranties for the products described. For detailed Product Stewardship information, please contact us. Any product of TA TPE, including product names, shall not be used or tested in any medical or food contact application without the prior written acknowledgement of TA TPE as to the intended use. Please note that some products may not be available in one or more countries.