kmanjaro holdings - Royal Falcon Fleet
kmanjaro holdings - Royal Falcon Fleet
KMANJARO HOLDINGS CORPORATEPROFILE ParentCompanyof ROYAL FALCON FLEET AB BOX 415, 831 26 ÖSTERSUND, SWEDEN. EMAIL:ENQUIRY@RFFPLC.COM WEBSITE: ROYALFALCONFLEET.COM 1 KMANJARO HOLDINGS PLC Kmanjaro Holdings plc has over 20 years experience in building approximately 9 billion dollars international companies in capital-intensive businesses, particularly in the mobile telecommunications and media sectors, and in the ship building industry. Kmanjaro Holdings strengths have been in the early identification of greenfield opportunities, building relationships with host Governments, successfully negotiating on license bids, and forging partnerships with globally experienced business partners with whom we have then built profitable companies in extremely competitive markets and created jobs for thousands of people. Vietnam In 1995 Kmanjaro Holdings formed a partnership with Millicom International Cellular SA (MIC), the Luxembourg based international mobile telecom operator, to form a joint venture, Comvik International AB, a Swedish registered limited company in which Kmanjaro Holdings holds 20% of the equity. Kmanjaro Holdings was instrumental in the successful bid by Comvik International AB to become the foreign partner in Vietnam’s first GSM mobile phone network. In 1995, Comvik International Vietnam AB (CIV), a wholly owned subsidiary of Comvik International AB, was awarded a 10-yearcontract (with extension rights) to build, operate and jointly manage a national GSM mobile telecommunication network in Vietnam, “Mobifone”, together with the newly formed Vietnamese operator, Vietnam Mobile Services Company (VMS). The President and CEO of Kmanjaro Holdings plc was appointed as the first President of Comvik International Vietnam AB, and is still today Chairman of the company. Under the successful management of CIV, the Mobifone network quickly established itself as the largest, highest quality and most profitable network in Vietnam. More than 15 years later, the MobiFone network is still one of the largest and most profitable networks in Vietnam. Profits from the network throughout the contract amounts of capital into businesses, has made contract. operations were shared between CIV and VMS on a 50:50 basis period in Vietnam. Kmanjaro Holdings plc invested substantial the Indochina region and, as a result of the success of these significant profits from its operations during the period of the KENSINGTON GARDENS, NO. U1317, LOT 7616, JALAN JUMIDAR BUYONG, 87000 LABUAN F.T., MALAYSIA Tel: +60 87 411 929 2 Cambodia and Laos Shareholders of Kmanjaro Holdings plc established another company, Sultanat Holdings plc, with the purpose to develop additional business opportunities in Cambodia and Laos. Based on the success of their joint operations in Vietnam, Millicom International Cellular SA agreed to establish a joint venture with Sultanat Holdings plc, Millicom Cambodia BV, a Dutch registered company in which Sultanat Holdings held 5%, to develop new businesses in Cambodia. In 1997, with significant assistance from Sultanat Holdings management, Millicom Cambodia BV was awarded a 35-year license to operate a nationwide mobile telephony network by the Government of Cambodia. The GSM network, Mobitel, became nation’s most dominant telecommunication network and has maintained 80% market share throughout most of its operational existence. The company was so successful that it was subsequently awarded a national terrestrial TV broadcasting license, under a new joint venture (Cambodia Television Network), which now operates the two most popular channels in Cambodia (CTN and MyTV). In addition, the Government granted an international telecommunications gateway license to the company (Tele2), for routing international incoming and outgoing calls to Cambodia. In 2003, Sultanat Holdings plc added to its portfolio through a further joint venture with Millicom International Cellular SA, Millicom Laos BV, in which Sultantat Holdings indirectly held 5% of the company, for the development of new business in Laos. Through the determined efforts of Sultanat Holdings