Our Christmas and New Year Wishes to All


Our Christmas and New Year Wishes to All
Our Christmas and New Year Wishes to All !
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Kids Club
ne of the precious aspects of
the alpine environment is the
peacefulness. Far from the
hustle and bustle of scrabbling for a bit
of baked sand - with sand up your nose,
sand in your knickers and sand in your
wine. Oh sure, the kids love, ‘cause they
can run, paddle, get wet - knowing all
the time that you’ll dry them off, feed
them and love them.
What’s different in the Alps? The air it’s fresh and clean. The sun - it’s not as
hot (but the air is thinner so Sun Screen
is still a very critical factor). The altitude
- it’s good enough for elite athletes. The
exploring - it’s as safe and as fun as you
want it to be! And there are organised
activities that will help you and your kids
share quality time together.
The range of activities is mainly focused
outdoors, with learning and becoming
familiar with the alpine environment the
theme. For example, there are outdoor
games, scavenger hunts, fishing trips,
tree planting, arts & crafts, cookie
making and adventure walks.
Session times on weekdays and weekends
will be from 10am - 12noon. The Kids
Club program will run from 27th
Alpine Radio 96.5 FM
In the Kiewa Valley
Alpine Radio 92.9 FM
In the Ovens Valley
Emergency Services Broadcaster
December until 27th January and is
aimed at Primary aged children, from
ages 5 to 12. Bookings are required
and made by contacting the Visitor
Information Centre between 10am
and 3pm daily on 03 5758 1202. Some
activities have limited numbers so book
early to avoid missing out.
Parent / Guardians
All children must be accompanied by
a parent or guardian for the duration
of the activity. Meet at the FCRM Day
Shelter, cnr Slalom Street and BHP
Road prior to 10am. Bring Sunscreen,
hat, sunglasses, appropriate clothing and
footwear. Also snacks and drinks.
The activities are: Fri 27th Cooking
Class. Sat 28th Outdoor Games.
Sun 29th Arts & Crafts. Mon 30th
Scavenger Hunt. Tues 31st Arts &
Crafts. Wed 1st Fishing. Thurs 2nd
Adventure Walk. Fri 3rd Cooking Class.
Sat 4th Outdoor Games. Sun 5th Arts &
Crafts. Mon 6th Scavenger Hunt. Tues
7th Arts & Crafts.
Wed 8th Fishing. Thurs 9th Tree
Planting. Fri 10th Cooking Class. •
Child Care
The Child Care Service previously
operated by Resort Management is not
You don’t have to go far to enable kids to do some tree
planting and enjoy a couple of hours in the Alpine
environment. Pic - Ken Bell.
operating over the summer period. But,
for those that would like a little respite
during a fabulous holiday in Falls Creek,
Hayley Payne from Snow Angels Childminding Service is available to help out
over the Christmas - New Year period.
Hayley lives on the mountain and started
her business in the village during the
last winter season. She is qualified and
experienced and is available to look after
children both day and night.
If you would like more information,
phone Hayley on 0405 259 990, or
Email her on snowangelsfallscreek@
hotmail.com. •
Top: Pets are a warming part of every family - and Santa can be a part of their life also.
Here Brian & Jenny’s ‘children’ with Santa at Tawonga South Store. Pic - Lisa Drew.
Left: Young Ash Forrer, a member of the community band, playing at Carols. Pic - Ken Bell.
Right: Local CFA Volunteer Brigade members have done a wonderful service for the
community - taking Santa to homes that may not be able to get to Carols by Candlelight.
Pic - Ken Bell.
Mount Beauty Community Radio for good music,
local news, snow reports and developing programs..
Ph: 5754 4554
Email: info@alpineradio.com.au
Website: www.alpineradio.com.au
stocking an extensive range of gourmet & local produce
breakfast, lunch, and coffee - fully licensed
Open every day from Boxing Day
EMERGENCY: ..................... 000
Ambulance ..............13 3009
Faults & Emergencies
............. 13 1799
Falls Creek
..................... 000
Mount Beauty
..................... 000
..................... 000
Mt Beauty
........ 5754 3500
Falls Creek
......... 5758 3238
Mt Beauty, Tawonga Cres ......... 5754 3400
Falls Creek
......... 5758 3424
Mt Beauty
......... 5754 4244
......... 5723 0600
Falls Creek ......... 5758 3287
Falls Creek & Mt Beauty ......... 5750 1230
Falls Creek
.......... 13 2500
WILDLIFE SHELTER ...... 0400 842 198
84 bogong high plains road mount beauty ph: 03 5754 4544
Bottom of Gully Chairlift
Wednesdays by appointment
Ph: 5754 3400 all day
24 hours for emergencies
General Practitioners experienced in
Family & Snow Sports Medicine.
First fully accredited snowfields practice in
Australia based on 28 years experience.
Tawonga Crescent
8:30am - 5:00pm Mon - Friday
10:00am - 12:00pm Saturdays
Ph: 5754 3400 for appointments
24 hours for emergencies
Drs Mark Zagorski, Jeff Robinson,
Libby Garoni, Dominic Blanks,
Laura Zagorski, Angela Stratton
& Michael Forseth.
Fully accredited General Practice with 34
years service to the Upper Kiewa Valley.
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day!
For urgent medical attention after hours, go to the hospital (03 5754 3500) or phone 000
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
A Fun Day Out!
orse racing could be expressed as
something a little more than a
past-time in Australia. It involves
business, owners, jockeys, grounds staff,
bookies, lots and lots of punters. Almost
every town has a track and at least once a
year, there is a race meeting. The big city
meetings are popular (like the Cup), but
some-what overwhelming. That’s why a
country Picnic Race Day is so appealing.
It is perhaps for this reason that the everenjoyable country race days around Victoria are
experiencing a new wave of popularity. Rural
and regional racetracks are helping regular
racegoers and the newly converted discover
how a great day at the races can be had
without having to contend with the masses.
One of the best days on the country racing
calendar is the Dederang Picnic Races, which
will be held on Saturday, 4th January 2014.
This undiscovered gem of Victoria’s alpine
region with a thriving total population of 98,
Dederang boasts a local pub affectionately
known as ‘The Ranga’ as well as a general
store, golf course and bowling green, football
and cricket ground, tennis courts, primary
school and the all-important race track. For
this one weekend in January the population
swells to the thousands as many come from
far and wide to join in the festivities of the
biggest local event of the year.
This year’s race day will feature a six race card,
with the feature race being the Milestone
Chemicals Dederang Cup. Congratulations
The Bendigo Bank Fashions on the Field is enjoyed by everyone and makes the Dederang Races a great day.
Pic - Courtesy the Dederang Race Club.
to Milestone Chemicals - as this is their 23rd
year of sponsoring the Dederang Races. The
day will also feature a hotly contested ‘Bendigo
Bank Fashions on the Field’ competition,
children’s entertainment by Kelly Sports, the
famous Hawkins & Co Builders Madman’s
Mile and the Tug-of-War championship.
Locals and visitors can also enjoy food stalls
and displays of produce from the local region.
Buses will be operating from Mount Beauty
for the Falls Creek, Mount Beauty Tawonga
crowd. Another service will cater to the
Albury/Wodonga, Yackandandah and lower
Kiewa Valley crowd; and yet another service
will ferry patrons from the Ovens Valley,
Bright and Myrtleford. Refer to the Advert
in this publication for bookings and costs.
There is even a little bit of Flemington on offer
in the ‘Dederang Bird Cage’. The marquee
packages are a great way to entertain corporate
clients, customers, friends and family.
At the conclusion of the racing, patrons can
move to the Dederang Hotel, where live
entertainment will be the order of the evening.
Working in well with ideal camping weather
and spectacular summer scenery, this family
friendly event is perfectly timed to coincide with
extended New Year breaks and school holidays.
And the best tip for the day - don’t even
think of driving if you’ve had one!
For more information visit: www.
dederangraceclub.com.au or refer to the
advertisement in this publication. •
Coming Events in Falls Creek
Christmas Carols
Falls Creek Mountain Raid Adventure Race
Mile High Dragon Boat
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February
Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th January
Sunday 9th March
Tuesday 24th December
Scody Three Peaks Challenge
FALLS CREEK Open For Business
Alpha Lodge
Open 365 days a year. Self cater accommodation $55
p/p p/n twin/dbl. $40 p/p p/n bunk room. Parallel Street.
Ph: 5758 3488 or visit: www.alphaskilodge.com.au
Falls Creek Country Club
Fully self contained accommodation from $140 /dbl/night.
Ph: 5758 3391 or www.fallscreekcountryclub.com.au.
Bogong High Plains Road.
Gebi’s Apartments
Fully self-contained comfortable apartments, located at
the entrance to Falls Creek. Ph: 1800 45 35 25.
Huski Luxury Apartments
Self-contained Studio, 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom apartments,
most with private balcony & hot tub. 3 Sitzmark Street.
Ph: 1300 652 260 or visit www.huski.com.au
Nelse Alpine Lodge
Open for Accommodation, Bed & Breakfast. Group
bookings with dinner available with prior arrangement.
Comfortable lodge with pool & spa. Ph: 03 5758 3263.
Or visit: www.nelselodge.com
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Snowski Apartments
Self contained accommodation open all year round with
on-site management. Located in the Village Bowl. Ph:
5758 3356, or visit www.snowskiapartments.com.au
Viking Lodge
Open 365 Days a year for Self-Cater Accommodation.
Parallel Street. Ph: 1800 45 35 25.
Dining & Bar
Bazaar Restaurant @ QT
Open for Accommodation, Drinks & Meals Seven Days.
Ph: 03 5732 8000. Refer Ad this edition.
Last Hoot Café
Open for Drinks & Meals, Seven Days. Slalom Plaza.
