May 2006 - Saint John High School


May 2006 - Saint John High School
May, 2006
Issue #3
Cheating In School
by: Josh Sands
I have to get one thing out of the way before I go on about this subject and before you
get your hopes up. THIS IS NOT A GUIDE TO CHEATING IN SCHOOL. This article is merely
intended to raise awareness of cheating in school, how much it’s increased, and what some
are trying to do to prevent you from doing it. Now on to the article...
Cheating. We’ve all done it before, as harmless as we think it is. While skimming your
test, maybe you notice that there are a couple questions you just don’t remember the answers to. You start to freak out... that is, until you remember your binder and notes are lying
in your desk. It’s tempting, isn’t it? However, why do you think most of the desks have an
opening on both sides? It’s not just so the desk can never be backwards, you know.
Lately, most MP3 players come with a voice recorder. Some kids out there have realized
it’s potential, and recorded their notes into the player. Now, all they have to do is act like
they’re listening to music and BAM!: instant perfect test. However, teachers have become
aware of this and have
started prohibiting any
music players from tests
and exams. Well, that’s
two methods of cheating down the drain.
Oh, wait; there’s
another. You could write
your notes on your arm.
anymore, so nobody
would expect it; the perfect crime! Actually,
there’s a reason nobody
does it anymore.
Wouldn’t it seem odd if
someone came in with
one arm covered entirely in blue? It’s not exactly inconspicuous!
It’s amazing the lengths to which people will go, attempting to cheat on a test or exam.
Heck, by the time they’ve figured out a foolproof plan, they could’ve had all their notes
studied. Plus, there are no foolproof plans, so if they’d studied instead of trying to cheat,
they’d have much higher odds of passing.
Cheating is not just limited to tests or exams, either. Copying information from the Internet,
copying your friend’s work, even forging a signature is cheating. Anything that involves you
not doing any work but getting work done in the process is cheating. Anything that you write
down on a test or exam that is not your own work is cheating.
What I just don’t get is why people cheat in the first place. Why are you risking your
spot in school? Cheating continuously will simply get you kicked out. It’s better to face the
facts that you’re not doing your work and get a low mark and maybe attend summer school,
than to get kicked out trying to prevent that. Cheating is for those who can’t bear the fact that
they can’t do the work and refuse to even try to do it.
So next time you’re contemplating pulling off this petty crime, think of what you’re
risking; it’s more than you think, and probably more than what you could probably handle
Page 2
A Letter To The Editor
Dear Editor,
I deeply resent the scurrilous besmirchment of my good name in the most recent
issue of The Hound. Namely: I have excellent taste in music. And it’s not just me that
thinks so.
Some may already know (by the Vertigo ’05 tour poster in my classroom) that I am
a very large U2 fan. U2 is one of the most critically lauded bands of the contemporary
music scene, ever since their formation in Dublin, Ireland in the late 1970s. “Pride (In
the Name of Love)”, “One”, “Sunday Bloody Sunday”, “Mysterious Ways”, “Where
the Streets Have no Name”, “Beautiful Day”, “Elevation”, “Vertigo”... U2 songs all,
and all songs that have helped to define the musical landscape of the past quarter
century. This is a band that introduced me, and many others, to organizations like
Amnesty International or African Debt Relief: political awareness has always been
key to their music. The impact of their music on the cultural scene ever since the
1980s has been immeasurable. Think of other bands from the 1980s that continue to
tour - Duran Duran, INXS, Bon Jovi for instance - only U2 has managed to re-invent
themselves in such ways as to continually challenge the society and culture around
them, and in ways that continue to be relevant to entirely new listeners that were not
even thought of when U2 was first formed in Larry Mullen Jr.’s kitchen so many years
ago. It is this continued relevance that garnered them an induction into the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. Bad taste in music. I think not.
I will now go and burn my copy of “Polka Hits of the Disco Era” before your
editorial staff can prove otherwise.
Ms. Lewell
Saint John High School
The Hound
Tainted Love
by: Hayley Skidd
In recent years there has been a huge
uprise in physical and verbal abuse in teenage relationships. We’ve seen it with our own
eyes at parties, at hangouts and even in our
own high school. It seems that it’s getting so
severe that it is almost becoming normal. But
the fact of the matter is, it’s not normal. Although you may think I am only targeting
the guys in this situation, I am definitely not.
It may be rare but I have heard verbal abuse
and have even seen physical abuse towards
the significant other coming from the female
partner. In my opinion, these actions are completely disgusting and unacceptable. Five
years ago if I heard about someone being
abused by his or her partner I would have
been in disbelief. These days I see it everywhere, and the worst part is, nobody is doing anything about it. It’s just becoming “normal”.
I have spoken to people my age who
refuse to leave their boyfriend or girlfriend
even though they are getting abused, physi-
cally and verbally. Tahnee Graham speaks out
on the subject and says; “I think too many
people are turning a blind eye to abuse in
teenage relationships these days. People are
getting away with it way to easily.”
My question on the entire subject is,
could it be possible to be loved by someone
who is so abusive? When Joe Ellsworth was
asked his opinion on this particular subject
he answered, “I think that it is possible for
there to still be love in a relationship if there
is abuse. Arguments happen all the time and
sometimes harsh words are said or even
something more physical occurs. It doesn’t
necessarily mean the love is gone.”
Maybe this abuse is becoming a normal
act, or maybe it’s not. Maybe these individuals stuck in these dead-end relationships do
need a way out and just haven’t found it yet.
Look around; there is help everywhere and
there is always a person willing to listen.
The Hound
Lying: Girls Vs Guys
by: Gillian Raymond
We all tell lies; there’s no denying it. Sometimes it’s just little white lies: saying you
can’t go on a date because you’re sick, when you really just aren’t interested. But there
are also big ones: “Sorry sweetie, I had to do overtime”, when you were really out with
someone else. Girls and guys have this in common. But, does one gender tell more lies
than the other? And whose lies are worse?
Most people will say that guys tell more lies. Why? It’s usually because, in order
to keep girls happy, they have to. Think of the classic: “Does this make me look fat?”
How many guys would actually say: “Yes dear, you look fat”? None, I would hope.
Who knows, maybe they do look fat. But if you want to keep your girlfriend, then for
the love of God, don’t tell her that. Or: “Do you think she’s pretty?” Now, we aren’t
stupid; we know you don’t think that we’re the only pretty girl there is. But if you don’t
want to make her feel self-conscious, then a simple “Of course not” won’t hurt, will it?
But remember, the process of telling little lies is only acceptable while they are still in
the range of little. Don’t blow it out of proportion.
Girls are just as capable of telling little lies like these, but it doesn’t happen as often
because, frankly, we’re not that worried about it. Girls can hold one mean grudge, so
guys have to tread carefully around our feelings. Guys are tougher than that, and we
aren’t really worried about the terrible things they’ll do to us when their feelings are
hurt. But where their pride and masculinity is concerned, watch out. Telling him his last
game was less than perfect is sure to earn you some hurt looks, so be careful there.
Now, who tells worse lies? It’s hard to say. Both are capable of telling horrible lies,
but those lies are usually hurtful in different ways.
When guys lie, it usually has to do with one thing: girls. Now, don’t get me wrong,
both genders cheat, but a lot of guys seem to have less conscience about it. They can
keep that lie going for years, possibly forever, without showing any sign of guilt. And
hey, if you can get away with it once, why not try again? But please. If you cheat, just
tell her. Maybe she’ll forgive you. Maybe she won’t. But you must’ve liked her at some
point; otherwise you wouldn’t be with her, right? So don’t put her through the pain of
having to find out from someone else later.
Girls have a lot in common with guys in the sense that our worst lies have to do
with other girls. If a girl steps over the line with us, we can be brutal in spreading lies
about her without a second thought. Where guys can be unfeeling with their cheating,
we can be unfeeling with our rumors. While it may feel good at the time, eventually,
karma’s going to come around to pay you a visit, so be careful with the viciousness,
okay ladies?
Some lies never hurt anyone. But remember: we tell little lies to protect others. We
tell big lies to protect ourselves. While we’ll never stop lying, just make sure you know
where to draw the line, and don’t make a habit out of it.
