PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE - Bay Area Snow Sports Council
PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE - Bay Area Snow Sports Council
A member of the Far West Ski Association and the National Ski Council Federation, representing 30 ski and snowboard clubs April, 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Inside this issue: President’s Mssg/Calendar of Activities 1-3 Meeting Minutes/ Travel Update 3-5 Industry Liaison 6-8 The year is going fast. We have had some exciting events and trips so far this year. I would like to thank all of the volunteers for making this an exciting year. General meeting Date: March 14, 2016 – 6:00pm social. General meeting begins at 7:30pm Article-Not So Heavenly 9-10 Pictures from BAC ski Trips 11 84th Annual FWSA Convention 12 2016 FWSA England & Ireland Adventure Trip/ Registration 13-14 BAC Officers 17 BAC Meetings: 7:30pm at the New Englander, San Leandro April 11— General Meeting April 18 — Board Meeting Paul Vlasveld BAC President Council Elections During the April 11, 2016 BAC General Council Meeting we will hold the final nominations and then vote for all elected offices of the Bay Area Snow Sports Council Board of Directors. Currently we have one (1) position without a nominee. This is Secretary. I know a number of you who would be perfect for this position along with being a true asset during the decision making process of our BAC BOD Meetings. Please contact myself or anyone one else on the current Bay Area Snow Sports Council with any questions. We also have a few Appointed Offices. In addition, if you want to volunteer to assist but not hold an office, we’d enjoy having you as a committee member! Club Reps, You can pick-up the following at the general meeting: 1. FWSA membership cards at the general meeting. 2. Far West Skier Guide. BAC Man & Woman of the Year It is my honor to congratulate the 2016 Man and Woman of the Year. Both have made major contributions to their club, Council, and FWSA. Mary Azevedo - Snowchasers Mike Ferketich – Rusty Bindings April, 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Travel We have had the following successful trips: Sun Peaks – Feb 27-Mar 4, 2016 I would like to thank Dennis Heffley for leading a very successful and fun trip to one of the largest ski resorts in Canada. Park City – Mar 10-Mar 15, 2016 – Once again the Park City trip was extremely successful. Thanks to Paula Kinahon for organizing such a fantastic trip. Watch for the information about trips coming in 2017: BAC mini trips: - Park City - Canada FWSA Ski week – Jan – Breckenridge. Watch for the Ski week trip announcement and when we will start taking trip deposits. WE would like all suggestions for other minitrips from the clubs. 84th Annual FWSA Convention courage your club members to sign-up as a group so the club can sit together. 2. Individual – Pay by Paypal thru the Paypal link at the website. Pebble Beach Golf – This event will be even bigger this year. Watch for more information. Racing The racing season finished on a high note at the FWRA Championships held on March 18-20 at Alpine Meadows. Several race teams from San Diego Council and LA Council gave our racing leagues plenty of competition. Open League had the most points. Open league -- openleagueracing/home Singles league -- As always, I would like to thank all the volunteers and board members that contribute to the continuing success of the Bay Area Snow Sports Council (BAC). Please do not hesitate to contact me with your ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Remember Bay Area Council of Ski Clubs (BAC) is your Council. The 2016 Far West Ski Association Convention, The mantra is – Keep the Snow coming June 9-12, in Scottsdale, AZ will open for regisPaul Vlasveld tration on March 1. You can now register by Bay Area Snow Sports Council (BAC) President downloading and sending in a form or register online and pay through Paypal. All of the registration materials are located on the web site. See the flyer in this month’s newsletter. conventions.html Upcoming events 11th annual A’s Game – We now have the Date & Pricing for the 11th Annual BAC Tailgate BBQ/ Oakland A’s Baseball Game & Fireworks Show. Proceeds benefit Achieve Tahoe (DSUSA). Date: August 11, 2016 Cost: Seats -- $34 Tailgate BBQ – TBD. You can sign-up one of 2 ways: 1. Club – Purchase a block of seats. EnApril, 2016 2 Calendar of Activities APRIL (nothing posted) THINGS TO COME MAY (nothing posted) (nothing posted) For more info/details go to [Calendar of Events] JUNE 9-12 84th Annual FWSA Convention, Scottsdale, AZ DIRECTOR REPORTS Director. Karen Davis nominated Mike Ferketich. Mike accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations. Dennis Heffley moved to The Englander – San Leandro close nominations. March 14, 2016 Nominations were opened for Communications Director. Dennie Warren was previously President Paul Vlasveld called nominated. There were no further nominations. the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Dennis Heffley moved to close nominations. Karen Davis The position of Website is appointed. Introductions by all in attenBAC Secretary The position of Communities is appointed, and dance. involves Achieve Tahoe, Far West Ski Foundation, and other charities. Past President: Dennis Heffley – Dennis reNominations were opened for Membership Diported that BAC’s Sun Peaks trip had 22 attenrector. Cathy Wilson was previously nominated. dees and was a great trip. Everything about Sun There were no further nominations. Harry Davis Peaks was exciting! moved to close nominations. Nominations were opened for BAC Treasurer. Secretary: Karen Davis – Harry Davis moved to Keith Wilson was previously nominated. There accept the Feb 8, 2016 meeting minutes; secwere no further nominations. Harry Davis moved onded by Dennis Heffley. The minutes were to close nominations. unanimously approved. Karen requested that Nominations were opened for Industry Liaison. everyone sign the sign-in sheet. Note that BAC wants contact info from all clubs to use with Ya- Dennis Heffley nominated Norm Glickman. Norm accepted the nomination. There were no further hoo groups to keep everyone informed. nominations. Harry Davis moved to close nominations. BAC Officer Nominations: Nominations will be opened this meeting, and Nominations were opened for Travel Director. Harry Davis nominated Gail Burns. Gail acin April with election in April. Term begins cepted the nomination. Dennie Warren nomiJuly 1. nated Dennis Heffley. Dennis respectfully deNominations were opened for BAC Secretary. clined the nomination. There were no further Karen Davis was previously nominated. Paula nominations at this meeting. Karen Davis moved Kinahon was previously nominated by has deto close nominations. clined the nomination. There were no further Nominations were opened for Benefits Director. nominations and Harry Davis moved to close Sandy Kiyomura was previously nominated. nominations. There were no further nominations. Harry Davis Nominations were opened for Public Affairs moved to close nominations. BAC Club President and Representative Meeting April, 2016 3 the club’s charity and/or community involvement. That information will go to FWSA. (2) BAC’s Hockey game will benefit the Far West The position of Marketing is appointed. Ski Foundation. Donations to the Foundation are Dennis Heffley moved to close officer nominatax deductible. Note that the deadline for hockey tions, to be reopened in April; seconded by Harry tickets has been extended, since skiers generally Davis. Approved by all. Note the election will be seem to procrastinate. The Foundation provides in April, and all officers take new positions effec- scholarships for downhill racers 14-16 yrs of age tive July 1. and support to the fly girls now in the Olympics. Dennis noted that the Barracuda hockey players Public Affairs: are NHL level players who will likely transition to BAC’s Man and Woman of the Year awards the Sharks team were presented by Paul Vlasveld. Mike Ferketich (3) BAC’s A’s game needs volunteers for a better is the Man of the Year and Mary Azevedo is the organized event. The event benefits Achieve TaWoman of the Year. This program is sponsored hoe. by Big White. Travel: Don and Veronica Shaver – PRESENTATION by Richard Schnabel – Rich- (1) The Telluride trip for Jan 30 – Feb 6 was exard’s “Keeping Warm” was