August 31, 2014 - Corpus Christi, Detroit
August 31, 2014 - Corpus Christi, Detroit
Corpus Christi Catholic Community “Building the Body of Christ” 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31, 2014 Reflection: “What Truly Satisfies” Dear Corpus Christi . . . . . . thank you for your donation of $1993.00 to the Mission Appeal made by Fr. Roger Nyimi on August 9 and 10. Your sacrifice constitutes a real help for our men and women in the field. Much can be accomplished because of your enthusiasm and support. Our gratitude will find its fullest expression in our daily prayers for your special intentions. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop Mbuka Cyprien, CICM "What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?" Profit and gain. Most of us would be happy to experience these things. In our capitalist economy, profit is the point. Gain is the goal. Thought of in terms of money or possessions, having plenty of them often offers us a sense of security and sometimes a kind of pleasure. But today Jesus warns us about putting too much stock in this kind of worldly security. It's important to recognize that Jesus isn't condemning money or possessions in and of themselves. But he is advocating a radical rethinking of our priorities. In a way, he turns everything upside down. Instead of giving us tips to "gain the whole world," Jesus instructs us to take up our cross and follow him, and to lose our life for his sake. This is not a message about gain but about loss. At least, that's how it appears on the surface. When we take up our cross — embracing the sacrifices that come with our vocation, or accepting the sufferings that inevitably cross our path — it may not gain us immediate relief, but it will unite us to Christ who suffered for us on the cross. When we lose our life for his sake — giving of our time, our talents, (continued on page 3) Diocese of Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo Inside This Issue ... < Come And Meet Jesus Page 3 Reflections by Sr Therese Mac Kinnon < Need Health Insurance? Help is available to assist you or someone you know with Healthy Michigan Plan applications < Gift Of Peace Morning Retreat Page 6 Men and women struggling to find the gift of peace in their lives are invited to a day of prayer Wed, Sep 10 < Bring Your Grandchild To Mass! Sun, Sep 7 is National Grandparents Day! Invite your grandchild to worship with you - details inside Page 5 Page 2 Corpus Christi Directory Rev. Donald Archambault, Pastor 313-537-5770 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Thu, 9:30 am – 8:00 pm, Fri, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm Sat, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Weekend Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 am & 11 am Parish Center: Phone: E-mail: Website: Daily & Holy Day Masses: See next column. 19800 Pembroke Ave, Detroit MI 48219-2145 (313) 537-5770 Fax: (313) 537-5773 Convent Building 19910 Evergreen Rd Outreach Center 16000 Pembroke Ave School Building 19900 Evergreen Rd (313) 535-2340 (313) 272-0990 Administrative Assistant (313) 272-0990 Mr. Gene Snyders Christian Service Director (313) 272-0990 Mr. Curtis Simpson Jr Community Development Coordinator (313) 459-6008 Mr. Yusef Shakur Faith Formation Director (313) 537-5770 Sr. Therese Mac Kinnon Maintenance Coordinators (313) 537-5770 Mr. Michael Cotton Mr. Vernard Plain Ministers of Music (313) 537-5770 Ms. Michelle Baines Ms. Fannie Larkins Parish Office Staff (313) 537-5770 Mrs. Miriam Hudson Mr. Robert Jones Mr. Kristopher Lamarr Ms. Soraya Parent Ms. Elizabeth Thomas Pastoral Associate (313) 537-5770 Deacon Paul Mueller Pastoral Minister (313) 272-0990 Ms. Mary Davis Young Adult Ministry Coordinator (313) 272-0990 Mr. Curtis Simpson Jr Youth Ministry Coordinator (313) 622-2160 Mrs. Michele Hudson Deacon Emeritus Mr. Al Hogrebe (586) 549-1463 Parish Council President Mr. Aaron Brown (734) 239-2981 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Private confessions each Saturday at 3:30 pm. Opportunity for private confessions can be arranged any time by appointment. Communal reconciliation services are held during Advent and Lent. Sick Calls and Communion Calls: Please notify the parish office when there is serious illness in your household. We are always happy to visit the sick in our parish and, whenever possible, to visit hospital and nursing home patients as well. We appreciate being notified so we may keep the sick in prayer and place them on our prayer list. Baptisms: Call the Parish Office for an Infant Baptism Packet. Weddings: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months before the wedding. Bulletin Copy: Email your copy to or submit to parish office by Tuesday prior to publication. August 31, 2014 This Week at Corpus Christi Monday, September 1 9:00 am Mass Tuesday, September 2 8:30 am Mass 1:00 pm GOF Core Team 6:00 pm Financial Freedom Course Wednesday, September 3 St Gregory the Great, pope & doctor of the Church 8:30 am Mass 6:30 pm New Hope Board Thursday, September 4 8:30 am Mass 11:00 am Legion of Mary 5:00 pm NWDYC