Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro


Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy
With Genome Mate Pro
Developed by Jim Sipe
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed
as a commitment by Jim Sipe. Jim Sipe assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in
the document
Genome Mate Pro is copyright by Beckins LLC 2015
Gedmatch is copyright by Gedmatch.Inc
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Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Table of Contents
SECTION ONE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ONE LINE HELP ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 INSTALLING GENOME MATE PRO (FIRST TIME OR REINSTALL) ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 DATABASE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 PROFILE SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Name on 23andMe .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
23andMe Profile ID .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Name on FTDNA ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
FTDNA Kit # from DNAGedcom ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Ancestry Test ID................................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.4 PROFILE REORDERING...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 TEMPLATES AND IMPORTING DATA .................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.6 KATHY ‘PK’ THOMPSON’S BLOG ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
CHROMOSOME PAGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
SEGMENT MAP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 37
RELATIVES PAGE ................................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.1 TOP SECTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 RELATIVE LIST & SOURCE KEY ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Source Key ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.3 ABOUT TAB ................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.4 FAMILY COMPARISON TAB ............................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.5 DNA COMPARISON TAB .................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Delete Segment ................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Hide Segment ................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Segment Comment ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
Overlapping Segments ..................................................................................................................................................... 54
ICW List ............................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Possible Triangulated Segments ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Add To Possible Triangulated Segments .......................................................................................................................... 56
4.6 RIGHT CLICK FOR MORE OPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Show Common Surnames................................................................................................................................................. 59
Copy Commands............................................................................................................................................................... 60
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Developed by Jim Sipe
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Delete Triangulation......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Add Triangulations from Gedmatch Tier 1 Matching Segment Search ............................................................................ 60
4.7 MERGE TAB................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Unmerging ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63
ANCESTORS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 65
SEGMENT MAP ................................................................................................................................................................... 71
GEDCOM LOAD .............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
ANCESTOR LIST .............................................................................................................................................................................. 68
ALTERNATE SURNAME SPELLING ........................................................................................................................................................ 70
ADDING A MANUAL SEGMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
SEGMENT MAP GENERATION SELECTION AND GROUP LIST ..................................................................................................................... 78
SEGMENT MAP TABLE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 80
7.1 APP SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 80
Display Options ................................................................................................................................................................ 80
Import Criteria .................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Form Letter ....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Other App Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 84
7.2 DATABASE CLEANUP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 88
HELP................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
SECTION TWO ............................................................................................................................................................................. 93
MIGRATING FROM GENOME MATE TO GENOME MATE PRO ............................................................................................... 94
DETERMINING THE MRCA ................................................................................................................................................... 97
IMPORTING DNAGEDCOM FTDNA FILES .............................................................................................................................. 98
CHANGING TEMPLATE COLUMN NUMBERS ........................................................................................................................ 99
DNA BLOGS & FACEBOOK GROUPS TO FOLLOW ................................................................................................................ 102
GENERAL DNA RELATED BLOGS ................................................................................................................................................. 102
FACEBOOK GROUPS.................................................................................................................................................................. 103
DATA FIELDS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 105
DNAGEDCOM SITE .................................................................................................................................................................. 105
DNAGEDCOM CLIENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
GEDMATCH ............................................................................................................................................................................ 107
23ANDME ............................................................................................................................................................................. 108
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Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
FTDNA ................................................................................................................................................................................. 109
ANCESTRYDNA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 109
HANDY TIPS...................................................................................................................................................................... 110
WHO DID I MERGE .................................................................................................................................................................. 110
ICW ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 110
GEDCOM FROM ROOTSMAGIC ................................................................................................................................................... 117
USING 529ANDYOU ................................................................................................................................................................. 117
GEDMATCH TIPS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 122
STEPS FOR MARKING MATERNAL OR PATERNAL SEGMENTS ............................................................................................................. 122
HITTING “ESC” DURING AN IMPORT ............................................................................................................................................ 127
MISSING ANCESTOR ................................................................................................................................................................. 128
MACINTOSH TIPS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 143
CHROMOSOME IMPORT ADDITIONS SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 144
HOW DO I KNOW WHAT VERSION I AM RUNNING ......................................................................................................................... 145
SETTING “SIDE” FOR A RELATIVE MATCH ...................................................................................................................................... 147
ADDING SEGMENTS MANUALLY .................................................................................................................................................. 149
GEDMATCH ONE TO ONE MATCH COMPARISONS EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................... 155
FTDNA IMPORT ISSUE ............................................................................................................................................................. 155
GEDCOM ISSUE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 160
GEDMATCH MATCHING SEGMENT SEARCH FOR CLOSE RELATIVES ..................................................................................................... 160
IMPORTING ANCESTRY.COM DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 161
IMPORT SUMMARIES ....................................................................................................................................................... 163
NOTES FROM BECKY ......................................................................................................................................................... 165
TRIANGULATION AND ICW IN GENOME MATE PRO ........................................................................................................................ 165
FALSE POSITIVES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 168
IMPORT ISSUES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 169
DATA IMPORTS HINTS............................................................................................................................................................... 171
MANAGING EXPECTATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 172
USING DNARBORETUM IN GENOME MATE PRO ............................................................................................................................ 175
SUPPORT AND HELP ................................................................................................................................................................. 178
LOAD FTDNA FILES FROM DNAGEDCOM.................................................................................................................................... 180
LOAD NEW 23ANDME DATA FROM DNAGEDCOM CLIENT .............................................................................................................. 188
PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 193
ADDING ADDITIONAL GEDMATCH TRIANGULATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 196
COMMENTS ON TRIANGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 199
APPENDIX - GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 200
APPENDIX - CHANGE LOG ................................................................................................................................................. 202
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Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Section One
This first section contains information related to getting started with Genome Mate Pro and its
basic use. First time users should read and follow this section carefully.
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Developed by Jim Sipe
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
1 Introduction
This User Guide was developed for my use and may not conform to the way others are using this
tool to assist in their genetic genealogy research. Since the focus of this document is Genome Mate
Pro, there will not be a detailed discussion on the use of other tools.
I have purposely not included an index in this document as the index would be my selection of “key
words” and their locations at the time. If you are looking for something, use the search facility
available in the PDF document (Ctrl F / Cmd F).
I like to look at Genome Mate Pro as the “Swiss Army Knife” for managing your DNA data and
interaction with relatives. As such, it is complex. There are a lot of moving parts that must be
understood in order to ensure you’re getting the most out of the tool. The focus of this document
is the tool and its underlying database. What this document will not do is explain the different
ways that people will go about using the tool.
1.1 One Line Help
When you hover over any control on any page, a one line of help is displayed at the bottom of the
page. For instance, when you hover over “cMs” on the Chromosome page:
You will see this at the bottom of the page:
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Developed by Jim Sipe
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2 Getting Started
2.1 Installing Genome Mate Pro (First Time or Reinstall)
“Genome Mate Pro is an app to help manage the data collected from autosomal DNA research. Data
is stored locally on the user’s computer, not in the cloud or on a server.”
Note: These details and screenshots were from a Windows 10 system. Other Windows systems may
deliver different screens.
1. Go to the Genome Mate web site
2. Scroll down to “Download Genome Mate Pro”
3. Click on the platform you are downloading for.
Note: The details are Windows based. For Mac users, you will choose the “Mac Version”
download. Macintosh tips can be found in section 15.9 on page 143
4. Select the download location and click “Save”.
5. Open the “GMP” file
6. Drag “GMP Setup.exe” to the desktop and click on it.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
7. Click “More Info”
8. Click “Run away” and “Yes” to the next screen
9. Click “Next”
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
10. Accept the agreement and click “Next”
11. Decide where you want the files and click “Next”
12. Decide if you want a desktop icon and click “Next”
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
13. Click on “Install”
14. Click “Finish”
15. You can delete the .zip and .exe files. Move the shortcut to the destination of your choice.
16. You will now be prompted to name your new database and select a location for it. You can
leave the defaults of change the database name and its location, your choice.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
17. A notification will be displayed indicating that you are ready to go, Click”OK”.
Note: A directory will have been added to the Documents Library called “Genome Mate Pro.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Initially it contains a file called “GMPOptions.txt”. Don’t move or alter this file.
18. You now need to decide if you want “Window Resizing” enabled. Go to the “Options” page,
“App Settings” tab. At the bottom of the page, check “Enable Window Resizing” if you want
this functionality. Leave unchecked if you don’t. Some users are having issues with this
enabled. Remember to “Save Options”
19. If you checked the box to enable window resizing, the following message will be presented.
Click “Yes”.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
20. The following message will then be presented. After clicking “OK”, Genome Mate Pro will be
shut down and will have to be restarted.
If you are installing a new version of Genome Mate Pro over a previous version, it is strongly
recommended that you re-activate all templates that were previously used. This will ensure that
any changes to templates that are part of the new version will be used for imports.
There are two different scenarios for using Genome Mate Pro; you have never used any version of
Genome Mate before or you are a current user of Genome Mate and want to migrate to the Pro
version. The sequence of steps to be followed are:
1. Set up database(s) See section 2.2 on page 14.
2. Set up profiles) See section 2.3 on page 17.
3. Load a Gedcom (optional, but you can’t set an MRCA without one) See section 5.1 on page
4. Load data (either from existing Genome Mate or fresh). If you used the previous version of
Genome Mate and want to import that data to Genome Mate Pro, see section 9 on page 94
5. Use the Genome Mate Pro
2.2 Database Structure
Genome Mate Pro provides the ability to have multiple databases to facilitate different family
situations. You may have one database containing profiles for blood relatives (e.g. yourself,
children, cousins, uncles, etc.). Another database may contain people who you are doing genetic
DNA analysis for (e.g. wives of cousins, friends, etc.). Setting up this structure ahead of time will
save a lot of future headaches.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Note: the term “directory” is the same as a “folder” on either a PC or Mac.
Depending how large and complex your genetic DNA is, the following is a possible directory
Genome Mate Pro Databases
Database Name 1.sqlite
Database Name 2.sqlite
Database Name 3.sqlite
Database Name 4.sqlite
1. Start Genome Mate Pro. Select “New Database” under the “File” dropdown.
2. Navigate to the directory you will use this database in and provide a file name. Click “Save”.
There are additional database functions that are available under the “File” dropdown.
Save As can be used to rename and/or move an existing database file.
New Database is used to create a new database.
Open Database is used to open an existing database.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Backup Database is used to backup the database that is in current use. The backup location is set
by the user.
Exit closes Genome Mate Pro.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2.3 Profile Setup
Note: If you are moving data from Genome Mate to Genome Mate Pro, the names in the profiles
must be 100% identical to the names in Genome Mate. You can change them after the import.
Accuracy of the data entered in the Profiles is critical; validate and then re-validate.
1. Follow the directions on the Genome Mate Pro “Profiles” page. When done, click “Save
Profile”. Some additional hints are as follows:
a. If you are importing data from Genome Mate, make sure that all profile fields have
been accurately filled in.
b. If data does is not loading properly, look at the data in the CSV files and make sure
the profile settings are the same (e.g. “Name on FTDNA”).
c. Profile Nickname will be used on the Chromosome page and the Relatives\DNA Match
Segments under the Profile column.
d. Name on FTDNA should be your contact name on FTDNA.
The following is to provide assistance for locating some of the data needed to accurately complete
a Genome Mate Pro profile. One of the easiest places to get this data is from DNAGedcom’s output
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
files. Directions on using DNAGedcom will not be included. The data items covered are circled in
Note: If you are having issues coming up with the “23andMe Profile ID” or the “FTDNA Kit # from
DNAGedcom”, you can leave these blank and the Genome Mate Pro will use the Relative Name for
importing. To avoid trouble with relatives having the same name, load FTDNA Family Finder and
23andMe Aggregate file first. If there are two relatives with the same name, their data will be
Important: The next two sections for 23andMe are related to the “Old” 23andMe. If you have been
migrated to the “New” 23andMe, follow the directions at section 17.9 on page 188
2.3.1 Name on 23andMe
1. Download the 23andMe files.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2. What you get should look like this.
3. Open the file with “RF” in the file name. The first row with data should be you and contains
your “Name on 23andMe”.
2.3.2 23andMe Profile ID
1. Download the 23andMe files.
2. What you get should look like this.
3. Open the file with “RF” in the file name. The first row with data should be you (or whoevers
kit you are accessing). The contents of the very last column contains the 23andMe profile ID.
You want the values to the right of the equal sign (I have blurred mine).
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Note: An alternative to using DNAGedcom files for the 23andMe Profile ID is as follows:
Log into the profile person’s 23andMe account.
Select Family & Friends, then DNA Relatives
The first person in the list should be the profile person, click on their name.
Look at the URL, the last series of numbers and letters after the “profile=” is the 23andMe
Profile ID
2.3.3 Name on FTDNA
1. Download FTDNA files
2. What you get should look like this
3. Open the ChromosomeBrowser file. The name in column A is the name on FTDNA.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2.3.4 FTDNA Kit # from DNAGedcom
1. The FTDNA Kit # from DNAGedcom can be gotten from the ICW file of the FTDNA downloaded
files from DNAGedcom.
2. The ICW File - The FTDNA Kit # for the “Profile Name” is the “Profile KitID” (“A” as shown
below). The FTDNA Kit # for the “Full Name” is the “Match KitID” (“B” as shown below). You
will have to use an ICW file that is not one for the Genome Mate Pro profile person. For
example, If I am the Genome Mate Pro profile person, my ICW file will only contain relatives
that I ICW with and their respective DNAGedcom FTDNA Kit numbers. Mine will not be
Here is an example using the sample below:
Mr. James Glen Sipe is the Genome Mate Pro Profile person that needs the DNAGedcom ID
for FTDNA to enter into box 6 of the profile. Mr. Donald is a relative that has also tested at
FTDNA. An FTDNA download is completed against Mr. Donald’s data using his FTDNA login
credentials. The ICW file from Mr. Donald’s down load is examined. Matching the first “A”
with the second “A” in the example, we see that Mr. Sipe’s DNAGedcom ID for FTDNA is
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2.3.5 Ancestry Test ID
There are two ways to determine the Ancestry Test ID
Method 1
1. Log into Ancestry and select the DNA page
2. If you are managing more than one DNA test on Ancestry, click the dropdown on “View
Another Test” and select the person that is the same as the profile being set up.
3. You want all the letters and numbers to the right of “/insights/”
Method 2
1. Log into your AncestryDNA account and select a match.
2. Look at the browsers address bar. The “profiles” Ancestry Test ID is the first sequence of
numbers and letters just to the right of “/tests/” (see first red arrow) and to the left of
“/match/” (see second red arrow). This is what is entered in the profile page. I have blurred
the values for privacy concerns.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Note: Genome Mate Pro will remember the last Profile and Chromosome you had open. When you
restart Genome Mate Pro after a shut down, the starting profile and chromosome will be the one
that was set just before closing the application.
