Mobile Wallets and the Evolving Consumer
Mobile Wallets and the Evolving Consumer
A FRESH LOOK INTO MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS: Disrupting the mainstream market Vanna Tran, Director Multicultural Growth and Strategy Jana Mickey, Director Perishables Group August 25, 2016 AMERICA’S CULINARY EVOLUTION More than 1 in 4 Americans believe that multicultural flavors are important Almost 1 in 3 Americans consume foods that contain multicultural flavors at least once a week Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study The U.S population will grow by Hispanic 6.8M In 5 Years, Asian American 2.3M African American 1.8M Non-Hispanic White 1.0M Source: Nielsen State of the Hispanic Consumer Report: The Hispanic Market Imperative, American Communities Survey (2014), U.S. Census Bureau * Excludes American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islanders (in Millions) THE BLENDING OF U.S. HOUSEHOLDS % Blended Households Bl 15.6% UnBl NHW 60.5% 40% Unblended MC + Blended HH’s UnBl MC 24.0% American Households Unblended Non Hispanic White Unblended Multicultural 46 Million Blended 2014 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year PUMS, tabulations by Ethnifacts <50 50+ % of Total US Population 66% 34% UnBlended NHW Pop 47% 66% UnBlended MC + Blended Pop 53% 34% SOCIETY INDUSTRIIES MARKETS CITIES FAMILY MULTICULTURAL INFLUENCE FRIENDS NEIGHBORS RETAILERS MANUFACTURERS GOVERNMENT Nearly half of all Americans agree it is important to speak 52% more than just English Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study 32% of all Americans would pay more for a brand that understands multicultural needs Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study Between 2011-2015, U.S. Total Food and Beverage grew by $35 billion only $1 billion came from the top 25 largest companies ~50% growth came from the 20K companies below Top 100 Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study SHIFTING WELLNESS CHARACTERISTICS 21st Century Wellness Characteristics 20th Century Wellness Characteristics • Reduced fat or non-fat • Reduced calories or calorie free • Cholesterol reducing ingredients (Plant Sterols) • Reduced cholesterol • Reduced sodium • Reduced sugar or sugar free • Good or excellent source of calcium • Bran • Whole Grain • • • • • • • • • • • • • Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study Gluten Free Naturally Heart Healthy Foods Organic/Natural GMO free Nothing artificial No High Fructose Corn Syrup Nut Free Alternative Grains (Ancient, Quinoa, Chia, Amaranth, Kamut, Spelt) High Protein Grain Free Ethical (cage free, free range, fair trade) Low Glycemic Products with natural sources of Omega 3 HEALTH AND WELLNESS HAS STRONG MULTICULTURAL CONNECTIONS BIGGEST AND FASTEST GROWING H&W CLAIMS Tofu*SOY +16% Avocado** Heart +10% Healthy Hummus* GLUTEN +19% FREE Kombucha* NATURAL +23% 54% of Multicultural consumers ORGANIC regularly eat organic foods*** Source: 2015 Nielsen Meat Trends, *Nielsen TargetTrack x US AOC Weeks Ending in Latest 52 Weeks Ending in 7/30/2016,**Nielsen Perishables FreshFacts Ending in 3/26/2016, ***Nielsen Scarborough 2016 Couscous** ANCIENT +42% GRAIN I WOULD THAT OFFERS A WIDER SLECTION OF MULTICULTURAL PRODUCTS AMERICAN ADULTS 49% Source: 2016 Harris Poll Study MILLENNIALS 65% RETAILER 1 ROASTED SEAWEED SESAME OIL RETAILER 2 CAGE FREE EGGS WILD CAUGHT SALMON MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS HAVE UNPRECEDENTED INFLUENCE ON THE MAINSTREAM MULTICULTURAL FLAVORS DRIVING PRODUCT INNOVATIONS Habanero Source: Nielsen Perishables FreshFacts 52 Weeks Ending 4/30/2016 Wasabi Cajun MULTICULTURAL CONDIMENTS TAKING OVER Dollar Growth Rate 2012 vs. 2015 Ketchup 1.5% Ranch -5.5% Salsa 3.3% Hot Sauce Guacamole 54% 18% Source: Nielsen TargetTrack x US AOC Lcalendar Year 2012-2015 GROWTH IN HERBS AND SPICES HERBS Growth Rate (2012-2015) 17% Source: Nielsen TargetTrack x US AOC Lcalendar Year 2012-2015, Nielsen Target