LGL-Freshwater-Fish - Chuitna Coal Project
LGL-Freshwater-Fish - Chuitna Coal Project
Movement and abundance of freshwater fish in the Chuit River drainage, Alaska, May through September 2008 Final report by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 1101 E. 76th Ave., Suite B Anchorage, AK 99518 For PacRim Coal, L.P. 1007 3rd Avenue, Suite 304 Anchorage, AK 99501 LGL Report P1030 February 18, 2009 Movement and abundance of freshwater fish in the Chuit River drainage, Alaska, May through September 2008 Prepared by Matthew J. Nemeth, Benjamin C. Williams, Amy M. Baker, Christopher C. Kaplan, Michael R. Link, Scott W. Raborn, and Justin T. Priest LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 1101 E. 76th Ave., Suite B. Anchorage, AK 99518 (907) 562-3339 For PacRim Coal, L.P. 1007 W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 304 Anchorage, AK 99501 LGL Final Report P1030 February 18, 2009 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Please cite as: Nemeth, M.J., B.C. Williams, A.M. Baker, C.C. Kaplan, M. R. Link, S. W. Raborn and J.T. Priest. 2009. Movement and abundance of freshwater fish in the Chuit River drainage, Alaska, May through September 2008. Final report prepared by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska for PacRim Coal, L.P. 159 p. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. ii 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Executive Summary Fish were captured at several locations in the Chuit River watershed in 2008 as part of a multi-objective project designed to describe fish movements and species composition, estimate abundance of juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon, and establish a time series designed to detect and measure potential effects of future mine development on fish production. An estimated 37,424 (+/- 4,148) coho salmon smolts migrated to sea from the Chuit River watershed in 2008, based on fish marked in three upstream tributaries and fish examined in the mainstem river. Abundance of Chinook salmon smolts could not be estimated due to scarcity of fish at the mark sites. The estimated number of coho salmon smolts migrating from the study tributaries was 8,878 from Stream 2002, 7,790 from Stream 2003, and 4,941 from Stream 2004. Most fish considered smolts were age-2 (two winters spent in fresh water), and were larger than 90 mm in length; some fish younger or smaller also smolted in 2008, but the number was uncertain due to behavioral differences of these fish among sites. The life history of juvenile coho salmon from the Chuit River watershed appears to be one in which fry hatch in the spring and are moving within the natal tributaries in early to mid summer. We saw no major movement into or out of the tributaries by these age-0 fish, although some fish may have been too small to be captured by the gear. After overwintering within the tributaries, some leave for the ocean in the spring of the next year; these age-1 smolts appeared to be the larger fish of their age class, and mostly exceeded 80 mm in length. Migration of age-1 smolts ceased by mid July. Afterwards, additional age-1 fish migrated from the tributaries down into the mainstem Chuit River, but appeared to be pre-smolts destined to overwinter in the mainstem river before emigrating to sea the next year as age-2 fish. A third group of age-1 fish remained in the tributaries, where they overwintered before migrating to sea in the early summer of the next year, as age-2 smolts. It was these age-2 fish smolting directly from the tributary that accounted for the majority of smolts we found in 2008, as they migrated in a distinct pulse extending from early June through mid July. Age-2 fish within the tributaries were relatively large in size (31% were larger than 120 mm), and were larger than age-2 counterparts in the mainstem river. Larger age-2 fish migrated earlier in the season than smaller age-2 fish. V-shaped weirs were installed on all three study tributaries to capture fish moving downstream and into the mainstem Chuit River. The weirs successfully allowed fish migrating in and out of the tributaries to be censused from early June through September, with some exceptions at high water in September. In May, partial weirs on two streams indicated that few, if any, fish were moving in the streams while ice breakup was underway, water was high, and water temperatures were low (~ 2° C, 36° F). The weir systems enabled all of the coho smolt emigration in streams 2003 and 2004 to be sampled, indicating that these two streams can successfully be monitored as the control and impact streams needed for the multi-year before-after control-impact (BACI) study designed to test for impacts from development in Stream 2003. The weir on Stream 2002 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. iii 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report enabled fish to be counted for most of the period from early June through mid September, as intended to address information requested for the baseline period through 2008. The upstream migrations of adult salmon differed among the three study tributaries. Low numbers of adult coho salmon moved into streams 2002 and 2003 in late July, but not into Stream 2004. A second, larger pulse of adult coho salmon moved into all three tributaries from early to late September, at nearly identical times. Total numbers of adult coho salmon were the greatest in Stream 2002 (estimated range: 2,336 to 2,903), followed by Stream 2003 (1,983 to 2,313) and Stream 2004 (269 to 726). Some fish likely entered Stream 2004 undetected. Adult Chinook salmon were more numerous in Stream 2002 (217 to 341) than in Stream 2003 (21 to 80) and Stream 2004 (77 to 153). Low numbers (6 to 50 per stream) of adult sockeye (O. nerka) salmon returned to all three streams. Adult pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon were present mainly in Stream 2002 (4 adult chum salmon, 232 to 436 pink salmon); a few adult pink salmon were also seen in Stream 2003 (1 to 4). Other fish had obvious migratory patterns between the study tributaries and the mainstem Chuit River. Lamprey (primarily Arctic [Lampetra camtschatica], but also a few Pacific [L. tridentate]) moved in large numbers from streams 2002 and 2003, but in fewer numbers from Stream 2004. Rainbow trout (O. mykiss) and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) moved into and out of each stream consistently, but in low numbers relative to coho salmon. A large number of newly hatched rainbow trout fry emerged from a side tributary of Stream 2004 in mid summer. Few juvenile Chinook salmon were captured in the three tributaries and juvenile pink and chum salmon were rare or absent. Overall, the results on fish species composition and migratory patterns provide new baseline information, support many conclusions reached by earlier studies, and provide useful estimates of the abundance coho salmon in the tributaries and their contribution to the overall Chuit River salmon production. The results also provide some information on possible overwintering patterns based on size classes of fish present in late fall and early spring. Abundance of adult coho salmon was higher than noted in prior studies, and the documentation of adult sockeye salmon appears to be the first within the study tributaries. Juvenile coho salmon life history patterns were mostly consistent with prior studies, as was the scarcity of large rainbow trout moving in the systems in the fall. Species differences among the three tributaries were consistent with their relative size and location within the watershed; for example, the decrease in adult pink salmon abundance from downstream to upstream was consistent with their tendency to not migrate far upstream to spawn. The relative contribution of coho salmon smolts from the study tributaries, especially Stream 2003, to the overall watershed provides context for the assessment of the potential effects of the proposed mining operation. The ability to monitor coho salmon smolts in future years to detect and understand such effects appears feasible, and is an important result from 2008. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. iv 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... iii List of Tables .................................................................................................................... vii List of Figures ................................................................................................................... vii List of Photos ..................................................................................................................... ix List of Appendices ............................................................................................................. ix 1.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background and Purpose ...........................................................................................1 1.2 Study Scope and Objectives ......................................................................................2 1.3 Study Design Overview .............................................................................................3 1.3.1 Objective 1: Describe the movement and abundance of fish moving into and out of streams 2002, 2003, and 2004. ..........................................................3 1.3.2 Objective 2: Describe the effects of development on Stream 2003 on production of Chinook and coho salmon smolts. ...............................................3 1.3.3 Objective 3: Estimate the proportion of fish produced within the Chuit River watershed that is contributed by Stream 2003. .........................................4 1.3.4 Objective 4: Describe overwintering use of Stream 2003 by resident rainbow trout or Dolly Varden char. ..................................................................5 1.4 Project Updates ..........................................................................................................6 1.5 Final Project Report ...................................................................................................6 2.0 Study Area .....................................................................................................................6 2.1 Chuit River Watershed...............................................................................................6 2.2 Climate and Weather .................................................................................................7 2.3 Hydrology ..................................................................................................................7 2.4 Fish.............................................................................................................................8 2.5 Vegetation and Geology ............................................................................................8 2.6 Status of Development...............................................................................................9 2.7 Access to Study Area.................................................................................................9 3.0 Methods..........................................................................................................................9 3.1 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries..........................................................9 3.1.1 Downstream movement and abundance of fish ..................................................9 3.1.2 Upstream movement and abundance of fish .....................................................12 3.1.3 Data analysis .....................................................................................................15 3.2 Abundance of Coho and Chinook Salmon Smolts in the Chuit River Watershed ..15 3.2.1 Marking of fish .................................................................................................16 3.2.2 Mark-recapture model selection and assumptions ............................................16 3.2.3 Model selection .................................................................................................19 3.3 Fish Biological Characteristics ................................................................................20 3.3.1 Sampling for length, weight, and age ...............................................................20 3.3.2 Body condition..................................................................................................21 3.4 Environmental Sampling Methods ..........................................................................22 3.4.1 Water temperatures and depth – LGL Alaska...................................................22 3.4.2 Water temperatures and discharge – RTI..........................................................22 3.4.3 Precipitation - McVehil-Monnett......................................................................22 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. v 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 3.5 Data Entry ................................................................................................................23 4.0 Results..........................................................................................................................23 4.1 Sampling Effort........................................................................................................23 4.1.1 Tributaries .........................................................................................................23 4.1.2 Chuit River........................................................................................................24 4.1.3 Gear downtime..................................................................................................24 4.2 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries – Fish Moving Downstream..........25 4.2.1 Fish abundance and species composition..........................................................25 4.2.2 Run timing and biological characteristics of juvenile coho salmon .................28 4.2.3 Run timing and biological characteristics of non-coho salmon species ...........30 4.2.4 Differences in fish species composition among sites .......................................36 4.3 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries – Fish Moving Upstream ..............36 4.3.1 Abundance and species composition ................................................................36 4.3.2 CPUE and run timing of fish groups moving upstream....................................37 4.3.3 Differences in upstream movement among streams .........................................38 4.3.4 Image analysis on the video system..................................................................38 4.3.5 Visual counts during flood events.....................................................................39 4.4 Abundance of Coho and Chinook Salmon Smolts in the Chuit River Watershed ..39 4.5 Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................40 4.5.1 Ice and snow out ...............................................................................................40 4.5.2 Water temperature.............................................................................................40 4.5.3 Discharge ..........................................................................................................41 4.5.4 Precipitation ......................................................................................................42 5.0 Discussion ....................................................................................................................42 5.1 Overview of Fish Species Composition in Tributary Streams ................................42 5.1.1 Fish species and abundance in each stream ......................................................42 5.1.2 Basic run timing of key fish species .................................................................44 5.2 Coho Salmon Ecology within Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 ................................46 5.2.1 Life history of juvenile coho salmon ................................................................46 5.2.2 Smolt status.......................................................................................................47 5.2.3 Coho salmon size, body condition, and age......................................................48 5.2.4 Chuit River coho salmon relative to other populations in Cook Inlet ..............49 5.3 Abundance of Coho Salmon Smolts in Tributary Streams Versus the Chuit River Watershed ......................................................................................................49 5.3.1 Estimated abundance of coho salmon smolts in the Chuit River watershed (mark-recapture model) ....................................................................................49 5.3.2 Proportion of coho salmon smolts produced in Stream 2003 versus entire Chuit River watershed ......................................................................................51 5.4 Abundance of Chinook Salmon Smolts in Tributary Streams Versus the Chuit River Watershed ......................................................................................................53 5.5 Overwintering of Stream 2003 by Resident Fish Species .......................................54 6.0 Conclusions and Summary of Key Results..................................................................55 6.1 Objective 1: Describe the Movement and Abundance of Fish Moving Into and Out of Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 .....................................................................55 6.2 Objective 2: Describe the Effects of Development on Stream 2003 on Production of Chinook and Coho Salmon Smolts ..................................................56 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. vi 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 6.3 Objective 3: Estimate the Proportion of Fish Produced within the Chuit River Watershed that is Contributed by Stream 2003.......................................................56 6.4 Objective 4: Describe Overwintering Use of Stream 2003 by Resident Rainbow Trout or Dolly Varden Char ....................................................................................57 7.0 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................57 8.0 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................58 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Summary statistics for the Chuit River and study subdrainages......................63 Locations and operating dates of sampling sites and camps............................64 Fish caught and percent of catch by species and location. ..............................65 Fish catch by location and gear type................................................................66 Species richness, diversity, and evenness from all sampling sites. .................67 Fish movement and direction in Stream 2002 (video and visual counts). ......68 Fish movement and direction in Stream 2003 (video and visual counts). ......69 Fish movement and direction in Stream 2004 (video and visual counts). ......70 Mean, minimum, and maximum length and weight for all species. ................71 Abundance estimates of coho salmon smolts for the Chuit River watershed in 2008 ............................................................................................72 Mean length and weight for each species by month. .......................................73 Counts of fish movement, by species and direction, at streams 2002, 2003, and 2004.................................................................................................74 Coho salmon marked releases and recaptures by time period and length group. ...............................................................................................................75 Number of coho salmon smolt observed in Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 in relation to watershed-wide abundance estimates................................76 List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8 Figure 9. Figure 10. Map of the Chuit River drainage, showing the watershed in relation to the surrounding area...............................................................................77 Location of fish sampling sites in the Chuit River drainage, May through September, 2008. ..........................................................................78 Historic stream flow in Stream 2003, years 2002 through 2006 ...............79 Historic stream flow in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 during the same period in year 2006. ..........................................................................79 Gear operation status for all sampling sites. ..............................................80 Gear operation effort for all sampling sites. ..............................................81 CPUE at each site, all fish species combined. ...........................................82 CPUE and discharge for two size classes of juvenile coho salmon...........83 CPUE and water temperature for two size classes of juvenile coho salmon. .......................................................................................................84 Daily upstream and downstream movements of rainbow trout in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 (weir and video data combined) ...............85 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. vii 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Figure 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure 38. Figure 39. Figure 40. Figure 41. Figure 42. Figure 43. Figure 44. Figure 45. Figure 46. Daily upstream and downstream movements of Dolly Varden in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 (weir and video data combined) ..............86 CPUE by age of coho salmon in Stream 2002. .......................................87 CPUE by age of coho salmon in Stream 2003..........................................88 CPUE by age of coho salmon in Stream 2004. ........................................89 CPUE by age of coho salmon in the mainstem Chuit River .................... 90 Juvenile coho salmon lengths by date. ......................................................91 Relative weight by length for juvenile coho salmon. ................................92 Juvenile coho salmon CPUE by location and size group ..........................93 Relative weight by week for juvenile coho salmon, juvenile Chinook salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout..................................................94 Relative weight by length of juvenile Chinook salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout. ........................................................................95 Arctic lamprey CPUE by location and size group. ....................................96 CPUE and discharge for two size classes of Arctic lamprey.....................97 CPUE and water temperature for two size classes of Arctic lamprey. ......98 Arctic lamprey, Pacific lamprey, and lamprey ammocoete lengths by date.............................................................................................................99 Adult coho, Chinook, and pink salmon lengths by date. .........................100 Juvenile Chinook salmon CPUE by location and size group. .................101 Juvenile Chinook salmon lengths by date................................................102 Juvenile chum, pink, and sockeye salmon lengths by date......................103 Coastrange sculpin, slimy sculpin, and unidentified sculpin species lengths by date. ........................................................................................104 CPUE and discharge for two size classes of Dolly Varden. ....................105 Dolly Varden CPUE by location and size group. ....................................106 CPUE and water temperature for two size classes of Dolly Varden .......107 Dolly Varden and rainbow trout lengths by date. ....................................108 Threespine and ninespine stickleback lengths by date. ...........................109 Rainbow trout CPUE by location and size group. ...................................110 CPUE and discharge for two size classes of rainbow trout. ....................111 CPUE and water temperature for two size classes of rainbow trout........112 Upstream and downstream counts of adult coho salmon, at streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 (video and visual counts). ....................................113 The total expanded number of all Chinook salmon counted moving through the video chute in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004.......................114 The total expanded number of Chinook and jack Chinook salmon counted moving through the video chute in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004..........................................................................................................115 Travel time for juvenile coho salmon. .....................................................116 Cumulative frequency distribution of coho salmon lengths. ...................117 Mean daily water temperatures at the four sampling locations. ..............118 Daily average, minimum, and maximum water temperatures at all four sampling sites. ..................................................................................119 Mean daily discharge at streams 2002, 2003, and 2004. .........................120 Standardized water depths for the four sampling sites. ...........................121 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. viii 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Figure 47. Figure 48. Figure 49. Figure 50. Figure 51. Daily precipitation from a weather gauging station on Stream 2004. .....122 Change in length over time within age groups 1 and 2 for coho salmon. .....................................................................................................123 Emigration timing of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2002. ...............124 Emigration timing of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2003. ...............125 Emigration timing of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2004. ...............126 List of Photos Photo 1. Photo 2. Photo 3. Photo 4. Photo 5. Photo 6. Photo 7. Photo 8. Photo 9. Photo 10. Photo 11. Photo 12. Photo 13. Photo 14. Photo 15. Photo 16. Photo 17. Photo 18. Photo 19. Photo 20. Photo 21. Photo 22. Photo 23. Aerial view of the weir in Stream 2002. ........................................................127 Aerial view of the weir in Stream 2003. ........................................................128 Aerial view of the weir in Stream 2004. ........................................................129 A holding box for fish caught moving downstream through the weir...........130 The fyke net in Stream 200401......................................................................130 The downstream entrance to the underwater video chute, electronics housing, and battery bank at the weir in Stream 2002...................................131 The ramp for adult salmon traveling upstream in Stream 2003.....................131 A rotary screw trap (RST) on the mainstem Chuit River. .............................132 The upstream rotary screw trap (RST1) fishing at high water levels on the mainstem Chuit River. .............................................................................132 The upstream rotary screw trap (RST1) fishing at low water levels .............133 The downstream rotary screw trap (RST2) fishing at high water levels on the mainstem Chuit River. ........................................................................133 The downstream rotary screw trap (RST2) at low water levels.....................134 A partial weir in Stream 2003 fishing during high water in mid May, 2008................................................................................................................134 The weir on Stream 2002 at high water levels, July 31, 2008. ......................135 The full weir in Stream 2002 at low water levels, July 3, 2008. ...................135 The weir in Stream 2003 at low water levels.................................................136 The weir in Stream 2003 at high water levels................................................136 The weir in Stream 2004 at low water levels.................................................137 The weir in Stream 2004 at high water levels................................................137 Coho salmon smolt captured in the mainstem Chuit River. ..........................138 Pacific lamprey captured in Stream 2002. .....................................................138 Image series of two adult rainbow trout moving upstream through the video chute in Stream 2002............................................................................139 Adult sockeye salmon caught in Stream 2003...............................................139 List of Appendices Appendix A. Daily gear operation status.......................................................................140 Appendix B. Daily counts (actual and expanded) coho salmon smolts through the video chute in Stream 2002......................................................................144 Appendix C. Daily counts (actual and expanded) coho salmon smolts through the video chute in Stream 2003......................................................................146 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. ix 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix D. Daily counts (actual and expanded) coho salmon smolts through the video chute in Stream 2004......................................................................147 Appendix E. Daily (actual and expanded) counts of adult coho salmon moving upstream in Stream 2002. ........................................................................148 Appendix F. Daily (actual and expanded) counts of adult coho salmon moving upstream in Stream 2003. ........................................................................149 Appendix G. Daily (actual and expanded) counts of adult coho salmon moving upstream in Stream 2004. ........................................................................150 Appendix H. Daily counts (unexpanded) of fish passing through the video chute in Stream 2002. ............................................................................................151 Appendix I. Daily counts (unexpanded) of fish passing through the video chute in Stream 2003. ............................................................................................154 Appendix J. Daily counts (unexpanded) of fish passing through the video chute in Stream 2004. ............................................................................................157 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. x 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background and Purpose The Chuit River watershed, on the west side of Upper Cook Inlet in Southcentral Alaska, contains extensive coal deposits that have been considered for development since the early 1960s. The impacts of the proposed open-pit coal mine on the local environment need to be assessed in accordance with state and federal regulations (described below). This assessment will be done, in part, by updating an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) completed in 1990 with a Supplemental EIS (SEIS), and by addressing information needed for mine permitting under the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Control and Reclamation Act (ASCMCRA). The SEIS will draw on new environmental baseline studies to fill information gaps, update old information, and address regulatory requirements. Some of the information needed for the SEIS has been obtained by baseline studies of freshwater fish and habitat conducted in 2006 and 2007. These studies included descriptions of fish distribution, relative abundance, community composition, and freshwater habitat (Oasis 2008). Most of this work was conducted on the tributary stream proposed for development (Stream 2003) and the two adjoining tributaries (streams 2002 and 2004); the work both updated historical information used in the EIS in 1990 (e.g., ERT 1984) and provided new data for the SEIS (Oasis 2008). In late 2007, Federal and State agencies identified additional or remaining information on fish and water resources needed for the SEIS and for ASCMCRA permitting. This remaining information related primarily to evaluating fish production, to assessing impacts from development on fish production, and to additional work with stream flows or aquatic monitoring. Information for the Federal processes (i.e., the SEIS) relates to needs under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and was meant to be addressed by a year of baseline monitoring in 2008. Information for the State processes relates to the ASCMCRA permitting process, and was meant to be addressed by monitoring coho and Chinook salmon in the baseline year (2008) and the following three years prior to mine construction (the predevelopment period, 2009-2011). Through late 2007 and early 2008, the agencies worked with PacRim Coal, LP and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. to identify research components that would provide this information and to develop a final study design for a multi-year fish monitoring study that would include the remaining fisheries information needed for the SEIS and the ASCMCRA permitting process. This design was finalized in April of 2008, and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. began field work the same month. This report describes the results of the first year of this monitoring study, which went from April 21 through September 30, 2008, and was intended to complete the baseline studies needed (for the SEIS) and to begin the studies needed for the predevelopment period (for ASCMCRA). Although extensive, this study was meant to include only components related to fish movement and abundance, and not those that were either unrelated or already being LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 1 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report studied. Project components intended to be covered by this study versus those meant to be addressed elsewhere are shown below: Addressed in the fish monitoring study Juvenile fish outmigration and abundance • Detection of potential effects from mining on fish in streams 2003 and 2004 • Smolt production in Stream 2003 and contribution to the overall production in the Chuit River watershed • Winter habitat use by Dolly Varden and rainbow trout • • • • Addressed elsewhere Monitoring for impacts on Stream 2002 Summary of adult salmon distribution and spawning habitat Instream flow 1.2 Study Scope and Objectives Information related to freshwater fish in the Chuit River has been acquired by a series of studies from 1982 through 1984 (e.g., ERT 1984) and again from 2005 through 2008 (e.g., Oasis 2008, 2009). These studies have provided much, though not all, of the baseline information needed to write a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), which will update the original EIS (EPA 1990). The remaining information needed for the SEIS was summarized in a letter from the Environmental Protection Agency on November 15, 2007, and modified thereafter in the course of several meetings from December 2007 into April 2008. Other information must also be acquired as part of the permitting process under ASCMCRA, as described in a letter from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources on November 13, 2007 and modified in the course of meetings from December 2007 into April 2008. Much of this information was related to assessing the impacts of development upon fish within Stream 2003, the tributary watershed in which most mining will occur. In addition, the size of this impact relative to the larger watershed needs to be evaluated. Most of the remaining fisheries information and data requirements for the SEIS and ASCMCRA process centered around issues of fish production within the tributary to be mined (Stream 2003), on identifying any changes in this production caused by mine development, and on describing the relative effect of the changes in this tributary on the overall Chuit River watershed. Chinook and coho salmon are abundant within the Chuit River watershed and are important for subsistence, recreational, and commercial fisheries within the local and surrounding Cook Inlet region. