Charging Station Analysis iCAST Task 21: Identify charging station
Charging Station Analysis iCAST Task 21: Identify charging station
Task 21 Final Report Charging Station Analysis iCAST Task 21: Identify charging station sites July 27, 2012 Abigail Clarke-Sather Sarah Blok Nathan Knowles Diane Hildebrand David Rogers Sidharth Modi Ryan Citroen Kevin Brooks James Tyson 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction and Initial Assumptions 3 Electric Vehicle Sales Projections 3.1 Methodology for EV Sales Projections 3.2 EV Sales Projections Used in This Report 4 Charging Station Projections of Numbers and Distribution by Location Category 4.1 Allocation of Charging Stations by Location Category 4.2 Distribution of Charging Stations at Home 4.3 Distribution of Charging Stations at Work 4.4 Distribution of Charging Stations at Public Attractions iCAST Page |1 Task 21 5 Final Report Distribution Maps of Charging Station Projections by Census Tract, Zip Code and County 5.1 6 Current EVSE Locations in Colorado Resources Cited 6.1 Other Resources of Interest 1 Executive Summary This report makes projections of the numbers and distribution of electric vehicle charging stations (EVSE) in Colorado for the years 2015 and 2025. The projected distribution of EVSE is divided into three categories: home, work, and public, and mapped by county, Zip code, and census tract. Three scenarios are used to forecast the number of charging stations based on low, medium, and high adoption rates of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). In this report, the terms EV and PEV are synonymous and include battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Charging station projections developed in this report are summarized in Table 1: Table 1: Summary of the projected number of charging stations by adoption scenario and location category 2015 2025 Low Medium High Low Medium High Home 28,120 34,766 Public 3,596 4,512 5,481 13,787 38,500 62,775 Work 2,989 3,682 4,491 11,039 30,321 47,380 Total 34,705 42,960 42,392 104,026 288,156 471,507 52,364 128,852 356,977 581,662 As Table 1 indicates, about 80% of charging stations will be located at home, where most charging will occur. Most of the charging stations are projected to be distributed along the I-25 and I-70 corridors and concentrated in the nine-county territory of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. iCAST Page |2 Task 21 Final Report The myriad and complex factors that affect where and how many charging stations will be installed in Colorado in 2015 and 2025 include the following: Charging station technology, cost, and accessibility Electric vehicle technology, range, and cost Commuting and travel patterns of EV owners Demographic profiles of EV owners Population growth Fuel prices Government policies and incentives Automakers’ priorities and marketing strategies Other market drivers To account for these factors, this report relies on numerous models of EV sales projections and extensive research on the demographics of EV owners, charging station technologies, and government and commercial EV development strategies. The EVSE projections are also derived from extensive data on current charging station locations and hybrid vehicle registrations, regional travel patterns, demographic statistics, and census data and growth rates of population, employment, and business establishments. The data sources, assumptions, and methodologies are described in this report. In the methodology developed by iCAST, the distribution of the projected number of charging stations was determined by first mapping the estimated distribution of EV ownership over the forecast period. This was calculated by applying a demographic profile to census data to estimate the probability of EV ownership by census tract. Next, information about projected travel patterns, commuting distances, and employment densities was used to map commuting zones by Zip code around the areas of high EV ownership. The projected distribution of charging stations was mapped according to the probability of EV ownership in the commuting zones, as well as public attractions, such as airports, major highways, and state and national parks. This report assumes that, for every 100 plug-in electric vehicles, there will be 100 homes with charging stations and, on average, 10 private commercial charging stations, and 20 public charging stations. This report assumes those ratios will stay the same over the forecast periods. The charging station projections were mapped into a geographic information system. The distribution maps and tables of the charging station projections are presented at the end of the report according to forecast year and EV adoption rate scenario for each location category (home, work, and public). The projected distribution of the charging stations is resolved into 64 Colorado counties for all scenarios. Except for the 2025 High adoption rate scenario, the projected iCAST Page |3 Task 21 Final Report distribution of household charging stations is resolved into 1249 Colorado census tracts, whereas the distribution of public and work-based stations is resolved into 460 Colorado Zip codes to maintain consistency with the data sources. No attempts were made at “micro-siting” the electric vehicle supply equipment beyond the census tracts and Zip codes. Forecast calculations for 2025 include county-level growth rate projections for population and employment, but 2015 forecasts apply EV adoption rate projections to 2009 and 2012 population and employment statistics without applying county-level growth rate projections. Forecasts of the numbers and distribution of EVSE can be used to estimate the requirements for grid upgrades, coordinate transportation strategies, and aid in developing EV incentive programs on a regional basis. EV and EVSE technologies are considered to be in the early adoption stage and developing rapidly, especially with respect to vehicle range and rapid charging technologies and standards, which could have the greatest impact on requirements for grid upgrades. The large uncertainties inherent in predicting technological advancement translate into the wide differential in EV sales projections and the corresponding number of charging stations in 2025. The low scenario for 2025 represents an optimistic baseline projection with high oil prices, while the high scenario represents an aggressive forecast that requires supportive policies and EV market stimulus. In all scenarios, household charging stations comprise at least 80% of all EVSEs, but no distinction is made of how many of those will include dedicated EV supply equipment, whereas most owners may simply plug in to a standard electrical outlet. Projections of the numbers and distribution of public and work-based charging stations are most important for the purposes of public