Auction Brochure - Don Smock Auction Company, inc.
Keesling’s Inc.: 765-744-2422 Paddack’s Heavy Transport: 317-896-3206 Heavy Transport, Inc.: 317-557-7206 HEAVY HAULERS Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. wants to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR 288 HOURS Nic Smock, GPPA: Lic.# AU10500037 AUCTIONEER QUESTIONS Mark Woodward (Sales Manager): 317-379-2829 Barry & Kris (Setup Managers): 765-778-9277 Matt Scalf (Titles): 317-374-2881 LODGING, AIR TRAVEL AND CASINO Many Hotels in the area. Air Travel: Commercial & private planes into Indianapolis International Airport, which is approximately 45 miles southwest of the sale site. Also, small planes can land at Mt. Comfort Airport, which is approximately 20 miles from the sale site. Phone: (317) 487-9594 Casino: Hoosier Park Racing & Casino: 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson. Phone: (765) 644-0467 DIRECTIONS From I-69 take Exit 214 (Hwy. 13) Go north. Sale site is located just one mile on left side of Highway 13. Approximately 10 miles north of Indianapolis. Marion, IN April 15th, 2016 Absolute One Owner Auction: JERPEG CONTRACTING, INC. Pendleton, IN March 25th, 2016 24th Annual Spring Auction Carmel, IN December 18th @ 1 pm Absolute Equipment Auction: R&D EXCAVATING, INC. Elwood, IN (765) 778-9277 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Corporate Office December 17th @ 1 pm Real Estate Auction: 17+/- Multi-parcel Upcoming Auctions 2013 Call: Nic Smock, Mark Woodward at 765-778-9277, Ron Beverly at 317-625-0664 or Larry Tess at 317-489-2242 If you are thinking of reducing, retiring or liquidating, contact one of our auction specialists for a free, no obligations consultation. D THURS R 10 BE DECEM SELLING EXCESS EQUIPMENT FOR: Gradex, D Robertson, First Bank of Richmond, Tanner Construction, Bam Outdoor, GCI along with other Contractors, Farmers, Rental Companies and Lending Institutions ! y a d w Ne AY 27282930 20212223242526 13141516171819 678910 11 12 12345 REGISTRATION 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Auction Co., Inc. SMTWT F S EXPRESS Please bring in this label for PERMIT 9555 INDIANAPOLIS, IN PAID FIRST CLASS PRESORT U.S. POSTAGE Don Smock DECEMBER 2015 23rd Annual Snowball Auction RING 1: 9:00 am (Miscellaneous) | RING 2: 9:30 am (Major Equipment, Trucks and Trailers RING 3: Noon (Various Equipment & Attachments) 6531 S. State Road 13 Pendleton, (Indianapolis) IN 46064 Thursday, December 10,th 2015 New day! Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. If you are coming to the auction for a specific item, please call to verify arrival. Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, an item or items may not be available for auction. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE ON DAY OF AUCTION SUPERSEDE ALL PRINTED MATERIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS! FULL SETTLEMENT TO BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY! SALES TAX NOTICE – Auto Dealers are the ONLY buyers exempt of sales tax on title vehicles. Ag and Retail numbers will NOT be accepted. For further Details Call Ronalea. Bid live online before or during the auction! TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFEQUIPMENT AUCTION: BIDDERS: ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AND ARE ENCOURAGED TO FULLY EXAMINE ALL ITEMS BEFORE BIDDING. For more information about live online bidding, visit or call 877-505-7770. PAYMENT: ALL SALES ARE FOR CASH (U.S. FUNDS) CASHIER’S CHECK, OR COMPANY CHECK OR WIRE TRANSFER ONLY WITH IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE (THE LETTER MUST CONFORM TO OUR EXAMPLE AS SHOWN). Please note: 2% Internet Buyer’s Fee in addition to DSA buyer’s fee. Bank Letter of Guarantee required to bid – fax to 402-505-7981. TO: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC., PENDLETON, INDIANA. MR. (CUSTOMER NAME) OF (COMPANY NAME) IS A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK. THIS BANK WILL GUARANTEE IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED PAYMENT FOR FULL FACE VALUE STATED ON THIS LETTER TO WARRANTY: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC. FOR CHECKS DRAWN ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, BUT IS IN NO WAY GUARANTEED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF DESCRIPTIONS MADE-EVERYTHING WE BE SOLD AS-ISWHERE IS WITH OUT WARRANTY AS TO USEFULNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY. ALTHOUGH EVERY ITEM LISTED IS PRESENTLY COMMITTED TO THIS AUCTION, WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ITEMS THAT MAY BE WITHDRAWN DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THIS BROCHURE IS FURNISHED AS GUIDE ONLY! ON (ACCOUNT NUMBER) FOR AN AMOUNT UP TO $_________.00. THIS LETTER IS VOID AFTER (DATE)__________. THIS LETTER FORMAT ALSO APPLIES TO ALL WIRE TRANSFERS. ALL ITEMS BEING OFFERED AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH THE ONLY GUARANTEE BEING THAT OF GOOD TITLE. SETTLEMENT: MUST BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY OR ANYTIME DURING THE AUCTION. NO PROPERTY MAY BE REMOVED FROM PREMISES BEFORE MAKING SETTLEMENT. EACH ITEM: IN THE AUCTION IS BEING SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES. EACH ITEM IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER FROM THE MOMENT THE ITEM IS SOLD. NOT RESPONSIBLE: IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR FOR ITEMS AFTER SOLD. AUCTION COMPANY AND OWNER WILL TAKE REASONABLE CARE TO SAFEGUARD PURCHASED ITEMS, BUT PURCHASED SHALL NOT RELY THEREON. SCI offers a Lease to Own Program for all new and used equipment. We offer 100% tax deductible fixed payments on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We require a minimum 10% down at closing. For pricing and pre approval please call or email Chris Maroney at (800) 435-4700 or (317) 409-6775 or You can visit our website at to download an application. BUYER’S PREMIUM: 2% ON EACH ITEM $2,501.00 AND GREATER. 10% ON EACH ITEM $2,500.00 AND LESS. SERVICE FEES: BUYER SHALL BE CHARGED A 3% SERVICE FEE BY DSA OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT BEING PAID FOR CREDIT CARD PURCHASES. Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. wants to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR Keesling’s Inc.: 765-744-2422 Paddack’s Heavy Transport: 317-896-3206 Heavy Transport, Inc.: 317-557-7206 HEAVY HAULERS 288 HOURS Nic Smock, GPPA: Lic.# AU10500037 Marion, IN AUCTIONEER April 15th, 2016 Absolute One Owner Auction: JERPEG CONTRACTING, INC. QUESTIONS Mark Woodward (Sales Manager): 317-379-2829 Barry & Kris (Setup Managers): 765-778-9277 Matt Scalf (Titles): 317-374-2881 Pendleton, IN LODGING, AIR TRAVEL AND CASINO Many Hotels in the area. Air Travel: Commercial & private planes into Indianapolis International Airport, which is approximately 45 miles southwest of the sale site. Also, small planes can land at Mt. Comfort Airport, which is approximately 20 miles from the sale site. Phone: (317) 487-9594 Casino: Hoosier Park Racing & Casino: 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson. Phone: (765) 644-0467 March 25th, 2016 24th Annual Spring Auction (765) 778-9277 Carmel, IN December 18th @ 1 pm Absolute Equipment Auction: R&D EXCAVATING, INC. 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Corporate Office Elwood, IN December 17th @ 1 pm Real Estate Auction: 17+/- Multi-parcel DIRECTIONS From I-69 take Exit 214 (Hwy. 13) Go north. Sale site is located just one mile on left side of Highway 13. Approximately 10 miles north of Indianapolis. Upcoming Auctions 2013 Call: Nic Smock, Mark Woodward at 765-778-9277, Ron Beverly at 317-625-0664 or Larry Tess at 317-489-2242 If you are thinking of reducing, retiring or liquidating, contact one of our auction specialists for a free, no obligations consultation. DAY THURS R 10 BE DECEM SELLING EXCESS EQUIPMENT FOR: Gradex, D Robertson, First Bank of Richmond, Tanner Construction, Bam Outdoor, GCI along with other Contractors, Farmers, Rental Companies and Lending Institutions y New da ! 27282930 20212223242526 13141516171819 678910 11 12 12345 REGISTRATION 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Auction Co., Inc. EXPRESS Please bring in this label for PERMIT 9555 INDIANAPOLIS, IN PAID FIRST CLASS PRESORT U.S. POSTAGE Don Smock If you are coming to the auction for a specific item, please call to verify arrival. Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, an item or items may not be available for auction. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE ON DAY OF AUCTION SUPERSEDE ALL PRINTED MATERIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS! FULL SETTLEMENT TO BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY! SALES TAX NOTICE – Auto Dealers are the ONLY buyers exempt of sales tax on title vehicles. Ag and Retail numbers will NOT be accepted. For further Details Call Ronalea. Bid live online before or during the auction! For more information about live online bidding, visit or call 877-505-7770. Please note: 2% Internet Buyer’s Fee in addition to DSA buyer’s fee. Bank Letter of Guarantee required to bid – fax to 402-505-7981. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFEQUIPMENT AUCTION: BIDDERS: ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AND ARE ENCOURAGED TO FULLY EXAMINE ALL ITEMS BEFORE BIDDING. PAYMENT: ALL SALES ARE FOR CASH (U.S. FUNDS) CASHIER’S CHECK, OR COMPANY CHECK OR WIRE TRANSFER ONLY WITH IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE (THE LETTER MUST CONFORM TO OUR EXAMPLE AS SHOWN). TO: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC., PENDLETON, INDIANA. MR. (CUSTOMER NAME) OF (COMPANY NAME) IS A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK. THIS BANK WILL GUARANTEE IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED PAYMENT WARRANTY: ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, BUT IS IN NO WAY GUARANTEED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF DESCRIPTIONS MADE-EVERYTHING WE BE SOLD AS-ISWHERE IS WITH OUT WARRANTY AS TO USEFULNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY. ALTHOUGH EVERY ITEM LISTED IS PRESENTLY COMMITTED TO THIS AUCTION, WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ITEMS THAT MAY BE WITHDRAWN DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THIS BROCHURE IS FURNISHED AS GUIDE ONLY! FOR FULL FACE VALUE STATED ON THIS LETTER TO DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC. FOR CHECKS DRAWN ON (ACCOUNT NUMBER) FOR AN AMOUNT UP TO $_________.00. THIS LETTER IS VOID AFTER (DATE)__________. THIS LETTER FORMAT ALSO APPLIES TO ALL WIRE TRANSFERS. ALL ITEMS BEING OFFERED AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH THE ONLY GUARANTEE BEING THAT OF GOOD TITLE. SETTLEMENT: MUST BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY OR ANYTIME DURING THE AUCTION. NO PROPERTY MAY BE REMOVED FROM PREMISES BEFORE MAKING SETTLEMENT. EACH ITEM: IN THE AUCTION IS BEING SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES. EACH ITEM IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER FROM THE MOMENT THE ITEM IS SOLD. SCI offers a Lease to Own Program for all new and used equipment. We offer 100% tax deductible fixed payments on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We require a minimum 10% down at closing. For pricing and pre approval please call or email Chris Maroney at (800) 435-4700 or (317) 409-6775 or You can visit our website at to download an application. NOT RESPONSIBLE: IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR FOR ITEMS AFTER SOLD. AUCTION COMPANY AND OWNER WILL TAKE REASONABLE CARE TO SAFEGUARD PURCHASED ITEMS, BUT PURCHASED SHALL NOT RELY THEREON. BUYER’S PREMIUM: 2% ON EACH ITEM $2,501.00 AND GREATER. 10% ON EACH ITEM $2,500.00 AND LESS. SERVICE FEES: BUYER SHALL BE CHARGED A 3% SERVICE FEE BY DSA OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT BEING PAID FOR CREDIT CARD PURCHASES. SMTWT F S DECEMBER 2015 23rd Annual Snowball Auction RING 1: 9:00 am (Miscellaneous) | RING 2: 9:30 pm (Major Equipment, Trucks and Trailers RING 3: Noon (Various Equipment & Attachments) 6531 S. State Road 13 Pendleton, (Indianapolis) IN 46064 Thursday, December 10,th 2015 New day! Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. wants to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR Keesling’s Inc.: 765-744-2422 Paddack’s Heavy Transport: 317-896-3206 Heavy Transport, Inc.: 317-557-7206 HEAVY HAULERS 288 HOURS Nic Smock, GPPA: Lic.# AU10500037 Marion, IN AUCTIONEER April 15th, 2016 Absolute One Owner Auction: JERPEG CONTRACTING, INC. QUESTIONS Mark Woodward (Sales Manager): 317-379-2829 Barry & Kris (Setup Managers): 765-778-9277 Matt Scalf (Titles): 317-374-2881 Pendleton, IN LODGING, AIR TRAVEL AND CASINO Many Hotels in the area. Air Travel: Commercial & private planes into Indianapolis International Airport, which is approximately 45 miles southwest of the sale site. Also, small planes can land at Mt. Comfort Airport, which is approximately 20 miles from the sale site. Phone: (317) 487-9594 Casino: Hoosier Park Racing & Casino: 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson. Phone: (765) 644-0467 March 25th, 2016 24th Annual Spring Auction (765) 778-9277 Carmel, IN December 18th @ 1 pm Absolute Equipment Auction: R&D EXCAVATING, INC. 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Corporate Office Elwood, IN December 17th @ 1 pm Real Estate Auction: 17+/- Multi-parcel DIRECTIONS From I-69 take Exit 214 (Hwy. 13) Go north. Sale site is located just one mile on left side of Highway 13. Approximately 10 miles north of Indianapolis. Upcoming Auctions 2013 Call: Nic Smock, Mark Woodward at 765-778-9277, Ron Beverly at 317-625-0664 or Larry Tess at 317-489-2242 If you are thinking of reducing, retiring or liquidating, contact one of our auction specialists for a free, no obligations consultation. DAY THURS R 10 BE DECEM SELLING EXCESS EQUIPMENT FOR: Gradex, D Robertson, First Bank of Richmond, Tanner Construction, Bam Outdoor, GCI along with other Contractors, Farmers, Rental Companies and Lending Institutions y New da ! 27282930 20212223242526 13141516171819 678910 11 12 12345 REGISTRATION 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Auction Co., Inc. EXPRESS Please bring in this label for PERMIT 9555 INDIANAPOLIS, IN PAID FIRST CLASS PRESORT U.S. POSTAGE Don Smock If you are coming to the auction for a specific item, please call to verify arrival. Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, an item or items may not be available for auction. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE ON DAY OF AUCTION SUPERSEDE ALL PRINTED MATERIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS! FULL SETTLEMENT TO BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY! SALES TAX NOTICE – Auto Dealers are the ONLY buyers exempt of sales tax on title vehicles. Ag and Retail numbers will NOT be accepted. For further Details Call Ronalea. Bid live online before or during the auction! For more information about live online bidding, visit or call 877-505-7770. Please note: 2% Internet Buyer’s Fee in addition to DSA buyer’s fee. Bank Letter of Guarantee required to bid – fax to 402-505-7981. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFEQUIPMENT AUCTION: BIDDERS: ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AND ARE ENCOURAGED TO FULLY EXAMINE ALL ITEMS BEFORE BIDDING. PAYMENT: ALL SALES ARE FOR CASH (U.S. FUNDS) CASHIER’S CHECK, OR COMPANY CHECK OR WIRE TRANSFER ONLY WITH IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE (THE LETTER MUST CONFORM TO OUR EXAMPLE AS SHOWN). TO: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC., PENDLETON, INDIANA. MR. (CUSTOMER NAME) OF (COMPANY NAME) IS A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK. THIS BANK WILL GUARANTEE IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED PAYMENT WARRANTY: ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, BUT IS IN NO WAY GUARANTEED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF DESCRIPTIONS MADE-EVERYTHING WE BE SOLD AS-ISWHERE IS WITH OUT WARRANTY AS TO USEFULNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY. ALTHOUGH EVERY ITEM LISTED IS PRESENTLY COMMITTED TO THIS AUCTION, WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ITEMS THAT MAY BE WITHDRAWN DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THIS BROCHURE IS FURNISHED AS GUIDE ONLY! FOR FULL FACE VALUE STATED ON THIS LETTER TO DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC. FOR CHECKS DRAWN ON (ACCOUNT NUMBER) FOR AN AMOUNT UP TO $_________.00. THIS LETTER IS VOID AFTER (DATE)__________. THIS LETTER FORMAT ALSO APPLIES TO ALL WIRE TRANSFERS. ALL ITEMS BEING OFFERED AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH THE ONLY GUARANTEE BEING THAT OF GOOD TITLE. SETTLEMENT: MUST BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY OR ANYTIME DURING THE AUCTION. NO PROPERTY MAY BE REMOVED FROM PREMISES BEFORE MAKING SETTLEMENT. EACH ITEM: IN THE AUCTION IS BEING SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES. EACH ITEM IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER FROM THE MOMENT THE ITEM IS SOLD. SCI offers a Lease to Own Program for all new and used equipment. We offer 100% tax deductible fixed payments on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We require a minimum 10% down at closing. For pricing and pre approval please call or email Chris Maroney at (800) 435-4700 or (317) 409-6775 or You can visit our website at to download an application. NOT RESPONSIBLE: IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR FOR ITEMS AFTER SOLD. AUCTION COMPANY AND OWNER WILL TAKE REASONABLE CARE TO SAFEGUARD PURCHASED ITEMS, BUT PURCHASED SHALL NOT RELY THEREON. BUYER’S PREMIUM: 2% ON EACH ITEM $2,501.00 AND GREATER. 