Current Council Packet
Current Council Packet
NORTHVILLE CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL – Council Chambers 215 W. Main Street Northville, MI 48167 248-349-1300 October 17, 2016 – 7:30 P.M. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 3. PRESENTATIONS: 4. A. Citizens Comments - Limited to 5 minutes per citizen/ subject. If more time is needed, the item may be placed B. Presentation – Proclamation on the agenda. AGENDA: Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda (attached). (All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be moved to the Main Agenda.) Action: Motion to Approve - Motion to Approve as Amended 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 6. PETITIONS, REQUESTS, AND COMMUNICATIONS: 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES: 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed Traffic Control 16-08 / Crosswalk on North Center and Lake Street City Council Meeting –October 17, 2016 10. MAYOR/COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: A. B. 11. Mayor and Council Communications Staff Communications ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Patrick Sullivan Patrick Sullivan City Manager 4. CONSENT AGENDA: The City Council will approve the Consent Agenda by one motion. If discussion on an item is requested, that item will be moved to the main agenda. A. Approve City Council Minutes of: Regular Meeting of October 3, 2016 B. Receive Bills List: C. Receive Board and Commission Minutes: None D. Receive Departmental Reports: Youth Assistance: 10/16 E. Board and Commission Appointments: None F. G. H. Amendment to Fees, Fines, and Penalties Schedule – Cemetery Fees Request to Place Signs and Conduct Food Pick-up Program / Cub Scouts Street Closure Request / Block Party / Jeffrey Drive / November 5, 2016 Accounts Payable Week of October 5, 2016 Accounts Payable Week of October 12, 2016 ~ City of Northville ~ Council Communications To: Mayor and City Council From: Michael R. Carlson, Chief of Police Date: October 17, 2016 Subject: Proposed Traffic Control Order 16-08 Background: On July 13, 2016, the Department was asked to look at the possibility of placing a pedestrian crosswalk at Lake Street and North Center Street due to the amount of pedestrians said to be crossing North Center Street at or near that intersection. The Department requested assistance from the Traffic Improvement Association of Michigan (TIA) to analyze the situation and determine the best solution. The TIA conducted a traffic evaluation of pedestrian crossings on Center Street near the Kroger store. TIA collected the pedestrian and vehicular volumes, as well as gap data for Center Street. The goal was to determine if a pedestrian crossing was necessary, which location is best, and what traffic control might be needed. The response and conclusion (Attachment A) from the TIA was, based on the current traffic volumes, all-way stop control would not be appropriate at the Lake Street / North Center intersection, nor warranted at the Kroger driveway. The TIA further determined that the installation of a pedestrian crossing island does not seem necessary as there are adequate two way gaps in traffic. In addition, the spacing of driveways/ intersections in the area would complicate the location if one was in place as it would not leave adequate room for vehicles turning left. The TIA recommended the installation of a conventional crosswalk on the south side of the Lake Street / North Center Street intersection. The installation of a crosswalk at this location will provide a crossing location for pedestrians near the store. If approved, this pedestrian crossing will require a curb ramp and sidewalk connection be installed on the west side of the roadway. Finally, the TIA determined that the use of special emphasis crosswalk markings (depicted in Attachment B) and pedestrian crossing signage will provide adequate traffic control at the location. Analysis: Traffic Control Order 16-08 (Attachment C) was written to accommodate a pedestrian crosswalk on the south side of Lake Street at North Center Street. Budget Impact: The costs of sign placement, pavement markings, concrete for the approach, and a sidewalk are not budgeted. A first quarter budget amendment would be required to use fund balance to pay for the modifications. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve Traffic Control Order 16-08, which reflects the TIAs recommendation that a conventional pedestrian crosswalk be installed on the south side of Lake Street at North Center Street. Recommended Motion Move to establish Traffic Control Order 16-08 as written and as a permanent order. Michael R. Carlson DEPARTMENT Patrick Sullivan CITY MANAGER Attachment A TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 Office (248) 334-4971 Fax (248) 475-3434 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE October 12, 2016 Chairman and President KEITH S. SCHULTZ Manager Vehicle Technology & Safety Policy General Motors Company Vice President DENNIS G. KOLAR, P.E. Managing Director Road Commission for Oakland County Chief Michael Carlson Northville Police Department 215 W. Main Street Northville, Michigan 48167 Secretary MICHAEL PALCHESKO Regional Manager Corporate & Government Affairs DTE Energy Company Treasurer MARTIN J. OLEJNIK, CPA Partner Plante Moran JIM BARBARESSO Vice President National Practice Leader Intelligent Transportation Systems HNTB Infrastructure Solutions GREGORY C. JAMIAN Commissioner Road Commission for Oakland County KIMBERLY PITTEL Vice President Sustainability, Environment, & Safety Ford Motor Company Dear Chief Carlson: At your request, the Traffic Improvement Association of Michigan (TIA) conducted a traffic evaluation of pedestrian crossings on Center Street near the Kroger store. TIA collected the pedestrian and vehicular volumes, as well as gap data for Center Street. The goal was to determine if a pedestrian crossing was necessary, which location is best, and what traffic control might be needed. SITE OBSERVATIONS Center Street is a three (3) lane roadway with a north and south travel lane, as well as a center turn lane. The roadway is approximately 33 feet wide with a 25 mph posted speed limit. The roadway is straight and has a gradual vertical grade in the study section. Sight distance is adequate for pedestrians to see approaching vehicles and adequate vehicle stopping distance is present. ALLAN E. SCHNECK, P.E. Director Department of Public Services City of Rochester Hills J. DAVID VANDERVEEN Commissioner Michigan Aeronautics Commission Sidewalks are present on both sides of Center Street, as well as both sides of Lake Street and Rayson Street. Curb ramps are not present on the west side of the roadway along Center. Several driveways are present in the vicinity for the Kroger store and the medical /dental offices. SUMMARY OF VOLUME DATA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER JIM SANTILLI CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER PATRICK M. CAWLEY, P.E., PTOE TRUSTEES MICHAEL J. BOUCHARD Sheriff Oakland County COL. KRISTE KIBBEY ETUE Director Michigan Department of State Police GEORGE W. HYND, PhD President Oakland University RUTH JOHNSON Secretary of State State of Michigan Traffic volumes were collected for Center Street between Lake Street and Rayson Street for a 24hour period. The southbound approach carried 5,678 vehicles, while the northbound approach carried 7,807 vehicles per day. Additionally, the volume for the westbound approach for Lake Street was collected and the volume was recorded as 388 vehicles per day. The maximum hourly westbound volume was 42 vehicles. Pedestrian counts / observations were taken over several time periods of the day. Both during the summer time and with school in session. Crossings were observed at Lake Street, midblock in front of the Kroger and north of Rayson Street. The maximum observed hourly crossing (combination of all locations) was 16 pedestrians. School crossing observations did not show any children crossing in the vicinity of Lake Street. The size and frequency of traffic gaps were also collected with the tube counters. Gaps in excess of ten (10) seconds (both directions) were generally available at least one (1) per minute. During the PM peak period two (2) way gaps occurred every two (2) minutes on average. BENNY N. NAPOLEON, J.D. Sheriff Wayne County L. BROOKS PATTERSON County Executive Oakland County BARBARA ROSSMANN President and Chief Executive Officer Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals KIRK T. STEUDLE, P.E. Director Michigan Department of Transportation ANTHONY M. WICKERSHAM Sheriff Macomb County APPLICABILITY OF ALL WAY STOP CONTROL In order to evaluate the applicability of an all-way stop for the intersection of Center / Lake the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) is consulted. The criteria for all way stop control (or warrants) are dependent on minimum traffic volumes, crash history, or as a preliminary measure to traffic signal control. The MMUTCD minimum volume criteria is required to be met for eight (8) hours with the major approach at 300 vehicles per hour, and the minor approach being 200 vehicles per hour. The Lake Street volume is too low to meet this criterion for any hours during the day. Page 2 Carlson October 12, 2016 The traffic crash criteria specify five (5) or more crashes per year, that are types correctable by all way stop. The intersection has experienced four (4) crashes over the last three (3) years. This criterion is not met as well. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ENHANCEMENTS A rule of thumb for installing a crosswalk, or other pedestrian enhancements, is the minimum number of pedestrian crossing of 20 per hour. During the observations at the site the maximum number crossing was 16 pedestrians hourly. Although observations were less than 20 per hour there is a marginal case for the installation of improvements at the site. As noted in the site observations sidewalks are present and lead to the intersection at Lake Street and Rayson Street. There are no receiving ramps however on the west curbline of the roadway. With connections on the opposite side (curb ramps) these would become defacto crosswalks per the Michigan Vehicle Code. The research report, Improving Pedestrian Crossings at Unsignalized Intersections, NCHRP report 562 provides guidance on enhancements that are appropriate at unsignalized crossings. Based on the roadway width, speed limit, vehicular volume and pedestrian volume the results would conclude that no treatment or a crosswalk only is appropriate. Although a pedestrian crossing island would be a positive improvement it does not appear necessary as adequate are available and no crash history exists. CONCLUSION Based on the current traffic volumes all way stop control would not be appropriate at the Lake Street / Center intersection. Estimates of the Kroger site traffic indicate similarly it would not be warranted at the driveway. The installation of a pedestrian crossing island does not seem necessary, while it is a proven safety countermeasure adequate two way gaps are available. Furthermore, the spacing of driveways/ intersections in the area would complicate the location of such. While it may fit nicely in the three (3) lane cross section, it would not leave adequate room for left turning vehicles. The recommended action is to install a conventional crosswalk at the Lake Street intersection, this would provide a crossing location for pedestrians near the store. A curb ramp and sidewalk connection will be needed on the west side of the roadway. Use of special emphasis crosswalk markings and pedestrian crossing signage will provide