planning. Combined projections of public and workbased charging stations in Colorado range from 6,600 to 10,000 in 2015, and 25,000 to 110,000 in 2025. Of particular interest in this project is the forecasted number of public charging stations based on trip purpose, presented in Table 2. These forecasts are derived from data in the Front Range Travel Counts survey, provided by DRCOG. The projections are based on trip frequency by purpose, dwell time, and other assumptions as described in section 4.4, which also breaks down the numbers and distribution of EVSE in the transit category according to highways, airports, and RTD Park-n-Rides. The estimates in Table 2 assume that public charging stations will primarily utilize a technology like DC fast charging (DCFC) that will charge an electric vehicle to 80% of capacity in under 30 minutes. This assumption may be too optimistic for 2015 since fast charging technology iCAST Page |4 Task 21 Final Report is still in the process of standardization and adoption by automakers, and access to rapid charging stations may be very limited. Table 2: Percentages and projected number of public charging stations in Colorado according to trip purpose 2015 % of EVSE Shopping Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High 41% 1,482 1,857 2,257 5,661 15,825 25,776 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 17% 611 767 932 2,344 6,545 10,672 Parks 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 Health Care Facilities 9% 324 406 493 1,241 3,465 5,650 Civic and Religious Organizations 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 15% 539 677 822 2,068 5,775 9,416 6% 208 263 319 818 2,271 3,729 100% 3,596 4,512 5,481 13,787 38,500 62,775 Schools Restaurants Indoor Entertainment Transit Total 2 Introduction and Initial Assumptions This report makes projections of the numbers and distribution of electric vehicle supply equipment, also referred to as EVSE or charging stations, in Colorado to the years 2015 and 2025, and maps the projected distribution by county, Zip code, or census tract, depending on the location category (home, work, or public) and data sources. Projections of the number of EV charging stations are derived from sales projections and the total number of electric vehicles expected to be in use in 2015 and 2025. The EV sales projections include low, medium, and high sales scenarios. A report by the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) derives and explains the three sales scenarios and the projections for Colorado, which are summarized in Section 3. Sales projections include all light-duty vehicles that are also plug-in electric vehicles (PEV), including battery electric vehicles (BEV), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). It is assumed that electric vehicles will spend most of the time charging at home, some time charging at work, and the least time charging in public locations. The ratios of charging times at private commercial and public charging stations are assumed to iCAST Page |5 Task 21 Final Report increase from 2015 to 2025 as the adoption of rapid charging technology increases, as indicated in Table 3. Table 3: Estimated percentage of time electric vehicles spend charging in each location category Charging Location 2015 2025 Home 75-95% 60-75% Work 5-20% 15-35% Public 0-5% 5-10% Despite these ratios, research indicates that planning agencies expect more charging stations to be located in public locations than private commercial (work-based) locations. In this report, forecasts to 2015 and 2025 assume that there will be one household charging station for each electric vehicle, one public charging station for every five EVs, and one private commercial charging station for every ten EVs. Workbased and public charging stations are assumed to have only dedicated EV charging equipment, although no such distinction is made for home charging stations, where most owners may simply plug in to a standard electrical outlet. Nevertheless, these household stations are included in the collective references to electric vehicle supply equipment and the projected numbers of household EVSE. The future of technological development in electric vehicles and EVSE plays a critical role in the projections in this report. Electric vehicles are still a nascent technology in several important ways, including rapid charging technologies. The progress of rapid charging technologies like DC Fast Charging (DCFC), which appears to be emerging as an industry standard, will strongly influence EV adoption rates, requirements for gird upgrades, and access to charging stations, particularly in public locations. It is assumed that widespread adoption of DCFC technology would enable a much larger number of public charging stations, as in the High sales scenario. Table 4 shows PEV models available in the U.S. market today, with the supported charging technologies. Level I charging includes standard, 120 V AC electric outlets. Level II includes 240 V AC electric outlets. iCAST Page |6 Task 21 Final Report Table 4: Current PEV models Make Model Vehicle Class Year Introduced Charging Level Support1 Cost Type Ford2 Focus Hatchback Early 2012 $41,000 I/ II EV Mitsubishi3 i (iMiev) Hatchback Dec-2011 $29,125 I/ II/ DCFC EV Nissan4 Leaf Hatchback Dec-2010 $35,200 I/ II/ DCFC5 EV Tesla6 Model S Full Size Mid 2012 $57,400 I/ II EV Tesla7 Roadster Small Dec-2011 $109,000 I/ II EV Chevrolet8 Volt Compact Dec-2011 $44,600 I/ II PHEV Toyota9 Prius Hatchback Jan-2012 $32,000 I PHEV Section 4 describes how the EV sales projections were translated into the projected distribution of charging stations by county, Zip code, and census tract. Calculations of the final projections of the numbers and distribution of EV charging stations in Colorado are based on numerous data sources and assumptions. Research on the demographic characteristics of hybrid vehicle owners was combined with demographic data and population growth projections to map the projected distribution of household charging stations by census tract. Census data on employment and business growth patterns was used to map the projected distribution of work-based charging stations by Zip code. These data were combined with a study on travel patterns and traffic projections in Colorado to map the projected distribution of public charging stations by Zip code. Section 5 presents maps of the projected distributions by year, location category (home, work, and public) and projection scenario (low, medium, and high). 