Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP
Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP
Deposition of: Neil McCubbin March 29, 2016 In the Matter of: Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 1075 Peachtree St. NE , Suite 3625 Atlanta, GA, 30309 800.808.4958 | | 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 1 1 IN THE OFFICE OF STATE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS STATE OF GEORGIA 2 3 ALTAMAHA RIVERKEEPER, INC., 4 Petitioner, 5 vs. CASE NO. OSAH-BNR-EPD-WQC 1633136-11-SCHROER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF 7 NATURAL RESOURCES, 8 9 10 Respondent, and RAYONIER PERFORMANCE FIBERS, LLC, 11 Intervenor-Respondent. 12 13 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 14 NEIL McCUBBIN 15 March 29, 2016 - 8:34 a.m. 16 State Bar of Georgia 17 104 Marietta Street NW, Suite 100 18 Atlanta, Georgia 19 Patricia K. Thomas, RPR, CCR-2626 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 2 1 INDEX OF EXHIBITS 2 EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION 3 For the Petitioner: 4 Exhibit Pet 1 PAGE Direct Testimony of Neil 9 5 McCubbin, with attached McCubbin 6 Exhibits 1 through 7 7 For the Respondent: 8 Exhibit Res 1 Report issued by Mr. McCubbin to 68 9 Northern Pulp Nova Scotia, 10 6 April 2015, with attached resume' 11 Exhibit Res 2 Google Earth photographs 92 12 13 14 15 INDEX TO EXAMINATION 16 BY MR. BROWN 17 BY MS. BARMEYER 18 BY MR. BARRON 8, 117 29 111 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 3 1 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL: 2 On behalf of the Petitioner: 3 HUTTON BROWN 4 Attorney at Law 5 GreenLaw 6 State Bar of Georgia Building 7 104 Marietta Street NW 8 Suite 430 9 Atlanta, Georgia 10 30303 (404) 659-3122 11 DONALD D.J. STACK 12 Attorney at Law 13 Stack & Associates, PC 14 260 Peachtree Street NW 15 Suite 1200 16 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 17 (404) 525-9205 18 19 MEGAN L. HINKLE 20 Attorney at Law 21 Southern Environmental Law Center 22 Ten 10th Street NW 23 Suite 1050 24 Atlanta, Georgia 25 (404) 521-9900 30309 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 4 1 2 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL: (Continued) On behalf of the Respondent: 3 GRAHAM L. BARRON 4 Attorney at Law 5 State of Georgia 6 Office of the Attorney General 7 40 Capitol Square SW 8 Atlanta, Georgia 9 (404) 656-3300 30334 10 On behalf of the Intervenor-Respondent: 11 PATRICIA T. BARMEYER 12 Attorney at Law 13 King & Spalding, LLP 14 1180 Peachtree Street 15 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 16 (404) 572-4600 17 18 WILLIAM M. McHUGH, JR. 19 Attorney at Law 20 Rayonier Advanced Materials, Inc. 21 4474 Savannah Highway 22 Jesup, Georgia 23 (912) 588-8222 31545 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 5 1 Also Present: James A. Capp 2 Bill Manzer 3 Mark Raczkowski 4 Leo Mileman, Videographer 5 Jen Hilburn (Via Telephone) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (Pursuant to Article 10(B) of the Rules 21 and Regulations of the Georgia Board of Court 22 Reporting, a written disclosure statement was 23 submitted by the court reporter to all counsel 24 present at the proceeding.) 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 6 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on the 2 record. 3 sensitive and may pick up whispering and private 4 conversations. 5 place them away from the microphones, as they can 6 interfere with the deposition audio. 7 will continue until all parties agree to go off the 8 record. 9 Please note that the microphones are Please turn off all cell phones or Recording My name is Leo Mileman, representing 10 Veritext Legal Solutions. The date today is 11 March 29th, 2016. 12 8:34 a.m. 13 Georgia State Bar located at 104 Marietta Street, 14 Third Floor, Room 2, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. 15 being taken by counsel for the -- Defendant or 16 Plaintiff? The time is approximately This deposition is being held at the 17 MR. BROWN: 18 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 19 counsel for the Plaintiff. 20 case is Altamaha Riverkeeper versus GA EPD. 21 case is being held in the Office of State 22 Administration Hearings, State of Georgia, Case 23 Number OSAH-BNR-EPD-WQC 1633136-11-SCHROER. 24 name of the witness is -- is it Doctor? 25 Plaintiff. It's MR. MCCUBBIN: No. Petitioner. And it's being taken by The caption of this This The It's Neil McCubbin. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 7 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Neil McCubbin. At this 2 time the attorneys present in the room and anyone 3 attending remotely will identify themselves and the 4 parties they represent. 5 6 MR. BROWN: Brown. 7 8 MS. HINKLE: Megan Hinkle, one of the MR. BARRON: I'm Graham Barron, on behalf of the Environmental Protection Division. MR. CAPP: Jac Capp. I work with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. 15 MR. RACZKOWSKI: 16 with Rayonier Advanced Materials. 17 18 MR. MANZER: I'm Mark Raczkowski. I'm William Manzer, with Rayonier Advanced materials. 19 20 I'm a lawyers for the riverkeeper. 13 14 I'm Donald Stack. lawyer for the riverkeeper. 11 12 My name is Hutton I'm one of the lawyers for the riverkeeper. MR. STACK: 9 10 Okay. MR. McHUGH: Bill McHugh, Rayonier Advanced Materials in-house attorney. 21 MS. BARMEYER: Patricia Barmeyer, 22 representing the Respondent, Rayonier Performance 23 Fibers. 24 25 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you. The court reporter -- our court reporter, Patricia Thomas, Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 8 1 representing Veritext Legal Solutions, will swear 2 in the witness, and we can proceed. 3 4 (Whereupon the witness was sworn in by the court reporter.) 5 MR. BROWN: All right. So this is going 6 to be the videotaped deposition for use at the 7 hearing of Petitioner's expert witness, Neil 8 McCubbin. 9 NEIL McCUBBIN, 10 having been first duly sworn, was examined and 11 testified as follows: 12 13 14 15 EXAMINATION MR. BROWN: Q Mr. McCubbin, will you state your name for the record. 16 A My name is Neil McCubbin. 17 Q Where do you live? 18 A In Foster, Quebec, Canada. 19 Q Mr. McCubbin, I'm going to show you your 20 written direct testimony and ask you to look at 21 that and confirm for the record that that is 22 indeed -- this copy right here. 23 MS. BARMEYER: 24 MR. BROWN: 25 A Are you going to mark that? Yeah. This is -- appears to be the written Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 9 1 direct testimony. I'm not going to take time to 2 read it all through. I've read it many times. 3 Q And the exhibits are attached? 4 A The exhibits are attached. On a quick 5 look, they appear to be as were previously 6 submitted to you. 7 MR. BROWN: Okay. We're going to, I 8 suppose, mark this as Exhibit 1 to this evidentiary 9 deposition, and we'll have to sort out later how we 10 number his actual exhibits when we get a joint 11 exhibit list. 12 13 Is that okay? MS. BARMEYER: Yeah. Why don't you label it Petitioner's Exhibit 1. 14 MR. BROWN: That's fine. Do you want to 15 do that now, or do you want to wait until we break 16 to label it? 17 (Off-the-record discussion.) 18 (Petitioner's Exhibit 1 marked.) 19 MR. BROWN: Also, Counsel, in response to 20 the objections that Rayonier filed for this 21 testimony, I'm going to have a handful of questions 22 to respond to those objections, if that's 23 satisfactory with you. 24 MS. BARMEYER: 25 Sure. That's fine. BY MR. BROWN: Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 10 1 Q Mr. McCubbin, you know that after you did 2 your written direct there were objections lodged by 3 Rayonier? 4 A That's correct. 5 Q Okay. I've seen the document. So what we're going to do now is 6 talk through a few of the subject matters of the 7 objections. 8 I've tried to organize them by subject matter, and 9 I'm going to ask you to respond to some of the 10 objections. 11 We're not going to go one by one. Okay? All right. So a number of the objections 12 deal with your expertise to talk about water 13 quality issues resulting from the Rayonier 14 discharge into the river, including objections -- 15 I'm just going to read out the ones I'm responding 16 to. 17 paragraph 77, sentence 2. 18 look at these, Mr. McCubbin. 19 sentences 1 and 3; paragraph 84, sentence 2; 20 paragraph 87; 88; 107, sentence 2; 108, the last 21 sentence; 163, sub B; 163, sub G; and 163, sub H. Paragraph 9, sentence 2; paragraph 54; 22 And you don't need to Paragraph 83, Those objections deal in part with your 23 qualifications to talk about water quality issues 24 related to discharge. 25 tell the Court generally about your experience as So let me ask you: Can you Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 11 1 it relates to talking about the effect of pulp mill 2 discharge, the effect that has on receiving water? 3 And then I'll get into specifics after you talk 4 generally about your experience. 5 A Well, somewhere around 90 percent of my 6 professional work over the last 50 years has been 7 dealing with wastewater from pulp mills. In a good 8 number of these projects, the issue was: There's a 9 problem in the receiving water. 10 What do we do about it? 11 Sometimes we're litigating against people. 12 Sometimes we're just helping defend mills. Most 13 commonly, trying to find solutions to problems 14 raised by regulators, which naturally meant I had 15 to dig into the current what was happening in the 16 river. 17 Q And how long have you been doing that? 18 A The first time I worked in the pulp and 19 paper wastewater was 1966. 20 Rayonier in a pulp mill, but that mill paid no 21 attention to its wastewater at the time. 22 I previously worked for The first time I was really involved in 23 river quality itself was when I worked for Beak 24 Consultants in 1970, because at that point all of 25 the new mills in Canada, the regulations Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 12 1 essentially said you've got to look after the 2 river. 3 assimilative capacity of rivers for the pulp mill 4 wastewater of the day, calculations on what it 5 would do to oxygen content, working with biologists 6 on the impact in a benthic and the fish 7 populations. 8 9 So I had been involved in working on Throughout -- from then on, I'd have to guess roughly a third of the projects I worked on, 10 I was involved in the receiving water quality as 11 well as dealing with controlling the wastewater 12 discharges. 13 Q All right. At my request -- and I'm happy 14 to show this to counsel. 15 write up a list of specific projects where you've 16 worked on water quality issues? 17 A Yeah. But did I ask you to You asked me on the phone. I made 18 a quick list, which I think you have in your hand 19 there. 20 Q All right. 21 A The information is really all in my 22 23 resume', which Rayonier already has in Exhibit 1. Q I want to just talk about it a little more 24 specifically. So my question is now: Can you talk 25 about some specific instances in which your work Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 13 1 has required you to deal with water quality issues 2 resulting from pulp wastewater? 3 A Yes. 4 Q And if you need this to refresh your 5 memory -- 6 A 7 8 9 Yeah, if you have it handy there. Thanks. You just want me to run through them? Q Well, my question is: Tell the Court some specific instances in which your experience goes to 10 assessing water quality issues from pulp mill 11 wastewater. 12 A Okay. Well, the -- one of the more 13 recent, more spectacular, I was called to testify 14 in the International Court of Justice in The Hague 15 concerning a dispute between Argentina and Uruguay 16 over a large pulp mill on the River Uruguay. 17 Argentina insisted that this was going to destroy 18 the river and do various terrible things. 19 disputed. 20 "testify." 21 presenting final arguments on behalf of Uruguay, 22 which is normal for engineers to present arguments 23 before courts in the States, but that's the way the 24 ICJ works. 25 record in both French and English. This was And I was called -- actually, I said That's not quite true. I was The whole presentation I made is on You can find it Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 14 1 on the ICJ website. 2 In that case we were very specifically 3 arguing that the mill would do no measurable damage 4 to the river. 5 chemistry in relationship to the mill effluent, 6 relating the potential impact of the mill effluent 7 to other effluents. 8 same general scale as the Mississippi. 9 lots of sources of industrial and domestic 10 This involved looking at the water This is a huge river, on the There's pollution. 11 Q Before you finish -- 12 A Yeah. 13 Q -- completing your answer, we're going to 14 segregate out and talk separately about any of your 15 specific experience that deals with fish tainting 16 issues. So I want -- 17 A Okay. 18 Q If anything on your list is that, let's 19 hold that to the next category of objections. 20 A Okay. 21 Q But keep going. 22 A The other one was I was retained by UNIDO 23 to do a study on the Baikalsk mill in Siberia. 24 It's on Lake Baikalsk, which is a uniquely clean 25 body of water. The water is a lot clearer than the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 15 1 famous Lake Tahoe, for example, and the Russians 2 are very keen to look after it. 3 to close the plant down. 4 There was a move So I was one of a team of six, looking at 5 the effects on the lake and what -- how they were 6 handling their wastewater, including meetings with 7 Russian environmental groups that are the rough 8 equivalent of Greenpeace, and discussing their 9 concerns, taking them out on the lake and showing 10 them what we could see. 11 didn't do any diving, but we had pictures from 12 scuba divers. 13 And in that case, we Another case was many years ago at New 14 Richmond in Quebec. 15 owned by Consolidated-Bathurst. 16 was the effluent discharge and a -- what effect it 17 was having on the receiving water. 18 included scuba diving on the outfall to see what 19 was to be seen and assessing, along with some 20 biologists, what was happening around the outfall. 21 22 At the time, the mill was The issue there The work That one is not described as such in my resume', I don't believe. What else? 23 In Lake Champlain, the State of Vermont 24 retained us to assist in a case before a special 25 master of the U.S. Supreme Court over the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 16 1 Ticonderoga pulp mill. 2 looking at the -- although it's technically a lake 3 there, it's almost a slow-moving river. 4 narrow. 5 physically see what was happening around, as well 6 as looking at the various data collected by the 7 technicians on benthic conditions. 8 looking at any fish stuff in that, but that was 40 9 years ago or something there around. 10 And, once again, we were It's very We ended up diving on the outfall there to I don't recall I was one of the environmental impact 11 assessment team for a new bleached kraft mill in 12 Montes del Plata in Uruguay. 13 running. 14 river -- of the mill on the river, and I was 15 heavily involved in that one. 16 or five years ago. 17 The mill is now We had to assess the impact of the That was about four I was retained by Tory and Tory, one of 18 the major legal firms in Toronto, to assess the 19 risks involved -- or the environmental risks 20 involved in their client purchasing a former 21 Kimberly-Clark mill in Terrace Bay, Ontario. 22 most people buying industrial plants these days, 23 they wanted to see if they're liable to get bitten 24 by latent environmental litigation. 25 Like One of the things probably most relevant Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 17 1 to this special case of the Altamaha in Jesup is I 2 spent close to 10 years working on the problem of 3 fish being tainted and whether the taste of the 4 fish flesh was being spoiled by pulp mill effluent. 5 This was in Kitimat, on the west coast of British 6 Columbia. 7 amount of actual scientific work done on fish 8 tainting I've ever seen. 9 In that case there was by far the most It's very common to get fishermen to 10 complain that the fish tastes bad. 11 in the Altamaha. 12 complaints, and it was formalized. 13 looking at what the mill could be doing. 14 retained by Environment Canada on behalf of a local 15 aboriginal band. 16 They have that In this case, there were And we started I was What the mill could do, we had a great 17 debate. 18 believe a couple of million dollars in lab work, 19 trying to identify the actual substances in the 20 waste causing the fish tainting. 21 then try and remove them. 22 We spent -- the mill themselves spent I The plan was to They failed to find any specific 23 substances. There were various theories about 24 terpenes and alpha-pinene and various other 25 chemicals. Each time that substance was tested on Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 18 1 its own, it had minimal effect on the fish. 2 came to conclude or prove, really, that we don't -- 3 MS. BARMEYER: Objection. We This -- I think 4 the testimony is going beyond the scope of the 5 question. 6 MR. BROWN: 7 THE WITNESS: 8 MR. BROWN: 9 hold off on the fish. 10 THE WITNESS: 11 MR. BROWN: 12 THE WITNESS: 13 MR. BROWN: 14 THE WITNESS: 15 She's correct. Okay. What I wanted you to do was to I'm sorry. Yeah. I'm sorry. And -Yeah. Sorry. I was looking down the list here. 16 MS. BARMEYER: But also just as a general 17 matter, this is not an opportunity to expand on the 18 written direct testimony. 19 allowed to ask questions about the scope of his 20 expertise -- 21 MR. BROWN: 22 MS. BARMEYER: 23 objections. 24 BY MR. BROWN: 25 Q You're, at this point, Right. -- in response to the What we're focusing on now, Mr. McCubbin, Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 19 1 is your experience and your expertise in water 2 quality issues. 3 A Uh-huh. 4 Q You don't have to go into all of the -- 5 A Sorry. 6 Q -- details. 7 A I'm sorry. 8 Q But just -- are there any more -- are 9 10 Yeah. there any more -- and we don't have to do an exhaustive list. 11 It is in your c.v. Anything else in terms of water quality 12 issues in general before I turn to the fish 13 tainting in specific? 14 A Yeah. Well, the -- I guess the last one 15 we've got on the list here. There was a Water 16 Working Group set up by Environment Canada. 17 a mixture of stakeholders, industry, environmental 18 groups, regulators, to discuss what to do next 19 with -- what had to be regulated further, if 20 anything, with Canadian pulp and paper mills. 21 this -- the whole point was: 22 have in the river? Not just "river." 23 waters in general. And I was invited to join that 24 so that we could decide what -- based on a huge 25 amount of data that Canada has, what should be done It was And What problems do we Receiving Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 20 1 next. 2 Q Okay. My next question is to focus on the 3 specific objections that they -- that Rayonier has 4 made to your -- 5 6 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Excuse me. Off the video record at 8:50 a.m. 7 (Recess 8:50 a.m. to 8:51 a.m.) 8 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record at MR. BROWN: Mr. McCubbin, I had 9 8:51 a.m. 10 Okay. 11 started a question, but let me just restart it. 12 BY MR. BROWN: 13 Q There were objections from Rayonier to 14 some of your testimony that talked specifically 15 about fish tainting and odor issues in your written 16 direct, including objections to paragraph 83, 17 sentence 3; 91, sentences 2 and 3; paragraphs 92, 18 93, 94; paragraph 163 C-2. 19 To an extent, you included some of your 20 experience on fish tainting investigation in your 21 last answer, so you don't need to repeat that. 22 can you amplify and explain your experience that 23 would allow you to testify to the Court about fish 24 tainting and odor issues from pulp mill discharge? 25 A But Well, the first time I was involved in Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 21 1 that was back in the '70s when I worked with Beak 2 Consultants. 3 And the mill no longer exists, by the way, if you 4 want to look for it. 5 fish in the St. Lawrence River despite the huge 6 size of the St. Lawrence, and I was one of the team 7 investigating. 8 my resume'. 9 A Domtar mill at Cornwall in Ontario. It had problems with tainting Later on -- I do believe that's in Another one that's certainly not in the 10 resume' was Crestbrook Forest Industries in 11 Skookumchuck, British Columbia. 12 to help them deal with problems of complaints of 13 color and fish tainting in the river. 14 quite small river in relation to the Altamaha. 15 in that case the fish tainting issues were simply 16 ones the fishermen complained, and we tried taking 17 a couple of fish. 18 fine. 19 terrible and, of course, tasted terrible. 20 Sure enough. Cook it and cut it open. They retained me They're on a And The fish looked It smelled There was no scientific testing done of 21 fish tainting then, which is true of most of these 22 complaints. 23 Eurocan did a vast amount of scientific testing. 24 25 The one I mentioned previously in These are the ones I can recall right now of fish tainting was a key -- as a major issue. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 22 1 Q That's fine. All right. I want to turn 2 now to the category of objections to your written 3 direct testimony relating to your taking into 4 account complaints from citizens about the Rayonier 5 discharge, including objections to paragraph 4, 6 sentence 2 and 3; paragraph 21, sentence 2; 7 paragraph 91, sentence 1; and paragraph 60, 8 sentence 2. 9 Can you explain for the Court why reports 10 of people complaining about color and odor from 11 discharge would be relevant to you as an 12 environmental expert on pulp wastewater? 13 MS. BARMEYER: I object to that question. 14 I think it goes beyond the scope of laying the 15 foundation or dealing with his expertise. 16 this is more in the nature of substantive testimony 17 to justify his opinions. 18 MR. BROWN: I think I object on that basis. Let me -- I'll just explain 19 why I'm doing it. 20 incorporation of those statements from other people 21 as hearsay. 22 allows an expert to rely on inadmissible material 23 that's reasonably relied upon by experts in the 24 field. 25 You objected to his The OSAH rule on expert testimony So I want to try to create a foundation to Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 23 1 respond to your objection by having him testify 2 about the reasons for him relying on such 3 statements in reaching his opinions. 4 only opportunity now to lay a foundation in 5 response to your objection. 6 MS. BARMEYER: This is my Well, then I would -- I 7 think you probably can rephrase the question to be 8 more of a process question than a substantive 9 question about his testimony here, but more of a -- 10 more directed to what is -- what he would consider 11 reliable. 12 MR. BROWN: All right. I'll try to 13 respond -- I'll try to rephrase my question. 14 BY MR. BROWN: 15 Q So, Mr. McCubbin, what we're getting at 16 here is the objection to your reliance and 17 utilization of complaints from people who have used 18 the river in reaching the conclusions you reached. 19 Can you tell the Court why such 20 information or such data might be important to 21 someone who is assessing wastewater effects? 22 A Well, the people I've met and also videos 23 I've looked at represent a variety of people using 24 the river, so it's not one opinion. 25 important. That's They also used the river multiple times Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 24 1 spread over years. 2 river. 3 a dozen times total, at specific times. 4 it's -- in assessing whether there's a real 5 problem, you've got to consider if it's widespread 6 because it makes no sense to respond to one 7 complainer. 8 everywhere. 9 I, obviously, don't live on the I have been on the river only perhaps half Q So I think You can always find one complainer If you want to do an assessment on 10 environmental impact of pulp mill discharge, is it 11 reasonable to include in your assessment reports 12 from people who actually use the river? 13 A I think so. Firsthand reports are 14 valuable from people whose word I have no reason to 15 doubt. 