Waterloo . . . May 2016 - Tampa Bay Aquarium Society


Waterloo . . . May 2016 - Tampa Bay Aquarium Society
Monthly Newsletter
Serving Kitchener Waterloo
and the surrounding area since 1960
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
In this issue:
Java Ferns
CAOAC Convention
Moema hellneri
Driftwood Decor
What’s up with Conventions?
WWF with MTS
May Speaker:
The Fish Geek
Mini Show:
Loaches & Killifish
In This Issue:
About the front cover: Karen Murray Red
Gularis (Fundulopanchax sjoestedti) Dwarf
Red Variety) male.
This photo was given a vintage overlay
using Paint app. Dwarf Red gularis are
about 4”, a little smaller than the Blue
gularis size, but in my opinion have much
more vibrant colours.
About the back cover: Karen Murray Albino
Bristlenose pleco male. This pleco is a
couple of years old. He has his home base
that he rarely leaves, at least during the day.
He is about 4” long. Jayne Glazier gave him
to me and he has done well in the 33 gallon
long community tank.
We are always looking for articles and photos…
The Java Fern
Moema hellneri
CAOAC Convention
May Program
the Fish Geek
Whats up with
Mini Show:
WWF with MTS
Loaches & Killifish
Tuesday May 3, 2016
7:30 pm
Meeting Location:
Adult Recreation Centre 2nd floor
185 King street S. Waterloo, ON
-parking at back of building
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
Presidents Corner
Hello everyone!
I heard that Paul gave an excellent talk last
meeting. Thanks to Jeff for stepping in while I
was away enjoying the
intense training sessions in
Dalton Georgia. While
there, I drove over to
Chattanooga with a couple
of other reps and had
dinner. I was hoping to be
able to check out the Incline
Railway up Lookout
Mountain and the
Tennessee Aquarium but alas, I can tell you
about many of the pubs and bars!
So, let me fill you in on some of the things we
discussed at the business meeting. May 15th
will be the date of our KWAS GTA Shop Hop.
We will be visiting a number of stores that
day and finishing at Finatics Aquarium in
Mississauga where Mike Bandura will dazzle
us with refreshments and beverages! These
events are always a lot of fun and
competition to see who got the best deal or
the rarest fish creates a lot of friendly jabs.
We did post this on the Facebook group and
boy did it create some interest. I had to tell
many hobbyists that this was a KWAS event
and only KWAS members would be privy to
the details. Stuart may be busy this month!
May 2016
We also discussed our summer picnic and our programs
moving into the fall. June is our Membership Appreciation
night, September will be a speaker on guppies and
October will feature workshops (hands on in small
groups) so please send me your ideas on what you would
like to see demonstrated. More details at upcoming
Nominations will be closed in May for the Executive
positions. If you have a nomination, please get it in before
the meeting is called to order. All nominations, including
self-nominations must be seconded by someone from the
general membership (not the existing executive or the
board of directors) prior to voting. Any member agreeing
to run for an executive position will be given an
opportunity to speak at the May general meeting prior to
voting, and the membership will be given an opportunity
to ask questions of the candidate.
One last thing… I am so guilty of this so I extend my
apologies to Karen. We need some articles! Please, if
you have anything to share in the newsletter, put fingers
to keyboard and write about it. Take some photos of your
fish or aquariums. I have a couple of articles that are half
finished so hopefully you will see them next month. In the
meantime… I have to run… the Jays are playing!!!