Ph: 03 5758 3088. Refer Ad this edition.
Falls Creek Foodworks
For all Licensed Supermarket lines. St Falls complex.
Open 10am - 5:30pm 6 days. 10am - 3pm Sun.
Closed Xmas Day. Ph: 03 5758 3009.
Refer Ad this edition.
Falls Creek Outdoor Activities
Mountain bike trails, bike hire, new walks & more
activities. Visit www.fallscreek.com.au or Ph: 5758 1202.
Walking Maps & Riding Trails
Visit the Falls Creek Information Centre (above
the Slalom Street Day Shelter) Open 10am – 4pm
weekdays and 10am - 3pm weekends. Ph: 5758 1202.
Max’s Restaurant
Open for drinks and meals. Ph: 5758 3347. In the Village Bowl. Refer Ad this edition.
Milch Café
Open for Drinks & Meals. Schuss Street,
Ph: 03 5758 3407. Refer Ad this edition.
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Time to Enjoy Falls Creek
hristmas is a time of enjoyment.
Time to spend with family and
friends - whether it is at home or
visiting your favourite destination.
With any sort of luck, the days will be long
and warm. There are lots of activities and
experiences to appreciate and in this area
in particular, the locals believe the scenery
is second to none. Even to stand still for a
moment - feeling ‘grounded’ and soaking up
the beauty that surrounds us is one of life’s
simple pleasures. A great one for the kids is to
drive around Mount Beauty in the evenings
and have a look at the Christmas lights. See
item under Kiewa Valley activities.
And then there are the things we can get
involved in and enjoy. Mount Beauty and
Falls Creek have a range of activities that
will do just that.
Christmas Carols
Falls Creek has the only Carols by
Candlelight on Christmas Eve in the region!
A gold coin donation to come along and the
organisers provide song sheets and candles.
Father Christmas will visit with presents
for the children - and there is a prize for the
child dressed best as Santa’s helper! Carols
will be held beside the Christmas tree on
the grass beside Nelse Lodge. Everyone
welcome and the community club will have
refreshments available. Bring the kids and
join in singing your favourite carols. Starts
around 6:30pm. •
For a quote per room or building
Phone Pete Smith
Spending time on the high plains on horseback is an experience you’ ll never forget. See Packer’s High
Plains Horse Rides advert this publication. Pic - Courtesy FCRM.
Kids Club
Falls Creek has a range of other activities for
kids during the Christmas and January period.
Refer to details on Page Two of this edition. •
The Bogong High Plains Road, now fully
sealed, plays host to some fantastic events. It is
also a great road to ride for exercise or to visit the
huts and the wildflowers. Mountain Biking can
take you further - with more of an adventure if
you go a little off road - like Mt McKay or Road
24 (the back way to Howman’s Gap). Bikes may
be hired in Falls Creek village, or from Rocky
Valley Bikes in Tawonga South. •
Falls Creek has a couple recently resurfaced
‘Super Grass’ tennis courts in the Village
Bowl on which the annual Mile High Tennis
Competition takes place on Easter Saturday.
The courts are also available for use by visitors
at any other time during summer. On a point of
clarification, the term ‘summer’ in Falls Creek
usually refers to the period from the end of
winter (end September) to the start of the next
winter (start June) - therefore encompassing that
wonderful period without snow.
Bookings for the Tennis Court during the
summer months should be made at Max’s
Restaurant. Enjoy! •
0418 564 619
Experience the High Country
• Horse Riding • Horse Treks
• Accommodation • Fly Fishing • Camping
• Walks • Open Fires • Great Stories
High Country Horse Rides
Helen Packer’s
The Willows
High Country Retreat
Callaghan - McNamara Road,
Bundara Valley via Omeo.
Ph: Em:
03 5159 7241
Easy access from Falls Creek via Shannon Vale and
the Blue Duck Inn.
Last Hoot
Café • Bar • Pizzeria
Open For Summer
Seven days a week
As was reported in the last edition, the new
Mountain Biking Trials in the Falls Creek
resort are well under way to completion.
Exploring the news trials will be a hoot.
Further details from the Falls Creek Visitor
Information Centre, or phone 5758 1202. •
Well that goes without saying. Both Rocky
Valley Dam and Pretty Valley Pondage
have great supplies of Rainbow and Brown
Trout - if you have the knowledge, the skill
or the luck. A guy who has done a touch of
fishing is Peter Hull at Sweetwater Brewery
in Tawonga South. If you call in and have a
beer, he may let you in to some of his secrets.
Don’t forget, there is still Lake Guy at
From 27th December
10am ‘til late!
Lunch from 11:30am.
Dinner from 5:30pm.
Serving great Steaks, tasty pizzas
and home-made pastas.
Fine coffee and tasty snacks
Fully Licensed
In Slalom Plaza,
next to Falls Creek Express
Ph: 03 5758 3088
Last Hoot Food Van
Open Daily • 9am - 3pm
Closed 24th, 25th & 26th Dec
For Food • Drinks • Coffee
Mountain Biking
Open for Summer
Thurs 19th & Fri 20th - From 5pm
Sat 21st & Sun 22nd - From 10am
Closed 23rd, 24th & 25th
Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
8:30am ‘til late! From Dec 26th.
• Home-made Goodies • Devonshire Teas
• Great Coffee • Fresh Teas • Light Meals & Dinners
Sundays: Roast Night - $25
Summer Cocktails
Gorgeous Wine List
Ph: 5758 3407
in Frueauf Village
Schuss Street.
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Bogong Village, the Pondage in Mount
Beauty and the streams going north down
the valley - all good to fish. Licences and
gear is available from Rocky Valley Bikes
in Tawonga South. •
Everything from a stroll to your local, a wander
around the village, a scavenger hunt with the
kids, or tackling the Australian Alps Walking
Track from Mt Baw Baw to Namadgi National
Park (near Canberra) can be achieved. Our
part of the Australian Alps Walking Track
comes from Mt Hotham, past Wallace’s Hut
to Mt Bogong before continuing on to the Mt
Wills Historic area and further. Details on
local walking can be gathered from the Visitor
Information Centre. •
Visitor Information Centre
Located upstairs in the Falls Creek Resort
Management office (above the public toilets
and day shelter) on the corner of Slalom
Street and the Bogong High Plains Road.
Open Severn days a week after Christmas,
from 10am to 3pm. Ph: 03 5758 1202. •
Mile High Dragon Boats
Celebrate the spirit of dragon boat racing
at Rocky Valley Dam on January 25th &
26th 2014.
One of the most popular events at Falls
Creek over summer is the annual Mile High
Dragon Boat Championships. As the highest
dragon boat event in Australia (1600m above
sea level), this event has been held on Rocky
Valley dam for over a decade now, bringing
together visitors, residents and dragon boat
enthusiasts from all over to compete and join
in the festivities.
In what is traditionally a very social weekend,
there is lots of friendly rivalry and some
fierce competition as the teams’ battle it out
dragon head to dragon head. One of the most
anticipated rivalries is the ‘Mountain Challenge’
when Falls Creek takes on teams from other
alpine resorts to see who can take home the
coveted Mountain Challenge trophy.
Wetting a line at Pretty Valley Pondage is also a fabulous way to enjoy the pristine environment of the
high plains. Pic - Courtesy FCRM.
For guests this is a fantastic weekend to spend
at Falls Creek. The grassy banks of Rocky
Valley Lake are a beautiful place to spend the
day with the family and soak in the excitement
of the races. On the foreshore there are also
food and drinks available, plus on Saturday
night the action continues with post-race
dinners and parties throughout the village.
Teams of up to 20 can register for a variety
of categories and there is opportunity for
individuals to join an existing team. If you
haven’t paddled in a dragon boat before there is
no need to worry as a range of safety and skills
training sessions will ensure you are ready to
Bazaar Restaurant
Open for:
10am ‘til Late!
Closed 24th, 25th & 26th December
• Contribute to the growth of this dynamic regional organisation
• Key influencing role
• Lead the organisation through the next stage of significant growth
Jo Fisher, Executive Search is currently
recruiting for the following roles for Falls
Creek Resort Management.
• Infrastructure and Mountain Response Director
• Economic Development and Land Management Director
• Corporate Services Director
Further information and application process
can be obtained by viewing these positions on
www.seek.com.au or by contacting Jo Fisher
Executive Search on 03 9016 6000.
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Christmas & New Year at:
QT Falls Creek
Open Seven Days a Week
race! The Victorian Dragon Boat Association
provide experienced helms and instructors,
we have paddles, boats and buoyancy vests.
After an awards ceremony on the foreshore,
it’s then time to head back to the village
for the official Dragon Boat After Party!
• Saturday 25th - Training.
• Sunday 26th - Heats / Finals.
Entries opening now! Contact Kate Price on
03 5758 1223 for registration and info. •
Lunch from 11:30am. Dinner from 5:30pm
Happy Hours Daily 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Sundays: Cider Sessions
$4 Pots and $6 Stubbies of Cider
Max’s Burger & a Pot of Beer $15
CFA Raffles & Joker Poker
$20 Pot N Parmi Specials !!!
Happy Hours: 6pm - 8pm
Our fabulous Cocktail Party.
Live Entertainment with Leanne Bryan!!
Great Coffee, Snacks
& Milkshakes
Licensed Bottleshop
Buffet Breakfast 7:30am – 10:30am
A la carte Lunch12noon – 2pm
A la carte Dinner6pm – 8:30pm
25th December - 5th January
Christmas Day Lunch
Your choice of a fabulous two course, or
three course spread. Reservations & Prepayment required.
New Year’s Eve Dinner
Join us for dinner and see in the New Year
in style!! Reservations & Pre-payment required.