10% ON EACH ITEM $2,500.00 AND LESS. SERVICE FEES: BUYER SHALL BE CHARGED A 3% SERVICE FEE BY DSA OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT BEING PAID FOR CREDIT CARD PURCHASES. SMTWT F S DECEMBER 2015 23rd Annual Snowball Auction RING 1: 9:00 am (Miscellaneous) | RING 2: 9:30 pm (Major Equipment, Trucks and Trailers RING 3: Noon (Various Equipment & Attachments) 6531 S. State Road 13 Pendleton, (Indianapolis) IN 46064 Thursday, December 10,th 2015 New day! Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. See you at the Auction on December 10 ! th CRAWLER TRACTORS • Case 1850K Crawler Tractor, S/N HHA210106, 24” Pads, Meter Reads 6,200 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Straight w/ Tilt Blade, 300 Hours on Rebuilt Injection • 1999 Deere 750C LT Crawler Tractor, S/N 875762, Diesel, Meter Reads 7,847 Hours, Canopy, with Sweeps, 132” 6 Way Blade, Rear Screens • Case 850L Crawler Tractor, S/N 9DC80012, Diesel, Canopy with Cover, Sweeps, 6 Way Blade, Root Rake, Draw Bar, Lights, Meter Reads 288 Hours • Cat D4 Crawler Tractor with Pipeline Side Boom, S/N 40A990, Diesel CRAWLER LOADERS • International 250-C Crawler Loader, Diesel, Power Shift Transmission, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket EXCAVATORS • 2013 Komatsu PC210LC-10 Excavator, S/N 450176, Meter Reads 3,666 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • 2002 Cat 315CL Excavator, S/N CFT00863, Meter Reads 5,103 Hours, Cab, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • Link-Belt 3400Q Excavator, S/N E718-9300, Isuzu Diesel, Meter Reads 10,500 Hours, Cab, Mechanical Thumb • Komatsu PC75UU-2 Mini Excavator, S/N 8437, Diesel, Cab, Heat, Rubber Tracks, Mechanical Thumb, Lights, Odometer Reads 2,972 Hours • Bobcat 323 Mini Excavator, S/N 562416236, Diesel, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Rubber Tracks, Quick Coupler, Meter Reads 1,722 Hours • Stanley 20EX Hydraulic Hammer, Fits an Excavator • 2007 55’ Long Reach Boom & Stick, Fits Cat 320BL or 320CL • NPK GH-10 Hydraulic Hammer, Fits Cat 320 Sized Excavator LOADER BACKHOES 2013 • 2012 Case 580 Super N Loader Backhoe, S/N JJGN58SNCBC44035, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 4x4, 4 in 1 Bucket, Extendahoe, Pilot Controls, Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,788 Hours • 2005 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410GX946252, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,691 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Extendahoe, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2001 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N TO310GX899990, Deere 80HP Diesel, 19.5X25 Tire Size, Two Lever Controls, Original Paint • Deere 410E Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410EX83320524, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, 4x4 • Case 590 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0286728, Meter Reads 4,629 Hours, Cab, Heat, 4x4, Extendahoe • Case 580 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0283790, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 2WD, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Meter Reads 3,082 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0270170, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4X4, GP Bucket, Meter Reads 5,120 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0196402, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4x4, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Lights, Meter Reads 3,513 Hours • 1999 Case 580 Super L Series II Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0272384, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 5,184 Hours, Cab, Heat, Extendahoe, Mechanical Thumb • 1997 Cat 416C Loader Backhoe, S/N 4ZN00630, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,745 Hours, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Plumbed for Front Coupler • Cat 416B Loader Backhoe, S/N 8SG07983, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, 2WD, Meter Reads 7,780 Hours • Case 480E Loader Backhoe, S/N 17003089, Diesel, Canopy, 2wd, Standard Stick • 12”, 16”, 24”, 36” Backhoe Buckets, Fits a Case 580 SKID LOADERS • Kubota SVL90-2 Track Skid Loader, S/N 11883, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,702 Hours • 2005 Cat 277B Skid Loader, S/N MDH03014, Cat 78HP Diesel, Cab (missing door), Air Conditioning, Heat, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 4500lb Lift Capacity, Machine Weighs 9425lbs • Takeuchi TL140 Track Skid Loader, S/N 21404931, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,439 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Forks to be sold separately, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Hi Flow • 2004 ASV RC100 Posi Track Skid Loader, S/N RSD00667, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,800 Hours, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, One Owner, Self Leveling Bucket, Rear Brush Guard • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • Bobcat S220 Skid Loader, S/N 526212966, Diesel, Canopy, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 72” GP Bucket, New 12 x 16.5 Tires, Meter Reads 2,503 Hours • 2000 Bobcat 873G Skid Loader, S/N 5141-42827, 73 HP Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 72” GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Meter Reads 3,159 Hours • Bobcat 773 Skid Loader, S/N 7611832, Diesel, Canopy, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Lights, 10-16.5 Wide-Wall Tires, Meter Reads 3,202 Hours • (78) New Tomahawk Skid Loader Attachments • E dge XR14 Trencher Attachment for Skid Loader, S/N 80710248 • Houle 6603 Model HB6 Grapple Skid Loader Attachment • Case 78” Low Profile GP Skid Loader Bucket • Double Hydraulic Cylinder Grapple Skid Loader Bucket • Like New Quick Attach Broom for a Skid Loader • FFC Prepator for Skid Loader, S/N 15229 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS • 2012 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 637764, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,018 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2011 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 635101, Diesel, Meter Reads 4828 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2008 Cat 938G Series II Rubber Tired Loader, S/N CRD02743, Diesel, Meter Reads 10,840 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • Case 821 Rubber Tired Loader, S/N JAK0024217, Diesel, 23.5-25 Tire Size, Cab, GP Bucket • 1972 Cat 966C Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 76J05683, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket • 1998 Cat 914G Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 7ZM00601, Cat 90HP Diesel, Cab, Heat, 1.7 yard GP Bucket AG EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS • Bell 4206D Pull Tractor, S/N AEB4118422R000284, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,774 Hours, 900/60R32 Tire Size, Cab, Heat, 2 Remotes, Quick Hitch • International 966 AG Tractor, S/N 2510175U022069, 6 Cylinder Diesel, 2WD, 18.4-34 Tires with Duals, 3 Point Hitch, 2 Stage PTO, 2 Remotes, 2,486 Hours • International 756 AG Tractor, S/N 8510S-Y, Diesel 2 Speed PTO, 2 Remotes, 3 Point Hitch • 9 Grain Gravity Wagons • Bush Hog 2715 Legend Batwing Rotary Mower 3 Point Attachment, S/N 12-02281, Hydraulic Lift Deck, PTO Driven, 27.75 x 8.75 Tires • County Line 10’ 10 Tyne Disc 3 Point Attachment • Ag 3 Point Quick Hitch • Home Hitch 3 Point Attachment • Flatbed Gravity Wagon Idea 2 Row Corn Picker, S/N 201180 • New • New Holland 335 Feed Grinder • Pulverizer 3 Point Attachment • Land Pride RCP3060 Hydraulic Parallel Arm Rotary Cutter • (2) Tractor Supply 3PT Augers with Bits AERIAL LIFTS • 2001 Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck, VIN # 2FZHAZASX2AJ50650, Tri Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 11R-22.5 Tires, Odometer Reads, Steel Bed, Salvage Title, 152,540 Miles • 1995 Kenworth T600 Dump Truck, VIN # 2XKADB9X0SM642023, Tri Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Locking Differential, Engine Brake, PTO, Cruise, Steel Bed with Electric Cover, Polished Aluminum Wheels, Odometer Reads 129,276 Miles • 1991 International 2574 Dump Truck, S/N 1HTGCNJT6MH302639, DT466 Diesel, Quad Axle (Tandem w/Two air Tags), 18,000 Front, 46,000 Rears, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Hendrickson Suspension, Aluminum Dump Body, Red in Color • 1990 White V2 Dump Truck, VIN 4V2JCBME4LR800097, Cummins L10 Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, One Owner, Round 10’ Bed, Setup for Gravel Conveyor • 1979 Mack DM685S Dump Truck, VIN DM685S41005, Diesel, Tandem Axle, Odometer Reads 257,478 Miles, Electric Tarp, PTO, Tri-Plex Transmission, Air Tailgate • 2001 Chevrolet C8500 Dump Truck, VIN 1GBP7H1CX1J511166, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 66,297 Miles, Air Brakes, Steel Bed, PTO, Pintle Hitch, Air Lines to the Rear, Rear & Front Hydraulic Lines, Rebuilt Title • 2000 International 4700 Contractors Dump Truck, VIN #1HTSCAAM6YH278697, Single Axle, Diesel, 6 Speed Transmission, American 11’ Contractors Steel Bed with Fold Down Sides, Pintle Hitch, 10R-22.5 Tires, Spring Suspension, Odometer reads 246,366 Miles • 1997 Ford Louisville Dump Truck, VIN # 1FDYN80E9VVA38167, Single Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Steel Bed, Front Plow Mount Frame, Odometer Reads 219,555 Miles • 1991 GMC Top Kick Contractors Dump Truck, VIN 1GDE6HIP8MJ502295, Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, PTO • 1985 Ford 700 Dump Truck, VIN 1FTWR74NXFVA57140, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission • 1984 Ford L8000 Dump Truck, S/N 1FDYK80U8EVA40993, Cat 210HP Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, 10’ Steel Dump Body • 1979 Chevrolet C70 Dump Truck, VIN # C17DE9V133583, Single Axle, Gas, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, PTO, Dual Fuel Tanks, Pintle Hitch, 10.00-20 Tires, Odometer Reads 15,649 Miles SCRAPERS • ( 2) Side Mount Hi-Speed Stone Slinger Throw Conveyor • (2) BayLynx Feed Conveyor for BayLynx AgCat Slinger • (2) Bi-folding Shooters and (3) for Parts • (4) Flowboy CB500 Gravel Bed, Live Floor, Belt over Chain Delivery System • 16 Tyne AG Disc • 18 Tyne Ag Disc • 8’ Ag Cultivator • Rome Construction Disc, Hydraulic SCREEN PLANT • 1993 Master Skreen Trommel Screen, Topsoil Pulverizer Option Included, S/N 202C1001, Ford Diesel, Meter Reads 1,480 Hours, Tandem Axle, Side Mount Conveyors, ½” Stainless Mesh Screens on the Drum, Hydraulic Tipping Grid on Feed Hopper PAVERS & COMPACTION EQUIPMENT • Rex SP600 Vibratory Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 6HZ559, Diesel, 16.9-24 Tires • Dynapac A36 48” Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 76038, Recent Deere Diesel in 2008, 13.6-16.1 Tire Size • 1998 Gehl 1649 Paver, S/N IP0318049, Diesel, Meter Reads 1,748 Hours, 12’ Steel Track, 9’ Paving Width •B law-Knox PF120 Paver, S/N 15621, Diesel, 10’-14’ Screed SWEEPER & TRENCHERS • 1998 Sterling Johnson 605 Series Vac & Street Sweeper, S/N 49H67FAA1XHA49155, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 199,210 Miles, Air Brakes, Dual Controls • Broce D18 Sweeper, S/N 1834, Diesel, Canopy • Elgin Custom Pelican Street Sweeper, S/N 569535, Diesel, Odometer Reads 13,725 Miles, PTO, Hydrostat • Advance 4800 Captor Sweeper, S/N 1788626, Type G Floor Cleaning Machine, Hydrostat, Impco Gas Powered, ROPS • Advance 240LX Electric Floor Sweeper/Cleaner, S/N 393320, 24 Volt • Vermeer FLEX 75 Plow/Reel Carrier Combo Trencher, S/N 1VRE08066V1000272, Diesel, Hydrostat Transmission, Meter Reads 832 Hours, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Steel Tracks, Plow Model P2175 S/N LLVRJ070VXS1000237, Extra Plow Blades Sold Separately • Vermeer 454A Trencher/Backhoe Combo, Duetz Diesel, 4x4, V-750 Backhoe Attachment, V-18A Trencher Attachment, Meter Reads 1,614 Hours • Ditch Witch 4010DD Trencher/Plow/Backhoe Combo, S/N 6CS0898, Deutz Diesel, Reads 1504 Hours, C/w Ditch Witch RW111 Roto Witch, Leveling Blade • Promark 40PAL Towable Boomlift, Kohler 18HP Gas (new in 2014), 300# Capacity, Replaced Turret Bearing, Manual Outriggers • JLG CM-2033 Commander Scissor Lift, S/N C019170020001786, Electric, 4x4, 750 lbs. Lift Capacity, 20’ Lift Height • Terex TS14 Scraper, S/N 7U0T46715, Twin 471 Detroit Diesel, Canopy • Dresser 412B Scraper, S/N 54200115U017018, Diesel, Canopy, Self Loading, 23.5-25 Tires, Meter Reads 3,652 Hours • 2005 Reynolds 17.5C Pull Type Scraper, S/N 34559 GRADER & HAUL TRUCK • Galion 104-C-03850 Grader, S/N 3542, Cummins Diesel, 14.00-24 Tire Size, Cab • Volvo A35C Haul Truck, S/N A35CV4316, Diesel, Meter Reads 13,444 Hours, Cab, Heat, 6x6 FORESTRY EQUIPMENT • 1995 Morbark 30/36 Chipper, S/N 476012, Track Machine, Reads 7,618 Hours, Complete with Knuckle Boom, Cat Diesel, Cab with Forestry Screen on cab glass, Leveling Blade FORKLIFT • Traverse TL6035 Telescopic Forklift, S/N 60338-CUC, Cummins Diesel, Meter Reads 5,175 Hours, 13.00-24 Tire Size CURB & GUTTER MACHINE • Gomaco GT3600 Curb & Gutter Machine, S/N 902900338, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,838 Hours, Three Track System, Remotes, Sensors, Approximately 1,000 of Guides, String, Stakes TOYS • 1998 Land Rover LE Discovery SUV, VIN SALJY1249WA782488, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Sun Roof, Power Windows and Locks, 4 Door, 4x4, Boss Cd Player • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV, VIN 1J4G278S6SC56299, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Power Windows and Locks, New Tires, Rims and Radiator, Leather Interior, 6” Lift Kit, along with Original Tires and Rims • 2006 Honda Odyssey EXL Van, Gas, Automatic, Leather Sunroof, DVD Player • 1963 Roadmaster Bicycle, Springer Front End with Tank Skyrider, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins 2 Speed Sportflight Bicycle, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins Flightliner Bicycle, 26” Girls • 1957 Schwinn Strait Bar Hornet Bicycle, Springer Front End, 26” Mens • Exmark Lazer Z 60” Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower, Kohler Gas • 1995 GMC Vandura 3500 School Bus, S/N 1GDHG31Y2SF508566, GMC Diesel, Single Axle, 3900# Front, 7200# Rear, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 139663 Miles, Dually • 2002 Yamaha Raptor 660 ATV, Limited Black, Piped and Jetted, Carburetor Rebuilt 3 Months Ago, Runs Great • 1990 Raven SN9418T-4 Flatbed Snowmobile Trailer, S/N 1R1S01821L00193, Tandem Axle, Pull out Ramp • Ski Doo MXZ 500SS Rotax Bombardier Snowmobile, S/N 2BPS286064V00564, SC-10 Suspension • Ski Doo MXZ Rotax 800R Renegade Snowmobile, S/N 2BPSBU8D08V000123, REV XP TRUCK TRACTORS • 2000 Freightliner FLD120 Truck Tractor, S/N 1FUYDCYB6YDH12950, N14 Cummins @ 435HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 40,000 Rear, 10 Speed Transmission, 11R 22.5 Tire Size, Steel Wheels, Dual 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tanks, Air Slide Fifth Wheel • 1991 Kenworth T800 Truck Tractor, VIN 1XKDD28X7MJ560895, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 12,000# Front, 17,000# Rear, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, 11R24.5 Tire Size, Chrome Wheels, 3.73 Ratio • 1989 Volvo Day Cab Truck Tractor, VIN 4V1BDBCG2LN626269, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Eaton 13 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 1,393,692 Miles, Steel Bud Wheels, Wet Kit, Chelsea PTO, Air Slide Wheel, Spring Suspension • 1988 Ford LT9000 Truck Tractor, VIN 1FDYU90X5JVA13321, Day Cab, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller Roadruner RT11609 8 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 186,415 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Budd Wheels, 186 Wheel Base • 1988 Kenworth Day Cab T600 Truck Tractor, 350 Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Aluminum Wheels, Wet Kit, Air Ride Suspension, Red in Color • 1986 International 9370 Truck Tractor, VIN 2HSFBGUR9GA15938, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 572,502 Miles, Fronts 275/80R22.5 and Rears 11R22.5 Tire Size, Aluminum Wheels, Chelsea PTO, 173 Wheel Base, Day Cab • 2002 International 8100 Truck Tractor, VIN 1PTF71THXL9000083, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton Fuller 10 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 105,101 Miles, Rear Master 5500# Hydraulic Forklift • 1981 International S1954 Toterhome, VIN # 2HTAA1956BCA16274, Single AxleDT466 Diesel, Allison Automatic Transmission, Air Ride Suspension, Air Ride Seats, Air Brakes, Electric Or Air Brake Trailer Hookup, Registered as an RV No CDL Required, Mileage is Exempt DUMP TRUCKS • 2009 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck, VIN 1NKDL40X39J255728, Cummins ISX 15 Diesel, Tri Axle, 20,000# Front, 