Volume 55 Issue 05
The Fine Print…
KWAS Mission Statement
The Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium
Society (KWAS) is a non-profit
organization whose primary goals are to:
. Further the hobby and study of tropical
fish and related endeavours
. Inspire the preservation of aquatic life
. Maintain a meeting place for its
. Develop and maintain a library on
aquatic life
. Promote fellowship among its
. Seek out and establish a kinship with
other clubs with similar objectives
KWAS Officials 2014- 2015
Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com) 519-571-9093
Vice President Jeff Samson (jsamson99@live.com)
Terry Clements (tropicalfever@hotmail.ca)
Brad McClanahan (nasfan@mail.com)
Past President Cam Turner (cam.turner@gmail.com)
Board of Directors
Editor/Publisher Karen Murray(kwasnewsletter@gmail.com)
Exchange Editor Zenin Skomorowski (zenin@golden.net)
Membership Chair Stuart Morley (smorley407@rogers.com)
Auction Chair
Oktoberfish Chair Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com)
Shawn O’Halloran ( bigshawn@rogers.com)
Lunch Counter Lilian Stroh (strohs@rogers.com)
Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com)
Raffle Chair Glenn Roberts/BOD (contact@glennlroberts.com)
B.A.P Chair Terry Clements (tropicalfever@hotmail.com)
H.A.P Chair Karen Murray (murray_26@sympatico.ca)
CAOAC Rep Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com
C.A.R.E.S Chair David Deleeuw (deleeuw4@live.com)
KWAS is a charter member of CAOAC:
Name That Fish/Plant BOD/Executive
The Canadian Association of Aquarium
Jar Show
Web Team
Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com)
Zenin Skomorowski (zenin@golden.net)
Pet Store Liaison Zenin Skomorowski (zenin@golden.net)
Fins & Tales is published 10 times each year
Al Ridley (pyrofishtoo@gmail.com)
between the months of September and June for
KWAS members. Opinions expressed in this
Advertise in Fins & Tales
publication are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of the Fins & Tales editors or As of November 2010 the KWAS BOD has decided to use
KWAS. The mention of any product does not newsletter advertising as an incentive for product donations
constitute an endorsement by Fins & Tales or for our annual Oktoberfish show and auction. If you’re
KWAS members.
interested in participating please contact a member of the
Reprint Policy — Articles from this publication
may be printed in a not-for-profit publication
provided credit is given to both the author and
KWAS. Copies of the reprint must be sent to
both the author and KWAS. Any other use is
prohibited without the written consent of
E x c h a n g e Pr o g r a m — K WA S e x c h a n g e s
newsletters with other clubs across North
America. If your club is interested in becoming a
part of this program please contact our exchange
editor by mail or e-mail zenin@golden.net
Correspondence — Please send all
correspondence to the Kitchener Waterloo
Aquarium Society, Box 38037 256 King Street
North, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4T9.
Volume 55 Issue 05
BOD who will bring your request to the attention of the
newsletter editors, store liaisons and Oktoberfish chair who
will contact you to discuss a suitable arrangement.
Submission of Articles
Cover images and articles can be submitted for publication in Fins
& Tales by all hobbyists and must be submitted digitally. Priority is
given to KWAS members and to topics that have not been recently
covered. Not all submissions will be printed in the month they are
submitted. The editors of Fins & Tales may be required to edit your
submission for length, spelling, grammar and/or clarity. Please
indicate if you would like to proof read the edited version prior to
official publication.
Submissions are due via email to the editors
(kwasnewsletter@gmail.com) by the 15th day of the month for
publication in the upcoming issue of Fins & Tales. Please contact us
if you have any questions or would like suggestions or feedback on
possible article topics.
May 2016
When a Java Fern is not Just a Java Fern
by Karen Murray
Photos by Karen Murray
Java fern (Microsorium pteropus)
A favourite among hobbyists because it is so easy to grow. Don’t bury the roots, tie to wood until they
attached itself to the object with brown root like tendrils. It dislikes high levels of light (leaves go
transparent). They are a slow growing plant with very few demands. Black spores will form under the
leaf which plantlets will grow from. These tips turn black and eventually the plantlet will drop off. You can
also split the rhizome easily.
Most fish will not eat this plant, since it produces a bitter tasting chemical.
Phillipine -can be found in brackish
waters. Broad textured or hammered
leaves. Does well in our hard water.
Windelov - also known as lace
fern. A patented modified fern
with triple split ends. It forms a
dense bush of leaves.
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
Trident- a rare
sought after fern that
grows antler like
or ‘tripartite’ leaves.
There can be some
variation in the shape
of the leaves.
Narrow Leaf-a variation that
grows longer, slimmer leaves.
The leaves grow at a less acute
angle from the rhizome.
Other known varieties:
Undulata- has a wider, wavier leaf much
like green leaf lettuce. Grows larger than the
average java fern.
