Partnering For a Safer New York - Institute for Traffic Safety


Partnering For a Safer New York - Institute for Traffic Safety
New York Highway Safety
Annual Fall Symposium
Partnering For a
Safer New York
October 16-19, 2016
Lake Placid, New York
New York Highway Safety Symposium
Sponsored by the
Three Leading Traffic Safety Organizations in New York State
Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, formed in 1967 by a combination of law and executive orders, develops and
supports the State’s highway safety program to ensure safe transportation of people and goods on New York’s roadways.
GTSC serves as New York State’s official liaison to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and
the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the two primary sources of funding for traffic safety programs. The GTSC
works closely with a network of state and local agencies, law enforcement, non-profit organizations and private sector
partners to deliver traffic safety information, resources and programs across New York State.
New York State Association of Traffic Safety Boards
The New York State Association of Traffic Safety Boards was formed in 1967 as a statewide support organization for
county traffic safety boards and agencies, companies, or individuals having an interest in traffic safety and injury
prevention. NYSATSB is organized into eight Regions across New York State, each with a Regional Vice President who
serves as a liaison between traffic safety partners and the Association. The Association coordinates grant funding
information, proposes traffic safety legislation, and offers traffic safety resources and education programs.
New York State STOP-DWI Association, Inc.
The New York State STOP-DWI Association, Inc. was formed in 1982. The Association is made up of STOP-DWI
Coordinators and staff from each of the counties in New York State. The STOP-DWI Coordinators are responsible for
the administration of local plans to combat impaired driving in their respective communities. Collectively, the NYS STOPDWI Association, Inc. facilitates the exchange of ideas and information regarding impaired driving. The Association
continues to foster new and innovative approaches for dealing with the impaired driver. These initiatives are developed in
the areas of enforcement, prosecution/adjudication, probation, rehabilitation/treatment, victims’ services, training and
public information and education.
Mission Statement of the New York Highway Safety Symposium
To bring together highway safety professionals from across New York State to share, promote and educate on highway safety
initiatives through a combined annual symposium sponsored by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee,
the NYS Association of Traffic Safety Boards and the NYS STOP-DWI Association, Inc.
F ALL 2016
Watch for identification of CASAC accredited sessions
and other agenda updates at
NOMINATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED until July 22 for the Richard Novelli,
William T. Smith and Roy Thorpe Awards. The Chairman’s Awards and the Robert Foley
Award nominations are due by September 12. Please see the last page of this agenda.
SUNDAY October 16
Senator William T. Smith II and Dorothy Smith STOP-DWI Training Institute General Core
Orientation Course (pre-registration is required by contacting Michele James at - also check box on registration page)
The purpose of the Sen. William T. Smith II and Dorothy Smith STOP-DWI Training Institute is to enhance
the knowledge and skills of county STOP-DWI Coordinators and local officials to enable them to effectively
develop and coordinate a comprehensive program to prevent substance impaired driving in their community.
Michele James St. Lawrence County STOP-DWI, Traffic Safety and NYS Impaired Driver Program
Welcome Dinner Buffet
MONDAY October 17
Breakfast Buffet for Sunday overnight registered guests
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Training for Police Officers
(pre-registration is required)
This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment
related to drugs, alcohol, or combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents
as well as crashes resulting in serious injuries and fatalities.
Presentation of Colors by Essex County Sheriff’s Office and National Anthem
Award Presentations for Roy Thorpe, Richard Novelli and William T. Smith
Welcome Remarks:
Sal Trentanelli President, New York State Association of Traffic Safety Boards
Christina M. Hale Chair, NYS STOP-DWI Association, Inc.
Chuck DeWeese Assistant Commissioner, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Michael N. Geraci Regional Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Region 2
Keynote Address:
Perspectives in Teen Driving Safety: Roads We’ve Traveled Over Time by Catherine C.