adequate traffic control at the location. If you have any questions, or if we can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at (248) 334-4971. Thank you for your continued commitment to public safety. Respectfully, PATRICK CAWLEY, P.E., PTOE Chief Operating Officer Transportation Engineering Attachment B Attachment C NORTHVILLE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT 215 W. MAIN ST. NORTHVILLE, MI 48167 Administration (248) 349-5100 – Fax (248) 349-2397 Michael R. Carlson, Chief of Police TRAFFIC CONTROL ORDER 16-08 Cross Reference: Location: N. Center Street and Lake Street Subject: Crosswalk Pursuant to the Uniform Traffic Code R28.1101, Et. Seq. and the Motor Vehicle Code, MCL 257.1 Et. Seq., as adopted by reference in the City of Northville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 82, Article II, Section 82-36, the following traffic order is hereby established: Under Rule 313 (R 28.1314) of said Traffic Code, the following is hereby designated as a Pedestrian Crosswalk: From the east side of North Center Street at the south sidewalk of Lake Street, west to the west side of North Center Street. All other Traffic Control Orders or parts thereof, in conflict with this Order are hereby rescinded. By authority of the Traffic Engineer: Date ______________________________ Signature Filed with the City Clerk: Date ______________________________ Signature This Order becomes effective upon filing with the City Clerk and erection of proper signs giving notice of same as required. This Order shall expire 90 days from date of filing except that upon approval of the Northville City Council, it shall not so expire. Approved by the Northville City Council on ______________________ City of Northville CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 3, 2016 Mayor Roth called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m. in the City of Northville Municipal Building, City Council Chambers, 215 W. Main Street, Northville, Michigan, 48167. Mayor Roth read a statement informing those present that the City Council meeting was being recorded for rebroadcast on the City’s website. By remaining at the meeting, consent is inferred by those present to have their voice and image recorded and posted on the City’s website. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Ken Roth, Mayor Pro Tem James Allen, Councilmembers Nancy Darga, Sam Ekong, and Marilyn Price Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Patrick Sullivan, City Clerk Dianne Massa, Public Works Director James Gallogly, and two citizens PRESENTATIONS A. Citizens Comments Karen Schaumann, 590 Baseline, voiced concern with the number of trees removed on a neighboring lot to accommodate a new house; questioning the protocol for tree removal and how the value of a tree is determined; the damage to sidewalks by contractors and who is responsible for the repairs; and the condition of the Baseline road due to truck traffic. The City Manager explained the tree permit process and gave examples of when replacement trees are required. It was also explained that certain exceptions for tree removal are made as trees may be removed to accommodate the footprint of the house. Contractors are responsible for damage to sidewalks. It was noted that Baseline Road is not subject to seasonal road conditions, which would allow for truck and traffic restrictions. It was suggested the Schaumann’s contact the City Manager and provide the specific address to see if a tree removal permit was issued. Permit information is also available on the City’s website. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Motion Darga, seconded by Price to approve the agenda and consent agenda as presented. Approve City Council Minutes of: - Regular Meeting of September 19, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting – October 3, 2016 - Page 2 Receive Bills List: - Accounts Payable Week of September 12, 2016 - Accounts Payable Week of September 19, 2016 - Accounts Payable Week of September 16, 2016 Receive Board and Commission Minutes: - Beautification Commission: 6/27/16 Receive Departmental Reports: - Youth Assistance: 9/16 Board and Commission Appointments: None Special Event Request / Streets of Treats / October 29, 2016 Special Event Request / Holiday Lighted Parade / November 18, 2016 Special Event Request / Plymouth Owners Grand National Meet / July 28, 2018 (preliminary approval) Renewed Video Service Local Franchise Agreement for AT&T (Michigan Bell Telephone) Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. Brush Chipper Purchase / Department of Public Works The FY2017 budget includes funding the purchase of a new brush chipper for the Department of Public Works. This brush chipper is larger than the Department’s current model making it more versatile to handle various sizes of trees. The new brush chipper will be used for routine tree trimming and removals, but more importantly, it is a larger machine that could better handle larger trees that may come down requiring immediate attention during severe weather events that sometimes hit the City. The Public Works Department tested different wood chipping machines. Rigorous testing indicates that the Morbark Beever M12R seemed to best meet the Department’s needs and was most liked by Staff. Using the specifications for this unit, a bid document was prepared and advertised on the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network. On September 13, 2016 two bids were received as follows: Vermeer $35,000 Morbark LLC $36,500 Model #BC1200XL (gasoline engine) Model Beever M12R (diesel engine) The Morbark unit was the chipper used to write the specifications for this purchase. Of all the units tested, the DPW liked this unit the most. The Vermeer unit is similar in size, but it does not come with a diesel engine as specified. Instead it is equipped with a gasoline engine. As a work engine, the Department believed a diesel engine can be expected to provide a longer life. In addition, extra items requested in the bid advertised by the City of Northville do not seem to be included in the Vermeer bid. These items include a spare tire and rim, an extra drum belt, and an extra set of cutting knives. Though both of these units would work for the DPW, the Department recommends that the Morbark Beever M12R with the additional items as specified in the bid be purchased by the City. For FY2017, $55,000 was budgeted for a new brush chipper by the City. The unit selected will cost $36,500, which is well under the amount budgeted. Funding for this equipment purchase will be transferred to the Equipment Fund from the Solid Waste Fund. The remaining amount of the budgeted funds not required for this purchase will remain in the Solid Waste Fund. City Council Regular Meeting – October 3, 2016 - Page 3 City Council Discussion and Comments: Comments from City Council concurred the diesel engine will pay for itself over the lifetime of this chipper. Motion Ekong, seconded by Price to approve the purchase of a new Mobark Beever M12R brush chipper from Morbark, Winn, Michigan, in the not-to-exceed amount of $36,500. Motion carried unanimously. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A. Mayor and Council Communications Roth noted: - 10/12 Chamber of Commerce annual meeting at Genitti’s - 10/7 Skeletons Are Alive event kickoff in the downtown - 10/21 Alliance of Rouge Communities / Great Lakes Restoration Forum (Council members are invited to attend) Allen spoke of sidewalk issues when there is sidewalk on only one side of the street and construction blocks the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. Often, the sidewalk is disrupted for several months or longer. He suggested the City consider an ordinance to require that a builder removes/blocks the sidewalk for a project, that an alternate type of sidewalk be maintained (i.e. gravel walk, wooden walkway). Allen pointed to an ordinance in Ann Arbor that addresses this matter. It was also pointed out that Berkley is also researching this matter. B. Staff Communications The City Manager noted the Police Department plans to participate in the October (breast cancer) and November (prostate cancer) movements to raise awareness for these cancers. In October, the Department will wear pink t-shirts under the uniform. In November, the Department will sport facial hair. Fire Prevention Week begins October 9th. October 10-15, both stations will have open houses to provide tours, demonstrate the use of firefighting equipment, and other activities to raise fire safety awareness. Parks and Recreation submitted a pre-proposal for a grant for Fish Hatchery Park (Johnson Creek). The State of Michigan reviewed the pre-proposal and invited the Department to submit a full grant application. The grant submission deadline is November 11th. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Adjournment: 7:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Dianne Massa, CMC City Clerk ~ City of Northville ~ Council Communications To: Mayor and City Council From: Sandi Wiktorowski, Finance Director Subject: Receive Bills List Reports for: General Disbursement Account Check #100894 through #100988 Payroll Account Check #402136 through #402140 Payroll Account EFT #60 Date: October 17, 2016 BACKGROUND: The City of Northville Finance Department processes accounts payable on a weekly basis. Authorization for processing these payments is given by the respective Department Head and/or the City Manager. The Department Heads and/or City Manager are responsible for authorizing payments that are in accordance with 1) budgeted expenditures, and/or 2) policy (i.e. refunds), and/or 3) approved contracts. In addition, City Staff is responsible for adhering to the City’s Purchasing Ordinance (Sections 2-181 through 2-187). ANALYSIS: The following reports are attached for City Council to review. • Transfers By Letter of Authorization (if any), which includes bank transfer date, fund charged, payee, purpose of bank transfer, and amount. • Payroll Checks (if any), which includes union dues, supplemental insurance, payroll taxes and deferred compensation payments. • General Checking Automatic Debits (if any), which includes automatic debit date, vendor name, description of automatic debit, account number charged, and amount of automatic debit. • Accounts Payable Check Register Report, which includes check number, check date, vendor number and name, and check amount. • Accounts Payable Invoice Distribution Report, which includes account number charged, vendor name, check number, invoice description, and invoice amount charged to that account number. