The Navigator - North High School


The Navigator - North High School
The Navigator
Principal’s Newsletter
April 2016
Mrs. Audra Christenson, Principal
St. Charles North High School
255 Red Gate Road
St. Charles, IL 60175
(331) 228-4400
Vol. XVII No. 4
The Unsung Hero Awards presentation was held in the morning on Wednesday, March 16, in the
Auditorium. “Behind the scenes” students; the unassuming helpers, the givers, and those always
anticipating the needs in the classroom, the activity, or the sport were honored. Their exceptional
contributions have been a very meaningful part of our school life. These students’ commitment to
making a difference in the lives of both students and staff in North Star Country were acknowledged
and applauded.
Congratulations to all of our Unsung Heroes of North Star Country!
Graciela Acosta
Nicholas Ahrens
Austin Ams
Alexander Atkus
Audrey Ayavong
David Beach
Tristan Bibbings
Brianna Bova
Kiara Bryant
Victor Colin
McKenna Curzon
Alyssa Dietz
Logan Dodge
Katherine Dodson
Samantha Dodson
Thorne Drwal
Nicholas Duhownik
Isabella Falco
Emma Farley
Jack Feldsien
Jamie Fisher
Mia Fuller
Anthony Gallo
Sarah Gustafson
Kalyna Haliw
Jason Hanselman
Samantha Hausl
Ashley Hayes
Zakee Jabbar
Dylan Jensen
Kiera Jones
Kiley Junod
Lauren Kastein
Halina Konowal
Karina Kowalski
Shelby Kroncke
Meghan LaCroix
Madalynn Lagatuz
Grace Lenaghan
Alicia Luna
Jack McGraw
Kacey McLaughlin
Braden Menini
Payton Mitchell
Juliana Morris
Jenna Nickolson
Taylor O’Brien
Josen Ocava
Rachel Oshana
Bernard Pellissier
Emily Placido
Grace Quinn
Gabriela Rivera
Nicole Robinson
Blake Saltsman
Grace Samuelson
Vincent Sarna
Lindsay Sawicki
Jane Sherman
Aliza Siddiqui
Christian Sidoti
Anna Spence
Sophia Spizzirri
Kylie Suda
Keeley Svoboda
Grace Taylor
Chioma Ugoagwu
Luis Vargas-Herrera
Evan Villanueva
Amanda Ziesmer
Emma Zimmer
April 2016
Page 2
Pen of the Principal
We are committed to investing in the strengthening of our school community.
The Bullying Prevention Task Force hanging up posters they
created with messages of support, information, and resilience.
Our 1st Annual Student -v- Staff Volleyball competition hosted by
our Scholar Athletes organization kicked off the fundraising for the
SCN Relay for Life event to be held on May 6.
We are collecting gently used books for the Bernie’s Book Drive
through April 15 in the Main Foyer.
Seventy-one students were honored at this year’s Unsung Hero
Award Presentation for their exceptional contributions to our
school community.
We are committed to on-going learning to continually strengthen our
Teachers have engaged in professional learning regarding the
incorporation of technology into their instruction, not as a substitute
but rather an extension and collaborative tool.
In Pizza with the Principal luncheons, students shared that the
introduction of Chromebooks into their classes has increased their
access to resources and influenced their ability to revise, review, and
share their work.
We are committed to striving for excellence in all we pursue.
In addition to celebrating the success of our spring athletic teams, the
accomplishments of our clubs, the staging of our school musical, Annie, and the
achievements of our graduating class, here are some accomplishments we are
Mrs. Colleen Backer, teacher at SCN, was honored as one of 30 high school
teachers in Illinois to be named a finalist in the Golden Apple of Excellence in
Our Mock Trial team placed 2nd at this year’s State Competition.
Madison Mikos has been named a Golden Apple Scholar of Illinois Class of 2016.
End with Pride
As the weather begins to warm and the end of school year events are upon us, I would like to remind all students of the
importance of exiting this year with pride and perseverance. Keep focus on your goals – both academic and futuristic.