Saint John High School
Telephone Love
by: Kalyn Martin
Sometimes they work, and sometimes
they don’t. The latter happens more often.
Like all relationships, those between people
separated by large distances, can be difficult, especially when you’re in high school.
Not being able to see that person everyday or spend time with them on a regular
basis can make it hard to keep the “spark” in
your relationship alive. Yes, talking on the
phone helps, and a web cam can allow you
to see that person, but it’s still never the same
as actually spending time with them in person.
What does the student body think about
long-distance relationships in high school?
Well, a male SJHS student who wishes to
remain anonymous said, “They’re tough, and
besides, most high school relationships don’t
last anyway, so why put yourself through all
that aggravation if it’s not even going anywhere?” Is he right? Do all high school longdistance relationships end? Well, to answer
this, just look around. If you really think about
it, my source has a point. How many students in long-distance relationships end up
marrying each other? Never, is the answer.
Besides, relationships are hard enough
as it is without the added strain that distance
brings, and I’m sure many students are not
ready for it. Most of us barely know what we
want to do with our lives, and many of us
have barely reached a mature enough level.
So how can we be expected to handle a longdistance relationship? The answer is, most
of us can’t.
My final words are these: if you’re in
one than that’s great, and I hope it works
out; but if you’re not in one, then be thankful because they usually don’t last unless
you work really hard at them.
Page 3
Section Title
Genuine Sunshine Is No More
by: Hayley Skidd
It seems as though everybody
these days is striving to achieve a
healthy, golden suntan. But whatever happened to relaxing on the
beach out in the warm sunshine to
obtain that sun-kissed look? The
answer is tanning beds.
In recent years tanning beds
have become a huge fad among
males and females ranging from
ages 13 to 50. More and more people are baking in these sunless
booths hoping to gain that beautiful bronzed look.
Tanning beds definitely do get
the job done; in fact, they get the
job done in half the time it takes in
the actual sun. But tanning beds
(as you may already be aware) can
cause cancerous and/or unwanted
moles, skin cancer, age spots and
premature aging of the skin. Yes, it
is definitely true that the sun can
cause these damages as well.
We’ve all heard a million times that sunscreen is a must, but 20 minutes out in the sun isn’t
as harsh as 20 minutes in a tanning bed.
Now I may sound like a bit of a hypocrite because I too am a victim of the tanning bed
obsession. But, along with most of my friends I am very cautious and am aware of how
tanning can be done properly and somewhat more safely. For people who are just beginning
to tan, tanning salons exclusively devoted to tanning and nothing else are probably the best
places to go. In tanning salons like Caribbean Tan and Key West, the amount of time you
spend in the bed is limited depending on your skin type/color and if you tan or burn in the
sun. They also promote the usage of goggles in the tanning bed for eye protection and
special tanning creams so skin won’t dry out. These places will also wash the beds down
right in front of you with disinfectant and water before you begin your tanning session.
Sticking to a natural suntan in the regular old genuine sunshine is probably your best
bet. If you’re anything like me and just don’t have the time to lie out in the sun all day but still
want the tan, following all the rules is a must to ensure the safety of your skin!
Page 4
The Passing Fads Of Hair
by: Joe Ellsworth
Since the 1960’s a lot
of interesting things have
happened: communist
Russia fell, disco came
and went, man walked on
the moon, and last but
not least several very
ugly hairstyles became
When you think
about it, what was the
first person with a “rattail” thinking?! Really
though, did they wake up
one day and think to
themselves “I’m going to
grow out a few strands of
hair and braid them today.”. Morons! Another pretty greasy hair style is the “mullet”,
which some people actually still have. I honestly don’t understand how people thought
that was cool. The “camero cut” itself was popularized many years ago by some rock
icons. “Beaver paddles” haven’t been too popular recently though. Even still there’s
no denying that you can be all business in front while still having a party out back.
With some luck, most people have learned a lot from these bad haircut mistakes
and will never experiment with them again.
Saint John High School
The Hound
Section Title
The SADD Truth at SJHS
by: Arthur Cormier
There have been a lot of rumors about a group in the school called
SADD. I’m writing this article to expose a few of these as malicious lies.
SADD abbreviates “Students Against Destructive Decisions”. SADD
was formed because average teenagers would rather discuss their problems
with other teenagers rather than with an authority figure.
To clear a few of the rumors up I went directly to the source and asked a
member of the SADD organization within our school a few questions about
how they help students in need. One question I asked was: “What happens if
a student counsellor does not possess the skills to help a particular student?”
She replied: “If a counsellor is out of their league with a student then they
will seek the help of other counsellors/advisors and ask the person in need if
they would like us to set them up with a meeting with a professional more
appropriate to their individual needs. This only happens if the person seeking
help allows it.”
Another question I asked was: “Have the counsellors themselves ever
made destructive decisions?” To this she
replied: ”Yes, but we do not hold it against
them because they are trying to help those
in a similar position as themselves, and it
would seem like we were turning our backs
by: Tahnee Graham
on those who want to help others.”
This is an article criticizing policies, not people. I find that a lot of the more attracMy final question was: “Are their peotive people I know get restricted to conservative t-shirts, long-sleeves and sweaters
ple participating in SADD just for their own
while those that some people might consider heavily overweight can get away with
benefit, not to help those in need?” The
tight tops, short skirts and strapless shirts without receiving any criticism from the
SADD representative’s response to this was:
faculty at Saint John High. This is completely unjust.
“Regretfully, yes there are those within this
It’s unfair to let some people get away with wearing stuff like that just because we
organization who are in it for personal gain,
are scared of offending them
but it’s very difficult to prove. Therefore they
or hurting their self-esteem.
are able to stay in as long as they wish.”
Personally, I believe that anyOne rumor that has been circulating
one and everyone is entitled
through the student body was that a stuto wear whatever they want,
dent had gone to SADD for help with his
not only in school, but anydrug addiction and was later reported to the
where. Things like mini-skirts
office and had been penalized for it. In fact
and tank tops are banned bethis was not true on many different levels; all
cause (I’m assuming) some
SADD counsellors sign a contract of confipeople don’t like looking at
dentiality and the only way a counsellor is
them. But come on now,
able to discuss what a person in need has
that’s like saying we
told them is if they were planning on commitshouldn’t let unattractive
ting suicide or if they were given permission
people come to school, or if
by the person seeking help.
someone got a haircut that’s
The second rumor was that those in
unflattering we would then
SADD were instructed by the principal to rat
proceed to prohibit them from
on kids for doing drugs and being high or
coming to school until it
drunk at dances. This is also untrue. They
grows out or they get it fixed
are not instructed to do anything of the sort;
because we find it visually ofif they choose to do so it’s of their own free
My point is that if you’re going to say something to me about an inch of tummy
From reading this article I hope that you
showing then you had better say something to the girl who’s three times my size with
have developed a new opinion on those in
a quarter of her tummy hanging out of her shirt or over her pants.
SADD and what they do.
The Clothing Bias at SJHS
The Hound
Saint John High School
Suck Ups!
We’re Not
Taking It!
by: Drew Chenier
I’m tired of suck ups and brown nosers.
I’m tired of people compromising their integrity to get the grade. I don’t want to hear
another insincere word spoken in a classroom and I don’t want to see any more forced
We come into class and are expected to
put on a smile and say: “Yes, Sir. Thank you,
Sir. May I have another, Sir!” Well I’m tired
of it. If someone is in a bad mood, I think that
should be respected. Let them brood if that’s
what they want. So long as they get their
work done and aren’t disrupting anyone then
let them be.
“But they’ll have to when they get a job.”
No they won’t. Not all the jobs out there deal
in customer service. In many IT jobs social
skills are NOT a requirement anymore. If
someone without a good demeanor does get
stuck in one of those jobs that require a lot
of interaction then that’s their own fault.
What’s more of a concern is that this
disgusting act is often accepted, even encouraged by teachers! They favor these students who come in day after day and ACT
like they care.
This isn’t to say you should be impolite. There’s still something to be said for
common courtesy but you can speak your
mind without being rude. You can say what
you like and still keep it civil.