Tropica-a larger leafed variety with some
spiked projections mainly at the center of
the leaves.
Bolbitis heudelotii - while not a java fern, I thought I
would include it here becasue of its similarities in ease
of growth and growth type. It has a rhizome but does
not grow plantlets from its leaves in the way java fern
Basic Care:
Bright light will melt the leaves.
Iron deficiency is common in java fern and
evident by brown or black holes in the leaves. Use water column fertilizers and have lots of patience,
ferns are very slow growers, which will suit people who don’t want to spend a lot of time pruning.
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
big fish
Moema hellneri
by Karen Murray
Its the story of a fish. A big (killi)fish-touted to
be the biggest killifish. It tops out at 7-8”. I must
have this fish. I waited until summer and ordered the
e g g s
from Germany. The incubation is 6-10 months so I figure I can hatch
out in the winter which works for me because I don’t generally want fry
in the summer holidays. The eggs arrived at the end of July with a hatch
date in two weeks. Wait..What? Grr. I was told they were freshly picked. Oh
well. I take the peat and throw it in a container with tank water. Two days later I
have 11 fry out of 30 eggs. The cost was $65 CDN. I have a magnifier that shows that there are
other eggs developed and some not. I don’t quite see 30 eggs though so some must have gotten
absorbed. I dried the peat by putting it in a fine mesh and squeezing as much of the water out as I
can. Then I put it back in the bag and wait a month. In the meantime I feed freshly hatched baby brine
shrimp and banana worms. Banana worms are a little dirtier but if I overfeed brine shrimp I will sometimes
hydra. They seem to always appear with my most few or precious fry. They sting the fry - I’ve watched it happen. All
they have to do is touch the fry and the fry instantly dies. Its brutal. I really hate hydra. (but I digress..)
After a month, one of the fry died and a month later another. I keep them in a hang on breeder box where the water
refreshes constantly, but it is summer and we have a lot going on. I do a big water change and also wet the peat
again. This time I get 3 fry. One died immediately. Sometimes they are just weak, could be he stayed in the egg too
long.. I wet the peat 3 more times over the next few months with no further fry. Re-wetting the peat can reactive the
eggs from their diapause, so you will often get multiple hatches.
Out of 14 fish hatched I ended up with 9 adult fish. I had a jumper and the dominant male killed another (he was a
beauty too). The remaining 7 are 3 females and 4 males. I have only just separated them for breeding, and sold one
pair to a killikeeper in hopes of propagating in the area. I am, to my knowledge, the only one in Ontario that has
them. This fish is perhaps a little beyond my skill to breed, but I will try it. I have the breeding pair in a 10 gallon, and
even though I used their original tank water the female has been struggling to maintain her balance over the last few
weeks. She looks better after feeding her some peas though.
(Don’t ask me why). I will put a small jar in the tank filled half way
with peat. They are peat divers and will lay the eggs in the peat.
Then I will ‘dry’ it and put it away for 6 months with no knowledge
of whether the eggs survived until I wet it again. Hence, the
reason peat spawners are Not my favourite fish. By the time I
wet the peat, the parents will be dead or close to it.
These fish are annuals but can live about 1.5 years in an aquarium in
perfect conditions. They are found in the Amazon Basin. They are an
odd fish, often remaining motionless with their tails down for periods of
time. They remind me of the stance of a rivulus or even an amphibian.
Moema hellneri killifish - hatched in August,
and is now 5.5”
Volume 55 Issue 05
I have my largest ‘showy’ male in a 33 long with ember tetras and
celestial pearl danios, to-date he show no signs of even noticing them
though they could easily fit in his mouth. The smaller fish are not the
least bit afraid of the Moema and have benefitted enormously from the
live food they steal from the Moema. He is still growing and I can’t wait
to see him full size. His finnage is quite awesome!
May 2016
CAOAC Convention
Red Lizard Catfish bred by Charlie Drew
-photo by Karen Murray
20 - 22 - CAOAC Convention - Fanshawe
College, London
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
CAOAC Convention Itinerary
2016 CAOAC Convention
Conference Centre Fanshawe College
1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, East London, ON N5Y 5W2
May 20-21-22, 2016 - Victoria Day Weekend.
