Participation plan concept 2016.cdr
Participation plan concept 2016.cdr
Tenpin Bowling Australia Participation Plan 2015-2018 Introduction Tenpin bowling con nues to enjoy high par cipa on rates with research indica ng that over 2.5 million Australians bowl at least once a year. But like most sports, the difficulty in a rac ng new people to tradi onal forms of the game such as weekly league compe ons is increasingly challenging. In the 1980's over 100,000 league bowlers took to the lanes weekly for more than 40 weeks of the year - trying to get a lane on a week night was virtually impossible! Fast forward 30 years and that number has declined to around 40,000. Factors such as growth in two income families, closure of day-care facili es in bowling centres, a me poor society and an endless array of entertainment op ons have all contributed to the decline. Growing par cipa on and in par cular developing new and innova ve programs is TBA's most important strategic priority over the next 3 years. For long term growth, coupled with the ability to take a more strategic and less reac onary approach, the sport must find other sources of revenue to supplement tradi onal streams. Government funding and revenue from tradi onal membership capita on models will simply not sustain our organisa on into the future. Virtually all sports have experienced decline in organised par cipa on and we share a common goal of finding new and innova ve ways to get people playing sport whilst understanding the most effec ve ways to engage with par cipants par cularly in the digital space. TBA's Par cipa on Plan 2015-2018 is quite specific and targeted. With limited resources at both the State and Na onal level we simply can't be everything to everybody. This par cipa on plan specifically targets a growth in par cipa on in two key markets: 1. Children 2. People with a Disability Through extensive research commissioned by TBA with the support of the ASC in organisa onal design and junior par cipa on programs we are incredibly op mis c about the future of our sport. Our suite of par cipa on programs under development promises to not only grow par cipa on, but increase our relevance to the bowling industry and provide a new revenue stream for the sport. Cara Honeychurch - Chief Executive Officer Our vision “A life me sport for all Australians that enriches people's lives through the spirit of community” Tenpin Bowling Australia Core Values Education Passion We are proud & dedicated to our sport and community Integrity We uphold the principles of fairness, respect & honesty Performance We perform at the highest level & benchmark against the best We facliitate the sharing of our knowledge, skills, values & beliefs Collaboration We encourage & support others to achieve common outcomes As a community we are fortunate to be part of a lifetime sport that enriches lives... .....but we face profound challenges to ensure continuing relevance and success of tenpin bowling in Australia. As a na on of me poor people we have less me for organised sports Our financial sustainability is an ongoing challenge The cost of building bowling centres will challenge the sports growth Mee ng the demand for coaches & volunteers to grow par cipa on Increasing junior par cipa on in a compe ve market to supplement an ageing member base There is a need to reposi on tenpin bowling as a viable sport and not just an entertainment op on Tenpin Bowling Australia What we know about our sport 2.5 million Australians bowl annually~ Bowling is fun, for all ages, a quality experience, welcoming and accessible~ Tenpin bowling ranks 5th in par cipa on by children aged 5-15 years* Time (39%) and price (26%) are the greatest barriers to increased par cipa on~ 57% of members are over 50 years of age^ 57% of parents & children are interested in par cipa ng in a tenpin bowling program for children aged 6-12# ~Repucom Consumer Research 2013, * Gemba Ac ve Sports Par cipa on 2012, ^TBA Member Survey 2015, #Kine ca Junior Program Development 2015 Tenpin Bowling Australia Participation SWOR Analysis n Inclusive n Limited number of n Strong proprietor support n Rela onship with n SSO's n Inter-genera onal n recogni on n Diversity - gender and age n Perceived as safe, non weather dependent n n n n S STRENGTHS development officers to deploy programs Not financially independent Deployment of services at centre level Lack of visibility at centre level Lack of control over facili es Coaching Development Perceived as mostly an entertainment op on rather than a sport W WEAKNESSES n Spor ng Schools n Ageing n Bowling centre work n n n n n force Appe te for junior program from general public Many children introduced to sport at young age New environments for bowling eg nursing homes and schools Volunteer development program Commercialisa on of programs O OPPORTUNITIES n n n n n membership Players not advoca ng their sport Over reliance on government funding Decrease in league par cipa on Lack of coaches and volunteers to deploy par cipa on programs Changing government priori es R RISKS Participation Pathways - From Sporting Schools to the Pro Tour 3 Showing the world 2 Mastering your skills 1 Fundamentals Pro Tour National Team National Training Squad State Based Training State & National Tournaments League Competition Strike Squad* Bowling 101 Strike Patrol *Coming 2018 Sporting Schools S por ng Schools is a $100 million Australian Government ini a ve designed to help schools to increase children's par cipa on in sport, and to connect children with community sport. In partnership with more than 30 Na onal Spor ng Organisa ons (NSOs), Spor ng Schools will help to coordinate spor ng organisa ons, coaches and teachers to deliver sport before, during and a er school hours. Tenpin Bowling Spor ng Schools is a four week introductory program