March 2016 - Dallas Safari Club


March 2016 - Dallas Safari Club
MARCH 2016
Fifty Years of Excellence
President’s Letter.................3
Hunting Feature...................6
Chapter Network.................8
DSC Foundation.................10
Hunting Moments..............12
Crawfish Boil......................16
Membership Drive.............19
Third Quarter Winner.......20
Hunters for
the Hungry...........................22
New Members...................26
Bulletin Board.....................30
DSC Executive
Director Ben Carter
(left) presents GOABC
CEO Scott Ellis (right)
with a check to support
the work done by their
On behalf of DSC – its members and its board – I want to congratulate
the Guides and Outfitters Association of British Columbia on its 50th
anniversary. What an accomplishment! Hunters in Canada have benefitted,
but GOABC’s reach has also made strides in the industry and for the sport
that have influenced policy and hunting opportunity around the world.
GOABC has been in partnership with DSC as a Preferred Partner in
Conservation for a few years now, and our relationship has never been better.
British Columbia is also a pivotal province in the Canadian hunting scene,
with its vast natural resources and its small but vocal minority of anti-hunters.
Not only does DSC have representation among Canadian hunters, but
GOABC has been instrumental in raising the bar on professional hunter
standards and ensuring that buyers at our annual show have the best
experience possible with the highest quality of hunting guide.
Thank you, GOABC, for your hard work, determination and commitment
to the mission of conservation, public education and hunter advocacy. It is
a pleasure working with you side by side, and we hope there will be 50 more
years of excellence! CT
GOABC Commits $250,000 To Wildlife
Stewardship Partner Program
The Guide and Outfitters Association of British Columbia has announced a five-year, $250,000
commitment to a new provincial Wildlife Stewardship Partner Program, demonstrating the role of the
hunter conservationist in wildlife management. The Wildlife Stewardship Partner Program will provide
annual funding of $50,000 per year for community-based wildlife stewardship initiatives.
Recently, the hunting community has been facing unprecedented attacks in the media. Anti-hunting
activists, including some in the provincial and national media, are attempting to impose their own
personal beliefs and opinions on the hunting community.
They are attempting to divide hunters based on their citizenship, financial
Continued on page 4
position or hunting motivations, believing a house divided cannot stand.
Dallas Safari Club @officialdsc
RSVP to DSC Office at 972-980-9800 or
Monthly Meetings are $35 per person, $45 day of event and for walk-ins
Monthly Meeting / AGM Dr James Kroll
Bent Tree Country Club
5201 Westgrove Dr, Dallas, Texas 75248
Monthly Meeting / Annual Trophy and Photo Competition
Omni Hotel at Park West
1590 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75234
Opportunity of a Lifetime
his is my last letter for Camp Talk, and I am struck by two things: how fast the past
12 months have gone by, and how much I underestimated the workload for the job.
Not that I am complaining in the least! They say that if you are doing a labor of love,
you will lose track of time. This is so very true. While there have been ups and downs,
the accomplishments that DSC has achieved and the milestones we have hit make me so
proud and also so grateful to be of service to this organization.
I will write a longer summary of the year behind us for the Game Trails Spring issue,
but when I start counting all the things I love about this club, and all of those milestones,
I run out of fingers and toes. There was the incredible news that DSC was accepted as a
member of the IUCN and all that means on the international conservation level. And
there was the way we rallied when the lion controversy began − first with the social
media phenomenon of the lion who shall remain unnamed to the more serious issues
of uplisting and restrictions on lion hunting. Closer to home, we saw a strong rise in
membership that puts us closer to 6,000 members, and the continued strong support of
our volunteers. We broke all kinds of records at the convention and held our own while
oil prices went down.
That is just the beginning of the list, and I’m sure as I leave office, it won’t be the end
of accomplishments that your Board of Directors and Officers will make happen. This
has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and I very much want to thank those who really
matter. Without our exhibitors, our staff and volunteers, there would be no need for a
board or a convention. As I said before, you showed up and you made a difference for
wildlife and wildlife habitat, and for our future generations of hunters. Thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
Ben F. Carter III, Publisher
Jay Ann Cox, Ph.D, Editor in Chief
Terri Lewis, Associate Editor
Terry Blauwkamp, Reloading Editor
Lea Marsh, Membership & Circulation
@ Graphics, Art and Production
Nieman Printing, Printing
Ben F. Carter III, Executive Director
Terri L. Lewis, Exhibits Manager
Jay Ann Cox, Ph.D, Publications & Advertising
Lori Stanford, Auctions Manager
Crystal Allison, Assistant Auctions Manager
Lynda Rexrode-Adams, Registration &
Banquets Manager
Ben Kimmel, Events Manager
Lea Marsh, Membership Manager/DSC 100
Scot McClure, Education Coordinator
Barri Murphy, Executive Assistant/Grants
Kim Rappleye, Chapter Development
For advertising opportunities and rates, contact
Jay Ann Cox at, (972) 980-9800.
Karl Evans, President
Chris Hudson, Immediate Past President
Mark Kielwasser, President Elect
Rebecca Evans, Secretary
John Eads, CPA, Treasurer
Allen Moore David Allison
Andrew Pratt John Patterson
Jim Tolson
David J. Sams
Karl Evans, President, Dallas Safari Club
Deadlines for Publications
Game Trails Fall
Convention Spring Summer
Due Date / Projected Mailing Date
August 10 / September 30
October 1 / December 1
February 10 / April 10
May 10 / July 10
Richard Allen
Charlie Barnes
Amy Callender
Janae Chamblee
Dennis Fuller
Mike McKinney
Tori Nayfa
Rod Wooley
Darren LaSorte
Mark Little
Craig Nyhus
Mark Rose
David Oakes
Jerry Mumfrey
M. Lance Phillips
Steve Weinberg
Camp Talk
Due Date / Projected Mailing Date
March to December issues 1st day of month prior to issue / 10th of month of issue
combined issue
December 10 / January 20
NOTE: Editorial submissions received by the due date for a specific issue may run in a later issue,
depending on publishing needs at that time. Unsolicited submissions in digital format (article, photos
and caption list) are welcome at any time via email. Queries and pitches are also accepted, and are best
submitted via email. ALL submissions must be in digital format, unless otherwise specified. For more
editorial guidelines, or further information, contact Editor in Chief,
BIGGAME.ORG 13709 Gamma Road • Dallas, TX 75244 USA
Phone 972-980-9800 • Fax 972-980-9925
Advertising inquiries, letters and stories are welcome.
Dallas Safari Club reserves the right not to publish, or
to edit for content and length. The views expressed in
Camp Talk are expressly those of the author and are not
necessarily those of Dallas Safari Club, its members,
employees or assigns.
MARCH 2016 |
GOABC Commits $250,000 To
Wildlife Stewardship Partner Program
Hunters, however, are united in their commitment to
sustainable, science-based wildlife management for the benefit
of wildlife. Hunting is an important part of the social fabric
and economy of rural communities, and hunters do not only
hunt for the benefit of organic, healthy meat, they hunt for the
social, recreational and spiritual aspects of hunting. Hunters are
not mere observers of nature, they are participants. Sustainable
hunting is recognized worldwide as an important tool in wildlife
management, including population control and to reduce
animal habituation.
The GOABC supports sustainable hunting and the public
right to hunt and fish. We endorse the Province of BC’s sciencebased, precautionary, and risk-adverse approach to wildlife
harvest, and its commitment to conservation, respect for First
Nations harvest needs, and the Public Right to Hunt and Fish.
We continue to support the ethical and sustainable harvest of all
big game species, including grizzly bear hunting and predator
control programs British Columbia.
Hunting enjoys strong support and wide ranging acceptance
due to the passion and stringent ethical standards amongst
hunters. A recent Insights West poll reported 72-80 percent of
British Columbians support hunting for sustenance reasons. The
fair chase hunting tradition is strong, united and here to stay.
This initiative is another example of hunters giving back to
benefit wildlife. The Wildlife Stewardship Partner Program
(WSPP) is designed to enhance partnerships between
hunters, First Nations and others who care about wildlife.
WSPP funds can be used as seed dollars to leverage larger
projects, professional fees to design projects for submission
to Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and other funding
organizations, and education programs on the sustainable use of
wildlife. CT
For more information, please contact Scott Ellis at or (604) 541-6332.