I say it’s time for all the sucking up to
end. Be what you are, show what you’re feeling, your real character. How can high school
mean anything if you spend it being someone you are not?
Page 5
End of the
by: Scott MacLellan
Every student has been there.It’s
12:20,and you head up to McDonald’s to
grab some cheap food. “What McDeal is
there today?” you ask yourself as you
make your way to the counter. You figure
out it’s Tuesday, and that means you’re
getting a McChicken meal for $4.59 - oh
what a great world.
Unfortunately, that world came tumbling down April 24th, when McDonalds
got rid of their McDeals [including ridding their menu of Double Cheese LT and
Double Bacon Cheese Burger].
Instead, they have added three deals
to their menu, which will be featured daily
rather then one deal per day. Along with
this, comes the “$1.39 menu” [Wendy’s
The “New” deals include a medium
drink and medium fries with a choice of a:
Bacon Cheeseburger, a Double Cheeseburger, or a Junior Chicken.
I’d have to say the worst thing about
these new burgers is the fact that they
are no bigger then a hamburger. On the
first day of this deal, I stood for a few
minutes pondering which burger would
fill me the most. Obviously I picked the
double cheeseburger because c’mon - it’s
DOUBLE! Boy, was I wrong. It was tiny,
and barely filled me - and the same goes
for the Bacon Cheeseburger and the Junior Chicken.
They may be on a new value menu,
but it was not worth it for a great, nonfilling meal.
Page 6
Guys vs. Girls:
Sexual Predators
by: Arthur Cormier
In today’s society equality is a muchdebated topic. Some of the issues relating to
equality include: race, culture, gender and
sexual preference.
Now I bet you’re wondering what
“equality” has to do with “Sexual Predators”?
How is equality an important aspect of this
debatable issue? Here’s how: I believe that
the “lack of equality between males and females” plays a huge role in the way society
views and forms opinions on sexual deviants.
I went around the school and asked many
people what they imagined a sexual predator
looks like and ALL of them (male and female)
described a fat, greasy, middle-aged man. I
believe that this is a perfect example of how
the media influences and generalizes society’s outlook on certain people.
When most people hear of a girl being taken advantage of it’s almost 100% believed to be true because that’s how the media has set the image of male and female roles.
Males are portrayed as aggressive sex addicted animals and females are easily impres-
sionable frail beings. This is another example of generalization due to the media, which
both males and females find degrading and
When most people hear of a guy being
taken advantage of he is laughed at and ridiculed, many even say that he is lying and
that a guy cannot be a victim of a female
sexual predator. In fact a male can just as
easily become a victim of a female sex predator. Males just don’t report these unwanted
engagements as often as females, mainly because they don’t think that they will be taken
I can remember a school dance this
year where a young female student went
around the dance floor groping every guy in
sight but was not seen as a serious problem.
Everyone just seemed to drop it but I know
for a fact if a guy were to do the same he
would be severely punished by the school
and charged for sexual assault.
This is an extremely frequent event that
is unjust and one that never seems to be resolved.
Saint John High School
IB Students:
A Failure of
by: Chris Weaver
For as long as I have been a student at
Saint John High School, and probably long
before, there has been a conflict between two
groups: IB kids, and everyone else.
Now, since Grade 10, I have been on the
fringe of this IB group, being a partial IB student, and having a number of friends in full
IB. As such, my view (I’ll admit, a somewhat
biased one) is that it is, for the most part, a
failure of perception.
It is true, some of these IB students do
have a bit of a superiority complex, but this
doesn’t mean that all of them do. It’s just like
in any other group; some are stuck-up and
power-hungry, and others are laid back and
fun-loving. I can only think of maybe three
Grade 12 IB students who fit into the former
of these two categories. The others are quite
friendly, ordinary people.
Relinquish your cries of “He’s one of
them!” I can assure you that, while not
wholly impartial, I will indeed do my best to
simply state those truths which could be accepted by all of you.
IB kids enjoy learning. That is the beginning and the end of the differences between them and the rest of the school. They
enjoy learning, while the strongest IB haters
see school as a burden. Otherwise there is
really no difference between the two groups.
Now, yes, it’s true, IB kids are a tightknit group of friends. But think back to middle school, when you were in the same class,
with the same people, every day. Friendships
bloomed more quickly in this environment.
And even though most of them are friends,
there are subdivisions (in the high school
halls) within the group; smaller groups of
It is not really the choice of these individuals to become so tight-knit. They share
a love of knowledge and are together all day,
every day. The social animal that is a human
being takes charge, and friendships thrive.
I’m not suggesting that IB kids are not a
clique, merely that they are no different than
any other clique in the school. They’re the
same as you and me.
The Hound
Section Title
Never Prosper
Mr.Holder Livin’ it Up
by: Evan Phinney
by: Melanie Smith
Why is it that cheaters never prosper?
Well, cheating has been around since the
beginning of tests and games themselves.
But is the easy way out they best way out?
People work hard at trying to figure out
new and creative ways to cheat. The effort
put into them can sometimes be astounding,
and that often leads people to ask “Well, why
not put your efforts into studying?”
But then again the classic cheaters are
the procrastinators who wait until five minutes before class during break to take it all in.
These people can be easily spotted cramming in last minute facts, while frantically
scribbling a jumble of words on to a tiny piece
of paper.
Most people have tried cheating at least
one time or another, and some have learned
that taking the time to look over your notes
is far better than being unprepared for a test.
The trouble with cheating is the potential risk of getting caught, or getting a zero
on the test, and also not having the right
moment to pull out the “cheat sheet” as the
teacher watches like a hawk.
You also have to look at the tremendous
pressures on students today, and how getting a low grade is considered “not good
enough”. Students are constantly told that
education is everything, and indeed it is, but
sometimes it’s no wonder these students resort to the “cheat sheet”.
All this pressure that is put on students
still does not make cheating right. The tests
students are given are for the teachers to see
what abilities they have.
If you keep cheating your way through
high school, you’ll get used to it, and try to
cheat your way through the real world.Your
personality won’t grow, you’ll never learn
anything new, and that is why cheaters never
The Hound
City Transit
by: Joe Ellsworth
I remember when I was a little boy graduating from preschool at the YMCA. We had
to say what we wanted to be when we grew
up. I said, “I want to be a motorcycle rider!”
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Holder is living
my dream! This semester he is on deferred
leave, and yes, he just got a motorcycle.
Why, you ask? Why not? Being on a
motorcycle is one of the freest experiences
that I have ever felt, and Mr. Holder feels the
same way.
Here is what he had to say about it:
“When I was younger, I liked to ride motorcycles because my friends did. We all played
sports together, hung out as a group, and
rode bikes. It was a way to be with your
friends. In the summer of 1978, I traveled to
Florida with three friends on motorcycles. I
think it was that trip which opened my eyes
to the freedom and relaxation that one experiences by driving a bike on the open road.
Today, many years later, driving a motorbike
relieves stress and offers an opportunity to
see areas of the country that you would
never see when driving a car. You are much
more aware of your surroundings on a bike
than you are when driving in a car.”
Some of you may also be wondering:
“But he’s so tall! What kind of a bike does he
ride that fits him?”
Mr. Holder says:“I ride a Suzuki Bandit
1200s. It is classified as a street-tourer. It rides
higher like a sport bike but sits more upright
like a cruiser. It actually looks similar to the
old street bikes of the 70’s...”
Since riding is one of the more liberating
experiences one can have, I imagined that he
would spend some time traveling on his bike.
“I have been talking with a friend about
a trip to Virginia in the summer, but that is not
set for sure. I am happy with short trips
around the province along with PEI and Nova
Scotia. We have plenty of great places to see
here in Atlantic Canada.”
So there you have it folks, the man and
his motorcycle. Now, while riding a motorcycle isn’t for everyone, I urge you all, if you
ever have a chance, to at least ride with someone. As soon as I have the money, I know I’ll
be getting my license and a bike.
“Four wheels move the body. Two
wheels move the soul.” - Anon.
Saint John High School
A typical situation arises. You
need to get across town and there’s no
vehicle at home, and there’s no way
you’re walking. The logical solution
someone would think about would
more than likely be to take the City
Transit. The Transit can be a likely
means to get somewhere you need to
go, but it can also be a great place to
hear some great stories.