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 iCAST Page |7 Task 21 Final Report 3 Electric Vehicle Sales Projections The projected numbers of EV charging stations are derived from sales projections and the total number of electric vehicles expected to be in use in 2015 and 2025. The EV projections used in this report were developed in a report by the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)10 that includes projections of EV adoption rates for three market scenarios for Colorado. Sales projections include low, medium, and high EV adoption scenarios and comprise all plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) in the light-duty vehicle fleet, including battery electric vehicles (BEV), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). SWEEP derived the three EV adoption scenarios from reports by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the California Air Resources Board (ARB). 3.1 Methodology for EV Sales Projections SWEEP initially examined five scenarios for EV adoption rates in Colorado, which were developed from three government reports that evaluated national trends, policies, and strategies in EV sales and markets, and distilled them into the three EV adoption scenarios used in this report. Table 5 and Table 6 respectively show projections of the Colorado annual electric vehicle sales and the total number of electric vehicles in the Colorado light-duty vehicle fleet, based on the five scenarios. The Baseline and High Oil Price scenarios from the EIA are derived from the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook report, which assumes that the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards and other policies will remain the same throughout the projection period. To convert the EIA’s projections for the Mountain Census Division to Colorado projections, SWEEP determined the number of registered vehicles in each state of the mountain division and calculated the ratio of registered vehicles in Colorado (24.1%). That ratio was applied to the EIA data to determine the projected EV sales and total electric vehicles in Colorado for the Baseline and High Oil Price scenarios. 10 SWEEP. Robert E. Yuhnke and Mike Salisbury. 2011. “Electric Vehicles Can Buffer Colorado From The Economic Shocks Of Rising Fuel Prices, Create Jobs And Reduce Pollution Control Costs”. Southwest Energy Efficiency Project. Colorado Public Utilities Commission Docket No.11I-704EG. iCAST Page |8 Task 21 Final Report Table 5: Colorado annual EV sales projections for five scenarios of EV adoption 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Baseline (EIA)11 2,482 3,211 6,307 9,298 11,780 High Oil Price (EIA)12 5,899 6,036 11,282 15,363 19,807 ZEV Proposal (ARB)13 4,914 20,436 33,281 37,133 40,372 Aggressive Marketing (EPA)14 5,899 25,941 61,236 97,604 133,409 Very Aggressive Marketing (EPA)15 8,642 46,929 96,227 159,421 224,522 Table 6: Projected number of EVs in Colorado’s light duty fleet 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 8,365 21,583 45,887 80,788 121,811 High Oil Price (EIA) 26,130 53,702 98,073 146,754 208,428 ZEV Proposal (ARB) 8,512 71,030 217,481 391,773 539,960 Baseline (EIA) Aggressive Marketing (EPA) 26,130 101,836 334,411 Very Aggressive Marketing (EPA) 28,872 172,379 557,716 1,191,218 2,074,903 701,807 1,241,887 The ZEV Proposal scenario is derived from California’s Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Program, which requires an increasing percentage of annual vehicle sales to be PEVs, according to the following schedule: 11 EIA. 2011 AEO Supplemental Tables: Light-Duty Vehicle Sales by Technology Type: Table 55: Mountain. 12 EIA. 2011 AEO Data Tables: High Oil Price: Table 48: Light-Duty Vehicle Sales by Technology Type-Mountain. 13 14 , ff. 13. 15 Ibid. iCAST Page |9 Task 21 2012 to 2014: Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) 0.2% Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) 0.3% 2015 to 2017: 0.9% 1.1% 2018: 1.2% 4.1% 2025: 4.4% 7.0% Final Report To apply this schedule to Colorado EV sales projections, SWEEP used the EIA’s annual sales projections for all light-duty vehicles in the Mountain Census Division to determine annual per capita sales, and applied the ZEV Program schedule to the total projected light-duty vehicle sales in Colorado. The Aggressive Marketing and Very Aggressive Marketing scenarios were developed by the EPA in their analysis of strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. In the EPA analysis, PEVs would compose 14% of the U.S. lightduty vehicle fleet by 2030 under the Aggressive Marketing scenario and 21% of the fleet by 2030 under the Very Aggressive Scenario. SWEEP projected these estimates backwards to calculate the percentage of vehicle sales and total vehicles in Colorado consisting of PEVs for each year from 2012 to 2030. 3.2 EV Sales Projections Used in This Report SWEEP simplified the five scenarios by applying the annual EV sales projections for the EIA’s High Oil Price scenario to the Low EV adoption rate scenario, and applying the annual EV sales projections for the EPA’s Aggressive scenario to the High EV adoption rate scenario. The Medium EV adoption rate scenario is an average of the High and Low scenarios. Table 7 depicts the projected annual EV sales and total number of electric vehicles in Colorado as estimated by SWEEP. Table 7: SWEEP's projections of EV sales and vehicles in Colorado 2015 Low % of Ann. Sales Total EVs iCAST Medium 2025 High Low Medium High 2.3% 4.3% 6.3% 3.9% 13.0% 22.1% 27,677 34,747 41,818 103,881 287,679 471,477 P a g e | 10 Task 21 Final Report In SWEEP’s projections, the total number of electric vehicles in the High EV adoption rate scenario represents 1.0% of all light-duty vehicles in Colorado in 2015 (4.2 million vehicles) and 10.2% in 2025 (4.7 million vehicles). To determine forecasts of the numbers and distribution of EV charging stations in Colorado, iCAST used SWEEP’s projections of the total number of electric vehicles as target values and mapped EV ownership across Colorado based on demographic profiles of EV owners, census data, demographic projections, and growth rates. This mapping process produced slightly different projections of EV ownership rates in Colorado. iCAST used the new projections and mapping information to determine the numbers and distribution of EV charging stations according to each location category (home, work, or public). iCAST assumed that there will be one home-based charging station for each electric vehicle, one public charging station for every five EVs, and one work-based charging station for every ten EVs. Table 8 shows the total number of home, work, and public charging stations (EVSE) in Colorado that were mapped for this report. Table 8: Total projected number of EV charging stations in Colorado 2015 Low Total # of EVSE 34,705 Medium 42,960 2025 High 52,364 Low 128,852 Medium 356,977 High 581,662 4 Charging Station Projections of Numbers and Distribution by Location Category This section describes the results and methodologies used to forecast the regional numbers and distribution of charging stations by year, location category (home, work, and public) and projection scenario (low, medium, and high). Starting with the projections of the total number of electric vehicles from SWEEP, iCAST developed a methodology to map the projected distribution of EV ownership across Colorado on a regional basis along with the corresponding supply equipment for each location category. The methodology is based on research that indicates that owners of plug-in electric vehicles, including BEVs and PHEVs, will match the demographic profile of early adopters of hybrid electric vehicles. The research also indicates that, for every 100 plug-in electric vehicles, there will be 100 homes with charging stations and, on average, 10 private commercial charging stations, and 20 public charging stations. This report assumes those ratios will stay the same over the forecast periods, although access to rapid charging stations in public locations is expected to be very limited in iCAST P a g e | 11 Task 21 Final Report 2015 since rapid charging technology is still in the process of standardization and adoption by automakers. EV owners are expected to spend more time charging their vehicles at work-based and public charging stations in 2025 than in 2015, especially as the adoption of rapid charging technology increases, as indicated in Table 9. Table 9: Estimated percentage of time electric vehicles spend charging in each location category Charging Location 2015 2025 Home 75-95% 60-75% Work 5-20% 15-35% Public 0-5% 5-10% The methodology developed by iCAST maps the projected distribution of the charging stations for each location category and EV adoption scenario by census tract, Zip code, and county, in accordance with the data sources for the projections. Forecast calculations for 2025 combine county-level growth rate projections for population and employment with the EV adoption rate projections, but 2015 forecasts apply EV adoption rate projections to 2009 and 2012 census statistics without applying countylevel growth rate projections. The methodology applied data from the following sources: Demographic surveys from research institutions; Business, employment, and demographic statistics from the U.S. Census and the Colorado State Demography Office; Voter registration data from the Colorado Secretary of State; Vehicle registration data from the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles; Travel survey statistics from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Federal Highway Administration; and Various other statistics from CDOT, the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and the Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD) 4.1 Allocation of Charging Stations by Location Category Assumptions about the locations of charging stations heavily influence the projections of the numbers and distribution of EVSE. Assumptions about the ratios of charging stations among the household, work-based, and public charging station categories are based on three primary sources. iCAST P a g e | 12 Task 21 Final Report A report by Kurani et al16 indicates that the ability to charge electric vehicles at home is an essential feature. Several other sources also indicate that most EV charging will occur overnight at home. This report assumes that every electric vehicle will have an associated home charging station, although no distinction is made between dedicated electric vehicle supply equipment in the home and customers who simply plug in to a wall outlet (AC Level I charging). The U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory has been collecting data about EV charging station infrastructure and usage through projects such as the ChargePoint America Program 17 . Data in the summary reports from this program 18 indicate that the ratio of the number of private commercial charging stations to the number of electric vehicles in the dataset ranged from 8% to 12%. This report assumes that there will be one private commercial (“work”) charging station for every 10 electric vehicles and this ratio will remain constant over the forecasting period to 2025. In a report by the California Energy Commission 19 , the California Public Utilities Commission (CA PUC) states their assumptions for infrastructure planning purposes in which two public charging stations will be installed per 10 electric vehicles. This report uses the same ratio and assumes it will remain constant over the forecasting period. Table 10 shows the projected number of charging stations by location category and scenario as estimated by applying the above ratios to SWEEP’s EV sales projections. iCAST used these numbers as target values to map the distribution of charging stations 16 Kurani, Kenneth S., Turrentine, Thomas and Daniel Sperling. 1996. “Testing Electric Vehicle Demand in ‘Hybrid Households’ Using A Reflexive Survey” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 1(2):131-150. 17 18 19 California Energy Commission, 2011. 2011-2012 INVESTMENT PLAN FOR THE ALTERNATIVE AND RENEWABLE FUEL AND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM, Available at: [Accessed March 6, 2012]. iCAST P a g e | 13 Task 21 Final Report by location category across Colorado. The methodology used in mapping the distribution of charging stations resulted in slightly different values for the number of charging stations, shown in Table 11. Table 10: Projected number of EVSE by location category, based on SWEEP’s EV sales projections 2015 Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High Home 27,677 34,747 41,818 103,881 287,679 471,477 Public 5,535 6,949 8,364 20,776 57,536 94,295 Work 2,768 3,475 4,182 10,388 28,768 47,148 Total 35,980 45,171 54,364 135,045 373,983 612,920 Table 11: Total projected number of EVSE by location category, represented in the distribution maps in this report 2015 Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High Home 28,120 34,766 42,392 104,026 288,156 471,507 Public 3,596 4,512 5,481 13,787 38,500 62,775 Work 2,989 3,682 4,491 11,039 30,321 47,380 Total 34,705 42,960 52,364 128,852 356,977 581,662 In the methodology developed by iCAST, the distribution of the projected number of charging stations was determined by first mapping the estimated distribution of EV ownership over the forecast period. This was calculated by applying a demographic profile to census data to forecast the probability of EV ownership by census tract. The iCAST P a g e | 14 Task 21 Final Report demographic profile was derived from a report by Scarborough Research 20 , which characterizes owners of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). This report assumes that, throughout the forecast period, purchasers of plug-in electric vehicles will match the demographic profile of HEV owners from the Scarborough report. The demographic profile is summarized in Table 12. Table 12: Demographic profile of HEV owners Metric 21 Percentage Criteria Income Level 42% > $100,000 Education 56% 4-year college degree or higher Age 55% 50 or older Political Affiliation 38% 14% 34% 15% Democrat Republican Independent Unaffiliated # of Vehicles Most 2 or more Physically Active Most Bicyclists and athletic club members Once the projected distribution of EV ownership was forecasted by census tract, information about projected travel patterns, commuting distances, and employment densities was used to map commuting zones by Zip code around the areas of high EV ownership. The projected distribution of charging stations was mapped by location category according to the probability of EV ownership and employment in the commuting zones, as well as the occurrence of public attractions, such as airports, major highways, and state and national parks. 