presented to BAC cellent. (2) BAC’s Park City March 10-15, 2016 was exmembers. Richard will enter this presentation into the FWSA Safety Award program. Richard’s cellent. (3) BAC’s Sun Peaks, BC Canada, Feb 27–Mar points included Physiology, Thermodynamics, and Common Sense in keeping warm while ski- 4, 2016 was excellent. (4) The FWSA Ski Week will be Jan 28-Feb 4, ing, boarding, or being on the mountain. Condi2017, at Breckenridge. tions and staying warm are important aspects. (5) The FWSA Mini-Ski Week to Crested Butte The more fit someone is, the less sweating. To determine hydration, assess the color or urine. If on March 21-26, 2016 is coming up. urine is nearly clear, stop outside activity. Rich(6) Paul reported that if any clubs would like to ard addressed the principles of layering. It is a have a mini-trip or have a desired skiing location myth that most heat escapes through the head. BAC will help to set up that trip. However, if the head is exposed that is the largest exposed area. It is best to use a helmet or at FWSA Convention is June 9-12, 2016 in least a hat. When layering, use strategy for con- Scottsdale, AZ. FWSA has mailed packets to all ditions and plan on 3-4 layers. It is essential to clubs. The registration price goes up May 9. keep the body core warm. If the body is shiverMembership: Paula Kinahon – No report. ing, it is best to go inside. BAC General Meeting For all FWSA Awards and information including content entry, go to Treasurer: Keith Wilson – Keith reported that all accounts are in good shape. Communications: Dennie Warren – Dennie reported that the newsletter is now on the BAC website, after some difficulties. The newsletter becomes BAC’s historical record. Industry Liaison: Norman Glickman – Norm noted that resorts are posting next season pass rates and information. Note that a refund may be due to some Squaw/Alpine pass holders if they were unable to use current passes enough Website: Cathy Wilson - No report this year. Resorts appear to be getting rid of senBenefits: Sandy Kiyomura – No report. ior rates – check resort websites to learn about all ticket rates. The Mountain Collective offers Communities: Harry Davis – two days at various resorts, and the passholder (1) Harry asked all clubs to send him the name of can purchase unrestricted tickets at 50% cost. April, 2016 4 BAC General Meeting TRAVEL!!!!!!! Details are in Norm’s report in the BAC newsletter. Resorts have various specials; Boreal has $15 Fridays. Hello to all BAC members and fellow supporters. "Life is good." If it's not, change your Marketing: This position is open. course, and never be afraid of asking for help, Racing – Open and Singles: if you need it. Your Don & Veronica Shaver Paul reported that the Northstar races was canfriends will respond. BAC Travel Directors celled because of too much snow. FWRA offers As I write this note reduced rate lift tickets for the Finals at Alpine. A Don is still nursing a clinic is being held at Squaw on Friday, 3/18. horrible virus. He can't stop coughing, is conPacesetters are at Alpine. There is a Happy gested, but has a runny nose too. We are in Hour at River Ranch, with complementary appe- beautiful Mammoth to ski and just take in the tizers and a no host bar. The Open League beauty, and take notes for BAC. Today, it looks Awards Banquet is Saturday 3/19 at Granlibaklike I'm going to have to go out by myself, as Don ken. The Sunday race course is TBD, based on didn't sleep a wink. It's 9:00 AM, and I just bought weather and conditions. him some NyQuil. Ironic, but sleep is important. He told me though that he is so glad we came History: Mary Azevedo – here, (it's our first time), but won't be our last. Mary has compiled a BAC History and is submit- BAC has a lot of avid skiers, and this would make ting it to FWSA for a History Award. The report a great place for a mini or full ski week. We are covers 1940 – 2016. BAC will discuss the possi- staying at the Mammoth Mountain Lodge, which bility of hard copies, and also adding the report to is at the base of the Gondola, which takes you to the website. the mid mountain, or the top of the hill. It doesn't get any better than this. Mammoth has 3,500 Club Announcements: None skiable acres, 150 trails and 28 lifts. It is also the highest skiable terrain in CA., with a top elevation The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 pm by Paul of 11,053. The terrain is 15% expert, 20% adVlasveld, President. vanced, 40% Intermediate, and 25% beginner. Respectfully submitted by Karen Davis, Secretary There is plenty of skiing for everyone. One more Upcoming Events: awesome mountain to consider a group of us th coming together. 