If a person were to sit in the back
corner of the busiest bus in the city,
just imagine the stories he would hear
from just the people who sat near him.
Well at the same time most people try
and sit relatively close to the back of
the bus with the thought of getting the
back seat to get thrown by the bumps.
The last few times I have been on
the City Transit I’ve had quite a laugh
afterwards at the stories which I overheard or in one case saw happening.
The first time I started to pay attention
to my surroundings on the bus was
when I was on a trip to the east side
and the woman in front of me was talking in an annoyingly loud voice about
how she got her mother hooked on
smoking what she called “the good
The streak of these events continued the very next time I was on the bus.
Sitting no more then two seats ahead
of me was a little old man with one of
his friends who was noticeably drunk
and rowdy. I wasn’t going to do anything about the two old men as it wasn’t
really any of my business, but I saw
the two of them still chugging back on
silver flasks right there on the Transit.
I don’t know what would possess
someone to get hammered on a city bus,
but hey there must have been some
reason for their actions.
Now next time you’re on the City
Transit keep your ears open and actually take in what’s happening around
you. Yes that lady sitting in front of
you is petting that stuffed dog, and the
man two rows up actually is picking
his nose. When you experience things
like these spread them around, everyone likes to hear a funny story.
Page 7
Goodbye to Summer Boredom!
by: Drew Chenier
Capris and shorts, t-shirts outside, joggers out in force... Yup, it's spring again and that means summer's just around
the corner. I've always been one for winter myself, but with the pitiful snowfall and everlasting cold, I don't mind saying
I'm happy to see those first few signs of summer. Naturally, the thing on everyone's mind is summer break. So what are
the students of SJHS doing when the final bell tolls?
The sad reality is that for a good many students, the summer "break" isn't really much of a break at all. Many
students are going to be working or looking for work. But on the upside, there's no homework, plus you’re getting paid.
Saving up for university or earning some extra spending money is always a concern for students. But don’t worry, there’s
still lots of fun to be had!
One way to occupy the summer is through sports and other organized activities like youth group events and summer camps.
Baseball is always popular, but there are plenty of other sports to be played through the summer like: lacrosse, ball hockey or some of
the less common sports like paintball and karate. Youth groups such as the one run through Stone Church often have events such as their
cafes. French camp, band camp, scout outtings , etc. are also good ways to fill in a week or two.
If sports and other organized events aren't your thing then fear not, there's always plenty to do in Saint John if you’re willing to look.
There's usually something happening around the Boardwalk at least two or three nighs a week. A good place to find out what's going on
in the city is the tourism website ( or you can just walk around uptown and take a glance at the hundreds of
flyers that are stapled and taped to street lamp posts. Germain Street and the Market also usualy have an information station you can take
a peek at! There's no need to be bored in Saint John in the summer. Just throw on some shoes and head uptown, you can catch a bus to
pretty much anywhere in the city.
There's plenty to do around town but we can't forget about the long and proud tradition of summer vacationing abroad. If you're
really that tired of the city you can always fall back on the age old tradition of summer traveling. Unless you've been saving up for quite
some time, you probabley won't be flying to Cuba for a week. Well you might be, but that'll be up to your parents. A cheaper, and possibly
more amusing alternative is road-tripping. If you or your friend has a car, just get a group together and split the gas money. You can bring
tents and stay on camp grounds. Bringing bikes along is a nice way to get around once you're there, and it makes for a great trip if you
go somewhere like the Fundy Trail. But don't forget that with the exchange rate as good as it's been in a while, now's a good time to travel
to the United States!
Whatever your situation; stuck in the city or loaded with cash and in a need for travel, there's always lots to do for the summer. So
get out there and have fun!
Vacation Sweet Spots
by: Kalyn Martin
Oh my goodness! It’s May! You know what that means? SUMMER! Well, it’s almost here anyway. We all know what comes along
with summer don’t we? That’s right, the summer vacation!
Ah, the sweet summer vacation. It’s really the one reason we keep slaving away at school for ten straight months, solving equations,
factoring polynomials and writing essays until our hands turn blue. What joy the summer vacation can bring. No worries. No cares. Not
even any homework!
So where are some of the best places to find your paradise? Well, I for one dream of sandy beaches, clear waters, and of course,
sun, sun, sun! Oh, and I can’t forget the wildlife, I’m a nature nut, so anywhere tropical with lots life and pizazz is what I crave.
Sounds pretty good, don’t you think? Well, I thought so anyway.
But if you’re not into my kind of paradise (which when you think about it, is just about the craziest thing), here are
some other vacationing ideas.
The one idea that kept popping up when I asked the student body of SJHS was Disneyland! And, you
know what, that isn’t a bad idea! Giant cartoon characters, roller coasters, concerts, and the massive
amounts of cotton candy! Who could resist? Makes me want to hop on a plane and head down to Florida
right this very second!
Ok, so maybe you’ve lost your child-like enthusiasm and don’t want to spend a couple of weeks in
Disneyland. So what do you do? Well, you could always go on a camping trip. Lots of families take trips
to Maine, PEI, or just find someplace close here in New Brunswick. You can camp out for a few days, and
just hang and maybe do a little fishing (if you’re into that sort of thing). It’s a great way to spend time with
your family, or even your friends.
You could take a road trip with a bunch of you’re friends, driving around the province till you run out
of gas. No parents, no rules, and you’re with friends. Now how can that not sound appealing? And if you
don’t want to take the normal road trip, you could always go to Europe and backpack! The beautiful
waterways of Venice, the stylish berets of Paris, the magnificant architecture of Berlin, the crumbling
ruins of Athens, and of course, the thrills and spills in London! Now, call me crazy, but doesn’t that sound
like a rockin’ way to spend you’re summer? You bet it does!
If you don’t have a great passion for the sun, (which explains your decision to live in this Canadian
icebox) then you could always head up to the Artic on one of those fancy cruise ships and take a few
snapshots of the polar bears and other cold-loving creatures. Or, if you don’t fancy giant white bears,
then you could always head down to the Antarctic and play with the penguins.
Any of these suggestions tickle your fancy yet? No? Well, how about just staying at home, then!
For some of us SJHS Hounds, it is our last summer before we have to grow up, and move on with our lives.
So chilling at home with your friends and family may indeed be the perfect vacation for you. But whatever
your paradise, make sure you have a bucket of clams! Oh, wait, I meant fun!
Life After High School
by: Jessica Rhynard
For all you grads out there, this will be one of the hardest things you will have to do in life: saying goodbye to
all the friends you’ve made during high school. That’s right ladies and gents, it’s time to dress up in your fancy grad
gear and walk across that stage. Then you’re out of here, probably for good.
So there you are walking over to take your diploma from the principal; there are many things you may be thinking
or feeling: How you are happy to be getting out of high school? What you’re going to be doing all summer? Are you
crying or laughing? Or are you the person who just goes up and grabs the stupid piece of paper and walks back to
your seat to wait for the dumb ceremony to be over so you can get back to better things like going to bed?
Well guess what, no matter what is going on you will be going through another difficult stage in your life It’s like
another puberty stage, instead of saying goodbye to your childhood (or a squeaky voice) you’re saying goodbye to
your high school buddies and your high school life!
Well summer will be great but what then? What’s next? Are you going on with your studies by going to university or
college? Or are you making a career, starting right away with a job? Or are you just planning on being a lazy bum living in your
parents’ basement and going out to parties and bars till closing time so that by the end of the night, you’re passed out on your
parents lawn?
The most hated question for me is: “So what are you doing after high school?”. My answer is always the same, “ I have no clue”. I
know that at least a few people, maybe even the majority, use that same answer.
A lot of people take a year off and try to figure out what they want to do,whether it be college, university, or even a good job offer. I
know that’s what I’m doing. The thing is parents hate that quite a lot. Many think, “Oh, you’re taking a year off. That’s stupid because you
won’t want to go back to school!.” I don’t believe that because I hear people saying all the time, “Oh I wish I could go back to school.”
