2014 Summer Newsletter
2014 Summer Newsletter
s w e N ip h s n w o T r e v West Hano Volume 19, Issue 2 www.westhanover.com Board of Supervisors Adam Klein, Chairman Jay Megonnell, Vice-Chair Donald Steinmeier, Sec/Trea Harold Harman Gloria Zimmerman SUMMER 2014 Unfunded Mandate passed, they would force local townships into higher taxes to pay for this unfunded state mandate. Simply put, the Pennsylvania State Pennsylvania State Legislators are at Legislators would not provide any work in Harrisburg to force local money to local governments to help municipalities into providing police pay for these mandates. protection for residents. There are currently four bills in the State Legislature to bring about a police House Bill 1017 would force every 18 force for all local townships. The bills year old and older adult into paying are House Bill 1017, House Bill 1143, $156 per year to support State Police Senate Bill 841 and Senate Bill 63. If (Continued on page 3) any one of these bills were to be by Donald Steinmeier, Township Supervisor Township Facilities Township Building Closed Municipal Building 7171 Allentown Blvd 652-4841/Fax 652-8158 Friday July 4th and on Public Works Dept. (Compost Center) 402 N Fairville Avenue 652-1054/Fax 909-0660 Water & Sewer Auth. 7901 Jonestown Road 540-0124/Fax 901-3942 Recreation Center 628 Walnut Avenue 724-0083/Fax 724-0086 Fairville Park 1000 N Fairville Avenue Lenker Park 7555 Manor Drive Houck Memorial Park 141 Florence Drive Skyline Commons Park 305 Short Street Labor Day - Monday September 1st In Loving Memory of Julie Hoepfer memorial garden and butterfly house at the township building for all to enjoy. In February of this year, one of our beloved co-workers passed away after Julie was a beautiful person and she is greatly missed by all who had the a long illness. Julie was the privilege to know and work with her. West Hanover township Zoning Administrative Assistant for the last 19 years. She will always be remembered for her cheerful and loyal service to our township in which she resided. Julie had a great fondness for butterflies. In her memory, the West Hanover Township Board of Supervisors along with the Environmental Advisory Council and members of the Zoning Hearing Board will be planting and dedicating a beautiful butterfly Page 2 West Hanover Township News Meeting Dates West Hanover Township JUNE 6/2/14 Board of Supervisors 6/5/14 Public Safety Advisory Board 6/10/14 Environmental Advisory Council 6/12/14 Zoning Hearing Board 7 PM 6:30 PM 7 PM 6:30 PM 6/16/14 Board of Supervisors 7 PM 6/17/14 Water & Sewer Authority 6 PM 6/18/14 Parks & Recreation Board 7 PM 6/26/14 Planning Commission 7 PM Phone Numbers: Main: (717) 652-4841 Codes: (717) 540-6080 Parks: (717) 724-0083 Zoning: (717) 540-6075 Public Works: (717) 652-1054 Water & Sewer: (717) 540-0124 STAFF: JULY 7/3/14 Public Safety Advisory Board 6:30 PM Daniel Rosario, Township Manager 7/7/14 Board of Supervisors 7 PM Lisa Riley, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer 7/8/14 Environmental Advisory Council 7 PM Peggy Marks, Administrative Assistant 6:30 PM Charles Kolanda, Codes Administrator 7/10/14 Zoning Hearing Board 7/15/14 Water & Sewer Authority 6PM Daniel Rosario, Zoning Administrator 7/16/14 Parks & Recreation Board 7PM Harold Harman, Public Works Director 7/21/14 Board of Supervisors 7PM Christopher Mumma, Assist. Roadmaster 7/24/14 Planning Commission 7PM Dale Zimmerman David Wickenheiser AUGUST 8/4/14 Board of Supervisors 8/7/14 Public Safety Advisory Board 8/12/14 Environmental Advisory Council 8/14/14 Zoning Hearing Board 7 PM 6:30PM 7PM 6:30 PM David Smith Tom Rothenberger David Wollerton Bill Sheriff, Compost Attendant 8/18/14 Board of Supervisors 7 PM Dixie Fesig, Parks & Rec Coordinator 8/19/14 Water & Sewer Authority 6 PM Tom Goodsell, Parks & Rec. Maintenance 8/20/14 Parks & Recreation Board 7PM George Danner, Parks & Rec Maintenance 8/28/14 Planning Commission 7 PM All meetings are at the Municipal Building, 7171 Allentown Boulevard except PSAB-Fire Station - 7624 Jonestown Road Parks and Rec. - 628 Walnut Avenue Water and Sewer Auth. - 7901 Jonestown Rd. Tax Collector: Tom Stewart 717-545-1200/Fax 545-1201 Office hours: Monday 9am - 1pm Wednesday 2pm - 6pm (Located in lower level of the township building) Volume 19, Issue 2 Planning Commission Members Jim Zeiters, Chairman Gerald Longenecker, Vice Chairman Jim Shandersky, Secretary Charles Ankney Joseph Snyder Tom Stewart John Fox Albert T. Brulo, HRG Township Eng. Elijah Yearick, DCPC Rep. Zoning Hearing Board Members Rick Caranfa, Chairman Matthew Miller, Vice Chairman Mary Ann Yahn, Hearing Officer Beth Carricato Erich Bair Ron Lawson, 1st Alternate P. Daniel Altland, Solicitor Page 3 (Unfunded Mandate continued from page 1) trooper for police protection. coverage for your township. House Bill 1143 would reduce a townships State Liquid Fuels money which is needed for road projects. Senate Bill 841 would reduce State Liquid Fuels money but exempt local governments with less then 5,000 population from having a police force. Senate Bill 63 would allow local government to contract with the State Police at $65 per hour per Once again, the Pennsylvania State Legislature wants every local government to have a police force at the local governments expense. The current bills would not provide any money to local governments for a police force. Significant tax increases would be needed to pay for this unfunded mandate. Recycling Reminder Check out the West Hanover Township Recycling brochure available on line at www.westhanover.com or pick one up in the township office to know what and how to recycle. Brochure includes information on curbside, yard and leaf waste, WHT Compost Center, oil and antifreeze and e-cycling. You are recycling aren’t you? When Do I Need A Zoning Permit from the Township? The Township Zoning Ordinance requires a permit for any alteration to a building or structure, change of land use, installation of fences, decks, patios, sheds, swimming pools, additions to structures or buildings etc. Please contact the Zoning Administrator’s office at 5406075, for further direction and counsel on your specific project(s). Zoning permit applications are available on-line at www.westhanover.com. (Click on Popular Links “Forms/Applications/Permits”). Please include a complete site plan sketch of your property with the application. All applications are reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Don’t have a recycling container? West Hanover Township does not require residents to have an official recycling container. A recycling container can be as simple as a plastic garbage can. Basically, whatever suits your recycling needs. The point is to RECYCLE! To further help Waste Management identify your recycling from trash containers free recycling container stickers are available at the township office. As many West Hanover