June 2014 - Riverside Community School District


June 2014 - Riverside Community School District
Oakland, IA 51560
PO Box 428
Postal Patron
Striving to Provide the
Highest Quality Education
for the Communities of
Carson, Macedonia, and
Riverside Community
School Mission
The mission of the Riverside
Community School District is
to prepare students to meet
the challenges of the future as
responsible citizens in a global
June, 2014 Newsletter
Volume 20, Issue 10
Activities Calendar
* Dr. James Sutton, Superintendent
712-484-2212 Central Office
*Mr. Jamie Meek, Pre-K-6Principal
712-484-2212 Intermediate School
Elementary School
* Mr. David Gute Jr.-Sr. HS Principal
Jr.-Sr. High School
* Don Graham
Bus Garage
*School Supply Lists Inside
*Check out Registration Info
for the 2014-2015 School Year
* Baseball Schedule
* Softball Schedule
*Weight Room Schedule
*Other Miscellaneous Info
The Riverside Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual
orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status, or disability in its educational programs and activities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status or disability in its employment practices, or as otherwise prohibited by statute or regulation. For more information or concerns
regarding educational programs or activities, employment practices or information regarding the grievance procedure, contact Dr. James
Sutton, Equity Coordinator, Riverside Community School District, 330 Pleasant Street, PO Box 218, Carson, IA 51525, 712-484-2212.
Riverside Golfers Head to State
(Linda Wax)
Ellen Johnson (pictured below) qualified for the girls state golf tournament on Tuesday, May 27 by shooting an 86 at
the course in Corning. Ellen will play at the state golf meet on June 2-3 at the American Legion Golf Course in Marshalltown, Iowa. Likewise the boys golf team qualified for a return to state playing at the Crestwood Golf Course in
Anita on Friday, May 23. The boys will play at the state tournament on May 30-31 also at the American Legion Golf
course in Marshalltown. Congratulations, kids and coaches. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wax are the golf coaches.
Above: Brandon Hering, Brad McGinnis, Eric Rock, Tim Brink, Tyler
Krueger, and Dylan McClain
Riverside Boys Compete at State Track in Des Moines
Riverside seniors Brandon Sipherd and Kyle Myers qualified for the state track meet
held in Des Moines from May 22-24.
Will Your Child Be In 7th Grade In The Fall????
Vicki Palmer RN
Parents of 6th grade students please be aware that a new
immunization requirement went into place at the start of
the 2013-14 school year. A Tdap immunization (tetanus
and pertussis) is now required BEFORE the first day of a
student’s 7th grade school year. The Tdap immunization
must have been after the child’s 7th birthday and before
they start 7th grade. Following is an excerpt from a letter
from the Iowa Department of Public Health:
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Bureau of Immunization,
has completed the administrative rules process to require tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine for students enrolling in 7th grade. The
administrative rule change is effective January 16, 2013, and will be implemented at the beginning of the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. The
change will require a one-time booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis-containing vaccine for applicants in
grades 7 and above, if born on or after September 15, 2000; regardless of the interval since the last tetanus/diphtheria containing vaccine.
Please send documentation of a Tdap immunization to
Mrs. Palmer as soon as possible. If you are unsure if your
child has already met this requirement please contact
Mrs. Palmer by phone or email
Brandon Sipherd qualified in the 3200 meter run. Brandon placed 14th with a personal
best time of 10:24.45. Kyle Myers compete in the high jump and placed 21st clearing 5
ft. 8 ins.
Kyle Myers
What Do I Need to Turn In??
As we head to the 2014-2015 school year, it is time to get
paperwork ready to turn in. The following is a list of paperwork that comes to the school nurse at the beginning
of the school year:
1. PreSchool- list of the child’s immunizations,
a physical and a copy of their birth certificate.
Left: Brandon Sipherd
2. Kindergarten-list of the child’s immunizations including kindergarten boosters, a
physical and a copy of the child’s birth certificate if not on file from preschool.
3. 7th grade-required tetanus (tdap) booster
(see article on the left).
4. 7th through 12th grades-athletic physical if
going to play school sports and a concussion
form. (Parents please be sure to sign the
Top Dawgs For May, 2014
Grant Keast, Tayler Mart, and Adrian Dillon were selected as the
final Top Dawgs for the 2013-2014 school year.