Tip: You can use the Profile Comments to record a data load history for different profiles.
2.4 Profile Reordering
Once you have profile entries completed for all the profile people, you may want to reorder how
they are being presented. Just right click on one of the profile names and select the movement
desired. Repeat until you have the order you want.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2.5 Templates and Importing Data
Importing data from DNA source locations is done through Import Data Templates. Each template
must be “Activated” before it can be used to load data into Genome Mate Pro.
Note: for those that used the Silverlight version of Genome Mate, you will notice a longer load
time. That is because the previous version loaded to memory and the Pro version is loading to disk
to facilitate larger files.
Note: Before you start your first import, go to section 7.1 on page 80 and validate that the Import
Criteria is set to meet your requirements.
Note: Some of the data loads will require the use of a browser. Currently, Chrome is the browser
that is supported by Genome Mate Pro; however, other browsers “may” work. If you are using a
browser other than Chrome and have issues, revert to Chrome and see if the issue continues before
requesting assistance.
If you are installing a new version of Genome Mate Pro over a previous version, it is strongly
recommended that you “delete” and re-activate all templates that were previously used. This will
ensure that any changes to templates that are part of the new version will be used for imports.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
1. From the “Options” tab, click on “Import Templates”.
2. If I want to import FTDNA data from DNAGedcom, on the “Basic” tab select “FTDNA Extracts
/ DNAGedcom”. Then click “Activate Data Templates”. If you made a mistake and want to
start over, click “Clear Selections”.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
3. A dialog box will be displayed asking if you want to delete existing templates and replace
with selected one(s). Click “Yes”
4. Another dialog box will be displayed indicating the template(s) were added and you are
ready to load data. Click “OK”.
5. Select the “Advanced” tab and you will see that the appropriate templates have been
activated for use.
6. Since I use DNAGedcom tools, am still on the “old” 23andMe, have tested with all three
testing companies, and am a “Tier 1” Gedmatch user, this is how I will make my selections.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
7. In preparation for this data import, it is assumed that the files from DNAGedcom have
already been downloaded. Instructions on how to do this will not be covered here. Note: It is
recommended to import the data files in the order shown by the numbers to the left of the
file description.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
8. In the upper left corner of the Genome Mate Pro window, click on “Import Data\From
DNAGedcom\FTDNA: Family Finder File”. If you have multiple Profiles, make sure the
desired profile is selected.
9. If you have “Show Import Help” checked (in the App Settings area), then the following will
be displayed. Click “OK” to continue.
10. Navigate to the location of the saved DNAGedcom files and double click on the Family Finder
file. At the bottom of the Genome Mate Pro window, a progress indicator will be displayed.
11. Another way to see if loading is taking place is to go to the directory containing your
database file. You should see a file with the extension “.sqlite-journal” coming and going. If
that file is there and changing, Genome Mate Pro hasn't frozen, it's just working in the
12. When the import has been completed, an Import Summary message will be displayed. The
import just completed will be displayed in the header of the message. If you want to see the
log file, click “Show Log File” (recommended). The log files will open in a .CSV file. When
done reviewing the log file, click the “Close” button.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
13. Repeat the import steps for the remaining files.
14. Repeat this section for other DNA data to be added to Genome Mate Pro.
After importing the selected data, scroll through the chromosomes on the Chromosome page. Items
that have been added will show as a yellow band. The number of days the yellow band will remain
is controlled in section 7.1 on page 80.
Note: At the bottom of the “Advanced” tab for templates there are a series of buttons:
Activate All – this will activate all templates.
Delete All – this will “delete” or inactivate all templates.
Delete Selected – this will “delete” or inactivate the selected template.
Import – this will import a template that has been developed by someone.
New – this is where you can create a new template.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
2.6 Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson’s Blog
Kathy has developed a set of directions for acquiring files for importing from the various testing
companies and other very handy tips.
The main link is:
Under Categories, click on “Genome Mate Pro” and scroll to find the import instructions you want.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
3 Chromosome Page
The Chromosome page is generally where one might start after loading the Genome Mate Pro
Note: The relative names on the Chromosome page have been color coded. The colors can be
changed at the bottom of the App Settings page on the Options tab.
The default colors are:
Red = Family Tree DNA
Green = 23andMe
Purple = Gedmatch
Brown = Ancestry
Blue = CoA
Black = Merged
1. A single chromosome at a time is displayed by selecting here.
2. The “side filter” determines what is displayed based on what has been set on the Relative
page (e.g. Maternal, Paternal, Both, IBS, or “?”). “Unknown” displays relatives with the “?”
setting. “Hidden” displays those relatives that have the “Hide Match” box checked on the
Relative page.
3. “Hide Min” and “Max” filter has based on the settings from the “App Settings” section on the
Options page. You can hide minimum cMs, SNPs or length. You can also hide maximum cMs.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
4. The testing company filter allows the user to hide any of the shown companies.
5. The main body of the Chromosome page contains the main match data. Double clicking
anywhere in the row containing the relative will take you to that relatives page.
a. Profile is the nickname that you entered in the profile section.
b. Relative is the name of the DNA match.
c. Side is the familial side the match is associated with (e.g. Maternal, Paternal, Both,
IBS, or “?”). This can be edited here. Paternal (P) will be colored blue. Maternal (M)
will be colored red. Note: If you decide to change the side on the Relative page,
remember to click “Save Segment”.
d. Group is the designation that has been associated with the match. This can be edited
here. More discussion in section 4.5 on page 48
e. Chr is the chromosome.
f. Start is the start number of the base pair.
g. End is the end number of the base pair.
h. cMs is the centimorgans.
i. SNPs is the number of SNPs.
j. Graphic is a visual of the start and end positions of the base pairs.Clicking on any of
the header titles (e.g. Start, cMs, SNP) will sort the data .
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k. Right clicking anywhere in the row containing the relative will provide a set of
commands showing additional information related to that person.
Page 34 of 211
Toggle Notes Display will either display the graphic bars or MRCA Notes. If
there are no MRCA Notes, the current Status for the relative will be displayed.
Open the Relatives page takes you to the relative’s page; same as double
clicking on the relative.
Merge Matching Relatives Into This Relative will allow a merge from the
chromosome browser screen if name and email address are the same. There is
no opportunity to select what to merge. If a field is blank on the selected
relative, then the merged relative data will replace it. Otherwise the merged
relative data is lost. Use with caution!!!
Show Overlapping DNA segments will show all the relatives that have
overlapping segments with the selected person. The “Esc” key returns to the
full display.
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Show ICW DNA segments shows all matches that are “In Common With” the
selected person. An ICW may not show up in the list if it is already in the
triangulation list. The “Esc” key returns to the full display. See section 15.2 on
page 110 for additional information on ICW.
Show Not ICW DNA segments shows relatives that are not ICW with the
selected person, but still have overlapping segments. The “Esc” key returns to
the full display.
Show Possible Triangulations shows matches that have been triangulated with
the selected person. The “Esc” key returns to the full display. See section 17.1
on page 165 for additional information on Triangulation.
Mark shown DNA Segments will mark all relatives that are shown with the
same “Side” and “Group” as the selected relative. Be careful that this is really
what you want to do.
1. Start with a collection of relatives and edit the “Side” and “Group” as
appropriate (e.g. Karin).
2. Right click on “Karin” and select “Mark Shown Matches
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3. Click “Yes”
4. All shown matches are now the same
Note: Names that are Bold have had an MRCA associated with them.
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Mark All Profiles that Triangulate With will mark all DNA segments in any
profile that triangulates with the selected relative.
Mark All Profiles that Triangulate with Displayed Segments will mark all DNA
segments in any profile that triangulates with the segments currently being
Mark All Unknown DNA Segments Triangulated With will mark all segments
showing a “?” in Side with the Side and Group information associated with the
segment of a selected relative for those who triangulate with the selected
Create Permanent Map Segment will create a map segment on the Segment
Map page for the selected relative. Remember to set the side and group first.
Delete DNA Segment will delete the DNA segment that was selected.
Delete DNA Segments Currently Displayed will delete all segments that are in
the current display. Caution!!!
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Delete Unknown DNA Segments on this Chromosome will permanently
remove those segments in the current profile where the side is marked with a
"?" from the database. A warning message will be displayed.
3.1 Segment Map
At the top of the Chromosome Page is a reflection of the Segment Map (if it has been populated)
related to the chromosome that has been selected. The same colors that were selected on the
Segment Map are retained.
In addition, the graphic associated with the Base Pairs will take on the color that was set in the
Segment Map.
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4 Relatives Page
4.1 Top Section
The top section of the Relative page is shown below with a description of each item.
1. Click on the dropdown in the search box to expand for a selection.
2. Selecting one of the items in this list will focus the search to the item selected.
3. When an item is selected (e.g. Search Names), enter what is being searched for and hit
“Enter” or click on the spy glass.
4. The search results will be displayed in the appropriate section.
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Focus Person
The focus person for the Relative page is set by one of two ways:
1. By double clicking on a relative from the Chromosome page.
2. By searching and selecting.
Research Status
This provides the ability to set a status on where this relative's research is at this time.
1. Set the focus person for whom a status will be set for.
2. Click the dropdown and select the status.
Note: the last Status will be appended to the bottom of Research Notes when it is changed.
To see what Relatives have been associated with a particular status, use the second grouping of
actions on the drop down at the top of the Relative List.
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Status Date
This is at the top of the page and is when the focus person was added to Genome Mate Pro or the
date the last status was set.
Delete Relative
This does exactly what you’d think, but you will be warned if you accidently hit the button.
Save Relative
Whenever anything has been added to anywhere on the Relative page, the “Save Relative” button
will be highlighted. This must be clicked to save whatever was done. If you forget to save, this
warning message will be shown.
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Go Back Button
If you have set a Focus Person and then double click on another person somewhere on the Relative
page, the Focus Person is changed to this new person. If you want to go back to the starting Focus
Person, click on the “Go Back Button”
4.2 Relative List & Source Key
The right side of the Relative page contains the “Relative List” and “Source Key” sections.
Relative List
At the top of the Relative List is a dropdown with four groupings of actions that provides control of
what is shown in this list. The first grouping is either “Hide” or “Show” all relatives. The second
grouping will select relatives associated with a “Status”. The third grouping will filter relatives by
the source they were loaded from. The fourth grouping shown “New Relatives” based on the
number of days to highlight new relatives that is set in Display Options in App Settings on the
Options tab. The fifth grouping will filter the relatives list to only those with “exact” duplicate
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The Relative List contains the results of a search or the full list of all relatives if the “Esc” key is
hit. The color of the names conforms to the colors associated with the import source (e.g. FTDNA,
23andMe, etc.). The yellow band across a name indicates a potential relative merge of the
relatives above the band. Make sure you check the Source Key and email before you merge.
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4.2.1 Source Key
The Source Key section displays the source information of the relative that has been selected in the
relative list.
4.3 About Tab
The “About” tab is a place to store basic information about the Relative. This is done in five
Relative area stores basic information related to a relative. This includes:
1. Relative’s Name
2. Contact name (when the contact person is not the relative; people managing kits for others)
3. Contact phone number
4. Relative’s sex
5. Relative’s Y-DNA haplogroup
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6. Relative’s mtDNA haplogroup
Heritage is an open text area to document what is known about the relative’s heritage. This is also
populated from an Ancestry import.
Ancestry DNA Match: When viewing a DNA match in Ancestry DNA, there will be a black circle with
an “I” inside.
Clicking on the “I” will show something like this:
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That information is now shown in Genome Mate Pro. Note that if the match had a Hint, that will be
MRCA Note is an open text area to document what is known about the relatives MRCA(s). Any note
that was added to an Ancestry match will also be recorded here.
Links area is a place to enter links (URLs) to do a variety of things:
1. Send Email; Right click on the email address and select either “Copy Email” or “Copy Form
Letter”. This will place the selected item on the clipboard for use.
Clicking on the search symbol
when an email is displayed will show all the relatives
that are using that same email address.
2. Family Tree; a URL to the relatives web family tree
3. 23andMe Profile; the URL to the relatives 23andMe profile page
4. Ancestry Page; the Ancestry Test ID.
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5. Open Page; the URL to a page containing a collection of research items (e.g. Google Docs,
OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.)
Research Notes is an open text area to document what has been done in researching this relative
toward the common MRCA. Note the small “+” in the top right. Clicking on this will add separator
lines between notes.
4.4 Family Comparison Tab
The Family Comparison tab has six sections to be used. The content is based on the Relative that
has been selected.
Family Locations is based on the data that has been loaded from the source sites (e.g. FTDNA,
etc.). Note: This area is also open for additional text entry by the user. Be sure about the locations
that you enter; however, they can be deleted.
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Surnames is based on the data that has been loaded from the source sites (e.g. FTDNA, etc.)
Surnames in Common looks at the Surnames and compares those names to the Gedcom that was
loaded for the profile person. If a match(s) is found, it is displayed here.
Note: Clicking on “Select Surname” will do a reverse sort by surname.
Possible Connections will be populated based selecting a Surname from the Surnames in Common
section. The numbers to the left of the names are the generational numbers based on the loaded
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Note: Clicking on the “*” will do a reverse sort by generation. Clicking on “Select Ancestor” will do
a reverse sort by ancestor name.
Relative’s Ancestor List is fed by the Ancestry data feed (currently broken) but the user can also
enter data here.
Ancestor Details section will be populated with detailed information of the person that was
selected from the Possible Connections section. Note: The title bar of this section changes to the
name of the person that was selected.
4.5 DNA Comparison Tab
The DNA Comparison tab contains nine areas to be worked with. It is important to understand that
everything that is presented is based on the Relative that is displayed at the top center.
Note: Right clicking on an item on any area containing a list will copy that list to the clipboard.
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DNA Segments for XYZ shows the match data for the selected Relative for all profiles in the
database. Most know what this data is, so any further explanation should not be needed.
● Single clicking on a match changes what is displayed in the other areas of this page.
● Double clicking on a match will take you to that match on the Chromosome page to a view
that is automatically filtered to show just overlapping segments with the focus person. The
“Esc” key will show the entire chromosome.
● If the match is associated with multiple profiles, the default sort is by Chr, Start and End. By
clicking on the header “Profile”, the sort will change to Profile, Chr, Start, and End.
Match Summary provides an extended summary of the match data for the match that was
selected. Hover over this area to see the summary.