plc, Millicom Laos BV was awarded a license by the Government of Laos for a 25-year national mobile telecommunications network in Laos – the Tigo Laos network. This network shattered the long established mobile sector duopoly in Laos, and was instrumental in helping significantly drive down mobile usage costs in Laos. Tigo Laos became the network of choice for the youth market in Laos, where it continues to dominate in consumer preference. Over the last few years, both Millicom Cambodia BV and Millicom Laos BV have divested their interests in Cambodia and Laos at a significant profit. CURRENT ACTIVITIES OF K’MANJARO HOLDINGS and SULTANAT HOLDINGS Mega Yacht and Super Yacht Production and Design The two holding companies have established a number of new businesses in super yacht design, construction and fitting-out, under a common brand Royal Falcon Fleet, to exploit a perceived need in this market. KENSINGTON GARDENS, NO. U1317, LOT 7616, JALAN JUMIDAR BUYONG, 87000 LABUAN F.T., MALAYSIA Tel: +60 87 411 929 3 The Royal Falcon Fleet group of companies is involved in the design, construction and sale of super-luxury mega-yacht. The company has an exclusive agreement with Porsche Design for the design of all vessels on the water. The first model in this series is the RFF135 by Porsche Design, a 135-foot power catamaran capable of accommodating 10 VIP passengers in ultimate style and luxury. The first RFF135 mega-yacht is currently under fit-out at shipyard facilities in Sweden, while the hull construction of the second vessel is already in progress. Later models will include a 211 feet mono hull mega-yacht by Porsche Design. Utilizing the groups expertise and track record in identifying new opportunities in capital intensive sectors, and then building strong relationships with global international partners to exploit these opportunities, Kmanjaro Holdings has helped Royal Falcon Fleet to establish partnerships with a number of companies with world renowned reputations, such as Porsche Design for the yachts’ exterior and interior design; Greenline Yacht Interiors for yacht interiors of the very highest quality; Imtech Marine for integrated ships systems; Incat Crowther for naval engineering; and MTU for marine engine propulsion systems. The company also produces a 28 feet 5-seat high performance yacht, the Royal Falcon Fire 28 by Porsche Design (“RFF28”), capable of speeds of 70+ knots. Other yachts in this series will include RFF45 by Porsche Design. Media and Broadcasting Kmanjaro Holdings produces the high quality coffee table periodical, “Dazzling Oceans”, which promotes ocean philanthropy, preservation of marine life and ecosystems, as well as well-being articles on health, beauty, wealth management and lifestyle. Dazzling Oceans is available to select customers by invitation only. We plan to launch Dazzling Oceans global TV in the near future. From our history in mobile communications, TV broadcasting and program content, Kmanjaro Holdings is currently also researching mobile television opportunities over 3G and 4G telecom networks in a number of markets. We believe there are great opportunities for entertainment, marketing, advertising and brand promotion using this new media. KENSINGTON GARDENS, NO. U1317, LOT 7616, JALAN JUMIDAR BUYONG, 87000 LABUAN F.T., MALAYSIA Tel: +60 87 411 929 4 THE TEAM Theexecu(veteam,'commanders'oftheKmanjaroHoldingandRoyalFalconFleet,comefromthe highestlevelsofthepublicandprivatesectorsbackgroundsaroundtheworld.Havingexcelledas captains of industry, commerce, public service and even the world of Olympic sport the group’s execu(veandadvisoryteambringstogetherawealthofunparalleledexperienceandexper(se. BOARDOFADVISORS Mr.PeterYngwe Mr.GirijaPande Mr.BillMagennis Mr.MatsJohansson KEYEXECUTIVESOFTHEGROUP Mr.M.A.Zaman–President&CEO Mr.JeffreyNoble–COO&SeniorExecuQveVicePresident Mr.RogerLeitner–ExecuQveVicePresident–Mergers&AcquisiQons Mr.JeffreyTan–VicePresident-OperaQons KEYEXECUTIVESOFTHESHIPBUILDINGCOMPANY Mr.MarkusLadenstein–SeniorVicePresident-Shipbuilding Mr.ChrisElmes–SeniorManager–Shipbuilding BOARD OF ADVISORS Mr.PeterYngwewasthePresident&CEOofSwedishExportCreditCorpora(on (SEK) un(l