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Northville City Council receive and file the Bills List report referred to above. Sandi Wiktorowski Patrick Sullivan DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER 10/05/2016 03:30 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Check Date Bank CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE CHECK DATE FROM 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 Check Vendor Vendor Name 1097 1100 2193 2499 2931 3395 3675 3892 4486 4701 4801 5014 5052 5082 5103 5125 5289 5321 5331 5428 5433 5455 5608 5660 5785 5862 5892 5928 6050 6128 6199 6201 6499 6563 6700 6739 6875 6930 6940 6968 7116 7144 7333 7541 7558 7764 7943 7956 8008 8061 8182 8380 8387 8405 8696 8849 8860 8960 8962 8965 8966 8968 8969 8970 BND REFUND BND REFUND BND REFUND REC REFUND M5021 M5022 M5023 M5045 M5046 M5047 M5048 M5053 M5105 M5106 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC ENGRAVING CONNECTION SEMFCA OFFICE DEPOT STATE OF MICHIGAN BRIDGEWAY POWER ST MARY'S HOSPITAL GREGORY WESTFALL ID ENTERPRISES ALPHAGRAPHICS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES RICHARD REPRODUCTIONS NAPA AUTO PARTS OF PLYMOUTH COUNTY OF OAKLAND OFFICE TEAM DETROIT EDISON-ST. LIGHTING MICHIGAN DEPT OF LABOR MICHIGAN ASSC. OF CHIEF OF POLICE MICHIGAN.COM NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP NORTHVILLE LOCKSMITH NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASS'N DTE ENERGY VERIZON WIRELESS, INC. CONFERENCE OF WESTERN WAYNE MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS BRIAN BOHNET SIGNS BY TOMORROW QUILL CORPORATION DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO. INC. LONG MECHANICAL SERVICE, INC. THOMAS MORRISON NOVI MOTIVE INC. OAKLAND FUELS GRAPHIC VISIONS INC. AT&T MOBILITY VESCO OIL CO. USA BLUE BOOK NORTHSTAR FACILITY SERVICES NORTHVILLE STITCHING POST LORI WARD JUMP-A-RAMA PACKER & ASSOCIATES, INC STATE OF MICHIGAN NEEDLES N PINS, INC. TODD BEYER PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIES INC HUNT'S ACE HARDWARE JAMES GIETZEN KAYLEY DAHRING DIGITAL DOLPHIN SUPPLIES CHRIS PETRES BATTERIES PLUS BULBS #481 CHERYL MCGUIRE GREAT AMERICAN FINANCIAL SVCS. GREAT LAKES WATER AUTHORITY KAREN HOWE ELECTROCYCLE INC ZACHARY TARDICH FIRE SMART PROMOTIONS LEON BUTTS INFINITY STRAP PLEXUS CO THREE MINUTE EGG INC PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS TRADEMARK BUILDING DOUGLAS W. FISK THOMAS SEBASTIAN GARY WORD HOWARD N. & VIRGINIA REEVES BECKY & RONALD DOZIER ALLEN & REBECCA COX DAVID W. & MAXINE DELAUDER DONALD LANCASTER THEODORE & SHIRLEY MAPES GERALD RYAN GARY CALLENDER RODNEY A. & SUE CANNON Page: 1/2 Amount Bank CK GENERAL CHECKING 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK 100894 100895 100896 100897 100898 100899 100900 100901 100902 100903 100904 100905 100906 100907 100908 100909 100910 100911 100912 100913 100914 100915 100916 100917 100918 100919 100920 100921 100922 100923 100924 100925 100926 100927 100928 100929 100930 100931 100932 100933 100934 100935 100936 100937 100938 100939 100940 100941 100942 100943 100944 100945 100946 100947 100948 100949 100950 100951 100952 100953 100954 100955 100956 100957 100958 100959 100960 100961 100962 100963 100964 100965 100966 100967 100968 100969 100970 100971 188.45 33.60 80.00 61.58 125.00 183.87 570.00 347.05 1,495.32 324.00 125.00 89.00 780.76 2,872.50 839.69 9,861.11 250.00 230.00 550.20 5,127.50 160.00 50.45 3,690.58 366.54 3,310.00 160.14 390.41 541.50 105.83 2,755.00 280.00 512.00 1,313.71 16,946.69 84.00 35.84 93.25 3,585.99 219.44 96.00 3.34 1,699.25 500.00 130.00 1,530.00 8,347.30 19.43 39.95 1,500.00 16.52 408.67 76.24 35.95 675.00 127.00 75,149.39 575.00 10.00 72.00 200.00 171.28 325.00 927.72 464.98 260.00 260.00 260.00 100.00 83.92 209.80 226.70 209.80 209.80 104.90 209.80 104.90 104.90 209.80 10/05/2016 03:30 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE CHECK DATE FROM 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 Check Date Bank Check Vendor Vendor Name 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK 100972 100973 100974 100975 100976 100977 100978 100979 100980 100981 100982 100983 100984 100985 100986 100987 100988 M5294 M5485 M5690 M5707 M5980 M6341 M6674 M6848 M6970 M7024 M7304 M7305 M7307 M7308 M7309 M7310 M7311 JAMES MARKS MARJORIE SANER MARY E ORR JAMES & PATRICIA ALLEN LILLIAN M NELSON MARTHA GROSS LOUISE KELLER RICHARD LENNOX GERALD WELBES VIRGINIA KELLY MARY & JAMES DANIEL FRANCES DUBOIS PATRICIA HOWARD DEBBIE & JIM LUTEREK GEORGE PIEDOT NANCY MARKS ALAN ZIELINSKI Page: 2/2 Amount 104.90 104.90 104.90 159.45 104.90 104.90 104.90 104.90 75.53 92.57 209.80 104.90 100.70 151.06 209.80 104.90 104.90 CK TOTALS: Total of 95 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 156,438.25 0.00 Total of 95 Disbursements: 156,438.25 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 100894 101-341-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INCFIRE HATS FOR KIDS Invoice 05593257 Chk Date 10/05/16 Total For Check 100894 Check 100895 101-341-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES ENGRAVING CONNECTION LOCKER SIGNS MEMBERSHIP & DUES SEMFCA DUES 2017 CHIEF & CAPT 39714 10/05/16 SUPPLIES OFFICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFICE OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT DEPOT DEPOT DEPOT 28571763 28571763 28571763 28571763 COLLECTION STAMP AIR FRESHNER SHARPIE MARKERS COFFEE 7743 10/05/16 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES STATE OF MICHIGAN ELEVATOR LICENSE FOR CITY HALL 864292984001 863924830001 863924748001 864228087001 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 SIREN & GENERATOR MAINTENANCE BRIDGEWAY POWER HEATER-ENG COOLANT 1237148 10/05/16 PRISONERS - MISC EXPENSE PRISONERS - MISC EXPENSE PRISONERS - MISC EXPENSE ST MARY'S HOSPITAL ST MARY'S HOSPITAL ST MARY'S HOSPITAL OWI BLOOD DRAW 15-3178 OWI BLOOD DRAW 15-2805 OWI BLOOD DRAW 16-1758 006-25915 10/05/16 EDUCATION & TRAINING EDUCATION & TRAINING GREGORY WESTFALL GREGORY WESTFALL 017291940-5232 017274390-5211 016176456-6112 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 NORTHVILLE MATTERS NEWSLETTER ID ENTERPRISES NORTHVILLE MATTERS NEWSLETTER ID ENTERPRISES NORTHVILLE MATTERS NEWSLETTER ID ENTERPRISES REIMBURSE FOR CLASS HAUNTED ATTRACTIONS GWNFPA916 REIMBURSE LODGING MFIS GW615916 NORTHVILLE MATTERS - FALL 2016 NORTHVILLE MATTERS - FALL 2016 NORTHVILLE MATTERS - FALL 2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 PRINTING & PUBLISHING ALPHAGRAPHICS PARKING TICKETS 21853 21853 21853 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 REFRESHMENTS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES COFFEE SUPPLIES-NCC 110871 10/05/16 PRINTING & PUBLISHING RICHARD REPRODUCTIONS BUSINESS CARDS FOR MARK GASCHE Total For Check 100905 125.00 100898 183.87 100899 190.00 190.00 190.00 100900 100900 100900 25.00 322.05 100901 100901 498.44 498.44 498.44 100902 100902 100902 324.00 100903 324.00 435735 10/05/16 Total For Check 100904 Check 100905 260-692-900.000 100897 100897 100897 100897 1,495.32 Total For Check 100903 Check 100904 265-290-740.000 22.49 7.98 7.12 23.99 347.05 Total For Check 100902 Check 100903 101-311-900.000 100896 570.00 Total For Check 100901 Check 100902 101-441-801.250 226-923-801.250 592-923-801.250 80.00 183.87 Total For Check 100900 Check 100901 101-340-960.000 101-340-960.000 100895 125.00 Total For Check 100899 Check 100900 101-307-761.030 101-307-761.030 101-307-761.030 33.60 61.58 Total For Check 100898 Check 100899 101-263-741.000 100894 80.00 Total For Check 100897 Check 100898 101-263-801.060 188.45 33.60 Total For Check 100896 Check 100897 101-215-726.000 101-263-776.000 101-341-740.000 370-864-726.000 Amount Check # 188.45 Total For Check 100895 Check 100896 101-340-958.000 1/10 125.00 100904 125.00 14645 10/05/16 89.00 89.00 100905 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 100906 101-342-781.000 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS OF PLYMOUTH AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Invoice 92716 Chk Date 10/05/16 Total For Check 100906 Check 100907 101-310-801.190 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT & SERVICES COUNTY OF OAKLAND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OFFICE TEAM MEMBERSHIP, MDC & MUG SHOT MAINTENANCE CLM0007816 10/05/16 ELECTRIC POWER FRONT COUNTER HELP 46728345 10/05/16 DETROIT EDISON-ST. LIGHTING STREET LIGHTING BUILDING MAINTENANCE AUG16 10/05/16 MICHIGAN DEPT OF LABOR BOILER INSPECTION Check 100912 101-192-900.000 370-864-900.000 Check 100913 101-690-950.100 260-752-942.020 EDUCATION & TRAINING MICHIGAN PRINTING & PUBLISHING PRINTING & PUBLISHING BLR393392 OPER TFR TO YOUTH ASSIST PROG NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP RENT - OFFICE SPACE NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP 10/05/16 MATERIALS NORTHVILLE LOCKSMITH 200001701 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES 194096200192 722893800010 194096200184 194096200044 - 215 112 101 215 MAIN WING CADY CADY DTE M DTE Y DTE A DTE N ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY Total For Check 100912 550.20 OCT-DEC CONTRIBUTION OFFICE SPACE RENTAL- OCT 2016 16-2254 1600002251 10/05/16 10/05/16 KEYS & REPAIR KIT ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY 47623 CHARGES CHARGES CHARGES CHARGES 8/24/16 8/24/16 8/24/16 8/24/16 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON WIRELESS, INC. CELL MONTHLY CHARGES 10/05/16 MEMBERSHIP & DUES CONFERENCE OF WESTERN WAYNE MEMBERSHIP DUES FY 2016-17 Total For Check 100918 100909 100910 4,502.50 625.00 100911 100912 100912 100913 100913 160.00 100914 160.00 6799866Y 10/05/16 50.45 100915 50.45 - 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 9/23/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 3,234.01 130.28 145.87 180.42 100916 100916 100916 100916 3,690.58 977229478 10/05/16 Total For Check 100917 Check 100918 101-101-958.000 100908 5,127.50 Total For Check 100916 Check 100917 641-923-853.000 230.00 314.40 235.80 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION MAGNENTS ASS'N FOR FIRE PREVENTION WEEK W N W W 250.00 ACCT 1451423 AD 297770 CLOSE OF REGISTRATION 297770 PO#16-3910/05/16 ACCT 1451423 AD 297784 DDA ANNUAL REPORT 297784PO#16-38 10/05/16 Total For Check 100915 Check 100916 101-263-920.010 101-450-920.010 101-546-920.010 255-792-920.010 9,861.11 230.00 Total For Check 100914 Check 100915 101-341-740.000 839.69 Total For Check 100911 Total For Check 100913 Check 100914 101-263-775.000 100907 250.00 ASSC. OF CHIEF MACP OF WINTER POLICE CONFERENCE MICHIGAN.COM MICHIGAN.COM 2,872.50 9,861.11 Total For Check 100910 Check 100911 101-308-960.000 100906 839.69 Total For Check 100909 Check 100910 260-790-931.000 780.76 2,872.50 Total For Check 100908 Check 100909 101-450-920.010 Amount Check # 780.76 Total For Check 100907 Check 100908 260-692-801.000 2/10 366.54 100917 366.54 16-017 10/05/16 3,310.00 3,310.00 100918 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 100919 260-692-900.000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING MICHIGAN OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER SERVICE-RCH Invoice IN724066 Chk Date 10/05/16 Total For Check 100919 Check 100920 101-340-960.000 101-340-960.000 EDUCATION & TRAINING EDUCATION & TRAINING BRIAN BOHNET BRIAN BOHNET MILEAGE MFIS REIBURSE LODGING FOR TRAINING DOWNTOWN PROGRAMMING & PROMO SIGNS BY TOMORROW SIGNS FOR SKELETONS DISPLAYS BB916 604 10/05/16 10/05/16 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES QUILL CORPORATION QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES-NCC OFFICE SUPPLIES-NCC 25611 10/05/16 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SERVICE DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY OPERATING SUPPLIES DAVEY BUILDING MAINTENANCE DAVEY TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 9085012 9250982 10/05/16 10/05/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LONG MECHANICAL SERVICE, BOILER INC. TESTING 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 910549700 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES THOMAS MORRISON 16-2389M 10/05/16 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SERVICE NOVI MOTIVE INC. SEPT. 2016 INSPECTIONS TOM MORRISON TM916 SEPT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 10/05/16 FUEL & OIL OAKLAND FUELS 093016 10/05/16 DOWNTOWN PROGRAMMING & PROMO GRAPHIC VISIONS INC. GASOLINE & DIESEL FOR CITY FACILITY 334611 YARDS 10/05/16 UTILITIES AT&T MOBILITY STAGE BANNER FOR SKELETONS ARE ALIVE52840 EVENT 248.231.8963: 8/18/16-19/17/16 100922 100922 25.00 25.00 25.00 150.00 150.00 80.00 585.00 1,510.00 80.00 25.00 60.00 40.00 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 100923 280.00 100924 512.00 100925 1,313.71 100926 16,946.69 100927 16,946.69 10/05/16 Total For Check 