$90 full Convention Ticket (includes speakers and dinner) after April 1, 2016
$50 Speakers Only $45 Banquet Only
Pre-register and purchase your tickets online with our PayPal option available now here.
Convention Schedule
Friday, May 20th
4:00 PM Convention and Show Registration
9:30 PM Evening Entertainment
8:00 PM Speaker – Ray Lucas
Saturday, May 21st
7:30 – 10:00 AM Show Registration
8:00 AM Convention and Show Registration
9:00 – 10:00 AM Speaker – Hernán López-Fernández
10:15-11:15 AM Speaker – Karen Randall
11:00 AM Show Room Closed
11:30 – 12:30 PM Speaker – Mark Denaro
12:30 – 1:30 PM Lunch/Fish Show Judging
1:30 – 2:30 PM Speaker – Leslie Dick
2:45 – 3:45 PM Speaker – Ken McKeighen
4:00 – 5:30 PM Fish room open for viewing
6:30 – 7:00 PM Cocktails at Forwell Hall
7:00 – 8:30 PM Dinner/Awards
8:30 PM Dance/Karaoke
Later Hospitality Suite Open
Sunday, May 22nd
7:30 AM Auction Registration
9:00 AM CAOAC Annual Meeting and election of Officers
10:30 AM Auction begins in Forwell Hall
Leslie Dick Karen Randall
Volume 55 Issue 05
Ray Lucas
Ken McKeighen Mark Denaro
Hernán López-Fernández Ph.D.
May 2016
Exchange Editor Report Zenin Skomorowski KWAS
The newsletters featured in this column, & others are available to you.
Please let me know by email, or at the monthly meeting which ones you would like to read.
Title and Author
Nothobranchius Primer … in the mud of Africa,
Mike Jacobs
The Filter
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society
Mar 2016
Hygrophila corymbosa, Alan de Velasco
Collecting in Florida Part 2, Chuck Davis
The Reporter
North Jersey Aquarium Society
Mar 2016
10 Planted Tank Myths, George Farmer
The Nekton
Saskatoon Aquarium Society
Mar 2016
Cyprinodon brontotheroides - Durophage
Pupfish, Joe Doyle
Corydoras panda, Joe Doyle
Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society
Mar 2016
Aulonocara baenchi, Dave Furness
The Scat
St. Catharines & Area Aquarium
Apr 2016
Saluting the Five General Hemichromis
elongatus, Jonathan Strazinsky
Buckeye Bulletin
Ohio Cichlid Association
Apr 2016
Grindal Worms, Charley Grimes
Breeding Laetacara araguaiae “Buckelkopf”,
Bradley Moore
Breeding Pundamilia nyererei, Tarri Bain
Breeding Cyrtocara moorii, Tarri Bain
Fancy Fins
Circle City Aquarium Club
Apr 2016
Pseudocrenilabris multicolor victoriae Egyptian
Mouthbrooder, Alan Rollings
Tank Tales
Aquarium Club of Lancaster County
Apr 2016
Salt … Conductivity … and Tropical Fish, Mike
Electric Jolts and Venom, Patty Moncrief
The Filter
Tampa Bay Aquarium Society
Apr 2016
The Benefits of LED Lighting, Gavin Warren
“The Fish Doctor” Garra rufa, Joe Doyle
Tropical Fish Club of Erie County
Apr 2016
Pseudomugil cf. paskai “Red Neon”, Eric
Making a Simple Pleco Egg “Tumbler”, Eric
Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society
Apr 2016
Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs Convention
May 20-22, 2016 in London Ontario
Surf’s up ! Here is this month’s web site to explore:
Step-by-step Guide to Setting Up a Planted Aquarium
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
Exchange Photos - Zenin Skomorowski
Aulonocara baenschi
Mbezi River TZN 09/9
Hemichromis elongatus
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
Business Meeting - your BOD hard at work!