These students were described by staff members as being kind,
intelligent as well as usually having smiles on their faces. Congratulations, kids!
Page 2
Junior High Students Learn about Some Outdoor Activities
(Liz Graves)
On Tuesday, May 20th the 7th graders traveled to the Stone Quarry outside of Macedonia for an Outdoor Education Day. During the day the students rotated through
6 stations of outdoor activities. Kerri Wede and the Extensive Service helped the
kids with outdoor cooking, Bass Pro helped with fishing, and Mr. Meek taught air rifle
shooting and bow and arrow shooting. Mrs. Wilber led her group through a mile
hike around the quarry using GPS, and Ms. Davis helped the students with kayaking
and canoeing. The students also had the opportunity to play various outdoor games.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success. The 7th graders had an
awesome time!
The Riverside Community School District would like to give
a big thank you to the KCSI radio station in Red Oak. For
the past year and a half, Jerry Dietz from KCSI has featured
Riverside School District students, staff, and activities every
other Thursday morning. Jerry does a great job interviewing
staff and students and showcasing Riverside events and activities. We look forward to working with Jerry and KCSI again
next year!
Registration for all Riverside students for the 201-2015 school year
will be held at the Intermediate building in Carson on Tuesday,
August 5 from 12-8 and Wednesday, August 6 from 8-12. All fees
must be paid at time of registration. For those persons who want to
register early and DO NOT need any free or reduced forms, the
Intermediate School will be open on Wednesday, July 30 from 8 AM
to 4 PM.
We continue to work on ways to improve registration for the 20142015 school year, including possible registration online. We will be
posting more information about registration on the school website
at www.riversideschools.org. Keep checking!
7th and 8th Graders Attend Civil War Program
(Mandie Reynolds)
On May 6 , all Junior High students had the opportunity to attend a Civil War Program put on by members of our local
community. Mike Carr was the contact and organized the program. Students learned about weapons
of the Civil War, battles, uniforms, conditions of everyday life, and how to march. All students enjoyed the program.
Thanks to 7th grader Brynden Detlef for providing the pictures! Also, thank you to those who took part in the program!
Far left: Seniors gather for a last
breakfast before grad practice.
Left: Flanked by his parents, senior
Tanner Ford hands his mom a rose
during Senior Soccer night. Tanner’s
parents are Kevin and Nikki Ford.
Page 3
Look for the Intermediate, Junior High and High School Honor Rolls
in the August edition of the newsletter.
Thanks to the Riverside Communities
Registration for all Riverside students for the 201-2015 school year
will be held at the Intermediate building in Carson on Tuesday, August 5 from 12-8 and Wednesday, August 6 from 8-12. All fees must
be paid at time of registration. For those persons who want to register early and DO NOT need any free or reduced forms, the Intermediate School will be open on Wednesday, July 30 from 8 AM to 4
We continue to work on ways to improve registration for the 20142015 school year, including possible registration online. We will be
posting more information about registration on the school website
at www.riversideschools.org. Keep checking!
NHS Community Project
As many of you have heard, I recently accepted another
teaching position within the Papillion La-Vista school district
near Omaha. Although it was a tough decision, I’ve known
working in a larger district is something I’ve wanted to do
since beginning my teaching career here at Riverside.
I want to take a minute and thank everyone for all the teaching and coaching opportunities I’ve been given while working
here the last 3 years. It has been an incredible, and at times,
overwhelming experience, but it’s something I have thoroughly enjoyed and will definitely never forget. I have been
extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to work with
everyone in the Riverside School District; parents, staff, and
students. I want to thank you all for helping me start my
career in an awesome profession in an incredible community
and school district. Thanks for everything. Pete Langenhan
(Gayle Strickland)
National Honor Society students submitted a grant to the Pottawattamie
County Foundation on May 1. If the
grant is approved, they will use the
funds to help create the Oakland Heritage Garden. Students decided in
March that they wanted to do something to beautify the area next to the
Nishna Heritage Museum on Main
Street. Working with the Museum
Board, Riverside Links, and other
volunteers, students hope to bring
outdoor art to the area. They are
planning to use some antique farm
equipment from the basement in the
museum to display on berms. A pathway will wind through the area and native plants will add to the scene. High
school art students are working on mural designs to submit to the Museum
Board for selection. Once the outer wall has been restored, a mural will pay
tribute to Oakland’s past. The students plan to work during the summer and will
hold a reception in Sept. to present their progress and to show appreciation for
all the volunteers who helped on the project. Accepting for the National Honor
Society were Jonae Polinski and Kristina Sturm and accepting for RiversideLinks
was Gayle Strickland.