20 Scarborough Research. 2007. “Hybrid Vehicle Owners are Wealthy, Active, Educated, Overwhelmingly Democratic, According to Scarborough Research”. Scarborough USA + study, Release 1, 2007. 21 Ibid. iCAST P a g e | 15 Task 21 Final Report 4.2 Distribution of Charging Stations at Home In the methodology used to forecast the distribution of EV ownership, iCAST used the demographic profile of hybrid vehicle owners from the Scarborough report to filter demographic statistics and estimate the probability of electric vehicle ownership by census tract. A threshold value was used to adjust the sensitivity of the data filter for each EV adoption rate scenario to match the projected number of EV owners with the EV sales projections developed by SWEEP. Demographic statistics and growth projections were obtained from the U.S. Census (2010 Census) and the State Demography Office (SDO) (2012 data) at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, and voter registration data were obtained from the Colorado Secretary of State (2012 data). According to the methodology, iCAST applied the percentages from the Scarborough report to predict the census tracts with the highest occurrence of older, wealthy, educated residents. For each of the 1,249 census tracts in Colorado, the number of households with the appropriate income, education, and age were multiplied by the corresponding percentages from the report. The least of the three resulting numbers was selected for each tract. This number was multiplied by the percentage of Colorado households with two or more cars, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Next, the resulting number was multiplied by the percentage of registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, the percentage of Republicans and Republicanleaning independents, and the percentage of all independent and unaffiliated voters. The percentages of registered voters were added together to obtain a probability value for each census tract. A threshold value was chosen for each EV adoption rate scenario (low, medium, and high) to match closely the total calculated number of EV owners with the total number of projected owners from SWEEP. If the probability value for a particular census tract was smaller than the threshold value, that tract was assumed to contain no EV owners. This methodology was used to forecast the distribution of EV ownership and corresponding household EVSE by census tract to 2015. For the 2025 forecast, annual demographic data from the State Demography Office for years 2000 to 2010 were used to predict population growth for each county to 2025. This county growth rate was applied to each census tract and the methodology was repeated using the 2025 projections from SWEEP. This methodology could not calculate enough EV owners for the 2025 High scenario. Consequently, iCAST added data for 2010 county-level hybrid vehicle registrations from CDOT to forecast the distribution of EV owners and household EVSE for the 2025 High scenario on a county-level basis only. For the 2025 iCAST P a g e | 16 Task 21 Final Report projections, if population growth-rate projections were negative, it was assumed the number of EV owners would be the same as 2015. 4.3 Distribution of Charging Stations at Work The projected distribution of private commercial charging stations was determined by forecasting employee density by Zip code and mapping commuting zones around the projected distribution of household charging stations. Data on the average commuting distances were obtained from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey by the Federal Highway Administration and the 2010 data from the Front Range Travel Counts survey from the Colorado Department of Transportation. The CDOT data was acquired from DRCOG. The average commuting distances are summarized in Table 13. The average commuting distance for the Front Range was applied to Zip codes in Front Range counties and the average commuting distance for the U.S. was used for other counties in Colorado. The projected distribution of business establishments was based on 2009 data from the Zip Code Business Patterns database of the U.S. Census Bureau 22 . Employment projections and distribution data used in the 2025 projections were obtained from the 2011 dataset of the State Demography Office at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs23. The distribution of private commercial charging stations by Zip code and commuting zone is based on the distribution of household charging stations by census tract. County boundaries coincide with census tract boundaries but Zip code boundaries and commuting zones do not. The statistical contribution from the Zip code that overlapped the county or commuting zone boundaries was allocated according to the proportional area of the Zip code in the corresponding boundaries. The business and employment statistics were used to forecast the probability value for private commercial charging stations in each Zip code, which was then compared to a threshold value for each EV adoption rate scenario. If the probability value for a particular Zip code was smaller than 22 23 Colorado State Demography Office, The Economy and Labor Force, Economic Forecasts. iCAST P a g e | 17 Task 21 Final Report the threshold value, that Zip code was assumed to contain no workplace charging stations. Similarly to the 2025 projections for the distribution of household charging stations, 2025 projections for the distribution of private commercial charging stations included employment growth projections by county from the 2012 dataset from the State Demography Office24. These growth projections were used to forecast the number of employees by Zip code for 2025, but not for 2015, which applied the target numbers to the 2009 Zip Code Business Patterns data. Table 13: Average commuting distances collected by various Colorado Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) Location US North Front Range MPO Denver (DRCOG) Pikes Peak Area (PPACG) Pueblo (PACOG) Average Front Range Miles25 12.09 8.2 8.2 7.0 6.8 8.0 Information