Honor Roll of Donors
Honor Roll of Donors
Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Lacordaire Academy Honor Roll of Donors “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” Arthur Robert Ashe, Jr. Professional Tennis Player Lacordaire Academy wishes to extend its most heartfelt gratitude to all the parents, alumnae/i, parents of alumnae/i, grandparents, Sisters of Saint Dominic, friends, corporations and foundations who contributed during the fiscal year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. It is through the support of these most generous donors that we are able to sustain our mission by giving our students the highest quality education to empower and nurture them intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Thank you! Thank You IN APPRECIATION OF YOU, AND ALL THAT YOU DO Letter from the Head of School October, 2015 Dear Alums, Parents, Guardians, and Friends, Thank You! This issue of the Honor Roll of Donors is dedicated to all of our wonderful benefactors who, during 2014-2015, were essential and most appreciated for their efforts in sustaining and enhancing this treasured Academy. This year, we are celebrating our 96th year dedicated to Inspiring Young Minds and Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders. This past summer throughout the Academy, we continued to focus on improvements to curriculum, technology, and classroom support structures. Additionally, due to the harsh winter, portions of our campus are being painted and repaired. One area that deserves mention is that we have begun the self-study process of our Middle States ReAccreditation. During this year, with valuable feedback from all our community constituents, we will gather normative and subjective data that will be used to formulate our Middle States goals and objectives. These objectives will provide the foundation for our next strategic plan. This important self-study is an important strategic process; the resulting planning documents, culminating in the fall of 2017, will provide the focus and priorities for the Academy well beyond our 2020 centennial celebration! Quite an exciting and important Academy endeavor! The Academy, with your help, will continue to fulfill its mission and honor its commitment to maintain a tradition of excellence while keeping tuition affordable for all families. Donations to the Annual Fund support the current school year's programming and operations. As an Independent Catholic school, the Academy is not subsidized by a church, parish, or the Archdiocese. We are fully self-supporting through tuition, grants, individual donations, community support, and fundraisers. In sum, with your continued assistance, we will continue to enrich our academic programs, expand our extracurricular activities, and help bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating our students. We remain grateful for your financial support and hope that we can count on you to help us continue the Dominican mission—To Praise, To Preach and To Bless. Once again, on behalf of the entire Lacordaire Academy community, I deeply appreciate your trust, generosity, concern, and support for our school. Best, Brian F. Morgan Head of School Honor Roll of Donors 2014 - 2015 Head's Fellowship Society $10,000+ Anonymous