spring - Pluto Press
spring - Pluto Press
NEW BOOKS 2015 PLUTO PRESS SPRING HEAD OFFICE INSPECTION COPIES Pluto Press 345 Archway Road London N6 5AA United Kingdom We are happy to provide inspection copies when a book is relevant to a particular course. Please send the following details to: TEL +44 (0)20 8 348 2724 FAX +44 (0)20 8 348 9133 EMAIL WEB pluto@plutobooks.com www.plutobooks.com RIGHTS EMAIL rights@plutobooks.com IN HOUSE SALES EMAIL sales@plutobooks.com EMAIL academic@plutobooks.com the course name the start date of the course expected number of students name of local (or university) bookshop full university address (for delivery) We need all these details to process a request. Inspection copies are provided with an invoice that is cancelled if the book is adopted for a course (15 or more copies ordered), or returned in a resaleable condition. PRESS ENQUIRIES For review copies, author events or other information contact our publicity department: EMAIL publicity@plutobooks.com UK ORDERS, DISTRIBUTION & CUSTOMER SERVICE Marston Book Services Unit 160 Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4SD TEL +44 (0)1235 465 500 FAX +44 (0)1235 465 555 EMAIL WEB trade.orders@marston.co.uk EBOOKS Almost all new Pluto Press print titles are released simultaneously in Kindle and ePub formats. Our backlist is in the process of conversion. For the latest digital developments at Pluto, see www.plutobooks.com/page/ ebooks. Please email ebooks@plutobooks.com if there is a particular Pluto Press title you would like to be made available as an eBook. For academic institutions, collections of our eBooks are available from The Academic Library: www.theacademiclibrary.com. Individual titles for academic institutions can be found on Dawson Era: www.dawsonera.com, EBSCOhost and ebrary. www.marston.com Front catalogue cover design: David Pearson All information in this catalogue is correct at the time of going to press but is subject to change without notice. EXPLOITATION AND ENCLOSURE IN A DIGITAL WORLD. Architecture as a tool of oppression and control. A corrupt state and an exhausted, destructive economic system. Our Spring 2015 catalogue features books exposing forms of power and inequality in more fields than ever before. At the same time, many of the books on our new list remind us of the ineradicable character of utopian aspiration, and the inspiring struggles of social movements past and present. But we must start with Pluto’s most famous author. It has been a privilege for us to have been Noam Chomsky’s publisher for over three decades, and it is with great pride that we are now publishing the definitive editions of many of his classic works in our new CHOMSKY PERSPECTIVES series with striking covers by the award-winning designer David Pearson. David Balzer’s CURATIONISM is a provocative and hilarious account of how the professional curator’s vampiric rise to prominence in the art world has spawned a popular culture in which everyone is a curator. Sharon Rotbard’s WHITE CITY, BLACK CITY reveals how the renowned modernist architecture of Tel Aviv fits into the untold story of conquest over the old Arab city of Jaffa and in REBEL FOOTPRINTS David Rosenberg takes us on a bespoke walking tour of radical London. We are reissuing Sheila Rowbotham’s FRIENDS OF ALICE WHEELDON a classic tale of suffragism, socialism and the ‘attempted’ assassination of Lloyd George, in a beautiful new package. Our longstanding anthropology series, Anthropology, Culture and Society undergoes a makeover, leading with a new work by bestselling author Thomas Hylland Eriksen And finally, our groundbreaking publishing on digital politics enters an exciting new phase with the launch of our Digital Barricades series. CYBER PROLETARIAT is Nick Dyer-Witheford’s follow up to the seminal Cyber-Marx, while in INFORMATION POLITICS Tim Jordan puts forward a new theorization of struggles over the control of and access to information, looking at phenomena as diverse as Wikileaks, the ipad and video games. Happy reading! David Castle Senior Commissioning Editor www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 3 A new urban parable White City, Black City Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa Sharon Rotbard JANUARY 2015 240pp 215mm x 135mm with flaps, 80 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3511-7 £14.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1314-1 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1315-8 £14.99 White City, Black City is a story of two intertwining narratives which reveals the hidden history of the region where now stands modern-day Tel Aviv. The new architectural landscape of this city, its Bauhausinfluenced modernist architecture glittering white, represents one side of the story, that of the White City, which rose from the sparse sand dunes to house a new Jewish society. But there is a second story – that of the Black City of Jaffa, the traces of which lie on the outskirts of the region, and which are rarely mentioned. In this book, Sharon Rotbard blows apart this palimpsest in a clear, fluent and challenging style, which promises to force the reality of what so many have praised as ‘progress’ into the mainstream discourse. White City, Black City is, all at once, an angry uncovering of a vanished history, a book mourning the loss of an architectural heritage, a careful study in urban design and a beautifully written narrative history. It is in all senses a political book, but one that expands beyond the typical. SHARON ROTBARD is an architect, activist, writer and publisher based in Not available in North America South Tel Aviv. He is a senior lecturer at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem. ‘A path-breaking and brilliant analysis.’ NEXT READ EYAL WEIZMAN author of Hollow Land: Israel’s Architectire of Occupation The New Urban Question Andy Merrifield Pb 978-0-7453-3483-7 £15.00 ‘Beautiful.’ TIME OUT ‘A challenging book that deserves to be read and argued over. Rotbard here slaughters an especially sacred cow: Tel Avivness.’ HAARETZ 4 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress From Palestine to Israel A Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation, 1947-1950 Ariella Azoulay. Translated by Charles S Kamen Pb 978-0-7453-3169-0 £17.99 A side to London you've never seen Rebel Footprints A Guide to Uncovering London's Radical History David Rosenberg The radical response to conservative heritage tours and banal daytripper guides. Rebel Footprints brings to life the history of social movements in the capital. It transports readers from well-known landmarks to history-making hidden corners. David Rosenberg tells the story of protest and struggle in London from the early nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. From the Suffragettes to the Socialists, from the Chartists to the Trade Unionists, the book invites us to step into the footprints of a diverse cast of dedicated fighters for social justice. Individual chapters highlight particular struggles and their participants, from famous faces to lesser-known luminaries. Rosenberg sets London's radical campaigners against the backdrop of the city’s multi-faceted development. Self-directed walks pair with narratives that seamlessly blend history, politics and geography. Specially commissioned maps and illustrations immerse the reader in the story of the city. Whether visiting it for the first time, or born and raised in it, Rosenberg invites you to see London as you never have before, the nation's capital as its radical centre. MARCH 2015 224pp 198mm x 129mm Hand illustrated maps & photographs throughout Pb 978-0-7453-3409-7 £9.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3410-3 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1330-1 £9.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1331-8 £9.99 DAVID ROSENBERG is an educator, writer and tour guide, and author of Battle for the East End (2011). Since 2008, he has led tours of key sites in London’s social and political history, especially in London’s East End, and he teaches at City Lit and the Bishopsgate Institute. He is a founder member of History from Below, an international network of activists, artists, archivists and political archaeologists. David owes his geographical knowledge of London to three years work as a van driver in the early 1980s delivering books to radical and community bookshops. www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 5 A wry look at a contemporary fetish Curationism How Curating Took Over the Art World and Everything Else David Balzer APRIL 2015 144pp 198mm x 129mm With flaps Pb 978-0-7453-3597-1 £8.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1319-6 £8.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1320-2 £8.99 Not available in North America ‘An unusual art book. It is a book you should read. Balzer traces the history and current hegemony of curationism—a practice of jumped-up interior decorators who double as priests explaining the gospel to the unlettered masses. A good read, if you don’t mind reading things that you don’t want to know.’ Now that we 'curate' even lunch, what happens to the role of the connoisseur in contemporary culture? ‘Curate’ has become a buzzword, applied to everything from music festivals to artisanal cheese. Inside the art world, the curator reigns supreme, acting as the face of high-profile group shows in a way that can eclipse the contributions of individual artists. At the same time, curatorial-studies programs continue to grow, and businesses are adopting curation as a means of adding value to content. Everyone, it seems, is now a curator. But what is a curator, exactly? And what does the explosive popularity of curating say about our culture’s relationship with taste, labour and the avant-garde? In this vibrant and original book, David Balzer travels through art history and around the globe to explore the cult of curation, where it began, how it came to dominate museums and galleries, and how it emerged at the turn of the millennium as a dominant mode of thinking and being — from superstar curator Hans Ulrich Obrist’s war with sleep to Subway’s ‘sandwich artists.’ Recalling such landmark works of cultural criticism as Tom Wolfe’s The Painted Word and John Berger’s Ways of Seeing, Balzer asks whether curationism has finally reached its own limits, where its widespread success has paradoxically led to its own demise. DAVID BALZER has contributed to publications including The Believer, Modern Painters, ARTnews, Artforum.com and Capital New York, and is the author of Contrivances, a short-fiction collection. He is currently Associate Editor at Canadian Art magazine. Balzer was born in Winnipeg and currently resides in Toronto, where he makes a living as a critic, editor and teacher. NEXT READ Dark Matter Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture DAVE HICKEY Gregory Sholette art and culture critic Pb 978-0-7453-2752-5 £17.99 Philosophizing the Everyday Revolutionary Praxis and the Fate of Cultural Theory John Roberts Pb 978-0-7453-2410-4 £17.99 6 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Have you ever felt totalled? Totalled Salvaging the Future from the Wreckage of Capitalism Colin Cremin In this book, Colin Cremin tackles the overbearing truth that capitalism encompasses the totality of our social relations, weaving deep into the fabric of all that it means to be human. He shows how it is a system that totalises and which has upended the modernity project by industrialised warfare, surveillance, commodification and control. With ever deepening crises and ecological catastrophes it threatens the total destruction of human civilisation. But in amongst this wreckage there are still functioning parts, machines to be salvaged through the collective force of the human imagination and the total mobilisation of the peoples of this earth. We must realise a different future to the apocalypticism forewarned by scientists, prescribed by economists, accommodated by politicians and made spectacle by the entertainment industry. Totalled maps the deteriorating socio-economic, political and ecological conditions in which we live and, through our work and consumption, seemingly have no choice other than to accelerate. The question for the book is how a utopian possibility discernable in the power of human creation can be realised when as a society we are in different ways materially, ideologically and libidinally bound to the capitalist machine of destruction. Totalled concludes with a politically and economically grounded set of propositions on how this might be achieved. COLIN CREMIN is author of Capitalism’s New Clothes: Enterprise, Ethics and Enjoyment in Times of Crisis (Pluto Press, 2011) and iCommunism (Zer0, 2012). He teaches sociology at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa / New Zealand. NEXT READ JANUARY 2015 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3437-0 £14.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3438-7 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1266-3 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1268-7 £14.99 ‘A compass allowing us to orientate ourselves in our obscure and confused time.’ SLAVOJ ZIZEK author of Living in The End Times Idiotism Capitalism and the Privatisation of Life Neal Curtis Pb 978-0-7453-3155-3 £21.99 Crack Capitalism John Holloway Pb 978-0-7453-3008-2 £17.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 7 ‘There is no living political writer who has more radically changed how more people think in more parts of the world about political issues’ Glenn Greenwald 8 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress For too long now, many important books by Noam Chomsky have been left to languish. Introducing Pluto’s CHOMSKY PERSPECTIVES series: a collectible, beautiful new list, with cover design by David Pearson. Including both enduring favourites and neglected essentials, these books will appeal to the serious Chomsky reader. Year 501 On Power and Ideology The Conquest Continues The Managua Lectures Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky Exploring “the great work of subjugation and conquest” which began with Columbus, in Year 501 Chomsky surveys the history of American imperial power in the ensuing 500 years that followed. Touching on everything from the British in India to the Americans in Beirut, Year 501 is a searing condemnation of the excesses of Western colonial and neo-colonial politics. For those seeking to understand the nature and structure of the imperial project as it reaches down to us today this work is a vital resource. In the late 1980s, in the midst of Reagan’s interventions in Central America, Chomsky travelled to Nicaragua and gave the lectures that became On Power & Ideology. The lectures provide a master class in foreign policy analysis from an intellectual at the height of his powers, covering everything from the US domestic basis of its overseas actions, to the broad framework of global imperial order which the US seeks to maintain. A defining moment in the Cold War meets a defining moment in the career of one of its most important critics. MARCH 2015 336pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3547-6 £12.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1253-3 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1254-0 £12.99 MARCH 2015 152pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3544-5 £9.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1244-1 £9.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1245-8 £9.99 Not available in North America Not available in North America The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism After the Cataclysm The Political Economy of Human Rights: Volume I Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman The Political Economy of Human Rights is an important two volume work which provides a complete dissection of American foreign policy during the 1960s and 70s, looking at the entire sweep of the Cold War during that period, including events in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Latin America. For those looking to develop a broad understanding of American foreign policy this work has been a vital resource and is now available to a new generation of Chomsky readers. 9 The Political Economy of Human Rights: Volume II Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman This volume remains one of the most controversial works produced by Chomsky to date. In a much discussed chapter on Cambodia, Chomsky and Herman questioned official Western narratives on the Khmer Rouge and suggested that the evidence available did not match up to the assertions being made at that time. These claims would resurface in a recent controversy with the continental philosopher Slavoj Zizek. The work also contains important analysis of Western interventions across Indochina and provides a searing critique of American imperial aspirations in the region. MARCH 2015 464pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3549-0 £12.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1260-1 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1261-8 £12.99 MARCH 2015 424pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3550-6 £12.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1263-2 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1264-9 £12.99 Not available in North America Not available in North America www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 9 Spilling the secrets of Big Oil sponsorship Artwash Big Oil and the Arts Mel Evans MARCH 2015 192pp 215mm x 135mm 5-20 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3588-9 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3589-6 £40 Epub 978-1-7837-1333-2 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1334-9 £12.99 Cultural institutions make political choices though deciding who they do business with. This is the central argument of Artwash, a book which explores the relationship between art institutions and the corporations that fund them, with particular focus on the role of Big Oil companies such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP and Shell. Reflecting on the current discussion of the role and function of art galleries, Artwash considers how the association with Big Oil might impede these institutions in their cultural endeavours. Stepping outside of the gallery space, Mel Evans discusses how narratives around corporate sponsorship of the arts blur the issue and obscure the strategies of oil company PR executives to maintain brand and public image via cultural philanthropy. In its conclusion the book sounds a note of hope by describing the methods used by artists to challenge the ethics of contemporary art galleries and examining the possibility of how cultural institutions might change. Artwash is an important and timely contribution to the study of culture in modern Britain. It is sure to find a wide readership both among students of cultural studies and among practitioners and patrons of the arts. MEL EVANS is an artist and campaigner associated with Liberate Tate and Platform. As well as making unsanctioned performance works at Tate and writing on oil sponsorship of the arts, she creates theatre pieces in the City of London that examine culture, finance and Big Oil. NEXT READ Corporate Europe How Big Business Sets Policies on Food, Climate and War David Cronin Pb 978-0-7453-3332-8 £17.99 The Scramble for African Oil Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa's Natural Resources Douglas A. Yates Pb 978-0-7453-3045-7 £19.99 10 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress A new Utopian project Utopian Pulse Flares in the Darkroom Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler The politics of Utopia have already produced a rich and varied literature - St. Simon, Buber, Bloch, and many others. Utopian Pulse explores this tradition from the perspective of art practice and asks how we can engage with and contribute to it. This book will be published alongside an exhibition of the same name and will include artwork from the exhibition itself. The work's contributors invoke Utopia as an always incomplete alternative and a recognition of something missing, which opens up the possibility of asserting something which is not yet but will be. International artistic researchers, artists and artist-curators contribute different modes of engagement which they are already constituting through their own practice. More than just a theoretical treatise, this book is an overveiw of a series of works and projects that are brought to life and which the book seeks to document. This book will serve not only as a contribution to the existing literature on Utopia and Utopian politics, but also as an inspiration to artists seeking to realise these ideas through their work. MARCH 2015 288pp 240mm x 170mm 80 photographs, colour and b&w Pb 978-0-7453-3596-4 £20 INES DOUJAK is an artist working in London and Vienna, where she studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (1988–93). She was project leader of the arts based research ´Loomshuttles / Warpaths´, funded by the FWF Austrian Science Funds (2010-2014). OLIVER RESSLER is an artist and filmmaker based in Vienna. His work has been exhibited across the world including at the Berkeley Art Museum, USA, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul and the Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum, Egypt. He is the editor of Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies (2007). NEXT READ It’s the Political Economy, Stupid The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory Edited by Gregory Sholette and Oliver Ressler Hb 978-0-7453-3369-4 £19.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 11 A showtrial at the height of the First World War Friends of Alice Wheeldon - 2nd Edition Suffragism, Socialism and the Assassination of Lloyd George Sheila Rowbotham APRIL 2015 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3575-9 £14.99 Epub 978-1-7837-1317-2 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1318-9 £14.99 ‘Wonderful, moving and important.’ ADAM HOCHSCHILD author of To End All Wars ‘The labyrinthine connections of the time between suffragists, shop stewards, anarchists, Marxists, the Independent Labour Party, the Socialist Labour Party and a rich variety of anti-war protestors have never been more brightly illuminated.’ GUARDIAN The Friends of Alice Wheeldon, first published nearly thirty years ago, is a remarkable account by feminist historian Sheila Rowbotham of the 1917 trial and subsequent imprisonment of Derby-born Alice Wheeldon, and two of her daughters, for their alleged role in plotting to assassinate the Prime Minister, Lloyd George. Alice’s involvement in socialism, suffragism and the anti-war movement could not have endeared her to the powers that be, and in times of growing class antagonism and war the government needed a traitor – so they found one in the modest figure of Alice Wheeldon and her family. The controversial trial itself became something of a cause celebre – a show trial, at the height of the First World War, based on fabricated evidence – much of it from an undercover agent working for MI5. Intended to discredit anti-war campaigners and bring the peace movement into disrepute, it was a travesty of justice. In this new, revised edition, Sheila Rowbotham has been able to draw on continuing research into the case – and the ongoing campaign to clear Alice Wheeldon’s name – to offer a necessary corrective to some of the more triumphalist commemorations of the First World War. SHEILA ROWBOTHAM ’s books have been translated into many languages and her early works are currently being reissued as classic texts of feminism. Her recent work includes Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love (Verso 2008) winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Memoir/ Biography 2008 in the US and shortlisted for the James Tait Black Memorial Prize in the UK and Dreamers of a New Day (Verso 2010). She contributed ‘Alice Wheeldon Revisited’ to ed. Mary Davis, Class and Gender in British Labour History (Merlin, 2011). NEXT READ Sylvia Pankhurst Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire Katherine Connelly Pb 978-0-7453-3322-9 £12.99 Hidden From History 300 Years of Women's Oppression and the Fight Against It Sheila Rowbotham Pb 978-0-9043-8356-0 £14.99 12 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress A magisterial marxist history A Socialist History of the French Revolution Jean Jaurès. Translated by Mitchell Abidor 'Every revolutionary party, every oppressed people, every oppressed working class can claim Jaurès, his memory, his example, and his person, for our own' Leon Trotsky Jean Jaurès was the celebrated French Socialist Party leader, assassinated in 1914 for trying to use diplomacy and industrial action to prevent the ourbreak of war. Published just a few years before his death, his magisterial A Socialist History of the French Revolution, has endured for over a century as one of the most influential accounts of the French Revolution ever to be published. Mitchell Abidor’s long-overdue translation and abridgement of Jaurès’s original six volumes brings this exceptional work to an Anglophone audience for the first time. Written in the midst of his activities as leader of the Socialist Party and editor of its newspaper, L’Humanité, Jaurès intended the book to serve as both a guide and an inspiration to political activity; even now it can serve to do just that. Abidor’s accomplished translation, and Jaurès’s verve, originality and willingness to criticise all players in this great drama make this a truly moving addition to the shelf of great books on the French Revolution. APRIL 2015 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3499-8 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3500-1 £65 Epub 978-1-7837-1288-5 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1289-2 £19.99 JEAN JAURÈS (3 September 1859 – 31 July 1914) was a French Socialist who became the leader, in 1902, of the French Socialist Party, which opposed Jules Guesde's revolutionary Socialist Party of France. The two parties merged in 1905 in the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO). An antimilitarist, Jaurès was assassinated at the outbreak of World War I, and remains one of the main historical figures of the French Left. NEXT READ ‘The death of a single human being can mean a great battle lost for all humanity: the murder of Jaurès was one such disaster.’ ROMAIN ROLLAND winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1915 Jean Paul Marat Tribune of the French Revolution Clifford D. Conner Pb 978-0-7453-3193-5 £12.99 The Birth of Capitalism A 21st Century Perspective Henry Heller Pb 978-0-7453-2959-8 £19.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 13 Introducing a new series on digital politics Cyber-Proletariat Global Labour in the Digital Vortex Nick Dyer-Witheford Series: Digital Barricades - Interventions in Digital Culture and Politics MAY 2015 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3403-5 £15.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3404-2 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1279-3 £15.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1280-9 £15.99 Coltan mines in the Congo; electronics factories in China; devastated neighbourhoods in Detroit. Cyber-Proletariat shows us the dark-side of the information revolution; an unsparing analysis of class power and computerisation. Nick Dyer-Witheford reveals how technology facilitates growing polarisation between wealthy elites and precarious workers. He reveals the class domination behind everything from expanding online surveillance to intensifying robotisation. At the same time he looks at possibilities for information technology within radical movements; contemporary struggles are cast in the blue glow of the computer screen. Cyber-Proletariat brings heterodox Marxist analysis to bear on modern technological developments. The result will be indispensable to social theorists and hacktivists alike and essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how Silicon Valley shapes the way we live today. NICK DYER-WITHEFORD is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at University of Western Ontario. He is author of Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism (University of Illinois, 1999), and co-author of Digital Play: The Interaction of Technology, Culture, and Marketing (McGill-Queen’s, 2003) and Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). NEXT READ @ is for Activism Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture Joss Hands Pb 978-0-7453-2700-6 £17.99 Cyberchiefs Autonomy and Authority in Online Tribes Mathieu O’Neil Pb 978-0-7453-2796-9 £17.99 14 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Introducing a new series on digital politics Information Politics Liberation and Exploitation in the Digital Society Tim Jordan Series: Digital Barricades - Interventions in Digital Culture and Politics Conflict over information has become a central part of twenty-first century politics and culture. The sites of struggle are numerous, the actors beyond count. Currents of liberation and exploitation course through the debates about Edward Snowden and surveillance, Anonymous, search engines and social media. In Information Politics, Tim Jordan identifies all these issues in relation to a general understanding of the nature of an information politics that emerged with the rise of mass digital cultures and the internet. He also locates it within a field of power and rebellion that is populated by many interwoven social and political conflicts including gender, class and ecology. The exploitations both facilitated by, and contested through, increases in information flows; the embedding of information technologies in daily life, and the intersection of network and control protocols are all examined in Information Politics. Anyone hoping to get to grips with the rapidly changing terrain of digital culture and conflict should start here. FEBRUARY 2015 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3366-3 £15.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3367-0 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1297-7 £15.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1298-4 £15.99 TIM JORDAN has been researching and writing on digital culture and the internet since the early 1990s. He has published several books including Internet, Culture and Society (2013), Hacking (2008), and Hacktivism and Cyberwars (2004). He is Professor and Head of School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex. NEXT READ Tweets and the Streets Social Media and Contemporary Activism Paolo Gerbaudo Pb 978-0-7453-3248-2 £16.99 Copy, Rip, Burn The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source David M. Berry Pb 978-0-7453-2414-2 £17.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 15 Why the West misunderstands the South Religion Without Redemption Liberation and Social Contradictions in Latin America Luis Martínez Andrade Series: Decolonial Studies, Postcolonial Horizons APRIL 2015 192pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3572-8 £21.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3574-2 £75 Epub 978-1-7837-1294-6 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1295-3 £21.99 The world’s eyes are on Latin America as a place of radical political inspiration and as an alternative to the neoliberal model. Each country in the region deals differently in its method of government, yet there are common cultural themes that tie the continent’s trajectory together. Religion without Redemption looks at the sociology of religion, political philosophy and the history of ideas of the continent, in an attempt to show how Western understanding fails to come close to a correct analysis of how and why political and economic characteristics work as they do. Luis Martínez Andrade explores how capitalism has taken on religious characteristics: it has sacred places of worship (the shopping mall) as well as its own prophets. He discusses how this form of ‘cultural religion’ accompanies many aspects of life in a contradictory manner: not only does it fulfil the role of legitimating oppression, it also can be a powerful source of rebellion, unveiling thus a subversive side to the status quo. LUIS MARTÍNEZ ANDRADE is a Mexican essayist, with a PhD in sociology from EHESS in Paris. His research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Latin American contemporary thought and political ecology. His previous work has been published in Mexico, Poland and France. In 2009 he received the internationally acclaimed ‘Thinking Against the Mainstream’ essay award in Havana. NEXT READ The New Latin American Left Utopia Reborn Edited by Patrick Barrett, Daniel Chavez and César Rodríguez-Garavito Pb 978-0-7453-2677-1 £21.99 The Origins of Violence Religion, History and Genocide John Docker Pb 978-0-7453-2543-9 £18.99 16 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Undermining the ‘creative city’ Limits to Culture Urban Regeneration vs. Dissident Art Malcolm Miles How can we unmask the vested interests behind capital’s ‘cultural’ urban agenda? Limits to Culture pits grassroots cultural dissent against capital's continuing project of control via urban planning. Limits to Culture starts by outlining the cultural turn in urban policy which happened between the 1980s and the 2000s, in which new art museums and cultural or heritage quarters lent a creative mask to urban redevelopment. Malcolm Miles challenges the notions of the ‘creative class’ and ‘creative city’, and aligns them to gentrification and the elimination of diversity and urban dynamism. He explores the history of cultural urban policy and its antagonistic relationship to community and political art internationally – across the UK, Europe and the US. In the 1960s creativity was identified with revolt, yet from the 1980s onwards it was subsumed in consumerism, which continued in the 1990s through cool Britannia culture and its international reflections. After the crash of 2008 money became scarcer, meaning that the illusory creative city gave way to reveal its hollow interior, through urban clearances and underdevelopment. Limits to Culture straddles the fields of cultural studies and urban geography and aims to shine a new light into some of the darker corners of the political history of both. JUNE 2015 200pp 215mm x 135mm 33 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3434-9 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3435-6 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1309-7 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1310-3 £19.99 MALCOLM MILES is Professor of Cultural Theory in the School of Architecture, Design and Environment at the University of Plymouth. He is the author of Urban Utopias: The Built and Social Architectures of Alternative Settlements (2008), Cities & Cultures (2007), Urban Avant-Gardes: Art, Architecture & Change (2004), and Art, Space & the City (1997). He is coeditor of the Routledge Critical Introductions to Urbanism series. NEXT READ Herbert Marcuse An Aesthetics of Liberation Malcolm Miles Pb 978-0-7453-3038-9 £22.95 The Lure of the City From Slums to Suburbs Edited by Austin Williams and Alastair Donald Pb 978-0-7453-3177-5 £17.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 17 Bite-sized, jargon-free economics Economics for Everyone - 2nd edition A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism Jim Stanford MAY 2015 392pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3577-3 £13.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3578-0 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1327-1 £13.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1328-8 £13.99 ‘Stanford is that rare breed: the teacher who changed your life. He has written a book both pragmatic and idealistic - with the power to change the world.’ NAOMI KLEIN author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate and No Logo. Economics is too important to be left to the economists. This concise and readable book provides non-specialist readers with all the information they need to understand how capitalism works (and how it doesn't). Economics for Everyone, now published in a second edition, is an antidote to the abstract and ideological way that economics is normally taught and reported. Key concepts such as finance, competition and wages are explored, and their importance to everyday life is revealed. Stanford answers questions such as ‘Do workers need capitalists?’, ‘Why does capitalism harm the environment?’, and ‘What really happens on the stock market?’ The book will appeal to those working for a fairer world, and students of social sciences who need to engage with economics. It is illustrated with humorous and educational cartoons by Tony Biddle, and is supported with a comprehensive set of web-based course materials for popular economics courses. JIM STANFORD is economist for Unifor, Canada’s largest private-sector trade union, and an economics columnist for the Globe and Mail. NEXT READ The ABCs of Political Economy A Modern Approach Robin Hahnel Pb 978-0-7453-3497-4 £14.99 The Povery of Capitalism Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next John Hilary Pb 978-0-7453-3330-4 £14.99 18 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress From Stiglitz to Piketty, with a Green twist Economics After Capitalism A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future Derek Wall. Foreword by David Bollier ‘There is no alternative’ has been the unofficial mantra of the neoliberal order since its utterance by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. As Derek Wall argues in Economics After Capitalism, there is in fact an alternative to our crisis-ridden, austerity-inflicted world - and not just one alternative, but many. Challenging the arguments for markets, mainstream economics and capitalism from Adam Smith onwards, Economics After Capitalism provides a step-by-step guide to various writers, movements and schools of thought, critical of neoliberal globalisation. These range from Keynesian-inspired reformists such as Geroge Soros and Joseph Stiglitz, critics of inequality like Thomas Piketty and Amaitya Sen, more radical voices including Naomi Klein, Marxists such as David Harvey, anarchists, and autonomists including Toni Negri and Michael Hardt. Wall explains Marx's economic system in a twenty-first century context and outlines how we can build a commons-based democratic economy that, by drawing on the ideas of Elinor Ostrom, Hugo Chavez and others, can renew socialism. In providing a clear and accessible guide to the economics of anti-capitalism, Derek Wall successfully demonstrates that an open source eco-socialist alternative to rampant climate change, elite rule and financial chaos is not just necessary, but possible. DEREK WALL is the author of six books including The Rise of the Green Left (Pluto 2010), The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom (Routledge 2014) and, with Penny Kemp, A Green Manifesto for the 1990s (Penguin, 1990). He teaches Political Economy at Goldsmiths College, University of London and is International Coordinator of the Green Party of England and Wales. NEXT READ The Heretic's Guide to Global Finance MAY 2015 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3507-0 £14.