McDonald, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing
Although we have made huge progress in the last few decades, teen driver crashes remain a threat to public
health as the leading cause of death. We will discuss progress made in addressing the burden of teen driver
crashes and highlight where prevention efforts can lead to an even further reduction in the crashes.
Exhibitor Showcase / Beverage Break
Teen Driver Inattention - More than Just Texting and Driving
Ignition Interlock - Roadmap to Higher Compliance
One of the leading causes of teen crashes is inattention to the roadway. Driver inattention can be defined as
“insufficient or no attention to activities critical for safe driving.” Distractions inside the vehicle such as cell
phone calls, texting, and the behavior of peer passengers, as well as distractions outside the vehicle such as
environmental factors, draw attention away from the roadway. What is known about the scope of the
problem and opportunities for prevention will be discussed.
Catherine C. McDonald, PhD, RN Assistant Professor, University of PA, School of Nursing,
This training will focus on Ignition Interlock compliance rates and how to improve overall compliance with
the Ignition Interlock mandate. “How-tos” and examples will be provided so that monitors can hit the
ground running when they return home to their county. A review of recent Ignition Interlock audits will be
examined. A Q&A period will be provided.
David Cirencione Lieutenant, Ontario County Sheriff’s Office, STOP-DWI Liaison
Suzanne Cirencione Ontario County STOP-DWI/IID Monitor
Michele James St. Lawrence County STOP-DWI/IID Monitor
Deb Stitt Ulster County Probation / STOP-DWI
MONDAY October 17
Motorcycle Safety Issues: A True Picture of the Problem & Challenges and New York's
Comprehensive Approach to Address the Problem
It is time to reevaluate the programs and countermeasures in place to ease the over-representation of crashes
involving motorcycles. GTSC in partnership with the New York State Police, DMV’s Motorcycle Safety
Program, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, representatives from municipal law enforcement, and other
motorcycle safety advocates have come together to consider new data and to explore ideas on how we can
collectively address this issue and facilitate the decrease in lives lost to this mode of transportation. Join us for
an overview of these ideas and come prepared to offer any insight you may have on the subject to assist us in
this endeavor.
Sharon Henderson GTSC Representative and Motorcycle Program Coordinator
Dominick Macherone Law Enforcement Liaison, NYS Association of Chiefs of Police
GTSC Fundamentals - Crash Course on New Program Guidelines, Proper Application
Submissions and Spotless Payment Requests
This presentation will provide updates on new program requirements, guidelines on grant submission and tips
on grant payments. This session will cover updates related to the new Federal FAST ACT which funds our
highway safety grants. An overview of how to prepare a grant for submission to GTSC, including
requirements and pitfalls to avoid will also be included. Attendees will be given guidance on how to submit a
complete claim for payment to GTSC. Speakers will provide real examples of Highway Safety, Police Traffic
Services and Child Passenger safety grants to illustrate the step-by-step process and assure that your
reimbursements will be processed as quickly as possible.
Jim Allen Director, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Mary Montimurro Manager, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
GTSC Program Representatives and Fiscal Staff
How to Access NYS Traffic Safety Data Online
This is a hands-on, drop-in session that
is repeated throughout this morning and tomorrow morning.
The Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) has developed a Traffic Safety Statistical
Repository that is accessible online through business intelligence software. Statewide crash summary reports
and county data reports that were previously available in static format can now be accessed dynamically
through interactive tools on the internet. This hands-on, drop-in session will allow participants to gain
experience using the TSSR to view crash-related data, and to examine traffic safety issues such as alcohol- and
drug-impaired driving, speeding, large truck crashes and motorcycle safety.
Motorcycle Enforcement Made Simple
DWI Dangers
This will be an abbreviated training session for law enforcement officers and other traffic safety partners and
is based on the GTSC sponsored one-day Practical Guidelines for Motorcycle Enforcement Course.