44,000# Rear, Allison RDS4500 Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 196,600 Miles, 425 Fronts, 24.5 Rears Tire Size, Ox 16’ Steel Bed, Electric Tarp, Aluminum Wheels, Air Lift and Steerable 3rd Axle, Cruise Control, Engine Brake, Air Ride Seat, Recent DBX Filters GRAVEL CONVEYORS FLATBED TRUCKS • 1999 Ford F550 XL Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56S3XEC32691, Triton V10 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 119,297 Miles, Dually • 1999 Ford F550 Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56F7XEA44579, Power Stroke V8 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 111,186 Miles, Steel Bed, Gooseneck Hitch, Brake System • 1988 Ford F700 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDPK74PXJVA43978, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Regular Cab, Dually, Plumbed For Dump Bed, Has All Hydraulics Cylinders • 1986 International S1900 Flatbed Dump Truck, VIN 1HSLRTVN3GHA36103, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Odometer Reads 267,133 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, PTO, 27,960 GVWR SPECIALTY TRUCKS • 2 000 Ford F650 XL Super Duty Bucket Truck, VIN 3FDNF6525YMA65478, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 161,255 Miles, PTO, Altec TA40 Bucket, S/N 1002CC1287, Altec Bed, 40’ Platform Height, 350# Capacity • 2006 Ford LCG 450 Box Truck, VIN 3FRLL45Z16V385767, Power Stroke 4.5L V6 Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 252,000 Miles, 225/70R9.5 Tire Size, 2wd, Hydraulic Lift Gate • 2000 Mack RD688S Equipment Hauler Truck, Mack 350HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Air Brakes, Ramps • 1996 International 4900 Water Truck, VIN # 1HTSHAAR6TH243017, Tandem Axle, DT 466 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2,500 Gallon Double Wall Aluminum Tank, Exterior Lighting, 3 Outlets, Side Storage, Odometer Reads 130,618 Miles • 1992 GMC TopKick Chip Truck, VIN 1GDG6H1PONJ503418, Dump Box, Man Cab, Fuel Injection 366 Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 64,345 Miles, Dually, PTO • 1989 GMC 7000 Topkick Water Truck, VIN # 1GDT7D4Y0KV509667, Tandem Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 3,000 Gallon Tank, Locking Differential, Air Brakes, Exterior Lighting, Exterior AC Plugs, 3 Water Outlets, Side Storage, Fire Department Owned, Odometer Reads 20,903 Miles • 1989 Ford F700 Service Truck, VIN 1FDWK74P2KVA57449, Diesel, Single Axle • 1984 International 2375 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1HSZDHUN2EHA43810, Detroit Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 144,433 Miles, Air Brakes, 20’ Steel Bed • 1979 Ford 8000 Grain Truck, VIN W81DVFA7522, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Cargo Doors, 22’ Bed, Roll Tarp, Air Brakes • 1 976 Ford L8000 Service Truck, 290 Cummins Diesel, Single Axle, 13 Speed Transmission, Air Brakes, Air Compressor in Rear, Pintle Hitch W/Air Glad Hands, 14’ Service Body, Nice Truck • 2008 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Service Truck, S/N 1FDXF46R48EA36679, Powerstroke Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2WD, Knapheide Utility Bed, Miller 250 Welder/10,500 Watt Generator, Autocrane 3203PRX with Remote, Kohler 12.5 HP Air Compressor, 110 Gallon Fuel Tank with Electric Pump, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 139,883 Miles ONE TON TRUCKS & DOWN • 2009 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN # 1GCHK43K99F166030, Vortec V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, 8’ Bed, Tow Package, Tow Haul Transmission Mode, Pintle Hitch, Odometer Reads 84,000 Miles • 2006 Chevrolet 2500HD Extended Cab Utility Truck, VIN# 1GBHK29U76E141355, Vortec 6.0 Liter Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, Warner Utility Bed, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 201,664 Miles • 2002 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCHC29112E255425, Duramax Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 275,851 Miles, 245/75R16 Tire Size, Extended Cab with 4 Doors, Long Bed • 2001 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCEK14W01Z260352, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 154,889 Miles, Regular Cab, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 2000 Chevrolet 3500 Service Truck, VIN 1GBHK34ROYF417381, V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 116,249 Miles, 4x4, Warner Bed, Air compressor with Briggs & Stratton Engine • 1996 Chevrolet 3500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1GCHK34R97Z220535, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 240,185 Miles, Regular Cab, Dually, Steel Flatbed, Gooseneck Hitch, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 1986 Chevrolet Suburban SUV, VIN 1G8GC26WCFZ204775, 454 V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Tow Package CAB & CHASSIS TRUCKS • 2004 Mack RD690S Cab & Chassis, VIN 1M2P64CX4M034523, 300HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, Maxitorque 8 Speed Transmission, Air Conditioning, PTO, 22,838 GVWR • 1993 Mack BA08 Turbo Intercooler Cab & Chassis, VIN VG6BA08B5PB600339, 6 Cylinder 6.2L Diesel, Single Axle, 6 Speed Transmission DEAD ROW ITEMS • 2 004 Ford F150 XL Pickup Truck, VIN 2FTRF17264CA910003, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Long Bed, Fuel Line Issues • 2003 Dodge 2500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 3D7KU28633G816854, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1999 Chevrolet 3500 Dump Truck, VIN 1BBKC34J7XF084902, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Dually • 1997 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK29R8TE245965, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Extended Cab, 4x4 • 1997 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan Car, VIN 1G1ND52M0VY103088, 3.1 Liter V6, Automatic Transmission, Does Run But Has an Engine Noise • 1995 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK24K6SE103039, Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1977 Ford 9000 Dump Truck, S/N U90VUY06295, Tri Axle, Diesel, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, 11R24.5 Tires • 1 977 Ford 900 Cab & Chassis, VIN N90KVC92127, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Bad Engine • Highway 18’ Dump Bed, Electric Tarp, Setup for a Gravel Conveyor, Bed of an Quad Axle Truck LOWBOY TRAILERS • 1995 Etnyre 50 Ton RGN Lowboy Trailer, VIN 1E96254000SE111049, Tri Axle, Out Riggers, Air Ride Suspension, 102” Wide, 51’ Overall, 25’ in the Well • 1998 Dynaweld 35 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 4U181DFX5W1X36431, Tandem Axle, Ramps (Model TVT35L86-48/20/102/2XSP) • 1975 Muv-All Double Drop Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, 8’ Hydraulic Dove Tail, Tandem Axle, 96’ Wide, 14’ Well, 9’ Over the Axles, Steel Floor, Winch, Outriggers • 1960 Ottawa WBI 25 Ton Lowboy Trailer, Fixed Neck, S/N 1875, Long Hydraulic Paver Ramps, Tandem Axle, 8:25 X 15 Tire Size, New Black Paint • 1952 Dorsey 30 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 20277, Tandem Axle TRAILERS • 1997 Norris 28’ Steel Dump Trailer, VIN 25DMTR0060, Tandem Axle, Electric Tarp, Air Gate, Steel Wheels • 1991 Fontaine 45’ Flatbed Trailer, VIN 13N1452C3M1553024, Tandem Axle, 11-22.5 Tire Size • 2000 Cargo Mate CMG836TTA3 37’ Enclosed Gooseneck Trailer, VIN # 4X4TSEM39YN020359, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, Side and Rear Entry, 225/75R16 Tires, Spring Assist Rear Door • 1999 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1997 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1996 Stoughton 53’ Van Trailer, VIN 1DW1A5328TS970838, Tandem Axle, 102” Wide • 2002 Wheeler 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1W9FNGX2X2M011033, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Shur-Lok Tarp • 1990 Trailmobile 28’ Flatbed Trailer, Tandem Axle with 1999 Palfinger Piggy Back Forklift S/N BU553M, 2 Stage Mast • 1985 Fruehauf 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1H4D04026FF024804, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, GVWR 65,000, Manual Tarp • (2) Hank 8 x 25’ Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle TAG TRAILERS • 2008 Cornpro UT-22 Flatbed Tag Trailer, VIN # 4MJUB2238E048207, Tandem Axle, Electric Brakes, 235/85R16 Tires • 2000 Interstate 20 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN 1JKDTA20XYA000396, Tandem Axle, Dually, Air Brakes, One Owner, Ramps • 1996 RHL 10 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN # 4SE10252TXT1011467, Tandem Axle Dual Wheel, Pintle Hitch, Electric Brakes, 9.50R-16 Tires • 1990 International U18 Tag Trailer, VIN 1ZFUF1828LB004505, Ramps, Tandem Axle, Ball Hitch, 8,000# GVW • 1987 Assembled 8 x 14 1/2 Tag Trailer, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, 5’ Ramps, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch, Diamond Plate Steel Floor, 9,000# Capacity • 1980 Road Master 24’ Enclosed Trailer, Enclosed Trailer, Tandem Axle, Diamond Plate Deck, Interior Lights, 10,000 lbs. Load Rating, Spring Assist Rear Door, Salvage Title • ASM 6’ Tag Trailer, Single Axle, Fold Down Ramp • Miller Tilt Top Tag Trailer, S/N , Tandem Axle,Dual Wheels, Electric Brakes, All New Lighting and Red Paint • (2) Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Tandem Axle • (1) Racing Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Single Axle, Ramps OFFICE BUILDING • 2002 Miller Building Systems Model 1472 Modular Offices, S/N 72-14229, 72-14236, 72-14164, 72-14236, 72-14229, Total of 10 Trailers, 14FT X 72FT, No Axles, Bard Wall Mounted HVAC Units, Located Offsite, Includes Car Port, Wooden Deck and Handicap Accessible Ramp, Buyer Responsible for Moving VARIOUS 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 391670UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3606 Hours • 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 3916690UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3380 Hours • Crack Fill Machine, Gas Engine, Single Axle • Miller Big Blue 400D DC Welding Generator, S/N LE203441, 120/240 Volt, Duetz Diesel, Meter Reads 7,058 Hours • 2006 Rayco RC12 Chipper, S/N 1R9841395M210031, Cat 86 HP Diesel, Variable Speed Feed, 21” x 17” Feed, Hydraulic Clutch, Portable • Finn B50 Straw Blower, S/N 35-1184, Wisconsin Gas, Mounted on a Tandem Axle Stakeside Trailer • 1000’ of W Beam Guard Rail • (2) Concrete Screeds, One with Briggs & Stratton 8HP and one with Robin Gas • Dri All Air Curtain Burner Destructor, PTO Driven • Ingersoll Rand 185 Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Sullair 185Q Air Compressor, S/N 109556, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Atlas Copco XAS90JD Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, 185CFM • (2) Horizontal Shop Air Compressors • Walk Behind Concrete Saw • MQ Whisperweld 30AMP DC Welder and 10 KW AC Generator, Kubota Diesel, 4900 Hours, Ball Hitch • 2009 Wacker Neuson CT48-13AV Concrete Trowel Machine, Pro Shift, Honda GX390 13HP Gas, S/N 5848888 • Crafco EZ100 Pumper, Kettle has Fire Damage, But 3 Cylinder Kubota Diesel, Pump and Igniter are all good, Towable, Single Axle, Extra Hose • 2 Air Lift Axles For a Truck Tractor or Dump Truck • Tar Kettle • (2) 550 Gallon Double Walled Fuel Tanks with Electric Pumps • L Shaped 50 Gallon and 200 Gallon Fuel Tanks • (2) Vermeer Water Tanks • Several Concrete Buckets • Several Stop Lights • 4” Gorman Rupp Diesel Pump, NO Pump • Hotsy Pressure Washer, 59146 • Large Old Safe, No combination • (2) 90# Jack Hammers • Pallet Racking, Lots of Truck and Trailer Parts, including but not Limited to: Tail Lights, Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks, Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings, Filters, Hydraulic Cylinders, (2) 3 Ton Crane Trolley Track Systems, Welding Carts/Shields, Hydraulic Test Table, Wheel Jack, Parts Washer, Tool box, Pipe Threader, 3 Phase Miller MP30I Welder, (3) Millermatic 250 Mig Wire Feed Welders, B Model Mack Hood, (2) Honda Gas Engines, Clutch Cables, Tons of Jeep Parts, Hose Reel, VW Engine, Generators, (3) Push Mowers, Unused Mini Pocket rocket, SNT, Several Boat Motors, Several Antique Rolling Library Ladders with Brakes and Rollers from U of Kentucky • Several ADS N12 Black Pipe Sections • Edco CPM 8 Scarifier, Edco Dual Disc Electric Concrete Grinder, Coneqtec Universal AP450 Milling Head, (2) Concrete Buggies, Bluebird CL550 Cable Layer/Edger, Allen AT16 Track Concrete Buggy, 200 Hours, Whiteman WM70 Mortar Mixer • 2002 Dryair Glycol G960 Diesel, (20) Rigid Ducting 40” x 25’ with 5” Pitch See you at the Auction on December 10 ! th CRAWLER TRACTORS • Case 1850K Crawler Tractor, S/N HHA210106, 24” Pads, Meter Reads 6,200 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Straight w/ Tilt Blade, 300 Hours on Rebuilt Injection • 1999 Deere 750C LT Crawler Tractor, S/N 875762, Diesel, Meter Reads 7,847 Hours, Canopy, with Sweeps, 132” 6 Way Blade, Rear Screens • Case 850L Crawler Tractor, S/N 9DC80012, Diesel, Canopy with Cover, Sweeps, 6 Way Blade, Root Rake, Draw Bar, Lights, Meter Reads 288 Hours • Cat D4 Crawler Tractor with Pipeline Side Boom, S/N 40A990, Diesel CRAWLER LOADERS • International 250-C Crawler Loader, Diesel, Power Shift Transmission, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket EXCAVATORS • 2013 Komatsu PC210LC-10 Excavator, S/N 450176, Meter Reads 3,666 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • 2002 Cat 315CL Excavator, S/N CFT00863, Meter Reads 5,103 Hours, Cab, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • Link-Belt 3400Q Excavator, S/N E718-9300, Isuzu Diesel, Meter Reads 10,500 Hours, Cab, Mechanical Thumb • Komatsu PC75UU-2 Mini Excavator, S/N 8437, Diesel, Cab, Heat, Rubber Tracks, Mechanical Thumb, Lights, Odometer Reads 2,972 Hours • Bobcat 323 Mini Excavator, S/N 562416236, Diesel, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Rubber Tracks, Quick Coupler, Meter Reads 1,722 Hours • Stanley 20EX Hydraulic Hammer, Fits an Excavator • 2007 55’ Long Reach Boom & Stick, Fits Cat 320BL or 320CL • NPK GH-10 Hydraulic Hammer, Fits Cat 320 Sized Excavator LOADER BACKHOES 2013 • 2012 Case 580 Super N Loader Backhoe, S/N JJGN58SNCBC44035, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 4x4, 4 in 1 Bucket, Extendahoe, Pilot Controls, Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,788 Hours • 2005 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410GX946252, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,691 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Extendahoe, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2001 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N TO310GX899990, Deere 80HP Diesel, 19.5X25 Tire Size, Two Lever Controls, Original Paint • Deere 410E Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410EX83320524, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, 4x4 • Case 590 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0286728, Meter Reads 4,629 Hours, Cab, Heat, 4x4, Extendahoe • Case 580 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0283790, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 2WD, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Meter Reads 3,082 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0270170, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4X4, GP Bucket, Meter Reads 5,120 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0196402, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4x4, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Lights, Meter Reads 3,513 Hours • 1999 Case 580 Super L Series II Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0272384, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 5,184 Hours, Cab, Heat, Extendahoe, Mechanical Thumb • 1997 Cat 416C Loader Backhoe, S/N 4ZN00630, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,745 Hours, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Plumbed for Front Coupler • Cat 416B Loader Backhoe, S/N 8SG07983, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, 2WD, Meter Reads 7,780 Hours • Case 480E Loader Backhoe, S/N 17003089, Diesel, Canopy, 2wd, Standard Stick • 12”, 16”, 24”, 36” Backhoe Buckets, Fits a Case 580 SKID LOADERS • Kubota SVL90-2 Track Skid Loader, S/N 11883, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,702 Hours • 2005 Cat 277B Skid Loader, S/N MDH03014, Cat 78HP Diesel, Cab (missing door), Air Conditioning, Heat, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 4500lb Lift Capacity, Machine Weighs 9425lbs • Takeuchi TL140 Track Skid Loader, S/N 21404931, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,439 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Forks to be sold separately, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Hi Flow • 2004 ASV RC100 Posi Track Skid Loader, S/N RSD00667, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,800 Hours, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, One Owner, Self Leveling Bucket, Rear Brush Guard • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • Bobcat S220 Skid Loader, S/N 526212966, Diesel, Canopy, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 72” GP Bucket, New 12 x 16.5 Tires, Meter Reads 2,503 Hours • 2000 Bobcat 873G Skid Loader, S/N 5141-42827, 73 