“Mr. First Day” on Moose
was sitting by the fireplace on a snowy Saturday morning
reading the newspaper and watching ESPN’s “Celebrity
Outdoors” TV show. The program featured Dickie Betts
of the Allman Brothers Band bowhunting for moose with
Horace Lane’s RiverRun Outfitting and Tours in Lewisporte,
Newfoundland. I was intrigued – I’d never hunted moose
in Canada, which was on my to do list, and I’d spent a fair
amount of time transiting through Newfoundland as a
U.S. Air Force pilot deploying to and from Europe and the
Middle East. I loved the island, its people and culture and
I wanted to go back for a visit. The show featured Betts,
guided by Horace Lane, with Betts taking a great bull moose
with his long bow. At the end of the show, I scribbled down
Lane’s address and wrote him a letter inquiring about
available hunts.
Several weeks later, I got a letter from Lane inviting me
to hunt moose in Newfoundland in October. I read all of
the material I could find on Newfoundland and on moose
hunting in the province. I had hunted moose while stationed
with the Air Force in Alaska, but my Alaskan hunt was a
brief affair – I took a 2.5 year old bull with small antlers, but I
was looking for a large, mature bull in Newfoundland.
Moose were introduced to Newfoundland early in
the 20th century, and from a small initial stocking, they
flourished in the bogs and woodlands of the island. Lane
had a large hunting area south of Gander and Lewisporte
where the terrain varied from swampy bogs to rolling
hills and mountainous terrain surrounding Mt. Peyton.
Our objective for the week was to “push the bush” as the
Newfies say and cover as much ground as possible through
rough, wet terrain. The rut can make the bulls less wary
– sometimes even foolhardy – which can present shot
opportunities at any time. I was scheduled to hunt the rut
and with a little luck, I hoped to find a mature bull.
I arrived in Gander on a beautiful fall day and got settled
into Lane’s Bear’s Den Lodge. We checked our weapons and
took a long walk around the beaver pond in front of the
lodge – it was 80 degrees and much too warm for moose
to be very active. If the weather didn’t cool off, it would be
a long week. We checked the long range weather forecast
which called for rain and lower temperatures with a few
snow flurries by the week’s end. Horace introduced us to our
guides and I was teamed up with a tall, rangy woodsman
named Mike O’Connell who had been a logger and trapper
before coming to work for RiverRun. As we sized each other
up, Mike looked over at me and said rapidly, “Hey boy! Ya
wanna go hunt, eh?”
I said, “Mike, do you hear how slow I’m talking? That’s
also how fast I listen!”
He said, “That’s OK, mate… I can’t understand you
either!” Such was my introduction to Newfie slang. Mike
Photo courtesy of Tom Koerner, USFWS
outlined our hunting plan for the week and I imagined that it would
be a real test of endurance to keep up with him during the week.
The next morning dawned rainy and cold, and we got under
way well before first light. After a long ride in Mike’s truck, we
dismounted and saddled up on ATVs for a 10-mile ride down an
obscure logging road. When the road ran out, we got off and went
the rest of the way on foot. I tucked in trail behind my guide as we
followed game trails into the swamp. Within 10 minutes, Mike was
bent over the trail looking intently at a muddy puddle of water. He
said, “Moose tracks – a bull and a cow.” Five minutes later, he pointed
at a stand of trees and said, “Moose! You wanna shoot that one, eh?”
I didn’t see the moose until he and the cow walked off through the
trees. That pattern repeated itself for the next hour and four more
moose sightings – all of the bulls were immature youngsters. Mike
and I were looking for a larger, mature bull.
Five minutes later, Mike froze in his tracks pointing at a very large
moose print in the muddy bog. He said, “Now that’s a big moose,
mate! Let’s follow the tracks and see where he is.” Ten minutes of
walking on the trampoline-like tundra brought us to a small clearing
below a tree covered hill. We both saw the moose at the same time
as he finished up servicing the cow that accompanied him. He stood
facing us and Mike told me to step up to a dead fall tree in front of us
and prepare to shoot as soon as the bull showed us his shoulder. When
I stepped forward, the tundra gave way and I splashed into waist deep
water. Fortunately, I came to rest across the log in perfect shooting
position. The bull reacted to my splashing plunge and turned showing
me his right front shoulder. If I was careful, I could slip a bullet in
front of his shoulder and take out both lungs, but I didn’t have much
time so I squeezed the trigger. When I got the rifle controlled after
the recoil, both moose were gone. I extracted myself from the muddy
bog and made my way to the hill where the bull once stood. We saw a
spruce tree shaking 40 yards away and saw our moose leaning against
the trunk. He was dead by the time we got to him.
When we walked up to the moose, I couldn’t believe how
big he was. His antlers measured 42 inches and he was seven
feet tall at the shoulder which was small by Alaskan moose
standards, but he was the largest animal I’d ever shot. We
congratulated each other, took trophy photos and spent the
rest of the day skinning, quartering, boning and packing the
meat and antlers out to the road. We arrived at the lodge
well after dark looking like two exhausted kids who’d been
in a mud fight. After supper, I turned in and slept like a rock
until breakfast the next morning. My first Canadian moose
hunt was in the books and I hoped it wouldn’t be my last. I
spent the rest of the week doing chores around the lodge and
flyfishing for brook trout in the beaver pond until it was time
to return to the U.S.
Horace Lane ran a great hunting camp. He and his head
guide, Gonzo Gillingham, built the Bear’s Den Lodge on
the shore of a larger beaver pond. The lodge was spacious,
warm and comfortable with all of the necessary amenities
to support hunters. On my first visit, he hired a chef from
St. John, Newfoundland to prepare our meals and his guides
were all experienced hunters and terrific woodsmen who
took care of their hunters and put them on game. I was
inspired to hunt in Newfoundland by watching Dickie Betts
harvest a huge bull on camera for ESPN – it took Betts a week
to harvest his bull. I was proud and humble to have killed my
first trophy bull moose on the first day of my hunt, but I had
a lot of help!
I didn’t know it at the time, but my moose hunt in
October 1994 was the first leg of my quest to complete the
Newfie slam – taking a moose, woodland caribou and black
bear. It would take me seven years and three more trips to
Newfoundland to finish the job... CT
Read the rest of Dave’s Newfie Slam on our blog,
DSC News Center,
Just Getting Started
ince the groundbreaking news that DSC is forming
chapters, it has been a whirlwind of activity ever since. The
convention was especially enlightening with more than a dozen
solid inquiries regarding the formation of a local chapter. These
inquiries are coming from not only Texas, but many other
areas around North America. I believe the timing is right, and
I do believe we have a fabulous program for those who want to
form a DSC Chapter in their area. We are looking for regionally
based, solid chapters who will support and promote DSC’s
mission, coupled with their own chapter mission. DSC chapters
can direct the spending of 95 percent of the money they raise!
Two chapters are currently on board. Both the Lubbock and
the Northeast chapters held their inaugural banquets in March.
These special banquets feature a marvelous meal, and the
opportunity to purchase or win amazing hunts, guns, and other
outdoor-related trips and merchandise via live auction, silent
auction, raffles, and games. From the time you enter the room
until you leave, you are treated to an amazing night of fun,
comraderie, and fundraising.
I couldn’t be happier as I work with these two chapters, and
begin the process of adding more along the way. The passion
for the mission, the commitment to the team, and the desire
to “give back” are what makes the members of each chapter so
If you would like to be a part of our amazing chapter
network, please contact me for further details. I will be more
than happy to answer questions and assist you in moving
forward. CT
Call Kim at (435) 213-3274, or email
The Support is Growing
he announcement of the formation of the DSC Foundation
was met with a flood of support and enthusiasm from the
hunting community. If you have been paying attention over
the past several years, you have sensed a growing desire and
increasingly vocal call for leaders to re-commit and re-focus
efforts to promote and protect our hunting heritage and to
re-assert our claim to the title and heritage of “conservationist.”
The tremendous feedback we received following the public
rollout of the Foundation tells us our goal and mission clearly
resonates with the hunting community.
We have received hundreds of calls, emails and messages
asking how people can support the mission and how they can
support specific projects and programs that fall within the
mission of the Foundation. While we are awaiting approval of
tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, we are
soliciting grant requests and putting into place the mechanisms
to allow us to develop projects and initiatives and to put as
much money into the projects as is possible, while keeping
expenses to a minimum. We will publicize the programs we
fund so that you will know where your donations are going and
the specific conservation, education and advocacy causes that
are the beneficiaries of your gifts.
We in the hunting community undoubtedly face many
challenges in the coming months and years, and it is up to the
sportsmen and sportswomen of America to rise up and address
those challenges boldly and effectively. We can no longer
marginalize or dismiss the threats. We can no longer wait for
the inevitable attacks and then play defense.
We hope you agree, and we hope you will support the efforts
of DSC Foundation. CT
To learn more about the Foundation and how you can support it, please go to
Extravaganza Changes
Venue for Spring 2016
34th S.A.F.E.T.Y.