Remember, actions speak louder than words, and your actions not only represent you but impact those around you as
Want to keep up with what’s happening at St. Charles North High School? Follow us on Twitter
@StCharlesNorth or on our Facebook page St. Charles North High School.
Page 3
April 2016
College & Career Readiness
Mr. John Peters, Assistant Principal
Illinois Regional College Fair
On Tuesday, April 12, St. Charles North High School will be hosting the Illinois Regional College Fair from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
This is an opportunity for students to meet college representatives and gather information from over 200 colleges and
universities. A list of attending colleges is available on the North website under College & Careers and Counselor’s Office.
Don’t miss this event!
Career Day
On March 15 our freshman and sophomore students had the opportunity to learn about various
careers. They heard from professionals in panel presentations, completed the Matchmaker
Survey in Career Cruising, and spent time in the Career Fair visiting booths set up by various
groups. This day helped students to identify potential career options, examine their skills and
strengths, and learn what courses to take in high school and beyond to prepare themselves.
“Preparing For Life After High School”
On March 15, our senior students took part in a new event that provided opportunities for them to learn about transitioning
from high school to college. The day began with Lauren Screeden, SCN ‘08 and host of Inside the Bears, giving a keynote
address about finding and pursuing your passion. Speakers from many different colleges and universities, as well as
professionals, presented sessions on a variety of topics including learning how to manage personal finances, getting
involved in clubs in college, building relationships with professors, and more. The final session included recent North Grads
talking about what it’s really like to launch from home. Participants gained valuable insight on the next phase of their life.
Attention Juniors
There are so many opportunities for you to take advantage of as you finish the school year and prepare for your future!
Our counselors have been meeting with each junior to discuss post high school plans. All students will leave that meeting
with some “next steps” and a packet of information. Parents, be sure to ask your student about their meeting if you were not
able to attend with them.
College visits are a crucial piece of the application process. We encourage you to visit as many college campuses as you
can. Finding the right fit is so important!
On March 15, juniors took the ACT with Writing during the school day. The score from this test may be reported to colleges.
There is an additional opportunity to take the ACT on June 11. The registration deadline is May 6. For more information or
to register please visit
The SAT will be offered at St. Charles North High school for interested students on Saturday, June 4. The registration
deadline for this test is May 5. You may register or get more information at
April 2016
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College & Career Readiness (cont’d)
Attention Seniors
It’s hard to believe that you are in the home stretch already! Please update Naviance regarding your college choices and
commitments. If you haven’t done so already, you must notify your college of choice by May 1. Counselors will be meeting
with you during PE classes on May 16 to complete your final transcript request.
Our Senior Honors Night will be held Thursday, May 5. We will recognize seniors who have won scholarships, both at the
college of their choice and from local businesses and organizations. If you have been offered a college scholarship, will be
attending that college, and wish to be honored that night, please fill out the green “Senior Honors Night” Form that was in
your senior packet and return it to the Guidance Office. If you have received any other kind of scholarship from a local
business, organization, or company, please let Mrs. Porter in the Guidance Office know so you will be invited to this
“Invitation Only” event.
As we approach May, our thoughts are turning to the end of the year and graduation. A packet of information for seniors
and their parents/guardians was sent home in early April. Please be sure to review this information carefully. Graduation is
at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 29, at the Sears Centre in Hoffmann Estates. There is no need for tickets due to the
abundance of seating. The ceremony will also be broadcast live on The following are a few important
dates for seniors to remember:
Saturday, April 30
Thursday, May 5
Thursday & Friday, May 19 & 20
Tuesday, May 24
Thursday, May 26
Thursday, May 27
Friday, May 27
Friday, May 27
Sunday, May 29
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Prom at the Q Center in St. Charles
Senior Honors Night, Auditorium
Cap & Gown Distribution, Main Foyer
MANDATORY Grad Group Meetings
Last day for seniors
Senior BBQ, Courtyard
MANDATORY Graduation Practice, Main Gym
Senior Breakfast following practice, Hosanna Church
Commencement Ceremony at the Sears Centre
in Hoffman Estates
Advanced Placement Testing
All students currently enrolled in AP courses will be taking the associated exams during the first two weeks in May. The AP
Exam schedule is listed below. To prepare for these exams all students will participate in an AP Pre-Administration session
during 3rd hour on Thursday, April 7, in the auditorium. Students have received a Bulletin for AP Students and Parents that
provides additional information.
