July 2015 - Suffolk Smallholders Society
July 2015 - Suffolk Smallholders Society
Suffolk Smallholders Society Newsletter July 2015 1 2 Good Morning Smallholders The good weather continues for us as we move into summer. We are awaiting our first calves of the year and another litter of piglets. A new born calf is the greatest joy for me. We now have all the breeding cows we need so I need to consider what to do if we get more heifers this year. This month there are two items to draw your attention. First a repeat request about arrangements for the AGM and produce show. You may recall that the committee is seeking opinions about the possible separation of the show and AGM. So far replies have tended to support keeping our current combined event. If you have alternative suggestions get in touch with the committee. Second, it’s that time of year when Wendy manages the renewal of membership. Please take a couple of minutes to complete the renewal form. You should find a copy of the form enclosed in this mailing. There is also a standing order form at the back of the newsletter which can be used to renew your payment arrangements. If by any chance you don’t have a renewal form enclosed, please contact me and I will get you another sent out. Just a reminder – all contributions for the next issue need to be in by 16th August. The Mill House, Mill Hill, Earl Soham IP13 7RP 01728 684312 email: giles.barrow@virgin.net 3 Events Nosey Sunday with the Blackmores at Arch Farm Cottage, Norton, IP31 3LX Sunday 23rd August 2pm to 4pm Arch Farm Cottage is located on the A1088 between J47 A14 and Norton village. Sat Nav IP31 3LX. From the A14 follow signs for Norton. After you pass under the railway bridge our cottage is the white property on your left. We have a small holding of almost 6 acres. We keep a few animals just for our own needs and currently have 6 mixed lambs and 3 Large Black pigs. We also have various chickens of different breeds and 5 geese wandering about. There is a small vegetable growing area consisting of 15 raised beds. Jock and Jasper are the two terriers-inresidence. Zac keeps bees on a moderate scale and has several hives at home. There is an opportunity to visit the bees for anyone who is interested. Bee suits can be provided if you let us know in advance and please bring your own wellies. Please note, we have a stream running through the middle of the 'holding so please watch any small children as it can flow fast after heavy rain and there are no fences. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available so please bring a mug or SSS mugs can be purchased at £2. If you wish to go through the hives please contact us on 01359 240223 or 07904 188158 so we can organise you a bee suit. 4 Purdis Poppy Farm Diary Goats Here are some of our goats. The one on the right is May, she is heavily pregnant. We are hoping for twin girls. The other two goats you can see are her twins from last year – Aniseed on the left and Quest, hiding in the middle. Very sweet boys. May’s cousin, Storm, is also heavily pregnant. She had one girl last year but hopefully will have two girls this year. Inquisitive little souls, aren’t they? Suffolk Show Look, it’s our very own Zac Blackmore, being presented with a trophy (The Sproughton Cup) at the Suffolk Honey Show by none other than Bob Flowerdew. The Show was great and the stress is over . . . until next year! 5 Bob’s fee for presenting the trophies was a queen bee so that he could start beekeeping again. So the following Sunday, Lee and I drove up to Norfolk to deliver a small colony of bees, complete with queen and in return, we had a guided tour of Bob’s garden which was very interesting. Very sheltered and intricate; he conducts experiments into different varieties of plants and different ways of growing things. I particularly liked his gigantic compost heap which was 8 pallets big to ensure sufficient heat in the centre to kill seeds. I also liked his polytunnel within a polytunnel. In the outer polytunnel, strawberries were growing and were ready to eat and in the inner polytunnel were more exotic plants. He has citrus plants growing year round and has just brought them out of the polytunnel. They were all lined up and actually had fruit on – he picked a ripe lemon