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2 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 3 4 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM Admission & Information GENERAL ADMISSION Wednesday, July 30 (Opening Day) Adults, $5; Children 6-12 years old, $2. Children under age 5, free. Thursday, July 31 through Saturday, Aug. 2 Adults, $8; Children 5-12 years old, $2. Children under age 5, free. Sunday, Aug. 4 Hometown and Family Fun Day Admission is free. ENTERTAINMENT TICKETS $20 FRIDAY NIGHT SHOWS. $30 SATURDAY NIGHT SHOWS. Individual seats are not assigned and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Festival goers also may enjoy the shows without seats from farther away. Tickets may be picked up at the Main Gate during festival hours. Lawn chairs and other forms of bring-along seating are not permitted. Four pack of one-day tickets $25 for adults (a $29 value) $8 for children ages 6-12. SMOKEY’S GREATER SHOWS CARNIVAL Bracelet days: $15 per bracelet. Bracelet days are: Thursday, Noon-6 p.m. Friday, Noon-6 p.m. Sunday, Noon-5 p.m. Parking & Shuttles The Maine Lobster Festival runs continuous free shuttles from the parking lots of Oceanside High School and the Rockland District Middle School to the Festival gate all day Wednesday through Sunday. The Maine Lobster Festival does not have any designated parking spaces for our guests. The city of Rockland has several public lots throughout town, and several organizations offer paid parking opportunities. Organizers do their best to assist handicapped visitors to the city of Rockland with several handicap spaces, but cannot guarantee that any spaces will be available. In addition, assistance will be provided with loading and unloading handicapped passengers at the front gate, and volunteers will see them safely onto the grounds while the driver parks the car. Golf cart transportation also is available to the grounds for those who desire assistance. While the nature of Rockland (a historic New England town) doesn’t lend itself to easy parking, volunteers are ready to help in any way they can. Handicap parking is located on the northbound lane of South Main Street (approximately eight spaces). This is directly adjacent to the festival grounds and Main Gate. There also is handicapped parking available on the north side of Myrtle Street (approximately 14 spaces directly across the street from the Main Gate). The best time to get these parking spaces is early in the day when the festival first opens, as this is when gate traffic is the lightest. Maine Lobster Festival is Connected NEED A CHARGE FOR YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? THERE WILL BE A CHARGING TENT WITH ADAPTORS FOR MOST DEVICES AND POWER OUTLETS AVAILABLE COURTESY OF BDN MAINE! THE CHARGING STATION WILL BE LOCATED ON THE HILL JUST INSIDE THE MAIN GATE. 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 5 2014 Board of Directors President: Chuck Kruger Vice President: John Jeffers Treasurer: Katie Chilles Secretary: Laurie Smith 2014 Executive Committee Chuck Kruger, John Jeffers, Katie Chilles, Laurie Smith, Celia Knight 2014 Directors Nancy Jeffers, Charles Bagnall, Peter Beal, Bob Bird, Jimmy Brickel, Buddy Carleton, Jen Chapman, Aaron Curtis, John Ferraiolo, John Fochtman, Ashley Hunt, Su Johnson, Shannon Kinney, Alice Knight, Sharon Lombardo, Mike McGuire, Brian Messing, Bob Oxton, Amy Pease, Dan Pease, Brandy Perkins, Kathy Pierce, Cynthia Powell, Peter Smith. The Official Maine Lobster Festival Program Editorial Content Maine Lobster Festival Program Coordination Alyssa McCluskey, Dream Local Poster/Cover Design Carole Inouye Program Editor Aimee Thibodeau, BDN Program Designer Bridgit Cayer, BDN Advertising Sales Bangor Daily News Advertising Director Brian Cotlar, BDN advertising@bangordailynews.com 6 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM President’s Letter 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 7 Table of Contents ADMISSIONS INFO...........................................4 PARKING & SHUTTLE INFO..............................4 Welcome Friends! The 67th Annual celebration of summer and seafood on the great coast of Maine is here for your enjoyment. We are truly a community Festival. We are fueled entirely by volunteers -- no paid staff here. While you nibble on a buttery crustacean and take in the sights and sounds of this wonderful place some of us are lucky to call home, you can also feel good about the fact that all of the proceeds of this Festival go to help local causes all year. Not that we like to be reminded about it, but it got very cold here last winter. The Lobster Festival helped fund heating assistance for needy families throughout the Midcoast region. That’s just one example; our proceeds supported dozens of charitable organizations and good causes of all kinds, from public safety to education to recreation. Everything in our world seems to be changing at a dizzying pace. We must evolve, too, but while we see the value in bring you things that are new and different, we can’t completely lose sight of the tried and true. We must thank our volunteers: you make it all possible. We must thank our sponsors: your support is crucial. And we thank our neighbors for putting up with us. Please tell us what you think -- visit our Maine Lobster Festival Facebook page: facebook.com/mainelobsterfestival. And most of all, have fun and enjoy our event. The Midcoast is a wonderful place to be! WIFI CONNECTION...........................................4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS....................................5 PRESIDENT’S LETTER.....................................6 GROUND RULES...............................................6 RACE REGISTRATION FORM............................7 EVENT SCHEDULE...................................... 8-13 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ACTS.........................14 MENU.............................................................15 SEA GODDESS PAGEANT...............................17 SEA PRINCESS NOMINEES...................... 18-21 GUIDE TO TENTS...................................... 22-23 FINE ARTS & CRAFT TENT....................... 24-27 OPEN JURIED ART SHOW..............................29 MARINE EXPERIENCE TENT..........................30 BOOK SIGNINGS............................................31 RECYCLING....................................................33 LOBSTER FEST PARADE................................35 CHILDREN’S TENT.........................................36 COMMERCIAL TENT.......................................37 VOLUNTEERS.................................................39 CONTRIBUTING TO THE COMMUNITY........ 40-41 CARNIVAL GALLERY......................................41 2013 WINNING LOBSTER RECIPE..................42 COOKING CONTEST.......................................43 Chuck Kruger President, Rockland Festival Corp. COAST GUARD SHIP TOURS..........................44 CRATE RACE..................................................45 FESTIVAL SPONSORS.............................. 46-47 LOBSTER COOKER.........................................51 Ground Rules Bikes, skateboards, shoe skates, coolers, and chairs are not permitted entry to the grounds. Pets: Well-behaved pets on short leashes will be allowed entry to the grounds at the discretion of the festival director supervising the gates. If you prefer to leave your pet with a professional during your visit, contact the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce for a list of resources. HOW TO EAT A LOBSTER...............................52 ROAD RACE...................................................54 LOBSTER FESTIVAL GEAR....................... 56-57 MAP OF THE GROUNDS.................................58 MAP OF ROCKLAND.......................................59 OUR HISTORY.......................................... 60-62 8 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM Noon-1 p.m. Opening day: July 30 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 9 Coronation Rehearsal Main Stage. SMOKEY’S GREATER SHOWS CARNIVAL Bracelet days: $15 per bracelet. Bracelet days are: Thursday, Noon-6 p.m. Friday, Noon-6 p.m. Sunday, Noon-5 p.m. EACH DAY, ALL DAY Art show at Main Street branch of Camden National Bank FREE SHUTTLE BUS The festival provides free shuttle services to and from the festival grounds from the following locations. A bus arrives at each location approximately every 30 minutes. • Oceanside High School (formerly Rockland District High School) • Rockland District Middle School Check days for detailed schedule: • Wednesday, July 30: Bus starts running at noon and ends at 10 p.m. • Thursday, July 31 and Friday, Aug. 1: Bus starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 11 p.m. • Saturday, Aug. 2: Bus starts after parade (usually around noon) and ends at 11 p.m. • Sunday, Aug. 3: Bus starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. 1 p.m. Mick Devin Hatchery Manager of the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center, “Why you should say no to back bones.” North Entertainment Tent 3-5 p.m. TBA North Entertainment Tent 6-10 p.m. Chaos Sauce North Entertainment Tent All Day Camden National Bank Free Shuttle Bus Entertainment Tickets on sale at Main Gate Lobster Serving Begins at the Food Tent (Noon-9 p.m.) All food vendors also open at this time, including the Lobster Café where visitors can purchase Lobster Rolls, Lobster Wraps, and Lobster Caesar Salad. The winner receives a cash prize and the title of The Maine Lobster Festival Sea Goddess with a very lovely crown. She reigns at many events throughout the year culminating with the start of the 2015 Lobster Festival. All Day Gates Open 4-Day Passes and Festival officially opens, along with exhibition tents, booths, vendors, carnival rides and games. Main Stage Come see the coronation of the 67th Maine Lobster Festival Sea Goddess be crowned! Festivities start at 8 p.m. with music and the introduction of the Sea Princesses. Day 2: Thursday, July 31 9 a.m. 67th Maine Lobster Festival Opens The 67th Maine Sea Goddess Coronation Also crowned is the Crown Princess and Miss Congeniality. Art Show at Main Street Branch of Noon 8-10 p.m. King Neptune and his court, along with Melissa Philbrook, the 2013 Maine Sea Goddess, arrive on the main dock from the briny deep to raise the flag and officially open the 2014 Maine Lobster Festival. Opening ceremonies will take place next to the flagpole by the Harbor Master’s building. 1 p.m. All tents open Children’s Tent, Fine Arts Tent, Marine Tent, Maine Craft Tent, ongoing demonstrations, Maine Made Tent, North Entertainment Tent, all vendors. 9 a.m. Art Show at Main Street Branch of Cam- Gates open den National Bank Free Shuttle Bus 4-Day Passes and Entertainment Tickets on sale at the Main Gate 7 a.m.