Side and Group area is for setting that identified “side” (e.g. Maternal, Paternal, etc.) for the
selected match as it relates to the focus person. Group is entered based on the conventions that
are being used. Think of groups as Triangulation Groups that group people who triangulate on a
particular segment. For example, everyone who is maternal and is on the same segment as your
maternal great grandfather would be in that group until a specific ancestor can be determined. You
can also enter any word or code that is meaningful for that particular collection (e.g. descendant,
MRCA surname pair, etc.). When done, click “Mark”. The “Mark All Matches will be presented for
your confirmation.
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Note: There is a drop down to the right of “Group” that contains a saved selection of the Groups
that have been used. Saving a group name to the list is done by making sure a segment is selected
with the group populated and then clicking on “Save Segment” at the bottom of the page.
Note: To the left of the first MRCA entry box is a button
their associated ancestral surnames to the clipboard.
that will copy the MRCA entries and
Later, when you check out the Segment Map section, you will find that all segments on all
chromosomes on the map have been populated.
Note: If you only want a single segment populated on the Segment Map, don’t click “Mark”, click
“Save Segment” at the bottom of the window.
Note: There is a “Magic Button” that if clicked will mark the assigned group for all profiles with
this relative.
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But, be careful!! See what can happen in the next three screenshots.
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4.5.1 Delete Segment
There are times when a duplicate match will be loaded into Genome Mate Pro and you want one of
them deleted.
1. Identify the duplication and note the chromosome. Note the order in which they are
displayed (e.g. for the Darlene duplication, I wish to retain the one with the SNPs). Double
click on the top entry for “Darlene”.
2. You are now on the DNA Comparison tab of the Relative page with all of Darlene’s match
segments displayed. I know that I want to delete the entry from chromosome 14 with no
SNPs. This is the bottom entry. Click on that entry and then click “Delete Match”.
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3. The duplicate entry is now gone.
4.5.2 Hide Segment
There are times when you no longer want to see a particular matching segment on the Chromosome
1. I want to be able to hide this particular segment on chromosome 1 for Cheryl.
2. Double click on Cheryl. This will bring up the DNA Comparison tab, with Cheryl’s Match
Segments loaded. The segments that was double clicked should be bold in this list. At the
bottom of the page, check “Hide Segment” and then click ”Save Segment”.
3. Double click the bolded segment and you will return to the Chromosomes page. Uncheck
“Hidden” and Cheryl will no longer be shown.
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4.5.3 Segment Comment
This is a text area to write a note regarding the segment that has been selected from the DNA
Segments. Make sure the click in “Save Segment” or the note will not be saved.
4.5.4 Overlapping Segments
This shows the segments that are overlapping with the Focus Person. If you double click on one of
them, the Focus Person will be replaced.
4.5.5 ICW List
Relatives that ICW with the Focus Person. Note: ICWs only show if the person is not in the
triangulation list.
4.5.6 Possible Triangulated Segments
The relative names that are listed in “Possible Triangulated Segments” are those relatives that are
a triangulation between the Profile that is selected in the DNA Segments area and the relative that
was selected as the Focus Person.
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The cMs data in the Possible Triangulated Segments box is now the segment between Relatives. It
will initially be listed as zero but will populate values as you update your database.
The following is some clarifying information related to the cMs values in the Possible Triangulated
Segments area of the Relatives page. Look at the screenshot below and difference between the
Profile Person, Relative A, and Relative B. Note: in the Possible Triangulated Segments area you
may have multiple “Relative B” people.
An initial load of Gedmatch triangulation data resulted in the screenshot seen below. At this time,
the cMs associated with this particular Relative B was zero (0).
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A Gedmatch “One to One Compare” was run using the kit numbers associated with Relative A and
Relative B (not the Profile Person). The resulting data was then imported into Genome Mate Pro.
Note: the cMs for Relative B has now been entered as seen in the following screenshot.
The cMs values can also be updated by following the process described in section 4.5.7
This will show how strong the relationship is between Relative A and Relative B.
It should be noted that cMs can only be loaded through chr browser and triangulation imports. ICW
does not have cMs.
4.5.7 Add To Possible Triangulated Segments
When you right click in the Possible Triangulated Segments area, the last item in the list adds
triangulation data for a specific relative in relation to other relatives and profiles, and, as such, is
an optional extra that may prove handy for some people but can be ignored by others with no real
detriment to their overall experience and ability to use the data imported through the normal
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channels. What this does is fill in the triangulation data that is omitted from the triangulation step
of GedMatch loads as that load does not load all matches.
The process is as follows:
1. From the Relatives tab, select a relative that was loaded from Gedmatch that you have a
particular interest in. On the DNA Comparison tab, note the relatives that are listed in the
“Possible Triangulated Segments” area.
2. Right click in the Source Key area and select “Copy Key to Clipboard”.
3. Log into Gedmatch and select “Matching Segment Search” from the Tier 1 Utilities. Paste in
the Kit Number and select “No” for Show graphic bar for Chromosome. Click “Submit” and
wait for the processing to be completed.
4. When the Gedmatch process is complete, right click in the Possible Triangulated Segments
area and select the last item. Just follow the instructions provided.
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5. When Genome Mate Pro processing has been completed, review the log message and
associated file.
6. Additional triangulations have now been added to this relative.
4.6 Right Click for More Options
Note: If there is content in Overlapping Segments, you can right click in that area and be presented
with following two selections:
If there is content in ICW List, you can right click in that area and be presented with following
three selections
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If there is content in Possible Triangulated Segments List, you can right click in that area and be
presented with following five selections
4.6.1 Show Common Surnames
Selecting “Show Common Surnames” will product a popup where surnames can be compared to
three different items:
A listing of Common Surnames will be shown based on the selection made.
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4.6.2 Copy Commands
The copy commands should be self-explanatory. It will just copy the related data to the clipboard
so it can be pasted somewhere else (e.g. email, a document, etc.)
4.6.3 Delete Triangulation
This will delete the selected triangulation from the database. A warning message will be presented
before the deletion takes place.
4.6.4 Add Triangulations from Gedmatch Tier 1 Matching Segment Search
See section 4.5.7 for detailed directions.
4.7 Merge Tab
There are occasions when the same relative may show up more than once under different names.
When this happens you can “merge” the relatives into a single entry. Genome Mate Pro also merges
triangulation and ICW data, which cannot be “unmerged”.
Note: Be very sure you 100% certain that the two people you are merging are in fact the same
person and not two people of the same name, or one person managing multiple family member's
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1. Here is an example of the same person showing under two different sources.
2. Double clicking on the first entry (the one that should be retained) and select the “Merge
Relative on the Relative page. Click “Search”. Re-select the person to be retained.
3. Notice that Lee has been placed in the right side of the “Merge Options” section. Merging
will go from left to right, with the right side being retained.
4. Under “Select Relative To Merge” click on the relative to be merged. You may have to use
the filters on the top of the page to get the appropriate names to be displayed in the
“Select Relative To Merge” section.
5. Both relatives should now be showing in the middle section of the window. In the left pane,
check the fields to be merged into the relative shown on the right. Review the “DNA Match
Segments” (at the bottom) and make sure this is what is wanted. When the review is done
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and the you’re happy, click “Merge Relatives”.
6. A warning will be displayed, click “Yes” to proceed.
7. Back on the Chromosome page, the merge was successful and the name is black.
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4.7.1 Unmerging
The following step are for unmerging:
1. Select the relative to be unmerged and note the multiple source keys.
2. Right click on the source key to be removed and select “Delete Source Key”.
3. The following message will be presented. Click “Yes”. The relative will still appear as being
merged in Chromosomes (e.g. black name). Note that it will take a new import for the
source key that was deleted.
4. Lee still shows as a merged relative on the chromosome page. We will have to reload the
data associated with the original source keys to get back to the starting point.9
5. After reloading FTDNA and Gedmatch. Lee did not show as two separate entries.
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6. Needed to delete the FTDNA match and reload FTDNA again to get back to the start.
7. Bottom line: If you want to merge relatives, make sure you aren't going to change your
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5 Ancestors
5.1 Gedcom Load
Before you can really start using the full functionality of Genome Mate Pro, you should load a
Gedcom containing your ancestors. A process within Genome Mate Pro will limit the ancestors
loaded to just those direct ancestors based on the selected focus person. All others are not
retained. It is these ancestors that will become the basis for the selection of an MRCA on the
Relative tab.
A Gedcom in 5.5 format using UTF-8 is needed (5.5.1 has been known to cause issues). If you are
using Legacy Family Tree, select the “Generic” format.
Note: Surnames are kept in Title Case so “McDonald” will look like “Mcdonald”. To keep the
capitalization put a space after Mc.
1. Select the Ancestor tab and click “Load Gedcom”.
2. Navigate the the location that contains the saved Gedcom file and click on the file to be
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3. Select a Profile on the right, then select the person that matches the Profile on the left.
When the two selections are correct, click “Load Ancestors for Profile”.
4. A validation message will be displayed. If the two people are the same, click “Yes”. If they
are not, click “No” and reselect.
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5. The Gedcom data will be loaded and a completion message will be displayed. Click “OK”.
6. If you have another Profile that is associated with the same Gedcom, repeat the steps that
were just completed as often as needed. Note: you may have to click in the Profile area to
reload the Profile names.
7. If a Profile person needs to be associated with a different Gedcom file, click on “Load
8. Navigate the the location that contains the saved Gedcom file and click on the file to be
9. Select a Profile on the right, then select the person that matches the Profile on the left.
When the two selections are correct, click “Load Ancestors for Profile”. Click “Yes” the the
selections are correct and “OK” when the Gedcom load is complete. Repeat as needed.
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10. When all Gedcoms have been loaded, click “Close” and you’re done.
Note: You can load a Gedcom for each profile in your database. I have four profiles; myself, my
daughter, a 1st cousin on my paternal side, and a 1st cousin on my maternal side. I have loaded a
Gedcom for myself and for each of my cousins.
Note: If you have refined your genealogical database resulting in a new Gedcom, just reload
starting with step 1.
Note: For those with genealogies that go back more than 15 generations, remember that autosomal
DNA is considered not very reliable as you go back in time. Consider this when you determine how
far back a Gedcom should be.
5.2 Ancestor List
After the completion of the Gedcom load, the direct ancestors will be displayed in the left pane of
the Ancestor tab. Ancestors in blue are those in the paternal line, those in pink are those in the
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maternal line. The filter area at the bottom of this pane provides for the ability to show either
maternal, paternal, both, or an X list. Above the filter area is a search box to assist in locating a
particular ancestor. Right click anywhere in the Ancestor List will copy the list to the clipboard.
Selecting anyone from the Ancestor List will display an event chronology of that person.
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5.3 Alternate Surname Spelling
Some surnames have had alternate spellings over time. Just click to the right of a name and enter
alternate spellings separated by a comma. The alternate spellings that are entered will be taken
into consideration in the “Surnames in Common” area of the Relatives page.
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6 Segment Map
Remember in the DNA Comparison discussion on the Relative page where a “side”, “Group”, and
“MRCA” was set?
After you clicked “Mark” and indicated “Yes” to the message box, the Segment Map has been
updated with this MRCA.
If you go back to the DNA Comparison section of the Relative page and remove the MRCA
(remembering to click “Mark” and “Yes”), the Segment Map will go blank.
If you want to keep a particular segment on a particular chromosome after clearing the MRCA, on
the Segment Map follow these steps:
1. Left click on the segment you want to keep.
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2. OR, click on the segment you want to keep by expanding either “Paternal” or “Maternal”
and expanding the desired chromosome.
3. Check the “Permanent” box, select a new color (if desired), and click “Save”.
Note: The attributes of the selected segment are being presented.
Note from Becky: Permanent segments are stored in database and confirmed is a way to
mark segments that you have confirmed the MRCAs on. When I find common ancestors with a
relative, I will enter the MRCAs but do not confirm the segment until I have a triangulation
between 3 of us on the same segment.
4. The “Segment Saved” message will be displayed. Click “OK”.
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5. That segment is now permanent and a different color.
6. If you want to set all segments for this group to permanent and change the color, click on
one entry in this area.
7. Click “Permanent”, select color, and click “Save” and “Yes” to the next message.
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8. Go back and select the segment that was made permanent.
9. Click “Mark”.
10. Select “Yes” to this message.
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11. Click “OK” to this message.
12. All segments have been marked “Permanent” and color has been changed.
13. Clicking “Unmark”, “Yes”, and “OK” will remove the permanent segments and return the
color back to the default one.
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14. If you go back and clear the MRCA, only the segment(s) flagged as permanent will be left on
the Segment Map.
15. If you wish to remove that permanent segment, left click on the segment and click “Delete”.
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16. Click “Yes” and segment will have been removed from the Segment Map.
6.1 Adding A Manual Segment
There may be an occasion where you want to manually add a segment to the map.
1. On the Segment Map, Click “Add”.
2. Enter the parameters for the new segment, select a color, add a comment on why you are
creating this segment, and click “Save” and “Yes” to the “Segment Saved” message.
“Permanent” has automatically been checked.
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3. The manual segment has been added.
6.2 Segment Map Generation Selection and Group List
Clicking on the dropdown next to “All Generations” provides a selection of the generation to be
displayed on the Segment Map.
Group List provides the ability to select a group (or groups) to be displayed on the Segment Map.
To select multiple groups, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select the groups to see. “Show All” will
display all groups.
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6.3 Segment Map Table
The bottom left pane displays a table of DNA data related to the segments that are associated with
all segments on the map (not just the group(s) that have been selected). The data in the table can
be sorted by clicking on the related column header.
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7 Options
The Options page contains three sections that are covered in detail below. Import Templates was
covered in section 2.5 on page 24.
7.1 App Settings
7.1.1 Display Options
● cMs and SNPs should known by everyone using Genome Mate, so will not be discussed.
● Length is how long the segment. It is the “End” value of a segment minus the “Start” value
of a segment (e.g. End = 18.3, Start = 11.1, Length = 7.2).
Note: Display minimum/maximum cMs, SNPs, and Length needs to be used in conjunction with the
“Hide Minimum” filters on the Chromosome page.
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● Overlap is how much of an overlap (like length) that segments must have to be displayed.
Note: Overlap is used in conjunction with the “Show Overlapping match segments” that was
discussed on section 3 on page 32.
Display: Graph or Notes; Select what you want displayed on the right on the Chromosomes page. If
you select “Notes” and have added a note in “MRCA Note” on the “About” tab on the Relatives
page, that will be displayed. If “MRCA Note” is empty, the the relatives Status will be displayed.
Note: you can also toggle this setting from the Chromosomes page by right clicking on any relative
and selecting “Toggle Notes Display”.