Executive Committee 6:30 pm Knights of Peter Claver 7:00 pm Stewardship Commission 7:00 pm GOF Design Team Friday, September 5 Saturday, September 6 9:30 am Worship Commission 2:00 pm Recovery Group 4:00 pm Mass Sunday, September 7 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd II/III 10:30 am Noah’s Ark Nursery 10:30 am Choir 11:00 am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd I 11:00 am Mass/Liturgy of the Word w/ Children 1:00 pm Choir 2:30 pm BMO Executive Committee 4:00 pm Better Men Outreach May the gracious care of the LORD our God be ours; prosper the work of our hands for us! Prosper the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17 Page 3 Come And Meet Jesus by Sr. Therese Mac Kinnon August 31, 2014 Reflection: “What Truly Satisfies” (continued from page 1) Many tim es people wish that they lived back in the time of Jesus so that they could meet him in person. The truth is that we do m eet Jesus in m any special ways: in people, in nature, through the Bible, and very uniquely in the sacram ents of the Catholic Church. This Septem ber we are beginning classes to prepare children, young people and adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism , Eucharist and Confirm ation. Registration inform ation is available in the back of church. W e ask that you register as soon as possible so that we can order enough materials. and our treasure for the sake of those we love or those in need — it may not fill our pocketbooks, but it will fill our hearts. Children 7 years of age or older who are in second grade or above are eligible to prepare to receive the sacram ents of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This class helps the children appreciate the great gift that Jesus gave us of him self in the Eucharist. Classes begin Saturday, Septem ber 27, at 10:00 am . in Classroom 5 (the “atrium ”) in the school building. Perceptions Of The Faithful Any young person 12 years of age or older in eighth grade or high school m ay begin preparation to receive the sacram ent of Confirm ation. During their preparation to receive the sacram ent of Confirm ation, the students learn about the gift of our Catholic faith and what privileges and responsibilities they have as Catholic Christians. There will be a m eeting for students, parents and sponsors on Sunday, Septem ber 28, 12:30 p.m . in the rectory basem ent. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or Really Clear Interesting Accepting is the process is for adults who wish to join the Catholic Church, for adult Catholics who wish to receive the sacram ent of Confirm ation, and for Catholics who m ay have been away from the church for awhile and want to get updated on their faith. Our first m eeting will be on Sunday, Septem ber 28, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the rectory dining room . Generations of Faith this year will continue our study of the Bible. Our them e this year will be Journey Toward God : W alking with People of the Bible. W e will study people who are “m easuring sticks” for us and our relationship with God. How do we find God in our relationships? Among the Biblical characters we will study are: Joseph and his brothers, Ruth, Naomi and other wom en in the Old Testam ent, Peter, Matthew, Zacchaeus and other disciples, Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Lydia, Priscilla, Mary, and others — and of course, our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. W atch the bulletin and listen for m ore information com ing soon. Please contact me at 414-801-0100 or 313-537-5770 for m ore information. — Sr. Therese Jesus wants our lives to be full. Full of love, full of peace, full of joy. Today he rem inds us to be sure we aren't so full of other "stuff" that we have no room left for what truly satisfies. Jesus prom ises that in losing our life for his sake, we will find it in the end. May we have the confidence to put our trust in this promise. Written by Gina Loehr © 2013 Liturgical Publications Inc Parish-specific results of the Perceptions of the Faithful survey done in Novem ber 2013 are now available online at These findings include profile data on the registered households at each parish, US Census facts for the parish territory, sacram ental trends, and summary financial inform ation. Archdiocesan staff is supporting pastors and parish lay leaders in using this inform ation to refine parish planning and budgeting. DISCOVER TRUE FINANCIAL FREEDOM! The 7 Steps To Becom ing Financially Free six-week sm all group study, presented by Phil Lenahan via DVD, offers a solid Catholic perspective to understanding the necessary nuts and bolts of financial m anagem ent, budgeting, and investing. The course will begin Tuesday, September 2. Contact Curtis Sim pson Jr. at 313-272-0990 or curtis_sim and let him know you are interested in participating in the course. THEOLOGY ON TAP M onday, Septem ber 8, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Hard Rock Cafe 45 M onroe Street, Detroit Join young adults, 18 - 35, for food, fellowship, fantastic speakers, and faith. This m onth’s topic is “The Nature of Spiritual Direction,” presented by Patricia Cooney-Hathaway. Free parking available behind the structure behind Com puware building. Contact Curtis Sim pson Jr. if you’d like to attend with a Corpus Christi group. Page 4 3 Storytellers Event The Detroit Association of Black Storytellers will present Inspiring Our Children For Tomorrow’s Future on Saturday Septem ber 6 at 3:00 p.m . in the C h arles H. W righ t Museum , 315 East W arren Avenue, Detroit. Tickets are $5/child (includes a membership to the CHW M) and $10/adult. Tickets may be purchased at or at the door. For more inform ation, call313-442-3227 or visit . 