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 2 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report The specific objectives of the freshwater fish study described in this report were: 1. Describe the movement and abundance of fish moving into and out of streams 2002, 2003, 2004. 2. Describe the effects of development on Stream 2003 on production of Chinook and coho salmon smolts. 3. Estimate the proportion of fish production within the Chuit River watershed that is contributed by Stream 2003. 4. Describe overwintering use of Stream 2003 by resident rainbow trout or Dolly Varden char. Objectives 1, 3, and 4 were intended to be addressed in one year of monitoring (the baseline year in 2008). Objective 2 was designed to be addressed by monitoring through the predevelopment period (2008-2011), thereby providing a time series of four years of data. 1.3 Study Design Overview 1.3.1 Objective 1: Describe the movement and abundance of fish moving into and out of streams 2002, 2003, and 2004. Weirs were installed in the lower reaches of streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 in May 2008, as close to the confluence with the Chuit River and as soon after ice-out as possible (Figures 1 and 2). Fish moving downstream were diverted into a holding box where they were counted, identified to species, subsampled for basic biological information, then released downstream. Any fish that avoided the holding box through the breach in the weirs were recorded on a video camera when migrating downstream. Fish moving upstream were counted and identified to species and size group by being funneled past the video camera. Weirs at each site were operated 24 hours per day, 7 days a week during normal conditions. The study period ranged from early May through the end of September, depending on the stream. Information from this objective will provide fish community and life history information needed to assess impacts under the NEPA and develop the SEIS. Estimates of coho and Chinook salmon smolt abundance can also be used in assessments for mitigation and restoration. 1.3.2 Objective 2: Describe the effects of development on Stream 2003 on production of Chinook and coho salmon smolts. The effects of mining on the populations of Chinook and coho salmon in Stream 2003 will be assessed using both before-after control-impact (BACI), and before-after (BA) study designs (Green 1979). Smolt abundance will be monitored before and after mine development in Stream 2003 to test whether annual abundance changes using a traditional BA study design. The BACI study design will be accomplished by monitoring smolt abundance concurrently in two streams, one to serve as the control (Stream 2004) and one to serve as the potential impact (Stream 2003). The ability to detect an effect from mining will be a function of the number of years of monitoring, the size of any LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 3 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report effect, and the variability in the dataset (Murphy and Myors 1998). The ratio of smolts in Stream 2004 to Stream 2003 in the four years before disturbance will be compared to the ratio in multiple years after disturbance on Stream 2003, but before any potential disturbance on Stream 2004 (which should be no sooner than the year 2018). Such ratios successfully identified multiple effects of habitat alteration on juvenile coho salmon in Oregon, using 4 years of monitoring before and after habitat modification (Solazzi et al. 2000). The use of ratios increases the tolerance of the analysis to interannual variability; the important element is that any population size trends during the pre-treatment period are similar between the control and impact streams (e.g., populations not increasing in one stream while declining in another). Covariation in coho and Chinook salmon smolt abundance in streams 2003 and 2004 will be reported each year, and statistical correlations will be evaluated for entire populations and for subsets such as age classes. Results from the construction and operation period will include comparisons between streams 2003 and 2004 versus changes within each stream, while controlling for aspects of run timing, age, or size that differed between the streams during the predevelopment period (2008-2011). Smolts will be the life stage monitored because the production of these fish is closely linked to habitat conditions (Bocking and Peacock 2005), and because the relatively low interannual variability of smolt abundances (relative to adult returns and spawning escapements) increases the power to detect a difference after an impact. High interannual variability in adult salmon returns is due, at least in part, to the wider range of variables that affect adult salmon in the ocean, including variability in fishery harvest rates. Elsewhere in Cook Inlet, smolt abundances varied by approximately 25% on the Kenai River over 5 years (1999−2003) and by approximately 20% on Cottonwood Creek over four years (2000−2003). Concurrent adult escapements varied by over 300% on the Kenai River and 66% on Cottonwood Creek (data from Lafferty et al. 2007). Results from Objective 2 will help address ASCMCRA permitting requirements by helping to identify and then quantify the size of any effects of mine development and operation on the coho and Chinook salmon populations in Stream 2003. 1.3.3 Objective 3: Estimate the proportion of fish produced within the Chuit River watershed that is contributed by Stream 2003. The abundance of coho and Chinook salmon smolts from streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 was estimated using the number of those fish counted at the weir and video station on each stream (Objective 1, above). Smolt abundance for the entire Chuit River watershed was estimated using mark-recapture methods; salmon smolts leaving streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 were marked at the weirs, then recaptured downstream in the mainstem river using rotary screw traps (RSTs). The estimated abundance of smolts in the entire Chuit River drainage was a function of the number of fish marked in the tributaries, the number of fish examined in the Chuit River, and the number of these examined fish that had marks. The watershed-wide abundance estimate was then compared to the proportion counted through the weir in Stream 2003 to estimate the contribution from Stream 2003 to the Chuit River drainage as a whole. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 4 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report A separate assessment, based on modeling the amount of habitat available to juvenile coho and Chinook salmon, will be performed to see what the theoretical production would be (based on data from other streams), and what proportion of the juvenile salmon production in the entire Chuit River would be expected to come from Stream 2003. Observed and theoretical production will allow an assessment of the relative effects of mining on smolt production in the entire Chuit River watershed. These will also provide a more robust estimate of the potential smolt production than a single estimate from 2008. The linkage between freshwater habitat and fish production has been documented by numerous peer-reviewed studies showing a consistent relationship between quantity and quality of freshwater habitat and production of salmon and other fishes (e.g., Bradford et al. 1997; Shortreed et al. 1999; Parken et al. 2006; Rahel and Jackson 2007). Consequently, habitat quantity and/or quality is now used to manage salmon populations for applications as diverse as predicting smolt or adult production, setting harvest limits or escapement goals, identifying stream reaches to prioritize for conservation and restoration, and estimating the production potential of a stream (e.g., Bocking and Peacock 2005). The approach is especially useful for species with relatively long freshwater residence, and is now used to manage populations of Chinook, coho, and sockeye salmon in British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington (Nickelson et al. 1992; Sharr et al. 2000; PFMC 2003; Bocking and Peacock 2005; Parken et al. 2006; Volkhardt et al. 2007). A similar approach has been used for decades to estimate the production capacity of sockeye salmon from rearing lakes (Koenings and Burkett 1987; Shortreed et al. 1999), and has been investigated elsewhere in Alaska (e.g., Anderson and Hetrick 2004; Nemeth et al. 2009). The relative contribution of smolts from Stream 2003 to the entire Chuit River watershed will be used for both the SEIS and the ASCMCRA permitting processes. 1.3.4 Objective 4: Describe overwintering use of Stream 2003 by resident rainbow trout or Dolly Varden char. This objective was to be addressed in two components. The first of these was the overwintering study conducted in the winters of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 by Oasis Environmental (Oasis 2009; the final report from which was not complete at the start of 2008). The second component was to tag rainbow trout with radio transmitters in summer and fall of 2008 in Stream 2003 to describe any use of the stream through the following fall, winter, and spring. We did not place transmitters in any rainbow trout in 2008, for reasons described later in this report. Information from Objective 4 is to be used as part of the SEIS and ASCMCRA permitting processes. Data from Oasis Environmental (Oasis 2009) and from Objective 1 of this study will help assess the use of Stream 2003 by overwintering fish. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 5 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 1.4 Project Updates Project updates and data summaries were delivered on July 3 and August 6 and made available to agencies. These reports focused on where effort had been spent, what objectives were undertaken, and the counts of fish through each weir to date. Only basic, preliminary data analyses were reported. The monthly reports provide a supplement to the final report on topics such as effort, conditions, and problems encountered during the study. Data and results presented in this final report supersede those presented in the monthly reports. 1.5 Final Project Report The final report emphasizes sampling effort, data analysis, and results. It was submitted in three stages: draft reports on December 19, 2008 and January 30, 2009, and the final report in February 2009. The February report is intended to be used as a reference for the SEIS, consent applications, and other regulatory-related documents. 2.0 Study Area 2.1 Chuit River Watershed The Chuit River watershed is a 4th-order river (Strahler 1957) that drains into the western shoreline of Upper Cook Inlet, 67 km (42 mi) southwest of the city of Anchorage, in Southcentral Alaska (Figure 1). The watershed flows southeast and drains an area approximately 139.4 km2 (96,000 acres). The watershed is in lowlands with elevations generally below 305 m (1,000 ft) and bordered to the west by the Tordrillo Mountains, part of the Alaska Range (RTI 2007). The Chuit River watershed is unglaciated and consists of seven main subdrainages. In general, tributaries begin to freeze in late October and ice break-up occurs in late April. By early May, streams are mostly ice free (RTI 2007). Three of the lower tributaries that enter from the north (streams 2002, 2003, and 2004) are relatively similar in size (Table 1), and are the study streams described in this report (Figure 1). Stream 2002 (a.k.a. Lone Creek) is a 3rd-order stream draining 55.4 km2 (13,660 acres), and enters the Chuit River approximately 14.8 km (9.2 mi) upstream from the ocean. The mean annual discharge of Stream 2002 is 1.2 m3/s (43.08 ft3/s) and the stream is 39 km (24.2 mi) long (Table 1; RTI 2007). The sampling site on this tributary was 1.9 km (1.2 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River, at an elevation of 75.6 m (248 ft) above sea level (Figure 2). Stream 2003 (a.k.a. Middle Creek) is a 2nd-order stream draining 36.3 km2 (9,126 acres), and enters the Chuit River approximately 18 km (11.2 mi) upstream from the ocean. The mean annual discharge of Stream 2003 is 1.0 m3/s (33.90 ft3/s) and the stream is 30 km (18.6 mi) long (Table 1; RTI 2007). The sampling site on this tributary was 1.9 km (1.2 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River, at an elevation of 104.9 m (344 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 6 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report ft) above sea level (Figure 2). The proposed coal mine development lies within this watershed. Stream 2004 (a.k.a. Base Creek) is a 3rd-order stream draining 38.4 km2 (9,501 acres), and enters the Chuit River 30.8 km (19.1 mi) upstream from the ocean. The mean annual discharge of Stream 2004 is 0.9 m3/s (32.84 ft3/s) and the stream is 33 km (20.5 mi) long (Table 1; RTI 2007). The sampling site on this tributary was 1.7 km (1.1 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River, at an elevation of 194.8 m (639 ft) above sea level (Figure 2). All three streams have numerous fish-bearing side tributaries. In streams 2002 and 2003, we were able to place weirs downstream of where the lowest of these side tributaries enter, thereby capturing all fish migrating from the watersheds of streams 2002 and 2003 into the Chuit River. In Stream 2004, one side tributary enters downstream of the lowest point we could place a weir in Stream 2004. This side tributary, known as Stream 200401, was sampled separately, and the results added to those from the overall watershed in Stream 2004. Stream 200401 is a 2nd-order stream that enters Stream 2004 approximately 0.5 km (0.3 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River, and 1.2 km (0.7 mi) below the sampling site in Stream 2004 (Figure 2). The confluence of the two streams is about 189.9 m (623 ft) above sea level. 2.2 Climate and Weather The study area lies in a transitional zone between maritime and continental climate zones (RTI 2007), which are noted for mild winters, cool summers, and moderate precipitation. For the 30-year period from 1971 to 2000, air temperatures at the nearby community of Beluga ranged from 6.2 to 19.9° C (43.1 to 67.9° F) in the summer (June through August) and −3.7 to −1.2° C (7.3 to 29.8° F) in the winter (November through March; ACRC 2008). In summer, prevailing winds are from the south and southwest, and daylight peaks at 19.5 hours. In winter, prevailing winds are from the north-northwest to northnortheast (McVehil-Monnett 2006), and daylight drops to a low of 5.5 hours. A weather monitoring station has operated on Stream 2004 since the year 2006 (McVehil-Monnett 2006). 2.3 Hydrology The Chuit River has an estimated mean annual discharge of 10.1 m3/s (354.9 ft3/s) and is approximately 103 km (64 mi) long, and (Table 1; RTI 2007). Water levels peak in mid to late May from snowmelt and again from September through October from increased precipitation (Figures 3 and 4). The Chuit River watershed is typically covered with snow from October or November through late May. Average annual precipitation in the community of Beluga (1971−2000) was approximately 26 inches with average annual snowfall of 81 inches (ACRC 2008). Flood events have been thought to impact salmonid habitat in the Chuit River watershed in recent years, including events that occurred since the time of the original baseline work conducted in the early 1980s. One major flood event was in 1986, two years after the LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 7 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report original baseline study was completed. The flood occurred over a three-day period in early October, resulting from unusually high levels of rainfall (Lamke and Bigelow 1988). During the flood, peak discharge for the Chuit River ranged from 566 to 1,416 m3/s (20,000 to 50,000 f3/s), and roughly 85 to 198 m3/s (3,000 to 7,000 f3/s) in the lower areas of streams 2002 and 2003. Average discharges during the month of October usually range from about 7.1 to 17 m3/s (250 to 600 f3/s) in the Chuit River, and 0.6 to 2.5 m3/s (20 to 90 f3/s) in lower areas of streams 2002 and 2003 (ERT 1987). The 1986 flood changed channel depths, reduced substrate size, caused bank erosion and slope failures, accumulated debris in streams, and formed new channels. Impacts on salmon habitat differed depending on species, life stage, and the location within the watershed. In general, effects on available habitat for juvenile salmonids were minimal. Adult salmon spawning habitat was reduced in many areas and increased in a few areas. Without any additional flood events, these areas were expected to return to their pre-flood condition within two to five years (ERT 1987). Other major floods occurred in Southcentral Alaska in 1995 and 2006 (RTI 2007). The size and effects of these floods on the Chuit River watershed have not been reported. 2.4 Fish The Chuit River watershed provides habitat for anadromous and resident fish species, including juvenile and adult salmonids. Seven species of salmonids are found within the drainage: rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, and all five species of pacific salmon native to Alaska (coho, Chinook, pink, chum, and sockeye salmon; EPA 1990). Other resident species include coastrange sculpin (Cottus aleuticus), slimy sculpin (C. cognatus), Pacific lamprey, Arctic lamprey, ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), and threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Salmon migrate through Cook Inlet and enter the Chuit River watershed to spawn. Beginning in mid June, Chinook salmon enter the Chuit River and migrate upstream to spawn in early July through mid August. Coho salmon enter the Chuit River and begin their upstream migration in late July and spawn from late August through October (EPA 1990). Fishery managers with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) use the Chuit River as an index of the run strength of Chinook salmon returning to Upper Cook Inlet (Fox and Shields 2005). Run timing and distribution of adult salmon in the watershed is described in detail in the report by Oasis (2008). 2.5 Vegetation and Geology The study area within the Chuit River watershed is dominated by mixed woodland habitat, composed of spruce (white or black) and paper-birch. Shrub vegetation is dominated by alder species and account for a large portion of the canopy cover (HDR 2006). The watershed contains numerous bogs, ponds, and small lakes; most ponds and lakes eventually become muskegs (EPA 1990). Riparian vegetation is mostly alder, willow, and various grass species. Vegetation overhanging stream banks provides cover for both resident and anadromous fish species (Oasis 2006). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 8 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report The study area is characterized by morainal topography (EPA 1990) and composed of Tertiary sedimentary rock (RTI 2007). Over time, streams have carved out the underlying sedimentary rock forming valleys (EPA 1990). A steep sloped valley occurs in the study area from the Chuit River mouth to the confluence with Stream 2004 (Oasis 2006). Tributaries and floodplains within the Chuit River watershed are composed of alluvium deposits. Well sorted sand and gravel are deposited in stream channels, and finer grained sediments, silt and sand, occur as overbank or floodplain deposits (RTI 2007). Alluvium deposits generally range from 3 to 12 m (10 to 30 ft) in depth (EPA 1990). 2.6 Status of Development Limited development and exploration has occurred within the Chuit River watershed. Exploration of natural resources began in the 1960s and continued in the 1970s with core drilling (EPA 1990). In 1981, 1982, and 1986 exploratory drilling was conducted to create a geologic model of the proposed mine site (RTI 2007) that includes upper portions of Stream 2003. Networks of gravel roads, some of them old logging roads from mid 1970s (EPA 1990), connect the community of Beluga to the villages of Tyonek and Shirleyville. Secondary roads provide access to surrounding areas. 2.7 Access to Study Area A secondary road provides access to the study area. The road crosses the Chuit River approximately 5.9 km (3.7 mi) upstream from the ocean, then heads northwest alongside the river until the confluence with Stream 2002. The road then continues alongside Stream 2002 until ending approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi) from the confluence. Trails that follow seismic exploration lines are found as far upstream as Stream 2004, including trails leading to streams 2002 and 2003. No developed roads or permanent structures occur in the study area. Access to Stream 2004 was provided by helicopter. 3.0 Methods 3.1 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries 3.1.1 Downstream movement and abundance of fish Downstream movement of fish was monitored at six different locations within the Chuit River watershed, from May through September. In streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, downstream movement of fish was monitored primarily with a fine-meshed weir; fish moving downstream past the weir were either diverted into a trap box where they were counted and handled, or escaped through an intentional breach in the weir which was outfitted with a video camera that allowed species identification and counting (but not capture). Fyke nets and minnow traps were used sporadically as ancillary gear types to provide assessments at times when weirs were impractical (primarily in the early season). In Stream 200401 (tributary to Stream 2004), a fyke net was used to capture fish migrating downstream from Stream 200401 into Stream 2004. For most analyses, data from the Stream 200401 fyke net were added to data from the rest of the Stream 2004 so LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 9 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report that data presented from all three study streams included data from all side tributaries. In a few cases, Stream 200401 data afforded a level of resolution not available within the watershed, such as the timing of resident species moving from a 2nd-order to a 3rd-order stream; in these cases, Stream 200401 data are reported separately from the rest of Stream 2004. All traps and nets were visited at least twice daily when operating full-time. Under certain conditions, such as high water events, sampling was halted or gear was removed for the safety of downstream migrating fish and the crew, and to protect gear from damage. Weirs Weirs were built on the three study tributaries to capture all fish traveling downstream. Weirs were placed approximately 1.7 to 1.9 km (1.1 to 1.2 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River. In streams 2002 and 2003, this placement captured all tributaries of the streams. In Stream 2004, the weir was placed at the lowest possible location able to support a weir. Downstream of the weir in Stream 2004 a tributary, Stream 200401, enters from the northwest. Because Stream 200401 enters below the weir, a fyke net was placed to monitor fish movement (Figure 2). Weirs were constructed from panels built from aluminum tubing and covered with plastic mesh (Vexar®). The aluminum tubing was 3.8-cm (1-1/2-in) square with a 0.32-cm (1/8in) wall thickness. A full size panel was 1.2 m high and 2.4 m long (4 x 8 ft) and faced with 0.64-cm (1/4-in) mesh, 0.95-cm (3/8-in) mesh, or 1.27-cm (1/2-in) mesh. Different combinations of mesh size and panel heights (0.6 to 1.2 m; 2 to 4 ft) were experimented with during different periods of water volume and debris loads. In general, panels with the largest mesh were installed in areas with the highest water velocity, where the panels would be set nearly parallel to the current. Similarly, shorter panels (0.61 m; 2 ft) were strategically placed to allow spillover during high water events to reduce stress on the weir. Where water velocity was slower, panels were turned more perpendicular to the flow and a smaller mesh was used to prevent small fish from passing through the weir panel. Use of the 1.27-cm (1/2-in) mesh was critical for maintaining the weir during periods of high flow and debris load. Landscape fabric was used under the weirs to prevent erosion and scouring of substrate. Sandbags were placed in rows along the upstream and downstream sides of the panels to secure both the landscape fabric and the weir. Rebar and steel pipe were pounded into the river bottom and fastened to the aluminum panels for stabilization against the current. Rope was used to tie rebar in a crisscrossing pattern within the weir, and to trees along the shore to prevent the panels from folding back or shifting under pressure. Modifications and repairs occurred throughout the season to troubleshoot or prepare for high water events. The weirs were designed to divert downstream migrating fish into a holding box where fish were then sampled. Weirs were arranged in a “V” formation with weir panels leading into the mouth of a corrugated, flexible plastic pipe placed in the center of the “V” (Photos 1 through 3). This 38.1-cm (15-in) diameter pipe ran 7.6 m (25 ft) to a LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 10 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report plywood holding box set into the stream. Fish moving down the pipe collected in this box (Photo 4), which was checked twice per day or more frequently during high water events. Holding boxes on all three streams were shaped like an “L.” Holding boxes in streams 2002 and 2004 were approximately 1.4 m (4.6 ft) at the widest part by 1.8 m (6 ft) long. The holding box in Stream 2003 was larger, approximately 1.5 m (5 ft) at the widest part by 1.8 m (6 ft) long. The energy of the water entering the holding box was dissipated by a splash panel that dispersed the flow. The entry height of the pipe was adjustable, and was raised or lowered to reduce the velocity of incoming water. All holding boxes had three chambers separated by slotted baffles through which fish could pass. The baffles reduced the water velocity in the box and provided calm holding water for fish. The slots allowed fish to pass from the most unprotected areas (the pipe entrance) to the most protected (the downstream chambers), and separated fish by size to limit size induced predation. Much of the holding box was faced with 0.64-cm (1/4-in) plastic mesh to provide water and dissolved oxygen circulation to the fish and to prevent the holding box from overfilling with water. Video cameras A video system was installed at each weir to record fish moving upstream and downstream through the intentional breach in the weir. The main purpose of the breach was to allow upstream movement of fish past the weir; the video system is thus described in detail in Section 3.1.2. It is important to note, however, that the breach also allowed fish to avoid the pipe that led to the holding box (described above). Fish using the video breach were not captured and handled, but were identified and counted using the video system. Fyke nets and minnow traps Fyke nets and minnow traps were used as ancillary gear to test for fish not captured in the weirs or RSTs. On the tributaries, fyke nets were also used to provide an early indicator of fish presence in the system before the weirs were operational. A fyke net was fished continuously in Stream 200401 (the stream entering below the weir at Stream 2004; Photo 5). Fyke nets were supported by 1.7 x 1.8 m (5.6 x 5.9 ft) stainless steel frames faced with 0.32 x 0.64 cm (1/8 x 1/4 in) knotless netting and deployed with mesh wings. A funnel led from the center of the frame into a cod end, where the fish were collected after passing through a series of constrictions designed to keep trapped fish from escaping. The minnow traps were standard Gee traps (http://www.sterlingnets.com/specialty.html) that consisted of two funnels placed end to end. The traps were baited with sterilized salmon roe and fished for varying lengths of time (2 to 12 hours). Each trap was made of 0.32-cm (1/8-in) black metal mesh, and was approximately 0.36 m (1.2 ft) long when assembled. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 11 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 3.1.2 Upstream movement and abundance of fish The breach in the weir that was placed to allow upstream movement of fish was outfitted with a chute that housed a video camera system designed to record fish passage. As noted above (Section 3.1.1), this video system was intended to primarily identify and count upstream-moving fish, but was also able to identify and count any downstreammoving fish that avoided the chute leading to the holding box. The video system was unable to count all fish during some high water events when the water was either too turbid to capture fish on camera, or when fish moved upstream by leaping over the weir and thus avoided the video chute. In these cases, visual observations were used to estimate fish passage, and these estimates were added to those obtained with the camera. Video system design, configuration, and operation The video system consisted of a 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.9 m (1.5 x 1.5 x 3 ft) fish passage chute (Photo 6), a camera view window, and camera housing. Custom-built underwater lights were installed in the chute to provide night-time illumination and enhance day-time imagery. Each video system used a single underwater camera, separated from the fish passage chute by a removable, laminated glass window. Supporting components were installed on the stream bank inside electric fencing for protection from animals. Support components included a weatherproof enclosure housing the digital video recorder (DVR), a small (15 x 15 cm; 6 x 6 in) imagery viewing monitor, and an AC/DC power supply consisting of six deep cycle batteries (Photo 6) and a 1000 watt generator. Deflection wings built from weir materials were added upstream of the chute to prevent large numbers of downstream moving fish from passing through the video system and instead direct them toward the weir holding box. Once installed, all video systems were operated seven days a week, 24 hours a day through September. Daily maintenance and system checks included charging battery banks, cleaning chute walls, camera lenses, and camera view window, checking the DVR hard drives for data storage capacity, and reviewing samples of video from the previous 24 hours. All underwater cameras were fitted with wide-angle, 2.9-mm (0.1-in) color lenses with a 100-degree field of view (http://www.iasproducts.com). Images were collected at a resolution of 720 x 480 dots per inch (DPI). Images were transferred through an underwater coaxial cable to a waterproof camera interface box powering the camera and then to the digital video recorder (Speco Model DVR-4TN/300; www.specotech.com) onshore. Each system was set to record video at a rate of seven pictures or “frames” per second (7 PPS). Systems were also equipped to record fish passage events in 5 second intervals through motion detection, at a rate of 30 PPS. Motion detection sensitivity was intended to be set such that adult-sized fish passing through the video chute would trigger the camera, but most debris or juvenile-sized fish would not, allowing adult passage to be surveyed via motion detection events. Video was checked daily for the number of motion detected events which were then either reviewed in full, or subsampled (if >30) to determine if the motion detection sensitivity was properly set. Motion events were also LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 12 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report used as a tool for learning in real-time what fish species were present, and to determine if there was a problem with the system. Video images were stored on 250-GB internal hard drives (Western Digital #2500). Depending on the number of motion detection events, one hard drive allowed for storage of about 15 days of data. As a hard drive reached capacity, it was removed from the streamside monitoring sites, taken to camp, and reviewed with a DVR unit attached to a 19” monitor (Triview model TLM-1903). Biologists were trained onsite in the identification of resident fish species before compiling video data. Video images were identified to species or fish group, then further placed into size class categories meant to represent the life stages of interest for key species (e.g., smolts vs. pre-smolts for juvenile coho salmon). Fish passage through the video system was estimated in two ways. In most cases, fish counts were estimated by subsampling the first 15 minutes of each hour, and then extrapolating this count to the next 45 minutes to generate an estimate for that hour. Using this method, each time-lapse clip was reviewed at 4x to 8x speed for the first 15 minutes of each hour; each time a fish was detected the images were replayed until the fish was identified to species or group and to size class, and movement direction was assigned (upstream, downstream, or indeterminate). The counts from this 15-minute block were then multiplied by four to generate an estimate of species and size-class specific fish movement for each hour. Fish passage for each 24-hour cycle was the sum of 24 such expanded hour blocks of 15minute counts. In some cases, fish counts were estimated by counting fish for the entire hour (not by subsampling). This was done during periods of high movement by key fish, such as when pulses of adult salmon moved upstream, or when workers had recently been in the stream and thus could not be sure that a 15-minute time block would be representative of the full hour. Full counts during times of high movement reduced much of the potential sampling error (from subsampling techniques). Full counts were also used to test the accuracy of subsampling techniques by comparing a limited number of hourly estimates from the 15-minute subsamples to the full counts for that entire hour. Fish were able to move both upstream and downstream through the video chute. Because these fish were not marked, there was no ability to determine whether fish moving past the video chute were new ones, or ones that had been re-sighted going the other direction at an earlier time. Therefore, total counts were recorded as ranges; if 100 fish of a particular group (or species) were sighted going upstream and 50 were sighted going downstream, the upstream count of that group was estimated to be from 50 to 100 fish. Visual counts during flood events Biologists monitored weather forecasts and gathered real-time environmental information, such as rainfall and changes in stream depth, to assess the potential for flooding. When a flood was predicted, weirs were arranged to allow for controlled release of water (spillways) before the force of the water could destroy the weir. These spillways resulted in places where fish could move upstream around the camera, causing the cameras to give incomplete counts of fish passage upstream. To account for these LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 13 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report partial counts, the water release points were designed so that an observer standing on the bank could count fish moving through the spillways. Period specific visual counts were then added to those from the video camera. Most spillways were underlayed with plywood ramps that were lined with white plastic (Photo 7). Adult salmon silhouettes moving up or downstream were detectable to observers against the white material. Removable weir panels covering access to the ramps were used to block fish movement during non-flood events. Other spillway panels were designed to allow release of water and pressure without allowing salmon to leap over the weir, forcing fish to migrate upstream through the video chute (Photo 6). There were also times when high water breached the weir unexpectedly, or in places that were not planned spillways. In such cases, visual observations were made from shore for a minimum of one hour to estimate whether fish were moving upstream through these breaches. These breaches were then repaired, or fish were diverted to one of the planned spillways. Video was always the preferred method to estimate fish passage. Typically the video remained operable even during flood events when the weir was overtopped. When water was too turbid for video analysis, video chutes were closed off with plywood covers. All counts of adult fish were then made visually as fish moved over the weir via ramps or spillway panels. All visual counts were recorded on standardized field forms. Data recorded included start and stop times for surveys, locations that fish were counted, weir conditions (percentage fish tight, etc.), and video conditions. An event log was kept to document any changes or treatments made to the weirs for accommodating increased water flow or fish movement. Logs were updated at a minimum of every three hours, or more frequently if conditions required. Field form data were checked for accuracy then entered into a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. Fish data during flood events were classified into six categories based on weir conditions: 1. The video chute was open and the spillways were not; total fish passage was estimated using video counts only. 2. Both the video chutes and the spillways were open; total fish passage was estimated by adding video and visual counts. 