100928 Check 100929 592-556-920.000 72.76 33.07 1,313.71 Total For Check 100927 Check 100928 370-862-784.000 100921 512.00 Total For Check 100926 Check 100927 641-932-751.000 541.50 280.00 Total For Check 100925 Check 100926 101-305-801.040 100920 100920 2,755.00 Total For Check 100924 Check 100925 101-562-801.000 68.36 322.05 105.83 Total For Check 100923 Check 100924 260-790-801.000 100919 541.50 Total For Check 100922 Check 100923 255-792-801.040 260-756-801.000 260-757-801.000 260-759-801.000 260-760-801.000 260-761-801.000 260-762-801.000 260-763-801.000 260-764-801.000 260-766-801.000 260-767-740.000 260-790-931.000 160.14 390.41 Total For Check 100921 Check 100922 265-292-728.000 265-292-728.000 Amount Check # 160.14 Total For Check 100920 Check 100921 370-862-784.000 3/10 84.00 100928 84.00 287234917304X0925201 10/05/16 35.84 100929 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 100929 Check 100930 641-932-781.000 Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Invoice Chk Date Total For Check 100929 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS VESCO OIL CO. PARTS CLEANER SERVICE MATERIALS MATERIALS USA BLUE BOOK USA BLUE BOOK H2O MATERIALS H20 MATERIALS 3923458-00 10/05/16 CONTRACTUAL CONTRACTUAL CONTRACTUAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES NORTHSTAR NORTHSTAR NORTHSTAR NORTHSTAR FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY SERVICES CITY HALL SERVICES CITY HALL SERVICES CITY HALL SERVICES CITY HALL MATS MATS MATS MATS 060339 062439 10/05/16 10/05/16 UNIFORMS & CLOTHING NORTHVILLE STITCHING POST 12 BASKETBALL T-SHIRTS 0373702 0373293 0372842 0372257 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 SUPPLIES LORI WARD REIMBURSE FOR MEETING WATER 63882 10/05/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION JUMP-A-RAMA 92016 10/05/16 1ST HALF OF PAYMENT FOR JUMP-A-RAMA 2519 CLASSES CONTRACTED COMPLIANCE SERVICES PACKER & ASSOCIATES, INC 4TH QTR 16 WORKERS COMP 10/05/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES STATE OF MICHIGAN BOILER INSPECTION 9027 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES NEEDLES N PINS, INC. ADULT SB SUMMER CHAMPS SHIRTS BLR393360 10/05/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION TODD BEYER TENNIS INSTRUCTION 9603 10/05/16 CREDIT CARD FEES PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIESPLUG INC N PAY FEE- RECTRAC SEPT 2016 082916 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES HUNT'S ACE HARDWARE WIRE TIES - PARADE POSTINGS 2016100201040230101 10/05/16 DOWNTOWN PROGRAMMING & PROMO JAMES GIETZEN 1,699.25 100935 500.00 100936 130.00 100937 1,530.00 100938 8,347.30 100939 19.43 100940 19.43 34733/1 10/05/16 Total For Check 100941 Check 100942 370-862-784.000 100934 8,347.30 Total For Check 100940 Check 100941 101-305-740.000 3.34 1,530.00 Total For Check 100939 Check 100940 260-747-727.000 100933 130.00 Total For Check 100938 Check 100939 260-704-801.130 96.00 500.00 Total For Check 100937 Check 100938 260-694-740.000 100932 100932 100932 100932 1,699.25 Total For Check 100936 Check 100937 370-861-801.000 54.86 54.86 54.86 54.86 3.34 Total For Check 100935 Check 100936 750-910-723.000 100931 100931 96.00 Total For Check 100934 Check 100935 260-699-801.130 295.55 3,290.44 219.44 Total For Check 100933 Check 100934 370-864-726.000 100930 3,585.99 Total For Check 100932 Check 100933 260-692-744.000 93.25 93.25 Total For Check 100931 Check 100932 101-263-801.000 101-263-801.000 101-263-801.000 101-263-801.000 Amount Check # 35.84 Total For Check 100930 Check 100931 592-556-775.000 592-556-775.000 4/10 BAND AND SOUND ENGINEERING FOR SKELETONS 1506 EVENT 39.95 100941 39.95 10/05/16 1,500.00 100942 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date 5/10 Amount Check # Check 100942 Total For Check 100942 Check 100943 260-699-740.210 SUPPLIES - EVENTS KAYLEY DAHRING SNACK FOR SPECIAL EVENT 1,500.00 93016 10/05/16 Total For Check 100943 Check 100944 101-946-739.020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES DIGITAL DOLPHIN SUPPLIES TONER EDUCATION & TRAINING CHRIS PETRES MILEAGE SIN066972 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES BATTERIES PLUS BULBS #481 12V BATTERIES CPMIL916 10/05/16 CONTRACTED SERVICES - TRANSCRIPTION CHERYL MCGUIRE SERV SEPT 2016 MEETING MINUTES 481-304017 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES GREAT AMERICAN FINANCIAL COPIER SVCS.LEASE FIRE DEPT 10-3-16 10/05/16 WATER SUPPLY GREAT LAKES WATER AUTHORITY H2O WATER USAGE AUGUST 19472129 10/05/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION KAREN HOWE YOGA INSTRUCTION 110716 10/05/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ELECTROCYCLE INC ELECTRONICS RECYCLING 6 10/05/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION ZACHARY TARDICH COACHING FEES 2944 10/05/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE SMART PROMOTIONS PHOTO PROPS - FIRE PREVENTION WEEK 91616 10/05/16 MILEAGE LEON BUTTS 103786 10/05/16 SUPPLIES INFINITY STRAP MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT ELECTION TRAINING 100316 SUPPLIES FOR FITNESS GRANT - MRPA 10/05/16 SUPPLIES PLEXUS CO SUPPLIES FOR FITNESS GRANT MRPA 75,149.39 100949 575.00 100950 10.00 100951 72.00 100952 200.00 100953 171.28 100954 171.28 12023 10/05/16 Total For Check 100955 Check 100956 260-721-726.000 100948 200.00 Total For Check 100954 Check 100955 260-721-726.000 127.00 72.00 Total For Check 100953 Check 100954 101-192-863.000 100947 10.00 Total For Check 100952 Check 100953 101-341-740.000 675.00 575.00 Total For Check 100951 Check 100952 260-703-801.130 100946 75,149.39 Total For Check 100950 Check 100951 101-350-801.000 35.95 127.00 Total For Check 100949 Check 100950 260-721-801.130 100945 675.00 Total For Check 100948 Check 100949 592-553-801.210 76.24 35.95 Total For Check 100947 Check 100948 101-341-740.000 100944 76.24 Total For Check 100946 Check 100947 101-560-802.110 408.67 408.67 Total For Check 100945 Check 100946 101-341-740.000 100943 16.52 Total For Check 100944 Check 100945 101-340-960.000 16.52 325.00 100955 325.00 091916 10/05/16 927.72 100956 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date 6/10 Amount Check # Check 100956 Total For Check 100956 Check 100957 260-721-726.000 SUPPLIES THREE MINUTE EGG INC 927.72 SUPPLIES FOR FITNESS GRANT 1751 10/05/16 Total For Check 100957 Check 100958 101-000-253.000 Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS PB160157 1062 ELMSMERE Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds TRADEMARK BUILDING PB160157 10/05/16 PB160139 21485 SILCHESTER Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds DOUGLAS W. FISK PB160139 10/05/16 OTHER PROGRAM ACTIVITIES PB160163 429 MORGAN THOMAS SEBASTIAN PB160163 10/05/16 RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS RCH CANCELED CLASS GARY WORD 123716 10/05/16 MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums HOWARD N. & VIRGINIA REEVES MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT(2) RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS 10/05/2016 10/05/16 BECKY & RONALD DOZIER MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT BECKY & RONALD DOZIER MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums ALLEN & REBECCA COX 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums DAVID W. & MAXINE DELAUDER MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS DONALD LANCASTER 10/05/2016 10/05/16 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE THEODORE & & & & & & SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT MAPES MEDICARE MAPES MEDICARE MAPES MEDICARE MAPES MEDICARE MAPES MEDICARE MAPES MEDICARE 83.92 100962 209.80 100963 45.34 181.36 100964 100964 209.80 100965 209.80 100966 209.80 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Total For Check 100967 Check 100968 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 100961 209.80 Total For Check 100966 Check 100967 101-311-967.090 100.00 226.70 Total For Check 100965 Check 100966 101-311-967.090 100960 209.80 Total For Check 100964 Check 100965 101-311-967.090 260.00 83.92 Total For Check 100963 Check 100964 101-441-967.090 592-923-967.090 100959 100.00 Total For Check 100962 Check 100963 101-311-967.090 260.00 260.00 Total For Check 100961 Check 100962 101-172-967.090 100958 260.00 Total For Check 100960 Check 100961 260-000-651.100 260.00 260.00 Total For Check 100959 Check 100960 101-000-253.000 100957 464.98 Total For Check 100958 Check 100959 101-000-253.000 464.98 104.90 100967 REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT 104.90 Total For Check 100968 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 44.69 23.72 36.15 12.15 76.39 16.70 209.80 100968 100968 100968 100968 100968 100968 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 100969 101-311-967.090 Retiree Healthcare Costs GERALD RYAN MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 Chk Date 10/05/16 Total For Check 100969 Check 100970 101-311-967.090 RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS GARY CALLENDER MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums RODNEY A. & SUE CANNON MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Healthcare Costs JAMES MARKS MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS MARJORIE MARJORIE MARJORIE MARJORIE MARJORIE MARJORIE SANER SANER SANER SANER SANER SANER MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums MARY E ORR MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS RETIREE HEALTHCARE COSTS JAMES & PATRICIA ALLEN MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) JAMES & PATRICIA ALLEN MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums LILLIAN M NELSON MEDICARE REIMBURSMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 RETIREE MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUMS MARTHA GROSS MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE Retiree HEALTHCARE COSTS LOUISE KELLER HEALTHCARE COSTS LOUISE KELLER HEALTHCARE COSTS LOUISE KELLER HEALTHCARE COSTS LOUISE KELLER HEALTHCARE COSTS LOUISE KELLER Medical & Dental Premiums LOUISE KELLER MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT REIMBURSMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums RICHARD LENNOX MEDICARE REIMBURSMENT Total For Check 100979 Check 100980 100972 22.36 11.85 18.08 6.07 38.19 8.35 100973 100973 100973 100973 100973 100973 104.90 100974 138.72 20.73 100975 100975 104.90 100976 104.90 100977 104.90 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 Total For Check 100978 Check 100979 101-230-967.090 104.90 104.90 Total For Check 100977 Check 100978 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 100971 159.45 Total For Check 100976 Check 100977 101-230-967.090 209.80 104.90 Total For Check 100975 Check 100976 101-215-967.090 100970 104.90 Total For Check 100974 Check 100975 101-344-967.090 101-345-967.090 104.90 104.90 Total For Check 100973 Check 100974 538-292-967.090 100969 209.80 Total For Check 100972 Check 100973 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 104.90 104.90 Total For Check 100971 Check 100972 101-311-967.090 Amount Check # 104.90 Total For Check 100970 Check 100971 101-311-967.090 7/10 22.36 11.85 18.08 6.07 38.19 8.35 100978 100978 100978 100978 100978 100978 104.90 10/05/2016 10/05/16 104.90 104.90 100979 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 100980 538-292-967.090 Retiree Healthcare Costs GERALD WELBES MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 Chk Date 10/05/16 Total For Check 100980 Check 100981 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS VIRGINIA VIRGINIA VIRGINIA VIRGINIA VIRGINIA VIRGINIA KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS MARY MARY MARY MARY MARY MARY & & & & & & JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES DANIEL DANIEL DANIEL DANIEL DANIEL DANIEL MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 RETIREE MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUMS FRANCES DUBOIS (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 RETIREE MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUMS PATRICIA HOWARD MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 RETIREE MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUMS DEBBIE & JIM LUTEREK MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS GEORGE GEORGE GEORGE GEORGE GEORGE GEORGE PIEDOT PIEDOT PIEDOT PIEDOT PIEDOT PIEDOT MEICARE REIMBURSEMENT (2) MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Retiree Medical & Dental Premiums NANCY MARKS MEDICARE REIMBURSMENT (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE RETIREE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS ALAN ALAN ALAN ALAN ALAN ALAN ZIELINSKI ZIELINSKI ZIELINSKI ZIELINSKI ZIELINSKI ZIELINSKI MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT Total For Check 100988 100982 100982 100982 100982 100982 100982 104.90 100983 100.70 100984 151.06 100985 44.69 23.72 36.15 12.15 76.39 16.70 100986 100986 100986 100986 100986 100986 209.80 10/05/2016 10/05/16 Total For Check 100987 Check 100988 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 44.69 23.72 36.15 12.15 76.39 16.70 151.06 Total For Check 100986 Check 100987 101-311-967.090 100981 100981 100981 100981 100981 100981 100.70 Total For Check 100985 Check 100986 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 19.75 10.45 15.94 5.36 33.70 7.37 104.90 Total For Check 100984 Check 100985 260-692-967.090 100980 209.80 Total For Check 100983 Check 100984 101-215-967.090 75.53 92.57 Total For Check 100982 Check 100983 538-292-967.090 Amount Check # 75.53 Total For Check 100981 Check 100982 101-441-967.090 202-920-967.090 203-920-967.090 226-923-967.090 592-923-967.090 641-932-967.090 8/10 104.90 100987 104.90 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 10/05/16 22.36 11.85 18.08 6.07 38.19 8.35 104.90 100988 100988 100988 100988 100988 100988 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date 9/10 Amount Check # 10/05/2016 03:28 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 09/29/2016 - 10/05/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Fund Totals: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 101 202 203 226 255 260 265 370 538 592 641 750 Invoice GENERAL FUND MAJOR STREETS FUND LOCAL STREETS FUND REFUSE & RECYCLING FUND ARTS COMMISSION FUND PARKS & RECREATION FUND SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES FUND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HOUSING COMMISSION OPERATING FUND WATER & SEWER FUND EQUIPMENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Total For All Funds: Chk Date 10/10 Amount Check # 35,228.24 117.16 178.63 558.46 205.42 19,298.09 230.83 2,518.63 285.33 79,828.46 17,489.00 500.00 156,438.25 10/05/2016 09:11 AM Check Date Bank Check Number 10/07/2016 PYRL 402136 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE 10/07/2016 PYRL 402137 CAPITAL ONE BANK 10/07/2016 PYRL EFT60 10/07/2016 PYRL 402138 NATIONWIDE 10/07/2016 PYRL 402139 NORTHVILLE COMMAND OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 10/07/2016 PYRL 402140 NORTHVILLE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Totals: Page 1 of 1 Check Register Report For City Of Northville Name EFTPS Number of Checks: Total Physical Checks: 5 Total Check Stubs: 1 006 Check Gross Physical Check Amount Direct Deposit 623.08 623.08 0.00 Open 99.15 99.15 0.00 Open 38,522.23 38,522.23 0.00 Cleared 2,455.00 2,455.00 0.00 Open 68.00 68.00 0.00 Open 313.56 313.56 0.00 Open 42,081.02 42,081.02 0.00 Status Wire Transfers Date: 10/7/2016 10/7/2016 Payee: First American ICMA 10/7/2016 10/7/2016 10/7/2016 MERS HCSP MERS DC Basic Purpose: Employee HSA Contributions Employee 457 Contributions Employee and Employer Health Care Saving Plan Contributions Employee and Employer Defined Contributions Employee Section 125 Contributions C:\Users\mmassel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\70PXF72Z\Payroll wires Amount: $ 913.14 $ 948.12 $ 944.20 $ 7,635.30 $ 191.92 $ 10,632.68 ~ City of Northville ~ Council Communications To: Mayor and City Council From: Sandi Wiktorowski, Finance Director Subject: Receive Bills List Reports for: General Disbursement Account Check #100989 through #101091 Date: October 17, 2016 BACKGROUND: The City of Northville Finance Department processes accounts payable on a weekly basis. Authorization for processing these payments is given by the respective Department Head and/or the City Manager. The Department Heads and/or City Manager are responsible for authorizing payments that are in accordance with 1) budgeted expenditures, and/or 2) policy (i.e. refunds), and/or 3) approved contracts. In addition, City Staff is responsible for adhering to the City’s Purchasing Ordinance (Sections 2-181 through 2-187). ANALYSIS: The following reports are attached for City Council to review. • Transfers By Letter of Authorization (if any), which includes bank transfer date, fund charged, payee, purpose of bank transfer, and amount. • Payroll Checks (if any), which includes union dues, supplemental insurance, payroll taxes and deferred compensation payments. • General Checking Automatic Debits (if any), which includes automatic debit date, vendor name, description of automatic debit, account number charged, and amount of automatic debit. • Accounts Payable Check Register Report, which includes check number, check date, vendor number and name, and check amount. • Accounts Payable Invoice Distribution Report, which includes account number charged, vendor name, check number, invoice description, and invoice amount charged to that account number. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Northville City Council receive and file the Bills List report referred to above. Sandi Wiktorowski Patrick Sullivan DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER 10/12/2016 02:16 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Check Date Bank CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE CHECK DATE FROM 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 Check Vendor Vendor Name 2082 2122 3010 3675 3892 4499 4504 4705 4754 4908 5021 5052 5070 5099 5110 5228 5257 5299 5428 5462 5465 5645 5794 5957 6050 6128 6198 6228 6259 6528 6862 6865 6926 6932 6940 6942 7065 7761 7811 7879 7944 7993 8048 8113 8153 8180 8233 8332 8337 8357 8371 8397 8518 8534 8663 8664 8685 8788 8793 8816 8907 8917 8959 ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS BND REFUND MASC GORDON FOOD SERVICE HYDROCORP ST MARY'S HOSPITAL GREGORY WESTFALL SMART JULIE MANTAY JULIE WOODARD DETROIT WILBERT VAULT CORPORATION STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS BASIC NAPA AUTO PARTS OF PLYMOUTH MELISSA WYMAN WAYNE CO.DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT CINTAS CORPORATION - 300 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER WOW! INTERNET AND CABLE WILMAR INDUSTRIES NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP PLANTE MORAN MARK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT AMERICAN PROFIT RECOVERY TIPPING POINT THEATRE HALLAHAN & ASSOCIATES PC QUILL CORPORATION DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO. INC. ELLSWORTH INDUSTRIES, INC. FINISHMASTER, INC DAVID RANDALL EMEDCO INC. ROBINSON WELDING SUPPLY INC. BS&A SOFTWARE JOHN'S SANITATION NORTHVILLE ROTARY CLUB NORTHSTAR FACILITY SERVICES HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES PRIME-STRIPE INC. APARTMENT SERVICES CO, INC. COMMUNITY FINANCIAL SUZIE JOHNSON REPUBLIC SERVICES #241 JENNIFER HELNER DIANE PITTAWAY KIM I. ENSCH DETROIT CHEMICAL & PAPER SUPPLY CO CONSUMERS ENERGY ZERO WASTE USA APPLIED IMAGING LIGHTING SUPPLY CO BIZZELL DESIGN ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS NANCY BARICK REVIZE LLC ALAN PRIEUR ASHTON KUEHN AMBER MYERS-VALENTINE CADILLAC ASPHALT TRUCKPRO LLC ALLIED BUILDING SRVC CO OF DETROIT MBM TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS JENNA WOODCOX AAA SHREDDING INC THE KEENAN GROUP INC GWYNN NEWTON MANDY GETSCHMAN JULIE WOODARD JANICE WILKIEMEYER STEVEN HOLLAR AMY FELL LINDA LARSEN KATE PAUL PAT VARTANIAN MELANIE NIKEL GEORGE BOCHNIG MARY KERNAHAN CORTNEY MCLEAN JOANNE ROCHON ROC INVESTMENTS Page: 1/2 Amount Bank CK GENERAL CHECKING 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK 100989 100990 100991 100992 100993 100994 100995 100996 100997 100998 100999 101000 101001 101002 101003 101004 101005 101006 101007 101008 101009 101010 101011 101012 101013 101014 101015 101016 101017 101018 101019 101020 101021 101022 101023 101024 101025 101026 101027 101028 101029 101030 101031 101032 101033 101034 101035 101036 101037 101038 101039 101040 101041 101042 101043 101044 101045 101046 101047 101048 101049 101050 101051 101052 101053 101054 101055 101056 101057 101058 101059 101060 101061 101062 101063 101064 101065 101066 75.00 31.77 498.00 190.00 111.24 1,461.00 320.00 152.00 397.00 281.97 67.00 675.81 74.79 67,953.60 277.03 600.00 48.85 238.79 63,230.00 27,500.00 16.29 735.58 800.00 602.31 408.79 2,745.00 60.42 45.37 108.98 509.84 20.95 7,615.00 430.00 1,150.00 193.03 274.57 1,620.00 480.00 645.28 88.85 414.23 902.50 149.13 234.00 1,046.33 450.00 724.00 81.74 8.48 5,665.00 45.00 211.50 2,300.00 343.87 50.00 521.50 860.20 24.98 150.00 49.34 45.00 60.00 893.23 65.00 19.50 182.00 191.75 48.00 65.00 32.50 97.50 16.90 97.50 13.00 26.00 8.12 162.50 260.00 10/12/2016 02:16 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE CHECK DATE FROM 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 Check Date Bank Check Vendor Vendor Name 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 10/12/2016 CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK 101067 101068 101069 101070 101071 101072 101073 101074 101075 101076 101077 101078 101079 101080 101081 101082 101083 101084 101085 101086 101087 101088 101089 101090 101091 BND REFUND BND REFUND BND REFUND CEM REFUND REC REFUND REC REFUND REC REFUND REC REFUND REC REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND TAX REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND UB REFUND CASCO AND SONS LLC RYN HOMES & REMODELING NU-VIEW WINDOW DOORTHY M. WIEZBOWSKI MARY KENEALY GREG CARLONE BETH RICHERT SUNHO CHO JAVIER DEL BOSQUE DEBONO, PAUL ZAMUDIO-VALDES, VICTOR MANUEL KRUEGER REV LIVING TRUST GREANE, ROBERT LANCE & KATIE LYNN NORTHVILLE DRIVING CLUB VRADENBURG, WILLIAM A BREWER, ROBERT J & NEWMAN, LISA 410 N CENTER ST LLC HEYNIGER, ANDREW K LANGAN, J. ROBERT RUSSO, SAM URBANCZYK, KENNETH SINGH DEVELOPMENT LLC* ROWLETTE, MARIAN KAN, SHENGNAN & ZENG, HUA ZENG, HUA Page: 2/2 Amount 260.00 520.00 260.00 680.00 20.00 98.00 15.00 23.14 60.00 18.92 4,305.72 90.00 2,591.46 30.00 9.00 206.38 10.00 2,592.00 149.19 39.76 19.05 92.29 83.91 14.35 6.11 CK TOTALS: Total of 103 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 211,443.69 0.00 Total of 103 Disbursements: 211,443.69 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 100989 265-292-958.000 MEMBERSHIP & DUES MASC MEMBERSHIP FOR MICHIGAN ASSOC OF SENIOR 100316 CITIZENS Chk Date 10/12/16 Total For Check 100989 Check 100990 265-290-740.000 REFRESHMENTS GORDON FOOD SERVICE SENIOR COFFEE SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HYDROCORP 961030782 10/12/16 PRISONERS - MISC EXPENSE ST MARY'S HOSPITAL EDUCATION & TRAINING GREGORY WESTFALL OWI BLOOD DRAW 16-2853 SEPT MILEAGE BUS MAINTENANCE SMART BUS MAINTENANCE ON BUS #22135 004039870-6171 10/12/16 MATERIALS JULIE MANTAY REIMBURSE FOR BAQUET MUMS GWMIL916 10/12/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION - YOUTH JULIEPROGRAMS WOODARD THORTON CREEK ART 15597 