HP Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 72” GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Meter Reads 3,159 Hours • Bobcat 773 Skid Loader, S/N 7611832, Diesel, Canopy, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Lights, 10-16.5 Wide-Wall Tires, Meter Reads 3,202 Hours • (78) New Tomahawk Skid Loader Attachments • E dge XR14 Trencher Attachment for Skid Loader, S/N 80710248 • Houle 6603 Model HB6 Grapple Skid Loader Attachment • Case 78” Low Profile GP Skid Loader Bucket • Double Hydraulic Cylinder Grapple Skid Loader Bucket • Like New Quick Attach Broom for a Skid Loader • FFC Prepator for Skid Loader, S/N 15229 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS • 2012 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 637764, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,018 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2011 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 635101, Diesel, Meter Reads 4828 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2008 Cat 938G Series II Rubber Tired Loader, S/N CRD02743, Diesel, Meter Reads 10,840 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • Case 821 Rubber Tired Loader, S/N JAK0024217, Diesel, 23.5-25 Tire Size, Cab, GP Bucket • 1972 Cat 966C Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 76J05683, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket • 1998 Cat 914G Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 7ZM00601, Cat 90HP Diesel, Cab, Heat, 1.7 yard GP Bucket AG EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS • Bell 4206D Pull Tractor, S/N AEB4118422R000284, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,774 Hours, 900/60R32 Tire Size, Cab, Heat, 2 Remotes, Quick Hitch • International 966 AG Tractor, S/N 2510175U022069, 6 Cylinder Diesel, 2WD, 18.4-34 Tires with Duals, 3 Point Hitch, 2 Stage PTO, 2 Remotes, 2,486 Hours • International 756 AG Tractor, S/N 8510S-Y, Diesel 2 Speed PTO, 2 Remotes, 3 Point Hitch • 9 Grain Gravity Wagons • Bush Hog 2715 Legend Batwing Rotary Mower 3 Point Attachment, S/N 12-02281, Hydraulic Lift Deck, PTO Driven, 27.75 x 8.75 Tires • County Line 10’ 10 Tyne Disc 3 Point Attachment • Ag 3 Point Quick Hitch • Home Hitch 3 Point Attachment • Flatbed Gravity Wagon Idea 2 Row Corn Picker, S/N 201180 • New • New Holland 335 Feed Grinder • Pulverizer 3 Point Attachment • Land Pride RCP3060 Hydraulic Parallel Arm Rotary Cutter • (2) Tractor Supply 3PT Augers with Bits AERIAL LIFTS • 2001 Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck, VIN # 2FZHAZASX2AJ50650, Tri Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 11R-22.5 Tires, Odometer Reads, Steel Bed, Salvage Title, 152,540 Miles • 1995 Kenworth T600 Dump Truck, VIN # 2XKADB9X0SM642023, Tri Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Locking Differential, Engine Brake, PTO, Cruise, Steel Bed with Electric Cover, Polished Aluminum Wheels, Odometer Reads 129,276 Miles • 1991 International 2574 Dump Truck, S/N 1HTGCNJT6MH302639, DT466 Diesel, Quad Axle (Tandem w/Two air Tags), 18,000 Front, 46,000 Rears, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Hendrickson Suspension, Aluminum Dump Body, Red in Color • 1990 White V2 Dump Truck, VIN 4V2JCBME4LR800097, Cummins L10 Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, One Owner, Round 10’ Bed, Setup for Gravel Conveyor • 1979 Mack DM685S Dump Truck, VIN DM685S41005, Diesel, Tandem Axle, Odometer Reads 257,478 Miles, Electric Tarp, PTO, Tri-Plex Transmission, Air Tailgate • 2001 Chevrolet C8500 Dump Truck, VIN 1GBP7H1CX1J511166, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 66,297 Miles, Air Brakes, Steel Bed, PTO, Pintle Hitch, Air Lines to the Rear, Rear & Front Hydraulic Lines, Rebuilt Title • 2000 International 4700 Contractors Dump Truck, VIN #1HTSCAAM6YH278697, Single Axle, Diesel, 6 Speed Transmission, American 11’ Contractors Steel Bed with Fold Down Sides, Pintle Hitch, 10R-22.5 Tires, Spring Suspension, Odometer reads 246,366 Miles • 1997 Ford Louisville Dump Truck, VIN # 1FDYN80E9VVA38167, Single Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Steel Bed, Front Plow Mount Frame, Odometer Reads 219,555 Miles • 1991 GMC Top Kick Contractors Dump Truck, VIN 1GDE6HIP8MJ502295, Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, PTO • 1985 Ford 700 Dump Truck, VIN 1FTWR74NXFVA57140, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission • 1984 Ford L8000 Dump Truck, S/N 1FDYK80U8EVA40993, Cat 210HP Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, 10’ Steel Dump Body • 1979 Chevrolet C70 Dump Truck, VIN # C17DE9V133583, Single Axle, Gas, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, PTO, Dual Fuel Tanks, Pintle Hitch, 10.00-20 Tires, Odometer Reads 15,649 Miles SCRAPERS • ( 2) Side Mount Hi-Speed Stone Slinger Throw Conveyor • (2) BayLynx Feed Conveyor for BayLynx AgCat Slinger • (2) Bi-folding Shooters and (3) for Parts • (4) Flowboy CB500 Gravel Bed, Live Floor, Belt over Chain Delivery System • 16 Tyne AG Disc • 18 Tyne Ag Disc • 8’ Ag Cultivator • Rome Construction Disc, Hydraulic SCREEN PLANT • 1993 Master Skreen Trommel Screen, Topsoil Pulverizer Option Included, S/N 202C1001, Ford Diesel, Meter Reads 1,480 Hours, Tandem Axle, Side Mount Conveyors, ½” Stainless Mesh Screens on the Drum, Hydraulic Tipping Grid on Feed Hopper PAVERS & COMPACTION EQUIPMENT • Rex SP600 Vibratory Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 6HZ559, Diesel, 16.9-24 Tires • Dynapac A36 48” Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 76038, Recent Deere Diesel in 2008, 13.6-16.1 Tire Size • 1998 Gehl 1649 Paver, S/N IP0318049, Diesel, Meter Reads 1,748 Hours, 12’ Steel Track, 9’ Paving Width •B law-Knox PF120 Paver, S/N 15621, Diesel, 10’-14’ Screed SWEEPER & TRENCHERS • 1998 Sterling Johnson 605 Series Vac & Street Sweeper, S/N 49H67FAA1XHA49155, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 199,210 Miles, Air Brakes, Dual Controls • Broce D18 Sweeper, S/N 1834, Diesel, Canopy • Elgin Custom Pelican Street Sweeper, S/N 569535, Diesel, Odometer Reads 13,725 Miles, PTO, Hydrostat • Advance 4800 Captor Sweeper, S/N 1788626, Type G Floor Cleaning Machine, Hydrostat, Impco Gas Powered, ROPS • Advance 240LX Electric Floor Sweeper/Cleaner, S/N 393320, 24 Volt • Vermeer FLEX 75 Plow/Reel Carrier Combo Trencher, S/N 1VRE08066V1000272, Diesel, Hydrostat Transmission, Meter Reads 832 Hours, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Steel Tracks, Plow Model P2175 S/N LLVRJ070VXS1000237, Extra Plow Blades Sold Separately • Vermeer 454A Trencher/Backhoe Combo, Duetz Diesel, 4x4, V-750 Backhoe Attachment, V-18A Trencher Attachment, Meter Reads 1,614 Hours • Ditch Witch 4010DD Trencher/Plow/Backhoe Combo, S/N 6CS0898, Deutz Diesel, Reads 1504 Hours, C/w Ditch Witch RW111 Roto Witch, Leveling Blade • Promark 40PAL Towable Boomlift, Kohler 18HP Gas (new in 2014), 300# Capacity, Replaced Turret Bearing, Manual Outriggers • JLG CM-2033 Commander Scissor Lift, S/N C019170020001786, Electric, 4x4, 750 lbs. Lift Capacity, 20’ Lift Height • Terex TS14 Scraper, S/N 7U0T46715, Twin 471 Detroit Diesel, Canopy • Dresser 412B Scraper, S/N 54200115U017018, Diesel, Canopy, Self Loading, 23.5-25 Tires, Meter Reads 3,652 Hours • 2005 Reynolds 17.5C Pull Type Scraper, S/N 34559 GRADER & HAUL TRUCK • Galion 104-C-03850 Grader, S/N 3542, Cummins Diesel, 14.00-24 Tire Size, Cab • Volvo A35C Haul Truck, S/N A35CV4316, Diesel, Meter Reads 13,444 Hours, Cab, Heat, 6x6 FORESTRY EQUIPMENT • 1995 Morbark 30/36 Chipper, S/N 476012, Track Machine, Reads 7,618 Hours, Complete with Knuckle Boom, Cat Diesel, Cab with Forestry Screen on cab glass, Leveling Blade FORKLIFT • Traverse TL6035 Telescopic Forklift, S/N 60338-CUC, Cummins Diesel, Meter Reads 5,175 Hours, 13.00-24 Tire Size CURB & GUTTER MACHINE • Gomaco GT3600 Curb & Gutter Machine, S/N 902900338, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,838 Hours, Three Track System, Remotes, Sensors, Approximately 1,000 of Guides, String, Stakes TOYS • 1998 Land Rover LE Discovery SUV, VIN SALJY1249WA782488, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Sun Roof, Power Windows and Locks, 4 Door, 4x4, Boss Cd Player • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV, VIN 1J4G278S6SC56299, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Power Windows and Locks, New Tires, Rims and Radiator, Leather Interior, 6” Lift Kit, along with Original Tires and Rims • 2006 Honda Odyssey EXL Van, Gas, Automatic, Leather Sunroof, DVD Player • 1963 Roadmaster Bicycle, Springer Front End with Tank Skyrider, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins 2 Speed Sportflight Bicycle, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins Flightliner Bicycle, 26” Girls • 1957 Schwinn Strait Bar Hornet Bicycle, Springer Front End, 26” Mens • Exmark Lazer Z 60” Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower, Kohler Gas • 1995 GMC Vandura 3500 School Bus, S/N 1GDHG31Y2SF508566, GMC Diesel, Single Axle, 3900# Front, 7200# Rear, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 139663 Miles, Dually • 2002 Yamaha Raptor 660 ATV, Limited Black, Piped and Jetted, Carburetor Rebuilt 3 Months Ago, Runs Great • 1990 Raven SN9418T-4 Flatbed Snowmobile Trailer, S/N 1R1S01821L00193, Tandem Axle, Pull out Ramp • Ski Doo MXZ 500SS Rotax Bombardier Snowmobile, S/N 2BPS286064V00564, SC-10 Suspension • Ski Doo MXZ Rotax 800R Renegade Snowmobile, S/N 2BPSBU8D08V000123, REV XP TRUCK TRACTORS • 2000 Freightliner FLD120 Truck Tractor, S/N 1FUYDCYB6YDH12950, N14 Cummins @ 435HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 40,000 Rear, 10 Speed Transmission, 11R 22.5 Tire Size, Steel Wheels, Dual 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tanks, Air Slide Fifth Wheel • 1991 Kenworth T800 Truck Tractor, VIN 1XKDD28X7MJ560895, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 12,000# Front, 17,000# Rear, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, 11R24.5 Tire Size, Chrome Wheels, 3.73 Ratio • 1989 Volvo Day Cab Truck Tractor, VIN 4V1BDBCG2LN626269, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Eaton 13 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 1,393,692 Miles, Steel Bud Wheels, Wet Kit, Chelsea PTO, Air Slide Wheel, Spring Suspension • 1988 Ford LT9000 Truck Tractor, VIN 1FDYU90X5JVA13321, Day Cab, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller Roadruner RT11609 8 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 186,415 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Budd Wheels, 186 Wheel Base • 1988 Kenworth Day Cab T600 Truck Tractor, 350 Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Aluminum Wheels, Wet Kit, Air Ride Suspension, Red in Color • 1986 International 9370 Truck Tractor, VIN 2HSFBGUR9GA15938, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 572,502 Miles, Fronts 275/80R22.5 and Rears 11R22.5 Tire Size, Aluminum Wheels, Chelsea PTO, 173 Wheel Base, Day Cab • 2002 International 8100 Truck Tractor, VIN 1PTF71THXL9000083, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton Fuller 10 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 105,101 Miles, Rear Master 5500# Hydraulic Forklift • 1981 International S1954 Toterhome, VIN # 2HTAA1956BCA16274, Single AxleDT466 Diesel, Allison Automatic Transmission, Air Ride Suspension, Air Ride Seats, Air Brakes, Electric Or Air Brake Trailer Hookup, Registered as an RV No CDL Required, Mileage is Exempt DUMP TRUCKS • 2009 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck, VIN 1NKDL40X39J255728, Cummins ISX 15 Diesel, Tri Axle, 20,000# Front, 44,000# Rear, Allison RDS4500 Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 196,600 Miles, 425 Fronts, 24.5 Rears Tire Size, Ox 16’ Steel Bed, Electric Tarp, Aluminum Wheels, Air Lift and Steerable 3rd Axle, Cruise Control, Engine Brake, Air Ride Seat, Recent DBX Filters GRAVEL CONVEYORS FLATBED TRUCKS • 1999 Ford F550 XL Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56S3XEC32691, Triton V10 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 119,297 Miles, Dually • 1999 Ford F550 Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56F7XEA44579, Power Stroke V8 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 111,186 Miles, Steel Bed, Gooseneck Hitch, Brake System • 1988 Ford F700 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDPK74PXJVA43978, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Regular Cab, Dually, Plumbed For Dump Bed, Has All Hydraulics Cylinders • 1986 International S1900 Flatbed Dump Truck, VIN 1HSLRTVN3GHA36103, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Odometer Reads 267,133 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, PTO, 27,960 GVWR SPECIALTY TRUCKS • 2 000 Ford F650 XL Super Duty Bucket Truck, VIN 3FDNF6525YMA65478, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 161,255 Miles, PTO, Altec TA40 Bucket, S/N 1002CC1287, Altec Bed, 40’ Platform Height, 350# Capacity • 2006 Ford LCG 450 Box Truck, VIN 3FRLL45Z16V385767, Power Stroke 4.5L V6 Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 252,000 Miles, 225/70R9.5 Tire Size, 2wd, Hydraulic Lift Gate • 2000 Mack RD688S Equipment Hauler Truck, Mack 350HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Air Brakes, Ramps • 1996 International 4900 Water Truck, VIN # 1HTSHAAR6TH243017, Tandem Axle, DT 466 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2,500 Gallon Double Wall Aluminum Tank, Exterior Lighting, 3 Outlets, Side Storage, Odometer Reads 130,618 Miles • 1992 GMC TopKick Chip Truck, VIN 1GDG6H1PONJ503418, Dump Box, Man Cab, Fuel Injection 366 Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 64,345 Miles, Dually, PTO • 1989 GMC 7000 Topkick Water Truck, VIN # 1GDT7D4Y0KV509667, Tandem Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 3,000 Gallon Tank, Locking Differential, Air Brakes, Exterior Lighting, Exterior AC Plugs, 3 Water Outlets, Side Storage, Fire Department Owned, Odometer Reads 20,903 Miles • 1989 Ford F700 Service Truck, VIN 1FDWK74P2KVA57449, Diesel, Single Axle • 1984 International 2375 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1HSZDHUN2EHA43810, Detroit Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 144,433 Miles, Air Brakes, 20’ Steel Bed • 1979 Ford 8000 Grain Truck, VIN W81DVFA7522, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Cargo Doors, 22’ Bed, Roll Tarp, Air Brakes • 1 976 Ford L8000 Service Truck, 290 Cummins Diesel, Single Axle, 13 Speed Transmission, Air Brakes, Air Compressor in Rear, Pintle Hitch W/Air Glad Hands, 14’ Service Body, Nice Truck • 2008 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Service Truck, S/N 1FDXF46R48EA36679, Powerstroke Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2WD, Knapheide Utility Bed, Miller 250 Welder/10,500 Watt Generator, Autocrane 3203PRX with Remote, Kohler 12.5 HP Air Compressor, 110 Gallon Fuel Tank with Electric Pump, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 139,883 Miles ONE TON TRUCKS & DOWN • 2009 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN # 1GCHK43K99F166030, Vortec V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, 8’ Bed, Tow Package, Tow Haul Transmission Mode, Pintle Hitch, Odometer Reads 84,000 Miles • 2006 Chevrolet 2500HD Extended Cab Utility Truck, VIN# 1GBHK29U76E141355, Vortec 6.0 Liter Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, Warner Utility Bed, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 201,664 Miles • 2002 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCHC29112E255425, Duramax Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 275,851 Miles, 245/75R16 Tire Size, Extended Cab with 4 Doors, Long Bed • 2001 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCEK14W01Z260352, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 154,889 Miles, Regular Cab, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 2000 Chevrolet 3500 Service Truck, VIN 1GBHK34ROYF417381, V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 116,249 Miles, 4x4, Warner Bed, Air compressor with Briggs & Stratton Engine • 1996 Chevrolet 3500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1GCHK34R97Z220535, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 240,185 Miles, Regular Cab, Dually, Steel Flatbed, Gooseneck Hitch, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 1986 Chevrolet Suburban SUV, VIN 1G8GC26WCFZ204775, 454 V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Tow Package CAB & CHASSIS TRUCKS • 2004 Mack RD690S Cab & Chassis, VIN 1M2P64CX4M034523, 300HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, Maxitorque 8 Speed Transmission, Air Conditioning, PTO, 22,838 GVWR • 1993 Mack BA08 Turbo Intercooler Cab & Chassis, VIN VG6BA08B5PB600339, 6 Cylinder 6.2L Diesel, Single Axle, 6 Speed Transmission DEAD ROW ITEMS • 2 004 Ford F150 XL Pickup Truck, VIN 2FTRF17264CA910003, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Long Bed, Fuel Line Issues • 2003 Dodge 2500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 3D7KU28633G816854, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1999 Chevrolet 3500 Dump Truck, VIN 1BBKC34J7XF084902, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Dually • 1997 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK29R8TE245965, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Extended