Date: April 2, 2016
Location: Hidden Lakes
Hunting Resort
Yantis, Texas (near Lake Fork)
For information about volunteering for this event,
contact Lea Marsh, or call the
office (972) 980-9800, or (972) 392-3505.
Forever Etched in My Hunter’s Soul
The Flush
Editor’s note:
Many times, as we
hunt and experience
the outdoors, various
things will happen –
maybe not anything that
adds up to a complete
narrative for publication,
but moments that are
frozen in time and stay
forever in the hunter’s
mind. Author Ken Heard
has captured some of
these. If you have a
brief hunting memory
you would like to share,
please send it along to
Back in the day, I hunted pheasants
in the Texas Panhandle with just a few
buddies. We didn’t have enough hunters
to set up lines and drive the pheasants out
of the corn stubble, nor any far-ranging
pointers to hunt the big expanses of CRP
land, so we had to improvise. We’d drive
our pick-up truck to the odd fence row
or irrigation pivot – weed-choked places
that John Deere tractors and combines
couldn’t reach. We’d drop off a couple of
hunters, set up a blocker and basically
surround the place as best we could. Then
we’d converge on the center of our chosen
spot. The hunting was best in the snow
since you could kind of see the pheasants
running ahead of you before they got too
nervous and took to the air. I’ll always
remember the cackling sound and the
bright fall colors of the roosters as they
burst into the deep blue Texas sky right
below your feet, launching themselves
in a desperate bid to out-fly your shot.
Sometimes they made it, sometimes they
didn’t. But at times, it really didn’t matter.
The Eye of the Croc
tall grass – this was his vantage point to
peer down the game trail − the one that
we were walking on. As I watched him
through my low-powered riflescope, I
saw his reptilian eye open slowly, look
around, and then close. That croc was
switched on, alertly waiting on his prey
even though appearing to be dozing. I
picked out a spot about a hand’s width
behind his eye where I judged his brain
to be and shot him with a solid from my
.375H&H. His head and long thick tail
arched high into the air then slammed
back down, thrashing the tall grass all
around him. A close-quarters affair
The View from a Plateau
We were hunting bezoar ibex in
Turkey. One afternoon, we belly-crawled
to the edge of a high plateau. The bright
afternoon sun at our backs made the
white rocks stand out in stark relief, but
cast the terrain below us in deep shadow.
Hanging over the edge, we peered
straight down careful to hold tight to our
binoculars lest they fall into space. Below
us, we picked out six or seven mature
The croc had left the protective
cover around the pond to hunt. He was
probably looking for some game trail in
order to ambush an impala or bushbuck
as it came in to water. We’d been slowly
following the spoor of the croc for some
time. Even a blind man could follow that
spoor − big splayed tracks, large sweeping
tail marks in the dirt. I guessed that this
was not going to be the long careful
shot at a golf ball-sized brain that I had
been preparing for. Rather, it would be a
close-quarters affair that might require
some quick shooting. My PH had a sixth
sense that my croc was just up ahead so
he and I went on alone, treading as softly
as we could. Peering over a bush, about
10 yards ahead, we spotted a patch of his
dark green head showing through the
One-Day Elephant Hunter
bezoar ibex males. Their black markings
against their grey coats stood in muted
contrast to the dark browns of the
females. The males milled about under
the trees, occasionally stepping out into
the open. And when they did, the sight
of their curved black horns arching
gracefully, majestically over their backs
was a sight to behold. Then, as the
Muslim call to prayer from the mosques
below echoed mournfully across the
plains before us. This surreal experience
was forever etched in my hunter’s soul.
BIGGAME.ORG I was an elephant hunter for one day. For some Zimbabwean festival, National Parks
wanted a tuskless elephant cow to feed a local village. I was not successful, some other
hunter was, so we went back to hunting buffalo the next day. But I’ll always remember
tracking a herd of cows and calves through the thick jess, trying to sort out if any of
the cows were tuskless and without a calf. As the herd reached a large open clearing,
we thought we saw a tuskless with no calf, but we couldn’t be sure as the grass was tall
enough to hide the little guys. Up ahead, we spotted a small hill that would give us
a vantage point from which to look down into the grass to spot the calves. The herd
looked to be headed for the far side of the hill, the set-up and wind felt perfect. We had
a plan, so we trotted off. Almost at the top, I somehow wound up at the front of our
small group, just two steps in front my PH.
Suddenly, a cow elephant appeared moving across the top of the hill. I guess the
elephants weren’t following the “far side of the hill” part of the plan. The cow stopped
midway across and spun around to face us. Her ears flared out. She stared down the
hill at us, giving us an angry stare and a startled shriek. Then we saw her calf dart
between her legs. This was not good. We were really close, danger-close. She had the
elevation on us and knew we were there. If she came for us and we had to shoot her,
there was a good chance she’d crash down the hill upon us and someone would get
hurt. Before I could get my gun up, my PH reached out and grabbed me by the back
of the shirt, yanking me down the hill. I was now behind him, giving him a clear
shot with his big .458 Winchester rifle. That was our stand-off, and it was her move.
Thankfully, she made the right choice. CT
MARCH 2016 |
Save the Date
9th Annual
hosted by DSC
Date: April 23, 2016
Location: TBA
As always, expect delicious crawfish, cold beer,
live music, silent auction and a great time.
4th Quarter Membership Drive
Enter To Win!
olt’s XSE Series pistols were a response for the demand for custom
features on production pistols. The XSE Commander was a
response to the demand for a carry-size pistol with all of the features of
the full-size XSE.
These features include slide serrations on the front and rear for easy
racking of the slide with either hand. The XSE stainless Commander
also has an ambidextrous safety, 3-hole lightened trigger, white dot
combat sights, double diamond checkered rosewood grips and more.
This .45 caliber pistol also weighs two ounces less than the full size
stainless XSE, and is 3/4-inch shorter, making it a more suitable choice
for carry. CT
Encourage your friends, family and coworkers to join in support of the DSC Mission –
Conservation, Education and Hunter Advocacy.
Be sure to remind new members to list YOU as their “Sponsor” when completing an application to be entered in the drawing.
Visit or more information.
Have you moved?
Don’t miss an issue of Game Trails or Camp Talk!
Give us your new address to stay current. • (972) 980-9800 • 800-9-GO-HUNT
We Have a Winner!
he prize for the third quarter membership
drive is a limited edition Swarovski CL
Companion 8x30 African Binocular, and the
lucky winner was Harry Justice.
Just for sponsoring his brother Chip
Justice as a DSC member, Harry has won
DSC’s quarterly membership contest. It’s
that simple − for each new member you
sponsor, you will receive an entry in DSC’s
quarterly membership contest. The more
new members you sponsor, the more chances
you have to win! CT
Refer to page 19 for DSC’s current
membership drive information, or visit
Dallas Safari Club sponsors the
following television programs.
Watch for DSC ads and features each week!
Dallas Safari Club’s Tracks Across Africa
Outdoor Channel
Hornady’s Dark and Dangerous
Sportsman Channel
Jim Shockey’s Uncharted
Outdoor Channel
Trailing the Hunter’s Moon
Sportsman Channel
Trijicon’s World of Sports Afield
Sportsman Channel
Under Wild Skies Tony Makris
Outdoor Channel
Dallas Safari Club is proud to announce funding for its 2015 - 2016 DSC Hunters for the Hungry program. Each year during white-tailed deer
season, Dallas Safari Club encourages deer hunters to donate all or a portion of their harvested deer to this worthwhile cause. This regional
program coordinates and provides for part of the necessary processing fees for the donated deer at the participating processing facilities listed.
In cooperation with the Texas Hunters for the Hungry, DSC will actively promote worthwhile conservation of our surplus natural resources. The
hunter and the hungry benefit by providing a natural source of nutritious, low-fat meat to the needy of Texas.