Source Highlights of the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Front Range Travel Counts survey data Front Range Travel Counts survey data Front Range Travel Counts survey data Front Range Travel Counts survey data Front Range Travel Counts survey data Details p.48 Table 2726 From 6/20/2011 Media Release written by Kitty Clemens27 From 6/20/2011 Media Release written by Kitty Clemens28 From 6/20/2011 Media Release written by Kitty Clemens29 From 6/20/2011 Media Release written by Kitty Clemens30 From 6/20/2011 Media Release written by Kitty Clemens31 24 Ibid. One-way commuting distance in miles 26 27 Media release acquired from Suzanne Childress of DRCOG via email 28 Ibid 29 Ibid 30 Ibid 31 Ibid 25 iCAST P a g e | 18 Task 21 Final Report 4.4 Distribution of Charging Stations at Public Attractions Public attractions were defined using data from the Front Range Travel Counts survey data about trip purpose and duration of time parked, which is also called dwell time ( iCAST P a g e | 19 Task 21 Final Report Table 14). Although this data only represents residents of DRCOG territory, it is assumed that their trip purposes and durations were applicable to all of Colorado. Trip purposes were translated into locations. Only trips with adequate average dwell times to charge a Nissan Leaf using rapid charging32 were deemed sufficient to warrant the use of an EVSE. Trip purposes were ignored if they lacked a definable destination. 32 Dwell time of more than 24 minutes, based on the time needed to charge 80% of the capacity of a 24 kWh battery bank using Level 3 DC fast charging. iCAST P a g e | 20 Task 21 Final Report Table 14: Trip purpose, percentage of total trips and duration of trips from Front Range Travel Counts survey Trip Purpose % of Total Vehicle Trips Average Dwell Time per Purpose (Minutes) Working at home 1.57% 565.6 Shopping (online, phone, etc.) 0.05% 563.0 Online School Activities 0.12% 517.8 All other Home Activities 32.44% 443.0 Attending Class 0.91% 403.5 Other Specify 0.13% 388.5 Work/Job 13.85% 385.3 Loop Trip 0.03% 346.3 All other School Activities 0.10% 203.8 Visit Friends/Relative 2.58% 179.2 Work/Business Related 4.90% 149.0 All other Activities at Work 0.47% 113.3 Outdoor Rec/Entertainment 0.92% 110.3 Indoor Rec/Entertainment 3.64% 108.5 Personal Business 2.57% 105.6 Civic/Religious Activities 0.98% 104.4 Health Care 2.23% 85.9 Eat Outside of Home 4.10% 59.3 Shopping for Major Purchases 1.11% 33.8 Routine Shopping 9.82% 31.8 Household Errands 4.06% 21.5 Service Private Vehicle 1.47% 16.7 Other Activities While Traveling 0.10% 12.7 Picked Up Passenger 4.45% 10.9 Change Type of Transportation 0.98% 7.8 Drop off Passenger from Car 4.97% 6.7 Drive-Through 1.46% 6.2 iCAST P a g e | 21 Task 21 Final Report Table 15 lists the location categories that were selected as potential EVSE sites based on suitable dwell times. The projected number of EVSE at each location category is calculated from the percent of total vehicle trips. The Transit category was added to the selected location categories to acknowledge the utility of having EVSE in places where a driver can switch transit modes such as parking at an airport or parking at a park-nride. Transit received a similar percentage allocation of EVSE as the other categories with low percentages (6%). Table 15: Percentages and projected number of public charging stations in Colorado according to trip purpose 2015 % of EVSE Shopping Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High 41% 1,482 1,857 2,257 5,661 15,825 25,776 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 17% 611 767 932 2,344 6,545 10,672 Parks 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 Health Care Facilities 9% 324 406 493 1,241 3,465 5,650 Civic and Religious Organizations 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 15% 539 677 822 2,068 5,775 9,416 6% 208 263 319 818 2,271 3,729 100% 3,596 4,512 5,481 13,787 38,500 62,775 Schools Restaurants Indoor Entertainment Transit Total For all but two categories, the number of Colorado establishments by NAICS code, from the 2009 Business Patterns Survey, were used to determine the number of establishments in a certain zip code. For example, the NAICS categories, 44-45: Retail Trade, were used to define the number of shops or retail establishments. The total number of Shops EVSE were allocated to a particular zip code for each scenario by the percentage of retail establishments in the zip code relative to all zip codes in Colorado. Other relevant NAICS codes were identified for all categories except parks and transit (Table 16). iCAST P a g e | 22 Task 21 Final Report Table 16: Public Attractions categories and relevant NAICS codes from 2009 Zip Code Business Patterns NAICS codes Shops 44-45 NAICS code names Retail Trade Schools 61 Educational Services Restaurants 72 Accommodation & Food Services Health Care Facilities 62 Healthcare Civic and Religious Organizations 813 Religious; Political; Professional; Civic and Social; and Social Advocacy organizations etc. Indoor Entertainment 71 Arts Entertainment Recreation For the parks category, visitation numbers for National Parks in Colorado33, per vehicle expenditures, and total expenditures for 2008 to 2009 in areas near Colorado State Parks34 were used to roughly identify the number of vehicles visiting state parks. The National Parks visitation data for 2009 was used instead of 2011 or 2012 (the most recent data available) in order to better match the available state parks information. The Mean Vehicle occupation for Social/Recreation purposes of 2.21 persons per vehicle from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey was used to convert the National Parks visitation statistics into number of vehicles visiting National Parks. The zip code of each park was identified by their main mailing address. Parks EVSE were allocated by the percentage of vehicles visiting a particular zip code relative to total visitation of state and national parks in all zip codes in Colorado. For the transit category, all available information was utilized. Transit EVSE can be divided into three categories, highways, park-n-rides, and airports. Each of these categories, had visitor or usage information available. Transit EVSE was assumed to be located along Colorado highways, from interstates to local (Figure 1). Highway 33 Reports tab YTD State Reports Corona Research. COLORADO STATE PARKS MARKETING ASSESSMENT VISITOR SPENDING ANALYSIS, 2008-2009 Available from 34 iCAST P a g e | 23 Task 21 Final Report mileage information and road types for Colorado came from CDOT 35 . It was assumed that drivers would need to stop and recharge when their batteries were at 10% capacity. Based on the Nissan Leaf, that is approximately every 63 miles. For the CDOT Function Classes of roads 1 to 7, 144 Highway EVSE are required for the