Cab, 4x4 • 1997 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan Car, VIN 1G1ND52M0VY103088, 3.1 Liter V6, Automatic Transmission, Does Run But Has an Engine Noise • 1995 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK24K6SE103039, Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1977 Ford 9000 Dump Truck, S/N U90VUY06295, Tri Axle, Diesel, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, 11R24.5 Tires • 1 977 Ford 900 Cab & Chassis, VIN N90KVC92127, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Bad Engine • Highway 18’ Dump Bed, Electric Tarp, Setup for a Gravel Conveyor, Bed of an Quad Axle Truck LOWBOY TRAILERS • 1995 Etnyre 50 Ton RGN Lowboy Trailer, VIN 1E96254000SE111049, Tri Axle, Out Riggers, Air Ride Suspension, 102” Wide, 51’ Overall, 25’ in the Well • 1998 Dynaweld 35 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 4U181DFX5W1X36431, Tandem Axle, Ramps (Model TVT35L86-48/20/102/2XSP) • 1975 Muv-All Double Drop Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, 8’ Hydraulic Dove Tail, Tandem Axle, 96’ Wide, 14’ Well, 9’ Over the Axles, Steel Floor, Winch, Outriggers • 1960 Ottawa WBI 25 Ton Lowboy Trailer, Fixed Neck, S/N 1875, Long Hydraulic Paver Ramps, Tandem Axle, 8:25 X 15 Tire Size, New Black Paint • 1952 Dorsey 30 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 20277, Tandem Axle TRAILERS • 1997 Norris 28’ Steel Dump Trailer, VIN 25DMTR0060, Tandem Axle, Electric Tarp, Air Gate, Steel Wheels • 1991 Fontaine 45’ Flatbed Trailer, VIN 13N1452C3M1553024, Tandem Axle, 11-22.5 Tire Size • 2000 Cargo Mate CMG836TTA3 37’ Enclosed Gooseneck Trailer, VIN # 4X4TSEM39YN020359, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, Side and Rear Entry, 225/75R16 Tires, Spring Assist Rear Door • 1999 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1997 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1996 Stoughton 53’ Van Trailer, VIN 1DW1A5328TS970838, Tandem Axle, 102” Wide • 2002 Wheeler 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1W9FNGX2X2M011033, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Shur-Lok Tarp • 1990 Trailmobile 28’ Flatbed Trailer, Tandem Axle with 1999 Palfinger Piggy Back Forklift S/N BU553M, 2 Stage Mast • 1985 Fruehauf 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1H4D04026FF024804, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, GVWR 65,000, Manual Tarp • (2) Hank 8 x 25’ Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle TAG TRAILERS • 2008 Cornpro UT-22 Flatbed Tag Trailer, VIN # 4MJUB2238E048207, Tandem Axle, Electric Brakes, 235/85R16 Tires • 2000 Interstate 20 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN 1JKDTA20XYA000396, Tandem Axle, Dually, Air Brakes, One Owner, Ramps • 1996 RHL 10 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN # 4SE10252TXT1011467, Tandem Axle Dual Wheel, Pintle Hitch, Electric Brakes, 9.50R-16 Tires • 1990 International U18 Tag Trailer, VIN 1ZFUF1828LB004505, Ramps, Tandem Axle, Ball Hitch, 8,000# GVW • 1987 Assembled 8 x 14 1/2 Tag Trailer, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, 5’ Ramps, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch, Diamond Plate Steel Floor, 9,000# Capacity • 1980 Road Master 24’ Enclosed Trailer, Enclosed Trailer, Tandem Axle, Diamond Plate Deck, Interior Lights, 10,000 lbs. Load Rating, Spring Assist Rear Door, Salvage Title • ASM 6’ Tag Trailer, Single Axle, Fold Down Ramp • Miller Tilt Top Tag Trailer, S/N , Tandem Axle,Dual Wheels, Electric Brakes, All New Lighting and Red Paint • (2) Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Tandem Axle • (1) Racing Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Single Axle, Ramps OFFICE BUILDING • 2002 Miller Building Systems Model 1472 Modular Offices, S/N 72-14229, 72-14236, 72-14164, 72-14236, 72-14229, Total of 10 Trailers, 14FT X 72FT, No Axles, Bard Wall Mounted HVAC Units, Located Offsite, Includes Car Port, Wooden Deck and Handicap Accessible Ramp, Buyer Responsible for Moving VARIOUS 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 391670UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3606 Hours • 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 3916690UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3380 Hours • Crack Fill Machine, Gas Engine, Single Axle • Miller Big Blue 400D DC Welding Generator, S/N LE203441, 120/240 Volt, Duetz Diesel, Meter Reads 7,058 Hours • 2006 Rayco RC12 Chipper, S/N 1R9841395M210031, Cat 86 HP Diesel, Variable Speed Feed, 21” x 17” Feed, Hydraulic Clutch, Portable • Finn B50 Straw Blower, S/N 35-1184, Wisconsin Gas, Mounted on a Tandem Axle Stakeside Trailer • 1000’ of W Beam Guard Rail • (2) Concrete Screeds, One with Briggs & Stratton 8HP and one with Robin Gas • Dri All Air Curtain Burner Destructor, PTO Driven • Ingersoll Rand 185 Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Sullair 185Q Air Compressor, S/N 109556, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Atlas Copco XAS90JD Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, 185CFM • (2) Horizontal Shop Air Compressors • Walk Behind Concrete Saw • MQ Whisperweld 30AMP DC Welder and 10 KW AC Generator, Kubota Diesel, 4900 Hours, Ball Hitch • 2009 Wacker Neuson CT48-13AV Concrete Trowel Machine, Pro Shift, Honda GX390 13HP Gas, S/N 5848888 • Crafco EZ100 Pumper, Kettle has Fire Damage, But 3 Cylinder Kubota Diesel, Pump and Igniter are all good, Towable, Single Axle, Extra Hose • 2 Air Lift Axles For a Truck Tractor or Dump Truck • Tar Kettle • (2) 550 Gallon Double Walled Fuel Tanks with Electric Pumps • L Shaped 50 Gallon and 200 Gallon Fuel Tanks • (2) Vermeer Water Tanks • Several Concrete Buckets • Several Stop Lights • 4” Gorman Rupp Diesel Pump, NO Pump • Hotsy Pressure Washer, 59146 • Large Old Safe, No combination • (2) 90# Jack Hammers • Pallet Racking, Lots of Truck and Trailer Parts, including but not Limited to: Tail Lights, Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks, Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings, Filters, Hydraulic Cylinders, (2) 3 Ton Crane Trolley Track Systems, Welding Carts/Shields, Hydraulic Test Table, Wheel Jack, Parts Washer, Tool box, Pipe Threader, 3 Phase Miller MP30I Welder, (3) Millermatic 250 Mig Wire Feed Welders, B Model Mack Hood, (2) Honda Gas Engines, Clutch Cables, Tons of Jeep Parts, Hose Reel, VW Engine, Generators, (3) Push Mowers, Unused Mini Pocket rocket, SNT, Several Boat Motors, Several Antique Rolling Library Ladders with Brakes and Rollers from U of Kentucky • Several ADS N12 Black Pipe Sections • Edco CPM 8 Scarifier, Edco Dual Disc Electric Concrete Grinder, Coneqtec Universal AP450 Milling Head, (2) Concrete Buggies, Bluebird CL550 Cable Layer/Edger, Allen AT16 Track Concrete Buggy, 200 Hours, Whiteman WM70 Mortar Mixer • 2002 Dryair Glycol G960 Diesel, (20) Rigid Ducting 40” x 25’ with 5” Pitch See you at the Auction on December 10 ! th CRAWLER TRACTORS • Case 1850K Crawler Tractor, S/N HHA210106, 24” Pads, Meter Reads 6,200 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Straight w/ Tilt Blade, 300 Hours on Rebuilt Injection • 1999 Deere 750C LT Crawler Tractor, S/N 875762, Diesel, Meter Reads 7,847 Hours, Canopy, with Sweeps, 132” 6 Way Blade, Rear Screens • Case 850L Crawler Tractor, S/N 9DC80012, Diesel, Canopy with Cover, Sweeps, 6 Way Blade, Root Rake, Draw Bar, Lights, Meter Reads 288 Hours • Cat D4 Crawler Tractor with Pipeline Side Boom, S/N 40A990, Diesel CRAWLER LOADERS • International 250-C Crawler Loader, Diesel, Power Shift Transmission, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket EXCAVATORS • 2013 Komatsu PC210LC-10 Excavator, S/N 450176, Meter Reads 3,666 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • 2002 Cat 315CL Excavator, S/N CFT00863, Meter Reads 5,103 Hours, Cab, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • Link-Belt 3400Q Excavator, S/N E718-9300, Isuzu Diesel, Meter Reads 10,500 Hours, Cab, Mechanical Thumb • Komatsu PC75UU-2 Mini Excavator, S/N 8437, Diesel, Cab, Heat, Rubber Tracks, Mechanical Thumb, Lights, Odometer Reads 2,972 Hours • Bobcat 323 Mini Excavator, S/N 562416236, Diesel, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Rubber Tracks, Quick Coupler, Meter Reads 1,722 Hours • Stanley 20EX Hydraulic Hammer, Fits an Excavator • 2007 55’ Long Reach Boom & Stick, Fits Cat 320BL or 320CL • NPK GH-10 Hydraulic Hammer, Fits Cat 320 Sized Excavator LOADER BACKHOES 2013 • 2012 Case 580 Super N Loader Backhoe, S/N JJGN58SNCBC44035, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 4x4, 4 in 1 Bucket, Extendahoe, Pilot Controls, Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,788 Hours • 2005 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410GX946252, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,691 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Extendahoe, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2001 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N TO310GX899990, Deere 80HP Diesel, 19.5X25 Tire Size, Two Lever Controls, Original Paint • Deere 410E Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410EX83320524, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, 4x4 • Case 590 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0286728, Meter Reads 4,629 Hours, Cab, Heat, 4x4, Extendahoe • Case 580 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0283790, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 2WD, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Meter Reads 3,082 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0270170, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4X4, GP Bucket, Meter Reads 5,120 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0196402, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4x4, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Lights, Meter Reads 3,513 Hours • 1999 Case 580 Super L Series II Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0272384, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 5,184 Hours, Cab, Heat, Extendahoe, Mechanical Thumb • 1997 Cat 416C Loader Backhoe, S/N 4ZN00630, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,745 Hours, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Plumbed for Front Coupler • Cat 416B Loader Backhoe, S/N 8SG07983, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, 2WD, Meter Reads 7,780 Hours • Case 480E Loader Backhoe, S/N 17003089, Diesel, Canopy, 2wd, Standard Stick • 12”, 16”, 24”, 36” Backhoe Buckets, Fits a Case 580 SKID LOADERS • Kubota SVL90-2 Track Skid Loader, S/N 11883, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,702 Hours • 2005 Cat 277B Skid Loader, S/N MDH03014, Cat 78HP Diesel, Cab (missing door), Air Conditioning, Heat, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 4500lb Lift Capacity, Machine Weighs 9425lbs • Takeuchi TL140 Track Skid Loader, S/N 21404931, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,439 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Forks to be sold separately, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Hi Flow • 2004 ASV RC100 Posi Track Skid Loader, S/N RSD00667, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,800 Hours, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, One Owner, Self Leveling Bucket, Rear Brush Guard • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • Bobcat S220 Skid Loader, S/N 526212966, Diesel, Canopy, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 72” GP Bucket, New 12 x 16.5 Tires, Meter Reads 2,503 Hours • 2000 Bobcat 873G Skid Loader, S/N 5141-42827, 73 HP Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 72” GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Meter Reads 3,159 Hours • Bobcat 773 Skid Loader, S/N 7611832, Diesel, Canopy, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Lights, 10-16.5 Wide-Wall Tires, Meter Reads 3,202 Hours • (78) New Tomahawk Skid Loader Attachments • E dge XR14 Trencher Attachment for Skid Loader, S/N 80710248 • Houle 6603 Model HB6 Grapple Skid Loader Attachment • Case 78” Low Profile GP Skid Loader Bucket • Double Hydraulic Cylinder Grapple Skid Loader Bucket • Like New Quick Attach Broom for a Skid Loader • FFC Prepator for Skid Loader, S/N 15229 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS • 2012 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 637764, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,018 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2011 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 635101, Diesel, Meter Reads 4828 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2008 Cat 938G Series II Rubber Tired Loader, S/N CRD02743, Diesel, Meter Reads 10,840 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • Case 821 Rubber Tired Loader, S/N JAK0024217, Diesel, 23.5-25 Tire Size, Cab, GP Bucket • 1972 Cat 966C Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 76J05683, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket • 1998 Cat 914G Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 7ZM00601, Cat 90HP Diesel, Cab, Heat, 1.7 yard GP Bucket AG EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS • Bell 4206D Pull Tractor, S/N AEB4118422R000284, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,774 Hours, 900/60R32 Tire Size, Cab, Heat, 2 Remotes, Quick Hitch • International 966 AG Tractor, S/N 2510175U022069, 6 Cylinder Diesel, 2WD, 18.4-34 Tires with Duals, 3 Point Hitch, 2 Stage PTO, 2 Remotes, 2,486 Hours • International 756 AG Tractor, S/N 8510S-Y, Diesel 2 Speed PTO, 2 Remotes, 3 Point Hitch • 9 Grain Gravity Wagons • Bush Hog 2715 Legend Batwing Rotary Mower 3 Point Attachment, S/N 12-02281, Hydraulic Lift Deck, PTO Driven, 27.75 x 8.75 Tires • County Line 10’ 10 Tyne Disc 3 Point Attachment • Ag 3 Point Quick Hitch • Home Hitch 3 Point Attachment • Flatbed Gravity Wagon Idea 2 Row Corn Picker, S/N 201180 • New • New Holland 335 Feed Grinder • Pulverizer 3 Point Attachment • Land Pride RCP3060 Hydraulic Parallel Arm Rotary Cutter • (2) Tractor Supply 3PT Augers with Bits AERIAL LIFTS • 2001 Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck, VIN # 2FZHAZASX2AJ50650, Tri Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 11R-22.5 Tires, Odometer Reads, Steel Bed, Salvage Title, 152,540 Miles • 1995 Kenworth T600 Dump Truck, VIN # 2XKADB9X0SM642023, Tri Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Locking Differential, Engine Brake, PTO, Cruise, Steel Bed with Electric Cover, Polished Aluminum Wheels, Odometer Reads 129,276 Miles • 1991 International 2574 Dump Truck, S/N 1HTGCNJT6MH302639, DT466 Diesel, Quad Axle (Tandem w/Two air Tags), 18,000 Front, 46,000 Rears, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Hendrickson Suspension, Aluminum Dump Body, Red in Color • 1990 White V2 Dump Truck, VIN 4V2JCBME4LR800097, Cummins L10 Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, One Owner, Round 10’ Bed, Setup for Gravel Conveyor • 1979 Mack DM685S Dump Truck, VIN DM685S41005, Diesel, Tandem Axle, Odometer Reads 257,478 Miles, Electric Tarp, PTO, Tri-Plex Transmission, Air Tailgate • 2001 Chevrolet C8500 Dump Truck, VIN 1GBP7H1CX1J511166, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 66,297 Miles, Air Brakes, Steel Bed, PTO, Pintle Hitch, Air Lines to the Rear, Rear & Front Hydraulic Lines, Rebuilt Title • 2000 International 4700 Contractors Dump Truck, VIN #1HTSCAAM6YH278697, Single Axle, Diesel, 6 Speed Transmission, American 11’ Contractors Steel Bed with Fold Down Sides, Pintle Hitch, 10R-22.5 Tires, Spring Suspension, Odometer reads 246,366 Miles • 1997 Ford Louisville Dump Truck, VIN # 1FDYN80E9VVA38167, Single Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Steel Bed, Front Plow Mount Frame, Odometer Reads 219,555 Miles • 1991 GMC Top Kick Contractors Dump Truck, VIN 1GDE6HIP8MJ502295, Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, PTO • 1985 Ford 700 Dump Truck, VIN 1FTWR74NXFVA57140, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission • 1984 Ford L8000 Dump Truck, S/N 1FDYK80U8EVA40993, Cat 210HP Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, 10’ Steel Dump Body • 1979 Chevrolet C70 Dump Truck, VIN # C17DE9V133583, Single Axle, Gas, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, PTO, Dual Fuel Tanks, Pintle Hitch, 10.00-20 Tires, Odometer Reads 15,649 Miles SCRAPERS • ( 2) Side Mount Hi-Speed Stone Slinger Throw Conveyor • (2) BayLynx Feed Conveyor for BayLynx AgCat Slinger • (2) Bi-folding Shooters and (3) for Parts • (4) Flowboy CB500 Gravel Bed, Live Floor, Belt over Chain Delivery System • 16 Tyne AG Disc • 18 Tyne Ag Disc • 8’ Ag Cultivator • Rome Construction Disc, Hydraulic SCREEN PLANT • 1993 Master Skreen Trommel Screen, Topsoil Pulverizer Option Included, S/N 202C1001, Ford Diesel, Meter Reads 1,480 Hours, Tandem Axle, Side Mount Conveyors, ½” Stainless Mesh Screens on the Drum, Hydraulic Tipping Grid on Feed Hopper PAVERS & COMPACTION EQUIPMENT • Rex SP600 Vibratory Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 6HZ559, Diesel, 16.9-24 Tires • Dynapac A36 48” Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 76038, Recent Deere Diesel in 2008, 13.6-16.1 Tire Size • 1998 Gehl 1649 Paver, S/N IP0318049, Diesel, Meter Reads 1,748 Hours, 12’ Steel Track, 9’ Paving Width •B law-Knox PF120 Paver, S/N 15621, Diesel, 10’-14’ Screed