84 Annual Far West Convention – June 9-12, 2016, Double Tree Resort, Scottsdale AZ I know we are looking at a new BAC Travel rep. I 85th Annual Far West Convention – June 7-11, don't know if I'm at liberty to give the name yet. I 2017, Boise, Idaho can say this person sounds great, full of enthusiasm and more great ideas. I know BAC will conUpcoming Meetings: tinue to do well. We are a great group of people Next General Meetings – April 11, 2016 - 7:30 whose only motives are to continue a legacy of PM at The Englander (and officer elections) bringing like minded active people together to enMay 9, 2016 – 7:39 PM at The Englander gage in healthy fun activities at a price that allows Next BAC Board Meeting – March 21, 2016 almost anyone to join in. 7:30 PM at The Englander Have a great April. See you all soon. Don & Veronica Shaver BAC Travel Directors April, 2016 5 BAC General Meeting HELLO SKIERS AND RIDERS: It is hard to believe we are heading into April. Winter just moves on much too fast. There is still lots of snow on the mountains, Norman Glickman and now is a good time to Industry Liaison enjoy the slopes as the crowds start dwindling. Here is the latest information I could gather regarding planned closing dates, planned events at resorts and pre 2016-17 season pass sales. You may have noticed that many Tahoe resorts have already posted 201617 season pass prices in the middle of March and the deadlines for getting early bird prices. NEWS FROM THE RESORTS and CLOSING DATES: (If a resort is not listed or a date is not shown, it means the resort has not provided the information.) Boreal Mountain: From the resort: “We will be open until April 17th but the last week, (April) 11th through 17th, we will only be open from 10am to 6pm Bear Valley: Closes Sunday, April 10. On Saturday, April 9, DJ Eternal will be performing at Sky High Pizza. Also, on April 9th, Bear Valley will be serving a free lunch to all pass holders. (current 15/16 pass holders and new 16/17 pass holders). On Sunday, April 10, is the 11th Annual Slush Cup Ski Race, a fund raiser for the Bear Valley Ski Educational Foundation. It is open to skiers, snowboarders and telemarkers of all ages who are intermediate level and above. Entry fees are $35.00 for adults and $25.00 for kids 18 and under and includes a Slush Cup t-shirt. Interested individuals may register in advance online at, or register on race day and pay a $10.00 per racer surcharge. Homewood: Closing Date: 4/10/16. Mammoth Mountain: “Closing End of May or in June.” Mount Rose: Is planning to close on May 8th. April, 2016 6 “Will continue daily operations until April 24, then move to Thursday through Sunday operations for the final two weeks of the season.” RENEWAL Party is on April 23 at the Winters Creek Lodge: All Renewal Season Passes purchased by April 23 will be entered into a raffle for prizes including a Grand Prize Ski Trip to New Zealand. Also included in the raffle are 2 trips to Las Vegas, Skis, Snowboards, Dinners & Spa Treatments. Northstar California, Heavenly and Kirkwood: --All are scheduled to close April 17. Sierra at Tahoe: On Fri., April 8: “SIERRA FAM RAIL JAM”; Sat., April 9, is the SIERRA DUAL ON DYNAMITE, 8 am to 4 pm; $67 Competitor tickets are available at the Ticket Window. Also, on Sat., “JORTS JAM 2016”; and music from the Grateful Bluegrass Boys + Swamp Zen and All Things Amuurrrican. Location for both events: Sierra-at-Tahoe Soltice Plaza. See website for more details. On Sun. 04/10: 8TH ANNUAL SALSA SHOWDOWN + LIVE MUSIC. For more details Re. these events, go to the SAT website. Squaw Valley/Alpine Meadows: “No closing date set yet, but plans to stay open into May and offer the longest ski season in Tahoe.” FYI: Their website says that if you purchase a 201617 Super Pass now, you get free skiing until 5/31/16. 