• Apartment style luxury rooms
• Pool & jacuzzi • Sauna & steam room
Open Seven Days a Week
QT Falls Creek
17 Bogong High Plains Rd, Falls Creek
Em: reservations_fallscreek@qthotels.com.au
Ph: 03 5732 8000 Wb: qtfallscreek.com.au
In the Village Bowl
Top of Falls Creek Rd
Near the Tennis Courts
Ph: 03 5758 3347
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Great Results
ur current temperatures would
suggest that most folk are focusing
on keeping cool. Unless you’re
packing your bags for the Northern
Climes, not many would be thinking of
snow conditions or how cold it is outside.
But, there are a group of dedicated young
cross country ski team athletes who have
been competing in FIS races in Europe and
North America since early November.
It will be another big season for the team.
Aside from the 2014 Winter Olympics
in Sochi in February, the competition
schedule includes World Junior and U23
Championships, the World Universiade
Winter Games, the World Cup circuit,
and plenty of other nation cup and FIS
international events.
Early highlights for the season included Phillip
Bellingham making his first Sweden Cup
sprint 1/4-final in Bruksvallarna; Anna Trnka
making it onto the junior podium in the
Swedish FIS international in Idre; and Aimee
Watson’s top 10 in the Italian FIS season
opener in Santa Caterina. Aimee in particular
has had a sensational season start, racing well
Aimee Watson competing in last winter’s Kangaroo Hoppet. Pic - Ken Bell.
from the get-go and is closing fast on the
Sochi A-qualification standard of five results
averaging under 100 FIS points. One more
sub-100 point race will just about do it for her.
The Australian team for the Sochi Winter
Olympics will be announced in late January.
Currently Australia has a quota of two male
and two female cross country athletes, to
be filled from athletes who have met the
A-qualification standard. Athletes who
have already met the standard are Esther
Bottomley, Callum Watson and Phillip
Bellingham, and as mentioned above, Aimee
Purchase Early Bird Festival Passes for
the 15th Mount Beauty Music Festival for
family and friends as a perfect Christmas
Gift and save dollars.
Normal Festival Pass: $110
Early Bird Pass:
Order and pay for tickets on-line at:
or drop into the Mount Beauty Visitor
Information Centre and have them order for
you, or download the form from the website,
complete and mail it off.
The returned receipt can be used as your gift
and redeemed for Wrist Bands at the Festival.
Kelly Gibbons from Wodonga Eyecare consulting
at Lakeside Community Centre, Lakeside Avenue.
Full eye examinations including Glaucoma tests,
Diabetes and Macular Degeneration screening.
Children welcome. To arrange an appointment:
Watson is close to adding her name to the list.
The Davos (Switzerland) World Cup
finished up last Sunday with some solid
results from Australia’s sprinters. Phillip
Bellingham was 68th in the men’s sprint
with 71.6 FIS points, just 3.1 seconds
outside of qualifying for finals in the top
30, while Esther Bottomley was 63rd with
72.1 FIS points (her best ever on World
Cup), 7.1 seconds outside the top 30.
Callum Watson and Paul Kovacs were 91st
and 94th in the men’s time trial, while
Aimee Watson was 74th in the women’s
time trial. These latter three skiers were
backing up after tough distance World Cup
events the previous day. Aimee was 59th in
the 15km Freestyle with 133.7 FIS points,
or 16.7% back for the old school analysts.
Callum and PK were 63rd and 68th in the
30km Freestyle, with FIS points of 95.51
and 150.97 (11.9% and 18.8%).
Ph: 02 6056 4000
Visits Mount Beauty Fortnightly
Next visits: Wed 8th Jan, then Fri 17th Jan.
Enquiries: 5755 0596
For all your Festive
Season supplies ..
Saturday 8th February
Pre-Sale Tickets
Great Christmas Gifts for family and
loved ones! Buy now and save - from:
Mount Beauty Hardware & Drapery
Fallons Falls Creek Coaches
Mount Beauty Holiday Centre
Enquiries or Volunteers to help
Phone Heath
0411 191 522
In-house prepared Hams
(no preservatives); Smoked Turkey
Buff; Pork Loins, Legs & Racks; Bacon
& Smoked Bacon; Smoked Salmon;
Salmon & Trout; Cabana & Kranskies
– and a full range of mouth watering
products for your dinner table or BBQ.
All Smoking is done on premises.
McDonald Meats
Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 1000
Allan, Carol and the team at McDonald Meats
wish everyone a happy Christmas and a
healthy and safe New Year!
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Meanwhile up in Sweden Anna Trnka was
again on the podium last weekend, this
time taking second behind Swedish junior
team member Hedda Bångman in an U20
sprint in Jarpen.
But wait... there’s more. The Winter
Universiade is currently underway in Italy.
Just three days after the World Cup in
Davos Phil Bellingham backed up with
42nd and 74.14 FIS points in the 10km
free, just 5 seconds ahead of team mate
Callum Watson. It was a good day all
round for the Australian men with Paul
Kovaks in 73rd place and juniors Nick
Montgomery and Jackson Bursill in their
first World Uni Games recording personal
best FIS points results.
In the women’s 5km Casey Wright
recorded a PB FIS points result of 135.13
to take 59th place with Ash Spittle and
Ellie Phillips a bit further back in 77th and
78th places respectively. •
Australia’s first World Universiade
While at first glance, the result list looks
like Russian trifecta in the biathlon 12.5km
pursuit at the Unversity Games with
Aleksander Pechenkin and Sergei Kliachin
taking gold and silver ahead of Alexei
Kalievich Almoukov, - it is in fact a historic
first ever Australia medal at the University
Games. Alex Almoukov was born in Russia
and moved to Australia when he was seven.
Great results are being achieved by our young athletes, (from left) Phil Bellingham, Callum Watson and Paul
Kovaks. Pic - Finn Marsland.
Alex is well known around the cross country
ski trails and biathlon ranges in Australia
with numerous championship podium
results in junior and open events and his
father Nick has a long involvement as a state
and national coach in both cross country
skiing and biathlon. Congratulations Alex
on an historic result. •
10am - 5:3
10am - 3pm
5A Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Open Six Days a Week
Phone: 5754 1270
Great Food!
Great Coffee!
Open Seven Days a Week
during Xmas & January for
breakfast & Lunch - fantastic
coffee, fresh salads and fabulous
home-made cakes & biscuits!
Now Open
For Lunch & Dinner
Lunch from 12noon
Dinner from 5pm
Comprehensive Take-Away Menu
Home Delivery Available (Charges Apply)
Fully Licensed
Offering a wide selection of dishes including
vegetarian, ranging from mild to medium or hot!
Plus traditional Indian Desserts
Indian Restaurant
Hollonds Street Mount Beauty
Ph: 5754 1179
Deb, Steven and the team at Seasons would
like to wish all their customers/friends the
very best for wonderful Christmas, and for
a safe and prosperous New Year!
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
1/10 Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 1717
Open Seven Days a Week
“Singh and Gagan and the staff would
like to wish all their clients the very
best for Christmas and for a happy
and healthy New Year!”
Creek Hours!
Beauty Christmas Hours
10am - 5:30pm 6 Days .10am - 3pm SUN
Christmas Eve:
8am – 7pm
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
10am – 5pm
New Year’s Eve
8am – 7pm
New Year’s Day
10am – 5pm
All Other Days:
8am – 7pm
Refer to Falls Creek Listing (P3) for Falls Creek
Trading Hours.
Karen, Nick and the team at our Foodworks
Stores wish all their friends and customers
the very best for Christmas and for a safe
and prosperous New Year.
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Bogong to Hotham
he weather has warmed up, but
recent unseasonal dustings of snow
in the Alps have created some
spectacular summer vistas with clear blue
skies contrasting the frosty white peaks.
The arrival of summer has meant that one
group - the mountain runners - are turning
their attention to the fast approaching
Bogong to Hotham Ultra-marathon.
This year (2014) the famous Rooftop Run
will be held for the 28th time, but it is, in
fact, 30 years since four intrepid runners first
set out from Mountain Creek campground
to run to the summit of Mt Hotham. One
of the runners who competed that first year
has returned to enter this year’s event. Robin
Rishworth knows the course like the back
of his hand and is still fit and fast enough to
match runners half his age.
Christmas Wishes from …
Kim and her wonderful team
would like to wish all clients, their
friends and family the very best for
Christmas and for a safe, healthy
and prosperous New Year.
AlpineValley Real Estate
Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 4999
Young successful Ultra-marathon athlete, Blake Hose
could rattle the field in this year’s Bogong to Hotham
Rooftop Run. Pic - Patchanida Pongsubkarun.
winning this jewel in the mountain running
scene is generally enough to attract the best,
prize money raises the bar to another level.
The pure, brutal nature of this course, the classic
point-to-point trail, the rich history and iconic
status that the Rooftop Run carries has drawn the
best of aussie mountain running talent. No glitz,
no glam, no pretentions, Bogong to Hotham is the
real deal and come January 12, we will see some
classic do-or-die racing. Can’t wait. •
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Trish, Matt and the team would like to
wish their friends, their valued customers
and the general community the very best
for a joyful Christmas, and for a healthy
and happy New Year.
Heath, Rachel & the team wish all their
valued customers the very best for Christmas
& for a safe and prosperous New Year.
Fallon’s Falls Creek Coaches
& Caltex Service Station
Kiewa Valley Hwy, Tawonga South
Ph: 03 5754 4024
Shelley, Greg and our wonderful team at
the Mount Beauty Post Office would like
to wish our friends and customers all the
best for Christmas, and for a happy and
healthy New Year.
Weekends & Public Holidays: 8am - 6pm.
Weekdays: 7am - 7pm. Closed Christmas Day.