SWEEPER & TRENCHERS • 1998 Sterling Johnson 605 Series Vac & Street Sweeper, S/N 49H67FAA1XHA49155, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 199,210 Miles, Air Brakes, Dual Controls • Broce D18 Sweeper, S/N 1834, Diesel, Canopy • Elgin Custom Pelican Street Sweeper, S/N 569535, Diesel, Odometer Reads 13,725 Miles, PTO, Hydrostat • Advance 4800 Captor Sweeper, S/N 1788626, Type G Floor Cleaning Machine, Hydrostat, Impco Gas Powered, ROPS • Advance 240LX Electric Floor Sweeper/Cleaner, S/N 393320, 24 Volt • Vermeer FLEX 75 Plow/Reel Carrier Combo Trencher, S/N 1VRE08066V1000272, Diesel, Hydrostat Transmission, Meter Reads 832 Hours, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Steel Tracks, Plow Model P2175 S/N LLVRJ070VXS1000237, Extra Plow Blades Sold Separately • Vermeer 454A Trencher/Backhoe Combo, Duetz Diesel, 4x4, V-750 Backhoe Attachment, V-18A Trencher Attachment, Meter Reads 1,614 Hours • Ditch Witch 4010DD Trencher/Plow/Backhoe Combo, S/N 6CS0898, Deutz Diesel, Reads 1504 Hours, C/w Ditch Witch RW111 Roto Witch, Leveling Blade • Promark 40PAL Towable Boomlift, Kohler 18HP Gas (new in 2014), 300# Capacity, Replaced Turret Bearing, Manual Outriggers • JLG CM-2033 Commander Scissor Lift, S/N C019170020001786, Electric, 4x4, 750 lbs. Lift Capacity, 20’ Lift Height • Terex TS14 Scraper, S/N 7U0T46715, Twin 471 Detroit Diesel, Canopy • Dresser 412B Scraper, S/N 54200115U017018, Diesel, Canopy, Self Loading, 23.5-25 Tires, Meter Reads 3,652 Hours • 2005 Reynolds 17.5C Pull Type Scraper, S/N 34559 GRADER & HAUL TRUCK • Galion 104-C-03850 Grader, S/N 3542, Cummins Diesel, 14.00-24 Tire Size, Cab • Volvo A35C Haul Truck, S/N A35CV4316, Diesel, Meter Reads 13,444 Hours, Cab, Heat, 6x6 FORESTRY EQUIPMENT • 1995 Morbark 30/36 Chipper, S/N 476012, Track Machine, Reads 7,618 Hours, Complete with Knuckle Boom, Cat Diesel, Cab with Forestry Screen on cab glass, Leveling Blade FORKLIFT • Traverse TL6035 Telescopic Forklift, S/N 60338-CUC, Cummins Diesel, Meter Reads 5,175 Hours, 13.00-24 Tire Size CURB & GUTTER MACHINE • Gomaco GT3600 Curb & Gutter Machine, S/N 902900338, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,838 Hours, Three Track System, Remotes, Sensors, Approximately 1,000 of Guides, String, Stakes TOYS • 1998 Land Rover LE Discovery SUV, VIN SALJY1249WA782488, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Sun Roof, Power Windows and Locks, 4 Door, 4x4, Boss Cd Player • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV, VIN 1J4G278S6SC56299, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Power Windows and Locks, New Tires, Rims and Radiator, Leather Interior, 6” Lift Kit, along with Original Tires and Rims • 2006 Honda Odyssey EXL Van, Gas, Automatic, Leather Sunroof, DVD Player • 1963 Roadmaster Bicycle, Springer Front End with Tank Skyrider, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins 2 Speed Sportflight Bicycle, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins Flightliner Bicycle, 26” Girls • 1957 Schwinn Strait Bar Hornet Bicycle, Springer Front End, 26” Mens • Exmark Lazer Z 60” Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower, Kohler Gas • 1995 GMC Vandura 3500 School Bus, S/N 1GDHG31Y2SF508566, GMC Diesel, Single Axle, 3900# Front, 7200# Rear, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 139663 Miles, Dually • 2002 Yamaha Raptor 660 ATV, Limited Black, Piped and Jetted, Carburetor Rebuilt 3 Months Ago, Runs Great • 1990 Raven SN9418T-4 Flatbed Snowmobile Trailer, S/N 1R1S01821L00193, Tandem Axle, Pull out Ramp • Ski Doo MXZ 500SS Rotax Bombardier Snowmobile, S/N 2BPS286064V00564, SC-10 Suspension • Ski Doo MXZ Rotax 800R Renegade Snowmobile, S/N 2BPSBU8D08V000123, REV XP TRUCK TRACTORS • 2000 Freightliner FLD120 Truck Tractor, S/N 1FUYDCYB6YDH12950, N14 Cummins @ 435HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 40,000 Rear, 10 Speed Transmission, 11R 22.5 Tire Size, Steel Wheels, Dual 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tanks, Air Slide Fifth Wheel • 1991 Kenworth T800 Truck Tractor, VIN 1XKDD28X7MJ560895, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 12,000# Front, 17,000# Rear, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, 11R24.5 Tire Size, Chrome Wheels, 3.73 Ratio • 1989 Volvo Day Cab Truck Tractor, VIN 4V1BDBCG2LN626269, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Eaton 13 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 1,393,692 Miles, Steel Bud Wheels, Wet Kit, Chelsea PTO, Air Slide Wheel, Spring Suspension • 1988 Ford LT9000 Truck Tractor, VIN 1FDYU90X5JVA13321, Day Cab, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller Roadruner RT11609 8 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 186,415 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Budd Wheels, 186 Wheel Base • 1988 Kenworth Day Cab T600 Truck Tractor, 350 Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Aluminum Wheels, Wet Kit, Air Ride Suspension, Red in Color • 1986 International 9370 Truck Tractor, VIN 2HSFBGUR9GA15938, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 572,502 Miles, Fronts 275/80R22.5 and Rears 11R22.5 Tire Size, Aluminum Wheels, Chelsea PTO, 173 Wheel Base, Day Cab • 2002 International 8100 Truck Tractor, VIN 1PTF71THXL9000083, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton Fuller 10 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 105,101 Miles, Rear Master 5500# Hydraulic Forklift • 1981 International S1954 Toterhome, VIN # 2HTAA1956BCA16274, Single AxleDT466 Diesel, Allison Automatic Transmission, Air Ride Suspension, Air Ride Seats, Air Brakes, Electric Or Air Brake Trailer Hookup, Registered as an RV No CDL Required, Mileage is Exempt DUMP TRUCKS • 2009 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck, VIN 1NKDL40X39J255728, Cummins ISX 15 Diesel, Tri Axle, 20,000# Front, 44,000# Rear, Allison RDS4500 Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 196,600 Miles, 425 Fronts, 24.5 Rears Tire Size, Ox 16’ Steel Bed, Electric Tarp, Aluminum Wheels, Air Lift and Steerable 3rd Axle, Cruise Control, Engine Brake, Air Ride Seat, Recent DBX Filters GRAVEL CONVEYORS FLATBED TRUCKS • 1999 Ford F550 XL Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56S3XEC32691, Triton V10 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 119,297 Miles, Dually • 1999 Ford F550 Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56F7XEA44579, Power Stroke V8 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 111,186 Miles, Steel Bed, Gooseneck Hitch, Brake System • 1988 Ford F700 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDPK74PXJVA43978, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Regular Cab, Dually, Plumbed For Dump Bed, Has All Hydraulics Cylinders • 1986 International S1900 Flatbed Dump Truck, VIN 1HSLRTVN3GHA36103, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Odometer Reads 267,133 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, PTO, 27,960 GVWR SPECIALTY TRUCKS • 2 000 Ford F650 XL Super Duty Bucket Truck, VIN 3FDNF6525YMA65478, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 161,255 Miles, PTO, Altec TA40 Bucket, S/N 1002CC1287, Altec Bed, 40’ Platform Height, 350# Capacity • 2006 Ford LCG 450 Box Truck, VIN 3FRLL45Z16V385767, Power Stroke 4.5L V6 Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 252,000 Miles, 225/70R9.5 Tire Size, 2wd, Hydraulic Lift Gate • 2000 Mack RD688S Equipment Hauler Truck, Mack 350HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Air Brakes, Ramps • 1996 International 4900 Water Truck, VIN # 1HTSHAAR6TH243017, Tandem Axle, DT 466 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2,500 Gallon Double Wall Aluminum Tank, Exterior Lighting, 3 Outlets, Side Storage, Odometer Reads 130,618 Miles • 1992 GMC TopKick Chip Truck, VIN 1GDG6H1PONJ503418, Dump Box, Man Cab, Fuel Injection 366 Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 64,345 Miles, Dually, PTO • 1989 GMC 7000 Topkick Water Truck, VIN # 1GDT7D4Y0KV509667, Tandem Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 3,000 Gallon Tank, Locking Differential, Air Brakes, Exterior Lighting, Exterior AC Plugs, 3 Water Outlets, Side Storage, Fire Department Owned, Odometer Reads 20,903 Miles • 1989 Ford F700 Service Truck, VIN 1FDWK74P2KVA57449, Diesel, Single Axle • 1984 International 2375 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1HSZDHUN2EHA43810, Detroit Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 144,433 Miles, Air Brakes, 20’ Steel Bed • 1979 Ford 8000 Grain Truck, VIN W81DVFA7522, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Cargo Doors, 22’ Bed, Roll Tarp, Air Brakes • 1 976 Ford L8000 Service Truck, 290 Cummins Diesel, Single Axle, 13 Speed Transmission, Air Brakes, Air Compressor in Rear, Pintle Hitch W/Air Glad Hands, 14’ Service Body, Nice Truck • 2008 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Service Truck, S/N 1FDXF46R48EA36679, Powerstroke Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2WD, Knapheide Utility Bed, Miller 250 Welder/10,500 Watt Generator, Autocrane 3203PRX with Remote, Kohler 12.5 HP Air Compressor, 110 Gallon Fuel Tank with Electric Pump, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 139,883 Miles ONE TON TRUCKS & DOWN • 2009 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN # 1GCHK43K99F166030, Vortec V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, 8’ Bed, Tow Package, Tow Haul Transmission Mode, Pintle Hitch, Odometer Reads 84,000 Miles • 2006 Chevrolet 2500HD Extended Cab Utility Truck, VIN# 1GBHK29U76E141355, Vortec 6.0 Liter Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, Warner Utility Bed, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 201,664 Miles • 2002 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCHC29112E255425, Duramax Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 275,851 Miles, 245/75R16 Tire Size, Extended Cab with 4 Doors, Long Bed • 2001 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCEK14W01Z260352, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 154,889 Miles, Regular Cab, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 2000 Chevrolet 3500 Service Truck, VIN 1GBHK34ROYF417381, V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 116,249 Miles, 4x4, Warner Bed, Air compressor with Briggs & Stratton Engine • 1996 Chevrolet 3500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1GCHK34R97Z220535, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 240,185 Miles, Regular Cab, Dually, Steel Flatbed, Gooseneck Hitch, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 1986 Chevrolet Suburban SUV, VIN 1G8GC26WCFZ204775, 454 V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Tow Package CAB & CHASSIS TRUCKS • 2004 Mack RD690S Cab & Chassis, VIN 1M2P64CX4M034523, 300HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, Maxitorque 8 Speed Transmission, Air Conditioning, PTO, 22,838 GVWR • 1993 Mack BA08 Turbo Intercooler Cab & Chassis, VIN VG6BA08B5PB600339, 6 Cylinder 6.2L Diesel, Single Axle, 6 Speed Transmission DEAD ROW ITEMS • 2 004 Ford F150 XL Pickup Truck, VIN 2FTRF17264CA910003, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Long Bed, Fuel Line Issues • 2003 Dodge 2500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 3D7KU28633G816854, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1999 Chevrolet 3500 Dump Truck, VIN 1BBKC34J7XF084902, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Dually • 1997 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK29R8TE245965, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Extended Cab, 4x4 • 1997 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan Car, VIN 1G1ND52M0VY103088, 3.1 Liter V6, Automatic Transmission, Does Run But Has an Engine Noise • 1995 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK24K6SE103039, Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1977 Ford 9000 Dump Truck, S/N U90VUY06295, Tri Axle, Diesel, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, 11R24.5 Tires • 1 977 Ford 900 Cab & Chassis, VIN N90KVC92127, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Bad Engine • Highway 18’ Dump Bed, Electric Tarp, Setup for a Gravel Conveyor, Bed of an Quad Axle Truck LOWBOY TRAILERS • 1995 Etnyre 50 Ton RGN Lowboy Trailer, VIN 1E96254000SE111049, Tri Axle, Out Riggers, Air Ride Suspension, 102” Wide, 51’ Overall, 25’ in the Well • 1998 Dynaweld 35 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 4U181DFX5W1X36431, Tandem Axle, Ramps (Model TVT35L86-48/20/102/2XSP) • 1975 Muv-All Double Drop Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, 8’ Hydraulic Dove Tail, Tandem Axle, 96’ Wide, 14’ Well, 9’ Over the Axles, Steel Floor, Winch, Outriggers • 1960 Ottawa WBI 25 Ton Lowboy Trailer, Fixed Neck, S/N 1875, Long Hydraulic Paver Ramps, Tandem Axle, 8:25 X 15 Tire Size, New Black Paint • 1952 Dorsey 30 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 20277, Tandem Axle TRAILERS • 1997 Norris 28’ Steel Dump Trailer, VIN 25DMTR0060, Tandem Axle, Electric Tarp, Air Gate, Steel Wheels • 1991 Fontaine 45’ Flatbed Trailer, VIN 13N1452C3M1553024, Tandem Axle, 11-22.5 Tire Size • 2000 Cargo Mate CMG836TTA3 37’ Enclosed Gooseneck Trailer, VIN # 4X4TSEM39YN020359, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, Side and Rear Entry, 225/75R16 Tires, Spring Assist Rear Door • 1999 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1997 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1996 Stoughton 53’ Van Trailer, VIN 1DW1A5328TS970838, Tandem Axle, 102” Wide • 2002 Wheeler 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1W9FNGX2X2M011033, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Shur-Lok Tarp • 1990 Trailmobile 28’ Flatbed Trailer, Tandem Axle with 1999 Palfinger Piggy Back Forklift S/N BU553M, 2 Stage Mast • 1985 Fruehauf 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1H4D04026FF024804, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, GVWR 65,000, Manual Tarp • (2) Hank 8 x 25’ Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle TAG TRAILERS • 2008 Cornpro UT-22 Flatbed Tag Trailer, VIN # 4MJUB2238E048207, Tandem Axle, Electric Brakes, 235/85R16 Tires • 2000 Interstate 20 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN 1JKDTA20XYA000396, Tandem Axle, Dually, Air Brakes, One Owner, Ramps • 1996 RHL 10 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN # 4SE10252TXT1011467, Tandem Axle Dual Wheel, Pintle Hitch, Electric Brakes, 9.50R-16 Tires • 1990 International U18 Tag Trailer, VIN 1ZFUF1828LB004505, Ramps, Tandem Axle, Ball Hitch, 8,000# GVW • 1987 Assembled 8 x 14 1/2 Tag Trailer, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, 5’ Ramps, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch, Diamond Plate Steel Floor, 9,000# Capacity • 1980 Road Master 24’ Enclosed Trailer, Enclosed Trailer, Tandem Axle, Diamond Plate Deck, Interior Lights, 10,000 lbs. Load Rating, Spring Assist Rear Door, Salvage Title • ASM 6’ Tag Trailer, Single Axle, Fold Down Ramp • Miller Tilt Top Tag Trailer, S/N , Tandem Axle,Dual Wheels, Electric Brakes, All New Lighting and Red Paint • (2) Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Tandem Axle • (1) Racing Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Single Axle, Ramps OFFICE BUILDING • 2002 Miller Building Systems Model 1472 Modular Offices, S/N 72-14229, 72-14236, 72-14164, 72-14236, 72-14229, Total of 10 Trailers, 14FT X 72FT, No Axles, Bard Wall Mounted HVAC Units, Located Offsite, Includes Car Port, Wooden Deck and Handicap Accessible Ramp, Buyer Responsible for Moving VARIOUS 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 391670UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3606 Hours • 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 3916690UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3380 Hours • Crack Fill Machine, Gas Engine, Single Axle • Miller Big Blue 400D DC Welding Generator, S/N LE203441, 120/240 Volt, Duetz Diesel, Meter Reads 7,058 Hours • 2006 Rayco RC12 Chipper, S/N 1R9841395M210031, Cat 86 HP Diesel, Variable Speed Feed, 21” x 17” Feed, Hydraulic Clutch, Portable • Finn B50 Straw Blower, S/N 35-1184, Wisconsin Gas, Mounted on a Tandem Axle Stakeside Trailer • 1000’ of W Beam Guard Rail • (2) Concrete Screeds, One with Briggs & Stratton 8HP and one with Robin Gas • Dri All Air Curtain Burner Destructor, PTO Driven • Ingersoll Rand 185 Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Sullair 185Q Air Compressor, S/N 109556, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Atlas Copco XAS90JD Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, 185CFM • (2) Horizontal Shop Air Compressors • Walk Behind Concrete Saw • MQ Whisperweld 30AMP DC Welder and 10 KW AC Generator, Kubota Diesel, 4900 Hours, Ball Hitch • 2009 Wacker Neuson CT48-13AV Concrete Trowel Machine, Pro Shift, Honda GX390 13HP Gas, S/N 5848888 • Crafco EZ100 Pumper, Kettle has Fire Damage, But 3 Cylinder Kubota Diesel, Pump and Igniter are all good, Towable, Single Axle, Extra Hose • 2 Air Lift Axles For a Truck Tractor or Dump Truck • Tar Kettle • (2) 550 Gallon Double Walled Fuel Tanks with Electric Pumps • L Shaped 50 Gallon and 200 Gallon Fuel Tanks • (2) Vermeer Water Tanks • Several Concrete Buckets • Several Stop Lights • 4” Gorman Rupp Diesel Pump, NO Pump • Hotsy Pressure