Track Latest 52 Weeks Ending in 7/23/2016 SPICES Growth Rate (2012-2015) 14% MULTICULTURAL MINDSET 100% Prefer cooking with fresh products rather than frozen or canned 73% Rarely eat frozen foods 69% Purchase locally grown food Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2016 81% Cook meals frequently during the week 70% Agree that dinners in my home are usually planned ahead of time Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURAL SHOPPERS SPEND $40B IN FRESH 28.0% 30.0% Total Store Fresh SHARE OF DOLLARS FROM MULTICULTURAL SHOPPERS 20 THE MULTICULTURAL SHOPPER AND THE FRESH SPACE WHAT IS FRESH? THE FRESH PERIMETER CONTINUES TO GROW Dollar % Share CENTER 63.2% PERIMETER 36.8% (+0.3) 63.5% 64.4% $8.7B Growth Source: Nielsen Perishables Group Advanced Fresh Perspective; Total U.S., 2015. 36.5% 2015 (+0.9) 2014 35.6% 2013 $12.4B Growth Shr. pt. chg. vs YA Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 Make 3% more trips containing Fresh Spend 4% more per year on Fresh 80,000 ADDITIONAL TRIPS $60M INCREMENTAL SALES Increasing share of Fresh faster than nonMulticultural shoppers 24 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. HOW SHOPPERS SHOP IS EVOLVING AS MORE OPTIONS BECOME AVAILABLE % OF MULTICULTURAL SHOPPERS PURCHASING FRESH DRUG CONVENIENCE & GAS WAREHOUSE & CLUB MASS & SUPERCENTER GROCERY 18% 26% 57% 81% 99% Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 - 25 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. FRESH SPEND VARIES GREATLY ACROSS ETHNICITIES INDEX OF FRESH SPEND TO TOTAL BASKET AFRICAN AMERICAN ASIAN AMERICAN HISPANIC NON-HISPANIC WHITE 94 139 108 97 MEAT 116 101 103 97 SEAFOOD 166 258 106 81 DELI 92 113 107 100 BAKERY 89 102 103 102 Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. PRODUCE Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 26 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. HIGH-SELLING ITEMS HIGHLIGHT MULTICULTURAL PREFERENCES Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. INDEX HIGH WITH THESE MULTICULTURAL SEGMENTS Fresh Chicken Wings Fresh Crab Fresh Catfish Fresh Pork Ribs Fresh Tilapia Frozen Green Beans and Broccoli Bakery Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Bacon Whole Fresh Chicken Decorated Cakes Produce Beverages Deli Self-Serve Bologna Deli Hot Dogs Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 Fresh Green/ String Beans Bakery Croissants Fresh Tuna Fresh Salmon Fresh Sprouts Fresh Garlic Fresh Shrimp Fresh Tilapia Deli Sushi Cooking Vegetables Specialty Desserts Fresh Chicken Thighs Fresh Limes Fresh Avocados Bakery Croissants Fresh Tilapia Fresh Garlic Specialty Cheese-Gouda Decorated Cakes Fresh Mandarins Bakery Bread Fresh Salmon Fresh Pineapple Produce Beverages 27 FRESH FISH- CATFISH, TILAPIA, CRAB HIGH INDEXING Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURAL GROUPS, SUCH AS HISPANICS EMBRACE COOKING AND LIKE TO ADD THEIR OWN FLAVORS TO DISHES FRESH CHICKEN- WINGS ,LEGS, DRUMS DRIED VEGETABLES AND GRAINS FRESH LIME, LEMONS, GARLIC COOKING GREENS Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 FROZEN DOUGH INSTANT BREAKFAST DAIRY CHEESE FROZEN VEGETABLES DELI APPETIZERS LOW INDEXING Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. SPICES, SEASONINGS, EXTRACTS FROZEN PIZZA 28 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Opportunities exist to better reach Multicultural shoppers on trips % using on most shopping trips when shopping for groceries Multicultural: White Hispanic Asian African American Using shopping list 59% 53% 42% 43% Compare unit prices 48% 49% 45% 39% Use store circular 36% 34% 35% 36% Use coupons 30% 31% 28% 30% 6% 8% 4% 9% Purchase from display Asians Less Likely To Use Shopping List, Use Coupons & Buy From Display Source: Nielsen Homescan Survey—March 2016 (n=22379) 29 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. THE HALO EFFECT IS MUCH MORE APPARENT WITH MILLENNIALS Bakery 101 Meat 101 Produce 96 96 INDEX OF FRESH DEPARTMENTS