James Cleary Sergeant, New York State Police
Jason DePaulo Investigator, Colonie Police Department
This workshop increases teens’ awareness of traffic injury, encourages deeper understanding of the farreaching effects of impairment, and provides guidelines for real life decisions.
Holly Malone Safety Educator, NYC Department of Transportation
Drawing Blood for a Criminal Case - Who is Drawing that Sample?
Techniques and procedures will be shared for successfully rendering a sample of human blood for criminal
justice purposes. Who may draw the sample, when, how and what to do after the sample is successfully
drawn. Memorializing the event and securing the evidence, as well as understanding the "Jack Shea Law".
Gary Ferrucci Senior Detective, Nassau County Police Department
MONDAY October 17
Gender Specific Victim Impact Panels - Credible or Coddling?
How to Access NYS Traffic Safety Data Online
This is a discussion of the benefits of gender specific Victim Impact Panels. The history, research and
benefits discovered by separating the sexes will be discussed. A victim speaker will discuss her anger about
the change and how her views changed. Presenters will discuss how the program has helped with the
shortage of victim speakers as well and the positive benefits they have seen.
Suzanne Cirencione Administrator, Ontario County STOP-DWI
Sarah Palermo President, Rochester Against Intoxicated Drivers
This is a hands-on, drop-in session
The Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) has developed a Traffic Safety Statistical
Repository that is accessible online through business intelligence software. Statewide crash summary reports
and county data reports that were previously available in static format can now be accessed dynamically
through interactive tools on the internet. This hands-on, drop-in session will allow participants to gain
experience using the TSSR to view crash-related data, and to examine traffic safety issues such as alcohol- and
drug-impaired driving, speeding, large truck crashes and motorcycle safety.
Luncheon Buffet
Impaired Driver Program Directors’ Association Annual Luncheon Meeting
Driving Simulators and Traffic Safety: Changing the Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviors
of Young Drivers
Distracted driving among teenagers is currently the leading cause of death in this age group (CDC, 2013).
Novice drivers under the age of 20 are at higher risk of having an automobile accident due to inexperience
and frequency of texting compared to any other age group. This escalating epidemic has prompted the need
for health education solutions to decrease, if not eliminate, distracted driving, specifically the behavior of
texting while driving among novice drivers in the United States. Educational programs designed to reach
young drivers with the use of driving simulators will be presented along with the results of a study on the
effects of a three-part educational intervention about texting and driving for high school students.
John E. Jones Orange County STOP-DWI/Traffic Safety
Frank Mercier Sergeant, Clinton County Sheriff's Office
Alissa Oliveto Educator, Kingston City School District
Motorcycle Awareness and Safety Education
A Comprehensive Approach Addressing Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
Exhibitor Showcase / Beverage Break
This presentation includes the topics of following too closely, speeding, what you need to know, distracted
driving, impaired driving, motion induced blindness and more.
Bruce LaPorte President, Traveling Memorial Wall for Fallen Bikers, Inc.
This presentation will extend beyond the data-driven law enforcement focus in addressing the large truck and
bus crash problem with broader attention and discussion by the panel on topics covering the importance of
load securement, safe operation of motor vehicles in the vicinity of large trucks and other ongoing education
and awareness initiatives and strategies.
Robert Copozzi Officer, Suffolk County Police Department Highway Patrol Bureau’s Motor Carrier
Safety Section
Jonathan Nicastro Chief Motor Carrier Investigator, NYS Department of Transportation’s Motor
Carrier Compliance Bureau
Dominick Macherone Law Enforcement Liaison, NYS Association of Chiefs of Police
MONDAY October 17
NYS STOP-DWI Foundation Updates
Battle of the Belts
NYS STOP-DWI Association, Inc. Annual Dinner Meeting
This presentation will give an update on current and future projects being coordinated by the NYS STOPDWI Foundation using grant funding provided by the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee through a grant
from NHTSA.