Clay’s Processing and Smokehouse (Dublin)
Mark Constien
1 hunter, 4 deer
Hill Country Fine Meats (Marble Falls)
Cody Blake, Blake Childress, Robert Childress, Lew Couratello,
Garrett Fleming, Randall Jennings, James Latham, Courtis Louis,
Randy Frink, Rick Precup, Joe Taylor, 11 hunters, 15 deer
Lee’s Deer Processing (Burleson)
Tyler Aphin, John Bell, William Coker, Cody Cowen, Daren Fitzgerald,
Kimberly Galloway, Bobby Halliburton, Matt Hoffman, Patrick Hoffman,
Reagan Hoffman, Terry Johnson, Ty Johnson, Scott Layne, Gary Moore,
Kagan Payne, Arivoldo Perez, Dan Roberts, Terry Tadsen, Adam Tyler 19 hunters, 23 deer
Perk’s Deer Processing & Cold Storage (Brownwood)
Trent Brookshire, Brent Brown, Timothy Cowen,Wiley Cummings,
Brad Ethridge, Trace Fielder, Steve Kelly, Chad Luig, McLane Moore,
Mitch Moore, Kenneth Phillips, Brad Porter, Edward Robbs,
Deborah Tulletson, Patricia Willis, Leo Wood
16 hunters, 28 deer
Ray’s Grocery & Market (Breckenridge)
Darrell Shortes
1 hunter, 5 deer
TD’s Processing
Mike Barron,Kelly Bishop, William Blanchard, Brett Clark,
Dominik Diviney, Bart Gilbert, Jack Hopper, Scott Horton, Dale House,
Eric Little, David Miller, Julie Miller, Jay Parks, Jack Roper,
Kenneth Sleper, Dude Scrivner
16 hunters, 20 deer
Woodbury Taxidermy & Wildgame Processing (Ingram)
Dave Porter, Craig Skaggs
2 hunters, 11 deer
Total hunters: 66, Total deer: 106
To participate, or for membership and/or convention information, call (972) 980-9800
Dallas Safari Club • 13709 Gamma Road Dallas, TX 75244
Phone: 972-980-9800 • Fax: 972-980-9925 • •
If you would like to recommend a processor, let us know!
Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) that is
born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully
complete a Hunter Education Training Course.
Minimum age of certification is 9 years of age.
Course is one full day, with lunch break.
Class Dates for 2016
June 11 & 12
July 9 & 10
August 20 & 21
October 22 & 23
Classes are held at the
Bass Pro Shop in
Garland, Texas.
For more information and/or to register, please
contact Charles Preslar (972) 270-8688
The 30-06 in Africa
ith the African hunting season
coming on soon, I thought of this
old story I had about what gun to take on
a plains game trip.
It actually started way back in 1960
with an article by a Dr. Wendell G. Swank
from Michigan State College that was
in the Sports Afield Gun Annual. He and
a fellow doctor took their old pre-64
Winchester M 70 .30-06 Springfield’s with
Sierra bullets to Uganda to harvest game
for research.
They did a fantastic job of taking
pictures of the bullets recovered and
details of each bullet’s performance. Not
only did they take plains game normally
associated with the .30-06 Springfield, but
also took hippopotamus, lion and even a
Cape buffalo.
That article intrigued me so much
that I still have an original copy and
it prompted me to research the .30-06
Springfield performance ever since.
My first deer rifle was lever action
.30-30 Winchester, but my second
was a Remington pump action .30-06
Springfield. I don’t think that in the past
50-plus years, there has ever been a time
that I did not have at least one or two .3006 Springfield rifles around.
At first, I used factory Remington
180-grain RN Core Lokts and all the deer
I shot fell over just fine. Then, as time
marched on, I took up reloading and
since then have taken deer, elk, moose,
caribou, antelope and mountain goat in
North America with various bullets.
I started out using the same 180-grain
Sierra bullets that Dr. Swank used and
eventually tried just about every bullet
and powder combo I could come up with
and eventually ended up using mostly
180-grain Nosler Partitions.
During the next 20-plus years, I took
the .30-06 Springfield to Africa with
me several times as it was my intention
to field-test as many bullets as I could,
and the following bullets were tested the
24 | D A L L A S S A F A R I C L U B N E W S 180 gr Hornady Spire Point BT
180 gr Speer Hot Core
190 gr Hornady Spire Point BT
180 gr Speer SP BT
220 gr Hornady RN
220 gr Sierra RN
180 gr Hornady Spire Point
165 gr Trophy Bonded Bear Claw
180 gr Nosler Partition
180 gr Winchester Fail Safe
180 gr Remington RN Core Lokt
150 gr Barnes TSX & TTSX
180 gr Speer Deep Curl
165 gr Winchester Fail Safe
180 gr Nosler AccuBond
168 gr Barnes TSX & TTSX
180 gr Federal Fusion
180 gr Barnes TSX & TTSX
180 gr Federal Tipped TBBC
180 gr Sierra SP BT & Flat Base.
Each of the above mentioned bullets
has its own distinctive characteristic
performance. The typical soft point
bullets all seem to be as lethal as the
next, but the premium bonded core
or monolithic bullets give much more
dependable penetration.
On my most recent trip, I shot six
blesboks with six different bullets and
found that it made no difference at all.
Each was shot about the same distance,
and they were all about the same
broadside lung shots. Every bullet gave
complete penetration, and each animal
rarely went more than a few yards
before going down.
If you were to make me choose any
one of the “common” lead cup and core
bullets to use from now on, my choice
is surely going to surprise you as I’d
take the 220-grain Nosler Partition as
my first choice and the 220-grain Sierra
RN next.
Those two bullets will almost always
penetrate completely and leave a nice
exit hole. They will not give you those
instant kills of high speed bullets, and seldom will the
animals drop at the shot, but they will only go a few yards
before expiring.
I can almost see the readers jumping up and down
about the “rainbow” trajectory of those bullets. With the
220-grain Partition at 2,400 fps muzzle zeroed 2.9 inches
high at 100 yards, it is then dead on at 200 yards.
The 180-grain Partition at 2,700 fps zeroed 2 inches
high at 100 yards is dead on at 200 yards, so no big deal.
I’m being conservative on my 220 grain velocities at
2,400 fps as the Nosler Reloading Guide #4 page 329
shows loads up to 2,602 fps. For most shooters, 200 yards
is plenty far to shoot, and if you can crawl up to 200, you
will never know the difference in trajectory, but you will
see a difference in performance on the game as those 220
grain bullets really put the hammer down.
I remember an outfitter in Zimbabwe many years ago
took home some 220-grain Sierra RN bullets to try. When
I met up with him the next year, he said they were the
most dependable bullet in the .30-06 Springfield he had
ever used.
As you can well imagine, this whole bullet subject can
be cussed and discussed much like religion and politics
long into the night, but the truth will end up being that
the .30-06 Springfield with well-placed shots, will take on
any plains game Africa has to offer.
Another nice thing about the .30-06 Springfield is that
virtually anywhere in the world you go, and should you
lose your luggage and ammo, you can usually scare up a
box of ammo somewhere. It may not be your first choice
of brand or bullet but it beats having none at all.
Not having or being able to find ammo is my number
one contention with the new RUM and WSM cartridges.
Unless the fellow that hunted there ahead of you left his
ammo, you don’t have a snowball’s chance of buying any
We have seen great advances in bullet construction and
technology with John Nosler’s first Partition bullets all the
way thru the Jack Carter’s Trophy Bonded Bear Claws,
and now unto the Hornady GMX and Barnes TSX lead
free bullets.
