Prospectus - Cirencester College


Prospectus - Cirencester College
Cirencester Sixth Form College
Making your aspirations a reality
Prospective students, parents and guardians –
welcome to the Cirencester Sixth Form College
2014 Prospectus.
We hope that you will find it informative and
easy to use. We understand that making
decisions about your post-16 choices, can seem
a very daunting process so we try and answer as
many of your questions as possible.
Two years ago, we were delighted to gain Sixth
Form College designation, a huge recognition
of Cirencester College’s excellence in sixth form
education and pastoral student support. This
gives the College a unique position as only
one of three colleges in the South West to hold
prestigious Sixth Form College status.
Our Sixth Form College designation has also
enabled us to provide some brand new, well
equipped buildings. We listen to what our
students want; so we are investing heavily to
provide new student study and social areas
which of course all have free Wi-Fi access and
café style facilities.
Our new status will not change our exciting
range of courses from basic entry to university
level provision, including opportunities in
professional apprenticeships.
There are many reasons why Cirencester Sixth
Form College is an excellent choice for post 16
l Its wide and exciting range of courses for all
l As an Ofsted 'Outstanding' College, we
have again lived up to our reputation of
impressive results.
l As a Sixth Form College, we offer specialist
teaching focussed on the 16-19 age range.
Our excellent individual student tutorial,
tracking, support and enrichment
programmes encourage all our students to
achieve their full potential and thus help
them to realise their future ambitions.
l Our commitment to working with
parents and guardians to involve them in
supporting student progress and future
exam success. We have a parent’s portal on
our website and a parent Governor.
l Our demonstrable success in helping
students to achieve their ultimate
progression ambitions whether it be first
choice Higher Education course entry,
employment or apprenticeship goals.
l Students travel from all over the region
to come to this College because as they
say ‘you can be yourself’ and quickly feel
at home in this supportive and student
centred College.
This is your local Sixth Form College; we look
forward to meeting you at some point in the
future. See the important dates opposite for
your chance to visit us and judge for yourself.
Just think what your future potential might
be with excellent teaching and the right
Kim Clifford
Key Dates
Saturday 19 October 2013
Open Day, 10am to 3pm
Applications for 2014 open
Friday 22 November 2013
Choices Day
Thursday 23 January 2014
Open evening, 5pm to 8pm
Friday 7 March 2014
Deadline for applications for 2014
Monday 30 June 2014
Tuesday 1 July 2014
Choices Days
Welcome to Cirencester College
Key Dates
Welcome to Parents
Welcome from the Student Union
Becoming a Student at Cirencester College
Support - Getting the Best from your Education
A Day in the Life of a Cirencester 6th Form College Student
Choosing the Type of Learning That Suits You
Setting Off on the Right Level
Academic Pathways
Specialist Support for Academic Students
Staff Focus - Liam Nolan - Head of Science and STEM Co-ordinator
Staff Focus - Caroline Bristow - High Achievers Co-ordinator
High Achievers Academy
Oxbridge Process
Gifted and Talented
A-level Subjects
A-level Entry Requirements
A-level Course Listing and Information
A-level Results and High Achievers 2013
A-level Results Reaction
Career Academies
Vocational Pathways
Vocational Level 3 Entry Requirements
Vocational Level 3 Course Listing and Information
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
Vocational Level 3 Results
Young Enterprise
GCSE Courses and Vocational Level 2
GCSE Course Listing and Information
Vocational Level 2 Listing and Information
Vocational Level 1 and Entry Level 3 and Course Information
University Level Courses
Academy of Sport
Football Academy
Enrichment and Trips
National Citizen Service - NCS Summer Challenge 2014
The Student Journey
Cirencester Sixth Form College is committed to creating a safe, supportive and
inclusive environment for all learners, both socially and academically.
Cirencester Sixth Form College provides open access to a comprehensive
range of high quality education and training courses for people over the age
of 16, regardless of race, class, belief, language, gender, sexual orientation, age,
disability, previous educational attainment or particular circumstances.
This prospectus can be made available in alternative forms for people with disabilities
by contacting the Marketing Department at Cirencester College on 01285 640994 or
Welcome to
As Chair of the Corporation I would
like to extend a warm welcome to all
prospective parents and guardians to
Cirencester Sixth Form College and to
stress the importance that we place
on the partnership between you, our
students and the College.
I am also the parent of both a former
student at the College and another,
who started her AS Levels here in
September and so appreciate the
significant and sometimes difficult
choices that our children have to make
at this stage in their education. I have
recently experienced first-hand the
selection process for a suitable Sixth
Form and visited many of the alternative
local providers. What impressed me
most about the College is that it sees
the ‘whole student’, giving advice on
course selection, higher education
and careers at a very early stage of the
process, thereby enabling them to make
informed decisions for their future.
Cirencester Sixth Form strives to put the
student at the centre of everything that
they do.
Since becoming a Sixth Form College
in 2012, one of our priorities has
been to ensure that Parents have the
opportunity to become more involved
and to have a recognised voice within
the College. As a consequence, I am
pleased to confirm that Adrian Daglish
was elected as Parent Governor in April
of this year. Adrian has a son in his
second year of A-levels at the College
and is keen “to be proactive in improving
the current high standards of education
at the College”. He also hopes “to offer
an insight into the needs of parents and
pupils” to the Corporation.
We hope that in this way we can
continually improve this three-way
partnership and at the same time
enhance the overall experience of the
students’ journey in the short time they
spend with us.
I look forward to meeting you at our
forthcoming Open Days.
Jane Sharp
Chair of the Corporation
“In my role as Parent Governor, I
hope to contribute to improving
Cirencester College’s high
standards, which already provide
students with the necessary tools
to achieve their potential. I believe
that this College gives students
an excellent spring-board to help
them advance their careers. I
would also like to help to improve
the communication link between
the Corporation and students, as I
believe this is a great opportunity
for students to take on a more
active role with regards to their
As Parent Governor, I would also like
to take this chance to thank all staff
at the College for their hard work.”
Welcome from the
Student Union
The Student Union is here to
represent everyone and any student
can become a part of it. We’re a
collective body, which listens to every
student’s opinions and guarantees
that all our voices are heard. Any
contributions are always appreciated;
after all we are here for you!
One of our main aims is to ensure
that your college experience is
one to remember - both socially
and academically and that you get
everything you want out of your time
here at Cirencester College. There are
several ways to get in touch with us:
you can email us at student.union@ or get in touch via
our Facebook page; just search for
‘Cirencester College Student Union’.
But of course we will always be
available for a chat if you pass us
around college!
By being part of the student union,
you have the chance to become
involved with numerous different
opportunities ranging from being
part of the College corporation or
student forum to organising the
infamous college fund raising ‘bash’
each year!
Each year elections are held, where
every student has the opportunity
to run for one of eight roles and the
campaign week can be a lot of fun.
There are always new and exciting
strategies that each candidate uses,
including giving out free cakes! You
can be as creative as you like and of
course we are more than happy to
answer any of your questions about
the eight different roles in the student
Cirencester College has an absolutely
wonderful, friendly atmosphere.
There are so many different
opportunities for you to achieve
your dreams, so don’t miss out! And
remember, the Student Union are
always here to make your voice heard!
Jordan Smith
Student Union President
Becoming a Student at
Cirencester Sixth Form College
“You can be whoever you
want to be at Cirencester,
there are no ‘popular’
groups so you will not be
judged or have worries
about which ‘group’ you
will be in!”
How do I make the right choice of subjects?
Find out as much information as possible about courses as soon as you can. All
course details are on our website
an Open Day at the College on
Saturday 19 October 2013, 10am to 3pm or
Thursday 23 January 2014, 5pm to 8pm
Here you can:
• Meet all our staff and ask questions about courses
• Explore the College campus
• See the enrichment activities we offer (clubs, societies and Sports Academies)
Come to one of our Choices Days on
Friday 22 November 2013 or Monday 30 June or
Tuesday 1 July 2014 (Year 10)
This is the closest you can get to a real College day
You can attend 5 taster lessons, based on your interests and preferences
If your school does not send students to one of these events, you can join us as
an individual just by emailing:
How do I apply once I know what I want to do?
We take applications from 19 October 2013 and most students apply online
The deadline for guaranteed places is 7 March 2014. This gives you plenty of
time to research your choices before applying. You can apply after this but may
not get all of your choices and you will have to wait for an interview.
Hollie Doell - formerly of Highworth Warneford School taking AS-levels in German, English
Language and Literature and Psychology
Support getting the best
from your
Cirencester College has the expertise to provide
outstanding and age appropriate support.
We treat our students with the respect young
adults deserve. We also see the need to support
them in the development of independent
learning. We safeguard their success with careful
monitoring of attendance, quality of work and
Subject Lecturers are specialists in their field
and in teaching at the higher levels. They are
joined by professional Personal Tutors whose
role is to offer individual pastoral support to each
student and to liaise with home. Our Student
Attendance Monitors scrutinise individual
attendance and alert students and their families
to problems.
Cirencester College Online [CCO] offers a huge
range of information and is home to our virtual
learning environment so you can access course
materials and submit assessments.
Academic Support is available for
students with any medical condition,
physical disability or learning difficulty.
These include dyslexia, dyspraxia,
Aspergers). Staff are available to discuss
your needs at Open Events. Specialist
assessments are carried out pre-entry
so support is immediately available.
Services include:
Financial support Cirencester College
offer the Guaranteed Learner bursary
of £1200 to those students who are
eligible. Other financial support is
available in the form of bursaries which
can be spent on course costs, transport
and meals. All the information regarding
both types of funding is available on the
college website.
Employability advice and guidance
is available as part of our enrichment
One to one teaching
In class support
Specialist equipment
Assessment for exam dispensation.
All services are easily accessible and
conducted confidentially.
From 2013, as a legal requirement,
students who have not achieved a
grade C in English and Maths will have
these included in their timetable.
In September 2013 the Student
Journey Office opened its doors for
the first time. This is situated in the
Hub next to Reception. It has all the
administration services you will need
whilst you are a student with us such as:
Study Programmes
Students will be expected to be fulltime with between 540 and 600 guided
learning hours per annum.
Registration for courses and
Finance including Trip payments
Absence Reporting
A Day in the Life
of AS-level student Sarah Mansfield
10.35 Library
Lunch Spotlight
12.55 Duke of
Weekdays start at 8:00am, when I catch the bus to
college; the journey only takes around half an hour,
so when I arrive I like to sit with my friends in the
refectory and enjoy some breakfast.
I have my first lesson, Chemistry, which is at 9.00
o’clock. Today we were in the lab, distilling orange
peel to obtain the oil limonene from the fruit. After
Chemistry I head to the library to do an hour or so
of college work before meeting up with my friends
again for lunch in the newly built Spotlight. Here
students can both work and socialise, or buy a light
First thing on Wednesday afternoons, I attend the
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme sessions. With
support from the College, who have allowed me to
borrow all expedition kit that I need and helped me
to find suitable volunteering projects, I have almost
completed my Silver Award.
Later in the afternoon, I usually join other members
of the STEM group. We often have science
lectures, where we learn about and discuss recent
research and developments in the fields of Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths.
My final lesson of the day is Maths, after which I catch
the bus back home just after 4pm.
Sarah Mansfield - formerly of Commonweal School taking AS-levels in Biology, Chemistry,
Maths and Geography
Choosing the type of
learning that suits you
Choosing the right course
to suit your style of learning
after GCSEs can seem quite
Before you are offered a place
at Cirencester Sixth Form
College you will receive a 30
minute interview with one of
our trained guidance tutors
to help you make the right
It is important to understand
all the options open to you,
whether it be academic,
vocational, part of one of our
prestigious career academies,
or one of our professional
apprenticeship schemes.
