April 14, 2016 - La Porte Independent School District


April 14, 2016 - La Porte Independent School District
La Porte Independent School District
Every Student’s Success Is Our #1 Priority
April 14, 2016
La Porte ISD announces its 2016-17 Campus Teachers of the Year
Joann Holt
Wendy McCarthy
College Park
Trey Thompson
Baker Sixth
Grade Campus
Penelope Velasco
Jeannine Watson
La Porte
Junior High
Atlene Pierce
La Porte
Curt Bitterly
Junior High
La Porte ISD campuses have announced their Teachers of the Year for the
2016-17 school year. Honorees are chosen by their peers for their excellence in the
classroom and will serve in this capacity for the next year.
The 2016-17 La Porte ISD Campus Teachers of the Year for the elementary
campuses are: Joann Holt, Bayshore; Wendy McCarthy, College Park; Penelope
Velasco, Heritage; Atlene Pierce, La Porte; Alisha Sheffield, Lomax; Stephine Vega,
Jennie Reid; and Robin Wilkerson, Rizzuto.
Alisha Sheffield
Adrian Wiltz
Stephine Vega
La Porte
High School
Robin Wilkerson
Kerry Regan
La Porte
High School
Secondary teachers chosen for this honor are: Trey Thompson, Baker Sixth
Grade Campus; Jeannine Watson, La Porte Junior High School; Curt Bitterly, Lomax
Junior High School; Adrian Wiltz, DeWalt School; Jennifer Humphrey, La Porte
High School (core areas); and Kerry Regan, La Porte High School (non-core areas).
This year’s honorees will be recognized at the May 10 meeting of the La Porte
ISD Board of Trustees and at the May 12 Service Awards celebration, when the
2016-17 District Teachers of the Year will be announced.
Kindergarten registration begins April 28 at La Porte ISD elementary campuses
La Porte ISD will hold registration for next year’s kindergartners April 28
through May 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays. Children who are five years
old on or before Sept. 1 are eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2016-17 school
Parents or guardians should enroll their child in the office of the elementary
school to which their family is zoned. School attendance zones are determined by
your home address; if you are unsure about what school your child will attend, please
call the LPISD Elementary Education Office at 281-604-7030.
In addition, each elementary school will host an evening orientation and
registration. At the orientations, parents and students will receive information,
tour the building, and meet the school principals, kindergarten teachers and office
staff. School spirit shirts and other items will be available for sale at the orientation
Orientation and registration nights will be held on the following evenings at
these LPISD campuses:
April 28—La Porte Elementary, 5:30 p.m.
May 17—College Park Elementary, 5:30 p.m.
May 17—Heritage Elementary, 5:30 p.m.
May 17—Rizzuto Elementary, 5:30 p.m.
May 19—Bayshore Elementary, 6 p.m.
May 19—Lomax Elementary, 6 p.m.
May 19—Reid Elementary, 6 p.m.
Four LPHS students participate in JSC Space Settlement Design Competition
La Porte High School students, from left, Virginia Hinds, Brandon Zupan, David Ayers and
Samantha Wright were chosen to participate in the Johnson Space Center Space Settlement
Design competition last month. As a member of the winning team, Brandon was among 11
participants selected to advance to the national competition at the Kennedy Space Center this
summer. They are under the direction of LPHS drafting teacher Dan Ruley.
Four La Porte High School students recently had what you might call an “out of
this world” opportunity to make a difference in the future.
Brandon Zupan, Virginia Hinds, David Ayers and Samantha Wright participated
in the Johnson Space Center Space Settlement Design competition March 4 through
6, giving them the chance to serve in the role of aerospace industry professionals. The
students were organized into four competing teams, or companies, to design a system
for the transportation system and colonization of Mars.
The LPHS students served on three of the four teams, with Brandon a member of
the winning company. Out of approximately 200 students participated at the contest,
Brandon was then selected as one of 11 participants to advance to the national
competition to be held in July at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Their drafting teacher, Dan Ruley, describes a grueling weekend in which
the students worked almost non-stop from Friday through Sunday evening. After
dividing into their four teams, students were given a design brief, and the work on
their proposal began.