Also, what my mom likes to say is, “If you don’t go this year, and work for a year, then the bank won’t give you a student loan.” Now my
response to that is, “I’m taking a year to work and figure out what I want to do. Is that a problem for you?” So good luck to all with what
ever you do and remember this: It’s your life. Do what YOU want to do.
Adventures in the Sun
by: Stephanie Smith
It’s the last day of school, and you have to go back to that undesirable building one last time, just so you can get your report card and
find out if you passed or failed anything. You’re standing around the teacher’s desk waiting for your name to be called. While standing
there and waiting, you start thinking about just how much fun you are going to have this summer.
Summer is coming fast and it’s that time of the year for students to start making plans for their vacation. Some will have to work, some
will be spending time with family and friends, some will be going to the beach to soak up some rays, while others will head to somewhere
on a tropical vacation.
Those are just some of the fun things that students will be doing but what will the students who are not returning the following year
be doing? On the last day of school, the Grade 12’s will be going to collect their report cards for the last time. No more school for them after
this, unless it’s post-secondary. Their high school career is over and they will be moving on.
For the Grade 12’s, this will possibly be the last summer that they can have to themselves before going off to work, college/university
or travelling. This is their last summer to play, to party with their old friends and to stay at home to spend time with their families.
Right now, for all students from any school, summer means beaches, parties and sleep, glorious sleep. But unfortunately it will all end
once you graduate. So enjoy your time off while you can.
Salute to Summer Memories
by: Trish Culbert
Ah, the summer is soon arriving, bringing with it many wonderful memories. It’s time to get out the sunscreen and the swimsuits. There
are many opportunities to create great summer memories.
For instance, take Victoria Cooke’s memories of her vacations spent in Miramichi. Well maybe Miramichi is not quite the perfect place
for you to travel, but it’s a good idea to take a break from this cloudy, fog-infested city and explore a little. Traveling is always a great way
to spend your summer days.
Camping under the stars is one way to enjoy the outdoors, but it’s just as nice to go to a summer camp. You could go as a camper
or a staff member. You could meet many interesting people and get the opportunity to try new things.
Taking your time to get somewhere can be just as interesting as actually getting to your destination. If that’s
the case, then a road trip may be in your mind. Drive to a place where you and your friends can just lay back and not
have to worry about your responsibilities with work, home, or the parents. When I asked Drew Stewart what he
would like to do, he gave me the idea of a road trip.
Leaving town can’t always happen during the summer, so you want to join in some activities that involve
sports. Paintballing in the backyard with a few friends is always a good idea. That’s one of Phil Marmen’s favorite
things to do during his summer vacation. One of my favorite memories from last year was paintballing for the first
time. I held onto a girl that I only met once because we were so scared. Our best friends were shooting at us!
Not all summer memories are happy ones. Summer Worden had a painful sunburn one summer. Ouch! Her
advice is to wear lots of sunscreen, which is always a good precaution to take.
Also, Adam Donnelly had to work all summer. Unfortunately, that happens to many students, including, most
definitely, me!
Everybody experiences the summer break in their own way. For some of us it’s our last summer as adolescents
others it’s just the beginning of more excellent summers to come.
By: Kalyn Martin and Neil Rowe
To all you Hounds out there, have a great summer, and make lots of memories!
Section Title
Why Not Take Journalism?
by: Drew Chenier & Chris Weaver
“Wait a tick, did we just agree to do the front page?”
“I don’t know... I don’t remember volunteering.”
“Dude, we were just voluntold.”
That about sums up the experience of Journalism 120. Not that it isn’t a good one.
It’s just rather nerve-racking taking on all of this responsibility, and sometimes staying
‘til 5:30 in the evening, finishing the loose ends of the newspaper. But when you realize
that someday, you might have
your own personal theme
song guy, it makes it all worth
It’s a little known fact that
“Journalism” is actually an acronym! It stands for Jolly Old
Umpires Readily Nip At Lunch
In Sombre Museums. You see,
this group of umpires, bored
one day in their museums
whilst working security, decided that they needed some
reading material whilst nipping at their lunches. This gave rise to the first newspaper, and so, Journalism was
born. We, as Journalism 120 students, continue the tradition of these umpires, and try
to stay as true as we can to their original ideals.
It is quite an entertaining and very rewarding process, involving very little animal
harm, or damage to small children. When the papers roll off the presses, all those very
long days and incompetent staff members are dust in the wind. When you see those
boxes all the way from the monasteries where our newspapers are printed by Tibetan
monks, the feeling is unfathomable. You really have to experience it to appreciate it.
Selling advertising, writing articles, taking photographs; it is some other kind of
experience. And when the young folk frolic through the hallowed halls and along the
stairwells of our great school with Hound in hand, the feeling is overwhelming. You
have done something to reward the school, something that will always be a part of the
school’s history.
Now, what actually happens in Journalism 120? Well, mostly Chris Weaver runs
around making the paper while everyone eats delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Of course, a number of others work rather diligently to produce the paper. As in
every class, there are a few individuals who don’t exactly pull their weight, but a sestet
of individuals pull them along, and get the paper done.
We make our opinions known; we are given access to the ear of the student body.
Historically, the power of the press has been enormous, and to be a part of that is
simply stunning. We, as representatives of the paper, hope that you have enjoyed
these three installments in the school’s story, and hope that our successors in the
following years will work just as hard to keep the ant lords happy.
So long, and thanks for all the fish,
Chris Weaver & Drew Chenier, the Journalism Elves
Page 10
The Legend of Josh Stewart
by: Joe Ellsworth
“I’m Josh Stewart B***h” These, the first words of Saint John High’s own Josh Stewart,
sum up much of the legend’s character. Josh has been attending high school for the past five
years and has requested me to tell whoever said it’s cool to be in high school that long that
they lied.
Arguably the most recognizable student in Saint John High, he didn’t even plan on
going to our school until he found out about the IB program. Yes it’s true. Josh originally
planned on going into full IB. When I first heard this, I did a double take and asked him what
happened along the way. When I asked this Josh chuckled and told me “I started playing
rugby. I would go to the victory parties, and I slowly forgot about my education. I lived more of the ‘high’ part
of high school than anything.” This
comment started up a conversation
about some of the things he has experienced in his lifetime. I asked what the
craziest thing he ever did would have
been. After thinking for a minute he
came back with a simple answer: “High
Josh is also known as “Choc”.
Sometimes the name alone is known
but no one knows who “Choc” really
is, as was the case on a forum topic
some time ago. There have been many
rumors about how he got the name but
I’ve got the inside scoop on the truth
behind the name. It’s actually nothing
extravagant at all. When Josh was in
the ninth grade he had bad acne and
would eat chocolate, and drink chocolate milk non-stop, so some older kids started calling
him Chocolate, which evolved into Choco, which in turn changed to just Choc. From there
people just started making up their own stories and it goes from there.
When asked what his plans for the future are, Josh told me of his intention to go to
community college next year. After that he wants to continue on to StFX to take kinesiology,
and eventually to be a personal trainer. He also says: “Working where I do helps me out with
that goal. I’ve learned so much over the past couple months it’s insane.”
Closing the interview, I asked Josh what teachers have had an impact on his high school
experience. He replied that Mr. Grandy, Mr. Keaveney and Ms. Bloc have been great helps.
He continued by telling me that Mr.
Harbinson had an impact on him because
earlier that day, “he told me I am not welcome back at SJHS”. After this comment he
also requested that you students pray for
him “to get out of high school this semester.” And with that, our interview was over.
Saint John High School
The Hound
In Memoriam
In Loving Memory - Trevor Griffin
by: Gillian Raymond
Earlier this year, we lost one of our very own students, Jared Rector. The loss came as a shock to everyone. No one could imagine that
just a little while later, we would suffer the loss of another.
Trevor Maurice Griffin, born May 21st, 1990, was tragically killed in a car crash on April 22nd. At the time, he was riding his bike home from
hanging out with two friends. He went out riding his bike a lot, but this time, he never got the chance to come home.
He knew many people at this school, who have nothing but good memories of him. Jessica Graves, who had known him since Middle
School, remembers: “There was this tree at school that he used to climb all the time. One day, he climbed up and never wanted to come down.
