- The Fitzgerald
- The Fitzgerald
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Tuesday Direct Mail Delivery South Georgia’s Weekly Spanish Language Newspaper Monthly Advertising Rates Available to all customers running 1x monthly with agreement Monthly Advertising Rates Available to all customers running 1x monthly with agreement 1/8 PAGE 10-17” 1/4 PAGE 18-36” 1/2 PAGE 37-74” FULL PAGE 75” 7.00 per column inch 6.50 per column inch 6.00 per column inch 5.50 per column inch $ $ $ 7000 $ 11700 22200 33750 Weekly Advertising Rates Available to all customers running weekly with agreement 1/8 PAGE 10-17” 1/4 PAGE 18-36” 1/2 PAGE 37-74” FULL PAGE 75” 6.50 per column inch 6.00 per column inch 5.50 per column inch 5.00 per column inch $ $ $ 6500 $ 10800 All rates include full color. 20350 30000 FRONT PAGE $38750 BACK PAGE $350 When Available, Reserve As Early As Possible PRE PRINT INSERT RATES (per thousand) 1- 4 Pages $50 8 Page Tab $55 12 Page Tab $58 16 Page Tab $61 20 Page Tab $68 24 Page Tab $73 1/8 PAGE 8-14” 1/4 PAGE 15-29” 1/2 PAGE 30-59” FULL PAGE 6.60 per column inch 6.32 per column inch 6.05 per column inch 5.50 per column inch $ $ 5280 $ 9480 $ 18150 33000 Weekly Advertising Rates Available to all customers running weekly with agreement 1/8 PAGE 8-14” 1/4 PAGE 15-29” 1/2 PAGE 30-59” FULL PAGE 6.00 per column inch 5.75 per column inch 5.50 per column inch 5.00 per column inch $ $ 4800 $ 8625 $ 16500 All rates include full color. 30000 BACK PAGE $350 When Available, Reserve As Early As Possible PRE PRINT INSERT RATES ( $50 per thousand) En Español! Tift, Colquitt, Turner, Crisp, Sumter, Berrien, Cook, Lowndes, Coffee, Ben Hill, Irwin & Atkinson Counties