Each team was required to provide a written summary of their proposal, in 50
pages or less, with a 35-minute oral briefing to the competition judges that fully
addressed the project requirements and communicated their ideas, designs, budgets
and schedules. The contest was designed to help students learn and demonstrate
creativity, technical competence, management skills, space environment knowledge
and teamwork and presentation techniques.
“None of us got much sleep--it was pretty much ‘round the clock,” Ruley said.
“It was quite an intense competition, and our students did really well.”
Participants came from neighboring districts like Clear Creek and Friendswood
in addition to as far away as Iowa and South Dakota. The four competitors from
LPHS were chosen not only because they perform well in class, Ruley said, but
also because they consistently demonstrate the degree of maturity necessary for the
demanding competition in which students must work without constant supervision.
“They represented our school and community very well,” Ruley added. “They
were persistent, and they didn’t give up. It was a very hard weekend, and they
performed at a very high level.”
After their work was completed, participants had the unique opportunity to go to
the Apollo and Space Station trainers as well as Building 9.
Ruley comes to LPHS from industry, with an engineering technology degree
and a background in both construction and civil engineering. A first-year teacher
in La Porte ISD, Ruley hit the ground running when school started, applying for a
robotics grant on one of his first days of professional development with the district.
LPISD was awarded the Vex Robotics Grant from the Robotics Education Foundation
of Texas, which provided the school with $1,200 in new robotics equipment.
His students have had a very successful year, starting with the formation of a
new Technology Students Association. Members of the organization competed at
the regional competition at George Ranch High School in Rosenburg Feb. 19 and
20 and will be heading to the state Technology Students Association competition in
Waco April 14 through 16. Brandon, Samantha, David and Virginia will compete
in the team plastics contest, and Virginia will also participate in the safety poster
The four students were honored for their achievements at the La Porte ISD Board
of Trustees meeting on April 12.
Applications for dual language kindergarten program accepted through May 13
Parents who are interested in their children becoming bilingual may be interested
in the dual language program offered at Rizzuto Elementary School. Applications for
the dual language kindergarten program will be accepted through May 13.
Enrollment is limited. Interested parents may pick up an application at any
La Porte ISD elementary school or the LPISD Administration Building, 1002
San Jacinto. Information and applications are also available under “News and
Announcements” on the LPISD website, www. lpisd.org.
Applications should be completed and returned to the school to which the
student is zoned or to Rizzuto Elementary School, 3201 Farrington Blvd.
The program, known as two-way immersion, typically includes approximately
50 percent native English speakers and 50 percent native Spanish speakers.
Benefits of the program include the promotion of bilingualism; enhancement
of intellectual growth, empathy and social relations, interpersonal communication
and performance on standardized tests; and development of flexible thinking and
language/cognitive skills. The program also increases students’ listening skills, selfesteem and future marketability as well as fosters an appreciation for diverse cultures
and languages.
Parents who submit applications will be contacted for an appointment at which
their child’s vocabulary development will be evaluated. Students will be selected to
participate in the program based upon their vocabulary development and registration
Those selected for the program must attend a meeting at 5:30 p.m. May 17 at
Rizzuto Elementary School.
For more information, contact Deanna Narcisse, principal of Rizzuto Elementary,
at 281-604-6500, or Jewel Whitfield, executive director of elementary education, at
Tomorrow Program showcases services for students with disabilities
The La Porte ISD speech pathology team is available to answer questions about speech
services in the district during the Tomorrow Program. From left are Patience Hobbs, Katherine
Wortham, Renee Brillantes, Richard Moll, Rhianna Hendry and Candice Caesar.
Kelsey Ramirez, right, La Porte High School junior and a member of the Health Occupations
Students of America chapter, checks the blood pressure of La Porte ISD educational
diagnostician Sonja Donahoe during the Tomorrow Program.
La Porte High School HOSA students to attend state conference April 14-16
Nine La Porte High School students will represent their school and community at
the state Health Occupations Students of America conference set for April 14 through
16 at the Galveston Convention Center.
Six students—seniors Amanda Hernandez, Elyssa Molina and Courtney Williams
and juniors Minerva Hernandez, Kelsey Ramirez and Karlie Richards—will receive
the Barbara James Service Award for completing over 100 hours of community
service since last July.