He just stayed up there.” Alyson Nice, who just met him a little while before, says: “I’ll miss his pink shirt. That’s how I remember him most;
he wore it all the time.” One of the people closest to him, Katie Burke, offers some last words for him: “I love you and I miss you muchly, my
little brother.”
I became friends with Trevor many years ago, and have a lot of good memories of him. I wish I could have got to know him better, though,
and now I’ll never get that chance. He was a very helpful, easy going person who never made a big deal out of anything, and I hope that’s how
he’ll be remembered. Rest in peace, Trevor, and know that you’ll always be loved and missed.
Jared Rector: You Will Be Missed
by: Arthur Cormier
Jared Rector’s untimely demise was a rude awakening for many people. He was loved by many because he touched the soul of every
person he met. He was the type of person who would do anything for his friends and family. You could count on him to be by your side
through thick or thin. Jared inspired a countless number of people with his head-on approach towards every obstacle and his determination
to succeed in life.
Although he had a lot going on in his life he always maintained his priorities: family, friends and work. He managed to maintain them
all. He lived in a house full of love and forgiveness. No matter what the circumstances were he knew that his parents were there for him for love
and support. Jared tried hard to escape the grasp that drugs had on him but he just couldn’t shake their grip. Jared knew that the path he was
on was leading him nowhere, so he gave his heart to God and accepted Jesus into his life, praying for a miracle.
He often told me that he wanted to leave this city to make it big so that he could come back one day to prove to every one his worth,
to prove what a success he had become.
He always told his “family” (all his loved ones: friends and blood) how much he loved and respected us and no matter what happened
he would be there for us. “Lil’ Scar” loved life to the fullest. He would party from sun down to sun up. He would love and be loved, and
everyone who was close to Jared knows that he is in heaven where he belongs smiling down upon us waiting for the day that he can chill with
us again.
In Memory of Leo Louis McPhee
by: Melanie Smith
Leo Louis McPhee, who was born in Saint John on September 26th 1989, passed away March 21st 2006 at the age of 16.
This was an extremely tragic event that affected many people, especially his family and friends. Some people remember Leo as “the one
who died first”, but personally I prefer to remember Leo for his life, rather than his death.
Working at McDonalds, Leo met many people, including Carrie Pitre, a fellow employee, who became a good friend of Leo’s.
When approached, and asked what she loved most about Leo, she replied: “Leo was an awesome person. He was one of the best people
I’ve ever met. He would do anything to put a smile on your face, even if it meant making a fool of himself. He’d give you the shirt off his back.
He was an amazing friend, and he meant so much to so many people. I know that my life will never be the same again. You never realize how
much someone else affects you by just being there. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. He was truly amazing.”
And she’s right; Leo was amazing.
Nicknamed “Nanny McPhee”, Leo loved to play guitar and go BMX-ing.
Although Leo did not go to Saint John High School, he will live in our hearts forever, watching over us from heaven as we remember the
time that we shared with him.
R.I.P Leo Louis McPhee
The Hound
Saint John High School
Page 11
Energy Drinks: The Buzz
Cartoon Heroes?
by : Lisa Cossey
by: Neil Rowe
During intense physical activity, a nice refreshing splash of water feels nice but, for
many, a kick in the sweet tooth and a boost of energy sounds a little more appealing. Name
brands for this billion dollar idea, such as SoBe and Red Bull, are available in corner stores,
gas stations and bars, usually displayed alongside soft drinks, juices and sports drinks.
“Energy drinks” are meant to supply mental and physical stimulation for a short
period of time. They usually contain caffeine, taurine (an amino acid, one of the building
blocks of protein) and glucuronolactone, a carbohydrate.
People drink energy drinks during periods of intense physical activity to keep up their
energy or after exercise to quench their thirst. But rather than re-hydrating their bodies, these
drinks may actually lead to dehydration. Unfortunately, they are often confused with “sports
drinks” such as Gatorade and Powerade,
which also provide sugars. The body burns
those sugars to create energy and replenish
electrolytes, which maintain salt and potassium balances in the body.
Because there is such a diverse variety
of energy drinks, some are considerably
healthier than others. In addition to giving
you a jolt of energy, some of these drinks can
also make you happier. Some drinks give you
a “wild-n-crazy” kind of energy that gets you
ready for a party or club, while others just
fight off fatigue and help you get through a
long night of studying.
Along with the “wild-n-crazy” feeling,
comes another unfortunate problem- mixing
it with alcohol. Mixing alcohol with energy
drinks is gaining popularity and is very dangerous. At the time of consumption, the effects are predicted to be fun and exciting, but can most of the time increase heart irregularities, nausea, vomiting, and electrolyte disturbances.
The most positive fact about the Energy drink issue is its primary use; another reason for
its increase in popularity is the fact that people’s lives today are busier and more complicated.
Our responsibilities seem to require more and more energy, yet our daily schedules do not
allow us sufficient time to rest and recharge. Since most people think that cutting responsibilities and commitments is not an option, they are turning to other ways of getting through
each day. Energy drinks are an increasingly popular choice, for both the health-conscious
and health-clueless.
I asked Mr. Cormier how he feels about energy drinks. He said: “If energy drinks are
used just for sipping, they’re not good. As the can says, use when experiencing fatigue.”
Page 12
From Bananas in Pajamas to Power Rangers, The Magic School Bus, Rocko’s Modern
Life, The Simpsons, and South Park, what a long journey we have made when it comes to TV
As a child, either your parents or your babysitter basically chose your TV watching.
Whether they would sit you down in front of Care Bears, or Seasme Street it was basically a
good time had by all as you learned to count and share. As you got older though, your taste
in what was entertaining changed, you needed more to entertain you than watching Kermit
the frog sing about the alphabet.
What you wanted was a super hero or team of heroes who would save the earth from
total destruction. The Power Rangers, Bat Man, and even the Ninja Turtles were there to take
the place of your old worn out kiddy shows. Sadly for the super heroes who needed your
ratings, kids also grew out of this phase and went straight for the jokes revolving around that
frowned upon word that starts with an F.
That’s right, FART. Why did we find it so amusing as young children, or even now in
some cases? The only reason I can think of is simply because it was a cheap laugh where no
one got hurt.
So-called degenerate shows
like The Simpsons, and South Park
were prime examples of this kind of
The real question is, how did
we get from Barney the Dinosaur,
to South Park, to Captain Planet, to
The Simpsons? The next time
you’re watching TV you should really think about this and maybe
even make the choice to switch to
The Teletubies, even if they do
freak you out with there weird language and crazy heads, because no
matter how old you get you are
never too old to look back fondly
on your beloved childhood.
Saint John High School
The Hound
Section Title
Webcomics: Entertainment For
Reapers On Parade
the Internet Generation
“They say that when you die, your life flashes before you. Unfortunately, when I died,
alls I was thinking was ‘oh s***’”
Every Monday night, at 11 o’clock, on channel 42, a little gem of a show appears called
Dead Like Me. The show follows five major characters, one of whm is “Georgia Lass” [where
the previous quote came from], who is the main character and voiceover/narrator.
At first glance, you may see the characters sitting at a restaurant and think: “Oh it’s just
another sitcom,” but my friend - you couldn’t be more wrong.
The pilot starts out with Georgia Lass starting her first day at work, but her world ends
suddenly as a toilet seat from the international space station smacks down on her during
lunch - killing her instantly. Quite the intriguing death, but this
is only the start of her amazing after life.
She does not actually finish her time on Earth, but rather
is recruited to be a reaper. That’s right, the 18-year-old girl
begins her new “life” of taking souls - which is what sets this
show apart from any other show you could possibly think of.
She is the cold-heart-truth-tell-you-what-you-don’t-wantto-hear and make-you-feel-like-a-nobody-person. During the
day she’s a meter maid, which means she has to put up with a
lot of backtalk and this is shown throughout the episodes in
her interaction towards other characters. Daisy Adair is the
New York sweetheart killed-on-the-set actress that feels the
world is hers for the taking, and every man she sees is hers for the tempting. Rube is the wise
leader of the bunch, keeping everyone in line and providing the greatest quotes in insult
humor. My all time favorite character is Mason, the 70’s era British rock fan with the vocabulary of drunken sailor and the liquor urge of one too. He provides what I’d say are the most
hilarious and entertaining moments in any episode.