entire state of Colorado. It is beyond the scope of this analysis to suggest actual sites for where these EVSE would be located on Colorado highways. However, these highway EVSE can be analogous to highway rest stops. The suggested distance between highway EVSE roughly correlates to the average distance between Colorado rest stops, which is 50 miles 36. Additionally, if a driver was more cautious, they might stop earlier at 75% battery capacity which would correspond to 52.5 miles. Every scenario was assumed to have the same highway EVSE. 35 Type=GeoData Statewide Data Set selection Highways 36 Colorado average distance between rest stops provided by Mike Salisbury of SWEEP iCAST P a g e | 24 Task 21 Figure 1: Colorado Highway Functional Classes 1 (Interstate) to 7 (Local) Final Report 37 Parking spaces at airports and park-n-rides were analyzed together. Park-n-ride information such as the number of parking spaces available came from RTD 38 and CDOT39. Only those park-n-rides that included parking information were included in the analysis (88 park n rides total). Airport locations and their annual number of flights came from CDOT40 . Annual flight numbers were converted into daily flight numbers. Since for every EV, 0.2 public attraction EVSE are needed, 0.2 of park-n-ride spaces and 0.2 of daily flight passengers require charging locations. No information was available on the 37 Type=GeoData Statewide Data Set selection Highways 38 39 40 Type=GeoData Statewide Data Set selection Airports, airport zip codes came from iCAST P a g e | 25 Task 21 Final Report number of passengers on each flight, so the most conservative assumptions were made which may slightly underestimate EVSE needs at airports. Conversely, this assumption may slightly overestimate needs for EVSE at park-n-rides. The actual numbers of Transit EVSE located by type can be seen in Table 17. Table 17: Transit EVSE projections and categories 2015 Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High Highway 144 144 144 144 144 144 Airports 13 24 36 143 461 782 Park-n-Rides 51 95 139 531 1,666 2,803 Total Transit EVSE 208 263 319 818 2,271 3,729 For 2025, the same approach used for work EVSE was used for the public attraction EVSE. The number of establishments was assumed to increase or decrease according to employment growth projections by county provided by the Colorado State Demography Office 41. Zip code regions, unlike census tracts, do not directly correspond to county boundaries. The growth percentage for employment for each zip code was assigned from a single county or was assigned from an equal percentage from each county that the zip code resided in. In summary, the growth percentages for zip codes that lie in multiple counties are less accurate than the findings for zip codes that reside in a single county. For the 2025 analysis, the growth percentages for each zip code were multiplied by the number of establishments in each zip code to predict the 2025 number of establishments by zip code. Therefore, Colorado State Demography Office growth projection numbers for employment were assumed to apply to the growth of businesses (number of establishments) as well. This information was used because it was the most relevant Colorado specific information found. Some zip codes had an increasing number of establishments and thus increasing numbers of workplace EVSE, and some had decreasing numbers of establishments and thus decreasing numbers of 41 Colorado State Demography Office Labor Force Supply and Demand iCAST P a g e | 26 Task 21 Final Report EVSE. However, all 2025 scenarios include the public attractions EVSE located in the 2015 scenarios. 5 Distribution Maps of Charging Station Projections by Census Tract, Zip Code and County This section shows the number of EVSE by type (Home or Household, Work or Workplace, and Public Attractions) and by location in map figures. The maps are also included in a larger size as appendices in separate pdf documents. The tables showing numbers of EVSE by county and type are also available in Appendix D. 5.1 Current EVSE Locations in Colorado Below, all currently known, publicly available EVSE in Colorado are mapped. In addition, the 70-mile reach from these charging stations is included to show how far an EV driver could get to or from these stations (Error! Reference source not found.). The data for this map came from several sources. The Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center in the US Department of Energy keeps a list of alternative fueling stations for vehicles, including EVSE, for each state42. Google Maps has created a category called “Electric Vehicle Charging Station43. Several other charging stations were brought to attention through conversations with a representative from Eaton44, a manufacturer of EVSE. Other sources of information for finding EVSE in Colorado that are not included are and Their information is not available in an easily downloadable form for the entire state of Colorado, although they both do have smartphone applications, which make it easy for a driver to find an EVSE while on the go. The ChargePoint Network also has a variety of information available about EVSE that use its information technology across the country45. 42 search term “Category: Electric Vehicle Charging Station” 44 David E. Altman, Government Sales Engineer for Eaton EVSE 45 43 iCAST P a g e | 27 Task 21 Final Report 6 Conclusions This report develops projections of the numbers and distribution of electric vehicle charging stations in Colorado for the years 2015 and 2025 for low, medium, and high EV adoption rate scenarios. The projected distribution of EVSE is divided into three categories: home, work, and public charging stations, and mapped by county, Zip code, and census tract. Forecasts of the numbers and distribution of EVSE can be used to develop an EVSE implementation plan and estimate the requirements for grid upgrades, coordinate transportation strategies, and aid in developing EV incentive programs on a local or regional basis. A well-designed EVSE implementation plan could enable increased EV adoption rates by increasing public awareness of, and access to EVSE in public and commercial locations. Local planning agencies could use the forecasted EVSE numbers and locations in this report to develop program budgets and incentive levels for EVSE installations, and develop supportive policies and regulations to promote and ensure access to EVSE. Planning agencies may also estimate the impacts of the EVSE implementation plan on jobs, economic development, traffic patterns, PEV markets, electric utilities, and EV charging service providers such as retailers. Private commercial property owners may work with the planning agencies to determine appropriate numbers of EVSE for their locations. Planning agencies and commercial developers may also use