Senior Rhett Cook will take the health issues exam after placing in the top
10 percent at the district contest and qualifying to go directly to the state contest.
Qualifying for state after earning top awards at the regional competition are junior
Kimberli Garcia, national service project; senior Amanda Hernandez, HOSA chapter
reflection; junior Kallie Juel, biomedical laboratory science; junior Taylor Rabel,
national service project; and junior Karlie Richards, HOSA happenings. The sponsor
is Robin Guimbellot.
State qualifiers in La Porte High School’s Health Occupations Students of America get ready
for the state conference in Galveston April 14 through 16. In front from left are Kallie Juel,
Karlie Richards, Amanda Hernandez and Minerva Hernandez, and in back are Rhett Cook,
Elyssa Molina, teacher Robin Guimbellot and Kelsey Ramirez. Not pictured are Courtney
Williams, Taylor Rabel and Kimberli Garcia.
La Porte High School prepares for construction of math, science facility
La Porte Independent School District
1002 San Jacinto Street
La Porte, Texas 77571
The Leader is a publication of the La Porte ISD Communications Department.
The newsletter is published bi-weekly for the La Porte ISD community. Inquiries
should be directed to Terri Cook, Director of Public Relations, at cookt@lpisd.
org or Kimberly Culver, Communications Coordinator, at culverk@lpisd.org.
La Porte High School is experiencing many exciting changes as a result of the
community’s support of the $260 million La Porte ISD bond issue.
Student athletes are already using the new tennis courts and softball field that
opened this spring, with many positive comments about these facilities coming from
players, parents and other fans as well as those from visiting teams. The new career
and technical education facility, off San Jacinto Street, and fine arts facility, between
the current junior and senior parking lots, are nearing completion and will be ready
for students with the start of the 2016-17 school year.
When the 2015-16 school year ends, the district will begin demolition of the
back portion of La Porte High School (including the C and E Buildings and the
current career and technical education area) to prepare for construction of the new
math and science classroom facility. To prepare for the demolition and construction,
three portable classroom buildings will be installed in the current senior parking lot,
which is south of the Sonja Angelo Theater. Each of the buildings includes 10 to 12
full-size classrooms as wll as faculty and student restrooms and water fountains.
The senior parking lot was closed the first week of April as work began in this
“We reserved a row of parking spaces in the faculty lot and the first four rows of
spaces in the junior lot, and seniors were assigned to numbered spaces in these lots
through a random drawing. We will have this arrangement for next year’s seniors as
well,” said Todd Schoppe, LPHS principal. “Our students have been very gracious
about understanding the need for this change, and we appreciate their cooperation
and positive attitude.”
More information about construction at La Porte High School as well as other
projects throughout the district is available on the La Porte ISD website at www.
lpisd.org. Click on the gold “2014 Bond” tab beneath the top photo on the page to
access additional details and photos or contact the Communications Office at 281604-7001.
Above left: Work begins on the senior parking lot at La Porte High School, where three
portable buildings, each with 10-12 classrooms, will be set up for students and staff during the
construction of the new math and science facility.
LPHS Sports Broadcasting students bring Bulldog games to the world
Members of the La Porte ISD maintenance department assist from the sports broadcasting
van with the broadcast of a recent baseball game. In back is Forrest Pennington, and in front
is Manny Reynaga. Vince Vicenik is in the middle.
Sports broadcasting student Ruben Vela, seated, reviews footage on the computer as Corey
Marlar, classmate Carlos Martinez and Sam Zaborowski look on. Marlar is the director of
maintenance, operations and transportation for La Porte ISD, and Zaborowski is the La Porte
High School video production/sports broadcasting teacher.
Monique Valenzuela mans the camera during a La Porte High School football game this fall.
Senior sports broadcasting students Brandon Rebecek, left, and Monique Valenzuela work on
a commercial during classtime.
