Technical Inspection UES


Technical Inspection UES
Principal directions of CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Moscow, 2013
General information
The mission of CJSC “Technical Inspection UES” is establishment and management of
integrated condition monitoring system of electric utilities and its equipment.
Geographical footprint covers:
Ownership structure
Saint Petersburg
Nizhny Novgorod
Rostov on Don
held by JSC “SO UPS”
IPS of the East
IPS of Siberia
IPS of the Urals
IPS of the Middle Volga
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
IPS of the North West
IPS of the Centre
IPS of the South
Technologically isolated systems
held by JSC “STC UPS”
(owned by JSC “SO UPS”)
Principal directions of activity
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES” offers research and advisory services to government authorities,
electric utility companies and other relevant entities towards analyzing the UES operation and risk
assessment for its operational safety and security.
Directions of
Condition monitoring of electric utilities equipment in operation
Monitoring of investment project implementation in electric
Preparation of information analysis and consolidation products
regarding facilities operation of the UES of Russia
Regulatory framework:
▌ Instruction No. VP-P7-256s by the Chairman of the Russian Government dated 29 April 2009 – Development of monitoring
system of repairs and technical upgrade of generating facilities run by electric utilities aimed at ensuring of the UES of Russia
safe operation and preventing emergencies
▌ State Electric utility Oversight Accreditation Certificate No. ROSS RU.0001.410073 dated 20 February 2013
▌ Certificate No. 254.02-2013-5407270810-S-099 dated 29 March 2013 issued by SRO NP Obyedineniye energostroiteley (SelfRegulated Not-for-Profit Partnership Association of Utility Construction Companies) for admission to a certain type or types
of operations affecting safety of infrastructure facilities
▌ Certificate No. 0182.01-2012-E-046 of 27 August 2012 issued by SRO NP Natsionalnaya organizatsiya spetsialistov v oblasti
energeticheskikh obsledovaniy i energeticheskoy effektivnosti (Self-Regulated Not-for-Profit Partnership National
Organization of Energy Survey and Energy Efficiency Experts) for the right to carry out electric utility surveys
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Condition monitoring of electric utilities equipment in operation
Types of audits
On-site audit of electrical equipment technical condition
On-site audit of electric utilities preparations for the autumn/winter
Audit for identification
Technical audit of electric utilities in operation
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
On-site audit of electric utilities preparations for the autumn/winter period
PURPOSE: assessment of electric utilities preparations for the autumn/winter peak load
Scope of audits:
Determining the scope of key and additional terms met by the company under the
‘Regulation for Verifying the Electric Utilities operation readiness for autumn/winter period’
Verifying the status of primary and secondary equipment, buildings and facilities
Analyzing progress evaluation plan of preparations for autumn/winter period
Identifying deviations from industry standards and policies
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Audit for identification of steam turbine decommissioning opportunities
PURPOSE: formulation of proposals regarding steam turbine decommissioning opportunities
(cogeneration plant)
Assignment by the Russian
Ministry of Energy
Collecting primary documentation from
electric utilities
Document analysis including:
■ structure and technical specifications of cogeneration plant equipment and cycle
■ installed available heating capacity; connected and actual heating loads
■ mode and heat supply plan of external consumers
■ current and expected (subject to decommissioning of relevant equipment) limitation to
mode of heat supply system
Additional information request based on analysis findings
Additional information analysis including cycle solutions
Cogeneration plant analysis for determination of steam turbine decommissioning
Fund closing of installed available heating capacity,
in-house heat consumption, connected and actual
heat load
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Proposal Preparation & Submission
of steam turbine
decommissioning opportunities
Technical audit of electric utilities in operation
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES” by order of electric power engineering entities offers integrated
condition monitoring system of electric utilities equipment aimed to prevent any operating
Scope of audits
Evaluation of electric power technical
record-keeping reporting,
standardization and analysis of fuel
consumption parameters
Analysis of equipment
configuration, conditions and
operation modes of hydraulic
power plants (HPP)
Identification of operating constraints for
capacity distribution
Technical condition monitoring of
equipment, operational efficiency of
engineering flow diagram elements,
relay protection and dispatching and
process control equipment
Condition monitoring of hydro
turbines, waterworks and their
mechanical equipment, electrical
shops equipment, SCS, buildings
and facilities
Condition monitoring of transformers,
switchgears and overvoltage protection,
accumulator plants and DC networks, relay
protection, dispatching and process control
equipment of the cabling system, buildings and
Verification of maintenance and repair services of electric utilities
Elaboration of measures for realization of identified opportunities aimed at energy saving and equipment reliability growth
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Monitoring of investment project implementation in electric utilities
Types of audits
On-site audit of electric utility investment project implementation
Conformance inspection of actual volume of construction/installation,
commissioning/start-up and list of equipment and materials with the planned
Verification of estimating economic feasibility costs claimed by electric
utilities for electric facility construction within the framework of utility
connection services
Verification of estimating economic feasibility costs for generating facilities
upgrade claimed by wholesale market suppliers
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
On-site audit of electric utility investment project implementation
PURPOSE: project review of electric utility construction (reconstruction) timetable