10/12/16 FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATIONS DETROIT WILBERT VAULT CORPORATION WSF 42X12, WSF8 52X12 DETROIT WILBERT VAULT CORPORATION WWB1 24X12 6 @ 45.00 EACH 91216 10/12/16 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FORM U-FLEX 5 OZ TUBE 100716 10/12/16 CONTRACTED COMPLIANCE SERVICES BASIC FMLA OCTOBER 2016 168246 168286 10/12/16 10/12/16 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AUTOMOTIVE PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS OF PLYMOUTH AUTOMOTIVE PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS OF PLYMOUTH TRUCK CLEANER 97976806 10/12/16 EDUCATION & TRAINING MELISSA WYMAN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING 10-105296 10/12/16 SEWAGE DISPOSAL - WAYNE COUNTY WAYNE CO.DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT SEPT 2016 FIXED SEWAGE 100994 320.00 100995 152.00 100996 127.00 270.00 100997 100997 281.97 100998 67.00 100999 67.00 92716 513417 10/12/16 10/12/16 661.83 13.98 101000 101000 675.81 100516 10/12/16 Total For Check 101001 Check 101002 592-549-801.220 1,461.00 281.97 Total For Check 101000 Check 101001 101-230-960.000 100993 397.00 Total For Check 100999 Check 101000 101-342-781.000 101-342-781.000 111.24 152.00 Total For Check 100998 Check 100999 750-910-723.000 100992 320.00 Total For Check 100997 Check 100998 641-932-781.000 190.00 1,461.00 Total For Check 100996 Check 100997 101-262-775.010 101-262-775.010 100991 111.24 Total For Check 100995 Check 100996 255-290-951.400 100990 190.00 Total For Check 100994 Check 100995 101-269-775.000 100989 498.00 Total For Check 100993 Check 100994 265-293-751.010 31.77 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM SEPT 0040436-IN 2016 INSPECTION10/12/16 & REPORTING SERVICES 498.00 Total For Check 100992 Check 100993 101-340-960.000 75.00 31.77 Total For Check 100991 Check 100992 101-307-761.030 Amount Check # 75.00 Total For Check 100990 Check 100991 592-556-801.000 1/10 74.79 101001 74.79 287068 10/12/16 67,953.60 101002 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 101002 Check 101003 592-548-768.000 592-548-768.000 592-556-768.000 592-556-768.000 Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Invoice Chk Date Total For Check 101002 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY & & & & CLEANING CLEANING CLEANING CLEANING CINTAS CINTAS CINTAS CINTAS CORPORATION CORPORATION CORPORATION CORPORATION - 300 UNIFORMS 300 UNIFORMS 300 UNIFORMS 300 UNIFORMS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SERVICE TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER APT 326 PEST CONTROL 300600247 300604645 300600247 300604645 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS WOW! INTERNET AND CABLEDPW INTERNET 35864772 10/12/16 SUPPLIES - MAINT & REPAIR WILMAR INDUSTRIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 92616 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LOCKUP SERVICES NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP DISPATCH SERVICES LOCK UP SERVICES 378411979 10/12/16 AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING AUDITING SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE PLANTE MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN MORAN AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 1600002256 1600002255 10/12/16 10/12/16 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MARK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 1363302 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 PROPERTY TAXES - OTHER PARKING FINES AMERICAN PROFIT RECOVERY COLLECTION ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 2016 AMERICAN PROFIT RECOVERY COLLECTION ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 2016 118623 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 119978 119978 10/12/16 10/12/16 101006 59,770.00 3,460.00 101007 101007 6,875.00 1,375.00 1,375.00 1,375.00 275.00 2,750.00 1,375.00 2,750.00 1,375.00 1,375.00 5,500.00 1,100.00 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 101008 16.29 101009 TIPPING POINT THEATRE 1/2 PAGE AD IN THE TIPPING POINT PROGRAMS 1032016 LEGAL SERVICES - TAX & ASSESSING HALLAHAN & ASSOCIATES PC ASSESSING LEGAL FEES THRU SEPT 30, 2016 14281 715.58 20.00 101010 101010 735.58 10/12/16 Total For Check 101011 Check 101012 101-252-802.040 238.79 16.29 Total For Check 101010 Check 101011 370-862-801.000 101005 27,500.00 Total For Check 101009 Check 101010 101-000-418.000 101-000-655.020 48.85 63,230.00 Total For Check 101008 Check 101009 641-932-781.000 101004 238.79 Total For Check 101007 Check 101008 101-230-805.000 202-483-805.000 203-483-805.000 226-923-805.000 230-923-805.000 260-692-805.000 265-292-805.000 370-864-805.000 401-923-805.000 538-292-805.000 592-923-805.000 641-923-805.000 600.00 48.85 Total For Check 101006 Check 101007 101-310-801.000 101-310-802.400 101003 101003 101003 101003 600.00 Total For Check 101005 Check 101006 538-266-726.010 68.59 69.92 68.60 69.92 277.03 Total For Check 101004 Check 101005 641-923-853.000 Amount Check # 67,953.60 Total For Check 101003 Check 101004 538-266-801.040 2/10 800.00 101011 800.00 10/12/16 602.31 101012 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date 3/10 Amount Check # Check 101012 Total For Check 101012 Check 101013 255-792-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 602.31 8094545 10/12/16 Total For Check 101013 Check 101014 255-792-801.040 260-756-801.000 260-757-801.000 260-758-801.000 260-759-801.000 260-760-801.000 260-761-801.000 260-762-801.000 260-763-801.000 260-764-801.000 260-766-801.000 260-790-931.000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SERVICE DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DAVEY BUILDING MAINTENANCE DAVEY TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE TREE EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT EXPERT CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. CO. INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING INC. MOWING SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE OPERATING SUPPLIES ELLSWORTH INDUSTRIES, INC. TOP SOIL 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 910577870 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 MATERIALS FINISHMASTER, INC LACQUER THINNER 16491 10/12/16 INVESTIGATION EXPENSES DAVID RANDALL SHIPMENT OF RECOVERED STOLEN GUN 74827512 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EMEDCO INC. PED-XING SIGN FOR CROSS WALK 16-3793 10/12/16 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ROBINSON WELDING SUPPLYACETYLENE INC. 9332153684 10/12/16 EDUCATION & TRAINING BS&A SOFTWARE CAP. OUTLAY-COMPUTER SOFTWARE BS&A SOFTWARE 65717 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES JOHN'S SANITATION JOHN'S SANITATION FIELD INSP., SOFTWARE, IMPLEMENTATION 107528 & TRAINING FIELD INSP., SOFTWARE, IMPLEMENTATION 107528 & TRAINING PORT A JOHN SERVICE- FISH HATCHERY PORT A JOHN SERVICE- FORD FIELD 10/12/16 10/12/16 CEREMONIAL MEMBERSHIP & DUES NORTHVILLE ROTARY CLUB BEAUTIFICATION LUNCHEON NORTHVILLE ROTARY CLUB ANNUAL ROTARY DUES 108.98 101017 509.84 101018 20.95 101019 4,465.00 3,150.00 101020 101020 7,615.00 A-47327 A-47289 10/12/16 10/12/16 Total For Check 101021 Check 101022 101-269-880.000 101-441-958.000 101016 20.95 Total For Check 101020 Check 101021 260-759-801.000 260-760-801.000 45.37 509.84 Total For Check 101019 Check 101020 101-350-960.000 101-350-982.010 101015 108.98 Total For Check 101018 Check 101019 641-932-781.000 60.42 45.37 Total For Check 101017 Check 101018 202-474-801.000 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 101014 60.42 Total For Check 101016 Check 101017 101-306-830.000 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 80.00 585.00 1,510.00 80.00 25.00 40.00 2,745.00 Total For Check 101015 Check 101016 203-463-775.000 101013 408.79 Total For Check 101014 Check 101015 260-763-740.000 408.79 170.00 260.00 101021 101021 430.00 01-2016 1099 10/12/16 10/12/16 939.00 211.00 101022 101022 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 101022 Check 101023 260-790-801.000 260-791-801.000 Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Invoice Chk Date Total For Check 101022 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES NORTHSTAR FACILITY SERVICES MAT SERVICE FOR SCC NORTHSTAR FACILITY SERVICES MAT SERVICE FOR NPR SUPPLIES - FIELD MAINTENANCE HOME DEPOT OPERATING SUPPLIES HOME DEPOT TENNIS COURT SUPPLIES & MAINTENANCE HOME DEPOT OPERATING SUPPLIES HOME DEPOT OPERATING SUPPLIES HOME DEPOT OPERATING SUPPLIES HOME DEPOT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT SERVICES 6035 SERVICES 6035 SERVICES 6035 SERVICES 6035 SERVICES 6035 SERVICES 6035 3225 3225 3225 3225 3225 3225 0091 0091 0091 0091 0091 0091 544654465446544654465446- 0374156 0374155 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 10/12/16 10/12/16 SUPPLIES - FIELD MAINTENANCE PRIME-STRIPE INC. SUPPLIES - FIELD MAINTENANCE PRIME-STRIPE INC. FREIGHT PAYMENT FIELD MARKING PAINT 92816 92816 92816 92816 92816 92816 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 LANDSCAPING APARTMENT SERVICES CO, LAWN INC. CARE 51076 51305 10/12/16 10/12/16 PARMENTERS CIDER MILL JOT FORMS NAME BADGES BEGONIA BROTHERS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL ART ART ART ART HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE 11726 SEPT SEPT SEPT SEPT 2016 2016 2016 2016 10/12/16 SUPPLIES - SPECIAL EVENTS SUZIE JOHNSON SUPPLIES - SPECIAL EVENTS SUZIE JOHNSON SEPT16 SEPT16 SEPT16 SEPT16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SOCK HOP PRIZE- GIFT BOX FROM GREAT 10286564 HARVEST SUPPLIES FOR LUNCHEON 10316 REPUBLIC SERVICES #241 DUMPSTER SERVICE 10/12/16 10/12/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION - ADULT JENNIFER PROGRAMS HELNER YOUTH PROGRAM SUPPLIES JENNIFER HELNER CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION 0241-003000072 10/12/16 CEREMONIAL DIANE PITTAWAY REIMBURSE FOR LUNCHEON EXPENSES 100416 100416 10/12/16 10/12/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION - ADULT KIM I. PROGRAMS ENSCH CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION 1016 10/12/16 OPERATING SUPPLIES DETROIT CHEMICAL & PAPER NEWSUPPLY VACUUMCO 21.65 19.00 273.72 330.91 101027 101027 101027 101027 35.80 53.05 101028 101028 414.23 101029 788.50 114.00 101030 101030 149.13 101031 149.13 100416 10/12/16 Total For Check 101032 Check 101033 260-752-740.000 101026 902.50 Total For Check 101031 Check 101032 255-290-951.410 480.00 414.23 Total For Check 101030 Check 101031 101-269-880.000 101025 101025 88.85 Total For Check 101029 Check 101030 255-290-951.410 255-290-951.500 195.75 1,424.25 645.28 Total For Check 101028 Check 101029 260-752-801.000 101024 101024 101024 101024 101024 101024 480.00 Total For Check 101027 Check 101028 265-290-740.110 265-290-740.110 4.88 19.98 163.98 62.03 8.76 14.94 1,620.00 Total For Check 101026 Check 101027 255-290-951.520 255-290-963.130 255-923-726.000 255-923-732.000 101023 101023 274.57 Total For Check 101025 Check 101026 538-266-801.480 150.34 42.69 193.03 Total For Check 101024 Check 101025 260-701-726.030 260-701-726.030 Amount Check # 1,150.00 Total For Check 101023 Check 101024 260-701-726.030 260-749-740.000 260-759-740.140 260-760-740.000 260-762-740.000 260-791-740.000 4/10 234.00 101032 234.00 351909 10/12/16 299.03 101033 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Check 101033 260-790-740.000 260-790-740.000 260-791-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES DETROIT CHEMICAL & PAPER CLEANING SUPPLY SUPPLIES CO DETROIT CHEMICAL & PAPER REPLACEMENT SUPPLY CO RECEPTICALS DETROIT CHEMICAL & PAPER CLEANING SUPPLY SUPPLIES CO Invoice 351775 351776 351775 Chk Date 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 Total For Check 101033 