7.1.2 Import Criteria
cMs, SNPs, and X cMs are values to be entered to limit what gets added to the database during an
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Add New Relative and Add Possible False Positives control what gets added to the database.
Note: Genome Mate Pro considers a segment that crosses the centromere to be a “Potential False
Positive”. This is noted on the Chromosome page with an orange question mark in the “Side”
Add Duplicates to Import Log, Add Merges to Import Log, and Log Additions and Updates does
what it says.
Show Import Help turns on and off the message shown below. This is a good aid when importing
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Merge Chromosome Data is only used when importing data from the old Genome Mate to Genome
Mate Pro. If you are a new user, disregard.
Add Gedmatch Kits to Names will add the Gedmatch kit numbers to relative name imported from
Enable In-Memory Journaling; journaling is currently done on the disk in the location of the
database. Enabling this will speedup data input by journaling to memory. Note that this is not
Note: The author of this guide has experienced considerable performance with loading, especially
Ancestry data. Loading the Ancestors file would take up to 8 hours. With In-Memory Journaling
turned on, the load was done in just a little over an hour.
When using this feature the following warning message is presented.
Per Becky, the underlined words mean; “that everything from the last backup is lost”. Therefore,
make sure you do a backup before and after imports when using this feature.
Note: Both Display Options and Import Criteria can be reset to default values by clicking the button
in the Import Criteria section of App Settings on the Options tab.
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7.1.3 Form Letter
This is a place to either use the current form letter or enter one of your own.
7.1.4 Other App Settings
Change Testing Source Colors is located at the bottom of App Settings. This allows the user to
change the testing source colors to whatever they want.
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Private Display for Sharing removes the last name from the Profile, Chromosome page, and three
areas on the Relative page.
Note: If you have a lot of names that start with Mr. or Mrs., this is what you will get. This can be
corrected with the “Remove Titles from Relative and Chromosome data” in “Database Cleanup”.
Enable Automatic Backup will automatically backup the database when Genome Mate Pro is
closed. When initially setting this feature up, a location and file name for the backup will have to
be provided. Remember to click “Save”. When you exit a “Database backed up” message with be
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Note: There is no “Restore Backup”. The process will be to do a “File\Open Database” and then a
“File\Save As” providing the original location and filename.
Database and Backup Locations will show these locations on your system.
Database Statistics shows the number of Matches, Relatives, and Triangulations in the database
that is in use.
Export CSV Files is made available for external reporting. If you are using Excel, remember to save
the files as a workbook.
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Fields available from the exported files are as follows
Chromosome Data
Relative Data
Map Segments
Triangulation (ICW)
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7.2 Database Cleanup
The Database Cleanup section is to assist the user in keep their database in the state of their
liking. Note the warning, “These changes are permanent”, so backup before you do anything in
case you change your mind.
Each of the Clean Up Actions may require a source to be selected as well as the appropriate
attributes in the DNA Segment Criteria area. Look at the tables below. Think ahead of what you
want accomplished.
The “Actions” available for data cleanup have been segmented into DNA Segments and Relative
Data as shown below.
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Note: When deleting chromosome data for all sources and profiles, all triangulation data will be
deleted as well.
The following table shows each of the Actions along with its association to Source, Profile,
Minimums, and Preview.
Clean Up DNA Segments Action
Delete Chromosome Data less than minimum cMs
Deletes the chromosome data for the Source, Profile, and
Minimum cMs you have set. A preview will be available so you
can select entries to be excluded from the deletion.
Delete Chromosome Data less than minimum SNPs
Deletes the chromosome data for the Source, Profile, and
Minimum SNPs you have set. A preview will be available so you
can select entries to be excluded from the deletion.
Delete Chromosome Data less than minimum base pair
Deletes the chromosome data for the Source, Profile, and
Minimum Length you have set. A preview will be available so
you can select entries to be excluded from the deletion.
Delete Chromosome Data in False Positive Regions
Deletes the chromosome data for the Source and Profile you
have set. False positive is show as a yellow question make in
the side column on the Chromosome page and in section 17.2.
A preview will be available so you can select entries to be
excluded from the deletion.
Delete Chromosome date by Source and Profile
Deletes the chromosome data for the Source and Profile you
have set. A preview will be available so you can select entries
to be excluded from the deletion.
Hide Chromosome Data in False Positive Regions
Hides the chromosome data for the Source and Profile you have
set. False positive is show as a yellow question make in the
side column on the Chromosome page and in section 17.2. A
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preview will be available so you can select entries to be
excluded from the deletion.
Clean Up Relative Data Action
Remove * and () from Relative names
Removes the asterisks (*) and parentheses () from relative
names. A preview will be available so you can select entries to
be excluded from the deletion.
Remove Titles from Relative and Chromosome data
Removes titles (e.g. Mr. etc.) from relative names in both the
Relative List and the names on the Chromosome page. A
preview will be available so you can select entries to be
excluded from the deletion.
Delete Relatives without Chromosome data by Source
Delete relatives without chromosome data based on the source
you have selected. A preview will be available so you can
select entries to be excluded from the deletion.
Delete all Relatives and Chromosome data by Source
Delete all relatives and chromosome data based on the source
you have selected (e.g. I want to get rid of all FTDNA relatives
and their DNA data). A preview will not be available so you can
select entries to be excluded from the deletion.
Delete Invalid Triangulation Data
Used to cleanup old data formats. Not needed unless you see
an issue with the data.
Cleanup Birth/Death Dates in Ancestor List
Used to cleanup old data formats. Not needed unless you see
an issue with the data.
If a preview is available, it will be shown in the pane to the right.
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Once a preview has been loaded, a right click on a single item will allow the user to remove that
item from the selection to be deleted. A shift right click lower down the list will select multiple
items. You can also choose to copy the entire list to the clipboard.
If you are OK with what the preview is showing, click “Delete All”. If you do not want to continue
with the deletion, click “Cancel”.
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8 Help
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Section Two
The material in this section contains information that is not essential for using Genome Mate Pro;
however, will provide the “power user” with additional useful material.
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9 Migrating from Genome Mate to Genome Mate Pro
Data Load
Note: If you have multiple profiles in Genome Mate, it is recommended to move all of them at the
same time. That means setting up all the profiles on Genome Mate Pro and then following the steps
Moving your data from the current version of Genome Mate to the Pro version is accomplished by
moving .CSV files from the initial version to the Pro version.
1. Set up a directory that will contain the exported .CSV files.
2. Launch Genome Mate and select the “Options” tab. You will be working in the “Export CSV
3. Click in “Match Data” and save the file to the directory that was previously set up. Use the
same name for the file (e.g. Match Data).
4. Repeat this extraction process for each of the three files maintaining the correct file names.
5. Close the Options tab and close Genome Mate.
6. Your directory should look like this.
7. Start Genome Mate Pro
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8. If your previous data contains multiple profiles, you need to set up the starting profile first;
this is the profile that will be on top of the profile selection. If you want your profiles to
appear in a specific order, enter all of the needed details now, otherwise all profiles (except
the first one) will appear in alphabetic order by first name. Click on the Profiles tab and
select “New Profile”. Populate the information in the right pane. Make sure to “Save
Profile” when you are done.
Note: The names in the profiles must be 100% identical to the names in Genome Mate.
You can change them after the import.
9. Select Import Data\from Genome Mate\Load Relative Export File (the files must be loaded in
the sequence shown). A message at the bottom of the window shows the progress.
10. You will get the “To Merge or Not Merge” message.
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11. Load the Matches, Triangulation, and ICW data.
12. Data load is now complete. Load a Gedcom if desired, but be aware that adding an MRCA to
a relative requires a loaded Gedcom. The Gedcom load can be done at any time. Load
Gedcom directions can be found in section 5.1 on page 65.
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10 Determining the MRCA
Determining the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) between the focus person and their match
requires a good understanding of both person’s well sourced genealogical data. The following is a
process that could be followed.
Goal: Determine the MRCA for Person A and Person B.
1. Create a pedigree chart for both Person A and Person B.
2. As the pedigree builds into the past, look for a common name with the same genealogical
events (e.g. birth, death, etc.). This person(s) is probably the MRCA for Person A and Person
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11 Importing DNAGedcom FTDNA Files
DNAGedcom creates three files as the input for FTDNA data. Those files are:
● ChromosomeBrowser
● Family_Finder_Matches
Column A in the ChromosomeBrowser file contains the name associated with the Genome Mate Pro
profile that will be loaded. Those two names must be exactly the same. If they are not, the
Chromosome data will not be loaded to Genome Mate Pro. The Chromosomes page for the selected
profile will be empty for FTDNA data. Here are two resolutions:
1. Look at the name in Column A of the ChromosomeBrowser file and make sure that same
name is used as the “Name on FTDNA” slot in the Genome Mate Pro profile.
2. Change FTDNA contact name
a. If you have access to the FTDNA site, you can edit the “contact name” in the user
profile to the name desired. Make sure this name is also used in the “Name on
FTDNA” slot in the Genome Mate Pro profile.
b. On DNAGedcom, delete the kit that has been associated with the profile person. Even
though you have changed the name on FTDNA, DNAGedcom remembers the previous
c. At DNAGedcom, request a new download for the profile person. This will create a new
DNAGedcom-FTDNA kit number that will have to be updated in the Genome Mate
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12 Changing Template Column Numbers
WARNING!! This should only be done if you’re sure about what you are doing.
There are times when the DNA source vendor (e.g. FTDNA) changes the structure of their output
files. When this happens the .CSV column for a particular data field has been changed. Idealy, a
new template will be issued to cover this change; however, that make take time. The user now has
the ability to temporarily change the column number values.
1. The DNAGedcom file for FTDNA’s Family Finder file currently uses column 14 to feed
Relative Name to Genome Mate Pro.
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2. Let's say that changes to column 2. Click on the original value and enter a “2”. Click “Save
3. Click “OK” to this message. The modified template is now ready with the updated column
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4. Moving away from the modified template will cause the template to return to its original
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13 DNA Blogs & Facebook Groups to Follow
Genome Mate Pro is a wonderful tool to manage your genetic DNA. The full benefits gained from
this tool will be predicated on your knowledge of genetic DNA. As most will agree, this topic
changes daily. I started reading books on the subject and soon learned that even newly published
ones were not in sync with current knowledge. Following well respected blogs is one of the best
ways to stay current with genetic DNA. They will assist you in getting the most from Genome Mate
Pro. Here are the primary ones you may want to consider.
13.1 General DNA Related Blogs
● The Genetic Genealogist
● dna - genealem’s genetic genealogy
● DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy
● Kitty Cooper’s Blog
● On-line Journal of Genetics and Genealogy
● OriginsDNA
● segment-ology
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● Solving Genealogy Puzzles with DNA
● The 23andMe Blog
● The Legal Genealogist
● Your Genetic Genealogist
● DNAAdoption
There are a number of Facebook Groups that provide up to date information on DNA and
Genealogy. Some are open to the public and others require a “Request to Join”.
13.2 Facebook Groups
● Genome Mate Pro
● International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG)
● DNA Tools
● User Group
● GEDmatch Genealogy and Ancestry Group
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● DNA Class Alumni (Only open to alumni of classes given by DNAAdoption)
● Legacy User Group
● DNAGedcom User Group
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14 Data Fields
This section is for those that want to know at a glance where the data in Genome Mate Pro comes
from. The tables are an extraction from the Import Data Templates. The organization is by data
source (e.g. DNAGedcom, Gedmatch, etc.)
14.1 DNAGedcom Site
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14.2 DNAGedcom Client
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14.3 Gedmatch
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14.4 23andMe
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14.5 FTDNA
14.6 AncestryDNA
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15 Handy Tips
This section contains information that may be helpful, but did not warrant taking up space in the
main part of the document.
15.1 Who Did I Merge
Throughout the life of your Genome Mate Pro database, you may have merged a number of
relatives and don’t want to take the time to look through all chromosomes for the name in black.
1. Export the Chromosome Data file from the Options page.
2. In Excel, turn on the filter.
3. In the Source column, select “Combined”.
4. The resulting list are relatives that have been merged. Names that appear more than once
indicate multiple segments that were merged.
15.2 ICW Analysis
This tip looks at ICW data from DNAGedcom’s FTDNA collection and shows how this data is reported
in Genome Mate Pro.
1. In order to make sure that all data was imported, the import attributes were set as shown
below (e.g. all cMs and SNP values were imported and everything was shown on the import
log file).
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2. All three FTDNA .CSV files from DNAGedcom were loaded. These were:
● Family Finder Matches
● ChromosomeBrowser
● ICW (this is the file that is the focus of this analysis)
3. The Display Options controls what is displayed on the Chromosome Page only when one of
the related filters is checked; however, the Display Options always controls what is being
displayed on the Relative Page, DNA Comparison tab. In order to filter as little as possible,
Min cMs, Min SNPs, Min Length, and Min Overlap were all set to zero as shown below.
4. The ICW file from DNAGedcom was opened in a spreadsheet and was sorted by “Profile
Name”. A random person was selected to see what Genome Mate Pro should be showing as
people who were ICW with the selected person. Allison was the person that was selected.
The highlighted relatives were listed as ICW. A screenshot from the spreadsheet is shown
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5. Genome Mate Pro was opened and Allison was brought to focus on the Relatives page, DNA
Comparison tab. There were 17 entries in the DNA Match Segments area.
6. Each entry was selected and the ICW List area was reviewed. Based on the spreadsheet (see
above), Eric, Nancy, Lawrence, and Nevin should show in the ICW list and the different
segments re reviewed. Since ICW is must be on overlapping segments, not every segment in
every chromosome will show an ICW person.
7. Chromosome 10 showed both Eric and Lawrence as ICW.
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8. Double clicking on the Chromosome 10 entry in the DNA Match Segments area will switch
over to the Chromosomes page with Chromosome 10 in view. Searching for Allison, right
click and select “Show ICW Match Segments”. Allison is shown with the two ICW people (Eric
and Lawrence).
All is good!!!
9. What if a user maintained the default Display Options as shown below.
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10. The same DNA Match Segments were scrolled through, but this time both Eric and Lawrence
were not seen.
11. Let’s change the Min cMs and SNPs to zero and look at who is ICW
12. Still the same two relatives, nothing has changed.
13. Change Min Overlap down to zero and look for ICW relatives.
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14. Everyone is back to ICW again. The Min Overlap between Allison and both Eric and Lawrence
was less than the setting of 5, causing Eric and Lawrence to not be shown.
15. Using Eric as the example, Allison and Eric’s DNA Match Segments (from Genome Mate Pro)
were copy/pasted into a spreadsheet and sorted by Chromosome and Start. A screenshot of
this spreadsheet is shown below. By reducing the Min Overlap down to zero, I picked up Eric
on Chr 10, 14, and 18.