Scope of audits:
Visual evaluation of construction project actual status
Verification of authorization and title establishing documents availability
Analysis of the project implementation timetable
Verification of competitive procurement process for correctness and contractual document analysis
Project document analysis
Compliance monitoring of storage requirements and delivery of equipment for installation
Verification of job execution documents
Analysis of facility operational readiness
Compliance monitoring of technical regulation requirements and regulatory agency requirements
Verification of funding allocation, project cost analysis and total funding
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Conformance inspection of actual volume of construction/installation,
commissioning/start-up and list of equipment and materials with the
PURPOSE: conformance
commissioning/start-up and list of equipment and materials with the planned according to
the Rules for Pricing Capacity Sold under Capacity Delivery Agreements (as approved by
the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 238 dated 13 April 2010)
Scope of audits:
Conformance inspection of actual facility condition to compare with the master layout and
detailed design documentation
Conformance inspection of accepted engineering solutions to compare with technical design
Conformance inspection of installed equipment to compare with project documents
Conformance inspection of completed construction/installation, commissioning/start-up and the
list of equipment and materials with project documents
Verification of design adequacy adopted by the customer and the developer
Verification of relevant supporting documents regarding job execution, supply of equipment and
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Verification of estimating economic feasibility costs claimed by the electric
utilities for electric facility construction within the framework of utility
connection services
PURPOSE: verification of estimating economic feasibility costs claimed by the electric utilities for
electric facility construction within the framework of utility connection services
Scope of audits:
Consolidated cost estimate of energy facility construction
Analysis of deviations between the consolidated cost estimate of energy facility construction
and the actual cost of construction
Verification of design adequacy adopted for the construction of electric facilities
Verification of detailed feasibility costs estimate including each activity required for utility
connection according to specific project
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Verification of estimating economic feasibility costs for generating
facilities upgrade claimed by wholesale market suppliers
PURPOSE: Verification of estimating economic feasibility costs for generating facilities upgrade
claimed by wholesale market suppliers according to the Rules for Pricing Capacity Sold
under Capacity Delivery Agreements (as approved by the Russian Government’s
Resolution No. 238 of 13 April 2010)
Scope of audits:
Conformance inspection of actual facility condition to compare with the master layout and
detailed design documentation
Conformance inspection of accepted engineering solutions to compare with technical design
Conformance inspection of installed equipment compared with project documents
Conformance inspection of completed construction/installation and commissioning/start-up and
the list of equipment and materials with project document
Verification of design adequacy adopted by the customer and the developer
Verification of relevant supporting documents regarding job execution, supply of equipment and
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Preparation of information analysis and consolidation products regarding
facilities operation of the UES of Russia: monitored facilities
PURPOSE: providing the Russian Ministry of Energy with information analysis and consolidation
products regarding electric utility technical condition for efficient management
Types of monitored equipment of electric utilities:
▌ Power boiler units, waste-heat boilers supplying steam to steam turbines installed in electric utilities with total
installed generation capacity more than 5 MW
▌ Steam and gas turbines installed in electric utilities with total installed generation capacity more than 5 MW
▌ Hydro turbines installed in electric utilities with total installed generation capacity more than 5 MW
▌ (Hydro) turbine generators installed in electric utilities with total installed generation capacity more than 5 MW
▌ (Auto) transformers rated ≥ 110 kV and ≥ 63 MWA
▌ Power transmission lines rated ≥110 kV
▌ Reactive power compensation devices ≥ 50 MVAr
▌ Circuit breakers rated ≥ 110 kV
▌ Generator circuit breakers rated ≥ 6 kV
▌ Transmission heat networks
▌ Voltage transformers rated ≥ 110 kV
▌ Current transformers rated ≥ 110 kV
▌ Exhaust stacks
▌ Cooling towers
▌ Ash dumps
▌ Main buildings of power stations
▌ Steam lines with an outer diameter ≥ 100 mm, rated steam temperature ≥ 450 degrees or ≥ 4 MPa
▌ Power plant essential auxiliaries
▌ Electric drivers (6 kW or more) for power plant essential auxiliaries
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Preparation of information analysis and consolidation products regarding
facilities operation of the UES of Russia: information analysis and
consolidation products
Input data
Analysis and consolidation products
Operating time of equipment in
Wholesale Generation
Companies (WGC) and
Territorial Generation
Companies (TGC)
Analysis of plan performance review according to monthly/annual
repair plans for electric utilities equipment
Implementation of repair
programmes (Order No. 340 of
the Russian Ministry of Energy)
Equipment performance data
Implementation of investment
programmes (Order No. 114 of
the Russian Ministry of Energy)
On-site audit results
Accident rate
Repair results data and
reasonability for repair items
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Maintenance of monitored equipment register
Maintenance of WGC/TGC equipment operating time
Analysis of generation equipment repair results and reasonability
for excluding repair items from monthly repair programmes
Overview of power station
(operating time and life time)
equipment technical
Recommendations for on-site audits
Report of annual
Annual report of reasonability and adequacy of annual repair
Thank you for attention!
CJSC “Technical Inspection UES”
Zemlyanoy Val 50 A, building 3,
Moscow, 109028, Russia
Tel./Fax: +7 495 727 38 76