Mount Beauty Post Office
2A Kiewa Crescent, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 4102
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Kim and Ken Edmondson would like to wish
all their valued customers, their friends and
the community in general the very best for a
safe and enjoyable Christmas and we trust
for a safe and prosperous New Year.
Re-opening for business: Monday 6th Jan.
Mount Beauty Smash Repairs
4 Nelse Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 4497
Roma and her team would like to wish all their
valued clients, their friends and the community
the very best for a joyful Christmas and for a
happy and healthy New Year.
The Doctors and Staff at the Medical
Centre would like to wish the community all
the very best for a happy Christmas and a
safe and prosperous New Year.
Normal Trading Tuesday to Saturday
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day
Refer display advert for Christmas
trading hours.
Old Tawonga Store
‘A big part of our community’
50 Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga
Ph: 5754 1667
Hairbizz on Hollonds
Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 1177
Mount Beauty Medical Centre
Ph: 5754 3400
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre
wishes all our customers, members & sponsors a
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year for 2014.
We appreciate the support from the community.
You help to keep our doors open.
For General Business we will be closed from
Friday 20th Dec. to Monday 23rd Jan.
Tennis Court Avenue, Mount Beauty
Bill, Angela and Klaus would like to wish
all our clients and friends the very best for
Christmas and the New Year.
God Bless everyone!
The volunteer team at the Op Shop would
like to wish the community, their friends and
families all the very best for a wonderful
Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
We thank everyone for their valued support
and look forward to contributing more to
the community next year.
Mount Beauty Opportunity Shop
Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 1166
Amongst the young guns entered this year,
Blake Hose, at just 21 years, is setting the trail
scene on fire with racing credentials that belie
his tender age. He recently smashed the field at
the Great Ocean Walk 100, taking out the win
in his debut 100km race. But he will have his
work cut out for him on Sunday 12th Jan, with
a Bogong to Hotham field packed with talent.
Stu Gibson, one of only three past Bogong
winners to ever break 7 hours, will be back
to defend his title. In cracking form, Stu will
leave nothing in the tank. Another former
winner, Damon Goerke, always excels in tough
conditions and will be hard to beat. Add to the
mix the likes of Andy Lee, Chris Wight, Mark
Lee, Andrew Tuckey, Jono O’Loughlin, Rob
Walter to name a few, and we will see some red
hot racing. If that’s not enough, fresh off third
place at the Kepler Challenge in New Zealand,
former Australian marathon champion, Rowan
Walker will be out to make his mark.
The women’s field is no less impressive. Course
record holder Beth Cardelli will be challenged
by the likes of Gill Fowler, Jo Brischetto, Gretel
Fortman, Steph Gaskell and Kirra Balmano.
With a few smokies like Jacinta O’Neill and
Kathy Macmillan in the field the podium is
impossible to predict. Any one of these ladies
could challenge for the win and if conditions are
good such competition could nudge the record.
This year’s race sees the radical running shoe
company Hoka One One stump up prize
money for the podium. While the prestige of
‘We take the time to sit and listen’
16A Kiewa Crescent Mount Beauty
Ph: 5754 1144
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Christmas is with us!
t is a time when we celebrate the birth
of Christ and share special moments
with our families and friends.
Christmas is special to me this year
because I recently visited Israel in July.
It was a great experience to visit the
many biblical places such as Bethlehem,
Jerusalem, Jericho and the Sea of Galilee
and to learn more about significant
religious events over the centuries.
For many people Christmas involves enjoying
a family holiday and of course North East
Victoria has many beautiful locations to visit
and appreciate.
As always it is important that we do what we
can to keep everyone safe. We should all keep
an eye out for those in our communities who
may be alone, in poor health or struggling
through emotional or financial difficulties.
Small gestures of goodwill and kindness can
do a lot to brighten someone’s day.
Let’s all be considerate of those amongst us
who may be at risk during days of extreme
heat and fire danger by supporting these
people in our communities.
Please keep safe as you celebrate Christmas
with family and friends and head off on
holidays by being patient and careful on
our roads, never leaving children or pets
alone in hot cars, being vigilant around
water and practicing safe boating.
Christmas decorations have been a feature of town for
years. Check them out! Pic - Ken Bell.
For those of you who live on farms or may
be visiting farms please be aware of the
dangers of riding quad bikes.
A lasting impression I took home with me
from my visit to Israel is the importance of
peace on earth and that we can all do our bit
by treating each other with love and respect.
I wish everyone joy and peace and a safe
and happy New Year.
Courtesy our local member, Bill Sykes MP,
State Member for Benalla. Parliamentary
Secretary for Primary Industries. •
Your editor thoroughly agrees with the
sentiments expressed above. Keep safe and
care for one another. Treat everyone else
with respect. It’s a simple gift to give and
doesn’t cost a cracker.
Your editor and the team at ‘This Week’
wish everyone the very best for a warm and
special Christmas, and for a safe, happy and
In awe of Santa at Carols. Pic - High Key Images.
healthy New Year - all year. I thank you all
for your gracious continuing support.
If you enjoy reading this paper, please
make a point of supporting the businesses
that enable this paper to be produced all
year round - those who advertise with us. •
Christmas Wishes from …
Mark and the staff would like to thank all
customers, shareholders and community
members for their support during our
6th year. We wish everyone a happy
Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Mount Beauty & District
Community Bank
28 Hollonds Street Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 4484
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Ron and Debbie Crawford at C Signs, your
local sign-writer, would like to wish community
friends, family and valued clients the very
best for a wonderful Christmas and we all
look forward to a prosperous New Year.
Darren and Heather and their staff take
this opportunity to wish their valued
customers the best for Christmas and for
a safe and prosperous New Year.
Falls Creek Resort Management & Staff
would like to wish our stakeholders, our
visitors, and the community the very best
for a wonderful Christmas and for a safe
and snow filled New Year.
C Signs
Fairway Avenue, Mount Beauty
Ph: 03 5754 4886
Mb: 0413 339 570
North East Wholesale
Food Services
Ph: 5754 4647
Visitor Information 10am - 3pm daily
Ph: 03 5758 1202
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Ian, Pipere and Archie would like to thank
all of their wonderful clients for the support
shown during the year.
We wish you all, clients, visitors and friends,
the very best for a wonderful Christmas and
for a safe and prosperous New Year.
Tawonga Motors
Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga
Ph: 5754 4463
The Mount Beauty VIC staff and the Alpine
Ambassadors wish all our friends, the local
community and all visitors the very best for
a healthy and happy Christmas and a safe
and prosperous New Year.
Mount Beauty Visitor Info Centre
Open 9am - 5pm daily. Closed Christmas Day
Ph: 5755 0596 or 1800 111 885
Joe, Frank and the friendly team
at Vegitation wish all their valued
customers the very best for a safe and
happy Christmas and for a prosperous
rewarding New Year
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Christmas Wishes from …
Fiona, Greg and staff would like to wish their
clients, friends and families all the best for
Christmas and for a healthy and fit New Year.
Kiewa Valley Sports & Spinal
Physio & Pilates
For bookings: Ph: 03 5754 1270
Wb: www.kvphysio.com.au
Em: info@kvphysio.com.au
Closed until January 2nd, 2014
Craig and Cheryl, their family and their
staff would like to wish all their friends
and customers the very best for a Merry
Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Mount Beauty Auto Repairs
229 Kiewa Valley Highway
Mount Beauty. Ph: 5754 1366
After Hours Towing 24-7. Ph: 0417 424 169
Closed main days.
Meryn, Amelia and Michelle and the team
at the Mount Beauty Commonwealth Bank
wish all our friends and clients the best
for a joyful Christmas, and for a safe and
prosperous New Year.
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day &
New Year’s Day
Commonwealth Bank - Mount Beauty
Ph: 5754 4344
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Kiewa Crescent, Mount Beauty
Order on-line at www.vegitation.com.au
Ph: 03 5754 4226
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
In the Kiewa Valley
ummer is a time we love. The kids are
on holidays, the visitors have arrived
and everything is rolling along nicely.
Isn’t it great when the biggest problem
we have is that our supermarket is busier
than normal - or we can’t find a park right
outside the shop we want to visit. Build a
bridge! There are loads of fun things to do
in the lead up to Christmas and during the
holidays. Take a moment to enjoy them all.
Let’s have a look shall we?
Christmas Lights
There are quite a few houses in town where
the owners have done a brilliant job of
putting up a wonderful display of Christmas
Lights. Well done to all those people - and
thankyou for exercising a true spirit of
Christmas. To help you visit the lights, the
Mount Beauty Visitor Information Centre
has a rough mud-map of several of the
properties with a good display of Chrissy
lights. At the time of going to print, thee were
about eight homes that have been brilliantly
decorated and are worth the visit. •
Live Entertainment
The Club is doing the traditional Christmas
Lunch. At this stage bookings were solid,
but there may be a spot of two left. Give the
team at the Club a call n 5754 4010.
New Year’s Eve at the Mount Beauty Country
Club will see the fabulous fireworks take
place from about 9pm. It should be pointed
out here that the management of the Mount
Beauty Country Club are the team that pay
for the New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display.
(Some have thought it was the Shire).
Congratulations to the Club and thankyou
for the fireworks. They will be followed by
live entertainment with the fabulous band
‘Rock ‘N’ A Hard Place!’ in the Main Bar. •
Hot Rod Races
Mount Beauty Car Club will be staging
their annual New Year’s meeting on New
The Girls at Sassy Road would like to wish all Sassy Sisters and
their families a very merry Christmas and a safe New Year!
The Lions Club Playground by the lake, also with gardens,
BBQ’s and facilities is a great family spot. Pic - Ken Bell.