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15.3 Gedcom from RootsMagic
The default Gedcom output from RootsMagic produces a file in the 5.5.1 format that is
unacceptable to Genome Mate Pro. There are two ways to resolve this:
1. In RootsMagic, in the Gedcom Export window, uncheck the box labeled “Extra Details (RM
specific)” and proceed with the Gedcom Export.
2. Open the exported Gedcom file in a word processor (e.g. Notepad) and change “2 VERS
5.5.1” to “2 VERS 5.5”.
15.4 Using 529andYou
Warning: These instructions and this tool may not work with the “New” 23andMe.
Leah LaPerle Larkin developed this well written set of instructions for using the 529andYou tool.
These instructions describe how to use one of the best tools around for collecting 23andMe data,
the Chrome add-on 529andYou by Roger Woods. If used correctly, not only will it retain match data
for import into Genome Mate Pro, but it can be used to identify triangulations and in common with
(ICW) data for each relative.
1. Skip this step if you already have the Chrome browser. Click here to get Chrome.
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2. Click here to get the 529andYou Chrome add-on. Be sure to select yes to create a database when
3. Open 23andMe to My Results > Ancestry Tools > Family Inheritance: Advanced (FIA for short) and
select any two profiles. Then click Compare and when the results are shown, click on View in a
table. To the right of the URL at the top of the browser, you will see this icon.
icon to open the 529andYou tab.
Click on the
4. Next click on the Create 'To Do' Table button. This will display all matches who are sharing
genomes with the 23andMe profile and for whom data has yet to be recorded.
5. Click the "Turbo Compare" button at the bottom of the list to open a separate tab that will load
to do them five matches at a time into the database. If there are more than five matches, the
Turbo Compare button will remain black. Continue clicking it until it turns gray. You can close the
extra tabs once they have finished loading.
6. Now that these names are loaded in your 529andYou database, you can have it save the
triangulation and ICW data. Reload the 529andYou tab (or close and reopen it from the FIA page).
Select display mode "Profile and Overlapping Segment Links" and Show Matches of "All". Hold the
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"Shift" key and click on "Create Match Table". (HINT: If you have previously loaded match data into
529andYou and are adding new matches, see the note at the end of this document.)
7. You will see a list of matching segments with either a blue or a red "show overlapping segments"
button at the right. If the button is blue, you don't need to do anything. For the red ones, click the
"show overlapping segments" button for each match, one at a time. In the resulting table, click on
the Turbo Compare button at the bottom of each list to open five of the comparisons in a separate
FIA tab. This will load the comparisons into the 529andYou database. If there are more than five,
click the Turbo Compare button again until it turns gray. Once the FIA tabs has have finished
loading, you can close them, but leave the 529andYou tab open. (HINT: If you are doing a lot of
comparisons, you can let them build up and close them all at once.)
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8. Continue the process of shift-clicking "Create Match Table", clicking a red "show overlapping
segments" button, and then clicking "Turbo Compare". Do this until all of the "show overlapping
segments" buttons are blue. Don't be alarmed if additional "show overlapping segments" buttons
appear that were not there initially. Just keep clicking!
9. Now the data is loaded and can be transferred to Genome Mate Pro. Make sure "Show matches
of" is set to "All" and click the "Download CSV" button. The resulting file can be imported into
Genome Mate Pro.
NOTE: To update an existing 529 database as more genomes are shared with you:
Do steps 1–5 above. Take a screenshot of the 'To Do' Table or write the names down. During step 6,
select a name from your to-do list for "Show matches of" (instead of selecting "All"), then click on
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"Create Match Table". Proceed through steps 7 and 8 for that person, then select another name
from your to-do list and repeat this process. When you are ready to download the csv file, make
sure you select "All" in "Show matches of".
Note: If you have done a 529andYou import, you only need to add “Load DNA Relatives” and “Load
CoA Matches” to complete 23andMe data.
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15.5 Gedmatch Tips
Chromosome Browser Data Import
When selecting kits to be compared, do not select more than 200 (under 200 is preferable).
Missing Names in One to Many
Some entries on the One to Many report have been left blank. When this occurs, Genome Mate Pro
replaces the name field with the Gedmatch Kit Number associated with that relative.
15.6 Steps for Marking Maternal or Paternal Segments
The following tip was developed by Kristina Clever.
1. From the Chromosome Tab, select a Focus Profile. For this example, I am using the Profile
for “ACC.”
2. Double‐click on a segment for a known maternal or paternal match. For this example, I am
selecting a known paternal grandfather.
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3. You will now be on the Relative Tab for the match selected from Step 2. Click on the DNA
Comparison Tab.
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4. Depending upon the number of profiles you have imported, there may a list of profiles
showing on the DNA Match Segments box (left side of screen). It is important to check that
the Focus Profile you want is selected as the program automatically defaults to the first
segment in this list.
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5. Select the desired Side (Paternal, Maternal, Both, IBS) and click Mark. You will get a pop‐up
screen to confirm. Select “Yes” if everything is correct.
6. Now that you have a Relative with a marked Side, go back to the Chromosome Tab. You will
see that the match now has the appropriate letter.
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7. Right click on the desired DNA segment for the focus Relative and select “Show Triangulated
DNA Segments” from the dropdown list.
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8. You will now see a list of matches that are possibly triangulated to that specific segment.
Right‐click on the match that contains the desired Side designation and select Mark shown
DNA segments from the dropdown list. You will be asked to confirm that you want to change
all matches displayed to the selected Side. Select “Yes” to confirm.
The user to should take steps to confirm that the “Possible” Triangulated Segments are valid.
9. All triangulated matches for that specific segment will now be marked with the desired
Side. Steps 7 through 9 will need to be repeated for each segment for the focus Relative.
15.7 Hitting “Esc” During an Import
You can stop an import that is in process by hitting the “Esc” key at any time, but be aware that
what you thought might be loaded probably did not.
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15.8 Missing Ancestor
Thanks to Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson, we have the following tip:
Problem: I’m missing some ancestors after loading the GEDCOM for a profile.
This tip covers three programs - Legacy Family Tree, Family Tree Maker, and Roots Magic - and
covers how to locate and correct the problem in each case. Any names and dates shown in the
screenshots are made up, and any similarity to real people is purely coincidental.
In all cases, the solution to missing ancestors is most likely to be one of two things.
1. Someone has an “empty marriage” or “two odd sets of parents”
2. Someone has been marked as “Private” or “Invisible” and therefore they, and possibly their
ancestors as well, are excluded from the GEDCOM export
Both of these are easily fixed once the problem and problem point has been identified.
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Here is our sample tree
This tree also has an example of Pedigree Collapse. It is indicated by the red outlined couples.
Screenshot from Ancestry.
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Solution to Situation 1 - Someone has an “empty marriage” or “two odd sets of parents”
After we’ve loaded our GEDCOM into Genome Mate Pro, we’ve checked the Ancestors tab and
realised that we are missing a certain ancestor, but we have their parents and grandparents - in
this case, we are missing Susan Franks.
We need to find out why Susan Franks - or more importantly - why your ancestor is missing from
your list.
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In Legacy, navigate on the Family View to the point where your missing ancestor is in the position
of a parent.
Hover over their spouse’s marriage icon, it will likely display something like this
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It is that “Unknown” spouse that we need to remove.
Click on the marriage icon, and then click on the Unknown spouse, and then click “Delete”
Re-export and re-load your GEDCOM.
Note: You could also choose to add “??” or the word “Unknown” to the spouse’s name. The
problem seems to only appear when Two sets of parents are present for a person and one of those
sets contains a blank - or empty - parent - thus an empty marriage for the remaining parent
In Family Tree Maker, navigate to the point where your missing ancestor is in the position of
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Hover over the “Choose Spouse” button of their partner and you should see something similar to
The [No Spouse Entered] is what’s causing the trouble.
Make sure the person with the problem spouse is selected, and at the top of your screen, select the
menu option of Person > Attach/Detach Person > Detach Selected Person
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Next, choose the family that looks similar to this, in that there is one parent not entered. Take
care not to simply select the first option presented as more than one option will likely be available
to choose from.
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Click ok.
Re-export and re-load your GEDCOM.
In Roots Magic, in Pedigree View, navigate to the child of your missing ancestor.
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In the example, Susan Franks is missing, so I would need to navigate to her daughter Mary Jones
In the top left corner, we can see that Mary has two sets of parents assigned to her.
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Click the down arrow next to “Parents” and select the incorrect parent group.
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At the top of the screen, select Edit > Unlink > From Parents
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Select “Unlink from Parents”.
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not sure why RootsMagic has placed Mary’s father in the
mother’s position, my apologies for that, but the
process is accurate.
Re-export and re-load your GEDCOM
If you have gone through the process for your program and not been able to locate an incorrect
marriage, then it is possible that your missing ancestor has been marked as “Private” or “Invisible”
and so hasn’t been exported as expected. An ancestor marked as “Invisible” is also likely to not
have any of their ancestors in your list.
If you have people named “Private” in your ancestor list, then you have marked that person as
Private in your database.
In Legacy, open up the person’s individual view, and look in the lower right hand corner
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If you have “(Private)” or “(Invisible)” underneath the “Privacy Settings” button, click the button
and change the setting to “Not Private”
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For Family Tree Maker and Roots Magic, and for Legacy, it’s possible that a person imported into
Genome Mate Pro with the name of “Private” has been exported to the GEDCOM file with that
name due to Privacy settings at the time of export. Simply re-export your GEDCOM, paying
attention to the privacy settings to ensure that names and dates are exported for living people,
and re-load that new GEDCOM into Genome Mate Pro.
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15.9 Macintosh Tips
This document initially started with a PC focus; however, it has been determined that a majority of
the functionality between a PC and Mac is the same. The following “Macintosh Tips” are for the
Mac users.
1. All cut/copy/paste functions within the Mac version of Genome Mate Pro are performed with
a right mouse click, rather than with the keyboard commands
2. When opening Genome Mate Pro on a Mac running OS X Yosemite (10.10) or above, you may
get the following error message:
This doesn’t necessarily mean that something’s wrong with the app. It just means the app
has not been reviewed by Apple, and OS X can’t tell whether the app has been modified or
broken since it was released.
After receiving this message, to allow Genome Mate Pro to continue opening, you can open
System Preferences through the Apple Menu, go to Security & Privacy, and select "Open
Alternately, when opening Genome Mate Pro, hold down the control key, click on the app,
and select "Open". This second option will save the Genome Mate Pro app as an exception to
your security settings (see for more
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3. “X” close has been removed as it was not working with “RubberViews”.
15.10 Chromosome Import Additions Summary
In Genome Mate, after loading Chromosome data, there was a summary at the bottom of the
screen that looked like this (partial screenshot)
In Genome Mate Pro, this has been moved to the bottom of the log file associated with the
chromosome load and it looks like this.
The format of these numbers is “Chromosome:Number of Add’s”, so the “1:3” would indicate there
were three add’s on chromosome one.
Using the log file, it is difficult to determine where these additions are due to the fact that there is
no chromosome data associated with the additions.
I don’t use this functionality in the log file. This is the process that I use:
1. Go to the Relative Page and search for “New Relatives”
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2. The relatives that have been added will be shown in the Relative List. Click on the relative
of interest.
3. That relative and all the associated chromosome data will be shown in the “DNA Match
Segments” area. I can see that the three additions to chromosome one were from the
selected relative.
15.11 How Do I Know What Version I am Running
To determine what version of Genome Mate Pro is being run, the user must look to the very top of
the window that has been created. This will be a strip that is above the “File”, “Edit”, and “Import
Data” commands. The format of the data in this strip is as follows:
Application Name
Genome Mate Pro
Database Name
Beta Test 2015r04 The name you gave your database
Windows Example
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Macintosh Example
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15.12 Setting “Side” for a Relative Match
The following was posted by Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson and approved for republishing.
When managing multiple profiles, and assigning a side to a match, ignore the name in the profile
selection box (1)
Instead, focus on the Profile person listed for each segment in the DNA Segments box (2) and how
that person relates to the relative (3).
For each segment, ask yourself “Which parent does the line of the family tree go through from this
profile person to get to the MRCA for this relative?”
Which parent does the line of the family tree go through from profile Kathy to get to the the MRCA
for relative L MacD?
In this case, L MacD is Kathy’s Maternal Aunt, so the line passes through Kathy’s Mother - the
segment is marked Maternal (4)
Which parent does the line of the family tree go through from the profile JT (5) to get to the the
MRCA for relative L MacD?
JT is a 3rd cousin with 2 generations difference, and the line from JT to the MRCA passes through
JT’s father - the segment is marked Paternal
If the Relative (3) is the descendant of the Profile person (6), eg a child or grandchild, the side (4)
is marked as Both.
If the Relative (3) is the full sibling of the Profile person (7), the side is also marked as Both, but if
the relative is a half sibling of the profile person, the shared parent is the side that is marked.
Assign both a male and a female MRCA whenever possible - the only exceptions to this, is when the
relative is a parent or grandparent that has been DNA tested, or when the relationship is one of a
“half”, eg common 3x great grandfather, but descend from different wives, or half siblings.
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15.13 Adding Segments Manually
The Segment Map portion of Genome Mate Pro is a great way to see just how much of your DNA you
know the origins for. These are created automatically when three things are in place for a match –
a Side has been assigned, a Group has been named, and at least one MRCA has been identified and
In the example below, we can see that quite a lot of this profile person’s DNA has a known
ancestor, mostly from close cousins, so group names have been hidden.
In this example, we have much less known DNA, and what is known is from distant ancestors.
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Looking at Chromosome 13, and the green coloured segment, I can see the following overlapping
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The matches of Patricia and Carol are known and descend from the same ancestral couple on Dad’s
father’s side. Laura appears to overlap almost perfectly with Patricia – but does she match her?
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Looking at the Relatives > DNA Comparison view for both Patricia and Laura, we can see that there
is no evidence of them having any ICW or Triangulation with each other. Checking at the source
company confirms that there appears to be no connection between these two matches.
This gives us a very good clue as to how Laura connects to Dad – on his mothers side.
Looking at the children of “Dad” and their Paternal and Unknown matches in this same location,
we can see the following.
The other child of the first profile has the following
“Bro” has Laura, but “Me” does not. “Me” has the known connections of Carol and Patricia, while
“Bro” does not.
“Bro” and “Me” both inherited this segment of their DNA from their father, but clearly, “Me”
inherited it from the Paternal Grandfather, while “Bro” inherited it from the Paternal
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Now we have something to add to the Segment Map that can actually help us in the future –
especially for the profiles of “Bro” and “Me”.