-10 a.m. All-The-Pancakes-You-Can-Eat Breakfast in the Eating Tent featuring choice of Maine blueberry or plain pancakes, coffee, milk or orange juice. Sausage available for additional charge. Please note that sausage is NOT included in all-youcan-eat; only pancakes. Cost: $6 for adults, $3 for children; offered through Sunday. Tent sponsored by Gosline Insurance Group. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Professor Paddywhack Festival Grounds Rick Adam presents a continuous collage of energizing entertainment, including hand shadows, musical saw, juggling, magic, hat tricks, laugh riot comedy skits, marvelous object manipulation, and the most intricate and entertaining one-man band you ever saw. 10 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 11 Day 2: Thursday, July 31 (cont.) Noon All Day 8 p.m. Lobster Serving Begins Dave Mallett Band (Noon-9 p.m.) Main Stage 1 p.m. Art Show at Main Street Branch of Camden National Bank Free Shuttle Bus Gates open University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center, “Why you should say no to back bones.” North Entertainment Tent 4-Day Passes and Entertainment Tickets on sale at Main Gate 5-7 p.m. 9 p.m. at the Food Tent (Noon-9 p.m.) All food vendors also open as well as the Lobster Cafe Lobster Rolls, Lobster Wraps and Lobster Caesar Salad. Mallett Brothers Band Main Stage Maine Speed Knitters 1 p.m. Children’s Tent, Fine Arts Tent, Marine Tent, Maine Craft Tent, ongoing demonstrations, Maine Products Tent, North Tent, all vendors. 3-5 p.m. TBA North Entertainment Tent 7 p.m. 2-3 p.m. Peter Mezoian Main Stage 4 p.m. Welcome Ceremony for U.S.C.G. Eagle Main Stage 6-10 p.m. Creatures of Habit North Entertainment Tent 7:30 p.m. North Entertainment Tent 6-10 p.m. Chamberlain North Entertainment Tent All tents open North Entertainment Tent 7:30-10 p.m. Bert and I Co. Lobster Serving Begins TBA (Main Stage) 6-7 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Noon 2-4 p.m. Main Stage energizing entertainment, including hand shadows, musical saw, juggling, magic, hat tricks, laugh riot comedy skits, marvelous object manipulation, and the most intricate and entertaining one-man band you ever saw! 9 a.m. Mick Devin Hatchery Manager of the Veayo Twins Day 3: Friday, Aug. 1 Chaos Sauce North Entertainment Tent Amy Allen Music Main Stage 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Professor Paddywhack Festival Grounds Rick Adam presents a continuous collage of Daryle Singletary Main Stage 8:30 p.m. Confederate Railroad Main Stage 12 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 13 Day 4: Saturday., Aug. 2 All Day Art Show at Main Street Branch of Camden National Bank Free Shuttle Bus 7 a.m.-10 a.m. All-The-Pancakes-You-Can-Eat Breakfast in the Eating Tent featuring choice of Maine blueberry or plain pancakes, coffee, milk or orange juice. Sausage available for additional charge. Please note that sausage is NOT included in all-youcan-eat; only pancakes. Cost: $6 for adults, $3 for children; offered through Sunday. Tent sponsored by Gosline Insurance Group. 10 a.m. The Big Parade: “Lobster Livin’: Families Behind The Industry” Day 5: Sunday, Aug. 3 Family Fun Day! 3 p.m. John McDonald 4-6 p.m. Lobster Festival 10K Race PreRegistration and Packet Pick-Up Last chance to pre-register for the 10K Road Race and 5K Walk. If you’ve already registered online, you can pick up your packet at this time so you can head straight to the start line in the morning. Come to the tent at the bottom of the hill inside the Main Gate. 6-9 p.m. Steelin’ Thunder North Entertainment Tent 7:30 p.m. Rock ‘N’ Blues Fest Johnny Winter, Edgar Winter, Peter Rivera (formerly of Rare Earth), Vanilla Fudge, and Savoy Brown’s Kim Simmonds. All Day Art Show at Main Street Branch of Cam- Kid’s Lobster Eating Contest den National Bank Free Shuttle Bus for ages 8-12 7 a.m. Little Lobster Diaper Derby Registration officially opens for International Great Crate Race, Kids’ Fun Run, Children’s Lobster Eating Contest, and Little Lobster Diaper Derby. Lauren Crosby Main Stage 7 a.m.-10 a.m. All-The-Pancakes-You-Can-Eat Breakfast in the Eating Tent featuring choice of Maine blueberry or plain pancakes, coffee, milk or orange juice. Sausage available for additional charge. Please note that sausage is NOT included in all-you-can-eat; only pancakes. Cost: $6 for adults, $3 for children; offered through Sunday. Tent sponsored by Gosline Insurance Group. 8 a.m. Noon 8:30 a.m. Lobster Serving Begins 2 p.m. 2-3 p.m. Monday Night Jazz Orchestra Main Stage Noon Noon-6 p.m. Smokey’s Greatest Shows Carnival Bracelet Day! 12:30 p.m. Little Lobster Diaper Derby Main Stage 1 p.m. Windjammer Chorus North Entertainment Tent 1:30 p.m. Breakers Jazz Ensemble Main Stage 2 p.m. International Great Lobster Crate Race begins! Rockland Harbor 10K Road Race and 5K Walk begin (Noon-9 p.m.) North Entertainment Tent 12:30 p.m. Registration Opens for ALL Kids’ Events! 1 Mile Kids’ Fun Run Harborside Harmony 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Children’s Parade Sign up at the Information Booth at 9 a.m. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Lobster Serving begins 11:30 a.m. Kid’s Cod Fish Carry for those entering the second, third, and fourth grades 5 p.m. Wreath Ceremony Wreath ceremony for fishermen lost at sea, held at the Public Pier 6 p.m. 67th Annual Maine Lobster Festival Closes 14 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 15 2014 Maine Lobster Festival Live Entertainment 2014 Maine Lobster Festival Menu Taste variety in the Lobster Café! Chaos Sauce Rockin’ the Festival once again, these talented guys will make you dance the night away. Enjoy a wide variety of lobster items! The Maine Lobster Festival will offer Lobster Rolls, Lobster Caesar Salads, and Lobster Caesar Wraps at the Lobster Café in the Food Tent. Professor Paddywhack A One-Man Band and gifted physical comedian The Veayo Twins These talented young women are Festival favorites Maine’s Fastest Knitter Over the Rainbow Yarn sponsors this fun knitting race for knitters and non-knitters alike! Mick Devin Hatchery Manager of the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center, will present an amusing and educational presentation on “Why you should say no to back bones.” Chamberlain From Bangor, these engaging young musicians in their Festival debut Amy Allen Band Back again, this group is a great blend of pop and country. David Mallett Band One of Maine’s greatest songwriters Mallett Brothers Band These rising stars are becoming Festival veterans and might just lure their Dad onstage of a couple of tunes An Afternoon with Bert & I More dry wit from Maine’s favorite prognosticators Peter Mezoian A banjo master and delightful entertainer Creatures of Habit Rockin’ the Festival with danceable music and irrepressible spirit. Daryle Singletary A national country treasure and amazing voice Confederate Railroad For those who love their Country with a kick. Harborside Harmony A wonderful chorus of local women Monday Night Jazz Orchestra Big Band Jazz John McDonald Maine’s engaging storyteller and radio host Steelin’ Thunder Who can resist great melodies and grinning rhythms on the coast o’Maine? Rock’N’Blues Fest Johnny Winter, Edgar Winter, Vanilla Fudge, Pete Rivera of Rare Earth, and Kim Simmonds of Savoy Brown will rock Harbor Park like never before. Lauren Crosby The daughter of a lobsterman and writer of compelling songs about coastal life. Windjammer Chorus Men’s Barbershop at its best! Breakers Jazz Local favorites perform a wide range of music including standards, marches, and popular jazz. www.mainelobsterfestival.com For more info: www.entertainmaine.com T he following food will be available for purchase in the Eating Tent, located next to the sea wall on the grounds of the 2014 Maine Lobster Festival. • Fisherman’s Platter • Single Lobster Dinner 1-1/4 lb. lobster 1 Dinner roll Corn on the cob Melted Cabot butter • Twin Lobster Dinner 2 1-1/4 lb. lobsters 1 Dinner roll Corn on the cob Melted Cabot butter • Triple Lobster Dinner 3 1-1/4 lb. lobsters 1 Dinner roll Corn on the cob Melted Cabot butter • Maine Shore Dinner (available with single, double or triple lobster) 1-1/4 lb. lobster Steamed Clams Corn on the cob 1 Dinner Roll Melted Cabot butter Coleslaw Choose from a single, twin or triple lobster dinner at the 67th annual Maine Lobster Festival. We also offer a Maine Shore Dinner, Fisherman’s Platter and much more! Fried Haddock Fried Scallops Fried Shrimp and Fried Clams cole slaw with tartar & cocktail sauce • A la carte items: Steamed Maine mussels (steamed with garlic, topped with vegetables sautéed in white wine & butter), Steamed fresh Maine clams; shrimp (whole breaded, fried), scallops (fried), haddock (fried), clams (whole breaded fried), crab cakes, calamari (fried), Smoked seafood (Maine shrimp, mussels), homemade coleslaw and locally grown corn on the cob. • Drinks: White milk, chocolate milk, lemonade, iced tea, soda, water, coffee • Desserts: Homemade Maine Blueberry Cobbler, Strawberry Shortcake • PANCAKE BREAKFAST (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday mornings. Served until 10 a.m.) Choice of Maine blueberry or plain pancakes, coffee, milk or orange juice. Sausage available for additional charge. Please note that sausage is NOT included in all-you-caneat; only pancakes. 