Township residents already know beginning in January 2013 electronics like TVs, computers, printers, radios, pagers, cell phones, etc., must not be placed with your trash. The Covered Device Recycling Act required that all electronics be properly recycled. Now you can recycle your electronics FREE at West Hanover Township Compost Center, 402 N. Fairville Ave. Please call the township office at 652-4841 for times of operation. You do not need to have a Compost sticker to recycle electronics. You can also recycle electronics at Dauphin County Recycling Center 1620 South 19th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. To see what additional items they take see WHT Recycling Brochure or call the Dauphin County Recycling Center at 717-982-6772 . Remember to: RETHINK, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Page 4 West Hanover Township News West Hanover Township Historical Society The Spring meeting of the West Hanover Township Historical Society took place in the township municipal building on April 24. The theme of the program was Show and Tell - Artifacts and Historic Items of West Hanover Township. Attendees were given the opportunity to bring items and talk about how they related to the township. Harold “Skip” Smedley led off the program talking about the society archives, and about the preservation of some of the holdings, and the conversion of old VCR tapes to DVD’s and also saving videos and other files to flash drives. Diane Gotshall showed and talked about historic family documents that she has preserved from her home. Gloria Zimmerman brought a school composition book belonging to a young man by the name of Martin L. Wade. The book was used in school in 1914 and con- by Skip Smedley tained interesting short essays, some of which Gloria read to the audience. Ed Wisehaupt brought a framed hand written 1864 survey of the Baumgardner School which was presented to the society. Barry Straw also showed several historical documents. Tom Felsburg and others talked about some other properties of historical interest in the township. Refreshments were enjoyed after the meeting. Our One Room Schools” $8 “Remembering FCV School” $10 “Old Days & Ways - West Hanover Twp., 1785 –2010, Vol II” $20 Books can be purchased @ the Township Building Plans were made for the picnic in July, the October meeting and the Carol Sing and Burning of the Yule Log. The Veteran’s Memorial Project at Central Dauphin East High School has been completed and the dedication date was May 7, 2014. Mt. Laurel Community Association The Mount Laurel Community Association located at 1157 Piketown Road will be holding a festival on Saturday, June 21, 2014 starting at 4:00 pm. There will be music by Jay and the Jingos, homemade chicken corn soup, and lots of other good food and games. Page 16 Gloria Zimmerman reading from the Wade composition book. Publications for sale: “All In One, Remembering Everyone Welcome!! Diane Gotshall showing a document Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 5 Dirt From the Gopher Hole “The Gopher” - WHT Senior Citizens Van Requirements to use the van service: • Age 60 or older; • Resident of WHT • Able to get in and out of the van with minimal assistance. We are not permitted to take wheelchairs Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania Girl Scouts is looking for volunteers for a brand new Girl Scout experience! Questions? Please contact Trish Mullinix at 717-884-4535 or tmullinix@gshpa.org. For those who like statistics here are a few for you. In 2013 the two vans traveled a total of 19,486 miles. An average of 18 riders utilized the service each month. For the year this came to a total of 1,684 trips and the volunteers gave 3,296 hours of their time. Since the last newsletter we had 3 people volunteer to drive so we are in good shape. West Hanover Senior Center is now open at the West Hanover Township Recreation Center on the second Thursday of every month from 12 noon to 2:30 PM. There is a meal for only $4.00 and entertainment. You must register by calling 724-0083 at least 24 hours in advance. If anyone needs transportation we are here to help. Just call the van office to schedule. Since we survive on donations to pay our bills we will continue with the Perkins Dine-to-Donate fundraiser for the van program. This has been very successful and definitely helps our financial situation. Mark your calendar for the second Thursday of every month. The van program receives 10% of all coupon sales turned in between 4 PM and 9 PM. If enough coupons are turned in we can get 15%. Coupons are available at the township building, Fulton Bank, Wonders Found Thrift Shop and Mt Calvary United Methodist Church. It does take money to keep the program going and we are solely dependent on donations. cprsweb.com Harrisburg | 989 E. Park Drive, Ste. A 717.724.4888 Offering Direct Access- No physician referral required in most cases by Claire Zeiters The Lion’s Club will be having their chicken barbecue Friday, August 22 and Saturday August 23, 2014 at the Manada Hill interchange. This is a big fundraiser for them and they support the van along with other projects. The times are 11:00 AM until sold out so do not wait. We sell out quickly. We are no longer collecting Turkey Hill milk bottle caps. There has not been too much response to this like I thought there would be. If you know of a group who is collecting the caps let me know and if I get any I will see that they get them. Thank you to those who did save them for us. It was appreciated. Just a reminder there will be no vans running on September 1, Labor Day, November 27, Thanksgiving, and December 25, Christmas Day. If you or anyone you know is in need of transportation call 717-652-1702 for more information. Van office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM so call between those hours to be put on the schedule. If you get the answering machine please leave a message and someone will get back to you. The vans run from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday and we appreciate if you can make your appointments within that time frame. We will take you shopping, hair appointments, and just about anywhere you wish to go…as long as it is within a 15 mile radius of the township building. Medical appointments are always a priority so be sure to schedule them as soon as you have them. Page 6 West Hanover Township News Environmental Advisory Council (EAC): Celebrates its 25th Anniversary The West Hanover Township EAC waded into murky wetlands 25 years ago. The waters were perilous and full of unseen hazards, but we remained vigilant, moving forward to Environmental Advisory our goal of bringing Council Members environmental eduBack row - John Acri, cation to the comEvelyn Burton, Sec., munity. Our focus Audrey Crichton, Tres., has always been Front row - Carol Buskirk, engaging and eduPatti Estheimer, Chairperson, John