3 Young Eagles Program The Experim ental Aircraft Association, the Tuskegee Airm en National Museum , and the Detroit Chapter of the Tusgekee Airm en are offering their Young Eagles program to instill passion in flying am ong area youth. The program , which began in 1992, is held on Sundays (rem aining dates are Septem ber 14, and October 12) from 10:00 a.m . to 2:00 p.m . at the Colem an A. Young International Airport. There is no cost. For more inform ation, contact Carlton W alker at 248-943-5535. 3 New School Year, New Rules The beginning of the academ ic year is a great tim e for parents to call a fam ily m eeting and talk to their children about establishing the fam ily rules and setting goals for school, hom e, and outside activities. Here are som e rules subm itted by parents who have launched faithful, com passionate, fit, well-balanced, and smart kids to college: August 31, 2014 3 TCC Head Start Academy An early childhood education program (in the Corpus Christi school building) for children ages 3 to 5 in the 48219 zip code. There is no cost for the program. To learn more or to enroll your child, call 313-481-5114. 3 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious form ation of children rooted in the Bible and the liturgy of the church. CGS Level I for preschool and kindergarten children is offered on Sundays during the 11:00 a.m . Mass. CGS Level II and Level III for children ages 6 to 11 takes place on Sunday m ornings from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.; CGS II m oves deeper into the scriptural and liturgical content introduced to the children during the Level I sessions. All children m ust be registered for this faith form ation program . Registration brochures are available in the gathering space of the church or you m ay call the parish office to register your children. 3 Fall Infant Baptism Preparation Preparation for Baptism s of infants and young children (thru age 6) is held at Corpus Christi Parish four tim es a year. Our 3-part Fall Infant Baptism Preparation will be held on Saturdays (Sept 27, Oct 4 & 11) from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m . in the rectory basem ent. The Rite of Baptism will be celebrated on Sunday, October 12. The parish Called To Celebrate Baptism program is designed to help you to prepare for this special day in your child’s life. Participants join with other families in exploring the Sacram ent of Baptism and the com mitm ent it requires of you as parents. Sessions include personal reflection, sharing, and dialogue. A special welcom e is extended to non-Catholic parents to participate in these sessions and share their stories. The goals of Called To Celebrate Baptism are: ! No TV, video gam es, or recreational com puter tim e during the week. Tim e on weekends is lim ited to three hours total over the two-day period. ! Kids do not receive a phone until high school and they m ay not keep it in their bedroom at night. < To welcom e and invite you to a deeper involvem ent in the life of the Corpus Christi Parish com munity ! Each child m akes their bed and straightens their room every m orning and has a daily job (like em ptying the dishwasher, taking out garbage) in the evening. < To lead you to a deeper understanding of the Sacram ent of Baptism and the commitment it requires of you < ! If you have a phone, it is put away for the night at 7 p.m . so you can focus on homework (later for juniors and seniors in high school). To help you discern whether you are ready to celebrate your child’s Baptism < To support and strengthen your relationship with the Church < To prepare you to enter into the liturgical celebration of your child’s Baptism with “full, conscious, and active participation” ! Each child m ust participate in a sport or extracurricular each sem ester. ! Children m ay not be at a friend’s house if the parent isn’t hom e . (excerpted from At Home With Our Faith September 2014, Claretian Publications) Please call the parish office at 313-537-5770 to register or for more inform ation. Page 5 BULLETIN BOARD EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Detroit Parent Network is seeking a full-tim e Parent Organizer to work with up to 12 DPS schools to ensure strong parent organization and multiple parent strategies to increase engagem ent and opportunities to support parents with a focus on student achievement. The Parent Organizer m ust also provide program m ing support and recruitm ent for their Parent