April 2014. SEK provides financial solu(ons for Swedish export companiesandpar(cularlyexportstotheemergingmarkets.Mr.Yngwespent30 years with SEK of which 17 years as President and CEO and has extensive experience and a broad network with Swedish and interna(onal banks, Swedish governmental en((es involved with financing and capital needs of the Swedish expor(ngsectoraswellastheSwedishcorporatesector.Mr.Yngweisamember oftheBoardofDirectorsoftheSwedishExportCreditsGuaranteeBoard(EKN). Mr.GirijaPande-Execu(veChairman,ApexAvalonConsul(ngPteLtd,Singapore. Apex Avalon is a Singapore based company that provides Strategic Consul(ng, Research and Analy(cs to businesses in the fast growing Asia Pacific (APAC) market. It’s an equal JV between Apex Advisors of Singapore and Avalon Consul(ng- which is India's largest Strategy Consul(ng organiza(on (1400 staff) andrankedinthetop10inAPAC.GirijaPandeiswellknowninAsiahavingspent overthreedecadesintheregionworkinginseniorcapaci(esinalargeMNCBank andaglobalITcompany.Mr.Pandespentthelast11yearswithTataConsultancy Services (TCS) Ltd, as Chairman/CEO of TCS, APAC. TCS is one of Asia’s largest TechnologycompanywithamarketcapofoverUSD55Bn. Mr.BillMagennis–adirectorofHolcimVietnamLimited,isadynamiclegalexpert withover20yearsofexperienceinAsia.Duringthis(meheworkedonsomeof thebiggestenergyandresourceprojectsintheregionandrepresentedcompanies such as BP, Phu My 3 ‘BOT’ power plant, Tricon(nental Bank etc. His legal exper(seincludetheareasofenergy,resources,financing,construc(on,corporate and banking. He is also the member of Australian Business Group and the AmericanChamberofCommerceinVietnamandtheLawIns(tuteofVictoria Mr.MatsJohanssonisasuccessfulbusinessmanandanaccreditedsailor.Hewas a seven (me medalist in South and North American, European and World Championshipsinsailingandten(mesSwedishchampion.HecaptainedSweden’s sailing team the 1988 and 2000 Olympic Games. Mr. Johansson skippered the Swedishentry,VictoryChallenge,forthe2003AmericasCup.Mr.Johanssonalso runstwocompaniesintheligh(ngbusiness. KEY EXECUTIVES OF THE GROUP Mr. M. A. Zaman, President & CEO - a visionary, has brought to life – ROYAL FALCON FLEET (“RFF”) group of companies; a one-of-a-kind ini(a(ve, bringing togetheranexclusivestrategicallianceofworldclasspartnersincluding:Porsche Design,KOCKUMS,Imtech,Greenline,MTU&IncatCrowthertobuildandpromote state-of-the-art mega yachts. RFF’s debut mega yacht is the RFF 135, a 135 n catamaran. Priortothis,Mr.M.AZamanwastheSeniorExecu(veVP–BusinessDevelopment Asia Pacific, for Millicom Interna(onal Cellular S.A. (MIC). MIC is the telecommunica(on flagship of the Kinnevik Group of Sweden and is listed on NASDAQ and on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Under his leadership, Millicom rosetoaprominenttelecommunica(onandtelevisionoperatorintheIndo-China regionwhichistoday,amul(-billiondollarenterprise. Mr.JeffreyNoble,ChiefOperaQngOfficer&SeniorExecuQveVicePresident–A senior execu(ve from the telecoms industry, Mr Noble has over 25 years experience of running companies around the world. From 1999 to 2010, he worked for Millicom Interna(onal Cellular SA, managing their opera(ons in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. He is a fully qualified UK chartered accountant, a FellowoftheCharteredIns(tuteofManagementAccountants(FCMA),andformer Execu(vefortheEuropeanChamberofCommerceinVietnam. Mr. Roger Leitner, ExecuQve Vice President – Mergers & AcquisiQons - A Swiss Na(onalwithover25yearsseniormanagementexperienceinPrivateBanking.Mr. Roger Leitner is a Cer(fied Wealth Management Advisor CWMA and Business EconomistwithaBachelordegreefromZurichBusinessSchoolforEconomicsand Administra(on. Roger Leitner started his career in January 1990 with Swiss Bank Corpora(oninZurich/Switzerland,wentthroughthemergerin1998andworked with UBS AG un(l June 2015. In July 2007 he was heading the Representa(ve Office as the local Ambassador for UBS in Dubai un(l June 2011. Market responsibility was UAE, Oman, Qatar, KSA and Pakistan. In July 2011 he built a MiddleEastteaminSingaporewithextendedmarketresponsibilityGreece,Africa andIsrael,focusonUHNWIandRoyalFamilies. Mr.JeffreyTan,VicePresident–OperaQons– ASingaporeanna(onalwhoisvery