Miele, Vice-Chairman, Robert Nicolodi cating the community, and as dedicated members, we continue striving to create an environmentally healthy balance between humanity and the earth, through innovative thought, mindful awareness and responsible action. Since 1989, the 7-member EACs have initiated and been major participants in numerous successful community environmental programs, including: the first community voluntary recycling (which rolled over into today’s curbside recycling); oil and antifreeze collection; Christmas tree and leaf waste collection; Compost Center; scrap tire and household hazardous waste collection; riparian buffer restoration (with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay); scenic inventory through the Scenic West Hanover photography contest; big tree inventory; recycling container project; Municipal Building gardens (as part of runoff management); Skyline Commons Eastern Bluebird Trail and info kiosk; tree planting (with the Boy Scouts); Earth Day Community Litter Challenge; recycling brochure; MS4 stormwater education; recycling in township parks; an educational display preserving a slice of 330 year old white oak; and seminars on subjects such as forestry, native & invasive plants, birding, composting, rain gardens, integrated pest management, water conservation, household hazardous waste, agricultural security areas, recycling, photography, West Nile virus, stormwater, rain barrels, and backyard wildlife. Our EAC was also the first to organize a regional EAC roundtable, bringing area EACs together to share ideas, discuss, and seek solutions to local environmental problems. West Hanover’s EAC was the first in Dauphin County to produce a municipal natural resource inventory. It became part of the township’s Comprehensive Plan, and provided the basis for our environmental protection and open space ordinances. In concert with the 2001 Comprehensive Plan update, a Growing Greener Codes Assessment was coordinated by the EAC with the Natural Lands Trust. The EAC continues to be directly involved in Comprehensive Plan updates. In 2001 the Pennsylvania Environmental Council and EAC Network recognized our EAC as one of the most active in the state. As a result, West Hanover’s was the first EAC in the state to be the focus of a promotional video. GreenworksTV filmed the video on location at Fairville Park. In 2005 the EAC was presented the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s EAC Achievement Award for 15 years of continuous community recycling programs. In 2006 the EAC designed a rain garden demonstration site at Fairville Park. It was constructed with help from the township Park and Rec Board, Public Works Department, and many community volunteers. The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay provided technical assistance, and funding was through a DEP Growing Greener grant. Our EAC received a 2006 Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Greening Award for the garden. The rain garden continues to function on many levels, collecting and filtering stormwater runoff from the parking lot, while providing habitat for birds, butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. It is a registered Monarch Waystation and provides park visitors with an attractive oasis. The beauty and function of the rain garden have been reported on in the local news. Students at area schools have built rain gardens based upon the Fairville Park Rain Garden design. EAC members work with municipal boards, committees, and community volunteers. As liaison members of the Planning Commission, the EAC reviews development plans for environmental impact, and works with developers and engineers. In coordination with the Zoning Office, the EAC drafts environmental ordinances, and advises the Board of Supervisors. The EAC maintains partnerships with local conser(Continued on next page) Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 7 vation and environmental organizations to bring have been a part. educational programming, not only to West Hanover Dale Shope Township, but also to the central Pennsylvania region. We started with a very modest recycling program at the maintenance garage. People came and we always Over the last 25 years a tremendous amount of work had the truck filled to capacity. Look at the program has been accomplished by some of the finest commu- now! Patti has always steered us in the right direcnity volunteers. They have freely given knowledge, tion. time, and shared their commitment to being good Rose Boegli stewards of the earth. So a great amount of gratitude goes to those who have served and continue to serve on the Environmental Advisory Council. Patti's leadership through the years has been the 'glue' keeping the EAC members' attention focused on a common goal, providing solutions to local enviPast members of the West Hanover Township Environmental issues. Her boundless energy and efforts ronmental Advisory Council: Audrey Bailey, Betty to pursue worthy projects (creating recycling opporAnn McConnell, Bob Garland, Glenn Mitzell, Eileen tunities, pollution reduction/prevention, stormwater Smink, Don Niland, Robert Wright, Tim Albright, management and native plant re-introduction, to Graham Snyder, Dale Shope, Tom Fidler, Tom name a few) have helped to promote environmental Jones, Don Intrieri, Randy Brenner, Rose Boegli, awareness in the township and improve the overall Robert Smith, Bill Ostermeyer, Annette Sanders, quality of life for the residents of West Hanover. Debbie Kirkpatrick, Bob Rogers, Chad Novak, Bob Many thanks are due for a job that has been and Feathers, Susan Brockman. 2014 members are Carol continues to be very well done! Buskirk, Evelyn Burton, Audrey Crichton, John Miele, John Acri, Bob Nicolodi, and Patti Estheimer John Miele "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, During my tenure on the EAC Patti was guiding committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's force behind the committee, whether it was special projects like the rain garden, regulation updates, or the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead review of development plans. Patti is committed to trying to make the Township a better and safer Current & Former EAC Members Speak: place to live. Tim Albright Patti Estheimer founded the EAC and has served as its leader for the past 25 years. Her intelligence and patience guided the council consistently throughout this time. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude for her vision and dedication. John Miele is also a charter EAC member, and currently serves as EAC ViceChair. He says his major role has been to provide physical labor, but the truth is his scientific knowledge and professional experience have been an invaluable resource. Thank you Patti and John! Carol Buskirk I was a charter member of the EAC. I have fond memories of my time with the EAC. We had a great group of people on the board. We worked well together and we had a lot of fun. But we still managed to get a lot of things done. Patti is a terrific leader. She always allowed us to have fun, but she was very good at reining us back in and keeping things on track. She inspired us to be creative and encouraged us to contribute. I think the community has benefited greatly from the work the EAC has accomplished under her leadership. I’m proud to Patti Estheimer is one of the most authentically caring and steadfast stewards of the environment I've ever met in my entire life! She also backs up her fundamental belief system of 'behaving as if all living things matter' with steadfast, consistent, inspired, intelligent, gentle, urbane, hard work over 25 years! Patti is a highly evolved human being and one of the best I've been fortunate to know as a former member of the EAC. Patti is a leader and example to us all! All hats off to this amazing woman and heartfelt thank you! Debra A Kirkpatrick, RLA Being on the EAC has given me the opportunity to learn so much about environmental issues, and Patti is a model of commitment to us all. Her wealth of knowledge is invaluable and she is a great resource in the township. Evelyn Burton (Continued on page 8) Page 8 West Hanover Township News Patti is a visionary leader. She is the driving force Eliminate Mosquitoes This Summer for the EAC. She is dedicated and very hard working and always goes the extra mile. She looks at the "big" picture to make the township a better Besides being terribly annoying, mosquitoes have place for all. been found to transmit West Nile Virus. Pennsylvania is home to 60 species of mosquitoes, and a Audrey Crichton fairly new arrival, the aggressive Asian tiger mosquito. Mosquitoes can transmits a host of viruses Whenever I am around volunteers I find they are not only to humans but to the family dog as well. some of the finest people to get to know, and it is These are good reasons for doing everything we can always privilege to work beside them because I to get rid of these pesky bugs! learn so much and the EAC is no exception. VolunMosquitoes breed in standing water. Any small teer leaders are different because they have a amount, little as ¼ inch, is a good place for them to greater passion and sense of purpose about what lay eggs. Here are some things you can do to keep they are doing and why. This is Patti. She is truly mosquitoes from breeding around your home: committed to doing what is right for the township and the people in the township. But the EAC which she leads touches the lives beyond township borders *Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic and will for years to come. Patti is making a differ- pots or similar water holding containers that have ence and I am proud to be involved in the EAC. collected on your property. Bob Nicolodi *Get rid of discarded tires. Stagnant water in tires are where most mosquitoes breed. The PA DEP Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management Faster than a mile-a-minute vine, more powerful handles waste tires. For more information on waste than a recycling bin, able to leap over tall rain bartires or to report waste tire piles, contact DEP at rels, it’s Super Patti! 717-783-9258. John Acri (Continued on page 16) Ken Huebsch, Realtor ® ABR, CRS, CSP, GRI Ken@KensHomeSales.com Cell: 717.514.1793 Office: 717.533.8181 2001-2013 Most Homes Settled in Zip Code 17112 Prompt Prompt Service Service NEW 3 1/2” X 2” AD Jn. 3:16 Jn. 3:16 Septic Tank Cleaning BAUMAN’S Septic Tank Cleaning Drainline Opening & Repairs • Backhoe Drainline Opening & Repairs • Backhoe Septic Tank Risers Maintenance Schedule address Septic New Tank Risers Maintenance Schedule (39 Homestead 39 Homestead Road 57 Pleasant View Rd. Grantville, PA 17028 Grantville, PA 17028 Rd)) (717) 469-2463 (717) 469-2463 Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 16 (Mosquitos continued from page 8) Page 9 West Hanover Township News log a t a C n io t a e r c e R R SUMME or by contacting Program Coordinator Eric Naguski at enaguski@dauphinc.org or at 717-921-8100. *Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers left outdoors. *Be sure clogged roof gutters are cleaned every year. *Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use. Park & Recreation PULL OUT *Turn over wheelbarrows and don't let water stagUnless otherwise noted, all classes and programs/events will be held at the recreation Members nate inBoard birdbaths. center: 628 Walnut Avenue. Chairman *Keep Jeff rainHolt, barrels covered. Recreation Coordinator: Dixie Fesig. Registration Information: Registration Linda Turns, Vice-Chair *Aerate ornamental pools orforms stock withonfish. arethem available the Township website at: www.westhanover.com. Or at the Tom Stewart, Secretary Water gardens can become major mosquito producrecreation office: 628 Walnut Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17112. Phone 724-0083 Rebecca Schwartz ers if they are allowed to stagnate. Clean and chloFax 724-0086. Debra Hetrick rinate swimming pools even when not in use. A swimming pool left untended can produce enough Martial Arts Classes - Ongoing program PinochletoCard Club July 25, August 1, 8, 22 mosquitoes result in -neighborhood-wide comstarting the first Tuesday or Thursday of each month plaints. Mosquitoes may even breed the water & September 5, 19 (6 toin9 PM) Karate Tigers Ages: 5-7 that Pinochle collects(double on pool covers. deck) Time: Tuesday evenings 6-7 PM. Treat yourself to a night out. Fee: $38 Resident/$43 Non-res/month to themosquito highest score player at the StatePrize DEPawarded and county control professionKarate Dragons Ages: 8 and up of the session. als end have been using Bti, (Bacillus thuringiensis Time: Tuesday and/or Thursday 7-8:30 PM israelenis) a naturally occurring bacteria, to kill Fee: $18 Resident/$23 Non - resident Fee: Once a week: $38 Res/$43 Non-res mosquito larvae for years. The great thing about Registration Deadline: July 11, 2014 these bacteria is that they kill only mosquito and Twice a week: $48 Res/$58 Non-res black fly larvae. Bti is available for you to buy and use at home. Bti can be purchased in donut-shaped Deadline to sign up is the first class of the session. forms, often called "mosquito dunks," which are useSensei Todd Ebersole, Instructor ful inZumba small areas of standing - Mondays 7:00 -water, 8:00 PMsuch as a birdbath or small puddle of water may gather in a Wednesdays 7:30 -that 8:30 PM - 10:00 AM low spot on yourSaturday property. 