designed to introduce tenpin bowling with a focus on learning the fundamental skills of the sport in a fun environment. It can be delivered both in school and in a centre, u lising portable lanes and lightweight rubber bowling balls; making it ideal for primary school children aged 7 to 12 years old. The program has been designed to assist both coaches and teachers to conduct quality sessions easily, ensuring ongoing par cipa on, skill development, achievement and learning. Spor ng Schools is the cri cal first step in the par cipa on pathway for children. With at least one session of SSP taking part in a bowling centre, the program allows children to experience the sport not only in a modified form but also on full length lanes using real bowling balls. It also provides the opportunity to create a link between local schools and the bowling centre and leads into our new in centre Junior Par cipa on Program “Strike Patrol”. W ith a completely unique approach to program development, TBA is excited to pilot Strike Patrol; an 8 week in centre junior program for children aged 6-12 in term 3 2016 with a na onal launch planned for February 2017. Strike Patrol was developed based on consumer driven research to understand the needs and desires of children and their parents rather than the tradi onal approach of taking an exis ng program and asking consumers to adapt to the sport’s offering. Challenging what were considered sacred elements of the sport, Strike Patrol introduces a simplified, shorter game with new scoring rules on shortened lanes. Gone are the bumpers – this is about challenging children and rewarding achievement, whilst recognising the need for children to be with their friends and learn in a fun way is crucial. Partly funded by the ASC, this project not only allows for significant par cipa on growth in primary school aged children, this is an important case study for the ASC and other NSO's to understand what can be achieved when programs are developed allowing the needs of the consumer to drive program outcomes rather than those of the sport. By 2018, we expect over 15,000 children in over 70 venues will have par cipated in the program. T BA has had a strong focus and commitment on increasing par cipa on for people with a disability (PWD) since 2012. The Bowling 101 program was developed in 2014 to introduce the sport to new par cipants as well as develop the fundamental skills of current bowlers with a disability. Bowling 101 consists of eight sessions at a bowling centre that steadily introduce new skills each week. The emphasis of the program is for par cipants to have fun, learn new skills and improve their bowling. Delivered by accredited instructors, coaches follow a structured plan to ensure par cipants constantly improve their skills but most importantly enjoy the experience. Whilst TBA is commi ed to growing par cipa on in the disability sector, our ability to achieve our par cipa on goals is uncertain if tenpin bowling remains as a Category D sport due to a significant drop in funding. TBA is currently awai ng the outcome of a recent ASC par cipa on audit. How will we Measure Success in 2018 In three years, participation in the sport of tenpin bowling will be vastly different from what it is today. Whilst traditional participation pathways will always be a focus, TBA will be an innovator of new products and a valued partner of the industry that drives new forms of participation in new markets. Increase Member Engagement for Future Growth Increase Participation in Targeted Groups Develop Volunteers and Coaches n All league par cipants contribute n Increase number of schools involved n Increase coaching workforce to financially to the sport n Con nue to add relevant, compelling benefits for members n Increase engagement with members that fosters spirit of community n Develop, educate and grow capabili es of Local Associa ons support par cipa on outcomes n Create a volunteer development & recogni on program n in Spor ng Schools across all States & Territories Complete development and na onal launch of Strike Patrol Commercialise Strike Patrol to allow for further par cipa on investment Planning commenced for the follow on program to Strike Patrol Consolidate and grow Bowling 101 to increase par cipa on for people with disability Success measures Success measures Success measures n 40,000 full ac ve members by n 300 Spor ng Schools programs n 500 accredited coaches n 200 accredited managers n Create a volunteer 2018 n Move to ASC Category C sport n Achieve targets in Communica on Plan through delivering the right message to the right audience at the right me n 75% of registered bowling centres have local/regional associa ons delivering sport services n n n delivered annually to 6,000 children na onally n 15,000 par cipants of Strike Patrol by 2018 run in over 70 venues n 25,000 par cipants for people with a disability that bowl regularly *minimum 12 mes p.a. development program that assists in the reten on and a rac on of volunteers Tenpin Bowling Australia Coach Accreditation Levels Level 1 Certification Bronze Certification Silver Certification Purpose Coaches gain basic knowledge & skills to deliver beginner bowling programs. Target Centre staff, School teachers, Carers & Volunteers Purpose An intermediate program for those coaching the fundamentals on a more ongoing basis. Target Bowling centre & Local Representa ve team coaches Purpose An advanced program for coaches of elite athletes & those coaching at State and Na onal team level Target Coaches of HP athletes, State & Na onal Team coaches “A life me sport for all Australians that enriches people's lives through the spirit of community” QUEENSLAND NORTHERN TERRITORY NEW SOUTH WALES VICTORIA TASMANIA WESTERN AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA A.C.T