May 2
May 2
Environmental Science
May 2
May 3
Computer Science
May 3
Spanish Language
May 3
Physics 1
May 4
English Literature
May 4
Physics 2
Page 5
April 2016
College & Career Readiness (cont’d)
Advanced Placement Testing (cont’d)
May 5
Calculus AB
May 5
Calculus BC
May 6
German Language
May 6
US History
May 6
European History
May 6
Studio Art 2D & 3D Design/Drawing
May 6
Studio Art Photo/Dig Media
May 9
May 9
Music Theory
May 9
Physics C
May 10
US Government
May 10
French Language
May 10
Spanish Literature
May 11
English Language
May 11
May 12
May 13
Human Geography
May 13
*Indicates the exam will extend beyond the school day.
PARCC Testing
Public school districts in Illinois are required to assess students for the purpose of educational accountability as mandated
by the United States Department of Education. Again this year, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College
and Careers (PARCC) assessments will be administered. The PARCC assessment will measure student proficiency
relative to the Common Core State Standards, which were adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education in 2010.
Information about the PARCC assessment, including format, sample test items, and information about scoring, is available
During April, all students enrolled in English 9 and Algebra I, regardless of grade level, will take the PARCC Assessment.
Unlike last year, there will only be one series of tests administered. More specific scheduling information will be mailed
home separately.
The PARCC tests are taken electronically on computers in our LRC and using laptops at various locations in the building.
Students not testing on these days (i.e. all students not in English 9 and Algebra I) will attend their regularly scheduled
April 2016
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College & Career Readiness (cont’d)
National Merit Finalists
President’s Volunteer Service Award
Tess Prendergast and Emma Spellman were both named
National Merit Finalists. This puts them in the top 1% of
the students who took the PSAT/NMSQT during the fall of
2015 and qualifies them for Merit Scholarships.
Vincent Sarna, has been honored for his exemplary volunteer service
by being named a recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service
The award, which recognizes Americans of all ages who have
volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve their
communities and their country, was granted by The Prudential Spirit
of Community Awards Program on behalf of President Barack
(L to R) Tess Prendergast & Emma Spellman
(L to R) Vincent Sarna and Principal Christenson
Student Services
Ms. Sharon Stec, Assistant Principal
News from the Nurse at North
Our students have many irons in the fire: challenging course loads, after school athletics or activities, jobs
and/or family responsibilities. Their lifestyles can lead to a heightened level of stress.
One of the best ways to manage stress is by getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep restores the body and brain.
The recommendation for sleep during the teen years varies from 7 - 10 hours per night. Adolescents often disregard the importance of
sleep; they choose to study longer and later or overuse electronics and social media. This lack of sleep can interfere with their
productivity, attention, memory, mood, and overall general health.
Sleep hygiene is the practice of developing habits that promote quality sleep. Encourage the following lifestyle changes to help your
child retrain their brain and get the sleep they need.
Daily exercise - avoid strenuous exercise late in the evening.
Establish a bedtime routine: listen to relaxing music, stretch, take a warm shower, read, and meditate.
Make the bedroom a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment.
Avoid the use of electronics, including cell phones and TV, for at least ½ hour before you plan to fall asleep. Cell phones
should always be turned off during sleep hours.
Avoid caffeine and large meals before bedtime.
Keep a journal or “to do list”. Jot notes down before going to sleep so you’ll be less likely to stay awake stressing.
Go to bed at approximately the same time each evening
There are sleep disorders that interfere with adequate sleep even when good sleep hygiene habits are promoted. If your child’s sleep
patterns interfere with their health and success, please contact your healthcare provider for additional suggestions and supports.
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April 2016
Student Services (cont’d)
News from the Nurse at North (cont’d)
Parents of 9th – 12th grade students – Medication Pick-up Reminder:
Please have a parent or responsible adult stop by the Nurse’s Office on or before the last day of school to pick up any medication(s).