9:00 A granular form of Bti is available, and effective for larger areas, such as Zumba is a Latin inspired dance fitness program backyard ponds. Bti can be purchased at many lawn is exhilarating, effective, and easy to follow. and which garden, outdoor supply and home improvement stores. Although it is levels not harmful All ages and fitness welcome. to people, pets, aquatic life (such as fish) or make sure you Taught by Certified ZUMBA plants, Instructors: Directed by Professional British Coaches follow all label instructions carefully. Pam Blanch-Friedrich & Tina Sansoni Fee: All classes $5 drop in Other ways to reduce your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes are: Cover up exposed skin. Use an EPAregistered insect repellent, such as those with The objective of UK Soccer camps is to provide the player the opportunity to have fun while learning the DEET, picaridinVolunteers or oil of lemon eucalyptus, and Needed fundamental techniques necessary to play the game. The programs are focused at individual skill development make sure all windows and doors have screens, and with technical curriculums that are differentiated according to age and ability. Includes free UK camp ball, T-shirt and certificate or evaluation. Volunteers are in needed by the Parks and Recthat all screens are good repair. reation Office for the many programs that are Date: July 21-25 offered. Location: Skyline Commons Park More information on mosquito control and West Nile If you are retired, looking to get involved or a Virus is available from the Dauphin County Conseryouth, looking for community service hours, Camp Ages Time Price vation District www.dauphincd.org please call Dixie at 724-0083. West Hanover Township 2014 Summer Soccer Programs You'll have a great time and get a chance to give something back to our wonderful commuGO GREEN: nity. Receive the Township Newsletter via e-mail instead of having it mailed to you. Send your request to Peggy: pmarks@westhanover.com Youth Camp 7-15 4:00pm - 8:00pm $130 Kickers Camp 3&4 4:00pm - 5:00pm $65 Nippers Camp 5&6 5:00pm - 7:00pm $90 For Additional Information and to Register call (717) 724-0083 or www.westhanover.com Page 10 West Hanover Township News 2014 BUS TRIPS Registration forms are available at the recreation office at 628 Walnut Avenue or you can download an application online at www.westhanover.com Call 724-0083 for more information Baltimore Inner Harbor A Day On Your Own (Optional 2hr. Luncheon cruise) Date: Saturday, June 21 Fee: $45pp Res/$50pp Non-res (cruise/lunch option additional $49pp) Trip Includes: Bus Annapolis Naval Academy and Seafood Festival Date: Saturday, September 6 Fee: $87pp Res/$90pp Non-res Bus, U.S. Naval Academy Trip Includes: tour, Maryland Seafood Festival Admission and taxes. NYC Salute America Date: Saturday, July 12 Fee: $96pp Res/$100pp Non-res Trip Includes: Bus, Ellis Island Statute of Liberty pass, Ferry, 9/11 Memorial. Western PA Splendor Date: Saturday, October 18 $127pp Res/$132pp Non-res Fee: Trip Includes: Transportation, Guide, Nemacolin luncheon, Fallingwater, all tours, taxes and gratuities. Phillies vs. Nationals Date: Sunday, July 13 $80pp Res/$85pp Non-res Fee: (NO REFUNDS) Trip Includes: Bus and ticket to game. (seats located in section 244) Phillies vs. Mets Date: Saturday, August 9 Fee: $80pp Res/$85pp Non-res (NO REFUNDS) Trip Includes: Bus and ticket to game. (seats located in section 205) Community Festival Saturday August 16, 2014 See back page for Details!!!! 2014 SUMMER MOVIES IN THE PARK Skyline Commons Park, 305 Short Street For More info call 724-0083 Sponsored by: B. C. Interiors (671-5107) For all your interior design and furnishing needs June 10 The Nut Job June 17 Free Birds June 24 Hotel Transylvania July 1 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs July 8 Despicable Me 2 July 15 The Croods July 22 Mr. Peabody and Sherman July 29 Rio 2 August 5 Epic August 12 The Lego Movie August 19 Frozen Remember to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Refreshments available for purchase Movies begin at dusk. Admission is FREE. NO RAIN DATES. Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 11 FREE Strawberry Social berry Straw e Coffe Pi e Sponsored by Hoffman Fordland Inc. 5200 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17112 West Hanover Township Recreation Center 628 Walnut Avenue For more Information call 724-0083 Friday, June 13, 2014. 6:30 to 8:00 PM Rain or Shine Fresh Sliced Straw be barb R hu rry wbe Stra Pie rries Drink s an Snack d s Vanilla & Strawberry Ice Cream West Hanover Township Senior Center 12 Noon - 2:30 PM Second Thursday of each month At the West Hanover Recreation Center (628 Walnut Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17112) Come out and enjoy meeting new people. Enjoy great entertainment and food. If joining us for a meal, you must preregister by the Friday before the meal. Cost of meal is $4.00pp. The meal will be served at 12 noon. June 12 - Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, Italian bread, drink and dessert. Speaker - Brian Maloney (Right at Home non-medical personal care and assistance) July 10 - (Picnic lunch) Hamburger or hotdog, potato salad, macaroni salad, watermelon and cantaloupe, drinks Musical entertainment by DAYBREAK (Brad and Mary Barrows) August 14 - Shake “N” Bake chicken, scallop potatoes, apple sauce, dessert and drinks Speaker- State Police Museum West Hanover Township “Car & Bike Show” & “Indoor Craft Fair” Saturday, September 6, 2014 9am – 2pm Dash Plaques to the first 50 entrants. Trophies for 1st & 2nd place in five different categories. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, food/drinks Call Recreation office for more details & to register.(724-0083) Page 12 Martial Arts Camps West Hanover Township News Intro to Lil Dragons Ongoing Beginning Karate Dragons Program Ages 3-4 Camp Ages 8-13 Lil Dragon Preschool Martial Aug. 13-27 Aug. 4-7 Arts Program: Weds. 10-10:30 11-11:30 The Lil Dragons program was creIntro price only $20 $40 All participants ated by Master Ernie Reyes to give young children a “Yes I can do it” attitude through the martial This is an ongoing class that is This Camp is great for students who wish to see if they would like arts. Over the years the martial once a week for three weeks. arts community has found Tradi- Children will learn life skills, bal- to join our ongoing martial arts tional Martial Arts to be too diffi- ance skills, listening skills, group classes. The student will learn cult for this young group to learn skills, safety skills, memory skills, traditional martial arts etiquette, and enjoy. The Lil Dragons Cur- cooperation skills and beginning how to properly punch, block and riculum is a more natural easy martial arts skills. Parents must kick, beginning sparring techniques, self defense techniques, and fun way to begin their martial stay. anti bullying techniques and bearts journey. The Main focus of the system is to instruct begin- Lil Dragons Ongoing Program ginning forms. ning martial arts skills, enhance Weds 10-10:30 balance and hand eye coordinaBACK TO COLLEGE SELF DEtion, motor skills, safety skills, Sept. 3-24 FENSE CLASS Ages 16+ life skills, along with children’s $30 Res. $35 Non-Res. Aug.9 self defense and an