Backpack Food
The Backpack program will be available
this summer to Riverside students and
their families. If you participated in the
backpack program throughout the school
year, and would like to continue over the
summer, please contact Jana Hensley at
484-2291 by June 5th. Thank you!
4th Grade Students had a fun day at the quarry where they were able to try out various activities including photography, fishing, archery, and cooking food to
mention just a few. Photos have been supplied by Mrs. Linda Wax. Looks like it was a fun day for all.
Kerri Wede demonstrates some cooking options.
Ready, aim, fire. . .Mr. Meek monitors the archery fun.
Smile for the camera. Mrs. Piro led this activity.
Parents and Riverside Athletes: Please
Athletic Physicals
Thursday, July 31, 3014
1-4 PM
Alegent Creighton Clinic
700 South Highway Street
Oakland, IA 712-482-6484
No appointment necessary
Cash or Check ONLY
Riverside Intermediate School recently received an acknowledgement from the people at the Ronald McDonald House for their
donation of pop tab donations. To date, the Intermediate School
has donated 1, 631, 000 pop tabs. Not did the school donate pop
tabs but a group went to serve food at the Ronald McDonald
House as well. The kids are shown below with Mrs. Deb Forristall.
Way to Go Riverside!!! (submitted by Lauri Drake)
Sixth Grade Wax Museum (Kara Plagman, Lauri Drake, Liz Blatny, Dawn Hering, Tami Skank)
Riverside 6th grade students had a mission: research a historical figure, learn all you can about that character, become that
character, and then present that information to those people who come to visit “The Wax Museum.”
We received many pictures of students. Thank you to everyone.
Lance Skank as John D. Rockefeller
Mackenzie Britain as
Rosa Parks
Left; Scott McGlade depicts
Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Marcos Antunez as
Daniel Boone
In case parents would like to get a jump on shopping for those school supplies, we have included a list of supplies for each building. This list
will be included in the August Edition of the newsletter. We can’t guarantee there won’t be some minor changes.
There will be no July issue of the Riverside Newsletter. We will publish an
August newsletter with “back-to-school” information some of which we
have included this month, i.e. supply lists, etc. Thank you for your continued support for our Riverside schools! We apologize for the varying size of
the fonts on these pages. . . Just trying to conserve space.
PreSchool Graduation (Lindsey Henderson)
Riverside High School sophomore Grant Keast recently participated in the Iowa
Youth Institute for the World Food Prize. Grant was notified on May 16 that he
has been selected as one of 80 Iowa students to represent our state as a delegate
to the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute coming up in October.
The Iowa Youth Institute connects students interested in science, agriculture and
related fields with Iowa leaders and innovators on the cutting edge of science and
research. Each participating high school student wrote a research paper on a key
issue that impacts hunger in another a country, such as water scarcity or gender
inequality. The students propose their own solutions in small-group roundtable
discussions facilitated by academic and industry experts, and students and teachers also participate in hands-on “immersion” activities in research facilities and
labs at Iowa State University.
The World Food Prize holds statewide youth institutes in several states to inspire
young people to continue the legacy of Dr. Norman Borlaug and fight hunger by
pursuing educational and career paths in global agriculture; the goal is to eventually have every school in our home state of Iowa participate. The top students
each year and others from around the country are invited to attend the World
Food Prize Global Youth Institute in October, where they participate in other
World Food Prize events such as the Borlaug Dialogue international symposium,
which annually draws 1,200 people from 65 countries, and the Laureate Award
Ceremony. There, youth interact with experts, participate in hunger relief programs and activities, and present their research findings to peers and global leaders. Over 20 students from the programs each year are then selected as BorlaugRuan International Interns, and are sent on all-expenses-paid, eight-week internships at research centers in Asia, Africa, Latin American and the Middle East.