gave it to us – amazing! But it involves years of patience, his garden is full of fruit trees and nut trees. To save space and keep the fruit accessible he weaves the branches back down into a sort of basket around the trunk. He has written 25 books and I suspect that we could all learn a thing or two from them about better and more productive organic gardening. His latest book is an e-book available on Amazon. Liz Marley www.purdispoppyfarm.co.uk Livestock Care Over 10 years experience, NVQ's in livestock care level 2 and 3, degree in agricultural management, sheep shearing courses through the national wool board. Services such as sheep and goat foot trimming, dagging sheep, general health checks of all livestock, sheep shearing and general advice. Contact Kate Ockelton on 07708690464 or kate.ockelton@gmail.com 6 Jon Woods Award – 2015 Each year members are invited to consider nominating either themselves or another member for the Jon Woods Award. The aim of the award is to promote and celebrate outstanding conservation work taking place on a members’ smallholding. The scale of the project is not important – the emphasis is on the commitment and practical steps taken to promote ecosystems, biodiversity and conservation of wildlife. Nominations should be sent to Martin Hancock at hancockmjf@aol.com and include a summary, in not more than 200 words, describing how the particular smallholding meets the criteria of the Award. The closing date for nominations is 10th August. A shortlist will be compiled and judges (including the previous years winners) will visit the smallholdings. The Award will then be presented at the AGM in September. The End Of An Era For many years I filled a page of this Newsletter with my Diary From Fareacre. Back then we kept goats, sheep, chickens and fattened pigs for the freezer as well as producing all our own vegetables and the majority of our fruit. We heated our home with wood and were as self sufficient as we could be. But time marches on and health issues over the last couple of years mean that it's time for us to have a change of scenery. So Fareacre is up for sale and we have so many items of smallholding equipment to sell that we plan to have a barn and yard sale in August. Details will be in next months newsletter Sue Cuthbert 7 Society Equipment We have recently acquired more equipment which members may borrow from the society FREE OF CHARGE. Equipment is held at two separate locations: Badingham, in the East of the county, and Depden in the West. The list of equipment currently available is: • Egg Incubators • Chick Brooders with Infra Red lights • Post Rammers/Thumpers • Hand Post Augers • Fencing tensioner tool • Apple Press • Slap Marker Handle • Smallholding DVD series inc: o Establishing Your Flock o Managing Your Flock for Peak Health o The Breeding Flock o Sheep for Business, Enterprise and Profit The DVDs can be borrowed from Janice Leat 01473 890365 or ruby22597@yahoo.co.uk If you would like to borrow equipment, please contact our quartermaster, Gill Bedson. She will arrange for you to collect at either Badingham or Depden. Gill can be contacted by phone on 01728 638747 or by email at gillbedson@yahoo.co.uk Committee Members and Contacts Janice Leat Society Chairman 01473 890365 ruby22597@yahoo.co .uk Wendy Brame Membership Secretary Martin Hancock Treasurer Paula Blackmore Committee Member Katy/Peter Committee Runnacres Members 01449 711178 wendy.brame@crumbly cottage.co.uk 01473 311064 HancockMJF@aol.com 01359 240223 paula.blackmore @gmail.com 01728 685736 katyrunacres@hotmail. co.uk 8 SOCIETY HELPLINES The Society cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from help given. SHEEP RARE BREEDS BEES Neil Storer Neil Storer Richard Martin Tony Payne John Cousins Len Rix Chris Keeble Vacant John Sones 01473 830264 01473 830264 01449 720491 01359 244244 01728 638721 07813 993956 01449 711587 Machinery John Graham 01379 384444 Tree Surgery/Wood Management VACANT ORGANICS POULTRY PIGS DAIRYING DEFRA Land issues 01473 658804 Small group workshops We hold a database of members offering to share their knowledge ie; Bee Keeping / Sausage/Bacon making/Propagation and Cultivation of Fruits/ Composting / Paddock Maintenance / Small Machinery Maintenance. We are always looking to increase this list and if you feel you have a skill that you would be willing to share please contact me. Janice Leat 01473 890365 or ruby22597@yahoo.co.uk Suffolk Smallholders Society MEMBERSHIP Membership Application forms can be obtained from The Membership Secretary: Wendy Brame, 6 Turnpike, Stonham Parva, Suffolk IP14 5JS Tel: 01449 711178. Email: wendy.brame@crumblycottage.co.uk Subscription by Cash/Cheque is £20.00 from 1st. September to 31st August . Copies of back issues of the Newsletter (while they last) are sent to new members. 