16 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 17 2014 Maine Sea Goddess Pageant Sea Goddess Coronation Sponsors The Pearl Restaurant Domino’s Pizza Atwood Lobster Company Barry Shepard Kevin Thompson By George Maine Coast Wedding & Special Events Kevin Thompson Rocky Coast News David & Doug Mills Snapdragons Flowers and Gifts Samoset Resort Seacoast Scaffold & Equipment Corp. Season’s Downeast Designs Skin Klinic & Day Spa The Embroidery Shop Sogno Salon Walmart Knox Center for Long Term Care Me. State Prison Industries Susie Gray Luce Transportation MASS AV Brannan Law Offices MELISSA PHILBROOK IS CROWNED 2013 MAINE SEA GODDESS AT THE 66TH ANNUAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL IN ROCKLAND, MAINE, WED., JULY 31, 2013. BDN FILE PHOTO BY MICHAEL YORK. 2014 Maine Sea Goddess Coronation Judges Robert E. Carter Jr. of Warren Former elementary school principal and retired banker Anna Mason of Owls Head Formerly a registered nurse and now owner of Ship to Shore Lobster Company in Owls Head. Wayne Luce of Union Co-owner of Luce Transportation and Safe Way Nancy Spear Schwab of Port Clyde Celebrating her 50 year anniversary as our 1964 Maine Sea Goddess. She was once a sternman with her husband, Carl, and is now a substitute teacher. Gilbert Fifield of Camden Certified Insurance Counselor, Chairman, Board of Directors Producer at Allen Insurance & Financial 18 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 19 15 vie for title of 2014 Sea Goddess 2014 Maine Sea Princesses The Coronation Committee wishes to introduce 15 young ladies who will vie for the title of Maine Sea Goddess at the 2014 Maine Lobster Festival. The 2014 Maine Sea Goddess will be crowned Wednesday, July 30, at the Coronation Ceremony which begins at 8 p.m. on the Main Stage. Abby Megan Hersom of Rockland Carrie Ann Milner of Lincolnville Isabella Sgobbo Garver of Owls Head Karly McKenzie Robinson of Rockland Kimberly Nicole Young of Rockland Liberty Logan McKnight of Thomaston Lindsay Michelle Taylor of Rockport Olivia Mae Hupper of Tenants Harbor Samantha Greer Dienesch-Calamari of Owls Head Shae Lexis Dunn of Union Shale Paige Peters of Thomaston Sienna Nicole Barstow of Thomaston Tabbitha L. Johnston of Thomaston Taylor Louise Ankers of Rockland Veronica Hazel Odone of South Thomaston Abby Megan Hersom of Rockland is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School East. She is the daughter of Michael and Hope Hersom. Her school activities included Softball, Cross-Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, volunteering, Student Government. She was the President of the National Honor Society and STEM/LA Endorsement Committee member. Her hobbies include Running, Yoga, Baking, Skiing, Hiking, and Painting. She is employed by the Samoset Resort. She plans to attend Stonehill College and to major in Health Care Administration. Abby’s sponsors are F/V Superstition IV of Spruce Head and Glen Cove Dental Associates. Carrie Ann Milner of Lincolnville is a 2014 graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School. She is the daughter of Alvin and Cheryl Milner. Her school activities included acting as a Wellness Team Student Representative, senior editor of yearbook, and a member of the International Club. Her hobbies are hiking, biking, running, playing basketball for fun, spending time with friends and family, crafting, and baking. She is employed by River Ducks Ice Cream in Camden. She plans to attend the University Of Maine, was accepted into the university’s Honors College, and will pursue pre-med studies to become a doctor and possibly join the ROTC program. Carrie’s sponsor is “Odd Ball”/Islesboro Marine Enterprises. Isabella Sgobbo Garver of Owls Head is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School East. She is the daughter of William and Andrea Garver. Her school activities included playing Field Hockey and Lacrosse, being part of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and participating in Student Government and Key Club. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, Skiing, learning, going to the beach, travelling, volunteering and playing sports. Isabella is employed at Clan MacLaren in Rockland. Her future plans are to attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute and study Neuroscience while playing Field Hockey. Isabella’s sponsor is Michael Good Designs of Rockport and Rockland. Karly McKenzie Robinson of Rockland is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School East. She is the daughter of Amy Stendel of Rockland and Chip Robinson of Thomaston. Her school activities included playing Soccer and Lacrosse, and being a member of Trekkers, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the National Honor Society. Her hobbies include playing sports, working, reading and running. She is employed by Domino’s Pizza. She plans to attend the University of New England to study nursing. Karly’s sponsors are Domino’s Pizza of Rockland, F/V Snowballed of Spruce Head and Gary D. Schwartzberg, AU.D, of Rockport. Kimberly Nicole Young of Rockland is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School East. She is the daughter of Jeremy Young and Stacy Brown. Her school activities included playing Soccer and Lacrosse, and contributing to the school yearbook. Her hobbies include volunteering, reading, running, rescue, and photography. Kimberly is employed at Denny’s in Rockport and the Dip Net of Port Clyde. She plans to attend the University of Maine at Augusta’s Bangor campus in the fall to study Veterinary Technology. Kimberly’s sponsors are Midcoast Marine Supply of Waldoboro, Knight’s Marine and Jess’s Market of Rockland. Liberty Logan McKnight of Thomaston is a 2014 graduate of Hebron Academy. She is the daughter of Aimee Liberty Hunt. At her school she was a proctor and a green key coordinator. Her hobbies include volunteering at the Maine Lighthouse Museum, ceramics, and skiing. Her future plans are to attend Roanoke College in the fall to study communication. She hopes to one day write for a magazine or another form of public media. Liberty’s sponsor is Liberty Hospitality. 20 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 21 2014 Maine Sea Princesses Lindsay Michelle Taylor of Rockport is a 2014 graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School. She is the daughter of Kevin and Lynn Taylor. Her school activities included Drama, Woman’s Choir, Latin Club, and National Honor Society. Her hobbies are drawing, reading, writing, singing, and theatre. Lindsay is employed at the Landings Marina. She plans to attend Saint Anselm College to study Classical Archaeology. Lindsay’s sponsors are The Landing Marina and Rockland Carwash & Xpress Lube. Shae Lexis Dunn of Union is a 2014 graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School. She is the daughter of Steven and Janetlynne Dunn. Her school activities included being part of the Art Club, GSA (New York), Spring Course @ FIT NYC. Her hobbies include sewing, crafts, baking, cooking, and all things creative. She is employed at Cappy’s Chowder House. Her future plan is to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Hygiene. Shae’s sponsors are Cappy’s Chowder House and Harborview of Camden, Coppola Salon & Day Spa, Dr. William Coppola of Rockland, and Beltone New England of Rockport. Olivia Mae Hupper of Tenants Harbor is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of Brian and Leah Hupper. Her school activities included playing Lacrosse, being a member of Student Government, National Honor Society, Key Club, and Every 15 Minutes. Her hobbies include Figure Skating, Drawing, and Painting. She is employed at Midcoast Recreation Center and works in their Basic Skills Program. She plans to attend Maine Maritime Academy to study International Business and Logistics, and also plans to continue playing lacrosse for MMA. Olivia’s sponsors are F/V Olivia Mae and Granite Gardens of Tenants Harbor and Bob the Builder, LLC of Rockland. Samantha Greer Dienesch-Calamari of Owls Head is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of George and Karen Dienesch-Calamari. Her school activities included being a member of Key Club, Student Government, National Honor Society, Math Team, Theatre, and the Track team. Her hobbies include painting, acting in school plays, dancing, and volunteering in the community. She is employed by Planet Toys. She plans to attend Wake Forest University as a pre-med major with the hopes of becoming an emergency room doctor. Samantha’s sponsor is O’Hara Corporation. Shale Paige Peters of Thomaston is a 2013 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of Clyson and Dyann Peters. Her school activities included playing Field Hockey, being a member of Cheerleading team, Skills USA, and writing for Polished Magazine. Her hobbies include Photography, Photoshop, Camping, Kayaking, and Beachcombing for Sea glass. She plans to study Graphic Design at Lasell College. Shale’s sponsors are Rockland Ford and Diane and Thomas Shipp of Cohasset, Mass. Sienna Nicole Barstow of Thomaston is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of Andy and Amy Barstow. Her school activities included playing Soccer and Lacrosse, and being a member of Key Club and Trekkers. Her hobbies are volunteering, camping, swimming, working out, reading, rapping and hiking. Sienna is employed by the Monhegan Boat Line. She plans to attend Endicott College to pursue a degree in Digital Journalism. Sienna’s sponsor is Monhegan Boat Line in Saint George. 2014 Maine Sea Princesses THE MAINE SEA GODDESS CONTESTANTS ARE INDIVIDUALY ANNOUNCED AT THE 66TH ANNUAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL IN ROCKLAND, MAINE, WED., JULY 31, 2013. Tabbitha L. Johnston of Thomaston is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of Erika Petereit and Todd Johnston. Her school activities included acting as President of her class, and being a member of Student Government and Key Club. Her hobbies are Ballet, watching Comedy/Romance movies, and socializing. Her future plans are to attend the University of Maine at Augusta to study Architecture. Tabbitha’s sponsors are Nathan and Charlotte Pease of Union, F/V Gail Donna, and Heidi Smith both of Thomaston. Taylor Louise Ankers of Rockland is a 2014 graduate of Oceanside High School. She is the daughter of Jennifer Ankers. Her school activities included Drama, Prom Committee, Project Graduation, JV Basketball, NEASC Committee and assistant coaching the Oceanside Girls Little League Softball team. Her hobbies are long road trips, four wheeling, snowmobiling, fishing, weight lifting, piano, and volunteering. She plans to attend the University of Southern Maine to study Social Work. Taylor’s sponsor is Kips Seafood Company of Cushing. Veronica Hazel Odone of South Thomaston is a 2014 graduate of Mid Coast Christian Academy. She is the daughter of Russell and Tracy Odone. Her school activities included Girl Scouts and volunteering at school events. Her hobbies include sewing, reading, babysitting, take care of animals, and writing stories. Her future plans are to attend The University of Maine at Rockland to pursue a degree in Business. Veronica’s sponsors are Atwood’s Lobster of Spruce Head and the Rockland Café. 22 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 23 Guide to Tents, Booths & Displays INFORMATION BOOTH Sponsored by Maine Credit Union In addition to general information about the Maine Lobster Festival, this is where visitors will find contest applications and registration information, and official Maine Lobster Festival T-shirts, hats, aprons, tote bags, mugs, posters, assorted souvenirs, and other items. This booth also handles Lost and Found items, including lost parents looking for their children. Plan to meet others in your group at the back of the booth, which is located on the north side of the oval near the Main Gate entrance. MAINE FINE ARTS & CRAFT TENT Displays, demonstrations, and sales of Maine crafts including pottery, jewelry, gemstones, food treats, country paintings, sea glass, handmade fabric articles and more. It tent is located at the north end of the grounds. The tent features Maine artists who display, discuss, and sell their works. FOOD TENT Sponsored by Cabot Cheese The Food Tent is the center of the festival’s dining delights. This is where delicious lobster dinners are served. In this tent, festival-goers can