March 2015, Number 3 EDITORIAL Focus Groups in TISAR project The TISAR platform will give information on available public transport solutions combined in a seamless multimodal journey planning. Establishment of 11 focus groups, one in each region involved. The project is implementing an ICT platform where public transport and journey planning data will be merged and made available in the languages of the IPA Countries. The TISAR platform will give information on available public transport solutions combined in a seamless multimodal journey planning. The project involves public authorities of different countries of the Adriatic region and 2 technology partners with strong experience in the ITS sector. Thanks to the presents of technological partners, TISAR proposes actual realization of a platform based to the European standards and adapted to local travel planning systems already detected during the definition phase of the project proposal. The institutional worktable will deal with the dissemination of local policy discussions at European level, showing real results of information and integration. Eleven focus groups have been constituted, one by each beneficiary and each focus groups have been composed by 30 users selected by the partners. The selection of components haa followed a tested methodology, already used in other projects. The first phase consists in the design of an Invitation Letter to be delivered to potential users. The letter is structured in the following parts: Project Presentation, Purpose of the participation , Collaboration requested. Hot dates 30th April 2015 The selection of users have been in charge of partners that will translate and disseminate via web, email or other supporting tools the Invitation Letter. The number of expected participants per each focus groups is at least 30. Reporting activity 20th May 2015 VI Steering Group meeting (Dubrovnik, CROATIA) 21st May 2015 WP4 & WP5 Joint meeting (Dubrovnik, CROATIA) Index Newsletter 3 Transnational workshop on Territorial Marketing TISAR local meeting in Sarajevo Technical Guidelines for TISAR TP development 4th Steering Group: main results and conclusions March 2015, Number 3 Focus Groups in TISAR project Purpose of participation Involving focus groups in the establishment of a project baseline, which represents the reference scenario and as such the benchmark against which comparing the final one. Continuous verification (monitoring) of the process adopted from the decision taking down to the platform implementation in each region and followed by the participating stakeholders. In TISAR the primary goal of evaluation is to carry on an appraisal of the potential impacts induced by the availability of the proposed integrated ICT platform designed to support the planning of seamless travelling across the target region by, on one side increasing both the attractiveness of and the accessibility to public transport, overcoming one of the most severe barriers nowadays present, i.e. the languages, on the other side reducing the impacts over the environments, namely the CO2 emissions. In order to reach the goal, evaluation is scheduled to execute a “before and after” analysis, which is effectively conducted with the support of focus groups that will help to built a reference scenario (current situation) and the final one (after the platform implementation). Collaboration requested For the establishment of national focus groups it is necessary to individuate at least 30 persons that will participate to the evaluation process responding to the questionnaires (two) and testing the new ICT platform to simulate different travels planning. Participation modality Determination of a final picture, which represents the concluding situation (after) as a result of the development of the ICT platform. The information thus produced will enable the evaluation team to produce both an impact and process assessment and lessons learned. Selected participants will be asked to respond to two questionnaires: - Baseline scenario, in March 2015 - Ex-post, or platform implemented, scenario, in September 2015 and to test the new platform. March 2015, Number 3 Transnational workshop on Territorial Marketing Completing intermodal connection among ports Need for dealing with different fields in a systematic way (time, costs, lack of flexibility, lack of certain specific infrastructures, etc.) Lack of competitiveness of efficiency in transport and logistic systems of the Area The Voluntary Consortium, partner of the TISAR project, has organized the workshop entitled TERRITORIAL MARKETING IN A MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN THE IPA AREA. The partner had the responsibility of being the preferential representative of all project partners about search, collection and processing of data concerning the state of transport in the Adriatic Macro-Region and also about the development of a Territorial Marketing Plan for the whole Area. The workshop was held at the 13th of June 2014 at Castle’s Auditorium, in Mesagne, Italy. The main conclusion of the dissemination event were: Lack of integration and coordination between infrastructures and service Absence of intermodal corridor to interconnect various destinations of the Adriatic Macro Region by means of a transport mode The need for completing intermodal connection among ports - back harbours – airports and network TEN–T; The need for dealing with different fields in a systematic way (time, costs, lack of flexibility, lack of certain specific infrastructures, etc.) which actually make less competitive transport system of goods and people in Adriatic Macro Region; Lack of competitiveness of efficiency in transport and logistic systems of the Area; Lack of integration and coordination between infrastructures and service; Absence of intermodal corridor to interconnect various destinations of the Adriatic Macro Region by means of a transport mode, in addition to road transport; Clear perception of how all Partners of this geographic region, called Adriatic Macro-Region, feel themselves as part of a possible territorial unicum; Area as a super-local and macro-regional system, with the declared intention of designing and building shared facilities; Idea about the sharing of establishing thematic tourist routes. March 2015, Number 3 TISAR local meeting in Sarajevo Project partners involved presented the key project activities to the relevant project stakeholders, representatives of relevant ministries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, transport operators, representatives of the railways and local communities. TISAR project has introduced a new technological approach in Sarajevo region and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which enables joint promotion of the cultural, tourism and business resources with potential of the Adriatic region. Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency—SERDA and the Ministry of Transport of the Sarajevo Canton organized a meeting within the WP 4 of the project TISAR on 27 March 2014. Project partners involved presented the key project activities to the relevant project stakeholders, representatives of relevant ministries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, transport operators, representatives of the railways and local communities with special attention on existing passenger mobility in the region and the development of IT solutions and planners for multimodal mobility passengers. Participants have been informed about the features of the local Travel Planner that will be created this year and integrated into the Adriatic passenger platform, which will integrate all data on passenger mobility in the region. All participants expressed support to the project activities. The potential of the project is emphasized and all participants agreed on importance of the cooperation with the Adriatic platform, which will enable a new way of communication between Sarajevo and other destinations in the Adriatic region and Europe. All participants agreed that TISAR project has introduced a new technological approach in Sarajevo region and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which enables joint promotion of the cultural, tourism and business resources with potential of the Adriatic region. March 2015, Number 3 Technical Guidelines for TISAR TP development How to proceed to create TISAR web portal to have a seamless multimodal journey planning to reach a destination in the Adriatic macro region? Pluservice follows the fundamental activities of Software Engineer for developing the TISAR platform Requirements and use cases. Before starting the design and development phase it is very important to define the aims of the project. Moreover, it is important to understand the state of the art of each partner because the architecture and some technical decisions could be affected. Design. This phase involves different type of persons: designer, user interface designer, technical support such as developers and responsible of data centre/server/ infrastructure. In this phase, all elements must be considered in a unique vision and frame. The design phase is based on definition of models, high level architecture, use cases, how the platform needs to work and the solution. Documentations and schema were provided using UML, Visio and other tools. Architecture of the TISAR project TISAR platform is based on a distributed architecture. There are one central web portal (TISAR web portal) and several local travel planners, one for each TISAR partner. This architecture gives the possibility to add and interface other local travel planners to the central portal. The different local travel planners are interfaced to the TISAR web portal thanks to specific interfaces implemented in each local system. Actually, the TISAR system searches for solutions between macro-nodes whereas the local travel planners will be responsible to find last mile solutions related to the specific addresses of origin and destination. For this reason, the TISAR web portal contains all backbones data and it can guarantee a quick response to the users. In general, the TISAR web portal follows this logical flow: 1) Verify if some backbones solutions exist; 2) Combine all solutions in a single and smooth travel solution for end users. In this way, local travel planners can maintain their own autonomy in terms of: data, organization, network, data centre, DBs, structures, algorithm, etc. March 2015, Number 3 Hereafter there is a list of potential and main components needed to organize a fleet and related data useful for a generic Travel Planning System. This list is just an example and it may be useful for those who want to implement a travel planner: Fleet Scheduling Application and Operative data of different transport modes, according to the territory: bus (urban, suburban, long haul line), train, ship, plane. DB where backbones data are stored and the related licenses Cartography and licenses End User interface (TISAR Web portal) Data Centre where all SWs and data are allocated Hereafter, the TISAR logical architecture is defined by 4 different layers to perform the system: Data Sources: GTFS well-formed and local travel planner form TISAR partners DataWarehouse: Backbone and information layer Applications: Planner Engine, Geo Server, Backoffice Presentation: Web portal and App for smartphone The TISAR web portal will be accessible for the end users at any-time. The portal and all data should be visualized to allow a good user experience. The central system does not manage the local travel planners, but it is responsible to give feedback to the users. March 2015, Number 3 Test plans. Define some use cases and use them to test the first versions of the code. Code. The implementation phase is the translation of the design activities. Debugging and code testing are essential to detect errors referring to some problems during the programming. Once the code is ready, the functional testing phase can start. Here, there is the Beta version of the programme. Test results. This phase can test the quality of the code written by developers. Field feedback. Feedback from different testers. If the results and feedback are not what the test plans expected to achieve, it is needed to solve identified problems/errors/anomalies and return back to the coding phase. If the problems are more serious, it is required to go back to the designing phase. This means having some designing problems due to inaccurate analysis, new unexpected events or others. Some words from the Responsible of the developers’ team about the TISAR project in Pluservice Which are the main aspects to consider during the developing phase? It’s important to consider in anytime two aspects: the usability of what the developers are writing and the user experience in order to achieve a good user experience. Which are the critical issues? Be careful at the internationalization in each component of the project. The translation of words in all TISAR partners’ languages also means to maintain the same semantic content. This is fundamental to reach a good result. What suggestions would you give to all technicians for each TISAR partner? Develop according to the main objectives and only through their achievement it is possible to consider the details or marginal aspects, not functional elements for the project. March 2015, Number 3 4th Steering Group: main results and conclusions On Thursday 12th in Mesagne, Italy, the fourth Steering Group Meeting took place. In this occasion the partnership has discussed administrative, financial and technical issues about the project TISAR. WP 1: some administrative delays exist, there is a need for a project extension that will be requested the following months. WP 2: the dissemination and communication strategy is a a critical matter and the project does not present a common strategy, yet. WP 3: an appropriate document was prepared and all partners were asked to provide suggestions, in order to make the Tisar platform work. Besides, a questionnaire was sent in order to understand the state of the art of public transport in all partner areas. WP 4: This WP looks at the governance structure needed to reach cooperation among regions, in order to establish the cross-border ICT platform and the main activities carried out are: Methodology for stakeholder involvement. Ministry of traffic of Canton Saraje- vo in collaboration with the lead partner Marche Region has created a guidebook called ''Methodology for stakeholder involvement'', which has been forwarded to all partners. It has been planed for all the project partners to organize local events, with a notice that it is possible, for partners in the same region, to joint local event organization . Establishment of an international network for institutional actors and transport companies within the region. WP 5: this WP needs to be speeded up, otherwise all project and project activities will suffer from a remarkable delay. WP 6: An Assessment loop was elaborated to evaluate progress in TISAR results and to eventually readapt the strategy adopted. In addition to that, Marche Region had been working in the tender necessary to find a company with extensive experience and adequate technical and professional skills related to the specific topic of multimodal and integrated transport systems. The e-mail, including this attachments, is intended only for the recipient(s) named above. It may contain confidential or privileged information and should not be read, copied or otherwise used by any other person. If you are not the named recipient, please contact funzione.trasportolocale@regione.marche.it and delete the e-mail from your system. Rif. D.L. 196/2003.