Starting you off on the right
level of learning is equally
important, so no matter what
you have achieved before
starting here there will be a
course to suit you.
• I prefer exams to coursework
• I am good at revising
• I like learning about theories,
ideas and facts
• I want to study 4 or 5 subjects
in depth
• I am thinking of going to
university before I start a career
• I prefer coursework to exams
• I want to study topics that
will directly relate to a specific
career I have in mind
• I want to keep the option of
going to university open
• I want the opportunity of work
experience that will help to
start my career
• I am career focussed and I know
that I am interested in working
in one of the following sectors:
Business, IT, Finance, Sport
I would like the opportunity to:
• work alongside employers
• work with a personal
mentor from business
• develop my employability
• know more about the world
of work
• I am ready to start the career I
am interested in now
• I want the experience of
studying whilst working
• I want to gain career specific
• I want to start earning money
AS and A-levels will
suit your learning
style if you enjoy
and perform well in
exams and you want
to study a range of
A vocational course
will give you the
career specific skills
and qualifications
that enable you to
have the choice of
university or going
straight in to your
chosen career.
One of our
Academies could
work perfectly
to enhance your
skills, carefully
fitting professional
development around
your programme of
study. This could lead
to Higher Education
or a head start in
beginning a career.
As an apprentice,
you can work for a
local company for
four days a week,
attend College for
one day a week and
earn while you learn.
Setting off on the right level
What next?
University Level Courses
You have your level 3
qualifications and want
to specialise in an area of
learning or work
• Foundation Degrees
• Art Foundation
• Level 4 Apprenticeship
Level 5 at
University or
including an
• Extended, National &
University level
Level 3 Advanced
You will need 5 or more
specific GCSEs at grade C
or above. Universities will
require most applicants to
be qualified at this level.
Level 2 Intermediate
You have gained
mainly grade Ds at
NVQ level 1 or First
or you are:
pre 16
home or Steiner
• GCSEs Maths & English
Level 1/Entry Level 3
You have few or no formal
qualifications and would
like to improve your basic
knowledge, skills and
understanding. Typically
you will have mainly E, F
and Gs at GCSE
Subsidiary Diplomas,
National Certificates
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Level 2 Diplomas,
Level 2 Apprenticeship
(BTEC Level 2
certificates in Media,
Art, Performance &
Vocational Studies
NVQ Level 1
Personal and Social
Functional Skills
Progression to
an appropriate
level 3 course.
Progression to
an appropriate
level 2 course.
Academic Pathways
Cirencester Sixth Form College’s A-level
provision offers a comprehensive range
of subjects. This gives students the
opportunity to broaden their choices, at
university or in employment.
As well as being experts in their
curriculum areas, our lecturers are
specialists in teaching the 16-19 year old
age group. They will challenge students
to develop an in-depth knowledge of
their subject and the skills valued by both
employers and universities.
Complementing the academic
programme, students’ lives are further
enriched with:
STEM Group (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths)
High Achievers Academy
Extra Curricular Activities
(Enrichment), clubs and societies,
with anything from debating to Duke
of Edinburgh
Medics, Vets and Dentists Group
Career Academies
Personal Tutors support students in their
development of independence and
their future choices including university
applications or routes to employment.
A-levels explained
A-levels are divided into two years of
study. Students will study for their ASlevels in Year One and A2-levels in Year
Two. If successful at both levels students
will be awarded the full A-level.
1st year AS-levels are:
• usually combined with other ASlevels in a study programme of 4
subjects, or with the first year of a
vocational qualification
• suitable for students who expect
GCSE passes at A*, A, B or C
• mainly assessed through end of year
exams with assessed coursework in
some subjects.
2nd year A2-levels are:
• suitable for students who achieve
at least a grade D at AS-level, and
who wish to concentrate on three or
four levels in a programme of 3 or 4
subjects, or with the second year of a
vocational qualification.
• complemented by A-level General
Specialist Support for
Academic Students
All students receive Careers or Higher
Education guidance and there is
a full programme of events such
as University Open Days, Employer
talks, Futures days, Apprenticeship
opportunities, as well as step by step
support with University applications or
CV writing. We encourage all students
to apply to the best universities
including Oxbridge and the Russell
Other extension courses for
academic students:
Finance Studies
(IFS level 3)
(Finance Academy)
Maths Advanced Extension Award
Radio Journalism ABC
Some of our successful vets, medics and dentistry applicants for 2013
Liam Nolan
Head of Science and STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering &
“I have taught Science and Biology for 16 years. My
career actually started in research in Freshwater
Ecology, and I have worked with scientists in both
the Arctic and the Antarctic. I am keen to educate
students about the multitude of career opportunities available through STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
I co-ordinate STEM activity in the college, which includes work with primary and
secondary schools, universities and employers. College STEM students volunteer as
Ambassadors to work with younger school students at events such as the ‘Big Bang
at Cirencester’, and have the opportunity to attend a STEM Enrichment Club. STEM
careers advice includes presentations from a large number of local professionals in
STEM employment; and through our curriculum many students visit local workplaces
to see STEM in action.
Our STEM Academy, which includes representatives from local employers as
well as student reps, facilitates guidance and liaison for STEM events, focussing on
development of non-academic ‘employability skills’. Students interested in STEM
careers receive specific support and guidance. Those wishing to pursue a career in
Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry attend additional tutorials and receive
targeted support which has proved extremely successful in raising the number of
successful applicants to unprecedented levels.
Through the STEM and Medics/Vets tutor groups, the STEM High Achievers Group and
the STEM Enrichment Club, which is open to all students, young women and men at
the College will have the opportunity to get involved in projects and competitions.
They will liaise with people in the broader community in order to develop their skills
and learn more about the world of STEM. I hope that through understanding the role
of STEM in the community, students will raise their own aspirations to achieve and
enter an exciting STEM career of their own.”
Caroline Bristow
High Achievers Co-ordinator
I am committed to helping students from all
backgrounds achieve their goals. Specialised and
well informed support is crucial to this and the High
Achievers team work to ensure that students receive
the guidance and advice they need during their time at
An ex Cirencester College student, I studied for both my
undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Trinity College, Oxford. Whilst there, I
was very much involved in their admissions and widening participation schemes,
working with my College, the University and organisations such as the Sutton Trust
and Aim Higher. I can now use this experience to guide and inspire our students to
strive for the best.
High Achievers Academy
The High Achievers Academy allows students to access a tailored programme of
lessons and support designed to academically challenge and prepare them for the
additional demands of accessing highly competitive university and employment
opportunities. Students can complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ),
attend lectures given by visiting speakers, access information regarding scholarships
and other widening participation initiatives and take part in a wide variety of
activities designed to broaden their knowledge and develop their academic skills.
We also provide specialist guidance for application to Oxbridge and Russell Group
universities and support throughout the UCAS process.
If you would like to join the Academy you need to achieve 7 As or above at GCSE,
however students can also be ‘sponsored’ into the Academy by subject staff during
their AS-level year.
EPQ Highlights - 2013
Out of 45 entries - 50% gained A*s and As.
“I decided to apply to Cirencester College
after obtaining information at school careers
evenings and visiting the campus. I was drawn
to the College’s strong academic reputation
and friendly atmosphere. Lessons here have
been engaging, with enthusiastic teachers who
support you to do your best; always providing
encouragement and feedback. It is worthwhile
having an idea about likely university plans from
the outset. Enrichment clubs can help with
choices, encompassing many areas including
law, medicine and science.
The High Achievers’ Academy was stimulating
in encouraging debate both in class and through
the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). It also
provides the opportunity to attend talks and visit
universities. This was all very useful when I was
deciding what to do in the future, and helped
me to achieve my goal.
My personal tutor, and Caroline Bristow gave
invaluable help with preparation for the
university application process; reading seemingly
endless drafts of my personal statement. I
am also indebted to them for their advice on
interviews, and for providing a mock-interview,
so that I felt prepared. Ultimately I was delighted
that my application was successful. I have
enjoyed my time at Cirencester, and am grateful
to everyone who has made it such a good
experience! “
Nick Ormondroyd - formerly of Highworth Warneford
School took A-levels in History, English Literature,
Maths, Physics and General Studies gaining AA*A*A*
A* and will be taking up his place at Worcester College,
Oxford to read Law in 2013.
Oxbridge Process
We provide comprehensive support to students applying to Oxford and Cambridge.
During their first year at College, students have the opportunity to go on trips to the
two universities and receive guidance about preparing an application from College
staff and visiting speakers from these Universities.
We promote the various Summer Schools, study days and other widening
participation schemes run by the universities. At the beginning of the second
year, we identify all students intending to make an application and give extensive
guidance on their personal statement writing subject specific requirements such as
pre-admissions tests and submitted work.
Like all university applications, our Oxford and Cambridge applications are checked
thoroughly and students are offered 1:1 support regarding them. We then offer
mock interviews to all candidates. These are conducted by subject specialists with
experience or training in the Oxbridge system. The aim of all of our guidance is
to demystify the process and make sure students have accurate and up to date
information, so that all who apply feel confident in doing so and have the best
possible chance of success.
“The Villiers Park Scholarship has helped me improve
my literary theory for English Literature, as well as
helping to improve time management and university
applications. Alongside my mentor at College, I also
have an E-mentor (a student at University studying my
desired future course, classics)!”
2013 Annual Awards Ceremony
The Cast of Wind in the Willows
As seen on TV
Kieran Powell
3D Design student
Jonny Barham
Gifted and
Amy-May Knowles
vInspired’s Best Young
Volunteer of 2013
Film Maker
Gary Long
3D Design student
Kate Barnett
A Levels
Our extensive range of A-levels are listed here with a brief description
of the subject. For more in-depth course information please check out
our website
Business Studies
Classical Civilisations
Design - 3D Design
Drama and Theatre Studies
English Language and Literature
English Language
English Literature
Environmental Studies
Film Studies
Fine Art
Graphic Communication
ICT Applied
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Mathematics Further
Media Studies
Religious Studies
Science Applied
Travel and Tourism
World Development
AS and A-level Entry Requirements
GCSE grade Cs in any 5 of the following subjects short GCSEs count as half a grade :
Business Studies
English Language
l English Literature
l Foreign Language
l Maths
l Law
Humanities ie:
l History
l Geography
l Religious Studies
l Sociology
l Psychology
l Science
(double, triple or BTEC Merit*)
If a student does not have a grade C in English Language or Maths it is a legal
requirement to resit either a GCSE or Level 2 in Functional Skills whilst at College.
Students must achieve a grade C in any GCSE which is directly related to their
AS-level choice.
There are specific minimum GCSE requirements for:
B required or proven linguistic ability
B in Core & Additional Science/Physics &
B in Maths
A-level Maths and Further Maths
C in Core and Additional Science & Maths
A or A* in Maths
Computing and Accounting
C in Maths
B in Core and Additional Science/Biology
Applied Science
C in Science or BTEC Science Distinction
B in Core and Additional Science/
Chemistry and B in Maths
Grade 5 in Instrument and Theory
* a BTEC Level 2 Diploma Science will not qualify for AS-level Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Students need at least a grade D at AS-level to proceed to the A2
“Its easier to make friends here
because your subjects are ones
you’ve chosen and you’re there
with like minded people”
A working knowledge of accounting is crucial to the successful running of any
business. A dynamic and interesting subject, accounting enables you to interpret
numerical data, produce financial reports and make business decisions.