start the day off right with a blueberry pancake breakfast Thursday through Sunday. Volunteers begin serving succulent Maine lobster and the fixings, as well as other seafood and beverages, at noon Wednesday and 11 a.m. Thursday through Sunday. And don’t forget to top off your meal with strawberry shortcake. The tent is located next to the sea wall. COMMERCIAL TENT Festival visitors will find a wide variety of displays, demonstrations, and items for sale in this tent located next to the Eating Tent. Commercial exhibitors, craft vendors, displays by voluntary and nonprofit organizations add to the interest and excitement of the festival. MARINE EXPERIENCE TENT Displays, demonstrations and sales, including a “Touch Tank” dynamic fish display, knottying demonstrations, book signings and more. Visitors never know what they will find in the Marine Experience Tent, located on the pier at the north side of the grounds. NORTH ENTERTAINMENT TENT The North Entertainment Tent is one of the primary locations for festival entertainment throughout the five days of the festival, located at the north end of the grounds. The other fixed entertainment location is the Main Stage (Fishermen’s Memorial) WORLD’S GREATEST LOBSTER COOKER This new steamer, located at the entrance to the north end of festival grounds, was built in 2008 and is capable of cooking 1,600 pounds of lobster at a time. Engraved bricks cover the base of the cooker. Fresh Maine lobsters, just out of the cold Maine waters, are cooked here for feasting in the Eating Tent. sponsored by CHILDREN’S TENT Rockland Kiwanis Club This tent is a rest and play area for children and their parents and also features baby changing stations. This area is not a daycare facility, and parents are to remain with their children at all times. Parents and children will find a daily craft, a CedarWorks play set, coloring pages, a sand table, a train table, and much more. The tent is located at the bottom of the hill of the Park Street Gate. The 1st Annual “Steins & Vines” Tasting Event This year, the Maine Lobster Festival will host an exciting and delicious mix of Maine Made products at their first annual “Steins & Vines” tasting event at the Maine Lighthouse Museum on Thursday, July 31, 2014 from 4 to 7 p.m. This event features Maine Made brews, wines, and spirits. Participants include: • Gritty’s Brewing • Rock Harbor Brewing • Andrew’s Brewing • Peak Organic Brewing • Sebago Brewing Company • Cellar Door Winery • Savage Oakes Winery • Sweetgrass Farm Winery and Distillery Sample these tasty, local products at this new event. Tickets are limited. A maximum of 300 tickets will be sold. Guests receive a complimentary pass onto the Festival grounds, which can be used Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Participants will receive 10 tickets to sample, and a commemorative tasting glass. Tickets are just $30 in advance or $35 on the day of the event based on availability. Tickets may be purchased at www. mainelobsterfestival.com. MAINE MADE TENT The Maine Made Tent is one of the newest attractions at the festival. This tent offers products that are made in Maine. Find everything from delicious maple syrup to unique alpaca products. FESTIVAL KIOSK As a major financial contributor to the Gateway Center renovation project at One Park Drive in Rockland, the Maine Lobster Festival was given a space to display memorabilia related to the festival. The center houses the Maine Lighthouse Museum, Visitor’s Center, Penobscot Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, and displays and office space. The custom-built kiosk is designed in the shape of a compass rose, which represents the many directions from which festival visitors travel. Posters, photos, awards and an ongoing video presentation provide visitors with the flavor of the festivities. The red-and-white awning canopy is a festive reminder of the tents that spring up on site during the festival. Festival Info, Schedule, Tickets, Main Events, Volunteer, Store mainelobsterfestival.com 24 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 25 2014 Maine Fine Arts & Craft Tent Lobster Livin’-The Families Behind the Industry Unknown Artist WLW Designs, Port Clyde Karen Talbot Art T he Fine Arts Tent and the Maine Craft Tent joins forces in one large tent at the north end of the festival grounds. See all of the beautiful works of art in one area of the festival and enjoy talking to some of our local artists and craftspeople. John Coppola and Heidi Small team up to show their work in the Fine Arts & Craft Tent. John creates hand turned bowls and Heidi works on glass beads and tokens on site. Paula Carter from Belfast returns with her caricatures, cartoon portraits drawn with speed and humor. Alan Claude who resides in Farmingdale, shows his line of prints depicting Maine lighthouses. “Working in various mediums including pen & ink, photography, and digital illustration, my challenge was to create an original series with a certain freshness of expression. I wanted to reflect in this series the way I felt about lighthouses. The Maine Lighthouse Collection is a way to honor these historical treasures.” Andrew Cook from Hollis Center, doing business as ‘Lobstering Is An Art’, joins the Fine Arts & Craft Tent for the 67th anniversary of the Maine Lobster Festival. You will find his creative renderings of lobsters to be very imaginative. Lori Davis from Bass Harbor will exhibit her original photography depicting nature, wildlife, landscapes and seascapes. She will exhibit framed and matted photographs as well as photo note cards. Lori shows her oil paintings as well. Sandy Dolan from Searsport will exhibit her color photographs, non-digital, both matted and framed. Dolan will be exhibiting with us for her sixth year. Robin Gardella from Augusta returns with her paintings depicting many New England scenes, as well as whimsical and imaginative renderings. Gardella also creates soft sculptures that resemble three-dimensional paintings. 26 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 27 2014 Maine Fine Arts and Craft Tent (cont.) Richard Johnson Lobstering Is An Art - Andrew Cook Buoys and Lobster Traps Lori Davis Photography tote bags. The colors and workmanship are great. The label says “just-kim,” and we say “just-perfect.” Amy Wallace from Eliot, Maine makes hand crafted jewelry including silver discs with map pendants, and bottle pendants. Very eye catching! Janet Edwards brings her “Mountain Mama” creams and lotions to the coast from Anson. What a perfect gift. Soooo Soothing! Lisa Lovejoy of Augusta is back with us. She works with stained glass; fused glass bowls and jewelry. Wind chimes and recycled silverware jewelry from Carol and Tim Crider of Corinth are also back with us this year. Baskets are back, and Shirley MacAfee from Appleton has some very attractive and useful products of her craft. Watch her at work; it’s fascinating! April Stanley has jewelry to “catch” your eye. She turns fishing lures into unique pieces of wearable art. Horace C. Varnum of Sedgwick, Maine makes hand cut maple fretwork ornaments as well as key rings, names, plaques, and bookmarks. His product is called Artasia. The Fine Arts & Craft Tent is one of the must-sees at the Maine Lobster Festival. Eat Lobster! Enjoy the sights! Visit the Maine Craft and Fine Arts Tent and take home some Maine Memories. John Kendall Studios Robert and Ann Hutchins of Maine Made Photos from Brunswick, return to the festival with their canvas gallery wraps, matted prints both black and white and color. Coastal scenes and landscapes are topics of their work as well as Maine wildflowers. Rob Jones from Thomaston will exhibit his one of a kind wooden bowls and hand-carved pieces. Rob’s bowls are “laser-cut wooden bowls with patterns inspired by nature.” Susan and Richard Johnson from Camden Pottery/Johnson Gallery in Rockland, exhibit their works in the Fine Arts & Craft Tent. Richard, Susan, and family have been involved with the Maine Lobster Festival for over 35 years where they have demonstrated pottery, sculpture, and paintings. Richard continues to work at the festival creating life sized mermaids. Ten mermaids have been sculpted at the festival and are located on Lake Ave. in Rockland in front of their home and studio. John Kendall from Kendall Studio & Gallery of Georges Mills, New Hampshire, will show signed prints from original drawings created as sepia pen and ink wash drawings. There will be tall ships and a new series of “Maine Windjammers & Lighthouses” created from research photos taken in the Rockland area. Karen Talbot is an award-winning conservation artist known primarily for her lifelike, fine art paintings and scientific illustrations of fishes, birds and botanicals. Splitting her time between the rocky coast and brook trout streams of midcoast Maine and the mountains of western Wyoming, Karen takes her inspiration from oceans, streams, canyons, and mountains where she regularly dives, fishes and climbs. New to the Fine Arts & Craft Tent is Lara Mac of Esker Ridge Studio in Lagrange: “Designing and creating works of pure silver is such an exciting process. Making one of a kind sculpture into jewelry transforms my idea into a wearable piece of art.” Also new to the Fine Arts & Craft Tent is Wendy Waugman of WLW Designs in Port Clyde. Wendy designs jewelry using sterling silver and 14 karat gold. Janet Morrill Washburn from West Farmington will exhibit her watercolor and oil paintings as well as prints from her paintings of local scenes from Spruce Head, Matinicus Island, Monhegan Island and Grand Manan. Morrill has been a regular artist at the festival as she paints sculptures for the potter/sculptor in the Maine Fine Arts & Craft Tent. Heidi Small creates glass jewelry at her Tigerlily Glass Booth. She has some new pieces to please us all at her new space in the Fine Art area, and her glass lobster claw pendants are a must see! Marilyn Lord makes sweet treats. Her Fudgin’ It booth is always busy. Try some! Lisa Holt is from Camden. She makes lovely sea jewelry, photographs and cards. This is a gift with a visible memory. For a taste of Maine, try some of Bert’s Awesome Stuff. Sample jams, pickles and chutney from Auburn. Ed Croy will have items made from shed Moose horns for an authentic north woods gift from Oakfield. Gem Stones make a special gift from Maine. James and Doris Cushman of Caribou have an amazing assortment of gems, fossils, and rocks to please one and all. The Maine Lights Collection by Linda Leach and Sandra Clement of Glen Cove always has something new in a variety of unique items. Be sure to watch their fascinating demonstrations. Jane Dwyer from Newcastle will be back this year with her lovely Paper Moon line of polymer jewelry. Richard and Cindy Carney with Sea Glass of Maine have true treasures of the deep with their wide variety of found