BUSINESS MEETING March 8th, 2016 7:30pm
Meeting at the home of David and Lilian
Executive in attendance: Al Ridley, Terry Clements and Brad
BOD in attendance: Dave DeLeeuw, Lillian Stroh, Karen
Murray, Zenin Skomorowski and Stuart Morley
Regrets: Jeff Samson
Motion to approve March business minutes as printed
Motion: Dave
Seconded: Zenin
Motion to approve April general minutes as emailed and
Motion: Zenin Seconded: Terry
Future business Meetings:
May- Terry Clements
June- Zenin Skomorowski
Executive Nominations: None yet
Correspondence: A member messaged via Facebook
Member - just a q to you , have we or why don’t we host the
convention , i was just wondering that is all
Reply - we haven't hosted a Convention in many years.
Cam's team looked at it in a big way but the costs were very
high. We talked about it (informally) a couple of months ago
and decided that with the number of people currently
running the club, it would be too taxing to add the pressures
of a convention. It is on the radar, just not sure when we will
pull the trigger.
Member - oh i see its too bad i don’t now if the club will
make money or not but , even if i am not a member i would
always help in some way if i could. i hope you and the club
would let me
We look at the possibility of the convention every year but
do not see it happening in our near future but will review
next year.
Treasurer’s Report (Terry):
April – money in $189.00 / money out $182.66
Bank $4,973.73
Cash Box -$326.77
Motion to accept: Brad Seconded: Lillian
Constitution and By-Law Review
As per our current Constitution, we are required to review
the document annually. We will break it up and review
sections monthly. The first section to be reviewed is actually
due in January.
Committee Reports
NL Editor/Publisher: (Karen) Nothing to report
April 2016
Web / Social Media: (Zenin and Al) Lilian has some
information on V-Bulletin. Lillian will look into our current
version and see if she can manage anything.
Facebook: (Zenin and Al) KWAS page is currently at 727
likes (702 likes at last business meeting).Facebook group is
currently at 376 members (359 at last business meeting).
Program: (Al)
May: Thomas the Fish Geek (You Tube) –Q&A Planted
Tanks and More
June: Need to plan.
September: Nancy Egelton for a talk on Guppies
October: Workshops
November: Mike Davis?
Exchanges: (Zenin) Zenin has sent the FAAS submissions
C.A.R.E.S.: (David) nothing to report
CAOAC: Did we forward the CAOAC newsletter to our
members? Zenin will now be responsible to do this every
Membership: (Stuart) 18 Adult memberships and 15 Family
memberships. We need to come up with some ideas to draw
more members in.
Auction: (Jeff) nothing to report
Library: (Shawn) Nothing to report
Raffle: (Glenn) nothing to report
HAP: (Karen) nothing to report
BAP: (Terry) nothing to report
Name That Fish/Plant: (Jeff/Karen) Fish in May
Mini Show: Nothing to report
Lunch: (Lilian & David) nothing to report
Pet Store Liaison: (Zenin and Al) Nothing to report
New Business:
Nominations for Executive positions to be closed at the next
(May) General meeting
Karen will design a business card for kwas to be handed out
when needed.
Picnic planned for June 26.
Old Business: Shop Hop: May 15 is planned.
Bob’s Cardinal Program: There is interest and moving
Oktoberfish 2016:
Oktoberfish sponsorships outstanding: Jay Kuntz - $70 and
Martin Mills - $80
Al will check with Jeff about Martin Mills.
Venues – Karen was checking the Portuguese Club,
Jeff was checking Knights Of Columbus, Waterloo
Lilian was checking St David School, Waterloo
Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm
Volume 55 Issue 05
WWF with MTS -(wrestling with multiple tank syndrome)
by Karen Murray
I ' m
standing in front of a tank at Big Als. I just went in to get some algae wafers, but of course I had to take a look
a r o u n d . Most of the fish I just give a passing glance at. But some I take a hard look to see what treasures may be hidden
there. As I am browsing my internal dialogue sounds much like a parent scolding a child. "Why are you even looking? You are in so
much trouble if you find something. You don't have time for this, move along."
I tell myself going into the fish store is a good self control
exercise. I can handle it. After all, there really is nothing I need. My
tanks are full, my fish are happy. So I speed up near the end of the
isle and am about to depart when something grabs at the back of my
mind. I stop dead in my tracks, turn my head and squint.