Anthropology is the study of humans. It includes physical anthropology, which
is about what makes human beings unique in the animal world, and social
anthropology, which is about how, and why, human societies are similar to one
another and yet vastly different.
Archaeology is the investigation of human culture through prehistoric remains.
You will study both prehistoric religion, at sites like Stonehenge, and evidence
for changes in societies across the world and through time. Fantastic trips across
Britain and Europe are part of this course which complements both science and
humanities subjects.
Biology will introduce you to the fundamentals of all biological systems. This
will include cell structure, transport systems, biochemistry, enzymes and the
role of DNA. Aspects of human health including diet, disease and immunity are
explored, as well as the diversity of life and evolution.
Olly Webb - formerly of Bradon Forest School is taking AS-levels in English Language,
English Literature, Philosophy & Classical Civilisation
“One of my favourite
things about being a
student at Cirencester is
how everyone is eager
to learn, it¹s a great
Business Studies
Business Studies provides an understanding of the strategic world of business.
You will look at planning, financing and managing a business, covering a variety
of topics including operations management, marketing and the competitive
Using the knowledge you have gained in GCSE Chemistry (as a single, double or
triple Science), this course will develop your understanding of the fundamental
concepts further and apply them to unfamiliar situations. With an emphasis on
independent learning and problem solving, you will apply your knowledge through
laboratory-based investigation and analysis.
I’ve completely fallen in love with Classics. I love the unique
combination of literature and history and the lecturers do a
fantastic job in making the course accessible to those who
haven’t studied it before. We went to Rome and had a great
time. Being able to appreciate the location that we have been
studying really bought the knowledge to life!”
Classical Civilisations
Classical Civilisations gives you the opportunity to study a lively mixture of history
and literature centred on Ancient Greece and Rome. Linking political, social and
military history, philosophy, sociology and the arts, this course will appeal to those
with an interest in a past that shapes our present.
Naheda Miah - formerly of Highworth Warneford School taking AS-levels in Economics,
Government and Politics, English Language and Literature
“The Lecturers are really
helpful and easy to get
along with”
If you wish to understand the concepts of computing, how computers work,
and how to create software for others to use, A Level Computing is for you.
Through theoretical analysis and hands-on practical work, you will learn the core
principles of computing and how to apply them.
“Computing lessons have the friendliest atmosphere of all
my subjects, classmates are like-minded and easy to talk
to. I am really looking forward to completing my large
programming project next year in my A-level!”
Design - 3D Design
This is a creative course that allows you to design and make products and
artefacts. 3D Design requires high levels of visual awareness, including drawing
skills and the ability to work skilfully with tools and materials. You will create
functional and decorative designs in response to given briefs or project starting
points. (Students who have successfully completed this course may progress to the
BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - see page 75)
Drama and Theatre Studies
Develop your acting and directing skills to work in different theatre styles.
Explore how comedy and realism mix it up in a modern play. Watch live theatre
and learn how it speaks to its audience. Improve your self-confidence and ability
to work together with others as you rehearse and perform a play. Express your
ideas through essays that communicate your experiences.
Robyn Plowman - formerly of Archway School taking AS-levels in Computing, Maths and Fine
If you want to know what society does about high prices, globally powerful firms, a
limited choice of goods, underdeveloped countries and poverty, this is the course
for you. You will examine questions such as “Why do pop stars get paid more than
nurses?” and “Why does the government pay young people to study?”
“Economics has been by far my best college choice. I really
didn’t know what to expect in September when I started the
course, but they take such a different approach to learning it
really helped my interest in the subject.”
The study of Electronics will enable you to gain an understanding of the electronic
circuit. You will develop the skills needed to design and build your own circuits; this
course is an excellent complement to Sciences, Engineering and Computing.
English Language
This course will develop your analytical skills by exploring how language is used in
both writing and speech. You will learn grammatical terminology which will allow
you to approach texts with impressive precision. You will also write a great deal,
from play scripts to newspaper reports, and learn to analyse your own writing.
English Literature
This course introduces you to a detailed analysis of a range of literature. You will read
a broad variety of books and plays, and discuss your interpretations in class. You will
also develop your essay writing skills, incorporating your own critical ideas whilst
showing an awareness of other critics’ interpretations.
English Language & Literature
This course develops your analytical skills in reading literary and non-literary texts
as well as improving your writing. The course will suit you if you enjoy analysing
language in detail and want to use precise terminology in studying literature.
Environmental Studies
This course is for anyone interested in getting beyond the headlines about
environmental issues and discovering the science behind the stories. You will look at
how our environment works and how we manage and conserve our vital resources.
Themes include wildlife conservation, pollution issues, global warming and the
future use of energy.
Film Studies
This course will develop your analytical skills and teach you about the unique
features of the film industry. You will watch and analyse a wide range of films,
discuss and present ideas, write essays and evaluations and research into current
issues around the film industry. You will also have the opportunity to do some
practical and creative work.
“The Art and Design
Department cater for the
various different routes
of work that students are
interested in. Never did
I think students working
with wild materials, like
animal skins would ever
happen in a lesson!”
Fine Art
This course will stimulate you to explore the work of a range of artists, as well as
your own ideas, through practical and written work. You will be introduced to a
broad variety of materials and techniques, and encouraged to experiment with
them to develop ideas and produce final pieces.
(Students who have successfully completed this course may progress to the BTEC
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - see page 75)
An intensive language course which builds on GCSE language skills. By watching
television and film clips, reading newspaper articles and practicing your listening
skills, you will develop the ability to use the language in a natural way. You will gain
a good understanding of grammar and work towards spoken and written fluency.
The study of the world: you will examine key topics of physical and human
geography, including Rivers, Floods and Management, Coastal Environments,
Population Change and Health Issues. In the second year you will look at Plate
Tectonics, Ecosystems and World Cities. This exciting course includes a number of
fieldwork trips and teaches a range of investigative skills.
Geology involves the study of the processes that operate on or below the Earth’s
surface and covers a wide range of topics. Volcanic ash and air travel chaos,
widespread earthquake devastation, oil spills and shortages, fracking. If you are
interested in why these events take place and what their impact means to us,
Geology has the answers.
Madeleine Richardson - formerly of Bournside School taking English Language and
Literature, Fine Art, Anthropology and Religious Studies
“All my teachers go above and
beyond to help me with my
studies. They actually care
about you as a person rather
than just a statistic!!”
An intensive language course which builds on GCSE language skills. By watching
television and film clips, reading newspaper articles and practicing your listening
skills, you will develop the ability to use the language in a natural way. You will gain
a good understanding of grammar and work towards spoken and written fluency.
Graphic Communication
Graphic Communication is concerned with conveying messages using images and
text. You will work to themes or briefs to generate designs including illustrations for
books or magazines, film or television posters, DVD or CD covers. You will explore
typography and its relationship to images and develop an understanding of how
graphic design can sell a product or service.
(Students who have successfully completed this course may progress to the BTEC
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - see page 75)
Study the significance of key events, individuals, issues and societies throughout
history in a stimulating and interactive environment. You will have the opportunity
to experience a wide range of historical topics, from Anglo Saxon Britain to 20th
century Europe and America.
ICT Applied
The course is a hands on and practical tour through the landscape of ICT. You
will get the chance to learn about the advanced uses of spreadsheets, databases
and the secrets of improving searches on the internet. You will also utilise your
presentation skills to produce a variety of documents in different software
Alex Williams - formerly of Isambard Community School taking AS-levels in History,
Economics, English Literature, Politics and is a member of the High Achievers Academy
An intensive language course which builds on GCSE language skills. By watching
television and film clips, reading newspaper articles and practicing your listening
skills, you will develop the ability to use the language in a natural way. You will gain
a good understanding of grammar and work towards spoken and written fluency.
Student who don’t have GCSE Italian can join the ab initio course which will allow
them to complete AS and A2 in their second year (see page 81).
This course is for anyone interested in learning about the operation of the English
legal system and the basics of criminal law and negligence. The study of law is for
everyone, not just lawyers. You will engage in a range of debates and even have the
chance to take part in a mock trial.
Kathryn McCarthy
“The content of the law course, helps by clarifying what you
need to get in to different law careers, so you can decide
which option is for you.”
This course gives you an insight into some of the diverse topics that can be studied
in Mathematics. While it is a subject that is interesting to study in its own right, it is
also a useful aid to other courses with a mathematical or statistical content such as
Sciences, Business Studies, Economics and Psychology.
“I have always enjoyed Maths, and although I find my AS-level
Maths tricky, I enjoy the challenge, and find the teachers very
Mathematics and Further
This is a combination course which takes up two of your A Level options. Students
will complete AS Maths and AS Further Maths in Year 1, then A2 Maths and A2
Further Maths in Year 2. If you are considering studying Mathematics, Physics
or Engineering at university, Further Mathematics introduces some of the more
advanced mathematical concepts you will need.
Further Mathematics
This course is only AS Further Mathematics, not the full A Level. It is for anyone who
has already studied AS Mathematics. You must have completed either Statistics 1,
Mechanics 1 or Decision 1 alongside Core 1 and Core 2.
Use of Mathematics
This subject has been designed to give students valuable skills to support their
studies in other subjects. It is an ideal choice for student who want to pursue a
practical and relevant maths courses, and is particularly useful for subjects such as
Psychology, Biology, Business Studies and Geography.
I’ve taken part in concerts for Music students,
which was a great way for people to increase their
confidence in performance and give them an
opportunity to play to an audience.“
Media Studies
Film, television, radio, the press, advertising and the internet are the media through
which ideas, attitudes and information are communicated. Media Studies explores
how these channels work and aims to help you understand, criticise and enjoy
media products by combining theoretical study with practical projects.
This course caters for all musical tastes. There are no limits on the instruments
(including voices) or types of repertoire which may be studied and presented in
performance. The course involves performing, composing and analysing music; as
performing makes up a large part of your assessment, you will need to be able to
play at Grade 5 standard or higher and to have taken the grade 5 theory exam.
“Teachers are really supportive and always there to
help or give you extra encouragement. It is a really
nice environment to work in.”
This exciting hands-on course offers you the knowledge and skills to become highly
inventive in the creation of eye catching, thought provoking imagery. The course
follows both traditional and digital techniques where much emphasis is based upon
the research and study of both historical and contemporary photographers.
Faye Rogers - formerly of Lydiard Park Academy taking AS-levels in Classics, English Literature,
Music and Anthropology
“Teachers help you move forward in
Maths and Further Maths, not just with
the curriculum but on to STEP papers
helping you gain an understanding of
what universities expect”
Luke is formerly of Isambard taking AS-levels in
Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Physics
gaining grade As in all subjects in 2013
“Its great to find out how
things work, it really
feels like you are being
a professional physicist
in Physics . We do really
useful experiments ”
Matt is formerly of Isambard
taking AS-levels in Physics,
Mathematics, Electronics and
Computing gaining grade As
in all subjects in 2013
Through this course you will gain experience of what real physicists do. You will
consider the weird and wonderful quantum nature of light and matter, learn about
electromagnetism and delve into the depths of particle accelerators, and explore
the natural rhythms of orbital systems in the clockwork universe.
This course is for those interested in current affairs, ideas, and how the country is
run. Politics explores the British political system, and looks at how countries work
with one another to gain influence and shape the world we live in.