Finally, students who participate in the World Food Prize youth programs are
also eligible to apply for Wallace-Carver internships with the U.S. Department of
Miss Paisley Anderson with Mrs.
The Riverside Preschool classes finished up
their year with a graduation ceremony held
in the Riverside High School Auditorium on
Wednesday, May 21st at 7pm. Ms. Bierwirth and Mrs. Henderson paraded the 44
proud graduates in front of family and
friends to the Pomp and Circumstance.
The students and teachers picked their
favorite songs from the year to share with
the audience. The four and five-year-olds
started off with “Where is Thumbkin?”,
sang their ABCs, followed by Five Little
Monkeys, Bear Hunt, and a grand finale of
the theme song from the movie, Frozen,
"Let It Go". The diplomas were presented
and pictures were taken before the soon-tobe Kindergarteners walked out to the song
"Happy". Another successful preschool
year is now in the books with teachers looking forward to what next year will hold.
(photos submitted by Jill Anderson and
Lindsey Henderson)
The World Food Prize was founded in 1986 by Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, recipient
of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize. Since then, The World Food Prize has honored
outstanding individuals who have made vital contributions to improving the quality, quantity or availability of food throughout the world. Laureates have been
recognized from Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, India,
Israel, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United Nations and the United States. The World Food Prize Foundation is based in Des
Moines, Iowa, in the United States.
Grant is the son of Russ and Diane Keast of rural Henderson. His research paper
was about how the demographics in Japan effect their food supply. He was accompanied by Riverside’s gifted facilitator, Bonnie Kramer.
Pictures from PreSchool Activities (Lindsey Henderson)
Abe Schechinger LOVES to read!! (Julie Ravlin)
This school year, as an advanced second grader, Abe
read 1,233,189 words. YES….over ONE MILLION
words! Abe also had the second most AR points in
the entire elementary this school year with 195
points. How many books did Abe read to achieve
numbers this high you might wonder? 126 to be exact! Way to go Abe! You are an inspiration to readers of all ages!
The pictures below are from the zoo trip, earth day clean up around the school and the door decorated
by students and the Principal’s cabinet members for teacher appreciation week.
Door Decoration
Right: High School
Student s on Community
Clean up Day
Earth Day Clean Up
Page 8
Riverside’s New 7-12 Building Update
Dr. James Sutton
Welcome to Riverside: Terresa Grobe
Things are moving, in spite of the rain, on or ahead of schedule at Riverside’s new
building. The excitement continues to grow as more and more progress is made. I
asked Rick Merrill to give me a quick tour today and explain what was being done.
As you get closer to where the dirt is being moved, you can see two large areas
that are fairly level which will be the first level (gyms, locker rooms, etc.) and second level (the auditorium, art and music rooms, commons, etc.) of the new building. Rick said that rebar was going to be delivered soon and we should see footings
start to be poured in the first week of June. Then, he said, you will really start to
see some action. At the main entrance of the site (at the intersection of Highways
6 and 59), Mid America is putting in the poles and transformers that will service
our new school. After traffic studies were completed, all parties (the DOT, Riverside and the architects) agreed with the traffic study that said a 4-way stop at the
intersection of Highways 6 and 59 would provide the safest and best traffic condition at that newly modified intersection. The DOT will be making that happen. I
can’t say “thank you” enough to the Iowa DOT for working with us and being willing to make the entrances and exits to our new building even safer than we had
hoped. Construction meetings are being held every other week, and as summer
rolls along, the new building will become more and more of a reality. Like many
others in our communities, I can’t wait.
The Riverside district welcomes
Terresa Grobe as the new school
board secretary and administrative
assistant to the superintendent.
Terresa came to Riverside four
years ago when she married Tom
Grobe who is the girls basketball
coach. Her daughter, Hadley is just
finishing her freshman year where
she participated in volleyball, basketball and track and her daughter,
Shelby is a student at IWCC in the
Vet Tech program. Terresa grew
up in Sacramento, California and
came to the Midwest about 23 years
ago. Terresa enjoys cooking, gardening and reading in her spare
time. She is excited to become
part of the staff and looks forward
to meeting everyone.