Year’s Day. The venue is the Tawonga
Track and start time is 10am. The day
will feature events for all classes of cars,
dirt bikes, and Go Karts. Refreshments
are available and a good day out is assured.
Admission is $15 for Adults and children
under 14 are free. For further details see Ad
this edition or phone: 0434 419 057 •
The Mount Beauty Gliding Club will
be operating over Christmas-New Year
from Thursday 27th December. To view
the Mount Beauty region’s magnificent
mountain scenery from the air, visitors
may go to the airfield on Embankment
Drive or call Chief Flying Instructor, Mark
Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm • Saturday 9am to 2pm • Sunday 10am to 2pm
Open Every day from Boxing Day!
Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sassyroad
Fireworks Display
For the Community - presented by the Country Club
Bring the whole family down for the best display
Takes place around 9pm
Dinner in the Bushman’s Bistro
Carvery - Pasta, Salads, Dessert
$30 per head. Bookings to 5754 4010
Live Entertainment
9pm - 1am in the Main Bar
With top group “Rock ‘n A Hard Place!”
Don’t miss the regular ‘Members Draw’ with cheap drinks, Raffles,
and a free Jukebox on Thursdays and Fridays
For your Christmas Gift needs!
For that special person,
a range of perfumes, handbags,
watches & body product gift sets.
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day &
New Year’s Day
9am - 5:30pm Mon - Fri
9am - 12 noon Saturday
Peta, Michelle, Robyn and Greg
and their staff would like to wish
their customers, friends and visitors
the very best for a Merry Christmas
and a safe and happy New Year.
11 Hollonds St, Mount Beauty 3699
Ph: 03 5754 4224 Fx: 03 5754 1550
Em: pharmacy@mountbeauty.com.au
Gifts Galore - for you to choose from ..
Outdoor Living Gear
BBQs, Chairs, Eskys, Coolers, Fans, Gazebos
Bushman’s Bistro
Vi s i t o r s & f a m i l i e s w e l c o m e
Bookings: 03 5754 4010
1 L a k e s i d e Av e , M o u n t B e a u t y
Special Garden Gear
Exotic plants, ornamental pots, bird baths,
garden tools and accessories.
Home Handyman Tools
Work benches, drills, planers, saws, tool boxes
We have everything for the serious gift
giver and feel sure we can provide just
the gift you need.
Low Season
9th November - 23rd December
1st March - 30th March
Mon - Fri
Sat & Sun 7am - 9am
Closed Holiday Season
3:30pm - 7pm
1pm - 6pm
24th Dec - 31 Jan Closed Christmas Day
Mon - Fri
Sat & Sun
6:15am - 9am 1pm - 7pm
Closed 12noon - 6pm
High Season
1st February - 28th February
Mon - Fri
Sat & Sun
7am - 9am
Closed 3:30pm - 7pm
12noon - 6pm
Learn to Swim & Aqua Fitness Lessons
- enquire at Reception.
Service Drive, Mount Beauty
Phone: (03) 5754 1181
North Eastern Home
Improvement Company Pty Ltd
7am - 5:30pm Weekdays 8am - 2pm
9am - 2pm
9am - 2pm
Public Holidays
CLOSED Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s Day
Jen, Poz, Steve and the staff wish all our
customers the very best for Christmas and
a prosperous New Year.
Kiewa Valley Highway Mount Beauty
Ph: 5754 4384 Fx: 5754 4803
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Bland, 0417 565 514, or Instructor, Ian
Cohn, 0408 379 939 to enquire about Air
Experience Flights. This is an absolutely
magnificent way to appreciate the area. •
The Mount Beauty Visitor Information
Centre on the Kiewa Valley Highway in
Mount Beauty is the spot to glean further
details on the area. If you are looking for
information on activities or events call into the
Centre and the staff will be only too pleased
to help. The Visitor Information Centre will
be open every day from 9am - 5pm except
Christmas Day. Phone: 5755 0596 •
Bikes & Gear for Hire
Rocky Valley Bikes is located in Tawonga
South. Operated by Glenyse and Brian
Peacock, the shop is full of stock ready to roll
out the door. They have big bikes, little bikes
and all sizes in between. They have fast bikes
and faster bikes, and helmets and body armour
and biddens and bikes shirts and gear.
Brian and Glenyse also have golf clubs for
hire, cricket gear, fishing gear and camping
gear, maps and lots of local knowledge. Ph:
5754 1118. Open seven days a week during
the school holidays. •
Horse Riding
the high plains as the mountain cattlemen.
Supported by competent staff, Kath and
Steve have taken many of thousands of riders
for the experience of a traditional horseback
experience. Trips offered range from a two
hour ride in the Kiewa Valley, a three hour
ride including a light lunch and five day
packhorse trips into the high country. •
Park Ranger Activities
Parks Victoria have organised a range of
activities to take place at Mount Buffalo
National Park. These include Junior Ranger
programs, Story Telling, the Indigenous
Heritage and Campfire nights as well as
Heritage Tours through the historically
significant Mount Buffalo Chalet. In the
Alpine National Park there are a couple of
Campfire nights at Mountain Creek Picnic
Ground. A ‘Summer in the Alps’ free flier
detailing these events will be available at
the Visitor Information Centres in Bright,
Myrtleford and Mount Beauty. •
Mount Beauty Tennis Club is open all year
round for fee paying tennis players. Court Hire
is $10 per hour. If there are people waiting, you
are asked to keep your play to an hour at a time.
Further details phone 0417 375 366. •
Kath and Steve Baird have been operating
Bogong Horseback Adventures since 1986
and have spent almost as much time on
Hams, Turkeys,
Seafood, rolled & pickled Pork
Clean, well-lit and comfortable
All Smoking done on premises!!
Open 8am - 9pm weekdays
Open 9am - 8pm weekends
41 Bogong High Plains Rd, Mount Beauty.
Ph: 0400 350 488
Don’t forget our great range of BBQ
supplies for those great summer evenings!
Contact Gavin at:
Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga South
5754 1888
Open 7am – 6pm Monday – Friday
The Radiator
The radiator is integral to
your vehicle, providing the
cooling required for the motor
and your automatic transmission.
7am – 12noon Saturday
Gavin and his team wish all their
valued clients the best for Christmas
and for a safe and happy New Year!
In summer, the consistent use of the air-conditioning
reduces the efficiency of the radiator. Towing also
generates extra heat.
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
beautiful spa
Ariel’s Laundrette
Mount Beauty
A Motoring Tip brought to you by:
Rick @ Mount Beauty Service Centre,
Kiewa Valley Hway, Mount Beauty,
Ph: 5754 4261
The Mount Beauty Golf Club would have to
be one of the most interesting golf courses in
the area. Some challenges, and some excellent
scenery. 18 holes, grass greens, clubs for hire,
practice facilities and visitors are welcome.
Located at the top of Tawonga Crescent,
besides the road to Falls Creek. Ph: 5754
4569. Wb: www.visitmtbeauty.com.au/golf. •
Order your Christmas supplies
Drop them in and we’ll do them for you.
Washed - ironed - on a hanger ready to go!
Country motoring may mean a build-up of insects
in radiator and air-conditioning cores. This build
up will impact upon the efficiency of the radiator.
Your local mechanic can clean the radiator and
air-conditioning cores and help maintain the
proper cooling for your vehicle.
5 acre resort property in Mount Beauty
info@dreamers1.com 03 5754 1222
Sick of Ironing Shirts?
For improved motoring, have your radiator and
engine block flushed (cleaned out) and have the
hoses and the whole system pressure tested.
There will be plenty of action at the Tawonga
Track on New Year’s Day - which is always a good
day out. Pic - Greg Sujecki.
Best wishes for a very special Merry Christmas, and a safe and
prosperous New Year to all customers, friends and the community from
the team at the Tawonga South Newsagent, Post Office and Store!
• Toys for Christmas • Mobile Phones & accessories • Newspapers & Magazines
• Inkjet Cartridges • Post Office Services & Stock • Milk Bar lines
• Dry Cleaning • Maps & Souvenirs
Ph: 03 5754 4002
• MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15AM - 6:00PM
• SUNDAY 7:30AM - 12 NOON
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Fabulous Mittagundi
or the un-initiated, Mittagundi is an
outdoor education camp set up on the
other side of the Bogong High Plains,
near Shannon Vale and the Big River.
It was set up in the 80’s and since then
the camp has hosted thousands of young
students - giving them the outdoor
experience of a life time. The camp has no
electricity and is totally self-sufficient. The
duration of each camp is usually nine days
and the students attending do a two day
walk across the high plains to the camp, and
then a two day hike to come home from the
camp. Watches, Walkman’s, cigarettes, iPads,
phones and computers are all ‘banned’ and
the kids have to learn to live with nature.
The camp was set up by a guy named Ian
Stapleton with a view to giving young folk the
opportunity to develop their self-esteem by
really ‘contacting’ the bush. As Ian once stated
“It does a lot of good for most of the kids - but
unfortunately, some of them don’t get it!”
A focus on the camp is Pioneer Skills - the
ability to learn and know about the oldtime methods that folk used before we had
‘battery drills,’ electric drop saws and all
that other stuff!
It is not uncommon for people that have
attended a camp (and have enjoyed the
experience) to come back and work for a year
looking after the next groups of students. As one
student, Colleen Adams, said a little while back
“I got so much out of my camp that I wanted to
give something back to the next lot.” It’s not easy
as staff get a remuneration of about $12 per day,
Founder of Mittagundi, Ian Stapleton with young fans.
Pic - KIrsten Seaver.
plus their keep. Almost volunteering you
say - well yes, but they do a dam good job.
Each year the team put on the Mittagundi
Festival and Pioneer Skills weekend, and
this year it is on Friday 10th and Saturday
11th January 2014. You’re welcome to
come along and support Mittagundi’s
annual Bush Dance and Open day.