Although episodes air on Showcase every week, and they appear to be new since we
have not seen them on Canadian airwaves, they are old episodes from the show’s two season
life from 2002- 2003. That’s right - the absolute greatest show you could ever see in your life
only survived two seasons mostly because of clashes between MGM and the director. Both
seasons are available on DVD [and yes, I do own both], which is great since those will be the
only two seasons you’ll ever see unfortunately.
For a look into the life of a present day grim reaper - just turn to Showcase every Monday
night. You’ll never regret seeing what its like to be Dead Like Me.
by: Scott MacLellan
Many years ago, I collected comic books. It didn’t go as far as waiting every month for
a new issue, but I did have quite a few old X-Men comics as well as Spiderman. They were a
neat read, but now that I’m older my attention span for still frames is quite short. This could
possibly be one of the reasons for a growing internet trend - webcomics.
Webcomics are basically what the name suggests - comics that are created for the
purpose of distributing over the web. The greatest thing about webcomics is you do not
have to have a lot of money, a contract, or any real talent to make them. Think of it as a free
publishing opportunity!
Even though basically anyone can create and maintain a webcomic, getting your foot in
the door and making a reputation for yourself isn’t all that easy. Nonetheless, many webcomics
are now household names (or, ‘web’hold names?).
Penny Arcade[] is a well-established comic centered on
videogames and gaming in general, and it even has its own convention coming up in Bellevue,
Washington, down in the States. Of the known webcomics, it seems Penny Arcade is the
most talked about and according to it is the top visited webcomic in the world.
Nothing Nice To Say [] was the first webcomic I
started to read. Mitch Clem is the author of this comic that centers on mostly punk culture.
And yes, it both mocks and praises it. Personally, I haven’t read this comic in a long while it’s been discontinued a few times, and I didn’t notice it started back up after the first leave
until a couple years after. Even so, it is quite entertaining and if punk is your thing I’m sure
you’ll get a kick out of it.
My all time favorite webcomic though is Ctrl+Alt+Del [].
Named after the famous IBM key combination, it is also based around gamers and gaming
culture. The comic follows Ethan and Lucas, two best friends and fellow gamers, as well as an
Xbox robot, a penguin, a Linux promoting hippie named Scott, and Ethan’s girlfriend Lilah.
The great thing about this comic is the creator, Tim Buckley, invented what is known as
“Winter-een-mas”. What started as a joke in one of his comics, turned into an international
week long celebration of videogames during the last week of January. My friends and I hold
a yearly [and sometimes cheat with a seasonal] LAN party to celebrate such a great event!
Recently, a new section called CAD Media was launched - which includes game reviews for
both console and PC.
Not all webcomics are centered far away however. In fact, a grade 12 student from
Rothesay High School, Brad Allan, has created his own webcomic and is starting to get it off
the ground.
“My inspirations come from Mitch Clem’s Nothing Nice To Say,” he says. “I’ve always
been able to draw so I figured this sort of thing was right up my alley. It was sort of a
combination of jokes about my math teacher and my doodles that got the whole thing started”
He started it in early 2004, while still in grade 11. Along with the help of Coastline
Records, he has created two show posters for Red October’s
upcoming tour. In the future he hopes to transform his
comic into a full-fledged flash animation, but it’s one
step at a time.
When asked if he had any advice for up and
coming webcomic artists, or kids sitting at home
hoping to start their own, he told me, “You have to
be able to relate your comic to everyone too, not
just a certain audience. I started out just aiming
towards punk fans and metal heads, but NOBODY
understood any of the jokes. So it helps to always be
open to trying new things.”
The Hound
by: Scott MacLellan
Saint John High School
Page 13
Section Title
Music Scene
What Does Your Hair Say?
by: Chris Weaver
by: Drew Chenier
So, you’re sitting at home, wondering
what you’re going to do some weekend. Really, you need look no further than one of the
local music venues, and you’ll be in fantastic shape.
Here in Saint John, over the past few
years, there has been a revolution of All Ages
music venues. The King St. Showroom, the
Boardwalk, and many others are all lively and
full of youthful vigour.
A few weeks ago, I was at a show at the
Showroom, and it was about the most intense
thing I’ve been to. Ermine were the headliners, as well as a number of bands not only
from Saint John, but some from as far away
as Boston. Coastline Records, which organizes the shows at the Showroom, do a fantastic job of booking, and definitely hire
bands that know how to put on a show. There
are shows planned for throughout the summer, and you could even check some out
before the school year is done; their posters
are all through the halls.
For those of you who may not be into
the harder side of music, there’s the
It’s on TV, Billboards, and in magazines. You see it every morning when you get up and
every night when you go to bed. People spend billions of dollars a year on it. The President
of the United States of America has some and even the homeless guy uptown has a few.
That’s right, it’s hair. Whether it’s down to your waist or not there at all, what you do with
your hair says a lot about you. So what does your hair say?
In the past guys have always had short hair and girls had long hair, but it’s certainly no
rule. There’re plenty of girls with short hair and many guys, with long hair. It’s really just a
matter of personal choice but
if you do decide
to keep your hair
at a non-traditional length
you are likely to
receive criticism,
especially from
the older generation. You’ll
also have to
keep that in mind
when going job
course, length
isn’t the only
thing to think
With all the
products out
these day you
can do pretty much anything you like with your hair and genetics is no restriction. Curly hair
can be straightened and straight hair can be permed. You want more volume, softer, less frizzy
hair? There’s a product for that. Don’t like being a blonde? No problem, less than an hour
with the right dye and you can be a brunette, red head, or any thing else you want, even that
nice shade of Atlantic blue is possible. Once you’ve got the hair color you want it’s time to
get to what really counts.
So it’s down to style and this is where it gets interesting. There are as many different
styles as there are people ‘cause nobody’s hair is quite the same and the same hair style will
rarely look the same on two different people. There’s not a whole lot of styling for guys. For
the most part, long or short, guys simply wear
their hair the way it is when they get out of
the shower. However, gel has become popular lately and some guys with short hair will
spike it or have the bangs gelled up in front.
The “messy” look is also popular for medium
length hair. By comparison to men’s styles,
the things that women do to their hair seem
almost infinite. There are up styles, down
styles and I’m sure ther’re even a few side
ways styles. Tied back, or lose, women do
pretty much anything you could think of with
their hair.
Whether you decide to go with a
punkish mohawk or the preppy-look with
bangs pulled back, EMO with jet black hair
covering one eye or a military crew cut, whatever you choose just remember that it’s your
hair. Have fun with it!
Boardwalk. Not to say that the Boardwalk
doesn’t have heavy shows (in fact, the heaviest show I’ve been to was at the Boardwalk,
that is, Bucket Truck) but possibly the most
popular of the Boardwalk’s shows is Saint
John Idol. If you’re into that sort of thing, be
sure to check it out.
Check out what Saint John has to offer!
If you want to know more about these or the
out, or Coastline Records
at Have a good
summer, all, and enjoy all that Saint John’s
local music scene has to offer.
Page 14
Saint John High School
Between Park
Place & Go
by: Lisa Cossey
It’s summer time, it’s warm, and you find
yourself with nothing to do. Where do you
go? The beach? No. Our Saint John beaches
are boring and cold. Maybe you will take a
walk through Rockwood Park? No. It’s boring too. So where do you go? If you are wise
you will make the popular choice and head
to the Boardwalk.
The Saint John Boardwalk is always interesting, whether it’s Saint John Idol or a
music festival, a charity event, or just hanging out and loitering like all the old people
think we teenagers do. Of course, not everything is as safe and fun as it may seem.
If you have gone to SJ Idol in the past
then you have noticed that it is not as family
oriented, as the radio would make it out to
be. There are always teens and adults drinking or doing drugs, and people get arrested
for fighting. If you were able to avoid all this
then kudos to you and I am sure you had a
great time as did I.
Volleyball at the Boardwalk is always
great, whether you are part of a league or
just there with some friends it is a great way
to stay active and have fun.