Oh oh... We've all been there. MTS (multiple tank syndrome) is real
and I have had it "real bad" for quite some time. I've struggled with
my addiction, won some battles, but lost many more. I'm lucky
because I stick mainly to one genre of fish, but that doesn't mean my
options are limited. There is Aquabid, local and not-so-local breeders,
monthly fish meetings, auctions, eBay and buy & sell groups where I
can find my particular type of fish- or sometimes- a fish of whimsy. Beware the evils of the
Betta splendens. Entry
level addiction fish
I've done a lot of soul searching on the matter. Why do I find
it necessary to have every fish that catches my fancy? Even though I
don't buy every fish, even the fraction I do buy sometimes seems too
many. I spend too much time thinking about them, reading about
them, looking at and looking after them. Well, how much time is too
much time? For myself, it's too much time when I have family/social
events, emergencies or any other work to do. I'd certainly rather be
playing with my fish. I recently observed that I get hung up in the fry
room for 1/2 the day on the weekends, or just as we are going out
for dinner… this does not go over well with other family members
to say the least. Life gets in the way of fish has true meaning around
So I strategize on how I am going to cut down the time
spent on fish, like getting up earlier in the weekends and complete
my work before anyone gets up. Hide the impact the addiction has
so no one will notice how much time I really do spend on it. Stop
collecting eggs so I don't have so many fry to care for. Babies take a
lot of time to look after. (Cleaning the trays every day, collecting live
food for them and so on.) I pass on the fish I'm not having any
success breeding... Maybe someone else will have more luck.
Next, amalgamate some species - carefully to make sure
there will be no crossbreeding or overt aggression. But in order to
do that, I will have to switch out some tanks. Herein lies the crux-I
end up buying yet another tank, but somehow the old one rarely
leaves! I can say it's a hobby, like any other, but does skiing require
every brand of ski, or goggles? How many bikes or boats do outdoor
enthusiasts collect? Perhaps it's not the same as every other hobby.
Perhaps it's more like hoarding. Volume 55 Issue 05
April 2016
WWF with MTS -(wrestling with multiple tank syndrome) con’t
by Karen Murray
Which brings me to the next thought on my MTS problem. How many species do I need, exactly? How many fish before
it no longer gives me that euphoric feeling? At what point will it feel like more of a burden? So I downsize-a little, I curb my
desire for that fish, (oh! But not This fish.) I must be new because I am still experimenting. I’ve learned I don't like tanks low to
the ground, or end to end stacks where I can't see the fish. I’ve decided no more stem plants and I draw the line at C02 - all
strategies to limit, simplify and curb my addiction. The limits are different for everyone. The boundaries clearer for some,
muddier for others. I'm still finding mine. I do get ahead of the beast for a little while. Then I go to Oktoberfish and browse
the bags, making rational lists and price limits and I keep it sane, for the most part. I'm excited about my purchases right up until
I get the bags home and have to set up a couple of tanks on the floor until I can "move stuff around". Thats when the panic
sets in and the brain pipes up with a “what did you do?”
But right now I'm staring into a tank at Big Als coveting a fish. My heart is pounding a little because I know I don't have
room for this fish. Instead of looking away, I look harder. Yup. There are females. Oh. Oh. My heart gives a happy flutter so I
play a game. Go home I tell myself, get the tank set up and then come back for them. Life will inevitably get in the way and
hopefully I won't get back in time. Or.. sanity will kick in when I get home and realize there is no place to put them, and I don't
have to have them today.
I have the rest of my life to experience every fish I desire. A mere sampling of the Killifish Addiction
when it was in Full Swing…
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
Photo Gallery
Send us your photos so we can showcase them!
Pleco Tank
Lilian built this
background herself. It
h o u s e s t h e fi l t e r
behind it and allows
for a trickle waterfall
Her finishing texture
and colour were really
well done. We look
forward to an article
constructed this!
photo: Lilian Stroh
needs you…
2015 Membership Fees
Volunteer Today
speak to any KWAS executive member to volunteer
or email
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years $100
Junior Members (under the age of 18) $10 per year
The Fellowship of Fish
Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
April General Meeting -the scoop..
Name That Plant: Plastic Cabomba won by Zenin
Bob Channen (15 minutes)
paramecium, microworms and successfully spawning
brine shrimp. Bob gave us the starting of his
presentation, more to come!!