2016-2017 SEASON PASS SALES: Bear Valley: Bear Valley is launching the “BV Peaks Club, a year-round activity club for sports enthusiasts—“. The BV Peaks Club season pass includes access to skiing/riding plus discounts on products offered at the ski area and in the village. Summer activities are also included. To learn more about the BV Peaks Pass, go to: http:// All other BV 2016-2017 Season Passes are on sale. Holders of the “Forever” season pass must renew by 4/30/16 to avoid an increase in the pass price. The Forever Pass was introduced at the end of last season, which guaranteed no increase in season pass prices from season to BAC General Meeting season as long as the pass holder renews by 4/30 of the end of the season. And, first time buyers of a 2016-17 season pass can use it for the remainder of this season. Boreal Mountain/Woodward Tahoe: The two basic all mountain passes for 2016-17: ALLACCESS PASS: Unlimited access to Boreal Mountain Resort and Woodward Tahoe, and UNLIMITED PASS: Unlimited access to skiing/ riding at Boreal Mountain. Both of the above passes includes 4 FREE days at Diamond Peak Resort on any day throughout the 2016-17 season, except during blackout dates. Go to for additional instructions and restrictions. Boreal resort is included in the M.A.X. Pass (Maximum Alpine Experience) as an add on to the ALL ACCESS PASS for $299.00. This gives you access to the 24 other resorts in North America that are covered under the M.A.X. pass. 2 Teen/Child passes) The other package is called the Heritage 3 Generations Pass, and includes 6 season passes (2 Adult, 2 Teen/Child, 2 Senior/ Super Senior). The cost of your pass depends on whether you are a new or returning pass holder, or are a LOCAL. Local and returning pass holders pay the same discounted price off the early bird pricing, while new (non local) purchasers pay the full early bird price. Returning 2015/16 Season Passholders are also eligible for the Local/Returning Season Pass pricing. First time purchasers of a 2016/17 Season Pass can ski or ride free for the rest of the 2015/16 season. Passholders receive: --5 Buddy Passes per season that entitle their guests to save 30% off the price of daily lift tickets. --10% off food & beverage purchases at Homewood (not valid for alcohol) --10% off rentals, demos and retail goods at Homewood --Skiing/snowboarding privileges at Red Lodge Mountain Resort, Montana (no blackouts) Diamond Peak: Their “Early Bird” 2016-17 sea- --4 days non-holiday skiing/snowboarding at Diason pass sale runs through April 30, 2016.” Pass- mond Peak Resort holders who purchase next season’s pass now --Discounts to Incline Village Golf Courses for the can use it to ski or snowboard for the remainder 2016 golf season of the 2015-16 ski season. Season passes are available to buy online, at Diamond Peak, or the Mount Rose: Has announced pricing for 2016Incline Village Recreation Center. Ages 6 and 17 season passes. New purchasers can use it under and age 80 and over ski or ride for FREE for the remainder of this season and all of the (determined by pass holders age on 12/1/2016). 2016-17 winter season: Show your 2016-17 Diamond Peak Season Pass Adult PREMIER (age 24+): $479; Young Adult to receive (4) free bonus lift tickets (non-holiday) PREMIER (age 16-23): $349; Child PREMIER at each of these partner resorts: Boreal, Home(age 6-15): $229; Midweek (all ages): $379; wood, June Mountain, Bogus Basin, Red Lodge, SPRING BEGINNER Pass (age 11+): $199 Lee Canyon, Whitefish, Purgatory, Sipapu, PREMIER: Valid 7 days/week-No Blackouts; MIDWEEK: Mon-Fri excluding 12/26-30/2016 Arizona Snowbowl, and Pajarito. Go to http:// Spring Beginner Pass: Is valid for the remainder passes-pass-perks for information on how to ac- of the 2015-16 season. Lift access is restricted to certain lifts. Check the resort’s website for cess lift tickets at those resorts complete details. It includes unlimited daily use Homewood: Is offering 2016-17 season passes of rental equipment; unlimited group beginner’s lessons; & bonus $100 credit toward purchase of for Adults (19-61), Seniors (62-69), Super Sena 2016-17 