Vogue Knitting Holiday 2007
Vogue Knitting Holiday 2007
a By LesliePetrovski t's hard to imagineanythingmore nerve-racking than mamboing i n a m i n i s k i rbt e f o r ea t e l e v i s i oanu d i e n c eo f m l l i o n s f. v e n m o r e horrifying? Not beingallowedto knit backsrage. This was the situationin which PaulinaPorizkova found hersef earlierthis year,on the set of the hit realityseres DanclngWlththe Sfars."Becausethey film all the time," she says. they drcnt want me to knit backstage-itmightappearas if I werent intereslec. Theywouldn'tallowme to knit!" To add injuryto insult,the Czech-born beautywaseliminateci :ne (sne oic philosophicaily secondround.Thatshe viewsthe experience learnto dance,shesays,and shegot in shape)speaksvo umesabcu: Paulina, whoat 42 has addedthetitleof novelist (thefictionalA ModelSummer cameoutin April2007)to an already longlistof occupations, including supermodel, rock-star wife(she'smarried to RicOcasek, theformer frontman forTheCars), mom,actress, director, children's bookauthor,political refugee andpassionate knitter. Failure juggernaut asthefaceof thecosmetics years. for several ThoughPaulina leftschool aftertheninthgrade,shewasconsic=-=: by manyin theindustry to be "thebrainymodel." Shespeaks four '-, guages and is a voracious reader, devouring several booksa week.S-* . triedherhandat acting,landingmovierolesin Anna,HerAlibi(wit' TomSelleck), Thursday andthe cultftlmArizonaDream(withJerry-:',',r andJohnnyDepp). Shewrote,directed andstarred in the2001filr Roommates. a picturethatwasneverdiskibuted. Andwithmodel,:e- rnr' Russell, she'swrittena children's book,Ihe Adventures of Ralphie:: Roach(Doubleday), illustrated by Paulina's stepson AdamOtcasek. Durng theyearswhenshewasseparated fromherparents by:-: communist Czechreg--: grandmothe' Paulina's | | o^--,,-^ f A^' , I-)ULOU)U t UY ' '-. al thetLr-ne :- ---ancrng \,ryith --=S,ars,'they ,antr-ne evenaftercompleting u :,a,r, of mittens as a schoog i n S w e d e nB.o r e do n - : , , r r ' ^^+^ ^^ ^- ^1..t+ ^L^ .- - - k n i t t i nagg a i nt,u r n i n g rn qnma moial noodl;: : rr f i n i s h i nagn a c r y l iscc a on the setof HerAlib doesn't sr:are her. reorets rl6. In 1968,theyearof the Soviet invasion of Czechosloparents vakia,Paulina's fled thecounlryfor Sweden, leaving 3-year-old Paulina in hergrand- herto knitandcroche:: i n ad i d n 't a k et o i t i n: : l^a^ \)t rg -^t^^^+^a ttrtgBdLUu +L;^ Lt lt) ^g-u _ * hercat'sbed).Aftert-: W C U i C ' ^ , 33 ' " ' V ^^r-nefc JJ ^^^"{ ^A^ +^^t.t^a ^ ---)uor r, )t rtr tduntuu d l_:. : fora friend'sbaby.Fr-:' tratedby herinability :: mother's care.It wouldtake understand the Englrsyears, seven a highlypublicized tingterms,sheturne3: hungerstrrkeby hermomanddad in frontof Sweden's Czechembassy, needlepoint, her craftof choiceuntilshe becamepregnanthersel;- ": pregnant a failedrescueattemptby Paulina's motherandthe refusal and was restricted to threemonths'bed rest.Initially thrilledby the :-:*" of theSwedish hockey pectof languishing teamto playCzechoslovakia in Ihe 1972 in bed with her books,Paulinasoonlearnedthe: .'t Olympics beforetheCzechgovernment allowed Paulina to emigrate. medication shewastakingrewedherup."l wasall hyper," she*,.. Moving gawky to Sweden wasnota panacea for the tall, 9-year-old. I hadto be lyingdownor sitting. That's whenlgot backintoknitti-; Herfatherleftandherparents divorced, soto support thefamily, Paulina's Shesecured a Debbie Blissbabybookand,usingtheglossary. motherworkedall dayandattended schoolai night,leaving Paulina to translating theinstructions fora onesre withbunnyears.lt tookhe-: carefor herlittlebrother andthe house.Missing heradoredgrandmother monthto crackthepattern andshebecame wellacquainted wiih-: and unableto speakSwedish, shewithdrew intoa worldof booksand bul in theendshehadknit,shesays,the"cutest outfitever."