objects. Amazing! Original! And Unique! Closer to home we have JoAnn Hoppe from South Thomaston. Her “Blueberry Moose” hand-painted signs are perfection. Let her make one just for you! Kim Pauley from Portland makes reversible 28 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 29 Open Juried Art Show Festival’s artistic spirit extends to Main Street A rtists from the Midcoast and around the state have been invited to join the Maine Lobster Festival in celebrating its 67th year by entering work in the juried art show. The show is housed in the Rockland branch of Camden National Bank and participating Main Street merchant’s windows. Camden National Bank is the sponsor for the show, which is open to professional artists, adult amateurs, and high school, middle school, and elementary students. Show registration was held Monday, July 28, and judged by a panel of artists on Tuesday, July 29. Results will be announced in the local newspapers. Individuals will be notified by email or phone for placing in the open juried art show. The show also accepted pieces for two special awards. The Eddie Harriman Award is judged based on the Maine Lobster Festival theme, “Lobsters.” The Betty Kinney Award, established in memory of the 25 year Art Show and Art Tent Director, will be given to the painting that best depicts a coastal scene. The following medium categories were accepted for display and judging: • Sculpture • Watercolor/acrylic • Oil • Mixed media • Photography • Digital imagery 30 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 31 The Marine Experience Tent Ongoing: • MAINE BUILT BIRDHOUSES • BOOK SIGNINGS “Maine Built Birdhouses” T he Marine Experience Tent is a Festival attraction that provides hands on chances to touch and learn about a wide variety of marine life. Maritime activities and demonstrations will continue during the festival. Who knows what creatures from the deep will show up? Exhibitors set up interesting displays for all ages. Ongoing activities planned for this 67th annual event include two touch tanks with various creatures for kids and adults alike to explore; knot tying demonstrations by Capt. Chris Muller; and marine survival suit demonstrations by the U.S. Coast Guard. FMC Marine Colloids’ amazing assortment of foods and products using the seaweed additive carrageenan, a locally produced product, is another display (with samples) of interest. Chris Oliver from Knight Marine Service will again offer saltwater fly tying demonstrations, as well as one-on-one instruction that festival goers can sign up for. A very popular feature, “The Dynamic Dead Fish Display” by Jamie Johnson of Duo’s Takeout, always attracts awe and tentative touches by young and old. Amie Tinker with Savage Tye Dyes will have her handmade “Lobster” (v-notched, oversized, select, and shorts) T-shirts available along with “real miniature” lobster traps. Station Maine of Rockland is an organization of community members dedicated to offering boating opportunities at no cost to youth of all ages in the Midcoast area. Members will do rowing demonstrations and will recruit prospective rowers. We are pleased to announce that Brooks Trap Mill of Thomaston will once again display the complete start-to-finish process of building a lobster trap — and the materials that go into its building. Scrimshaw art by Tucker Cambridge will be demonstrated in the Marine Tent this year. This nautical art performed in the traditional manner should be interesting to see. The Apprenticeshop/ Rockland Community Sailing Program has been dedicated to inspiring personal growth through craftsmanship, community and traditions of the sea. Located on the waterfront in Rockland, the Apprenticeshop offers programming for youth and adults that ranges from two hours to two years in length. Students of all ages come here from around the world to learn traditional boat building skills, sailing, and maritime arts. Project Puffin of Rockland is a seabirdrestoration program established to reintroduce Atlantic puffins to their former Maine nesting islands. This organization will have a display as well as a small touch tank. Meet the “Giant Puffin” character, which is sure to be a crowd favorite. See how a beautiful nautical birdhouse is constructed. Demonstrations are on-going during the Festival. U.S. Toboggan Championship Organization The U.S. National Toboggan Championships is the only organized wooden toboggan race in the country and possibly the world. The toboggan chute is located in Camden, Maine, at the Camden Snow Bowl, a community-owned year-round recreation area which has developed thousands of dedicated skiers since 1936. All race revenue goes to offsetting the Snow Bowl budget. New this year The Hurricane Island Outward Bound School founded in 1964. Today, from its headquarters in Camden, Maine, the school operates in four locations so students can take a sailing course around the 3,500 islands off the coast of Maine or in the sun-drenched Florida Keys or a backpacking course in the remote moose country of the Northwoods of Maine. Book signings Kevin Mills has three books available: “Sons and Daughters of the Ocean,” “Sidelined,” and “Breakwater.” He will be available to sign books from 10 a.m. to 4 .m. Saturday, Aug. 2 and Sunday, Aug. 3. Darcy Scott is the author of “Hunter Huntress” and award-winning “Maine Island Mysteries: Matinicus” (Best Mystery, 2013 Indie Book Awards; Silver Prize, Readers Favorite Book Awards; Bronze Prize, 2013 IPPY Awards), and the newly-released Reese’ s Leap. She will be available to sign books from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2 and Sunday, Aug. 3. 32 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 33 Festival works to be environmentally friendly T he Maine Lobster Festival is continuing its recycling efforts in its ongoing commitment to be a green-friendly festival. For years, the festival has recycled cans and bottles, and donated the money collected from returnables to youth groups, such as Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts. While many bottles and cans made it into recycle bins, many ended up in the trash. This year on the festival grounds, visitors again will notice recycling signage and containers for returnable bottles and cans. Visitors are asked to turn in bottles and cans for recycling and not place them in the trash. In future years, the Maine Lobster Festival hopes to expand its recycling efforts to include biodegradable eating utensils and also would like to have the Food Tent’s trash and lobster shells separated for composting. Festival goers are invited to help organizers in their efforts to be a greener festival. Share recycling ideas or suggestions, by emailing info@mainelobsterfestival.com. Visitors are asked to turn in bottles and cans for recycling and not place them in the trash. 34 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 35 The Big Parade on Rockland Main Street! T The Big Parade will take place at he directors of the Maine 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2. Groups Lobster Festival voted on the and organizations interested in 2014 theme, “Lobster Livin’ - the participating in the parade may Families Behind The Industry.” Padownload an application at www. rade participants are encouraged to mainelobsterfestival.com/contact or show their enthusiasm and exciteSEN. ED MAZUREK request an application by emailing ment! Put your creative hats on and parade@mainelobsterfestival.com. In addition celebrate all of the families who support the to floats, it also features the grand marshal, the lobster industry! Remember, we don’t mean recently crowned 2014 Maine Sea Goddess, the just family members who live with fishermen and fisherwomen … This is about the industry Sea Princesses and their escorts, King Neptune and his court, and a variety of bands, marchitself as a family, including bait suppliers, ing units, drill teams and more. The Maine processors, trap makers, buoy makers, and the Lobster Festival Committee is excited to see rest of the people who make “lobster living” a the Lobster Art that participants come up with family industry. this year! There is no fee for participating in The Maine Lobster Festival is proud to the Big Parade. announce that the 2014 Grand Marshal is In addition to the giant parade down Main Senator Ed Mazurek. Ed Mazurek has been a Street, the theme is also incorporated into beloved teacher and coach in local schools for the Fine Arts Tent works of art, the children’s more than 30 years. He served on Rockland parade, and more. It also is the theme for City Council and as Mayor of Rockland for the Camden National Bank-sponsored Open two years. He then served four terms in the Juried Art Show’s Eddie Harriman Award. Get Maine House of Representatives, including information about the art show by contacting two terms as Chair of the Transportation Committee, and currently serves as State Sena- the festival’s Fine Art Tent director, Su Johnson, through the festival’s website. tor for Knox County, a position he will retire from this year. 36 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM Children’s Tent T his tent is a rest and play area for children and their parents, and also features baby changing stations sponsored by the Rockland Kiwanis Club, and is a must visit area and resource for young families. This area is not a daycare facility, and parents are to remain with their children at all times. Parents and children will find a daily craft, a CedarWorks play set, coloring pages, a sand table, a train table, and much more. 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 37 Commercial Tent Daily Craft Time: Wednesday-Saturday, 2-3 p.m. Happy Face Painting: Wednesday, Noon-5 p.m. Thursday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Lowe’s Build & Grow: Saturday, Noon-5 p.m. F estival visitors will find a wide variety of displays, demonstrations, and items for sale in this tent, located next to the Eating Tent. Commercial exhibitors, craft vendors, and displays by voluntary and non-profit organizations add to the interest and excitement of the Festival. 