Executive present: Jeff Samson, Terry Clements and
Brad McClanahan
BOD Present: Karen Murray, Zenin Skomorowski,
Stuart Morley, Dave Deleeuw, Lillian Stroh and Shawn
Auction: Alvin auctioned off this months goods.
Called meeting to order at 7:32
People present-- 20
Guests – 1
Raffle: Everyone took home a prize
except Karen
Zenin announced three more books to be silent
auctioned off again with the proceeds going to the
Sarnia Aquarium Society Auction – April 16th
Durham Region Aquarium Society Aquariama – April
Open Nominations for Executive Positions:
Motioned by Zenin Skomorowski and 2nd by Dave De
Leeuw. Nominations opened.
Ask for interest in a GTA Shop Hop
Date to be determined
First Stop
Aquatic Kingdom / Big Al’s / Dragon Aquarium (11am
to 1pm)
Second Stop
R2O Aquariums (1:15pm to 2pm)
Final Stop
Finatics Aquarium (2:30pm to 4pm)
There was moderate interest.
• Dave Pauls (from Owen Sound) gave an
excellent presentation on Rainbowfish.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
1st - Black Skirt Tetra - Zenin
2nd - Spotted Silver Dollar - Zenin
3rd - Pristella Tetra - Dave
1st - Melini Cory - Zenin
2nd - Green Phantom - Dave
3rd - Albino Long Fin Bristlenose - Stuart
1st - Australian Rainbow - Zenin
2nd - Irian Red Rainbow - Zenin
3rd - No Entry :(
KWAS Members !
Write an Article for Fins & Tales
Your input is Valuable so share with your fellow KWAS’ers.
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
What’s up with Conventions by Zenin Skomorowski
Why attend a tropical fish convention ?
I asked this question when I first joined KWAS
back in 2002.
Since then, I have attended
numerous weekend conventions in various
My first convention was the Canadian Association
of Aquarium Clubs (CAOAC) annual convention
in 2005 It was hosted by the Durham Region
Aquarium Society in Markham. I went for only
one day for the speaker presentations. They
were an excellent source of information and
personal experiences.
In between the
presentations, I checked out the vendor displays
and the multi-class fish show. I saw many fish
there that I had only seen in books.
I was
impressed with so many people in one place that
were interested in tropical fish. It was awesome,
I was hooked.
In the following years, along with fellow KWAS
member Terry Clements, we attended CAOAC
conventions across Ontario in London, Oakville,
Brantford, Etobicoke and Burlington. They take
place on the Victoria Day weekend in May. There
have also been CAOAC conventions in
Edmonton Alberta and Winnipeg Manitoba, but I
could not attend those. There are around 100 or
so attendees each year.
My home club,
Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society has a small
show at its monthly meetings, so those got me
some experience before showing fish at other
clubs and eventually at conventions. Over the
years, I have done well in the convention shows.
At the 2015 convention, I was awarded
Champion of Champions for accumulating the
most points in CAOAC sanctioned shows in
photos by Zenin Skomorowski
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
What’s up with Conventions con’t by Zenin Skomorowski
In March 2013,
and I
to Ottawa
for their
w e e k e n d
was pretty much like
a CAOAC convention.
We also visited local fish
stores in Ottawa and
across the river in Hull
Quebec. That really tested my
high school French since there
were no signs or labels in English.
Since 2010, we have been attending
the Ohio Cichlid Association
Extravaganza south of Cleveland Ohio. It
photos by Zenin Skomorowski
is usually the third weekend in November.
Other KWAS members have also made the 5
hour drive. Each year, there are about 250 to 300 registered attendees. Besides great speaker presentations,
they have a 30 class show for cichlids and catfish, a swap meet, many vendors, manufacturers displays and dry
goods auction, and a huge all day auction of cichlids and catfish. There is an impressive number of attendees
selling fish, dry goods and plants out of their hotel rooms. Some rooms at the OCA Extravaganza seem to have
more fish than some of the smaller fish stores that I have been to. The hospitality suite gives plenty of
opportunities to talk to other attendees from all over the US, Canada and elsewhere.