TO AVERAGE Bakery 96 Deli 100 INDEX Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Total Perishables 101 Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 Deli 102 106 INDEX Total Perishables 105 Meat 106 Produce 106 30 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MILLENNIAL PURCHASES SPAN ACROSS CULTURES COMPARED TO THE MULTICULTURAL BOOMER, MILLENIALS SPEND SILMILARLY IN… HISPANIC STONE FRUIT, PINEAPPLE, BANANA, CORN, CHICKEN THIGH/WING/WHOLE, BEEF STEAK Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. AFRICAN AMERICAN BISCUITS, CREAM & PUMPKIN PIES, CITRUS, POTATOES, CHICKEN WHOLE/THIGH ASIAN BAKERY BREAD, CELERY, GARLIC, HERBS, SPROUTS, CITRUS, PORK ROAST, BACON MULTICULTURAL BOOMERS SHOP MUCH MORE TRADITIONALLY TO THEIR CULTURE Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 31 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURAL MILLENIAL EMBRACE VARIETY AND FLAVORS Hispanic Millennials African American Millennials Asian Millennials Bread/Buns, Brownies, Cupcakes Muffins, Cupcake, Brownies Donuts, Cupcake, Brownies Specialty Cheese Deli Meat, Specialty Cheese, Sushi, Entrees Deli Cheese, Sandwiches, Pizza Strawberries, Apples Strawberries, Kiwi Strawberries, Pumpkin, Peppers, Avocado Ground Turkey, Hot Dogs, Tilapia Chicken, Salmon, Ground Beef Chicken, Ground Beef …Than Hispanic Boomers …Than African American Boomers …Than Asian Boomers spend more on…. Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 spend more on…. spend more on…. SHOPPING DIFFERENCES DIMINISH 32 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. PROXIMITY TO HISPANIC STORES IS LESS OF A CONCERN FOR HISPANIC MILLENNIALS IN LA 54% 52% 38% Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. LOS ANGELES HISPANIC MILLENIALS TOTAL U.S. 43% THERE ISN'T A HISPANIC I CAN FIND ALL OF MY GROCERY STORE NEARBY GROCERIES AND ETHNIC PRODUCTS IN MAINSTREAM RETAILERS TOTAL HISPANICS MILLENNNIAL HISPANICS *LA TesSource: Nielsen July 2015 Online Survey, Hispanic Grocery 32% 36% 25% 18% THEY LACK ENGLISH THERE ISN'T A HISPANIC I CAN FIND ALL MY GROCERY STORE NEARBY GROCERIES AND ETHNIC SPEAKING EMPLOYEES PRODUCTS IN MAINSTREAM RETAILERS THEY DON'T HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OF GROCERY PRODUCTS LOS ANGELES HISPANIC MILLENIALS 33 DIVING INTO THE DEPARTMENTS Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURAL PRODUCE EXCITES SHOPPERS Source: Nielsen Perishables FreshFacts 52 Weeks Ending 4/30/2016 +72% DOLLARS VS YAGO LYCHEE +39% DOLLARS VS YAGO CHINESE CELERY +32% DOLLARS VS YAGO PASSION FRUIT +22% DOLLARS VS YAGO BITTER MELON +18% DOLLARS VS YAGO HABANERO PEPPERS PRODUCE 35 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. VALUE-ADDED FRUIT AND VEG GROWING, BUT WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS FOR MULTICULTURAL SHOPPERS Value-Added Pineapple $303K 10.8% Value-Add Fruits and Vegetables 7.7% DOLLARS Source: Nielsen Perishables FreshFacts 52 Weeks Ending 4/30/2016 Value-Added Mango $58K 37.9% Value-Added Peppers $28M 32.0% Value-Add Sugar Snap Peas $99M 5.2% PRODUCE 36 Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. ACTION PLANNING: MAXIMIZE VISIBILITY & VALUEPROPOSITION 37 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MEAT AND SEAFOOD ARE KEY DIFFERENTIATORS WITH MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS MEAT ANNUAL DOLLARS SEAFOOD ANNUAL DOLLARS MULTICULTURAL MULTICULTURAL $395.31 $62.88 WHITE NON-HISPANIC WHITE NON-HISPANIC $356.31 $42.77 African Americans spend the greatest share of fresh dollars on meat and seafood at 44% Asian-Americans spend more than twice as much on seafood as White HHs, and grew spend by 8% MEAT & SEAFOOD 38 FRESH MEAT A PROCESSED MEAT 5% SEAFOOD Fresh Perceived vs Branded Products SHARE OF SPEND ON BRANDS Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURALS HAVE VARIED PREFERENCE FOR BRANDS IN MEATS AND SEAFOOD AA 15% AA HA 90% A 35% W 10% W 85% H 95% H AA W 45% 55% Asian Americans showed a stronger preference