16 Q I'm going to -- another category of 17 objections we're going to ask you about is, there 18 were several objections to your qualifications to 19 talk about the profitability of the Rayonier 20 product and the cost of alternative technologies, 21 including objections at paragraph 46 and paragraph 22 136, sentence 3. 23 Can you tell the Court a little bit about 24 your qualifications to talk about those two 25 subjects? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 25 1 A Well, most of the -- some of the 2 information I have is confidential, but some very 3 public statements have been made by Rayonier about 4 the profitability of their special products, in 5 particular when they spent $300 million, 6 approximately, a few years ago to convert the 7 production line C from making diaper grade pulp to 8 making dissolving pulp. 9 public statements extensively about they were doing They were -- they made 10 this to -- because it was profitable and, 11 obviously, the increased profitability of the mill. 12 They're not stupid. 13 expected it to decrease profitability. 14 They wouldn't do it if they With respect to my ability to know about 15 costs of external treatment, I've done -- or not -- 16 sorry. 17 chunk in my career working out technologies and 18 costs for systems for feasibility studies, as many 19 engineers have. 20 Alternative treatments. I've spent a good One special situation I have is that 21 through the 1990s I was retained by EPA to 22 calculate the costs of various alternative 23 pollution control measures for all of the kraft 24 pulp mills in the United States. 25 were 88 mills. At the time there Rayonier was one of them. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 26 1 Part of that process, we did a very 2 detailed confidential questionnaire filled in by 3 each mill about their physical situation, their 4 chemical usages, and so on. 5 cost model. 6 There were a couple of young guys working -- or a 7 young lady that was actually working for me, and we 8 estimated the cost of -- as best I recall, 15 or 9 more technologies' technical improvements and also From that, I built a I was the leader engineer on it. 10 wastewater treatment upgrades for every mill 11 individually. 12 and equations, which are public. 13 mill numbers, of course, are not. 14 We developed from that some curves The individual I think that gave me a better knowledge of 15 the cost of these things than probably any other 16 single individual in North America. 17 Q A couple more questions, Mr. McCubbin. 18 There were several objections to your testimony 19 regarding the study in the permit, including 20 objections at 158 and 163, sub H, sentence 2, 21 objecting to your testimony about the length of the 22 study, how long the study might take. 23 Can you explain why you have 24 qualifications or expertise to talk about how long 25 a study might -- such a study might take? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 27 1 A Well, ever since I joined Beak Consultants 2 in 1970, I've been involved in studies of this 3 nature. 4 an issue in the receiving water, in this case, of 5 course, a river, for some party to want some 6 further studies on it. 7 studies are designed to delay regulatory action 8 rather than achieve anything. 9 sides of the table in such studies. 10 Sadly, quite often the I've worked on both I've seen all too many of them that go on too long. 11 12 It's extremely common to -- when there is Specifically looking at the Rayonier study, there's a series of statements there. 13 MS. BARMEYER: I'm going to object as 14 being beyond the scope of this opportunity to 15 question him. 16 17 18 THE WITNESS: Okay. BY MR. BROWN: Q Just -- if you could finish your answer, 19 just focusing on your expertise and your experience 20 with studies, not necessarily commenting on the 21 Rayonier study itself. 22 A Okay. I've worked on many such studies 23 when -- some publicly reported major ones, some 24 much more between a mill and a regulator where 25 there's nothing public. I would have to guess I've Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 28 1 been -- certainly more than 25. 2 50. I've been involved in -- 3 Q Of studies? 4 A Studies. 5 6 Probably more like Yes. It's part of my job. That's part of my function as a consultant. Q All right. My last question is: There 7 were several objections to your testimony about the 8 effect of river flow on the discharge -- objection 9 to your qualifications to talk about the effect of 10 high flow, for example, on the discharge effects, 11 including paragraphs 83 and 84. 12 Can you just tell the Court a little bit 13 about your expertise to discuss the subject of the 14 effect of river flow levels on discharge? 15 A Yeah. I was quite surprised to see that 16 objection because, to me, it's high school 17 chemistry. 18 Engineering 101. 19 the level of color goes down. 20 It's not directly linear, but it's close enough for 21 practical purposes. 22 obvious and simple to do. 23 "expertise." 24 25 Certainly -- it was Chemical When you dilute a colored waste, MR. BROWN: my questions. That's well known. What can I say? Okay. It's so I wouldn't even call it Counsel, that's all of I'll turn the witness over to Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 29 1 Ms. Barmeyer. 2 And, Mr. McCubbin, I just remind you to 3 please keep your voice up and speak slowly. 4 on one second. 5 (Off-the-record discussion.) 6 MR. BROWN: Yeah. Hold Mr. Stack reminds me. 7 We move to tender -- to admit this written direct 8 report. 9 It will be Petitioner's 1. MS. BARMEYER: We have certain objections 10 that have been noted, and we'll take those up with 11 the Court. 12 to admit this into evidence, but we do continue 13 with the objections as asserted. And, obviously, the judge is not here 14 15 EXAMINATION BY MS. BARMEYER: 16 Q All right, Mr. McCubbin. Good morning. 17 A Good morning. 18 Q My name is Patricia Barmeyer. Good morning. We met a 19 few minutes ago. 20 Rayonier Performance Fibers in connection with this 21 matter, and I have a few questions to ask you 22 today. 23 And, as you know, I represent And, of course, I'm aware of your years of 24 experience, but I want to ask you a few questions. 25 Your degree, of course, is in engineering; correct? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 30 1 A Correct. 2 Q And you're a registered professional 3 engineer in Canada? 4 A I am. 5 Q Do you claim to be an expert in riverine 6 ecology? 7 A I have been -- acquired quite a bit of 8 expertise in the impact of pulp mills on rivers. 9 Riverine ecology is a whole -- no; because all of 10 my work has been related to pulp mill effects. 11 Q All right. And you do understand that 12 riverine ecology is a separate discipline, is it 13 not? 14 A It's an -- not -- I wouldn't even call it 15 a discipline. 16 variety of people. 17 Engineers. 18 discipline of riverine ecology in my view. 19 have worked in that, it's always been a team. 20 Q People that work in that are a huge Biologists. Microbiologists. Exactly. Toxicologists. There's no one When I And when you have worked on 21 these studies and when you have looked at the 22 impact of pulp mill discharge on rivers, it's 23 generally been as a member of a team that included 24 people with other kinds of expertise; is that 25 correct? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 31 1 A That's correct. 2 Q So you would work with a team of people 3 that would include a toxicologist if you were 4 concerned with fish tainting, for example? 5 A Technically toxicology is not to do with 6 tainting. 7 interfering with their breeding habits. 8 know of anyone with a specific degree in fish 9 tainting. 10 Q It's to do with killing fish and I don't But are there people who have expertise in 11 fish and fisheries that are involved in studies 12 like that, in fish tainting studies? 13 A The only ones I've met came from the 14 Department of Food, and their concern was fish 15 quality as produced in factories. 16 in that study at Eurocan, he kind of dropped out of 17 the picture and left it to us because he -- it was 18 just so different from his experience. 19 20 Q All right. They actually -- So giving -- using Eurocan as an example, you worked on that study for years. 21 A Yes. 22 Q You said that the mill spent probably 23 $2 million in laboratory tests. 24 study with a team of people, did you not? 25 A You worked on that Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 32 1 Q And what were the other kinds of 2 disciplines that were involved that the people had 3 that they brought to that study? 4 A There was a biologist from Environment 5 Canada, a biologist from -- initially Beak 6 Consultants, which changed its name to Ecometrics. 7 There were several -- two engineers from the mill. 8 I'm trying to think who else. 9 from Environment Canada. That's a specific 10 individual, as I recall. Well, there were a few 11 mill management people involved who were really not 12 in any scientific basis there. Another engineer 13 Q Right. All right. And the -- 14 A Sorry. There were, of course, a number of 15 technicians carrying out most of the actual wet 16 chemistry work, catching fish and things like that. 17 Q And in terms of that study, the design of 18 the fishing part of it, in other words, catching 19 the fish, analyzing the fish tissue, was that part 20 of the study done by somebody other than you? 21 A Yeah. The wet chemistry stuff was done 22 by -- the chemistry stuff was done by technicians, 23 experts in running the various machinery we needed 24 in doing the tests. 25 lab work physically with my hands for years. I don't do -- I haven't done Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 33 1 Q What about the design of the fishing, 2 catching the fish, analyzing the fish for which 3 chemicals? 4 was involved in that part of the study? Was there someone other than you that 5 A 6 with. 7 interpret the data, I was quite involved with. 8 9 10 Q Catching the fish, I had nothing to do Deciding how to analyze the data and And were there scientists from other disciplines that were involved in that process along with you? 11 A Of course. 12 Q Of course. 13 A Yes. 14 Q All right. 15 Of course. That's my question. And did those other scientists that had 16 expertise in fisheries, did they design the study 17 in terms of what kind of fish were going to be 18 caught, how many, and where, and what sort of 19 analysis was going to be done? 20 A It was a -- we had meetings, deciding what 21 to do, of which there were several participants and 22 different points of view, and we normally managed 23 to find a consensus. 24 25 Q Okay. But you were part of the team that involved -- Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 34 1 A Absolutely. 2 Q And that team involved other experts in 3 the area of fisheries? 4 A Of course. 5 Q Of course. Did you ever publish any 6 papers about either of these fish tainting 7 projects? 8 A 9 No. There was nothing that -- Domtar and Crestbrook Forest Industries, that was work done 10 with -- for the company, for the mill internally. 11 Any reports they got were -- 12 Q Are confidential? 13 A -- their reports. Eurocan stuff was for 14 Environment Canada. I suspect the reports are 15 available under FOIA. 16 There was nothing published in terms of conferences 17 or anything like that. I don't honestly know. 18 Q Nothing that you published? 19 A Nothing at all published, to my knowledge. 20 I wrote quite a number of reports, which -- being 21 Environment Canada, I suspect they are publicly 22 available, but they weren't published in journals 23 or conferences. 24 25 Q Just online, I've seen a number of reports about that study. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 35 1 A Uh-huh. 2 Q The Eurocan study. But I don't find 3 any -- I didn't find any, either in your c.v. or 4 online, where you were one of the authors. 5 correct? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Is that You mean -- I don't know how much Environment Canada stuff is online. Q Well, I'm asking you. Have you authored yourself or coauthored studies or reports that have been published about the Eurocan study? A Submitted to Environment Canada, yes. Published? I haven't published them. 13 Q All right. 14 A Exactly how much they have made available 15 16 on their website, I haven't, honestly, looked. Q Okay. But are you aware that there are 17 published reports by others about the Eurocan 18 study? 19 A Of course. 20 Q All right. Thank you. 21 On these fish tainting projects, would it 22 be correct to say that your role was to provide an 23 analysis of the mill operations and to develop 24 measures that could limit the discharge into the 25 receiving waters? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 36 1 A To limit the fish tainting, yes, which, of 2 course, includes basically controlling the 3 discharge appropriately. 4 what's -- what really to control, because of the 5 lack of knowledge in specific substances causing 6 the tainting. 7 Q Okay. There's much debate about I was very much involved in that. But your role was really to 8 develop -- to look at the mill side of things and 9 to develop measures to limit the discharge. 10 11 12 Is that not correct? A And including selecting which aspects of the discharge to limit -- 13 Q All right. 14 A -- which is fundamental to controlling the 15 tainting. 16 Q Okay. Now, you said in your testimony 17 that even after two years -- or years of study and 18 $2 million worth of laboratory tests, that the 19 study was not able to ascertain what were the 20 compounds or the constituents that were causing the 21 fish tainting; is that correct? 22 A Correct. 23 Q So sitting here today, you can't say 24 such-and-such a chemical caused fish tainting in 25 either one of those two studies? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 37 1 2 A black liquor compounds. 3 4 5 6 7 Q But you don't know what the constituents A Nobody knows what they are. are? But a considerable -Q 8 9 We know it's a combination, a residual Thank you. MR. BROWN: I'd like him to finish his answer. 10 THE WITNESS: A considerable number of the 11 substances in the pulp mill black liquor have not 12 been identified. 13 BY MS. BARMEYER: 14 15 16 Q Black liquor has thousands of constituents, does it not? A Hundreds? I would -- I think it's -- I don't -- no 17 one really knows, because they haven't been 18 identified. 19 have trouble imagining thousands. 20 knows. 21 22 Q I would suspect we think hundreds. Okay. All right. I But nobody But my question is -- and I want to be sure I have an answer to it. 23 Neither one of those studies was able to 24 determine what were the constituents that were 25 causing the fish tainting? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 38 1 A The individual constituents, no. 2 Q Thank you. I want to ask you about -- 3 some more questions about fishing. 4 yourself a fisherman? Do you consider 5 A No. 6 Q Have you ever been fishing? 7 A Sure. I've caught some fish, mostly 8 because I like eating them. And if I'm sailing, I 9 sometimes trail a line and sometimes catch fish. 10 I'm not very good at it. 11 I'm a failure, when my ancestors were fishermen in 12 Scotland. 13 Q 14 All right. My wife laughs because So have you ever been fishing on the Altamaha River? 15 A No. 16 Q Have you ever been fishing on any flat 17 water Southern river? 18 A No. 19 Q I know you are a sailor. 20 21 Do you do any boating on flat water rivers? A I've been through the -- a U.S. 22 intracoastal waterway, which, of course, includes 23 crossing the Altamaha at one point, and a -- what's 24 the name of the river? 25 Two or three of the rivers down the I've been in the Santee. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 39 1 Georgia-Carolina-Florida course. 2 Q Okay. 3 A Yes. 4 Q Okay. 5 Was this in your sailboat? Did you ever boat up to the location of the mill? 6 A No. 7 Q Have you ever caught a fish in the 8 Altamaha River? 9 A No. 10 Q Have you ever eaten a fish from the 11 Altamaha River? 12 A Not to my knowledge. 13 Q You mentioned you have been on the 14 Altamaha River in a boat. 15 dozen times. 16 17 A No. I think you said half a I said I've been on the riverbank half a dozen times. 18 Q Okay. 19 A Not in a boat. 20 Q Never been in a boat on the river? 21 A Other than crossing it in my own boat a 22 23 24 25 few times. Q And that would have been down at the mouth? A Yeah. Where the intracoastal waterway Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 40 1 area is. 2 3 Q Right. So that's like 50 miles, something like that, from -- 4 A Something like that. 5 Q Okay. 6 All right. Yeah. So your observations of the river have been from the bank; is that correct? 7 A Correct. 8 Q Has that been from the mill site? 9 A I've been at the mill site a few times. 10 Also when the riverkeeper first contacted me. 11 know, I get contacted by lots -- my first reaction 12 is: 13 table-thumping fanatics. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Well, environmental organizations are often Q I'm going to ask that you answer my question specifically. A Okay. Well, on the river specifically, I made a point before I accepted the assignment -Q My question is: Have you observed the river from the bank? 20 A Yes. 21 Q On how many occasions? 22 A Half a dozen. 23 Q All right. 24 25 You And has that always been from the Rayonier mill site? A On it or close to it or once down at Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interstate 5 -- Interstate 95. Q All right. Which, again, is probably 20, 25 miles from the mill? A Oh, I'm sure it's more than that. River miles, it would be a lot more than that. Q A lot more than that. All right. Have you ever flown over the mill in a small plane? 8 A No. 9 Q I want to ask you some questions about the 10 profitable question. Your testimony says that the 11 process for making highly purified cellulose is 12 more profitable than the process of making paper 13 grade pulp. 14 but is that your testimony? Is that -- I'm not quoting exactly, 15 A Yes. 16 Q And it's your testimony that the company 17 could convert to an AST system, given the profits 18 that it generates. 19 A Is that your testimony? The testimony is that many of their 20 competitors use AST wastewater treatment, and the 21 companies seem to prosper and carry on in business. 22 So I assume they can do the same. 23 Q All right. But I'm going to ask you some 24 questions about Rayonier specifically. You 25 testified at paragraph 44 that the process -- do Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 42 1 you want to turn to that? 2 A Yes, please. 3 Q Let me do that as well. 4 MR. BROWN: 5 THE COURT REPORTER: 6 Yes. BY MS. BARMEYER: 7 8 Are you hearing any better? Q In paragraph 54, you say that the process -- 9 A I'm sorry. 10 Q No. 11 A Excuse me. 12 Q I'm sorry. 13 A Sorry. 15 Q Yes. 16 A Okay. 17 Q It's your testimony that the process of 14 I thought you said 44. 54. Can you give me a second to read it? 18 producing the highly purified cellulose is more 19 profitable because the end product is highly valued 20 by end users. 21 A No. I'd say -- I say it's more profitable 22 because -- it's obvious. When Rayonier spent 23 $300 million to convert the process to this special 24 pulp, they did so in the expectation -- they state 25 it will be more profitable, in their public Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 43 1 2 3 pronouncements in the financial press. Q That was a forward-looking statement, was it not? 4 A Correct. 5 Q Do you understand that the pulp business 6 is a cyclical business? 7 A Yes. 8 Q And sometimes the price is up and 9 sometimes the price is low? 10 A Correct. 11 Q And do you understand that the price of 12 the various grades of product made at Rayonier 13 varies? 14 A Correct. 15 Q Are you aware that in recent years there 16 have been times when the price of commodity viscose 17 was higher than the price for -- of the specialty 18 cellulose product? 19 20 21 A I'm not aware of the detailed pricing. Rayonier keeps that very confidential. Q All right. But you believe that you know 22 what the price is and that the price of this is 23 higher than commodity viscose, but you don't really 24 know whether it is at any given time, do you? 25 A I think that's a fair comment. It's Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 44 1 widely quoted, and I've never seen it disagreed 2 with in the pulp industry literature, that these 3 dissolving grades sell at higher prices. 4 obvious that -- Rayonier aren't stupid. 5 wouldn't invest all of their money making that 6 stuff if it sold at a lower price, generally. 7 Of course -- you're right. 8 What counts is the long term. 9 long term. 10 11 And it's They It's cyclical. They invest for the They don't invest for next week's price. Q You understand, do you not, that 12 profitability is a function not only of price of 13 the end market but the cost of making the product? 14 A Of course. 15 Q What information do you have, other than 16 this $300 million number, about Rayonier's capital 17 cost in making the commodity cellulose? 18 19 20 21 A On the capital cost, their published number is what I have. Q All right. And is that a consideration if one is talking about profitability of a product? 22 A Of course. 23 Q All right. And are also the R&D costs for 24 various grades of pulp a necessary consideration if 25 one is assessing profitability? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 45 1 A Of course. 2 Q So when you state that it's more 3 profitable to make pulp, did you take those factors 4 into account? 5 A I didn't try and analyze individual costs 6 for -- most of that data is confidential to 7 Rayonier. 8 stand back and look at the simple statement. 9 lists -- presumably if competent management made a Most of it, I don't even know. You It 10 decision to invest $300 million in producing the 11 product, they did so in the expectation of making a 12 profit. 13 pulp for 50-something years. 14 making profits. 15 the long haul. 16 Therefore, it's obviously a profitable business. 17 Q And the company has been making dissolving I presume they are Look at their annual reports in Of course it goes up and down. But in terms of the profitability -- the 18 profit that they generate from the specialty 19 cellulose line, you don't really have any data to 20 support your statement, do you? 21 A I have Rayonier's public statements. 22 That's all. 23 mill's costs. 24 25 Q I don't have individual data on the They keep that very confidential. Of course they do. But in their public statements, are you aware of any public statement Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 46 1 where they break down the profitability of the 2 cellulose specialty product? 3 A They do it implicitly, because they spent 4 the money to convert from the diaper grade to 5 dissolving pulp. 6 Q All right. 7 A And their other two lines continue to make 8 dissolving pulp. They would be quite capable of 9 making other grades of pulp if they wished to. 10 They choose to make dissolving pulp. 11 it's more profitable. I presume 12 Q Are you aware -- 13 A That's how I -- where I came to the 14 conclusion, not from analysis of their -- 15 Q Okay. 16 A -- accounting data. 17 Q So your opinion is simply based on what I don't have that. 18 you saw the company do in terms of the conversion 19 of the C mill? 20 A And their -- no. Their announcements, 21 their annual reports essentially tell you how 22 clever they are in making this special pulp and 23 that it's profitable. 24 here. 25 Q Otherwise, we wouldn't be Are you aware they spent $25 million to Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 47 1 convert the C line back? 2 A I am. 3 Q All right. 4 question. 5 a product is selling at a higher price does not 6 necessarily mean that the sale of that product is 7 more profitable? Now, let me ask you this It's true, is it not, that the fact that 8 A Of course. 9 Q Of course. And so to determine 10 profitability, you need to know a lot more than 11 price; correct? 12 A That's correct. 13 Q So to understand your opinion, it's based 14 on information you have about the price of the 15 specialty cellulose and the action by the mill -- 16 by the company to make the C line conversion? 