“The Psychology department is brilliant at preparing
you for exams, they stretch and encourage you to
perform exceptionally well. My confidence has come
on in leaps and bounds since starting College!”
Erin formerly of Malmesbury School gained 100% in her
AS-level Psychology - Aug 2013
Psychology involves delving into the forces that drive and determine human
behaviour. You will study some of the most important and interesting research from
around the world as well as learn the skills required to undertake such research.
Religious Studies
(two pathways)
Religious Studies
How do you know what is the right thing to do? In ethics you will consider a vast
range of moral questions, using different approaches to explore specific issues such
as the uses of torture and euthanasia. In addition you will explore Buddhist life and
teaching, looking at key concepts and the lives of practicing Buddhists.
“Lecturers are incredibly enthusiastic
and funny, you get treated equally
and you get lots of time for
classroom discussions!
Philosophy and
Ethics (Religious Studies )
(two pathways)
Philosophy and Ethics
You will consider arguments for and against
the existence and nature of God and explore
the many ways humankind has tried to
understand what is right and wrong, as well as
investigating how we make moral decisions.
Science Applied
This course analyses the importance of
science in the workplace by studying various
organisations, from manufacturing to health
and medical sectors and forensics. You will
learn a variety of laboratory techniques to
understand the principles used in forensic
pathology, and in the chemical and energy
industries. You will also gain knowledge of
body systems and how they are regulated and
Marnie Grant - formerly of Stroud High
School taking AS-levels in Psychology,
Chemistry, Biology and Economics
This course will appeal to those interested
in human behaviour and the critical study of
society. You will learn about methods used in
researching culture and identity, and explore
and analyse the family unit. In the second year
you will examine crime and deviance and
social inequality and difference.
An intensive language course which builds on GCSE language skills. By watching
television and film clips, reading newspaper articles and practicing your listening
skills, you will develop the ability to use the language in a natural way. You will gain
a good understanding of grammar and work towards spoken and written fluency.
Students who do not have GCSE Spanish can join the ab initio course which will
allow them to complete the AS and A2 courses in their second year (see page 81).
This course is suited to students who have a particular interest in designing and
making individual and original pieces of textiles for fashion, furnishing or fine art.
You will be expected to research in depth and develop ideas on paper and fabric
to evolve quality finished work.
(Students who have successfully completed this course may progress to the BTEC
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - see page 75)
Travel and Tourism
This course is for those with a passion for communication and an appreciation of
the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing industry. You will gain knowledge of
the whole travel and tourism landscape, and learn about the diverse and complex
issues that are affecting it.
World Development
Development issues have gained considerable media attention in recent years.
Poverty, debt, unfair trade, disease and climate change are some of the biggest
issues facing the world in the 21st century and this course allows you to explore
them all.
A-level Results 2013
over 99% pass rate for
9 consecutive years
38 A-levels have a 100% pass rate
861 entrants gained A* to B passes (up 9%)
including 100 A* grades (up 28%)
students gained 3 grade As
or above
students gained the equivalent of 3 grade As at A-level or above
including vocational results
41 students gained A* or A in Biology
16 students gained A*s in Psychology and
34 gained grade As
16 students gained A* or A in English Literature
and Geography
83% gained A* to B in World Development
75% gained A* to B in French
60% gained A* to B in Chemistry
68% gained A* to B in Sociology
60% gained A* to B in Chemistry
73% gained A* to B in Further Maths
67% gained A* to B in Politics
58% gained A* to B in History
68% gained A* to B in Economics
70% gained A* to B in Textiles
Abigail HUGHES (Balcarras) AAABC
Adam HOBBS (Kingsdown)AAAB
Alana CARPENTER (Rendcomb College)AAA
Alex KEANE (Cirencester Deer Park)AAAC
Alice CARPENTER (Thomas Keble)A*AAB
Alyssia BOARDMAN (Cirencester Deer Park) AA + D*D*
Barnaby CHADWICK (Cirencester Deer Park)A*ABB
Ben FRANCIS (Bradon Forest)A*AAAC
Ben LINES (Nova Hreod)AAABC
Ben MADLEY (Bradon Forest)A*A*A*A*C
Bethan WILLIAMS (Bradon Forest)AAAC
Bo-Kyung KIM (Dorcan Academy)A*AA
Brendan PEARSON (Lydiard Park Academy)A*AB
Catherine BAILEY (Bradon Forest)
Catherine FIELDEN (Cirencester Deer Park) A*A*AA + DS*
Charlotte MURPHY (Commonweal)A*AABC
Charlotte WARD (Dorcan Academy)A*A*ABC
Chloe PHILIPPE (St Joseph’s)A*A*AB
Christopher WAKEFIELD (Marling)
Connie HILL (Cirencester Deer Park)A*ABC
Dan GRANVILLE (Bradon Forest)A*ABBB
David CHEUNG (Swindon New College)A*A*C
Ella PATTISON-SHARP (Cirencester Deer Park)AAAB
Ellie PATTEN (Cirencester Deer Park)A*AAA
Emily TONKS (Cirencester Deer Park)A*ABB
Francesca SPENCER (Bradon Forest)A*BBC+DS*
Georgia LEACH (St Joseph’s)A*ABBB
Georgina BUCKLEY (Thomas Keble)A*AAB
Hannah PETTIT (Bradon Forest)A*AAB
Hilary MCGINTY (Highworth Warneford)A*A*A*BC
Holly LITTLE (Commonweal)
Holly PAVELING (Stroud High)A*AAA
Hyun-Seo KIM (Bradon Forest)A*AAB
Jack BIRCH (Lydiard Park Academy)AAAB
A-level top achievers
(360 UCAS tariff points or more or equivalent to 3 grade As or above)
(DS = distinction DS* = distinction* in a BTEC Subsidiary Diploma)
Jack ROPER (Highworth Warneford)A*A*A*A
Jack STUART (Sir William Romney’s)A*A*A
Jake VANAGS (Swindon College)AAAB
James ALSTON (Thomas Keble)A*A*BB
James ALVIS (Rednock)A*A*BB
James INSCH (Cirencester Deer Park)A*A*CC
Jennifer ALLAN (Bradon Forest)A*AAC
Jessica SALLES (Commonweal)A*ABC
Jordan JONES (Maidenhill)
Josh PYSANCZYN (Highworth Warneford)AAAB
Joshua RHODES (Highworth Warneford)A*A*AB
Joshua YETMAN (Bradon Forest)A*A*A*A*B
Katherine MACKENZIE (Cirencester Kingshill)A*AB
Katherine MATTHEWS (Highworth Warneford)A*ACC
Kathryn ALDER (Thomas Keble)
Laura HOBSON (Cirencester Deer Park)A*A*AB
Lauren JONES (Kingsdown)A*AAB
Laurence MUSSETT (Thomas Keble)A*AAA
Leah TYWUNKA (Rednock)AAA
Lewis SAYLE (Highworth Warneford)A*AAB
Lisa JONHSON (home tuition)AAAC
Lois DONOHOE (Farmor’s)A*ABC
Louis MADDISON (Bradon Forest)A*A*AAB
Louise DANDY (Kingsdown) A*A*A*A
Luke COX (St Joseph’s)
AB + DS*
Lucy CASTLE (Kingsdown)A*AAC
Lucy REEVES (Cirencester Deer Park)A*ABB
Marianne FISH (Bradon Forest)A*A*A*A
Mary COE (Bradon Forest)A*A*AAB
Matthew WALKER (Lydiard Park Academy)A*A*AAB
Michael CANNON (Cirencester Deer Park)A*A*AAA
Mitchell DUPRIE (Bradon Forest)AAABC
Molly HALL (Bradon Forest)A*A*ABC
Nick ORMONDROYD (Highworth Warneford)A*A*A*A*A
Nicole DHILLON (Kingsdown) AAAC
Nina HAGER (Bradon Forest)A*ABB
Olivia MERRILL (Cirencester Deer Park)A*ABC
Rachael POVEY (Rednock)
Rachel BLAKEY (Bradon Forest)A*AAB
Rebecca LEES (Thomas Keble)A*AAC
Rebecca REDDING (Thomas Keble)A*A*AAAB
Richard BUTCHER (Kingsdown)AAAB
Roseanna LOOSEMORE (Sir William Romney’s)A*ABC
Rosemary LUKER (Highworth Warneford)A*A*AA
Ruth-Anne HURST (Sir William Romney’s)A*AAB
Sophie BRYANT (Kingsdown)AAAB
Svetlana KULIKOUSKAYA(Lydiard Park Academy)A*AABB
Tamsin HILLIKER (Sir William Romney’s)A*AAB
Thomas CARPENTER (Cirencester Deer Park) AAC + DS*
Varaidzo MOYO (Dorcan Academy)A*AA
Lucy Reeves
(ex Cirencester Deer Park)
“All the lecturers at College have been
unbelievably helpful, I’m so happy with my
grades and definitely could not have achieved
them without their help!”
Lucy gained A*ABB and will be joining
Manchester University to take Bio
Rebecca Redding
(ex Thomas Keble)
“I have always
wanted to get into
Oxford, I’m ecstatic.
My teachers and tutor
at Cirencester were
absolutely amazing!”
Rebecca gained
A*AAAB and is going
to Oxford to study
A-level Results!
Charlotte Ward (ex Dorcan Academy)
“I’m so overwhelmed by my results, not
what I was expecting at all. I’ve really
enjoyed my time at Cirencester College
and would recommend the College to
Charlotte gained A*A*AC and will be
joining KPMG on the School Leavers
Jack Roper
(ex Highworth
“I’m really happy with
both my results and my
time spent at College,
All my teachers were
so supportive that it’s
hard to imagine having
gone anywhere else but
Jack gained A*A*A*A
and will be going to
University College
London to study
Computer Science.
Jack Stuart (ex Sir
William Romney’s)
“Brilliant! Fantastic
support and great
teaching. I’m amazed
at my results and
would just like to
thank Academic
Support for their help
and support!”
Jack gained A*A*A and is going to
Exeter to study a BA in Economics
and International Relations.
Josh Yetman
(ex Bradon
“I am utterly
gobsmacked! This
College has been
incredible and I am
grateful to all the
brilliant teachers!”
Josh gained
A*A*A*A*B and
is going to the
University of Kent
to take Actuarial
Nicole Dhillon
(ex Kingsdown)
“Cirencester College is an amazing
College and I highly recommend it.
I fully enjoyed my 2 years!”
Nicole gained AAA she is taking a gap year to work
and then will be applying for
Dentistry for September 2014.
15 August 2013
James Insch
(ex Cirencester Deer Park)
“I got 99 problems but results ain’t one!”
James gained A*A*C and is going to
Royal Holloway University to take
Ancient History.
Georgina Buckley
(ex Thomas Keble)
“Really pleased with my results, I’ve had
such a fun time at Cirencester College!”
Georgina gained A*AAB and will be
going to University College London to
study Egyptian Archaeology.
Hilary McGinty (ex
Highworth Warneford)
“I couldn’t be more pleased
with my results . I have loved
my time at Cirencester!”
Hilary gained A*A*A*B and
will be going to Durham
University to study
Louise Dandy (ex Kingsdown)
“I’’m really happy - and the College
has been great over the last 2 years!”
Louise gained A*A*A*A and is
going to Nottingham University
to study English and American
James Alston (ex Thomas Keble)
“I’ve had an absolutely wonderful time
making new friends, taking part in
some fantastic plays and meeting some
wonderful and inspiring teachers. Two
of the best years of my life and I am so
happy with my results and owe it all to
the fantastic students and teachers; I
am now looking forward to going to
James gained A*A*B and is going to do
Drama at University of Exeter.