Resource Center. Salary range is $25,000 - $32,000. Applicants m ust fax (313-8320623) or email ( to Attn R. D. Allen. No phone inquiries. Call parish office for copy of job description. HEALTH INSUR ANCE AVAILABLE: Sinai-Grace Hospital is assisting the com munity with Healthy Michigan Plan applications. The Healthy Michigan Plan covers low-incom e people (less than $16,000 for a single person, less than $34,000 for a fam ily of four) who are aged 19-64, not currently eligible for Medicaid, not in or qualified for Medicare, not pregnant at tim e of application, and residents of the State of Michigan. Get help enrolling by calling 888-362-2500 or stop by the m ain lobby at DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital. W alk-in appointm ents available Monday - Friday, 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS: Ellis Manor, a senior community providing full service for their residents, is now opening its waiting list for seniors age 62+ w ith a m a xim u m in com e of $22,650/single and 22,850/couple. Ellis Manor Apartm ents are located at 19200 Shiawassee, Detroit. For more inform ation call 313-592-4991. CATHOLIC CRUISE TO THE CARIBBEAN: 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise Novem ber 29 th Decem ber 6 th, 2014 on Holland Am erica Statendam out of Miam i, Florida. Ports of Call include Philipsburg, Saint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, St. Thom as, USVI, Nassau, Baham as, and Miam i, Florida. Daily Mass. Prices begin at $1490 for two passengers (includes port fees and taxes); $250 deposit per person. Call 860-399-1785 or email . ATTENTION VETERANS: The Am erican Legion Post 202 is seeking new m em bers. For m ore information, call Fred Sylvester at 248-372-1883. HANDYMAN AVAILABLE: Parish m ember. Reasonable prices. References available on request. Call David at 1-631-960-6596. August 31, 2014 Time & Talent Opportunities G Coffee/Donuts Volunteer Volunteers are needed to help provide Coffee/Donut fellowship after our 11:00 Mass by serving on a team or serving as a substitute. Tasks include serving donuts, collecting donations, and clean up. Please call Brenda Tillman at 313-212-2774 to sign up or for m ore information. G Sunday Bus Drivers Bus drivers are needed to transport parishioners to and from the 11:00 M ass; m ust be a registered m ember of the parish. Background check required. Call the parish office at 313-537-5770. G Children’s Tutor The St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center( corner of Burt Road and Grand River) is looking for volunteers to work one-on-one with 1 st - 5 th graders in their free after-school tutoring program on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm ; their focus is on math, language arts, and encouragem ent. Contact Beth Kraft at 313-535-9200 ext. 3104 or email G GED Tutor The St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center is looking for volunteers to work one-on-one with adults to prepare them for the GED test. Times and locations are: SVSF Main Cam pus, 20900 Grand Tuesdays @ 9 am @ 11am W ednesdays @ 9 am @ 11 am Thursdays @ 9 am @ 11 am and @ 6 pm River Ave @ 6 pm @ 1:30 pm @ 1:30 pm SVSF East Side Cam pus, 9641 Harper Ave (NSO Harper-Gratiot Service Center) Mondays @ 9 am SVSF Central Campus, 1200 Oakm an Boulevard (Focus:HOPE MTI Building) W ednesdays @ 9 am @ 1 pm Select a day and tim e that works for your schedule and Beth Kraft, Director of Volunteer Intern Services, at 313-535-9200 ext. 3104 or email Page 6 COMING EVENTS: 9/6 9/6-8 TASTE OF LEBANON St. Sharbel Maronite Church, an Eastern Rite Catholic church located at 31601 Schoenherr Road, Warren, will host the 7 th Annual Taste of Lebanon Festival Saturday - M onday, Septem ber 6 -8. The festival will offer a rich sam pling of Lebanese traditions, including authentic Lebanese food, entertainm ent, and a vendor and craft fair. For m ore information, visit . 9/7 SUNDAY FILM SERIES Finding God In The Dark: Viewing Films That Make A Difference is offered on the first Sunday of each month at Visitation North Spirituality Center, 7227 Lahser Road, Bloom fields Hills. The First Grader (2010) will be shown on Sunday, Septem ber 7 from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m . The film is a heart-warm ing and inspiring true story of an 80+ Kenyan m an who is desperate to learn to read even if it m eans sitting in a classroom alongside six-year-olds. Facilitated by Kathie Budesky, IHM . Freewill offering. Call 2484 3 3 -0 9 5 0 fo r m ore in fo r m a tio n or v is it 9/9 SEMINAR WITH FR KELLY SJ Seeking A Credible Faith: How My Mind Has Changed (And Remained The Same) is the topic of an 8-week seminar with Fr. Justin Kelly, SJ beginning Tuesday, Septem ber 9 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House. Reflect on your own spiritual and theological journey in its similarity to and difference from that of Fr. Kelly. A series of readings, biblical, literary, theological, and psychological will be assigned to help develop the issues discussed. Cost is $150. Call 248-644-4933 for details or to register. 