17 A And their statements about it, not just 18 the action, their public statements and the -- 19 their statements in their routine annual reports. 20 They are continuing to make dissolving pulp. 21 Q But in those statements, they don't 22 provide you or the reader the detailed information 23 about the profitability of the cellulose specialty 24 product production, do they? 25 A Grade by grade, I have not seen anything. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 48 1 No. 2 Q 3 question. 4 5 All right. Thank you. That's my Let me ask you to look at the photos that are following paragraph 63, 64, 65. 6 A Yes. 7 Q Were you there when those photos were 8 taken? 9 A No. 10 Q So you don't know whether those 11 photographs, 63, 64, 65, accurately represent the 12 scene as it appeared on those days? 13 A I understand that Mr. Brown has stated 14 that these will be authenticated by the fellow who 15 took them. 16 Q Which they may be -- 17 A Yeah. 18 Q -- but my question to you is: You don't 19 know whether or not these accurately represent the 20 scene on the day that the photo was taken? 21 22 A told me they do. 23 24 I know the fellow that took them, and he To that extent I know -- MS. BARMEYER: A 25 I object. -- the person -MS. BARMEYER: I object. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 49 1 A Okay. 2 Q My question is: Do you know from your own 3 knowledge whether or not these three photographs, 4 63, 64, 65, accurately represent the scene on -- at 5 the time and the day that these photographs were 6 taken? 7 A On these specific days, no. They're 8 consistent with what I've seen elsewhere -- seen 9 around the mill. 10 11 Q You have never seen the mill from the air, though, have you? 12 A From an airplane, no. 13 Q All right. Let me ask you to look at the 14 photograph that follows paragraph 60, the Google 15 Earth photograph of 11-2-12. 16 A Yeah. 17 Q Does that -- of course, you've marked the 18 outfall with an arrow. 19 A Correct. 20 Q And then there's a plume downstream from 21 the arrow; correct? 22 A Correct. 23 Q Does that photograph demonstrate the color 24 25 in the discharge? A Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 50 1 2 3 4 Q Do you know what the river flow was on the date of this Google Earth photograph? A I looked it up at the time. I don't remember the number right now. 5 Q Do you recall that it was below the 7Q10? 6 A It was a fairly low flow. 7 Q And it was considerably below the 7Q10; 8 9 10 11 Yes. correct? A It was. My recollection is it was something like 75 percent of the 7Q10. Q Okay. That's what I have also. 12 And it's your testimony, paragraph 61, 13 that the discharge on that date was 208 tons of 14 color on the day that photograph was taken. 15 A I guess. 61? 16 Q Yes. 17 A I looked it up at the time. Yes. That's 18 correct. 19 monitoring report for that day, and that's where I 20 arrived at the 208 tons. 21 Q I checked the company's discharge All right. And it's your opinion that the 22 contrast that's observable in this photograph 23 between the plume and the river is caused by the 24 color and the discharge; correct? 25 A That's very obvious. Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 51 1 Q All right. 2 A That's my opinion. 3 Q Do you know what was the turbidity level 4 in the discharge when this photograph was taken? 5 A I haven't seen data on turbidity. 6 Q All right. 7 A Rayonier doesn't appear to collect it, as 8 9 far as I know. Q Do you know what the turbidity of the 10 Altamaha River was on that date upstream of this 11 discharge? 12 A No. 13 Q All right. 14 There is data, USGS data, on turbidity available, is there not? 15 A I haven't reviewed that. 16 Q All right. 17 Have you reviewed any turbidity data downstream of the discharge? 18 A No. 19 Q All right. From looking at this photo, 20 you can't tell whether there's any turbidity in the 21 discharge, can you? 22 A That particular photo, no. 23 Q All right. And when you're standing on 24 the bank at Rayonier looking down at the outfall, 25 you can't tell whether there's turbidity in the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 52 1 discharge, can you? 2 A Yeah. 3 Q How close are you when you're standing on 4 You can, when you're that close. the bank at the outfall? 5 A To the water itself? Probably 50 feet. 6 Q And you're saying that from 50 feet away, 7 with your eyes you can tell whether or not the 8 discharge is turbid? 9 A Well, the difference between turbidity and 10 color is like the difference between white coffee 11 and black coffee. 12 turbidity. 13 tell, not in the size of a cup -- or even at 50 14 feet, probably a cup. 15 bucket of white coffee and black coffee, you can 16 tell the difference at 50 feet. Black coffee has color and no White coffee has turbidity. You can Certainly if you show a 17 Q Well, that's a little bit -- 18 A I kind of know it. 19 Q What I'm asking you is: Can you 20 distinguish whether and to what extent this plume 21 is caused by turbidity -- the contrast is caused by 22 turbidity as opposed to color? 23 A Well, it's got to be both because the -- 24 when your color and turbidity both are in the 25 stream, they're mixed. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 53 1 Q But you don't have any data that will tell 2 you whether or to what extent this discharge -- the 3 visibility and the visible contrast is caused by 4 turbidity as opposed to color. 5 A I know the suspended solid content of the 6 discharge and the characteristics of these solids, 7 and they cause turbidity. 8 9 Q But total suspended solids is a different analysis than turbidity, is it not? 10 A It is different but related. 11 Q All right. 12 But the test for turbidity, the recognized test, is the NTU test; correct? 13 A Of course. 14 Q And you have no data -- you're not aware 15 of any data that would tell you the turbidity of 16 the discharge on this date or any date, do you? 17 A That's correct. I can infer that it's 18 turbid because of the suspended solids content. 19 The quantity, the volume of the turbidity, you 20 can't tell from the suspended solids content. 21 there are fine suspended solids, there is some 22 turbidity. 23 in any simple way. 24 25 Q Always. All right. If The quantity, you can't relate So you're saying you're sure that there's some turbidity, but you don't know Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 54 1 what the level of turbidity is? 2 A That's correct. 3 Q And you don't know whether or not the 4 turbidity is sufficient to cause a visual contrast 5 with the river, do you? 6 A The visual contrast is obvious. 7 Q The visual contrast is -- my question to 8 you is: 9 contrast of the turbidity as opposed to the visual 10 contrast of the color? 11 12 13 Do you have any way to separate the visual A way. You can't separate them in a quantifiable No. Q So you have no quantifiable data to 14 support your view that turbidity is causing a 15 visible contrast in this discharge? 16 A 17 18 That's correct. MS. BARMEYER: whenever you would like one. 19 THE WITNESS: 20 MS. BARMEYER: 21 MR. BROWN: 22 MS. BARMEYER: 23 We can take a break I'm quite comfortable. All right. Okay. You're the boss. All right. Well, I want Mr. McCubbin -- 24 MR. BROWN: Yeah. 25 MS. BARMEYER: -- to know he can take a Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 55 1 break -- 2 3 MR. BROWN: Any time you need to take a break. 4 MS. BARMEYER: 5 And the court reporter as well. 6 MR. BROWN: -- whenever he wants one. And let me just say, 7 everybody, we'll -- I'll have somebody bring some 8 menus down for lunch at maybe like 11:00, and 9 everybody can -- we can put in orders and then 10 split up to have lunch, if y'all want to do that. 11 MS. BARMEYER: 12 great. 13 BY MS. BARMEYER: 14 Q Thank you. That would be You've stated your opinion that Rayonier 15 Performance Fibers could reduce the color in its 16 discharge by more than 50 percent by converting 17 from ASBs to an AST system. 18 testimony? 19 20 21 A Correct. I think I said "about 50 percent," not "more than." Q Is that your Let's check it. Where is the paragraph? It's 134 and 139. 22 On 134, you say, "A modern AST system at 23 Jesup would reduce pollutant discharge, including 24 color, to less than half of today's values." 25 A Correct. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 56 1 Q And then in 35 you say "about half." 2 A Yeah. 3 Q Okay. 4 MR. BROWN: 39? 5 MS. BARMEYER: 6 MR. BROWN: 7 THE WITNESS: 139? 135. Excuse me. 135? Yeah. 35, I said "less than 8 half." 9 some further explanation, if I'm permitted. 10 In 139, I do say that. MS. BARMEYER: I think it's worth Well, let me ask you 11 questions, and then your counsel -- or Mr. Hutton 12 can follow -- Mr. Brown can follow up if he chooses 13 to. 14 BY MS. BARMEYER: 15 Q Your opinion about the reduction that 16 could be secured from going to an AST system, 17 whether it's approximately 50 percent or more than 18 50 percent, is based in part on your opinion that 19 there's color reversion in ASBs that ranges from 20 about 30 to 50 percent; is that correct? 21 A No. It's a -- typically color increases 22 in ASB by roughly one-third, or 30 percent. 23 Typically color is reduced in any AST system by 24 something like the same number. 25 combine these two factors, you'll get an So when you Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 57 1 2 3 improvement of something around 50 percent. Q All right. I'm focusing just on the ASB at this point. 4 A Yeah. 5 Q So your opinion that you could get this 6 reduction of approximately 50 percent is based in 7 part on your opinion that there's color reversion 8 in the ASB; correct? 9 A In part. Yes. 10 Q In part. Do you have any data to support 11 your opinion that color reversion is occurring at 12 the Jesup mill? 13 A They have given no data. When we asked 14 the question, they told us they had seen no 15 increase. 16 show me some data, but I've never seen it. 17 Q I challenged that and suggested they Okay. So your opinion about color 18 reversion at the Jesup mill is not based on any 19 data or any particular knowledge you have about the 20 Jesup mill? 21 A Specific to the Jesup mill, you're right. 22 But I've worked in a lot of ASBs. 23 data comes from. 24 25 Q Right. I understand. That's where the It's based on your experience with other systems. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 58 1 2 3 4 5 A That's right. And there's no reason to assume the Jesup mill is unique. Q Is it possible to find out whether or not there's color reversion in the ASBs at Jesup? A Of course. They've got to measure the 6 data properly over a decent period of time. 7 shown one number that suggested -- I think it was 8 8 percent. 9 test. 10 Q All right. 11 A -- long term. 12 Q All right. 13 I was But that was a test on one -- one spot You've got to look at these things -So -- So assuming you collect data, color in, color out -- 14 A Uh-huh. 15 Q -- other constituents in and out, over a 16 two-year period, would that tell you -- would that 17 give you reliable evidence as to whether or not 18 there is color reversion in the ASBs at Rayonier? 19 A Presuming the data is -- you know, the 20 tests are properly done and all of the information 21 is there, yes. 22 Q Okay. And if the data collected over the 23 past two years of color in the effluent going into 24 ASB 2 and the color in the discharge, assuming that 25 data has been collected over a two-year period, Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 59 1 assuming that that was properly done with the 2 proper laboratory methods and collection systems 3 and so forth, and if the color in the effluent is 4 essentially the same as the amount of color in the 5 influent, then changing to an AST for wastewater 6 treatment would not reduce the color in the 7 discharge by 50 percent, would it? 8 9 10 A It would reduce it by probably less than 50 percent. Q All right. It would reduce it far less 11 than 50 percent if there's no color reversion in 12 the ASBs, would it not? 13 A If that's the case. 14 mentioned ASB 2. 15 Rayonier. 16 both. 17 Q 18 Now, I notice you Remember, there are two ASBs in I presume the tests have been done in Yeah. Assuming -- assuming the tests have been done in both. 19 A Okay. 20 Q Now, you understand, of course, that the 21 discharge from ASB 1 is only about 5 percent of the 22 discharge at Rayonier; correct? 23 A I don't recall the number. 24 much smaller. 25 have to consider the flow. I know it's When you do these calculations, you The mass flow of color Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 60 1 2 3 is what counts. Q Right. So if you combine the mass flow into both basins and out of both basins -- 4 A Uh-huh. 5 Q -- and that data showed there was really 6 no significant increase in color, then that would 7 show you there's not color reversion in the ASBs; 8 correct? 9 A That's correct. It would surprise me, 10 because I've never seen it anywhere else, but data 11 is data. 12 13 Q Right. And every ASB system is different, is it not? 14 A Oh, there are variations. 15 Q Of course. 16 MS. BARMEYER: 17 THE WITNESS: 18 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 19 Of course. Can we take a break? Sure. Off the record at 9:40 a.m. 20 (Recess 9:40 a.m. to 10:01 a.m.) 21 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 22 record at 10:01 a.m. 23 BY MS. BARMEYER: 24 25 Q Back on the video Thank you. Let me ask you to turn to paragraph 136 of your testimony. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 61 1 A Yes. 2 Q Okay. I have that. Talking about conversion to an AST 3 at the Jesup mill. 4 be, quote, "not insignificant." 5 would be extremely large, would it not? 6 A 7 mill. 8 Q 9 And you say that the cost would In fact, the cost Not in relation to the scale of the Jesup Well, let me just try to get some specificity on that. The capital cost to replace 10 the ASBs with an AST system would be at least 11 $85 million, wouldn't it? 12 A I would not agree with that. 13 Q What do you think would be the cost? 14 A I have not tried to make a cost estimate 15 there. 16 than Rayonier has given us to make a cost estimate. 17 I'd have to have far more data on the site I look at the fact that many of their 18 competitors successfully use the process. 19 Virtually every mill built in the last 25 years 20 uses that process and is running, making profits, 21 so I presume Rayonier has the engineering and 22 management skills to do the same. 23 24 25 Q Well, but it would be tens of millions of dollars, would it not? A Tens of millions. Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 62 1 2 Q Probably at least in the range of about 50 or more? 3 4 All right. A I'm not about -- as I told you, I'm not about to make -- 5 Q Okay. 6 A -- an estimate -- 7 Q All right. 8 A -- without the details of exactly what -- 9 where would it sit in that site, how it would be 10 done. That's a -- takes more resources than I have 11 the time to put in this project -- 12 Q All right. 13 A -- and more data than Rayonier has given Q All right. 14 15 16 17 So -- us. So you don't know how much it would cost to replace the ASBs with an AST? A As I said before, I assume it's acceptable 18 and reasonable in relation to the size of the 19 business because their competitors do it routinely. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q You don't know how much it would cost; is that correct? A The exact cost on the Rayonier site, definitely not. Q All right. be significant. The operating costs would also Would they not be? Would they Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 63 1 2 not? A I suspect they'd be less than the current 3 ASB costs, but that depends exactly on what they 4 are spending in the existing system. 5 done analysis before, I've generally found that the 6 cost of -- or the operating costs are comparable. 7 That ASB has some problems, which are 8 visible when you travel around. 9 resolved by a new system -- 10 11 When I've Q They would be Let me -- I'm going to stop you right there. 12 MR. BROWN: Ms. Barmeyer, I think he's at 13 least entitled to answer. 14 you're unhappy with his answer, then you can move 15 to strike. 16 MS. BARMEYER: And then if you -- if Well, it's not responsive 17 for him to go into his observations of the ASBs 18 when I've asked him a question about cost. 19 MR. BROWN: I think he should be allow to 20 finish his answer, and I would ask that you allow 21 him to finish his answer. 22 MS. BARMEYER: He certainly can explain 23 his answer, but I think it's appropriate for him to 24 go ahead and answer my question. 25 answer in a way that's responsive and not then go And he needs to Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 64 1 off in another area. So I'm going to ask him 2 about -- because my question, I believe, was: 3 don't know what the operating costs would be at 4 Jesup to convert to an AST. 5 BY MS. BARMEYER: You 6 Q Is that your testimony? 7 A I do not know the exact cost in that mill. 8 I have not done the estimate, for the same reason 9 as I told you, the capital cost. 10 Q All right. It's true, is it not, that an 11 AST system generates large quantities of sludge 12 which have to be removed from the AST system? 13 A That's true. There's a big advantage. 14 That sludge carries a lot of the color. 15 it out of the wastewater. 16 17 18 Q All right. It takes But that waste sludge requires chemical addition to the process, does it not? A It depends how you handle it. The modern 19 mills, they actually mix it with a black liquor and 20 evaporate it and burn it in the recovery boiler. 21 Q You've previously written, have you not, 22 that the quantities of waste sludge from an AST 23 require chemical addition. 24 correct? 25 A Is that -- is that not I have written that many years in the past Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 65 1 before it became normal practice to burn the sludge 2 in a black liquor recovery boiler. 3 Q All right. You have also written that the 4 sludge is difficult -- from an AST is difficult to 5 dispose of in an environmentally safe manner. 6 A Could you show me where I've written that? 7 Q Yes. 8 Let's look at Exhibit 2 of your testimony, page 12-19. 9 A Uh-huh. 10 Q First let me ask you to identify what this 11 12 is, Exhibit 2. A I wrote a chapter in a textbook called 13 Fishes and Forestry: Worldwide Watershed 14 Interactions and Management. 15 Q And what is the date of this chapter? 16 A As I recall, the late 1990s, but you can 17 18 probably tell me better. Q 19 I couldn't find a date on here. At any rate, you -- this Exhibit 2 is 20 something that you chose to attach as an exhibit to 21 your testimony. 22 A I did. Could you direct me to the -- 23 Q All right. 24 A -- paragraph you're talking about? 25 Q Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 66 1 A Page 12 what? 2 Q Page 12-19. There's a heading, Activated 3 sludge treatment. In the middle of that paragraph, 4 do you see a sentence that says AST can achieve 5 lower BOD and TSS discharges than ASB -- 6 A Uh-huh. 7 Q -- but generates significant quantities of 8 waste sludge which require chemical addition and 9 are difficult to dispose of in an environmentally 10 satisfactory manner. Do you see that? 11 A Yes. 12 Q All right. 13 A I'd say it's obsolete today. Is that sentence correct? It was true 14 at the time. 15 the modern mills being built, it's common practice 16 to mix the sludge with a black liquor so the water 17 in it is evaporated. 18 systems are very energy efficient. 19 burned along with the black liquor, which is a very 20 efficient means of disposing of it. 21 Q What I've learned since then is that And the modern evaporator And then it's Doesn't it depend on whether or not 22 there's enough capacity in the boiler to burn these 23 huge quantities of waste sludge? 24 25 A Well, first of all, the quantities are not huge in relation to the quantity of what the mill Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 67 1 is already burning in the boiler. 2 normal practice in modern mills -- obviously, they 3 do it because it's cost effective. 4 Q All right. Secondly, it is Let me ask you this. It's 5 true, is it not, that most pulp mills in North 6 America have ASBs rather than an AST system? 7 A I haven't seen recent numbers. I think 8 there's still a majority of ASBs. 9 considered obsolete in the rest of the world, but 10 They're they're surviving here. 11 Q So in North America it is standard? 12 A I wouldn't call it standard. 13 Q And, in fact, more than half the mills or 14 15 about half the mills in North America have ASBs? A You're telling me it's more than half. 16 That's not unreasonable. 17 recent numbers. 18 It's common. Q All right. I don't -- I haven't seen And you're not aware, are you, 19 of any pulp mill in the U.S. with an ASB that is 20 converting from an ASB to an AST system if it's in 21 regulatory compliance? 22 mill making that conversion if it's in regulatory 23 compliance, are you? 24 25 A I am not. You're not aware of any If they're in regulatory compliance, they probably wouldn't spend money. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 68 1 2 3 4 5 Q A Advised them -- can you show me what you're referring to? Q Yes. MR. BROWN: You just have one copy, Patricia? 8 9 And, in fact, that's what you advised Northern Pulp about a year ago, isn't it? 6 7 All right. MS. BARMEYER: three copies. No. MR. BROWN: 11 MS. BARMEYER: 12 All right. 16 17 We could share. You can share. I'm going to mark this Respondent's Exhibit 1. 14 15 I have -- I have only I actually have four. 10 13 No. (Respondent's Exhibit 1 marked.) BY MS. BARMEYER: Q Let me show you Respondent's Exhibit 1, Mr. McCubbin. 18 A Uh-huh. 19 Q Are you familiar with this -- 20 A I am. 21 Q -- document? 22 A I am. 23 Q All right. Yes. And is that a memorandum that 24 you prepared and delivered to your client, Northern 25 Pulp Nova Scotia? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 69 1 2 A review. It certainly looks like it, in a quick Yes. 3 Q Okay. 4 A And I may -- 5 Q And is it -- I'm sorry. 6 A No. 7 Q And it has a date of 6 April 2015? 8 A Correct. 9 Q All right. Carry on. It's okay. In this memo, I'm looking at 10 the first page, under the heading Current effluent 11 control practices. 12 wrote "more than 50 percent" -- Do you see there where you 13 A Uh-huh. 14 Q -- "of mills operating in North America 15 are operating ASB systems and meeting all relevant 16 regulations"? 17 A Okay. 18 Q All right. And you also wrote, "I do not 19 know of any ASB systems that are in regulatory 20 compliance being replaced by AST systems." 21 A That's correct. 22 Q All right. And you also say, "If 23 maintenance is good, and it is not overloaded, an 24 ASB treatment system has an indefinite life." 25 Correct? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 70 1 A That's correct. 2 Q All right. 3 A Presuming always that the regulatory Thank you. 4 compliance -- the regulations don't change, to mean 5 that it was out of compliance. 6 Q 7 Right. Thank you. And as I understand it, ASBs are 8 especially prevalent in the South. 9 correct? Is that 10 A In the southern United States? 11 Q Southern United States. 12 A They tend to be. 13 Q All right. 14 15 16 17 20 21 A I don't know the actual number, but I wouldn't disagree with you. Q Okay. Thank you. Let me ask you to look at paragraphs 41, 42, and 43, talking about O2 delig. A please. 22 23 And are you aware that about 75 percent of the mills in EPA Region 4 have ASBs? 18 19 Yes. Do you want this? I've got to make a note. Okay. Q Give me one sec, Sorry. All right. Please turn to paragraphs 41, 24 42, and 43. That's where you're talking about the 25 products made at the Jesup mill, and you note that Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 71 1 the -- that at least some of the product is a 2 product that is nearly pure cellulose, 98 percent 3 or more cellulose. 4 A Correct. 5 Q All right. 6 Correct? And I'm going to refer to that as a cellulose specialty product. 7 A That's a fair comment. 8 Q Okay. 9 Do you know whether the requirements for the high-end specialty cellulose 10 products that Rayonier makes are more exacting than 11 the requirements for the commodity grade viscose? 12 A They're different. 13 Q Are they more -- do the customers 14 sometimes have specific requirements that they 15 request in terms of the quality of the product? 