Health Center Directory
Health Center Directory
U H C H A G R I N H I G H L A N D S H E A LT H C E N T E R Health Center Directory Provider listings are current as of October 2015. Copies of this directory are available as a printable file at Serving Orange Village and surrounding communities, UH Chagrin Highlands Health Center offers families access to a wide range of primary and specialty care physicians, laboratory services, and diagnostic imaging and radiology. A fully staffed, state-of-the-art urgent care center also offers exceptional, advanced diagnosis and treatment. Also located within the facility is University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and University Hospitals Breast Health Center. Below is a complete listing of specialties and services available at UH Chagrin Highlands Health Center. Additional information is available online at Available Health Care Specialties and Services •Allergy and immunology •Audiology •Bariatric surgery • Bariatric weight loss clinic •Cancer care Gynecologic oncology Hematology and oncology Radiation oncology Surgical oncology •Cardiovascular medicine •Colorectal surgery •Diabetes education •Diagnostic imaging and radiology •Ear, nose and throat (otolaryngology) •Electrophysiology •Endocrinology •Family medicine •Gastroenterology •General surgery •Genetics •Heart failure •Hepatobiliary and transplant surgery •Hepatology •Infectious disease •Internal medicine services •Medical nutrition therapy •Nephrology •Obstetrics and gynecology •Pediatric ear, nose and throat (otolaryngology) •Plastic surgery •Podiatry •Rheumatology •Sleep medicine •Travel medicine •Urgent care •Urology •Vascular surgery •Laboratory UH Chagrin Highlands Health Center 216-896-1700 | 3909 Orange Place Orange Village, OH 44122 2 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center Provider Directory KEY * UH Digestive Health Institute ® UH Ear, Nose & Throat Institute Provider listings are current as of October 2015. • UH Eye Institute ¡ UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Copies of this directory are available as a printable ∆UH Neurological Institute ~UH Rainbow Care Network file at +UH Transplant Institute †UH Urology Institute Outpatient Services Information Need Additional Help? B A R I AT R I C W E I G H T L O S S C L I N I C INSURANCE ACCESS LINE 216-896-1888 | Suite 3200 216-983-1500 D I A B E T E S S E L F - M A N A G E M E N T E D U C AT I O N 216-383-7813 | Suite 2500 If University Hospitals is out-of-network for your health plan, the Insurance Access Line can assist you in evaluating options available to access care at University Hospitals. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING AND RADIOLOGY 216-896-1710 | Suite 1200 PAT I E N T C O N C I E R G E Bone Densitometry 216-514-6555 | Suite 1000 216-844-8500 | Suite 3100 At UH Chagrin Highlands Health Center, we offer an on-site patient concierge, who will assist patients with scheduling follow-up tests and specialist appointments. Our concierge can answer questions and offer resources within University Hospitals. L A B O R AT O R Y S E R V I C E S 216-896-1820 | Suite 2200 R E H A B I L I TAT I O N S E R V I C E S Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation 216-839-4515 | Suite 3300 URGENT CARE 216-896-1800 | Suite 2100 U H E A R , N O S E & T H R O AT I N S T I T U T E Audiology and Cochlear Implant Center 216-844-7191 | Suite 4600 Voice and Swallowing Center 216-844-6000 | Suite 4100 Avoid waiting room crowds with InQuicker online check-in service. Monday – Friday Weekends Holidays 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day 216-896-1700 • | 3 ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 216-896-1850 | Suite 2500 Kent A. Knauer, MD Kent A. Knauer, MD B A R I AT R I C S U R G E R Y 216-844-7874 | Suite 3200 Leena Khaitan, MD* Latonya Fore, CNP* 216-844-5274 | Suite 3200 Julie Hall, RD Leena Khaitan, MD Latonya Fore, CNP Julie Hall, RD Heather Blume, CNP Ivan Cakulev, MD Chantal ElAmm, MD Jamie Wilson, CNP Teresa L. Carman, MD George Farah, MD Mauricio S. Arruda, MD Barry A. Effron, MD Michel G. Farah, MD C A R D I O VA S C U L A R M E D I C I N E (Continued on next page.) 216-844-3800 | Suite 4600 Heather Blume, CNP¡ Jamie Wilson, CNP¡ 216-844-3800 | Suite 3300 Mauricio S. Arruda, MD (electrophysiology)¡ Ivan Cakulev, MD¡ Teresa L. Carman, MD¡ Barry A. Effron, MD¡ Chantal ElAmm, MD¡ George Farah, MD¡ Michel G. Farah, MD¡ 4 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center C A R D I O VA S C U L A R M E D I C I N E (Continued from previous page.) 216-844-3800 | Suite 4600 Mahazarin Ginwalla, MD (heart failure)¡ Lloyd H. Greene, MD¡ Trevor Jenkins, MD¡ Paul Kohanski, CNP¡ Judith A. Mackall, MD (electrophysiology)¡ Sri K. Madan Mohan, MD¡ Harish Manyam, MD (electrophysiology)¡ Guilherme Oliveira, MD¡ Alan Wiggers, DO (clinical lipid specialist)¡ David A. Zidar, MD, PhD¡ Mahazarin Ginwalla, MD Judith A. Mackall, MD Alan Wiggers, DO Lloyd H. Greene, MD Sri K. Madan Mohan, MD David A. Zidar, MD, PhD Trevor Jenkins, MD Harish Manyam, MD Anthony Gibaldi, CNP Paul Kohanski, CNP Guilherme Oliveira, MD Barbara A. Williams, MD 216-844-3201 | Suite 3300 Anthony Gibaldi, CNP (critical care)¡ 216-378-4144 | Suite 2500 Markowitz, Rosenberg, Stein and Associates Barbara A. Williams, MD¡ 216-896-1700 • | 5 C O L O R E C TA L S U R G E R Y 440-844-7874 | Suite 3200 Raul M. Bosio, MD* Scott Steele, MD Sharon Stein, MD* Donya Marie Woconish, CNP* . 6 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center Raul M. Bosio, MD Sharon Stein, MD Scott Steele, MD Donya Marie Woconish, CNP E A R , N O S E A N D T H R O AT ( O T O L A RY N G O L O G Y ) 216-844-6000 | Suite 4100 Dina Cirino, CNP® Nicole Maronian, MD® Cliff A. Megerian, MD® Diana Ponsky, MD® Tony Reisman, MD® Rod Rezaee, MD® Kenneth Rodriguez, MD® Maroun Semaan, MD® Mark Weidenbecher, MD® Chad Zender, MD® Dina Cirino, CNP Tony Reisman, MD Mark Weidenbecher, MD Nicole Maronian, MD Rod Rezaee, MD Chad Zender, MD Cliff A. Megerian, MD Kenneth Rodriguez, MD Diana Ponsky, MD Maroun Semaan, MD 216-896-1700 • | 7 Provider Directory ENDOCRINOLOGY 216-844-8500 | Suite 3100 Debra Hayes, RD Laleh Razavi Nematollahi, MD Korina Shulemovich, MD Debra Hayes, RD Laleh