Chris Marion Coordinator, Broome County STOP-DWI
Research indicates that teen occupants are less likely to wear their seat belt than any other age group. Battle
of the Belts is a fun, easy and effective way to teach young occupants the importance of buckling up. This
fast-moving competition includes teams of four racing to buckle-up the fastest. Participants rotate bucklingup in different seating positions in a car while being timed. The team with the fastest time is the
winner! This presentation not only encourages comradery and playful competition among attendees but will
also give a brief overview and helpful tips on how to set-up a Battle of the Belts Competition in your county.
Christine Muss Traffic Safety Coordinator, Broome County Health Department
TUESDAY October 18
Breakfast Buffet for Monday overnight registered guests
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)
Chairman’s Awards & Robert Foley Award Presentations and Battle of the Belts Champion
Welcome Remarks by Terri Egan, DMV Executive Deputy Commissioner
Keynote Address by Award-Winning Magician Steven Brundage
This is a continuation of Monday’s course for pre-registered law enforcement officers.
This morning will include entertainment by award-winning magician Steven Brundage, who will perform a
wide array of illusions, mystery and enchantment. This world-class performer has appeared on such
television shows as Good Morning America, The Today Show and Penn and Teller: Fool Us. Steven has
expertise in dazzling audiences with his mastery in sleight of hand, as well as his Rubik's cube genius.
Exhibitor Showcase / Beverage Break
Victim Advocates Saving Lives
This session will provide a platform for the victim advocates/speakers bureau to share how they’ve turned
their personal tragedies into a mission to spread awareness of the dangers of distracted and drunk driving. By
presenting and sharing their stories, each speaker offers a unique perspective which resonates with their
audiences. Their advocacy efforts have given them the opportunity to travel across New York State and,
combined, have spoken to tens of thousands of people of all ages.
Marianne Angelillo Survivor Advocate, National Safety Council
Karen Torres Survivor Advocate, National Safety Council
TUESDAY October 18
Information on Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) and Suffolk County Task Force
This presentation will speak about the DRE program and the East End DWI Task Force (Suffolk County).
This will promote interest in the DRE program and help other agencies put together a task force of their
Michael Kern Deputy Sheriff, Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office
James Panarello Lieutenant, Nassau County Police Department
Speed Management
How to Utilize Social Media in Traffic Safety Messaging
The NHTSA Speed Program Management course provides training to better facilitate and support a
comprehensive approach to reducing speed-related crashes, injuries and fatalities. The target audience would
be law enforcement, community organizations and traffic engineers. This session will provide the basic
outline for a coordinated speed management program in a municipal region.
Shannon Purdy Regional Program Manager, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Region 2
This presentation will serve as an introductory lesson on how to create a social media presence for your
agency. Additional topics will include best practices, how to measure your reach and how to promote your
message with advertising.
Chuck Conroy Highway Safety Program Manager, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
How to Access NYS Traffic Safety Data Online
This is a hands-on, drop-in session
The Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) has developed a Traffic Safety Statistical
Repository that is accessible online through business intelligence software. Statewide crash summary reports
and county data reports that were previously available in static format can now be accessed dynamically
through interactive tools on the internet. This hands-on, drop-in session will allow participants to gain
experience using the TSSR to view crash-related data, and to examine traffic safety issues such as alcohol- and
drug-impaired driving, speeding, large truck crashes and motorcycle safety.
Hands Off the Phone and On the Wheel
In October 2014 the Town of New Castle started their Hands Off the Phone and On the Wheel initiative. In
the first year 1000 summonses for distracted driving violations were issued. Their program logo is seen on
vehicle magnets and roadway banners throughout town. They recently completed a 6-minute professionallyproduced roll call video to motivate officers to increase enforcement and include distracted driving as a
contributing factor when appropriate. This presentation will share their success and encourage other
communities to implement similar programs in their communities.