9/10 Retreat Schedule HOLY HOUR St. Joseph Parish in South Lyon is hosting Holy Hours on the 1st Saturday of the month at 7:00 p.m . in the church (830 South Lafayette, South Lyon MI 48178). The next Holy Hour will be Saturday, Septem ber 6. All are welcome. SENIOR FITNESS CLASSES Free Enhance Fitness® classes will be offered at Providence W ellness Center (across from Providence Hospital Main Entrance), 15990 W 9 Mile Road, Southfield from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m . on M ondays & Wednesdays, starting Septem ber 10. The twoday/week fitness class for the m ature participant will offer stretching, flexibility, low-im pact aerobics and strength training. Call St. John Providence Health Connect at 866-501-3627 to register. August 31, 2014 < Fri, Sep 5 - Sun, Sep 7 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend (Spanish) @ St Mary’s Retreat House 775 W Drahner, Oxford Rachel’s Vineyard weekends are a beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the em otional or spiritual pain of abortion. This Spanish-speaking weekend is a specific process designed to help you experience the mercy and com passion of God. To register, or for more inform ation on the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat schedule, call Christine at 248-494-6363. < Mon, Sep 8, 9:30 am - 11:30 am W om en-to-W om en @ M anresa Jesuit Retreat House 1390 Quarton Road, Bloom field Hills You are warmly invited to com e for coffee, conversation, prayer, and faith sharing. Life is challenging and we all need to re-energize, to be heard, affirm ed, spiritually nourished, and renewed. Com e as you are, and grow with others in Christ. No registration is necessary. Facilitated by Diane Neville. Donations are gratefully accepted. < Wed, Sep 10, 9:45 am - 12:00 noon M orning Retreat: “Gift Of Peace” @ St Mary’s Retreat House 775 W Drahner, Oxford Open to m en and wom en. If you are struggling to find the gift of peace in your life, you are invited to attend this day of prayer.Sr. Maria DeMonte, OP will be the presenter. Free will offering. Soup and bread lunch at 12:00 noon. For m ore information or to reserve a seat, call Dom inican Sisters of Peace Retreat Ministries at 248-628-3894. < Tue, Sept 16, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Praying W ith The Body Yoga Retreat @ St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center 23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit Open to all seekers. Learn how yoga can accompany your Christian walk and explore worship through devotional body prayer. Cost is $80/person and includes 2 yoga classes, Yoga Foundations and Philosophy, Exploration of Christian Meditation, vegetarian lunch/snacks, and course m aterials. Call 313-535-9563 or visit Page 7 August 31, 2014 Sunday Collection Report by Gene Snyders Question of the Week $ W eekly Budget: 7,275.00 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Sunday Offerings 8/17/2014 $ 8,122.73 Shortfall for the Budget Year: $ .00 Stewardship Thoughts In the Liturgy of the W ord, a central them e em erges: doing God’s will. Although reluctant, the prophet Jerem iah , because of his close relationship with God, is inspired to do God’s will in prophesy against the c o m m u n it y lea ders’ id o l worship and injustice to the poor. St. Paul, in his Letter to the Rom ans, encourages them to find God’s will by transform ing and renewing their m inds and bodies to what is good, pleasing, and perfect to Him . Jesus follows His Father’s will by telling the disciples in St. Matthew’s Gospel that He will suffer, die, and be raised on the third day. For Christian stewards, the ultim ate scenario for discipleship is to draw closer to Christ by seeking the Father’s will, and then doing it. For the faithful steward, the result is trem endous fulfillment and peace in this life. Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any w ant to becom e my follow ers, let them deny them selves and take up their cross and follow m e.” (M atthew 16:24) Adult: In w hat concrete w ays do you take up your cross and follow Jesus? Child: W hen has it been difficult to be a follow er of Jesus? Scriptures for the Week Sunday: M onday: Tuesday: W ednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Jer 20:7-9/Rom 12:1-2/M t 16:21-27 1 Cor 2:1-5/Lk 4:16-30 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Lk 4:31-37 1 Cor 3:1-9/Lk 4:38-44 1 Cor 3:18-23/Lk 5:1-11 1 Cor 4:1-5/Lk 5:33-39 1 Cor 4:6b-15/Lk 6:1-5 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/M t 18:15-20 CSA Minute: Please Pray For The Deceased Evangelization Cardinal Edmund Szoka (8/20) Archdiocese of Detroit Parishes will have the opportunity to learn how to begin a process of "intentional evangelization" at a two-day ChristLife Training Conference at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Parish on Septem ber 12 and 13. Dave Nodar, founder of ChristLife will be am ong the presenters at the conference, which is sponsored by the archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and funded in part by your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal. Established