38 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 39 Volunteering at the Festival T he Maine Lobster Festival welcomes more than 1,200 volunteers annually from all over the United States, as well as some from around the world. Our volunteers help us in a number of different areas of the Festival, from serving up seafood to hungry festival goers to taking tickets at the gates. Volunteers are welcome to pick the areas of the festival that they are most interested in working. Our volunteers come from local businesses, civic groups such as Kiwanis and Rotary, high school students, and the military. We are proud to be part of a Coast Guard City, and the Coast Guard personnel are always ready to lend a hand wherever we need them. Many of our volunteers come back every year; some families even make it part of their vacation plans. Volunteers may either sign up online at mainelobsterfestival.com/volunteer or by filling out a form that is printed in the local papers in early June. 40 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 41 A Community Festival: What that really means T he Maine Lobster Festival is truly a community festival. The festival would not, and could not, exist without a commitment to giving back to the people of Midcoast Maine. In the mid-1990s, then-Lobster Festival President Ed Kolmosky gathered the set-up crew and quickly realized that the pavement at Harbor Park was in rough condition. Some tent-stakes would not hold in the crumbling hard-top. Kolmosky called the city manager and learned there was no money in the budget for repairs. His typical “can-do” response resulted in getting a local paving crew to the grounds in a less-than-typical time frame. The Lobster Festival took care of the paving for the city property at no cost to taxpayers. That was not an isolated instance. A few years earlier, the city needed a new ambulance, but had no funds to pay for it. You guessed it: The festival bought a new ambulance for the city. When a local developer set his sights on the land at the top of the hill above the park, long-time festival stalwart and retired teacher Mildred Merrill realized the last harbor view on Main Street was threatened. It took several years, but under Mildred’s steadfast leadership, the festival bought the land and donated it to the city with the understanding that the view would not blocked. These are three examples of the festival’s core mission: giving back. Its strength is in its volunteers. “This combination is what makes the Maine Lobster Festival unique, and it’s what keeps us going all winter,” said Tim Carroll, Festival past president. Other community contributions and gifts worthy of note have gone to Oceanside High School for a new auditorium curtain, improvements to and furnishings for the teachers’ lounge, and additional educational support. The festival also has supported other organizations, including the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce, Camden First Aid Association, Freedom Riders, Meals on Wheels, Interfaith Outreach Food Pantry, Teen Center, Rockland Fire Department, Bicycle Coalition of Maine, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Knox Interfaith Teen Safe Havens, Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County, Destination Imagination, Rockland District Nursing Association, Literacy Volunteers, Festival of Lights, Bicycle Coalition of Maine, and many more. A portion of the gate admissions are distributed annually for worthwhile recreation projects throughout Knox County. Also essential to the festival’s mission is the ensuring there are enough funds to open the next year’s festival. Thank you for supporting the Maine Lobster Festival, as it supports the Midcoast community. 42 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 43 Winning Lobster Recipe 2013 Maine Lobster Festival Cooking Contest Spectacular Seafood Cannelloni By Tyrrell Hunter, Brunswick, Maine Serves 4-5 • 4 each 1 1/4 lb Lobsters, cold water cooked method (see below), shucked. After removing the tail vein, cut the tail and claws into 1/2-inch chunks, mix with knuckle and body meat. Save the shells and bodies of two lobsters but discard the tamale. Refrigerate all until needed. • 1 pound large sea scallops with muscle removed • 1 Tablespoon unsalted butter (need total of 10 Tablespoons for complete recipe) • 1 Tablespoon olive oil • 1 teaspoon garlic, minced • 2 Tablespoons onion, finely chopped • 1 Tablespoon fresh parsley, washed, dried and chopped • 1 Tablespoon fresh basil, washed, dried and chopped • 1 Tablespoon sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil, drained and chopped • 1 teaspoon anchovy paste • ½ teaspoon Kosher salt • ¼ teaspoon white pepper Sauce Lobster shells and bodies 3½ cups whole milk 2 cups heavy cream 8 Tablespoons unsalted butter ½ cup all purpose flour 1 teaspoon Kosher salt ¼. teaspoon white pepper 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg, grated 1 cup parmesan cheese, grated (divided in 2 each ½ cups) ½ cup pecorino cheese, grated (if you can’t find pecorino, you can increase the parmesan by ½ cup) Pasta shells 10 each no-boil lasagna noodles Early preparation – even a day or two in advance: Lobsters – Next time you cook lobsters, try starting them in cold, heavily salted water. Turn on heat to high (we use a gas turkey fryer outside) and bring to a rolling boil. This should take about 20-30 minutes, depending on how many lobsters are in the pot. For this recipe, you want to take 4 lobsters out as soon as they come to a boil and plunge them into cold water to stop their cooking. You want the lobsters under-cooked because the meat will finish cooking in the Cannelloni. (We cook other lobsters to eat that evening by boiling those lobsters just two more minutes for a traditional boiled lobster dinner. We use the partially cooked lobster in a variety of recipes, such as this Cannelloni recipe, over the next few days. The beauty of the cold water method is the meat is very tender because all the lobsters cook at the same temperature and the lobsters weren’t shocked entering hot water.) About 1 ½ to 2 hours prior to serving: To Make the Lobster Sauce: Thoroughly strain any liquid that may have accumulated from the lobster shells. In a large saucepan on medium-low heat, steep the milk and cream with the lobster shells (without tamale!) for ½ hour, stirring a few times. Strain, reserve the milk mixture and set aside. Discard the shells & bodies. In the same large saucepan over medium heat, melt 8 Tbl. Unsalted butter; then stir in ½ cup flour. Stir for 1 minute to slightly cook the flour. Stir in the nutmeg, salt, and white pepper. Whisk in the hot milk/cream mixture and whisk for 5-7 minutes until the sauce is thick and smooth. Stir in ½ cup Parmesan and set aside off heat. To Prepare the Pasta Shells: Soak the no-bake lasagna noodles in a large bowl of warm water for about 8-10 minutes or just until they are pliable so you can bend them easily. Take out of water and pat dry. Cut each noodle to 5½-6 inches long. To Make the Filling: (Preheat oven to 375 degrees while making the stuffing) In a large sauté pan on medium-high heat, melt 1 Tablespoon butter with 1 Tablespoon olive oil. Sprinkle the scallops with salt and pepper. Add scallops and onions to the pan and quickly cook the scallops about 20-30 seconds per side; add the minced garlic and sauté for 30 seconds more. Cut the scallops into quarters or eights (about the same size of the lobster tail pieces; the scallops will not be completely cooked at this point). Stir in the lobster meat, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs and sauté for one minute to combine flavors. Drain off any accumulated water/juices. To 2/3 cup of Lobster Sauce, stir in the anchovy paste. Then add this sauce mixture to the seafood and mix gently to combine. Taste and add more salt and pepper, if needed. Take pan off heat. To Assemble and Bake Cannelloni: In a 13-inch by 9-inch pan, pour 1½ cups of the sauce and spread to cover the bottom of the pan. Put ½ cup of the filling mixture across the short side (about 3 ½ inches) of a pasta shell and roll up, putting it seam-side down in the pan. Repeat with the other shells, leaving a little space between the shells. Pour the remaining sauce over all the shells, covering completely, and sprinkle the top with the remaining ½ cup Parmesan and ½ cup Pecorino. Dot with an additional Tbl. of butter cut into small pieces. Cover pan and bake for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 20 minutes. If needed, lightly golden brown under the broiler just before serving. Suggest to serve with a crisp salad and toasted garlic bread. (Can be prepared in advance of final baking and refrigerated for up to 24 hours; let sit at room temperature for ½ hour, then bake for 30 minutes covered and 20 minutes uncovered, brown under broiler if needed) Enjoy! A mateur chefs will compete in the annual Maine Lobster Festival Seafood Cooking Contest. The contest is part of the 67th annual festival, which will be held July 30 - August 3, along the city’s waterfront. Amateur chefs age 18 and older will be competing for more than $500 in prize money during this popular event. A panel of judges will select the winner based on creativity, suitability of the seafood to the recipe, and simplicity. The recipes can be any dish and must contain seafood found in Maine waters. The contest will begin at 9 a.m., Friday, Aug. 1, in the North Entertainment Tent on the festival grounds. Judging will begin at 11:30 a.m., with prizes announced and awarded around 12:30 p.m. First prize is $200, second prize is $175, and third prize is $150. Fiore Artisan Olive Oils and Vinegars is the lead sponsor for the contest. The contest audience will have the opportunity to sample the prepared recipes in the cooking area and pick up the contestants’ recipes after the awards are presented. For contest details, visit www. MaineLobsterFestival.com or contact Celia Knight by email at celia@knightmarineservice. com or call 207-542-1192. 2014 Food Network “Cook-Off Fanatics” The Food Network will be hosting a competition in the Maine Lobster Festival North Entertainment Tent beginning at 12 noon on Thursday, July 31. 