3. The video chute was open but fish were escaping around it unobserved, through breaches in the weir; fish passage was estimated from the video and taken as a minimum estimate for that time period. 4. The video chute was open but the water was too turbid to count fish and fish could not pass over the weir; no estimate of fish passage was made. 5. The video chute was closed and fish were being counted visually over the spillway; total fish passage was estimated from visual counts only. 6. The video chute was closed and fish were moving upstream through spillways or breaches, but could not be counted; no estimate of fish passage was made. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 14 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Under scenarios 1, 2, and 5, it was possible to estimate full fish passage. Under Scenario 3, only minimum fish estimates could be made. Under scenarios 4 and 6, no estimates could be made. 3.1.3 Data analysis Catch per unit effort (CPUE) Fishing effort at each sampling location was recorded as the amount of time that passed between sampling events less any downtime due to gear modifications or damage. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was calculated as the catch divided by the amount of fishing effort, reported in days. For example, a weir checked at 8 pm on July 1 would have a total fishing effort of one day if it had been checked at 8 pm on June 30, but only 0.9 days (22 hrs) of effort if it had been checked at 10 pm on June 30. Hours when the weirs or RSTs were not fishing (due to maintenance, the RST drum being raised, or high water events) were subtracted from the fishing effort. Species diversity Species diversity was calculated for each site (separately for each weir and combined for the two RSTs), using species richness (r), Shannon-Wiener’s index of diversity (H’), and Pielou’s (1966) evenness index (J’). Species diversity was calculated as: H’ = [-Pi*(ln Pi)], Where Pi is the proportion of species (i) in the community, and ln(Pi) is the natural log of that proportion (Elliott and Hewitt 1997). Species evenness was calculated as: J’ = H’/H’max, where H’ is the Shannon-Wiener index, and H’max (the maximum diversity) = ln (r), and r = the total number of species (Elliott and Hewitt 1997). 3.2 Abundance of Coho and Chinook Salmon Smolts in the Chuit River Watershed Abundance of coho and Chinook salmon smolts throughout the entire Chuit River watershed was estimated using mark-recapture methods. Fish were marked in the tributaries (at the weirs) and released below the weir to resume their downstream migration. The population of fish moving downstream in the Chuit River was sampled at sites approximately 12.7 to 29 km (7.9 to 18 mi) downstream of the tributary tagging sites. The abundance estimate for the entire watershed population was a function of the number of marked fish released at the weirs, and the ratio of marked to unmarked fish sampled in the mainstem Chuit River. To recapture fish in the mainstem river, two rotary screw traps (RSTs) were placed in the Chuit River, about 1 km (0.6 mi) apart, and 3.5 to 4.0 km (2.1 to 2.6 mi) upstream of the Chuit River mouth (Figure 2). The RSTs were created by EG Solutions of Corvallis, LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 15 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Oregon (http://home.teleport.com/~egs), and consisted of a drum with a 1.5-m (4.9-ft) diameter mouth, resting between two 5.2 m (17 ft) long pontoons. Water entering the drum mouth caused the drum to turn; fish swept into the trap were then funneled down into a 0.61 x 0.61 m (2 x 2 ft) holding box at the downstream end of the RST (Photo 8). Fish were removed from the holding box and sampled up to twice per day. The RSTs were located where they could fish in the main current, at a target speed of six to eight revolutions per minute. The optimal rotational rate was achieved by raising or lowering the drum into the current or by moving the trap upstream or downstream. Traps were fished alongside the bank, and tethered to the trees onshore with an anchor system designed to keep the drum mouth facing perpendicular to the current (Photos 9 through 12). In the mainstem river, fyke nets were fished concurrently with the upstream RST (RST1) during the early season when catches in the RSTs were low, to determine if other habitat types or stream locations held fish not captured by the RSTs. Minnow traps were also fished in the area early in the season for the same reasons. Design and operation of the fyke nets and minnow traps was described in section 3.1.1, above. 3.2.1 Marking of fish Coho and Chinook salmon smolt abundance estimates were calculated for the Chuit River using a two event mark-recapture method (Ricker 1975). Juvenile salmon captured at the weirs that were ≥80 mm were marked with either a pelvic fin clip or temporary caudal fin mark. These marks were alternated over time to allow for possible stratification by time period to account for changes in capture efficiencies through the season. Marking patterns were limited to the two mark types, which were cycled over alternate time periods. Mark type was the same at all weirs during a given time period (i.e., we did not stratify mark type by tributary). A minimum of 13 days separated like marks to allow discrimination among marking strata. Fish were examined for marks (i.e., the 2nd sampling event) at the RSTs in the Chuit River. Release and recapture groups were apportioned into appropriate size classes based on the site-specific daily length-frequency distributions of randomly measured fish from the corresponding sample. The apportionment of these groups into size classes allowed for examinations of size selection among the locations and gear types (i.e., weirs and RSTs). All marked recaptures were measured to fork length. 3.2.2 Mark-recapture model selection and assumptions Two mark-recapture models were considered for estimating the total abundance of coho and Chinook salmon smolts in the Chuit River watershed. Model selection depended on tests of equal probability of the recapture of marked fish through time. The first model considered was a pooled Petersen estimate (PPE), with Chapman’s modification (Seber 1982), which was used if recapture probabilities in the RSTs were equal among time strata. If recapture probabilities were not equal through time, a Darroch model (Darroch 1961) was used. In either case, fish were stratified into size classes post hoc based on minimum and maximum lengths common to each site, and by any differences in size LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 16 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report selectivity between the two types of gear (weirs and RSTs). Notation for variables in the mark-recapture models were as follows: n1 = marks released n2 = fish checked for marks m2 = recaptures in the second sample (n2) u2 = number of fish without tags in the second sample (n2) p1 = probability of capture at time 1 = m2/n2 p2 = probability of capture at time 2 = m2/n1 N = population abundance estimate The Pooled Petersen estimate with Chapman’s bias correction (PPE; Seber 1982) was calculated as N= (n1 + 1)(n2 + 1) − 1 (m2 + 1) (1) The assumptions required for this estimate to be unbiased were as follows (Seber 1982): 1. Closed population (i.e., no mortality or recruitment), 2. Either the probability of capture was constant across all individuals at the time of capture (constant p1), or marked fish mixed uniformly with unmarked fish before the recapture event, or the probability of capture was constant across all individuals at the time of recapture (constant p2), 3. Marking did not affect catchability, 4. Tags were not lost, and 5. All tags were recognized and reported. Assumption 1: closed population Weirs were only placed on a subset of the tributaries that feed the Chuit River, and smolts outmigrating from tributaries without weirs had no chance of being marked. This addition to the population from outside of the marking pool has the same effect on the population estimate as would recruitment, rendering the estimate germane to the recapture site (the Chuit River) and not to the mark sites (streams 2002, 2003, and 2004). We assumed no mortality due to the marking process and no appreciable natural mortality between the marking and recapture sites. Smolt from this system migrate over a short period of time (a few weeks or less) during a life history stage when mortality is relatively low; thus, the potential for natural mortality between the weirs and the RSTs was small. Mortality due to marking was thought to be negligible because fish were able to be marked quickly with a minimal amount of handling (approximately 5 seconds per fish to identify to species and mark), and were able to be released directly from the holding box into the stream with no transfer needed. On the Nome River, the same investigators have detected minimal latent mortality in coho salmon after tagging with LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 17 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report coded wire tags, a more invasive process than used on the Chuit River (Williams et al. 2006). Average travel time from the weirs to the RSTs was computed to help assess evidence of injury manifested in the form of unusually slow migration time. Travel time from the marking site (weirs) to the recovery site (RSTs) was modeled as a Poisson distribution, which is typically used for count type data and can be described with one parameter. The lag time (i.e., the one parameter = the expected value from the Poisson distribution) between the number of fish released and the number recaptured at the RSTs, as well as the recapture rate were adjusted (parameterized) to minimize the sum of square differences between the number of recoveries observed and the number predicted based on the Poisson travel time model. Assumption 2: probability of capture constant or uniform mixing (or both) Because we only placed weirs on a subset of streams, the probability of capture at the marking site (p1) was not constant across all migrating smolt in the Chuit River (smolts from tributaries without weirs had no chance of being marked). If smolt from tributaries without weirs migrated at different times during the season then uniform mixing was unlikely. Fluctuating water levels throughout the study period would likely change the capture efficiencies of the RSTs at the recovery site, and p2 would not be constant for all individuals. Any observed changes in capture probabilities, as well as lack of mixing, through time were addressed by way of partial stratification (see Section 3.2.3, below). Likewise, differences in capture probabilities across body sizes were corrected with sizestratified estimates. Rotary screw traps can be size selective, so we anticipated p2 might be a function of fish size. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test (KS test; Conover 1971) was used to detect if size selective sampling occurred during the second sampling event. The cumulative length frequency distribution of all fish marked during the first event (n1) was compared to that of marked fish recaptured during the second event (m2). If the length distributions were significantly different (D statistic: the maximum absolute difference between the cumulative distributions), then we used the size grouping corresponding to the D statistic as the cut point for stratification. That is, separate abundance estimates were developed for all fish smaller than or equal to the cut point and fish greater than the cut point. Using the location of the D statistic as the cut point ensures that the differences between two strata with respect to p2 were maximized, and in so doing homogeneity of p2 within each size stratum was also achieved. Assumption 3: equal catchability for marked and unmarked fish Validating this assumption was not possible, but we considered it unlikely that marking affected catchability at the recapture site because 1) the marks and fish handling were chosen based in large part on strategies that would minimize effects on fish, and 2) the use of different gear types at the mark and recapture sites would eliminate any learned aversion to the gear by marked fish. Note that if fish from tributaries without weirs experienced different p2 than fish from tributaries with weirs, the effect would be the same as violating Assumption 3 because nearly all fish from tributaries with weirs were marked. Differences in equal catchability due to differences in fish body size between tributaries with and without weirs was tested using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 18 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report test of fish with marks (entirely from tributaries with weirs) and without marks (mostly from tributaries without weirs). Assumption 4: tags were not lost and marked fish survived to the recapture site There was little chance of marked fish becoming unmarked between the marking and recapture sites. The evaluation of marked fish travel times from the weir sites to the RSTs was used to determine if there was enough time between sites for regeneration to occur, thereby causing a loss of marks. Travel time of marked fish between sites was estimated to help assess whether fish had a relatively long or short exposure to natural mortality from sources such as predation. Fish marking and handling procedures were designed to be less invasive than other marking studies that have caused little short-term mortality. Assumption 5: tags were recognized and reported All fish captured in the RSTs were handled and inspected individually to keep the probability of missing marks to a minimum. Furthermore, the number of fish handled during individual site visits were low and the marks easily recognized. 3.2.3 Model selection One of two models was chosen to provide a mark-recapture estimate for each size stratum—the PPE with Chapman’s correction (Seber 1982) or the partially stratified Petersen (i.e., the Darroch model [Darroch 1961]). Models were fit using the software SPAS (Arnason et al. 1996) and thorough descriptions of both models are provided by Schwarz and Taylor (1998). If Assumption 2 (above) was met then the PPE was chosen, and all data throughout the season was pooled. If Assumption 2 was not met, then the Darroch model (Darroch 1961) was used to partially stratify the data into groups with similar capture probabilities (in this case temporally). Initial temporal strata were preset based on the dates fin clips were altered; however, further pooling to improve model fit occurred when recapture matrices were uploaded into SPAS. Any pooling of rows was guided by similar p1 values estimated for each cell, and columns were pooled based on similar p2 values across cells. The only pooling requirement was that the matrix either be square (number of tagging strata = number of recovery strata) or the number of tagging strata be greater than recovery strata in order for the estimate to be applicable to the recapture site (Schwarz and Taylor 1998). If a non-significant Chi-square test resulted from any of the following three tests (α = 0.05), then the PPE model was chosen. Mixing test Tagging stratum Recovered Not seen again S1 n1- m2,S1,. m2,S1,. S2 n1- m2,S2,. m2,S2,. S3 m2,S3,. n1- m2,S3,. S4 m2,S4,. n1- m2,S4,. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 19 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Equal proportions test R1 Marked m2,.,R1 Not marked u2,.,R1 Recovery strata R2 R3 R4 m2,.,R2 m2,.,R3 m2,.,R4 u2,.,R2 u2,.,R3 u2,.,R4 Equal movement test Tagging stratum S1 S2 S3 S4 R1 m2,S1,R1 m2,S2, R1 m2,S3, R1 m2,S4, R1 Recovery strata R2 R3 m2,S1,R2 m2,S1,R3 m2,S2, R2 m2,S2, R3 m2,S3, R2 m2,S3, R3 m2,S4, R2 m2,S4, R3 R4 m2,S1,R4 m2,S2, R4 m2,S3, R4 m2,S4, R4 Not seen again n1- m2,S1,. n1- m2,S2,. n1- m2,S3,. n1- m2,S4,. 3.3 Fish Biological Characteristics Fish captured in the tributaries and in the mainstem Chuit River were subsampled for a variety of characteristics to understand their biology and life history, and to refine the classifications of which Chinook and coho salmon should be considered smolts. The following subsections apply to all locations where fish were sampled. 3.3.1 Sampling for length, weight, and age Sampling sites were generally checked twice daily, or more frequently during times of high water and heavy debris loads. At each check, fish were removed from the trap and held in buckets for processing. All fish captured were identified to species and counted. Separate counts were kept for juvenile and adult salmon. Species identifications were made using several fish guides and keys, notably those by Phillips (1977), Pollard et al. (1997), Morrow (1980), and Mecklenburg et al. (2002). Tissue samples from a few juvenile coho and Chinook salmon were sent to the Gene Conservation Lab of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, for confirmation of species identification. Subsamples of up to 30 fish of each species were collected randomly for length measurements at each gear check. Species with forked tails were measured to fork length (FL); species with rounded or truncate tails were measured to total length (TL). Adult salmon were measured from mid eye to fork of tail (MEF). All lengths were recorded to the nearest millimeter. Scale samples, for ageing, were taken from randomly selected juvenile Chinook salmon, juvenile coho salmon, rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden that were greater than 60 mm in length. Coho and Chinook salmon scales were obtained twice per week and once per week from Dolly Varden and rainbow trout. All of the scale sampled fish were collected in the random length samples, using a pre-established catch calendar developed for each LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 20 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report species. Scales were taken from the preferred location, posterior to the dorsal fin, above the lateral line, following the methods of Jearld (1983), and archived on gum cards. Completed scale cards were then sent to Birkenhead Scale Analysis (Lone Butte, B.C.) for ageing. Weights were taken from subsamples of the captured fish. All species caught were weighed up to one time per week based on a pre-established catch calendar, with a target sample size of 30 fish per species each week. The actual sample size varied depending on the catch. Weights were recorded to the nearest 0.5 grams. Fish subsampled for ages or weights were anesthetized in a 9:1 solution of clove oil mixed with ethanol, diluted in water. Fish measured for length were anesthetized when needed. Anesthetized fish were not released back into the stream until they were vigorous and moved under their own power. Fish that were simply identified to species, counted, and marked were not anesthetized unless needed (i.e. could not be handled without anesthesia). Coho and Chinook salmon were classified for smolt developmental condition to provide estimates of the portion of the catch that was smolting. Juvenile coho and Chinook salmon were examined for a silvery condition indicative of smoltification; as smoltification begins, fish develop a silvery appearance, with the parr marks (dark vertical lines on their body) becoming less prominent (Eales 1969). 3.3.2 Body condition Relative weight (Wr) of select species was examined to provide an index of body condition. Relative weight provides a comparison of the actual body condition of a fish against a standard body condition. The standard body condition is the expected weight of a fish in good condition at a given length and is generally composed of regional data from multiple stream systems (Wege and Anderson 1978). However, there is little regional smolt length-weight data available for the Chuit River, so regression input data were only from the Chuit River sampling locations from 2008. By using only data from the Chuit River, the Wr analysis is essentially acting as a standardization of the relative weight of fish in the river in 2008, against which individual populations can be compared (e.g., fish from Stream 2003 vs. the entire Chuit River watershed). As other regional streams are studied in future years, the regressions can include regional length-weight data inputs and Wr would become relative to a larger group of populations. Similarly, data from one watershed can be compared among years to determine annual variation in body condition. The Wr index is calculated as Wr = (W/Ws) * 100, Where W is individual fish weight and Ws is a length-specific standard weight predicted from a weight-length regression developed to represent the body form of the species. A relative weight value of 100 represents a healthy fish, and relative weights between 95 and 105 were considered to be in good condition. Fish with relative weights greater than LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 21 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 105 were considered to be in better condition, and those below 95 were considered to be in worse condition than fish in “good” condition (Pope and Kruse 2007). Weights were recorded to the nearest 0.5 grams, effectively biasing the results for the smallest fish caught. For example, a 30 mm and 40 mm long fish could both be recorded to have the same weight, making the 30 mm fish appear in better condition. To eliminate this bias, only fish >80 mm long were included in the analysis. 3.4 Environmental Sampling Methods 3.4.1 Water temperatures and depth – LGL Alaska Stream temperatures were collected by project personnel near each of the sampling sites with remote loggers programmed to record a temperature every 15 minutes (model TempProV2, manufactured by Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA). Stream temperatures were also taken during fish sampling events with a hand-held bulb thermometer. For this report, temperatures are reported as daily averages. Water depth was recorded at each of the sample sites during sampling events. An instream staff gauge at a fixed location in the stream was used for consistency in measurement. Depth data were standardized (Neter et al. 1993) to have all of the streams on the same scale for comparisons across all sampling locations. 3.4.2 Water temperatures and discharge – RTI Temperature data were collected at numerous places in the watershed as part of separate hydrological monitoring conducted by Riverside Technologies, Inc. (Ft. Collins, CO), including all three study tributaries and in the mainstem Chuit River (RTI 2007). Gauging stations were visited monthly by RTI personnel and stream temperatures were measured to check instrument calibration (RTI 2007). Temperature data were collected using Campbell Scientific CR10 data loggers. Discharge data were collected using Marsh-McBirney current meters to measure stream velocities. Water depth and mean velocities were measured at subsections of the stream using the midsection method. The mean stream velocities and the cross-sectional areas of each subsection were multiplied and then added together to calculate stream discharge. A full description of the hydrology methods is found in the hydrology baseline report by RTI (2007). 3.4.3 Precipitation - McVehil-Monnett Precipitation data were collected by McVehil-Monnett from a weather gauging station on Stream 2004 within the mining area. The station is located at an elevation of 206 m (677 ft; McVehil-Monnett 2006) and is roughly 3 km (1.9 mi) upstream from the confluence with the Chuit River. Daily precipitation data were provided in inches and centimeters. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 22 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 3.5 Data Entry All data were recorded on standard datasheets developed for the project. After each sampling event, datasheets were checked for completeness and accuracy by a second person not involved in the recording of the data, and then entered into an online database managed by Axiom Consulting and Design (Anchorage, AK; www.axiomdms.com). Database entries were then hand-checked against the original field datasheets to ensure accuracy. Digital copies of the original datasheets were maintained on the LGL server as a backup. Data were organized and summarized using Microsoft® Access and Microsoft® Excel. 4.0 Results 4.1 Sampling Effort 4.1.1 Tributaries Fish were sampled daily on the smolt weirs from May through September, 2008, with some variation in the range of dates among the three study tributaries (Table 2). Fish sampling provided a complete or nearly complete census of the downstream migrating fish. Partial weirs were installed in Stream 2002 on May 3 and Stream 2003 on May 4 to subsample the streams for moving fish (Figure 5). The partial weirs covered approximately 75% of the width of each stream, including the part of the stream with the highest flow (Photo 13). The weir panels altered the flow dynamics, however, causing the main current to migrate. Thus, approximately 33% to 50% of the stream flow was effectively captured by the partial weirs. Few fish were caught in the partial weirs in either stream during this early period in May. Although fish could have been moving around the weir, the low number of fish caught led us to conclude few fish were migrating at this time. On May 12, the weir in Stream 2002 was removed due to high water and a fyke net was installed downstream to continue to sample for fish. The partial weir in Stream 2003 was kept in place until it was replaced by the full weir on May 27 (Figure 5). Full weirs, covering 100% of the streams, were completed on all three of the study streams by early June. Weirs were fishing effectively for most of June, July, and August. Repairs and minor modifications were common and adjustments were needed to adapt to varying hydrological conditions. On several occasions with high water, the weirs were unable to seal off the entire stream (Figure 5). The weir in Stream 2002 was fished for 111 of the available 118 days between May 3 and September 19. From May 3 through May 12 a partial weir was in place then removed due to high water. A full weir was installed on June 4 (Figure 5; Photos 14 and 15). On May 13 a fyke net was set-up and fished for the days between when the partial weir was removed and the full weir was installed. Eleven minnow traps were used for two to three days, starting on May 23. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 23 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report The partial weir in Stream 2003 was installed on May 4 and was extended to a full weir on May 27, fishing through September 30 (Photos 16 and 17). The weir was remodeled in June to adjust to lower water levels. Overall, the weir was fished for 147 of the 150 days elapsed between May 4 and September 30 (Figure 5). A full weir in Stream 2004 began fishing on June 8 and fished 96 of the possible 115 days through September 30 (Photos 18 and 19). The fyke net in Stream 200401 was established on June 29 and fished through July 17, from July 19 through July 27, and again from July 29 through September 3, for a total of 65 days (Figure 5). Heavy debris loads or flood events caused water to overtop the weir panels at times. After the first major flood event in late July, weirs were adjusted and modified to withstand the increased discharge expected in September. Holes in the weir panels were occasionally caused by woody debris or bears, and panels shifted under water pressure. Modifications were made to prevent fish mortalities during high flows when the water overtopped the panels. In some cases, holding boxes were removed from the weir to prevent fish mortality and relieve water pressure. 4.1.2 Chuit River The Chuit River was sampled daily from May through September, using two rotary screw traps (RSTs; Table 2). The RSTs were installed in May and both sites fished continuously for most of the season with only a few minor stoppages from debris jams, gear malfunctions, or to modify the trap placement. On several days in August the RSTs were only fished for partial days instead of full days. Also, during high water events, the RST drums were raised to prevent debris from being lodged and damaging the RST. RST1, located upstream of the bridge, was installed on May 12, fished through September 13, and was removed on September 25 (Figure 5; Photos 9 and 10). RST1 fished for 123 of the eligible 125 days. A fyke net was placed downstream of RST1 on May 26 and fished for 12 days, then removed. The fyke net was re-established on July 2 and fished for 16 days. Six minnow traps were also deployed near the fyke net and in the Chuit River, from May 25 to 29. RST2, located downstream of the bridge, began fishing on May 14, fished through September 3, and was removed on September 25 (Figure 5; Photos 11 and 12). RST2 fished for 111 of the available 113 days. Both RSTs were repositioned throughout the season as water levels changed to capture more flow. 4.1.3 Gear downtime Times when weirs and rotary screw traps were not fishing were considered down time. During downtime, fish were not being captured in holding boxes and therefore no sampling occurred. Downtime was determined by adding the total numbers of hours the gear was not fishing for each site (Figure 6; Appendix A). At the weirs, downtime was associated with high water events. Liveboxes were removed to prevent fish mortalities and to relieve water pressure on of the weir. At the RSTs downtime occurred when the LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 24 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report cones were raised for cleaning, or to prevent damage caused by large woody debris. In most cases, downtime was associated with high water events. 4.2 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries – Fish Moving Downstream 4.2.1 Fish abundance and species composition In total, 78,308 fish were captured moving downstream from all sampling sites combined (Tables 3 and 4; Figure 7). The weirs caught 74% of the total catch (Table 3), with 30%, 25%, and 20% of the total catch coming from the weirs in streams 2004, 2003, and 2002, respectively. By far the most common species captured was juvenile coho salmon. Juvenile coho salmon made up 87% of the total catch composition and ranged from 94−98% of the catches at the weirs. At all three sites, the majority of juvenile coho salmon larger than 90 mm were caught in June and the majority of juveniles smaller than 90 mm were caught in July. Chinook salmon were caught in greater numbers in the Chuit River than in the tributaries, making up 20% of the catch, although coho salmon still dominated and were 65% of the Chuit River catch (Table 3). The one location where catches of another species was greater than the catch of juvenile coho salmon was Stream 200401. The fyke net placed in this location caught a large number of age-0 rainbow trout that made up 55% of the total catch. Juvenile coho salmon were 43% of the catch. In total, 14,548 fish were captured moving downstream in the Chuit River (Table 4). Unadjusted for effort, the rotary screw traps caught 19% of the combined catch from all sites. The most common species captured was juvenile coho salmon, which made up 64% of the catch (Table 3). Chinook salmon were caught in greater numbers in the Chuit River than in the streams, making up 20% of the RST catch. Juvenile lamprey, rainbow trout, coastrange sculpin, Arctic lamprey, slimy sculpin, and Dolly Varden represented 15% of the catch combined (Table 3). In streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 combined, thirteen fish species and two groups not identified to species (sculpin, lamprey) were captured over the course of the study (all gear types combined). Juvenile coho salmon made up the greatest proportion of the total catch. Arctic lamprey, Chinook salmon (adult and juvenile), coho salmon (adult and juvenile), coastrange sculpin, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and slimy sculpin were caught at all three of the study tributaries. Eleven species and two species groups were caught in Stream 2002. Seven fish were unidentified. Pacific lamprey, ninespine stickleback, and threespine stickleback were captured only in Stream 2002 and not seen in the other two tributaries (Table 4). Eight species and two species groups were captured at the weir in Stream 2003. One fish was not identified to species (Table 4). Nine species and two species groups were caught in Stream 2004. Chum and sockeye salmon were caught in Stream 2004 and were not captured in the other two study tributaries (Table 4). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 25 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 had slightly higher species richness, diversity, and evenness than streams 2003 and 2004. Species richness was lower in Stream 2003 than in Stream 2004, but species evenness was higher (Table 5). Six species and one species group of fish (sculpin) were caught in the fyke net in Stream 200401, the tributary entering Stream 2004. Species richness was greater in the tributaries than in Stream 200401 however, species diversity was greater in Stream 200401. Species evenness was greatest in Stream 200401 as compared to the three study tributaries and Chuit River (Table 5). Thirteen different species and two groups not identified to species (sculpin, lamprey) were captured in the rotary screw traps, fyke nets, and minnow traps in the Chuit River. Juvenile coho salmon made up the greatest proportion of the total catch (Table 3). All of the fish caught in the Chuit River were also caught in at least one of the tributaries (Table 4). Species richness, evenness, and diversity were greatest in the Chuit River (Table 5). When all sites and gear types (including RSTs) were combined, overall species richness in the Chuit River drainage was 13 species and overall diversity (H’) was 0.43 (Table 5). Video detections of fish moving downstream Five different species and three groups not identified to species (sculpin, lamprey, and some adult salmon) were observed through the video chute in all three streams (Tables 6 through 8). Most detections were in Stream 2002 because this stream was the only one with a video passage chute installed during peak smolt migration. Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and pink salmon were observed in all three streams; adult sockeye salmon were also detected in Stream 2004 (Table 8). Adult salmon movements usually occurred after high water events, and were thought to be a minor redistribution of fish after a major upstream movement event. Juvenile salmon were separated into three size groups (<45 mm, 46−100 mm, and >100 mm), and the species apportionment was based on the species composition of juvenile salmon captured that day in the holding box, where fish identification was most reliable. The number of salmon smolts moving downstream through the video chutes were 6,464 on Stream 2002, 396 on Stream 2003, and 856 on Stream 2004 (Tables 6 through 8). Based on the apportionment, the video counts contributed 6,367 coho salmon smolts in Stream 2002, 396 coho salmon smolts in Stream 2003, and 856 coho salmon smolts in Stream 2004. Adult Chinook, coho, and pink salmon were also seen moving downstream in streams 2002 and 2003. The majority of coho salmon smolts were detected in June as discharge decreased and water temperature increased (Figures 8 and 9). Some smolts were also seen passing through the video chute during or after high water events. Adult salmon traveled upstream during rain events and some went downstream as the flow regime lowered. In Stream 2002, coho salmon smolts were detected on the day the video was first installed (June 8; Appendix B). Detections increased through the middle of June and peaked on June 27; thereafter, detections decreased to only a few fish by the first week of July. Smolt-sized coho salmon were detected through August 4, although most of these fish may have no longer been smolting. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 26 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report After installation of the video system in streams 2003 and 2004, run timing of coho salmon smolts followed a similar pattern to that seen in Stream 2002, but about a week later. Detections at both sites increased until a peak centered on July 3 and 4 with numbers dropping off to a few fish by the second week in July (Appendices C and D). A small spike in detections occurred in early August at Stream 2003 that was not seen at streams 2002 or 2004. Smolt-sized coho salmon were detected as late as the first week in September at both streams 2003 and 2004. Only a few small rainbow trout (45−100 mm) were noted on the video at Stream 2002, most occurring from mid June to early July. Rainbow trout >100 mm at Stream 2002 were most numerous when the video was first installed from June 8 through June 20, followed by low numbers for most of July until a peak at the end of July (Figure 10). Numbers decreased again in early August. Another smaller peak in activity occurred for about a week beginning in early September (Figure 10). Small rainbow trout (45−100 mm) detected on the video at Stream 2003 were most concentrated from video installation on June 30 until mid July. Rainbow trout >100 mm at Stream 2003 were seen most frequently in late July until mid August with few individuals detected in September (Figure 10). In the video in Stream 2004, rainbow trout 45−100 mm were seen only in the month of July with a peak in activity in mid July. Rainbow trout >100 mm were seen throughout the study period with the largest peak in activity the last two weeks in July (Figure 10). Another smaller peak in detections occurred in mid September, dropping off quickly to only a few fish for the rest of the month. Video detections of Dolly Varden char in the 45−100 mm size class were few to absent at all sites, so they were lumped in with fish >100 mm in these descriptions. In Stream 2002 Dolly Varden trout were first seen on July 23 and peaked in number in the first week in August (Figure 11). A second, smaller peak occurred on September 3. Dolly Varden in Stream 2003 showed a similarly timed first peak but followed by constant low numbers for the rest of the study period. Stream 2004 had a similar trend pattern of Dolly Varden trout occurrence to Stream 2002 except the second peak in early September was greater than one in early August. Video images of small juvenile salmon (<100 mm) at streams 2002 and 2004 showed these fish to be present throughout the study period (July-September) in small numbers with no noticeable trends. Juvenile salmon <45 mm were only found in large numbers in Stream 2003, nearly exclusively in the month of July, with a peak concentration from July 12 through 14, and then were absent after the first week in August. Juvenile salmon in the 45−100 mm size class at Stream 2003 followed a similar trend but also showed a second smaller peak concentration in early August. Neither size class was seen at Stream 2003 in September. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 27 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 4.2.2 Run timing and biological characteristics of juvenile coho salmon In all three tributaries, CPUE peaked for coho salmon smolts (≥90 mm; Photo 20) as water levels dropped and water temperatures increased. After this peak in CPUE, the catch was composed of younger, smaller coho salmon that gradually increased in size throughout the remainder of the season. Coho salmon captured in June and early July were predominately over 90 mm in length. After mid July, captured coho were primarily 90 mm or less in length. The highest catches of pre-smolt coho salmon (<90 mm) were in late July, associated with a high water event (Figure 8). CPUE of juvenile coho salmon increased as discharge decreased and water temperatures increased (Figures 8 and 9). Increases in the CPUE for juvenile coho salmon was also associated with increased discharge following rain events (Figure 8) The largest juvenile coho salmon were caught in mid to late June and in early July, with age-2+ accounting for the bulk of the catches. After the peak of the run, coho salmon age and body size decreased. The distribution of lengths by age class overlapped during some time periods. Age and length analyses showed similar patterns among all the study tributaries. The age and length analyses in the Chuit River were similar but age-2+ fish were seen through mid August. Starting in mid July, age-1 coho salmon were a substantial proportion of the coho salmon that were moving downstream. The smallest size class were age-0 and were captured primarily after mid June (Figures 12 through 15). Length measurements were collected from 25,098 fish, with 17,248 (69%) of the length measurements taken from juvenile coho salmon (Table 9). Weight measurements were collected from 3,625 fish throughout the season. Juvenile coho salmon averaged 71 mm (27-271 mm). Length of coho salmon peaked in June. Mean weight of juvenile coho salmon was 5.6 g (0.5−77.0 g; Table 9). The largest number of juvenile coho salmon were caught in Stream 2004 (Table 4) and consisted primarily of fish less than 80 mm (Figure 16). Relative weight (Wr) of coho salmon differed among sites (Figure 17). Stream 2002 Juvenile coho salmon were captured in Stream 2002, as soon as the full weir was installed on June 4. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) for coho salmon smolts (≥90 mm) peaked on June 6 (229 fish/day), then remained relatively constant through June 29 (206 fish/day). The CPUE then quickly decreased and the last coho salmon smolt was caught on August 20 (Figure 18). In total, 2,512 coho salmon smolts were caught at the weir and another 6,367 were estimated to have moved through the video chute (Table 10). The CPUE for juvenile coho salmon <90 mm caught in Stream 2002 remained fairly constant for the month of June, not exceeding 55 fish/day. The CPUE gradually increased and peaked on July 18 at 1,775 fish/day, then fluctuated from 43 to 942 fish/day until the end of July. On July 27 the CPUE was 1,489 fish/day, and then steadily decreased, with pulses of fish moving downstream after rain events (Figure 8). Overall, 14,897 juvenile coho salmon (smolts and pre-smolts) were captured throughout the study period (Table 4). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 28 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report The relative weights of juvenile coho salmon in Stream 2002 were lower than expected in May, but fish were still considered in healthy condition. Throughout June, body condition was within the standard weight range (95−105). Relative weights fluctuated the most (by week) in July, when both high and low relative weights were observed. In early August relative weights were high, and then dropped below 100 before increasing (Figure 19). Stream 2003 The majority of coho salmon smolts (≥90 mm) were captured in June in Stream 2003, with the CPUE peaking on June 20, 827 fish/day. The CPUE then decreased and the last fish in this size class was caught on July 24 (Figure 18). In total, 7,394 coho salmon smolts were caught at the weir and another 396 were estimated to have moved through the video chute (Table 10). The CPUE for coho salmon pre-smolts (<90 mm) in Stream 2003 peaked in late July. The CPUE fluctuated in June and leveled off in early July before peaking on July 18 with 2,667 fish/day (Figure 18). Fish numbers then decreased. In total, 18,698 fish (smolts and pre-smolts) were captured in Stream 2003 (Table 4). The relative weights of juvenile coho salmon in Stream 2003 were healthy through May and most of June. In the end of June and early July body condition decreased. In mid July body condition again increased and met the expected level. By late July and through August relative weights were fairly level ranging from just below the expected weight to a slightly high relative weight (Figure 19). Stream 2004 Juvenile coho salmon were caught at Stream 2004 as soon as the weir was installed on June 8. The CPUE for coho salmon smolts (≥90 mm) increased after the first two days, from 2 to 80 fish/day. Smolt CPUE peaked on June 22 (537 fish/day) and then decreased (Figure 17). In total, 4,085 coho salmon smolts were captured at the weir in Stream 2004 and another 856 were estimated to have moved downstream through the video chute (Table 10). Stream 2004 had the largest run of pre-smolt coho salmon (<90 mm) of the three study tributaries. The CPUE fluctuated throughout June and early July, peaking at 1,902 fish/day on July 27. On July 24 and 28 the CPUE was approximately 1,380 fish/day. The CPUE then decreased and rose again on August 26 with a CPUE of 1,279 fish/day, then decreased (Figure 18). In total, 22,682 juvenile coho salmon (smolts and presmolts) were caught in Stream 2004 (Table 4). The relative weights of juvenile coho salmon in Stream 2004 demonstrated the least amount of variance among three streams. Body condition met the weight expectations in June. The relative weights were lowest in mid July and then increased, leveling off in late July. For most of the season, relative weights were at or just below the expected weights (Figure 19). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 29 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 200401 The fyke net was fished for a total of 65 days. Juvenile coho salmon represented 43% of the catch (Table 3). Few juvenile coho salmon ≥90 mm were caught in Stream 200401. CPUE for juvenile coho salmon ≥90 mm peaked on July 4 at 4 fish/day. CPUE for juvenile coho salmon <90 mm was highest from mid to late July. The CPUE for juvenile coho salmon peaked on July 17 at 308 fish/day (Figure 19). The mean length (fork length) for measured juvenile coho salmon was 57.6 mm. In total, 2,212 juvenile coho salmon were caught in Stream 200401 (Table 4). Chuit River The majority of coho salmon ≥90 mm were caught in late June through mid July with the highest CPUE of 23.4 fish/day on July 3. However, the CPUE peaked on September 6 with 39.1 fish/day after a high water event. Most of juvenile coho salmon smaller than 90 mm were caught after high water events in late July and in early September. CPUE for juvenile coho salmon <90 mm was on September 4 at 936.4 fish/day (Figure 18). Only one rotary screw trap was operational after September 3. In general, the relative weights for juvenile coho salmon were higher in the Chuit River than in the tributaries. Relative weights for juvenile coho salmon in the Chuit River were lowest early in the season. By June the relative weight met or exceeded the range of good body condition (95−105; Figure 19). Relative weight was lowest in mid July, then slowly increased. 4.2.3 Run timing and biological characteristics of non-coho salmon species Daily CPUE was computed for two size classes for each of five species of fish. Water temperatures and discharge were compared to the daily CPUEs and described for each species. These fives species and size classes were: 1. Coho salmon – juvenile salmon <90 mm and salmon smolts ≥90 mm (described above in section 4.2.2), 2. Arctic lamprey – fish <175 mm and fish ≥175 mm, 3. Chinook salmon – juvenile salmon <65 mm and salmon smolts ≥65 mm, 4. Dolly Varden – juveniles <100 mm and adults ≥100 mm, and 5. Rainbow trout – juveniles <100 mm and adults ≥100 mm. In addition to juvenile coho salmon (described above in section 4.2.2), relative weights (Wr) were calculated for juvenile Chinook salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout to provide an index of body condition. The relative weights for all four species groups fluctuated throughout the season. Relative weights were in the lowest category for many individual fish (Figure 20). Arctic lamprey Adult Arctic lamprey were caught in all three tributaries and in the Chuit River. Adult Arctic lamprey represented 2% of the fish caught in Stream 2002, 1% of the fish in Stream 2003, and 2% in the Chuit River; very few were captured in Stream 2004 (Table 3). Only adult lamprey could be identified to species (Pacific or Arctic); juveniles that LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 30 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report had not yet undergone metamorphosis were classified as ammocoetes of unknown species. In streams 2002 and 2003, CPUE of adult Arctic lamprey was highest in June. In Stream 2002, CPUE of the large size class of Arctic lamprey (≥175 mm) peaked on June 14 at 16.7 fish/day and on June 16 at 3.1 fish/day in Stream 2003. CPUE for the small size class (<175 mm) peaked on June 7 at 19.4 fish/day in Stream 2002 and on June 14 at 24.6 fish/day in Stream 2003. In Stream 2004, where very few Arctic lamprey were captured, CPUE peaked on August 21 at 2.1 fish/day (Figure 21). No Arctic lamprey were caught in Stream 200401. CPUE was highest in the Chuit River in late June through early August (Figure 21). CPUE peaked for the largest size class on August 10 at 2 fish/day and for the smallest size class on July 1 at 6.1 fish/day (Figure 21). CPUE of adult Arctic lamprey increased as discharge decreased and water temperatures increased (Figures 22 and 23). CPUE also increased in the Chuit River during high water events in early September. Arctic lamprey lengths ranged from 55−505 mm with a mean length of 151 mm. Lamprey lengths were relatively consistent throughout the season, with a slight increase in overall length in August and September (Table 11; Figure 24). Mean weight was 11.0 g (range 2.0−361.0 g; Table 9). Chinook salmon adult Thirty four adult Chinook salmon were caught at the weirs and rotary screw traps. Adult Chinook salmon included both normal sized adults and smaller jack Chinook salmon (Figure 25). Many adult Chinook salmon were jacks. Salmon were captured from mid July through mid August. The mean length (mid-eye to fork) of adult Chinook salmon was 454 mm (range 280−855 mm; Table 9). Weights were not taken on adult salmon. Chinook salmon juveniles Chinook salmon juveniles were caught at all sites, but predominately in the Chuit River. In total, 3,237 juvenile Chinook salmon were caught in the Chuit River drainage (Table 4). Juvenile Chinook salmon made up 20% of the catch in the Chuit River and 1% of the catch in Stream 2002 (Table 3). Within the tributaries the greatest number of the juvenile Chinook salmon were caught in Stream 2002, very few were captured in streams 2003 and 2004. Most of the Chinook salmon moved downstream from late May through mid July. Very few were caught after July 14. CPUE for Chinook salmon juveniles ≥65 mm peaked on June 29 at 31 fish/day in Stream 2002. In Stream 2003 the CPUE peaked on June 23 at 4.2 fish/day and 8.1 fish/day on June 13 in Stream 2004. The highest CPUE for juvenile Chinook salmon <65 mm among all three streams was in Stream 2002 at 1.1 fish/day (July 4; Figure 26). Chinook salmon moved downstream throughout the course of the season in the Chuit River. The majority of juvenile Chinook salmon were caught from late May through June. CPUE for juvenile salmon ≥65 mm peaked on the Chuit River on June 18 at 26.2 fish/day. CPUE for juvenile salmon <65 mm peaked at 39 fish/day on June 13 (Figure LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 31 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 26). At all sites, the CPUE for juvenile Chinook salmon increased as water levels decreased and temperatures increased. The CPUE also increased in association with high water events after heavy and persistent rainfall. Chinook salmon juveniles averaged 65 mm in length (fork length) and ranged from 25−31 mm (Table 9. Lengths increased during the season (Figure 27). Mean weight was 4.7 g (0.5−111.0 g; Table 9). In general, the relative weight (Wr) for Chinook salmon remained fairly constant throughout the season. Relative weights were 90 or above with the exception of one outlying value in August at 83 (Figure 19). Few Chinook salmon were caught on the tributaries; those that were had relative weights higher than 95. Relative weights for Chinook salmon in the Chuit River were below the expected weight, from May through mid June. By the end of June the relative weights had increased and either met or exceeded the expected standard weight (Figure 19). Chum salmon (juvenile) In total, six juvenile chum salmon were caught within the study area. One chum salmon was caught at the weir in Stream 2004 during the month of June. Five chum salmon were caught at the RSTs from late May through mid July. Fish lengths ranged from 24−94 mm (Figure 28), with an average of 44 mm (Table 9). No adult chum salmon were captured. No weights were taken. Coastrange sculpin Coastrange sculpins were caught in all three tributaries and the Chuit River. Most of the coastrange sculpins were captured in the Chuit River, where they represented 3% of the catch (Table 3). The largest number of coastrange sculpins caught in the tributaries was at Stream 2004 (a total of 62 fish; Table 4). Coastrange sculpin were observed throughout the season in the tributaries and most fish were caught in July and August. In the Chuit River, most sculpin were caught in the first half of September. However, many were also moving downstream in July and August. The mean length of coastrange sculpin was 65 mm (20−114 mm; Figure 29) and mean weight was 4.0 g (0.5−19.5 g; Table 9). Coho salmon adult In total, 13 adult coho salmon were caught at all sampling sites, from mid July through September (Table 4). Adult coho salmon were present in streams 2002 and 2003 in mid to late July. A few were caught in the Chuit River in August. Adult coho salmon were captured at all sites, excluding Stream 2002, in September. Water levels increased in September due to heavy and persistent rainfall. Adult coho salmon migrated upstream as discharge increased, some of the adult salmon then moved back downstream. Adult coho salmon averaged 496 mm (359−590 mm; Table 9). Weights were not taken. Dolly Varden Dolly Varden were caught in all three streams and the Chuit River over the course of the study. In total, 455 Dolly Varden were caught at all sampling sites and represented 1% of the fish captured in Stream 2003, Stream 2004, and Chuit River (Tables 3 and 4). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 32 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Dolly Varden CPUE for fish ≥100 mm was the highest in late May and early September, and often associated with high water (Figure 30). The largest number of Dolly Varden were caught in streams 2003 and 2004. CPUE for Dolly Varden ≥100 mm was 26.3 fish/day in Stream 2003 (May 30), and 27.3 fish/day in Stream 2004 (August 27). CPUE for Dolly Varden ≥100 mm in Stream 2002 was on September 4 at 11.4 fish/day (Figure 31). CPUE was highest for Dolly Varden <100 mm in Stream 2004 and peaked on June 19 at 3.1 fish/day. CPUE did not exceed 1.1 fish/day for Dolly Varden <100 mm in streams 2002 and 2003 (Figure 31). Overall, CPUE increased in the early summer as water levels decreased and temperatures increased (Figures 30 and 32). Dolly Varden ≥100 mm were caught in the Chuit River throughout the season, but very few fish were captured in July. The highest numbers of fish ≥100 mm were observed in May and September. CPUE for Dolly Varden ≥100 mm peaked on September 13 at 7.1 fish/day. In the Chuit River the majority of Dolly Varden <100 mm were observed from mid June through early July and a few were seen in September. The CPUE for fish <100 mm peaked on September 8 at 2.9 fish/day (Figure 31) The majority of Dolly Varden caught at all sampling sites were ≥100 mm in length (Figure 33). Mean length of Dolly Varden was 155 mm (36−350 mm) and mean weight was 51.8 g (2.0−462.0 g; Table 9). These weights did not necessarily correspond with the minimum and maximum lengths. Relative weights of Dolly Varden on all three streams were within the range of good condition (95−105; Figure 19). Relative weights for Dolly Varden observed on the Chuit River met or exceeded the expected weight from May through early August. From mid August through mid September relative weights were lower than the standard weight (Figure 19). Body condition of Dolly Varden was difficult to interpret, presumably because juvenile and adult data are compared together. Lamprey spp. adult Lamprey were not identified to species before June 10, accounting for 21 fish from streams 2002 and 2003. The mean length of these fish was 129 mm (115−150 mm). The mean weight of unidentified lamprey was 3.2 g (1.0−6.0 g; Table 9). Based on run timing and size, the 21 fish were probably Arctic lamprey. Lamprey spp. juvenile Juvenile lamprey are those fish that have not yet undergone metamorphosis, and are known as ammocoetes. Ammocoetes were not differentiated to species, although all were presumably either Pacific or Arctic lamprey, based on adult lamprey captures. Ammocoetes were seen on all three streams and in the Chuit River (Table 4). Lamprey ammocoetes represented 1% of the fish caught in Stream 2002 and 5% of the catch in the Chuit River (Table 3). Juvenile lamprey were caught from mid May through early September. Total catch of ammocoetes was highest in June. Fish size ranged from 17−222 mm with a mean length of 113 mm. The mean weight of lamprey ammocoetes was 2.3 g (0.5−6.0 g), not necessarily including the 222 mm fish (Table 9). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 33 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Ninespine stickleback Two ninespine sticklebacks were caught in Stream 2002 and seventeen ninespine sticklebacks were caught in the Chuit River (Table 4). Ninespine stickleback were present from May to September, though less common in June through August. In the Chuit River, sticklebacks were caught in all months except July. In Stream 2002, ninespine sticklebacks were caught only in September. The mean length of ninespine stickleback was 43 mm (29−60 mm; Figure 34). The mean weight was 1.4 g (0.5−3.5 g; Table 9). Pacific lamprey Six Pacific lamprey were captured during the first half of July in Stream 2002 (Photo 21). Two Pacific lamprey were caught at the end of July and early August in the Chuit River (Table 4). The mean length was 430 mm (145−530 mm; Table 9; Figure 24). Only one weight was taken on a Pacific lamprey, a 443 mm fish that weighed 205 g. Pink salmon adult Eighteen pink salmon were captured in late July and August in streams 2002 and 2003. Eighteen pink salmon were also caught in the Chuit River in August. MEF lengths of the salmon ranged from 265−524 mm with a mean of 387 mm (Table 9). No weights were taken on any adult pink salmon. Pink salmon juvenile With the exception of one fish, all juvenile pink salmon were caught in the RSTs from mid May through mid July. One other juvenile pink salmon was captured in the fyke net in Stream 2002 at the end of May. The mean length of pink salmon juveniles was 34 mm (26−38 mm; Table 9; Figure 28) and the mean weight was 0.6 g (0.5−1.0 g). Rainbow trout Rainbow trout were captured in the study tributaries and in the Chuit River throughout the season. In total, 3,616 rainbow trout were caught at all sampling sites combined. Rainbow trout represented 3% of catch on the Chuit River and 1% of the catch in Stream 2004. The largest proportion of rainbow trout were caught at the fyke net in Stream 200401. Rainbow trout represented 55% of the total catch at Stream 200401 (Table 3). In Stream 2002, CPUE for rainbow trout ≥100 mm peaked in late July and then decreased before it peaked again on September 4. CPUE for fish <100 mm was highest in early June then decreased (Figure 35). Rainbow trout were captured in Stream 2003 from late May through August. Most of these fish were ≥100 mm, and the CPUE was fairly steady. Fish <100 mm were caught in August (Figure 35). In Stream 2004, rainbow trout were observed from June through September. CPUE for fish ≥100 mm was high in mid June, decreased, and then peaked in late June. CPUE for fish <100 mm increased through June and early July and peaked on July 22 before decreasing (Figure 35). Rainbow trout lengths (fork length) ranged from 20−470 mm (Table 9). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 34 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report In Stream 200401, rainbow trout dominated the catch. The vast majority of the rainbow trout were <100 mm in length. Rainbow trout ≥100 mm were seen on two days at the end of July. CPUE for larger fish was 12.2 fish/day on July 29. A few fish <100 mm were seen at the end of June to early July; however the majority of the fish were caught at the end of July through early August. The CPUE for rainbow trout <100 mm was 640.4 fish/day on July 27. Sizes ranged from 20−143 mm, with an average length of 35 mm. The mean length (fork length) of the trout measured was 30.5 mm. Rainbow trout were captured from mid May through September in the Chuit River. From mid June through mid August the CPUE stayed relatively constant. The CPUE increased in late August. The CPUE for fish ≥100 mm and <100 mm peaked in early September. The CPUE for rainbow trout ≥100 mm was 7.1 fish/day on September 4. The CPUE for fish <100 mm was 15.5 on September 6 (Figure 35). CPUE increased as water levels decreased and water temperatures increased (Figures 36 and 37). The mean length of rainbow trout was 73 mm (20−470 mm; Figure 33). Mean length was largest in May and decreased through August, then increased again in September (Table 11). Mean weight of rainbow trout was 31.0 g (0.5−691.0 g). Catch of rainbow trout <100 mm peaked in July. Catches of rainbow trout ≥100 mm were highest in mid June and late August. Rainbow trout of both size classes were present throughout the whole season. In the beginning of the season, relative weights of most rainbow trout at all sites were in the lowest category (<95). Over the course of the season, relative weights increased slowly, even exceeding standard expected values (>105; Figure 19). Body condition of rainbow trout fluctuated throughout the season. As with Dolly Varden, rainbow trout relative weights were difficult to interpret, presumably because juvenile and adult data were analyzed together. Sculpin spp. Unidentified sculpin were caught in all three streams and in the Chuit River from May through September (Table 4). Mean length for unidentified sculpin was 51 mm (15−104 mm). Mean weight for unidentified sculpin was 3.5 g (0.1−9.5 g; Table 9). Slimy sculpin Slimy sculpin were captured at all three study tributaries and the Chuit River throughout the season (Table 4). Slimy sculpin averaged 63 mm in length (26−114 mm; Figure 29). Mean weight for slimy sculpin was 3.2 g (0.5−10.0 g; Table 9). Sockeye salmon (adult) Two adult sockeye salmon were caught within the study area. One sockeye salmon was captured in the Chuit River in late July. Another sockeye salmon was caught in Stream 2004 in early September. Lengths of the adult sockeye salmon were 495 and 545 mm (mid-eye to fork; Table 9). No weights were taken on the adult sockeye salmon. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 35 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Sockeye salmon (juvenile) Juvenile sockeye salmon were only caught in Stream 2004 and the Chuit River (Table 4). Sixteen juvenile sockeye salmon were caught in the Chuit River mid May through early July. With the majority of juvenile sockeye salmon were captured in May (Figure 28). One sockeye salmon was captured at the weir in Stream 2004 in September. Juvenile sockeye salmon mean length was 39 mm (33−54 mm; Table 9; Figure 28). The only weights taken on sockeye salmon juveniles were on small fish that weighed 0.5 g. Threespine stickleback Threespine sticklebacks were caught in Stream 2002 and the Chuit River (Table 4). The sticklebacks were caught from May through September. Threespine stickleback mean length was 53 mm (17−87 mm; Table 9; Figure 34). Mean weight of threespine stickleback was 3.6 g (0.5−7.5 g). 4.2.4 Differences in fish species composition among sites Species diversity was greatest in the Chuit River, but all species caught were also seen in the tributaries (Tables 4 and 5). Juvenile coho salmon dominated the catches at all main sampling sites. In Stream 200401 the catch was dominated by rainbow trout. Differences in fish species composition occurred among the study tributaries. Ninespine stickleback, threespine stickleback, Pacific Lamprey, and juvenile pink salmon were only caught in Stream 2002. Both adult and juvenile sockeye and juvenile chum salmon were captured in Stream 2004, and not observed in the other two streams. More adult lamprey and lamprey ammocoetes were caught in streams 2002 and 2003, than in Stream 2004. A larger number of Dolly Varden were seen in Stream 2003 and Stream 2004, than in Stream 2002. The majority of rainbow trout were caught in Stream 2004 (even when excluding Stream 200401). The run timing of rainbow trout ≥100 mm occurred early in the season in Stream 2003 and at the end of the season in streams 2002 and 2004. 4.3 Fish Movement and Abundance in Tributaries – Fish Moving Upstream 4.3.1 Abundance and species composition The video imaging system was operated from June 8 through September 19 in Stream 2002, from June 29 through September 30 in Stream 2003, and from June 29 through September 30 in Stream 2004. In all three streams, fish were identified to species for adult salmon (Chinook, chum coho, pink, and sockeye), Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout. All lamprey species were lumped into one group, as were all sculpin species. Juvenile salmon were broken into size groups that approximated the age classes for coho salmon seen in the streams (<45 mm, 46−100 mm, and >100 mm); the number of fish assigned as coho or Chinook salmon were based on the concurrent catch fraction from the weir. Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and lamprey were separated into two size groups to roughly approximate older, mature fish and younger, immature fish. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 36 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report In Stream 2002, fish counts were primarily adult coho salmon (48% of detections) or salmon smolt (38%). Fish moving into Stream 2002 were adult coho, Chinook, sockeye, chum, and pink salmon, rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, sculpin, and smaller salmon (estimated size 45−100 mm, or equivalent to age-1 coho salmon). Fish groups with a net movement out of the system (downstream) were salmon smolts and lamprey (Table 12). In Stream 2003, fish detected in the video were primarily adult coho salmon (37%) and juvenile salmon of a range of sizes (36%). Adult Chinook, coho, sockeye, and pink salmon moved upstream. No adult chum salmon were seen. There was also a movement upstream of Dolly Varden, the smallest two length classes of salmon (fish <45 mm and 46−100 mm), and smaller rainbow trout. Net movement out of the system (downstream) was documented for larger rainbow trout, lamprey, sculpin, and salmon smolts. In Stream 2004, fish detected in the video were primarily juvenile salmon of a range of sizes (36%), adult coho salmon (20%), rainbow trout (19%), and Dolly Varden (12%). Adult coho, Chinook and sockeye salmon were moving upstream; no chum or pink salmon were seen. Larger Dolly Varden and rainbow trout (Photo 22), along with a few sculpin also moved upstream. Fish groups with a net movement downstream, out of the system, were all juvenile salmon, smaller Dolly Varden and rainbow trout, and lamprey (Table 12). 4.3.2 CPUE and run timing of fish groups moving upstream Adult coho salmon Relatively small numbers of adult coho salmon returned in late July and early August to streams 2002 and 2003, but not to Stream 2004. Adult coho salmon were not seen again until September 3, when large numbers of fish entered all three streams (Figure 38). Thereafter, run timing was similar on each stream. Twice (September 3 and 7), distinct pulses of adult coho salmon entered all three streams on the same day; both dates were associated with high-water events. On a third date (September 9), a distinct pulse of fish entered both stream 2002 and 2003, but the water in Stream 2004 was too high to count fish by any method. If adult coho movements into Stream 2004 tracked the other streams on September 9 the way they did on September 3 and 7, this inability to count fish on September 9 may have partially accounted for the fewer fish seen returning to Stream 2004 (Appendices E, F, and G). Adult Chinook salmon CPUE of adult Chinook salmon was higher in Stream 2002 than in streams 2003 and 2004. Small numbers of jack Chinook salmon were seen in Stream 2002 in mid June. The main run of adult Chinook salmon came from mid July through mid August (Figure 39). Jacks preceded the larger fish in Stream 2002, but not on the other streams (Figure 40). Adult sockeye salmon Small numbers of adult sockeye salmon returned to streams 2002 and 2003 between late July and early August (Photo 23; Appendices H and I). Stream 2004 had the greatest LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 37 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report number of sockeye detections, with the first on August 30 and last on September 25 (Appendix J). Adult pink salmon Pink salmon first appeared at Stream 2002 on July 18, peaked on July 27, and were last detected on August 7 (Appendix H). The few pink salmon recorded in Stream 2003 were seen between July 26 and 29. Adult chum salmon The video recording system captured a single adult chum salmon moving upstream in Stream 2002, on September 18 (Appendix H). Rainbow trout Rainbow trout moved both upstream and downstream during the entire period that video cameras were operational; peak activity varied among streams (Figure 10). 4.3.3 Differences in upstream movement among streams Stream 2002 had the greatest number of adult coho, Chinook, and pink salmon, and was the only stream in which adult chum salmon were detected. It also had the greatest number of the larger size class of rainbow trout and Dolly Varden move upstream (Table 12). Stream 2003 had the second greatest number of adult sockeye salmon, behind Stream 2004, although this number was still small compared to most other salmon (24 adult fish). There was a net movement of larger rainbow trout out of the system, unlike on the other streams. Counts of adult coho salmon were lower than in Stream 2002, but higher than in Stream 2004. Stream 2004 differed from the other streams in that it had fewer returns of adult coho and Chinook salmon and no returns of adult pink or chum salmon. There was also a strong net movement of salmon “fingerlings” (likely age-1 coho salmon) and rainbow trout fry out of the system (opposite of that seen in streams 2002 and 2003). As with the counts from the holding boxes (Section 4.2.3), there were far fewer lamprey (both size classes) seen on the video in Stream 2004 than in streams 2002 and 2003. 4.3.4 Image analysis on the video system In the early season, tests showed that adult fish passage could be accurately assessed with motion detection events. As the season progressed and conditions changed, false motion detection events from debris, fluctuating light, bubbles in the water column, etc., became more prevalent, resulting in an unacceptable number of false detections despite diligent efforts to adjust sensitivity. For this reason, motion detection was not used to estimate adult salmon passage as originally intended. Instead, adult fish passage was estimated by the same method as with other species, using time-lapse video and 15 minute subsamples per hour. At times when fish were especially numerous, the 15-minute subsamples were validated with full-hour counts. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 38 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Total fish counted using the expansion method (from 15-minute subsamples) were compared to counts from the full hour at 50 different times (on September 3, 4, 7 and 9 in Stream 2002). These dates were identified from subsamples as high coho salmon movement periods in Stream 2002. Three of these periods were during a time of net upstream migration and one was during net downstream movement. Combining all four time periods, the upstream coho salmon movement found using full counts was 1,935 and that estimated through subsampling techniques was 1,916. Subsampling thus accounted for 99% of the full census counts in Stream 2002. This method was also applied to streams 2003 and 2004. 4.3.5 Visual counts during flood events Unexpanded, full-hour counts of fish passing though breaches in the weir at Stream 2002 between September 14 and 18, resulted in 21 adult coho salmon moving upstream (Table 6 and Appendix E). No other fish were observed. At Stream 2003, using a combination of full-hour counts and subsample visual counts, six coho salmon were estimated moving downstream and 531 upstream on ten dates in September. The majority of these upstream movements occurred on September 3 and 9 (246 and 234, respectively; Appendix F). An additional 27 adult salmon, which could not be identified due to flood conditions, also were counted visually moving upstream (Table 7). Both full-hour and subsample counts were also used at Stream 2004 to estimate a total of one coho salmon moving downstream and 26 upstream. Most of these movements occurred on September 14 (Appendix G). An additional ten adult salmon of unknown species were also counted visually moving upstream at this site (Table 8). 4.4 Abundance of Coho and Chinook Salmon Smolts in the Chuit River Watershed In total, 14,695 coho salmon ≥80 mm in length were marked at the weirs. Marked fish were released in four different temporal strata, starting on May 30 and ending September 12 (Table 13). In total, 1,412 coho salmon ≥80 mm in length were examined for marks at the RSTs with 352 recaptures identified. We estimated travel time from the three study streams combined to the RSTs in the Chuit River was two days for most marked fish, with 99% of the recaptured coho smolts passing within six days or less after being marked upstream at the weirs (Figure 41). There was no difference in size between coho salmon captured in the RSTs with and without marks (KS test; P-value > 0.05; Figure 42). An attempt was made to also estimate Chinook salmon smolt abundance, but not enough fish were caught in the tributary streams to provide a credible estimate. Coho salmon smolt abundances were calculated separately for each of three size classes, based on the appearance of smolting, the run timing of the fish, and apparent size selectivity of the gear. The main group of smolts were those ranging in size from the largest that were both marked and recaptured (161 mm), down to the smallest that appeared to be smolts throughout the entire run, based on combinations of age, size, and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 39 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report smolt appearance. This lower size limit was 90 mm (Figure 16). Within this size range (90 to 161 mm), the probability of capture varied with fish length. The cut point of this discrepancy occurred at 117 mm, and fish were thus stratified into two size groups, one from 90−117 mm, and the other from 118−161 mm (Figure 42). Both size groups required the Darroch model to meet Assumption 2 (all p-values from the diagnostic tests were less than 0.01). After final pooling in SPAS, the 90−117 length group was divided into four temporal tagging strata and three recovery strata while the 118−161 length group was divided into three tagging and two recovery strata (Table 13). Abundance estimates were also calculated for a third group of fish (80-89 mm), which were younger (age-1) coho salmon that had the appearance of smolts early in the season, but did not later in the season. The abundance of this smolt group was calculated based on fish migrating within the first (and largest) temporal stratum, which was from May 30 to July 6. Because these fish were migrating within one previously identified temporal stratum, the PPE method was used to calculate their abundance. The final population estimate for all three groups of smolts combined was 37,424, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 33,276−41,572 (Table 14). For all three length categories combined (for the June 1st to July 19th time period), 20.7% of the coho salmon smolts in the Chuit River would be attributed to Stream 2003. Abundance estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for the individual size classes for the entire Chuit River watershed were as follows: Group 1 (80−89 mm): 5,500 (3,041−7,959). Group 2 (90−117 mm): 22,011 (19,698−24,324). Group 3 (118−161 mm): 9,913 (7,503−12,323). 4.5 Environmental Conditions 4.5.1 Ice and snow out Ice began to melt from streams 2002 and 2003 in late April and from Stream 2004 in early May. Streams 2002 and 2003 were mostly ice free by early May; snow had melted from the lower reaches of the streams, but was still extensive in the upper reaches. Stream 2004 was mostly ice free by mid May; snow had melted from the lower portions of the stream, but was still extensive in the upper reaches. The snowpack was completely melted at all three sampling sites by early June. The Chuit River was relatively ice free in early May, although some ice was still flowing downstream from the tributaries. The snowpack near the sampling sites was completely melted by mid May. 4.5.2 Water temperature Water temperatures recorded with the remote loggers show similar trends among the tributary streams. Water temperatures ranged from 0 to 1 ˚C (32 to 33.8 ˚F) in early May. Through early June, daily water temperatures generally ranged from 7.7 to 12.1 ˚C (45.8 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 40 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report to 53.8 ˚F). Stream temperatures gradually increased in June, then peaked in July. Streams 2003 and 2004 peaked on July 5, with 14.2 ˚C (57.6 ˚F) at Stream 2003 and 14.3 ˚C (57.8 ˚F) at Stream 2004. Stream 2002 peaked at 14.4 ˚C (57.9 ˚F) on July 31. Water temperatures remained fairly constant in July and August, ranging from 10.2 to 14.4 ˚C (50.3 to 57.9 ˚F). Water temperatures decreased thereafter, dropping to a range of 2.9 to 3.8 ˚C (37.2 to 38.8 ˚F) by the end of the September (Figures 43 and 44). In the Chuit River, water temperatures followed a similar pattern as in the tributaries, but lagged the tributaries by about two weeks. In early May, water temperatures varied between 0.2 and 1.1 ˚C (32.4 to 34 ˚F). Water temperatures increased more gradually in June than in the study tributaries, then leveled out in early July and peaked at 15.7 ˚C (60.3 ˚F) on July 31. Temperatures varied from 11.7 to 14.3 ˚C (53.1 to 57.7 ˚F) through August, then decreased through September (Figures 43 and 44). The temperature loggers failed to record data on several occasions during the season. The logger on Stream 2002 was not set properly and did not record temperatures from June 20 to June 27. The logger in Stream 2004 did not record temperatures from May 22 to June 16. No temperature data are available for Stream 2003 on July 25 and July 26. The logger did not record temperatures from the Chuit River from July 25 to July 27. Average bulb temperatures collected at each sampling event were used as surrogates from the time period when temperature logger data was missing. 4.5.3 Discharge In the spring, as the snowpack melted there was an associated rise in discharge from the tributaries. According to the preliminary data furnished by RTI, water levels rose in the tributaries until mid May, peaking at 7.3 m3/s (258 ft3/s) in Stream 2002 and 4.8 m3/s (169 ft3/s) in Stream 2003 (May 12). Discharge data were not available in May for Stream 2004, but it is likely Stream 2004 also peaked in May. Discharge in Stream 2004 was highest on June 1 at 4.6 m3/s (164 ft3/s), the earliest date available, and declined thereafter (Figures 4 and 45). Discharge data were not available for the Chuit River. Water was clear in streams 2002 and 2003 by June 1 and in Stream 2004 by June 15. Water levels remained low and relatively constant for the duration of the July and August with the exception of rain events. Water discharge increased again in September due to precipitation (Figure 46). After rain events the streams discharge and turbidity would increase, then subside within hours or days, depending on the rain event. During high water events, Stream 2003 appeared to peak the fastest, but would then subside quickly. Stream 2002 didn’t peak as high but the water levels remained higher longer. The effects in Stream 2004 were more moderate in comparison to Streams 2002 and 2003; water levels didn’t peak as high as in Stream 2003, and did not remain high for as long as in Stream 2002. Discharge on the Chuit River was influenced by the tributaries, rising and falling after associated events in the tributaries. Water turbidity increased with discharge. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 41 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 4.5.4 Precipitation Precipitation occurred throughout the course of the season with the heaviest rainfall occurring in late July and throughout September (Figure 47). According to data collected by McVehil-Monnett, rainfall from May through early July did not exceed 1 cm (0.4 in) per day. From mid July through the end of the month rainfall increased. Precipitation peaked on July 24 at 1.7 cm (0.7 in). During the month of August rainfall decreased and did not exceed 0.5 cm (0.2 in) per day. Rainfall again increased during September. Precipitation peaked on September 14 at 2.3 cm (0.9 in) (Data supplied by T. Holmes, McVehil-Monnett Associates, Inc., November 18, 2008). Within our study tributaries and on the Chuit River heavy and persistent rainfall led to an increase in discharge, or “high water events”. It was during these high water events that our sampling equipment was most likely to have reduced effectiveness, in some cases halted altogether. 5.0 Discussion 5.1 Overview of Fish Species Composition in Tributary Streams 5.1.1 Fish species and abundance in each stream More fish species and greater numbers of salmon were captured in Stream 2002 than Stream 2003, which in turn exceeded Stream 2004 in species number and salmon catches. Given the relatively complete fishing coverage by all three weirs through the study period, our catches reasonably capture relative differences in fish movements among streams. Fish species composition differed among the three tributaries in a way that was consistent with tributary position in the watershed. Moving from downstream to upstream, the three streams decline in watershed area and stream size, and the total amount of combined high flow/low gradient habitat area decreases. All five species of adult salmon were found in the Chuit River watershed, and each showed a decreased tributary abundance from downstream to upstream. The decreased abundance of chum and pink salmon from downstream to upstream is consistent with results from the Chuit River in 1983 (ERT 1984). Such trends may reflect a preference for the combination of low gradient / high discharge habitat typical of lower watershed reaches, and has been documented elsewhere for these species. The decline in coho and Chinook salmon when moving upstream was also reasonable in the absence of any unusually different habitat features. The pattern among the streams may be an indicator that watershed position and its effects on stream size, gradient, and discharge may be the strongest influence on salmon habitat in the Chuit River watershed. Lamprey species also showed a decline from downstream to upstream, consistent with the idea that this anadromous fish is better suited for migrations low in the system than higher up. Relative catches of Dolly Varden and rainbow trout were also consistent with their known life history and ability to inhabit relatively small streams at some or all life stages. Unlike salmon and lamprey, catches of these two species remained relatively constant LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 42 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report from downstream to upstream. Stream 2004 had greater catches of Dolly Varden and rainbow trout than the other two streams. The Dolly Varden finding was similar to 1982, when Stream 2004 was concluded to have the most productive rearing habitat for Dolly Varden (ERT 1984). Catches of newly hatched rainbow trout were much higher in Stream 200401 (tributary to Stream 2004) than in the other two tributaries, although this difference is confounded by the use of a gear type with smaller mesh (fyke net) than was used on other systems. Even so, the weirs should have been able to catch some of the newly emerged rainbow trout fry caught in the Stream 200401 fyke net, suggesting that at least some part of the increased catch on Stream 200401 was due to a true increase in production of rainbow trout fry in the Stream 2004 watershed. Overall, this study provides some evidence that Stream 2003 is more similar to Stream 2002 than 2004 in terms of seasonal fish movements, that the relative abundance of these moving fish is somewhere in between the other two streams, and that the species composition of fish moving in each tributary may be a reflection of physical characteristics related to relative watershed position. Relative contributions of Chinook, coho, pink, and chum salmon among the three tributaries in 2008 were consistent with distributions reported by ERT (1984) in 1983. Adult coho salmon were more abundant than documented in the 1980s, whereas abundance of adult Chinook salmon was lower. For both species, the differences between our study in 2008 and studies from the 1980s are within the range of interannual variability found for other populations within Cook Inlet (e.g., Lafferty et al. 2007 for coho salmon; Shields 2007 for Chinook salmon). In the early 1980s, ERT (1984) estimated a coho salmon escapement of up to 1,800 fish in the entire Chuit River watershed; in 2008, this range was exceeded by our estimate into Stream 2002 alone, and our minimum estimate from the three study tributaries (4,017 fish) was over twice the watershed-wide estimate in 1983. Adult Chinook salmon escapements in 1983 were estimated at 6,705 in the entire Chuit River, 531 in Stream 2002, 303 in Stream 2003, and 68 in Stream 2004 (ERT); results from this study in 2008 were lower for each tributary (Table 12). The overall returns of coho salmon to upper Cook Inlet were thought to be above average in 2008 (ADF&G 2008). Chinook salmon returns to the region were below average, with the largest run in the region (the Deshka River) falling below the escapement goal (ADF&G 2008). Adult sockeye salmon were present in low numbers in all three study tributaries in 2008 (Photo 23), but had not been documented in prior field surveys from 1982 through 1984 and again in 2006 and 2007 (ERT 1984; Oasis 2007). The only prior description of adult sockeye was from low numbers captured as bycatch from a Chinook salmon fishery in the lower mainstem Chuit River (EPA 1990). Adult sockeye salmon runs to the rest of upper Cook Inlet were unusually low in 2008 (ADF&G 2008), decreasing the chance that these observations are anomalies or stray fish from unusually abundant runs to nearby rivers. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 43 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 5.1.2 Basic run timing of key fish species Coho salmon smolts Coho salmon smolts migrated from approximately early June through the first week of July. The smolt run began a few days earlier in Stream 2002 than 2003, which in turn began a few days earlier than in Stream 2004. Such differences, although minor, should be considered in any future monitoring plans. Emigration timing of juvenile coho salmon from the tributaries to the Chuit River confirmed some basic migration patterns suggested by studies from the early 1980s (ERT 1984) and in 2006 (Oasis 2008). These prior studies did not monitor passage from the tributaries, but instead inferred migrations based on temporal differences in electrofishing and minnow trap catches. These studies suggested that up to three age classes of juvenile coho salmon were present in tributary streams (ERT 1984), similar to our study in 2008. ERT (1984) suggested that age-0 (newly-hatched) juvenile coho salmon become mobile at some point in the early summer, and that age-2 coho salmon migrate to sea from mid June through mid July. Our data from 2008 support these patterns, with a slightly earlier emigration time of age-2 smolts. The ERT research also suggested that age-1 coho salmon emigrated from the tributaries in late summer, and concluded that the fish were smolting and going to sea. We saw a similar emigration trend in 2008, but cannot conclude that the fish were migrating to sea; instead, these fish could have overwintered in the Chuit River in preparation for migration to sea the next spring (as age-2 fish). This run of age-1 fish that emigrated from July through September appeared distinct from an earlier, less abundant run that migrated at the same time as age-2 fish. Adult coho salmon The bimodal run timing of adult coho salmon into the Chuit watershed was consistent with observations from 1982 and 1983 (ERT 1984), when coho salmon were detected in late July and again in August. The run in 2008 was more spread through time (late July and again in early September), possibly due to differences in precipitation patterns. Notably, the early run was not observed in Stream 2004 in either 1983 or in 2008. Juvenile Chinook salmon Overall, the abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon declined from downstream to upstream, with the largest proportion of fish in the mainstem river. A similar trend was observed in the 1980’s; the largest catches occurred in the Chuit River and in lower to middle sections of streams 2002 and 2003 (ERT 1984). Relative abundance and distribution were higher in the 1980s than in 2008 (ERT 1984). Adult Chinook salmon The run timing of adult Chinook salmon into the Chuit River watershed (mid July through mid August) in 2008 was consistent with observations from the 1980s (EPA 1990), and in 2007 (Oasis 2008). In 2007, Chinook were documented on August 8 and 27 in aerial surveys, but not on July 31 or September 14 (Oasis 2008). In 2008, Chinook were documented in the tributaries from July 17 through August 17; the earlier arrival in 2008 than 2007 may be partially due to the greater resolution provided by the weirs and video systems, allowing fish to be detected when density was low. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 44 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Rainbow trout The separate fyke net on Stream 200401 documented an obvious pulse of newly-hatched rainbow trout not previously described in the system. The gear at this site was perhaps the best suited for documenting these fish; the mesh was small enough to hold these fish, and the stream was small enough to be completely blocked off by the netting. Although some sampling in prior years had shown the recruitment of these fish, the gear (usually minnow traps) would not have been optimal for catching this group of fish. We cannot know if other, similarly sized tributaries would have contained such rainbow fry had we been able to sample them with similar gear, but it is worth noting that in 2006 and 2007, Oasis (2009) consistently found more rainbow trout in Stream 2004 than in streams 2002 and 2003. Based in these prior findings and on our results in 2008, it appears that Stream 2004 may be especially suitable for rainbow trout, and contain at least two year classes of juveniles; one that is present throughout the open-water period, and another that hatches in mid summer and moves actively for a short period of time. Movements through the weir by these fish may not have necessarily been indicative of fish migrating to the mainstem; rather, it could have simply been fish dispersing into Stream 2004 shortly after emigrating from their nearby natal stream. Dolly Varden In general, run timing of Dolly Varden was highest in May (Stream 2003), late August (Stream 2004), and early September (Stream 2002) and larger catches were often associated with increased discharge. Observations in prior years have shown variability in relative abundance, but with peaks at all the same times noted in 2008. In the 1980s (ERT 1984) and again in 2007 (Oasis 2008), catches were higher in August and September than earlier in the season. In 2006, by contrast, the highest catches of Dolly Varden came early in the season (Oasis 2008). Overall, our results were consistent with prior years, but it appears that migration patterns of Dolly Varden may be especially likely to change from year from to year. Lamprey species Although the presence of lamprey species (both Arctic and Pacific) was previously documented in the Chuit River watershed, information on run timing was not provided in prior reports (ERT 1984; Oasis 2008). In our study in 2008, the majority of adult Arctic lamprey moved downstream from early June through mid July. Although we could not identify immature lamprey (ammocoetes) to species, they had a similar run timing to Arctic lamprey, which were in turn the most dominant lamprey group seen. It seems likely that the ammocoetes were Arctic lamprey. The few Pacific lamprey detected migrated during the first half of July. We believe that the first few Pacific lamprey seen were misidentified as Arctic lamprey by crews used to seeing only Arctic lamprey up to that point – this misidentification would account for the few unusually large Arctic lamprey shown in late June, ones that were the size of Pacific lamprey (Figure 24). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 45 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 5.2 Coho Salmon Ecology within Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 5.2.1 Life history of juvenile coho salmon Migrations of juvenile coho salmon in 2008 suggest a life history pattern in which coho salmon hatch in early to mid summer, then remain largely within their natal tributaries; we saw few age-0 coho salmon moving past the video camera, relative to the numbers that are likely to be in the stream based on adult returns. In 1982 and 1983, the abundance of age-0 coho salmon throughout the three study watersheds remained high from mid to late summer, supporting our conclusion from the 2008 data that most age-0 coho salmon remain within their natal tributaries through at least September. Many age-0 fry rear in tributaries through the winter, becoming age-1 the following spring. Some of these age-1 fish then smolt in early summer and migrate from the tributaries to the ocean. In 2008, these age-1 smolts were not as numerous as the older, age-2 smolts. Some of the remaining age-1 fish migrate from the tributaries later in the summer or fall; in 2008, we captured these fish migrating to the Chuit River from all three tributaries, through the summer and fall. We did not see a reciprocal movement upstream during this time, indicating that these downstream movements represented an overall redistribution within the watershed, and that the fish likely overwintered in the mainstem or in other tributaries not being monitored, or died. Finally, a third group of age-1 fish did not emigrate from the tributaries, but instead remained overwinter. These fish would then enter the next spring as age-2 smolts; in 2008, such fish represented a large majority of the smolts emigrating from each of the three study tributaries. The fate of fish that emigrate from the tributaries as pre-smolts (e.g., age-0 or age-1 fish in the summer and fall) is important because it contributes uncertainty to the final estimate of smolt production from each tributary in 2008. If these pre-smolts have high survival elsewhere and then smolt in 2009, then the natal stream is acting as a production source that is ultimately responsible for the production of more smolts than we estimated using only counts of fish migrating in June and early July in 2008 – for example, the stream produced one group of smolts by providing rearing habitat to age-2, and another group by providing rearing habitat for age-1 fish until they are large enough to occupy habitat elsewhere. Conversely, if these fish are essentially extraneous juveniles getting outcompeted for suitable habitat (in the natal stream), they would have reduced survival and could contribute relatively little to the smolt run in 2009. The reasons for this downstream movement (i.e., to access superior habitat or from being pushed into inferior habitat) is not known, but would indicate whether these fish are relatively likely or unlikely to make important contributions to the number of smolts produced by the natal tributary. Both life history strategies by age-1 fish (redistributing to the mainstem as age-1 fish, or overwintering in the tributaries until age-2) have precedent within the literature. Juvenile coho salmon are known to redistribute themselves downstream over the course of their freshwater lives, apparently in search of better food or habitat, or to smolt from a distance closer to the ocean the next spring. On the Kenai River, age-1 coho salmon are known to redistribute among tributaries, moving from those where they hatched to those with LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 46 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report relatively better rearing habitat. Age-1 coho in this system also appear to overwinter in the mainstem river, then move back into tributaries in the spring (R. Massengill, ADF&G, personal communication). 5.2.2 Smolt status Prior studies in upper Cook Inlet show that adult coho salmon returns are primarily fish that migrated at age-2 (e.g., two winters spent in freshwater), with the additions of some fish that migrated at age-1. The number of coho salmon smolts from a system is often difficult to quantify exactly because of some uncertainty as to the exact smolting status of every fish examined; more specifically, what portion of the age-1 smolts migrate to sea that year and which ones remain overwinter and migrate the following year at age-2? Although smoltification can often be determined visually at the point of ocean entry, it is more difficult to determine further upriver because not as many of the physiological changes that allow easy visual identification have occurred. In the Chuit River in 2008, we reduced the potential for bias in smolt abundance by separating juvenile coho salmon into three potential smolt groups: (1) age-2 coho salmon detected in any obvious run in the spring or early summer, when coho salmon smolts are known to migrate; (2) age-1 fish that migrated concurrently with the age-2 smolts; and, (3) any age-1 or -2 fish that migrated after the main smolt run appeared to have ended. Group 1 was immediately obvious during field sampling; these fish were large, had the appearance of smolts, migrated during the time we expected smolts to migrate, proved to be mostly age-2, and were consequently considered to be smolts. From group (2), we included those fish that had the appearance of smolts, which were generally fish down to about 80 mm in size. From group (3), we did not include these fish in the tallies of smolts from the tributaries – there were few to no age-2 fish in this group, eliminating these as a concern. Age-1 fish were abundant in the tributaries, and of a size seen earlier in the season, but did not have the obvious smolting characteristics seen earlier in the year. Our final estimate of smolts from the tributaries thus consisted of mostly age-2 fish (all sizes), a small number of age-1 fish (down to 80 mm in length), and none of the latesummer migrants that ERT (1984) considered smolts. In reality, some of these fish may have indeed also smolted that year, but it would be impossible to quantify this proportion with the data we have collected. Unpublished data from LGL Alaska from the Nome River in Alaska (B. Williams, unpublished data) showed that late-summer migrants (e.g., in July and August) were significantly less likely to migrate to sea that year than smolts migrating earlier (e.g., in June); if the same trend applies to the Chuit River, we were correct to not count these fish as smolts in 2008. Nevertheless, at least some age-1 coho salmon that migrate downstream from the study tributaries from July through September will become smolts the next year, and should be ultimately counted as smolts produced by their natal streams. The number of smolts that result from these fish is the product of the initial abundance of age-1 migrants and their rate of survival through the winter of 2008/2009 (Nickelson 1998). As noted above, this survival rate could range from relatively low (if these are fish that have lost a competition LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 47 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report for space and have thus been pushed out of excellent habitat in Stream 2003) to relatively high (if they are en route to better overwinter habitat that will enhance their survival relative to fish that remained in Stream 2003). In the Chuit River, the relative habitat quality, use by juvenile coho salmon, and survival rate of these salmon has not been evaluated among the different tributaries, or between the tributaries and the mainstem river. Oasis et al. (2008), however, has classified habitat within much of streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, and described length structures of coho salmon captured in minnow traps in different portions of the watershed. This information would need to be augmented with studies within the mainstem river and with studies of habitat use and survival by age-1 coho salmon to explain the reasons for emigration from the tributaries to the mainstem river by pre-smolt coho salmon. 5.2.3 Coho salmon size, body condition, and age Early in the summer, juvenile coho salmon in the tributaries were larger and had higher body condition than their same-age counterparts in the Chuit River. For age-2 fish, the length differences have been due to selectivity for smaller fish by the RSTs. Such selectivity did not apply to age-1 fish, however, because there was less observed catch bias by gear type for their size class. Furthermore, sizes of age-2 fish converged (between the tributaries and mainstem river) in late June (Figure 48), with coho from the tributaries averaging the same length as the RSTs were capable of catching. Overall, early-season difference in sizes between tributary and mainstem coho salmon appears legitimate, even if possibly accentuated by size selectivity in the Chuit River. The observation that larger smolts emigrated first from the tributaries may also explain the patterns in body condition seen in all three streams. At the start of the smolt run, relative weights (the body condition index) were high, as larger, more robust fish migrated to sea first. Smaller, less robust fish may have had to wait longer in the stream before attaining the size needed to survive at sea, and thus were captured slightly later in the season (e.g., mid to late June). Body condition of these smolt-sized fish began to rise just before the end of the smolt migration (Figure 19), in response to increased food resources as the summer progressed. Body condition was much lower later after the smolt run ended (e.g., mid-July through September) because the larger, more robust fish had emigrated; thereafter, body conditions were stable or increased as these smaller fish remained within the system and continued to grow through the summer and fall. Body growth of fish can be difficult to measure from group sampling if one size class of fish emigrates and is replaced by another. In Cook Inlet, Moulton (1997) found that juvenile salmon growth was likely masked by such a replacement of one size group by another. The size-based migrations within the Chuit River in 2008 may have similarly affected lengths over time, hindering computations of true growth over time for coho salmon. Within the tributaries in 2008, sizes of both age-1 and age-2 coho salmon dropped through mid July (Figure 48), probably due to the early movement of larger fish (described above) and subsequent replacement by smaller ones (Figures 49 through 51). The concurrent increase in size of fish in the Chuit River was likely due to the influx of these larger fish from the tributaries, and therefore not representative of the true rate of body growth. After the smolt run ended in mid July, age-1 coho salmon were LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 48 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report temporarily the same size in the mainstem river and the tributaries. Thereafter, fish lengths in the tributaries remained relatively static, likely because any growth was masked by the movement of larger fish from the system and their subsequent replacement by remaining smaller fish. Concurrently, fish in the Chuit River increased in length, suggesting that fish were not leaving the system, and were instead both growing and receiving population inputs from the tributaries (Figures 49 through 51). 5.2.4 Chuit River coho salmon relative to other populations in Cook Inlet Little is known about juvenile coho salmon elsewhere in the region because most assessment studies focus on adult salmon. One exception is on the Kenai River, where coho salmon smolts were monitored from 1992 through 2007 (Massengill 2008). Age structure and body size of juvenile coho salmon appears to similar to that noted in the Chuit River in 2008; R. Massengill (ADF&G, personal communication) estimates that age-2 smolts account for approximately 80% of the smolt run from the Kenai River, and that many smolts exceed 120 mm in body length. Smolt migration from the Moose River, a side tributary ~ 36 km from the ocean, usually occurs between mid May and mid June, approximately two weeks before the migrations seen in 2008 on the Chuit River (Massengill 2008). Juvenile coho salmon have also been studied recently in Cottonwood Creek, in Upper Cook Inlet; data from this study are not yet available. 