9 Would you like to join our co-operative Market and sell your smallholding produce, home baking or crafts? We hold it indoors every Tuesday between 9 and 11am at the United Free Church Hall, Framlingham. We've been established and successful for 17 years. Membership is 5p plus 12.5% commission on sales to cover hall hire and basic running. To find out more ring Steve Lovett on 01728 723712 or drop by when the Market is on. GO CART RACE 2015 Sun 13th Sept in Framlingham Off road, gravity soap box COMPETITORS WELCOME Design and build your own go cart. Sponsorship and advertising welcome. For technical rules, see website: 1stdebenvalley.suffolkscouts.org.uk 10 FOR SALE Members ads will be printed (no charge) for two months unless cancelled or renewed. Month of expiry is given in () Please send advert to Giles Barrow, Mill House, Mill Hill, Earl Soham, IP13 7RP email: giles.barrow@virgin.net Larger adverts 1/4 to whole page available £80 / per A5 printed page per annum pro rata. For Sale: Sausage maker. Hardly used. £20. Giles 01728 684312 FOR SALE: Sofa bed (single); Sofa setee (various); Folding bed; ‘Interesting’ Guinea Pig Cage 01728 723407 (Sept) FOR SALE: Ram ‘easy care’ (no shearing) 1yr old. 2 easy care ewes (not related to ram). Downsizing house flock hence sale. Set of grass harrows Hay rack – free-standing suitable for cattle, sheep, goats 01728 723407 (Sept) For Sale: High Quality Hay - Small Bales £3 a bale for this year's excellent meadow hay, in Charsfield. Will deliver locally - ring 01473 737553. (Sept) FOR SALE: BACON SLICER £50.00 Frances & Martin Stearman (Stowmarket) 01449 673331 (A) For Sale: Two Boer X female goat kids, born March/April 2015. £110 each. Jackie 01728 684312 Pedigree Golden Guernsey male kid, intact or otherwise, disbudded. Ready in 3 months or earlier if bottle fed. Anne Stearn 01449 771318 pastearn@hotmail.com For Hire: Student in Framlingham area available for maintenance and other smallholding tasks. Ring Noah 01728 684312 11 Calor gas heater (inc. two full 15kg bottles) £75:00. Tel. 01728 628029 (Aug) Weekly quantity of whey available from our micro dairy. Excellent feedstuff for pigs of all ages, helping to cut the cost of rearing your stock. Free if collected (Laxfield) Please ring for further details. Karen or Larry Martin 01986 798138 For sale-‐ Stihl chainsaw, 17 inch bar, not done much work £110 ono. 01473 658773 (Sept) Moulton Soays: Rare Breed Soay sheep now available for sale. Females: Yearlings, ready for tupping this autumn, and single and twin 2015-born ewe lambs. Males: Yearling and 2 year-old castrates, and 2015-born ram lambs (entire). All fit and well - the adults are now ready for new pastures (the lambs are not weaned yet). ALSO – Fine looking pedigree British Barnevelder cockerels for sale. For more information contact Katherine W. on 07860 575655 Cream Legbar hatching eggs (blue egg layers) £1.00 each 2 Black Australorp Cockerels (free) LF 6 weeks old 1st May Mary-‐Jane (Charsfield) 01473 737 553 (July) New Zealand White Rabbits , Young Does and Bucks for sale. Also Old English Rabbits, Does for sale. Prices from £5;00 Phone Peter on 01728 685736 (July) Oxford Sandy X Welsh, GLos X Welsh and Pietrain weaners for sale. Rare breed, boars and gilts available. All wormed. £50 each/ £45 for 3 or more. 07889 648989 (July) 12 Norfolk Horn yearling ewes for sale Pedigree stock, birth notified and can be registered if required. Born March 2014 and ready for the ram this autumn. Up to 9 animals available, will deliver. Bridge Farm, Chediston, Halesworth IP19 0AE Tel: 01986 873184 (July) FOR SALE 6 MEAT LAMBS JUST WEANED, NORFOLK HORN TUP ON HEBRIDEAN EWES. HEBRIDEAN GAMEY FLAVOUR WITH NORFOLK MEATY CONFORMATION £45 