The weekend kicks off from 6pm on the
Friday night with a bush dance and BBQ
at the Glen Valley ‘town’ hall.
Mittagundi’s open day is on the Saturday which
entails Bush Craft demonstrations including:
blacksmithing, woodworking, cross-cut sawing,
spinning and felting, plus much more!
The Saturday also sees fun for the whole family.
Live music, Games, Silent and live auctions,
Café and bar, Wood fired pizza lunch and
a Roast dinner. Please, Do not BYO. People
under 18 must be accompanied by an adult/
guardian and there is free camping on site.
Bogong Horseback
Rides by appointment
Horses to suit all
Helmets & oil skin coats
Natural horsemanship tuition
Bookings essential
Fully licensed restaurant
Fabulous new menu items!
See us in ... The Age - ‘Good Food Guide’
Trip Advisor - 3+A Rated Restaurant
Lonely Planet - Guide to Australia 2014
Thursdays: Popular $15 Pastas!
Sundays: Pasta Take-Away!
Bookings please - Gift Vouchers available
(03) 5754 4849
The Wines
• Riesling
• Reserve
• Merlot
• Shiraz
• Nonno Reserve
• Cabernet Sauvignon
These classic varieties thrive in our Alpine cool
climate producing the perfect environment for
maturation of grapes with ripe characters, soft
tannins and an abundance of fruity flavours.
We believe that 95% of good winemaking is
achieved in the vineyard, the other 5% in the
winery with minimal interference. By adhering to
this principle we produce elegant wines, ready to
drink in a year, or may be cellared for several years.
Ph 03 5754 4495
177 Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga
Learning how to use the ‘old’ tools. Pic - Courtesy
Glen Wills Hall - a spot for a chat, a barby and a bush
dance. Pic - Kirsten Seaver.
So head on down to Mittagundi and check
out all that there is to offer!
Tickets: Weekend Pass: (includes entry to
bush dance, pizza and roast on Saturday):
adult $30 Family $80 Young Person/
concession/past staff $20.
Bushdance Only: Adult $10 Family $30
Young Person/concession/past staff $6.
Open Day Only: Adult $20 Family $50
Young Person/concession/past staff $10.
You may even be thinking about a Mittagundi
Camp as an option for a friend or family
member. Talk to the staff while you’re at the
Pioneers Skills Weekend. For more info, phone
03 5159 7238 or visit www.mittagundi.org.au •
Ivory Rooms
Wine .Food.Lounge
Open Daily for Business
Through Christmas & New Year
(Closed Christmas & Boxing Day)
Menu ranges from Antipasto to
Pastas, or select the full Tuscan
Banquet when booking.
Cellar Door 11am to 5pm
Tastings any time.
Moya, Angelo and the staff wish
everyone the very best for a
wonderful Christmas and a safe
and prosperous New Year.
Bay Creek Lane Mongan’s Bridge
The Ivory Rooms will be open for
High Tea in 2014, on:
Sunday 19 January
Sunday 23 February
Sunday 23 March
We are also open by appointment for
functions, dinner parties & all your
catering needs.
We look forward to your company
again this year.
Tan & Stan
181 Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga
Phone: 03 5754 1026
Ph: 5754 5236 Fx: 5754 5353
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Reaching New Heights
he soaring season is well underway
at the Mount Beauty Gliding
Club with some great local flights
achieved in the last week including several
flights to Mt Kosciusko and beyond.
Local pilot Mart Bosman escorted Scott
Anderson, a member from Tumbarumba,
on a flight to Australia’s highest peak last
Not to be outdone, a couple of our Chief
Flying Instructors, Mark Bland and Ian
Cohn flew their single seat sailplanes to
Kosciusko on Tuesday in suburb conditions
that had thermal up-currents taking them
(and their sailplanes) to over 9000 feet. “As
the crow flies, the Kosciusko summit is a
little over 100km away from the Mount
Beauty strip” said Mark. •
Junior Success
Earlier this month two of the club’s junior
members, Reuben Lane and Kenton Ford,
achieved their ‘Silver C’ badges while on
a gliding camp at Leeton NSW with the
club’s new two seat glider. To qualify for
the badge, the pilot must remain airborne
for five hours and fly over fifty kilometres.
The flat open farmland of Leeton makes
the task a bit safer for the novice 17 year
old pilots. The club also welcomes new
member Mark Lucey from Falls Creek,
who was delighted with his first training
flight last weekend. The club expects
to be busy over the holiday period and
welcomes enquiries for membership or Air
Experience Flights to view our magnificent
valley from the air. Please contact Andrew
on 0418 377 146 or Mark 0417 565 514 for
further information. •
Mount Beauty’s Chief Flying Instructor, Mark Bland
congratulates Kenton Ford and Reuben Lane on achieving
their Silver C badges. Pic - Courtesy MBGC.
Thanks to Dean Scatchard for his years of service
and welcome to John ‘Kreutzy’ Kreutzberger for
many years to come. Pic - Ken Bell
New Business
short term. Refer to the Business Directory
listing in this publication.
New owners, John and Esther are also
suggesting that an early Email to their
address: jkreutzy@bigpond.com is another
way of advising of pick-ups that are
required. On behalf of the Falls Creek
community, we welcome John and Esther
on board and wish them well for many
good years of business. PS: John also is
known as ‘Kreutzy’ if that helps.
Dean and Gayle would like to thank the
whole Falls Creek community (both summer
and winter) for their wonderful support especially Jonesy. It was an enjoyable 11 years
and “I’m going to miss it” said Dean.
Once again, on behalf of the local
community, this paper would like to thank
Dean and Gayle and their team for the
great service they have provided over many
years. We wish them well for a relaxing and
rewarding future. •
Well, it feels like a new business to John
and Esther Kreutzberger, who have now
taken over the Albury Falls Creek Freight
operation we all know as Remo’s Transport
- and which has been supplying Falls Creek
for around 25 years.
Dean and Gayle Scatchard purchased Remo’s
Transport eleven years ago (from Remo) and
that seems like only yesterday. But now it is
time to move on and John Kreutzberger has
grabbed the opportunity to move into his
own business - something he has wanted to
do for a while.
John and Esther are a pro-active young couple
with two young children. John has a big smile
and when asked about the winter side of things,
the smile grows and he says “We’ll handle it!”
The number you can get John on is Dean’s
old business number, 0417 414 320. That
number will stay with the business, while
Dean and Gayle’s home/office number will
be diverted to John’s mobile - at least in the
Local Cabinet Making
Serving Falls Creek & the area for 28 years.
Kitchens, Restaurants, Professional Suites.
Plan your summer program now!
Quality Window Furnishings
- curtains, blinds & pelmets.
20 years experience in
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty area.
Neil Williams services the area regularly.
Ph: 0412 587 510 • Fx: 03 9598 2821
Email: jennw@bigpond.net.au
New Year’s Meeting!
Wednesday 1st January
Racing Starts from 10am
Tawonga Track - Kiewa Valley Highway
Car Racing - All Classes
Ladies, Juniors, Standard
Saloons, VSC Sports Sedans
Day Licences available.
Yarra Valley Dirt Go Karts
Flat Track Motorcycles 50cc & Up!
Ambulance membership number essential.
Registration & Scrutineering from 8:30am.
Admission: $15. U14’s Free!
Full Catering on Site
Further Details: Ph: 0434 419 057
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Len Plum
For Well Kept Books
Rolf Proft
Bookkeeping Consultant
17 Freeburgh Avenue, Mount Beauty
Ph: 0477 433 207
Ph: 02 6028 9221 Mob: 0409 289 221
Saturday 4th January 2014
• Six Race Program; First Race at 1pm
• Full bookmaker and TAB facilities
• Admission: Adults - $20. Children under 16 years - Free!
• Great family day out with lots of entertainment • Tug of War
• Hawkins & Co Builders Madman’s Mile • Children’s Activities by Kellys Sports
Bus Information
Cost is $25 per person, and $8 per child under 16 - includes general admission
to the races. All seats must be paid for at the time of booking.
From Mount Beauty, Falls Creek, Tawonga: Falls Creek Coaches: Ph: (03) 5754 4024.
From Bright, Porepunkah, Myrtleford: Alpine Spirit Coaches: Ph: (03) 5752 1333.
From Albury Wodonga, Kiewa Valley, Yackandandah: Martins: Ph: (02) 6040 4400.
2014 Marquee Packages
Host your corporate clients, customers, family and friends in a cool and comfortable marquee - to make you day at
the races an event to remember!
Various marquee packages are available and can be tailored to meet your needs and budget, For further details
and enquiries, contact Di Goonan on 0418 114 751.
Bendigo Bank Fashions on the Field
Best Dressed Lady (18-34)
Best Dressed Lady (35+)
Best Dressed Couple
Best Dressed Girl (6-12)
Best Dressed Girl (13-17)
Best Dressed Boy
Best Dressed Tiny Tot
Special Guest: Australia’s Lady Race Caller, Victoria Shaw. Live entertainment by Paul Gibbs.
Proudly Supported By:
• Milestone • Alpine Shire • Simpson’s Livestock • Reece Civil, Albury • Elk’s Hunting & Fishing • Dederang Hotel
• TAFCO • Alpine Angus
For more information, contact Mount Beauty Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5755 0596;
Open 9am - 5pm Seven Days a week.
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
It’s Been Nailed!
cross the board, it is comforting to
witness the amount of voluntary effort
that goes into keeping this community
in ‘good nick!’ The latest example is the
work the local Men’s Shed team have put
in to secure a $60,000 Victorian Coalition
Government grant to build a new Men’s
Shed in Tennis Court Avenue.