this information to coordinate with EVSE technology providers and installers for developing program budgets, specifying charging station technologies for different location categories, and micro-siting charging station locations. Car dealers may coordinate with the planning agencies to promote EV sales. EV and EVSE technologies are considered to be in the early adoption stage and developing rapidly, especially with respect to vehicle range and rapid charging technologies and standards, which could have the greatest impact on EV adoption rates and requirements for grid upgrades. The large uncertainties inherent in predicting technological advancement translate into the wide differential in EV sales projections and the corresponding number of charging stations in 2025. The low scenario for 2025 represents an optimistic baseline projection with high oil prices, while the high scenario represents an aggressive forecast that requires supportive policies and EV market stimulus. In all scenarios, household charging stations comprise at least 80% of all EVSEs, but no distinction is made of how many of those will include dedicated EV supply equipment, whereas most owners may simply plug in to a standard electrical outlet. Most of the charging stations are projected to be distributed along the I-25 and I-70 corridors and iCAST P a g e | 28 Task 21 Final Report concentrated in the nine-county territory of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Projections of the numbers and distribution of public and work-based charging stations are most important for the purposes of public planning. Combined projections of public and work-based charging stations in Colorado range from 6,600 to 10,000 in 2015, and 25,000 to 110,000 in 2025. Of particular interest in this project is the forecasted number of public charging stations based on trip purpose, presented in Table 18. These forecasts are derived from data in the Front Range Travel Counts survey, provided by DRCOG. The projections are based on trip frequency by purpose, dwell time, and other assumptions, as described in section 4.4. The estimates in Table 18 assume that public charging stations will primarily utilize a technology like DC fast charging (DCFC) that will charge an electric vehicle to 80% of capacity in under 30 minutes. This assumption may be too optimistic for 2015 since fast charging technology is still in the process of standardization and adoption by automakers, and access to rapid charging stations may be very limited. Table 18: Percentages and projected number of public charging stations in Colorado according to trip purpose 2015 % of EVSE Shopping Low Medium 2025 High Low Medium High 41% 1,482 1,857 2,257 5,661 15,825 25,776 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 17% 611 767 932 2,344 6,545 10,672 Parks 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 Health Care Facilities 9% 324 406 493 1,241 3,465 5,650 Civic and Religious Organizations 4% 144 180 219 551 1,540 2,511 15% 539 677 822 2,068 5,775 9,416 6% 208 263 319 818 2,271 3,729 100% 3,596 4,512 5,481 13,787 38,500 62,775 Schools Restaurants Indoor Entertainment Transit Total As an example of how the information in this report may be used, consider the map in Figure 2 and the data in Table 19. The map in Figure 2 is color-coded to show the projected density of public charging stations for the Low EV adoption scenario in 2025 iCAST P a g e | 29 Task 21 Final Report by Zip code. The number of public charging stations in Table 19 equates to 20% of the projected number of EV owners in the corresponding county. If a local planning agency in Arapahoe County, for example, chose to use the Low scenario for 2025 (corresponding to the EIA’s high fuel cost scenario) to develop an EVSE implementation strategy, they could determine that they should plan for about 800 public charging stations in the county. The high-resolution version of the map in Figure 2 would show them how those stations should be distributed among zip codes in the county. The ratios in the second column of Table 18 would indicate how the charging stations should be distributed by trip purpose. For example, 48 public charging stations (6% of 800) would be allocated in the implementation plan for Park-n-Rides, especially in the western portion of the county. Similarly, public charging stations could be allocated for other types of public locations, such as shopping malls, schools, and movie theaters. The planning agency may then coordinate micro-siting, promotional marketing, installation strategies, budgets, and incentives according to the allocation of the charging stations. iCAST P a g e | 30 Task 21 Final Report Figure 2: Public Charging Stations in Colorado by Zip Code for 2025 Low Scenario (Appendix AD) Table 19: Numbers of Public Charging Stations by County County Name Low 339 Adams 3 Alamosa 209 Arapahoe 6 Archuleta 0 Baca 8 Bent iCAST Public Attractions 2015 2025 Med High Low Med 428 518 1311 3669 4 4 12 36 256 317 798 2232 8 9 24 67 0 0 0 0 10 12 28 79 High 5630 58 3668 109 0 128 P a g e | 31 Task 21 Boulder Broomfield Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral iCAST 262 73 20 0 29 0 20 0 0 12 852 0 259 46 23 383 8 31 9 87 7 0 0 0 284 0 0 4 73 123 4 0 0 67 0 Final Report Public Attractions 2015 2025 325 395 993 2762 4530 92 112 295 827 1359 27 31 75 208 342 0 0 0 0 0 36 44 111 316 518 0 0 0 0 0 24 29 76 214 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 41 118 192 1076 1304 3251 9109 14949 0 0 0 0 0 324 399 993 2760 4537 58 72 183 513 832 29 36 86 242 399 481 577 1502 4184 6867 10 12 30 88 143 35 43 108 302 492 12 15 37 109 178 108 130 324 900 1472 10 10 32 90 149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 352 427 1041 2904 4768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 11 34 56 90 110 275 756 1239 154 189 489 1347 2214 6 6 15 43 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 104 247 691 1133 0 0 0 0 0 P a g e | 32 Task 21 Moffat Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma 17 2 6 11 0 5 21 12 20 0 2 0 0 9 4 0 19 0 55 15 0 145 12 Public Attractions 2015 2025 21 27 63 177 2 3 9 27 9 10 20 56 14 18 41 114 0 0 0 0 8 9 25 69 25 31 82 233 15 18 46 127 27 36 89 253 0 0 0 0 5 6 13 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 15 38 107 4 7 17 50 0 0 0 0 22 28 72 197 0 0 0 0 67 82 204 560 19 24 57 158 0 0 0 0 184 223 580 1612 15 17 43 121 Final Report 292 43 92 189 0 115 380 209 414 0 62 0 0 173 81 0 320 0 918 261 0 2648 195 7 Resources Cited Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center, 2011. 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DOE/EIA0383(2011). iCAST P a g e | 37 Task 21 Final Report 7.1 Other Resources of Interest Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Location of EV charging stations US Department of Energy: Clean Cities program initiatives iCAST P a g e | 38