in 1995, ChristLife is an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Baltim ore. It's mission is to equip Catholics for the work of evangelization through the training of parishes and Catholic m inistries. Maurice Mills (8/29) son of Etta Bagley Heavenly Father, welcome home those whom you have called from this world and grant peace and consolation to their families and friends. Please Pray For Those In The Military: Jared Brooks (Marines), Anthony Carson (Army), Anthony Ford (Army), Jonah LaTour, Jon LaTour, John Maurer (Air Force), Robbie Mayes (Marines), Christopher Moniere (National Guard), Jonathan Singleton (Army), Kelly Sionkowski-Jackson (Air Force), Corey Sullivan (Army), Christopher Summers (Army), and Lance Walker II (Army). Page 8 September 1 thru September 7 August 31, 2014 Monday 8:30 am + Fr. Edmund Muir (req by Corpus Christi Parish) Tuesday 8:30 am + Hilda Jeffries (req by Corpus Christi Parish) Wednesday 8:30 am + John Boyd (req by Corpus Christi Parish) Thursday 8:30 am + Elihu Ryan (req by Corpus Christi Parish) Friday 8:30 am No Mass or Communion Service Saturday 4:00 pm + Helen Young (req by Fr. Don Archambault) 9:00 am 11:00 am + Fannie Agee (req by The Women’s Society) + Betty Haas (req by the Jim Pappas Family) Sunday » Please call 313-537-5770 to rem ove a nam e or add a nam e to our prayer lists « Please Pray For Our Sick Members: Maureen Beger Synia Benjamin Frieda Boyd Evelyn Brantley Gwen Bryson Alelia Busby Angeline Butler Joe Cagle Sr Walter Carson Aggie Conti Veronica Conway Jefferie Cook Sr. Sheri Dargin Kevin DeMatas Chris Dorais Pecorlia Dorsey MiShawn Earl Ann El-Hajj Marie Fetzer M a ry Ann Fla na ga n Renita Fletcher Shelley Forter Branch Gassoway Rosemary Givens Martha Harris John Heath Terrie Henderson Mary C. Hustoles Warren Jaynes Roswitha Jordan Beverly Kemp Michele Kendall Bob Lindsay Grace Lindsay Bill Lucken Leila McDole Valerie McDonald Beverly Miller Kathy Montgomery Virginia Moyer C harlene M u lh ollan d Nestor Munis Shirley Oldenburg Samuel Omabele Jerry O’Neill Dorothy Osip John Onwudinjo Helen Parkman Deborah Parent Ann Paren t-O gletree Felicia Pitts-H arper Elyse Ryder Mary Pat Shelton Judories Fort In dira S h elton -Pierce Ruth Hill Ronald Hills Al Hogrebe Ernestine Jackson Marie Leonard Lee Ogilvie James O’Neil Ruth Pitts Hulda Reed Isiah Searls Mary Pat Shelton Bill Shepherd Brendia Thomas John Tillery Dolores Wodarski Vivian Spence Greg Spight Bernice Slaughter Anita Stephens Colletta Sykes Adele Waddell Norris Walker Catherine Williams Kathy Wilson Maureen Zink Homebound: Darlie Bouie M argaret G assow ay Nursing Home /Rehab Center: Ann Bluford B ev erley B -J ohnson M ary Ann F la na ga n Wilma Gandy Lottie Gorzelewski Dorothea Lisinski Elaina Moore Evangeline Pruett Phyllis Pruett Please Pray For Our Relatives and Friends: Patricia Alexander Joe Anderson Linda Anderson Joseph Armstrong Ida Armstrong Barbara Atalla The Awotwi Family Jeff Badarak Tony Baines Barbara Baldwin Sue Bates Dale Beger Dan Bejesky Katy Bessey Christopher Biddle Angela Blakely William Bowman Edward Boxley III Linda Brown Ron Brown Auby Bryson Barbara Bryson Ed Burton Michele Bussie Thomas Calhoun Gary Clark Scott Clinton Perry Conway Vivian Cook Kathy Cotton Joann Coules Irene Damon David Dare Geraldine Dawson Woodrow Dawson Brenda Debose Charles Dickerson Tony Di Ponio Barbara Dorais Joanne Dorais Lloyd Earl Clida Ellison Janice Evans Sol Finkelstein Clara Fletcher Ronald Fletcher Barbara Ford Andre Fort Phillip Faucher Wanda Gardner Sally Gauthier Nestelyn Gay Sherman Gilmore Shawn Gore Lillia n G ra y-Am stutz Sa ndy K lepeck G reen Anna Gyles Cora Harper Joseph Harper Kelly Harper Eric Heggs Antoinette Henry Betty Herman Tom Hustoles Patti Jackson Allen Jacob Billie Jacobs Robert Jarey Regina Kanzoni Mary Alice Kenny Kristen Kingzett Katie Lutzo Kissell Fred Kolp Rocca Lanni Neville Lodge Jim Lorenger Charlie Lull Betty Mack William Mapp Bea Marx Michael Mathis Jacqueline McCutcheon Scott McDonald Anthony McNeal Linda Melson Jerry Mercier Jr Jim Messink Darwin Mills Willard Mitchell Anne Moloney Karen Momper Curtis Momsen Dorothy Moore Elizabeth Moore Shirley V Moore Joyce Mulhall Justine M Neguim Sara Nell-Wallace Kimberly Newberry Bob Nielsen E rn estin e N im m on s Susan Orlando Jean Owens Jeff Padalino Patty Page Willie Parker Jr Cyndi Pask Julia Patillo James Pefley Jerome Perry Ruth Ann Petty Tom Petty Reginald Phillips Gerald Pollock Lorren Pollock B rian R ein ken sm ier David Remo Sandra Reynolds Viola Richburge Linda Rivers Betty Robinson Michael Robinson G erald R u m bley Sr Tisha Saldana Anthony Salem Frank Salem Dan Salk Sherry Samuel E th el M ae S an ders Helen Schroeder Juanita Simmons Curtis Simpson Sr Mildred Scott Anthony Sledge Emily Smale D’Angela Smith Joyce Smith Kathy Smith Mable Smith Sam Sombom Evelyn Spittle Christine Stanfield Mary Lou Stanton Dave Stawowy Nicholas Stephens Kathy Stewart Beatrice Stockton Frances Sykes Jordan Thomas Angela Turner Charlene Valente Terry Vanden Berg Martha Ward Bill Warren Larry Weaver Madison Webster Marie Webster Hannah