16 17 A Well, all customers have specific requirements they request of any product they buy. 18 Q All right. 19 A Theirs, of course, are different from 20 21 someone making diapers or making Xerox paper. Q Would you agree that the requirements for 22 the specialty cellulose product are more exacting 23 than the requirements for the fluff that they use 24 to make diapers? 25 A No. They're different. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 72 1 Q All right. In terms of being different, 2 do you -- are you aware that some of Rayonier's 3 customers for these high-end specialty cellulose 4 products sometimes specify the minimum intrinsic 5 viscosity level that they require in their product? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A That's one of the well-known properties used for defining dissolving pulp quality. Q All right. And are you aware that different customers have different requirements for the minimum intrinsic viscosity? A I would -- I can believe they do. I haven't see the specific numbers. 13 Q Okay. 14 A That would be normal -- quite normal to -- 15 16 different people have different needs. Q Okay. Do you agree that the insulation of 17 the O2 delig technology might compromise the 18 ability of the Jesup mill to produce the specialty 19 cellulose products to the specifications as to 20 intrinsic viscosity? 21 A No. 22 Q Okay. I wouldn't agree. So in your opinion O2 delig would 23 have no adverse impact on the ability to produce 24 that product? 25 A I know that competitive companies use O2 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 73 1 delig. Rayonier has told me they can't use it in 2 their mill, but they declined to provide any 3 information or anything to back up that statement. 4 Q Okay. 5 A O2 delig is a little bit special beast in 6 the pulp and paper industry because it's been 7 around for 50 -- 40 years. 8 resisted installing it because it's usually driven 9 by environmental pressures. Many companies have And I've heard so many 10 times we can't make our product with it later, and 11 10 years later the mill is doing it. 12 Q All right. 13 A So it's -- 14 Q But you don't know yourself whether or not 15 the O2 delig would have any impact on the 16 production of these high-end specialty cellulose 17 products, do you? 18 A The only information I have in Rayonier's 19 case is they tell us it doesn't work. 20 decline to provide any backup, so I -- I have to 21 confess to a certain skepticism. 22 23 Q When you say -- and I think it's in paragraph 120. 24 25 All right. But they (Off-the-record discussion.) BY MS. BARMEYER: Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 74 1 Q Yeah. Let me -- you mentioned several 2 times that Rayonier's competitors seem to be able 3 to make this specialty cellulose using O2 delig. 4 What companies -- what mills specifically are you 5 referring to? 6 A Bahia Pulp in Brazil. Saiccor, South 7 Africa. 8 A -- what's the name again? 9 Brazil, they used to make dissolving grades. 10 A Weyerhaeuser Cosmopolis uses O2 delig. In Porto Alegre in They had an O2 delig plant. 11 Q But they no longer do? 12 A They no longer do. 13 Q All right. 14 A And that's what all I can think of right Q All right. 15 16 17 now. So Bahia in Brazil. And then the other one is the -- 18 A Saiccor. 19 Q -- Saiccor in South Africa? 20 A Yeah. Particularly interesting because 21 they have, as I recall, three production lines. 22 They installed O2 delig in one and then another and 23 then another. 24 it and it worked quite well, if they kept 25 installing more systems. So it kind of sounds like they liked Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 75 1 2 Q All right. Let me ask you about Cosmopolis. 3 A Uh-huh. 4 Q That's a dissolving sulfite mill -- 5 A Correct. 6 Q -- not a dissolving kraft mill; correct? 7 A Correct. 8 Q And that's a different process, is it not? 9 A It's somewhat different. 10 Q All right. Yes. At Cosmopolis, do you know how 11 much of their production is the specialty 12 cellulose? 13 A That's confidential. 14 Q But you know they make primarily commodity 15 16 17 18 19 20 viscose? A I have been at that mill. I got was confidential. Q The information I can't discuss it. You know they make products other than the speciality cellulose? A As I said, their products are 21 confidential. I signed confidential agreements 22 when I was there. 23 in turn ties me to confidentiality. 24 discuss Cosmopolis products. 25 delig is public. I was working for the EPA, which So I can't The fact they use O2 Exactly what they make, I can't Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 76 1 2 3 discuss. Q You say in paragraph 123 that Cosmopolis used O2 delig for years. 4 MR. BROWN: 5 MS. BARMEYER: 6 MR. BROWN: 7 I'm sorry. Which paragraph? Paragraph 123. Thank you. BY MS. BARMEYER: 8 Q Are they still using O2 delig? 9 A I couldn't tell you. 10 the mill for several years, but -- 11 Q All right. 12 A Probably 10 years. 13 Q Okay. 14 I haven't been at So you don't know whether they are using O2 delig on all of their lines? 15 A I do not know. 16 Q Okay. And do you know whether or not 17 they're using O2 delig on all grades of product 18 that they produce? 19 A Once again, exactly what they're doing, I 20 know, but I can't answer that under confidentiality 21 agreements. 22 23 24 25 Q But you haven't been to the mill in at least 10 years. A No. They've been using the -- the process for several years when I was there, but I haven't Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 77 1 2 been there recently. Q Right. No. So my question is: Do you know 3 conclusively that they are using -- that they are 4 currently using at Cosmopolis O2 delig on all 5 grades? 6 A Currently I don't know what they're doing. 7 I know they used it for years. 8 worked. 9 Q Okay. All right. Therefore, it That was my question. 10 In terms of current information, you really don't 11 have any. 12 And do you have any information about the 13 quality of the products that Cosmopolis is 14 currently producing? 15 A We're back to the confidentiality issue I 16 mentioned. 17 any more than I can discuss Rayonier's. 18 Q I can't discuss what they are doing, Well, I'm not asking you to disclose any 19 confidential information. 20 confidential information, do you have any 21 information from trade press or discussion with 22 others -- do you have any information about the 23 quality of the product that the Cosmopolis mill is 24 currently producing? 25 A So aside from I don't even know if the mill is still Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 78 1 2 running. Q 3 4 5 Okay. Thank you. In your opinion, is the Cosmopolis mill adequately controlling its discharge of color? A There was no detail on color when I was 6 there. 7 issues with the environment, but color was not one, 8 as I recall. 9 10 Q It wasn't an issue. Okay. All right. There were some other Are you aware they just got a renewed permit from the State of Washington? 11 A No. 12 Q So you don't have any information about 13 14 the color in the Cosmopolis discharge? A One thing that's important about the color 15 there is it discharges to the ocean. And when you 16 discharge color to the ocean, one of the nice 17 things, if you like, about pulp mill effluent is 18 when it mixes with seawater, the color tends to 19 disappear. 20 eyes in other locations. I've seen that physically with my own 21 Q But in terms -- 22 A Of course, the Altamaha River is not the 23 24 25 ocean. Q But in terms of the actual color in the effluent, you don't have any information? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 79 1 2 A I don't recall there even being an issue over it. 3 Q All right. 4 A Then or now. 5 Q Okay. 6 A Uh-huh. 7 Q Saiccor? 8 A Saiccor. Yeah. 9 Q Saiccor. And isn't that also a dissolving 10 I don't know. The mill in South Africa -- sulfite mill? 11 A I don't recall. 12 Q And are you aware that that mill makes 13 14 15 16 17 primarily commodity viscose? A viscose. Q They make a large quantity of commodity That's public. All right. And that that is their primary product, rather than the specialty cellulose? 18 A I believe so. 19 Q Let me ask you to look at paragraph 120, 20 Yes. please. 21 A Uh-huh. 22 Q The second sentence there, you say, "Most 23 mills in the world use an oxygen delignification 24 stage." 25 A Correct. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 80 1 Q When you say "most mills in the world," 2 that statement is not limited to dissolving pulp 3 mills, is it? 4 A No. 5 Q So that figure would -- or that statement 6 of "most mills" includes mills that, for example, 7 produce paper grade pulp only? 8 9 10 A To produce all kinds of pulp. grades, of course, are the most common. Q Okay. Paper Yes. But it's true, isn't it, that about 11 half of the new or rebuilt fiberlines in North 12 America have not included O2 delig? 13 A What do you mean by new and rebuilt? 14 Q Well, let me ask you to look at your 15 Exhibit 2 again. 16 MR. BROWN: 17 MS. BARMEYER: 18 21 22 THE WITNESS: His Exhibit 2. Page Yeah. BY MS. BARMEYER: Q There's a section entitled Oxygen delignification. Do you see that? 23 A Yeah. 24 Q All right. 25 Yes. 12-9 of 30. 19 20 His Exhibit 2? The last line there says, "Approximately half the new or rebuilt fibrelines Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 81 1 in North America since 1985 have included OD," 2 meaning oxygen delignification. Do you see that? 3 A Sorry. Which paragraph are we on here? 4 Q The last paragraph in that section and the 5 very last sentence. 6 rebuilt fibrelines" -- 7 A Yeah. "Approximately half the new or I said essentially -- essentially 8 all of those built outside North America 9 incorporate OD, and only about half of the ones in 10 North America since 1985 have included it. 11 recently, of course, it's used more. 12 long while ago. More 1985 is a 13 Q Well, but as of the date of this book -- 14 A Uh-huh. 15 Q -- about half of the new ones since '85 16 had not included OD. 17 A That's true. 18 Q Okay. 19 A In North America. 20 Q In North America. 21 You've stated your opinion that use of 22 oxygen delignification at the Jesup mill would 23 reduce Rayonier's color discharge by approximately 24 30 percent. 25 A Yes. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 82 1 Q Is that your testimony? 2 A Depending on how well it's applied. 3 Q Okay. Yeah. And that figure assumes that O2 4 delig could be installed on all three lines; 5 correct? 6 A Correct. 7 Q Let me ask you to look at paragraph 66 and 8 67, and in particular I want you to look at the 9 photograph which is after paragraph 66. And -- 10 A Yes. 11 Q -- it's also your Exhibit 6; correct? 12 A Correct. 13 Q All right. You say that discharge came 14 from a mill in Chile. What is the name of the 15 mill? 16 A It's owned by Celulosa Arauco. 17 Q And where is it located? 18 A It's in Val -- near Valdivia, in Chile. 19 It's actually quite a number of kilometers upstream 20 from Valdivia. 21 22 Q And that is not a dissolving kraft mill, is it? 23 A Correct. 24 Q It's a bleach kraft mill? 25 A Correct. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 83 1 Q And they produce a market grade product? 2 A Correct. 3 4 5 6 They did at the time this picture was taken. Q Okay. All right. And is it correct that that mill has a tertiary treatment system? A That's correct. Which would also work 7 perfectly well at Rayonier, if they chose to 8 install it. 9 10 Q mills. I want to ask you about a couple of other The Riocell mill in Brazil -- 11 A Correct. 12 Q -- is that a dissolving kraft mill? 13 A They made dissolving kraft in the past. 14 15 16 They don't in recent years. Q All right. And what about the UPM mill in Uruguay? 17 A It's a -- 18 Q Is that a dissolving kraft mill? 19 A No. 20 Q Okay. All right. Glatfelter in 21 Pennsylvania, that's not a dissolving kraft mill, 22 is it? 23 A No. 24 Q All right. 25 And you mentioned that it discharges to a tiny stream. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 84 1 A 2 Altamaha. 3 Q 4 Very small. Yes. Much smaller than the In fact, the discharge is -- I think you said 30 percent of the flow. 5 A That's believable. 6 Q Okay. Yeah. All right. Now, you stated your 7 opinion that the Glatfelter mill has superior 8 environmental performance in terms of color and 9 other constituents; correct? 10 A Yes. 11 Q And you state in paragraph 150 that -- and 12 we can turn to that -- that it had -- that the 13 permit at Glatfelter limits the discharge to a 14 daily maximum of 246 NCASI units. 15 A Correct. 16 Q All right. 17 A Could I -- sorry. What does -I should explain there. 18 I believe their permit is written in terms of PCUs, 19 which is essentially the same as NCASI. 20 in Georgia chose to use NCASI units, which are 21 accepted by the industry. 22 it's the same thing. As a practical fact, 23 Q All right. 24 A So I used the term NCASI here. 25 Rayonier I think the permit says PCU, which is the more generic Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 85 1 term. 2 Q 3 4 Okay. Thank you for that. What does -- if you had a glass of water or a jar of -- 5 A Uh-huh. 6 Q -- of effluent that had a NCASI unit 7 reading of 246, what would the color of that fluid 8 look like? 9 A Diluted Budweiser. 50/50. I guess, 10 roughly, if you took some Budweiser, regular beer, 11 and mix it 50/50 with water, or maybe a bit more 12 than that, water, it would look something like 13 that. 14 Q Okay. 15 A That's an eyeball estimate. 16 scientifically calculated. 17 18 That's not Q Okay. Yeah. And we'd have to specify "Budweiser," not some heartier beer than that. 19 A I'll have to specify the lager-type beer. 20 Budweiser or Miller Lite or something like that. 21 Yes. 22 Q Okay. 23 A Not Guinness. 24 Q Okay. 25 It would not -- MR. BARRON: Are you going to start Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 86 1 handing out some samples here today? 2 BY MS. BARMEYER: 3 4 Q It would be -- it would not look like that sample you took from the mill in Chile? 5 A No. 6 Q All right. 7 8 9 What about 600 NCASI units? What would a jar of effluent of 600 look like? A I don't want to start into guessing that. How big a jar? What's the light? What's the -- 10 you know, I'm not going to try and guess these 11 things here. 12 measure it. If you want to know the color, you 13 Q All right. Okay. 14 A To give you one idea, you've seen the 15 photographs of the aerated lagoons. 16 in front of you. 17 thousand NCASI units in there at the Jesup. 18 19 Q 22 All right. That's probably around a Let me -- and I want to talk about the lagoons in just a minute. 20 21 Right? You have one At Glatfelter, the discharge into the stream has a visible plume, does it not? A I've been there when it's visible and I've 23 been there when it's not, depending whether the 24 river is really small or not. 25 Q It's very -- But at least -- Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 87 1 2 A to it. 3 4 Q It's faint. There's a faint yellow color From what I see, it's -But at least some of the time there's an observable color -- 5 A Oh, in that little creek. 6 Q All right. 7 Yeah. Thank you. Let me ask you about the lagoons. Let's 8 see. 9 ask you to look at the photograph that's right 10 Let's look at your paragraph 80, and I would above paragraph 80. 11 A Yeah. 12 Q And it's your testimony that the color of 13 the water in the ponds is darker than the color of 14 the river in the photograph; correct? 15 A Correct. 16 Q But my question is this. Isn't the color 17 of the water in the lagoons determined in large 18 part by the color of the bottom of the lagoon? 19 A You can't begin to see the bottom in an 20 aerated lagoon. 21 down. 22 Q 23 24 25 It's a -- you can't see that far But isn't the bottom of the lagoon a dark sludge material? A I can't imagine it would have any effect in the visible color because you can't see the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 88 1 bottom. 2 lagoon, it disappears. 3 bottom could be purple, and you wouldn't see a 4 difference here. 5 Q If you throw something white into a You don't see it. So the Are you saying that the water is -- are 6 you saying that the bottom of the lagoons has no 7 influence on the color that you observe in this 8 photograph? 9 A That's correct. If you look at a lagoon 10 and see some structure, see a concrete structure in 11 it, you can see the structure itself. 12 your eye down. 13 first couple of feet down, you can see the 14 structure. 15 just can't see that far down. 16 the bottom, the color of it can't affect -- impact 17 the -- what you see. 18 19 Q You can probably see it -- for the Then it disappears because those -- you Let me look at -- let's talk about the Champion mill. A Which Champion mill? 21 Q Excuse me. 23 So if you can't see Well, let me ask you this. 20 22 Just follow Excuse me. Evergreen at Canton. A If I could suggest, it's good to talk 24 about these mills in terms of the town and not the 25 company. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 89 1 Q Yes. 2 A Companies' names -- 3 Q Companies changes. 4 A -- change frequently. 5 don't. 6 7 Q All right. So I'm talking about the Evergreen mill in Canton, North Carolina. 8 A Okay. 9 Q All right. 10 The towns generally So the -- the Canton mill is not a dissolving pulp mill. 11 A Correct. 12 Q And you're aware that the Evergreen mill, 13 the Canton mill, is located on a trout stream; 14 correct? 15 A I've been there. 16 being trout. 17 it. 18 for a trout stream to me. I don't remember it But it's very believable, to look at It looks like a sensible candidatecanditate 19 Q Okay. 20 A When I was there, the issue was color, not 21 fish. 22 Q Okay. 23 A Correct. 24 Q -- the discharge; correct? 25 A Correct. But it's on the Pigeon River -- Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 90 1 Q And I think you say in your testimony the 2 Pigeon River only has about 10 percent as much flow 3 as the Altamaha. 4 A It's something like that. And I know 5 there are times when the mill takes the whole river 6 flow into use for water. 7 Q Okay. 8 A Or used to be. 9 flow of it now. I believe they cut the When I was first there in the 10 '90s, they were on occasion -- in dry weather, they 11 used the whole river. 12 smaller than the Altamaha. 13 14 Q Okay. So, obviously, it's much And you listed the Canton mill as an example of a strong environmental performer. 15 A Correct. 16 Q All right. Is it correct to say that you 17 personally do not find the discharge from the 18 Canton mill to be causing objectionable conditions 19 in the river? 20 A It's visible at times. When I was last 21 there, I could see some color. 22 still probably objectionable to some people. 23 Q I would say it's Well, I'm asking your opinion. 24 objectionable to you? 25 mill objectionable to you? Is it Is the plume from the Canton Do you consider it Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 91 1 objectionable? 2 A Today you mean, or when I was there? 3 Q When you were there. 4 A When I was there, it was -- I'd say it was 5 6 7 8 9 objectionable. Q Yeah. It was visible. But you have stated that the Canton mill is an example of a strong environmental performer. A there. It's improved quite a bit since I was If you look at the effluent discharge 10 permit of -- if I recall, 16 tons a day. 11 in my testimony. 12 to Rayonier's. I put it It's a tiny discharge in relation 13 Q And it's on a very, very tiny stream. 14 A Yes. But the fact is that it -- and we're 15 talking about -- you asked me about mill 16 performance, not the conditions of the stream. 17 Put another way, if the Canton mill was in 18 the Altamaha, we wouldn't be here today, or if 19 Rayonier had the performance of the Canton mill, we 20 wouldn't be here today. 21 MS. BARMEYER: Well, I'm -- that's not 22 responsive to the question. 23 that. 24 BY MS. BARMEYER: 25 Q I will move to strike So is it your testimony that if there's Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 92 1 2 3 4 any visibility in the plume, it's objectionable? A I think the judgment of object -- "objectionable" is more up to the Court than me. Q 5 Well, I would agree with that. All right. Let me show you some Google 6 Earth photographs, and let me mark these. 7 (Respondent's Exhibit 2 marked.) 8 9 BY MS. BARMEYER: Q And, Mr. McCubbin, can you see that this 10 is a set of four Goggle Earth photographs of the 11 Canton mill? 12 2015, simply zoomed in at a different scale; and 13 the next two, dated March 19th, 2013, again at two 14 different scales. The first two, dated October 20th, Do you see that? 15 A I do. 16 Q All right. 17 And I really just want you to look at the -- first, at the three clarifiers -- 18 A Yeah. 19 Q -- close by the outfall. 20 A Yeah. 21 That's the activated sludge -- the AST system. 22 Q That's the AST system. 23 A Uh-huh. 24 Q All right. 25 Or part of it. And the water in those lagoons appears in this aerial photograph on Google Earth Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 93 1 to be very, very dark; is that correct? 2 A Correct. 3 Q Is that influenced by the bottom of the 4 5 AST system that is shown there? A I think it's more an issue of the depth -- 6 THE COURT REPORTER: 7 THE WITNESS: 8 THE COURT REPORTER: 9 A I'm sorry. Of the depth. (Continuing) Thank you. You won't see the -- I don't 10 think you'll see the bottom in these clarifiers. 11 In fact, when I was there, you couldn't see the 12 bottom. 13 Q All right. And in these photographs, do 14 you observe a visible plume coming from the Canton 15 mill? 16 A 17 There is one. Yes. On the 2013 photograph. 18 Q And -- 19 A And -- well, the other one says "select 20 date," or down below it says 2015. 21 Q October 20th, 2015? 22 A Yeah. 23 Q On both of those dates? 24 A Uh-huh. 25 Q Thank you. Yeah. It's visible in both. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 94 1 (Off-the-record discussion.) 2 MR. BROWN: 3 THE WITNESS: 4 idea. 5 BY MS. BARMEYER: 6 Do you need more water? It's probably not a bad Thanks. Q Mr. McCubbin, we've talked about a lot of 7 mills. 8 other dissolving kraft mill in the United States is 9 the Buckeye mill now owned by Georgia-Pacific in 10 Perry, Florida? 11 12 13 It's correct, is it not, that the only A now. That's the only one I can think of right Yes. Q 14 All right. Thank you. I'd like to ask you to look at paragraph 15 105 of your testimony. In there, you're discussing 16 the criteria used by the World Bank. 17 A Yes. 18 Q Do you see that? 19 A (No response.) 20 Q The World Bank criteria apply to plants 21 that are being financed by the World Bank -- 22 A Correct. 23 Q -- either new plants or upgrades; is that 24 25 correct? A Correct. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 95 1 Q Your testimony says that you have heard 2 the reports of fish tainting. Have you ever spoken 3 with any fishermen yourself directly? 4 A Yes. 5 Q How many? 6 A Two or three. 7 Q And -- 8 A From people I've met through the 9 10 riverkeepers. Q Have you ever spoken with any fishermen 11 that use the river that were not presented to you 12 by the riverkeeper? 13 A No. 14 Q How many people have you spoken to that 15 16 fish on the river? A 17 years. 18 exactly. We've been talking about this for 10 A few. Several. I couldn't tell you 19 Q Well -- 20 A The meetings are mostly casual. 21 Q And give me an estimate. 22 five? 23 A Something like that. 24 Q Okay. 25 Would it be Yeah. And how recently have you spoken to anybody who fishes on the river? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 96 1 2 3 A A few years ago now. exactly. Q I couldn't tell you It's a few years. So you haven't spoken with anybody in the 4 last -- about fishing on the river in the last two 5 or three years? 6 A That's correct. 7 Q Other than speaking with people, have you 8 reviewed any written complaints about fish 9 tainting? 10 A I don't -- I can't recall one right now. 11 On the other hand, I've read a lot of stuff over 12 the years. 13 14 Q So you don't know whether you've actually read any written complaints? 15 A I couldn't tell you. 16 Q All right. 17 Tell me what the substance was of those complaints. 18 A When you try to eat the fish, it tastes 19 terrible. 20 Q All right. 21 A They frequently talk -- fish tainting. 22 Fish odor. 23 thing in practical terms. 24 25 Q Fish taste. It's essentially the same And how many complained about a bad odor when the fish was cut open? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 97 1 A In this mill, we -- I guess we didn't 2 distinguish between "cut open" and "eaten." 3 presume you cut it open to eat it. 4 Q So I Well, I'm -- but I'm asking in the process 5 when -- the complaints that you were -- that were 6 brought to you, were they a complaint about the 7 odor when one cleans the fish? 8 9 10 11 A No. When trying to eat -- when considering eating it, you don't want to eat it. Q Okay. So it comes when it's cooked and you're getting ready to eat it; correct? 12 A Oh, yes. That's by far the worst. 13 Q Well -- 14 A If you eat it. 15 Q -- is there anything other than that? 16 A I don't know. When the fish is cut out at 17 the water, I never hear any complaining. 18 wouldn't expect it to -- expect it to either. 19 Q Okay. I So you never heard a complaint when 20 you catch it. You've never heard a complaint about 21 odor in the fish when you cut it open. 22 heard is a complaint when you cook it and try to 23 eat it; is that correct? 24 A Correct. 25 Q All right. All you've Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 98 1 A Correct. I wouldn't expect any when you 2 catch it or cut it open. 3 that point it's no different from the water in the 4 river, and you're sitting in the middle of the 5 river, at which point you're so used to the smell, 6 you probably don't notice it. 7 8 Q It's no different -- at For each complaint, tell me what was the species of fish that they were unable to eat? 9 A I didn't ask. 10 Q Did you ask how many fish they caught that 11 12 13 had the bad taste? A The comments was you can't eat the fish you catch in the river. 14 Q But you don't know what kind of fish? 15 A No. 16 Q Do you know what -- 17 A Whatever is in the river. 18 Q I'm sorry. 19 A Whatever is in the river. 20 Q But you don't know what is in the river 21 and what kind of fish they're catching? 22 A No. 23 Q All right. 24 A Well, I know what generally is caught 25 there. Do you know how -- I know a bit of it what generally is caught Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 99 1 there, but I don't know -- we didn't get into 2 details of what species and how old was the fish 3 and all of that. 4 analysis. 5 Q This wasn't a scientific It was comments from people complaining. Okay. Well, that's really my question. 6 You don't have any -- you don't have sufficient 7 information to do a scientific analysis of those 8 complaints, do you? 9 A I don't. 10 Q And you don't know how many fish the 11 complaining parties caught that did not have any 12 odor or a tainting problem, do you? 13 A I don't. 14 Q Do you know where the fish were caught 15 that they were complaining of? 16 A They said downstream of the mill. 17 Q Do you know exactly where? 18 A The comment was: 19 the fish are okay. Upstream of the mill, Downstream, they're not. 20 Q Do fish swim up and down in the river? 21 A Of course. 22 Q And you don't know whether the fish that 23 they complained about are -- strike that. 24 25 You don't know what is the range of the fish that they were complaining about -- Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 100 1 A No. 2 Q -- how far that fish -- 3 A No. 4 Q -- range is? 5 A (No response.) 6 Q And you don't know what is the food -- 7 primary food source of the fish that they 8 complained about? 9 A No. 10 Q And you don't know the precise location 11 where the fish were caught? 12 A No. 13 Q Do you know whether or not any of the fish 14 that these complaints were based on were tested to 15 determine the presence or absence of constituents 16 that might cause tainting? 17 A I haven't seen any data on that. In 18 general such tests are not very useful, in my 19 experience. 20 Q But you were a willing participant in a -- 21 in a study that took two years and millions of 22 dollars to look at, among other things, the fish 23 tissue; correct? 24 25 A That's right. And the whole point -- that's particularly -- it's been sort of known Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 101 1 before, and that really convinced me that we don't 2 know what substances are causing the tainting out 3 of the kraft mill waste. 4 there, as EPD proposes, and testing for three or 5 four known compounds is really useless. 6 Q And that's why I went out But on that topic, you are aware that the 7 permit requires testing by Rayonier Performance 8 Fibers of the water in the Altamaha River 9 downstream of the discharge to determine whether 10 there is the presence of compounds that are known 11 to cause fish tainting; is that correct? 12 13 A I'm aware of it. And as I said in my testimony, it's useless. 14 Q That's your opinion. 15 A Correct. 16 Q But that was the study that was -- that 17 has been required by EPD. Is that not correct? 18 A That's correct. 19 Q And there was input into the design of 20 that study by U.S. EPA; correct? 21 A I don't know that. 22 Q You don't -- 23 A It wouldn't surprise me, but I have no 24 25 knowledge of that. Q Okay. All right. At the moment, sitting Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 102 1 here today, you have no scientific evidence, I 2 think you called it, that will tell you what is 3 causing -- what, if anything, is causing fish 4 tainting in the river. 5 A Correct? We infer from the fact that they're 6 catching fish downstream of the mill that taste 7 bad, that fits in with the experience with much 8 more scientific data in other mills. 9 tying the one to the other, there's no real Directly 10 scientific track, and I don't think there's any 11 need for one. 12 these things forever instead of acting. 13 Q It's self-evident. You can study But at this point, without any data, you 14 are relying on the anecdotal information that you 15 have received, which is very -- a very small 16 sample, to conclude that there's a fish tainting 17 problem; isn't that correct? 18 19 20 A That and the fact that it's consistent with my experience in other mills. Q All right. But in terms of this river and 21 the fish in this river, you have no data or other 22 evidence to support your conclusions about fish 23 tainting other than five complaints from fishermen 24 and none within the past two or three years; 25 correct? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 103 1 A I think that's a fair comment. Yes. 2 Q On the two projects that you worked on 3 on fish tainting, were there protocols for 4 gathering and analyzing data regarding fish 5 tainting? 6 A The one -- Domtar at Cornwall, there were. 7 The one at Skookumchuck, there were basically the 8 fact that a -- the people were complaining about 9 the fish tainting, and the mill people said: 10 They're right. 11 Let's do something about it. They didn't -- they didn't spend time 12 trying to claim it wasn't happening. 13 recognized the problem and dealt with it. 14 15 16 Yeah. Q They So are you saying at that mill there wasn't a study to determine -A It was like here. It was so obvious. 17 They didn't waste time in studies. 18 they jumped into solving the problem and solved it. 19 Q All right. They jumped -- So at that mill they didn't do 20 a study, but I'm asking you about the studies that 21 you were involved in. 22 different -- You were involved in two 23 A Well -- 24 Q -- studies; correct? 25 A Well, in three. Eurocan was a very -- Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 104 1 very detailed, with lots of scientific work. 2 Q Right. And the other -- and I can't 3 remember. 4 A Domtar at Cornwall. 5 Q Okay. 6 A Ontario. 7 Q All right. What was the other one? Let's talk about Eurocan. Was 8 there a process for doing randomized interviews 9 with people that used the river? 10 A There were a lot of interviews. How well 11 they were randomized, I don't know. I met a number 12 of them. 13 selected. 14 think I met a significant proportion of the 15 community there, though. I'm not sure how the people were It was a small enough community. I 16 Q All right. 17 A There were no disagreements by the company 18 19 even that the fish tainting was happening. Q Okay. Is it fair to say that in that case 20 you had a lot more evidence of fishermen 21 experiencing fish tainting than five reports? 22 A Vastly more. 23 Q Okay. 24 A And a very considerable number of 25 scientifically controlled tests, not just comments. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 105 1 Q Okay. 2 A The testing was -- the fish testing itself 3 was costing a half a million bucks a year, to give 4 you some scale of the degree of work done on it. 5 Q Okay. And in this case, to come to the 6 conclusions that you've got in your opinion and in 7 your testimony, you have no data about the fish 8 tissue; correct? 9 A In Jesup? 10 Q Yes. 11 A That's correct. 12 Q You have no data about organoleptic 13 14 15 compounds in the water at Jesup; correct? A Scientific data? No; other than tasting it myself. 16 Q You've tasted the water -- 17 A Yes. 18 Q -- in the Altamaha River? 19 A Yes. 20 Q On what occasion did you do that? 21 A Well, when the riverkeepers first 22 contacted me -- and I get contacted by a lot of 23 environmental groups. 24 fanatics that want to close down the plant, so I 25 say no. Most of them are fringe Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 106 1 They contacted me. I thought, Well, there 2 might be something there. 3 driving past -- I was planning to drive down 4 through Georgia just a couple of weeks later. 5 got out of the car on Interstate 95, went down to 6 the river and had a look, and the -- the color was 7 not visible. 8 though. 9 10 Q It so happens I was I did taste kraft mill in the water, You're saying that you could taste kraft mill -- 11 A Oh, yeah. 12 Q -- effluent in the water at I-95? 13 A Yes. 14 15 So I It's a distinctive taste that you don't forget. Q In coming to your opinion here in this 16 case, have you reviewed data from the Department of 17 Natural Resources about fishing use of the river? 18 A No. 19 Q All right. So I'm going to ask you to 20 assume that there will be some testimony at the 21 trial, probably by some laypeople, about fish 22 tainting in the Altamaha. 23 what constituents caused that fish tainting; is 24 that correct? 25 A You don't know exactly Nobody knows, including me. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 107 1 Q Okay. And you can't say definitively that 2 the chemicals causing the fish tainting, if there 3 is any, are in the discharge from the Rayonier 4 mill, can you? 5 A There's no other realistically plausible 6 source. 7 with the fact that I know all too well what these 8 kraft mill effluents are like, it makes me conclude 9 that the mill is causing whatever fish tainting 10 there is. 11 Q 12 So in my mind, that's -- that, combined And that's based largely on your experience at other mills; correct? 13 A Correct. 14 Q Can you point to any scientific study that 15 supports that opinion? 16 A That supports which opinion? 17 Q Your opinion that it must be -- any fish 18 tainting in the Altamaha River or in a river must 19 be attributable to the effluent from a nearby paper 20 mill. 21 A No. That -- I'm sorry. 22 don't follow your question. 23 that any paper mill? 24 Q Well -- 25 A I'm sorry. I can't see -- I Any scientific study That's meaningless. It just sounds awkward. Could Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 108 1 2 you try rephrasing it? Q Yes. I'll try. You're saying that your 3 conclusion is based on your experience at other 4 mills. 5 A And also the fact that the -- the mill is 6 the only plausible source of that problem on that 7 river. 8 9 Q So my question to you is: Given those two pieces of data, the mill is on the river -- 10 A Uh-huh. 11 Q -- and your experience with other mills -- 12 A Uh-huh. 13 Q -- my question is: Are you aware of any 14 scientific paper that says that is sufficient to 15 conclude that the pulp mill is the source of the 16 fish tainting? 17 18 A No. I can't imagine any way you could write a scientific paper on that subject -- 19 Q Okay. 20 A -- on that issue. 21 Q Because you don't really have the data; 22 23 Because you -- correct? A Just the concept. It's pretty obvious, if 24 there's only one possible source in the river and 25 the problem -- I'm sorry. It's -- to me, it's so Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 109 1 self-evident. 2 amenable to any kind of scientific paper I can 3 imagine. 4 5 Q It's not a scientific issue and not But the answer to my question is no, you don't know of any such -- 6 A No. 7 Q -- scientific paper? 8 A (No response.) 9 Q Thank you. 10 11 And, again, you're aware that the permit requires a river study. 12 A Correct. 13 Q And are you aware that that will collect 14 randomized data on fishing use of the river? 15 A That's correct. 16 Q And are you aware that that study will -- 17 does require water quality sampling for compounds 18 that are known to cause fish tainting? 19 20 A As I've said before, I'm aware, but it's a waste of money to do these studies -- that -- 21 Q I understand. 22 A -- chemical analysis where -- 23 Q I understand. But EPD has directed and 24 required this study as part of the permit; is that 25 correct? Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 110 1 A 2 part. 3 the fishermen, of course, and getting as much data 4 as they can from a good body of fishermen is a good 5 idea. 6 Q And that's part of the study. 7 A Yeah. 8 9 It is. I'm suggesting to withdraw that It's a waste of resources. Consulting with That -- that part is good. The study is not all bad. Q Let me ask you about odor. You're not 10 proposing any limit for odor in the discharge at 11 the Rayonier Jesup mill, are you? 12 A No, I haven't. 13 Q All right. You're not aware of any pulp 14 mill in the United States with an odor limit for 15 its discharge, are you? 16 A 17 I am not. MS. BARMEYER: Can we take just a minute 18 and let me see if I have anything else I want to 19 come back to? 20 MR. BROWN: 21 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 22 Absolutely. Off the record at 11:01 a.m. 23 (Recess 11:01 a.m. to 11:19 a.m.) 24 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 25 Back on the record at 11:19 p.m. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 111 1 2 MS. BARMEYER: questions, Mr. McCubbin. 3 THE WITNESS: 4 MR. BARRON: 5 6 7 I have no further Thank you. All right. I'll start. EXAMINATION BY MR. BARRON: Q Mr. McCubbin, I'm Graham Barron, Assistant 8 Attorney General, State of Georgia, here on behalf 9 of EPD. 10 A Okay. 11 Q I just have very few questions for you. 12 I'll make it brief. Okay? 13 A Okay. 14 Q When was the last time you were at the 15 16 17 plant? A I'd have to look back at my notes. with Mr. Brown. I'm sure Rayonier remembers. 18 Q Speak up, please. 19 A Sorry. I'd have to look back at my notes. 20 I was with Mr. Brown. 21 would be -- I think three years. 22 or four years. And Mark was there, too. Wasn't it? 23 Q Three or four years ago? 24 A You have it on record, I'm sure. 25 I was It Three Okay. Rayonier should have it on record. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 112 1 2 Q Okay. And that was also -- you were at the river at that time also? 3 A Yes. 4 Q Okay. And you said you were -- I just 5 want to make sure I was clear. 6 not on a boat. You said you were You were on the bank. 7 A No. 8 Q Okay. 9 A That's correct. 10 Q Did you see anyone boating or fishing 11 during that visit? 12 A No. 13 Q What was the time of year? 14 remember? 15 A I don't remember. Do you Well, as I recall, we 16 signed a confidentiality agreement not even to 17 discuss the visit. 18 closed, that now -- 19 MR. BROWN: Is that correct, or was that You can -- I think you can 20 discuss the fact of the visit. 21 the visit and the date are not confidential. 22 MR. McHUGH: 23 THE WITNESS: 24 I think the fact of I think that's right. Can I discuss anything that is not Rayonier confidential data in that event? 25 MR. BROWN: I'm sorry. What's the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 113 1 question? 2 3 MR. BARRON: I'm just trying to get the idea of when he was last -- 4 THE WITNESS: 5 MR. BARRON: 6 THE WITNESS: 7 MR. BARRON: 8 THE WITNESS: 9 -- at the river. Okay. Fair enough. And the conditions. Okay. BY MR. BARRON: 10 Q 11 or -- 12 A 13 Yeah. So do you recall the time of year roughly I don't. I'd have to look back at my notes. 14 Q Okay. 15 A It wasn't hot, so it wasn't summer. 16 Q Okay. 17 A Because I don't like the heat. 18 Q Okay. I want to ask you about your 19 testimony in paragraph 20, if you want to look at 20 that. 21 A 20? 22 Q Yes, sir. You state in the middle there 23 that "I have also been contacted by phone by these 24 regulators asking for my assistance with the 25 permit." Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 114 1 A Yeah. 2 Q Is that with this renewal permit or some 3 4 5 other permit? A Well, this permit has been going on for so many years. No. This current permit. Yeah. 6 Q Okay. 7 A I said "asking for assistance with it." 8 It's probably fair to say "asking me for 9 information in pulp and paper technology." 10 Q Okay. 11 A Obviously in connection with assistance. 12 They didn't ask me, What should I -- What should 13 the permit be? 14 It was more for a matter of asking for 15 information on how the pulp industry functions and 16 what's technically possible and things like that. 17 18 Q Okay. regulators." So was it -- you say "these Which regulators contacted you? 19 A The ones that contacted me were EPD. 20 Q EPD? 21 A I've spoken to them, because I've worked Okay. Did EPA contact you? 22 with them off and on for years and still -- you 23 know, although I -- it's quite a number of years 24 since I've had a contract with them. 25 technical people will call me to discuss things. Some of the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 115 1 As I said, I'm -- engineers aren't as smart as 2 lawyers. 3 phone for half an hour or sending an e-mail. 4 We don't send bills for talking on the So they're free to call. 5 them for information, the EPA. 6 exchange. 7 called them or they called me. 8 Q 9 And I also call It's a nice So I really couldn't recall whether I So EPD never -- let me back up. Sorry. You said they asked for your assistance 10 with this permit, but I think you just stated 11 earlier they didn't ask you about the terms of the 12 permit. 13 A They weren't seeking your advice on that. No. That's why I corrected the 14 phraseology here. It was maybe -- obviously, the 15 purpose was -- I mean, they asked about Jesup. 16 wasn't generic. 17 that, or what have you seen somewhere? But what was this technology or 18 Q Okay. 19 A So my assumption was that it was 20 assistance with the permit, but they didn't 21 explicitly say, hey, help me write this permit. 22 23 24 25 Q It Okay. So are you aware that EPA reviewed the permit before it was issued? A Yes. I've noticed they have some criticism of it. Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 116 1 2 3 Q Are you aware they had the opportunity to object to the permit before it was issued? A I'm not totally familiar with all of the 4 legal differences between commenting, objecting, 5 and what have you. 6 that -- I'm not efficiently familiar with them to 7 even answer your question, I don't think. 8 9 10 11 Q Okay. I know there are processes So you said EPD contacted you for your assistance. Do you remember who from EPD contacted you? A Well, I had a meeting -- I was passing 12 through Atlanta on my way to do something else, and 13 Mr. Brown asked me to meet with EPA and EPD. 14 made a presentation there, which I'm sure you have 15 a copy of. 16 there were several people at the meeting. 17 said, Hey, guys, if you want to call afterward, 18 feel free. 19 sending bills. 20 don't remember. 21 knew who was at the meeting. I hope you do. You should have. And I And And I The usual story I told you about not And I had a few calls from that. People at the meeting. We all I had met them. 22 Q Do you recall when that meeting was? 23 A Not "recall." 24 files. 25 was a few years ago. I I could dig back in my I can find my notes. I can't recall. It Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 117 1 Q Several years ago? 2 A Oh, yeah. 3 Q Okay. 4 A Yes. 5 Q Okay. 6 7 And was that in Atlanta or -- And you've never -- have you met with EPA on this permit? A They came to that meeting. There were 8 both EPA and EPD people at that meeting. But EPA 9 hasn't actually consulted me in any formal way. 10 I said, I know some of the technical people, and 11 we've had the odd phone discussion. 12 MR. BARRON: Okay. I don't want to 13 retread ground that's been trod, so I'll leave it 14 at that. 15 MR. BROWN: 16 And, again, this is -- I'm Hutton Brown, 17 20 I have a few questions. again, for the riverkeepers, for the video. 18 19 Okay. FURTHER EXAMINATION BY MR. BROWN: Q Mr. McCubbin, Ms. Barmeyer asked you a 21 number of questions about activated sludge and 22 oxygen delignification. 23 Rayonier use those approaches, or are you 24 suggesting those as possibilities? 25 As A No. Are you insisting that I went to some length in my testimony Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 118 1 to describe technologies which are well known and 2 widely used because, in my experience, a practical 3 fact, no regulator is going to change a permit to 4 require discharge numbers that are impossible to 5 meet and, hence, shut the plant down. 6 that riverkeepers have openly stated they are 7 not -- their objective is not to shut the plant 8 down. 9 operating but with less damage to the river. 10 And I know Their objective is the plant continues So I mentioned these because they're so 11 widely known. 12 things which can be done, including some which I 13 couldn't even discuss because -- I know what 14 Rayonier needs to do, because of the confidential 15 data I have, but I can't -- I know what they're 16 doing. 17 know the solution to it. 18 you the solution, that would be telling you what 19 they're doing, and that's all confidential. 20 quite sure Mark understands what I'm talking about. 21 22 There's a whole bunch of other I can't tell you what they're doing. So, no. And I And, of course, if I told I'm It's not the regulator's job or the riverkeeper's job to tell Rayonier what to do. 23 But to reiterate, I think it's -- in 24 any -- as a factor of environmental management, at 25 the very least EPD should be aware of whether the Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 119 1 regulation would shut the plant down or not. 2 their decision what to write, but as a 3 practicality, I can't imagine them tightening it to 4 the point of shutting the plant down. 5 got to know how it's -- show that it's attainable 6 and not un-economically realistic, which is what I 7 tried to do. 8 9 Q It's So you've Ms. Barmeyer asked you some questions about conversations you had had with fishermen 10 reporting their experience to you. 11 those questions? Do you recall 12 A Yeah. 13 Q Have you obtained information from people 14 who fish on the river from any source other than 15 your personal conversations? 16 A There are several videos people have taken 17 that I've looked at. 18 professionally produced one. 19 amateur. 20 the Altamaha on YouTube and found a few myself. 21 Q There was a -- at least one A number of others, And they're on YouTube. I just searched Could you describe -- on the video -- on 22 that video, were there fishermen talking about 23 their experiences fishing on the river? 24 25 MS. BARMEYER: Objection. Hearsay. BY MR. BROWN: Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 120 1 Q You can go ahead and answer. 2 A They were more talking about the color and 3 the smell than fishing. I don't think I've 4 actually seen someone on video complaining about 5 the fish tainting. 6 Q Have you ever talked to James Holland? 7 A I've met James Holland. 8 Q Do you remember if he's ever discussed 9 Yes. with you fishing on the river? 