First thing you’ll need to do is make a note of the start and end values, as well as which
chromosome you’ve determined this segment for.
In this case, for “Me”, I’ve found a Paternal segment on Chromosome 13, that starts at 21.3 and
ends at 27.5
Click the “Add” button
Select the desired chromosome and fill in the start and end points and add a group name.
I have deduced that this segment has come via the Paternal Grandmother of “Me”, and so I could
put the generation as either 2 (indicating the grandmother herself) or 3 (indicating her parents). If
I was on “Dad”’s profile, the generation number would be either 1 or 2. Which generation you
choose to apply in here is up to you, but it’s probably going to be one of those three options for a
segment such as this.
Do not tick the “Confirmed” box, because we haven’t confirmed it, but you can select a colour if
you wish. Make sure you type something of your reasoning behind creating this segment in the
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Segment Source box, this will be very helpful if you happen to come back in 6 months time and
can’t recall why you made this segment.
Click Save, and the Segment Map will refresh and the segment you just added will be included.
(Image from profile “Dad”)
This new segment is now also in the chromosome bar on the chromosome tab as well, and is
available to help filter matches in the same way as other automatically added segments.
You will notice however, that although I have added the segment based on Laura’s match to “Dad”,
I have not assigned a group name to her. That is completely optional and up to you. I probably will
do this as it will act as another visual indicator about the segment origin, but I will definitely not
assign an MRCA for Laura until I can locate and confirm them.
Hope this helps.
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Written by Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson
2 April 2016
Images from Genome Mate Pro 2016r03 © Beckins LLC 2015-2016
15.14 Gedmatch One to One Match Comparisons Examples
Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson has written a document that shows examples of using Gedmatch’s One to One
comparison. Here is how to download this document:
1. On the GMP Facebook site, click on “Files”.
2. Scroll down to locate “Gedmatch one to one visuals.pdf” and click the “Download” button.
3. Save the document to a location of your choice and enjoy.
15.15 FTDNA Import Issue
There currently is a condition within the FTDNA Family Finder Matches CSV file that will cause all
data to be shifted into incorrect columns. This prevents Genome Mate Pro from loading certain
data. A sample of this spreadsheet is shown below.
Note 1: Columns B thru H have been hidden in the sample spreadsheet as they are not needed to
show this issue.
Note 2: This is a simple example where the cells have only been shifted one to the right. I have
seen some issues where the cells have been shifted so much that you will see multiple rows.
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Note 3: Some Excel skills are needed to correct the data in this spreadsheet. I have shown one
way. There are multiple ways that I have not documented here.
In Genome Mate Pro, the Relatives Paternal Haplogroup did not get loaded. It is the value in the
sample spreadsheet in column K. That value belongs in column J.
The Relatives Surnames did not get loaded. If there were Locations, these would not have been
loaded either.
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You can validate the haplogroup data as shown below from FTDNA.
The cause of this issue originates on FTDNA, when the Relative enters a comma in their listing of
surnames. CSV (Comma Separated Value) spreadsheets see the comma as a signal to take data after
the comma and move it to a new spreadsheet cell. The more commas the more the data gets
To resolve this issue and get all the appropriate data showing in Genome Mate Pro, the following
steps should be followed.
1. In the .csv spreadsheet, select the cells that need to be shifted. Then cut and paste them
into the correct columns.
a. Before
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b. After
b. Put your cursor in the cell for “Ancestral”. Drag the bar shown with the red arrow down so you
see all the cells contents. Delete all this data.
a. Before
b. After
3. We now need to reload the surnames and locations in the spreadsheet. Go to FTDNA and
locate the Relative that we have been dealing with. Click on the “Ancestral Surnames” area.
4. This will open up a popup window with all the surnames. Drag your cursor through the names
so that all are selected. Then copy to clipboard (Ctrl C).
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5. Back on the spreadsheet, click in the cell under column “I” that relates to the person that
we are dealing with. Then put your cursor in the area to the right of the “fx” and paste the
contents of the clipboard.
6. The following edits to the spreadsheet have also been recommended.
a. Replace all double quotes (“) with nothing.
b. Highlight and clear the contents of any Notes (column M) as end of line characters in
this field can cause issues
7. Save the spreadsheet and re-import to Genome Mate Pro. The Paternal Haplogroup and
Surnames have now been loaded (there were no locations for this Relative).
The next time a new file containing this relative is imported, these changes will be retained. You
should not have to repeat these steps.
Thanks to Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson and Becky Mason Walker for help in preparing this tip.
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15.16 Gedcom Issue
The following tip came from Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson via Facebook.
Note to all users
Two people now have reported to me issues with their ancestors Gedcom upload resulting in a
person with just a first name having that name recorded as their surname in GMPro.
I have been able to determine that this is neither a Gedcom nor a GMPro issue, but an issue from
your family tree where you only have a single word entered for the person's name.
This can be easily resolved by entering a placeholder surname, five underscores_ clearly shows that
the missing name is not known.
You will need to re-import an updated Gedcom to correct the names in your ancestors list, but as
long as none of your assigned MRCA names have changed, you should not "lose" anything by doing
Hope this helps a few people both now and in the future.
15.17 Gedmatch Matching Segment Search for Close Relatives
The following tip was the result of a Facebook interchange between Jen Fisher and Kathy ‘PK’
Jen Fisher
I've just tried setting up profiles for my parents and when I uploaded the Tier 1 Matching Segment
and triangulation I see that I don't show up for them. Looking at the results themselves neither
myself or my sister show up on the matching segment report. I've just checked myself and only my
maternal uncle shows up for me.
Do you need to do BOTH the tier one and non tier one uploads? I can see myself in the
Triangulation results for both so it is just the Matching Segment that seems to be affected.
Is anyone else having this issue? For my own profile I had loaded before updating to Tier one so I
think this is why I avoided it.
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
Tier 1 Matching Segments search does not include anyone with an estimated generation to MRCA of
less than about 1.5
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this is a GedMatch Server preservation rule, nothing we can do about it - you will need to do a one
to one for your immediate family members
Jen Fisher
So - if they do not show up on the Matching Segments I think I will need to change templates,
upload the One to Many matches to get them in as a relative, then do a One to One on anyone who
is under 2 for MRCA. I can then switch the templates back and continue with the Tier 1 uploads
Kathy 'PK' Thompson
No, just do a one to one - that template is super smart - it creates the relative at the same time as
inputting the chromosomal data
15.18 Importing Data
This tip is for those users that have DNA matches and are considering importing them
to Genome Mate Pro.
At the time of this writing, there are two methods for entering data into Genome
Mate Pro.
The DNAGedcom Client - this tool is available through a paid subscription at the DNAGedcom
web site. See more information here:
The “Snavely Tool”. I have not used this tool, so cannot comment on it here.
It is important to understand that DNA imports will contain no DNA related data (e.g.
chromosome, cMs, start/stop, and SNP). What the import will contain is match names, names from
the trees of the match names, and ICW data.
The best use of the limited DNA data is when a match can be identified and merged
with the same relative data on Gedmatch. This can get quite tricky as a relative often uses one
name on and a different name on Gedmatch. There is also no email address
associated with records to be used for record comparing.
The DNAGedcom Client will download the data in three different files.
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1. The “M” file contains the data associated with the DNA matches.
2. The “A” file contains the names contained in the trees associated with the DNA matches.
This file can be quite large. I have some files that are 50 megabytes and higher. It can take a
long time to download this file.
3. The “ICW” file. This contains names that are In Common With your DNA matches.
If you decide to collect and import this data into Genome Mate Pro, consider the following:
Due to the size of the “A” file, importing it into Genome Mate Pro can take a considerable
amount of time (8 hours or more).
o Consider turning on In-Memory Journaling and turning off some of the log updates.
Doing this, an import that took more than 8 hours was done in less than an hour.
BACKUP BEFORE AND AFTER IMPORTS. My settings for data imports look like this:
If you don’t want to use the first alternating, some users have split the “A” file by
using this tool (I haven’t used it)
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16 Import Summaries
At the completion of an import, an Import Summary will be presented with a “Message” and a
“Quantity” as shown in this sample.
The meaning of the message has been summarized in the following list:
● < Minimum cMs - Lists the matching segments with fewer than the minimum cMs that did
not get recorded.
● < Minimum X cMs - Number of records that were less than the minimum X cMs.
● Anonymous - The number of entries with “Anonymous” as the name.
● End Point Missing - Ignore
● False Positive Region - a count of the number of records that fell into the false positive
region that will be entered.
● Key Fields Blank - Nothing in log file to work with. The key fields are blank in the import
● Kit 1 Relative Not Found - Most of this is not useful; however, a close inspection of the log
file may show kits that can be examined. This is when a triangulation record cannot be
● Kit 2 Relative Not Found - Examine the log file for the kits that have been flagged. This is
when a triangulation record cannot be entered.
● Name Blank - Look at the log file and investigate what might be wrong. You can edit the
source spreadsheet and try loading it again until this error goes away. Sometimes it is a
hidden character that you can’t see. The solution for this is to just manually re-enter. Quite
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often the issue is in column “I” (the location data) from FTDNA. If it is more than I want to
re-enter, I just delete the data.
● Title Row - Ignore
● Too Few Columns - Ignore or could be that the wrong option was selected when importing
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17 Notes from Becky
This section contains input from Becky (Genome Mate Pro developer).
17.1 Triangulation and ICW in Genome Mate Pro
The following is from the GMP Developers Blog:
The purpose of this post is to explain how triangulation and “in common with” (ICW) work
in Genome Mate Pro.
Chromosome Browser
From the Chromosome Browser page, right click on a Relative to see what segments
triangulate with that person and the profile person.
The first thing to note is that the app only displays what has been imported. It has no means
to automatically identify either of these so if it is missing in the display then look to the
import log to see if there is an error message associated with the import.
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The second thing to note is that triangulation and ICW data are only retained for relatives
found in the database. This is different from the old version of the app and it is important to
load relative data before loading chromosome data.
In Genome Mate Pro, triangulation is based on two people being related to the profile person
on the same chromosome segment so triangulation data has a chromosome number, base
pair start and end points associated with it.
For example, profile person P matches relative A and matches relative Bon the same
segment (P==A, P==B). If relative A also matches relative Bon the same segment (A==B)
then P, A and B are triangulated.Otherwise, either A or B is likely related to profile person P
on their maternal side while the other is related on their paternal side.
Data is loaded via various chromosome browser files such as the 529andYou and FTDNA
Chromosome browser .csv files as well as specific triangulation imports such as GedMatch’s
Tier 1 Triangulation. Triangulations loaded from chromosome browser data have the import
limitations listed on the Options page imposed on them as well.
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Some caution should be exercised when a displayed triangulation is based on a very small
segment overlap between the Relatives A and B as the endpoints from different sources tend
to break at different intervals and endogamy can also cause havoc with the results.
In Common With (ICW)
ICW relatives do not have the chromosome, start point and end point data associated
between them (typically from FTDNA) and as a result, the profile person P can have an
ancestor in common with both relatives A and B but even if A and B have an ancestor in
common, it is not necessarily the same one that is in common with profile person P.
Genome Mate Pro will display the people who are in common with the selected relative on
the same segment.
Relative Page
Triangulation and ICW data are displayed on the Relatives page for the segment selected in
the DNA Match Segments table on the left. Since a Relative that triangulates with the
selected person on that segment is already considered ICW, there may not be an ICW
displayed in both the Triangulation and the ICW lists.
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In summary, triangulation data has a segment specific information while ICW just says two
people are related but gives no information on what segment that relationship occurs.
~ Becky ~
17.2 False Positives
The following was authored by Rebecca Walker:
In regards to the possible false positive regions, there are those near the centromere and others
that were identified in a reference document in the old app. fyi, these are the ones included:
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17.3 Import Issues
The following is from the GMP Developers Blog:
Having issues importing data? Data not there or rejected? Formats occasionally change but most of
the time the issue can be resolved by following these steps:
● Verify that the correct import option was selected. There are many different import sources
and sometimes multiple providers of the same data so ensure the import option reflects both
the correct source and provider.
● Verify that the data in question is contained in the import file or pasted data
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● Verify that the keys (name, kit, etc.) in the Profile record are entered correctly
● Review the error generated in the log file. Jim Sipe's User Guide contains a list of error
messages and possible resolutions. No log file? Verify that the log file is not open in another
program such as Excel.
● Verify that the settings are correct in Options -> App Settings
When the steps above have been verified and the issue is still not resolved then post the following
screenshots on Facebook.
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Snip of the import data in question
Snip of the profile page in question
Snip of the error in the log file
If we cannot identify the issue from the screen shots, you may be asked to email your import
file to me for further analysis on my test database.
~ Becky ~
17.4 Data Imports Hints
I have DNA tested at 23andMe, FTDNA and Ancestry plus have uploaded data to GedMatch. These
are my recommendations on what tools to use for data collection and input to Genome Mate Pro.
My favorite tool for 23andMe data collection is a Chrome extension called 529andYou because it
will collect not only DNA segments associated with each profile but will collection triangulation
data as well. Getting started with it can be very time consuming but well worth the effort in the
long run plus it is easy to update as new relatives share. Please see the GMP User Guide for
information on how to use it.
If not 529andYou then to avoid corruption of data with the same relative name by using imports
that contain the 23andMe profile id.
● FIA aggregation file from 23andMe (contains the profile id)
● RF (Relative Finder) file from DNAGedcom (contains the profile id)
● AF (Ancestry Finder) file from DNAGedcom (no profile id)
FTDNA – Family Tree DNA
For FTDNA imports, use DNAGedcom downloads as they contain unique keys.
Do NOT mix DNAGedcom imports and FTDNA imports or you may duplicate data in the database.
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I recommend subscribing to GedMatch’s Tier 1. It is a great time saver and well worth the
● Tier 1 Matching Segment Search
● Tier 1 Triangulation (Top 400 matches only)
● Then use One-to-One compares for segments of interest
Non subscribers can use the chromosome browser feature of the One-to-Many function. This is
quite tedious as each match to be compared has to be checked. See the chrome tool
CheckChrome for an assist.
I recommend subscribing and using the DNAGedcom client to download Ancestry data as it is more
trouble free than AncestryDNA.
Large files can take a long time to import into GMP so to break those files into smaller pieces use
Free Huge CSV Splitter.
As a final note, I use a PC with Windows 7 so not all of these tools may work on other platforms.
~ Becky ~
17.5 Managing Expectations
Let me start by saying that I developed Genome Mate Pro (GMP) to help me with my autosomal DNA
research. In this post, I want to talk about what to expect from GMP.
GMP is complicated because the subject matter is complicated and because there are so many
different sources of data in different formats. If you are having difficulty, try reading Jim Sipe’s
Users Guide first.