Chad Golanec Police Officer, Town of New Castle Police Department
Charles Ferry Chief of Police, Town of New Castle Police Department
Ben Liberman Co-Founder, Distracted Drivers Risk Casualties
The Impaired Driver - From Vehicle Stop to Conviction
Using Data to Determine Problem Identification
Prosecutors have long recognized a disconnect from the arrest to the conviction. This presentation is
designed to help the police officer recognize the impaired driver (drugs and/or alcohol), gather evidence and
close the gap from the arrest to the conviction.
William Weick Deputy Sheriff Investigator, Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office
This is an entry level class on how local entities can collect, analyze and evaluate their data to define their
local traffic safety problem that will allow for prospective GTSC grantees to produce improved problem
identification portions of their grant applications.
Shannon Purdy Regional Program Manager, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Region 2
TUESDAY October 18
Prescription Drug Diversion
How to Access NYS Traffic Safety Data Online
Luncheon Buffet
Judicial Intervention Strategies for DWI Offenders
This presentation entails New York State’s response to the heroin crisis.
Timothy J. Dewey Senior Investigator, NYS Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, NYS DOH
This is a hands-on, drop-in session
The Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) has developed a Traffic Safety Statistical
Repository that is accessible online through business intelligence software. Statewide crash summary reports
and county data reports that were previously available in static format can now be accessed dynamically
through interactive tools on the internet. This hands-on, drop-in session will allow participants to gain
experience using the TSSR to view crash-related data, and to examine traffic safety issues such as alcohol- and
drug-impaired driving, speeding, large truck crashes and motorcycle safety.
Hear about the application of new alcohol consumption monitoring technology and case management
techniques from around the state. Personal Alcohol Monitoring devices and real time notification can be
effective in breaking the cycle of consumption leading to additional DWI offenses. Case studies and latest
results from ongoing projects from around the state will be explored.
Tom Giruzzi Coordinator, Oneida County STOP-DWI Program
Leslie Berger Coordinator, Rockland County STOP-DWI/Traffic Safety Program
John Sullivan Director, Erie County STOP-DWI Program
Target 25: A Pretrial Bail Supervision Program for Repeat DUI Offenders
Smart Drug Management and Driving
Target 25 is the early identification, placement, and pretrial supervision of second and subsequent offense
DUI offenders. Stakeholders developed uniform countywide protocols for arrest, blood draw, bail,
supervision, monitoring, and sentencing. High-risk DUI offenders are identified at arrest, brought before a
magisterial district judge and placed on supervised bail with alcohol monitoring within hours of arrest. The
Adult Probation Department processes these cases within 24 hours to five days and places the offender on a
24/7 continuous alcohol monitoring bracelet. As a result, these offenders are effectively managed in the
community saving jail days. The program emphasizes sobriety and rewards voluntary early treatment, enabling
early identification and placement in the county’s DUI Court and other diversionary sentencing programs.
John S. Kennedy Judicial Outreach Liaison, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
This is a comprehensive and in-depth look at problems associated with the intake of legal drugs and driving.
This module will focus on the herculean task of educating drivers on the hidden dangers from both front and
behind-the-counter drugs and their effects on driving.
Roger Dames Coordinator, Driver Fitness Centers, Colonie Senior Service Centers, Inc.