44 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 45 Coast Guard Ship Tours The International Great Crate Race T he United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Barque Eagle will arrive in Rockland Harbor at about 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1. There will be a special ceremony at 4 p.m. on the Main Stage to welcome the ship and its crew to the Lobster Festival. Tours of the USCGC Barque Eagle will be held 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. These tours will leave from the Coast Guard base at the end of Tillson Avenue, closest to the north end of the Festival grounds. Limited shuttle service will be available for anyone who cannot make the walk. There will be no seating available at the line. “Inevitably, the water wins.” T Ship Tours • Saturday, Aug. 2, 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m. • Sunday, Aug. 3, 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m. he Maine Lobster Festival’s International Great Lobster Crate Race is the original crate race, invented by William Atwood in the 1970s and managed by he and his family for more than twenty years. Taking the challenge of scampering across a string of floating wood lobster crates is, without a doubt, among the biggest splashes of the annual Maine Lobster Festival. This test of balance and endurance — and sometimes a bit of theatrics — is a super attraction that regularly draws hundreds of spectators. The International Great Crate Race begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 3 at the waterfront, adjacent to the festival grounds. Competitors must register in advance. Registration at the information booth starts at 7 a.m. Sunday. The fee is $10 for contestants age 12 and up and $5 for children age 11 and under. The fee includes admission to the grounds. The number of competitors is limited, so we recommend arriving as early as possible for registration on Sunday morning. Lobster-crate racing requires speed, quick feet, balance ,and, above all else, the ability to withstand a dunking in the chilly Maine waters, since most competitors do end up in the drink. The racecourse is a string of 50 lobster storage crates stretching across a section of Rockland’s inner harbor in full view of the festival grounds. While trying to reach the other end, contestants scamper across the barely floating lobster crates. If successful, a contestant turns and heads back to the other end. The “race” for each runner continues until a fall into the water occurs or until exhaustion takes over. Inevitably, the water wins. Susan Lundquist’s long-standing record of 3,007 crates was broken in 2008 by Andrew Bachiochi. Bachiochi set a new record by running 4,501 crates. In 2012, crate race champion Con- nor McGonagle, age 12 of Owls Head, Maine, smashed Bachiochi’s record when he wowed the crowd by covering 6,000 crates. He never did fall! Unreal! Each year’s Lobster Crate Race attracts plenty of contestants, so it’s a good idea to register early. It’s a sight not to be missed and an event certainly worth trying, if for no other reason than the memory and the ability to brag that you challenged the crates at the Maine Lobster Festival. Tips for running the crates If you’ve made up your mind to take the challenge of running the lobster crates, here are some tips to keep in mind: • Wear something on your feet (not sandals). Bare feet trying to find traction on the wet wood crates is an exercise in futility. • Move with speed. Trying to take a Sunday stroll on the string of crates is a sure-fire way to get wet very quickly. • If you begin falling (when you do) try to fall to the left or right so that you will land squarely in the water and not on any part of the crates.. • Race organizers keep rowboats in the water to assist contestants who take the plunge. Don’t be embarrassed to accept a ride back to shore. • Acrobatic falls get a lot of applause from the audience. Smile for the cameras as you fall. • Have fun. You’ll never forget the challenge of racing the crates. 46 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 47 2014 Maine Lobster Festival Sponsors Hammond Tractor Company Thank You Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster Brooks Trap Mill Dream Local Digital Executive Travel & Incentives Bangor Daily News Hurricane Island Outward Bound Cabot Cheese Navigator Motor Inn Dollar Shave Club TD Bank Getchell Bros. Rockland Kiwanis Club Prock Marine Fiore Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars Gosline Insurance Maine Credit Union League Knight Marine Service Computer Solutions Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Kelsey’s Appliance Hammond Tractor travelMAINE J. Edward Knight Insurance Park Street Laundry Trade Winds / Country Inn Camden National Bank The First Jess’s Market Allen Insurance and Financial Pen Bay Health Care Samoset Resort Union Farm Equipment Boston Financial Maine Magazine Dunkin Donuts travelMaine Hannaford Supermarket Liberty Hospitality of Maine Maine Credit Union League Pepsi Beverages Company Skin Klinic & Day Spa Wyman’s Blueberries 48 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 49 50 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 51 How do you cook more than 20,000 lbs. of lobster? T he festival cooks more than 20,000 pounds of lobster in five days. Did you know that there is more to the World’s Greatest Lobster Cooker than meets the eye? The current lobster cooker is celebrating its seventh birthday at the 2014 Maine Lobster Festival. It all began with an idea and a dream. Finally, after years of engineering and fabrication, the cooker came to life barely in time for the 2008 festival. With many improvements and upgrades from the past cooker, this new machine was untested until one week before the festival when organizers did a test cooking of 200 pounds of crabs. The cooker passed with flying colors and was ready to take its place as the World’s Greatest Lobster Cooker. And, wow, did it live up to its name. It operated flawlessly throughout the entire festival. There have been other cookers over the years, and with each new cooker there were many improvements. This new cooker is state of the art, with electronic controls, tremendous capacity, temperature sensors, and safety shutoff devices. The old cooker used fuel oil and biofuel and occasionally would belch a puff of black smoke. The new cooker uses clean-burning propane, and its highly efficient design is about 50 percent more efficient than the old cooker and six times more efficient at cooking lobster than the typical outdoor lobster cooker or turkey fryer. This efficiency results in a much better tasting lobster! A typical outdoor turkey fryer-lobster cooker produces enough heat to cook approximately 15 pounds of lobster in 15 minutes; the World’s Greatest Lobster Cooker can cook 1,600 pounds of lobster in 15 minutes. You would need approximately 112 of those outdoor cookers to do the same job. The new cooker does it with eight individual cooking units, each capable of cooking 200 pounds of lobsters. Lobsters typically are cooked in batches of 100 pounds, depending on requests from the food tent. Once cooked, the batch is put in an insulated tote and carted to the Eating Tent where the lobsters are served with all the fixings. In past years, festival volunteers have cooked and served as much as 26,000 pounds of lobsters in the course of the five-day festival. The brick wall structure of the lobster cooker is made up of hundreds of customized bricks. Each one was purchased by a festival supporter, and the proceeds helped pay for the cooker’s construction. The structure that houses the cooker is more than just a building; it is a monument to all of the past and future Maine Lobster Festivals, a testament to the enduring strength of the local lobster industry, and a symbol of the ongoing commitment to the spirit and vitality of the overall community. The Rockland Festival Corporation, the city of Rockland, the Rockland Harbor Commission, and the endless list of volunteers make Maine, the Midcoast region, and the Maine Lobster Festival the best there is. Come see for yourself! 52 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 53 How to eat a Maine lobster like a local Whether you’re a long-time Maine lobster lover, or you’re preparing to take your first crack at it, here are a few tips for maximum enjoyment. Want to learn more about Maine lobster? Visit the food vendors or the Maine Lobster Promotion Board’s website: lobsterfrommaine.com The website contains recipes, info, and more about Maine lobster. Step 1: Step 3: Twist off the claws and crack knuckle and claw shells to get the meat out. Insert a fork to push out tail meat. Discard black tail vein and set aside green tomalley. Step 2: Step 4: Separate tail from body by cracking upwards at the base of the tail. Open the body and extract meat from the legs. Suck on leg openings like straws to access meat. GRAPHICS ARE COURTESY OF THE MAINE LOBSTER PROMOTION BOARD. CATHERINE DAVIDSON OF MARYLAND CHOWS DOWN ON AS MANY LOBSTER AS SHE CAN IN TEN MINUTES DURING A 2012 CRUSTACEAN EATING CONTEST IN PORTLAND. 54 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 55 Road Race 1-Mile Kids’ Fun Run, 8 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 3. Not to be outdone, the kids have all the glory before the adult race with their own 1-mile fun run down Rockland Main Street. Don’t miss the excitement and the chance to cheer on the young ones in their quest to cross the finish line. Registration for the 1-Mile Fun Run begins at 7 a.m. on Aug. 3. Registration is $5, and participants will receive a T-shirt. 5k Walk, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug, 3. Start Sunday morning with a 5k (3.2 mile) walk around the beautiful town of Rockland. Begin and end the walk at Harbor Park, the site of the festival, and enjoy the views of the waterfront. The walk will not be timed. 5k Walk Registration (non-refundable) • Register online through Active.com or Runsignup.com. Online registration closes at noon on Saturday, August 2. • Download PDF registration form to mail at mainelobsterfestival.com. • Pick up pre-registration packet at the festival, 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2. • Register the morning of the race. Registration opens at 7 a.m. in Harbor Park at the Main Stage. 10k Road Race, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 3. Sponsored by Allen Insurance and Financial Start Sunday morning of the festival with a bang ... the bang of the gun starting the race! More than 300 runners compete in the 10K road race through the streets of Rockland and Rockport. Advanced registration is recommended. Commemorative T-shirts are guaranteed to those registered by Wednesday, July 30. 10K Registration (non-refundable) • Register online at Active.com or Runsignup. com. Online registration closes at noon on Saturday, August 2. • Download PDF registration form to mail at mainelobsterfestival.com. • Pick up pre-registration packet at the Festival on Saturday, August 2 from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. • Register the morning of the race. Registration opens at 7 a.m. in Harbor Park at the Main Stage. For information, email Andrew at Masonman321@yahoo.com or call 207-542-2038. 