5.3 Abundance of Coho Salmon Smolts in Tributary Streams Versus the Chuit River Watershed 5.3.1 Estimated abundance of coho salmon smolts in the Chuit River watershed (markrecapture model) We believe the size and time stratified model provided the best mark-recapture estimate. Below we discuss the validity of this estimate organized by the assumptions upon which it is based. Overall, we deem any violations of Assumptions 1, 4, and 5 to be highly unlikely (see section 4.4). The possibility of handling induced mortality during the marking process was negligible given the low mortality rates of coho salmon smolts handled on other studies with much more invasive markings (e.g., coded wire tagging; Williams et al. 2006) and the fact that we recaptured a high proportion of our marks, and often within two days of release. We also do not think that fin marks, although meant to be temporary, could regenerate during this time frame. Nonreporting was unlikely to have introduced appreciable bias because each fish at the recapture site was carefully scrutinized for marks. Uncertainty exists regarding the abundance of outmigrating smolt for the smallest size grouping. We first separated coho salmon into <90 mm and ≥90 mm groups because of the questionable status of the smaller size grouping as smolts in 2008. The larger fish were silvery in appearance and were not observed milling at any of the sampling sites, but moved through the system rather quickly. It was less clear if all coho salmon in the 80-89 mm size class were smolting, and the possibility exists that a number of them simply moved from the tributary streams to the Chuit River, but did not outmigrate. This group exhibited a spike in p1 during the third tagging stratum, which corresponded to a LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 49 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report high discharge event during that time period. This further fueled suspicion that fish of this size group were not outmigrating as smolts later in the season, but were being flushed out of these tributaries into the mainstem. This occurrence would not bias the abundance estimate for 80-89 mm fish, but rather our estimate of smolts outmigrating in 2008. If a portion of these fish failed to outmigrate, then they will be correctly included in the estimate for 2009, but also incorrectly included in the estimate for 2008. Assumption 2 was addressed with size and temporal stratification. The remaining size stratifications into 90-117 mm and 118-161 mm groups was necessary because larger fish exhibited lower catchabilities at the RSTs (a common phenomenon for RSTs), thereby causing inconsistency in p2 across all individuals. Bias from size selective sampling was removed only to the extent provided by the resolution of the size stratification (more strata might remove more bias, but increase variance). However, the estimate did not actually change substantially from before size stratification was implemented. Nevertheless, the KS test was able to detect differences in p2 from random chance and the variance did not inflate appreciably as a result of using two size strata. Because we tagged many of the smolts leaving the tributaries with weirs, p1 in this experiment can be thought of as the probability of being from one of these three tributaries. For streams 2003 and 2004, we captured and marked a very large portion of the outmigrants (72% of the outmigrants in 2002 went through the video chute and were not marked). Over time, p1 declined for the two larger groups (Table 13) leading to a bias in the PPE model; the Darroch model removed this bias as much as the temporal stratification would allow. Assumption 3 required that p2 be equal for marked and unmarked fish. If the marked fish from the tributaries experienced a different probability of capture in the RSTs than unmarked fish (independent of size-related differences we have accounted for), then a bias of unknown magnitude and direction could exist in our system-wide coho abundance estimate. The probability of capture at the RSTs (p2) was more stable over time compared to p1, although not enough to allow the PPE model to be used. Temporal stratification was used in the Darroch model to incorporate changes in p2 and p1 and lack of mixing through time. If the stratification was successful, these probabilities were constant across individuals and/or mixing occurred within each stratum and any differences among strata were accounted for with the Darroch algorithm. However, if fish from tributaries without weirs experienced catchabilities at the RSTs that differed from fish originating from tributaries with weirs, then a bias of unknown magnitude and direction could exist. The Darroch algorithm only deals with changes in p2 through time and assumes these changes were constant across fish regardless of origin. Because most fish from the tributaries with weirs were marked, the preceding scenario was essentially the same as saying marked fish experienced a different p2 than unmarked fish (Assumption 3). Such a scenario could occur if outmigration timing differed between smolts from tributaries with and without weirs and capture efficiency at the RSTs changed due to fluctuating stream discharge, or if fish from different tributaries were of such different sizes as to be LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 50 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report differentially susceptible to the gear. This latter alternative seems unlikely given the lack of size difference between marked (all of which were from the study tributaries) and unmarked fish (nearly all of which were from the non-study tributaries). Significant changes in RST capture efficiency should have manifested in more disparate p2 estimates across recovery strata, and as this was not the case we consider the differences in p2 for smolt from tributaries without weirs to be small and inconsequential. 5.3.2 Proportion of coho salmon smolts produced in Stream 2003 versus entire Chuit River watershed Our estimates of the contribution of smolts from Stream 2003 to the entire Chuit River could be biased by comparing fish from somewhat different time periods. Smolt abundance from each tributary stream was restricted to fish that emigrated from the tributaries before July 19, based on post hoc assessment of data. The abundance within the overall Chuit River, however, included fish after July 19 (although only for fish over 90 mm) because it was uncertain when smolts stopped emigrating from the tributaries that were not monitored, and how long it would take for these smolts to move through the watershed. In reality, few large fish were caught in the Chuit River after July 19, minimizing any potential error from this difference in time periods. Counts from each tributary clearly identified the number of age-2 fish and larger age-1 fish that were smolting early in the season. All fish within these groups could reasonably be expected to migrate past the RSTs (an assumption that was supported by catch data), and the watershed-based estimate thus compared proportions of fish from an equivalent group (e.g., age-2 fish and large age-1). The same comparison cannot be made for age-1 pre-smolts that moved from the tributaries to the Chuit River later in the summer. If these fish were destined to rear and overwinter in the watershed, they may not have migrated downstream past the RSTs, and would thus not be vulnerable to recapture. Therefore, the best estimate for the contributions of smolts from the tributaries to the Chuit River watershed is one that restricts the analysis to the age-2 and larger age-1 fish whose population size can be estimated in both the mainstem and in the tributaries. The estimate of smolt abundance in the entire watershed was lower than what would have been expected from theoretical numbers of smolts per km of useable rearing habitat documented in other rivers (e.g., Bocking and Peacock 2005). We estimated a total length of 158 km of stream that was 2nd, 3rd, or 4th order, sizes that are commonly used for rearing by juvenile coho salmon. Our empirically based estimate of 37,424 smolts represents a smolt yield of 237 smolts per km. By contrast, the 4-year average smolt yield from an equivalent-sized river in Washington, the Clearwater, was nearly twice this number, at 448 smolts per km, with an SD of 110 smolts per km (summarized in Bocking and Peacock 2005). Similar production per km of stream from the Chuit River would yield almost 71,000 smolts. Other systems monitored in Cook Inlet are not as comparable in terms of habitat to the Chuit River; smolt abundances have been estimated for the Moose River (Kenai River drainage) and Cottonwood Creek drainages, but these systems differ from the Chuit River in that they each have extensive lake habitat. If there were more coho smolts in the Chuit River system than the 37,424 estimated by the mark- LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 51 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report recapture study in 2008, then our estimated proportion contributed from each of the three study streams to the entire system was biased high (Table 10). Our estimate of smolt abundance also appears low when considering likely numbers of adult fish that return to this watershed. We cannot know how many adult fish the 2008 smolt run will produce but if we assume similar smolt production in 2007 as we saw in 2008, then this year’s return of about 5,000 adult fish in the three tributaries would represent high marine survival rates. The three study streams appear to contribute about 50% of the Chuit smolt run. If we assume no commercial or sport fishery harvests and double the adult return observed in these three tributaries from 5,000 to 10,000 fish, 37,000 smolts would have to experience a 27% marine survival rate. To account for combined commercial and sport fishery exploitation rates of 20%, the estimate of marine survival would exceed 32%. Such survival was reached only once in 20 annual estimates (across three rivers combined) of marine survival from Cook Inlet summarized by Lafferty et al. (2007). It is possible however, that the Chuit River smolts exhibit unusually high survival rates. Smolts from the study tributaries in 2008 included a high proportion of large fish (>120 mm), which we expect to have higher marine survival than smaller fish (e.g., Beamish et al. 2004). Coho salmon smolts from the Kenai River also have a large proportion of body sizes greater than 120 mm (R. Massengill, ADF&G, personal communication), and survivals exceeded 20% in four of five years summarized by Lafferty et al (2007). In Stream 2003, if we assume the smolt production of 7,790 smolts was similar to the 2007 smolt run, the 2007 smolt run would have had to have a marine survival rate of 26% to yield a return of 2,000 adult coho salmon we estimated to have escaped to Stream 2003 in 2008 (assuming no fishery harvests). This seems unlikely, but could be more likely if there are additional contributions from age-1 smolts (in 2007) to the adult return (in 2008). There are at least two explanations for what may be an underestimate of smolts from the entire Chuit watershed; these explanations could be acting singularly or in combination. These sources of bias (described below) would reduce the estimated contribution of salmon by Stream 2003 to the entire Chuit River, but probably not substantially (e.g., to 15-18% from the 21% estimated here). First, there was almost certainly some number of smolts downstream from the RSTs that were never vulnerable to the capture gear and were not included in the population estimate. This lowest eight miles of river represents about 8% of the total Chuit River stream habitat and has relatively high flow, low gradient stream reaches that could be high quality habitat for overwintering of coho salmon before they smolt. Conservatively, it seems plausible that this habitat contains 10% or more of the watershed’s smolts, but that were not counted in the smolt abundance estimate of 37,000. If another 4,000 smolts existed in this lower reach, it would drop the contribution of Stream 2003 from 20.7% to 18.8% of the Chuit River abundance. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 52 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Second, our estimate is based primarily on age-2 fish; as noted above, age-1 fish likely contribute to some degree to the smolt production from this system. Although coho runs are predominantly from age-2 smolts in Cook Inlet, age-1 coho have contributed from 20% (Kenai River) to 50% of the run (Cottonwood Creek) in some years (unpublished data from ADF&G). If 20% of the Chuit River smolt run was from age-1 fish in 2008, then the true smolt abundance for the Chuit River watershed would have been approximately 45,000 fish. Even if another 10% were added to this to account for production below the RSTs, Stream 2003 would still have contributed 15.7% (7,790 of 49,500) of the smolts produced in the Chuit River in 2008. 5.4 Abundance of Chinook Salmon Smolts in Tributary Streams Versus the Chuit River Watershed Too few Chinook salmon smolts were detected in the tributaries to generate an abundance estimate for the Chuit River watershed. Although we documented the movement of adult Chinook salmon into the tributary streams, we saw relatively few juvenile Chinook salmon moving downstream, out of these systems (either as smolts or pre-smolts). One explanation for this scarcity of juvenile Chinook salmon is that these fish normally have low densities in the tributaries, and instead use the mainstem river for most juvenile rearing. In this case, juvenile fish that hatch in the tributaries, upstream of the weirs, would have migrated downstream either at too small of a size to be captured in the weir mesh (e.g., age-0), or early in the season, before the weirs were fully operational and most other fish were moving. Relative to coho salmon, Chinook salmon are known to have a greater tendency to use larger or mainstem river habitat for rearing (Healey 1991), a tendency that may have been reinforced by the high densities of juvenile coho salmon in our study streams. In field surveys in 2006 and 2007, Oasis (2008) also found that densities of juvenile Chinook salmon were relatively low in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, accounting for only 0 to 1% of the fish captured. An alternative explanation for the low numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon detected in the tributaries could have been misidentification by field crews; such mistakes can be easy between Chinook and coho salmon, especially where one species is plentiful and the other is scarce. Our crews, however, were aware of this potential from the outset, and were able to distinguish the species at the rotary screw traps in the mainstem river. In addition, we verified the identification of challenging specimens early in the season using genetic testing; although some fish could have been mistakenly identified as coho salmon early in the season, it would not have accounted for the obvious absence of Chinook salmon seen among all three systems. One final explanation for the scarcity of juvenile Chinook salmon in the study tributaries is simply that it was an unusually poor year for production, either because of low numbers of returning adults in the parent year or because of low survival rates of eggs or fry. This alternative will be addressed by monitoring in future years. Relatively more Chinook salmon smolts were captured in the mainstem river, using the rotary screw traps. Observations of low numbers in the tributary streams and somewhat higher numbers in the mainstem river are confounded by use of different gear types, but LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 53 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report are also consistent with results from surveys conducted by Oasis (2008) in 2006 and 2007. As noted above, juvenile Chinook salmon accounted for only 0 to 1% of the total catch in minnow traps placed in the tributaries, but accounted for 6 to 13% of the catch in the mainstem river (Oasis 2008). These surveys also noted that catch composition of Chinook salmon declined from May and June to September (Oasis 2008), a decline consistent with the declining CPUE over time observed in our study in 2008 (Figure 26). 5.5 Overwintering of Stream 2003 by Resident Fish Species This objective was originally meant to be addressed by assessing winter behavior of large rainbow trout (or Dolly Varden) tagged with radio transmitters. As stated above, we did not tag any fish with radio transmitters in 2008. Instead, we operated the weirs through the middle (Stream 2002) or end of September (streams 2003 and 2004) to see if we could infer any winter patterns from weir catches from the early spring through the late fall, then match these results to data that Oasis Environmental was in the process of analyzing from the prior winter (Oasis 2009). As described in the Results, we saw relatively low numbers of large (>100 mm) rainbow trout in all three study tributaries in 2008. Stream 2003 differed from the other study streams in that there was a net movement downstream (out of the system) on the video cameras (Table 12), and it had the fewest rainbow trout captured in the weirs (Table 4). We did see a small group (n=7) of larger rainbow trout migrate through the partial weir maintained on Stream 2003 in late May (Figures 10 and 33). These fish likely had overwintered in Stream 2003; otherwise they would have had to migrate upstream from the Chuit River in mid May, at a time when water levels were rising and the water temperatures were relatively cold (<2 °C). Such upstream movement would seem unlikely. Thereafter, rainbow trout detected in the late spring or summer could have originated from either direction (upstream from Stream 2003, or downstream from the Chuit River). We had been prepared to see an obvious movement of large rainbow trout upstream into the tributaries in the fall, when the adult coho salmon returned (because rainbow trout are known to feed on the eggs of spawning salmon); this influx was not detected on Stream 2003, was relatively small (compared to summer movements) in Stream 2002, and was similar to peak summer movements Stream 2004 (Figure 10). Crews also walked Stream 2003 downstream of the weir numerous days in September and did not see any obvious congregations of rainbow trout. It is possible that adult rainbow trout could still have moved into the tributaries in October, after the weirs were removed. Field crews from Oasis Environmental did not detect rainbow trout in Stream 2003 via hook and line sampling in September of 2007 (Oasis 2009), providing some supporting evidence that abundances are relatively low in the late fall on this stream. Large (>100 mm) Dolly Varden char had an overall net movement upstream past the video cameras on all three study streams in 2008 (Table 12). There was a notable downstream movement of Dolly Varden into the partial weir on Stream 2003 in late May; as with the fewer numbers of rainbow trout at this time, our opinion is that these fish had most likely overwintered in Stream 2003. We did not have weirs in place on streams 2002 or 2004 at this time, and the weir in place on Stream 2002 earlier (May 2 through 12) caught no fish. In the fall, we saw another notable downstream movement of large LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 54 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Dolly Varden in September from streams 2002 and 2004, but not from Stream 2003 (Figure 31). There were more Dolly Varden detected moving upstream in September than there had been rainbow trout, but this upstream movement of Dolly Varden still represented a general decrease from the summer (Appendices G, H, and I). Overall, the best indicator of overwinter use of Stream 2003 from our study came from the combination of life stage and calendar date for species moving downstream past the weir in 2008. Juvenile coho salmon smolts and limited numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon obviously had overwintered in the tributaries, and the Dolly Varden and rainbow trout captured in late May probably had also done so. Arctic lamprey may also have overwintered in streams 2002 and 2003, based on the general evidence from run timing and size in 2008. Arctic lamprey are generally thought to migrate to sea in the fall and return to spawn in the spring, but are also known to have a resident (non-anadromous) form (Mecklenburg et al. 2002). In streams 2002 and 2003, the distinct group of Arctic lamprey migrating downstream in June had probably overwintered in the streams because few were detected moving upstream past the camera on Stream 2002, and because Stream 2003 would have been blocked to upstream passage from May 27 to June 27. Alternative explanations were that these lamprey moving downstream in June were ones that had migrated upstream in early spring, before the weirs were installed, and were now migrating back to sea. Such behavior would mean these lamprey were iteroparous (repeat spawners), which appears to be rare (http://www.fishbase.org/). Field crews documented adult Arctic lamprey spawning in Stream 2002 in July, further supporting the explanation that the ones migrating in June were immature adults migrating seaward, and that had thus overwintered in the tributaries. 6.0 Conclusions and Summary of Key Results The important conclusions from the fish monitoring study in 2008 were that the overall design and approach was effective for estimating the proportion of coho salmon smolts in the study tributaries relative to the entire watershed, and for obtaining the data needed to monitor potential changes in coho salmon production in Stream 2003. The study provided information needed to complete baseline studies (2008) and begin the first year of the predevelopment monitoring period (2008-2011). This information includes a rich assortment of data on the timing and magnitude of fish movements into and out of the three tributary streams, basic biological characteristics of the fish species collected, the abundance of coho salmon relative to the Chuit River watershed, and indicators of which species and life stages likely overwinter in the tributaries. The key results related to each objective are summarized below. 6.1 Objective 1: Describe the Movement and Abundance of Fish Moving Into and Out of Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 The abundance and timing of numerous fish species moving to and from streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 were described thoroughly from late spring through mid fall in 2008. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 55 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Movement between the tributaries and mainstem Chuit River was dominated by juvenile coho salmon, many of which were moving in the course of smolting as they prepared to migrate to sea. Some of this dominance was due to the capture methods, which were designed for migratory fish such as coho and not for fish with less pronounced seasonal migrations (e.g., sculpin). Nevertheless, the work in 2008 showed that coho salmon are a large part of the species assemblage in each system, and constitute the majority of the salmon produced in each. Far fewer juvenile Chinook salmon were documented (less than 1% of fish detected from all streams combined). Total fish catch and total species number in each tributary decreased from downstream to upstream in the watershed. The species found in each stream were generally consistent with prior studies conducted for the original EIS and for the SEIS, except that adult sockeye salmon were documented in each study tributary in 2008. The relative abundance of some species, however, differed from previous studies. We saw more adult coho salmon and fewer adult Chinook salmon moving upstream into the tributaries than had been documented in past studies. The numbers of lamprey, primarily Arctic lamprey, moving downstream in streams 2002 and 2003 exceeded numbers suggested from past studies, likely because previous methods (primarily minnow traps) were less effective at targeting this species. The biological data from 2008 also supports most suggestions from earlier studies regarding the basic life histories of fish in the system, especially the age at migration of juvenile coho salmon. 6.2 Objective 2: Describe the Effects of Development on Stream 2003 on Production of Chinook and Coho Salmon Smolts The study in 2008 made good progress towards generating an annual time series of coho and Chinook salmon smolt abundance during the predevelopment period (2008 through 2011), designed as part of the approach to the ASCMCRA permitting process. The smolt runs in both streams 2003 and 2004 were able to be monitored with weirs, yielding the first year of data for this objective. Most importantly, it shows that the BACI design meant to address Objective 2 is feasible from a field monitoring standpoint. 6.3 Objective 3: Estimate the Proportion of Fish Produced within the Chuit River Watershed that is Contributed by Stream 2003 The proportion of coho salmon produced by Stream 2003 relative to the Chuit River watershed during 2008 was given a point estimate of 20.8%, based strictly on the markrecapture methods. This is likely a maximum number because it accounts for all the coho salmon smolts in the tributaries, but not in the mainstem river (e.g., smolts already downstream of the recapture site, or age-1 smolts in the mainstem river that were excluded from the population estimate). These factors could realistically drop the coho smolt contribution from Stream 2003 to the Chuit River to a range of approximately 15% to 19%. The number of Chinook salmon captured in the study streams was too low to calculate a statistically viable abundance estimate for the watershed; this low number appeared to be due to a true absence of fish in the tributaries and not to any sampling difficulties. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 56 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 6.4 Objective 4: Describe Overwintering Use of Stream 2003 by Resident Rainbow Trout or Dolly Varden Char The same monitoring and biological descriptions conducted under Objective 1 also gave some insights into overwintering by groups of fish. When combined with observations from winter sampling conducted by Oasis Environmental (Oasis 2009), this information should be useful for assessing likely overwintering of fish in Stream 2003. Based on the species, ages, and likely maturity stages of fish caught exiting the tributaries in May and June and entering the tributaries in September, it appears that the fish that overwinter in the tributaries are juvenile coho salmon (two age classes), Arctic lamprey (at least ammocoetes, and possibly mature fish), juvenile Chinook salmon, sculpin (two species), rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden char. The overwintering rainbow trout and Dolly Varden include at least two age classes of immature fish, based on the size, timing, and movement direction in the lower tributaries. Based on downstream movements in late May and early June, some adult rainbow trout and Dolly Varden char may also overwinter in the tributaries. We did not see a large upstream movement of these adults into the tributaries in September, suggesting that any overwintering adults either move in a distinct pulse in October (after our study had ended), or that they represent a smaller portion of the group seen moving into and out of the tributaries throughout the summer. Sampling by Oasis Environmental during the previous October did not detect any distinct upstream movement of rainbow trout (Oasis 2009). 7.0 Acknowledgements The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided helpful comments on the study design. T. Arndt, J. Beland, S. Brennan, S. Crawford, K. Christie, T. Dann, D. Hauser, J. Hendrickson, R. Kirchner, J. Konsor, S. McKendrick, A. Marsh, C. McConnell, R. Rodrigues, E. Sjoden, and C. Ziolkowski (all with LGL) assisted with field work. Video system design, acquisition, installation, and training was provided by B. Nass of LGL. G. Wade (LGL) provided GIS support and created the maps in this report. Overall study support was provided by R. Stiles of DRven Corporation, and by J. Lucas and D. Graham of PacRim Coal, LP. Logistical support was provided by C. Rock, M. Paulic, V. Isotova, J. Walls, M. Cunningham, and R. Freeman and Threemile Creek Services (Beluga, AK). Air support was provided by Pathfinder Aviation (Homer, AK), M. Spernak & Spernak Air (Anchorage, AK), Everts Air Cargo (Anchorage, AK), and Northern Pioneer (Big Lake, AK). Technical support was provided by R. Bochenek and S. St. Clair at Axiom Consulting and Design (Anchorage, AK). Scale analysis was provided by Carol Lidstone at Birkenhead Scale Analysis (Lone Butte, B.C.). V. Priebe at Happy Computer Services (Wasilla, AK) helped with document production and C. Herlugson (Cougar Mountain Environment, Rio Rancho, NM) provided reviews of the report. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 57 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report A special thanks goes to the members of the communities of Beluga and Tyonek, Alaska, who provided logistics, lodging, and local knowledge and planning. The study was funded by PacRim Coal, LP. 8.0 Literature Cited ACRC (The Alaska Climate Research Center). 2008. Alaska climate data for Beluga, Alaska. Http://climate.gi.alaska.edu/Climate/index.html. ADF&G (Alaska Department of Fish and Game). 2008. 2008 Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fishery summary. News release from Jeff Fox, Area Management Biologist. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. Anchorage, Alaska. Anderson, J. L and N. J. Hetrick. 2004. Carrying capacity of habitats used seasonally by coho salmon in the Kametolook River, Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge, 2002-2003. Alaska Fisheries Technical Report Number 73. U. S. 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RTI (Riverside Technology, Inc). 2007. Chuitna coal project: Hydrology component baseline report and historical data summary. Final Report from RTI to DRven Corporation, March 2007. Riverside Technology Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado. Schwarz, C. J. and C. G. Taylor. 1998. Use of the stratified-Petersen estimator in fisheries management: estimating the number of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners in the Fraser River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:281-296. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 61 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Seber, G. A. F. 1982. The estimation of animal abundance and related parameters, second edition. Charles Griffen and Company Limited, London. Sharr, S., C. Melcher, T. Nickelson, P. Lawson, R. Kope, and J. Coon. 2000. 2000 review of Amendment 13 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan. Final draft by the OCN work group. Pacific Fisheries Management Council, Portland Oregon. Shields, P. 2007. Upper Cook Inlet commercial fisheries annual management report, 2006. Fishery Management Report No. 07-36, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Divisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries. Anchorage, Alaska. Shortreed, K.S., J.M.B. Hume and J.G. Stockner. 1999. Using photosynthetic rates to estimate the juvenile sockeye salmon rearing capacity of British Columbia lakes, p. 505-521. In E.E. Knudsen, C.R. Steward, D.D. MacDonald, J.E. Williams, and D.W. Reiser [eds.]. Sustainable Fisheries management: Pacific Salmon. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, New York. Solazzi, M. F., T. E. Nickelson, S. L. Johnson, and J. D. Rodgers. 2000. Effects of increasing winter rearing habitat on abundance of salmonids in two coastal Oregon streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:906-914. Strahler, A. N. 1957. Quantitative analysis of watershed geomorphology. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 38: 913-920. Volkhardt, G., P. Hanratty, D. Rawding, P. Topping, M. Ackley, C. Kinsel, K. Kiyohara, and L. Kishimoto. 2007. Wild Salmon forecasts for Puget Sound and Washington coastal systems. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Science Division. Olympia, Washington. Wege, G. J. and R. O. Anderson. 1978. Relative weight (Wr): a new index of condition for largemouth bass. Pages 79-91 in G. Novinger and J. Dillard, editors. New approaches to the management of small impoundments. American Fisheries Society, North Central Division, Special Publication 5, Bethesda, Maryland. Williams, B., M. Nemeth, S. Kinneen, and B. Bocking. 2006. Abundance of juvenile coho salmon in the Nome River. Unpublished report prepared for the Norton Sound Disaster Relief Fund by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. and Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation. 31 p. + appendix. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 62 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 1. Summary statistics for the Chuit River and study subdrainages. Historical flow data from RTI (2007). 1 2 Stream 3 2003 36.9 2 30 4 Chuit River 2002 2004 2 Watershed area (km ) 139.4 55.4 38.4 5 Stream order 4 3 2 Length (km) 103 39 33 3 Mean flow m /s April 8.7 1.0 1.2 0.5 30.0 4.3 3.0 4.1 May 20.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 June 5.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 July 7.5 1.3 0.6 0.8 August 15.9 2.9 1.7 2.5 September 10.1 1.2 1.0 0.9 Total annual 1 Data from Station C230, 3.2 river km downstream of Stream 2002 2 Data from Station C220, at confluence with Chuit River 3 Data from Station C180, at confluence with Chuit River 4 Data from Station C110, at confluence with Chuit River 5 From Strahler (1957) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 63 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 2. Locations and operating dates of sampling sites and camps in the Chuit River watershed, May through September, 2008. WGS84 datum. Location Stream 2002 Weir Dates of operation Number of days Latitude Longitude SampledAvailable May 3 - May 12/ 61.12633 151.30415 Jun 4 - Sep 19 Fyke net May 13 - Jun 9 61.12575 151.30359 Minnow trap 18 Minnow traps 19 and 20 Minnow trap 21 Minnow trap 22 Minnow trap 23 Minnow trap 24 Minnow trap 25 Minnow trap 26 Minnow trap 27 Minnow trap 28 May 24 - 25 May 23 - 24 May 23 - 25 May 24 - 25 May 24 - 25 May 23 - 24 May 23 - 24 May 23 - 24 May 24 - 25 May 23 - 24 61.12594 61.12592 61.12573 61.12570 61.12518 61.12507 61.12503 61.12535 61.12526 61.12538 Camp 111 118 151.30348 151.30339 151.30350 151.30356 151.30295 151.30273 151.30275 151.30225 151.30235 151.30251 61.12771 151.30199 Stream 2003 Weir May 4 - Sep 30 61.12908 151.32979 147 150 Stream 2004 Weir Jun 8 - Sep 30 61.15707 151.44278 96 115 Camp 61.15251 151.44841 Stream 200401 (fyke net) Jun 29 - Sep 3 61.15186 151.44899 65 65 Chuit River Rotary screw trap (RST1) May 12 - Sep 13 61.10175 151.19365 Rotary screw trap (RST2) May 14 - Sep 3 61.10188 151.18002 123 111 125 113 Fyke net May 26 - Jun 6 / 61.10073 151.19418 Jul 2 - 17 Minnow traps 1, 2 and 3 Minnow trap 4 Minnow traps 5 and 6 May 25 - 29 May 25 - 29 May 25 - 29 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 61.10073 151.19418 61.10083 151.19342 61.10040 151.19037 64 Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Species Scientific name Number % Number % 307 2 226 1 Arctic lamprey Lampetra camtschatica 5 0 7 0 Chinook salmon (a) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 169 1 11 0 Chinook salmon (j) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 0 Chum salmon (a) Oncorhynchus keta 16 0 7 0 Coastrange sculpin Cottus aleuticus 4 0 4 0 Coho salmon (a) Oncorhynchus kisutch 14,897 94 18,698 97 Coho salmon (j) Oncorhynchus kisutch 64 0 124 1 Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma 17 0 6 0 Lamprey spp. (a) Petromyzontidae spp. Lamprey spp. (j) 206 1 65 0 Petromyzontidae spp. 2 0 Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius 6 0 Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata 15 0 3 0 Pink salmon (a) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 1 0 Pink salmon (j) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 77 0 37 0 Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss 11 0 11 0 Sculpin spp. Cottidae spp. 41 0 16 0 Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus 0 Sockeye salmon (a) Oncorhynchus nerka 0 Sockeye salmon (j) Oncorhynchus nerka 8 0 Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus 7 0 1 0 Unidentified Total 15,853 100 19,216 100 Stream Stream 2004 200401 Chuit River Number % Number % Number % 7 0 272 2 20 0 3 0 26 0 4 0 3,027 20 1 0 5 0 62 0 49 1 419 3 1 0 4 0 22,682 98 2,212 43 9,530 64 137 1 16 0 114 1 0 20 0 673 5 17 0 2 0 0 18 0 128 1 210 1 2,783 55 509 3 5 0 4 0 10 0 26 0 25 0 126 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 15 0 70 0 4 0 23,199 100 5,093 100 14,947 100 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Table 3. Fish caught moving downstream and percent of catch by species and location in the Chuit River drainage, May through September, 2008. Data include all gear types except video. (a) = adult, (j) = juvenile. 65 2002 Weir Fyke MT 302 5 5 169 Species Arctic lamprey Chinook salmon (a) Chinook salmon (j) Chum salmon (j) Coastrange sculpin 14 Coho salmon (a) 4 14,879 Coho salmon (j) Dolly Varden 62 Lamprey spp. (a) 17 205 Lamprey spp. (j) Ninespine stickleback 2 Pacific lamprey 6 Pink salmon (a) 15 Pink salmon (j) Rainbow trout 71 Sculpin spp. 6 Slimy sculpin 20 Sockeye salmon (a) Sockeye salmon (j) Threespine stickleback 7 Unidentified 7 Total 15,791 2 13 2 1 1 6 5 21 1 57 2003 Weir 226 7 11 Total 307 5 169 0 16 7 4 4 5 14,897 18,698 64 124 17 6 206 65 2 6 15 3 1 77 37 11 11 41 16 0 0 8 7 1 5 15,853 19,216 2004 Weir Fyke Total 7 7 20 20 26 4 30 1 1 62 49 111 1 1 22,682 2,212 24,894 137 16 153 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 210 2,783 2,993 5 4 9 26 25 51 1 1 1 1 0 0 23,199 5,093 28,292 RST1 199 1 1,688 2 160 3 6,251 58 462 13 2 10 93 310 3 61 6 30 3 9,355 Chuit River Fyke MT RST2 Total 30 43 272 2 3 62 12 1,265 3,027 3 5 98 161 419 1 4 135 7 3,137 9,530 3 5 48 114 0 1 210 673 4 17 2 8 18 35 128 13 2 184 509 2 5 10 16 49 126 1 1 9 15 13 27 70 1 4 373 26 5,193 14,947 Grand Total 812 35 3,237 6 553 13 68,019 455 23 964 19 8 36 129 3,616 41 234 2 16 78 12 78,308 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Table 4. Fish catch by location and gear type. Weir = weir, Fyke = fyke net, MT = minnow trap, RST = rotary screw trap. Not all gear types were used at all locations. The fyke net listed under 2004 was on side tributary # 200401. a = adult, j = juvenile. 