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3508-7 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1303-5 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1304-2 £14.99 ‘A thoughtful and inspiring guide to capitalism and anticapitalism.’ CAROLINE LUCAS leader of the Green Party of England and Wales ‘Funny, lateral and unique - an erudite Green primer on global justice.’ MATTHEW TEMPEST GUARDIAN Hacking the Future of Money Brett Scott Pb 978-0-7453-3350-2 £12.99 Life Without Money Building Fair and Sustainable Economies Edited by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman Pb 978-0-7453-3165-2 £17.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 19 A question we’re all asking How Corrupt is Britain? Edited by David Whyte A straight-forward question that many people are now asking: how corrupt is Britain? In this book, a wide range of leading commentators and campaigners offer a series of troubling answers. Unflinchingly facing the corruption in British public life, they show that it is no longer tenable to assume that this is something that happens 'elsewhere'; corrupt practices are revealed across a wide range of our most respected institutions - from local government to big business. The contributors call for fundamental changes in the social relationships that create our society. How Corrupt is Britain? brings together some of the most important research on the question of corruption in contemporary British society. It will be an important resource for both dedicated campaigners against corruption and informed citizens. DAVID WHYTE is Reader in Sociology at the University of Liverpool. He MARCH 2015 200pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3530-8 £16.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3529-2 £55 Epub 978-1-7837-1285-4 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1286-1 £16.99 is an internationally established author on the subjects of state power and corporate power, having written Crimes of the Powerful: A Reader (Open University Press, 2009) and having co-authored three further books and coedited four collections on this subject. NEXT READ Deception in High Places A History of Bribery in Britain's Arms Trade Nicholas Gilby Pb 978-0-7453-3426-4 £15.99 Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark Corporate and Police Spying on Activists Eveline Lubbers Pb 978-0-7453-3185-0 £19.99 20 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Sick of work? You’re not alone... The Mythology of Work How Capitalism Persists Despite Itself Peter Fleming There was once a time when ‘work’ was inextricably linked to survival and self-preservation; where the farmer ploughed the land so their family could eat. But the sun has long since set on this idyllic tableau, and what was once an integral part of life has slowly morphed into a painful and meaningless ritual, colonising almost every part of our lives - endless and inescapable. In The Mythology of Work, Peter Fleming examines how neoliberal society uses the ritual of work (and the threat of its denial) to maintain the late capitalist class order. As our society is transformed into a factory that never sleeps, work becomes a universal reference point for everything else, devoid of any moral or political worth. Blending critical theory with recent accounts of job-related suicides, office-induced paranoia, fear of relaxation, managerial sadism and cynical corporate social responsibility campaigns, Fleming paints a bleak picture of neoliberal capitalism in which the economic and emotional dysfunctions of a society of wage slaves greatly outweigh its professed benefits. PETER FLEMING is Professor of Business and Society at Cass Business School, City University London. He researches the changing politics of capitalist employment relations, and has written numerous books and journal articles on this topic. He is the author of Dead Man Working (Zero, 2012) and Contesting the Corporation (Cambridge, 2010). NEXT READ Struck Out Why Employment Tribunals Fail Workers and What Can be Done David Renton MAY 2015 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3486-8 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3487-5 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1300-4 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1301-1 £17.99 Pb 978-0-7453-3255-0 £19.99 Capitalism's New Clothes Enterprise, Ethics and Enjoyment in Times of Crisis Colin Cremin Pb 978-0-7453-2814-0 £19.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 21 The three material forces that shape our humanity Work, Sex and Power The Forces that Shape Our History Willie Thompson FEBRUARY 2015 320pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3340-3 £16.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3341-0 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1273-1 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1274-8 £16.99 Praise for What Happened to History: ‘A brilliant explication of history.’ TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT Determining the forces that have shaped our history is always a contentious matter. Seen through the work of authors from Jared Diamond to Eric Hobsbawm, people’s fascination with what drives the actions of the human race is inexhaustible. In Work, Sex and Power, Willie Thompson deploys decades of experience as a historian in order to re-establish a materialist narrative of the entire span of human history, drawing on a vast range of contemporary research. This book seeks to reach a much wider audience than his previous, more academic books. Purged of any jargon, this volume will be accessible to an audience who are relatively new to Marxism. It attempts to discuss and explain the foundations of social structures and themes that have recurred throughout the phases of global history in the interaction between humans and their environment. From communities of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers to the machinecivilisation of recent centuries, Thompson takes us on a journey through the latest thinking in regard to long-term historical development. WILLIE THOMPSON was Professor of Contemporary History at Glasgow Caledonian University. His books, published by Pluto, include The Good Old Cause: British Communism 1920-1991 (1992), What Happened to History? (2000) and Ideologies in the Age of Extremes: Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, Fascism 1914-91 (2011). NEXT READ A Marxist History of the World From Neanderthals to Neoliberals Neil Faulkner Pb 978-0-7453-3214-7 £18.00 The Corporation That Changed the World How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational Nick Robins Pb 978-0-7453-3195-9 £17.99 22 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Exploitation on the high seas Fishers and Plunderers Theft, Slavery and Violence at Sea Alastair Couper, Hance D. Smith and Bruno Ciceri In Fishers and Plunderers, Alastair Couper, Hance D. Smith and Bruno Ciceri focus on the exploitation of fish and fishers alike in a global industry driven by profits, with little consideration given to either resource conservation or human rights. With vast overprovision of vessels and shortages of fish, labour costs are targeted and young men are trafficked from poor areas onto vessels in virtual slavery. The resultant poverty and debt bonding pushes many towards trafficking drugs and piracy - although the criminality linked to the industry extends far beyond the level of the individual, vessel or fleet. The book provides evidence of these crimes and injustices, with the authors arguing for regulations which if implemented could protect the rights of fishers across the board. In doing so, the authors shed a much needed light on a largely hidden world. Those wishing to better the lives of fishers both at sea and ashore will find it to be a persuasive and essential guide. PROFESSOR ALASTAIR D. COUPER began his career as a Ships Officer and qualified Master Mariner. He then became a Research Scholar working on Pacific Studies at the Australian National University before returning to the UK to take up academic posts at the University of Durham, followed by the University of Cardiff and the World Maritime University in Sweden. His books include Voyages of Abuse (Pluto Press 1999), Seafarers’ Rights (Part One) Oxford University Press 2005, and Sailors and Traders (University of Hawaii Press) 2009. He is on the Board of Seafarers’ Rights International. HANCE D. SMITH specialises in Marine Geography and Marine Policy including the development and management of marine fisheries FATHER BRUNO CICERI is representative of the Apostleship of the Sea APRIL 2015 216pp 215mm x 135mm Six maps, eight photographs, and several tables Pb 978-0-7453-3591-9 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3592-6 £65 Epub 978-1-7837-1336-3 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1337-0 £19.99 International (Vatican City), Chairman of the International Christian Maritime Association, and is a member of the Board of Seafarers’ Rights International. He has worked for many years caring for seafarers and fishers in several countries of Asia. He has published on sea fishers’ conditions and human rights. NEXT READ Who Rules the Waves? Piracy, Overfishing and Mining the Oceans Denise Russell Pb 978-0-7453-3004-4 £17.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 23 A grand, sweeping look at the origins of capitalism How the West Came to Rule The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisancioglu JUNE 2015 296pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3615-2 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3521-6 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1324-0 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1325-7 £19.99 Mainstream historical accounts of the development of capitalism describe a process which is fundamentally European - a system that was born in the mills and factories of England or under the guillotines of the French Revolution. In this groundbreaking book, a very different story is told. How the West Came to Rule offers a unique interdisciplinary and international historical account of the origins of capitalism. It argues that contrary to the dominant wisdom, capitalism’s origins should not be understood as a development confined to the geographically and culturally sealed borders of Europe, but the outcome of a wider array of global processes in which non-European societies played a decisive role. Through an outline of the uneven histories of Mongolian expansion, New World discoveries, Ottoman-Habsburg rivalry, the development of the Asian colonies and bourgeois revolutions, Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisancioglu provide an account of how these diverse events and processes came together to produce capitalism. ALEXANDER ANIEVAS is an Early Career Leverhulme Fellow at the Department of Political and International Studies, University of Cambridge. He is the author of Capital, the State, and War: Class Conflict and Geopolitics in the Thirty Years’ Crisis, 1914–1945 (University of Michigan Press, 2014) and editor of Marxism and World Politics: Contesting Global Capitalism (Routledge, 2010). He is a member of the editorial collective, Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. KEREM NISANCIOGLU is a Visiting Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster, London, UK. His research is focused on reconceptualising capitalist modernity through the use of nonEurocentric theoretical and empirical frameworks. NEXT READ The Discipline of Western Supremacy Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy, Volume III Kees van der Pijl Pb 978-0-7453-2318-3 £25 Geopolitical Economy After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire Radhika Desai Hb 978-0-7453-2992-5 £21.99 24 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress A completely revised classic of development studies From the Local to the Global (3rd edition) Key Issues in Development Studies Edited by Gerard McCann and Stephen McCloskey In recent years the international development sector has found itself confronting new as well as persistent challenges to poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Climate change has loomed large as a crisis for development practitioners as well as environmentalists, with natural disasters occurring with increasing frequency and impacting severely on the most vulnerable in the Global South. The ongoing financial crisis has created recurrent recessions in the global North, while causing budget lines to be reduced for development aid across the Global South. From The Local to the Global highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today’s globalised economy and questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. This completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges. From The Local to the Global will continue to serve as an indispensable introduction to key development issues such as aid, debt, trade, migration, security, gender in development and climate change. MAY 2015 280pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3473-8 £16.