Raul Arrazcaeta & Laura Moran P'18, '22 Derek Edwards & Veronica Finch Edwards '95, P'18 Christine James '83, '87 Norman James P'83, '87 Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program on behalf of employee Christine James '83, '87 Veritas Society $5,000+ Raymond Dunn & Louise Snider Dunn '60 on behalf of Dunn Family Charitable Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation on behalf of employee Norman James P'83, '87 John & Patricia Held P'16, '17, '19,'21 Brian F. & Nancy Y. Morgan The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children Domincan Circle $2,500+ Thomas Boyce & Atina Harley-Boyce P'15, '18 Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc. Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church Anna Navatta Dalmir Pasini & Agnes Claye P'19, '22 Frank & Marguerite Walter Bacclaureatte Club $1,000+ Robert J. & Sally Atkins Paul & Gabriela Bambrick-Santoyo P'13, '15 Bank of America Matching Gift on behalf of employees John Colie P’15, ’17, ’19 & Judith Kopchak Richard Cancelosi & Mary Cay Menk Cancelosi ‘70 Church of St. Gabriel the Archangel Class of 1964 John & Teresa Colie P'15, '17, '19 Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation on behalf of employee Gina Kabula P'23 Mary Anne Ford Margaret Hanratty '65 Caroline Anne Mallon Harris '67, '71 John J. shotter & Mary Elizabeth HennessyShotter '91 Fr. Kenneth J. Herbster Robert & Gina Kabula P'23 Richard & Francesca Lanning P'12 Seth & Tara Mankin P'21 David & Gina Margolies P'19, '22 Arthur & Kathleen McConnell Robert & Lilian Okai P'19, '20 Lawrence C. Shiffenhause & Elizabeth Vilsack Schiffenhaus '48 Thirst Quenchers Steve & Anne Utley P'12 Leadership Society $500+ Candida Covino Aversenti '70 Beth Barnett Daniel Conaton & Patricia Bruinooge Conaton '64 Megan Connolly '89 Larry & Laura Corbo P'13, '18 Joseph D'Arco & Louise Palagano P'05, '10 Keith Dent & Priscilla Gordon P'16 Marybeth Tietje Murray Garrett '48 Claudia Gibson William & Joan Hearst John L. & Grace Soldoveri Foundation, Inc. P'73 Macy's Matching Gifts Program on behalf of employee William Hearst Brian & Maureen Madigan P'18 Julian Malnak & Bea Binkowska P'15, '17 Justin & Megan Mannato Mark Owen & Mary Wilson Owen'72, P'11 Martin F. Petraitis III & Noreen Morgan Petraitis '83 Prudential Matching Gift Program on behalf of employee Christopher Reilly P'11 Shirley Rigaud-Echols MD '85 Robert Salmon & Mary Anne Conti Salmon '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Garry Sanchez & Charo Bodiongan P'20 Mark Tavani & Andrea Saavedra P'23 Eugene Thornton & Mary Ryan-Thornton P'08 Jeffrey & Rosaline Whitworth P'16, '18, '19, '23 Benefactor $250+ Valerie DePiro'79 John DiCamillo & Barbara Morris DiCamillo P'15, '19 Paul & Tara Gagliano P'18, '23 Anthony Ingoglia & Eileen Berg Ingoglia '74 Wallace J. Lee & Linda Shulver Lee '54 John Mandler & William Velhagen P'17 Steven & Lauren Mazzari P'06, '09 Patrick & Samantha McCoy P'24 Herbert Theodore Meyer & Sarah J. O'Neill Meyer '62, P'87 in memory of Harold & Thelma O'Neill Dave Padilla & Lisa Molle Padilla Michael Mooney & Michele Ciolino P'15 MY LOCKER Sephy Philip & Anisha Kurian-Philip P'20, '22 Pat, Pam & AJ Ridgway - In loving memory of Beloved Husband & Father, Alan Ridgway Jonathan Ridley & Erica Branch-Ridley P'16 Ventura & Nina Simmons P'17, '23 Matthew Slowinski & Sally Atkins P'13, '17, '19 St. Cassian Church Parish Community William Testa & Ann Long P'06, '10 John & Catherine Tirpak P'24 Carol O'Connor Toolan '60 in honor of the Class of 1960 Patron $100+ Patricia Keegan Abels '69 Jason Atkins & Azmi Zahed-Atkins P'23 Sr. Bertrand Austin, OP Michael & Amanda Aymar David & Jean Balchunas P'18 Peter Barnett P'98 Joseph & Jackie Benzinger P'17 Zaid Braswell & Linda Williams P'18 Rawn & Ayana Brown P'22 Douglas Allen & Denise Brown-Allen Dennis Buss & Carolyn Caprio Buss '59 Beverly Cardino Kieran & Melissa Collins P'18, '24 Deborah V.H. Cook P'99 Richard Cucci & Carol Doerr Cucci '71, P'13 William & Suzanne Curley P'17 Robert & Lauren DeSopo P'18, '25 Ann Marie Catanzaro DiLorenzo '60 Daniel & Susan Drew Marisol Efre P'18 Shane Faber & Elizabeth Burkland P'15 First Steps 4 Life LLC Ann Costello Gaudreaux '67 in memory of parents John & Marie Costello Terry Gorman & Margaret Cafferty P'16 Christine Guzzardo P'21 Peter & Sarah Hadley P'19, '21 Brian & Eileen Haughney P'17 Michael & Kathleen Hennessy P'03, '05 Joseph & Elizabeth Hughes P'19 Sarah DiLorenzo Imes '88 Samuel Jarkesy in memory of Marie Tiernan Jarkesy '54 Kamal & Salam Jbeili P'17 Zachary Johnson & Katherine Mallon Johnson '65 Dino & Alexandra Kaousias John J. & Carol Kilkeary KKR Kohlberg Kravis Roberts on behalf of employee Priscilla Gordon P'16 Judith A. Kopchak Jonathan & Fiona Lake P'18 Emily Jean Lanning '12 Irma Obal Lucca '81 in memory of parents Albin D. & Irma M. Obal Regan Magee '06 Richard & Margaret Melore P'22 Derrick & Gina Miller P'16 Bernard & Jane Morgan Desmond & Madeleine Morrow P'17 Michael & Catherine Mulroe P'08, '10 Greg & Marjorie Murray P'15 Barry O'Brien & Barbara Kolster O'Brien '71 in memory of Nora Boland '71 Jean O'Brien-Meyer '72 Morne & Maurine Oosthuizen P'23 Kevin & Bethany O'Toole P'17 Angelica Piegari '13 Pamela Warren Porter '82 Chris & Kelly Raabe P'21, '23 Louis Schimmel & Jackie Paz-Schimmel P'18, '19 Alesscia Scott P'13, '17 Daniel & Margaret Shultz P'98, '01 Lindsay Shultz '01 in honor of Sr. Shultz – History teacher Mickey Singh & Cristy Kaur P'21, '24 Theresa Lang Smith '68, '72 Erich & Teri Soldat P'16 Joanne Spallone Staats '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Thomas & Avril Stack P'18, '23 Susan Sturgis '68 Jeffrey & Amanda Turcotte P'14, '19 Clement Valentine Stephan Vallillo & Maryann Chach P'01, '05 in honor of the Classes of 2001 & 2005 Matthew & Marie Wolchko P'13 Susan Worth P'11, '13, '17 Daniel & Jennifer Zinman 95th Anniversary $95 Mark & Beatrice Adiedo P'21 Earl & Marisol Beecham P'23 John Blattner & Nancy Blattner, Ph.D., OPA James B. Dwyer & Mary Ellen Dwyer Bohen '47 Edward Butler & Barbara Bannon Butler '63 Gabriel P. Caprio & Jerilyn McDonald Caprio '59 Brian Charters & Elisa Fusco Charters '87, P'18 Eileen Connolly P'89 Ruben & Cheryl Contreras P'15 Diana Costagliola P'16 James & Joyce Crompton Douglas & Marcela Crossman P'24 Rafal & Eva Daniewski P'18, '20 Michael & Julie DeCheser P'23 John & Aarti D'souza P'22 Derek Edwards & Veronica Finch Edwards '95, P'18 Hossein Ekrami & Nilie Pajoohi P'20 Pablo & Jasmin Figueroa P'16 David & Patricia France P'16, '18 Jeffrey & Sherri Freitas