Good News to Report on Riverside Student Achievement
After our students leave, the work at Riverside continues. For the last two days,
our teachers have been working hard discussing school improvement strategies
and reviewing the ITBS/ITEDs data that the state uses to determine where we are
with regard to school improvement. I am always inspired by our staff and their
concern and professional desire to discover strengths and weaknesses, set goals,
and generally make sure that next year is even better than the last. This year’s
test data was very impressive for us. We had some record levels of proficiency to
brag about, and it’s clear that Riverside’s overall programs and approaches are
having a positive impact on our students.
The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) given in the lower grades and the Iowa Test of
Educational Development (ITED) given in the upper grades, are the tests the state
uses to determine progress for school districts. If (this year) 100% of students are
not proficient in Reading or Math, the school may find itself on the “Watch List”,
on the “School in Need of Improvement” list, or on the “District in Need of Improvement” list. To get and stay at a 100% proficiency level is almost impossible to
achieve, and school district after school district is finding themselves on one or
more of these lists. But, in spite of that, Riverside focuses on the help that this
information can give us to improve our educational environment for the students.
As I reviewed the scores with the staff this past week, we discovered that every
grade level increased the percentage of students that were proficient in Math --every grade level! Every grade level but one increased the percentage of students
that were proficient in Reading. Of course that doesn’t mean we hit the state’s
goal of 100% proficiency. We didn’t. But it does seem to imply that the hard work
of the Riverside teachers and students is paying off. The district also hit an all-time
high on the percentage of students, district-wide, that are proficient in Reading
and an all-time high on the percentage of students that are proficient in Math. In
addition, the gaps between the students that have IEPs and the students that do
not are getting smaller in Reading, Math, and Science. And the gaps between the
students that could be labeled as “at risk” and those that aren’t are getting smaller in Reading, Math and Science as well. This is great news for Riverside and a
great way to finish one year and get ready for the next one. Have a great summer!
Linda Wax Named Country Sunshine Teacher of the Month
On Tuesday, April 29th, a
representative from KCSI
Radio Station was at our
school to award Mrs. Linda
Wax the Teacher of the
Month. To receive this award,
one has to be nominated.
This is what was written by
the person who nominated
Mrs. Wax:
I would like to nominate a
very dedicated teacher from
Riverside Intermediate
School. Linda Wax has
taught PE and health classes
at various grade levels for
approximately 36 years. She
has the most amazing PE
program, keeping the kids
motivated and moving every
day. Some of the activities
include a ski program with the
reward being a ski trip to Mt. Crescent for many years, roller skating,
square dancing, archery, line dancing, football, bowling, ice skating, hockey,
grant for a fabulous fitness room, just to name a few. Each day brings lots
of music and fun, with variety being the key to keeping the kids excited!
Mrs. Wax has also coached many sports throughout her career, including
golf and track. This teacher puts more effort into her program than anyone I know. Please help us honor this special lady in the last month of her
current career, as she has decided to retire in May and spend time with her
husband, the former math teacher, athletic director, and coach, Mr. Gary
Wax. This couple has truly spent their lives contributing to our youth in so
many, many areas that we are eternally thankful for their dedication!
Congratulations to Mrs. Wax for receiving this honor. She will be missed
when she retires at the end of this school year. Our students have learned
so much from having her as a teacher.
What a special way of thanking Mrs. Wax for all she has done for our
school district.
Registration begins on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 12 Noon to 8 Pm at the
Intermediate School and Wednesday, August 6, 2014 8 AM to 12 Noon.
Six Grade students clean up the highway on Community Service Day.
For those parents who do NOT NEED FREE and REDUCED Forms,
there is registration at the Intermediate School on Wednesday, July 30
at the Intermediate School from 8 AM to 4 PM
Summer Weight Program available for Riverside Students
(Mandie Reynolds, Mitch Rice)
This summer, the weight room will be open to all students grades 7-12 to have the opportunity to lift and do speed agility training. Each Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday, there will be sessions at 6:30am, 7:30am, and 8:30am. Anyone is welcome to attend any session. In the past summers, we've had a large number of
Riverside athletes participating in the summer weight program. We look forward to a large turnout again this summer! If you have any questions, please feel
free to contact Coach Rice, Coach Conover, or Coach Reynolds
We have included the monthly schedules in this newsletter.