Students are only allowed to pick up emergency medications: inhalers, Glucagon, and EpiPens.
The last day to pick up medication is Friday, May 27. Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. All remaining medications, including
inhalers and emergency medications, will be discarded after that date.
If your child is to receive medication during the school day next year, please have his/her healthcare provider complete and sign the
CUSD 303 medication form. A parent signature is also required. The form is located on the District 303 web site under “For Parents”.
Click on Forms. On the Forms page click on Health Forms. The policy and forms associated with taking medication at school are on the
If your child has asthma and carries their inhaler with them, we like to have an inhaler in our office in case they might forget to bring
their inhaler or it would run out. Please bring medication to school before the first attendance day if possible. Call my office to arrange a
time to drop off the medication and forms to the Nurse’s Office any day after August 15.
Have a wonderful summer!
Amy Boynton, School Nurse
(331) 228-4404
Student Life
Mrs. Melinda Roberts, Assistant Principal
The Breakfast with the Stars Program honors individual stars within our school community. Some of the
individuals nominated are out there for all of us to see and congratulate. Others are behind the scenes or who,
in their quiet way, demonstrate a level of excellence through service, academics, competition, or simple
kindness. Some of these students give of their special talents on a day-to-day basis in the classroom and
some of them excel in our extra and co-curricular activities. Each student is unique and special in the way they
share and develop our school community.
Mr. Justin Moriarty
Mrs. Kristin Williams
Mr. Rob Pomazak
Mrs. Sarah Migliazzo
Mrs. Karissa Schulten
Mr. Nickolas Engel
Luke Buoy
Katherine Francissen
Miguel Macias
Madeline Solomon
Hannah Stern
Logan Tyson
Mrs. Lindsey Hawkins
Dillon Milani
Thomas Summerwill
Samantha Hausl
Stephen Hutchinson
Claire Jakaitis
Tyson Jenkins
Bernard Pellissier
Karlee Shuldberg
Christian Sidoti
Rebekah Kinney
Katharine Tate
Jacqueline VanDyck
Anurag Vuthunuri
Abigail Wineinger
Alec Tolmachoff
Lauren Neslund
Mrs. Shari Hayes
Mrs. Lori Keough
Mrs. Kate Orals
Mrs. Barb Schmit
Ms. Alicia Seifrid
Mrs. Kira Svehla
April 2016
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Student Life (cont’d)
Book by Thomas Meehan
Music by Charles Strouse
Martin Charnin
The SCN Theatre & Music Department will present their Spring Musical ANNIE for four performances
Thursday-Saturday, April 21, 22, and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 24, at 2:00 p.m.
Based on the popular comic strip by Harold Gray, Annie has become a world-wide phenomenon and was the
winner of seven Tony Awards including Best Musical.
With equal measures of pluck and positivity, little orphan Annie charms everyone's hearts despite a next-tonothing start in 1930s New York City. She is determined to find her parents who abandoned her years ago on
the doorstep of a New York City Orphanage run by the cruel, embittered Miss Hannigan. With the help of the
other girls in the Orphanage, Annie escapes to the wondrous world of NYC. In adventure after fun-filled
adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan's evil machinations and even befriends President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt. She finds a new home and family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace
Farrell, and a lovable dog named Sandy.
North’s musical production, directed by Dale Morgan, has over 40 students cast in the show, and with all of the
students working on tech and playing music in the orchestra pit, there will be over 70 students participating in
this fine event! Bring the whole family to this Tony Award winning show, and enjoy classic numbers such as
Hard Knock Life, Fully Dressed, and the most loved Tomorrow. Please come and experience what will be their
finest production ever!
Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $3 for senior citizens. Tickets are available at the box office 30
minutes before the show.
For further information email
Or call (331) 228-6236.
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April 2016
Student Life (cont’d)
Ten North Star Students Compete At DECA State Competition
The Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship Club for high school students, known as DECA, had its annual State
Competition on March 10-12, 2016, in Rosemont, IL. There are many different events in which the students can compete.