It’s the night of the big game, and La Porte High School senior Brandon Rebecek
is ready for it. He chats with other members of his team, gathers up his equipment
and heads over to Bulldog Field. As the fans assemble and the announcers review
their notes, Brandon looks out over the diamond, adjusts his cap and steps up to – his
Bulldog sports fans from all over the world now have the opportunity to watch
athletic events through the camera lenses of students like Brandon, one of nine video
production students who make up the sports broadcasting team. The broadcasts are
on the La Porte ISD website (www.lpisd.org) under “Departments” and then “Sports
Broadcasting” or can be accessed directly at www.lpsportsnet.com..
Blending the school’s thriving video production classes with an opportunity to
showcase La Porte ISD programs online was the idea of Corey Marlar, the district’s
director of maintenance, transportation and operations, and Sam Zaborowski, La Porte
High School video production teacher who is also the 2016 District Secondary
Teacher of the Year.
“Last year at this time, we started the La Porte ISD sports broadcasting network,”
Marlar said. “When Sam and I initiated it, we told each other that we were going to
do this slowly. Nothing’s been slow since the day we first talked about it!”
The team broadcast a few events in the spring of 2015, using word of mouth
to enlist viewers to watch from their home computers. When the response was
overwhelmingly positive, they ventured into broadcasting home football and
volleyball games this past fall. Following the success of their live broadcasts of some
girls and boys basketball games, they moved into this year’s baseball/softball season
During this 2016 David Anzaldua Memorial Baseball Tournament, the website
showed that several thousand viewers watched each of the games. Excitement over
the broadcasts from visiting teams as well helped to propel the program to the next
level. Marlar and Allan Teague, who serve as commentators for the baseball games,
frequently give a “shout out” to the father of head baseball coach Ricky Torres, who
often watches from his home in Puerto Rico.
Students arrive at each event several hours before start time to set up their
equipment, run wires and make sure that everything is ready for that day’s production.
Afterward, as fans head to their cars, they spend an hour or so packing up and
unloading their equipment back at the school.
While they are paid $50 to $75 for each game they work, the knowledge and
skills they are gaining also give them a head start on their college and professional
careers. Just this week, one university e-mailed Marlar with an offer for experienced
students to work 20-30 hours per week filming practices and games while they attend
“The experience these students are getting is invaluable,” Zaborowski said.
“There’s not any place I know right now in which high school students are getting
their hands on this kind of equipment. Definitely, though, when they get to college,
every Division 1 school and most Division 2 schools are going to have programs like
this, and our students will be able to step right into them.”
For Brandon, who has been taking video production courses since his sophomore
year, the program combines his passions for videography and sports. He plans to
attend the University of Houston in the fall, participating in the film program, with
the eventual goal of working in broadcasting.
“I think this course and the program has been a really great opportunity, and I
encourage others to give it a shot,” he said.
Student interest in the program, which is open to second-year video production
students, is growing as quickly as the number of viewers. Zaborowski said 33 students
have already expressed interest in being in sports broadcasting next year, although
the class size will be limited to 20.
“I like the live action and meeting new people,” said senior Monique Valenzuela,
who is the only female on the sports broadcasting team this year. “But when it’s time
to do work, I do work; I’m very serious about it.”
“Being able to film a sport gives people who aren’t able to attend the same
experience as those who are in the stands,” added senior Candelario Garcia, who also
hopes to make videography his career. “Sometimes it doesn’t feel like work, either.
We get into that zone of knowing what we should do behind the camera.”
While students operate the cameras and take care of other tasks behind the scenes,
adults such as Marlar, Teague and associate principal Jason McConnell handle the
commentary during the live broadcasts. Maintenance Department personnel Forrest
Pennington, Vince Vicenik and Manny Reynaga handle the responsibilities of the
video and sound boards from the sports broadcasting van. Marlar also works with
advertisers who sponsor the broadcasts.
A selected schedule of both girls and boys sports activities are broadcast live
from the La Porte High school stadiums and gymnasium. University Interscholastic
League regulations require that home football games be aired one hour following the
end of the game. The schedule of broadcasts—which will include LPHS graduation
on May 27—is available on the website.
Future plans are to add more broadcasts and continue to archive old videos as La
Porte ISD celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. The archive currently includes
footage from contributed sports events from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
“It’s a really fun thing to take part in this,” Brandon said. “We are getting bigger
and better and more successful already, and we have already done some things we
thought we couldn’t. It will be really cool to say ‘I was a part of that.’ It is exciting!”