I developed GMP on a PC with the Windows operating system. My hardware knowledge is limited
and I have no experience with either the Mac or Linux. The app was developed using XOJO and it
has compile options for the Mac and Linux but they do not always translate to what I see on the PC.
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Fortunately, we have a great group of people on the Facebook Users Group who can fill in the gaps.
If you have problems, ask nicely.
My time is limited and I try to work on the items that will provide the most benefit given my time
Here is a high level overview of GMP:
Types of Data
There are four main types of data retained in GMP.
1. Relative data – Surnames, halpogroups, research notes, etc. about a person
2. DNA segments – Chromosome comparisons between profile person and a relative
3. Triangulations – Chromosome comparisons between relatives
4. In Common With (ICW) – Relatives who are related to each other but not necessarily on the same
segments that they share with the profile person. If they triangulate then they will not show up as
GMP Sections
Profiles – Information about the DNA kits you manage. If this is not setup correctly then data may
not load.
Chromosomes – Displays DNA Segments that have been imported. It is profile specific.
Relatives – This section brings together all that is known about a specific relative.
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Ancestors – The ancestors associated with each profile are loaded here from a gedcom.
Segment Map – This is a map of all of the DNA segments that have been assigned to a most recent
common ancestor (MRCA); marked as a maternal/paternal segment and given a group name. Note
that MRCAs cannot be assigned if ancestors for the profile person have not been loaded.
Options – This is where import data templates are activated and app settings can be changed as
well as miscellaneous other functions are available.
Importing Data
Go to Options and activate an existing import data template (or make one of your own). This will
make that template available on GMP’s menu bar under Import Data. I recommend only activating
the ones you use.
Larger data files take a long time to load. I’ve experimented with some ways to speed it up but
the risk of database corruption has made me wary. Regardless, it is wise toBackup (File -> Backup)
before imports.
The number of records processed and number of errors encountered are displayed at the bottom of
the page. If the error count seems high the press ESC to abort.
To get more information on errors, click on the Show Log File button in the Import Summary
window to see the error associate with each individual line. Click here to see more about Import
Data issues.
In Summary
Be aware that the learning curve is high. Read the user’s guide and ask questions in the Facebook
user’s group.
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17.6 Using DNArboretum in Genome Mate Pro
In this post, I am going to describe an optional feature that can be used to get surnames and ancestors
from FTDNA trees into Genome Mate Pro.
To start, get the DNArborteum Addon for Chrome. See Kitty Cooper Blog for details on how to use.
On the FTDNA Family Finder page, select the individual’s tree.
On the myFamilyTree page, select Ancestor View.
Click on the DNArboretum icon in the top right corner.
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This will open a new tab in the Chrome browser with the Ahnentafel of the FTDNA individual. The
first time I click on the icon, I get a blank page but on the second time it works:
Starting with the very first person, highlight the Ahnentafel list and copy it.
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Paste the data into the GMP Relative’s Ancestor list:
If the very first character in the box is a “1.” then there will be a + in the upper right corner. Pressing +
will reformat the data and add surnames to the Relative’s surname list. Be sure to press the Save
Relative button to retain the data. Selecting one of the Surnames in Common will scroll the Ancestor
List to that name on the list.
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As mentioned above, this is an optional feature. It is not perfect but can come in handy for those
FTDNA relatives that have trees but no surnames listed.
17.7 Support and Help
The following was added by Becky to the Facebook Group on Tuesday, January 5, 2016.
The size of this group makes it virtually impossible for admin to research every problem
encountered and I don't want to lose that admin support so please do these things before asking for
1. Are you on the current version of GMP? See the website or the pinned post at the top of this
group. If not, upgrade before posting.
2. Are you using the Chrome browser? If not, try that first before posting.
3. Have you read the user guide and used Control F to find your keywords and answer? If not,
try that first before posting.
4. Have you read the blog posts at If not, see if your question is
answered there.
5. Did you backup your database (File -> Backup) before importing? If not, you may have to
start from scratch. It is almost impossible to fix bad data. I backup at the start and end of
every session in addition to just before a big file import.
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6. If all of that fails you, post screenshots of the issue (see blog). We have no idea how to
answer the question "What did I do wrong?" without something to examine.
The focus of this group is about how the GMP software works. There are many other groups to
address general genealogy questions or how to use other genealogy sites.
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17.8 Load FTDNA Files From DNAGedcom
Here we will go through the steps necessary to load the Family Tree DNA files that are downloaded via
DNAGedcom. I highly recommend using DNAGedcom to download FTDNA data because they
contain an internal kit # that makes each relative unique. This avoids loading data into two different
people with the same name and duplication of data when someone changes their name on FTDNA.
Set up the Profile Record in GMP
First, click on the profiles tab and add or edit the profile for the person corresponding to the FTDNA
kit to be loaded.
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On profile line numbered 5, TYPE the name in column 1 of the Chromosome Browser file.
If you only have one kit, skip this step. Otherwise, open the ICW file of a second kit and find the name
of the profile person then TYPE their kit number on the line numbered 6 in the profile.
Click the Save Profile button. Be sure to close the .csv files as they cannot be loaded while open in
another app.
Activate the Data Import Templates
In Options, select Import Templates. Look for the FTDNA templates from Provider DNAGedcom.
Click and activate each one.
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This will add those templates to the Import Data menu list on the menu bar at the top of the page.
Set Import Options
In Options -> App Settings, set the Import Criteria. This criteria is used to determine what data to load
and what information to place in the log file during import. If you make changes, be sure to click the
Save button.
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Import FTDNA Files
To load GMP Relative Records: At the top of the GMP, select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom ->
1: FTDNA Family finder file. Select the Family Finder file downloaded from DNAGedcom. Import
progress will be shown at the bottom of the GMP page. When complete an Import Summary window
will be displayed.
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To load GMP Chromosome Browser data: In GMP select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom -> 1:
FTDNA Chromosome Browser File. Select the Chromosome Browser file downloaded from
DNAGedcom. Import progress will be shown at the bottom of the GMP page. When complete an
Import Summary window will be displayed.
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Note that numerous errors are reported. This is typical of FTDNA imports and correspond to the
import criteria set in Options, as a result of bad data or even the wrong import file being selected. I hit
the ESC key to abort the load and that is reported here as well.
To see more detail, click on the Show Log File button. The corresponding error will be displayed in
column 1 followed by the record causing the error.
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Click on the Chromosomes Tab and the chromosome browser data will be displayed. New matches are
highlighted in yellow. If no data is displayed, verify that the check boxes are set as follows.
To load ICWs: In GMP select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom -> 1: FTDNA ICW File. Select the
ICW file downloaded from DNAGedcom. Import progress will be shown at the bottom of the GMP
page. When complete an Import Summary window will be displayed.
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ICWs are only loaded when both relatives are found in the database. So it is necessary to load these
three files sequentially in the order listed.
1. Did you TYPE rather than copy the FTDNA name and kit number into the GMP profile record?
2. Is there data in the notes field of the Family Finder file? Sometimes bad data in the notes or
surnames field can cause data to fail to load correctly.
3. Do you have the filters on the Chromosome Browser page checked correctly?
4. Did you verify that the Import Criteria in Options is set correctly?
5. Did you examine the log file for clues?
6. Did you use the correct Import Data template?
7. Are you on the latest GMP release?
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17.9 Load New 23andMe Data from DNAGedcom Client
Here we will go through the steps necessary to load the data from the New 23andMe that are
downloaded via DNAGedcom Client. I highly recommend using DNAGedcom Client to download
23andMe data because they contain a profile id that makes each relative unique. This avoids loading
data into two different people with the same name and duplication of data when someone changes their
name on 23andMe.
Set up the Profile Record in GMP
First, click on the profiles tab and add or edit the profile for the person corresponding to the 23andMe
data to be loaded.
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On profile line numbered 3, TYPE the name from column 1 or 2 of the 23andMe FIA file downloaded
from DNAGedcom. On profile line numbered 4, TYPE in corresponding Profile Id from column 8 or
Click the Save Profile button. Be sure to close the .csv file as it cannot be loaded while open in another
Import the New Data Import Templates
First, download the new template files from Facebook. Then in Options, select Import Templates.
Click on the Import Template button and select one of the downloaded files.
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Next Click Save Template button.
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Repeat for the second downloaded data import template.
Set Import Options
In Options -> App Settings, set the Import Criteria. This criteria is used to determine what data to load
and what information to place in the log file during import. If you make changes, be sure to click the
Save button.
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Import 23andMe Files
To load GMP Relative Records: At the top of the GMP, select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom ->
In GMP select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom -> 1: New 23andMe: Load RF file. Select the RF
file downloaded with the DNAGedcom Client. Import progress will be shown at the bottom of the
GMP page. When complete an Import Summary window will be displayed. Relatives without names
will show up as blank name errors.
To load GMP Chromosome Browser data: In GMP select Import Data -> From DNAGedcom -> 2:
New 23andMe: Load FIA file. Select the FIA file downloaded with the DNAGedcom Client. Import
progress will be shown at the bottom of the GMP page. If you used the Gather All FIA button to
download data then triangulation data will be included.
Note that numerous errors are reported. This corresponds to the import criteria set in Options, as a
result of bad data or even the wrong import file being selected.
To see more detail, click on the Show Log File button. The corresponding error will be displayed in
column 1 followed by the record causing the error.
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Click on the Chromosomes Tab and the chromosome browser data will be displayed. New matches are
highlighted in yellow. If no data is displayed, verify that the check boxes are set as follows.
Did you TYPE rather than copy the 23andMe name and profile id into the GMP profile record?
Do you have the filters on the Chromosome Browser page checked correctly?
Did you verify that the Import Criteria in Options is set correctly?
Did you examine the log file for clues?
Did you use the correct Import Data template?
Are you on the latest GMP release?
17.10 Performance
I know performance is a point of frustration with Genome Mate Pro (GMP) for some. I can see a
significant difference when loading data into my husband’s computer versus mine.
There is no doubt that GMP is much slower importing data than the old app. This is because the
old app kept all data in memory and saved to disk every 5 minutes. Memory access is much faster
than disk access but due to a Silverlight constraint, the in-memory database was limited in size.
The new app is virtually unlimited in size as it keeps the data in an SQLite database on disk.
However, the time it takes to load is a function of disk access speed and this varies from user to
user. I have been told that a solid state drive (SSD) is very efficient.
One way to improve performance without replacing your hardware is to set the import criteria in
Options as highlighted below. This will reduce the number of writes to the log file.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Starting with the 2016r01 release, it will be possible to enable in-memory journaling. What this
does is to write the SQLite journal file to memory rather than disk. This is not recommended
because there is a risk that if GMP is shutdown abnormally, the database may become corrupted
and unusable. If you do choose to use this option, BACKUP (File -> Backup) first.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Those are the two things that may help performance. I have been investigating the utilization of
an in-memory database for a future release but am going slow as both XOJO and SQLite are new to
~ Becky ~
P.S. Tested loading data on my husband’s slow computer with these two options and the import
time was amazing (197k records in less than 30 mins).
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17.11 Adding Additional GedMatch Triangulations
The GedMatch Tier 1 Triangulation data is limited by the closest 500 matches to the profile person.
As such, this data is incomplete and must be supplemented with 1-to-1 comparisons on kits of
A new feature in Release 2016r01 will allow importation of a Relative’s Tier 1 Matching Segment
Search data into GMP’s triangulation data, eliminating most of the 1-to-1 comparisons.
On GedMatch, run the Tier 1 Matching Segment Search for a Relative and wait for the results.
When complete then copy the segments of interest from the GedMatch page.
On the GMP Relative page, select DNA Comparison and note the + symbol in the Possible
Triangulated Segments box.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Select the + in the upper right corner to import Relative GedMatch data
Click on the + and a confirmation box will appear.
Copy the data on the GedMatch page and paste into GMP.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
Click Okay to load. Just the data for Relatives in your database will be loaded.
As you see, there are now more triangulations.
After Import
While you may not want to do this for every GedMatch kit, it can be helpful for selected kits.
~ Becky ~
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
p.s. This is not on the Import Data menu because it is Relative specific and the Relative record
has to be up for it to be loaded correctly.
17.12 Comments on Triangulations
The following was posted by Becky on Facebook
There have been several questions about triangulation display of late.
1. If a triangulation segment is shorter than the overlap specified in Options, it won't display.
Although the default value is 5, I have found that 3 works best.
2. All three relatives must be compared to each other either as part of a chromosome import or
part of a triangulation import. This means that three comparisons must be made, A-B, B-C and AC. GMP does not draw any inferences, it only displays what has been input.
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18 Appendix - Glossary
This glossary are terms contained in this user guide that may or may not be known to all readers.
Rather than come up with my own definitions, where possible I am providing a link to a more
authoritative source.
● ADSA - Autosomal DNA Segment Analyzer; see
● AncestryDNA Helper - An addon to Chrome that adds buttons to AncestryDNA to facilitate
downloading data; see
● Chr - Short for Chromosome, A chromosome is an organized package of DNA found in the
nucleus of the cell. Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes. Humans
have 23 pairs of chromosomes - 22 pairs of numbered chromosomes, called autosomes, and
one pair of sex chromosomes, X and Y. Each parent contributes one chromosome to each
pair so that offspring get half of their chromosomes from their mother and half from their
● cMs - CentiMorgan; see
● CoA - Country of Ancestry, On the 23andMe site, select My Results\Ancestry Tools\Countries
of Ancestry
● CSV File - A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in
plain text. Plain text means that the file is interpreted a sequence of characters, so that it
is human-readable with a standard text editor. Each line of the file is a data record. Each
record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field
separator is the source of the name for this file format.2
● DNAGedcom - A site containing a number of DNA tools; see
● FTDNA - Short for Family Tree DNA, A DNA testing company; see
● Gedcom - GEDCOM (an acronym standing for Genealogical Data Communication) is a
proprietary and open de facto specification for exchanging genealogical data between
different genealogy software. GEDCOM was developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) as an aid to genealogical research.3
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● Gedmatch - A third part tool for DNA and genealogy research; see
● GWorks - A tool on DNAGedcom for collecting and managing Gedcom data; see
● IBS - Identical by State; see
● ICW - “In Common With”; Two or more of your matches also match each other in the same
segment of a chromosome. In Genome Mate Pro, the segments must overlap to be
considered part of an ICW collection. This does not mean there is a common MRCA for all in
the ICW collection.