As usually, it all boils down to bullet placement. If you
do your job the old “Ought Six” will do its job. CT
Feel free to write Terry anytime about bullet choices at
New Member
Michael Allison..........................................Jim Bartos
John Banovich..........................................Terri Lewis
William Boyce.............................................. DSC Staff
Lynn Carlson................................................. DSC Staff
Wes Chapman............................ Michael McCourry
William Chinn Jr......................................Mark Jones
Todd Cook............................................. Joe Pedersen
Steven Crews.............................................Mark Rose
Michael Ewell........................................... Mimi Sams
Dave Funk............................................Mike Trenholm
Robin Gray........................................... Ray Matthews
Michael Hubbard......................................Terri Lewis
John Longo......................................... DSC Northeast
John Luyt................................................Kevin Tinsley
John Marek.................................................. DSC Staff
Kelly McClain............................Abbey Brandenburg
John Meyer.............................................. Camm Eddy
Richard Moles............................................. DSC Staff
Charles Murphree....................................... DSC Staff
Pat O’Neill..................................................... DSC Staff
Dan Onga...................................................... DSC Staff
Julie Pendleton...............................Bruce Pendleton
Ron Sawall................................................Tim Gafford
Kathy Semler................................................Ken Willis
Randy Teinert.............................................Jim Bartos
Gordon Todd................................................. DSC Staff
C. Briggs Vest............................................... DSC Staff
Richard Weaver.......................................... DSC Staff
Ken Weber................................... Donna Stottlemyer
1st National Bank
Ricky Doiron................................................. DSC Staff
Kevin Hunter................................................ DSC Staff
Clint Myers................................................... DSC Staff
Keith Myers.................................................. DSC Staff
Ryan Verde................................................... DSC Staff
Adam Adams............................................... DSC Staff
Mark Ahearn...................................... James Glasser
Jon Arend...................................................Mark Rose
Adam Barnard.......................................Kevin Tinsley
Steve Barnett.............................................Terri Lewis
Richard Becker...................................Travis Watson
Matthew Bleakley....................................David Dees
Jeff Bourman....................................... Lance Phillips
Edward Bredemeyer............................Kevin Tinsley
William Breitkreutz..................................... DSC Staff
Scot Burchell............................................... DSC Staff
Charles Burford, II............................ Jerry Mumfrey
Geoffrey Connor.................................. Lance Phillips
Steven Crawford........................ Donna Stottlemyer
Craig Crump................................................. DSC Staff
Arthur Di Biase.....................................Natalie Redle
Scott Dolloff.................................................. DSC Staff
Nicholas Drayovitch................................... DSC Staff
Ike Eastman.................................................. DSC Staff
Mac Elliott............................................Sharon Landre
Amy Louise Evans............................ Jason Fatheree
Lori Ford........................................................Ken Willis
New Member
Mike Ford......................................................Ken Willis
Arthur Garcia.............................................Mark Rose
Kevin Guthrie.............................. Donna Stottlemyer
Cathy Harbin................................................ DSC Staff
Kevin Harrington.............................. Jason Fatheree
George Hixon.......................................... Logan Fuller
Landon Ketchersid..................... Donna Stottlemyer
Mike Kettenacker..................................Caryn Taylor
Troy Kloewer............................................Bill Swisher
James Lee................................................ Fred Winter
Dave Leonard.............................................Terri Lewis
Sean Lingl................................................. Jerry Baker
Miguel Madero..................................Kaan Karakaya
Skintch Mason......................................... Mimi Sams
Connor McDermid...................................... DSC Staff
Rod McDermid............................................ DSC Staff
Vladimir Melnikov..................................Caryn Taylor
Kevin Orme........................................John R. Blocker
Valorie Oshoney.................................James Jeanes
David Panter...........................................Caryn Taylor
Jorge Pasquel..............................................Bob Scott
John Phillips...................................... Jason Fatheree
Paul Pogue..................................................Brad Nevil
Howard Robertson Jr............................ Kevin Jones
John William Russell III............ Donna Stottlemyer
Robert Sakuta..............................................Tim Fallon
Matt Slape..............................................Bob Dilworth
Augusta Smith..........................................Dixie Yeatts
Leland Sweet........................................... Steve Davis
William Shawn Tatom............... Donna Stottlemyer
James Taylor............................... Donna Stottlemyer
Roger Turner......................................Brooks Puckett
John Verlander.........................................Brian Hurst
Todd Welty....................................................Ken Willis
John Whitcomb..................................... Lucy Blachly
Eli Whitney................................... Donna Stottlemyer
Steven Wiedman......................................... DSC Staff
Donald Willis...........................................Mike Hamrik
Kevin Wilson...............................................Joy Koons
Scott Woldhagen........................................ DSC Staff
John Wray...............................................Brian Walter
Chris Wright..................................................Al Seeley
J.D. Yates...................................................... DSC Staff
Ronald Zipp...........................................Natalie Redle
Shawna Arend............................ Donna Stottlemyer
Cindy Becker........................................Travis Watson
Nicole Bourman.................................. Lance Phillips
Christina Crain...........................................Ben Carter
Annie Franklin.......................................... Evan Purvis
Priscilla Green............................................. DSC Staff
Suzanne Guthrie......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Rod Harbin.................................................... DSC Staff
Susie Kitchen......................................James Jeanes
Jenn McCoy................................ Donna Stottlemyer
Julie Schlette.................................Graham Hoppess
Alisa Tatum.................................. Donna Stottlemyer
Karol Taylor................................. Donna Stottlemyer
Stormie Williams.........................................Ken Willis
Saundra Zipp.........................................Natalie Redle
Angela Yates................................................ DSC Staff
26 | D A L L A S S A F A R I C L U B N E W S Sponsor
New Member
Rene Barnard.............................................Terri Lewis
Robert Burlingame...................................... DSC Staff
Brandon Cowart..........................................Ken Willis
Drake Dawson...........................................Terri Lewis
Hans de Klerk.................................. Russell Gardiner
Leon du Plessis............................................ DSC Staff
Andre’ Du Toit.......................................... Fred Winter
Gary Geyer........................................... Gerrie Theron
Ron Jewett.................................................Terri Lewis
Eduard Katzke.............................................. DSC Staff
L.D. McCaa II.............................................Terri Lewis
Eddie O’Reilly............................................... DSC Staff
Willie Pelser...............................................Terri Lewis
Jeff Pralle.................................................Bill Swisher
George Taulman.......................................... DSC Staff
Henri van Aswegen.................................... DSC Staff
Rick Aber...................................................... DSC Staff
Dan Adams...................................................Ken Willis
John Ahmed.............................................. Mimi Sams
Ben Ames Jr..............................................Brian Hurst
Robert Anderson......................................... DSC Staff
Lee Ashcraft......................................... Gary Stanford
Zachary Atkinson........................................ DSC Staff
Allen Attebery......................................... Greg Gifford
Jason Bailey................................................Bob Scott
William Baker.............................................. DSC Staff
Joseph Ban...............................................Brian Hurst
Kelley Barber.............................................Mark Rose
Maynard Barthelme........................ Paul Barthelme
Tamar Bartz.............................................. Fred Winter
Gary Bennett.............................................. Abe Nayfa
Del Berg.....................................................Brian Hurst
James Berry.................................................Ken Willis
Martin Binnion......................................... Fred Winter
Scott Birdsong............................................. DSC Staff
Eric Birt.................................................Arlene Reeves
Sara Lee Bishop..........................................Ken Willis
Douglas Blake.......................................... Fred Winter
Victor Blakey................................................ DSC Staff
Rick Blauw................................................Brian Hurst
Bradley Blesie......................................Natalie Redle
Greg Boehling.............................................. DSC Staff
Scott Boerder.......................................... Camm Eddy
Charles Bolton.......................................... Mimi Sams
Aaron Borden....................................... Billy Williams
Clive Botha................................................... DSC Staff
George Bowser................................... Johnny Bryan
George Boyce.............................................. DSC Staff
Collin Brady.................................................. DSC Staff
Rob Braig..................................... Donna Stottlemyer
David Branzell.................................... Jerry Mumfrey
Henry Brown................................................ DSC Staff
Shane Brown.................................. Brent Karrington
Bill Bunn..................................................... Mimi Sams
Brandon Burden............................. Brent Karrington
Brian Burks.................................................. DSC Staff
Shane Burlbaw............................................ DSC Staff
Ben Bussey.................................................. DSC Staff
New Member
Robert Bynum.............................................. DSC Staff
Jose Cabrera................................Eduardo Martinez
Patrick Cairns......................................Isabelle Garza
Noel Campbell.............................................Ken Willis
Caroline Carr................................................ DSC Staff
Bob Carroll....................................................Ken Willis
Calvin Carter................................................ DSC Staff
Carolyn Carter..............................................Ken Willis
Mr. Carter......................................................Ken Willis
Jon Cates......................................................... Jay Cox
Chris Cazaux................................................Ken Willis
Gilland Chenault....................................Kevin Tinsley
Cary Cheshire.............................................. DSC Staff
Dan Cirillo...............................................Kevin Tinsley
Casey Clark........................................ James Glasser
James Clark.................................................Ken Willis
Patrick Clark........................................Arlene Reeves
Kenneth Clouse........................................ Mimi Sams
Greg Coates...............................................Terri Lewis
Landen Collings.......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Rob Comey............................................... Fred Winter
Jack Cone................................................. Camm Eddy