Check 101034 101-450-920.020 NATURAL GAS CONSUMERS ENERGY GAS LANTERN MONTHLY MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES ZERO WASTE USA ZERO WASTE USA ZERO WASTE USA MUTT MITT BAGS MUTT MITT BAGS MUTT MITT BAGS 9308353360 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES APPLIED IMAGING COPIER SERVICE 122161 122161 122161 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 DOWNTOWN MATERIALS LIGHTING SUPPLY CO 858234 10/12/16 SIGNAGE AND MARKERS PROJECTS BIZZELL DESIGN 30 WATT 12.8V SCREW TERMINAL BASE PAR36 V0185306 B 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS WAYFINDING SIGNS PHASE 1 FINAL PAYMENT 101016 PEST CONTROL 10/12/16 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION - YOUTH NANCYPROGRAMS BARICK CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION 10460003 10/12/16 WEB SITE MAINTENANCE WEB SITE MAINTENANCE REVIZE LLC REVIZE LLC WEBSITE & CMS ANNUAL TECH SUPPORT WEBSITE & CMS ANNUAL TECH SUPPORT 100416 10/12/16 EDUCATION & TRAINING EDUCATION & TRAINING ALAN PRIEUR ALAN PRIEUR 4945 4945 10/12/16 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ASHTON KUEHN REIMBURSE LODGING FIRE INSPECTORS TRAINING 602 SEPT MILEAGE FIRE INSPECTOR APMIL916 STORE ATTENDANT 10/12/16 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AMBER MYERS-VALENTINE STORE ATTENDANT CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION - ADULT AMBERPROGRAMS MYERS-VALENTINE CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION Total For Check 101044 Check 101045 8.48 101037 5,665.00 101038 45.00 101039 211.50 101040 2,000.00 300.00 101041 101041 107.35 236.52 101042 101042 343.87 100416 10/12/16 Total For Check 101043 Check 101044 255-290-801.000 255-290-951.410 101036 2,300.00 Total For Check 101042 Check 101043 255-290-801.000 81.74 211.50 Total For Check 101041 Check 101042 101-340-960.000 101-340-960.000 101035 101035 101035 45.00 Total For Check 101040 Check 101041 260-692-801.340 265-292-801.340 490.00 117.00 117.00 5,665.00 Total For Check 101039 Check 101040 255-290-951.400 101034 8.48 Total For Check 101038 Check 101039 260-790-801.000 450.00 81.74 Total For Check 101037 Check 101038 370-861-803.590 101033 101033 101033 724.00 Total For Check 101036 Check 101037 370-861-740.050 345.62 201.68 200.00 450.00 Total For Check 101035 Check 101036 260-692-801.000 Amount Check # 1,046.33 Total For Check 101034 Check 101035 260-756-726.000 260-762-740.000 260-763-740.000 5/10 50.00 101043 50.00 100416 100416 10/12/16 10/12/16 287.50 234.00 521.50 101044 101044 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 101045 202-463-775.000 MATERIALS CADILLAC ASPHALT COLD PATCH MATERIAL 293467 Chk Date 10/12/16 Total For Check 101045 Check 101046 641-932-781.000 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS TRUCKPRO LLC MUD FLAPS #34 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 090-0018028 ALLIED BUILDING SRVC COELECTRICIAN OF DETROIT 10/12/16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138629 MBM TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS COPIER CLICK CHARGES 10/12/16 ADULT PROGRAM SUPPLIES JENNA WOODCOX CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION C041854 10/12/16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AAA AAA AAA AAA SHREDDING SHREDDING SHREDDING SHREDDING INC INC INC INC 9/19 9/19 9/19 9/19 SHREDDING SHREDDING SHREDDING SHREDDING SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100416 10/12/16 STREET FURNISHINGS THE KEENAN GROUP INC DEPOSIT ON NEWSPAPER RACKS 4022162 4022162 4022162 4022162 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) GWYNN NEWTON ARTIST COMMISSION 34524 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) MANDY GETSCHMAN ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) JULIE WOODARD ARTIST COMMISSION 09302016 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) JANICE WILKIEMEYER ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 ADULT PROGRAMS STEVEN HOLLAR CLASS CANCELLATION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) AMY FELL ARTIST COMMISSION Total For Check 101057 Check 101058 101049 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 101050 101050 101050 101050 893.23 101051 65.00 101052 19.50 101053 182.00 101054 191.75 101055 191.75 100516 10/12/16 Total For Check 101056 Check 101057 255-000-217.100 45.00 182.00 Total For Check 101055 Check 101056 255-000-651.520 101048 19.50 Total For Check 101054 Check 101055 255-000-217.100 49.34 65.00 Total For Check 101053 Check 101054 255-000-217.100 101047 893.23 Total For Check 101052 Check 101053 255-000-217.100 150.00 60.00 Total For Check 101051 Check 101052 255-000-217.100 101046 45.00 Total For Check 101050 Check 101051 370-861-976.010 24.98 49.34 Total For Check 101049 Check 101050 101-230-801.000 101-311-728.000 260-692-801.000 260-790-801.000 101045 150.00 Total For Check 101048 Check 101049 255-290-951.520 860.20 24.98 Total For Check 101047 Check 101048 101-311-728.000 Amount Check # 860.20 Total For Check 101046 Check 101047 260-790-801.000 6/10 48.00 101056 48.00 ARTS 10/12/16 65.00 65.00 101057 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Check 101058 255-000-217.100 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) LINDA LARSEN Invoice Desc. Invoice ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS Chk Date 10/12/16 Total For Check 101058 Check 101059 255-000-217.100 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) KATE PAUL ARTIST COMMISSION DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) PAT VARTANIAN ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) MELANIE NIKEL ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) GEORGE BOCHNIG ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) MARY KERNAHAN ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) CORTNEY MCLEAN ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 DUE TO ARTISTS (CONSIGNMENTS) JOANNE ROCHON ARTIST COMMISSION ARTS 10/12/16 Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds ROC INVESTMENTS PB130181 629 NATALIE ARTS 10/12/16 Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds CASCO AND SONS LLC PB160110 136 N CENTER PB130181 10/12/16 Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds RYN HOMES & REMODELING PB160145 1014 COLDSPRING PB160110 10/12/16 Reserve-Bldg Performance Bonds NU-VIEW WINDOW PB160127 996 WHITEGATE PB160145 10/12/16 CEMETERY GRAVE SALES CEMETERY GRAVE SALES PB160127 10/12/16 DOG PARK USER FEES DOORTHY M. WIEZBOWSKI BUY BACK GRAVE SEC 42, TIER 13, GRAVE 42-13-10 10 DOORTHY M. WIEZBOWSKI BUY BACK GRAVE SEC 42, TIER 13, GRAVE 42-13-10 10 MARY KENEALY DOG PARK FOB DEPOSIT Total For Check 101071 26.00 101063 8.12 101064 162.50 101065 260.00 101066 260.00 101067 520.00 101068 260.00 101069 260.00 10/12/16 10/12/16 Total For Check 101070 Check 101071 260-000-675.040 101062 520.00 Total For Check 101069 Check 101070 101-000-642.010 711-000-642.010 13.00 260.00 Total For Check 101068 Check 101069 101-000-253.000 101061 260.00 Total For Check 101067 Check 101068 101-000-253.000 97.50 162.50 Total For Check 101066 Check 101067 101-000-253.000 101060 8.12 Total For Check 101065 Check 101066 101-000-253.000 16.90 26.00 Total For Check 101064 Check 101065 255-000-217.100 101059 13.00 Total For Check 101063 Check 101064 255-000-217.100 97.50 97.50 Total For Check 101062 Check 101063 255-000-217.100 101058 16.90 Total For Check 101061 Check 101062 255-000-217.100 32.50 97.50 Total For Check 101060 Check 101061 255-000-217.100 Amount Check # 32.50 Total For Check 101059 Check 101060 255-000-217.100 7/10 340.00 340.00 101070 101070 680.00 123952/05271 10/12/16 20.00 20.00 101071 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 101072 260-000-651.250 TENNIS GREG CARLONE NPR CANCELED CLASS 123782 Chk Date 10/12/16 Total For Check 101072 Check 101073 260-000-651.100 OTHER PROGRAM ACTIVITIES BETH RICHERT FIRST FRIDAY SEPT AQUATICS SUNHO CHO NPR CLOSED POOL REISSUE 95359 10/12/16 FORFEIT FEE DEPOSITS JAVIER DEL BOSQUE ADULT SOFTBALL NO FORFEIT REFUND 120539 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS DEBONO, - REFUNDS PAUL Sum Tax Refund 48-22-34-452-017 REISSUE 95600 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS ZAMUDIO-VALDES, - REFUNDS VICTOR Sum MANUEL Tax Refund 48-22-33-326-002 10/11/2016 10/12/16 10/11/2016 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS KRUEGER - REFUNDS REV LIVING TRUST Sum Tax Overpayment 48 002 01 0625 000 10/11/2016 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS GREANE, - REFUNDS ROBERT LANCE & Sum KATIE TaxLYNN Refund 48-22-34-327-012 10/12/16 10/11/2016 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS NORTHVILLE - REFUNDS DRIVING CLUBSum Tax Overpayment 48 003 03 0223 000 10/11/2016 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS VRADENBURG, - REFUNDS WILLIAM A Sum Tax Refund 48-22-34-331-008 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS BREWER, - REFUNDS ROBERT J & NEWMAN, Sum Tax LISARefund 48-22-33-402-027 10/11/2016 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS 410 - REFUNDS N CENTER ST LLC 10/11/2016 10/12/16 DUE TO UB/TAX/AR CUSTOMERS HEYNIGER, - REFUNDS ANDREW K Sum Tax overpayment 48 001 04 0649 001 10/11/2016 Sum Tax Refund 48 004 02 0147 000 10/12/16 WATER-DUAL METERS LANGAN, J. ROBERT 10/11/2016 UB refund for account: ORCH-000370-000010/10/2016 Total For Check 101085 Check 101086 4,305.72 101077 90.00 101078 2,591.46 101079 30.00 101080 9.00 101081 206.38 101082 10.00 101083 10.00 10/12/16 Total For Check 101084 Check 101085 592-000-217.090 101076 206.38 Total For Check 101083 Check 101084 701-000-217.090 18.92 9.00 Total For Check 101082 Check 101083 701-000-217.090 101075 30.00 Total For Check 101081 Check 101082 701-000-217.090 60.00 2,591.46 Total For Check 101080 Check 101081 701-000-217.090 101074 90.00 Total For Check 101079 Check 101080 701-000-217.090 23.14 4,305.72 Total For Check 101078 Check 101079 701-000-217.090 101073 18.92 Total For Check 101077 Check 101078 701-000-217.090 15.00 60.00 Total For Check 101076 Check 101077 701-000-217.090 101072 23.14 Total For Check 101075 Check 101076 701-000-217.090 98.00 15.00 Total For Check 101074 Check 101075 260-694-808.010 Amount Check # 98.00 Total For Check 101073 Check 101074 260-000-651.020 8/10 2,592.00 101084 2,592.00 10/12/16 149.19 149.19 101085 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Check 101086 592-000-217.090 WATER USAGE RUSSO, SAM UB refund for account: BUCH-000324-000010/10/2016 Chk Date 10/12/16 Total For Check 101086 Check 101087 592-000-217.090 SERVICE CHARGE URBANCZYK, KENNETH UB refund for account: BASE-000560-000010/10/2016 WATER USAGE SINGH DEVELOPMENT LLC* UB refund for account: MAIN-000118-000010/10/2016 10/12/16 RESIDENTIAL REFUSE SERVICE CHARGE ROWLETTE, MARIAN ROWLETTE, MARIAN UB refund for account: CONC-001150-000010/10/2016 UB refund for account: CONC-001150-000010/10/2016 10/12/16 10/12/16 10/12/16 SERVICE CHARGE - OCCUPANT THRU KAN, 7/28/16 SHENGNAN & ZENG, HUA UB REFUND FOR ACCOUNT: FAIR-000486-000010/10/2016 OCCUPANT THRU 10/12/16 7/28/16 SERVICE CHARGE ZENG, HUA UB refund for account: CENN-000862-000010/10/2016 Total For Check 101091 19.05 101087 92.29 101088 47.92 35.99 101089 101089 83.91 Total For Check 101090 Check 101091 592-000-217.090 101086 92.29 Total For Check 101089 Check 101090 592-000-217.090 39.76 19.05 Total For Check 101088 Check 101089 226-000-217.090 592-000-217.090 Amount Check # 39.76 Total For Check 101087 Check 101088 592-000-217.090 9/10 14.35 101090 14.35 10/12/16 6.11 6.11 101091 10/12/2016 02:09 PM User: GBELL DB: Northville GL Number Page: INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF NORTHVILLE EXP CHECK RUN DATES 10/06/2016 - 10/12/2016 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Fund