10 A 11 mill. 12 taken a lot of photographs and gathered a lot of -- 13 what I would call layman's data. 14 photographs, and so on. 15 Q Yes. He is a well-known critic of the He has spent a lot of time on the river and Observations, Now, on Ms. Barmeyer's questions about 16 concluding that the discharge from the mill causes 17 the fish tainting that people report in the river, 18 on that line of questioning, if you know that 19 people have complained of the smell from fish after 20 they have cut them open and cooked them and you 21 know based on your experience what pulp mill 22 discharge smells and tastes like in the river, can 23 you make conclusions about whether or not that the 24 pulp wastewater causes or contributes to that 25 smell, if there are no other plausible sources of Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 121 1 that smell in the river? 2 MS. BARMEYER: 3 Speculation. 4 BY MR. BROWN: Objection. Hearsay. Lack of foundation. 5 Q You can go ahead and answer. 6 A Okay. Yeah. I think it's a realistic 7 conclusion as -- as there are no other plausible 8 sources. 9 point to others if they know of some that I don't Rayonier has had tons of opportunities to 10 know of. I've never heard of any. 11 characteristics of the smell fit. 12 tasted myself fits. 13 of: 14 duck, it probably is a duck -- The The water I You know, it's a little bit If it looks like a duck and quacks like a 15 Q Is an expert -- 16 A -- as opposed to numeric, detailed 17 18 19 analysis provided at Eurocan. Q Is an expert allowed to use common sense in reaching a conclusion? 20 A You're the lawyer. 21 Q Do you use your common sense when you form 22 23 You tell me. opinions in your -- in your -A Yeah. Of course it's common sense. 24 astonished at the question about -- and the 25 objections of it. I was The qualifications to decide Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 122 1 what -- whether -- 2 MS. BARMEYER: 3 MR. BROWN: Objection. Not responsive. I would appreciate it if you 4 would at least let him finish his answer and then 5 move to strike it so that we can have a clean 6 record. 7 BY MR. BROWN: 8 9 10 Q Would you just finish your answer, Mr. McCubbin. A Yes. Well, I was amazed to be asked about 11 my expertise in decide -- commenting on whether 12 higher river flows would reduce the visibility of 13 color. 14 school chemistry. 15 16 17 I mean, to me, that's barely even high It's common sense. MS. BARMEYER: Move to strike. BY MR. BROWN: Q My last question, Mr. McCubbin, is: 18 You've been questioned today by lawyers for 19 Rayonier and lawyers for the State for several 20 hours now. 21 they have raised you in any way to withdraw any of 22 your opinions or question the validity of the 23 opinions that you put in your written direct? Have any of the points or questions 24 A No. 25 Q You still feel as strongly as you did when Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 123 1 2 you wrote that testimony? A Yes. 3 MR. BROWN: 4 (Off-the-record discussion.) 5 MR. BROWN: 6 MS. BARMEYER: 7 THE WITNESS: 8 MR. BROWN: 9 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 10 Okay. That's all I have. That's all I have. Nothing further. Okay. All right. Off the record at 11:32 a.m. 11 (Off video.) 12 MR. BROWN: So in terms of exhibits, the 13 one document we are attaching to the deposition and 14 being tendered is going to be Petitioner's 15 Exhibit 1 to this deposition, which is 16 Mr. McCubbin's corrected written direct, with 17 Exhibits 1 through 7 attached, all in one thing. 18 And then -- do you have yours? 19 MS. BARMEYER: Yes. We have Respondent's 20 Exhibits 1 and 2, which should also go with the 21 deposition. 22 (Off-the-record discussion.) 23 MR. BROWN: Neil, you have the right and 24 the opportunity to read and sign this transcript 25 and make corrections. I think we need to do Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 124 1 that -- 2 THE WITNESS: 3 MR. BROWN: Yes. -- because there are going to 4 be some spelling issues, if nothing else. 5 will utilize the right to read and sign the 6 transcript. So we 7 (Deposition adjourned at 11:35 a.m.) 8 (Signature reserved.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 The following reporter and firm disclosures were presented at this proceeding for review by counsel: REPORTER DISCLOSURES The following representations and disclosures are made in compliance with Georgia law, more specifically: Article 10 (B) of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Court Reporting (disclosure forms), O.C.G.A. 9-11-28 (c) (disqualification of reporter for financial interest), O.C.G.A. 15-14-37 (a) and (b) (prohibitions against contracts except on a case-by-case basis). - I am a certified reporter in the State of Georgia. - I am a subcontractor for Tiffany Alley Veritext. - I have been assigned to make a complete and accurate record of these proceedings. - I have no relationship of interest in the matter on which I am reporting which would disqualify me from making a verbatim record or maintaining my obligation of impartiality in compliance with the Code of Professional Ethics. - I have no direct contract with any party in this action, and my compensation is determined solely by the terms of my subcontractor agreement. FIRM DISCLOSURES 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - Tiffany Alley Veritext was contacted to provide reporting services by the noticing or taking attorney in this matter. - There is no agreement in place that is prohibited by O.C.G.A. 15-14-37 (a) and (b). Any case-specific discounts are automatically applied to all parties, at such time as any party receives a discount. - Transcripts: The transcript of this proceeding as produced will be a true, correct, and complete record of the colloquies, questions, and answers as submitted by the certified court reporter. - Exhibits: No changes will be made to the exhibits Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 126 1 as submitted by the reporter, attorneys, or witnesses. 2 3 - Password-Protected Access: Transcripts and exhibits relating to this proceeding will be 4 uploaded to a password-protected repository, to which all ordering parties will have access. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 127 1 2 CERTIFICATE STATE OF GEORGIA: COUNTY OF FULTON: 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing 4 transcript was taken down, as stated in the caption, and the colloquies, questions, and answers 5 were reduced to typewriting under my direction; that the transcript is a true and correct record of 6 the evidence given upon said proceeding. I further certify that I am not a relative 7 or employee or attorney of any party, nor am I financially interested in the outcome of this 8 action. I have no relationship of interest in this 9 matter which would disqualify me from maintaining my obligation of impartiality in compliance with 10 the Code of Professional Ethics. I have no direct contract with any party 11 in this action, and my compensation is based solely on the terms of my subcontractor agreement. 12 Nothing in the arrangements made for this proceeding impacts my absolute commitment to serve 13 all parties as an impartial officer of the court. 14 This the 14th day of April, 2016. 15 16 17 <%Signature%> _________________________________ 18 19 Patricia K. Thomas, RPR, CCR-2626 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 128 1 TIFFANY ALLEY, A VERITEXT COMPANY 2 FIRM CERTIFICATE AND DISCLOSURE 3 4 Tiffany Alley Veritext represents that the foregoing transcript as produced by our Production 5 Coordinators, Georgia Certified Notaries, is a true, correct and complete transcript of the colloquies, 6 questions and answers as submitted by the certified court reporter in this case. 7 Tiffany Alley Veritext further represents that the attached exhibits, if any, are a true, correct and complete copy as submitted by 8 the certified reporter, attorneys or witness in this case; and that the exhibits were handled and produced exclusively 9 through our Production Coordinators, Georgia Certified Notaries. Copies of notarized production certificates 10 related to this proceeding are available upon request to 11 Tiffany Alley Veritext is not taking this deposition 12 under any relationship that is prohibited by OCGA 15-14-37(a)and(b). 13 Case-specific discounts are automatically applied to all parties, at such time as any party receives a discount. Ancillary services such as 14 calendar and financial reports are available to all parties upon request. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 129 1 TO: Hutton Brown 2 Re: Signature of Deponent Neil McCubbin 3 Date Errata due back at our offices: 05/14/2016 4 5 Greetings: 6 The deponent has reserved the right to read and sign. Please have the deponent review the attached PDF 7 transcript, noting any changes or corrections on the attached PDF Errata. 8 The deponent may fill out the Errata electronically or print and fill out manually. 9 Once the Errata is signed by the deponent and notarized, 10 please mail it to the offices of Tiffany Alley (below). 11 When the signed Errata is returned to us, we will seal 12 and forward to the taking attorney to file with the original transcript. 13 We will also send copies of the Errata to all ordering parties. 14 If the signed Errata is not returned within the time 15 above, the original transcript may be filed with the court without the signature of the deponent. 16 17 18 Please send completed Errata to: 19 Tiffany Alley Veritext 20 1075 Peachtree Street NE, #3625 21 Atlanta, GA 30309 22 (770) 343-9696 23 24 25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 130 1 ERRATA 2 I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I have read the transcript of my testimony, and that 3 4 ___ There are no changes noted. 5 ___ The following changes are noted: 6 Pursuant to Rule 30(7)(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil 7 Procedure and/or OCGA 9-11-30(e), any changes in form or substance which you desire to make to your testimony shall 8 be entered upon the deposition with a statement of the reasons given for making them. 9 To assist you in making any such corrections, please use the form below. If additional pages are necessary, please furnish same and attach. 10 11 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 12 _______________________________________________________ 13 Reason for change _____________________________________ 14 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 15 _______________________________________________________ 16 Reason for change _____________________________________ 17 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 18 _______________________________________________________ 19 Reason for change _____________________________________ 20 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 21 _______________________________________________________ 22 Reason for change _____________________________________ 23 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 24 _______________________________________________________ 25 Reason for change _____________________________________ Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP March 29, 2016 Page 131 1 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________ 3 Reason for change _____________________________________ 4 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 5 _______________________________________________________ 6 Reason for change _____________________________________ 7 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 8 _______________________________________________________ 9 Reason for change _____________________________________ 10 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 11 _______________________________________________________ 12 Reason for change _____________________________________ 13 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 14 _______________________________________________________ 15 Reason for change _____________________________________ 16 Page _____ Line ______ Change _________________________ 17 _______________________________________________________ 18 Reason for change _____________________________________ 19 20 _____________________________________ DEPONENT'S SIGNATURE 21 Sworn to and subscribed before me this ___ day of 22 _________________, _______. 23 __________________________________ 24 NOTARY PUBLIC 25 My Commission Expires:_____________ Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [& - 9:40] & & 3:13 4:13 0 05/14/2016 129:3 1 1 2:4,6,8 9:8,13,18 10:19 12:22 22:7 29:8 59:21 68:13,14 68:16 123:15,17,20 10 5:20 17:2 73:11 76:12,23 90:2 95:16 125:6 100 1:17 101 28:18 104 1:17 3:7 6:13 105 94:15 1050 3:23 107 10:20 1075 129:20 108 10:20 10:01 60:20,22 10th 3:22 11-2-12 49:15 111 2:18 117 2:16 1180 4:14 11:00 55:8 11:01 110:22,23 11:19 110:23,25 11:32 123:10 11:35 124:7 12 66:1 12-19 65:8 66:2 12-9 80:18 120 73:23 79:19 1200 3:15 123 76:2,5 134 55:21,22 135 56:5,6 136 24:22 60:24 139 55:21 56:4,8 14th 127:14 March 29, 2016 Page 1 15 26:8 15-14-37 125:8,20 128:12 150 84:11 158 26:20 16 91:10 163 10:21,21,21 20:18 26:20 1633136-11 1:5 6:23 1966 11:19 1970 11:24 27:2 1985 81:1,10,11 1990s 25:21 65:16 19th 92:13 2 2 2:11 6:14 10:16,17 10:19,20 20:17,18 22:6,6,8 26:20 31:23 36:18 58:24 59:14 65:7,11,19 80:15,16,17 92:7 123:20 20 41:2 113:19,21 2013 92:13 93:16 2015 2:10 69:7 92:12 93:20,21 2016 1:15 6:11 127:14 208 50:13,20 20th 92:11 93:21 21 22:6 246 84:14 85:7 25 28:1 41:3 46:25 61:19 260 3:14 2626 1:19 127:19 29 1:15 2:17 29th 6:11 3 3 10:19 20:17,17 22:6 24:22 30 56:20,22 80:18 81:24 84:4 130:6 300 25:5 42:23 44:16 45:10 30303 3:9,16 6:14 30309 3:24 4:15 129:21 30334 4:8 31545 4:22 343-9696 129:22 35 56:1,7 3625 129:20 39 56:4 4 4 22:5 70:14 40 4:7 16:8 73:7 404 3:10,17,25 4:9 4:16 41 70:18,23 42 70:19,24 43 70:19,24 430 3:8 44 41:25 42:9 4474 4:21 46 24:21 5 5 41:1 59:21 50 11:6 28:2 40:2 45:13 52:5,6,13,16 55:16,19 56:17,18 56:20 57:1,6 59:7,9 59:11 62:2 69:12 73:7 50/50 85:9,11 521-9900 3:25 525-9205 3:17 54 10:16 42:7,10 572-4600 4:16 588-8222 4:23 6 6 2:10 69:7 82:11 60 22:7 49:14 600 86:6,7 61 50:12,15 63 48:5,11 49:4 64 48:5,11 49:4 65 48:5,11 49:4 656-3300 4:9 659-3122 3:10 66 82:7,9 67 82:8 68 2:8 7 7 2:6 123:17 130:6 70s 21:1 75 50:10 70:14 77 10:17 770 129:22 7q10 50:5,7,10 8 8 2:16 58:8 80 87:8,10 83 10:18 20:16 28:11 84 10:19 28:11 85 61:11 81:15 87 10:20 88 10:20 25:25 8:34 1:15 6:12 8:50 20:6,7 8:51 20:7,9 9 9 2:4 10:16 9-11-28 125:7 9-11-30 130:7 90 11:5 90s 90:10 91 20:17 22:7 912 4:23 92 2:11 20:17 93 20:18 94 20:18 95 41:1 106:5,12 98 71:2 9:40 60:19,20 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [a.m. - assimilative] a a.m. 1:15 6:12 20:6 20:7,7,9 60:19,20 60:20,22 110:22,23 110:23 123:10 124:7 ability 25:14 72:18 72:23 able 36:19 37:23 74:2 aboriginal 17:15 absence 100:15 absolute 127:12 absolutely 34:1 110:20 acceptable 62:17 accepted 40:17 84:21 access 126:3,4 account 22:4 45:4 accounting 46:16 accurate 125:11 accurately 48:11,19 49:4 achieve 27:8 66:4 acquired 30:7 acting 102:12 action 27:7 47:15,18 125:15 127:8,11 activated 66:2 92:20 117:21 actual 9:10 17:7,19 32:15 70:15 78:24 addition 64:17,23 66:8 additional 130:9 adequately 78:4 adjourned 124:7 administration 6:22 administrative 1:1 admit 29:7,12 advanced 4:20 7:16 7:18,20 March 29, 2016 Page 2 advantage 64:13 adverse 72:23 advice 115:12 advised 68:2,3 aerated 86:15 87:20 aerial 92:25 affect 88:16 africa 74:7,19 79:5 afterward 116:17 ago 15:13 16:9,16 25:6 29:19 68:2 81:12 96:1 111:23 116:25 117:1 agree 6:7 61:12 71:21 72:16,21 92:4 agreement 112:16 125:16,20 127:11 agreements 75:21 76:21 ahead 63:24 120:1 121:5 air 49:10 airplane 49:12 alegre 74:8 alley 125:10,18 128:1,4,6,11 129:10 129:19 allow 20:23 63:19 63:20 allowed 18:19 121:18 allows 22:22 alpha 17:24 altamaha 1:3 6:20 17:1,11 21:14 38:14 38:23 39:8,11,14 51:10 78:22 84:2 90:3,12 91:18 101:8 105:18 106:22 107:18 119:20 alternative 24:20 25:16,22 amateur 119:19 amazed 122:10 amenable 109:2 america 26:16 67:6 67:11,14 69:14 80:12 81:1,8,10,19 81:20 amount 17:7 19:25 21:23 59:4 amplify 20:22 analysis 33:19 35:23 46:14 53:9 63:5 99:4,7 109:22 121:17 analyze 33:6 45:5 analyzing 32:19 33:2 103:4 ancestors 38:11 ancillary 128:13 anecdotal 102:14 announcements 46:20 annual 45:14 46:21 47:19 answer 14:13 20:21 27:18 37:9,22 40:14 63:13,14,20,21,23 63:24,25 76:20 109:4 116:7 120:1 121:5 122:4,8 answers 125:24 127:4 128:6 anybody 95:25 96:3 appear 9:5 51:7 appearances 3:1 4:1 appeared 48:12 appears 8:25 92:25 applied 82:2 125:21 128:13 apply 94:20 appreciate 122:3 approaches 117:23 appropriate 63:23 appropriately 36:3 approximately 6:11 25:6 56:17 57:6 80:25 81:5,23 april 2:10 69:7 127:14 arauco 82:16 area 34:3 40:1 64:1 argentina 13:15,17 arguing 14:3 arguments 13:21,22 arrangements 127:12 arrived 50:20 arrow 49:18,21 article 5:20 125:6 asb 56:22 57:2,8 58:24 59:14,21 60:12 63:3,7 66:5 67:19,20 69:15,19 69:24 asbs 55:17 56:19 57:22 58:4,18 59:12 59:14 60:7 61:10 62:16 63:17 67:6,8 67:14 70:7,14 ascertain 36:19 aside 77:19 asked 12:17 57:13 63:18 91:15 115:9 115:15 116:13 117:20 119:8 122:10 asking 35:8 52:19 77:18 90:23 97:4 103:20 113:24 114:7,8,14 aspects 36:11 asserted 29:13 assess 16:13,18 assessing 13:10 15:19 23:21 24:4 44:25 assessment 16:11 24:9,11 assigned 125:11 assignment 40:17 assimilative 12:3 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [assist - brown] assist 15:24 130:8 assistance 113:24 114:7,11 115:9,20 116:9 assistant 111:7 associates 3:13 assume 41:22 58:2 62:17 106:20 assumes 82:3 assuming 58:12,24 59:1,17,17 assumption 115:19 ast 41:17,20 55:17 55:22 56:16,23 59:5 61:2,10 62:16 64:4 64:11,12,22 65:4 66:4 67:6,20 69:20 92:21,22 93:4 astonished 121:24 atlanta 1:18 3:9,16 3:24 4:8,15 6:14 116:12 117:3 129:21 attach 65:20 130:9 attached 2:5,10 9:3 9:4 123:17 128:7 129:6,7 attaching 123:13 attainable 119:5 attending 7:3 attention 11:21 attorney 3:4,12,20 4:4,6,12,19 7:20 111:8 125:19 127:7 129:12 attorneys 7:2 126:1 128:8 attributable 107:19 audio 6:6 authenticated 48:14 authored 35:8 authors 35:4 automatically 125:21 128:13 March 29, 2016 Page 3 available 34:15,22 35:14 51:14 128:10 128:14 aware 29:23 35:16 43:15,19 45:25 46:12,25 53:14 67:18,21 70:13 72:2 72:8 78:9 79:12 89:12 101:6,12 108:13 109:10,13 109:16,19 110:13 115:22 116:1 118:25 awkward 107:25 b b 5:20 10:21 125:6,8 125:20 128:12 back 20:8 21:1 45:8 47:1 60:21 73:3 77:15 110:19,24 111:16,19 113:12 115:8 116:23 129:3 backup 73:20 bad 17:10 94:3 96:24 98:11 102:7 110:8 bahia 74:6,16 baikalsk 14:23,24 band 17:15 bank 40:6,19 51:24 52:4 94:16,20,21 112:6 bar 1:16 3:6 6:13 barely 122:13 barmeyer 2:17 4:11 7:21,21 8:23 9:12 9:24 18:3,16,22 22:13 23:6 27:13 29:1,9,15,18 37:13 42:6 48:23,25 54:17 54:20,22,25 55:4,11 55:13 56:5,10,14 60:16,23 63:12,16 63:22 64:5 68:8,11 68:15 73:25 76:5,7 80:17,20 86:2 91:21 91:24 92:8 94:5 110:17 111:1 117:20 119:8,24 121:2 122:2,15 123:6,19 barmeyer's 120:15 barron 2:18 4:3 7:11,11 85:25 111:4 111:6,7 113:2,5,7,9 117:12 based 19:24 46:17 47:13 56:18 57:6,18 57:24 100:14 107:11 108:3 120:21 127:11 basically 36:2 103:7 basins 60:3,3 basis 22:17 32:12 125:9 bathurst 15:15 bay 16:21 beak 11:23 21:1 27:1 32:5 beast 73:5 beer 85:10,18,19 behalf 3:2 4:2,10 7:11 13:21 17:14 111:8 believable 84:5 89:16 believe 15:22 17:18 21:7 43:21 64:2 72:11 79:18 84:18 90:8 benthic 12:6 16:7 best 26:8 better 26:14 42:4 65:17 beyond 18:4 22:14 27:14 big 64:13 86:9 bill 5:2 7:19 bills 115:2 116:19 biologist 32:4,5 biologists 12:5 15:20 30:16 bit 24:23 28:12 30:7 52:17 73:5 85:11 91:8 98:25 121:12 bitten 16:23 black 37:2,11,14 52:11,11,15 64:19 65:2 66:16,19 bleach 82:24 bleached 16:11 bnr 1:5 6:23 board 5:21 125:6 boat 39:4,14,19,20 39:21 112:6 boating 38:20 112:10 bod 66:5 body 14:25 110:4 boiler 64:20 65:2 66:22 67:1 book 81:13 boss 54:21 bottom 87:18,19,22 88:1,3,6,16 93:3,10 93:12 brazil 74:6,9,16 83:10 break 9:15 46:1 54:17 55:1,3 60:16 breeding 31:7 brief 111:12 bring 55:7 british 17:5 21:11 brought 32:3 97:6 brown 2:16 3:3 6:17 7:5,6 8:5,13,24 9:7 9:14,19,25 18:6,8 18:11,13,21,24 20:10,12 22:18 23:12,14 27:17 28:24 29:6 37:8 42:4 48:13 54:21,24 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [brown - colloquies] 55:2,6 56:4,6,12 63:12,19 68:6,10 76:4,6 80:16 94:2 110:20 111:17,20 112:19,25 116:13 117:15,16,19 119:25 121:4 122:3 122:7,16 123:3,5,8 123:12,23 124:3 129:1 bucket 52:15 buckeye 94:9 bucks 105:3 budweiser 85:9,10 85:18,20 building 3:6 built 26:4 61:19 66:15 81:8 bunch 118:11 burn 64:20 65:1 66:22 burned 66:19 burning 67:1 business 41:21 43:5 43:6 45:16 62:19 buy 71:17 buying 16:22 c c 20:18 25:7 46:19 47:1,16 125:7 c.v. 19:10 35:3 calculate 25:22 calculated 85:16 calculations 12:4 59:24 calendar 128:14 call 28:22 30:14 67:12 114:25 115:4 115:4 116:17 120:13 called 13:13,19 65:12 102:2 115:7,7 calls 116:19 March 29, 2016 Page 4 canada 8:18 11:25 17:14 19:16,25 30:3 32:5,9 34:14,21 35:7,11 canadian 19:20 candidatecanditate 89:17 canton 88:22 89:7,9 89:13 90:13,18,24 91:6,17,19 92:11 93:14 capable 46:8 capacity 12:3 66:22 capital 44:16,18 61:9 64:9 capitol 4:7 capp 5:1 7:13,13 caption 6:19 127:4 car 106:5 career 25:17 carolina 39:1 89:7 carries 64:14 carry 41:21 69:6 carrying 32:15 case 1:5 6:20,21,22 14:2 15:10,13,24 17:1,6,11 21:15 27:4 59:13 73:19 104:19 105:5 106:16 125:8,8,21 128:6,8,12 casual 95:20 catch 38:9 97:20 98:2,13 catching 32:16,18 33:2,5 98:21 102:6 category 14:19 22:2 24:16 caught 33:18 38:7 39:7 98:10,24,25 99:11,14 100:11 cause 53:7 54:4 100:16 101:11 109:18 caused 36:24 50:23 52:21,21 53:3 106:23 causes 120:16,24 causing 17:20 36:5 36:20 37:25 54:14 90:18 101:2 102:3,3 107:2,9 ccr 1:19 127:19 cell 6:4 cellulose 41:11 42:18 43:18 44:17 45:19 46:2 47:15,23 71:2,3,6,9,22 72:3 72:19 73:16 74:3 75:12,19 79:17 celulosa 82:16 center 3:21 certain 29:9 73:21 certainly 21:9 28:1 28:17 52:14 63:22 69:1 certificate 127:1 128:2 certificates 128:9 certified 125:9,24 128:5,6,8,9 certify 127:3,6 130:2 challenged 57:15 champion 88:19,20 champlain 15:23 change 70:4 89:4 118:3 130:11,13,14 130:16,17,19,20,22 130:23,25 131:1,3,4 131:6,7,9,10,12,13 131:15,16,18 changed 32:6 changes 89:3 125:25 129:7 130:4,5,7 changing 59:5 chapter 65:12,15 characteristics 53:6 121:11 check 55:21 checked 50:18 chemical 26:4 28:17 36:24 64:17,23 66:8 109:22 chemicals 17:25 33:3 107:2 chemistry 14:5 28:17 32:16,21,22 122:14 chile 82:14,18 86:4 choose 46:10 chooses 56:12 chose 65:20 83:7 84:20 chunk 25:17 citizens 22:4 civil 130:6 claim 30:5 103:12 clarifiers 92:17 93:10 clark 16:21 clean 14:24 122:5 cleans 97:7 clear 112:5 clearer 14:25 clever 46:22 client 16:20 68:24 close 15:3 17:2 28:20 40:25 52:2,3 92:19 105:24 closed 112:18 coast 17:5 coauthored 35:9 code 125:14 127:10 coffee 52:10,11,11 52:12,15,15 collect 51:7 58:12 109:13 collected 16:6 58:22 58:25 collection 59:2 colloquies 125:24 127:4 128:5 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [color - coordinators] color 21:13 22:10 28:19 49:23 50:14 50:24 52:10,11,22 52:24 53:4 54:10 55:15,24 56:19,21 56:23 57:7,11,17 58:4,13,13,18,23,24 59:3,4,6,11,25 60:6 60:7 64:14 78:4,5,7 78:13,14,16,18,24 81:23 84:8 85:7 86:11 87:1,4,12,13 87:16,18,25 88:7,16 89:20 90:21 106:6 120:2 122:13 colored 28:18 columbia 17:6 21:11 combination 37:1 combine 56:25 60:2 combined 107:6 come 105:5 110:19 comes 57:23 97:10 comfortable 54:19 coming 93:14 106:15 comment 43:25 71:7 99:18 103:1 commenting 27:20 116:4 122:11 comments 98:12 99:4 104:25 commission 131:25 commitment 127:12 commodity 43:16,23 44:17 71:11 75:14 79:13,14 common 17:9 27:3 66:15 67:12 80:9 121:18,21,23 122:14 commonly 11:13 community 104:13 104:15 companies 41:21 72:25 73:7 74:4 March 29, 2016 Page 5 89:2,3 company 34:10 41:16 45:12 46:18 47:16 88:25 104:17 128:1 company's 50:18 comparable 63:6 compensation 125:15 127:11 competent 45:9 competitive 72:25 competitors 41:20 61:18 62:19 74:2 complain 17:10 complained 21:16 96:24 99:23 100:8 120:19 complainer 24:7,7 complaining 22:10 97:17 99:4,11,15,25 103:8 120:4 complaint 97:6,19 97:20,22 98:7 complaints 17:12 21:12,22 22:4 23:17 96:8,14,17 97:5 99:8 100:14 102:23 complete 125:11,23 128:5,7 completed 129:18 completing 14:13 compliance 67:21 67:23,25 69:20 70:4 70:5 125:4,13 127:9 compounds 36:20 37:2 101:5,10 105:13 109:17 compromise 72:17 concept 108:23 concern 31:14 concerned 31:4 concerning 13:15 concerns 15:9 conclude 18:2 102:16 107:8 108:15 concluding 120:16 conclusion 46:14 108:3 121:7,19 conclusions 23:18 102:22 105:6 120:23 conclusively 77:3 concrete 88:10 conditions 16:7 90:18 91:16 113:7 conferences 34:16 34:23 confess 73:21 confidential 25:2 26:2 34:12 43:20 45:6,23 75:13,17,21 75:21 77:19,20 112:21,24 118:14 118:19 confidentiality 75:23 76:20 77:15 112:16 confirm 8:21 connection 29:20 114:11 consensus 33:23 consider 23:10 24:5 38:3 59:25 90:25 considerable 37:6 37:10 104:24 