Chloé Philippe (ex St Joseph’s)
“My experience at College has
been amazing, I’ve made some
great friends and the support
from my teachers has been
excellent. I’m really pleased with
my results and looking forward to
going to university!”
Chloé gained A*A*AAB and will
be going to Glasgow University
to study Neuroscience.
A-level Results!
Dan Granville
(ex Bradon Forest)
“I am so pleased with my
results. Words really cannot
describe my elation and the
depth of gratitude I have for
all the amazing staff that
have helped me to realise
my ambitions. Thank you
Cirencester College!”
Dan gained A*ABBB and will be going to St Andrews
to study Financial Economics.
Charlotte Murphy (ex Commonweal School)
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Cirencester
College and could not have achieved my results without the
support my teachers provided!”
Charlotte gained A*AAB and is going on to Southampton
University to take Modern Languages.
Matthew Walker
(ex Lydiard Park Academy)
“I’m delighted with my results
and have to thank all the staff
at Cirencester. I have had some
great opportunities eg the
Career Academies and Target
2.0 to name a few.”
Matthew gained A*A*AAB and is going to Lancaster
University to study Politics and International Relations.
Jennifer Allan (ex Bradon Forest)
“Extremely pleased with my results, and
grateful to each department for their
amazing help and support!”
Jennifer gained A*AA and will going
to Somerville College, Oxford to take
Ancient and Modern History.
Lois Donohoe
(ex Farmor’s)
“I am so pleased with
all my results and can
only thank the hard
work of all my teachers
and the amazing
experience I had at this
Lois gained A*AB
and will be going to
Heriot Watt School of
Textiles and Design to
take a BA in Design for
15 August 2013
Sarah Lane
Career Academies
Our well-established Career Academy programmes have been part of Cirencester
College since 2004 and we now have Career Academies in Finance, Business, IT,
Sport and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
Career Academy programmes are employer driven, managed and influenced by
active and enthusiastic Board members comprising both industry and academic
representatives - focussed on raising aspirations and developing career awareness,
enabling students to reach their full potential.
The student’s focus, commitment and motivation are key to their acceptance
on to an Academy Programme.
Students gain a blend of work skills alongside their academic studies, giving them a
very real choice of Higher Education study or a head start in embarking on a fulltime career when they leave College.
Operating in conjunction with Career Academies UK, Cirencester College is the only
local college to offer Career Academy programmes.
Sarah Lane
London Graduation 2013
Business Careers Academy 12/13
Business Speed Networking
Sport Careers Academy 12/13
Mo (Finance Careers Academy)
“Being part of the Finance Careers Academy has given
me lots of opportunities. From visiting Deutsche Börse
Group which was not only fascinating but also an eye
opening experience, to my summer internship with Lloyds
Banking Group in Newbury, a chance for me to impress real
employers, to working with my mentor, Cameron who is
an ex student from Cirencester, now working for Ernst and
Young, who gives me advice and help. I have also had numerous opportunities
to network with many other finance companies at academy networking events!”
Matt (IT Careers Academy)
“I went on the Academy trip to London for the day, which
was great fun, even though the bus broke down on the
motorway! I think the best thing about the Academy
programme, is the massive opportunities it opens up for me
as I progress through college. During the summer, we are
able to work at a real business for 6 weeks to gain amazing
experience for our career. Not only is this an admirable
addition to a CV, but it gives us the contacts which can open up further
opportunities when our qualifications are finished.”
Jessica (Sports Careers Academy)
“The Sports Careers Academy has given me endless
opportunities and has exceeded all expectations! I’ve been
to London along with all the other academies around the
country, which was a brilliant experience, met various
employers in both meeting and interview format. I’m very
thankful to the academy because I now have a clear career
path for my future!”
Jake (IT Careers Academy)
“The IT Academy trip to London was really
informative; it allowed me as an individual to grow
within my industry, additionally it has assisted me in
choosing my potential career path!”
Career Academy Alumni
A selection of some of our academy student destinations
St James’s Place
Bob Hunt (2006)
Philip Bunton (2007)
Jake Martin (2008)
Jamie Ponting (2008)
Miah Ripon (2008)
James Warburton (2009)
Bobbie Mottram (2010)
Fergus Marchington (2010)
Joshua Morrison (2010)
Natasha Clifford (2010)
Bailey Wilkie (2010)
George Price (2011)
Ryan Caunt (2012)
Gemma Chatfield (2012)
Matthew Cross (2012)
Chris Richards (2012)
Hannah Street (2012)
Ernst and Young
Cameron Holloway (2007)
Hassan Rauf (2011)
Oli Ashforth Shaw (2011)
Shiv Dosa (2011)
Sam Taylor (2012)
Lloyds Banking
Aamer Butt (2008)
Adam Haines (2010)
Daniel Waldron (2010)
Jonathan Hawkins (2010)
Sarah Lowther (2010)
Callum James (2011)
Dan Siddle (2011)
Roberta Wilkes (2011)
Oliver Clinch (2006)
David Coates (2007)
Katie Pitts Drake (2009)
Ryan Riddett (2012)
Andrew Gilbert (2007)
JP Morgan
Neil Carne (2007)
Cirencester Friendly Society
Rebecca Kilbey (2008)
Hannah Jefferies (2010)
Paragon Events
Charlotte Ridley (2010)
RSM Tenon
Natalya Fedai (2012)
James Fletcher (2012)
Level 3
Our extensive range of Level 3 vocational courses are listed here with a
brief description of the subject. For more in-depth course information,
please check out our website
Animal Management
Art and Design
Childcare and Education
Countryside Management
Creative Media Production
Health and Social Care
Horse Management
IT Practitioners
Music Technology
Performing Arts
Personal and Business Finance
Pre Teaching
Production Arts
Public Services (Uniformed)
Sport (Development, Coaching
and Fitness)
Sport and Exercise Science
Travel and Tourism
Young Enterprise
Also new for 2014 BTEC Art Foundation Diploma (Level 3/4) - page 75
Vocational Pathways
Vocational Pathways
Cirencester Sixth Form College’s reputation for vocational excellence is well known.
Vocational courses are excellent for a wide range of learners and are designed to
accommodate the needs of employers as well as allowing progression to university.
They provide more practical skills as well as a theoretical background. They can be
taken alongside, or in place of, GCSEs and A-levels.
BTEC Qualifications
BTEC qualifications are not exam based qualifications but are through portfolio
based assessments, projects and assignments which contribute to the study units.
Each BTEC is made up of units which is dependent on the level and size of the
BTEC. BTEC qualifications are graded either as a Pass, a Merit, a Distinction or a
Distinction star.
Extended Diploma
90 Credit Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
Equivalent to
3 A-levels
2 A-levels
1.5 A-levels
1 A-level
1 AS-level
Extended Certificate
First Award
4 GCSEs (A*-C)
2 GCSEs (A*-C)
1 GCSE (A*-C)
Level 3
Vocational Courses
Entry Requirements
Level 3 Vocational Courses
To join a level 3 vocational course you will need
to read the following entry requirements. If you
need more help with types and levels of courses
visit the Post 16 qualification information on our
For Vocational Extended Diplomas
you will need:
5 grade Cs at GCSE including 3 from the
following group:
Business Studies
English Language
English Literature
Foreign Language
(ie History, Geography, RS, Sociology, Psychology)
Science (double or single subjects)
(BTEC Level 2 Diploma Merit*
will be counted as one GCSE )
Maths, Law
a distinction in a Level 2 diploma
“I am taking the Animal
Management Subsidiary
Diploma alongside A-levels
which is great preparation
for progress on to veterinary
science. On the course I have
been on trips to the zoo,
lambing and handled lots of
different exotic animals”
Extended Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
This course enables you
to develop a range of real
employability skills and
techniques as well as the
personal qualities and
attitudes essential for success
in a working life with animals.
You can also progress via
our own HND or Foundation
Degree Routes. (see page 89).
Catherine Fielden formerly of Cirencester Deer
Park took BTEC Subsidiary
Diploma in Animal
Management alongside her
A-levels in Biology, Chemistry,
Maths and General Studies
gaining A*A*AA and a
distinction*. Catherine
will now be going onto
take veterinary science at
Art and Design
Extended Diploma
90 Credit Diploma
This is an exciting, creative and demanding course that offers the student a broad base
of knowledge and skills in Art & Design processes, allowing for a degree of personal
exploration and creativity. It is open to all learners who wish to pursue a creative career.
It is studied over a period of two years with the success and completion of Year 1 units
allowing a student to proceed on to Year 2.
(Students who have successfully completed this course may progress to the BTEC
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design - see page 75).
Business BTEC
Extended Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
This exciting vocational qualification allows you to study business theories and
concepts and apply them to real organisations and situations. It is an ideal preparation
for any career in business, for example, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance or
Administration. It is also an excellent foundation for progression to Higher Education.
Childcare & Education Diploma(CACHE)
You will learn about children’s growth and development, how to care for and educate
children and about working with their parents and other professionals.
The course consists of 3 days of study in college and, as practical work placements
are an integral part of the course, you will spend 2 days a week in child care and
educational settings.
“Taking the BTEC Media is great as you get access to the best software and
equipment. Projects are varied and interesting, from designing a website to
producing your own dvd structure and content and the opportunity to enter
short film festivals. The course is perfect for me as I prefer being continually
assessed through coursework rather than by a single exam!”
Countryside Management BTEC
Extended Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
This course is aimed at those who wish to work outdoors or in any of the
countryside, heritage or environmental industries. The course uses a mix of practical
and classroom activity which will provide valuable preparation for work in these
sectors or pave the way to further education. Progression is also available via our
Foundation Degree route (see page 89).
Creative Media Production BTEC
Extended Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
Creative Media Production provides a fascinating approach to TV, film, video,
print and digital production, combining academic study, practical skills and
understanding of professional practice. The course prepares students for a broad
range of media related courses at university level and for entry into the industry.
Subsidiary Diploma
Subsidiary Certificate
This course is designed for students with a keen interest in dance who are looking
for a practical and performance based approach. You will take part in the college
dance shows, in which you will dance duets, trios or groups, dependent on the
assessment. There are regular written assignments attached to the assessments.
Jenni Walker- formerly of Lydiard Park Academy taking BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production alongside an AS-levels in ICT. Jenni is also a member of the IT Career
Extended Diploma* Diploma* Subsidiary Diploma
This course has been designed to give new entrants to
the engineering sector the underpinning knowledge
and specific skills needed to meet the needs of the
modern engineering industries. You will develop
practical skills in preparation to enter employment or
study the subject further.
*provisional for 2014
Health and Social Care
Extended Diploma
This course will develop your skills, knowledge and
understanding of the health, social care and early years
sector, and the settings, job roles, principles and values
involved. You will complete a number of practical work
placements in order to apply your knowledge and gain
real-world experience in the sector.
Horse Management
Extended Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
This exciting course is suitable for those with existing
knowledge or experience of working with horses. You
will have the opportunity to work in a practical setting,
acquiring an industry recognised qualification that will
enable you to turn a real interest into a career or higher
education pathway, especially via our own HND or
Foundation Degree routes.
Subsidiary Diploma
This industry recognised qualification will assist you in obtaining employment in
the hospitality sector. You will learn research techniques, develop practical cooking
skills, visit hospitality providers, and have the opportunity to plan and execute
a hospitality related event. You will also have the chance to participate in two
separate weeks of work experience.