Razavi Nematollahi, MD Korina Shulemovich, MD Eric J. Shapiro, MD John A. Dumot, DO Jeffry A. Katz, MD Gregory S. Cooper, MD Brooke Glessing, MD Mary Ellen Yursky, CNP F A M I LY M E D I C I N E 216-896-1844 | Suite 2000 Chagrin Highlands Primary Care Armelle Y. Jemmy-Nouafo, MD Armelle Y. Jemmy-Nouafo, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY 440-708-1555 | Suite 2500 University Gastroenterology Associates Eric J. Shapiro, MD* 216-844-8500 | Suite 3200 Gregory S. Cooper, MD* John A. Dumot, DO* Brooke Glessing, MD* Jeffry A. Katz, MD* Mary Ellen Yursky, CNP* 8 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center G E N E R A L S U R G E RY University Community Surgeons 216-831-8255 | Suite 2500 John J. Jasper, MD* Jeffrey Parks, MD 216-831-8255 | Suite 4400 Lisa Rock, MD John J. Jasper, MD Lisa Rock, MD Jeffrey Parks, MD Jeffrey M. Marks, MD Jirair K. Bedoyan, MD, PhD Anna Mitchell, MD, PhD Lilei Zhang, MD, PhD Jan Maxson, CNP Steven E. Waggoner, MD John M. Nakayama, MD 216-844-7874 | Suite 3200 Jeffrey M. Marks, MD* GENETICS 216-844-3936 | Suite 4600 Jirair K. Bedoyan, MD, PhD Anna Mitchell, MD, PhD Lilei Zhang, MD, PhD GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 216-896-1740 | Suite 1100 Jan Maxson, CNP Steven E. Waggoner, MD 216-896-1740 | Suite 4600 John M. Nakayama, MD 216-896-1700 • | 9 H E M AT O L O G Y A N D O N C O L O G Y (Continued on next page.) 216-844-3951 | Suite 1100 Julie Bray, CNP Colleen Castelein, CNP Matthew M. Cooney, MD Catherine Downs-Holmes, CNP Jennifer R. Eads, MD Yan Feng, MD, PhD Susan Flick, CNP Lyndsay Harris, MD Christopher J. Hoimes, DO Henry Koon, MD Smitha Krishnamurthi, MD Cynthia Owusu, MD Paula Silverman, MD 10 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center Julie Bray, CNP Yan Feng, MD, PhD Smitha Krishnamurthi, MD Colleen Castelein, CNP Susan Flick, CNP Cynthia Owusu, MD Matthew M. Cooney, MD Lyndsay Harris, MD Paula Silverman, MD Catherine Downs-Holmes, CNP Christopher J. Hoimes, DO Jennifer R. Eads, MD Henry Koon, MD H E M AT O L O G Y A N D O N C O L O G Y (Continued from previous page.) 216-844-3951 | Suites 1100 and 4400 Marla Sustin, CNP 216-844-3951 | Suite 4600 Shaveta Vinayak, MD Marla Sustin, CPN Shaveta Vinayak, MD Lois J. Teston, MD Christopher Siegel, MD, PhD Kelly Siegel, CNP Stanley M. Cohen, MD Madeleine Murphy, CNP, DNP 216-896-1868 | Suite 1100 Lois J. Teston, MD H E PAT O B I L I A R Y A N D T R A N S P L A N T S U R G E RY 216-844-7874 | Suite 3200 Christopher Siegel, MD, PhD*+ Kelly Siegel, CNP H E PAT O L O G Y 216-844-8500 | Suite 3200 Stanley M. Cohen, MD*+ 216-844-8500 | Suite 3200 Madeleine Murphy, CNP, DNP* Anthony B. Post, MD*+ 216-896-1700 • Anthony Post, MD | 11 INFECTIOUS DISEASE 216-844-8500 | Suite 3100 David S. Bobak, MD+ (travel medicine) Marta Jakubowycz, MD (travel medicine) Tracy Lemonovich, MD+ (travel medicine) Amy Ray, MD David S. Bobak, MD Tracy Lemonovich, MD Marta Jakubowycz, MD Amy Ray, MD Michael B. Eckstein, MD Ashwini Nayak, MD Eric M. Yasinow, MD Scott C. Feudo, MD Rajvinder Parmar, MD Debra S. Leizman, MD David J. Headen, MD Richard Edward