Washer, 59146 • Large Old Safe, No combination • (2) 90# Jack Hammers • Pallet Racking, Lots of Truck and Trailer Parts, including but not Limited to: Tail Lights, Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks, Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings, Filters, Hydraulic Cylinders, (2) 3 Ton Crane Trolley Track Systems, Welding Carts/Shields, Hydraulic Test Table, Wheel Jack, Parts Washer, Tool box, Pipe Threader, 3 Phase Miller MP30I Welder, (3) Millermatic 250 Mig Wire Feed Welders, B Model Mack Hood, (2) Honda Gas Engines, Clutch Cables, Tons of Jeep Parts, Hose Reel, VW Engine, Generators, (3) Push Mowers, Unused Mini Pocket rocket, SNT, Several Boat Motors, Several Antique Rolling Library Ladders with Brakes and Rollers from U of Kentucky • Several ADS N12 Black Pipe Sections • Edco CPM 8 Scarifier, Edco Dual Disc Electric Concrete Grinder, Coneqtec Universal AP450 Milling Head, (2) Concrete Buggies, Bluebird CL550 Cable Layer/Edger, Allen AT16 Track Concrete Buggy, 200 Hours, Whiteman WM70 Mortar Mixer • 2002 Dryair Glycol G960 Diesel, (20) Rigid Ducting 40” x 25’ with 5” Pitch See you at the Auction on December 10 ! th CRAWLER TRACTORS • Case 1850K Crawler Tractor, S/N HHA210106, 24” Pads, Meter Reads 6,200 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Straight w/ Tilt Blade, 300 Hours on Rebuilt Injection • 1999 Deere 750C LT Crawler Tractor, S/N 875762, Diesel, Meter Reads 7,847 Hours, Canopy, with Sweeps, 132” 6 Way Blade, Rear Screens • Case 850L Crawler Tractor, S/N 9DC80012, Diesel, Canopy with Cover, Sweeps, 6 Way Blade, Root Rake, Draw Bar, Lights, Meter Reads 288 Hours • Cat D4 Crawler Tractor with Pipeline Side Boom, S/N 40A990, Diesel CRAWLER LOADERS • International 250-C Crawler Loader, Diesel, Power Shift Transmission, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket EXCAVATORS • 2013 Komatsu PC210LC-10 Excavator, S/N 450176, Meter Reads 3,666 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • 2002 Cat 315CL Excavator, S/N CFT00863, Meter Reads 5,103 Hours, Cab, Heat, Mechanical Thumb • Link-Belt 3400Q Excavator, S/N E718-9300, Isuzu Diesel, Meter Reads 10,500 Hours, Cab, Mechanical Thumb • Komatsu PC75UU-2 Mini Excavator, S/N 8437, Diesel, Cab, Heat, Rubber Tracks, Mechanical Thumb, Lights, Odometer Reads 2,972 Hours • Bobcat 323 Mini Excavator, S/N 562416236, Diesel, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Rubber Tracks, Quick Coupler, Meter Reads 1,722 Hours • Stanley 20EX Hydraulic Hammer, Fits an Excavator • 2007 55’ Long Reach Boom & Stick, Fits Cat 320BL or 320CL • NPK GH-10 Hydraulic Hammer, Fits Cat 320 Sized Excavator LOADER BACKHOES 2013 • 2012 Case 580 Super N Loader Backhoe, S/N JJGN58SNCBC44035, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 4x4, 4 in 1 Bucket, Extendahoe, Pilot Controls, Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,788 Hours • 2005 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410GX946252, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,691 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Extendahoe, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2001 Deere 310G Loader Backhoe, S/N TO310GX899990, Deere 80HP Diesel, 19.5X25 Tire Size, Two Lever Controls, Original Paint • Deere 410E Loader Backhoe, S/N T0410EX83320524, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, 4x4 • Case 590 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0286728, Meter Reads 4,629 Hours, Cab, Heat, 4x4, Extendahoe • Case 580 Super M Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0283790, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 2WD, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Meter Reads 3,082 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0270170, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4X4, GP Bucket, Meter Reads 5,120 Hours • Case 580L Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0196402, Diesel, Cab, Heat, 4x4, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Lights, Meter Reads 3,513 Hours • 1999 Case 580 Super L Series II Loader Backhoe, S/N JJG0272384, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 5,184 Hours, Cab, Heat, Extendahoe, Mechanical Thumb • 1997 Cat 416C Loader Backhoe, S/N 4ZN00630, Diesel, 4x4, Meter Reads 4,745 Hours, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, Extendahoe, Plumbed for Front Coupler • Cat 416B Loader Backhoe, S/N 8SG07983, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket, 2WD, Meter Reads 7,780 Hours • Case 480E Loader Backhoe, S/N 17003089, Diesel, Canopy, 2wd, Standard Stick • 12”, 16”, 24”, 36” Backhoe Buckets, Fits a Case 580 SKID LOADERS • Kubota SVL90-2 Track Skid Loader, S/N 11883, Diesel, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, Lights, Meter Reads 1,702 Hours • 2005 Cat 277B Skid Loader, S/N MDH03014, Cat 78HP Diesel, Cab (missing door), Air Conditioning, Heat, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 4500lb Lift Capacity, Machine Weighs 9425lbs • Takeuchi TL140 Track Skid Loader, S/N 21404931, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,439 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Forks to be sold separately, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Hi Flow • 2004 ASV RC100 Posi Track Skid Loader, S/N RSD00667, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,800 Hours, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, One Owner, Self Leveling Bucket, Rear Brush Guard • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • 2013 Cat 262D Skid Loader, Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Canopy, Hydraulic Quick Coupler, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics • Bobcat S220 Skid Loader, S/N 526212966, Diesel, Canopy, Auxiliary Hydraulics, 72” GP Bucket, New 12 x 16.5 Tires, Meter Reads 2,503 Hours • 2000 Bobcat 873G Skid Loader, S/N 5141-42827, 73 HP Diesel, 12-16.5 Tire Size, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, 72” GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Meter Reads 3,159 Hours • Bobcat 773 Skid Loader, S/N 7611832, Diesel, Canopy, GP Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Lights, 10-16.5 Wide-Wall Tires, Meter Reads 3,202 Hours • (78) New Tomahawk Skid Loader Attachments • E dge XR14 Trencher Attachment for Skid Loader, S/N 80710248 • Houle 6603 Model HB6 Grapple Skid Loader Attachment • Case 78” Low Profile GP Skid Loader Bucket • Double Hydraulic Cylinder Grapple Skid Loader Bucket • Like New Quick Attach Broom for a Skid Loader • FFC Prepator for Skid Loader, S/N 15229 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS • 2012 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 637764, Diesel, Meter Reads 2,018 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2011 Deere 544K Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 635101, Diesel, Meter Reads 4828 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • 2008 Cat 938G Series II Rubber Tired Loader, S/N CRD02743, Diesel, Meter Reads 10,840 Hours, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heat, GP Bucket • Case 821 Rubber Tired Loader, S/N JAK0024217, Diesel, 23.5-25 Tire Size, Cab, GP Bucket • 1972 Cat 966C Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 76J05683, Diesel, Cab, Heat, GP Bucket • 1998 Cat 914G Rubber Tired Loader, S/N 7ZM00601, Cat 90HP Diesel, Cab, Heat, 1.7 yard GP Bucket AG EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS • Bell 4206D Pull Tractor, S/N AEB4118422R000284, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,774 Hours, 900/60R32 Tire Size, Cab, Heat, 2 Remotes, Quick Hitch • International 966 AG Tractor, S/N 2510175U022069, 6 Cylinder Diesel, 2WD, 18.4-34 Tires with Duals, 3 Point Hitch, 2 Stage PTO, 2 Remotes, 2,486 Hours • International 756 AG Tractor, S/N 8510S-Y, Diesel 2 Speed PTO, 2 Remotes, 3 Point Hitch • 9 Grain Gravity Wagons • Bush Hog 2715 Legend Batwing Rotary Mower 3 Point Attachment, S/N 12-02281, Hydraulic Lift Deck, PTO Driven, 27.75 x 8.75 Tires • County Line 10’ 10 Tyne Disc 3 Point Attachment • Ag 3 Point Quick Hitch • Home Hitch 3 Point Attachment • Flatbed Gravity Wagon Idea 2 Row Corn Picker, S/N 201180 • New • New Holland 335 Feed Grinder • Pulverizer 3 Point Attachment • Land Pride RCP3060 Hydraulic Parallel Arm Rotary Cutter • (2) Tractor Supply 3PT Augers with Bits AERIAL LIFTS • 2001 Sterling LT9500 Dump Truck, VIN # 2FZHAZASX2AJ50650, Tri Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 11R-22.5 Tires, Odometer Reads, Steel Bed, Salvage Title, 152,540 Miles • 1995 Kenworth T600 Dump Truck, VIN # 2XKADB9X0SM642023, Tri Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Locking Differential, Engine Brake, PTO, Cruise, Steel Bed with Electric Cover, Polished Aluminum Wheels, Odometer Reads 129,276 Miles • 1991 International 2574 Dump Truck, S/N 1HTGCNJT6MH302639, DT466 Diesel, Quad Axle (Tandem w/Two air Tags), 18,000 Front, 46,000 Rears, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Hendrickson Suspension, Aluminum Dump Body, Red in Color • 1990 White V2 Dump Truck, VIN 4V2JCBME4LR800097, Cummins L10 Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, One Owner, Round 10’ Bed, Setup for Gravel Conveyor • 1979 Mack DM685S Dump Truck, VIN DM685S41005, Diesel, Tandem Axle, Odometer Reads 257,478 Miles, Electric Tarp, PTO, Tri-Plex Transmission, Air Tailgate • 2001 Chevrolet C8500 Dump Truck, VIN 1GBP7H1CX1J511166, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 66,297 Miles, Air Brakes, Steel Bed, PTO, Pintle Hitch, Air Lines to the Rear, Rear & Front Hydraulic Lines, Rebuilt Title • 2000 International 4700 Contractors Dump Truck, VIN #1HTSCAAM6YH278697, Single Axle, Diesel, 6 Speed Transmission, American 11’ Contractors Steel Bed with Fold Down Sides, Pintle Hitch, 10R-22.5 Tires, Spring Suspension, Odometer reads 246,366 Miles • 1997 Ford Louisville Dump Truck, VIN # 1FDYN80E9VVA38167, Single Axle, Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Steel Bed, Front Plow Mount Frame, Odometer Reads 219,555 Miles • 1991 GMC Top Kick Contractors Dump Truck, VIN 1GDE6HIP8MJ502295, Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, PTO • 1985 Ford 700 Dump Truck, VIN 1FTWR74NXFVA57140, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission • 1984 Ford L8000 Dump Truck, S/N 1FDYK80U8EVA40993, Cat 210HP Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, 10’ Steel Dump Body • 1979 Chevrolet C70 Dump Truck, VIN # C17DE9V133583, Single Axle, Gas, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, PTO, Dual Fuel Tanks, Pintle Hitch, 10.00-20 Tires, Odometer Reads 15,649 Miles SCRAPERS • ( 2) Side Mount Hi-Speed Stone Slinger Throw Conveyor • (2) BayLynx Feed Conveyor for BayLynx AgCat Slinger • (2) Bi-folding Shooters and (3) for Parts • (4) Flowboy CB500 Gravel Bed, Live Floor, Belt over Chain Delivery System • 16 Tyne AG Disc • 18 Tyne Ag Disc • 8’ Ag Cultivator • Rome Construction Disc, Hydraulic SCREEN PLANT • 1993 Master Skreen Trommel Screen, Topsoil Pulverizer Option Included, S/N 202C1001, Ford Diesel, Meter Reads 1,480 Hours, Tandem Axle, Side Mount Conveyors, ½” Stainless Mesh Screens on the Drum, Hydraulic Tipping Grid on Feed Hopper PAVERS & COMPACTION EQUIPMENT • Rex SP600 Vibratory Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 6HZ559, Diesel, 16.9-24 Tires • Dynapac A36 48” Smooth Drum Compactor, S/N 76038, Recent Deere Diesel in 2008, 13.6-16.1 Tire Size • 1998 Gehl 1649 Paver, S/N IP0318049, Diesel, Meter Reads 1,748 Hours, 12’ Steel Track, 9’ Paving Width •B law-Knox PF120 Paver, S/N 15621, Diesel, 10’-14’ Screed SWEEPER & TRENCHERS • 1998 Sterling Johnson 605 Series Vac & Street Sweeper, S/N 49H67FAA1XHA49155, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 199,210 Miles, Air Brakes, Dual Controls • Broce D18 Sweeper, S/N 1834, Diesel, Canopy • Elgin Custom Pelican Street Sweeper, S/N 569535, Diesel, Odometer Reads 13,725 Miles, PTO, Hydrostat • Advance 4800 Captor Sweeper, S/N 1788626, Type G Floor Cleaning Machine, Hydrostat, Impco Gas Powered, ROPS • Advance 240LX Electric Floor Sweeper/Cleaner, S/N 393320, 24 Volt • Vermeer FLEX 75 Plow/Reel Carrier Combo Trencher, S/N 1VRE08066V1000272, Diesel, Hydrostat Transmission, Meter Reads 832 Hours, Canopy, Leveling Blade, Steel Tracks, Plow Model P2175 S/N LLVRJ070VXS1000237, Extra Plow Blades Sold Separately • Vermeer 454A Trencher/Backhoe Combo, Duetz Diesel, 4x4, V-750 Backhoe Attachment, V-18A Trencher Attachment, Meter Reads 1,614 Hours • Ditch Witch 4010DD Trencher/Plow/Backhoe Combo, S/N 6CS0898, Deutz Diesel, Reads 1504 Hours, C/w Ditch Witch RW111 Roto Witch, Leveling Blade • Promark 40PAL Towable Boomlift, Kohler 18HP Gas (new in 2014), 300# Capacity, Replaced Turret Bearing, Manual Outriggers • JLG CM-2033 Commander Scissor Lift, S/N C019170020001786, Electric, 4x4, 750 lbs. Lift Capacity, 20’ Lift Height • Terex TS14 Scraper, S/N 7U0T46715, Twin 471 Detroit Diesel, Canopy • Dresser 412B Scraper, S/N 54200115U017018, Diesel, Canopy, Self Loading, 23.5-25 Tires, Meter Reads 3,652 Hours • 2005 Reynolds 17.5C Pull Type Scraper, S/N 34559 GRADER & HAUL TRUCK • Galion 104-C-03850 Grader, S/N 3542, Cummins Diesel, 14.00-24 Tire Size, Cab • Volvo A35C Haul Truck, S/N A35CV4316, Diesel, Meter Reads 13,444 Hours, Cab, Heat, 6x6 FORESTRY EQUIPMENT • 1995 Morbark 30/36 Chipper, S/N 476012, Track Machine, Reads 7,618 Hours, Complete with Knuckle Boom, Cat Diesel, Cab with Forestry Screen on cab glass, Leveling Blade FORKLIFT • Traverse TL6035 Telescopic Forklift, S/N 60338-CUC, Cummins Diesel, Meter Reads 5,175 Hours, 13.00-24 Tire Size CURB & GUTTER MACHINE • Gomaco GT3600 Curb & Gutter Machine, S/N 902900338, Diesel, Meter Reads 5,838 Hours, Three Track System, Remotes, Sensors, Approximately 1,000 of Guides, String, Stakes TOYS • 1998 Land Rover LE Discovery SUV, VIN SALJY1249WA782488, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Sun Roof, Power Windows and Locks, 4 Door, 4x4, Boss Cd Player • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV, VIN 1J4G278S6SC56299, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Power Windows and Locks, New Tires, Rims and Radiator, Leather Interior, 6” Lift Kit, along with Original Tires and Rims • 2006 Honda Odyssey EXL Van, Gas, Automatic, Leather Sunroof, DVD Player • 1963 Roadmaster Bicycle, Springer Front End with Tank Skyrider, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins 2 Speed Sportflight Bicycle, 26” Mens • 1960 JC Higgins Flightliner Bicycle, 26” Girls • 1957 Schwinn Strait Bar Hornet Bicycle, Springer Front End, 26” Mens • Exmark Lazer Z 60” Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower, Kohler Gas • 1995 GMC Vandura 3500 School Bus, S/N 1GDHG31Y2SF508566, GMC Diesel, Single Axle, 3900# Front, 7200# Rear, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 139663 Miles, Dually • 2002 Yamaha Raptor 660 ATV, Limited Black, Piped and Jetted, Carburetor Rebuilt 3 Months Ago, Runs Great • 1990 Raven SN9418T-4 Flatbed Snowmobile Trailer, S/N 1R1S01821L00193, Tandem Axle, Pull out Ramp • Ski Doo MXZ 500SS Rotax Bombardier Snowmobile, S/N 2BPS286064V00564, SC-10 Suspension • Ski Doo MXZ Rotax 800R Renegade Snowmobile, S/N 2BPSBU8D08V000123, REV XP TRUCK TRACTORS • 2000 Freightliner FLD120 Truck Tractor, S/N 1FUYDCYB6YDH12950, N14 Cummins @ 435HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 40,000 Rear, 10 Speed Transmission, 11R 22.5 Tire Size, Steel Wheels, Dual 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tanks, Air Slide Fifth Wheel • 1991 Kenworth T800 Truck Tractor, VIN 1XKDD28X7MJ560895, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 12,000# Front, 17,000# Rear, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, 11R24.5 Tire Size, Chrome Wheels, 3.73 Ratio • 1989 Volvo Day Cab Truck Tractor, VIN 4V1BDBCG2LN626269, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Eaton 13 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 1,393,692 Miles, Steel Bud Wheels, Wet Kit, Chelsea PTO, Air Slide Wheel, Spring Suspension • 1988 Ford LT9000 Truck Tractor, VIN 1FDYU90X5JVA13321, Day Cab, Cat Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller Roadruner RT11609 8 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 186,415 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Budd Wheels, 186 Wheel Base • 1988 Kenworth Day Cab T600 Truck Tractor, 350 Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Aluminum Wheels, Wet Kit, Air Ride Suspension, Red in Color • 1986 International 9370 Truck Tractor, VIN 2HSFBGUR9GA15938, Cummins Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 572,502 Miles, Fronts 275/80R22.5 and Rears 11R22.5 Tire Size, Aluminum Wheels, Chelsea PTO, 173 Wheel Base, Day Cab • 2002 International 8100 Truck Tractor, VIN 1PTF71THXL9000083, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Eaton Fuller 10 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 105,101 Miles, Rear Master 5500# Hydraulic Forklift • 1981 International S1954 Toterhome, VIN # 2HTAA1956BCA16274, Single AxleDT466 Diesel, Allison Automatic Transmission, Air Ride Suspension, Air Ride Seats, Air Brakes, Electric Or Air Brake Trailer Hookup, Registered as an RV No CDL Required, Mileage is Exempt DUMP TRUCKS • 2009 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck, VIN 1NKDL40X39J255728, Cummins ISX 15 Diesel, Tri Axle, 20,000# Front, 44,000# Rear, Allison