IT Practitioners
Extended Diploma
This course offers a vocational approach to computing. Each unit combines practical
work on computers with theory lessons, covering the underpinning concepts and
knowledge. You will gain skills in the field of software support and development,
and learn about software designs as well as supporting and maintaining computer
Journalism - ABC Level 3 Award in
Print Journalism
Learn about news, current affairs, fashion and celebrity journalism for magazines,
newspapers and blogs. This course can fit alongside A-levels or a BTEC programme.
Music Technology
Subsidiary Diploma
A practical, hands-on course that allows you to develop your music technology and
production skills. You will learn by completing projects that are based on realistic
workplace situations, developing skills in sequencing, recording, producing, and
composing with technology. You will also learn about the historical context and
development of music technology and the influence of world music.
Performing Arts
Extended Diploma
A practical performance course in which you gain the experience of learning
through productions. Working in the college’s professional theatre, The Sundial, this
is your chance to develop your skills in acting, dancing and singing and then try
them out in front of an audience. The course is largely practical and performancebased but there are regular written assignments throughout.
Personal and Business Finance
(Finance Academy)
Subsidiary Diploma
This course is tailored for students interested in entering financial services as
a career. By taking this course you are automatically given the opportunity to
apply for our Finance Academy, a unique programme that combines academic
qualifications with an internship at one of our partner Financial Services Companies,
as well as the opportunity to regularly meet with a mentor from the finance world.
A highly creative, professionally-focussed course aimed at students wanting to
pursue photography-related employment or progress on to university level study.
You will explore a range of traditional and digital routes, utilising the college’s
darkrooms to develop your film photographs, and using our professional editing
suites to manipulate and develop your digital work.
OCN Level 3
This is an introductory teacher
training course which enables
students to fully explore
teaching as a potential career
pathway. You will complete a
number of practical placements
in schools, as well as taking
supporting theory lessons
in college. This course can fit
alongside A levels or a BTEC
Subsidiary Diploma
A practical production course
that gives you hands-on
experience of working in the
college’s professional theatre,
The Sundial. This course will
teach you the key principles
of working backstage in the
production of theatre shows
and you will learn how to use
stage lighting and sound.
Public Services (Uniformed)
Extended Diploma
& 90 Credit Diploma
Subsidiary Diploma
This is a practical, work-related course aimed at students wishing to pursue a career
in any uniformed public service, e.g. police, ambulance service, any branch of the
military, fire service or prison service. You will develop a wide range of transferable
skills including time management, team work, leadership and communication. This
course is for those who enjoy activity and who are willing to try new experiences; it
provides preparation for employment or higher education.
Radio - ABC Level 3 Award in
Learn to create sound design for a professional context by producing content
for the College’s web radio station. You will develop skills in research, scheduling,
interviewing, presenting, recording and editing. This course can fit alongside A levels
or a BTEC programme.
Sport (Development, Coaching and
Extended Diploma
90 Credit Diploma
The course is aimed at students wishing to pursue a career in the sports or fitness
industry. Modules include Anatomy and Physiology, Training and Fitness, Sports
Coaching, Sports Development and Sports Nutrition. Taught through classroom
based lectures and practical sessions, this course is ideal preparation for either the
workplace or university.
“Sports Fitness and Coaching has
helped to teach me how to stay
fit and healthy and how I can
improve my swimming times, by
explaining how the body works
and how you can stay fit without
injuring yourself!”
Dan Bennett- ex Sir William Romney’s
School taking BTEC Extended Diploma
in Sport (Development, Coaching and
(photo courtesy of Mark Lomas, Statement Images)
Sport and Exercise Science
Extended Diploma
90 Credit Diploma
The course is aimed at students wishing to pursue a career in the sports or fitness
industry. Modules include Anatomy, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Health &
Lifestyle, Sports Injuries, Sports Nutrition, Sport Psychology and Sports Massage.
Taught through classroom based lectures and practical sessions, this course is ideal
preparation for either the workplace or university.
Travel and Tourism
Subsidiary Diploma
This course is for those with a passion for communication and an appreciation of
the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing industry. You will gain knowledge of
the whole travel and tourism landscape, and learn about the diverse and complex
issues that are affecting sectors such as UK visitor attractions, long haul travel
destinations and cruise ships. You will have the opportunity to undertake many
course related visits.
New for 2014
BTEC Art Foundation Diploma
This course is for those who wish to develop their creative skills in Art and Design
to a higher level. Suitable for students who have successfully completed either
the BTEC Extended Diploma in Art and Design (merit or above) or an A-level
profile that demonstrates strong performance in Art and Design. The course is
excellent preparation for those who wish to progress to a BA Honours degree at
Georgina Reid
Mike New
Bethany Meaden
Sam Powell
Charlie Thorpe
Jessica Caudle
Georgian Hann
Luke Cameron
Jonas Pollard
Sean Pullen
Georgia McCann
Jack Deaman
Chatchai Klinrot
Laura Maller
Josh Hill
Animal Management
Jessica BOHLING (Home Educated)D*D*D*
Danielle CLARK ( Dorcan Academy)D*D*D+C
Rhian COLE (St Joseph’s)D*D*D*+DS*
Mair DAVIES (St Helena)D*D*D
Deborah JAMES (Kingsdown)D*D*D
Bethany LARGE (Nova Hreod)DDD
Georgia MCCANN (Lydiard Park Academy)D*D*D
Bethany MEADEN (Ridgeway School)D*D*D*+DS*
Karla PLAISTER (Commonweal)D*D*D*+B
Keziah TRURAN (Rednock)D*D*D*+DS*
Luke CAMERON (Thomas Keble)D*D*D*
Katie CLUETT (Cirencester Deer Park)DDD
Bryony HYNES (Malmesbury)D*DD
Samuel JOHNSON (Cirencester Kingshill)D*D*D*
Chatchai KLINROT (Cirencester Deer Park)D*D*D
Georgina REID (Swindon Academy)D*D*D*
Kayleigh TAYLOR (Cirencester Deer Park)D*D*D*+C
Neil THAKRAR (Nova Hreod)D*D*D*
Art and Design
Aliza DE LIMA (Sir William Romney’s)D*DD
Georgia HANN (Rednock School)DDD
Lewis JAMES (Bradon Forest)D*DD
Jemma STOREY (Highworth Warneford)D*DD+DS
Sritrakun SUAMKLANG (Nova Hreod)D*DD
Countryside Management
Sam POWELL (Sir William Romney’s)D*D*D*
Edward McCollom
Gary Long
Johnson Samantha Hiscocks
Samuel Johnson
Beth Adams
Creative Media Production
Gary LONG (Cirencester Kingshill)D*D*D*
Jonas POLLARD (Thomas Keble)D*D*D*+B
Sean PULLEN (Kingsdown) D*D*D*
Tori Price
Vocational Level 3 Results!
Level 3 Extended Diplomas
(D*D*D* = triple distinctions are equivalent to 3 grade A*s at A-level. Some students take an additional A-level or an additional subsidiary diploma)
Health and Social Care
Jessica BAKER (Highworth Warneford)D*D*D*
Jessica CAUDLE (Cirencester Kingshill)D*D*D*
Holly GRAY (Archway)
Ryan KENT (Cirencester Deer Park)D*DD
Sophie MCHUGH (Bradon Forest)
Tori PRICE (Katharine Lady Berkeley’s)D*D*D*
Elizabeth TOSELAND (Malmesbury)D*D*D*
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Rebecca BEARD (Maidenhill)DDD
Jack BROWN (Marling)DDD
Jack DEAMAN (Highworth Warneford)D*D*D
Matthew JOHNSON (Lydiard Park)DDD
Robert MANT (Cirencester Deer Park)DDD
Michael NEW (Malmesbury)D*DD
Clarice SALOYEDOFF (Ridgeway)D*D*D*+C
Horse Management
Alexander BENFIELD (Cirencester Deer Park)D*D*D
Rosa FORD (Stroud High)D*D*D
Catherine LOWE (Stroud High)DDD
Performing Arts
Sarah FINNEY (Lydiard Park Academy)DDD
Joshua FOYSTER (Commonweal)D*DD
Caitlin GALLAGHER (Balcarras)DDD
Hannah GARDINER (Swindon Academy)DDD
Rachel HAMMOND (Nova Hreod)D*D*D+A
Abygail HUGHES (Malmesbury)D*D*D
Robyn JARVIS (Nova Hreod)D*D*D*+C
Ellen LAWRENCE (Royal Wootton Bassett)D*DD
Edward MCCOLLUM (Thomas Keble)D*D*D
Evie MOORE (Sir William Romney’s)D*D*D
Naomi OSMOND (Denmark Road High)D*D*D*+D
Abigail SHORT (Highworth Warneford)D*DD+D
Charlie THORPE (Faringdon)D*DD
IT (Software Development)
James CHASE (Farmor’s)D*D*D
James CLARK (Nova Hreod)D*D*D
Anthony COLE (Malmesbury)DDD
Sport (Development, Coaching & Fitness)
Thomas BLACKFORD (St Joseph’s) DDD
Thomas DENMEAD (Farmor’s)D*D*D*
Andrew FERRIS (Farmor’s)DDD
Matthew FUSCO (Malmesbury)DDD
Jack GOWER (Farmor’s)DDD
Reuben KEATING (St Thomas More)D*D*D*
Laura MALLER (Sir William Romney’s)D*D*D*
Aimee O’SULLIVAN (St Joseph’s)DDD
David RIDLEY (Highworth Warneford)DDD
Ria SALLEH (Cotswold)D*D*D*
Jessica SELLEN (Katharine Lady Berkeley’s)D*D*D*
Alice WOODMAN (Kingsdown)D*DD+C
Production (Performing Arts)
Toby CHEVIS (Grittleton House)D*D*D+DS*
Charles LAPAGE-NORRIS (Wycliffe College)D*D*D+C
Rhys MAULE (Archway)DDD
Rowan POOLE (Cirencester Deer Park)D*D*D+DS*+C
CACHE Level 3 (A = triple distinction)
Bethany ADAMS (Rednock)A
Emma BOUCHER (Cirencester Deer Park)A
Bronagh DAVIES (Highworth Warneford)A
Sport (Outdoor Adventure)
Emma Devine (Cirencester Kingshill)
D*D*D* Samantha HISCOCKS (Faringdon)A
Michael Lorusso (Highworth Warneford)DDD Charlotte LANGFORD (Rednock)A
Rhiannon SMITH (Malmesbury)A
Uniformed Public Services
Tessa BARRETT (Cirencester Deer Park)
Joshua HILL(Cirencester Kingshill)DDD
Vocational Level 3 Results!
Left to right: Mohammed Karim, Danny
Gannicott, Jeevan Thandi, Glenn Christmas and
Sam Mathews of Swapplications
Young Enterprise is your chance to set up and
run a legal trading business with other students.
Choose your role from a range including
managing director, finance director, sales director
and more. You will find out what it is really like to
be an entrepreneur.
Swapplications has this year completely out
performed every College YE group that has gone
before them. Winning their Area Finals to become
champions of Gloucestershire they then went on
to win their Regional Final to become champions
of the South West, picking up additional awards
such as Best Financial Management and Best
Innovation along the way.
They then represented the South West at the
National Finals in London where they won the
award for Best Production and a cheque for £500.
Put simply, their company produces bespoke
apps for schools and colleges which assist with
the students learning experience, helping them
to be more organised and communicate more
“Young Enterprise has personally
been very beneficial for my CV
in terms of experience in playing
a role in a real company which
gives me an advantage when I
start searching for jobs!”