One student, no matter what question I
asked her, whether it was what do you like,
what did you think about Saint John Idol, or
what is your opinion on Boardwalk volleyball, all she said was: “Awesome!”. It was as
if she didn’t know any other words. Another
student says she likes Saint John Idol because it simply gives you something to do
on your Wednesday nights. She said the only
problem is that everyone gets drunk and that
it leads to fighting.
Now the boardwalk doesn’t have to be
a place just for the teenagers. Your parents
could go for a walk along the Passage or go
to the bars, so go tell them this and get them
out of the house and having some fun. Or
maybe you’re stuck babysitting and you
don’t know how to keep the little devils
amused while you talk to your friends on the
phone. Take them to play in the sand while
you chat it up on your cell, or the cell you
found on the counter of the people who own
the kids you’re babysitting.
So remember, when you’re sitting around
your house this summer with nothing to do
and nowhere to go, or you’re just avoiding
your parents and/or siblings, take a walk on
boardwalk, do pass go, and do collect 200
The Hound
from Romeo & Juliet
Q: I’m currently dating this guy who’s a bit of a cheat. I’ve caught
him twice but both times he’s apologized, so I forgave him. I love him so
much but I’m afraid he’ll do it again. What should I do?
Romeo: Cheaters are liars.
Does anyone want a liar in a relationship? No, they don’t. You said
he apologized after the first time? Funny,
he did it again. Your feelings should be directed towards someone else, someone who
loves you back, someone who won’t take
advantage of you the way he obviously does.
No real man would cheat on someone he
loves. Get rid of him.
Juliet: You need to realize that although
you have strong feelings for this guy, he’s
obviously not the right man for you. If
you’ve caught him twice already, chances
are he’ll cheat on you again. Once a cheater,
always a cheater. My advice to you is to end
the relationship; he’s just not worth the heartache. Plus, consider this: do you really think
a guy who wants to be with OTHER women
is worth it?
Q: My boyfriend and I have been dating for a long time, and we’re
thinking about taking the next step in our relationship, if you know what I
mean. How can we make sure we stay safe?
Romeo: First off, let me say that there is
nothing wrong with pre-marital sex. This does
not mean that you can’t be safe though. Condoms and the Pill are the top picks for birth
control. The best types of condoms are latex-based, and make sure you know how to
put it on properly, and make sure you lube
up. You don’t want it to break. There are a lot
of different types of pills too. Talk to your
doctor and see which one is best for you.
And don’t forget: Not doing it is the best
form of birth control.
Juliet: Well the safest route
to take would be to not have sex.
But, you’re probably not going to do
that. The most common forms of protection that are easily obtainable are condoms
and the pill. You can get them at almost any
heath clinic. But remember, just because
you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you
have to get “intimate,” so make sure you’ve
thought this through beforehand.
by: Melanie Smith
The Hound
Saint John High School
Page 15
City of Villains
by: Scott MacLellan
Stick It
by: Keesha Green
The writer of the hit teen comedy Bring It On is back with Stick It. In this movie the writer
Jessica Bendinger focuses on the world of competitive gymnastics. It is about Haley Graham
(Missy Peregrym), a seventeen year old, who was once a former gymnastics star with big
family problems who ends up rebelling against her parents by having quite a few run-ins with
the law. A judge forces her back into the strictly controlled world of gymnastics so she can
get her act together. Haley “shakes up” this strict school and while doing this she has a
change of heart with her outlook on gymnastics, people and herself. This new outlook on life
makes her take a stand with her fellow gymnasts against the judges to prove that friendship,
loyalty and the athletes matter more than scores. This movie is not anything spectacular but
it does have a cute storyline that would be appealing to many preteens. From watching the
movie you can tell that Bendinger hopes that Stick It will bring all the interest to gymnastics
that Bring It On brought to cheerleading.
It is every child’s dream to live the life of a superhero. Flying over cities, fighting crime,
and holding your true identity a secret just to blend in with everyone else. Others feel just
the opposite; mugging people, destroying buildings, and creating mischief is what tickles
their fancy. Fortunately, this call is answered by the most recent addition to the City of
Heroes game franchise - City of Villains.
The first thing you do once you create your account is create your own character. The
variety of heads, faces, bodies, accessories and anything else you can think of is so vast
that it would seem next to impossible to run into an exact duplicate of yourself - something
many MMORPG’s [Massively Multiplayer Online RPG] seem to lack. I spent a good hour on
my character creation alone, making the most hideous, big blue half-face-blown-off monster
you could ever dream of - it was AWESOME!
The beginning of the game itself has the standard MMORPG tutorial getting you used
to the fighting system and heads up display [HUD]. Unfortunately, this is where I feel the
game goes downhill.
The fighting system is pretty basic point-and-click, and since you only get experience
when defeating enemies the only option you have is to upgrade your powers if not receive
new ones. Items to upgrade your stats and make you look extremely cool are not found
anywhere - and you don’t even get to fly until level 12! So after the character creation - the
games entertainment factor drops immensely.
So after much disappointment, even with the character creation, City of Villains had me
asking for my hours of experimentation back. I wouldn’t really recommend this to anyone, at
least if you’re paying for an account. Out of a possible 10 terrorized citizens, I would give
this game 5.5.
Gnarls Barkley:
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs:
St. Elsewhere
Show Your Bones
by: Chris Weaver
by: Chris Weaver
So, maybe you’ve heard that song on the radio that makes you feel like you’ve stepped
back into 1960s Motown. Maybe you’ve thought, “Marvin Gaye? I thought he was dead!”
Well he is, and so is that classic Motown sound. But classic Motown soul is reborn, fused
with hip-hop, in this first record from Gnarls Barkley, St. Elsewhere.
Gnarls Barkley is a collaboration between producer Danger Mouse (creator of the Beatles/
Jay-Z fusion The Grey Album) and singer Cee-lo Green, a well-known hip-hop musician.
Taken together, these two produce some of the most genre-defying music, encompassing
hip-hop, soul, R&B, and funk.
Released in the middle of last month, Crazy, the lead single, has received quite a bit of
radio airplay, a video in mid-rotation, and rave reviews. A local radio broadcaster described it
as Marvin Gaye with a twist. The rest of the record, is just as full of that old soul sound, and
is also full of new urban concepts fit for any admirer of hip-hop music.
The planned second single, Smiley Faces, has a sound akin to that of Canadian musician
k-os, and is definitely taking urban music in the right direction. With this return to the roots
of the genre, Gnarls Barkley pioneers new routes in old ways. This album should not be
passed up by any lover of music, and certainly not by someone who enjoys old-school R&B,
and soul. In this reviewer’s opinion, it is a must-hear for all music enthusiasts, regardless of
the genre they pin themselves down to.
I never would have thought I would be sitting in the car on the way to school with my
father, talking about Danger Mouse and Cee-lo in such a manner, but their music, in St.
Elsewhere, transcends generations and genres, openings doors and producing music that
everyone can enjoy.
The long-awaited follow-up to 2003’s Fever To Tell does not disappoint. Karen O.,
Nick Zinner and Brian Chase stay true to their sound and their fans on this sophomore
record, and even from the opening single Gold Lion, it is very apparent that Show Your
Bones will indeed be at least another major college radio hit. (And with the video already
receiving airplay on MuchMusic, maybe something a little more mainstream, too.)
Their sound has retained the ethereal punk orientation of the previous release, with
Zinner’s driving and unique guitar style ringing throughout. Karen’s voice throughout is
rash and unashamed; ringing out true throughout the whole record.
A difference from the previous album, however, is the band has definitely mellowed a
bit. The heavy punk riffs of Tick and Black Tongue from Fever To Tell have given way to
a mellow sound, apparent on tracks like Cheated Hearts and Dudley. The latter of these
two merits a comparison to Tom Petty in the vocal style, and the rhythm of the song. Now,
don’t get me wrong, Tom Petty would never record something like this, but take one listen
to Dudley and you’ll see what I mean.
All in all, Show Your Bones is a very good record. Karen’s voice breaking through, is
sometimes harsh, sometimes mellow, but always very, very emotional. Nick’s very unique
style of guitar and Brian’s hardcore drumming create a musical environment that it is
almost impossible to tear yourself away from. If you enjoyed Fever To Tell, you should
most definitely pick up Show Your Bones.