66 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 5. Species richness, diversity, and evenness from all sampling sites in the Chuit River drainage, May through September, 2008. Sampling group All sites, weirs and rotary screw traps Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 Chuit River Total S H' Hmax J' 11 8 9 13 13 0.25 0.14 0.14 1.04 0.43 2.40 2.08 2.20 2.56 2.56 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.41 0.17 Stream 200401 fyke net 6 0.79 1.79 0.44 Note: S = Species richness; H' = Shannon-Wiener index of diversity (-pi[lnpi]); Hmax = ln(s); J' = Pielou's estimate of species evenness (H'/Hmax). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 67 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 6. Number of fish, by species or group, and their direction of travel as observed in the video chute or from shore-based visual counts in Stream 2002, from June 8 through September 29, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsamples. Species Chinook salmon (adult) Coho salmon (adult) Sockeye salmon (adult) Chum salmon (adult) Pink salmon (adult) Unknown adult salmon Up 341 2,882 12 4 436 4 Video Down Undefined 124 0 567 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 20 0 Visual Up Down 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salmon smolt (>100 mm) Salmon fingerling (45-100 mm) Salmon fry (<45 mm) 594 338 0 6,464 44 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rainbow trout (>100 mm) Rainbow trout (45-100 mm) 316 17 224 10 1 5 0 0 0 0 Dolly Varden (>100 mm) Dolly Varden (45-100 mm) 440 4 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 72 0 3 0 0 0 0 41 4 3 0 0 8 48 5,489 32 5 7,946 0 0 60 0 0 21 0 0 0 Lamprey spp. (>100 mm) Lamprey spp. (<100 mm) Sculpin spp. Unknown adult fish Unknown juvenile fish Total LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 68 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 7. Number of fish, by species or group, and their direction of travel as observed in the video chute or from shore-based visual counts in Stream 2003, from June 29 through September 30, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsamples. Species Chinook salmon (adult) Coho salmon (adult) Sockeye salmon (adult) Chum salmon (adult) Pink salmon (adult) Unknown adult salmon Up 80 1,782 24 0 4 8 Video Down Undefined 59 1 324 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 21 0 Visual Up Down 0 0 531 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 Salmon smolt (>100 mm) Salmon fingerling (45-100 mm) Salmon fry (<45 mm) 156 936 632 396 688 576 28 264 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rainbow trout (>100 mm) Rainbow trout (45-100 mm) 99 140 172 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dolly Varden (>100 mm) Dolly Varden (45-100 mm) 306 8 160 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Lamprey spp. (>100 mm) Lamprey spp. (<100 mm) 1 0 9 52 0 4 0 0 0 0 Sculpin spp. 0 4 0 0 0 23 70 4,269 27 27 2,638 0 12 542 0 0 541 0 0 6 Unknown adult fish Unknown juvenile fish Total LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 69 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 8. Number of fish, by species or group, and their direction of travel as observed in the video chute or from shore-based visual counts in Stream 2004, from June 29 through September 29, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsamples. Video Down Undefined 76 0 456 0 48 0 Visual Up Down 0 0 26 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 Species Chinook salmon (adult) Coho salmon (adult) Sockeye salmon (adult) Chum salmon (adult) Pink salmon (adult) Unknown adult salmon Up 153 700 44 72 44 0 Salmon smolt (>100 mm) Salmon fingerling (45-100 mm) Salmon fry (<45 mm) 56 300 4 856 1,012 8 32 132 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rainbow trout (>100 mm) Rainbow trout (45-100 mm) 340 20 302 136 3 32 0 0 0 0 Dolly Varden (>100 mm) Dolly Varden (45-100 mm) 406 16 217 24 4 0 0 0 0 0 Lamprey spp. (>100 mm) Lamprey spp. (<100 mm) 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 Sculpin spp. 8 4 4 0 0 28 54 2,201 40 100 3,327 0 4 227 0 0 55 0 0 1 Unknown adult fish Unknown juvenile fish Total LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 70 Species Arctic lamprey Chinook salmon (a) Chinook salmon (j) Chum salmon (j) Coastrange sculpin Coho salmon (a) Coho salmon (j) Dolly Varden Lamprey spp. (a) Lamprey spp. (ammocoete) Ninespine stickleback Pacific lamprey Pink salmon (a) Pink salmon (j) Rainbow trout Sculpin spp. Slimy sculpin Sockeye salmon (a) Sockeye salmon (j) Threespine stickleback Unknown Mean 152 454 65 44 64 496 71 155 129 113 43 430 387 34 73 51 63 520 39 53 43 Length (mm) Min Max SD 55 505 43.3 280 855 197.2 25 231 24.4 24 94 25.2 20 114 13.7 359 590 84.2 27 272 29.3 36 350 55.0 115 150 10.8 17 222 33.0 29 60 10.4 145 530 125.8 265 524 46.4 26 38 2.0 20 470 59.4 15 104 21.9 26 114 13.7 495 545 35.4 33 54 4.6 17 87 25.5 26 75 18.6 n 811 34 3,119 6 509 7 17,248 452 21 957 18 8 34 128 1,378 36 233 2 16 76 5 Mean 11.0 Weight (g) Min Max 0.5 361.0 SD 40.9 n 104 4.7 0.5 111.0 6.1 499 4.0 0.5 19.5 3.0 124 5.6 51.8 3.2 2.3 1.4 205.0 0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 205.0 77 462.5 6.0 6.0 3.5 205.0 7.8 77.9 1.3 1.3 1.1 2,394 87 15 187 7 1 0.6 31.0 3.5 3.2 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 691.0 9.5 10.0 0.2 74.2 3.0 2.2 11 124 15 33 0.5 3.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.5 0.5 0 2.4 0 7 14 3 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Table 9. Mean length and weight for all species sampled from the Chuit River watershed, May through September, 2008. All gear types and sites are combined. (a) = adult, (j) = juvenile. 71 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 10. Number of coho salmon smolt observed in streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, and their percent contribution to watershed-wide abundance estimates. Data are from June 1st through July 19th, 2008. Fish from weirs were seperated into four size classes to correspond with stratifications used for watershed-wide population estimates. Counts from video include unidentified salmon greater than 100 mm. These salmon were counted as coho salmon based on the size and catch proportions from the live boxes at the weirs. Catch Weirs (80-89 mm) Weirs (90-117 mm) Weirs (117-161 mm) Weirs >161 mm Size and stream-specific estimates 2002 2003 2004 Total 317 357 306 980 962 4,686 2,143 7,791 1,189 2,310 1,460 4,959 44 41 176 261 Video (>100 mm) 6,367 396 856 7,619 Total coho salmon smolt Percent contribution of stream estimate to Chuit abundance estimate 8,878 7,790 4,941 21,609 23.7% 20.8% 13.2% 57.7% a Chuit-wide abundance estimate 5,500 22,011 9,913 N/A 37,424a Total system abundance estimate is based on mark-recapture data. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 72 Species Arctic lamprey Chinook salmon (a) Chinook salmon (j) Chum salmon (j) Coastrange sculpin Coho salmon (a) Coho salmon (j) Dolly Varden Lamprey spp. (a) Lamprey spp. (ammocoete) Ninespine stickleback Pink salmon (a) Pink salmon (j) Pacific lamprey Rainbow trout Sculpin spp. Slimy sculpin Sockeye salmon (a) Sockeye salmon (j) Threespine stickleback Unknown May June Mean SD n Mean SD 145 24.0 24 152 44.6 59 20.9 381 38 2.8 2 67 15.4 31 66 144 128 95 49 21.3 350 20.1 89 12.3 15 34.5 170 10.8 5 65 30.1 52 37.2 69 15.2 99 30.3 125 33.2 130 6.7 121 29.3 33 1.9 46 35 1.8 182 92.7 62 17.2 62 11.6 19 11 35 131 91.7 47 26.7 60 11.1 38 1.6 56 14.8 37 1.4 4 4 2 41 7.2 71 14.0 34 10.6 n Mean 544 149 572 1425 67 3 32 19 65 507 4579 64 102 141 6 404 113 55 379 78 35 415 114 70 3 57 50 65 495 5 42 19 76 2 75 Grand July August September mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n 41 185 184 49 14 157 40 44 152 202 14 372 150 20 454 20 846 65 11 430 71 7.4 37 65 1 44 12 165 62 14 160 65 15 134 64 83 3 535 78 2 440 114 2 496 25 6212 56 15 5037 59 16 1070 71 58 42 186 62 134 159 63 85 155 129 30 291 122 45 29 101 37 63 113 6.4 2 34 5.3 5 41 8.8 6 43 27 10 390 53 24 387 1.7 4 34 129 7 530 1 430 45 511 58 50 646 95 61 88 73 22 13 38 16.0 5 25 10.0 4 51 16 71 61 14 41 63 12 36 63 1 545 1 520 1 33 1 39 9.0 22 25 7.6 28 31 6.4 3 53 1 43 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Table 11. Mean length for each species sampled from the Chuit River watershed, from May through September, 2008. All gear types and sites are combined. All lengths are in millimeters (mm). (a) = adult, (j) = juvenile. 73 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 12. Counts of fish movement, by species and direction, from the video chutes and from shore-based visual observations during flooding events at each of the weirs in the Chuit River drainage. Ranges were estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsample counts. Negative numbers indicate downstream movement. Species Chinook salmon (adult) Coho salmon (adult) Sockeye salmon (adult) Chum salmon (adult) Pink salmon (adult) Stream 2002 1 217 to 341 2,336 to 2,903 12 4 232 to 436 Stream 2003 2 Stream 2004 3 21 to 80 1,983 to 2,313 24 0 1 to 4 77 to 153 269 to 726 6 to 50 0 0 Salmon smolt (>100 mm) -6,099 to -6,693 Salmon fingerling (45-100 mm) 236 to 338 Salmon fry (<45 mm) 0 -240 to -396 248 to 936 56 to 632 -744 to -800 -412 to -712 -4 to -8 Rainbow trout (>100 mm) Rainbow trout (45-100 mm) 92 to 316 7 to 17 -73 to -172 24 to 140 38 to 340 -116 to -136 Dolly Varden (>100 mm) Dolly Varden (45-100 mm) 272 to 440 4 146 to 306 4 to 8 189 to 406 -8 to -24 Lamprey spp. (>100 mm) Lamprey spp. (<100 mm) -8 -67 to -72 -8 to -9 -52 0 -4 -4 4 to 8 Sculpin spp. 37 to 41 Operational June 8 through September 19 2 Operational June 29 through September 30 3 Operational June 29 through September 29 1 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 74 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 13. Coho salmon marked releases and recaptures by time period and length group in the Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Darkly shaded cells were excluded from any abundance estimates; lightly shaded cells represent time period strata that were pooled for input into a Darroch model. Length group 80-89 mm Length group 90-117 mm Length group 118-161 mm Release Number period released (n1) 1 460 2 141 3 1,266 4 380 Number examined (n2) Recapture periods 1 2 3 8 7 6 1 38 149 70 98 Release Number period released (n1) 1 7,155 2 529 3 254 4 118 Number examined (n2) Recapture periods 1 2 3 142 31 29 9 5 Release Number period released (n1) 1 4,182 2 126 3 46 4 Number examined (n2) Recapture periods 1 2 3 26 2 7 4 2 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 338 53 236 57 61 31 4 10 10 219 4 8 7 98 4 0 0 2 75 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Table 14. Coho salmon smolt abundance estimates from the Chuit River, 2008. Estimates were calculated with either a pooled Petersen estimate or a partially stratified estimate using the Darroch model. The shaded model is the best estimate, as described in text. N 5,500 SE 1,255 95% CI Lower Upper 3,041 7,959 Darroch Pooled Peterson 22,011 25,490 1,180 1,361 19,698 22,822 24,324 28,157 118-161 mm Darroch Pooled Peterson 9,913 15,061 1,230 1,924 7,503 11,290 12,323 18,831 Darroch + Peterson 37,424 2,116 33,276 Pooled Peterson 46,051 2,670 40,818 1 This Peterson estimate only includes the earliest release group. 41,572 51,283 Length group Estimate method 1 Peterson 80-90 mm 90-117 mm 80-161 mm LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 1 76 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Figure 1. Map of the Chuit River drainage, showing the study tributaries in relation to the surrounding area. 77 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Figure 2. Location of fish sampling sites in the Chuit River drainage including the fyke net located in Stream 200401. 78 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Discharge (cfs) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1-Apr-2002 1-Apr-2004 1-Apr-2005 1-Apr-2006 Date Figure 3. Historic daily discharge (cfs) for Stream 2003 (Station C180) from April 2002 through October 2006. Stream 2003 is the only tributary that has continuous data. Data are from RTI (2007). Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 Discharge (cfs) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1-Apr 1-Apr-2003 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1-Oct 1-Nov Date Figure 4. Historic daily discharge (cfs) for Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, from April through October, 2006 (Stations C220, C180, and C110). The year 2006 was the only period of record with overlap among all three streams. Data are from RTI (2007). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 79 Partially fishing Overflowing (weirs only) 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Not fishing Fully functional Stream 2002 1/6/1900 Stream 2003 1/5/1900 1/4/1900 Stream 2004 1/3/1900 Stream 200401 1/2/1900 RST1 RST2 1/1/1900 May0 3 30 1 June 60 1 July 90 1 Aug 120 1 Sep 150 Figure 5. Gear operation status for all sampling sites in the Chuit River drainage, from May through September, 2008. Sites include the main sampling gear types only, not ancillary gear. When gear was not fishing, the gear was not installed or unable to fish due to other conditions (high water events). The gear was partially fishing when either it was fully functional for part of a day or partially functional for a whole day (hole or missing panel). Overflowing occurred when weir panels were overtopped by water and were often still fish tight for upstream migrating salmon. When the gear was fully functional it was operating normally and fish tight. 80 Effort (hours) 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 24 18 12 6 0 3-May 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 2003 17-Jul 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2004 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Stream 200401 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul RST1 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul RST2 28-May 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 6. Gear effort in hours each day for all sampling sites, from May through September, 2008. Sites include only main gear types, not ancillary gear. Stream 200401 is included as one of the main sites because it enters below the weir on Stream 2004. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 22-Jun 81 Stream 2002 Stream 2003 2,400 Stream 2004 Stream 200401 CPUE (fish/day) 2,000 Chuit River 1,600 1,200 800 400 0 3-May 18-May 2-Jun 17-Jun 2-Jul 17-Jul 1-Aug 16-Aug 31-Aug 15-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 7. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) for all fish caught in the study tributaries and mainstem Chuit River, from May through September, 2008. Data are from weirs, RSTs, and the fyke net on Stream 200401 only. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 2,800 82 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 3,000 2,500 2,000 ≥ 90 mm < 90 mm Discharge 250 200 1,500 150 1,000 100 500 50 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 3,000 0 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul 300 Stream 2003 2,500 250 2,000 200 1,500 150 1,000 100 500 50 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 3,000 2,500 0 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul 300 Stream 2004 250 2,000 200 1,500 150 1,000 100 500 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 14-Jun Discharge (cfs) CPUE (fish/day) 300 50 0 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Date Figure 8. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily discharge (cfs) for two size classes of juvenile coho salmon in the study tributaries May through July, 2008. Fish ≥ 90 mm were considered smolts; fish < 90 mm were considered presmolts. Data are preliminary from RTI (Ft. Collins, CO). Discharge data not available for May on Stream 2004, or August and September for all study tributaries. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 83 2,500 2,000 CPUE (fish/day) 1,500 1,000 500 0 3-May 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 3-May 7-Jun 12-Jul 16-Aug 20-Sep Stream 2003 7-Jun 12-Jul 16-Aug Stream 2004 3,000 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 3-May 7-Jun 12-Jul 16-Aug ≥ 90 mm Chuit River 3,000 > 90 mm 2,500 Temperature 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 3-May 7-Jun 12-Jul 16-Aug Date 20-Sep 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 20-Sep 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 20-Sep Figure 9. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily water temperature (°C) from RTI (Fort Collins, CO) for two size classes of juvenile coho salmon in the study tributaries and mainstem Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Fish ≥ 90 mm were considered smolts; fish < 90 mm were considered pre-smolts. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Temperature (°C) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Stream 2002 3,000 84 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 12 Stream 2002 Weir Video 8 4 0 -4 -8 Movement (fish/day) -12 14-May 12 14-Jun 14-Jul Stream 2003 14-Aug 14-Sep 14-Jun 14-Jul Stream 2004 14-Aug 14-Sep Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12 14-May 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12 May-14 Date Figure 10. Daily movement of rainbow trout (>100 mm) in each of the tributaries, from July through September, 2008. Movement includes both catch at the weirs (downstream movement) and video counts (upsteam or downstream). Negative counts show downstream movements. Does not include data from Stream 200401. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 85 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 40 Stream 2002 30 20 Weir Video 10 0 -10 -20 -30 Movement (fish/day) -40 40 14-May 14-Jun Stream 200314-Aug 14-Jul 14-Jun 14-Jul 14-Aug Stream 2004 14-Sep 14-Jun 14-Jul Date 14-Sep 14-Sep 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 14-May 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 14-May 14-Aug Figure 11. Daily movement of Dolly Varden (>100 mm) in each of the tributaries, from May through September, 2008. Movement includes both catch at the weirs (downstream movement) and video counts (upstream or downstream). Negative counts show downstream movements. Does not include data from Stream 200401. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 86 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 500 age-0 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun CPUE (fish/day) 500 29-Jun 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 29-Jun 27-Jul Date 24-Aug 21-Sep age-1 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 500 29-Jun age-2 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun Figure 12. CPUE by week for all three age classes of juvenile coho salmon migrating from Stream 2002 in 2008. Catch by age was determined by applying a ratio of fish caught per age group per week, then expanding it to total catch by week. Age data were only taken for fish greater than 60 mm. Data from weirs only. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 87 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 700 age-0 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 700 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep age-1 600 CPUE (fish/day) 29-Jun 500 400 300 200 100 0 700 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun age-2 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun Date Figure 13. CPUE by week for all three age classes of juvenile coho salmon migrating from Stream 2003 in 2008. Catch by age was determined by applying a ratio of fish caught per age group per week, then expanding it to total catch by week. Age data were only taken for fish greater than 60 mm. Data from weirs only. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 88 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report age-0 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep age-1 400 CPUE (fish/day) 29-Jun 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun age-2 400 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun Date Figure 14. CPUE by week for all three age classes of juvenile coho salmon migrating from Stream 2004 in 2008. Catch by age was determined by applying a ratio of fish caught per age group per week, then expanding it to total catch by week. Age data were only taken for fish greater than 60 mm. Data from weirs only. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 89 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report age-0 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep age-1 CPUE (fish/day) 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 29-Jun age-2 300 200 100 0 4-May 1-Jun 27-Jul 24-Aug 21-Sep Date Figure 15. CPUE by week for all three age classes of juvenile coho salmon in the mainstem Chuit River in 2008. Catch by age was determined by applying a ratio of fish caught per age group per week, then expanding it to total catch by week. Age data were only taken for fish greater than 60 mm. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 29-Jun 90 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 300 Chuit River 250 Tributaries Length (mm) 200 150 100 50 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 16. Juvenile coho salmon lengths (fork lengths) by date observed from the study tributaries and the Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 91 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 140 Stream 2002 Stream 2003 120 Stream 2004 100 Relative Weight (Wr) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Chuit River 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Length (mm) Figure 17. Relative weight by length for juvenile coho salmon caught at all sites, from May through September, 2008. Does not include fish caught in Stream 200401. Fish below 80 mm are excluded. The horizontal line shows the relative weight of fish with healthy body condition (100). 92 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 3,000 Stream 2002 ≥ 90 mm 2,000 < 90 mm 1,000 0 3-May 28-May 3,000 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2003 2,000 CPUE (fish/day) 1,000 0 3-May 28-May 3,000 22-Jun 17-Jul Stream 2004 2,000 1,000 0 3-May 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3-May 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 200401 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Chuit River 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Figure 18. Juvenile coho salmon catch per unit effort (CPUE) by location and size group, from May through September, 2008. Data are only for the primary gear type for a given location. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 93 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 140 Juvenile Chinook salmon 120 Chuit River Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 100 80 60 140 Juvenile coho salmon 120 Relative Weight (Wr) 100 80 60 140 Dolly Varden 120 100 80 60 140 Rainbow trout 120 100 80 60 3-May 24-May 14-Jun 5-Jul 26-Jul 16-Aug 6-Sep Figure 19. Mean relative weight (Wr) by week for juvenile Chinook salmon, juvenile coho salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout caught at all sampling sites. Does not include fish caught in Stream 200401. Sampling was from May through September, 2008. The horizontal line shows the relative weight of fish with healthy body condition (100). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 94 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Juvenile Chinook salmon 140 120 Chuit River Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 100 80 60 0 50 100 200 250 300 350 400 450 300 350 400 450 300 350 400 450 Dolly Varden 140 Relative Weight (Wr) 150 120 100 80 60 0 50 100 150 200 250 Rainbow trout 140 120 100 80 60 0 50 100 150 200 250 Length (mm) Figure 20. Relative weight (Wr) by length (mm) of juvenile Chinook salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout caught at all sampling sites from May through September, 2008. Does not include fish caught in Stream 200401. Fish below 80 mm are excluded. The horizontal line shows the relative weight of fish with healthy body condition (100). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 95 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 40 30 20 10 0 3-May CPUE (fish/day) 40 30 20 10 0 3-May 40 30 20 10 0 3-May 40 30 20 10 0 3-May 40 30 20 10 0 3-May Stream 2002 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul ≥ 175 mm < 175 mm 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2003 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 2004 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 200401 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Chuit River 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date Figure 21. Arctic lamprey catch per unit effort (CPUE) by location and size group, from May through September, 2008. Data are only for the primary gear type for a given location. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 96 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 30 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ≥ 175 mm < 175 mm Discharge 20 10 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Stream 2003 30 300 250 200 20 150 100 10 50 0 3-May Discharge (cfs) CPUE (fish/day) 28-Jun 0 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Stream 2004 30 300 250 200 20 150 100 10 50 0 3-May 0 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Date Figure 22. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily discharge (cfs) for two size classes of Arctic lamprey in the study tributaries from May through July, 2008. Size break was placed at 175 mm to differentiate between sub-adults and potentially mature individuals. Data are preliminary from RTI (Ft. Collins, CO). Discharge data not available for May on Stream 2004, or August and September for all study tributaries. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 97 CPUE (fish/day) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 l ay ay Jun 7-Ju -Aug 5-Sep 0-Sep 1 3-M 28-M 223 11 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Stream 2003 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Stream 2004 ≥ 175 mm < 175 mm Temperature 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 l ay ay Jun 7-Ju -Aug 5-Sep 0-Sep 1 3-M 28-M 223 11 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Chuit River 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 l ay ay Jun 7-Ju -Aug 5-Sep 0-Sep 1 3-M 28-M 223 11 l g p p ay May -Jun -Ju -Au 5-Se 0-Se M 7 2 1 3 2 3 11 28 Date Figure 23. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily water temperature (°C) for two size classes of Arctic lamprey in the study tributaries and the mainstem Chuit River, from May through September, 2008. Size break was placed at 175 mm to differentiate between sub-adults and potentially mature individuals. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 Temperature (°C) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 98 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Arctic lamprey 600 Chuit River 500 Tributaries 400 300 200 100 0 3-May 28-May Length (mm) 600 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Pacific lamprey 500 400 300 200 100 0 3-May 28-May 600 22-Jun 17-Jul Lamprey ammocoete 500 400 300 200 100 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Date Figure 24. Arctic lamprey, Pacific lamprey, and lamprey ammocoete lengths by date observed on the study tributaries and Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data are from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 99 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Coho salmon 900 750 600 450 300 150 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Chinook salmon 900 Length (mm) 17-Jul 750 Stream 2002 600 Stream 2003 450 Stream 2004 300 150 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Pink salmon 900 750 600 450 300 150 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date Figure 25. Adult coho, Chinook, and pink salmon lengths (mid eye to fork of tail) by date on study tributaries, May through September, 2008. Data are from weirs only. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 100 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 60 ≥ 65 mm < 65 mm 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2003 60 40 20 CPUE (fish/day) 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 60 17-Jul Stream 2004 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Stream 200401 60 40 20 0 3-May 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Chuit River 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date Figure 26. Juvenile Chinook salmon catch per unit effort (CPUE) by location and size group, May through September, 2008. Data are only for the primary gear type for a given location. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 101 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 250 200 Chuit River Tributaries Length (mm) 150 100 50 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 27. Juvenile Chinook salmon lengths (fork lengths) by date observed on study tributaries and Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data are from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 102 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 100 Chum salmon 80 Chuit River Tributaries 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Pink salmon 100 Length (mm) 80 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Sockeye salmon 100 80 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Date Figure 28. Juvenile chum, pink, and sockeye salmon lengths (fork length) by date observed on the study tributaries and Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data are from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 103 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Coastrange sculpin 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Slimy sculpin 120 Length (mm) 100 80 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 120 17-Jul 11-Aug Cottidae spp. 100 Chuit River Tributaries 80 60 40 20 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 29. Coastrange sculpin, slimy sculpin, and unidentified sculpin species total lengths by date observed on the study tributaries and Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data are from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 104 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 30 300 Stream 2002 250 ≥ 100 mm < 100 mm Discharge 20 200 150 10 100 50 0 17-May 31-May 30 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Stream 2003 20 10 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 30 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul Discharge (cfs) CPUE (fish/day) 0 3-May 26-Jul 300 Stream 2004 250 200 20 150 10 100 50 0 3-May 0 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Date Figure 30. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily discharge (cfs) for two size classes of Dolly Varden in the study tributaries, May through July, 2008. Size break was placed at 100 mm to differentiate between obvious juveniles and potentially mature individuals. Data are preliminary from RTI (Ft. Collins, CO). Discharge data not available for May on Stream 2004 and in August and September for all sites. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 105 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 30 20 10 0 3-May 30 20 10 0 3-May Stream 2002 < 100 mm 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2003 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 2004 30 CPUE (fish/day) ≥ 100 mm 20 10 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 200401 30 20 10 0 3-May 30 20 10 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Chuit River 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date Figure 31. Dolly Varden catch per unit effort (CPUE) by location and size group, May through September, 2008. Data are only for the primary gear type for a given location. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 106 CPUE (fish/day) Stream 2003 Date Figure 32. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily water temperature (°C) for two size classes of Dolly Varden in the study tributaries and mainstem Chuit River, from May through September, 2008. Size break was placed at 100 mm to differentiate between obvious juveniles and potentially mature individuals. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Chuit River 16 30 16 14 14 12 12 20 10 10 20 8 ≥ 100 mm 8 6 6 < 100 mm 10 10 4 4 Temperature 2 2 0 0 0 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 30 Temperature (°C) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Stream 2002 Stream 2004 16 16 30 14 14 12 12 20 10 10 20 8 8 6 6 10 10 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 30 107 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Dolly Varden 500 Chuit River 400 Tributaries 300 200 Length (mm) 100 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Rainbow trout 500 400 300 200 100 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Date Figure 33. Dolly Varden and rainbow trout lengths (fork lengths) by date observed on the study tributaries and Chuit River, from May through September, 2008. Data include all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 108 Length (mm) 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3-May 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3-May Threespine stickleback Chuit River Tributaries 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Ninespine stickleback 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Date Figure 34. Threespine and ninespine stickleback total lengths by date observed on the study tributaries and Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Data are from all gear types. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 109 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 20 15 10 5 0 3-May CPUE (fish/day) 20 15 10 5 0 3-May 20 15 10 5 0 3-May Stream 2002 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug ≥ 100 mm < 100 mm 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep 5-Sep 30-Sep Stream 2003 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 2004 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug Stream 200401 800 400 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 20 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Chuit River 10 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul Date Figure 35. Rainbow trout catch per unit effort (CPUE) by location and size group, from May through September, 2008. Data are only for the primary gear type for a given location. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 110 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2002 10 300 ≥ 100 mm < 100 mm Discharge 8 6 250 200 150 4 100 2 50 0 3-May 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 0 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Stream 2003 10 300 250 CPUE (fish/day) 200 6 150 4 100 2 50 0 3-May 0 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Stream 2004 10 Discharge (cfs) 8 300 250 8 200 6 150 4 100 2 50 0 3-May 0 17-May 31-May 14-Jun 28-Jun 12-Jul 26-Jul Date Figure 36. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily discharge (cfs) for two size classes of rainbow trout in the study tributaries, from May through July, 2008. A size break was placed at 100 mm to differentiate between obvious juveniles and potentially mature individuals. Data are preliminary from RTI (Ft. Collins, CO). Discharge data not available for May on Stream 2004, or in August and September for all sites. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 111 CPUE (fish/day) Chuit River Stream 2003 16 16 20 14 14 12 12 15 15 10 10 ≥ 100 mm 8 8 10 10 6 6 < 100 mm 4 5 4 5 Temperature 2 2 0 0 0 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 20 Date Figure 37. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean daily water temperature (°C) for two size classes of rainbow trout in the study tributaries and mainstem Chuit River, May through September, 2008. Size break was placed at 100 mm to differentiate between obvious juveniles and potentially mature individuals. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Stream 2004 16 14 12 15 10 8 10 6 5 4 2 0 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 20 Temperature (°C) LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Stream 2002 16 14 12 15 10 8 10 6 5 4 2 0 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep 20 112 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 4000 3500 3000 Number of fish 2500 Stream 2004 Stream 2003 Stream 2002 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 1-Jul 16-Jul 15-Aug 30-Aug 14-Sep 29-Sep Date Figure 38. Upstream and downstream counts of adult coho salmon from video and visual counts, at each of the three weirs in the Chuit River drainage, July through September, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsample counts. Negative counts show downstream movements. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 31-Jul 113 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 100 80 Number of fish 60 Stream 2004 Stream 2004 Stream 2003 Stream 2003 Stream 2002 Stream 2002 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 8-Jun 22-Jun 6-Jul 3-Aug 17-Aug 31-Aug 14-Sep Date Figure 39. The total expanded number of all adult Chinook salmon counted moving through the video chute at the weirs on streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 in the Chuit River drainage, June 8 through September 19, 2008. Negative bars show downstream movement. No counts for Stream 2002 were compiled between August 6 and August 22. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 20-Jul 114 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 90 60 Stream 2002 Jack Chinook salmon Adult Chinook salmon 30 0 -30 8-Jun 22-Jun 6-Jul Number of fish 90 20-Jul 3-Aug 17-Aug 31-Aug 14-Sep Stream 2003 60 30 0 -30 8-Jun 22-Jun 6-Jul 90 20-Jul 3-Aug 17-Aug 31-Aug 14-Sep Stream 2004 60 30 0 -30 8-Jun 22-Jun 6-Jul 20-Jul 3-Aug 17-Aug 31-Aug 14-Sep Date Figure 40. The total expanded number of Chinook and jack Chinook salmon counted moving through the video chute at the weirs on streams 2002, 2003, and 2004 in the Chuit River drainage, June 8 through September 19, 2008. Negative bars show downstream movement. No counts for Stream 2002 were compiled between August 6 and August 22. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 115 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 0.25 0.20 Relative frequency LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 0.30 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Travel time (days) Figure 41. Estimated travel time of marked juvenile coho salmon moving from weirs in the tributary streams to RSTs in the mainstem Chuit River. Travel time was modeled with a Poisson distribution based upon a constant rate of travel. 116 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 100% 90% Cumulative Frequency 80% 70% 60% Marked 50% Recaptured 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80 90 100 120 130 140 150 160 170 Length ( ) of coho salmon lengths from fish Figure 42. Cumulative frequency distribution marked at the weirs and recaptured at the rotary screw traps from the Chuit River in 2008. The upper limit of 161 mm and the vertical black line at 117 mm are break points as identified by a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 110 117 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 18 16 Temperature (°C) 14 Chuit River Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 43. Mean daily water temperatures at the four sampling locations in the Chuit River watershed, May through September, 2008. Gaps in data series are when temperatures were not recorded. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 118 Water temperature (˚C) Stream 2002 ay May -Jun Jul -Aug -Sep -Sep M 7 2 5 1 3 2 30 11 28 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Stream 2003 ay May -Jun Jul -Aug -Sep -Sep M 7 2 5 1 3 2 30 11 28 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Stream 2004 l ay May ug Jun 7-Ju A M 2 1 3 2 11 28 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ep ep 5-S 30-S Chuit River l g ay ay Jun 7-Ju Au 1 1 3-M 28-M 221 ep ep 5-S 30-S Date Figure 44. Daily average, minimum, and maximum water temperatures (˚C) at all four sampling sites in the Chuit River watershed, May through September, 2008. Gaps in the data are when temperatures were not recorded. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 119 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 300 Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 Discharge (cfs) 250 200 150 100 50 0 1-May 16-May 31-May 15-Jun Date 30-Jun 15-Jul 30-Jul Figure 45. Mean daily discharge (cfs) at Streams 2002, 2003, and 2004, from May 1 through July 31, 2008. Discharge data are preliminary from RTI (Ft. Collins, CO); data not available for Stream 2004 in May. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 120 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 4 Chuit River Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 Standardized water depth 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 3-May 28-May 22-Jun 17-Jul 11-Aug 5-Sep 30-Sep Date Figure 46. Standardized water depths for the four sampling sites in the Chuit River watershed, from May through September, 2008. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 121 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Precipitation (cm) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1-Oct Date Figure 47. Daily precipitation (cm) from a weather gauging station on Stream 2004 within the Chuit River watershed, May through September, 2008. Precipitation data are from McVehil-Monnett (unpublished). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 122 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report 160 Age-1 coho salmon Mainstem Chuit River 140 Tributaries 120 100 80 60 40 Length (mm) 20 0 2-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep 30-Aug 29-Sep Age-2 coho salmon 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 31-Jul Date Figure 48. Change in length over time for age-1 and age-2 for coho salmon in the three study tributaries and mainstem Chuit River. Mean length is reported in 2week time periods; whiskers are standard deviation. Data for age-1 coho salmon are for sample sizes ≥15 fish per week. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 123 Stream 2002 coho salmon age-2+ 559 140 Catch (fish/week) 120 100 373 80 263 60 143 156 80 mm 85 mm 90 mm 95 mm 100 mm 105 mm 110 mm 115 mm 120 mm 125 mm 130 mm 135 mm 140 mm 145 mm 150 mm 155 mm 160 mm 165 mm 170 mm 40 20 0 0 28 29 0 23 24 25 26 27 Week Figure 49. Emigration timing of 5-mm length classes of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2002 (weir data only), from June 1 through July 19, 2008. For each week (x-axis), the number of fish in each length class was estimated from scale ages and expanded to the entire population. Numbers in the chart show the weekly sample sizes. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 160 124 2551 700 Catch (fish/week) 600 500 400 2139 80mm 85mm 90mm 95mm 100mm 105mm 110mm 115mm 120mm 125mm 130mm 135mm 140mm 145mm 150mm 155mm 160mm 165mm 300 200 459 100 474 73 44 24 0 23 24 25 26 Week 27 28 29 Figure 50. Emigration timing of 5-mm length classes of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2003 (weir data only), from June 1 through July 19, 2008. For each week (x-axis), the number of fish in each length class was estimated from scale ages and expanded to the entire population. Numbers in the chart show the weekly sample sizes. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Stream 2003 coho salmon age-2+ 800 125 85mm 95mm 105mm 115mm 125mm 135mm 145mm 155mm 165mm 175mm Catch (fish/week) 250 200 1059 150 90mm 100mm 110mm 120mm 130mm 140mm 150mm 160mm 170mm 100 166 401 159 50 34 0 24 25 26 Week 27 28 29 Figure 51. Emigration timing of 5-mm length classes of age 2+ coho salmon from Stream 2004 (weir data only), from June 8 through July 19, 2008. For each week (x-axis), the number of fish in each length class was estimated from scale ages and expanded to the entire population. Numbers in the chart show the weekly sample sizes. 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Stream 2004 coho salmon age-2+ 1267 300 126 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 1. The weir on Stream 2002 at low water levels, August 1, 2008. The photo shows the “V” orientation with water flowing from the bottom of the image to the top. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 127 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 2. The weir on Stream 2003 at low water levels, August 1, 2008. The photo shows a nested “V” formation, with water flowing from the top of the image to the bottom. The top “V” fished at low water levels and both “V’s” fished at high water levels (using a 2nd holding box not shown). LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 128 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 3. The weir on Stream 2004 at lower water levels, September 11, 2008. The weir is in a “V” formation with the water flowing from the top of the image to the bottom. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 129 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 4. The pipe that transferred fish from the weir to the holding box on Stream 2003. Fish remained in the holding box (beneath a lid), until they were processed. Water is flowing from the top of the image to the bottom. Photo 5. The fyke net on Stream 200401 (tributary to Stream 2004) on June 29, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 130 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 6. The downstream entrance to the underwater video chute, electronics housing, and battery bank at the weir on Stream 2002. The top of the photo is upstream. Photo 7. The Stream 2003 ramp for adult salmon traveling upstream being inspected on September 3, 2008. Water flow is from top right to bottom left. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 131 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 8. A rotary screw trap (RST) on the mainstem Chuit River. Water is flowing from right to left. Fish were trapped by the opening of the large cone facing upstream, and remained in the holding box (beneath open lid) until they were processed. Photo 9. The upstream rotary screw trap (RST1) fishing at high water levels on the mainstem Chuit River, May 15, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 132 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 10. The upstream rotary screw trap (RST1) fishing at low water levels, August 5, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. Photo 11. The downstream rotary screw trap (RST2) at high water levels on the Chuit River, July 17, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. The cone is raised to prevent damage from woody debris. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 133 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 12. The downstream rotary screw trap (RST2) at low water levels, August 3, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. Photo 13. A partial weir on Stream 2003 fishing during high water in mid-May, 2008. Photo is looking upstream. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 134 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 14. The weir on Stream 2002 at high water levels, July 31, 2008. Water is flowing from the lower right to the upper left. Photo 15. The full weir on Stream 2002 at low water levels, July 3, 2008. Water is flowing from the lower right to the upper left. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 135 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 16. The weir on Stream 2003 at low water levels, August 29, 2008. Water is flowing from the right corner to the left. Photo 17. The weir on Stream 2003 at high water levels, September 20, 2008. During high water both the holding boxes were fishing. Photo is looking downstream. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 136 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 18. The weir on Stream 2004 at low water levels, July 5, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. Photo 19. The weir on Stream 2004 at high water levels, July 17, 2008. Photo is looking downstream. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 137 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 20. Coho salmon smolt captured on the mainstem Chuit River, July 13, 2008. Photo 21. Pacific lamprey captured on Stream 2002, July 3, 2008. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 138 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Photo 22. Image series of two adult rainbow trout moving upstream through the video chute on Stream 2002 in early June, 2008. Photo 23. Adult sockeye salmon caught on Stream 2003, September 1, 2008. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 139 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix A. Gear operation status for all sampling sites in the Chuit River drainage, from May through September, 2008. Sites include main gear types only. F = full coverage and fish tight, O = water over the top of one or more panels (weirs only), P = partial coverage or partially functinoal, N = gear not fishing, and - = gear not installed. Stream RST1 Date Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 RST2 200401 3-May P 4-May P P 5-May P P 6-May P P 7-May P P 8-May P P 9-May P P 10-May P P 11-May P P 12-May P P P 13-May P F 14-May P F P 15-May P F F 16-May P P P 17-May P P P 18-May P P F 19-May P P F 20-May P F F 21-May P F F 22-May P P P 23-May P F P 24-May P P F 25-May P P F 26-May P F F 27-May P F P 28-May P F F 29-May O F F 30-May O F F 31-May F P F 1-Jun F F F 2-Jun F F F 3-Jun F F F 4-Jun P O F F 5-Jun O O F F 6-Jun O F P P LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 140 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix A- Continued. Gear operation status for all sampling sites. Stream Date Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 2004-0101 7-Jun O F 8-Jun O F P 9-Jun F F P 10-Jun F F P 11-Jun F F P 12-Jun F F F 13-Jun F F F 14-Jun F F F 15-Jun F F F 16-Jun F F F 17-Jun F F F 18-Jun F F F 19-Jun F F F 20-Jun F F F 21-Jun F F F 22-Jun F F F 23-Jun F F F 24-Jun F F F 25-Jun F F F 26-Jun F F P 27-Jun F F F 28-Jun F F F 29-Jun F F F P 30-Jun F F F F 1-Jul F F F F 2-Jul F F P F 3-Jul F F F F 4-Jul F F F F 5-Jul F F F F 6-Jul F F F F 7-Jul F F F F 8-Jul F F F F 9-Jul F F F F 10-Jul F F F F 11-Jul F F F F 12-Jul F F F F 13-Jul F F F F LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. RST1 P F F F F P F P P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F F F F F F F P P RST2 P F F F F F F P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F F P F F F 141 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix A- Continued. Gear operation status for all sampling sites. Stream Date Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 2004-0101 14-Jul F F F F 15-Jul F F F F 16-Jul F F F F 17-Jul O O O P 18-Jul F F F 19-Jul F F F P 20-Jul F F F F 21-Jul F F F F 22-Jul F F F F 23-Jul F O F F 24-Jul O O O P 25-Jul O P F P 26-Jul O P F F 27-Jul O O O P 28-Jul O O F 29-Jul P O F P 30-Jul F F P F 31-Jul F F F F 1-Aug F F F F 2-Aug P F F F 3-Aug F F F F 4-Aug F F F F 5-Aug F F F F 6-Aug F F F F 7-Aug F F F F 8-Aug F F F F 9-Aug F F F F 10-Aug F F F F 11-Aug F F F F 12-Aug F F F F 13-Aug F F F F 14-Aug F F F F 15-Aug P F F F 16-Aug F F F F 17-Aug P F F F 18-Aug F F F F 19-Aug P F F F 20-Aug F P F F 21-Aug F F F F LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. RST1 F F P P F F F P P F P F F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F RST2 P F F P P F F F F F P P F P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 142 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix A- Continued. Gear operation status for all sampling sites. Stream Date Stream 2002 Stream 2003 Stream 2004 2004-0101 22-Aug P F F F 23-Aug F F F F 24-Aug P F F F 25-Aug F F F F 26-Aug F F F F 27-Aug F F F F 28-Aug F F F F 29-Aug F F F F 30-Aug P F F F 31-Aug F F F F 1-Sep F F P F 2-Sep F F F F 3-Sep O O O P 4-Sep O O F 5-Sep O O F 6-Sep O O F 7-Sep P O P 8-Sep O O F 9-Sep O P N 10-Sep N P P 11-Sep P P P 12-Sep P O P 13-Sep P P N 14-Sep N P N 15-Sep N N N 16-Sep N P N 17-Sep N N N 18-Sep N N N 19-Sep N O N 20-Sep O N 21-Sep O N 22-Sep P N 23-Sep P N 24-Sep O N 25-Sep O N 26-Sep O N 27-Sep O N 28-Sep O N 29-Sep O N 30-Sep P N LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. RST1 P N P F F F F F P N P F F P P F P F P P F F P - RST2 P N P F F F P F P N P F P - 143 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix B. The total actual and expanded numbers of salmon smolt recorded moving through the video chute by direction in Stream 2002. Species identification was assigned later, based on catch concurrent catch proportions through the weir (captured in the holding box). Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsamples. No counts were compiled between August 6th and August 22nd. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Date Down Up Indeterminate Down Up Indeterminate 8-Jun 4 0 2 4 0 2 9-Jun 31 0 0 31 0 0 10-Jun 14 2 0 14 2 0 11-Jun 98 29 0 98 29 0 12-Jun 167 0 0 167 0 0 14-Jun 76 13 0 76 13 0 15-Jun 55 16 2 55 16 2 16-Jun 25 2 0 25 2 0 17-Jun 70 6 0 214 6 0 18-Jun 75 13 8 300 52 32 19-Jun 97 0 0 388 0 0 20-Jun 105 5 0 420 20 12 21-Jun 100 2 0 400 8 0 22-Jun 87 0 0 348 0 0 23-Jun 9 0 0 36 0 0 24-Jun 158 0 0 632 0 0 25-Jun 41 2 164 8 0 26-Jun 203 0 0 812 0 0 27-Jun 268 0 0 1,072 0 0 28-Jun 44 0 0 176 0 0 29-Jun 1 0 0 4 0 0 30-Jun 61 26 0 244 104 0 1-Jul 22 52 0 88 208 0 2-Jul 10 0 0 40 0 0 3-Jul 66 0 0 264 0 0 4-Jul 4 0 0 16 0 0 5-Jul 69 0 0 276 0 0 6-Jul 7 0 0 28 0 0 9-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 10-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 11-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 144 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix B- Continued. Total number of smolt counted moving through video chute by direction at the weir on Stream 2002. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Date Down Up Indeterminate Down Up Indeterminate 14-Jul 5 0 0 20 0 0 15-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 19-Jul 3 0 0 12 0 0 20-Jul 4 0 0 16 0 0 22-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 4-Aug 1 0 0 4 0 0 Total 1,985 168 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 15 6,464 468 48 145 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix C. The total actual and expanded numbers of smolt counted moving through the video chute by direction in Stream 2003. Species identification was assigned later, based on catch concurrent catch proportions through the weir (captured in the holding box). Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsamples. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Date Down Up Indeterminate Down Up Indeterminate 30-Jun 11 1 0 44 4 0 1-Jul 6 1 0 24 4 0 2-Jul 14 0 4 56 0 16 3-Jul 14 0 1 56 0 4 4-Jul 2 0 0 8 0 0 5-Jul 10 4 6 40 16 24 6-Jul 8 0 6 32 0 24 7-Jul 12 0 4 48 0 16 8-Jul 8 0 6 32 0 24 9-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 10-Jul 1 0 2 4 0 8 11-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 12-Jul 1 0 2 4 0 8 16-Jul 1 0 1 4 0 4 20-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 21-Jul 0 0 1 0 0 4 26-Jul 1 0 0 4 0 0 30-Jul 3 1 1 12 4 4 31-Jul 0 0 2 0 0 8 2-Aug 1 0 1 4 0 4 4-Aug 2 0 1 8 0 4 28-Aug 0 0 1 0 0 4 5-Sep 1 0 0 4 0 0 Total 99 7 39 396 28 156 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 146 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix D. The total actual and expanded numbers of smolt counted moving through the video chute by direction in Stream 2004. Species identification was assigned later, based on catch concurrent catch proportions through the weir (captured in the holding box). Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hourly counts and expanded 15 minute subsample counts. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Date Down Up Indeterminate Down Up Indeterminate 29-Jun 0 22 0 0 88 0 30-Jun 1 23 3 4 92 12 1-Jul 0 52 1 0 208 4 2-Jul 4 6 0 16 24 0 3-Jul 0 8 0 0 32 0 4-Jul 0 12 0 0 48 0 5-Jul 2 26 1 8 104 4 6-Jul 0 16 0 0 64 0 8-Jul 0 1 0 0 4 0 9-Jul 1 7 0 4 28 0 10-Jul 0 2 1 0 8 4 11-Jul 2 2 0 8 8 0 13-Jul 0 1 0 0 4 0 14-Jul 0 1 0 0 4 0 15-Jul 1 4 0 4 16 0 17-Jul 0 2 0 0 8 0 18-Jul 0 2 1 0 8 4 19-Jul 0 2 0 0 8 0 25-Jul 0 1 0 0 4 0 28-Aug 1 0 0 4 0 0 30-Aug 1 0 0 4 0 0 31-Aug 0 1 0 0 4 0 4-Sep 0 1 0 0 4 0 5-Sep 0 1 0 0 4 0 6-Sep 0 5 0 0 20 0 8-Sep 0 2 0 0 8 0 9-Sep 0 0 1 0 0 4 11-Sep 1 0 0 4 0 0 Total 14 200 8 56 800 32 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 147 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix E. The total actual and expanded numbers of adult coho salmon counted moving through the video chute, or counted visually at chute bypasses, in Stream 2002. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. No counts were compiled between August 6th and August 22nd. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Visual-Actual Visual-Expanded Date Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up 24-Jul 0 25 0 100 0 0 0 0 25-Jul 2 1 8 4 0 0 0 0 26-Jul 5 2 20 8 0 0 0 0 27-Jul 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 28-Jul 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 29-Jul 0 3 0 12 0 0 0 0 30-Jul 4 1 16 4 0 0 0 0 31-Jul 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 1-Aug 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2-Aug 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 3-Aug 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 6-Aug 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 3-Sep 0 1,702 0 1,753 0 0 0 0 4-Sep 470 18 479 18 0 0 0 0 5-Sep 3 3 12 12 0 0 0 0 6-Sep 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 7-Sep 1 607 4 622 0 0 0 0 8-Sep 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 9-Sep 0 193 0 205 0 0 0 0 10-Sep 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 11-Sep 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 12-Sep 1 3 4 12 0 0 0 0 13-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 0 0 0 14-Sep 0 6 0 24 0 2 0 2 15-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 10 0 10 16-Sep 3 1 12 4 0 1 0 1 17-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 6 0 6 18-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 2 0 2 Total 492 2,591 567 2,882 0 21 0 21 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 148 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix F. The total actual and expanded numbers of adult coho salmon counted moving through the video chute, or counted visually at chute bypasses, in Stream 2003. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Visual-Actual Visual-Expanded Date Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up 24-Jul 4 11 4 11 0 0 0 0 25-Jul 29 13 29 13 0 0 0 0 26-Jul 5 7 5 7 0 0 0 0 27-Jul 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 28-Jul 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 29-Jul 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 30-Jul 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 31-Jul 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3-Aug 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4-Aug 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 5-Aug 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3-Sep 25 682 100 1,261 0 246 0 246 4-Sep 3 7 12 28 0 6 0 6 5-Sep 6 1 24 4 0 0 0 0 6-Sep 11 4 44 16 0 0 0 0 7-Sep 9 48 36 192 0 0 0 0 8-Sep 1 5 4 20 0 0 0 0 9-Sep 0 8 0 32 5 234 5 234 10-Sep 0 6 0 24 1 10 1 22 11-Sep 1 4 4 16 0 0 0 0 12-Sep 1 3 4 12 0 0 0 0 13-Sep 0 7 0 28 0 1 0 2 14-Sep 1 4 4 16 0 1 0 1 15-Sep 1 1 4 4 0 7 0 13 16-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 17-Sep 0 2 0 8 0 1 0 1 18-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 2 0 5 19-Sep 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 20-Sep 0 3 0 12 0 0 0 0 21-Sep 0 4 0 16 0 0 0 0 23-Sep 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 25-Sep 1 2 4 8 0 0 0 0 26-Sep 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 28-Sep 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Total 138 852 324 1,782 6 509 6 531 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 149 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix G. The total actual and expanded numbers of adult coho salmon counted moving through the video chute, or counted visually at chute bypasses, in Stream 2004. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. Video-Actual Video-Expanded Visual-Actual Visual-Expanded Date Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up 3-Sep 4-Sep 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep Total 9 4 6 13 33 11 3 2 16 3 6 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 61 6 1 3 33 5 6 1 4 7 21 3 1 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 36 16 24 52 132 44 12 8 64 12 24 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 0 4 0 244 24 4 12 132 20 24 4 16 28 84 12 4 16 12 12 8 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 175 456 700 1 22 1 26 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 150 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix H. Actual (unexpanded) numbers of fish passing through the video chute, by direction, at the weir at Stream 2002 in the Chuit River drainage, June through September, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. No counts were compiled between August 6 and August 22. Rainbow Dolly 2 Chinook Sockeye Chum Pink trout Varden 1 salmon >100 mm salmon salmon >100 mm salmon Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Date 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 8-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 9-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 10-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 11-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 12-Jun 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 13-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 15-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 16-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 17-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 18-Jun 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 23-Jun 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 26-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 27-Jun 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 29-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 30-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3-Jul 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 7-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12-Jul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 17-Jul 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 18-Jul 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 19-Jul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20-Jul 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 21-Jul LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 151 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix H- Continued. Salmon Trout 2002. Date 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul 1-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 4-Aug 5-Aug 6-Aug 7-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug 30-Aug 31-Aug 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep Chinook salmon1 Up Down 0 1 3 1 19 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 0 5 1 2 0 4 0 5 2 6 2 14 3 5 4 5 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chum salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Sockeye salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pink salmon Up Down 0 0 1 0 12 0 3 2 1 5 19 0 6 1 9 9 4 5 5 5 7 8 3 3 12 0 5 5 7 2 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rainbow trout2 >100 mm Up Down 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 3 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 6 1 6 6 2 3 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 Dolly Varden >100 mm Up Down 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 21 1 3 6 6 2 3 16 5 1 3 1 9 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 3 3 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 0 9 2 5 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 152 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix H- Continued. Salmon Trout 2002. Chinook salmon1 Date Up Down 0 0 11-Sep 12-Sep 13-Sep 16-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep Total 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 31 Chum salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Sockeye salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pink salmon Up Down 0 0 Rainbow trout2 >100 mm Up Down 0 1 Dolly Varden >100 mm Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 1 2 1 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 2 0 0 77 0 0 0 1 0 42 Jack and large Chinook salmon were combined. The direction of one Chinook salmon could not be determined. A single rainbow trout went an indeterminate direction. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 153 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix I. Actual (unexpanded) numbers of fish passing through the video chute, by direction, at the weir at Stream 2003 in the Chuit River drainage, June through September, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. Chinook Dolly Varden Sockeye trout >100 1 salmon salmon Pink salmon mm >100 mm2 Date Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down 30-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2-Jul 3-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 8-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 10-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 14-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 17-Jul 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18-Jul 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 19-Jul 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20-Jul 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21-Jul 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22-Jul 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 23-Jul 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 24-Jul 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-Jul 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 26-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 27-Jul 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28-Jul 8 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 29-Jul 8 7 0 0 1 1 3 0 3 0 30-Jul 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 6 1 2 31-Jul 5 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 1 1-Aug 6 5 0 0 0 0 1 6 4 0 2-Aug 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 17 3-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 19 4-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 4 5-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 154 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix I- Continued. Salmon Trout 2003. Chinook Sockeye salmon1 salmon Pink salmon Date Up Down Up Down Up Down 6-Aug 3 2 0 0 0 0 7-Aug 2 0 0 0 0 0 8-Aug 8 7 0 0 0 0 9-Aug 1 1 0 0 0 0 10-Aug 0 1 0 0 0 0 11-Aug 0 2 0 0 0 0 12-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 13-Aug 0 1 0 0 0 0 14-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-Aug 2 0 0 0 0 0 16-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 19-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 20-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 21-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 22-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 23-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 24-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 26-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 27-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 29-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 31-Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-Sep 0 0 2 0 0 0 5-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-Sep 0 0 1 0 0 0 7-Sep 0 0 2 0 0 0 11-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 12-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 13-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-Sep 0 0 1 0 0 0 18-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Dolly Varden trout >100 mm >100 mm2 Up Down Up Down 3 2 28 6 4 3 6 2 5 3 9 4 5 8 12 3 5 5 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 155 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix I- Continued. Salmon Trout 2003. Chinook Sockeye 1 salmon salmon Pink salmon Date Up Down Up Down Up Down 19-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 21-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 23-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 24-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 26-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 27-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 28-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 29-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-Sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 74 50 6 0 4 3 1 2 Dolly Varden Rainbow trout >100 >100 mm2 Up Down Up Down 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 63 79 174 88 Jack and large Chinook salmon were combined. The direction of one Chinook salmon could not be deternined. The direction of one Dolly Varden could not be determined. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 156 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix J. Actual (unexpanded) numbers of fish passing through the video chute, by direction, at the weir at Stream 2004 in the Chuit River drainage, June through September, 2008. Movement was estimated by a combination of complete hour counts and 15 minute subsample counts. Dolly Varden Rainbow trout 1 2 Chinook salmon Sockeye salmon >100 mm3 >100 mm Date Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down 29-Jun 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 30-Jun 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2-Jul 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 3-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 5-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 6-Jul 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 7-Jul 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 8-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 13-Jul 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 14-Jul 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 15-Jul 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 16-Jul 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 17-Jul 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 18-Jul 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 1 19-Jul 1 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 20-Jul 0 0 0 0 7 12 0 0 21-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 22-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 23-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 24-Jul 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-Jul 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 27-Jul 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 28-Jul 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 29-Jul 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 30-Jul 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 31-Jul 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 157 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix J- Continued. Salmon Trout 2004. 1 Date 1-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 4-Aug 5-Aug 6-Aug 7-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 29-Aug 30-Aug 31-Aug 2-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep 5-Sep Chinook salmon Up Down 1 0 2 1 3 2 8 3 5 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Sockeye salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 6 2 0 0 2 0 0 Rainbow trout >100 mm2 Up Down 2 2 4 0 2 2 4 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 2 2 Dolly Varden >100 mm3 Up Down 3 1 4 6 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 6 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 7 2 4 4 6 7 158 2008 Chuit River Fisheries Monitoring Report – Final Report Appendix J- Continued. Salmon Trout 2004. 1 Date 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep Total 1 2 3 Chinook salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 19 Sockeye salmon Up Down 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 12 Rainbow trout >100 mm2 Up Down 4 2 0 0 1 1 5 2 4 4 0 0 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 121 101 Dolly Varden >100 mm3 Up Down 9 4 5 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 103 55 Large and jack Chinook made up all counts. The direction of three rainbow trout could not be determined. The direction of one Dolly Varden could not be determined. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 159