P'13 Rose Fenelon Frola '67 Tracy Gaillard P'18 Patrick William Gallagher & Meredith Hennessy Gallagher '03 Rob & Laura Gawley P'02, '15 Ian & Sophia Greenberg P'23 Pasquale & Betty Hamel Richard & Ilene Handal P'14, '15 Francisco Hidalgo & Talei Howbrigg P'20 Gregg & Sherrie Infante P '15 Michael & Jess Jakubas P'22 David & Lorraine Kee P'24 Daniel Kiss & Barbara Farias P'21, '24 Christine Lienemann P'20 Joan Patricia Lynyak '68 Leonard Marinzulich & Linda Spinella Marinzulich '77, '81, P'08, '12, '14 Joseph Mason, D.M.D., F.A.G.D Cheryl McCants P'16 Donald M. McDougall & Carol Shulver McDougall '52, '56 in memory of sister Janet Shulver '54 Keith & Diane McMillan P'18 Charles & Claudia McPherson P'13 Richard & Keitha Paleski P'17 William Probst Al Rhodeman & Hope Bailey-Rhodeman P'13, '19 Raymond & Victoria Roche William & Angela Ronzitti P'11 Mark Rosenthal & Alexandra Schmidl Rosenthal '90 Gregory & Kathryn Salerno P'19 James Tobin & Patricia Ann Sciarra '72 in honor of the Class of 1972 Christopher & Karen Skyers P'18 John & Kathleen Storms P'16 Stephen Maichle Utley '12 in honor of the Class of 2012 Gertrude Cunningham VanAtta '38 Barry Washington & K. Jennifer SinclairWashington P'16 Michael & Angela Yezdanian P'23 Laco Lion $25+ Mitchell & Jocelyne Altholz Nicholas & Nancy Chiaravalloti P'18, '19, '24 Becker's School Supplies Ernesto & Margaret Cartagena P'18 David Cocoziello '10 in honor of the Class of 2010 Sierra Nicole Cocoziello '07 in honor of the Class of 2007 Peter Collora & Isabelle Latorraca Collora '40, '44 Gabriella Corbo '13 Lawrence Corbo IV '18 Thomas & Margaret Cryan P'12 John Eichmann Joseph Fazio & Stephanie Russo Fazio '83, '87, P'13, '14, '17, '19 Julius & Brenda George P'18 Cdr John C. Harvey & Mary Ellen Swift Harvey '69 in honor of the Class of 1969 Andrew & Laura Heyman P'15 Sarah Lacz '99 Robert Maloney & Jennifer Kelly-Maloney P'19 Marie Meance P'11, '13, '22 Robert Meighan & Gail Pecora Meighan '60 Julia Perez P'18 Edward & Maureen Petersen Christopher & Roberta Ratte P'15 John & Christa Reddy in honor of Patricia Brown's 75th Birthday Richard & Gertrude Rodin Francesca Ronzitti '11 Sr. Jane Marie Smith Joseph Snow & Rosemary Rimmele Snow '58, '62 Kenneth & Alicia vonSchaumburg P'79, '80, '82, '84, '89 Joe & Juliana Wilson P'22 David Wittenburg & Claire Morgan Wittenburg '87 Joseph & Christine Zichelli P'17 Joseph & Tammy Zolnowsky Booster under $25 Manny Borstelmann & Carolyn Salerno Borstelmann '64 Fabian & Angie Bugueiro P'19 Bernice Della Penna Colefield '64 In honor of the Class of 1964 Michael & Helen Conley P'10 Jerry & Shelia Diggs P'13, 15 Teddy & Wendyann Edwards P'16 Paul J. Galvin & Jane Foulkrod Galvin '64 Roderick & Charmaine Hale P'09 Michaela Kathleen Hennessy '05 Erle G. Blanchard & Patricia Hughes Blanchard '64 Kenneth & Elizabeth Keene P'15 Sr. deMontfort Kinchellagh, OP Ellen-Therese Czyzewski Lamm '80 in memory of Sister Ita Ford Ronald Liss & Virginia Furman Liss '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Michael & Jillian Hennessy Malloy '02 Steven w. Smith & Rebecca McSwain-Smith '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Daniel Alexander & Sandra Nowoslawski '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Thomas & Carol Reingold Agnes Sauser P'04, '08 