GCSE Courses &
Level 2
The full GCSE Maths course taught within one year. Students with a grade D
will take GCSE Foundation Maths. Students with a grade E or below will do the
Functional Skills course.
English Language
The full GCSE English course taught within one year. Students with a grade D at
GCSE can take this course, while students with a grade E or below will do Functional
Skills English.
Italian GCSE (Ab Initio)
This is an intensive language course for students with no previous experience of
Italian. This course leads to AS and A2 in the second year; by Easter of year one you
should be at a really good GCSE standard and able to begin AS level work. You will
take the GCSE exam at the end of the first year.
Spanish GCSE (Ab Initio)
This is an intensive language course for students with no previous experience of
Spanish. This course leads to AS and A2 in the second year; by Easter of year one you
should be at a really good GCSE standard and able to begin AS level work. You will
take the GCSE exam at the end of the first year.
Level 2 Vocational
Animal Care BTEC Level 2 Diploma
This exciting and active course will give you the opportunity to work with and study
a variety of animals in both practical and classroom settings. You will have access
to reptiles, fish, invertebrates, rodents, birds, farm animals, horses and domestic
pets, all of which are either resident on the college site or at our local yard. This
course enables students to develop a range of real employability skills as well as the
personal qualities and attitudes essential for success in a working life with animals.
Principles of Applied Science
First Award (1 or 2)
Applied Science delivers GCSE level study by covering the key scientific principles
vital for both scientists and citizens of the future. Modules include Chemistry and
Our Earth, Energy and Our Universe and Biology and Our Environment.
Art & Design BTEC Level 2 Certificate
Extended Certificate
During this course you will develop technical and creative skills, focussing on 2D
and 3D visual arts methods as well as contextual studies in contemporary and
historical art.
This course provides an introduction to the world of business, examining concepts
and ideas which will help you to gain an insight into how and why businesses
operate. You will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on
realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.
Childcare and Education (CACHE)
This one year course explores the development of children from birth to 16. It
covers exciting topics like children and play, plus the latest thinking in children
services. It also includes placements in settings such as nurseries that will give you
hands-on experience to help you with your first job. This course also allows for
progression on to the CACHE Level 3 Diploma.
Countryside and Environment
This course is ideal if you are interested in working outdoors in the heritage and
countryside sector and want to gain the skills required for employment. This one
year Level 2 Diploma also allows for progression on to selected Level 3 Diplomas.
Creative Media
Extended Certificate
Throughout this one year course you will have the chance to engage your creativity
in producing your own films using professional filming equipment and editing
software. Drama, documentary and live studio productions will form part of this
course, which can be a progression route to BTEC Level 3 Creative Media.
Horse Care
Horse Care will give you the chance to develop a range of real employability skills
as well as the personal qualities and attitudes essential for success in a working
life with horses. This one year Level 2 Diploma offers routes into employment or
progression on to selected Level 3 Diplomas.
Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
On this course you will gain two different Extended Certificates. One in Hospitality
and the other in Travel and Tourism which will give you the equivalent of a Diploma.
The course provides an introduction to both industries, and will prepare you for
employment. In Hospitality you will be given the opportunity to cook contemporary
cuisine dishes and practice in a real hospitality environment. In Travel and Tourism
you will gain an introductory into this dynamic world. This one year course also
allows for progression on to selected Level 3 Diplomas.
IT Practitioners
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the IT industry, the Level 2 Diploma
offers a broad-based course of study to get you started. You will learn how to
create effective documents, assemble hardware, and design and create your own
computer game. This one year Level 2 Diploma also allows for progression on to
selected Level 3 Diplomas.
Music Production
Music Production is aimed at students who have
a general interest in recording and producing
music. This course could be the first step to
working in a recording studio or to studying
related courses at Level 3.
Performing Arts
In this exciting and challenging course you will
develop performance skills as an actor and study
and apply a range of methods of creating drama,
both for the stage and screen. The performance
work will be assessed through the presentation
of scripted extracts from published plays and
devised work.
Megan Price - (Thomas Keble School) took the Pre
Nursing course alongside her A-levels in Psychology,
General Studies, Applied Science and Anthropology
(AACC) and is now going on to study Midwifery at
Birmingham City University.
Award in Progression
(9 credits)
For those interested in a career in nursing or other health related fields, this course
gives an insight into your chosen health care profession, providing the skills and
qualities to become a health care practitioner. You will study this course over a
period of 1 year, with weekly work placements in healthcare settings. This course
can fit alongside a programme of A levels or BTEC Diplomas.
Public Services (Uniformed)
This active and engaging course is aimed at students interested in pursuing a career
in one of the uniformed public services, e.g. the armed forces, police, fire service or
customs and excise. This one year Level 2 Diploma also allows for progression on to
selected Level 3 Diplomas.
This course covers a wide variety of aspects related to the Sport and Exercise
Science industry. Modules include Fitness Testing & Training, Anatomy & Physiology,
Sports Injuries and Planning and Leading Sports Activities. . This one year Level 2
Diploma provides routes into employment or progression on to selected Level 3
Vocational Level 1
& Entry Level 3
For those students who found school
challenging and are expecting mostly
grades E to G in their GCSEs.
This is the ideal course to gain skills
and experience before moving on to
a Level 2 course, apprenticeship or
Students work towards level 1
functional skills in English, Maths and
IT and choose a pathway that best
suits their interests and future goals:
• Business Admin and Retail
• Land Based and Animal Studies
• Hospitality, Travel and Leisure
• Creative Media inc Photography
You will be supported through work
experience in their chosen area.
A Personal Tutor will work with
students on Personal and Social
Development each week and our
experienced team of teachers and
learning support workers will help
students make progress from day one.
Daisy Ranger this year completed her level
1 functional skills in English, Maths and
IT and has been gaining work experience
catering in the staff cafe. Daisy will be
continuing with her level 1 in September
University Level Courses
Joining Cirencester Sixth Form College gives students
the opportunity to continue on to Higher Education. A
popular choice for students facing high fees at university
and want to stay in familiar surroundings.
In partnership with HE institutions, we are now delivering
Foundation Degrees in:
Criminology and Criminal Justice (University of West of
Environmental Conservation and Heritage
(Royal Agricultural University - RAU)
British Wildlife Conservation (RAU)
Archaeological and Historical Conservation (RAU)
We can also offer a HND/HNC in:
Animal Management
Computing and Systems Development
Sport Coaching and Development
and from 2014 we will also be launching HND/HNCs in:
Health & Social Care
and from 2014
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
Emily Gentleman-Graduated from UWE adding a top up
year to her Foundation Degree, gaining a BA in Criminology
- Emily was also awarded the best dissertation in the Faculty
of Health and Life Sciences at UWE
Apprenticeships are an excellent opportunity to gain a career, with real training whilst
you are earning - combining a programme of work-based skills at your place of work
alongside a day-release academic course at College.
At Cirencester College there are three levels of apprenticeship available; Intermediate,
Advanced and Higher.
Advertising & Marketing Communications
Business and Administration
Creative and Digital Media
Customer Service
IT Applications
Team Leading
A wide range of Higher Apprenticeships are currently being launched, more information
will be available on our website alongside our current vacancies.
9-24 months
• GCSEs or equivalent
requirements • appropriate attitude
and aptitude
• employed
in relevant
occupational area
working towards:
requirements • NVQ Level 2
• Technical Certificate
• Functional Skills
12-24 months
• GCSEs or equivalent
• Completion of level
2 apprenticeship
• employed
in relevant
occupational area
working towards:
• NVQ Level 3
• Technical
• Functional Skills
18-36 months
• GCSEs or equivalent
• significant experience
of working in
appropriate field
• employed in relevant
occupational area
working towards:
• NVQ level 4
• Technical Certificate
• Functional Skills
• a knowledge based
qualification such as a
foundation degree or
Case Study
St James’s Place Apprentices
Four of the five apprentices employed at St James’s Place in Cirencester are pictured
(left to right)
Chris Richards - Business and Administration Apprentice and ex Business Academy
Ryan Caunt - Business and Administration Apprentice and ex Business Academy
Gemma Chatfield - Marketing Apprentice and ex Business Academy student
Matt Cross - Business Administration Apprentice and ex Finance Academy student
Sarah Newell (missing from the photo) is an Accounting Apprentice and ex A-level
student at Cirencester Sixth Form College
Sue Kingston
Recruitment and HR Operations Manager
St James’s Place
St. James’s Place introduced their apprenticeship scheme to support local young
people by giving them an opportunity to gain valuable work experience alongside
a work related qualification. In return St. James’s Place gains bright, hard working
and focussed young people at grass roots level who are eager to work within a
successful and professional environment.
Apprentices have been recruited into various parts of the business which have a
number of junior roles available along with plenty of line management support to
ensure they receive the training and development necessary to help them succeed
and to progress their careers.
St. James’s Place first intake of apprentices have impressed their departments by
their ability to work hard and complete exams or coursework with all five being
offered permanent roles within the company. As the business continues to grow,
more apprenticeship vacancies have been created to ensure this local source of
young talent continues to play a part in the company’s overall recruitment strategy.
of Sport
Cirencester College
Academy of Sport
In 2013 we launched the Academy
of Sport to build on the success of
our sports clubs in Netball, Rugby,
Basketball and Badminton in addition to
well established Football Academy.
Every Academy of Sport student will:
The purpose of the Academy of Sport
is to:
l increase student participation in
sport in the college
l improve the standard of individual
l enhance individuals career
l provide opportunities to become
involved with coaching or
l create a centre for these sports
in the region that nurtures both
performance and coaching talent
a personal portfolio
with their coach with a detailed
improvement action plan
take individual fitness testing and
have regular training sessions
per week including fixtures and
have free fitness centre membership
gain entry into the BCS national
be involved in organising a cross
college sports event
The College also has support from a
high quality local physiotherapy unit
and with a private health care company.
The Academy of Sport is an exciting
venture inspired by the Olympic Games
Sporting Achievements
Basketball Academy
• EB/BCS U19 Elite League
• Gloucester Schools Champions
• BCS West Midlands Tournament Winners
• BCS National Finals (7th overall in country)
• BCS Intra College Participation Cup Winners
Individual Basketball success:
Eddie Donmez
SW Representative
Laurie Costello
SW Representative
Joe Shepherd
SW Representative
Josh Reade
Wales U18
Football Academy
Wiltshire County Representative Team
Will Picter
Gloucestershire County Representative Team
Rueben Keating
Josh Newman
Adam Mace
Harry Owen
Dan Roberts
Tim Bond
Scholarships In USA
Rueben Keating : American International Springfield,
MA, United States
Netball Academy
2nd West Midlands league 2013
British Colleges West Midland trialists
Jessie Loveless
Charlotte Legge
Ellie Rugsa
Selected to represent British Colleges
Beth Webb (left)
“The Netball Academy is a great enrichment activity as
it means I have been able to keep my hobby going and
stay fit whilst at College. This year I was selected for British
Colleges, I have gained so much support for my netball
outside my academic subjects which also helps me with
my future plans for university!”