Joe Coogan..................................................Ken Willis
Kenneth Cook.............................................Don Corley
Craig Cooper................................................Ken Willis
Robert Cowan Sr.................................John Dougher
Sherrie Creekmore...............................Kevin Tinsley
Travis Crim................................................Lisa Causey
Casey Crossland......................................... DSC Staff
Valerie Crowley....................................... Gayla Davis
Jack Culpepper.....................................Bob Dilworth
John Culpepper........................................... DSC Staff
JE Cunningham III....................................... DSC Staff
Ed Curtis....................................................Bill Swisher
Ryan Curtis.............................................Kevin Tinsley
Peyton Daniel, Jr..................................... Camm Eddy
Henry Davidian...................................Arlene Reeves
Chuck Dawson..........................................Mark Rose
Christopher Charles Dealey................ Lucy Blachly
Brent DeDear..................................... James Glasser
Chuck Denison............................................Ken Willis
James Derr....................................George Chamblee
Justin Carey Dewett.................. Donna Stottlemyer
Grant Distel................................................ Mimi Sams
Donald Dixon..........................................TJ Matthews
Michael Doak...............................................Ken Willis
Travis Dodson............................................Mark Rose
Wayne Doering................................. Jason Fatheree
Audey Dunham.......................................Mark Brown
Oscar Durham................................... James Glasser
Jack East...................................................... DSC Staff
Nathan East....................................... Jason Fatheree
Travis Ebach................................................. DSC Staff
Kraig Edelman........................................Kevin Tinsley
Charles Eder Jr....................................... Greg Gifford
Dan Edwards.....................................Billy Jack Smith
Brad Eichler.........................................Isabelle Garza
Theo Erasmus.......................................Natalie Redle
John Falb................................................... Mimi Sams
Wyatt Fetner................................................. DSC Staff
Geroge Fettinger......................................... DSC Staff
Jason Feyh................................................Brian Hurst
William Field...........................................Bob Dilworth
Deets Finley Sr......................................Howard Klein
Russell Fojtasek........................................Brian Hurst
Jeff Foland.............................................David Barnett
Janice Ford..................................................Ken Willis
Bentley Ford...............................................Mark Rose
John Forrest................................................. DSC Staff
Harry Fouke................................................Mark Rose
Robert Fox........................................... James Glasser
Jason Frazier.............................................Mark Rose
Jay Furney..............................................Kevin Tinsley
Will Garvin..................................................Mark Rose
Mark Gaskill....................................... Pamela Gifford
Bryan George............................................... DSC Staff
Surajit Ghosh...............................................Ken Willis
Harold Gibble............................................... DSC Staff
Greg Gilbert..................................................Ken Willis
George Gilbert............................................. DSC Staff
Brandon Gleason........................................ DSC Staff
Chip Glispin.............................................. Claire Garza
F. Thornton Goetting III...........................Brian Hurst
Lee Gottsch...........................................David Hunt Sr
Rick Graves.................................................. DSC Staff
David Greenhill......................................... Mimi Sams
Jim Gregory..................................................Ken Willis
Timothy Griffith..................................Marilyn Drinjak
Steve Grinnell.............................................. DSC Staff
Michael Haffey..........................................Mark Rose
Keith Hall...................................... Donna Stottlemyer
Peter Halverson....................................... Mimi Sams
R. Curtis Hamilton....................................... DSC Staff
Bert Haralson............................................... DSC Staff
Bart Harrington.....................................Natalie Redle
Brandon Harris.........................................Sam Spicer
Hunter Harris.......................................Johnny Harris
Rob Haught...................................................Ken Willis
Weldon Hawley.......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Clyde Henke................................................. DSC Staff
Joshua Hernandez.....................................Ken Willis
Johnathan Herskovitz................................ DSC Staff
Mark Hess................................................. Mimi Sams
Stephen Hill............................................Judy Rhodes
Dave Hillary.............................................. Fred Winter
Jeremy Holck.......................................... Greg Gifford
Emily Horton...............................................Mark Rose
Mark Houghtlin..........................................Mark Rose
Josh Houser...............................................Mark Rose
John Hubbard........................................Bob Dilworth
Pugh Huckabay.......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Ronald Hughes......................................Kevin Tinsley
Wilson Hunter......................................Isabelle Garza
Tom Hussey............................................. Greg Gifford
Aaron Huttel.........................................Tim McCreary
Tyler Jacobs.................................................Ken Willis
John Janelli..................................................Ken Willis
Mary Ann Jenkins....................................... DSC Staff
Scott H. Jinnings...................................... Mimi Sams
Eric Johnson.............................................Brian Hurst
Lance Johnson...................................... Lucy Blachly
Randy Johnson........................................ Fred Winter
Ward Jones............................................. Greg Gifford
David Kelner...........................................Bob Dilworth
New Member
Michael Kennedy........................................ DSC Staff
Jeffrey Kepich.....................................Isabelle Garza
Jay Kidwell................................................Dixie Yeatts
Bill King..................................................Natalie Redle
Mary Kirkwood............................................ DSC Staff
Kent Klineburger......................................... DSC Staff
Kolby Knight................................................. DSC Staff
Jonathan Knoll....................................... Jack Blachly
Erik Kovacs...................................................Ken Willis
John Kowtun................................................ DSC Staff
James Kroll.................................................. DSC Staff
Steven Krueger...........................................Ken Willis
Matthew Kulwicki........................ Brandon Kulwicki
Felix Lalanne...........................................Caryn Taylor
Joe Lander................................................Brian Hurst
Lyle Larson...................................................Ken Willis
Jon Larvick..............................................Mark Brown
Dean Lawrence........................Abbey Brandenburg
Todd Leathers..............................................Ken Willis
Alan Lewis....................................................Ken Willis
John Lewis...............................................Bill Swisher
Jared Lide.........................................Wynne Breeden
Courtney Lindley......................Abbey Brandenburg
Jeff Lipscomb............................. Donna Stottlemyer
Harold Livings......................................... Logan Fuller
David Losey.......................................Mike McKinney
Anthony Loth.................................................Roy Gully
Jerry Luciano, Jr.......................................Mark Rose
Pat Lutz..........................................................Ken Willis
Bruce Lytle...........................................Isabelle Garza
Maxwell MacCollum.................................. DSC Staff
Robert MacDougal...........................Candace Garza
Michael Manni.................................. DSC Northeast
Matt Mans.................................................... DSC Staff
Dan Manson........................................... Lucy Blachly
Fred Marrs................................................ Steve Davis
Jimmy Marta..................................... Jason Fatheree
J.D. Martin.................................................... DSC Staff
Gilbert Martinez................................ Jason Fatheree
Joseph Martinez.................................... Claire Garza
Jason Massey...........................................Mark Rose
Charles Matthews..................... Thomas Matthews
Michael Maxwell..............................Marilyn Drinjak
Ganett Mayer...........................................Bill Swisher
Doug Mazey............................................. Steve Davis
Michael McAnelly......................................Ken Willis
H. Lance McCandless............... Donna Stottlemyer
Kelly McCarroll....................................Isabelle Garza
Ben McCaslin.....................................Sharon Landre
Mark McCloskey......................................... DSC Staff
Howard McCormick................................Brian Hurst
Chad McDonald.......................................Gary Kelley
William McNabney Jr........................... Greg Gifford
Michael McNulty MD................................ DSC Staff
Markey McNutt................................. James Glasser
Karen Mehall Phillips.............................Ron Giudice
Tony Miketinac....................................Isabelle Garza
Jeff Miller...................................................Chad Allen
Chris Milstead...................................... Gary Stanford
Sonny Milstead.....................................Kevin Tinsley
Russell Mims................................................ DSC Staff
John Minnett, Jr................................ James Glasser
MARCH 2016 |
New Member
Jim Mitchell................................................. DSC Staff
Patrick Mokros............................... Ralph Delserone
W.S. Montgomery...................... Steve Christianson
Cassidy Moore.....................................Natalie Redle
Jeremy Moore......................................Natalie Redle
Ryan Mordecai............................................ DSC Staff
Robert Morris...............................................Ken Willis
Dennis Morrow...................................Tim McCreary
Michael Mueller.....................................Caryn Taylor
Prince Murphy............................................. DSC Staff
Locie Murphy............................................... DSC Staff
Cody Muske................................ Donna Stottlemyer
Russell Nagy.............................................Brian Hurst
Darrell Neu.............................................Kevin Tinsley
Justin Newland........................................... DSC Staff
Robert Nichols............................................. DSC Staff
William Nonnis....................................Isabelle Garza
Joseph Noone....................................Arlene Reeves
Mark North.................................................Mark Rose
Kirk Nowery................................................. DSC Staff
David Obrien............................................. Mimi Sams
Burt Odom..................................................Mark Rose
Ricardo Ortiz..............................................Mark Rose
Leo Oseguera............................................Brian Hurst
Bryan Ottmers.............................................. DSC Staff
Mike Owen............................................Andrew Shull
Cory Pangborn....................................... Lucy Blachly
Frank Parker..................................Jerry Mohelnitzky
Byron Patterson......................... Donna Stottlemyer
James Patterson......................................... DSC Staff
Joe Patterson............................. Donna Stottlemyer
William Paulin...........................................Brian Hurst
Joseph Peachey......................................... DSC Staff
William Pemberton.................................. Mimi Sams
Daniel Peters............................................... DSC Staff
Warren Petersen.............................Sterling Burnett
Bill Pickett..................................................... DSC Staff
Daniel Pickett.........................................Bob Dilworth
Andrew Pitt................................................Mark Rose