56 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 57 Lobster Festival Gear 2013 Maine Lobster Festival Poster $10.00 2014 Maine Lobster Festival Poster $10.00 Maine Lobster Festival Patriotic Lobster T-Shirt 2012 Maine Lobster Festival Poster $10.00 Adult ladies t-shirt with Maine Lobster Festival banner Baby tie-dye onesies Adults ladies t-shirts in pink, blue and yellow Adult ladies denim shirt Adult black tank top Youth-Adult hooded sweatshirt, red lobster Adult sweatshirt with red lobster Maine Lobster Festival pendant $20.00 58 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM Maine Lobster Festival Grounds Map 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 59 Rockland Waterfront Area 60 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 61 Our History some festival traditions that have been consistent since the beginning: the selection of a Sea Goddess, the serving of Maine lobster, and a grand parade. The Parade & Grand Marshal 1952 PHOTO BY LUIS MARDEN, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC T hrough the sheer dedication of countless community members for six decades now, the Maine Lobster Festival has endured and, many would say, has succeeded in getting better with each passing year. The Beginning It all began at a gathering of a group of citizens and summer folk in March 1947, where a discussion arose as to what could be done about reviving the summer activities that Camden had prior to the war years. It was decided that having a marine festival of some sort would be appropriate. Having it become an annual affair was intentional from the beginning. It was known that a lobster festival held in Nova Scotia was a big success, and it was then suggested that this activity might be the answer for the community. In addition, it was suggested that it was time the Maine lobster and the Maine lobster fishermen came into their own. On that basis the Camden-Rockport Lobster Festival was conceived as being the logical type of festival for this area. Upon deciding to do this, a non-profit organization known as the Camden-Rockport Lobster Festival Inc. was formed. Its president was Earl Fuller of the Maine Coast Sea Food Corporation; the vice president, Clinton Lunt of the Camden Shipbuilding and Marine Railway Co.; the secretary, E. Hamilton Hall, editor of The Camden Herald and the treasurer and executive director, Henry S. Bickford. An executive committee was formed to work with and advise the group from the very first festival and still continues today. The first officers were Wayne Buxton of the Maine Development Commission; Owen Smith, editor of the Maine Coast Fisherman; Rudolph O. Marcoux, national sales director of the Maine Broadcasting System and Percy Keller, Camden’s town manager. In addition, the Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries Commission, in the person of Richard Reed, assisted the executive director. Talbot O. Freeman, vice president of Pepsi Cola Company and master of ceremonies of the CamdenRockport Lobster Festival shows an example of the big fellows he looks forward to eating at the festival on Saturday. The soft drink company has generously arranged, as a public service to the community, for profits for their sale of their drink at the festival to be enjoyed by the Camden YMCA whose members will man the the refreshment booth. As published on the front page of the Camden Herald, Thursday, Aug.14, 1947. The offer of “All the lobster you can eat for $1” caused the first festival to lose money, and for that and other reasons the original Camden group did not pursue the event a second year. At the same time, the Rockland Junior Chamber of Commerce decided to bring the Lobster Festival to Rockland as a club project. The 1948 festival featured a parade, hot lobster cooked by several local dealers and trucked to Rockland ‘s Public Landing, a concert by the Rockland City Band on Saturday afternoon, and a coronation ball Saturday evening at the Rockland Community Building. At this premier coronation, Ruth Roberts of Rockland was crowned as the first “Miss Maine Seafoods.” It was in 1948 that the festival extended from one day to two and was held in July. Since then, the Maine Lobster Festival is held the first weekend in August that contains the first Saturday. There are The festival parade has for many years drawn the largest crowd of the weekend and often proves to be among the longer parades in Maine during the year. Grand marshals for festival parades have ranged from local, long-time workers for the event to people prominent in state and national politics. The 2007 Grand Marshal was Alice Knight. She has never missed a festival in 66 years. Knight has been a festival director for 41 years, and during that time she always has attended all five days of the festival, she said. And she has only missed two meetings, ever — and that was because of a broken knee. The Festival Grows The Lobster Festival of 1948 became the “Maine Lobster and Seafoods Festival.” This name change was precipitated by the generous donation of hundreds of pounds of ocean perch by the Birdseye Division of General Foods to be cooked and served with the lobster. In 1949 the festival expanded to three days and continued to be run by the Junior Chamber of Commerce as a club project. This was a successful year for the festival and promoted this event to becoming Maine ‘s premier summer event. It had grown from a one-day parade and lobster feast in Camden to three days of events, with a Sea Goddess, visiting ships, Neptune and his Court of the Sea, and exhibitions. In fall 1949 the local Junior Chamber of Commerce decided that the festival was too big to be operated by that organization alone and voted to form a corporation. Other local organizations such as the Elks, Rotary, Kiwanis Lions, and American Legion, as well as the Rockland Chamber of Commerce joined in the commitment to making the festival a community-wide event helping to promote its tourism and seafood orientation. The festival’s fame spread farther and faster because of increased participation by outside groups. Community Rallies for Festival Carnival rides, games and side-shows became part of the festival in the late 1970s through the mid-’80s. A couple of years of poor weather, coupled with rising costs for staging the festival exerted a financial strain. In the early 1990s it was announced that the festival would not be held; promises were made that it would return after a one-year hiatus. Community reaction was swift and strong. Canceling the Maine Lobster Festival, even for a year, was not acceptable for many of the community leaders. The greater Rockland area rallied to its support with an infusion of new leadership and business sponsorships. A wave of community support, including financial, brought about a dramatically improved Maine Lobster Festival. Directors reorganized the event from top to bottom, even arranging for construction of a new “World’s Largest Lobster Cooker.” With renewed enthusiasm, new directors, along with a few of the remaining long-time directors and other hard working volunteers, rebuilt the festival into what is now recognized as one of New England’s great summer events. During its 66 years, the festival has consistently maintained a focus on the state’s most famous crustacean. The Maine Lobster Festival is indeed one of Maine’s premier summer events and is recognized nationally. During the past several years, scores of articles about the festival have appeared in national magazines and major metropolitan newspapers. It also has been featured on several national television programs, including a feature broadcast on the Food Network. It gained (and has maintained) recognition and honors from two national organizations. The American Bus Association has again selected the festival as one of the “Top 100 Events in North America.” Events Business News, a trade association publication covering more than 38,000 events in the United States, has recognized the Maine Lobster Festival as one of the “Top 250 Events in the United States.” The organization and success of each year’s Maine Lobster Festival depends on the dedicated service of a Board of Directors, all volunteers from the local community, who work throughout the year to handle thousands of details. The Festival Corporation is a non-profit organization. Individuals can join as members, and a special effort has been made since 2005 to encourage this new level of membership. There are generations of both local and ‘out of state’ families who had committed their energies to the festival… You are indeed true volunteers! 62 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM Our History (cont.) Contributing to the Community An often-asked question by visitors to each year’s Maine Lobster Festival is, “Just what does the festival do for the community with the money it earns each year?” It is a legitimate question, and visitors may be interested in the answer. In addition to bringing such national — and even international — attention and goodwill to the Rockland area, the festival helps bring in nearly $1 million of “outside” money into the regional economy. The Festival Board of Directors sees to it that seed money for the following year’s event is allocated. Just how much is available for donation to the community depends to a great extent on the weather, the one variable that can never be completely controlled. The surplus is contributed to the greater Rockland community for beneficial projects and activities. We are part of this wonderful community, and in just the past several years, the Maine Lobster Festival Directors have pledged $200,000 to the Gateway Center Project now known as The Maine Lighthouse Museum. The festival also has given $5,000 to the Rockland Police Department for new furniture and has donated two new floats for use by the City of Rockland at the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse. The festival has made contributions to groups such as local schools, Children’s Museum, Rockland-Thomaston Area Chamber of Commerce and Senior Spectrum. Also, the Festival Board provided $12,000 for new fencing at Mildred Merrill Park, donated $10,000 to the Bob Gagnon Cancer Center at Penobscot Bay Medical Center, purchased a new ambulance for the City of Rockland, and provided funds to pave the entire Rockland Public Landing. The group funded repairs to the decking at the middle pier, adjacent to the giant lobster cooker costing $10,000. In addition, all income derived from the admission fees of children entering the grounds has gone to the Rockland Recreation Center Building Fund. Within the past 10 years, the Board of Directors donated a parcel of land, now known as Mildred Merrill Park, which is adjacent to the festival grounds, to the City of Rockland. The land will be kept as “green space” and will retain an unencumbered view of the city’s harbor from South Main Street . Each year the festival contributes considerable volunteer hours and funds in grooming and improving the appearance of Harbor Park. A portion of its earnings also is placed in the Festival Recreation Trust Fund, from which money is distributed for worthy recreation projects throughout Knox County. The Maine Lobster Festival, a non-profit activity run entirely by unpaid volunteers, is a colorful and enjoyable event that builds community spirit and enhances the region’s economy. Volunteering at the festival is a wonderful way of making new friends and connecting with existing ones. While nearly 1,000 area citizens volunteer some time during each year’s Lobster Festival, it is the Board of Directors who makes it possible for the gates to open. No sooner have the gates closed on one year’s celebration than the planning begins on the next year’s event. 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM 63 64 2014 OFFICIAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL PROGRAM