Wells Brady Wesley Jerry Wheeler Jackie Willemsen Jim Willemsen Gerhard Wilm Annette Wimberly Doris Woody Where Do The Children Go During The 11:00 Mass ??? Discover True Financial Freedom! T he 7 Steps T o Beco m in g Financially Free small group study, featuring DVD presentations by Phil Lenahan, author, financier, and life-long Catholic, will be held on Tuesday evenings, September 2, 9, 16, 23 and Oct 7, 14, 21 at 6:00.m. in the Rectory Basement beginning with a light meal followed by group study at 6:30 p.m. 7 Steps To Becom ing Financially Free offers a solid Catholic perspective on how to make the most of God's generous gifts. In addition to understanding the necessary nuts and bolts of financial management, budgeting, and investing, discover how your faith can be the base of a sound financial future! Fee is $35.00/individual and $45.00/couple which covers the cost of hard-cover book and workbook (two workbooks for couples). Free will offering for meal. Limited need-based scholarships are available (call the parish office). To register or for more information, call the parish office at 313-537-5770. Each One, Bring One Corpus Christi’s Evangelization Committee invites you to “Bring Your Grandchild To Church!” September 6 / 7, 2014 National Grandparents Day is celebrated each Noah’s Ark Nursery (for Infants and Toddlers) A safe and loving environm ent for children of parents who want to actively participate in the Sunday Mass or who worry that their little ones m ay be a distractions for others at Sunday Mass. When: “Boarding” begins any tim e after 10:45 am through 12:00 noon Location: Enter the Rainbow Room door, proceed through the room to the hallway, turn left to Classroom 9. Registration: Parents m ust bring the children to Classroom 9 and sign them in. Parents m ust pick up their children im m ediately after Mass. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (for P/K Children) An approach to the religious form ation of children 3 - 6 years of age. Inspired by Montessori principles of education, the catechesis is based on the conviction that God and the child are already in relationship. When: Children com e to Mass with their parents and are dism issed by Fr. Don after the Opening Prayer. Location: Adult leaders escort the children to Classroom 5 in the school building, Parents are asked to pick up their children im m ediately following Mass. Registration: Parents m ust register children for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd before children can attend. Liturgy of the Word w/ Children (for Gr 1-5 Children) A worship experience geared especially for children, m irroring the worship experience of the larger com m unity. Jesus him self recognized that children have a pure spirituality, and he m ade them the prim ary spiritual m odel for all believers. When: Children com e to Mass with their parents and are dism issed by Fr. Don after the Opening Prayer. Location: Led by an altar server, the children are accom panied by adult leaders to a specially prepared worship space in the Rectory Basem ent. Children return to the m ain worship space at the Offertory tim e of Mass. Registration: No registration required. Children of parishioners and visitors are welcom e to participate. year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Invite your grandchildren (and their parents) to come to Mass with you next weekend. Grandparents will receive a special blessing at all Masses. If you do not have your grandchildren living close to you, bring a photo and hold it close to your heart as you receive your blessing. For m ore inform ation or to volunteer for any of these program s, please call the parish office at 313-537-5770. Revised 8/30/2014 Corpus Christi Parish “Building the Body of Christ” Sun nd Aug 31 22 Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon 1 7 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time BLESSING OF G RANDPARENTS 9:00 M ass / CG S II & III-rm 5 10:30 Noah’s Ark Nursery-rm 9 / Choir-rm 4 11:00 CG S I-rm 5 11:00 M ass/Lit. of W ord w/ Children-rb 1:00 Choir 2:30 BM O Executive Com m ittee-rm 4 4:00 Better M en O utreach-g/rr/rm 4 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross STEW ARDSHIP PRESENTATIO N 9:00 M ass / CG S II & III-rm 5 10:30 Noah’s Ark Nursery-rm 9 / Choir-rm 4 11:00 CG S I-rm 5 11:00 M ass/Lit. of W ord w/ Children-rb 12:30 Youth G roup Kick-O ff-rb 1:00 Choir-c 4:00 Better M en O utreach-g/rr/rm 4 21 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time CATECHETICAL SUN / STEW ARDSHIP SUN 9:00 M ass / CG S II & III-rm 5 10:00 Catechist Brunch-rb 10:30 Noah’s Ark Nursery-rm 9 / Choir-rm 4 11:00 M ass/Lit. O f W ord w/Children-rb / CG SI-rm 5 12:30 Social Justice Com m ittee-rm 4 2:30 BM O Executive Com m ittee-rm 4 3:00 Faith & Sharing-rr 4:00 Better M en O utreach-gr/rm 4 28 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time STEW ARDSHIP SUNDAY 9:00 M ass / CG S II & III-rm 5 / RCIA-dr 10:30 Noah’s Ark Nursery-rm 9 / Choir-rm 4 11:00 CG S I-rm 5 11:00 M ass/Lit. of W ord w/ Children-rb 12:30 BLO O D PRESSURE CHECKS-rm 4 12:30 Youth G roup-rb / Confirm ation Class-rb 1:00 Choir-c 4:00 Better M en O utreach-g/rr/rm 4 Tue 2 9:00 Mass / CGS II & III-rm 5 10:30 Noah’s Ark Nursery-rm 9 / Choir-rm 4 11:00 CGS I-rm 5 11:00 Mass/Lit. of Word w/ Children-rb 1:00 Choir 4:00 Better Men Outreach-g/rr/rm 4 9:00 Mass 8 8:30 Mass 1:00 GOF Core Team-dr1 6:00 Financial Freedom Course-rb 9 8:30 Mass 5:00 NWDYC Board-rb1 15 8:30 Mass 22 8:30 Mass 7:00 Bible Study 29 8:30 Mass 7:00 Bible Study 2014 8:30 Mass 6:00 Financial Freedom Course-rb 7:00 Grand - Shaft Block Club-rm 4 16 8:30 Mass 6:00 Financial Freedom Course-rb 7:00 CBSM-rr 23 8:30 Mass 6:00 Financial Freedom Course-rb 7:00 CBSM-rr 30 8:30 Mass 7:00 CBSM-rr Wed 3 Thu 4 8:30 Mass 6:30 New Hope Board-rb 10 8:30 Mass 6:00 Evangelization Committee-rb 17 8:30 Mass 24 8:30 Mass 7:00 Liturgy Planners-rb1 C DR G LR OC RB RM S 3, 4, 5 RR YM = = = = = = &9 = = = Church Building Rectory Dining Room G ym Rectory Living Room Dining or Living Room Rectory Basem ent Classroom s Rainbow Room Youth M inistry O ffice Fri 5 8:30 M ass 11:00 Legion of M ary-rb 5:00 NW DYC Executive Com m ittee-rb 6:30 KPC-oc 7:00 Stewardship Com m ission-rb 7:00 GO F Design Team -dr 11 Sat 6 9:30 Worship Commission-rb 2:00 Recovery Group-rb 4:00 Mass 12 8:30 Mass 11:00 Legion of Mary-rb 6:00 OPCA Organizing Committee-rm 4 7:00 Parish Finance Council-rb 18 Parish Center Parish Center Parish Center Parish Center O utreach Center Parish Center Parish Center Parish Center Parish Center 13 10:00 SVDP Friends of the Poor Walk @ Milliken State Park 10:00 SVDP Food Pantry-oc 10:00 OPCA Block Club Training-rr 2:00 Recovery Group-rb 4:00 Mass 20 8:30 Mass 11:00 Legion of Mary-rb 6:45 Parish Pastoral Council-rr 19 10:00 Communion Service 10:00 OPCA Fresh Food Share Prep-rm 3 10:30 50+ Seniors-rr 12-2 OPCA Fresh Food Share Pickup-rm 3 25 26 27 10:00 1st Reconciliation Parents - rm 4 10:00 1st Reconciliation Class-rm 5 10:00 SVDP Food Pantry-oc 1:00 Infant Baptism Class-rb 1:00 SVDP Conference-oc 2:00 Recovery Group-lr 4:00 Mass 8:30 Mass 11:00 Legion of Mary-rb 10:00 SVDP Food Pantry-oc 10:00 OPCA Block Club Training-rr 2:00 Recovery Group-rb 4:00 Mass “Regardless of whether you tithe or use some other method of measure, the return you make to God should come from the "first fruits" of your labor.” © Page 9 August 31, 2014 rd Weekend Ministries Schedule: September 6 / 7, 2014 —23 Sunday in Ordinary Time LECTORS EMES SERVERS GREETERS LIT. OF WORD W/ CHILDREN USHERS LIT. ASST. Sat 4 PM Grace Lindsay John Mueller Jacques Pierre-Louis Rolande Pierre-Louis Anthony Peter-Koyi Jared Webb Shirley Myles Team A Kim Procter Sun 9 AM Bianca Spence Laurelle Geter Sheree Wilson Christopher Herron Sean O’Brien Sr Stephanie Holub Team B Glennys Merritt Sun 11 AM Miriam Hudson Alice Smith-Gill Team 2 - Irene Unsleber Michael Kalu Vincent Kalu Egerton Abulu Jr Stanley Abulu Verna Kelser Cynthia Heath Team C Merrick Harris-Carter PLANT & ALTAR CARE Sr Ellen Schmitz Cynthia Adams Lynnette Mueller Clint Harris Michelle Cagle, Joe Cagle, Maryann Cosgriff, Lolita Davis Catechesis of Good Shepherd I: Renee Walker, Larry Giebel, Mercy Nono Catechesis of Good Shepherd II: Sr Frances Gerhard RCIA-Theology: TBD RCIA-Dismissal: No dismissal CATECHISTS SUNDAY BUS DRIVER Elsie Spencer COFFEE/DONUT FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY NURSERY 9:00 - Knights of Peter Claver - Nestor Munis Jessica Lopez Kate Mueller 11:00 - Team 6 - Kevin and Dorathy Anitube (donuts), Golda Amizaa and Linda Sadiq, David, Rebecca, and Hollis Spencer C Donald Moore Jr kw Licensed Realtor - 24 Hr Notary KELLER 313-207-5250 Expert in buying, selling, shortsales WILLIAMS & foreclosures - join our team 248-626-2100 REALTY 313-531-1888 Charles R. Step Funeral Home 18425 Beech Daly Road JAM E S H C O LE , JR K AR LA M C O LE 1928 - 1991 Director James H. Cole Home for Funerals, Inc. M AIN CHAPEL 2624 West Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48208 313-873-0771 NORTHW EST CHAPEL Place your ad here! 16100 Schaefer Hwy Detroit, MI 48235 313-835-3997 G AIL A. W AS H IN G TO N , M AN AG E R Available 24 Hours (248) 356-4800 This space is available! Traditional Burial and Cremation Services Serving ALL Faiths & Cultures SOCIAL SECURITY ONLINE: To apply for benefits or conduct business, visit NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: If you are in a crisis situation, call 1-800-799-7233 immediately. UNITED WAY 2-1-1 IS NOW ONLINE: Locate community service resources listed with United Way’s 2-1-1 hotline at PROJECT RACHEL is a post-abortion ministry providing trained professional counselors, spiritual directors, and referrals to retreat weekends for men and women suffering from the loss of their unborn child. Call 1-888-722-4355. AFFORDABLE CARE ACT: For a trained Navigator, call 800-318-2596. For more information and/or online application, visit or 24525 Northwestern Highway ~ Southfield 48075 2 M iles North of Corpus Christi Church East off Evergreen Edith Uke 586-214-9200, Mary Kay Consultant 10% discount for seniors or $50 + purchase. Corpus Christi Catholic Church 19800 Pembroke Avenue Detroit MI 48219-2145