(Tl-:, hungoutwiththeotheroutcasts at herschool. boththebunnyandkittyversions-was so popular amongheror: : :T Therestof herstoryreadslikean archetypal fairytale:Withcheekbonesyoucouldcutyarnon, Paulina wasdiscovered whena friend armedwitha cheapcameratooka fewsnapshots andsubmitted them to a modeling agent.Beforesheknewit, the 15-year-old wassitting acrossfromJohnCasablancas, founderof the Elitemodeling agency, whoofferedhera ticketto Paris. friends thaiit became hersignature babygift.) Neverone to shy awayfrom a challenge, Paulinachosea lace:e:, blanketfor her nextprojectand was happilystitchingawaywhens-* intolabor-permanentlyconsigning thecoverlet to the UFOprle . ' I ur whatI gotout of that projectwas,yes,I can reada pattern.Anc "n beenknittinseversince." SoonPaulina's facewaseverywhere. Bythe mid-'80s shewasa TheEuropean-born Paulina knitsContinental styleandisamaz::lr fixturein U.S.magazines, gracingthe coversof Cosmopolitan, Glamour, lackof efficiency English-style knitters contendwith."l lookat ii ar: Vogue and two much-coveted Sporfslllustrated swimsuitissues.In the think,Howcanyouknitlikethat?Tomakeeverystitch,youhave:: (a $6 milliondeal),reigning youryarnaround? 1980s,shelandedthe Est6eLaudercontract yarnshopin Man::--r lt takesforever!" Herfavorite THEDISARMINGLY VEST CHARMING of saucysubversion Suitup in Teriokhin's Yarn's men'swear,stitchedin Plymouth V neckline A plunging "RoyalCashmere." andribbedbordersrevealin no uncenain wealingthe pants termsthata woman's tie. the attached here-not to mention PaulinalovesIhat she can createstylishgarSre mentsthat actuallyfit her modelproportions. was clearlydelightedthat insteadof asking i-erur modela seriesof cabledsweaters,as originaL planned,lhe VogueKnittingleam paired her wrfit VladimirTeriorrrn. her favoriteknitweardesigner, to compilea mini collectionof sweatersshe reallywantedto make. "EventhoughI wasa model,mostclothes I'mtootallfor mosta= fit methatwellbecause terns,"shesays."l seethesegreatlittlecroc jacketsthatareso cute,butthey= and knitted justtooshortfor me.That'sthe kindof knitt-6 liketo do for mvself,to knitthe stuffthat I wc-lc or it liketo wear,butit'seithertooexpensive n't fit me right"That'swhythis particularVog-e t'emr is so exciting,because Knittingassignment for." I'vebeenlooking the patterns areexactly r benefits to the moremystical Subscribing played ar has saysknitting thecraft,Paulina dreamof becorrng rolein herlifelong important of a writer."l'm knittingmorenowbecause shesays."WhenI sitand knit,tr mywriting," whenl'm livingthroughtheworldl'm writing Avenue, butshealsoshopsonline. on Madison theYarnConnection "l Admittedly, sheis a fibersnob. cannotknitwithacrylic-itsetsmyteeth fibers.I lovewool,cotton,silk,alpaca." on edge.I haveto knitwithnatural to familyand with constant references is spiced Herconversation over spilling household thePorizkova/Ocasek frlends, andoneimagines theirskill Though opinions. relatives, children andpassionate withvisiting and mother, first cousin family-her levelsvary,thewomenin Paulina's side-loveto knit."lt'sa greatthingto do in the aunton hermother's andgoskitchen on a winterday,"shesays."Weallsitaroundandgossip about.lt freesup the rightsideof my brain pletely lt doesit * so I canjustgo intofantasy. else." muchbetterthananything that her rare"ed Savvyenoughto understand setaboL: Paulina lifeexperience couldbe minedforgreatmaterial, grammar and sperl English rules of thetaskof learning thetwisted 4 yearslaboring andrewriting in a writinggroup,workshopping model'sfirst Summer,her looseromand clef aboula 1S-year-old f explosive summerin the Cityof Lights.[Seepage30 for our reviev, the the book.lWhenit cametimeto shopit around,sheselected oneagentwhopickedaparthersamplechapterandsaid,"Paulina you'vegot moreworkto do withthe rewrote the novelfourtimes,forearmed Paulina herto critics.lquilt." not endear would baby thathersupermodel background forsomebody's squares sipandknitandknit,usually to knit(Continentalend her hardworkpaidoff. VoguecalledA ModelSummer"a step-granddaughter Sheplansto teachher9-year-old quiltfor 14onlyan insidercour: said,"withdetails a knitted read,"whileKirkusReviews working on andsheis currently style, of course), provide...I,4 tae coming-of-age the year-old ModelSummerisa/vivid,cautionary thathe'llrelinquish having extracted a promise sonJonathan, stages of writinghersecond Today, Paulina is in the beginning original oncethe newoneis completed. tattered awayon that family"-andis knitting herto spoolout book "abouta screwed-up hasallowed In addition to thefactihatknitting willtakeyears. family, afghanfor herson.Both,sheanticipates, for herkidsandextended hats,scarves andsweaters countless