EACH 1000 LITRE WATER TANK WITH HOSE ATTACHED £20 BROODY COOP £5 2 X HENHOUSES MADE OF RECYCLED PLASTIC, CAN BE PRESSURE WASHED 4-6 LARGE FOWL CAPACITY £10 EACH FRANCES & MARTIN STEARMAN 01449 673331 STOWMARKET (Sept) Shetland gelding, gray, ride and drive, can be sold with or without harness and cart, £300 shetland or £550 complete outfit, tuition can be given. Donkeys for companions or lawn mowers £360, donkeys for riding £460 (can be trained by us for driving if you require at additional cost) 01728 747259 (July) POL Lohmann Brown hybrid pullets ready from 21st February,18 weeks old, vaccinated, very friendly birds, small and large orders welcome, £7.50 each or discount over 10 birds. Phone Anthony Ling on 01473 890787 after 7pm please Mobile air conditioner/dehumidifier unit Whirlpool chest freezer 325L capacity LEC upright refrigerator 9.5 cuft capacity 13 2 x WBC beehives with stand, 4 lifts, entrance lift and roof (no brood box or supers) Angle Mitre Saw 8 x Sheep hurdles Half roll of barbed wire 46 new round wooden posts 2 1/2" x 70" 140 new bricks - Hanson Old English New Stihl strimmer harness Large tin of red oxide paint Hayforks - 2 and 3 prong Horse muck fork Pair of aluminium ladders 17 rung Pair of wooden ladders 17 rung (kept under cover) John Deere LTR 166 ride on mower 40" twin deck, trailer and rear shute recently serviced (available at a later date) Feber rechargeable electric quad bike suitable for the age of 11 years Contact: 01728 628029 (July) For Sale IBC 1000 Litre water tanks, in metal cage on pallet. £35 each. Delivery at cost. Colin Cuthbert 01728 603830 For Sale A 4 Bedroom, 3 Reception Chalet Bungalow sitting on a 4.85 acre plot close to the Suffolk Coast. Includes a Camping and Caravanning Club 5 van Certificated site. 2 Large buildings ideal for small business use. Contact Bedfords Estate Agents 01728 454505. WANTED I am researching for an article about generators and rotavators. Does anyone have one that I could take pictures of please? If so please contact John 01473 658804 or email js338@btinternet.com. 14 Is there anybody who has New Hampshire Red Bantams out there? POL/ Young birds / chicks or hatching eggs wanted. Phone Peter on 01728 685736. Wanted: poly tunnel 6ft x 10ft aprox. not too large as we don't have the space. Or 6’ x 6’ greenhouse Jayne 01473 828283 (July) What’s happening at the end of your garden? High Quality Rescue Hens from an organic farm Intelligent. Friendly. Talented. When we say talented, we mean they usually lay lots of delicious eggs – and not that they automatically know how to pitch and putt (this takes time and considerable training). 200 or so are available now. All they need is a loving home and all you need is £2.50 per hen* and an adequate sized run for them. (* minimum 4 hens, delivered to you direct in local area). To reserve some hens – please email us at: hen.rescue@yahoo.co.uk If you’re new to keeping hens, or integrating with existing hens, we are happy to give advice/guidance where needed. Non-profit making 15 Suffolk Smallholders Website The Members Forum is now up and running. Last month there was a guide for members to join the group. If you have mislaid your copy, and want to check out the forum you can either contact Tim Leat at M A Blackburn Landscaping Tel. 01508 548432 Fencing and Gates Garden, Field and Commercial Landscaping / Gardens Brickweave, Block Paving, Slabs & Patios, Shingle / Gravel Driveways, Garden renovation and One off tasks hello@timleat.com Or the Editor at: Mini Digger with Driver available for hire giles.barrow@virgin.net Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen Fully Insured & References available THORNE’S EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR BEES A large range of stock including: frames, foundation, hives in the flat, WBC, National and Commercial, honey jars, tools, bee suits, veils and gloves RICHARD MARTIN BEE SUPPLIES Little College Farm Creeting Hills, Creeting St Mary IP6 8PX Opening Hours 1 April – 30 Sept 4-7pm daily except Sundays Please call first at other times Telephone 01449 720491 16 Richards Farm Repairs Welding Fencing Carpentry Providing a first class call out service at a reasonable cost. Welding of gates and General repairs Fencing for live stock. Carpentry