Alice Sturzinger Robert Suta & Deborah Conniff Suta '64 in honor of the Class of 1964 Current Faculty and Staff Jocelyne Altholz Suzanne Bilicska Saydi Callahan-Keefe Beverly Cardino Laura Corbo P'13, '18 Joyce Crompton John Eichmann Joan Hearst Elizabeth Hughes P'19 Eileen Berg Ingoglia '74 Debby Irwin P’05 Alexandra Kaousias Tara Mankin P'21 Megan Mannato Linda Spinella Marinzulich '77, '81, P'08, '12, '14 Lauren Mazzari P'06, '09 Margaret Melore Lisa Molle Padilla Brian F. Morgan William Probst Carol Reingold Pat Ridgway - In loving memory of Beloved Husband Victoria Roche Susan Sturgis '68 Mary Ryan-Thornton P'08 Jennifer Zinman Tammy Zolnowsky V.E. James Scholarship Fund Christine James '83, '86 Norman James P'83, '86 Tuition Angel Sponsors Robert J. & Sally Atkins Douglas Allen & Denise Brown-Allen Church of St. Gabriel the Archangel Raymond Dunn & Louise Snider Dunn '60 on behalf of the Dunn Family Charitable Foundation First Steps 4 Life LLC William & Joan Hearst Fr. Kenneth J. Herbster Christine James '83, '87 Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church Macy's Matching Gifts Program on behalf of employee William Hearst Brian F. & Nancy Y. Morgan Anna Navatta The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children Frank & Marguerite Walter Board of Trustees FY15 Sister Bertrand Austin, OP Beth Barnett Christine James ’83, ’87 – President Sister Mary John Kearney, OP Sister Mary Immaculate McGovern, OP Brian F. Morgan Anna Navatta Mary Wilson Owen ’71, P’11 Louise Palagano P’05, ‘10 Sister Luella Ramm, OP Sister Patricia Tavis, OP InKind Donations Adventure Aquarium Adventureland Ah' Pizz Olubunmi & Modupeola Akindebe P'15 AMC Clifton Commons 16 American Bistro Anderson's Flowers Anonymous Arthur Murray Dance Center of Montclair Artistic Photography by Tom Verniero Aspen East Fitness Athena Sr. Bertrand Austin, OP Michael & Amanda Aymar Bagels Abroad Beaver Brook Country Club Bella Napoli Ristorante Bellatair Salon Suzanne Bilicska Joseph & Becky Bird Bloomfield Best Bagels Bobbi Brown, The Studio Thomas Boyce & Atina Harley-Boyce P'15, '18 Bradford Renaissance Portraits Michael Brandon & Vanitha Pushparaj P'14, '17 Brookdale Shoprite Brotherhood Winery Rawn & Ayana Brown P'22 Dave Keefe & Saydi Callahan-Keefe Nicholas Calleo & Susan Scavone P'20 Ernesto & Margaret Cartagena P'18 Brian Charters & Elisa Fusco Charters '87, P'18 Nicholas & Nancy Chiaravalloti P'18, '19, '24 CoCo An Experience, Inc. Cold Rush Frozen Yogurt John & Teresa Colie P'15, '17, '19 Color Me Mine Corbo Jewelers Larry & Laura Corbo P'13, '18 Diana Costagliola P'16 Crayola Experience Richard Cucci & Carol Doerr Cucci '71, P'13 William & Suzanne Curley P'17 Joseph D'Arco & Louise Palagano P'05, '10 DaVinci's DeNovo European Pub Robert & Lauren DeSopo P'18, '25 Robert & Christina Deyo P'15 John DiCamillo & Barbara Morris DiCamillo P'15, '19 Dino & Anna Tailors Doherty Enterprises Egan & Sons Bar/Restaurant Eisenhower Hall Theatre Elite Hair Studio Elite Tennis Academy Joseph Fazio & Stephanie Russo Fazio '83, '87, P'13, '14, '17, '19 Floyd Hall Arena Forest Hill Field Club David & Patricia France P'16, '18 Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen Funtime Junction Paul & Tara Gagliano P'18, '23 James & Kim Gallagher P'17 