considerably 50:7 consideration 44:20 44:24 considered 67:9 considering 97:9 consistent 49:8 102:18 consolidated 15:15 constituents 36:20 37:3,15,24 38:1 58:15 84:9 100:15 106:23 consultant 28:5 consultants 11:24 21:2 27:1 32:6 consulted 117:9 consulting 110:2 contact 114:20 contacted 40:10,11 105:22,22 106:1 113:23 114:18,19 116:8,10 125:18 content 12:5 53:5,18 53:20 continue 6:7 29:12 46:7 continued 4:1 continues 118:8 continuing 47:20 93:9 contract 114:24 125:14 127:10 contracts 125:8 contrast 50:22 52:21 53:3 54:4,6,7 54:9,10,15 contributes 120:24 control 25:23 36:4 69:11 controlled 104:25 controlling 12:11 36:2,14 78:4 conversations 6:4 119:9,15 conversion 46:18 47:16 61:2 67:22 convert 25:6 41:17 42:23 46:4 47:1 64:4 converting 55:16 67:20 convinced 101:1 cook 21:18 97:22 cooked 97:10 120:20 coordinators 128:5 128:9 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [copies - depth] copies 68:9 128:9 129:12 copy 8:22 68:6 116:15 128:7 cornwall 21:2 103:6 104:4 correct 10:4 18:6 29:25 30:1,25 31:1 35:5,22 36:10,21,22 40:6,7 43:4,10,14 47:11,12 49:19,21 49:22 50:8,18,24 53:12,17 54:2,16 55:19,25 56:20 57:8 59:22 60:8,9 62:21 64:24 66:12 69:8,21 69:25 70:1,9 71:3,4 75:5,6,7 79:25 82:5 82:6,11,12,23,25 83:2,4,6,11 84:9,15 87:14,15 88:9 89:11 89:14,23,24,25 90:15,16 93:1,2 94:7,22,24,25 96:6 97:11,23,24 98:1 100:23 101:11,15 101:17,18,20 102:4 102:17,25 103:24 105:8,11,13 106:24 107:12,13 108:22 109:12,15,25 112:9 112:17 125:23 127:5 128:5,7 corrected 115:13 123:16 corrections 123:25 129:7 130:9 cosmopolis 74:7 75:2,10,24 76:2 77:4,13,23 78:3,13 cost 24:20 26:5,8,15 44:13,17,18 61:3,4 61:9,13,14,16 62:16 62:20,22 63:6,18 64:7,9 67:3 March 29, 2016 Page 6 costing 105:3 costs 25:15,18,22 44:23 45:5,23 62:24 63:3,6 64:3 counsel 3:1 4:1 5:23 6:15,19 9:19 12:14 28:24 56:11 125:2 counts 44:8 60:1 county 127:2 couple 17:18 21:17 26:6,17 83:9 88:13 106:4 course 21:19 26:13 27:5 29:23,25 32:14 33:11,12,13 34:4,5 35:19 36:2 38:22 39:1 44:7,14,22 45:1,15,24 47:8,9 49:17 53:13 58:5 59:20 60:14,15 71:19 78:22 80:9 81:11 99:21 110:3 118:17 121:23 court 5:21,23 7:24 7:25 8:4 10:25 13:8 13:14 15:25 20:23 22:9 23:19 24:23 28:12 29:11 42:5 55:5 92:3 93:6,8 125:6,24 127:13 128:6 129:15 courts 13:23 create 22:25 creek 87:5 crestbrook 21:10 34:9 criteria 94:16,20 critic 120:10 criticism 115:25 crossing 38:23 39:21 cup 52:13,14 current 11:15 63:2 69:10 77:10 114:5 currently 77:4,6,14 77:24 curves 26:11 customers 71:13,16 72:3,9 cut 21:18 90:8 96:25 97:2,3,16,21 98:2 120:20 cyclical 43:6 44:7 d d.j. 3:11 daily 84:14 damage 14:3 118:9 dark 87:22 93:1 darker 87:13 data 16:6 19:25 23:20 33:6,7 45:6 45:19,22 46:16 51:5 51:13,13,17 53:1,14 53:15 54:13 57:10 57:13,16,19,23 58:6 58:12,19,22,25 60:5 60:10,11 61:15 62:13 100:17 102:8 102:13,21 103:4 105:7,12,14 106:16 108:9,21 109:14 110:3 112:24 118:15 120:13 date 6:10 50:2,13 51:10 53:16,16 65:15,18 69:7 81:13 93:20 112:21 129:3 dated 92:11,13 dates 93:23 day 12:4 48:20 49:5 50:14,19 91:10 127:14 131:21 days 16:22 48:12 49:7 deal 10:12,22 13:1 21:12 dealing 11:7 12:11 22:15 deals 14:15 dealt 103:13 debate 17:17 36:3 decent 58:6 decide 19:24 121:25 122:11 deciding 33:6,20 decision 45:10 119:2 decline 73:20 declined 73:2 decrease 25:13 defend 11:12 defendant 6:15 defining 72:7 definitely 62:23 definitively 107:1 degree 29:25 31:8 105:4 del 16:12 delay 27:7 delig 70:19 72:17,22 73:1,5,15 74:3,7,10 74:22 75:25 76:3,8 76:14,17 77:4 80:12 82:4 delignification 79:23 80:22 81:2,22 117:22 delivered 68:24 demonstrate 49:23 department 1:6 31:14 106:16 depend 66:21 depending 82:2 86:23 depends 63:3 64:18 deponent 129:2,6,6 129:7,9,15 deponent's 131:20 deposition 1:13 6:6 6:12 8:6 9:9 123:13 123:15,21 124:7 128:11 130:8 depth 93:5,7 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [describe - engineering] describe 118:1 119:21 described 15:21 description 2:2 design 32:17 33:1 33:16 101:19 designed 27:7 desire 130:7 despite 21:5 destroy 13:17 detail 78:5 detailed 26:2 43:19 47:22 104:1 121:16 details 19:6 62:8 99:2 determine 37:24 47:9 100:15 101:9 103:15 determined 87:17 125:15 develop 35:23 36:8 36:9 developed 26:11 diaper 25:7 46:4 diapers 71:20,24 difference 52:9,10 52:16 88:4 differences 116:4 different 31:18 33:22 53:8,10 60:12 71:12,19,25 72:1,9 72:9,15,15 75:8,9 92:12,14 98:2,3 103:22 difficult 65:4,4 66:9 dig 11:15 116:23 dilute 28:18 diluted 85:9 direct 2:4 8:20 9:1 10:2 18:18 20:16 22:3 29:7 65:22 122:23 123:16 125:14 127:10 directed 23:10 109:23 March 29, 2016 Page 7 direction 127:5 directly 28:20 95:3 102:8 disagree 70:16 disagreed 44:1 disagreements 104:17 disappear 78:19 disappears 88:2,14 discharge 10:14,24 11:2 15:16 20:24 22:5,11 24:10 28:8 28:10,14 30:22 35:24 36:3,9,12 49:24 50:13,18,24 51:4,11,17,21 52:1 52:8 53:2,6,16 54:15 55:16,23 58:24 59:7,21,22 78:4,13,16 81:23 82:13 84:3,13 86:20 89:24 90:17 91:9,11 101:9 107:3 110:10 110:15 118:4 120:16,22 discharges 12:12 66:5 78:15 83:25 discipline 30:12,15 30:18 disciplines 32:2 33:9 disclose 77:18 disclosure 5:22 125:6 128:2 disclosures 125:1,3 125:4,17 discount 125:22 128:13 discounts 125:21 128:12 discuss 19:18 28:13 75:17,24 76:1 77:16 77:17 112:17,20,23 114:25 118:13 discussed 120:8 discussing 15:8 94:15 discussion 9:17 29:5 73:24 77:21 94:1 117:11 123:4,22 dispose 65:5 66:9 disposing 66:20 dispute 13:15 disputed 13:19 disqualification 125:7 disqualify 125:12 127:9 dissolving 25:8 44:3 45:12 46:5,8,10 47:20 72:7 74:9 75:4,6 79:9 80:2 82:21 83:12,13,18 83:21 89:10 94:8 distinctive 106:13 distinguish 52:20 97:2 divers 15:12 diving 15:11,18 16:4 division 1:6 7:12,14 doctor 6:24 document 10:4 68:21 123:13 doing 11:17 17:13 22:19 25:9 32:24 73:11 76:19 77:6,16 104:8 118:16,16,19 dollars 17:18 61:24 100:22 domestic 14:9 domtar 21:2 34:8 103:6 104:4 donald 3:11 7:7 doubt 24:15 downstream 49:20 51:17 99:16,19 101:9 102:6 dozen 24:3 39:15,17 40:22 drive 106:3 driven 73:8 driving 106:3 dropped 31:16 dry 90:10 duck 121:13,14,14 due 129:3 duly 8:10 e e 115:3 130:6,7 earlier 115:11 earth 2:11 49:15 50:2 92:6,10,25 eat 96:18 97:3,8,9 97:11,14,23 98:8,12 eaten 39:10 97:2 eating 38:8 97:9 ecology 30:6,9,12,18 ecometrics 32:6 economically 119:6 effect 11:1,2 15:16 18:1 28:8,9,14 87:24 effective 67:3 effects 15:5 23:21 28:10 30:10 efficient 66:18,20 efficiently 116:6 effluent 14:5,6 15:16 17:4 58:23 59:3 69:10 78:17,25 85:6 86:7 91:9 106:12 107:19 effluents 14:7 107:8 either 34:6 35:3 36:25 94:23 97:18 electronically 129:8 employee 127:7 ended 16:4 energy 66:18 engineer 26:5 30:3 32:8 engineering 28:18 29:25 61:21 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [engineers - find] engineers 13:22 25:19 30:17 32:7 115:1 english 13:25 entered 130:8 entitled 63:13 80:21 environment 17:14 19:16 32:4,9 34:14 34:21 35:7,11 78:7 environmental 1:6 3:21 7:12,14 15:7 16:10,19,24 19:17 22:12 24:10 40:12 73:9 84:8 90:14 91:7 105:23 118:24 environmentally 65:5 66:9 epa 25:21 70:14 75:22 101:20 114:20 115:5,22 116:13 117:6,8,8 epd 1:5 6:20,23 101:4,17 109:23 111:9 114:19,20 115:8 116:8,9,13 117:8 118:25 equations 26:12 equivalent 15:8 errata 129:3,7,8,9 129:11,13,14,18 130:1 especially 70:8 essentially 12:1 46:21 59:4 81:7,7 84:19 96:22 estimate 61:14,16 62:6 64:8 85:15 95:21 estimated 26:8 ethics 125:14 127:10 eurocan 21:23 31:16 31:19 34:13 35:2,10 35:17 103:25 104:7 121:17 March 29, 2016 Page 8 evaporate 64:20 evaporated 66:17 evaporator 66:17 event 112:24 evergreen 88:21 89:7,12 everybody 55:7,9 evidence 29:12 58:17 102:1,22 104:20 127:6 evident 102:11 109:1 evidentiary 9:8 exact 62:22 64:7 exacting 71:10,22 exactly 30:20 35:14 41:13 62:8 63:3 75:25 76:19 95:18 96:2 99:17 106:22 examination 2:15 8:12 29:14 111:5 117:18 examined 8:10 example 15:1 28:10 31:4,20 80:6 90:14 91:7 exchange 115:6 exclusively 128:8 excuse 20:5 42:11 56:5 88:21,21 exhaustive 19:10 exhibit 2:2,4,8,11 9:8,11,13,18 12:22 65:7,11,19,20 68:13 68:14,16 80:15,16 80:17 82:11 92:7 123:15 exhibits 2:1,6 9:3,4 9:10 123:12,17,20 125:25,25 126:3 128:7,8 existing 63:4 exists 21:3 expand 18:17 expect 97:18,18 98:1 expectation 42:24 45:11 expected 25:13 experience 10:25 11:4 13:9 14:15 19:1 20:20,22 27:19 29:24 31:18 57:25 100:19 102:7,19 107:12 108:3,11 118:2 119:10 120:21 experiences 119:23 experiencing 104:21 expert 8:7 22:12,21 22:22 30:5 121:15 121:18 expertise 10:12 18:20 19:1 22:15 26:24 27:19 28:13 28:23 30:8,24 31:10 33:16 122:11 experts 22:23 32:23 34:2 expires 131:25 explain 20:22 22:9 22:18 26:23 63:22 84:17 explanation 56:9 explicitly 115:21 extensively 25:9 extent 20:19 48:22 52:20 53:2 external 25:15 extremely 27:3 61:5 eye 88:12 eyeball 85:15 eyes 52:7 78:20 f fact 47:4 61:4,17 67:13 68:1 75:24 84:3,21 91:14 93:11 102:5,18 103:8 107:7 108:5 112:20 112:20 118:3 factor 118:24 factories 31:15 factors 45:3 56:25 failed 17:22 failure 38:11 faint 87:1,1 fair 43:25 71:7 103:1 104:19 113:6 114:8 fairly 50:6 familiar 68:19 116:3 116:6 famous 15:1 fanatics 40:13 105:24 far 17:6 51:8 59:10 61:15 87:20 88:15 97:12 100:2 feasibility 25:18 federal 130:6 feel 116:18 122:25 feet 52:5,6,14,16 88:13 fellow 48:14,21 fiberlines 80:11 fibers 1:10 7:23 29:20 55:15 101:8 fibrelines 80:25 81:6 field 22:24 figure 80:5 82:3 file 129:12 filed 9:20 129:15 files 116:24 fill 129:7,8 filled 26:2 final 13:21 financed 94:21 financial 43:1 125:7 128:14 financially 127:7 find 11:13 13:25 17:22 24:7 33:23 35:2,3 58:3 65:18 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [find - great] 90:17 116:24 fine 9:14,24 21:18 22:1 53:21 finish 14:11 27:18 37:8 63:20,21 122:4 122:8 firm 125:1,17 128:2 firms 16:18 first 8:10 11:18,22 20:25 40:10,11 65:10 66:24 69:10 88:13 90:9 92:11,17 105:21 firsthand 24:13 fish 12:6 14:15 16:8 17:3,4,7,10,20 18:1 18:9 19:12 20:15,20 20:23 21:5,13,15,17 21:17,21,25 31:4,6 31:8,11,12,14 32:16 32:19,19 33:2,2,5 33:17 34:6 35:21 36:1,21,24 37:25 38:7,9 39:7,10 89:21 95:2,15 96:8 96:18,21,22,22,25 97:7,16,21 98:8,10 98:12,14,21 99:2,10 99:14,19,20,22,25 100:2,7,11,13,22 101:11 102:3,6,16 102:21,22 103:3,4,9 104:18,21 105:2,7 106:21,23 107:2,9 107:17 108:16 109:18 119:14 120:5,17,19 fisheries 31:11 33:16 34:3 fisherman 38:4 fishermen 17:9 21:16 38:11 95:3,10 102:23 104:20 110:3,4 119:9,22 March 29, 2016 Page 9 fishes 65:13 95:25 fishing 32:18 33:1 38:3,6,13,16 96:4 106:17 109:14 112:10 119:23 120:3,9 fit 121:11 fits 102:7 121:12 five 16:16 95:22 102:23 104:21 flat 38:16,20 flesh 17:4 floor 6:14 florida 39:1 94:10 flow 28:8,10,14 50:1 50:6 59:25,25 60:2 84:4 90:2,6,9 flown 41:7 flows 122:12 fluff 71:23 fluid 85:7 focus 20:2 focusing 18:25 27:19 57:2 foia 34:15 follow 56:12,12 88:11 107:22 following 48:5 125:1 125:4 130:5 follows 8:11 49:14 food 31:14 100:6,7 foregoing 127:3 128:4 forest 21:10 34:9 forestry 65:13 forever 102:12 forget 106:14 form 121:21 130:7,9 formal 117:9 formalized 17:12 former 16:20 forms 125:6 forth 59:3 forward 43:2 129:12 foster 8:18 found 63:5 119:20 foundation 22:15,25 23:4 121:3 four 16:15 68:9 92:10 101:5 111:22 111:23 free 115:4 116:18 french 13:25 frequently 89:4 96:21 fringe 105:23 front 86:16 fulton 127:2 function 28:5 44:12 functions 114:15 fundamental 36:14 furnish 130:9 further 19:19 27:6 56:9 111:1 117:18 123:6 127:6 128:7 g g 10:21 ga 6:20 128:10 129:21 gathered 120:12 gathering 103:4 general 4:6 14:8 18:16 19:12,23 100:18 111:8 generally 10:25 11:4 30:23 44:6 63:5 89:4 98:24,25 generate 45:18 generates 41:18 64:11 66:7 generic 84:25 115:16 georgia 1:1,6,16,18 3:6,9,16,24 4:5,8,15 4:22 5:21 6:13,14 6:22 7:14 39:1 84:20 94:9 106:4 111:8 125:4,10 127:2 128:5,9 getting 23:15 97:11 110:3 give 42:13 58:17 70:20 86:14 95:21 105:3 given 41:17 43:24 57:13 61:16 62:13 108:8 127:6 130:8 giving 31:19 glass 85:3 glatfelter 83:20 84:7 84:13 86:20 go 6:7 10:7 19:4 27:10 63:17,24,25 120:1 121:5 123:20 goes 13:9 22:14 28:19 45:15 goggle 92:10 going 8:5,19,23 9:1 9:7,21 10:5,7,9,15 13:17 14:13,21 18:4 24:16,17 27:13 33:17,19 40:14 41:23 56:16 58:23 63:10 64:1 68:12 71:5 85:25 86:10 106:19 114:4 118:3 123:14 124:3 good 11:7 25:16 29:16,17,17 38:10 69:23 88:23 110:4,4 110:7 google 2:11 49:14 50:2 92:5,25 grade 25:7 41:13 46:4 47:25,25 71:11 80:7 83:1 grades 43:12 44:3 44:24 46:9 74:9 76:17 77:5 80:9 graham 4:3 7:11 111:7 great 17:16 55:12 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [greenlaw - invest] greenlaw 3:5 greenpeace 15:8 greetings 129:5 ground 117:13 group 19:16 groups 15:7 19:18 105:23 guess 12:9 19:14 27:25 50:15 85:9 86:10 97:1 guessing 86:8 guinness 85:23 guys 26:6 116:17 h h 10:21 26:20 habits 31:7 hague 13:14 half 24:2 39:14,17 40:22 55:24 56:1,8 67:13,14,15 80:11 80:25 81:5,9,15 105:3 115:3 hand 12:18 96:11 handful 9:21 handing 86:1 handle 64:18 handled 128:8 handling 15:6 hands 32:25 handy 13:6 happening 11:15 15:20 16:5 103:12 104:18 happens 106:2 happy 12:13 haul 45:15 heading 66:2 69:10 hear 97:17 heard 73:9 95:1 97:19,20,22 121:10 hearing 8:7 42:4 hearings 1:1 6:22 hearsay 22:21 119:24 121:2 March 29, 2016 Page 10 heartier 85:18 heat 113:17 heavily 16:15 held 6:12,21 help 21:12 115:21 helping 11:12 hey 115:21 116:17 high 28:10,16 71:9 72:3 73:16 122:13 higher 43:17,23 44:3 47:5 122:12 highly 41:11 42:18 42:19 highway 4:21 hilburn 5:5 hinkle 3:19 7:9,9 hold 14:19 18:9 29:3 holland 120:6,7 honestly 34:15 35:15 hope 116:15 hot 113:15 hour 115:3 hours 122:20 house 7:20 huge 14:7 19:24 21:5 30:15 66:23,25 huh 19:3 35:1 58:14 60:4 65:9 66:6 68:18 69:13 75:3 79:6,21 81:14 85:5 92:23 93:24 108:10 108:12 hundreds 37:15,18 hutton 3:3 7:5 56:11 117:16 129:1 i icj 13:24 14:1 idea 86:14 94:4 110:5 113:3 identified 37:12,18 identify 7:3 17:19 65:10 imagine 87:24 108:17 109:3 119:3 imagining 37:19 impact 12:6 14:6 16:10,13 24:10 30:8 30:22 72:23 73:15 88:16 impacts 127:12 impartial 127:13 impartiality 125:13 127:9 implicitly 46:3 important 23:20,25 78:14 impossible 118:4 improved 91:8 improvement 57:1 improvements 26:9 inadmissible 22:22 include 24:11 31:3 included 15:18 20:19 30:23 80:12 81:1,10,16 includes 36:2 38:22 80:6 including 10:14 15:6 20:16 22:5 24:21 26:19 28:11 36:11 55:23 106:25 118:12 incorporate 81:9 incorporation 22:20 increase 57:15 60:6 increased 25:11 increases 56:21 indefinite 69:24 index 2:1,15 individual 26:12,16 32:10 38:1 45:5,22 individually 26:11 industrial 14:9 16:22 industries 21:10 34:9 industry 19:17 44:2 73:6 84:21 114:15 infer 53:17 102:5 influence 88:7 influenced 93:3 influent 59:5 information 12:21 23:20 25:2 44:15 47:14,22 58:20 73:3 73:18 75:16 77:10 77:12,19,20,21,22 78:12,25 99:7 102:14 114:9,15 115:5 119:13 initially 32:5 input 101:19 insignificant 61:4 insisted 13:17 insisting 117:22 install 83:8 installed 74:22 82:4 installing 73:8 74:25 instances 12:25 13:9 insulation 72:16 interactions 65:14 interest 125:7,12 127:8 interested 127:7 interesting 74:20 interfere 6:6 interfering 31:7 internally 34:10 international 13:14 interpret 33:7 interstate 41:1,1 106:5 intervenor 1:11 4:10 interviews 104:8,10 intracoastal 38:22 39:25 intrinsic 72:4,10,20 invest 44:5,8,9 45:10 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [investigating - little] investigating 21:7 investigation 20:20 invited 19:23 involved 11:22 12:2 12:10 14:4 16:15,19 16:20 20:25 27:2 28:2 31:11 32:2,11 33:4,7,9,25 34:2 36:6 103:21,21 issue 11:8 15:15 21:25 27:4 77:15 78:6 79:1 89:20 93:5 108:20 109:1 issued 2:8 115:23 116:2 issues 10:13,23 12:16 13:1,10 14:16 19:2,12 20:15,24 21:15 78:7 124:4 j jac 7:13 james 5:1 120:6,7 jar 85:4 86:7,9 jen 5:5 jesup 4:22 17:1 55:23 57:12,18,20 57:21 58:2,4 61:3,6 64:4 70:25 72:18 81:22 86:17 105:9 105:13 110:11 115:15 job 28:4 118:21,22 join 19:23 joined 27:1 joint 9:10 journals 34:22 jr 4:18 judge 29:11 judgment 92:2 jumped 103:17,18 justice 13:14 justify 22:17 March 29, 2016 Page 11 k k 1:19 127:19 keen 15:2 keep 14:21 29:3 45:23 keeps 43:20 kept 74:24 key 21:25 killing 31:6 kilometers 82:19 kimberly 16:21 kind 31:16 33:17 52:18 74:23 98:14 98:21 109:2 kinds 30:24 32:1 80:8 king 4:13 kitimat 17:5 knew 116:21 know 10:1 25:14 29:19 31:8 34:15 35:6 37:1,3 38:19 40:11 43:21,24 45:7 47:10 48:10,19,21 48:22 49:2 50:1 51:3,8,9 52:18 53:5 53:25 54:3,25 58:19 59:23 62:15,20 64:3 64:7 69:19 70:15 71:8 72:25 73:14 75:10,14,18 76:13 76:15,16,20 77:2,6 77:7,25 79:4 86:10 86:11 90:4 96:13 97:16 98:14,16,20 98:23,24,25 99:1,10 99:14,17,22,24 100:6,10,13 101:2 101:21 104:11 106:22 107:7 109:5 114:23 116:5 117:10 118:5,13,15 118:17 119:5 120:18,21 121:9,10 121:12 knowledge 26:14 34:19 36:5 39:12 49:3 57:19 101:24 known 28:19 72:6 100:25 101:5,10 109:18 118:1,11 120:10 knows 37:5,17,20 106:25 kraft 16:11 25:23 75:6 82:21,24 83:12 83:13,18,21 94:8 101:3 106:7,9 107:8 l l 3:19 4:3 lab 17:18 32:25 label 9:12,16 laboratory 31:23 36:18 59:2 lack 36:5 121:3 lady 26:7 lager 85:19 lagoon 87:18,20,22 88:2,9 lagoons 86:15,19 87:7,17 88:6 92:24 lake 14:24 15:1,5,9 15:23 16:2 large 13:16 61:5 64:11 79:14 87:17 largely 107:11 late 65:16 latent 16:24 laughs 38:10 law 3:4,12,20,21 4:4 4:12,19 125:5 lawrence 21:5,6 lawyer 7:8 121:20 lawyers 7:6,10 115:2 122:18,19 lay 23:4 laying 22:14 layman's 120:13 laypeople 106:21 leader 26:5 learned 66:14 leave 117:13 left 31:17 legal 6:10 8:1 16:18 116:4 length 26:21 117:25 leo 5:4 6:9 level 28:19 51:3 54:1 72:5 levels 28:14 liable 16:23 life 69:24 light 86:9 liked 74:23 limit 35:24 36:1,9 36:12 110:10,14 limited 80:2 limits 84:13 line 25:7 38:9 45:19 47:1,16 80:24 120:18 130:11,14 130:17,20,23 131:1 131:4,7,10,13,16 linear 28:20 lines 46:7 74:21 76:14 82:4 liquor 37:2,11,14 64:19 65:2 66:16,19 list 9:11 12:15,18 14:18 18:15 19:10 19:15 listed 90:13 lists 45:9 lite 85:20 literature 44:2 litigating 11:11 litigation 16:24 litsup 128:10 little 12:23 24:23 28:12 52:17 73:5 87:5 121:12 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [live - million] live 8:17 24:1 llc 1:10 llp 4:13 local 17:14 located 6:13 82:17 89:13 location 39:5 100:10 locations 78:20 lodged 10:2 long 11:17 26:22,24 27:10 44:8,9 45:15 58:11 81:12 longer 21:3 74:11,12 look 8:20 9:5 10:18 12:1 15:2 21:4 36:8 45:8,14 48:4 49:13 58:9 61:17 65:7 70:18 79:19 80:14 82:7,8 85:8,12 86:3 86:7 87:8,9 88:9,18 89:16 91:9 92:17 94:14 100:22 106:6 111:16,19 113:12 113:19 looked 21:17 23:23 30:21 35:15 50:3,17 119:17 looking 14:4 15:4 16:2,6,8 17:13 18:14 27:11 43:2 51:19,24 69:9 looks 69:1 89:17 121:13 lot 14:25 41:5,6 47:10 57:22 64:14 94:6 96:11 104:10 104:20 105:22 120:11,12,12 lots 14:9 40:11 104:1 low 43:9 50:6 lower 44:6 66:5 lunch 55:8,10 March 29, 2016 Page 12 maximum 84:14 mccubbin 1:14 2:5,5 m 4:18 2:8 6:25,25 7:1 8:8 machinery 32:23 8:9,14,16,19 10:1 mail 115:3 129:10 10:18 18:25 20:10 maintaining 125:13 23:15 26:17 29:2,16 127:9 54:23 68:17 92:9 maintenance 69:23 94:6 111:2,7 117:20 major 16:18 21:25 122:9,17 129:2 27:23 mccubbin's 123:16 majority 67:8 making 25:7,8 41:11 mchugh 4:18 7:19 7:19 112:22 41:12 44:5,13,17 45:11,12,14 46:9,22 mean 35:6 47:6 70:4 80:13 91:2 115:15 61:20 67:22 71:20 122:13 71:20 125:13 130:8 meaning 81:2 130:8 meaningless 107:23 managed 33:22 management 32:11 means 66:20 meant 11:14 45:9 61:22 65:14 measurable 14:3 118:24 measure 58:5 86:12 manner 65:5 66:10 measures 25:23 manually 129:8 35:24 36:9 manzer 5:2 7:17,17 meet 116:13 118:5 march 1:15 6:11 meeting 69:15 92:13 116:11,16,20,21,22 marietta 1:17 3:7 117:7,8 6:13 meetings 15:6 33:20 mark 5:3 7:15 8:23 95:20 9:8 68:12 92:6 megan 3:19 7:9 111:20 118:20 member 30:23 marked 9:18 49:17 memo 69:9 68:14 92:7 memorandum market 44:13 83:1 68:23 mass 59:25 60:2 memory 13:5 master 15:25 mentioned 21:22 material 22:22 39:13 59:14 74:1 87:23 77:16 83:24 118:10 materials 4:20 7:16 menus 55:8 7:18,20 met 23:22 29:18 matter 10:8 18:17 31:13 95:8 104:11 29:21 114:14 104:14 116:21 125:12,19 127:9 117:5 120:7 matters 10:6 methods 59:2 m microbiologists 30:17 microphones 6:2,5 middle 66:3 98:4 113:22 mileman 5:4 6:9 miles 40:2 41:3,5 mill 11:1,20,20 12:3 13:10,16 14:3,5,6 14:23 15:14 16:1,11 16:12,14,21 17:4,13 17:16,17 20:24 21:2 21:3 24:10 25:11 26:3,10,13 27:24 30:10,22 31:22 32:7 32:11 34:10 35:23 36:8 37:11 39:5 40:8,9,24 41:3,7 46:19 47:15 49:9,10 57:12,18,20,21 58:2 61:3,7,19 64:7 66:25 67:19,22 70:25 72:18 73:2,11 75:4,6,16 76:10,22 77:23,25 78:3,17 79:5,10,12 81:22 82:14,15,21,24 83:5 83:10,12,15,18,21 84:7 86:4 88:19,20 89:7,9,10,12,13 90:5,13,18,25 91:6 91:15,17,19 92:11 93:15 94:8,9 97:1 99:16,18 101:3 102:6 103:9,14,19 106:7,10 107:4,8,9 107:20,23 108:5,9 108:15 110:11,14 120:11,16,21 mill's 45:23 miller 85:20 million 17:18 25:5 31:23 36:18 42:23 44:16 45:10 46:25 61:11 105:3 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [millions - okay] millions 61:23,25 100:21 mills 11:7,12,25 19:20 25:24,25 30:8 64:19 66:15 67:2,5 67:13,14 69:14 70:14 74:4 79:23 80:1,3,6,6 83:10 88:24 94:7 102:8,19 107:12 108:4,11 mind 107:6 minimal 18:1 minimum 72:4,10 minute 86:19 110:17 minutes 29:19 mississippi 14:8 mix 64:19 66:16 85:11 mixed 52:25 mixes 78:18 mixture 19:17 model 26:5 modern 55:22 64:18 66:15,17 67:2 moment 101:25 money 44:5 46:4 67:25 109:20 monitoring 50:19 montes 16:12 morning 29:16,17 29:17 mouth 39:24 move 15:2 29:7 63:14 91:22 122:5 122:15 moving 16:3 multiple 23:25 n name 6:9,24 7:5 8:14,16 29:18 32:6 38:24 74:8 82:14 names 89:2 March 29, 2016 Page 13 narrow 16:4 natural 1:7 106:17 naturally 11:14 nature 22:16 27:3 ncasi 84:14,19,20,24 85:6 86:6,17 ne 129:20 near 82:18 nearby 107:19 nearly 71:2 necessarily 27:20 47:6 necessary 44:24 130:9 need 10:17 13:4 20:21 47:10 55:2 94:2 102:11 123:25 needed 32:23 needs 63:24 72:15 118:14 neil 1:14 2:4 6:25 7:1 8:7,9,16 123:23 129:2 neither 37:23 never 39:20 44:1 49:10 57:16 60:10 97:17,19,20 115:8 117:5 121:10 new 11:25 15:13 16:11 63:9 80:11,13 80:25 81:5,15 94:23 nice 78:16 115:5 normal 13:22 65:1 67:2 72:14,14 normally 33:22 north 26:16 67:5,11 67:14 69:14 80:11 81:1,8,10,19,20 89:7 northern 2:9 68:2 68:24 notaries 128:5,9 notarized 128:9 129:9 notary 131:24 note 6:2 70:21,25 noted 29:10 130:4,5 notes 111:16,19 113:13 116:24 notice 59:13 98:6 noticed 115:24 noticing 125:19 noting 129:7 nova 2:9 68:25 ntu 53:12 number 6:23 9:10 10:11 11:8 32:14 34:20,24 37:10 44:16,19 50:4 56:24 58:7 59:23 70:15 82:19 104:11,24 114:23 117:21 119:18 numbers 26:13 67:7 67:17 72:12 118:4 numeric 121:16 nw 1:17 3:7,14,22 o o.c.g.a. 125:7,8,20 o2 70:19 72:17,22 72:25 73:5,15 74:3 74:7,10,22 75:24 76:3,8,14,17 77:4 80:12 82:3 object 22:13,17 27:13 48:23,25 92:2 116:2 objected 22:19 objecting 26:21 116:4 objection 18:3 23:1 23:5,16 28:8,16 119:24 121:2 122:2 objectionable 90:18 90:22,24,25 91:1,5 92:1,3 objections 9:20,22 10:2,7,10,11,14,22 14:19 18:23 20:3,13 20:16 22:2,5 24:17 24:18,21 26:18,20 28:7 29:9,13 121:25 objective 118:7,8 obligation 125:13 127:9 observable 50:22 87:4 observations 40:5 63:17 120:13 observe 88:7 93:14 observed 40:18 obsolete 66:13 67:9 obtained 119:13 obvious 28:22 42:22 44:4 50:25 54:6 103:16 108:23 obviously 24:1 25:11 29:11 45:16 67:2 90:11 114:11 115:14 occasion 90:10 105:20 occasions 40:21 occurring 57:11 ocean 78:15,16,23 ocga 128:12 130:7 october 92:11 93:21 od 81:1,9,16 odd 117:11 odor 20:15,24 22:10 96:22,24 97:7,21 99:12 110:9,10,14 office 1:1 4:6 6:21 officer 127:13 offices 129:3,10 oh 41:4 60:14 87:5 97:12 106:11 117:2 okay 7:5 9:7,11 10:5 10:10 13:12 14:17 14:20 18:7 20:2,10 27:16,22 28:24 33:24 35:16 36:7,16 37:21 39:2,4,18 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [okay - photo] 40:5,16 42:16 46:15 49:1 50:11 54:20 56:3 57:17 58:22 59:19 61:2 62:5 69:3,6,17 70:17,22 71:8 72:13,16,22 73:4 76:13,16 77:9 78:2,9 79:5 80:10 81:18 82:3 83:4,20 84:6 85:2,14,17,22 85:24 86:13 89:8,19 89:22 90:7,13 95:24 97:10,19 99:5,19 101:25 104:5,19,23 105:1,5 107:1 108:19 111:10,12 111:13,23 112:1,4,8 113:6,8,14,16,18 114:6,10,17,20 115:18,22 116:8 117:3,5,12,15 121:6 123:3,7 old 99:2 once 16:1 40:25 76:19 129:9 ones 10:15 21:16,24 27:23 31:13 81:9,15 114:19 online 34:24 35:4,7 ontario 16:21 21:2 104:6 open 21:18 96:25 97:2,3,21 98:2 120:20 openly 118:6 operating 62:24 63:6 64:3 69:14,15 118:9 operations 35:23 opinion 23:24 46:17 47:13 50:21 51:2 55:14 56:15,18 57:5 57:7,11,17 72:22 78:3 81:21 84:7 90:23 101:14 105:6 March 29, 2016 Page 14 106:15 107:15,16 107:17 opinions 22:17 23:3 121:22 122:22,23 opportunities 121:8 opportunity 18:17 23:4 27:14 116:1 123:24 opposed 52:22 53:4 54:9 121:16 ordering 126:4 129:13 orders 55:9 organizations 40:12 organize 10:8 organoleptic 105:12 original 129:12,15 osah 1:5 6:23 22:21 outcome 127:7 outfall 15:18,20 16:4 49:18 51:24 52:4 92:19 outside 81:8 overloaded 69:23 owned 15:15 82:16 94:9 oxygen 12:5 79:23 80:21 81:2,22 117:22 p p.m. 110:25 pacific 94:9 page 2:2 65:8 66:1,2 69:10 80:17 130:11 130:14,17,20,23 131:1,4,7,10,13,16 pages 130:9 paid 11:20 paper 11:19 19:20 41:12 71:20 73:6 