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3474-5 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1282-3 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1283-0 £16.99 GERARD MCCANN is a Senior Lecturer in International Studies at St Mary's University College (Queen's University, Belfast). He is Director of the Global Dimension in Education project and coordinates partnership initiatives with universities in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. He has written extensively on the European Union's development and education policies. STEPHEN MCCLOSKEY is the Director of the Centre for Global Education, Belfast and editor of the journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. His publications include Development Education in Policy and Practice (editor, 2014) and The East Timor Question: The Struggle for Independence from Indonesia, (2000), co-edited with Paul Hainsworth. He is currently leading development projects in the Gaza Strip and is chair of Cuba Support Group, Belfast. NEXT READ The Critical Development Studies Handbook Tools for Change Edited by Henry Veltmeyer Pb 978-0-7453-3123-2 £24.95 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 25 Can peaceful resistance make a difference? Popular Protest in Palestine The History and Uncertain Future of Unarmed Resistance Marwan Darweish and Andrew Rigby APRIL 2015 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3509-4 £15.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3510-0 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1291-5 £15.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1292-2 £15.99 Popular Protest in Palestine provides an overview and analysis of the role and significance of unarmed civil (popular) resistance in the Palestinian national movement. The main focus is on the contemporary popular resistance movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), but it is prefaced by a historical review of the thread of unarmed civil resistance that has run throughout the history of the Palestinian liberation struggle. It informs a contemporary readership about this under-emphasised dimension of the Palestinian struggle, arguing that at the present juncture the popular resistance movement, especially in the West Bank, is the most significant form of struggle against the ongoing occupation. Popular Protest in Palestine also addresses the international dimensions of the Palestinian struggle, focusing in particular on the BDS campaign, the role of international solidarity activists in the OPT and beyond, and the changing forms of engagement developed by international agencies seeking to work on the roots of the conflict whilst fulfilling their humanitarian aid mandates. MARWAN DARWEISH is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies (CPRS) at Coventry University. He has extensive experience across the Middle East region and internationally with a special interest in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and has led conflict transformation programmes in East and Central Africa. ANDREW RIGBY is Professor of Peace Studies and Director of the Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation at Coventry University. His most recent book is Justice and Reconciliation: After the Violence (Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner, 2001). NEXT READ Generation Palestine Voices from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Edited by Rich Wiles. Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu Pb 978-0-7453-3243-7 £14.99 Our Way to Fight Peace-Work Under Siege in Israel-Palestine Michael Riordon Pb 978-0-7453-3022-8 £17.99 26 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Seven decades of exile Out of Place, Out of Time Refugees, Rights and the (Re)Making of Palestine/Israel Susan M. Akram and Terry Rempel Forced displacement is one of the primary and most visible consequences of the conflict over Palestine/Israel. In this much needed book, Susan M. Akram and Terry Rempel examine the role of law and politics in the creation and resolution of one of the largest and most protracted refugee situations in the world today. The authors review the historical and political background to Palestinian displacement, the situation of refugees in exile and efforts to resolve the issue over more than six decades. Drawing on years of research and advocacy, they examine the legal framework and related state practice governing solutions for refugees worldwide. They also consider the collective and individual rights involved in the Palestinian case and options for solutions from the perspective of global precedent and comprehensive plans of action implemented in comparative mass refugee flows. In placing refugees at the centre of their legal and political analysis, Out of Place, Out of Time is a vital intervention for those seeking a lasting settlement to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. SUSAN M. AKRAM is a Clinical Professor at Boston University School of Law where she teaches international human rights, refugee and immigration law. TERRY REMPEL is an independent research consultant and Honorary Research Fellow in Politics at Exeter University and founder of BADIL. NEXT READ JUNE 2015 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3444-8 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3445-5 £65 Epub 978-1-7837-1201-4 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1202-1 £19.99 ‘An extremely relevant book for current concerns on several levels.’ RANDA FARAH Associate ProfessorUniversity of Western Ontario The Palestinian Refugee Problem The Search for a Resolution Edited by Rex Brynen and Roula El-Rifai Pb 978-0-7453-3338-0 £25.00 Palestinian Refugees The Right of Return Edited by Naseer Aruri Pb 978-0-7453-1776-2 £18.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 27 The definative biography Fredrik Barth An Intellectual Biography Thomas Hylland Eriksen Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society MAY 2015 224pp 215mm x 135mm 12 b+w photos Pb 978-0-7453-3535-3 £15.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3536-0 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1306-6 £15.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1307-3 £15.99 ‘The balance between the broad intellectual history and the personal encounter with Fredrik Barth could hardly have been struck in a more satisfying way.’ TORE LINNÉ ERIKSEN, NY TID Fredrik Barth is one of the towering figures of twentieth-century anthropology. This intellectual history traces the development of Barth’s ideas and explores the substance of his contributions. In an accessible style, Thomas Eriksen’s biographical study reveals the magic of ethnography to professional anthropologists and non-practitioners alike. Exploring his six decade career, it follows Barth from early ecological studies in Pakistan, to political studies in Iran, to groundbreaking fieldwork in Norway, New Guinea, Bali and Bhutan. Eriksen argues that Barth's voracious appetite for fieldwork holds the key to understanding his remarkable intellectual development and the insights it produced. The book raises many of the same questions that emerge from Barth's own work - of unity and diversity, of culture and relativism, of art and science. Thomas Eriksen is himself a major contributor to the study of anthropology, as well as a distinguished educator, and is therefore ideally placed to introduce the life and work of Fredrik Barth. This will surely be the definitive book on its subject for many years to come. THOMAS HYLLAND ERIKSEN is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. He is the author of numerous books, including Ethnicity and Nationalism, A History of Anthropology, Small Places, Large Issues, Tyranny of the Moment and Globalisation, all available from Pluto Press. NEXT READ Small Places, Large Issues Fourth Edition ‘The chapters end, almost like in a crime thriller, with cliffhangers which spur the reader on through a researcher’s life of many twists and turns.’ An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology TOM EGIL HVERVEN, KLASSEKAMPEN Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Finn Sivert Nielsen Thomas Hylland Eriksen Pb 978-0-7453-3593-3 £17.99 A History of Anthropology Pb 978-0-7453-3352-6 £17.99 28 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress A completely rewritten classic textbook Anthropology and Development Challenges for the Twenty-First Century Katy Gardner and David Lewis Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society Western aid is in decline. Non-traditional development actors from the developing countries and elsewhere are in the ascendant. A new set of global economic and political processes are shaping the twenty-first century. Anthropology and Development is a completely rewritten new edition of the best-selling and critically acclaimed Anthropology, Development and the Post-Modern Challenge (1996). It will serve as both an innovative reformulation of the field, and as a textbook for many undergraduate and graduate courses at leading universities in Europe and North America. The authors Katy Gardner and David Lewis engage with nearly two decades of continuity and change in the development industry. In particular, they argue that while the world of international development has expanded since the 1990s, it has become more rigidly technocratic. Anthropology and Development therefore insists on a focus upon the core anthropological issues surrounding poverty and inequality, and thus redefines what are perceived as problems in the field. KATY GARDNER is Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and is the author of several books including Global Migrants, Local Lives: Travel and Transformation in Rural Bangladesh (1995) and Discordant Development (Pluto, 2012). DAVID LEWIS is Professor of Social Policy and Development in the Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics. He is the author of Bangladesh: Politics, Economy and Civil Society (2012) and co-editor of The Aid Effect (Pluto, 2005). NEXT READ Discordant Development Global Capitalism and the Struggle for Connection in Bangladesh Katy Gardner Pb 978-0-7453-3149-2 £21.99 FEBRUARY 2015 224pp 215mm x 135mm 1 figure Pb 978-0-7453-3364-9 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3365-6 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1276-2 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1277-9 £17.99 ‘The book can help to ameliorate the despair which students of development often feel once they come to understand the complexity, and the vested interests, of the aid industry.’ LSE MAGAZINE ‘An authoritative and up to date overview that combines accurate and insightful overviews of the major contributions in the field with their own original and illuminating arguments.’ JAMES FERGUSON Cultivating Development Professor Department of Anthropology, Stanford University An Ethnography of Aid Policy and Practice David Mosse Pb 978-0-7453-1798-4 £18.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 29 A groundbreaking ethnography Becoming Arab in London Performativity and the Undoing of Identity Ramy M. K. Aly Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society JANUARY 2015 280pp 215mm x 135mm 15 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3358-8 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3359-5 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1157-4 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1158-1 £19.99 This book is the first ethnographic exploration of gender, race and class practices amongst British born or raised Arabs in London. Ramy M.K. Aly looks critically at the idea of 'Arab-ness' and the ways in which ethnic subjects are produced, signified and recited in the city. Looking at everyday spaces, encounters and discourses, the book explores the lives of young people and some of the ways in which they ‘do’ or achieve 'Arab-ness'. Aly’s ethnography uncovers narratives of growing up in London, the codes of sociability at Shisha cafes and the sexual politics and ethnic self-portraits which make British-Arab men and women. Drawing on the work of Judith Butler, Aly emphasises the need to move away from the notion of identity and towards a performative reading of race, gender and class. What emerges is a highly innovative contribution to the study of diaspora and difference in contemporary Britain. RAMY M. K. ALY is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the American University in Cairo. NEXT READ Community, Cosmopolitanism and the Problem of Human Commonality Vered Amit and Nigel Rapport Pb 978-0-7453-2903-1 £21.99 Ethnicity and Nationalism Anthropological Perspectives Thomas Hylland Eriksen Pb 978-0-7453-3042-6 £17.99 30 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress What is the purpose of the state? At the Heart of the State The Moral World of Institutions Didier Fassin et al. Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society Can the state ever be a neutral entity? At the Heart of the State argues against apparently common sense ideas of state institutions as the mere apparatus of politics and explores the 'morality' which operates behind them. The result of a five-year investigation, conducted by ten scholars, this book describes and analyses the police, the court system, the prison apparatus, the social services, and mental health facilities of France in an attempt to answer this question. Combining genealogy and ethnography its authors argue that state institutions are not simply concerned with the implementation of laws, rules and procedures but also with the mobilisation of values, affects and judgements. At the Heart of the State explores how discourses, practices and relations constitute the concrete and situated reality of state institutions. Of immense interest to ethnographers and socialologists, this work will make an important contribution to the ever expanding literature on the nature and purpose of the state. JUNE 2015 312pp 230mm x 150mm Pb 978-0-7453-3559-9 £21.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3560-5 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1312-7 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1313-4 £21.99 DIDIER FASSIN is the James D. Wolfensohn Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Developing a critical and engaged approach, he has conducted extensive fieldwork in Senegal, Ecuador and South Africa in the domain of political and moral anthropology. His most recent ethnographic research concerns the French police and prison system. NEXT READ Organisational Anthropology Doing Ethnography in and Among Complex Organisations Edited by Christina Garsten and Anette Nyqvist Pb 978-0-7453-3528-5 £17.99 Border Watch Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control Alexandra Hall Pb 978-0-7453-2723-5 £19.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 31 Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles The Disinherited Majority Capital Questions—Piketty and Beyond The Disinherited Majority Capital Questions—Piketty and Beyond Charles Derber Charles Derber MAY 2015 158pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5832-0 £15.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5831-3 £85 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand Thomas Piketty’s blockbuster 2014 book, Capital in the 21st Century, may prove to be a game-changer, one of those rare books such as Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which helped spark a movement. The worldwide flood of commentary suggests Piketty’s book has already opened a new conversation not only about inequality, but about class, capitalism, and social justice. Inherited wealth is at the heart of Piketty’s book, and Derber shows how the ‘disinherited majority’ is likely to affect the future. Derber shows that there are actually ‘two Pikettys,’ different voices of the author on the 1%, inheritance, and capitalism itself that create a fascinating and unacknowledged hidden debate and conversation within the book. Drawing on Piketty’s discussion, Derber raises fourteen ‘capital questions’—with new perspectives on caste and class warfare, the Great Recession, the decline of the American Dream, and the Occupy movement—that can guide a new conversation about the past and future of capitalism. This book will catalyse a conversation beyond Piketty already emerging in colleges and universities, town halls, coffee shops, workplaces, and political parties and social movements, an essential class for all Americans. CHARLES DERBER is Professor of Sociology at Boston College. He is the ‘Charles Derber is one of our most astute and eloquent social critics. His political analysis is persuasive and is enlivened by graceful prose.’ HOWARD ZINN ‘Highly recommended. All levels & libraries.’ CHOICE review of Sociopathic Society: A People’s Sociology of the United States 32 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress author of Corporation Nation, Hidden Power and Greed to Green. NEXT READ Capitalism: Should You Buy It? Charles Derber and Yale R. Magrass Pb 978-1-6120-5689-0 £18.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5569-5 £100 __ Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies Michael Parenti From market crisis to market boom, from welfare to wealth care, from homelessness to helplessness, and an all-out assault on the global environment—these are just some of the indecencies of contemporary economic life that Profit Pathology takes on. Michael Parenti investigates how class power is a central force in our political life and yet, is subjected to little critical discernment. He notes how moneyed interests shift the rules of the game in their favour while unveiling the long march by reactionaries through the nation’s institutions to undo all the gains of social democracy, from the New Deal to the present. Parenti also traces the exploitative economic forces that have operated through much of American history, including the mass displacement and extermination of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans. Parenti is a master at demonstrating the impact of monomaniacal profit accumulation on social services and human values. Here he takes us one step further, showing how unrestrained capitalism ultimately endangers itself, becoming a ‘self-devouring beast’ that threatens us all. Finally, he calls for a solution based on democratic diversity and public ownership—’because it works.’ MICHAEL PARENTI is an internationally known, award-winning author, scholar, and lecturer who addresses a wide variety of political and cultural subjects. Among his recent books are God and His Demons (2010), Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader (2007), The Culture Struggle (2006), The Assassination of Julius Caesar (2003), and Democracy for the Few, 9th edition (2010). NEXT READ The Face of Imperialism Q PROFIT PATHOLOGY AND OTHER INDECENCIES Q MICHAEL PARENTI JUNE 2015 160pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5662-3 £15.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5661-6 £85 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand Praise for previous works: ‘Parenti offers a valuable rebuttal to the drumbeat from the right.’ NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Michael Parenti Pb 978-1-5945-1918-5 £12.99 Hb 978-1-5945-1917-8 £50 ‘A towering prophetic voice in American life. We need him now more than ever.’ CORNEL WEST www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 33 Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles Celebrity in Chief A History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom Kenneth T. Walsh celebrity in chief A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENTS AND THE CULTURE OF STARDOM KENNETH T. WALSH JUNE 2015 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5706-4 £17.99 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand It didn’t take long for Barack Obama to make his mark as the biggest political star to ever occupy the White House. Over the course of his two terms in office, Obama has injected the American presidency deeper into popular culture than any of his predecessors. This book, by award-winning White House correspondent and presidential historian Kenneth T. Walsh, discusses how the Obamas reached this point. More important, it takes a detailed and comprehensive look at the history of America’s presidents as “celebrities in chief” since the beginning of the Republic. Walsh makes the point that modern presidents need to be celebrities and build on their fame in order to propel their agendas and rally public support for themselves as national leaders so that they can get things done. Kenneth T. Walsh is one of the longest-serving White House correspondents in history and former president of the White House Correspondents’ Association. He is an adjunct professorial lecturer of communication at American University in Washington, DC. Postmarks from a Political Traveler Phil Karber As spring and summer vacations beckon, this book invites and incites a whole new approach to travel. Postmarks from a Political Traveler is a series of travel recollections confronting the troubling topics of roots and racism, polar bears and climate change, antiAmericanism, and the war in Afghanistan. What ties these episodes together is the author’s commitment to social justice and to changing the world through travel and writing— that is, affirming travel as a political act. PHIL KARBER is an award-winning travel writer who has journeyed to MARCH 2015 256pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5761-3 £15.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5762-0 £95 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand 34 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress all continents and more than 130 countries, lived in Africa and Asia for fourteen years, and authored several books including Fear and Faith in Paradise: Exploring Conflict and Religion in the Middle East, The Indochina Chronicles: Travels in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, and Yak Pizza to Go: Traveling in an Age of Vanishing Cultures and Extinctions. He currently calls Cambridge, Massachusetts, home. Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles ReOrienting the 19th Century Global Economy in the Continuing Asian Age Andre Gunder Frank, edited by Robert A. Denemark Andre Gunder Frank was a path-breaking scholar in several disciplines over an illustrious and contentious 50-year career. First amongst his many important works is the book ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age, which sought to correct a Euro-centric world view of the development of the global political economy. Frank passed away in April 2005 while working on this new book, a sequel to ReORIENT. In this book Frank shows many of the myths of European industrialisation, hegemony and capitalism which have hidden the fact that Asia remained a serious power not just into the 18th century, as Frank himself argued in 1998, but well into the 19th century as well. ANDRE GUNDER FRANK held professorships at five universities, including the University of Toronto. He is the author of forty books. He was one of the founders of the ‘World Systems’ approach. ROBERT A. DENEMARK is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware. He has published in International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, and Review of International Political Economy, and has many books published. Living the Dream JUNE 2015 384pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5125-3 £31.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5124-6 £105 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand New Immigration Policies and the Lives of Undocumented Latino Youth Maria Chavez, Jessica L. Lavariega Monforti and Melissa R. Michelson In 2012, President Obama deferred the deportation of qualified undocumented youth, forever changing the lives of the approximately five million DREAMers currently in the US. Formerly ‘illegal’, a generation of Latino youth have begun to build new lives based on their newfound ‘legitimacy.’ In this book the authors relay the real life stories of more than 100 DREAMers. They assess the life circumstances in which undocumented Latino youth find themselves, the racialising effects generated by current immigration public discourse, and the permanent impact of this policy environment on DREAMers in America. Living the Dream is an up-to-date, ethnographically rich contribution to the fields of sociology and migration studies that will appeal to those studying US domestic policy. MARIA CHAVEZ , Associate Professor of Political Science at Pacific Lutheran University, is the award winning author of Everyday Injustice: Latino Professionals and Racism. JUNE 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5711-8 £22.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5712-5 £90 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 35 Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles Maverick Maestro Maurice Peress Maurice Peress leads an unusual American musical life. Born to a Baghdadian father and Polish mother, his first music was Arabic and Yiddish songs. He grew up in New York’s Washington Heights, became a busy dance band and symphonic trumpeter, and was drafted towards the end of the Korean conflict, landing him in a newly integrated Negro Regimental Band. In this memoir, he shares what he learned from an enormous range of American works and musicians. In his first book, Peress explored America’s music and its African American roots. A musical mission emerged, a lifelong commitment to ‘give concerts that reconstruct delicious mixed marriages of music, black and white, Jazz and classical, folk and concert, Native American and European; works that bring people together, that urge us to love one another.’ MAURICE PERESS is the author of Dvorak to Duke Ellington (Oxford JUNE 2015 234pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 978-1-6120-5874-0 £22.99 University Press). He teaches at the Aaron Copland School of Music and guest conducts in the United States and abroad. Recently, his 90th Anniversary Celebration of the concert that launched Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue,’ with Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks, sold out New York’s Town Hall. Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand Is Bipartisanship Dead? A Report from the Senate Ross K. Baker Is Bipartisanship Dead? is a status report on the condition of bipartisanship in the U.S. Senate and includes material from candid, on-the-record interviews with a dozen Democrats and Republicans. The book explores the distinct differences in bipartisanship in Senate committees and on the floor of the chamber and highlights the role of party leaders in promoting or discouraging bipartisan efforts. The book also asks the important question--Is bipartisanship necessarily a good thing?--and provides examples of flawed bipartisan legislation along with the views of critics of bipartisanship. Finally, the book delivers a dispassionate analysis of the vital signs of bipartisanship in the U.S. Senate and examines the constraints on bipartisan action in an era of polarized politics. ROSS K BAKER is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Rutgers MAY 2015 144pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5421-6 £80 Pb 978-1-6120-5421-6 £16.99 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand 36 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress University and author of Friend and Foe in the U.S. Senate (Copley, 1999) and House and Senate Norton, 2008). He is a member of the Board of Contributors of USA Today. Paradigm Publishers - New lead titles Globalization An Introduction to the End of the Known World Charles Lemert This book surveys the history of globalization from the earliest of ancient texts through contemporary debates and the prospects for anticipating the new worlds to come. At the end of the twentieth century, debates over the nature of globalization were unable to agree on a simple resolution, except to say that globalization is economic, political, and cultural all at once. Cultural globalization affects everyone with a smartphone, on which global youth from Los Angeles to Jakarta listen to Jay-Z and Beyonce. States are torn in several directions at once by unsettling economic, political, and cultural forces. Lemert concludes with a serious outline of the possible ways of imagining what the still-unknown global world will become next— ways including optimism, caution, and skepticism. CHARLES LEMERT is Andrus Professor of Sociology at Wesleyan University, Connecticut. He is the author of Durkeim’s Ghosts (2006). MAY 2015 188pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5826-9 £85 Applied Ethics Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand A Multicultural Approach, 6th Edition Edited by Larry May and Jill Delston This best-selling text continues to fill an existing gap in the literature taught in applied ethics courses. As a growing number of courses that include the perspectives of diverse cultures are being added to the university curriculum, texts are needed that represent more multicultural and diverse histories and backgrounds. This new edition enhances gender coverage, as nearly half of the pieces are now authored by women. The new edition also increases the percentage of pieces written by those who come from a non-Western background. It offers twelve up-to-date articles (not found in previous editions) on human rights, environmental ethics, poverty, war and violence, gender, race, euthanasia, and abortion; all of these topics are addressed from Western and non-Western perspectives. LARRY MAY is W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Law, and Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University. He has authored or edited over thirty books, most recently on the topics of war and international criminal law. He teaches courses in philosophy of law and the history of political philosophy. JILL DELSTON is an assistant teaching professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Her teaching and research span social and political philosophy, global justice, normative ethics, early modern philosophy, and ancient Greek philosophy. JUNE 2015 576pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-6120-5839-9 £45 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 37 Paradigm Publishers - Lead textbooks Sport in a Changing World, Second Edition Howard Nixon This book shows how the dynamic interplay of a powerful ‘golden triangle’ of sports, media, and business interests with social, cultural, economic, and political forces shapes sport in a changing world. This edition is a condensed and updated version, with an emphasis on current social issues in sport. It also has more global content. The golden triangle concept is more developed and applied more extensively. Other key themes of the first edition—power, status, and inequality—are also more developed. New ‘Stop and Think’ boxes have been added to challenge students to think about the meaning of what they have read. The book is divided into five sections. The new sections highlight sociology and the sociology of sport; inequality and diversity; globalization and social deviance; major social contexts of sport, including the high school, college, and professional levels; and power, political economy, and global sports. JUNE 2015 308pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-6120-5694-4 £35 Hb 978-1-6120-5693-7 £100 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand HOWARD NIXON is Professor of Sociology at Towson University near Baltimore. Having studied and taught sport for 35 years, he is the author of several books and book chapters and many articles in sport sociology. Sociocultural Studies in Education Critical Thinking for Democracy Richard A. Quantz Sociocultural Studies in Education fills a void in the education of educators. It explores some of the fundamentals around which disagreements in education arise, and leads the reader through some general concepts and intellectual skills that provide the basis for making sense out of the debates about public education in a democracy. Fundamentally a primer on how to read texts about education, Sociocultural Studies in Education presents the various themes and currents found within the arguments and narratives that people use to represent public education. It assumes that the more those interested in education know about how to see through the rhetoric, the better they will be at discerning whose interests are served by which texts. APRIL 2015 308pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-6120-5694-4 £29.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5693-7 £100 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand 38 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress RICHARD A. QUANTZ is professor of Social Foundations of Education at Miami University, Ohio, and author of Rituals and Student Identity in Education: Ritual Critique for a New Pedagogy (2011). Paradigm Publishers - Lead textbooks The Politics of Gun Control Sixth Edition Robert J. Spitzer The new edition of this classic text covers the latest developments in American gun policy, including shooting incidents plaguing the American landscape - especially Sandy Hook, the Colorado theatre shootings and the tragic death of Trayvon Martin - placing them in context with similar recent events. Robert J. Spitzer has long been a recognised authority on gun control and gun policy. His even-handed treatment of the issue - as both a member of the NRA and the Brady Center - continues to compel national and international interest, including interviews by the likes of Terry Gross, Tom Ashbrook and Diane Rehm. This sixth edition of The Politics of Gun Control provides the reader with up-to-date data and coverage of gun ownership, gun deaths, school shootings, border patrols and new topics including social media, stand-your-ground laws, magazine regulation, and shooting-related mental health initiatives. ROBERT J. SPITZER is Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at SUNY-Cortland. Cultural Transformations and Globalization FEBRUARY 2015 288pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5721-7 £29.99 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand Theory, Development, and Social Change Alexander M. Ervin Change is the most significant factor of contemporary society and humanity’s past. This book represents the first substantial attempt since the 1970s to synthesize and critique sociocultural change theories in anthropology and relate them to trends in the social and physical sciences. It emphasizes the most recent contributions— especially complexity and emergence theory, social movements, network analysis, and globalization. Ervin presents a rich legacy of theories and case studies accessible to both the established scholar and the beginning student. He considers how theories and insights can inform policy as humanity faces crises of globalization. ALEXANDER M. ERVIN is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan, where his specialties include applied anthropology, political ecology, social movements, and cultural change. He is the author of Applied Anthropology: Tools and Perspective for Contemporary Practice and other books. MAY 2015 288pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5811-5 £100 Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 39 Paradigm Publishers - New hardbacks SECOND EDITION The Hollywood War Machine U.S. Militarism and Popular Culture Rural Sociologists at Work Candid Accounts of Theory, Method, and Practice Carl Boggs and Tom Pollard A hard-hitting, radical critique of the growing culture of American militarism, focusing on the post–Cold War years. Edited by J. I. Hans Bakker JUNE 2015 288pp 254mm x 178mm Hb 9781612057972 £105 JUNE 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058672 £90 Congress, the Media, and the Public A collection of original chapters written by prominent social scientists which elucidates the theory and practice of contemporary rural sociology. The Face of the Firm Corporate Hegemonic Masculinity at Work Who Reveals What, When, and How? Michele Rene Gregory Stephen E. Frantzich JUNE 2015 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612054247 £95 Assesses the current status of the relationship between Congress and the media and discerns the temporary changes from those likely to represent future trends. Navigating the Jungle JUNE 2015 240pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058436 £95 Law, Politics, and the Animal Advocacy Movement Highlights new critical perspectives on the relationship between hegemonic masculine cultures, gender embodiment and gender disparities in corporate organisations. Dangerous Thinking in the age of the New Henry A. Giroux Steven C. Tauber JUNE 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612051284 £90 40 The first empirically-based analysis of animal law that emphasises the political forces that shape animal law outcomes. www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress JUNE 2015 176pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 9781612058634 £85 Provides an accessible, layered, and sustained example of how thinking dangerously is central to and connected with the struggle over the radical imagination and the fight to fulfill the promise of a radical democracy. Paradigm Publishers - New paperbacks The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters A Guide for Teachers and Parents of Children Becoming Adolescents C. L. Dellums and the Fight for Fair Treatment and Civil Rights Jerome S. Allender and Donna Sclarow-Allender Robert Allen MAY 2015 150pp 229mm x 152mm PB 9781612055497 £14.99 Hb 9781612055480 £60 C. L. Dellums was a leading civil rights activist as well as a labor leader. This book is an inspiring testament to both him and the unions transformative impact on US society. APRIL 2015 168pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612056838 £22.99 Hb 9781612056821 £85 Handbook on World Social Forum Activism MAY 2015 476pp 235mm x 156mm Pb 9781594519475 £39.95 Hb 9781594519468 £95 <?XML VERSION=”1.0” ENCODING=”UTF- JUNE 2015 148pp 235mm x 156mm Pb 9781612057774 £19.99 Hb 9781612057767 £85 Toward a New Common School Movement MAY 2014 176pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612054414 £22.99 Hb 9781612054407 £85 The global struggle for human rights has been a struggle by oppressed groups against the structures of their oppression. This book presents the fundamental insights gleaned from the scholarship on groups in society for the study of, understanding of, and, ultimately, realisation of human rights. Peace Ecology Randall Amster A cutting-edge exploration of an emerging paradigm that links the essence of peace and