season pass. iors (70+), Teens (13-18, and child (5-12). Children under the age of 5 ski/ride for free. There There was no season pass listed for the TYKE are 2 pass packages available at a combined price: One is a Combined Family Pass (2 Adult, category, kids younger than age 6. According to April, 2016 7 19, 2017. BAC General Meeting WORRY-FREE GUARANTEE applies to gold and silver passes. If you don't ski or ride at least 5 days on your 2016-17 Tahoe Gold or Silver Super Pass, you will receive credit up to 4 days towards your 2017-18 pass. The amount of rollover Sierra at Tahoe: Is offering a “Keepin” it Real account credit for each unused day (up to 4 days) Unlimited Season Pass and a Value Season Pass (Sun –Fri. plus holiday restrictions) for 2016 depends on the type of pass you buy and your -17. Go to their website for additional information. age group. Go to for pric2016/17 passes purchased now, allow you to ski/ ing information and to purchase. Early bird pricing is good thru April 19th. Ski or ride free for the ride FREE the rest of this season. It also inremainder of this season for first time purchasers cludes 4 days at Squaw/Alpine* (non-holiday) of any Tahoe Super Pass. and $50 BFF (bring a friend/family) tickets. Restrictions Apply. Sierra at Tahoe is a member of Sugar Bowl / Royal Gorge: Is offering unrethe Powder Alliance, a partnership of 14 resorts stricted and slightly restricted season passes to in western North America. Unlimited season pass holders get 3 days (Sun.-Fri. non holidays) Sugar Bowl only, or a combined pass to Sugar Bowl and Royal Gorge. The unrestricted pass at each of the other 13 powder alliance resorts. Go to for more infor- includes 4 unrestricted days at Squaw Valley/ mation on getting lift tickets when visiting one of Alpine Meadows resort. The slightly restricted pass includes 3 days at Squaw/Alpine with holithose resorts day restrictions. There are many pass age cateSquaw Valley/Alpine Meadows: THE 2016-17 gories. Go to TAHOE SUPER PASS-- Ski and ride Squaw Val- for pricing details and sale deadlines. New 201617 season pass purchasers can use it to ski/ride ley and Alpine Meadows with the Tahoe Super Sugar Bowl for the rest of this season. Pass: Gold pass: Unrestricted; Worry Free Guarantee Silver Pass: 10 Blackout days; Worry Free Guar- Epic and Tahoe Local Passes: These passes cover skiing and riding at the following California antee Bronze Pass: 17 Blackout days; does not include resorts: Heavenly Mountain Resort, Kirkwood, and Northstar California. There are a multitude worry free guarantee of pass options, along with pass benefits and Gold pass holders get 2 free days at Zermatt, Switzerland, and unlimited 50% discounts on lift perks. Go to for a complete detickets at Mountain Collective resorts. Plus, Gold scription of all pass options and perks. and Silver pass holders get limited days at Sierra -at-Tahoe and Sugar Bowl. Gold Passholders get Direct any questions or comments to: (4) days at each resort, valid any day starting De- cember 12, 2016. Silver Passholders get (2) Your Industry Liaison days at each resort, valid any day starting December 12, 2016 except December 26 - 31, 2016; January 14 - 15, 2017; and February 18 – Norman Glickman the website, TYKE lift tickets FOR AGES 5 and under are $15. April, 2016 8 It Wasn’t So Heavenly After All.. Karen Soo Trip Director It’s been over 5 years since the Nisei Ski Club went to Heavenly. There’s never a dull moment with these Nisei Ski Club weekend trips. We actually got a bus load of 36 people. Eight people were on our trip for the first time. Some found us on the internet, NSC members bringing new friends and 2 boarders from Santa Cruz Ski Club. Social media does works here. We started our adventure with same planned routine. The bus picked up half the group from San Jose and made their way up the other half at El Cerrito Community Center. Grady was our gracious, skilled driver. Once our skis and luggage was stowed away, we were finally on our way. The Nisei Ski Club ski trips are all about the food. We served a delicious dinner - Chicken Thai Green Curry over rice with Mango pudding as our dessert. There was no chain control on our way to the south