The Riverside Elementary held their annual Field Day at the Chautauqua Park on Monday, May 19. In addition to elementary staff members, there were helpers
from the Junior High Student Council. The weather cooperated and from the photos, it looks like everyone had a good time.
Far left: Dizzy, Dizzy Duck (photo by Brock
Center: Collin Price, JH Student Council,
helps with games.
Above: JH Student Council Alexis Post supervises one of the stations during Field Day.
Mrs. Liz Graves
presents Payton
Housman with the
KMA Sportscaster’s
Left: Lynelle
Jeppesen presents
senior Hannah
Gehrmann with a
Above: Garrett Graves receives
the Coral Lodge #430 Scholarship.
Left: Mr. Gute congratulates Reagan
Gaynor as the Salutatorian of the class of
2014. Above: Rachel Novotny is honored
as the Valedictorian of the class of 2014.
Far left: Amber Hoyt receives congratulations on
receiving her diploma.
Left: Malachi Dillon is all smiles as Board President
Greg Hansen presents him his diploma.
Riverside Girls’ Varsity Softball Schedule
National Honor Society News
(Kristina Sturm)
It has been a very busy year for Riverside’s National Honor Society. When we look back on where we were eight months ago, it’s clear to see how
far we have come. Our goal this year was PR and I think we’ve done an excellent job of it. Our Flamingo fundraiser has been a smashing success;
we’ve inducted eleven new members; partnered with the Oakland Museum to kick off the Oakland Heritage Garden, and we have participated in
several community service events. I would say this has been a wonderful year, full of positive “press.” However, as any teacher, coach or sponsor
will tell you, before one year ends, the next is already being planned.
The Flamingos will be on hold over the summer and then pick back up where we left off. We have had such success with them that there are a few
people who will be receiving their flock in the fall. I have really enjoyed getting emails from the community members in regards to this surprise!
We’re also hoping to pick up on the community service events, as well as coordinate some with non-NHS members. There are trips and projects
on the horizon and a great crew of students excited to get going already!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me as a first year sponsor, and our organization this year. We have had so much help from other teachers and staff as
well as community members! We couldn’t do it without you! At the end of the school year, members of the Riverside chapter of the National Honor Society
elected the following members to officer positions: President: Sydney Raney; Vice President: Sheyenne Smith; Treasurer: Taylor Frain; Secretary and Reporter:
Hannah Hummel.
Registration For2014-2015 Riverside: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 from 12 noon to 8 PM at the Intermediate School in Carson.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 from 8AM to 12 Noon at the Intermediate School in Carson
Battle of the Books (Callie Kallsen)
The Riverside Readers Battle of the Books team qualified to compete in the Ultimate Battle of
the Books competition on April 30th at Tri-Center Middle School. The team tied for 2nd place
out of 20 competing teams. The students had to read from a selection of twenty books and
answer questions about each book. Those students competing were: Tony St. Andrew, Eli Petersen, Alexis Post, Rhyan Sanny, Hailey Moore, and Lydia Wede. The Riverside Readers team
would like to thank Gene Sanny for designing the team shirt, Mrs. Kramer/TAG for purchasing
books, and the Riverside Booster Club for sponsoring the team. It was a great experience for
everyone involved.
Row 1: Tony St. Andrew, Elijah Petersen Row 2: Lydia Wede, Rhyan
Sanny, Hailey Moore, Alexis Post, Mrs. Kallsen
Let’s Go To the Movies June, 2014 Dreamland Theater, Carson, Iowa
Only Godzilla will be 3D
June 6, 7, 8
Godzilla 2D/3D
Rated: PG13
2 hours, 3 minutes (All tickets are $5)
June 13, 14, 15
Rated: PG13
1 hour, 47 minutes
June 20, 21, 22
Rated: PG13
2 hours, 12 minutes
Rated: PG
1hour, 33 minutes
Days of Future Past
June 27, 28, 29
Doors open at 7 PM, Shows start at 7:30 PM
Come and Enjoy the Show!