for stable and shed doors. Richard Warne Tel 01728 628021 mobile 07758297995 www.richardsfarmrepairs.co.uk <http://www.richardsfarmrepairs.co.uk> email enquiries@richardsfarmrepairs.co.uk CUTTING PRICES FOR SUFFOLK SMALLHOLDERS Lambs from £18.40 Pigs from £42.50 Beef from £176.40 Prices depend on the size of the carcase, the type of wrapping, and labelling required. For more information on how we can meet your requirements and to obtain a quote, please contact Paul on: Tel: 01728 687627 Mobile: 07771 693316 Lime Tree Farm Blaxhall IP12 2DY Email: paul@wildmeat.co.uk 17 Geoff Rogers Over 35 Years Experience Mechanical hedgecutting and Sawblade work Meadow Topping and Rough Cutting Chain Harrowing No Job too Small Also Tractors and Machinery bought for cash Runners and Non-Runners 01728 724208 07951191932 Thurlow Nunn Standen Ltd “Leaders in every field” www.tnsgroup.co.uk 25% off for the Smallholder on tractor repairs and servicing We can offer a wide range of servicing and spare parts available for all makes and models of tractors including vintage tractors. Agriculture and horticultural supplier of animal and garden equipment for all your small holding needs. 01379 890823 Hinderclay Hall, Hinderclay, Diss IP22 1HN 18 We are a local business offering an affordable and bespoke cutting, curing and smoking service for private customers and Smallholders. We provide a tailored, quality service getting customers the most out of their animals. Small batch production means you only get your meat back in your products. Let us make the best of your hard work. Palfrey & Hall, The Food Hub, Bellwell Lane, Debenham, Suffolk, IP14 6JX Office | 01728 861862 Shaun | 07904 536035 Deaglan | 07828 785646 hello@palfreyandhall.co.uk www.palfreyandhall.co.uk 19 @palfreyhall JAIGER ENGINEERING LTD The Workshop, Millfield, Cayhill, Mendlesham Green, Suffolk IP14 5RD Tel: 01449766441, Mob: Gary 07860708326 Email: gary@jaig.fsbusiness.co.uk All weldable metals welded, fabricated and repaired including cast iron, brass, copper, phos bronze. Stainless steel to hygienic standards for food, dairy, brewing and chemical use. Builders steelwork, fabrication of any bespoke parts, machinery repairs, and sheet metal work. On-site mobile welding, drilling and fabrication. Pipework from small plumbing jobs to welded pipework and pipe threading from 1/8" BSP to 6" BSP. Happy to quote for work, no jobs considered too small, quick turn around Small storage units, Portacabins and insulated containers for rent, with or without electricity in a secure yard. 20 Calling all Members Can you help fill this space with an Advertisement from a local business you know? Advertising income provides good revenue for the Society and businesses will get exposure to over 200 members in our monthly Newsletter. Prices are £80 per for a full page, £40 for half a page and £20 for a quarter page (fee for 12 issues) - great value for money and enables local businesses to also also show their support for the Suffolk Smallholders Society. If you can contact any potential businesses you know and they are interested, please let Martin Hancock and Giles Barrow know. BEN LUGSDEN SHEPHERDING ALL SHEEP WORK UNDERTAKEN SHEARING SHOW PREPARATION PREGNANCY SCANNING DAGGING WORMING FOOT CARE ACROSS EAST ANGLIA CONTACT BENN 07789 683174 bennlugsden@gmail.com Facebook.com/bennlugsden 21 Mini Digger Hire Digger Hire Dumper Hire Concrete Crusher All Self Drive or Manned Same Day Delivery No Deposit Required We are a local family run business with a selection of plant equipment available for hire. We also offer a wide range of construction services and groundworks from driveways to extensions. Please call 07921 553951 or 01473 785729 or email: martin@diggerwork.co.uk to discuss your requirements. 22 Standing Order Please pay Suffolk Smallholders £25.00 (Twentyfive pounds) on 1st September 2015 and every year thereafter. Beneficiary Sort Code: 09-01-53 Beneficiary Account No: 83275482 Ref: …………………………………………………………… Account to be Debited: Sort Code: Account No: Account Name: Many Thanks ________________________________Signature _________________________________Date Name: Address: PLEASE CANCEL ANY PREVIOUS STANDING ORDERS TO THIS ACCOUNT 23 24
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