nonviolence with the tenets of ecology and the principles of environmentalism. Noah De Lissovoy, Alexander J. Means and Kenneth J. Saltman A bold and urgent call to action: corporate school reform in the United States represents a failed project subverted by profiteering and corruption. This book demands a just and sustainable future beyond the crises of neoliberalism and predatory capitalism. Expanding the Human in Human Rights Edited by David L. Brunsma, Keri E. Iyall Smith and Brian K. Gran This book will assist teachers and parents in their endeavors to educate young people about behaving ethically. Toward a Sociology of Human Rights Edited by Jackie Smith, Ellen Reese, Scott Byrd and Elizabeth Smythe Documents the rise of the World Social Forums. Succinct chapters include an analysis of the social forum decision making process. Ethics for the Young Mind JUNE 2015 224pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612052977 £16.99 Hb 9781612052960 £90 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 41 Paradigm Publishers - New hardbacks The Politics of Global Climate Change A Strategy for Survival Jeremy Brecher Patrick M. Regan MARCH 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612057880 £90 Looks at why President Obama’s promises to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions in 2009 were doomed to fail. Lays out a strategy for protecting the earth’s climate: a global nonviolent constitutional insurgency. APRIL 2015 160pp 203mm x 127mm Hb 9781612058207 £85 Unlocking the World Ronald D. Cohen and Will Kaufman Claudia Ruitenberg MARCH 2015 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612057804 £95 Political Culture and the Making of Modern Nation-States Vividly portrays this rich antiwar history, beginning in the eighteenth century and continuing into the twenty-first. APRIL 2015 170pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058078 £85 MARCH 2015 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612057835 £100 42 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress George Herbert Mead’s Concept of Society A Critical Reconstruction Edward Weisband and Courtney I. P. Thomas Focuses on transformations of political culture from times past to futurepresent, examining how major ethnic, sectarian, racial, and other distinctions arise and congeal into social and cultural categories. Singing for Peace Anti-War Songs in American History Education in an Ethic of Hospitality Unlocking the World proposes hospitality as a guiding ethic for education. Based on the work of Jacques Derrida, it suggests that giving place to children and newcomers is at the heart of education. Climate Insurgency Jean-François Cote APRIL 2015 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058047 £95 Offers a new look at Mead’s concept of society, in an attempt to reconstruct its significance for sociological theory. Paradigm Publishers - New hardbacks Black Males and Racism Improving the Schooling and Life Chances of African Americans Pierre Orelus Terence D. Fitzgerald FEBRUARY 2015 180pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055503 £85 Empirically rich analysis of the enduring racism faced by black males in the education system. Ending Extreme Inequality JUNE 2015 176pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058788 £85 An Economic Bill of Rights to Eliminate Poverty JUNE 2015 176pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058887 £85 Birthing Justice Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth JUNE 2015 240pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058368 £85 Excellence vs. Equality Allan Ornstein A resounding call for a new Economic Bill of Rights to combat increasing poverty and economic bifurcation. This book critically examines Obama’s presidency and legacy, especially in regard to race, inequality, education, and political power. Can Society Achieve both Goals? Scott Myers-Lipton FEBRUARY 2015 176pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 9781612057262 £85 Race, Power, and the Obama Legacy How a nation treats its poor defines that society. This book is about how we treat those with less ability in context with those who are strong, and addresses the inevitable question: can a society achieve both excellence and equality? Myth and Reality in International Politics Edited by Julia Chinyere Oparah and Alicia D. Bonaparte Meeting Global Challenges through Collective Action Examines the global crisis in maternal health care for black women. Jonathan Wilkenfeld JUNE 2015 160pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055671 £85 Offers a blueprint for how to overcome challenges to the welfare of both states and individuals, calling for increased leadership responsibility, clarity of mission and empowerment. www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 43 Paradigm Publishers Crafting Collectivity Immigration and the Militarization of the US-Mexico Border Chelsea Schelly Nicole I. Torres A unique look at the alternative social systems at work in the Annual Gathering of the Rainbow Family. A new ethnography looking at the increasing militarisation of the USMexico border, and the impact of this on borderland communities. MAY 2015 144pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612057484 £80 Politics in Popular Movies John S. Klemanski , David A. Dulio and Michael Switalski John S. Nelson A wide-casting overview of politics in popular films, looking at the four genres of horror, war, thriller and sci-fi. John S. Nelson considers the ‘political’ in various forms - from high government and war, to everyday politics of church, school, business and family life. JUNE 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056913 £90 What Don’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger 44 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress Waves of Democracy John Markoff Kamesha Spates Hb 9781612050416 £90 Based on data from the most recent US elections, this book examines state house races in four key states— California, Texas, Michigan, and Virginia—and creates simulations of campaign planning, strategizing, budgeting, fundraising, and winning in a variety of political contexts. Social Movements and Political Change, Second Edition African American Women and Suicide An illuminating exploration of why the suicide rate for black women in the MAY 2015 US is so low in spite of harmful social 192pp 216mm x 140mm ( inequalities. Campaigns from the Ground Up State House Elections in a National Context Rhetorical Takes on Horror, War, Thriller, and SciFi Films MAY 2015 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055565 £95 Walls of Indifference American Rainbow Gatherings and Alternative Forms of Community MARCH 2015 176pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 9781612057453 £85 JUNE 2015 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612052922 £90 Looking at the nature of ‘democracy’ in the 21st Century, this updated edition coverins contemporary, amorphous democracy movements such as Occupy and the Arab Spring. Paradigm Publishers Drugs, Power, and Politics Narco Wars, Big Pharma, and the Subversion of Democracy Edited by Michael A. Peters and Alicia de Alba Carl Boggs JUNE 2015 304pp 254mm x 178mm Hb 9781612058702 £100 JUNE 2015 176pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 9781612058825 £85 This book explores the increasingly broad terrain of drugs in American society with an emphasis on politics. MAY 2015 192pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781594519031 £23.99 Hb 9781594519024 £65 Investigates the human subject in the first decade of the twenty-first century in relation to changing social circumstances and belongings. Anti-Racist Teaching Unlikely Fame Robert P. Amico This unique book depicts the stories of Americans born in poverty, who achieved national or international fame. Accessible to students and lay readers, this scholarly study describes poverty as a disability that typically stunts important areas of growth in childhood “Why is teaching about racism and white privilege to white students so difficult?” and “What can educators do to become more effective antiracist teachers for all of their students?” Amico examines the cognitive and emotive obstacles that students experience in the classroom Handbook of Evolution and Society Poor People Who Made History David Wagner FEBRUARY 2015 208pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612057149 £19.99 Hb 9781612057156 £90 Toward an Evolutionary Social Science APRIL 2015 580pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612058146 £125 Subjects in Process Edited by Jonathan H. Turner, Alexandra Maryanski and Richard Machalek Handbook of Evolution and Society brings together original chapters by prominent scholars who have been instrumental in the revival of evolutionary theorising and research in the social sciences over the last twentyfive years. Paulo Freire and the Curriculum Georgios Grollios. Forewords by Henry A. Giroux and Panayota Gounari APRIL 2015 160pp 216mm x 140mm Pb 9781594517488 £22.99 How Paulo Freire’s progressive and vital contributions to curriculum planning can be made more relevant today for educators, policy makers and anybody involved in education. www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress 45 Recent Highlights The ABCs of Political Economy The Militarization of Protest Policing A Modern Approach Lesley J. Wood An activist's guide to understanding the militarisation of the policing of protest. Robin Hahnel NOVEMBER 2014 352pp 205mm x 150mm 8 figures Pb 9780745334974 £14.99 Hb 9780745334981 £65 Epub 9781783712076 £14.99 Kindle 9781783712083 £14.99 APRIL 2014 288pp 240mm x 170mm Pb 9780745333601 £17.99 Hb 9780745333618 £55 'Lucidly written, comprehensive in coverage, based on expert understanding and insight.' Noam Chomsky A Collection of Ranter Writings MAY 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm 3 tables, 1 figure Pb 9780745333885 £16.99 Hb 9780745333892 £60 Epub 9781783712106 £16.99 Kindle 9781783712113 £16.99 Constructed Situations Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution A New History of the Situationist International Nigel Smith. Foreword by John Carey Frances Stracey The most comprehensive attempt to anthologise the key Ranter writings bringing together some remarkable, visionary and unforgettable texts. Bruno Latour OCTOBER 2014 200pp 230mm x 150mm 8 colour plates, 38 b&w photos Pb 9780745335261 £16.99 Hb 9780745335278 £70 Epub 9781783712243 £16.99 Kindle 9781783712250 Reassembling the Political A biography of Bruno Latour, the sociologist and anthropologist, which focuses on his political philosophy. OCTOBER 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745333991 £19.99 Hb 9780745334004 £75 Epub 9781783711987 £19.99 Kindle 9781783711994 £19.99 www.plutobooks.com PlutoPress A ground-breaking rethink of the radical Situationist art movement drawn from a life's worth of research. Captive Revolution Palestinian Women’s Anti-Colonial Struggle within the Israeli Prison System Graham Harman 46 Crisis and Control Nahla Abdo AUGUST 2014 264pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745334936 £19.99 Hb 9780745334943 £60 Epub 9781783711857 £19.99 Kindle 9781783711864 £19.99 Drawing on oral history of female Palestinian political detainees, this book analyses their anti-colonial struggles in this overlooked subject. Recent Highlights We Make Our Own History Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf Marxism and Social Movements in the Twilight of Neoliberalism Edited by Abdulhadi Khalaf, Omar AlShehabi and Adam Hanieh Laurence Cox and Alf Gunvald Nilsen AUGUST 2014 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745334813 £18.99 Hb 9780745334820 £65 Epub 9781783711918 £18.99 Kindle 9781783711925 £18.99 A rethinking of popular political movements, this book looks at new, emerging, mass visions and analyses their impact and potential in new ways. Blaming the Victim NOVEMBER 2014 272pp 215mm x 135mm 9 figures, 2 maps Pb 9780745335209 £19.99 Hb 9780745335223 £65 Epub 9781783712212 £19.99 Kindle 9781783712229 £19.99 State Crime on the Margins of Empire JUNE 2014 208pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745332109 £16.99 Hb 9780745332116 £65 Epub 9781783711604 £16.99 Kindle 9781783711611 £16.99 Zionism and its Discontents Ran Greenstein Kristian Lasslett Investigates state involvement in war crimes surrounding activists on the island of Bougainville, who struggled to close a Rio Tinto owned copper mine. A comprehensive guide to Jameson's theoretical project and a convincing argument for the power of dialectical criticism to understand the world today. A Century of Radical Dissent in Israel/Palestine Rio Tinto, the War on Bougainville and Resistance to Mining AUGUST 2014 256pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745335049 £23.99 Hb 9780745335032 £75 Epub 9781783712304 £23.99 Kindle 9781783712311 £23.99 Fredric Jameson Robert T. 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Anthropology - Pluto Press
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