wellversedwiththeChinesemarketsandhighendclienteleinAsia.Jeffreyholdsa Bachelor’sDegreeinElectrical&ComputerEngineeringfromNa(onalUniversityof Singapore, and an M.B.A. with a Major in Finance from Asia’s leading business school-NanyangBusinessSchool,Singapore.Hewasawardedafull-tui(onmerit scholarship from Singapore Airlines and Singapore Ministry of Educa(on. Jeffrey has deep knowledge of the luxury markets in China, he was very successful in managingtheasendanceofChineseUHNWIclienteletoasendtheForbesGlobal CEOConferences.Asidefrommanagingtheopera(ons,heisalsoresponsiblefor marke(ngini(a(vesfortheRoyalFalconClubinChina. CORPORATE PROFILE A PREMIUM BRAND TheRoyalFalconFleetgroupofcompaniesisinvolvedinthedesign,construc(onandsaleofsuperluxury mega-yachts over 100 feet in length. The world famous Porsche Design company is exclusively contracted to Royal Falcon Fleet for exterior and interior designs of all vessels in the RoyalFalconFleetportolio-RoyalFalconFleetbyPorscheDesign. Royal Falcon Fleet is currently building a fleet of luxury mega-yachts, designed under exclusive contract with the world-renowned Porsche Design team. The first model in this series is the RFF135, a 135-foot power catamaran capable of accommoda(ng 10 VIP passengers in ul(mate styleandluxury.Latermodelswillincludea211feetmonohullmega-yacht. Inpursuitofexcellence,wehavebeenrigorousinexcludingallbuttheverybestqualitypartnersto workwithRFF:PorscheDesignforexteriorandinteriordesign;Greenlineforinteriorsofthevery highest quality; Imtech for integrated systems; Incat Crowther for catamaran engineering; and MTUforenginepropulsion. The first RFF135 mega-yacht is currently under fit-out at shipyard facili(es in Sweden, while the hullconstruc(onofthesecondvesselisalreadyinprogress. ROYAL FALCON FLEET CORPORATE PROFILE The Royal Falcon Group’s shipbuilding companies are 100% owned by Kmanjaro Holdings plc. Collec(vely, the shipbuilding companies are Royal Falcon Fleet plc (corporate HQ), Royal Falcon FleetAB(Fit-outandsystems)andGoldenGalaxyYachtsplc(Engineering&Construc(on). Kmanjaro Holdings plc has over 20 years experience in building successful companies, from the ground up, in capital intensive businesses. In 1995 Kmanjaro Holdings plc, in partnership with Millicom Interna(onal Cellular SA (MIC), built the first GSM mobile network in Vietnam, which grewtobecomeVietnam’sbiggestandmostsuccessfulmobilecompany“MobiFone”. ComvikInterna(onalVietnamAB(CIV),aJointVenturewithMillicomInterna(onalCellularSAin which Kmanjaro Holdings holds 20% of CIV’s shares, was awarded a 10-year contract (with extensionrights)in1995tobuildandoperateVietnam’sfirstmobilephonenetwork,inpartnership with the Vietnamese operator Vietnam Mobile Services Company (VMS), with profits from the networkopera(onssharedbetweenCIVandVMSona50:50basisthroughoutthecontractperiod. TodayMobiFonenetworkiss(llthelargestandmostprofitablenetworkinVietnam. KmanjaroHoldingsplcinvestedsignificantlyintotheIndochinaregion,andmadesignificantprofits from the opera(ons. Subsequently the company made capital available to a number of new subsidiary companies that would focus on mega-yacht building, under the brand Royal Falcon Fleet. KEY EXECUTIVES OF THE SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Mr.MarkusLadenstein,SeniorVicePresident-ShipBuilding–aseniorexecu(ve from the yacht industry, Mr Ladenstein has more than 25 years experience in luxuryyachtbuilding&yachtprojectmanagement.Hehasworkingknowledgein technical and mechanical yacht engineering, and vast experience in project managementfromthefirstsketchtofinalhandoverofyacht. Mr.ChrisElmes,SeniorManager–ShipBuilding–He has more than 35 years in the Luxury Yacht Industry. After Graduating Southampton Solent University, UK (Yacht and Powercraft Design), and designing and building award winning boats in the UK, he became a professional Yacht Captain with145,000 ocean miles logged including 13 transatlantic crossings. With extensive theoretical and practical knowledge, he became a Naval engineering consultant and advised on new build yacht projects at some of the top shipyards in Europe and the USA.