St. Charles North High School had ten students represented in the competition. There were over 1,300 students from
across the state that competed in various events. Our students competed in the following areas:
Advertising Campaign Written Event – Natasha Montavon & Jessica Panettieri
Apparel & Accessories Marketing – Haley Haneberg
Financial Analysis Team – Anurag Vuthunuri & Liam Flood
Entrepreneurship Business Plan Written Event – Ava Fiandaca,
Start-up Business Plan Written Event – Abby Wineinger, Vanessa Jakson
Marketing Communications Team - Vanessa Jackson & Ava Fiandaca, Abby & Megan Wineinger,
Natasha Montavon & Jessica Panettieri
Marketing Management – Liam Redmond-Matucci
Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan Written Event – Anurag Vuthunuri & Liam Flood
The following students placed in the Top Ten of their event: Liam Redmond-Matucci, Ava Fiandaca, and the team of
Anurag Vuthunuri & Liam Flood. Congratulations!
The following two students will be attending DECA’s International Competition April 23 - 27 in Nashville, TN:
Natasha Montavon & Jessica Panettieri. Congratulations and good luck!
(L to R) Advisor Ms. Olson, Megan Wineinger, Haley Haneberg, Liam Redmond-Matucci, Abby
Wineinger, Vanessa Jackson, Natasha Montavon, Jessica Panettieri, Ava Fiandaca, Liam Flood,
Anurag Vuthunuri, and Advisor Mr. Haftl.
(L to R) 3rd Place in State – Jessica
Panettieri & Natasha Montavon.
DECA is one of the premier Business Education Clubs for high school students in the United States. There are over
160,000 members, and approximately 15,000 compete at the International Career Development Conference.
April 2016
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Student Life (cont’d)
Purchase a senior yearbook ad by Thursday, May 28. This is a great way to send a tribute to your
graduating senior. Here’s how to place your ad:
Go to
Click on the "Buy your senior ad here!" button.
Note: you must spell out "Saint" for St. Charles.
You will submit one digital photo.
You will submit up to 75 words (the words DO NOT include your child's name - which is a header for the ad).
You will be required to use your credit card to pay the $75.00 fee.
Class of 2019 Student Council Visits Seniors
The Class of 2019 Student Council members took a trip to Brighton Gardens in late February to visit with
members of the assisted living community and hope to return for a visit in April.
(L to R) Bottom Row - Anna Miller, Morgan Curson, Crisa Wu, Kaley Fulcher, Anmol Vyas,
and Jacob Pullman. Middle Row - Vickie Lopez, Laura Fang, Sarah Gustafson, Mary Webb,
and Mrs. Boynton (Class advisor). Top Row – Jim Cooke, Nikki Hayes, Andy Jimerson, Ellie
Jones, Vincent Lam, Mike Cooke.
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April 2016
Student Life (cont’d)
North Star Community Leaders Seminar
On March 3, North Star Community Leaders enjoyed groundbreaking success with its first seminar for
leadership training.
North Star Community Leaders is a newly founded program at North
with two primary purposes: to identify and recognize student leaders
within the North Star community, and to train these students in how to
effectively apply their innate leadership qualities to the athletics and
activities they are involved in. The program was established by
Alexandra Kyle, 1st Vice President of the North Star Student Council
(with greatly appreciated help from Erin Manheim and the Student Life
Office), with the intention of creating continuous opportunities for
students to learn more about how to responsibly influence the
organizations they partake in.
(L to R) Mrs. Erin Manheim, Mr. Ted Wiese,
Advisors of both athletic teams and activities within the school were and Alexandra Kyle
encouraged to nominate two students from their respective
organizations to participate in March’s seminar. Students selected were then formally invited to one of two
sessions held in the auditorium that Thursday. Both sessions were instructed by Mr. Ted Wiese, known as one
of America’s best youth leadership development speakers, during which students engaged in a variety of
activities to help stress the important “keys” of leadership (taking action, appreciating diversity, encouraging
teamwork, utilizing the power of a positive attitude, and so forth).
Over 90% of students that attended March’s seminar reported in a post-program survey that they would
“absolutely” attend another session. All of these students were able to effectively explain the keys of
leadership following the program, in addition to how they will apply it to their teams, clubs, and societies.