80:7,8 107:19,23 108:14,18 109:2,7 114:9 papers 34:6 paragraph 10:16,16 10:17,18,19,20 20:16,18 22:5,6,7,7 24:21,21 41:25 42:7 48:5 49:14 50:12 55:20 60:24 65:24 66:3 73:23 76:2,4,5 79:19 81:3,4 82:7,9 84:11 87:8,10 94:14 113:19 paragraphs 20:17 28:11 70:18,23 part 10:22 26:1 28:4 28:5 32:18,19 33:4 33:24 56:18 57:7,9 57:10 87:18 92:23 109:24 110:2,6,7 participant 100:20 participants 33:21 particular 25:5 51:22 57:19 82:8 particularly 74:20 100:25 parties 6:7 7:4 99:11 125:21 126:4 127:13 128:13,14 129:13 party 27:5 125:14 125:21 127:7,10 128:13 passing 116:11 password 126:3,4 patricia 1:19 4:11 7:21,25 29:18 68:7 127:19 pc 3:13 pcu 84:25 pcus 84:18 pdf 129:6,7 peachtree 3:14 4:14 129:20 pennsylvania 83:21 people 11:11 16:22 22:10,20 23:17,22 23:23 24:12,14 30:15,16,24 31:2,10 31:24 32:2,11 72:15 90:22 95:8,14 96:7 99:4 103:8,9 104:9 104:12 114:25 116:16,20 117:8,10 119:13,16 120:17 120:19 percent 11:5 50:10 55:16,20 56:17,18 56:20,22 57:1,6 58:8 59:7,9,11,21 69:12 70:14 71:2 81:24 84:4 90:2 perfectly 83:7 performance 1:10 7:22 29:20 55:15 84:8 91:16,19 101:7 performer 90:14 91:7 period 58:6,16,25 permit 26:19 78:10 84:13,18,25 91:10 101:7 109:10,24 113:25 114:2,3,4,5 114:13 115:10,12 115:20,21,23 116:2 117:6 118:3 permitted 56:9 perry 94:10 person 48:24 personal 119:15 personally 90:17 pet 2:4 petitioner 1:4 2:3 3:2 6:17 petitioner's 8:7 9:13 9:18 29:8 123:14 phone 12:17 113:23 115:3 117:11 phones 6:4 photo 48:20 51:19 51:22 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [photograph - prove] photograph 49:14 49:15,23 50:2,14,22 51:4 82:9 87:9,14 88:8 92:25 93:17 photographs 2:11 48:11 49:3,5 86:15 92:6,10 93:13 120:12,14 photos 48:4,7 phraseology 115:14 physical 26:3 physically 16:5 32:25 78:19 pick 6:3 picture 31:17 83:3 pictures 15:11 pieces 108:9 pigeon 89:22 90:2 pinene 17:24 place 6:5 125:20 plaintiff 6:16,17,19 plan 17:20 plane 41:7 planning 106:3 plant 15:3 74:10 105:24 111:15 118:5,7,8 119:1,4 plants 16:22 94:20 94:23 plata 16:12 plausible 107:5 108:6 120:25 121:7 please 6:2,4 29:3 42:2 70:21,23 79:20 111:18 129:6,10,18 130:9,9 plume 49:20 50:23 52:20 86:21 90:24 92:1 93:14 point 11:24 18:18 19:21 38:23 40:17 57:3 98:3,5 100:24 102:13 107:14 119:4 121:9 March 29, 2016 Page 15 points 33:22 122:20 pollutant 55:23 pollution 14:10 25:23 ponds 87:13 populations 12:7 porto 74:8 possibilities 117:24 possible 58:3 108:24 114:16 potential 14:6 practical 28:21 84:21 96:23 118:2 practicality 119:3 practice 65:1 66:15 67:2 practices 69:11 precise 100:10 prepared 68:24 presence 100:15 101:10 present 5:1,24 7:2 13:22 presentation 13:24 116:14 presented 95:11 125:1 presenting 13:21 press 43:1 77:21 pressures 73:9 presumably 45:9 presume 45:13 46:10 59:15 61:21 97:3 presuming 58:19 70:3 pretty 108:23 prevalent 70:8 previously 9:5 11:19 21:22 64:21 price 43:8,9,11,16 43:17,22,22 44:6,10 44:12 47:5,11,14 prices 44:3 pricing 43:19 primarily 75:14 79:13 primary 79:16 100:7 print 129:8 private 6:3 probably 16:25 23:7 26:15 28:1 31:22 41:2 52:5,14 59:8 62:1 65:17 67:25 76:12 86:16 88:12 90:22 94:3 98:6 106:21 114:8 121:14 problem 11:9 17:2 24:5 99:12 102:17 103:13,18 108:6,25 problems 11:13 19:21 21:4,12 63:7 procedure 130:7 proceed 8:2 proceeding 5:24 125:1,23 126:3 127:6,12 128:10 proceedings 125:11 process 23:8 26:1 33:9 41:11,12,25 42:8,17,23 61:18,20 64:17 75:8 76:24 97:4 104:8 processes 116:5 produce 72:18,23 76:18 80:7,8 83:1 produced 31:15 119:18 125:23 128:4,8 producing 42:18 45:10 77:14,24 product 24:20 42:19 43:12,18 44:13,21 45:11 46:2 47:5,6 47:24 71:1,2,6,15 71:17,22 72:5,24 73:10 76:17 77:23 79:17 83:1 production 25:7 47:24 73:16 74:21 75:11 128:4,9,9 products 25:4 70:25 71:10 72:4,19 73:17 75:18,20,24 77:13 professional 11:6 30:2 125:14 127:10 professionally 119:18 profit 45:12,18 profitability 24:19 25:4,11,13 44:12,21 44:25 45:17 46:1 47:10,23 profitable 25:10 41:10,12 42:19,21 42:25 45:3,16 46:11 46:23 47:7 profits 41:17 45:14 61:20 prohibited 125:20 128:12 prohibitions 125:8 project 62:11 projects 11:8 12:9 12:15 34:7 35:21 103:2 pronouncements 43:1 proper 59:2 properly 58:6,20 59:1 properties 72:6 proportion 104:14 proposes 101:4 proposing 110:10 prosper 41:21 protected 126:3,4 protection 1:6 7:12 7:14 protocols 103:3 prove 18:2 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [provide - record] provide 35:22 47:22 73:2,20 125:18 provided 121:17 public 25:3,9 26:12 27:25 42:25 45:21 45:24,25 47:18 75:25 79:15 131:24 publicly 27:23 34:21 publish 34:5 published 34:16,18 34:19,22 35:10,12 35:12,17 44:18 pulp 2:9 11:1,7,18 11:20 12:3 13:2,10 13:16 16:1 17:4 19:20 20:24 22:12 24:10 25:7,8,24 30:8,10,22 37:11 41:13 42:24 43:5 44:2,24 45:3,13 46:5,8,9,10,22 47:20 67:5,19 68:2 68:25 72:7 73:6 74:6 78:17 80:2,7,8 89:10 108:15 110:13 114:9,15 120:21,24 purchasing 16:20 pure 71:2 purified 41:11 42:18 purple 88:3 purpose 115:15 purposes 28:21 pursuant 5:20 130:6 put 55:9 62:11 91:10,17 122:23 q quacks 121:13 qualifications 10:23 24:18,24 26:24 28:9 121:25 quality 10:13,23 11:23 12:10,16 13:1 13:10 19:2,11 31:15 March 29, 2016 Page 16 71:15 72:7 77:13,23 109:17 quantifiable 54:11 54:13 quantities 64:11,22 66:7,23,24 quantity 53:19,22 66:25 79:14 quebec 8:18 15:14 question 12:24 13:8 18:5 20:2,11 22:13 23:7,8,9,13 27:15 28:6 33:14 37:21 40:15,18 41:10 47:4 48:3,18 49:2 54:7 57:14 63:18,24 64:2 77:2,9 87:16 91:22 99:5 107:22 108:8 108:13 109:4 113:1 116:7 121:24 122:17,22 questioned 122:18 questioning 120:18 questionnaire 26:2 questions 9:21 18:19 26:17 28:25 29:21,24 38:3 41:9 41:24 56:11 111:2 111:11 117:15,21 119:8,11 120:15 122:20 125:24 127:4 128:6 quick 9:4 12:18 69:1 quite 13:20 21:14 27:6 28:15 30:7 33:7 34:20 46:8 54:19 72:14 74:24 82:19 91:8 114:23 118:20 quote 61:4 quoted 44:1 quoting 41:13 r r&d 44:23 raczkowski 5:3 7:15 7:15 raised 11:14 122:21 randomized 104:8 104:11 109:14 range 62:1 99:24 100:4 ranges 56:19 rate 65:19 rayonier 1:10 4:20 7:16,17,19,22 9:20 10:3,13 11:20 12:22 20:3,13 22:4 24:19 25:3,25 27:11,21 29:20 40:24 41:24 42:22 43:12,20 44:4 45:7 51:7,24 55:14 58:18 59:15,22 61:16,21 62:13,22 71:10 73:1 83:7 84:19 91:19 101:7 107:3 110:11 111:17,24 112:24 117:23 118:14,22 121:8 122:19 rayonier's 44:16 45:21 72:2 73:18 74:2 77:17 81:23 91:12 reached 23:18 reaching 23:3,18 121:19 reaction 40:11 read 9:2,2 10:15 42:13 96:11,14 123:24 124:5 129:6 130:2 reader 47:22 reading 85:7 ready 97:11 real 24:4 102:9 realistic 119:6 121:6 realistically 107:5 really 11:22 12:21 18:2 32:11 36:4,7 37:17 43:23 45:19 60:5 77:10 86:24 92:16 99:5 101:1,5 108:21 115:6 reason 24:14 58:1 64:8 130:13,16,19 130:22,25 131:3,6,9 131:12,15,18 reasonable 24:11 62:18 reasonably 22:23 reasons 23:2 130:8 rebuilt 80:11,13,25 81:6 recall 16:7 21:24 26:8 32:10 50:5 59:23 65:16 74:21 78:8 79:1,11 91:10 96:10 112:15 113:10 115:6 116:22,23,24 119:10 received 102:15 receives 125:22 128:13 receiving 11:2,9 12:10 15:17 19:22 27:4 35:25 recess 20:7 60:20 110:23 recognized 53:12 103:13 recollection 50:9 record 6:2,8 8:15,21 9:17 13:25 20:6,8 29:5 60:18,22 73:24 94:1 110:21,24 111:24,25 122:6 123:4,9,22 125:11 125:13,24 127:5 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [recording - right] recording 6:6 recovery 64:20 65:2 reduce 55:15,23 59:6,8,10 81:23 122:12 reduced 56:23 127:5 reduction 56:15 57:6 refer 71:5 referring 68:4 74:5 refresh 13:4 regarding 26:19 103:4 region 70:14 registered 30:2 regular 85:10 regulated 19:19 regulation 119:1 regulations 5:21 11:25 69:16 70:4 125:6 regulator 27:24 118:3 regulator's 118:21 regulators 11:14 19:18 113:24 114:18,18 regulatory 27:7 67:21,22,24 69:19 70:3 reiterate 118:23 relate 53:22 related 10:24 30:10 53:10 128:10 relates 11:1 relating 14:6 22:3 126:3 relation 21:14 61:6 62:18 66:25 91:11 relationship 14:5 125:12 127:8 128:12 relative 127:6 relevant 16:25 22:11 69:15 March 29, 2016 Page 17 reliable 23:11 58:17 reliance 23:16 relied 22:23 rely 22:22 relying 23:2 102:14 remember 50:4 59:14 89:15 104:3 112:14,15 116:9,20 120:8 remembers 111:17 remind 29:2 reminds 29:6 remotely 7:3 remove 17:21 removed 64:12 renewal 114:2 renewed 78:10 repeat 20:21 rephrase 23:7,13 rephrasing 108:1 replace 61:9 62:16 replaced 69:20 report 2:8 29:8 50:19 120:17 reported 27:23 reporter 5:23 7:25 7:25 8:4 42:5 55:5 93:6,8 125:1,3,7,9 125:24 126:1 128:6 128:8 reporting 5:22 119:10 125:6,12,19 reports 22:9 24:11 24:13 34:11,13,14 34:20,24 35:9,17 45:14 46:21 47:19 95:2 104:21 128:14 repository 126:4 represent 7:4 23:23 29:19 48:11,19 49:4 representations 125:4 representing 6:9 7:22 8:1 represents 128:4,7 request 12:13 71:15 71:17 128:10,14 require 64:23 66:8 72:5 109:17 118:4 required 13:1 101:17 109:24 requirements 71:9 71:11,14,17,21,23 72:9 requires 64:16 101:7 109:11 res 2:8,11 reserved 124:8 129:6 residual 37:1 resisted 73:8 resolved 63:9 resources 1:7 62:10 106:17 110:2 respect 25:14 respond 9:22 10:9 23:1,13 24:6 respondent 1:8,11 2:7 4:2,10 7:22 respondent's 68:13 68:14,16 92:7 123:19 responding 10:15 response 9:19 18:22 23:5 94:19 100:5 109:8 responsive 63:16,25 91:22 122:2 rest 67:9 restart 20:11 resulting 10:13 13:2 resume 2:10 12:22 15:22 21:8,10 retained 14:22 15:24 16:17 17:14 21:11 25:21 retread 117:13 returned 129:11,14 reversion 56:19 57:7,11,18 58:4,18 59:11 60:7 review 69:2 125:2 129:6 reviewed 51:15,16 96:8 106:16 115:22 richmond 15:14 right 8:5,22 10:11 12:13,20 18:21 21:24 22:1 23:12 28:6 29:16 30:11 31:19 32:13,13 33:14 35:13,20 36:13 37:21 38:13 40:2,5,23 41:2,6,23 43:21 44:7,20,23 46:6 47:3 48:2 49:13 50:4,21 51:1 51:6,13,16,19,23 53:11,24 54:20,22 57:2,21,24 58:1,10 58:12 59:10 60:2,12 62:1,7,12,15,24 63:10 64:10,16 65:3 65:23 66:12 67:4,18 68:1,12,23 69:9,18 69:22 70:2,6,13,23 71:5,18 72:1,8 73:12,22 74:13,14 74:16 75:1,10 76:11 77:2,9 78:9 79:3,16 80:24 82:13 83:4,15 83:20,24 84:6,16,23 86:6,13,16,18 87:6 87:9 89:6,9 90:16 92:5,16,24 93:13 94:11,13 96:10,16 96:20 97:25 98:23 100:24 101:25 102:20 103:10,19 104:2,7,16 106:19 110:13 111:4 112:22 123:8,23 124:5 129:6 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [riocell - simple] riocell 83:10 risks 16:19,19 river 10:14 11:16,23 12:2 13:16,18 14:4 14:7 16:3,14,14 19:22,22 21:5,13,14 23:18,24,25 24:2,2 24:12 27:5 28:8,14 38:14,17,24 39:8,11 39:14,20 40:6,16,19 41:4 50:1,23 51:10 54:5 78:22 86:24 87:14 89:22 90:2,5 90:11,19 95:11,15 95:25 96:4 98:4,5 98:13,17,19,20 99:20 101:8 102:4 102:20,21 104:9 105:18 106:6,17 107:18,18 108:7,9 108:24 109:11,14 112:2 113:5 118:9 119:14,23 120:9,11 120:17,22 121:1 122:12 riverbank 39:16 riverine 30:5,9,12 30:18 riverkeeper 1:3 6:20 7:6,8,10 40:10 95:12 riverkeeper's 118:22 riverkeepers 95:9 105:21 117:17 118:6 rivers 12:3 30:8,22 38:20,25 role 35:22 36:7 room 6:14 7:2 rough 15:7 roughly 12:9 56:22 85:10 113:10 routine 47:19 March 29, 2016 Page 18 routinely 62:19 rpr 1:19 127:19 rule 22:21 130:6 rules 5:20 125:6 130:6 run 13:7 running 16:13 32:23 61:20 78:1 russian 15:7 russians 15:1 s sadly 27:6 safe 65:5 saiccor 74:6,18,19 79:7,8,9 sailboat 39:2 sailing 38:8 sailor 38:19 sale 47:6 sample 86:4 102:16 samples 86:1 sampling 109:17 santee 38:24 satisfactory 9:23 66:10 savannah 4:21 saw 46:18 saying 52:6 53:24 88:5,6 103:14 106:9 108:2 says 41:10 66:4 80:24 84:25 93:19 93:20 95:1 108:14 scale 14:8 61:6 92:12 105:4 scales 92:14 scene 48:12,20 49:4 school 28:16 122:14 schroer 1:5 6:23 scientific 17:7 21:20 21:23 32:12 99:3,7 102:1,8,10 104:1 105:14 107:14,22 108:14,18 109:1,2,7 scientifically 85:16 104:25 scientists 33:8,15 scope 18:4,19 22:14 27:14 scotia 2:9 68:25 scotland 38:12 scuba 15:12,18 seal 129:11 searched 119:19 seawater 78:18 sec 70:20 second 29:4 42:13 79:22 secondly 67:1 section 80:21 81:4 secured 56:16 see 15:10,18 16:5,23 28:15 66:4,10 69:11 72:12 80:22 81:2 87:2,8,19,20,25 88:2,3,10,10,11,12 88:13,15,15,17 90:21 92:9,14 93:9 93:10,11 94:18 107:21 110:18 112:10 seeking 115:12 seen 10:4 15:19 17:8 27:9 34:24 44:1 47:25 49:8,8,10 51:5 57:14,16 60:10 67:7,16 78:19 86:14 100:17 115:17 120:4 segregate 14:14 select 93:19 selected 104:13 selecting 36:11 self 102:11 109:1 sell 44:3 selling 47:5 send 115:2 129:12 129:18 sending 115:3 116:19 sense 24:6 121:18,21 121:23 122:14 sensible 89:17 sensitive 6:3 sentence 10:16,17 10:19,20,21 20:17 22:6,6,7,8 24:22 26:20 66:4,12 79:22 81:5 sentences 10:19 20:17 separate 30:12 54:8 54:11 separately 14:14 series 27:12 serve 127:12 services 125:19 128:13 set 19:16 92:10 share 68:10,11 show 8:19 12:14 52:14 57:16 60:7 65:6 68:3,16 92:5 119:5 showed 60:5 showing 15:9 shown 58:7 93:4 shut 118:5,7 119:1 shutting 119:4 siberia 14:23 side 36:8 sides 27:9 sign 123:24 124:5 129:6 signature 124:8 127:17 129:2,15 131:20 signed 75:21 112:16 129:9,11,14 significant 60:6 62:25 66:7 104:14 simple 28:22 45:8 53:23 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [simply - subjects] simply 21:15 46:17 92:12 single 26:16 sir 113:22 sit 62:9 site 40:8,9,24 61:15 62:9,22 sitting 36:23 98:4 101:25 situation 25:20 26:3 six 15:4 size 21:6 52:13 62:18 skepticism 73:21 skills 61:22 skookumchuck 21:11 103:7 slow 16:3 slowly 29:3 sludge 64:11,14,16 64:22 65:1,4 66:3,8 66:16,23 87:23 92:20 117:21 small 21:14 41:7 84:1 86:24 102:15 104:13 smaller 59:24 84:1 90:12 smart 115:1 smell 98:5 120:3,19 120:25 121:1,11 smelled 21:18 smells 120:22 sold 44:6 solely 125:15 127:11 solid 53:5 solids 53:6,8,18,20 53:21 solution 118:17,18 solutions 6:10 8:1 11:13 solved 103:18 solving 103:18 somebody 32:20 55:7 March 29, 2016 Page 19 somewhat 75:9 sorry 18:10,12,14 19:5,7 25:16 32:14 42:9,12,13 69:5 70:22 76:4 81:3 84:17 93:6 98:18 107:21,25 108:25 111:19 112:25 115:8 sort 9:9 33:18 100:25 sounds 74:23 107:25 source 100:7 107:6 108:6,15,24 119:14 sources 14:9 120:25 121:8 south 70:8 74:6,19 79:5 southern 3:21 38:17 70:10,11 spalding 4:13 speak 29:3 111:18 speaking 96:7 special 15:24 17:1 25:4,20 42:23 46:22 73:5 speciality 75:19 specialty 43:17 45:18 46:2 47:15,23 71:6,9,22 72:3,18 73:16 74:3 75:11 79:17 species 98:8 99:2 specific 12:15,25 13:9 14:15 17:22 19:13 20:3 24:3 31:8 32:9 36:5 49:7 57:21 71:14,16 72:12 125:21 128:12 specifically 12:24 14:2 20:14 27:11 40:15,16 41:24 74:4 125:5 specifications 72:19 specificity 61:9 specifics 11:3 specify 72:4 85:17 85:19 spectacular 13:13 speculation 121:3 spelling 124:4 spend 67:25 103:11 spending 63:4 spent 17:2,17,17 25:5,16 31:22 42:22 46:3,25 120:11 split 55:10 spoiled 17:4 spoken 95:2,10,14 95:24 96:3 114:21 spot 58:8 spread 24:1 square 4:7 st 21:5,6 stack 3:11,13 7:7,7 29:6 stage 79:24 stakeholders 19:17 stand 45:8 standard 67:11,12 standing 51:23 52:3 start 85:25 86:8 111:4 started 17:12 20:11 state 1:1,1,16 3:6 4:5 6:13,21,22 8:14 15:23 42:24 45:2 78:10 84:11 111:8 113:22 122:19 125:9 127:2 stated 48:13 55:14 81:21 84:6 91:6 115:10 118:6 127:4 statement 5:22 43:2 45:8,20,25 73:3 80:2,5 130:8 statements 22:20 23:3 25:3,9 27:12 45:21,25 47:17,18 47:19,21 states 13:23 25:24 70:10,11 94:8 110:14 stop 63:10 story 116:18 stream 52:25 83:25 86:21 89:13,18 91:13,16 street 1:17 3:7,14,22 4:14 6:13 129:20 strike 63:15 91:22 99:23 122:5,15 strong 90:14 91:7 strongly 122:25 structure 88:10,10 88:11,14 studies 25:18 27:2,6 27:7,9,20,22 28:3,4 30:21 31:11,12 35:9 36:25 37:23 103:17 103:20,24 109:20 study 14:23 26:19 26:22,22,25,25 27:12,21 31:16,20 31:24 32:3,17,20 33:4,16 34:25 35:2 35:10,18 36:17,19 100:21 101:16,20 102:11 103:15,20 107:14,22 109:11 109:16,24 110:6,8 stuff 16:8 32:21,22 34:13 35:7 44:6 96:11 stupid 25:12 44:4 sub 10:21,21,21 26:20 subcontractor 125:10,15 127:11 subject 10:6,8 28:13 108:18 subjects 24:25 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [submitted - thank] submitted 5:23 9:6 35:11 125:24 126:1 128:6,7 subscribed 131:21 substance 17:25 96:16 130:7 substances 17:19,23 36:5 37:11 101:2 substantive 22:16 23:8 successfully 61:18 sufficient 54:4 99:6 108:14 suggest 88:23 suggested 57:15 58:7 suggesting 110:1 117:24 suite 1:17 3:8,15,23 sulfite 75:4 79:10 summer 113:15 superior 84:7 support 45:20 54:14 57:10 102:22 supports 107:15,16 suppose 9:8 supreme 15:25 sure 9:24 21:17 37:22 38:7 41:4 53:24 60:17 104:12 111:17,24 112:5 116:14 118:20 surprise 60:9 101:23 surprised 28:15 surviving 67:10 suspect 34:14,21 37:18 63:2 suspended 53:5,8,18 53:20,21 sw 4:7 swear 8:1 swim 99:20 sworn 8:3,10 131:21 March 29, 2016 Page 20 system 41:17 55:17 55:22 56:16,23 60:12 61:10 63:4,9 64:11,12 67:6,20 69:24 83:5 92:21,22 93:4 systems 25:18 57:25 59:2 66:18 69:15,19 69:20 74:25 t t 4:11 table 27:9 40:13 tahoe 15:1 tainted 17:3 tainting 14:15 17:8 17:20 19:13 20:15 20:20,24 21:4,13,15 21:21,25 31:4,6,9 31:12 34:6 35:21 36:1,6,15,21,24 37:25 95:2 96:9,21 99:12 100:16 101:2 101:11 102:4,16,23 103:3,5,9 104:18,21 106:22,23 107:2,9 107:18 108:16 109:18 120:5,17 take 9:1 26:22,25 29:10 45:3 54:17,25 55:2 60:16 110:17 taken 6:15,18 48:8 48:20 49:6 50:14 51:4 83:3 119:16 120:12 127:4 takes 62:10 64:14 90:5 talk 10:6,12,23 11:3 12:23,24 14:14 24:19,24 26:24 28:9 86:18 88:19,23 96:21 104:7 talked 20:14 94:6 120:6 talking 11:1 44:21 61:2 65:24 70:19,24 89:6 91:15 95:16 115:2 118:20 119:22 120:2 taste 17:3 96:22 98:11 102:6 106:7,9 106:13 tasted 21:19 105:16 121:12 tastes 17:10 96:18 120:22 tasting 105:14 team 15:4 16:11 21:6 30:19,23 31:2 31:24 33:24 34:2 technical 26:9 114:25 117:10 technically 16:2 31:5 114:16 technicians 16:7 32:15,22 technologies 24:20 25:17 26:9 118:1 technology 72:17 114:9 115:16 telephone 5:5 tell 10:25 13:8 23:19 24:23 28:12 46:21 51:20,25 52:7,13,16 53:1,15,20 58:16 65:17 73:19 76:9 95:17 96:1,15,16 98:7 102:2 118:16 118:22 121:20 telling 67:15 118:18 ten 3:22 tend 70:12 tender 29:7 tendered 123:14 tends 78:18 tens 61:23,25 term 44:8,9 58:11 84:24 85:1 terms 19:11 32:17 33:17 34:16 45:17 46:18 71:15 72:1 77:10 78:21,24 84:8 84:18 88:24 96:23 102:20 115:11 123:12 125:15 127:11 terpenes 17:24 terrace 16:21 terrible 13:18 21:19 21:19 96:19 tertiary 83:5 test 53:11,12,12 58:8,9 tested 17:25 100:14 testified 8:11 41:25 testify 13:13,20 20:23 23:1 testimony 2:4 8:20 9:1,21 18:4,18 20:14 22:3,16,21 23:9 26:18,21 28:7 36:16 41:10,14,16 41:18,19 42:17 50:12 55:18 60:25 64:6 65:8,21 82:1 87:12 90:1 91:11,25 94:15 95:1 101:13 105:7 106:20 113:19 117:25 123:1 130:2,7 testing 21:20,23 101:4,7 105:2,2 tests 31:23 32:24 36:18 58:20 59:15 59:17 100:18 104:25 textbook 65:12 thank 7:24 35:20 37:7 38:2 48:2 55:11 60:22 70:2,6 70:17 76:6 78:2 85:2 87:6 93:8,25 94:13 109:9 111:3 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [thanks - use] thanks 13:6 94:4 theirs 71:19 theories 17:23 thing 78:14 84:22 96:23 123:17 things 13:18 16:25 26:15 32:16 36:8 58:9 78:17 86:11 100:22 102:12 114:16,25 118:12 think 12:18 18:3 22:14,15 23:7 24:3 24:13 26:14 32:8 37:16,18 39:14 43:25 55:19 56:8 58:7 61:13 63:12,19 63:23 67:7 73:22 74:14 84:3,24 90:1 92:2 93:5,10 94:11 102:2,10 103:1 104:14 111:21 112:19,20,22 115:10 116:7 118:23 120:3 121:6 123:25 third 6:14 12:9 56:22 thomas 1:19 7:25 127:19 thought 42:9 106:1 thousand 86:17 thousands 37:14,19 three 38:25 49:3 68:9 74:21 82:4 92:17 95:6 96:5 101:4 102:24 103:25 111:21,21 111:23 throw 88:1 thumping 40:13 ticonderoga 16:1 ties 75:23 tiffany 125:10,18 128:1,4,6,11 129:10 129:19 March 29, 2016 Page 21 tightening 119:3 time 6:11 7:2 9:1 11:18,21,22 15:14 17:25 20:25 25:24 43:24 49:5 50:3,17 55:2 58:6 62:11 66:14 83:2 87:3 103:11,17 111:14 112:2,13 113:10 120:11 125:21 128:13 129:14 times 9:2 23:25 24:3 24:3 39:15,17,22 40:9 43:16 73:10 74:2 90:5,20 tiny 83:25 91:11,13 tissue 32:19 100:23 105:8 today 6:10 29:22 36:23 66:13 86:1 91:2,18,20 102:1 122:18 today's 55:24 told 48:22 57:14 62:3 64:9 73:1 116:18 118:17 tons 50:13,20 91:10 121:8 topic 101:6 toronto 16:18 tory 16:17,17 total 24:3 53:8 totally 116:3 town 88:24 towns 89:4 toxicologist 31:3 toxicologists 30:16 toxicology 31:5 track 102:10 trade 77:21 trail 38:9 transcript 123:24 124:6 125:23 127:4 127:5 128:4,5 129:7 129:12,15 130:2 transcripts 125:23 126:3 travel 63:8 treatment 25:15 26:10 41:20 59:6 66:3 69:24 83:5 treatments 25:16 trial 106:21 tried 10:8 21:16 61:14 119:7 trod 117:13 trouble 37:19 trout 89:13,16,18 true 13:20 21:21 47:4 64:10,13 66:13 67:5 80:10 81:17 125:23 127:5 128:5 128:7 try 17:21 22:25 23:12,13 45:5 61:8 86:10 96:18 97:22 108:1,2 trying 11:13 17:19 32:8 97:8 103:12 113:2 tss 66:5 turbid 52:8 53:18 turbidity 51:3,5,9 51:14,17,20,25 52:9 52:12,12,21,22,24 53:4,7,9,11,15,19,22 53:25 54:1,4,9,14 turn 6:4 19:12 22:1 28:25 42:1 60:24 70:23 75:23 84:12 two 24:24 32:7 36:17,25 38:25 46:7 56:25 58:16,23,25 59:14 92:11,13,13 95:6 96:4 100:21 102:24 103:2,21 108:8 tying 102:9 type 85:19 typewriting 127:5 typically 56:21,23 u u.s. 15:25 38:21 67:19 101:20 uh 19:3 35:1 58:14 60:4 65:9 66:6 68:18 69:13 75:3 79:6,21 81:14 85:5 92:23 93:24 108:10 108:12 un 119:6 unable 98:8 undersigned 130:2 understand 30:11 43:5,11 44:11 47:13 48:13 57:24 59:20 70:7 109:21,23 understands 118:20 unhappy 63:14 unido 14:22 unique 58:2 uniquely 14:24 unit 85:6 united 25:24 70:10 70:11 94:8 110:14 units 84:14,20 86:6 86:17 unreasonable 67:16 upgrades 26:10 94:23 uploaded 126:4 upm 83:15 upstream 51:10 82:19 99:18 uruguay 13:15,16 13:21 16:12 83:16 usages 26:4 use 8:6 24:12 41:20 61:18 71:23 72:25 73:1 75:24 79:23 81:21 84:20 90:6 95:11 106:17 109:14 117:23 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [use - yeah] 121:18,21 130:9 useful 100:18 useless 101:5,13 users 42:20 uses 61:20 74:7 usgs 51:13 usual 116:18 usually 73:8 utilization 23:17 utilize 124:5 v val 82:18 valdivia 82:18,20 validity 122:22 valuable 24:14 valued 42:19 values 55:24 variations 60:14 varies 43:13 variety 23:23 30:16 various 13:18 16:6 17:23,24 25:22 32:23 43:12 44:24 vast 21:23 vastly 104:22 verbatim 125:13 veritext 6:10 8:1 125:10,18 128:1,4,6 128:11 129:19 128:10 vermont 15:23 versus 6:20 video 20:6 60:21 117:17 119:21,22 120:4 123:11 videographer 5:4 6:1,18 7:1,24 20:5,8 60:18,21 110:21,24 123:9 videos 23:22 119:16 videotaped 1:13 8:6 view 30:18 33:22 54:14 March 29, 2016 Page 22 virtually 61:19 viscose 43:16,23 71:11 75:15 79:13 79:15 viscosity 72:5,10,20 visibility 53:3 92:1 122:12 visible 53:3 54:15 63:8 86:21,22 87:25 90:20 91:5 93:14,22 106:7 visit 112:11,17,20 112:21 visual 54:4,6,7,8,9 voice 29:3 volume 53:19 vs 1:5 w wait 9:15 want 9:14,15 12:23 13:7 14:16 21:4 22:1,25 24:9 27:5 29:24 37:22 38:2 41:9 42:1 54:22 55:10 70:20 82:8 83:9 86:8,11,18 92:16 97:9 105:24 110:18 112:5 113:18,19 116:17 117:12 wanted 16:23 18:8 wants 55:4 washington 78:10 waste 17:20 28:18 64:16,22 66:8,23 101:3 103:17 109:20 110:2 wastewater 11:7,19 11:21 12:4,11 13:2 13:11 15:6 22:12 23:21 26:10 41:20 59:5 64:15 120:24 water 10:12,23 11:2 11:9 12:10,16 13:1 13:10 14:4,25,25 15:17 19:1,11,15 27:4 38:17,20 52:5 66:16 85:3,11,12 87:13,17 88:5 90:6 92:24 94:2 97:17 98:3 101:8 105:13 105:16 106:7,12 109:17 121:11 waters 19:23 35:25 watershed 65:13 waterway 38:22 39:25 way 13:23 21:3 53:23 54:8,12 63:25 91:17 108:17 116:12 117:9 122:21 we've 19:15 94:6 95:16 117:11 weather 90:10 website 14:1 35:15 week's 44:9 weeks 106:4 went 101:3 106:5 117:25 west 17:5 wet 32:15,21 weyerhaeuser 74:7 whispering 6:3 white 52:10,12,15 88:1 widely 44:1 118:2 118:11 widespread 24:5 wife 38:10 william 4:18 7:17 willing 100:20 wished 46:9 withdraw 110:1 122:21 witness 6:24 8:2,3,7 18:7,10,12,14 27:16 28:25 37:10 54:19 56:7 60:17 80:19 93:7 94:3 111:3 112:23 113:4,6,8 123:7 124:2 128:8 witnesses 126:1 word 24:14 words 32:18 work 7:13 11:6 12:25 15:17 17:7,18 30:10,15 31:2 32:16 32:25 34:9 73:19 83:6 104:1 105:4 worked 11:18,19,23 12:9,16 21:1 27:8 27:22 30:19,20 31:20,23 57:22 74:24 77:8 103:2 114:21 working 12:2,5 17:2 19:16 25:17 26:6,7 75:22 works 13:24 world 67:9 79:23 80:1 94:16,20,21 worldwide 65:13 worst 97:12 worth 36:18 56:8 wqc 1:5 6:23 write 12:15 108:18 115:21 119:2 written 5:22 8:20,25 10:2 18:18 20:15 22:2 29:7 64:21,25 65:3,6 84:18 96:8 96:14 122:23 123:16 wrote 34:20 65:12 69:12,18 123:1 x xerox 71:20 y y'all 55:10 yeah 8:24 9:12 12:17 13:6 14:12 18:11,14 19:5,14 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696 Neil McCubbin Altamaha Riverkeeper vs. GA EDP [yeah - zoomed] March 29, 2016 Page 23 28:15 29:6 32:21 39:25 40:4 48:17 49:16 52:2 54:24 56:2,7 57:4 59:17 74:1,20 79:8 80:19 80:23 81:7 82:2 84:5 85:17 87:5,11 91:5 92:18,20 93:20 93:22 95:23 103:9 106:11 110:7 113:4 114:1,5 117:2 119:12 121:6,23 year 58:16,25 68:2 105:3 112:13 113:10 years 11:6 15:13 16:9,16 17:2 24:1 25:6 29:23 31:20 32:25 36:17,17 43:15 45:13 58:23 61:19 64:25 73:7,11 76:3,10,12,23,25 77:7 83:14 95:17 96:1,2,5,12 100:21 102:24 111:21,22 111:23 114:5,22,23 116:25 117:1 yellow 87:1 young 26:6,7 youtube 119:19,20 z zoomed 92:12 Tiffany Alley, A Veritext Company 800.808.4958 770.343.9696
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