Bob Price....................................................Mark Rose
Daniel Raggio.......................................... Jake Masso
Donald Rauschuber................................. Mimi Sams
Shawn Read.................................................Ken Willis
Kieth Rearson........................................Bob Dilworth
Bob Redden...............................................Brian Hurst
Greg Reiter...........................................Isabelle Garza
Glen Ridge.................................................... DSC Staff
Douglas Roberts..........................................Ken Willis
Jeff Roberts........................................... Carolyn West
Jaxon Robertson........................ Donna Stottlemyer
BC Rogers III..........................................Kevin Tinsley
Catherine Ronayne....................... Edward Ronayne
Francisco Rosales.............................Nic Drayovitch
John Roth................................................Kevin Tinsley
David Rowling........................................... Mimi Sams
David Rubio.................................................. DSC Staff
Eardley Rudman.........................................Karl Evans
Cory Ruthardt............................................... DSC Staff
Joe Saad.................................................Bob Dilworth
Paul Scheynayder.......................................Ken Willis
Joseph Schneider...................................Bob Epstein
Cal Scholten............................................. Fred Winter
Lee Schultz................................................... DSC Staff
New Member
Austin Scrogin............................................. DSC Staff
Garrett Scrogin............................................ DSC Staff
Al Shacklett.................................................. DSC Staff
Brad Sheffield........................................... Mimi Sams
Justin Shoemaker....................................... DSC Staff
David Simpson............................ Donna Stottlemyer
Jeff Sizemore...............................................Bob Scott
Carsten Skakkebaek...............Jens Kjaer Knudsen
Travis Skogstad.....................................Kevin Tinsley
Jack Skoog................................................... DSC Staff
Burley Smith................................................. DSC Staff
Harold Smith................................................ DSC Staff
Holland Smith.........................................Bob Dilworth
Matt Smith....................................................Ken Willis
Hal Smith....................................................... DSC Staff
Douglas Smock........................................... DSC Staff
Jordan Smrekar.......................................... DSC Staff
Jeff Sproles............................................Kevin Tinsley
Albert Starkus, III........................................ DSC Staff
Hal Stewart............................................Kevin Tinsley
Mark Stopa................................................... DSC Staff
Brent Strickler......................................... Fred Winter
Robert Stuart................................................ DSC Staff
Joe Sugarek........................................Arlene Reeves
Richard Talley...........................................Brian Hurst
Pete Tassos............................................Bob Dilworth
Tommy Taylor...............................Richard Cheatham
Jeffery Thomas......................................Caryn Taylor
Brian Thompson....................................Bob Dilworth
Cody Thompson................................Larry Weishuhn
Robert Thornton.................................... Earl Jackson
Steve Travis.............................................. Fred Winter
J. Scott Traylor...........................................Mark Rose
Fred Trueblood.......................................... Mimi Sams
Timothy Turner............................................. DSC Staff
Darryl Tyson..............................................Brian Hurst
Jonathan Ulrich........................................... DSC Staff
Jose Antonio Vallina........................... Billy Williams
Christo Van Deventer.......................... Natalie Redle
Neal Van Pelt........................................... Camm Eddy
Colby Vanham........................................Bob Dilworth
Rob Veach..............................................Bob Dilworth
Jeffery Vinson............................................Mark Rose
John Waguespack...................................... DSC Staff
W Terry Watkins.......................................... DSC Staff
Patrick Welborne........................................Ken Willis
David West...................................................Ken Willis
Eric White................................................. Fred Winter
Beau Whitsitt.................................. Brent Karrington
Travis Whitten........................................... Mimi Sams
Shea Wilder................................ Donna Stottlemyer
Jason Todd Williams.................................. DSC Staff
Richard Williams.......................................Mark Rose
Mark Wilson....................................... James Glasser
Paul Wilson...............................Abbey Brandenburg
C.R. Withers..............................................Brian Hurst
Greg Wood................................................Brian Hurst
Sam Wood.................................................... DSC Staff
Clint Wood....................................................Ken Willis
Trey Woods..............................Ashley Brandenburg
James Woods III......................Abbey Brandenburg
Wayne Woodside................................... Fred Winter
Josh Wordsworth.................................Kevin Tinsley
28 | D A L L A S S A F A R I C L U B N E W S Sponsor
New Member
Rickey Young..........................................Bob Dilworth
Frederic Zaidan III...................................... DSC Staff
Johnny Zamrzla...........................................Ken Willis
Gregory Zeig............................... Donna Stottlemyer
Gail Zimmerman..................................Isabelle Garza
Tammy Adams.............................................Ken Willis
Sue Berg....................................................Brian Hurst
Raymonde Blake..................................... Fred Winter
Becky Bowser..................................... Johnny Bryan
Patty Brown................................................. DSC Staff
Suzette Bussey............................................ DSC Staff
Linh Vu Cabrera............................Eduardo Martinez
Deborah Gail Clack..............................Yvonne Miller
Delores Clark......................................Arlene Reeves
Dawn Clouse............................................. Mimi Sams
Marlene Coates.........................................Terri Lewis
Renee’ Crews.............................................Mark Rose
Rhonda DeDear................................. James Glasser
Nan Ellen East.............................................. DSC Staff
Jodi Ebach.................................................... DSC Staff
Franklin................................................Cynthia Trevino
Whitney George.......................................... DSC Staff
Eva Gibble..................................................... DSC Staff
Stephanie Gottsch...............................David Hunt Sr
Mary Graves................................................ DSC Staff
Cat Green.................................................Curtis Green
Monica Greenhill..................................... Mimi Sams
Sally Grinnell................................................ DSC Staff
Vanessa Handy........................................ Camm Eddy
Charlotte Hawley....................... Donna Stottlemyer
Monica Hernandez.....................................Ken Willis
Kayla Hess................................................. Mimi Sams
Leslie Hooper..................................... James Glasser
Kristie Hoops..............................................Mark Rose
Carol Hughes.........................................Kevin Tinsley
Jill Jacoby..................................................Terri Lewis
Laura Knoll.............................................. Jack Blachly
Susie Kroll..................................................... DSC Staff
Wendy Krueger........................................... DSC Staff
Deborah Loth................................................Roy Gully
Sarah Mans.................................................. DSC Staff
Curtis McAnally.....................................Bob Dilworth
Ama McDermid........................................... DSC Staff
Krista Morrow......................................Tim McCreary
Samantha Muske....................... Donna Stottlemyer
Violeta Nowery.............................................DSC staff
Angela Otto.............................................. Fred Winter
Phil Phillips...............................................Ron Giudice
Mary Pickett...........................................Bob Dilworth
Joni Roberts.................................................Ken Willis
Kim Rogers.............................................Kevin Tinsley
Susan Rubio................................................. DSC Staff
Kathryn Scheynayder................................Ken Willis
Kelsey Skogstad....................................Kevin Tinsley
Nikki Snider..................................................Ken Willis
Kathleen Sproles...................................Kevin Tinsley
Molly Stopa.................................................. DSC Staff
Sherri Stuart............................................ Logan Fuller
Kathy Sugarek....................................Arlene Reeves
Rick Sussman.............................................. DSC Staff
Alison Thompson........................Joseph Thompson
New Member
Raquel Ulrich................................................................
DSC Staff
Helen Vance..................................................................
Camm Eddy
Rhonda West........................................... Ken Willis
Tracy Williams..........................................DSC Staff
Frances Withers....................................Brian Hurst
Amber Wood.............................................DSC Staff
Jeanne Young.....................................Bob Dilworth
Stephanie Zanin...................................Peggy Rose
Paten Anglin....................................... Dustin Anglin
Truman Anglin.................................... Dustin Anglin
Noah Ault.............................................. Claire Garza
Liam Baker................................................DSC Staff
Rachel Baldwin....................................... Ken Willis
Bradley Benson........................................DSC Staff
William Boyce Jr......................................DSC Staff
Jim Campbell........................... Donna Stottlemyer
Monica Campbell.................................... Ken Willis
Carly Cieszinski.........................................DSC Staff
William Cooper II.................................... Ken Willis
Mason Dies...............................................DSC Staff
Mishell Doege.......................................... Ken Willis
James Dolloff............................................DSC Staff
Halie Ebach...............................................DSC Staff
Christopher Glispin............................. Claire Garza
Ethan Harris.......................................... Sam Spicer
Belle Hooper................................... James Glasser
Worth Hooper................................. James Glasser
Molly Jacobs........................................... Ken Willis
Robert Leonard.........................................DSC Staff
Walker Lipscomb.................... Donna Stottlemyer
Christopher Martinez...................Jason Fatheree
Kadin Morrow...................................Tim McCreary
Grace Read.............................................. Ken Willis
Catherine Sabella....................................DSC Staff
Nathan Savoie......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Philip Savoie............................ Donna Stottlemyer
Christian Smith.........................................DSC Staff
Cory Smith.................................................DSC Staff
Kendall Stopa............................................DSC Staff
Stavros Tassos...................................Bob Dilworth
Sydney Tatom.......................... Donna Stottlemyer
Hayden Thomas..................................Caryn Taylor
Peyton West............................................. Ken Willis
David Wiggs..........................................Brett Wiggs
Erika Wiggs...........................................Brett Wiggs
McClain Williamson................................DSC Staff
Jack Woods.......................... Abbey Brandenburg
Jackson Young...................................Bob Dilworth
MARCH 2016 |
As a service to DSC members, we are happy to offer the Member Bulletin
Board. DEADLINE: the 1st day of the month prior to the issue date. Example:
April 1 is the deadline for the May Camp Talk. Please keep your information
brief and send via email or an attachment to No
placements by phone. All ads will run for three months at no charge to
DSC members. If your item sells, please notify the DSC office for removal.