Norman Malone Memorial Mayor’s
Golf Tournament set for April 27
Representatives of the La Porte Education Foundation’s golf tournament committee prepare for
this year’s Norman Malone Memorial Mayor’s Golf Tournament set for April 27 at Bay Forest
Golf Course. From left are Debbie Wade, Foundation board member; Robin Vest, Foundation
Board member and tournament chairperson; Alex Osmond, general manager of Bay Forest
Golf Course; Charlotte Pennye, Foundation executive director; Stephen Barr, Foundation
board member; Jade Taylor, event coordinator for Gringo’s; and Dottie Kaminski and Dennis
Slate, Foundation board members. For more information on the tournament, contact Pennye
at 281-604-7038 or visit www.lpisdef.org or www.bayforestgolf.com.
LPISD District Calendar
4/14/16 - Thursday
LPHS - Band UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest - Dobie H.S., Pasadena
La Porte ISD Job Fair - 5 PM - 7 PM - La Porte High School
Lomax Elementary presents its Lions
of the Month for February & March
4/15/16 - Friday
College Park Elementary - Water Safety Presentation
College Park Elementary - Fundraiser Delivery - 3 PM - 6 PM
Heritage Elementary - First Grade Field Trip to Main Street Theater
LPHS - Band UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest - Dobie H.S., Pasadena
LPHS - Bulldogs Softball @ Beaumont West Brook - 6:45 PM
4/16/16 - Saturday
LPJH - Cheer Banquet
4/18/16 - Monday
College Park Elementary - 3rd Grade Science Club - 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM
LPHS - CPOC Meeting - 4 PM - 5 PM -Library
4/19/16 - Tuesday
LPJH - EKG Screening for Athletics
LPHS - Bulldogs Baseball vs. Port Arthur Memorial - 6 PM
LPHS - Bulldogs Softball vs. Galena Park North Shore - 6:45 PM
4/20/16 - Wednesday
Baker - VIP Breakfast - 7:30 AM - 8 AM
4/21/16 - Thursday
College Park Elementary - Drama Club - 3 PM - 4:30 PM (Music Room 20)
College Park Elementary - PTO Elections - 6 PM
College Park Elementary - 2nd Grade Music Program - 6:30 PM
Lomax Elementary announces its students of the month for February. They include
kindergarten students Charlotte Machajewski, Camella Williams and Bryson Pruitt; first
graders Samantha Herrera, Ramsey Hayes, Taylor Banki, Mason Young and Brandon
Martinez; second graders Noah Ingram, Gabriella Garcia, Danica Spears and Sofie Herrera;
third graders Logan LaCroix, Realynn McClain, Alex Alvarado, Ty Harville, Christopher
Zupan and Colt Rawls; fourth graders Erik Moreno, Trent Grappe, Trey LaCroix and Zachary
Summey; and fifth graders Annabelle Schultea, Neveah Poullard, Gracie Phillips and Celeste
Gonzales. Assistant principal Linda Hyde is pictured with the honored students.
4/22/16 - Friday
Baker - Reward Party
Jennie Reid Elementary - Field Day (K-2)
LPHS - Bulldogs Softball @ Channelview - 6:45 PM
LPHS - Bulldogs Baseball @ Beaumont West Brook - 7 PM
4/23/16 - Saturday
LPJH - Choir Solo and Ensemble
4/25/16 - Monday
College Park Elementary - Volunteer Breakfast - 8:30 AM
Jennie Reid Elementary - Book Fair
4/26/16 - Tuesday
Mass Physicals for Athletics
Jennie Reid Elementary - Book Fair
Jennie Reid Elementary - Student Appreciation Family Night - GT/Get Off Couch 5:30 PM - 7 PM
LPHS - Bulldogs Baseball vs. Galena Park North Shore - 7 PM
4/27/16 - Wednesday
Bayshore Elementary - Wally Wise Program - 1:20 PM
College Park Elementary - Wally Wise Program PK-2 Only - 9 AM
Heritage Elementary - Student of the Month - 8 AM – 8:45 AM - Gym
Heritage Elementary - Wally Wise Program - 10 AM
La Porte Elementary - Smashburger Spirit Night - 4 PM - 9 PM - Deer Park location
Jennie Reid Elementary - Wally Wise Program - 2:20 PM
Jennie Reid Elementary - Book Fair
Lomax Elementary announces its students of the month for March. They include kindergarten
students Truman Mikulin, Brynna Brown and Rylie Murphy; first graders Joshua Barnes, Ava
Avalos, Brasen Walker, Alexandria Molina, Elizabeth Hickey and Elijah Ramirez; second
graders Miranda Lozano, Colton Hill, Maelyn Lozano and Gordon Bethel; third graders
Elaine Eaves, Landon martin, Rebecca Lanier, Joey Schultea and Alizae Martinez; fourth
graders Kera Arrington, Annaya Atkins, Joseph Saldana and Ashlyn Martinez; and fifth
graders Shantel Clarke, Adriana Abeyta, Carson Mikulin, Ethan Wilburn. Assistant principal
Linda Hyde and counselor Debbie Risner are pictured with the honored students.