Stein, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE 216-464-1115 | Suite 2400 Internal Medicine Group of Cleveland Michael B. Eckstein, MD Scott C. Feudo, MD David J. Headen, MD Ashwini Nayak, MD Rajvinder Parmar, MD Richard Edward Stein, MD Eric M. Yasinow, MD 216-844-8500 | Suite 3100 Debra S. Leizman, MD 12 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY 216-844-3800 | Suite 3300 Bonnie Schmidt-Hayes, MS, RDN, LDN, CLS Bonnie Schmidt-Hayes, MS, RDN, LDN, CLS NEPHROLOGY 216-844-3133 | Suite 3100 Arash Rashidi, MD Sharmeela Saha, MD Arash Rashidi, MD Sharmeela Saha, MD Deborah Levitan-Gerson, MD Janette Stephenson, MD OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 216-896-1740 | Suite 4500 Deborah Levitan-Gerson, MD Janette Stephenson, MD P E D I AT R I C E A R , N O S E & T H R O AT ( O T O L A RY N G O L O G Y ) 216-844-6000 | Suite 4100 James E. Arnold, MD~® James E. Arnold, MD 216-896-1700 • | 13 P L A S T I C S U R G E RY 440-446-8600 | Suite 4400 Hooman Soltanian, MD 216-844-6000 | Suite 4100 Diana Ponsky, MD ® Hooman Soltanian, MD Diana Ponsky, MD P O D I AT R Y 440-684-9930 | Suite 2100 Gary A. Ritz, DPM Gary A. Ritz, DPM R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y (Continued on next page.) 216-844-3951 | Suite 1100 Jennifer Dorth, MD Rodney Ellis, MD Simon Lo, MD Janice Lyons, MD Mitchell Machtay, MD Roger Macklis, MD David Mansur, MD Louis Novak, MD Suzanne Russo, MD 14 | University Hospitals Chagrin Highlands Health Center Jennifer Dorth, MD Janice Lyons, MD David Mansur, MD Rodney Ellis, MD Mitchell Machtay, MD Louis Novak, MD Simon Lo, MD Roger Macklis, MD Suzanne Russo, MD R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y (Continued from previous page.) 216-844-3951 | Suite 1100 Mehran Saboori, MD Susan Sandstrom, CNP Min Yao, MD, PhD Mehran Saboori, MD Susan Sandstrom, CNP Min Yao, MD, PhD Donald Anthony, MD, PhD Maya Mattar, MD Van D. Warren, MD Ali D. Askari, MD Roland Moskowitz, MD R H E U M AT O L O G Y 216-844-8500 | Suite 3100 Donald Anthony, MD, PhD Ali D. Askari, MD Maya Mattar, MD Roland Moskowitz, MD Van D. Warren, MD SLEEP MEDICINE 216-844-3800 | Suite 3300 Colleen Lance, MD¡ Colleen Lance, MD 216-896-1700 • | 15 SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 216-844-7874 | Suite 4400 Leah Basch, PA-C Jill R. Dietz, MD Heidi Goodwin, CNP Marjie L. Persons, MD Robert R. Shenk, MD 216-844-7874 | Suite 3200 Jeffrey M. Hardacre, MD Leah Basch, PA-C Marjie L. Persons, MD Jill R. Dietz, MD Robert R. Shenk, MD Heidi Goodwin , CNP Jeffrey M. Hardacre, MD Edward E. Cherullo, MD Lee Ponsky, MD Scott M. Wilhelm, MD 216-844-8283 | Suite 3200 Scott M. Wilhelm, MD* UROLOGY 216-844-3009 | Suite 4300 Edward Cherullo, MD† 216-844-3009 | Suite 4600 Lee Ponsky, MD† VA S C U L A R S U R G E R Y 216-844-3800 | Suite 3300 Henry R. Baele, MD¡ Henry R. Baele, MD 216-896-1700 3909 Orange Place Orange Village, Ohio 44122 © 2015 University Hospitals ASC 00938
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Serving Twinsburg and surrounding communities, UH Twinsburg Health Center offers families access
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