RDS4500 Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 196,600 Miles, 425 Fronts, 24.5 Rears Tire Size, Ox 16’ Steel Bed, Electric Tarp, Aluminum Wheels, Air Lift and Steerable 3rd Axle, Cruise Control, Engine Brake, Air Ride Seat, Recent DBX Filters GRAVEL CONVEYORS FLATBED TRUCKS • 1999 Ford F550 XL Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56S3XEC32691, Triton V10 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 119,297 Miles, Dually • 1999 Ford F550 Super Duty Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDAF56F7XEA44579, Power Stroke V8 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 111,186 Miles, Steel Bed, Gooseneck Hitch, Brake System • 1988 Ford F700 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1FDPK74PXJVA43978, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Regular Cab, Dually, Plumbed For Dump Bed, Has All Hydraulics Cylinders • 1986 International S1900 Flatbed Dump Truck, VIN 1HSLRTVN3GHA36103, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Odometer Reads 267,133 Miles, 11R22.5 Tire Size, PTO, 27,960 GVWR SPECIALTY TRUCKS • 2 000 Ford F650 XL Super Duty Bucket Truck, VIN 3FDNF6525YMA65478, Cat Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 161,255 Miles, PTO, Altec TA40 Bucket, S/N 1002CC1287, Altec Bed, 40’ Platform Height, 350# Capacity • 2006 Ford LCG 450 Box Truck, VIN 3FRLL45Z16V385767, Power Stroke 4.5L V6 Diesel, Single Axle, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 252,000 Miles, 225/70R9.5 Tire Size, 2wd, Hydraulic Lift Gate • 2000 Mack RD688S Equipment Hauler Truck, Mack 350HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, 8 Speed LoLo Transmission, Air Brakes, Ramps • 1996 International 4900 Water Truck, VIN # 1HTSHAAR6TH243017, Tandem Axle, DT 466 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2,500 Gallon Double Wall Aluminum Tank, Exterior Lighting, 3 Outlets, Side Storage, Odometer Reads 130,618 Miles • 1992 GMC TopKick Chip Truck, VIN 1GDG6H1PONJ503418, Dump Box, Man Cab, Fuel Injection 366 Gas, Single Axle, 5 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 64,345 Miles, Dually, PTO • 1989 GMC 7000 Topkick Water Truck, VIN # 1GDT7D4Y0KV509667, Tandem Axle, Cat 3406 Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 3,000 Gallon Tank, Locking Differential, Air Brakes, Exterior Lighting, Exterior AC Plugs, 3 Water Outlets, Side Storage, Fire Department Owned, Odometer Reads 20,903 Miles • 1989 Ford F700 Service Truck, VIN 1FDWK74P2KVA57449, Diesel, Single Axle • 1984 International 2375 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1HSZDHUN2EHA43810, Detroit Diesel, Tandem Axle, Fuller 9 Speed Transmission, Odometer Reads 144,433 Miles, Air Brakes, 20’ Steel Bed • 1979 Ford 8000 Grain Truck, VIN W81DVFA7522, Detroit Diesel, Single Axle, 9 Speed Transmission, Cargo Doors, 22’ Bed, Roll Tarp, Air Brakes • 1 976 Ford L8000 Service Truck, 290 Cummins Diesel, Single Axle, 13 Speed Transmission, Air Brakes, Air Compressor in Rear, Pintle Hitch W/Air Glad Hands, 14’ Service Body, Nice Truck • 2008 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Service Truck, S/N 1FDXF46R48EA36679, Powerstroke Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 2WD, Knapheide Utility Bed, Miller 250 Welder/10,500 Watt Generator, Autocrane 3203PRX with Remote, Kohler 12.5 HP Air Compressor, 110 Gallon Fuel Tank with Electric Pump, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 139,883 Miles ONE TON TRUCKS & DOWN • 2009 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN # 1GCHK43K99F166030, Vortec V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, 8’ Bed, Tow Package, Tow Haul Transmission Mode, Pintle Hitch, Odometer Reads 84,000 Miles • 2006 Chevrolet 2500HD Extended Cab Utility Truck, VIN# 1GBHK29U76E141355, Vortec 6.0 Liter Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4, Warner Utility Bed, Tow Package, Odometer Reads 201,664 Miles • 2002 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCHC29112E255425, Duramax Diesel, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 275,851 Miles, 245/75R16 Tire Size, Extended Cab with 4 Doors, Long Bed • 2001 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCEK14W01Z260352, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 154,889 Miles, Regular Cab, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 2000 Chevrolet 3500 Service Truck, VIN 1GBHK34ROYF417381, V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 116,249 Miles, 4x4, Warner Bed, Air compressor with Briggs & Stratton Engine • 1996 Chevrolet 3500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 1GCHK34R97Z220535, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Odometer Reads 240,185 Miles, Regular Cab, Dually, Steel Flatbed, Gooseneck Hitch, Reese Hitch, 4x4 • 1986 Chevrolet Suburban SUV, VIN 1G8GC26WCFZ204775, 454 V8 Gas, Automatic Transmission, Tow Package CAB & CHASSIS TRUCKS • 2004 Mack RD690S Cab & Chassis, VIN 1M2P64CX4M034523, 300HP Diesel, Tandem Axle, Maxitorque 8 Speed Transmission, Air Conditioning, PTO, 22,838 GVWR • 1993 Mack BA08 Turbo Intercooler Cab & Chassis, VIN VG6BA08B5PB600339, 6 Cylinder 6.2L Diesel, Single Axle, 6 Speed Transmission DEAD ROW ITEMS • 2 004 Ford F150 XL Pickup Truck, VIN 2FTRF17264CA910003, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Long Bed, Fuel Line Issues • 2003 Dodge 2500 Flatbed Truck, VIN 3D7KU28633G816854, Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1999 Chevrolet 3500 Dump Truck, VIN 1BBKC34J7XF084902, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Dually • 1997 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK29R8TE245965, Gas, Automatic Transmission, Extended Cab, 4x4 • 1997 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan Car, VIN 1G1ND52M0VY103088, 3.1 Liter V6, Automatic Transmission, Does Run But Has an Engine Noise • 1995 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Truck, VIN 1GCGK24K6SE103039, Gas, Automatic Transmission, 4x4 • 1977 Ford 9000 Dump Truck, S/N U90VUY06295, Tri Axle, Diesel, 5 and 2 Speed Transmission, Steel Bed, 11R24.5 Tires • 1 977 Ford 900 Cab & Chassis, VIN N90KVC92127, Diesel, Single Axle, 5 Speed with 2 Speed Axle Transmission, Bad Engine • Highway 18’ Dump Bed, Electric Tarp, Setup for a Gravel Conveyor, Bed of an Quad Axle Truck LOWBOY TRAILERS • 1995 Etnyre 50 Ton RGN Lowboy Trailer, VIN 1E96254000SE111049, Tri Axle, Out Riggers, Air Ride Suspension, 102” Wide, 51’ Overall, 25’ in the Well • 1998 Dynaweld 35 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 4U181DFX5W1X36431, Tandem Axle, Ramps (Model TVT35L86-48/20/102/2XSP) • 1975 Muv-All Double Drop Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, 8’ Hydraulic Dove Tail, Tandem Axle, 96’ Wide, 14’ Well, 9’ Over the Axles, Steel Floor, Winch, Outriggers • 1960 Ottawa WBI 25 Ton Lowboy Trailer, Fixed Neck, S/N 1875, Long Hydraulic Paver Ramps, Tandem Axle, 8:25 X 15 Tire Size, New Black Paint • 1952 Dorsey 30 Ton Ridgeneck Lowboy Trailer, VIN 20277, Tandem Axle TRAILERS • 1997 Norris 28’ Steel Dump Trailer, VIN 25DMTR0060, Tandem Axle, Electric Tarp, Air Gate, Steel Wheels • 1991 Fontaine 45’ Flatbed Trailer, VIN 13N1452C3M1553024, Tandem Axle, 11-22.5 Tire Size • 2000 Cargo Mate CMG836TTA3 37’ Enclosed Gooseneck Trailer, VIN # 4X4TSEM39YN020359, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, Side and Rear Entry, 225/75R16 Tires, Spring Assist Rear Door • 1999 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1997 Stroughton 48’ Van Trailer, VIN # 1DW1A4829XS290648, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, 68,000 GVWR, 295/75R22.5 Tires • 1996 Stoughton 53’ Van Trailer, VIN 1DW1A5328TS970838, Tandem Axle, 102” Wide • 2002 Wheeler 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1W9FNGX2X2M011033, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, Shur-Lok Tarp • 1990 Trailmobile 28’ Flatbed Trailer, Tandem Axle with 1999 Palfinger Piggy Back Forklift S/N BU553M, 2 Stage Mast • 1985 Fruehauf 2 Bottom Grain Trailer, VIN 1H4D04026FF024804, Tandem Axle, 11R22.5 Tire Size, GVWR 65,000, Manual Tarp • (2) Hank 8 x 25’ Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle TAG TRAILERS • 2008 Cornpro UT-22 Flatbed Tag Trailer, VIN # 4MJUB2238E048207, Tandem Axle, Electric Brakes, 235/85R16 Tires • 2000 Interstate 20 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN 1JKDTA20XYA000396, Tandem Axle, Dually, Air Brakes, One Owner, Ramps • 1996 RHL 10 Ton Tag Trailer, VIN # 4SE10252TXT1011467, Tandem Axle Dual Wheel, Pintle Hitch, Electric Brakes, 9.50R-16 Tires • 1990 International U18 Tag Trailer, VIN 1ZFUF1828LB004505, Ramps, Tandem Axle, Ball Hitch, 8,000# GVW • 1987 Assembled 8 x 14 1/2 Tag Trailer, Tri Axle, Electric Brakes, 5’ Ramps, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch, Diamond Plate Steel Floor, 9,000# Capacity • 1980 Road Master 24’ Enclosed Trailer, Enclosed Trailer, Tandem Axle, Diamond Plate Deck, Interior Lights, 10,000 lbs. Load Rating, Spring Assist Rear Door, Salvage Title • ASM 6’ Tag Trailer, Single Axle, Fold Down Ramp • Miller Tilt Top Tag Trailer, S/N , Tandem Axle,Dual Wheels, Electric Brakes, All New Lighting and Red Paint • (2) Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Tandem Axle • (1) Racing Tag Trailer, Sells No Title, Single Axle, Ramps OFFICE BUILDING • 2002 Miller Building Systems Model 1472 Modular Offices, S/N 72-14229, 72-14236, 72-14164, 72-14236, 72-14229, Total of 10 Trailers, 14FT X 72FT, No Axles, Bard Wall Mounted HVAC Units, Located Offsite, Includes Car Port, Wooden Deck and Handicap Accessible Ramp, Buyer Responsible for Moving VARIOUS 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 391670UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3606 Hours • 2008 Ingersoll Rand Light Plant, S/N 3916690UIR013, Kubota Diesel, 3380 Hours • Crack Fill Machine, Gas Engine, Single Axle • Miller Big Blue 400D DC Welding Generator, S/N LE203441, 120/240 Volt, Duetz Diesel, Meter Reads 7,058 Hours • 2006 Rayco RC12 Chipper, S/N 1R9841395M210031, Cat 86 HP Diesel, Variable Speed Feed, 21” x 17” Feed, Hydraulic Clutch, Portable • Finn B50 Straw Blower, S/N 35-1184, Wisconsin Gas, Mounted on a Tandem Axle Stakeside Trailer • 1000’ of W Beam Guard Rail • (2) Concrete Screeds, One with Briggs & Stratton 8HP and one with Robin Gas • Dri All Air Curtain Burner Destructor, PTO Driven • Ingersoll Rand 185 Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Sullair 185Q Air Compressor, S/N 109556, Deere Diesel, Skid Mounted • Atlas Copco XAS90JD Air Compressor, Deere Diesel, 185CFM • (2) Horizontal Shop Air Compressors • Walk Behind Concrete Saw • MQ Whisperweld 30AMP DC Welder and 10 KW AC Generator, Kubota Diesel, 4900 Hours, Ball Hitch • 2009 Wacker Neuson CT48-13AV Concrete Trowel Machine, Pro Shift, Honda GX390 13HP Gas, S/N 5848888 • Crafco EZ100 Pumper, Kettle has Fire Damage, But 3 Cylinder Kubota Diesel, Pump and Igniter are all good, Towable, Single Axle, Extra Hose • 2 Air Lift Axles For a Truck Tractor or Dump Truck • Tar Kettle • (2) 550 Gallon Double Walled Fuel Tanks with Electric Pumps • L Shaped 50 Gallon and 200 Gallon Fuel Tanks • (2) Vermeer Water Tanks • Several Concrete Buckets • Several Stop Lights • 4” Gorman Rupp Diesel Pump, NO Pump • Hotsy Pressure Washer, 59146 • Large Old Safe, No combination • (2) 90# Jack Hammers • Pallet Racking, Lots of Truck and Trailer Parts, including but not Limited to: Tail Lights, Fuel and Hydraulic Tanks, Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings, Filters, Hydraulic Cylinders, (2) 3 Ton Crane Trolley Track Systems, Welding Carts/Shields, Hydraulic Test Table, Wheel Jack, Parts Washer, Tool box, Pipe Threader, 3 Phase Miller MP30I Welder, (3) Millermatic 250 Mig Wire Feed Welders, B Model Mack Hood, (2) Honda Gas Engines, Clutch Cables, Tons of Jeep Parts, Hose Reel, VW Engine, Generators, (3) Push Mowers, Unused Mini Pocket rocket, SNT, Several Boat Motors, Several Antique Rolling Library Ladders with Brakes and Rollers from U of Kentucky • Several ADS N12 Black Pipe Sections • Edco CPM 8 Scarifier, Edco Dual Disc Electric Concrete Grinder, Coneqtec Universal AP450 Milling Head, (2) Concrete Buggies, Bluebird CL550 Cable Layer/Edger, Allen AT16 Track Concrete Buggy, 200 Hours, Whiteman WM70 Mortar Mixer • 2002 Dryair Glycol G960 Diesel, (20) Rigid Ducting 40” x 25’ with 5” Pitch Keesling’s Inc.: 765-744-2422 Paddack’s Heavy Transport: 317-896-3206 Heavy Transport, Inc.: 317-557-7206 HEAVY HAULERS Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. wants to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR 288 HOURS Nic Smock, GPPA: Lic.# AU10500037 AUCTIONEER QUESTIONS Mark Woodward (Sales Manager): 317-379-2829 Barry & Kris (Setup Managers): 765-778-9277 Matt Scalf (Titles): 317-374-2881 LODGING, AIR TRAVEL AND CASINO Many Hotels in the area. Air Travel: Commercial & private planes into Indianapolis International Airport, which is approximately 45 miles southwest of the sale site. Also, small planes can land at Mt. Comfort Airport, which is approximately 20 miles from the sale site. Phone: (317) 487-9594 Casino: Hoosier Park Racing & Casino: 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson. Phone: (765) 644-0467 DIRECTIONS From I-69 take Exit 214 (Hwy. 13) Go north. Sale site is located just one mile on left side of Highway 13. Approximately 10 miles north of Indianapolis. Marion, IN April 15th, 2016 Absolute One Owner Auction: JERPEG CONTRACTING, INC. Pendleton, IN March 25th, 2016 24th Annual Spring Auction Carmel, IN December 18th @ 1 pm Absolute Equipment Auction: R&D EXCAVATING, INC. Elwood, IN (765) 778-9277 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Corporate Office December 17th @ 1 pm Real Estate Auction: 17+/- Multi-parcel Upcoming Auctions 2013 Call: Nic Smock, Mark Woodward at 765-778-9277, Ron Beverly at 317-625-0664 or Larry Tess at 317-489-2242 If you are thinking of reducing, retiring or liquidating, contact one of our auction specialists for a free, no obligations consultation. D THURS R 10 BE DECEM SELLING EXCESS EQUIPMENT FOR: Gradex, D Robertson, First Bank of Richmond, Tanner Construction, Bam Outdoor, GCI along with other Contractors, Farmers, Rental Companies and Lending Institutions ! y a d w Ne AY 27282930 20212223242526 13141516171819 678910 11 12 12345 REGISTRATION 6531 S. State Road 13, Pendleton, IN 46064 (Indianapolis) Auction Co., Inc. EXPRESS Please bring in this label for SMTWT F S DECEMBER 2015 PERMIT 9555 INDIANAPOLIS, IN PAID 23rd Annual Snowball Auction RING 1: 9:00 am (Miscellaneous) | RING 2: 9:30 pm (Major Equipment, Trucks and Trailers RING 3: Noon (Various Equipment & Attachments) 6531 S. State Road 13 Pendleton, (Indianapolis) IN 46064 Thursday, December 10,th 2015 New day! Don Smock Auction Co., Inc. FIRST CLASS PRESORT U.S. POSTAGE Don Smock If you are coming to the auction for a specific item, please call to verify arrival. Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, an item or items may not be available for auction. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE ON DAY OF AUCTION SUPERSEDE ALL PRINTED MATERIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS! FULL SETTLEMENT TO BE MADE ON AUCTION DAY! SALES TAX NOTICE – Auto Dealers are the ONLY buyers exempt of sales tax on title vehicles. Ag and Retail numbers will NOT be accepted. For further Details Call Ronalea. Bid live online before or during the auction! TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFEQUIPMENT AUCTION: BIDDERS: ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER AND ARE ENCOURAGED TO FULLY EXAMINE ALL ITEMS BEFORE BIDDING. For more information about live online bidding, visit or call 877-505-7770. PAYMENT: ALL SALES ARE FOR CASH (U.S. FUNDS) CASHIER’S CHECK, OR COMPANY CHECK OR WIRE TRANSFER ONLY WITH IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE (THE LETTER MUST CONFORM TO OUR EXAMPLE AS SHOWN). Please note: 2% Internet Buyer’s Fee in addition to DSA buyer’s fee. Bank Letter of Guarantee required to bid – fax to 402-505-7981. TO: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC., PENDLETON, INDIANA. MR. (CUSTOMER NAME) OF (COMPANY NAME) IS A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK. THIS BANK WILL GUARANTEE IRREVOCABLE UNQUALIFIED PAYMENT FOR FULL FACE VALUE STATED ON THIS LETTER TO WARRANTY: DON SMOCK AUCTION CO., INC. 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EACH ITEM: IN THE AUCTION IS BEING SOLD AS-IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES. EACH ITEM IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER FROM THE MOMENT THE ITEM IS SOLD. NOT RESPONSIBLE: IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR FOR ITEMS AFTER SOLD. AUCTION COMPANY AND OWNER WILL TAKE REASONABLE CARE TO SAFEGUARD PURCHASED ITEMS, BUT PURCHASED SHALL NOT RELY THEREON. SCI offers a Lease to Own Program for all new and used equipment. We offer 100% tax deductible fixed payments on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We require a minimum 10% down at closing. For pricing and pre approval please call or email Chris Maroney at (800) 435-4700 or (317) 409-6775 or You can visit our website at to download an application. BUYER’S PREMIUM: 2% ON EACH ITEM $2,501.00 AND GREATER. 10% ON EACH ITEM $2,500.00 AND LESS. 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