shore, so we arrived at the Blue Lake Inn by 12:15am. Room keys were distributed and everyone scurried off to their rooms. On Saturday morning, lift tickets were distributed and everyone walk 150 yards to the Gondola to find out that the Gondola was not running. We also found out that the entire Nevada side of Heavenly was CLOSED DOWN. Everyone had to squeezed into the crowded shuttle bus and take the lift chair from California Lodge. Since I was the one of the last person to depart from the motel, I did not get my first run in until 11:00am. What was the problem here? We heard there were high winds at the higher elevation and a dried tree had fallen over the transformer causing the power to go out. You can just imagine the crowds’ cueing in line. We basically jumped on to the singles line to help add runs to our day. I skied a total of 7800 vertical feet for the day. Everyone made it back to Amy and David Tsuhako’s room where we broke out the beer, wine and snacks. (Imagine squeezing in 36 people into a motel room) We heard from the locals that the Nevada side was going to be closed again on Sunday. We decided not to take that chance and voted to go to Sierra At Tahoe. Mmm maybe it was the local’s way of telling us to go somewhere else. Thanks to Sandy K (BAC Benefits Director) who made a few phone calls and a few quick emails, group rate lift tickets were ready for us when we arrived at Sierra at Tahoe. We all got on the mountain by 9:30am and we had fresh POWDER. Sierra was very accommodating and it definitely made up our day from Saturday’s skiing fiasco. When we left Sierra it was snowing and it took an hour just to get out of the parking lot. By the time we were on Highway 50, Amy served her dinner. A new recipe - Sesame chicken pita wrap with pickled carrot/daikon/onions/lettuce/cilantro topped with a squirt of hoisin sauce and shiracha mayo, plus a side of edamame and a cream cheese brownie for dessert. She definitely went all for our hungry patrons. It was smooth sailing home but we did get in El Cerrito at 10:30pm and the bus arrived at San Jose April, 2016 9 around 11:15pm. We all make it home safely. No skiing accidents reported. We met some new people and we all had a great time. Unfortunately, NSC Trip 2 is cancelled due to lack of sign ups. For the few who signed up for Trip 2, we are planning a car caravan trip. Stay tune for next month’s article on this adventure.. Waiting for the shuttle at Heavenly - Santa Cruz PeepsAryeh + Nicole, Amy + David Snowboarders Andrea + Rick We’re finally on the slopes – Wes, Margaret, Curtis, Morgan, Greg April, 2016 10 Powder Ski Day at Sierra at Tahoe - David M John Houseman, Dave Silva and Steve Tadevich approach the Bonanza ski lift from their rustic and quaint Ski-In/Ski-Out accommodations at the recent BAC Park City, Utah ski trip. Nancy Green (second from left) visiting with CVSC club members Erica & Dave Meinhardt & Eva Lanphear at the BAC Sun Peaks, B.C. ski trip. April, 2016 11 April, 2016 12 April, 2016 13 April, 2016 14 Board of Directors PRESIDENT PAUL VLASVELD 408-247-6472 PAST—PRESIDENT DENNIS HEFFLEY SECRETARY KAREN DAVIS TREASURER KEITH WILSON MEMBERSHIP PAULA KINAHON 510-357-6127 TRAVEL DON & VERONICA SHAVER 209-543-4871 PUBLIC AFFAIRS (OPEN) BENEFITS SANDY KIYOMURA 510-865-5496 COMMUNICATIONS DENNIE WARREN 510-759-3415 MARKETING (OPEN) INDUSTRY LIAISON NORMAN GLICKMAN 530-906-4328 Committee Directors HISTORY MARY AZEVEDO 925-944-9816 COMMUNITIES HARRY DAVIS 925-686-3774 WEBMASTER JENN/CATHY WILSON DIRECTORY SALES DIRECTORY EDITOR DENNIE WARREN League Officers SINGLES LEAGUE PRESIDENT KARL SMITH SINGLES LEAGUE RACING JOHN WALSH OPEN LEAGUE RACING DEBI PHELPS Website/Phone Numbers BAC Web Site BAC Newsletter email April, 2016 Singles League Racing Open League Racing Far West Ski—Association Far West Ski—Racing Web Cams on the Slopes Road conditions 800-427-7623 or Weather Natl Ski Council Fed 15 Ski with Pride, Let it Ride, Watch all Sides First with Safety Awareness Slogan sponsored by Bay Area Council of Ski Clubs PO Box 6480 San Jose, CA 95150 BAC meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Englander Restaurant, 101 Parrot Street, San Leandro, CA (510) 357-3571 April, 2016 16