Totals: Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 101 202 203 226 230 255 260 265 370 401 538 592 641 701 711 750 Invoice GENERAL FUND MAJOR STREETS FUND LOCAL STREETS FUND REFUSE & RECYCLING FUND PARKING FUND ARTS COMMISSION FUND PARKS & RECREATION FUND SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES FUND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FUND HOUSING COMMISSION OPERATING FUND WATER & SEWER FUND EQUIPMENT FUND TRUST & AGENCY FUND - TAXES CEMETERY TRUST FUND PAYROLL FUND Total For All Funds: Chk Date 10/10 Amount Check # 84,748.05 2,745.04 1,420.37 1,422.92 275.00 4,220.84 12,755.46 3,331.62 10,116.71 1,375.00 2,693.79 74,585.37 1,493.04 9,853.48 340.00 67.00 211,443.69 TO: Northville Youth Assistance Commission, Northville City Council, Northville Township Board of Trustees, Northville Board of Education CC: Chip Snider, Patrick Sullivan FROM: Sue Campbell DATE: September 30, 2016 NORTHVILLE YOUTH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM REPORT COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Heritage Festival This year, we lent out 61 Victorian costumes for students to participate in the Heritage Festival field trip on Friday, September 16. Many of the costumes in our lending closet were donated by parents whose children have outgrown them or by volunteers who have sewn them specifically for our lending closet. The service is especially appreciated by families who are new to the community and are unaware of the annual tradition. I enjoyed helping out at Mill Race during the third graders’ visit and seeing the boys and girls wearing their costumes. An important side benefit of the lending closet is that families who might not be aware of all of our program’s services visited our office and received a flyer about all of our programs. Outreach In September, I met with William Jones, the new principal at Hillside Middle School and Marco Marando, the new principal at Amerman Elementary School. In addition to giving them information about our existing programs, I was able to hear their ideas about other possible partnership opportunities. I also met with Northville Township Police Officer Carrie Czelada, who is the new liaison officer at Northville High School. As a follow-up to our meeting, she helped schedule dates in October when I will be able to speak to all Northville Township officers about our services and how they can refer youngsters. SOCIAL WORK SERVICES In September, social workers Carolyn Kivell and Caarin Kogut had 8 diversion clients on their caseloads: Three for alcohol, two for decision making, two for shoplifting, and one for curfew. The social workers are also seeing five clients for counseling. ~ City of Northville ~ Council Communications To: Mayor and City Council From: James Gallogly, Director of Public Works Date: October 17, 2016 Subject: Amendment to the Fees, Fines, and Penalties Schedule – Cemetery Fees Background: On May 16, 2016, City Council approved a new Fees, Fines, and Penalties Schedule for FY2017. In this schedule, City Council did not approve an increase in cemetery rates for City residents. However, the previous year’s three-tier rate schedule for City residents, Northville Township residents, and Non-residents was changed to a two-tier rate schedule for City residents and Non-residents. This change resulted in an increase in rates to Northville Township residents. For Northville Township residents, the cost of a standard lot increased from $1,750 to $2,870 and the cost of “Opening and Closing of a Grave” increased from $1,030 to as much as $3,760. This change was made because of the difficulty for the City to obtain sufficient revenue to fund the operation and maintenance of the Cemetery, resulting in an annual General Fund subsidy of approximately $50,000. Analysis: The City received a complaint from a local funeral home that the fee increase for grave opening and closing for Township residents is too high. Many Township residents purchased lots with an understanding of what opening and closing costs would be at the time they would need this service. For these Township residents, the cost has doubled. To help minimize the impact to Northville Township residents who have already purchased lots in Rural Hill Cemetery, Staff recommends adjusting the rates for “opening and closing grave” for Township residents who purchased burial lots prior to July 1, 2016. The rate adjustment would be the FY2016 rates. All other Cemetery rates in the Fee Schedule would remain the same for FY2017. The proposed adjustment is shown below: PROPOSED: Weekday – Opening and Closing of Grave Before 3:00 PM City Resident $ 825 Township Resident $1,030 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) Non-Resident $2,040 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM City Resident Township Resident Non-Resident $1,020 $1,380 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) $2,500 Saturday/Holiday – Opening and Closing of Grave Before 3:00 PM City Resident $1,250 Township Resident $1,560 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) Non-Resident $3,100 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM City Resident Township Resident Non-Resident $1,530 $2,060 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) $3,760 Budget Impact: The average cost to the City for wages and salaries directly associated with standard opening and closing services is approximately $815. This cost is slightly higher if overtime or holiday time is required. The fee established for the service is higher than the cost for this service to help cover general operation and maintenance costs annually incurred by the City. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council amend the FY2017 Fee Schedule for Cemetery Rates, reducing the Opening and Closing Grave fees for Township residents who purchased the lot prior to July 1, 2016. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt the resolution (Attachment A) to amend the City of Northville Fees, Fines, and Penalties Schedule for Cemetery rates as presented. James P. Gallogly DEPARTMENT Patrick Sullivan CITY MANAGER Attachment A City of Northville RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF NORTHVILLE FEES, FINES, AND PENALTIES SCHEDULE WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Northville City Council held on July 7, 1997, the adoption of Ordinance #7-7-97 enacted a new Code of Ordinances for the City of Northville, which provided for the fees, penalties, and fines for various City services, licenses, permits, and penalties to be set by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, in 1997, the Northville City Council adopted a resolution establishing a schedule of fees, penalties and fines for various City services, licenses, permits, and penalties; and WHEREAS, annually, the City Council reviews the fees, fines, and penalties schedule and following a comprehensive review, on May 16, 2106, City Council adopted amendments to the Fees, Penalties and Fines Schedule effective July 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, amendments are made to the schedule as deemed necessary. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Northville City Council, by adoption of this resolution, hereby approves the following modification to the Fees, Penalties and Fines Schedule, retroactive to July 1, 2016. Cemetery Fees Weekday – Opening and Closing of Grave Before 3:00 PM City Resident $ 825 Township Resident $1,030 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) Non-Resident $2,040 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM City Resident Township Resident Non-Resident $1,020 $1,380 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) $2,500 Saturday/Holiday – Opening and Closing of Grave Before 3:00 PM City Resident $1,250 Township Resident $1,560 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) Non-Resident $3,100 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM City Resident Township Resident Non-Resident $1,530 $2,060 (if lot was purchased prior to 7/1/16) $3,760 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the remainder of the Fees, Penalties, and Fines Schedule as adopted on May 16, 2016, shall remain in effect until such time as the Northville City Council, by resolution, determines a necessity for modification, variation, or revision. Resolution adopted this 17th day of October 2016. ____________________________________ Ken Roth, Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Dianne Massa, City Clerk ~ City of Northville ~ Council Communications To: Mayor and City Council From: Patrick Sullivan, City Manager Date: October 17, 2016 Subject: Request to Place Signs and Conduct Food Pickup Program / Cub Scouts Background: The City has received a request from Cub Scout Pack 721 to participate in the Annual Scouting for Food Drive. Analysis: The annual Scouting for Food Drive is sponsored by Gleaners Food Bank and Kroger. The drive will begin approximately November 5th when the individual dens distribute food collection bags to homes in the area. 4’x2’ reminder signs that say “Please Support Scouting for Food Saturday Pickup” would be placed at the following entrances to subdivisions and neighborhoods: 8 mile and Lanthorn at the entrance of Northville Estates 8 mile and Andover at the entrance of Abbey Knoll 8 mile and Coldspring at the entrance to Pheasant Hills 8 mile and Lexington at the entrance to Lexington Commons Taft and Morgan Blvd West Main at Rogers 7 mile at Rogers It is understood the signs will be placed on or around November 9, 2016 until November 13, 2016. All signs would be situated as to not block the view of vehicular traffic. There are no insurance requirements associated with this event. Budget Impact: No budget impact Recommendation: It is recommended that City Council approve the request from Cub Scout Pack 721 to participate in the annual Scouting for Food Drive on November 5, 2016 and place reminder signs as outlined above. Recommended Motion: Move to approve the request from Cub Scout Pack 721 to participate in the annual Scouting for Food Drive on November 5, 2016 and place reminder signs as outlined above. DEPARTMENT Patrick Sullivan CITY MANAGER ~ City Of Northville ~ COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Patrick Sullivan, City Manager SUBJECT: Street Closure Request / Jeffrey Dr. Block Party / November 5, 2016 DATE: October 17, 2016 Background: The City has received a request to close Jeffrey Drive between N. Ely and Sherrie Lane on November 5, 2016 from noon until 6:00pm for a neighborhood block party. Residents from Jeffrey Drive, Sherrie Lane and North Ely will be invited. An alternate date of November 12, 2016 from noon until 6:00pm has been requested in case of inclement weather. City staff has reviewed the request and find no objection to the street closure. No insurance is required for the closure as the City’s insurer finds block parties to be low risk events. The barricades will be arranged for the passage of emergency vehicles, if necessary. The resident requesting the closure will pick up, place and return the barricades to DPW the next business day or arrange with DPW to have them delivered and picked up for a fee. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the request to close Jeffrey Drive between N. Ely and Sherry Lane on November 5, 2016 from noon until 6:00pm for a neighborhood block party. Recommended Motion: Move that the Northville City Council approve the request to close Jeffrey Drive between N. Ely and Sherry Lane on November 5, 2016 from noon until 6:00pm for a neighborhood block party. DEPARTMENT Patrick Sullivan CITY MANAGER
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