Member for Benalla, Bill Sykes joined President
of the Mount Beauty and District Men’s Shed
Inc, Dick Puttyfoot in welcoming the Coalition
Government’s support for the new shed
which is valued at a total of $105,705.
Dr Sykes said, “The men’s shed movement is
really a wonderful initiative and I know that
Mount Beauty have been working towards
this for some time and the community has
dedicated many hours on this project.” Bill
continued, “I commend the Alpine Shire
Christmas Carols at Falls Creek. On Village Green beside Nelse Lodge. Ph: 5758 1202.
Myrtleford Lions Club Golden Spurs Rodeo. Myrtleford Recreation Reserve.
Ph: 03 5752 2679.
Falls Creek Kids Club. Regular daily activities
for children holidaying in the resort. Refer to
article this edition or visit Falls Creek Information Centre. Ph: 5758 1202.
New Year’s Fireworks and Celebrations at Mount Beauty Country Club. From around 8:30pm. Ph: 5754 4010.
New Year’s Eve functions at Falls Creek. Max’s Restaurant and Bazaar at QT Falls Creek. Refer Ads this edition.
Extremely pleased with the announcement, from left to right: Ian Howley, Dick Puttyfoot, Bill Sykes MP, Kate
Farrell (Alpine Shire), Paul L’Huillier, Mark Hardidge, Campbell Ford and John Miiller. Pic - Ken Bell.
for their role and particularly AGL for their
generosity in making available a parcel of
land. I encourage the 60 plus members of your
Men’s Shed group to consider getting involved
in the build for the new shed and I look
forward to enjoying a sausage on the BBQ
when the shed is opened sometime in 2014.”
Dick Puttyfoot said, “We are extremely grateful
to the Victorian Government for the grant,
the assistance provided by the Alpine Shire
and to AGL for their generosity. The success
of the grant application depended on the
overwhelming support received from many
local organisations. This support was both
financial and in written testimonials.” Dick
continued, “the completion of the new shed will
enable us to undertake a wide range of activities
to support local men, and to also undertake
projects that benefit our community.”
New Year’s Day Community Market - 9am to 2pm Top end of Hollonds Street. All Welcome. For booking & stall enquiries, Ph: 5754 4097.
Mount Beauty Car Club New Year’s Day Meeting. 10am Start at Tawonga Track, all welcome for a great day of racing. Ph: 0407 556 200.
Mount Beauty Community Market - 9am to
2pm. Top end of Hollonds Street. All Welcome.
Bookings & stall enquiries Ph: 5754 4097.
Dederang Picnic Races. Dederang Race Course, Kiewa Valley Hwy, Dederang.
Ph: 0400 485 084.
10th & 11th Mittagundi Bush Dance and Pioneers Skills
weekend. Live Music, Bush BBQ Bush Craft Demonstrations. A great time for the whole family. Ph: 03 5159 7238.
Bogong 2 Hotham Rooftop Run. 64Km from
Mountain Creek to Mt Hotham over the high plains. Details: andy@bogong2hotham.com
24th - 26th Bonjour Bright Festival. Howitt Park Bright. Part of the Alpine Audax cycling challenge. Refer Ad next edition.
25th & 26thMile High Dragon Boat Championships on
Rocky Valley Dam, Falls Creek. Two days of fun to decide the Champion. Ph: 5758 1200.
Alpine Shire Australia Day Breakfast - Mount Beauty. From 8am in the park beside swimming
pool. Hosted by the UKV Lions Club and featuring Mount Beauty Community Band. Ph: 5755 0555.
Audax Alpine Classic. Bright / Tawonga Gap / Falls Creek / Mt Buffalo.
Visit www.alpineclassic.com.au
Nearly $4.9 million will be invested to build
41 new Men’s Sheds across Victoria. The
Victorian Coalition Government will provide
more than $2.2 million through the $4
million Strengthening Men’s Sheds initiative,
while nearly $2.7 million will be provided
by Local Council, Federal Government,
philanthropic organisations, community
groups and fundraising activities.
Minister for Community Services Mary
Wooldridge said the Men’s Shed program
has become an important aspect of
building stronger communities, with more
than 230 sheds operating across Victoria.
President of the Victorian Men’s Shed
Association (VMSA) Paul Sladdin said,
“The VMSA gratefully acknowledges
the continued support of the Victorian
Government for the Men’s Shed movement
in Victoria and I congratulate Mount
Beauty on their successful application.” •
Mount Beauty Community Market - 9am to 2pm. Top end of Hollonds Street. All welcome. For bookings and stall enquiries, Ph: 5754 4097.
Sweet Valley Sounds - A great day out at Big Hill Park, Mount Beauty from midday to around 10pm. Great music! Further details from 0411 191 522.
15th & 16thFalls Creek Mountain Raid - a two day - two
stage challenge where teams run, paddle
and mountain bike. Details www.mountainraid.
com.au or phone 03 5758 1202.
Ed 07 • 10.01.14 • Holiday Activities - Alpine Audax - Dragon Boat Festival.
Ed 08 • 24.01.14 • Dragon Boat Championships. Alpine Audax Bike Ride.
Ed 09 • 07.02.14 • Falls Creek Mountain Raid. Sweet Valley Sounds. Dragon Boat Wrap.
Ed 10 • 21.02.14 • Mountain Raid & Sweet Valley Sounds Wrap. Three Peaks Preliminary.
• All accommodation houses, restaurants, businesses, clubs and flats in Falls Creek, Bogong Village, Mount Beauty, Tawonga, Tawonga South and
selected venues in Bright & Myrtleford. Also on-line at www.alpinehighcountry.com
MAILING LIST • Over 100 subscribers, media organisations & travel agents.
INSERTS • Not available.
DISPLAY • 1 column (6cm wide) = $12.00 per cm. 4cp = $19.00 per cm.
• 2 column (12.5cm wide) = $22.00 per cm. 4cp = $39.00 per cm.
• 3 column (19cm wide) = $32.00 per cm. 4cp = $56.00 per cm.
• Classified = $4.50 per line.
• Business Directory = $5.50 per line.
• Logos and images 300dpi > as jpg attachment.
• Friday 2:00pm prior to publication date.
• A season contract for 16 Winter editions is available offering 15% discount. The contract is secured by payments made four editions in advance: Due dates:
For Information on Advertising or Editorial Contributions please contact:
Ken Bell Mob: 0400 350 488
Email: kencbell@bigpond.net.au
Kirsten Seaver
Email: kseaver@own.net.au
For Payment, Placement of Ads or Subscriptions please forward to:
Phone/Fax: 03 5754 1346
Office Address:
Suite 2, 41 Kiewa Valley Highway, Mount Beauty.
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 325, Mount Beauty, VIC, 3699.
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Live Entertainment
orn on the banks of the Murray,
in a town called Mulwala, Leanne
Bryan was one of the six sister in the
family. From a very early age Leanne always
sang…according to her mother’s memories,
Leanne had a very unique voice, ‘already’ at
the age of three. Singing in the backyard on
the family swing, at church and on her dad’s
knee performing to family and friends at
home, were her first introductions to music.
Leanne is a natural vocalist; no lessons, she
educated herself in her early 20’s to sing every
different style of music which enabled her to
perform at any type of gig, venue or function
etc. She has won numerous talent shoes,
including the Buddy Williams Trophy. People
have always complimented Leanne on her
‘unique vocal range’ & her expertise allows her
to be able to sing numerous styles of music.
She has been enthusiastically involved in
numerous trios, bands and duos over the past
years including: ‘Obliveon,’ ‘Cranky Spanners,’
‘The Bryan Sisters,’ ‘Leanne & Dallas Duo,’
‘Outrage’ (in which she supported ‘Ian Moss’),
‘Release’ & her own solo/duo act ‘Total Eclipse.’
The list of talents Leanne has performed
with is extensive and includes some of
Leanne Bryan will be wowing the crowds New Year’s
Eve at Max’s. Pic - Courtesy the Artist.
The Armitage family with local member Bill Sykes, showing
off Isaac’s Weary Dunlop award. Pic - Courtesy of family.
our favourite artists who visit Falls Creek,
including Paul Gibbs.
Leanne will be providing the
entertainment for New Year’s at Max’s
Restaurant. We suggest you book early. •
winners and their families are given the choice
of morning tea at Parliament House as Bill’s
guests or attending an AFL game at the MCG
which is generously co-sponsored by the AFL.
Bill recently attended Falls Creek Primary
where he presented young Isaac Armitage with
his award. His teacher’s submission read in
part: “Isaac always puts in 100% effort in all
he does and has demonstrated great persistence
with his school work. He is a great friend to
all students, showing fairness, friendship and
integrity.” Congratulations Isaac.
Bill has also recently awarded students at
Mount Beauty Secondary College, Mount
Beauty Primary and Tawonga Primary. This
paper will try and catch up with those events. •
The Weary Dunlop Award
The ‘You’ve Got What It Takes’ Weary
Dunlop award, initiated by Bill Sykes, is
now in its ninth year and aims to recognise
students who have demonstrated various
qualities including persistence and resilience to
overcome a challenges in their life to achieve
their goals. The award is offered to all schools
in the Benalla Electorate and this year there
are 24 schools involved. As well as receiving a
certificate and letter of congratulations, award
Recent renovations have provided three new, private and spacious
en-suite rooms. Great location, close to Falls Express, Windy
Corner & Bogong High Plains Road. No oversnow required.
Truly ski in/ski out. All season’s accommodation to suit skiers, mtn
bikers & walkers. Applications for membership invited. Ph: 0421
062 061 or 0409 551 640, or Email: committee@cosela.com.au
Dining table setting - extendable table (118cm x 90cm to
148cm x 90cm) & 6 chairs. Light timber, chairs w bone
fabric inserts. Near New Con. Complete setting for $500
ONO. Ph: Gayle 0438 001 832.