Gencarelli's Bakery Gianna's Grade PK Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Halcyon Seafood Brasserie William & Joan Hearst John J. Shotter & Mary Elizabeth HennessyShotter '91 Maureen Hester P'16 Holsten's Confectionery Joseph & Elizabeth Hughes P'19 Imagine That Children's Museum Imana Hair Studio Infatuation Hair Salon William & Debby Irwin P'05 Jenkinson's Aquarium Jim Desbiens Auto Service Joe's Crab Shack Robert & Gina Kabula P'23 Artur Kaminski & Joanna Dudek P'16 James & Claudia Kipp P'19 Knoebels Judith A. Kopchak Lacordaire Academy Fritz Lamarre & Pascale Coq-Lamarre P'18 Land of Make Believe Learning Express Upper Montclair Maria Leccese '04 Liberty Science Center Christopher & Carol Lippincott P'16 Lombardi's Restaurant Andrew & Margaret Lubas P'13, '15 Mad Golfer Golf Club Brian & Maureen Madigan P'18 Robert Maloney & Jennifer Kelly-Maloney P'19 John Mandler & William Velhagen P'17 Mane Place II Seth & Tara Mankin P'21 Regina Queen Margherita Leonard Marinzulich & Linda Spinella Marinzulich '77, P'08, '12, '14 Medieval Times Melitta USA Richard & Margaret Melore P'22 Mind Body Spirit Mohegan Sun Lisa Molle Padilla Montclair Art Museum Duane & Rosamond Montouth P'17 Michael Mooney & Michele Ciolino P'15 Morey's Piers Waterpark Brian F. & Nancy Y. Morgan Morre Lyons Jewelers Morris Museum Mr. Dino's Pizzeria Sr. Marie Mueller,OP My Gym Children's Fitness Center Nails & Body Work NJ Devils NJ Jackals Maureen Ohlmuller Olive That! Mark Owen & Mary Wilson Owen '71, P'11 Owens Property Services, LLC Aaron & Bethsaida Pacheco P'18 Richard & Keitha Paleski P'17 Paradise Nail Spa Sapan & Jarna Parikh P'19 Dalmir Pasini & Agnes Claye P'19, '22 Pelican Sport Center Maureen Petersen Phil Cantor Photography Sephy Philip & Anisha Kurian-Philip P'20, '22 Pink Nail Salon William Probst Chris & Kelly Raabe P'21, '23 Red Robin Gregory & Kathryn Salerno P'19 Lawrence & Patricia Saphire P'17 Saunders Hardware Brian Sherman & Rosalee Sherman P'16 Shoprite of Belleville Mickey Singh & Cristy Kaur P'21, '24 Christopher & Karen Skyers P'18 Somerset Patriots Baseball Club Space Farms Zoo & Museum Split Rock Resort Catherine St. John Studio Players Sweet Home Montclair T.S. Ma Tiffany Tang-Loncar The Bethwood The Janet Fund The Office Beer Bar & Grill The Sizz Haircutters Tinga Taqueria Robert M. Troyano, CPA, CFP Uno Chicago Grill Valley Jewelers Veggie Heaven Vinnie's Pizzeria & Restaurant Walter Bauman Jewelers Barry Washington & K. Jennifer SinclairWashington P'16 Watchung Delicatessen Jeffrey & Rosaline Whitworth P'16, '18, '19, '23 Wild West City Joe & Juliana Wilson P'22 Dave Woititz Kim Wolansky P'17 Susan Worth P'11, '13, '17 Michael & Angela Yezdanian P'23 Gregory & Simone Zaccardi P'15, '19 Joseph & Tammy Zolnowsky Income & Expenses Income 2014-2015 Expenses 2014-2015 Facilities & Other 18% Financial Aid 10% Fundraising & Other 20% Tuition & Fees 80% Personnel & Academic Programs 72% It is very important to the Academy if we have misspelled or omitted your name. If we have your name listed incorrectly or have inadvertently omitted your name, we sincerely apologize. Please contact Laura Corbo at 973-744-1156 x33 or email lcorbo@lacordaire.net with any corrections. Thank you.
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