DATE: March 24, 2016—updated April 13, 2016 TO: Local Association Members League Members Board of Directors FROM: Colin Ensworth, Sports Operations Manager RE: 2016 Annual General Meeting Notification. Friday, May 13- Sunday, May 15, 2016 Theme: Level the Arena: If She Can See it, She Can Do It. 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & CONFERENCE Initial Tentative WEEKEND ITINERARY Note to Delegates: 1. All registrations are managed by the BCRA Member Services Representative. Your registration and full payment are required together prior to April 12, 2016. 2. This Itinerary has been generated for your consideration and feedback through your Association and League. Friday’s proposed General Session will only happen if 66% of the eligible delegates register to attend. Leagues and Associations are gathering topics for both the General Session and the Concurrent Sessions for Saturday morning 3. The final Itinerary will be sent by April 14, 2016 4. Registration form is at the bottom of the Initial Tentative Itinerary Friday, May 13, 2016 4 PM. Delegates may check into the hotel. Saturday May 14, 2016 Event Check In/Registration continues through until 12:45 pm. 9:30 AM Meeting of the Current League Presidents and the BCRA Board of Directors 12:45 pm Registration of delegates concludes 1 1 pm Welcome/Opening Orientation: BCRA Chair and Sports Operations Manager Keynote Speaker – To Be Announced – Level the Arena Presentation by Two Coaches: The Road to Excellence for Female Ringette Coaches 1:45 Questions and Answers with Keynote Speaker and Presenters 2 pm Break 2:15 Concurrent Sessions Delegates will be divided between 3 topics and will travel to each topic with their group. Each session will run 45 minutes Topic 1: Female Goalies: recruitment, retention, encouragement and development Topic 2: Critical Review of High Performance and Strategies for change Topic 3: Ringette BC Governance model: committee work processes 5:30-7:00 PM Break 7:00 PM Dinner Welcome 7:00-8:00 PM Dinner Service 8:00-8:30 PM Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony 8:30-11 PM BC Ringette hosted Social in the Summit Lounge Sunday May 15, 2016 8:30 - 9:15AM Breakfast Salon B 10:00AM – 12PM Annual General Business Meeting Salon B 12 - 12:30PM Lunch (Boxed)/Departure 12:30-3:00PM BCRA Board of Directors meeting Salon C/D 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING May 15, 2016 AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of agenda 4. Special Resolution: addition to the BCRA By-laws. 5. Approval of Minutes (Previous Annual General Meeting) 6. Approval of Audited Financial Statements 7. Reports from Directors including the Chair of the Board of Directors 8. Reports from Committees 9. Election of Directors: there are more candidates than vacancies which causes a balloting process. 10. Other Business 11. Adjournment 3 Director Nomination & Election Process For 2016, there are four positions to be elected. BCRA Nominations Committee will make their recommendations to the delegates. There are, at this time, two nominations from the Lower Mainland Ringette League. The biographies of the candidates will be available by April 15, 2016. At this time, we anticipate holding a ballot process. BCRA by-laws pertaining to the Nomination and Election of its Directors: Pursuant to its by-laws, BC Ringette shall be governed by a board of seven directors, of whom: three shall be elected in odd-numbered years; and four shall be elected in even-numbered years. Directors shall be elected pursuant to the following process: o The Board shall nominate candidates for election to the board each year. In doing so, the Board shall strive to ensure that those nominated represent a diverse mix of candidates as to gender, geographical region and skill set. o The Board shall advise the voting members of those candidates nominated for election by the Board (see below) at least 60 days prior to the annual general meeting. o Nominations of candidates may also be made in writing and signed by at least three voting Members. Such nominations must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee(s) and delivered to BC Ringette at least 45 days prior to the annual general meeting. o The Chair shall direct the preparation of a ballot containing the names of all candidates for director positions nominated by the Board and the voting Members. o The successful candidates for directors to be elected each year shall be those who have received the highest number of votes in the balloting. o The directors so elected shall take office at the close of the annual general meeting at which they are elected. 4 BCRA 2016 AGM and Conference Registration Form. Annual General Meeting Registration Information: Below, you will find initial registration information for the upcoming Annual General Meeting & Conference to be held May 13, 14 and 15, 2016 at the Sun Peaks Resort and Conference Center, near Kamloops, BC. (If you have not been to Sun Peaks, BCRA will provide you with a map to get from Kamloops to the Conference Centre.) Annual General Meeting & Conference Registration The structure of the upcoming AGM and conference is intended to minimize costs for participants while encouraging productive use of time. The AGM and Conference includes various meetings and sessions designed to generate discussion, gather information and set action plans. It is anticipated that much of the agendas for the Operational Committees for the 2016-17 year will come from these sessions. The AGM is required in the BC Societies Act and the items on the agenda are largely determined by the requirements of the legislation. Because of this, in the past two years, the length of the AGM has been significantly shorter than allowed for in the agenda. Delegates are therefore encouraged to come to the AGM with additional topics or questions that may generate discussion or, at the very least, agenda topics for the Operational or Board Committees. At this time, we have made plans to start the Conference on Friday afternoon and end by noon on Sunday. THIS MAY CHANGE. The event package as outlined below, may be amended should there be sufficient positive response to the proposal to start on Friday (66% of the eligible delegates). Currently, the conference package fee includes one night accommodation, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, 2 lunches, all coffee breaks and all conference space and materials. Delegates will be charged for Friday night should they decide to arrive on Friday. Delegates are responsible for any additional meals and incidentals including parking and travel costs. PLEASE NOTE: all registration documents and full payment are to be sent to the BCRA Member Services Representative at the BCRA Office. At this time, your association or league may have outstanding accounts (unpaid bills) owing to BCRA. Please note that associations and leagues must have paid all outstanding bills in order to be eligible to vote at the annual general meeting. Separate statements of account will be sent to each association to confirm details of account status prior to the AGM. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES 5 IMPORTANT: We require the total number of people attending from your association or league and the type of room(s) required by April 12, 2016. (Note: Individual delegate names are NOT required for this initial room reservation process. Names can be confirmed just prior to the event.) If your League or Association changes President in your 2016 AGM, please consider sending both the outgoing and incoming President to the BCRA AGM to assist in the transition. Please email your attendance association details to BCRA will confirm your attendance with the hotel. There is no refund of fees after registration. However, delegate substitutions are permitted. 6
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