● JWorks - An autosomal grouping tool at DNAGedcom; see
● KWorks - An autosomal grouping tool at DNAGedcom; see
● MCRA - Most Recent Common Ancestor; see
● Segment - see
● SNPs - Single-nucleotide Polymorphism; see
● Triangulation - “Used in autosomal DNA testing to compare matching DNA segments to
determine which ancestor donated which particular segment”; see
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
19 Appendix - Change Log
● Updated Profile screenshot to reflect current application.
● Updated the screenshots for importing data to reflect the current
application version.
● Added a recommendation to import data files in the order shown in the
import template description.
● Updated About Page to reflect current application.
● Added that Chrome is the currently supported browser.
● Added description of the Profile Indicator.
● Added a tip from Becky regarding False Positives.
● Removed “Draft” from title page.
● Added a tip for creating a Gedcom file from RootsMagic.
● Added a tip on using 529andYou.
● Updated the section for exporting files from old Genome Mate (now only
four files are available).
● Expanded on Chrome being the currently supported browser.
● Added a tip section for Gedmatch related items.
● Expanded the “Search” explanation to indicate the results can include
relatives with the searched for surname in their surname list.
● Added a note indicating that Gedcoms can be reloaded if changes occur in a
genealogical database.
● Added a Gedmatch tip indicating that the kit number will be added to the
name field when the name has been left blank.
● Added to 529andYou tip to indicate what other 23andMe files to import.
● Added a tip on marking maternal / paternal segments
● Added a note regarding loading Gedcoms that go back farther than the
reliability of autosomal DNA.
● Multiple typos.
● Updated the 529andYou directions in Tips.
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Added that GMP also merges triangulation and ICW data to Merge section.
The color of merged names went from “Black” to “Bright Purple”.
Updated information on “Status” to reflect current application version.
Noted that Genome Mate Date is now at the top of the Relative page.
Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Noted that “Ethnicity” was changed to “Heritage” on the About tab of the
Relative page.
● Added a section to the Relative page called “Top Section” to cover changes
and additions.
● Added a new section under Relative Page called “Relative List & Source
● Added a note on the Chromosome page indicating that bold names have had
MRCA association.
● Explained “Merge Chromosome Data” that was added to “Import Criteria” in
App Settings
● Color for merged people is back to “Black”.
● Updated tip on “Triangulation and ICW in Genome Mate Pro”.
● Added appendix on Import Summaries.
● Added the addition of a spy glass to the right of the search box.
● In the Import Summaries, the “Key Not Found” message was changed to
“Key Fields Blank”
● Added DNAAdoption to “Blogs to Follow”
● Expanded “Blogs to Follow” appendix to include Facebook Groups
● Added a tip for the DNAGedcom Client Ancestry import
● Added note related to setting MRCA and Segment Map for just a single
segment of a relative
● Added note related to marking a group for all profiles related to a relative
● Corrected explanation of “Privatize Display for Sharing”
● Removed the Appendix containing “Export File Fields” (was already earlier
in the document)
● Added data field section for DNAGedcom Client for Ancestry data
● Added section for Database Cleanup
● Added a tip to correct a situation where you are missing an ancestor after a
Gedcom import
Page 203 of 211
Added some caution screenshots associated with the “Magic Button”
Added tip related to hitting “Esc” during an import
Added an appendix showing the fields in the Export Files
Corrected explanation on getting the 23andMe Profile ID
Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Added reference to the “Cleanup” and “Cancel” buttons on the Database
Cleanup preview pane.
● Updated DNA Comparisons Tab and Segment Map sections to reflect updates
to the application.
● Added a description of the Segment Map portion and color association that
is found on the Chromosome Page.
● Made hotlinks of Table of Contents
● Corrected fonts in some sections
● Corrected some pagination issues
● Added Macintosh Tips into the Tips appendix and updated other sections to
accommodate the User Guide supporting both Mac and PC.
● Updated the section on “Loading Genome Mate Pro for the First Time” to
reflect loading from Genome Mate site instead of Facebook.
● Updated screenshot of About page
● Added a note on how to install new versions
● Corrected “Delete Match” to “Delete Segment”
● Added the following descriptions that were left out of the previous versions
on the DNA Comparison tab of the Relative Page; Match Note, Overlapping
Segments, ICW List, and Possible Triangulated Segments
● Updated the installation process to reflect the new GMP Setup system
● Moved the “Merge” message from new database to import from old Genome
● Added a tip dealing with the Chromosome Import Additions Summary
● Removed the text to call DNAGedcom Support to assist in getting an FTDNA
Kit Number.
● Consolidated comments from Becky and sections from The Developers Blog
into a single appendix
Page 204 of 211
Added Genome Mate logo to cover page
Updated figure in “Missing Ancestor” tip
Added description on new profile field Ancestry Test ID
Corrected description of “Ancestry Page” on the “About” tab on the
relative page
● Updated Search dropdown to include “New Relatives”
Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Removed the Chrome warning that used to be shown when downloading the
Genome Mate Pro Setup file.
● Explained the drop down that was added to the Relative List in Beta 03.
● Updated the steps for seeing relatives associated with a “Status”.
● Explained the button that will copy the MRCA and associated ancestral
surnames to the clipboard.
● Updated Status description to include “Found to be IBS”.
● Described the “Show Common Surname” associated the Overlapping
Segments, ICW List, and Possible Triangulated Segments on the Relative
● Added a note in the “Profile Data Helper” appendix covering when
“23andMe Profile ID” or FTDNA Kit ID from DNAGedcom” cannot be found.
● Updated screenshots of the Profile to reflect the current version.
● Corrected typos in Import Summaries appendix.
● Added a “Tip” for identifying what version of Genome Mate Pro is being
● Added “Data Import Hints” to “Notes from Becky” appendix.
● Corrected broken link pointing to “Triangulation and ICW in Genome Mate
● Added text to warn users to validate relatives that were identified as
“Possible Triangulated Segments”.
● Updated text associated with the new format of the Import Summary
● Expanded the description of the results obtained when you right click in the
“ICW List” and “Possible Triangulated Segments” area on the DNA
Comparison Tab of the Relative Page.
● Removed a section on “Profile Indicator” as that functionality was removed.
● Updated screenshot of the Profile Page to reflect current.
● Updated Database Cleanup to include the “Remove Triangulations with
Invalid Endpoints”.
● Updated the Database Cleanup section to reflect the current revision.
● Added a description of the small “+” in the top right of Research Notes.
● Added DNAGedcom User Group to the Blogs and Facebook appendix.
● Described the search box located at the bottom of the Ancestor List on the
Ancestor tab.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Described the option to add Gedmatch Kit numbers to relatives imported
from Gedmatch.
● Described the color coding of Paternal/Maternal on the “Side” data on the
Chromosome tab.
● Noted that both “Side” and “Group” can be edited on the Chromosome
● Noted the ability to reset Display Options and Import Criteria to default
● Noted that Import Data Templates can be imported and exported to text
● Noted that colors associated with testing companies can be changed.
● Updated the drop down associated with searching the Relative page.
● Updated the description of “Status” to include new entries.
● Noted that a right clip in the Ancestor List will copy it to the clipboard.
● Noted that the Import Summary message contains the name of the import
that was completed.
● Described the ability to sort the DNA Segments located on the DNA
Comparison tab on the Relative page by “Profile”.
● Added “Managing Expectations” from Becky’s Blog.
● Added “Cleanup Birth/Death Dates in Ancestor List” to Database Cleanup
● Described the functionality for changing the colors of the testing sources
(e.g. FTDNA, Gedmatch, etc.)
● Added description for “In-Memory Journaling”.
● Described the functionality for saving group names and the drop down
associated with group.
● Made updates to the “Loading Genome Mate Pro” section for clarity
● Explained the functionality in the “Possible Triangulated Segments” area of
the “DNA Comparison” tab on the Relative page that can expand the
triangulations for a specified relative using Gedmatch Tier 1 Matching
Segment Search data
● Added “Using DNArboretum in Genome Mate Pro” to “Appendix - Notes from
● Added “Support and Help” to “Appendix - Notes from Becky”.
● Added “Load FTDNA Files From DNAGedcom” to “Appendix - Notes from
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Added a new appendix that contains the import template directions.
● Added some text to the Introduction encouraging users to search (Ctrl F)
the document when looking for something.
● Added description for DNAGedcom “New” 23andMe templates.
● Added description for “New” 23andMe templates.
● Added “Load New 23andMe Data from DNAGedcom” to “Appendix - Notes
from Becky”.
● A number of people were confused on how I documented getting the
Ancestry Test ID for a Profile, so it has been rewritten.
● Updated the section in the Chromosome page that dealt with right clicking
on a relative name and selecting one of seven choices.
● Added “Performance” to “Appendix - Notes from Becky”.
● Added “Adding Additional Gedmatch Triangulations” to “Appendix - Notes
from Becky”.
● Updated the section on Ancestors to reflect the new Gedcom loading
● Removed the section with these instructions: “It has been recommended to
delete columns “N” and “O” from the “m” file before importing this data
into Genome Mate Pro. Those columns are labeled “archived” and “note”.”
● Documented the functionality for Graphics or Notes on the right side of the
Chromosomes page.
● Updated the Relatives search dropdown to include new selections.
● Updated the Group List on the Segment Map page that now shows colors.
● Added the email search that was added to the “Send Email” section on the
“About” tab on the Relatives page.
● In previous versions, there was an appendix called “Profile Data Helper”.
This has now been moved to the section called “Profile Setup”.
● An appendix called “Change Column Numbers to Import” has been renamed
to “Changing Template Column Numbers” and made its own section.
● An appendix called “DNAGedcom FTDNA” was renamed to “Importing
DNAGedcom FTDNA Files” and made its own section.
● Removed the the word “Appendix” from the section called “Determining
the MRCA”.
● Updated “Data Fields” for DNAGedcom Web & Client to reflect current
● Broke the document into two sections. Section One for essential material
and Section Two for non-essential material.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Updated the section on installing Genome Mate Pro for a Windows 10
● Added a note related to the Profile set up for 23andMe. There are
directions for both “Old” and “New” 23andMe users.
● Added a “Tip” by Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson on setting “side” on a relative
● Added warning about using 529andYou.
● Added a description of the “Relatives with Identical Names” addition to the
Relatives List dropdown.
● Added screenshot of the new Export CSV File that now contains a file for
exporting “Relative Keys”.
● Added “Adding Segments Manually” that was written by Kathy ‘PK’
Thompson to Tips section.
● Updated the screenshot when right clicking on the Chromosome tab.
● Described “Merge Matching Relatives Into This Relative” that was added to
the right click on the Chromosome tab.
● Described “Mark All DNA Segments Triangulated With” that was added to
the right click on the Chromosome tab.
● Described “Delete Unknown DNA segments below 7 cms or 700 SNPS” that
was added to the right click on the Chromosome tab.
● Added directions on how to copy and delete a database file.
● Described a new way to get the Ancestry Test ID for a Profile.
● Added an example for determining the DNAGedcom ID for entry in line 6 of
the profile.
● Added recommendation to “delete” and re-activate templates when
updating to a new version of GMP.
● Described the Ancestry DNA Match area in the About Tab on the Relative
● Described the addition of notes to an Ancestry match is now recorded in
MRCA notes in the About Tab on the Relative page.
● Updated the Relative List on the Relative page to include the new Relatives
with Hints.
● Added that the last Status will now be appended to the bottom of Research
Notes when it is changed.
● Added the new “Delete Unknown Segments on this Chromosome” that is
included in the “right click” list on the Chromosome page.
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● Updated “Mark All Unknown DNA Segments Triangulated with” that is
included in the “right click” list on the Chromosome page
● Added some text and screenshot associated with In-Memory Journaling.
● Renamed section heading of 2.5 to “Templates and Importing Data”.
● Re-wrote the section on templates and importing data (section 2.5).
● Added a reference in “Tips” to Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson’s document on
Gedmatch One to One visuals.
● Added a “Tip” regarding FTDNA data in the Family Finder Matches csv file
that were in incorrect columns and therefore causing incorrect importing
into Genome Mate Pro.
● Added triangulation comments from Facebook in the section “Notes from
● Added level 3 headings in some sections to aid in navigation.
● Added a new section to contain Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson file downloading
directions. This is section 2.6.
● Deleted all of Section 18 that was titled “Genome Mate Pro Template
● Moved the description of “In-Memory Journaling” as it was moved in the
● Added a note from Becky regarding “Permanent” and “Confirmed” as it
related to the Segment Map.
● Updated a number of screenshots to reflect the current version.
● Updated “Help” tab to reflect the current version. Section 8.
● Added a tip from Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson regarding a Gedcom issue in section
● Included that “RubberViews” has been added to release 9.
● Described the addition of “One Line Help” in section 1.1.
● Added that the Profile has been added to the areas that can be set to
● Updated screen shot of Relative List to include “Relatives for Current
Profile”. Section 4.2.
● Added to Mac Tips that the “X” close was removed as it was not working
with RubberViews.
● Explained the “Go Back Button” in section 4.1.
● Explained Profile Reordering in section 2.4.
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Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Updated screenshot for “Possible Triangulated Segments” to show that cMs
has been added. Section 4.5.6. Also updated text indicating that this data is
between relatives.
● Documented selecting a group of items for database cleanup in section 7.2.
Updates recommended by Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson
● Removed the link to the old Genome Mate User Group
● Updated screenshots in section 15.2.
● Updated screenshots in section 17.10.
● Deleted the section called “To Merge or Not To Merge”. This was related to
migrating from the old Genome Mate to Genome Mate Pro. Since very few
people are going this, it was confusing people.
Jim’s Updates
● Explained the addition of adding cMs to Possible Triangulated Segments in
section 4.5.6
● Added tip related to Gedmatch Matching Segment Search for close relatives
in section 15.17.
● Updated the last two items in the data cleanup table in section 7.2.
● Updated section 2.6 (Kathy ‘PK’ Thompson Blog) to indicate that there are
good tips as well as download directions.
● Removed the process diagram and associated text that was in section 1 as it
was providing little value for users.
● Updated the screenshot of downloads available in section 2.1
● Moved directions on migrating from Genome Mate to Genome Mate Pro out
of “Getting Started” to section 9
● Described the ability to do a multi-group select on a Segment Map in section
● Described the Segment Map Table in section 6.3
● Updated the screenshot of the Import Templates “Basic” tab in section 2.5
● Added directions for selecting “Window Resizing” to the bottom of section
Page 210 of 211
Updated screen shot where “Update” was relabeled to “Mark”.
Added tip on importing data in section 15.18.
Expanded section 7.2 on Database Clean Up.
Updated section 4.5.7 based on changes.
Updated section 4.6 based on changes.
Developed by Jim Sipe
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Managing Your DNA for Genealogy With Genome Mate Pro
● Significant edits and additions for the commands associated with right
clicking on a relative in the Chromosome page. This is in section 3
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