Donna Stressel Tice Program Director, Driver Rehabilitation Services, Sunnyview Hospital
Tracy Mance First Sergeant, Albany County Sheriff’s Department
Exhibitor Showcase / Beverage Break
PLENARY SESSION: Drugs, Driving and Death
Want to know what has happened in the last year? We will update you on drugged driving enforcement, the
heroin epidemic, the application of causation to drunk-driving deaths and the latest legislative goals and
Joseph McCormack NYS TSRP and Chief of Bronx District Attorney’s Vehicular Crimes Bureau
Maureen McCormick Chief, Nassau County Vehicular Crimes Bureau
TUESDAY October 18
NYS Association of Traffic Safety Boards Annual Dinner Meeting
WEDNESDAY October 19
Breakfast Buffet for Tuesday overnight guests
Pedestrian Safety Action Plan: New York State’s 3E Approach to Improving Pedestrian
Safety Across the State
Chuck DeWeese Assistant Commissioner, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Thomas Benware Manager, Pedestrian & Bicycle Program, NYS Department of Transportation
Regina Doyle Senior Transportation Analyst, NYS Department of Transportation
Gina Gillooley Section Chief, Child and Traffic Injury, NYS Department of Health
Jim Knapp Highway Safety Program Representative, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Robert Limoges Director, Safety Program Management Bureau, NYS Department of Transportation
Joseph McCormack NYS TSRP and Chief of Bronx District Attorney’s Vehicular Crimes Bureau
Maureen McCormick Chief, Nassau County Vehicular Crimes Bureau
Pick up bag lunch-to-go in McKenzie’s
The following awards are presented each year at the Symposium.
If you have a nomination for any of the following awards,
please email the appropriate Association member by the date indicated.
Richard Novelli Award - due by July 22
Contact: Michele James (
The Novelli Award was instituted to honor the memory of L. Richard "Dick" Novelli, who died of cancer in 1993 while
serving as the STOP-DWI Coordinator and Traffic Safety Director for Niagara County. Because of Dick’s role as an
educator, the award is given to programs that further STOP-DWI and/or traffic safety principles through community
education. Primary considerations are the program's impact on the community, the originality of the design, the incorporation
of either STOP-DWI or traffic safety principles, and the adaptability of the program to other communities. Consideration is
also given as to whether the program could be used regionally or on a statewide basis. Some previous honorees include school
assembly programs, victim panels designed for high school students, special events designed to promote STOP-DWI or traffic
safety programs where the designer or originator was a community member as opposed to an employee of a local program.
William T. Smith Award - due by July 22
Contact: Christina Hale (
The William T. Smith Award was developed to honor Senator Smith for his dedication to the cause of the NYS STOP-DWI
Coordinator’s Association. The “Smith Award” will be a New York State STOP-DWI Coordinator’s Association Award, not
an award for recognition of local accomplishments. The guidelines to be included for selection consideration are that the
person(s) be a member of the Association in good standing, or be directly involved in the daily operation of any county
program, or be a consultant directly involved in the overall operation of the State Association business. The person(s) selected
will have provided the State Association with time and effort, which will be judged as enhancing the cause of the Association
in its daily and yearly business.
Roy Thorpe Award - due by July 22
Contact: Michele James (
Roy Thorpe was a past President of the New York State Association of Traffic Safety Boards. He served Erie County as a
member of the Erie County Sheriff's Department, the Town of Tonawanda Police Department and as a member of the Erie
County Traffic Safety Board. He dedicated his life to the traffic safety community of New York State by supporting safety
programs at the "grass roots" level and expanding the involvement of the local traffic safety boards in state and national traffic
safety issues. Roy felt that it was important to acknowledge the "unsung" heroes; the individuals who worked to promote
traffic safety on a regular basis. He died while serving as NYSATSB President. In his memory, traffic safety community
members established the Roy Thorpe Award to honor individuals who, like Roy, have made an outstanding contribution to
traffic safety.
Chairman’s Awards - due by September 12
Contact: Chuck DeWeese (
The Chairman’s Awards consist of two categories: one for individuals and a second for organizations. Individuals and
organizations to be considered will have made efficient use of public resources and will have produced programs that are
innovative, superior and highly successful in promoting traffic safety. State agencies, however, are not eligible for this award.
Recipients must be grantees of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.
Robert Foley Award - due by September 12
Contact: Mary Ann Phillips (
This award honors an individual or organization for outstanding leadership in endeavors that significantly improve NYS
highway/road safety. The recipient of this award has demonstrated his/her commitment through efforts beyond their job
responsibilities to help in the achievement of zero deaths and serious injuries on NYS highways and roads.