If you wish to continue the ad, please send your request to ads@biggame.
org. No commercial ads. Buy and sell at your own risk. All sales should be
conducted in compliance with federal, state and local laws.
Thanks! ~DSC Staff
.375 H&H – This firearm was sighted in before hunt in Zim and took a nice
Cape Buffalo; has been kept in gun safe since 2006; custom left-hand stock
and the factory right-hand stock; also have ammo. Contact Jack East at
501-680-1302. Mar
Double Rifle: Chapuis Model Brousse in 470 Nitro Express – Cabela’s
edition with 23 5/8” ejector barrels with quarter rib 1 standing and
three folding sights. Removable blocks in the rib for scope mounts,
double triggers, bolstered frame, bushed strikers, open pistol grip stock,
cheekpiece, 15 5/16” LOP over a 1” pad, 10 lb. 8 oz., scroll engraving. This
gun is all original with the barrel blue at 97 percent, the stock finish remains
at 97 percent, and the checkering at 100 percent. Original case/papers.
$8,250. Please contact Jan
HEYM Double Rifle and Winchester Bolt Rifle: 1) HEYM 88B “PH” model,
.450/400 Nitro Express 3”. Wood upgrade, automatic ejectors, new in
2012. $14,500. 2) Winchester 70 Custom Shop 375 H&H Mag w/Leupold
VXIII duplex 1.75-6 scope. Satin nickel finish, beautiful wood. $2,400. Both
weapons purchased new, shot less than 50 times each, near perfect
condition. Sell individually or together for $16,000. Contact or call/message 214-801-0015. Jan
Ammunition: .377 H&H Hornady, Federal Premium Safari and Federal
Premium factory ammunition $39 to $49/box; .416 Remington Magnum
Hornady and Nyati factory ammunition $49/box; Barrett .416 new unprimed
cartridge cases, two sacks of 20, $40 each; Barrett .416 machine-turned 395
gr. bullets, two boxes of 20, $40 each. Contact David at 214-773-3480. Jan
Krieghoff Big Five Double Rifle 470 N.E. – Upgraded wood, side plates
(kudu and buffalo). Folding and express sight, like new. $10,000. For
additional information call or text 817-896-3284. Jan
Winchester Model 21 12 gauge – three-barrel set, 98-percent condition.
All barrels are vent-rib and 28 inches long, choked F/M,IC/M, and Sk/Sk.
Sent to Amarillo, Texas, hardware store in 1952. Have Cody museum letter
confirming gun’s history. $13,000. Call C.J. Fuller at 501-951-5121. Jan
Beautiful 28-gauge O/U Shotgun: Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon II Sporting.
30-inch barrels. All the usual factory flush chokes plus two Briley extended
chokes. Blue hard case. Very nice wood. Condition probably 99%. Never
field used. $1,800. Text John at 903-360-0388 for more information or photos.
Blaser Double Rifle with Two Sets of Barrels, 470 NE and 30-06 – Scope
mounts, sling, beautiful presentation case. Great wood. Photos upon
request. $10,000. Contact Steve at 901-546-9447 or
Dangerous Game Rifles – CZ 550 American 416 Rigby, as new, with 30mm
rings $1,000.00; Merkel 470 Nitro Express double rifle Model 140-2-2, fully
engraved, gold inlays, octagonal barrels, and Merkel branded Americase,
as new, with paperwork and boxes. $13,000.00. Contact George Sparling at
817-600-4398 or Dec
30 | D A L L A S S A F A R I C L U B N E W S Left-handed 300 WSM by Proof Research – NIB. Carbon-wrapped barrel
with synthetic stock. Shoots 1/2 MOA. Swarovski 3x18x50 HD BRT.
Lightweight and ready for hunting. Custom travel case. Call Jim at
214-676-6560. Dec
Remington Model 700 CDL – 7mm bolt-action, blued finish, 25-inch barrel,
NIB. $800. Call George at
210-415-4637. Dec
Mazda Five-Speed – new tires, and $750 A/C, kid seats in the back,
extended cab. Great go-to-work or go-to-school truck or ranch vehicle.
DEPENDABLE. $1,950. Operated less than 18,000 miles the last seven years.
Wonderful gas mileage, smooth ride on highway. My most dependable
vehicle and a favorite of all my hunting guides, being sold because
I have bought a new “Mule.” Call Tom at 214-207-8871 or contact at Jan
Scopes: Trijicon ACOG 4 x 32 USMC RCO M4 scope, red chevron,
$1,049;Leupold VX III 1.5, 5 x 20 illuminated duplex scope, $439. Contact
David at 214-773-3480. Jan
DSC Limited Edition Kahles 3-12x56 Riflescope – Limited edition scope
with presentation case, SN.- 073. Lightly used; includes lighted reticle.
Recently factory cleaned and checked with new nitrogen and seals. Great
condition. $800. Contact Jim at 817-366-1450 or Dec
Hunting Lease Wanted – Looking for two to four hunters to participate in
a hunting lease in Benjamin, Texas. For details, please call or email Alex at
713-416-8614 or Mar
Gold Medal Plus Red Stag Hunt in Rotorua, New Zealand – includes Gold
Medal+ (Plus) Trophy at Treetops Lodge Horohoro, Rotorua, 3077 New
Zealand. The hunt is five nights’ accommodation for two people including
all meals and pickup from the Rotorua Airport. Hunt is valued at $15,000 and
offered at $10,000. For more info, please contact David Goodman, manager
at Treetops, via email at or by phone at +64 7 333 2066.
10 day South African Safari for 4 Hunters (or non-hunters) 7 days with
Thwane Safaris + 3 days touring Kruger National Park; all lodging, meals,
ground transport, includes 1/2 ($6,900) one Cape Buffalo trophy fee.
Other half of deposit ($6,900) is due upon booking dates this summer
2016; airfare and additional trophy fees extra, but reasonable; see www. for more info; purchased January 2015 at DSC
Live Auction, a $25,500 value! Sacrifice at only $6,500 (paid much more)
Scott Jones (469)261-9770 or Mar
.460 Weatherby Wanted: Member interested in acquiring .460 Weatherby,
preferably ported and scope included, but not mandatory. Contact Ben
Grounds at 903-814-4414 or Mar
MOUNTS FOR SALE. DSC Life Members wish to sell: 2 javelinas (shoulder);
8 whitetail (shoulder); 2 whitetail (shoulder) on 3X3 mahogany pedestal.
Beautiful zebra (shoulder) on cherry pedestal. Gold medal oryx (shoulder);
4x4 sika buck (shoulder). 20 whitetail (European); 1-5x5 elk horn; female
wildebeest (European); feral hog (shoulder); 1 300+ 6x6 elk (shoulder, needs
new cape); 2 bleached hog heads. Discount for buying whole lot, plus free
2-day turkey hunt for 2, also selling hunts for bow, muzzle and rifle season.
Serious inquiries only. Contact Johnny Koons, Mar
13709 Gamma Road
Dallas, TX 75244
March 17
April 2
Monthly Meeting/Annual General Meeting
Dr. James Kroll/Dr. Don Davis
Bent Tree Country Club
5201 Westgrove Dr., Dallas, 75248
Spring S.A.F.E.T.Y. Event
.Hidden Lakes Resort, Yantis, TX, near Lake Fork
April 8-10 S
. tar S Ranch Couples Retreat
April 21
April 23 May 7
. onthly Meeting –
Annual Trophy and Photo Competition
Omni Hotel at Park West
1590 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, 75234
9. th Annual Crawfish Boil
hosted by Conservation Society
Location TBA
9. th Annual Big Bore Shoot