anti bullying Saturday 12pm –2pm curriculum. The Lil Dragons pro- This class will be 4 classes once a gram not only helps to develop week and will be an ongoing class. All participants $25 future black belts in the martial Children will learn life skills, arts but also future black belts in safety skills and beginning mar- Basic safety and self defense life. tial arts skills. Parents must stay skills will be discussed and demInstructor: Master Jan DeAngelis but do not have to participate onstrated along with has been involved in the marital unless they would like to. ways to make yourself less of a arts since 1973. She holds the victim during your college years. rank of 4th degree black belt in Karate Tigers Camp Ages: 5-7 her current style of Moo Duk Aug. 4-7 Kwan Tang Soo Do. She is an Location: West Hanover RecAgent for the National Alliance Time: 10-10:45 reation Center, Kids Safe Network, Co-owner of New Students $40 628 Walnut Ave. DeAngelis Martial Arts, member Current Students $35 Harrisburg PA. of The Pennsylvania Referee Association, and Certified Chanbara The Camp will stress traditional instructor through Shihan Dana martial arts and self defense For more information, call Abbot. training along with fun games Dixie at 717-724-0083 such as ninja obstacle course, and or you can email Lil Dragons Camp Ages 3-4 more. We will go over proper Jan DeAngelis at punching and kicking techniques, damamartialarts@aol.com Aug. 4-7 Mon-Thurs. beginning sparring techniques and Time: 9-9:45 beginning forms. We will also go $40 per student over anti bullying techniques. In this fun filled camp we will work on children’s balance skills, listening skills, group skills, safety skills, memory skills, cooperation skills and beginning martial arts skills. Parents must stay but do not have to participate. Volume 19, Issue 2 Fire Company News Page 13 by Kyle Miller Hello from your 100% volunteer West Hanover Township Fire Company. The first half of 2014 has been quite busy for us. Now that we are in the spring season and looking towards the heat of summer, please remember that each season brings potentially dangerous weather events, so please prepare and plan accordingly. We currently have three fulltime fire fighters living at Station No.1 as part of our Live-in program and continue to look at ways of growing our program. This program aids in providing a quicker response to any call that requires the Fire Company’s assistance. This type of program is used all over the United States to great success and we are grateful to be in a location and have the abilities to provide such a program. If you have any interest in learning more concerning this program, please do not hesitate to contact us. In April of 2014, the Fire Company in conjunction with West Hanover Township, the Township Board of Supervisors and partial funding from the Dauphin County Gaming Board, placed an order to replace our aging 1997 Heavy Rescue. Rescue 36-1 has been an asset to West Hanover Twp. Fire Company No.1, our residents and the surrounding areas for over 15 years. The anticipated delivery date of the new Pierce Rescue 36-1 is spring of 2015. The Fire Company would like to thank all parties in- volved in making this necessary replacement purchase a possibility. The Fire Company is currently working on putting together an area at Station No.1 for members to exercise and do some personal training. The members would like to announce that if anyone has any older exercise equipment that is not wanted, but in good working condition, the Fire Company members would be excited to put it to good use. If anyone does have some exercise equipment, and would like to donate it to the West Hanover Twp. Fire Company, please feel free to contact us at 717.652.9019 and we could make arrangements for pickup. Thank you, to all of those who donated to the Fire Company fund drive mailer. The drive continues to be a success and we appreciate your contributions as they further our capabilities for providing fire service. We appreciate all of our supporters and we know we could not be as successful as we are without each and every one of you. As always, please check our website at www.westhanoverfire.com, call or visit our Station for additional info, including upcoming events or to fill out a membership application. West Hanover Township Fireman of the Year by Anna K. Shope The West Hanover Township Fire Company held an awards banquet at the Plumbers Union Building on Saturday, March 1. Benjamin Killinger was honored with the “Fireman of the Year “ award. Ben is the son of Steven Killinger of West Hanover Township. A lifelong resident of the township, Ben became interested in fire and rescue work at a young age. Upon graduation from Dauphin County Vocational-Technical School, he became a volunteer fire fighter. In addition to the Firefighter of the Year award, Ben also received an award for having achieved the most training in the past year, a total of 1,600 hours. He is highly dedicated and passionate about his chosen career and plans to become a professional firefighter, with a particular interest in rescue work. Four young firefighters, including Ben, were recognized with the “Dan Mader Brotherhood Award”. This award is given to those who give above and beyond the call of duty to help fellow firemen. These same young men put in countless hours and hard work this past year to help put on the Haunted Hayride for the fire company. They all deserve a thank you from the township for all they do for the community. Page 14 West Hanover Township News Seniors May Qualify for Reduced Vehicle Registration Fees by Jay Megonnell, Vice Chairman To qualify for the reduced fee, an individual must be retired and receiving Social Security or a Pension, and total income from all sources annually must be less than $19,200 a year. Qualifying individuals can register a passenger vehicle or light truck (9,000 lbs. or less) for a $10 processing fee per year instead of the annual registration fee. Under this plan, only one vehicle may be registered, and the person applying must be the principal driver of the vehicle, unless a physical or mental disability exists that makes them incapable of driving. A completed MV-371 form must be included with a regular registration renewal along with a check or money order for $10 made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The MV-371 form may be obtained from any authorized agent, tag service or from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. This form can also be obtained online at www.dmv.state.pa.us. Cold Weather Impacts on Insect Survival by Jay Megonnell, Vice Chairman Insects may overwinter in the egg, larvae or adult form. Many factors influence their ability to survive a colder than normal winter. Some insects prefer to overwinter in surface residue such as leaves, mulch, compost or other organic matter or will burrow into the soil. Insects