Steam Iron Press - must be in good condition. Ph: 040 350 488.
King Single Mattresses, Inner Spring, quality products. Almost
new. Will sell separately, $100 each. Ph: 0418 177 604.
Fit, reliable, 16yo student with references for gardening, general
labour, hospitality, retail - pref Mount Beauty. Ph: 0499 293 864.
Mount Beauty Ski Lodge Share. 20 Members. Cheap family
holiday accommodation. Any reasonable offer considered.
Ph: 03 9531 9365.
Lounge suite - 2 x 2 seater sofas & 2 x 1 seater sofa chairs.
Chintz fabric in bone/brown tones with timber side arms.
VGC. Complete suite for $450 ONO. Ph: Gayle 0438 001 832.
Oregon Pergola Beams, Posts, Bearers & Rafters. Suitable for
rebuilding, or furniture. 11 posts 90x90x2m approx; 7 beams
45x190x6.9m approx; 3 beams 45x190x3.4m approx; 1 beam
45x190x4.8m approx; 1 beam 45x190x5.5m approx; 5 fascias
45x235x4.4m approx; Numerous batons 70x45xvarious. $700
the lot (ONO) Ph: Chris 0408 574 202.
House & Property For Sale - Tawonga, 701 Mountain Creek
Road. 10 acres (4.5 hectares) with 4 BR home, 2 bath, open
plan, all mod cons, verandahs all round, carport, solar HW
and elect., big shed, tanks, well, dam, irrigation, orchard. On
school bus route, 12 km from MB. Call Gabrielle Douglas at
Zelle, 0418 698 818. www.zelle.com.au
Call Kerry 0407 814 114 for all sewing needs.
Services include hems & complete design solutions.
Pedicure, Manicure, Waxing & Tinting. Bloom
in Beauty - Tawonga South. Ph: 03 5754 4573
or Em: kvazzoler@bigpond.com
Hot Stone Massage, Facials, Acrylic & Gel Nails, Shellac,
Mani - Pedi, Sun FX Spray Tans. No 1 for Beauty.
38 Hollonds St, Mount Beauty. Ph: 5754 4458.
Building - Renovation - Maintenance, call Mike
Smith Mob: 0417 438 450.
Building, renovations, maintenance. Phone Rick
0419 247 806.
Duggan & Hanlon, your complete building
service, please call Justin on 0458 220 879.
Bright Alpine Chiropractic. Terry Crisp visits Mount
Beauty Wednesdays 10am - 6pm. 32 Hollonds
Street. Ph: 5750 1150 Mb: 0468 579 353.
Quality Ceremonies - All Types. Ph: 03 5754 4395.
Summer 2014 Edition SIX
Custom built computers, Upgrades, parts, laptops,
troubleshooting, virus removal, data recovery, back-ups.
Ph: Michal Trnka 5754 4637 or Mb: 0417 163 601.
Altitude Electrical - no job too big or small.
Domestic, commercial & industrial. Contact
Ben Svarc 0419 801 109.
Domestic, commercial, rural fencing & landscaping.
Phone Adrian @ Casey Fencing 0419 292 107.
Remo’s Transport from Albury/Wodonga to
Falls Creek Tues to Fri inclusive. Refrigeration
available. Phone John or Esther on 0417 414 320.
Hairbizz - 26 Hollonds St. Mens & Ladies. Open
Tuesday to Saturday & late nights Thursdays. For
cuts, colours, foils & weddings. Ph: 5754 1177.
Pet Care & Dog Walking. Ph: Lisa 5754 1695.
Remedial, Relaxation, Reflexology. Personal
Coaching - Relationship, Divorce, Life Purpose.
Ph Heather Passant, 0438 501 663.
Corrective Massage & Yoga. Ph: 0412 926 372.
32 Hollonds St, Tuesdays Ph: Rosita 0419 519 275.
Larry Gardham - Experienced Tradesman - for
free quotes - all work guaranteed. Ph: 5754 4900,
or Mb: 0428 359 848.
Interior/Exterior, Domestic/Commercial.
Obligation Free Quotes. Quality & Service
Guaranteed. KLM Alpine Painting Services, Ph:
Laif 0437 023 921.
For Weddings, Families, kids and babies, call Lee
on 0447 544 289 or check the website at www.
Kiewa Valley Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy.
5A Hollonds St Mt Beauty. Out of hours and
home visits available. HiCaps. Ph: 5754 1270.
Supplied & installed by a credited Plumber &
Gasfitter. Also available to take care of leaking taps,
toilets, burst pipes, new homes and renovations.
Call Graham: 0414 353 166 or 5754 1740.
Mt Beauty Taxi Service. Covers Falls Creek &
Albury. Ph: 0409 573 909 or 13 10 08.
Falls Creek & Mount Beauty THIS WEEK
Christmas Cricket Wrap
t the half-way point of the season,
all Mount Beauty sides are well
poised to play finals. A Grade have
recovered from a slow start to post three
consecutive wins and are currently sitting
4th on the ladder. Each of the last three
games have seen scores in excess of 250
while bowling the opposition out for under
150 - comprehensive wins! Individual
highlights thus far include:
Howzat Ranaweera 128, 2 ducks, 4/70
and 4/35; Cowboy McLennan 129 &
68; Snakey Brown 5/28 & 4/23; Marty
Pask 83 and several massive sixes hit off
his bowling; I’m only 49! Moorman 71;
Araldite Randell 5/14 from 179 overs;
Wombat Jenvey 42, 42no & 42…+18(60).
B Grade sits in 5th place with a three wins, two
losses record. Notable performances include:
Capitan McMahon 4/18; Father Time Betheras
66; Claw Derrick 60; Dirka Cootee 88 (you
were plumb!); Cocky Peacock 6/36 (8 for the
match); Circus Tonn 4/53; Kiwi Whelan 62no.
C Grade currently lies in 4th place with five
wins and three losses. Standout efforts are:
Tank Brooks 70, 5/17 and 4/10; Grandpa
Alexander 4/28; Rickdizneck Derrick 5/16;
Tigga Hall 64; Elfie Powell 103no and 4/27.
The U14’s started with a loss but have won
the last three to sit in 3rd position. This is
an excellent result when you consider six
players are still eligible for U12’s. Some
fabulous team efforts have been built
round some great individual results:
Rowdy Vickers 11no, 50no, 39no, 21no
and 2/0; Liam Hood 56no, 35no and 2/15;
Our Bank has now returned
Over $200,000
to this community since
opening December 2007!
Be part of the team!
Ph: 03 5754 4484
28 Hollonds Street, Mount Beauty
Mount Beauty & District
Community Bank© Branch
Local talents in the cricket world who have been chosen to represent their club at district and state level.
From left: Billie Cootee U13; Kira Grace U14; and Ashan Ranaweera. Pic - Ken Bell.
Taine Gilheany 53no, 20no & 4/2; Bomber
Cootee 43 and 14no; Mitch McDermott
16, 15no and 2/24; Sam Cariss 26no and
19no; Jaden Gilheany 21 and 15no; Kira
Grace 9no and 1/0 from 5.5 overs; Rhys
Cook 15no & 2/9; Jonah Cosgriff 13no &
2/15; Aidan Grace 11no & 2/8; Tawhiti
Pahini 2/11 and 8no; Mitch Cook 1/14.
Our future is our U12’s. We have 24 kids
wanting to play each week. When you
consider six of them are regularly playing
U14’s and 11 are in their first year of
cricket, a four wins, four losses record and
6th place on the ladder is outstanding. The
standout feature of their game has been the
fielding, with 10 run outs from direct hits
in only six games! Here are some individual
stats and highlights to make you drool:
Flynn Eriksson 95 runs, avg 47.5 and 3/9;
Jaden Gilheany 69 runs, avg 69; Ethan
Grace 64 runs, avg 64 and 2 catches;
Georgia Moorman 67 runs, avg 33.5 and
1/0; Justin Borell 2/7; Cody Allport 2/1;
Tamehana Pahina three direct hit run outs
Visit the
Bogong Power Station
Information Centre
For historical & geological exhibits.
Now Open: Sundays and Mondays
10:30am - 2:30pm Bogong Alpine Village
Group Bookings - Phone 03 5754 3318
Closed Christmas Eve - Mon 24th Dec
and 2 catches; Rhys Cook 15no; Hayden
Bellman 10no; Kylan Allport 10no; Dylan
Cosgriff 10no and a direct hit run out; Ash
Forrer 10; Elicia McDermott 10; Jackson
McDermott 10; Claire Bowring 9no and
2 run outs; Callum Bowring hitting the
winning run against Kiewa; Matilda
Moorman 4 runs in her first game; Nic
Low 9no and holds the record for the most
sausages eaten in one night (9). •
Rep Cricket
It’s great to see so many playing cricket for
Mount Beauty, and wonderful to see good
performances rewarded with the opportunity
to represent our association or district. When
you consider the number of players to choose
from, this is an incredible achievement.
Congratulations to the following players on
their selection:
Ashan Ranaweera - CAW Konica-Minolta
Cup; SCG Country Cup.
Kira Grace - North East Knights U14 girls
Billy Cootee - CAW U13 boys.
Congratulations also to those who made
the training squads:
Taine Gilheany - Murray Cricket Council U14
boys. Liam Hood - Murray Cricket Council
U14 boys. Liam Vickers - Murray Cricket
Council U14 boys. Georgia Moorman - North
East Knights U14 girls. Tawhiti Pahina - CAW
U13 boys. Aidan Grace - CAW U13 boys. Sam
Cariss - CAW U13 boys. •
Summer 2014 Edition SIX