While attending a weekend convention, there are opportunities to visit the fish stores in the area. We have also
visited stores on the way to and from conventions. For example, going to Ohio, we have visited stores in Erie
Pennsylvania, and on the way back in Detroit Michigan.
Most of the conventions have had all day auctions, vendor displays, swap meets, workshops, tank decorating
contests for kids, field trips and public aquarium visits, but all feature very well-known speakers. Many have
published books, are experts in a particular field and may even have fish species named for them.
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
What’s up with Conventions con’t by Zenin Skomorowski
Here are some of my more memorable presenters in no
particular order:
Heiko Bleher
Barbie Fiorentino
Ad Konings
Laif DeMason
Juan Miguel Artigas
Charlie Grimes
Willem Heijns
Wayne Leibel
Julian Dignall
Ingo Seidel
Spencer Jack
Felipe Cantera
Stephan Tanner
Hans Georg Evers
Rachel O’Leary
Gary Lange
Stan Schubel
Melanie Stiassny
Discus Hans
Hernán LópezFernández
Bob Fenner
Ian Fuller
Paul Loiselle
Karen Randall
Shane Linder
Ted Judy
Heinz Büscher
Oliver Lucanus
photos by Zenin Skomorowski
Another popular convention is the
Potomac Valley Aquarium Society Catfish
convention that takes place every two
years near Washington DC. I have not
gone to this one yet, but those who have
say it is all catfish all the time and worth
the trip. Synodontis, plecos, corys and
more. Recently, the Madison Area Aquatic
Hobbyists held a Catfish Cataclysm
convention in Wisconsin that might
alternate in the other two year cycle.
A long time annual convention is put on by
the American Cichlid Association (ACA).
The location moves around the U.S. In
recent years it has been in Springfield
Massachusetts, Louisville Kentucky,
Denver Colorado, Indianapolis Indiana,
Washington DC, Milwaukee Wisconsin
and Atlanta Georgia. I have considered
attending but either something family wise
came up or it is just too far away. The
2016 ACA convention will be held in
Cincinnati Ohio, which is around a 7 hours
drive from Kitchener, only 2 hours further
than the OCA Extravaganza.
I might
make it since it takes place in the summer,
so good driving weather.
There are other conventions put on by the
American Livebearers Association (ALA)
and the American Killifish Association
(AKA). I have not attended any of those,
but some KWAS members have in the
So I am sure there is a convention that will
appeal to your interests, or just go to one
nearby and enjoy the speaker
presentations, the show, the auction, and
being with people who will readily talk
about this great hobby we all enjoy.
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
What’s up with Conventions con’t by Zenin Skomorowski
photos by Zenin Skomorowski
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05
Support your Local Members Business
Our Business Directory for all things fishy or fish people related.
BIG AL’s Kitchener
509 Wilson Ave, Kitchener, ON
N2C 2M4
Jeff Samson - Century 21 Realty
Brad Smith - Sutton Group
Realty Inc.
6200 Dixie Rd units 105/106
Misissauga, Ont L5T 2E1
Radtke’s Roost Photography
Shrimp Fever
3276 Midland Ave, Unit C-102
Scarborough, Ontario
M1V 0C8
Karen Murray Interiors
Kitchener Ontario
Stroh’s Tax Services
Lilian Stroh
133 Bloomingdale Rd. N
Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1A5
Rona Building Centers
E-Ride Guelph
(519) 341-0801
Stay Fit Health Center
King Fish Imports
Tymer Custom Services
Erica’s Fish Hut
(519) 887-8928
Ducharme Carpentry & Drywall
Escape Room
CBI Physiotherapy
(519) 570-3400
Tony Howell DFS Investments
Tropical Fever
Terry Clements
Fergus Ontario
Thanks to Big Als Kitchener
for supplying product for our
New Members Welcome Swag Bag
If you would like to be in our directory-its free to KWAS members.
Volume 55 Issue 05
May 2016
May P
Thomas the Fish
Mini Show Loaches & Killifish
Join the forum at www.kwas.ca and see us on
Front Cover: Dwarf Red gularis male Karen Murray
Back Cover: Albino Bristlenose pleco male Karen Murray
May 2016
Volume 55 Issue 05