North Star Community Leaders is now preparing to offer another opportunity in the fall of 2017.
The morning athletic session.
The afternoon activities session.
April 2016
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Student Life (cont’d)
Instructional Programs
Mrs. Heather Kincaid, Assistant Principal
The small engines class is learning about the Briggs and Stratton L-Head engine. All student groups
will be required to put their engines back together and start them. They will then graduate to the
OHV engine and learn all about it before students can start working on live lawn mowers, snow
blowers, weed wackers, riding tractors, and small motor cycle engines.
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April 2016
Instructional Programs (cont’d)
Eight VEI Students Attend Bay Area Trade Show
The weekend of March 5-6, eight St. Charles North Virtual Enterprise International (VEI) students
attended the Bay Area Trade Show in Oakland and San Francisco. The students gained practical
business experience and learned about the history of the Bay Area while attending this wonderful
trip. The VEI program involves juniors and seniors in Business Education working together to run a
virtual business through their classroom. One of the trademarks of VEI is the trade shows. The
trade shows allow the VEI students to market and sell their virtual products in an actual trade show
setting. They also provide many competitive events involving electronic submissions of marketing
materials and live events the weekend of the trade show. For example, three of our students; Kyla
Helsel, Mario Keane, and David Washington, were awarded Honorable Mention in their event, Human
Resources Scenario. The eight students were also able to network with business professionals and
fellow VEI students from all over the country.
During the trip, the students were able to enjoy the culture of the Bay Area. Over the course of the
weekend, the students toured iconic landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz,
Fisherman’s Wharf, and Lombard Street. The students really enjoyed seeing the “Full House”
houses, formally known as the Painted Ladies. They were also treated to a tour of Chinatown in San
Francisco, which included tea and food tastings, plus the opportunity to create their own Fortune
The combination of authentic business experience and learning about the culture of a historic
American city was a truly one-of-a-kind experience for our students. For more information about our
VEI program, contact Barb Schmit or Eric Bostrand in the Business Education Department.
(L to R) Bottom Row: Kyla Helsel, Jackie VanDyck, and Abby Wineinger. Top Row: Mike
Haggerty, Liam Flood, Mario Keane, Sean McCarthy, and David Washington.
April 2016
Page 14
Instructional Programs (cont’d)
Art Department News
Art Student Recognition
The Art Department is proud to announce that Hailee Stay was chosen as the
recipient of the Annual Alliance of Fine Art Scholarship for the Illinois
The Alliance of Fine Arts was established in 1962 and is a non-profit
organization. AFA’s mission is to promote fine art awareness and
appreciation in the community, support art education in our schools, share
resources, and provide educational; as well as exhibition opportunities, for
artists. The AFA is comprised of thirteen member art leagues in Illinois. In
addition to funding high school student art scholarships, the AFA organizes
juried art exhibitions and has educational and marketing workshops for
Hailee’s artwork, “Desert Princess” will be on display at the “Best of the Best
Show” at DuPage Art League, Wheaton, IL, May 1-31, 2016.
“Desert Princess”
Empty Bowls Fundraiser & Senior Showcase
The National Art Honor Society and Art Club members, in partnership with our 3D Media & Culinary Arts
students, raised over $1,600 for the Lazarus House. Our student artists created ceramic bowls, which were
purchased at a delicious soup dinner. The culinary arts students made the soup provided for the dinner. This
was our most successful Empty Bowls Event yet. Please put this event on your calendar for mid-March of
We also featured our senior students’ art, in a Senior Showcase Art Display, in the Auditorium Foyer. This
exhibit can still be viewed, until early May. Be sure to stop by and see it.
Upcoming Art Department Events
Be sure to attend these exhibits & events:
Spring Gala, at Elgin Community College, April 30 - AP Studio Art students and the music students present an
Art Exhibit and Concert. Come to see the AP students’ visual art portfolios on display, followed by the ticketed
concert event, immediately following.
East & North H.S. Student Film Festival, April 27, 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., St. Charles H.S. Auditorium; this is a
FREE event!