overwintering in light surface residue or not penetrating deep enough into the soil may experience increased mortality due to freezing. Insect survival is largely dependent on temperatures in February and the amount of snowfall which acts as an insulator for them during the winter. The brown Marmorated Stinkbug may experience over 90% mortality when exposed to freezing and subfreezing temperatures for extended periods but a well protested overwintering site may help their survival. Colder weather may also reduce numbers of beetles. Slug infestation may be reduced but survival may be increased by higher amounts of snow which insulates the pest from freezing temperatures. So this summer don’t let them bug you! WHETHER YOU’RE BUILDING A NEW HOME OR UPDATING YOUR CURRENT CASTLE.... For All Your Interior And Exterior Electrical Needs, Call 717-545-9607 Licensed and Fully Insured Since 1975 - ABC Member WWW.KLTYNDALEINC.COM Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 15 Reminders from Jay Megonnell, Vice Chairman Work Zone Safety Laws for Motorists - Always turn on your headlights when entering a work zone. Fines are doubled for certain traffic violations. Reckless driving can be a 15 day license suspension. Slow down and save a life. PA Steer Clear Law - Requires motorists to use caution at the scene of an emergency, disabled vehicles or traffic stops. Drivers must move to the left lane when responders or vehicles are on the right shoulder. If you can’t move over, you must slow down. PA Law requires that bike helmets be worn by children under age 12. All residents are required to leash their dogs when they are off the owner’s property. All dogs must be vaccinated and licensed. Dog licenses may be purchased through the Dauphin County Treasurers Office. West Hanover Citizens Helping Hands by Patrick Toone WHCHH is an all-volunteer group of township residents helping other less able residents with yard work. This service is vital to our neighboring senior citizens, physically challenged, military families and “first responders”. It’s been a long cold winter. Unfortunately our group lost a major helping hand with snow shoveling this winter making it difficult to assist those that asked for help. Let’s hope their involvement returns for winter 2014/2015. If you have a plow and can volunteer, email me. I will put a list together for those that can afford to pay. I also would like to thank all new members that volunteered this year. Summer is our busy time. And I hope to see all of you at our 2014 projects. Consider becoming an active volunteer. Any group (scouts, church groups, etc.) that needs to work on community projects can contact me for suggestions and schedules. Become a member of a great group of men and women donating their time to help neighbors. Involve your kids over the age of 16, teach them good values and the satisfaction of helping others. Parents or guardian must be present. You can join us once for an hour or so, or on a regular schedule. All efforts are welcome and a fun way to enjoy living in West Hanover Township. Contact me to get on the e-mail list for projects. Contact Patrick Toone at westhanoverchh@gmail.com or call 657-3644. NEW PINNACLE HEAL Page 16 West Hanover Township News (Mosquitos continued from page 8) *Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers left outdoors. 7” x 4” or by contacting Program Coordinator Eric Naguski at enaguski@dauphinc.org or at 717-921-8100. *Be sure clogged roof gutters are cleaned every year. *Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use. *Turn over wheelbarrows and don't let water stagnate in birdbaths. *Keep rain barrels covered. *Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish. Water gardens can become major mosquito producers if they are allowed to stagnate. Clean and chlorinate swimming pools even when not in use. A swimming pool left untended can produce enough mosquitoes to result in neighborhood-wide complaints. Mosquitoes may even breed in the water that collects on pool covers. State DEP and county mosquito control professionals have been using Bti, (Bacillus thuringiensis israelenis) a naturally occurring bacteria, to kill mosquito larvae for years. The great thing about these bacteria is that they kill only mosquito and black fly larvae. Bti is available for you to buy and use at home. Bti can be purchased in donut-shaped forms, often called "mosquito dunks," which are useful in small areas of standing water, such as a birdbath or small puddle of water that may gather in a low spot on your property. A granular form of Bti is available, and effective for larger areas, such as backyard ponds. Bti can be purchased at many lawn and garden, outdoor supply and home improvement stores. Although it is not harmful to people, pets, aquatic life (such as fish) or plants, make sure you follow all label instructions carefully. Other ways to reduce your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes are: Cover up exposed skin. Use an EPAregistered insect repellent, such as those with DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus, and make sure all windows and doors have screens, and that all screens are in good repair. More information on mosquito control and West Nile Virus is available from the Dauphin County Conservation District www.dauphincd.org GO GREEN: Receive the Township Newsletter via e-mail instead of having it mailed to you. Send your request to Peggy: pmarks@westhanover.com NE The West Hanover Township Newsletter is published quart Township Newsletter is edited by Peggy Marks, with conten tee members and Board members The newsletter is distrib in the community. Statement of facts and opinions expres than Township Staff and officers are the responsibility of resent those of the Township officers and staff. All artic written and edited by Township officers, Board members an not imply endorsement of products advertised or the state WHT. B.C. INTERIORS INTERIOR DESIGN, FURNISHINGS, FLOORING, PAINTING AND WINDOW TREATMENTS CALL (717) 671-5107 FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION MEETING TO DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 17 Exceptional Emergency Care … NEW PINNACLE HEALTH AD Close To Home FOR SUMMER Emergency Services at the NEW Community General Osteopathic Hospital 7” x 4” Having skilled emergency medical technicians, doctors, nurses and staff nearby and around-the-clock is one part of the story. Additionally, we have implemented best practices that decrease your wait time and length of stay, while increasing satisfaction with your care. Be assured that our Emergency Medicine team provides you and your family with state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment for the full spectrum of medical needs. For life’s emergencies, you want the very best. At PinnacleHealth’s new Community General Osteopathic Hospital, that’s exactly what you’ll