

Reporting Software
Reporting Software
EnviroPro is a reporting package integrated
into the MS Workstation software; which can
be used to automatically generate the reports
that are required by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Methods and
Protocols. In addition, the program goes
beyond EPA requirements and delivers key
information used by analytical chemists for a
variety of other applications. It is the tool you
need for your environmental testing laboratory.
Summary reports include sample lists,
calibration runs, matrix spike recovery, and
Method Detection Level (MDL) calculations.
MDLs are based on statistical calculations of
multiple injections.
EnviroPro provides Contract Laboratory (CLP)
Forms I-VIII for volatile and semi-volatile
analytes in soil and water. Disk deliverables
are not included.
Reports can be reviewed on screen, printed,
and/or converted into other file types for
inclusion in spreadsheets and other reports.
EnviroPro provides a wide array of text and
graphic reports. The software allows the user
to easily specify numerous QA/QC criteria.
Analysis and compound reports are generated
for targeted as well as tentatively identified
Innovation with Integrity
EnviroPro Reports
Tune Reports: Tune verification is performed
using the Tune Report section. The reports can
be printed as text only or text with
graphics. Tune specifications for the common
EPA methods are included in the package.
Additionally, automatic summary tune reports
are generated.
Target Compound Reports: Up to six types of
graphic reports can be selected for target
analyte confirmation. These reports, TAR1
through TAR6 include information about the
reference spectrum, sample spectrum, background corrected sample spectrum, analyte,
and internal standard (IS) integration.
Confirmation of TIC Compounds Report:
The TIC Analysis graphic report provides the
three best library search results of backgroundcorrected spectrum of each TIC. The user
can specify the library or libraries and search
parameters used for identification.
Chromatogram Reports: A single or multi-page
chromatogram will be generated when the
Chromatogram report is selected. The display
size, number of pages, and annotation of the
chromatogram is user-defined.
Quality Control Reports: The Compound Limit
Report reports analytes which are outside
the specified QC criteria. The Control Sample
reports results of a known sample. All QC
parameters are user-defined.
Summary Reports: EnviroPro creates up to 10
summary reports:
• Initial Calibration
• Method Tune
• Method Blank
• Surrogate Recovery
• IS area and RT
• Control Sample
• MS/MSD (Matrix Spike / Matrix
Duplicate Recovery)
• MS (Matrix Spike Recovery)
• QC Recovery (Quality Control Sample
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Bruker Daltonics Inc.
Bremen · Germany
Phone +49 (0)421-2205-0
Fax +49 (0)421-2205-103
Billerica, MA · USA
Fremont, CA · USA
Phone +1 (978) 663-3660 Phone +1 (510) 683-4300
Fax +1 (978) 667-5993
Fax +1 (510) 687-1217
to change specifications without notice. © 10-2011, # 394300100
Analysis Reports: Separate Targets Analyte
and Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC)
analysis reports can be generated. Data
Sheet, a sample report, and General, a detailed
report, are available for both the target and
tentatively identified compounds. The Labeled
Chromatogram report includes a
chromatogram of the run above the regular
report. Parameters such as FIT, S/N,
minimum area, and MDL are all user-defined
for all reports.
An example of a Chromatogram Report showing the ability to
split the chromatogram into multiple windows for easy visual
Bruker Daltonics is continually improving its products and reserves the right
Calibration Reports: The Initial Calibration,
Continuing Calibration, and SPCC (System
Performance Check Compound) generate
reports based on user-specified initial and
continuing calibration control parameters.
These reports verify calibration acceptance