Page 15
April 2016
Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
In an effort to bring our school community together, we are promoting an all school event in
conjunction with the Kane County Cougars. SCN PTO invites the entire North High School community
students and families, along with incoming freshmen, to enjoy a night out at the Fifth Third Bank
As you may know, your experience at the Cougars is more than just
a ball game:
• The between innings interactive games and activities will
feature North Star students and adults.
• You will see Mr. SCN throw out the first pitch.
• Watch North Stars performing the 7th inning stretch.
• Watch one of our teachers’ children race with Ozzie around the
• And many more fun activities.
Some concessions stands will have our very own SCN teachers and staff serving you. And speaking
of food...Wednesdays at the Cougars are Half-Price Hump Days featuring half-price regular-sized
sodas, burgers, pizza, nachos, popcorn, and select souvenir items.
You are invited to purchase Reserved Seat Tickets for the discounted special rate of $5 each for
North Star students, families, friends, and alumni (normally $13). Twenty percent of each ticket sold
will go towards our scholarship fund. Tickets will be picked up at North High School on a date TBA.
Everything is in place for a great evening. We want you!
Go to to purchase your discounted tickets.
Pay your PTO dues for the 2016/17 School Year
YOUR $30 dues support:
Bi-annual heart screenings
Stargazer mailings
ACT snacks
Hospitality at school events
Snacks/drinks in the Nurses’ Office
School improvement
Senior class graduation yard signs
Post-Prom event
Faculty appreciation lunch and dinners
4 - $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors
Homecoming/winter dances
Pizza with the principal (New in 2015)
April 2016
Page 16
(Sometimes dates/times change….check school website often @
Apr 12 IL Regional College Fair, 6:30-8:30 p.m., NHS
Apr 14 Breakfast w/the Stars, 6:45 a.m., LRC
Apr 21 Spring Musical, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Apr 22 Spring Musical, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Apr 23 Spring Musical, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Apr 24 Spring Musical, 2:00 p.m., AUD
Apr 26 Select Academic Teams Banquet, 6:30 p.m., NHS
Apr 28 NHS Induction Ceremony, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Apr 30 Prom 2016, 6:00-11:00 p.m., The Q Center
May 2-13 AP Testing
May 3 Jazz & Concert Bands Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
May 4 Select Academic Teams Banquet, 6:30 p.m., NHS
May 5 Senior Honors Night, 7:00 p.m., AUD
May 6 Relay for Life, 6:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m., NHS
May 9 HMS Band Concert, 7:00 p.m., AUD
May 9 Symphonic Varsity & Wind Symph Bands Concert,
7:30 p.m., AUD
May 10 Spring Gala, 7:30 p.m., ECC
May 11 Choir Concert, 7:00 p.m., AUD
May 11 Orchestra Concert, 8:00 p.m., AUD
May 12 Breakfast w/the Stars, 6:45 a.m., LRC
May 13 Student Directed One Act Performances, 7:30 p.m.,
May 14 Student Directed One Act Performances, 7:30 p.m.,
May 18 Spring Jazz Vocal & Concert Bands Concert,
7:30 p.m., AUD
May 24 MANDATORY Grad Group Mtgs., 2:30 p.m., NHS
May 25 TENTATIVE Final Exams
May 26 TENTATIVE Final Exams
May 27 TENTATIVE Final Exams
May 26 Last Day of School for Seniors
May 26 Senior Sunset BBQ, 6:00 p.m., Courtyard
May 27 MANDATORY Graduation Practice, 7:30 a.m., Main
May 27 Senior Breakfast, Following Practice, Hosanna
Lutheran Church
May 27 Last day of school IF NO EMERGENCY DAYS USED
May 29 Commencement Ceremony, 12:00 p.m., The Sears
May 30 Memorial Day Holiday – Schools Closed
June 4 SAT Testing, 8:00 a.m., NHS
June 6- 23 Session I Summer School, M-Th, 8:00 a.m. –
1:00 p.m., NHS
July 11-28 Session II Summer School, M-Th, 8:00 a.m. –
1:00 p.m., NHS
A 2010 United States Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School