find. Find our ER wait times for minor emergencies online at pinnaclehealth.org. NEW 7” x 4” N.S. Johnson Ad Page 18 West Hanover Township News West Hanover Proud to wrestle this season or best scenario he would start late due to being severely burnt in the end of West Hanover Township is home of the Golden Ram, August. He started right on time with his team and Garrett Peppelman. Garrett is the son of Dr. Wal- never looked back. Thanks for making us extra ter and Kathy Peppelman and a Senior at Central proud! Dauphin High School. Garrett won the 2014 PIAA State Wrestling Championship in his weight class of The Board of Supervisors acknowledges Carlee Wil160 pounds. This is Garrett’s second State Champiliams, daughter of Richard and Melinda Williams, onship. Garrett has a winning record of 185 wins. as Linglestown Middle School’s PARE (Positive Ac(Impressive) He will be attending Virginia College tions for Ram Efforts) student of the month for in the Fall. Congratulations and Best of Luck from April. A student who demonstrates good academic the West Hanover Board of Supervisors. Thanks for skills, responsibility, good behavior, friendliness making us proud! and is helpful is selected. Congratulations for this honor. Thanks for making us West Hanover proud! The Board of Supervisors also wish to congratulate Zack Alvin, the son of Craig and Patricia Alvin. Anyone wishing to recognize students in West Zack is a Junior at Central Dauphin High School. Hanover Township for their accomplishments, He placed third in the PIAA Wrestling Championplease contact Peggy Marks at the West Hanover ships in the 132 pound weight class. The Board Township Municipal building. You may also call wishes you the best of luck in the upcoming 2014-15 Peggy at (717) 652-4841 or e-mail her at wrestling season. Thanks for making us proud! pmarks@westhanover.com. by Gloria Zimmerman The Board also recognizes Levi Williams, a Junior at Central Dauphin and son of Richard and Melinda Williams. At the recent Rams Wrestling Banquet, Levi was awarded the DEDICATION, DETERMINATION and DRIVE AWARD. Levi was not expected Ad for Mt. Laurel Church Check out your local Library for Summer Programs 101 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 717.234.4961 x 114 clauver@dcls.org dcls.org Reminder to Sump Pump Users 31/2” x 2” Mt. Laurel Church of God 1295 Piketown Road, Harrisburg, Pa. 17112 Phone: 7171-469-2521 Rev. Michael D. Martin, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. each Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. each Sunday by Jay Megonnell, Vice Chairman Residents be reminded that sump pumps in your homes must not be used to discharge water into the township sanitary sewer system, into public streams or onto a neighbor’s property. Water from sump pumps that goes into the sewer causes increased flows to the waste water treatment plant especially during heavy storms. The water is chemically treated, the same as raw sewage, resulting in an increase in the amount of chemicals used and an increase in the overall cost to the township. Volume 19, Issue 2 Page 19 CODES CORNER Complaints • All complaints must be submitted to the Township in writing on a Township issued Complaint form. • Forms may be picked up at the Township Office, or downloaded from the website at www.westhanover.com. • All complaint forms must be filled out completely and signed by the resident. The township will not accept any anonymous complaints. Friendly Reminders • All properties with on lot septic systems, must have their systems pumped every four (4) years. A report from the pumper/hauler must be sent to West Hanover Township. • Under the Animal Ordinance Code it is unlawful to allow animals to run at large. You must pick up after your animal. No person shall allow any dog, cat or other domestic pet owned by him/her or under his/her control, or any non-domesticated animal confined on that person's premises, to make any loud or harsh noise or disturbance which would interfere with or deprive the peace, quiet, rest or sleep of any person within the Township • No weeds shall be permitted to grow to a height in excess of 12 inches on any premises or property within the Township of West Hanover and, regardless of height, no weeds growing on said premises or property shall be permitted to go to seed. This prohibition shall not be applicable to premises or property which constitute an agricultural area. • All outdoor burning must be a minimum of 25 feet from all property lines and structures, automobiles or any combustible materials. • Permits are required for ALL outdoor burning except contained fires in the C, FRA, and RR zoning districts where the lot size is a minimum of 1 acre. • The burning of branches is permitted however leaf waste/foliage and grass clippings cannot be burned at any time under any condition. Charles Kolanda, Codes Administrator codes@westhanover.com 717-540-6080 Magisterial District Judge East, South & West Hanover Township - District #12-3-05 CITATIONS: Pay fines & costs/ enter pleas http://ujsportal.pacourts.us Or www.dauphintix.com Hon. Lowell A. Witmer 7810 Allentown Blvd Harrisburg, PA 17112 671-8720 800-701-8560 Please exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings and oncoming vehicles when biking, jogging, or walking our roadways! The West Hanover Township Newsletter is published quarterly by West Hanover Township. The Township Newsletter is edited by Peggy Marks, with content provided by Township Staff, Committee members and Board members The newsletter is distributed to approximately 3800 households in the community. Statement of facts and opinions expressed in the Newsletter by authors other than Township Staff and officers are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Township officers and staff. All articles, unless otherwise noted, have been written and edited by Township officers, Board members and staff. Publication of advertising does not imply endorsement of products advertised or the statements contained in such advertising by WHT. nship w o T over n a H Blvd t n s e w o W llent A 112 7 1 1 7 71 A rg, P u b s i Harr Phone: 717-652-4841 Fax: 717-652-8158 www.westhanover.com Community Festival Saturday, August 16th, 2014 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Houck Manor Park - 628 Walnut Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17112 Rain or Shine 11-12:30-Keystone Concert Band 1:00-2:00 Banjo Bob Food: Beef BBQ Hotdogs Pizza Hot Sausage Hamburgers French Fries Funnel Cakes Chicken Fingers Soda & water Bands MAIN ATTRACTIONS *32ft. Climbing Wall *Moon Bouncer Vendors & Displays Bob’s Critters Zoo America *Hamster Balls *Train Rides *Adult Prize Wheel *Kids Prize Wheel *U– Launcher *Gyroscope *Face Painting *Caricature Artist *Silent Auction For more info. Call 724-0083 Mascots Candy Count Jimbo the Clown Games * Dart throw *Plinko * Ring Toss * Tic Tac Toe *Gold Fish Toss