Beth Webb- formerly of Kingsdown School taking a BTEC
Subsidiary Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences, AS-levels in
Psychology, History, English Literature and Language
West Midlands Colleges
John McDonald runner up
boys singles
Emma McDonald reached
the finals of the girls singles
Nicole and Helena won the
girls doubles
Andy Ferris and Alice
Woodman won the mixed
National team competition
Academy reached quarter
British Colleges National
Andy Ferris and Emma
McDonald runners up in the
Mixed Doubles
(pictured below)
Rugby Academy
• 4th BCS Elite League West Midlands 2013
• Jack Western played Gloucestershire County Under 18's (playing in all 3
Championship Games)
• Cameron Goodge played for Scotland Exiles
• 8 Cirencester College players had West Midlands Trials for BCS
• Semi-Finals of the 7's tournament (National Qualifiers)
(photo courtesy of Mark Lomas, Statement Images)
Individual Sporting Achievement
Dan Bennett
Five gold medals at the National
Junior Disability Swimming
Championships in Sheffield
Charlotte Pitts
Captain of Swindon Dolphins Swimming
Sophie Roberts
West Midlands regional swimmer
Lillie Bellamy
National Senior girls 1500m Athletics
Callum Fraser
National Number 2 for Archery
Clarice Saloyedoff
National Rhythmic gymnastic
Cameron Goodge
Rugby Scotland Exiles
Mike New, James Tremblin and Ross Morgan (pic left)
Rugby West Midlands representatives
Alex Higgs
10th BCS Golf
The Football Academy concept was initiated by Cirencester College and
Cirencester Town Football Club in 1996.
The vision was to provide full-time football coaching in conjunction with full-time
education. This model set the benchmark that numerous colleges have followed
and we gained the coveted National Training Award in 1999.
The Football Academy’s weekly training regime involves:
Daily individual training and team coaching
Individual player assessment and development
Football fitness
Individual fitness profile and advice
Diet and nutrition
FA coaching and refereeing qualifications
League fixtures (including South West Counties Under 18s and English
Colleges’ Football League Premier and Regional Divisions)
Cup competitions (ESFA Colleges’ Trophy, FA Youth Cup, English Colleges’ Cup
and Glos County)
After completing your time in the Football
Academy you could progress to:
Careers in professional football and semiprofessional football
Football coaching
Football refereeing
Further and Higher Education
Full-time work in sports and/or leisure
related areas
Overseas scholarships in the USA
As a member of the Football Academy:
You will have a full programme of
academic/vocational study
You can select from the whole range of
programmes offered by Cirencester College
eg A and AS-levels, National Extended
Players are selected for the Academy on the
basis of their football ability. Trial dates for
the September 2014 entry are in March/April
2014. To find out more you can contact the
Admissions Office at the College.
Prospective students should however submit
their applications for a College place well
before these dates.
Football Academy
roll of honour
ESFA Under 18s Schools and Colleges Trophy
1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2012
British College Champions
1997, 1998, 1999 and 2001
Gloucestershire County College Cup
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
South West Colleges’ Cup 1998, 1999, 2000
South West Counties Youth League Cup 1999
Football Conference League Cup Under 19s 2008
South West County League Champions 2009
Former Academy Players
James Constable
Walsall, Shrewsbury, Oxford United
Stuart Nelson
Millwall, Brentford, Leyton Orient, Norwich City, Aberdeen,
Notts County, Gillingham
Matthew Green
Cardiff City, Torquay United, Oxford United, Mansfield
Chris Zebroski
Millwall, Plymouth, Wycombe Wanderers, Torquay United,
Bristol Rovers, Cheltenham Town, Newport County
Jamie Gosling
Yeovil Town, Torquay United
British Colleges
Nick McCray (98)
Adam Wainwright (98)
Neil Morris (98)
Kevin Sawyer (98)
Phil Corcoran (99)
Chris Cobb (99)
Toby Clark (01/02)
Adam Mayo (01/02)
English Colleges
Matt Green (05)
Craig Curtis (05)
Connor Thompson (11)
Josh Morse (12/13)
Adam Mace (13)
Harry Owen (13)
English Schools (U18)
Sam Allison (99)
Chris Bass (02)
Lee Stevens (04)
Robert Hodge (05)
Karl Reynolds (06)
Liam Williams (10)
Connor Thompson (11)
Welsh Schools
Neil Morris (98)
English Colleges’ National Squad 2013
Left to right
Harry Owen (under 17s)
Josh Morse (under 19s)
Adam Mace (under 19s)
The Football Academy is amazing
because you are doing something that
you really enjoy as well as working with
people who also love playing football.
Everyone is trying their hardest
because they know the more they put
in the more they’re going to get out of
My favourite thing about being a
student here is that you get to know
a lot of people and you get a good
education. Any student thinking of
coming to Cirencester I’d say come
along, its a great college!
Funniest moment at college was when
the whole football academy were
running around the field shouting
‘get down’ and then jumping to the
floor whilst a man in a full army outfit
chased us around trying to catch us.
My ambitions for the future are to
hopefully get a scholarship in America
or go to university to study a sport
course and hopefully carry on playing
football to as high a level as possible.
Alex Bateman - formerly of Dorcan
Academy taking a BTEC Subsidiary
Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences,
AS-levels in Law and Accounts alongside
the Football Academy
and Trips
“My enrichment is Volunteering with the Churn
Project, where every week for an hour I visit a local
care home and chat with one of the residents. It’s a
great experience; I’ve learnt new things, heard old
stories and met new people!”
One of the many attractions of coming to Cirencester College is the amazing
enrichment (or extra-curricular activities) on offer. They help you to boost
your CV with the life and employability skills expected by universities and
employers alike. It is also a fantastic opportunity for you to simply try out
new areas of interest and have fun at the same time.
A number of themed events also take place each year ranging from health
awareness to volunteering opportunities and equality & diversity awareness.
The various activities are broken down into the following groups, but we
are always open to new ideas and regularly arrange ‘taster’ sessions for new
• Sport, Health & Fitness
• Job & Personal Skills
• The Environment
• Volunteering in the local community
• Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
• Charity fund-raising
In addition, there are a number of major cross-college events including
Sports Day plus HE and Futures Days. Most subject areas offer enhancement
activities too. These include visiting speakers and a wide range of College
trips and visits.
“The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme fits in with my
A-level programme. The Public Services lecturers take
D of E students on their expedition which fits around term
times and the sport and volunteering opportunities at
College which fills the physical and volunteering sections!”
Holocaust Survivor Talk
Economics compete in Bank
of England Competition at
Gloucester Rugby Club
HRH Duchess of Gloucester visiting
student young neighbours
Youth Theatre perform at
Bristol’s Old Vic
Student ambassadors
Fund raising for Children in Need
Student Union ‘Halloween Bash’
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Big Bang Science Day
Elan Valley
Yorkshire Dales
Royal College
of Surgeons
“Seeing the live acting of Henry VIII on
our History trip to Hampton Court really
brought the history course to life and put
it in perspective!!”
Kathryn McCarthy (Bradon Forest School)
taking Biology, History, Psychology and Law
Archaeology Trip
Chesil Beach
Czech Republic
NCS Summer 2013
Local Cotswold MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown visits NCS students at Cotswold Water Park
National Citizen Service
NCS Summer Challenge 2014
In the Summer 2014, Cirencester
College will be hosting places for young
people looking for adventure, fun and
NCS is a programme of activities and
challenges for 16/17 year olds that will
support them to develop the skills and
attitudes they need to be more engaged
with their communities and become
active and responsible young people. It is
a challenging and enjoyable opportunity
for young people to gain new skills, meet
people they would not normally meet,
and work together for the benefit of their
communities. It supports young people
to realise their potential and prepare for
adult life.
The young people are given the skills
and support to devise, develop and
deliver a social action project within the
community. In the past the teams have
supported various projects including,
Young carers, mental health charities, and
hospices and many choose to carry on
their support once the NCS programme is
complete. Feedback from young people
who have participated in NCS summer
events tells a fantastic story:
“It gives you confidence and challenges you
in different ways. You feel proud of yourself
“I would tell anyone thinking of doing it to
just do it. You learn new skills, it’s good for
your CV and you make friends you’ll stay in
touch with forever.”
“It’s been great. The people are friendly
and the activities are brilliant. We’ve been
canoeing, expedition walking, camping
and rock climbing, which are helping me
develop team building skills which will help
me later on in a job.”
In 2013/2014 there will be up to 60,000
places available across England (over 50
places in Cirencester and surrounding
area) and the programme will be open to
many more young people in future years.
If you are in Year 11 now and you would
like to find out more about NCS, please
contact the NCS team on 01285 640994
or e-mail
For more information about the
programme at Cirencester go to:
or take a look at the bigger picture at:
As a result of the increased
demand from students outside
our immediate area for transport
to Cirencester College, we now
run over 26 College subsidised
coach services each day to and
from the College.
Coaches run from and stop in
Swindon, Cheltenham, Stroud
areas and surrounding villages
including those on the next page.
We are considering a route from
Bourton on the Water in 2014,
please contact us if you are
For full information on these
routes please contact the Finance
Office on 01285 626147.
Applications for bus passes will
be available at your admissions
In addition there are service
routes from surrounding areas.
Routes may be subject to change
each year. Further details are
available from our Finance Office.
Ashton Keynes
Bourton (Swindon)
Broad Blunsdon
Marston Meysey
North Nibley
Severn Springs
South Marston
South Woodchester
Upper Minety
Wootton Bassett
Working Outside
the Classroom
Supporting Work Outside the Classroom
We are keen to support students in their
learning when not in class and offer a range of
services and facilities.
The Library offers students a quiet
environment in which to learn, supported
by a range of appropriate books, magazines
and electronic resources. There is also a wide
selection of recreational DVDs and fiction
available for loan. Learning Resource Staff are
on hand to help students find the information
they need.
The Learning Centre, which is situated in
the Millennium Building, is the principal open
access computer room for student drop-in use
and supported learning.
There are several Drop In Computer Access
Areas around the College where students
can work on College computers or access the
College network via our free Wi-Fi service.
A newly refurbished Refectory provides a
rotating 3 weekly menu of delicious food and
healthy options. Our chef is always open to
new ideas and encourages students to put
forward their views on menu choices.
Tom Skoczek (St Joseph’s)
“We have dedicated
computer rooms, a library
and study areas. There
is support outside the
classroom with lunchtime
subject support sessions,
information on Moodle and
course booklets.”
The Spotlight cafe style is very popular with
the students with its choice of freshly roasted
coffee, fruit smoothies and home baked
2013 sees the opening of the Nigel Robbins
Building which accommodates 12 brand
new state of the art classrooms which is being
doubled in size with 12 more classrooms due to
open in the Spring of 2014.
“College gives you the
skills that you don’t learn at
school including self
Jamie Beynon- Isambard School taking AS-level
Maths, Geography, Economics and Physics
“What I’ve found about College
is that your lecturers genuinely
care and take an interest in you.
College isn’t just about teaching
you a subject, it develops you as a
Making friends was, surprisingly, a
lot easier than I thought it would
be! Even the process of meeting
and talking to new people helps
you to develop and mature.”
Georgia Litwin - (Farmor’s School)
taking AS-levels in English Literature,
French, History, Law and Mathematics
My Checklist for joining
Cirencester College
Careers Advice
Visit a Cirencester College Open Event
Courses I would like to know more about:
The information contained in this
prospectus is believed to be correct
at the time of production, September
Cirencester College continually
updates and reviews its provision to
ensure that it meets the needs of the
community. Therefore the right to
amend, change or delete learning
programmes or accreditation routes is
reserved at all times.
Entry qualifications I need:
My interview date is on:
Research for my admissions interview
Career Plans
Course information on Cirencester College
© Cirencester College
Cirencester Sixth Form College
Fosse Way Campus, Stroud Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 1XA
tel: 01285 640994
fax: 01285 644171