LPHS alumni donate benches for
new campus tennis courts
This is the calendar information that is available at press time. Please refer to the La Porte ISD district calendar at www.lpisd.org for changes
and additional information.
Attention Non-Profit Private Schools,
Home Schoolers
Non-profit private schools and home schoolers who legally qualify as
non-profit (currently hold a 501-C3 certificate) are invited to meet with
representatives from Alvin, Clear Creek, Dickinson, Friendswood,
Hitchcock, La Porte, Santa Fe, and Texas City Independent School Districts
to learn more about federally funded services available for eligible residents
of these districts. The meeting will be held at the Cowan Administration
Building in Santa Fe ISD, located at 4133 Warpath (Ave T) in Santa Fe,
Texas 77510 on Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 1:00 P.M.
Atención Escuelas Privadas y
Educados En Casa
Escuelas privadas sin fines lucrativos y estudiantes educados en casa,
que legalmente califican como una entidad no lucrativa y que tengan un
certificado 501-C3, son invitados a una junta con representantes de los
Distritos Escolares Independientes de Alvin, Clear Creek, Dickinson,
Friendswood, Hitchcock, La Porte, Santa Fe, y de Texas City para
aprender más sobre servicios financiados por el gobierno federal que estan
disponibles para los residentes elegibles en dichos distritos. La reunión
será en el edificio de Administración Cowan del Distrito Escolar de Santa
Fe, localizado en el 4133 Warpath (Ave. T) en Santa Fe, Texas 77510 el
jueves 21 de abril del 2016, a la 1:00 P.M.
Representatives from the La Porte High School tennis team show the new benches donated
to the campus upon completion of the 10 new tennis courts located off G Street. Cori Mullins
Poole, a 1995 graduate of La Porte High School who played tennis at LPHS, and her husband,
Brent Poole, donated 20 wooden benches they made for the courts. At left is Cori Poole’s
father, John Mullins, long-time teacher and tennis coach at LPHS who continues to help with
the LPHS tennis program. Seated are Laurie Ceron and Emily Dobrenich, and standing with
Mullins are senior Carson Buck, Joseph Lizza and tennis coach Matthew Hausler. Cori Poole
is the varsity tennis coach at Cedar Ridge High School in Round Rock, where her husband is
the golf coach. The Pooles brought the benches to La Porte during their spring break.
The La Porte Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex or disability in
providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Title IX Coordinator is Isela Montes, Executive Director of Human Resources, 1002 San
Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7110. The Section 504 Coordinator is Cynthia Anderson, Executive Director of Special
Programs, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7034.
El Distrito Independiente Escolar de La Porte no discrimina sobre la base de edad, raza, religión, color, origen nacional, sexo u incapacidad
para proveer servicios educacionales, actividades y programas, incluyendo programas vocacionales, de acuerdo con el Título VI del Acta de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, como fue enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación
de 1973, como fue enmendada; y el Título II del Acta de Americanos con Incapacidades. La Coordinadora del Título IX es Isela Montes,
Directora Ejecutiva para Recursos Humanos, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281) 604-7110. La Coordinadora de la
Sección 504 es Cynthia Anderson, Directora Ejecutiva de Programas Especiales, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281)

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