for unbranded in Fresh Meat/Seafood Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 39 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. CULTURES INSPIRE TRENDS AT RESTAURANTS GROCERY CAN DRIVE GROWTH BY ALIGNING TO TRENDS, FLAVORS AND CUTS Source: Data Essentials – 25 Fastest Growing Proteins, Perishables Group Data - 2015 40 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. OPPORTUNITY TO BETTER MEET MULTICULTURAL NEEDS IN DELI Non-Hispanic White Hispanic Nat’l Avg Over-Index $ $ Increases in ethnic options like Tortilla Soup, guacamole, Pot Stickers, sushi Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 Largest annual spend, with focus on prepared foods & specialty cheese Asian African American Under-Index $ Convenience categories such as Chicken, Sides and Deli Platters Nat’l Avg $ Highest basket size, with focus on entertaining DELI 41 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MULTICULTURAL FLAVORS ARE IN DEMAND AND SEEKED OUT LOVE TRYING NEW THINGS OUTSIDE THEIR CULTURE LOVE TRYING NEW THINGS OUTISDE THEIR OWN CULTURE Percentage of All Americans Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 84% 78% Millennials Source 2016 Harris Poll Study 71% Boomers 42 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. IN FACT, MULTICULTURAL FLAVORS ARE MAINSTREAM IN DELI +78% Cajun Turkey Breast DOLLARS VS YAGO TACO SALAD +14% Habanero Ham DOLLARS VS YAGO DELI SUSHI +14% Jalapeno Hummus DOLLARS VS YAGO Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. MANCHEGO Jerk Marmalade Chicken Teriyaki Fried Chicken Acai Bowls +12% DOLLARS VS YAGO Jalapeno Cheddar CHORIZO +8% DOLLARS VS YAGO MEXICAN ENTREES Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts 52 Weeks Ending 4/30/2016 Charro Beans ETHNIC FLAVORS AND DISHES GROW IN CONVENIENT DELI 43 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. THE ROLE OF DELI IS A KEY DIFFERENTIATOR IN STORE SUCCESS $ SHARE BY FRESH DEPARTMENT 29% HIGH FRESH VELOCITY RETAILERS Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 12.26.15 11% MEAT DELI PRODUCE BAKERY SEAFOOD LOW FRESH VELOCITY RETAILERS 44 Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. ACTION PLANNING: CREATE UNIQUE DINING DESTINATIONS WITH MULTICULTURAL FLAIR 45 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. OPPORTUNITY FOR MULTICULTURAL CONSUMERS IN BAKERY WHITE Bakery Dollars HISPANIC AFRICAN AMERICAN ASIAN High---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Low Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 BAKERY 46 DESSERTS BREAKFAST BREAD BAKERY AND ROLLS TOTAL BAKERY Fresh Perceived vs Branded Products Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. SHARE OF SPEND ON BRANDS Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. ASIAN AND HISPANIC SHOPPERS HAVE A STRONGER PREFERENCE FOR PREPARED IN STORE BAKERY ITEMS A A 40% Source: Nielsen Homescan TSV Panel, Data 52 Weeks Ending 07/02/2016 AAH 50% 60% A H H W AA 70% WAA A H W 80% AA W 90% 47 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. WINNING IN BAKERY: GRAB THE COAT TAILS OF THE DELI DEPARTMENT IN-STORE BAKERY AND DELI SHARE… PROXIMITY Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Strong cross-department connections for Multicultural shoppers with Utilize these departments’ adjacent locations to cross-promote and crossmerchandise CONVENIENCE Drive connections between the bakery and deli prepared foods to meet the growing consumer need for convenience Activate cross-department connections for these occasions: entertaining categories DINNER TO-GO DINE-IN PARTY TIME 48 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Authenticity versus Convenience Copyright ©2015 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Leverage Perishables for cross-store success Invest in upfront research Multicultural is the winning advantage Greatest risk is not doing anything at all 49 Copyright ©2016 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Vanna Tran Jana Mickey 50