GDKN Proposal
GDKN Proposal
GDKN GDKN's Response to Broward College RFP#- 2014-290-DD For Temporary Staff Augmentation August 5, 2014- 2:00p.m GDKN Corporation 1779 North University Drive, Suite 102 Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Phone: (954) 985-6650 Fax: (954) 985-6652 Email: TAB 1- TITLE PAGE & TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Tab 1- Title Page & Table of Contents .... .............................................................. ...... .... ................... ........ .. ................. 2 TAB 2- Letter Of Interest ... .. ................................................................................................... .................................... 4 Tab 3- Acknowledgement of Released Addenda to RFP ................................ .. ............................. .............................. 6 Tab 4- W-9 Form ................................................................................................ .. .. ..................................................... 7 Tab 5- Notice Provision ............................................................. .................................................................................. 8 Tab 6- Required Response Form ............................................................................................ .... ................................. 9 Tab 7 -Licenses/Certifications ..................... ...... ....................................................................................................... 10 Tab 8- Non-Discrimination Profile Form ......................................................... .......................................................... 12 Tab 9 -Insurance .............................. ......................... .. ...... .. .......... .. ........................... .................... ........ .................... 13 Tab 10 - Executive Summary .................. ........................................................................................................ ............ 14 Tab 11 - Organizational Profile ............................................................ .............................................................. ......... 17 Tab 12- References ....... ....................................................... ...................................................................................... 26 Tab 13 - Organizational Chart .... .................................................................................... .. .... ..................................... 29 Team Members: Key Personnel That Will Assist With the Provision of Service To Broward College .......... .......... 30 Sales Team ..................................... .............. ........ ............................................................................................... 31 Recru iting Team .. .............. ................................... .......................... ..................................................................... 31 Payroll and Accounting Tea ms .................. ................................... .......................... .......................... ................... 32 HR/Quality Assurance Teams .................................................. ........... .. .... ........ ................................................... 33 Tab 14 - Litigation History .......................................................................................................................................... 34 Tab 15 - Proposed Methodology .............................................................. .................................................................. 35 Recruiting, Selecting, Training and Evaluation ...................................... .... ........ ...................................................... 35 Orientation of New Employees .................. ............................................................................................................. 41 Supervisory Plan ............... ......................... ............................................ ...... .... ............ .. .. .. ..................................... 42 Employee Training Programs ................................................................... ............................................................... 47 Tab 16- Availability of Personnel .. ........ ................................................ .................. ............... .. ............................ .... .. 50 Response Time ......... .................... ........ ........ ........................................................................................................... so Tab 17 - Cost Proposal Fee ......................................... ............ .. ................................... .... .. ......................................... 52 Tab 18- Financial Capacity ........................................................................................................................................ . 52 Tab 20 - Small Disadvantaged Business (SOB) Certification/Plan ............................................................. ................. 53 TAB 2- LETTER OF INTEREST Ms. Dora Dixon Analyst/Buyer Broward College Procurement Services Department- 2nd Floor 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Dear Ms. Dixon: Re: RFP - #2014-290-DD- Temporary Staff Augmentation GDKN Corporation, a certified Minority Business Enterprise with NMSDC's local chapter, SFMSDC, and an approved SOB by Broward College, is pleased to submit its proposal in response to RFP# 2014-290-DD- Temporary Staff Augmentation. GDKN is a full service staffing firm with over twenty years of experience in the industry. Currently, we serve several state government agencies and fortune 500 companies providing services similar in scope to what is provided in RFP# 2014-290-DD . We have a management, sa les and recruiting team of highly qualified, dedicated professionals who have the combined business domain expertise, and experience required to effectively work with The Broward Co llege to successfu lly deliver temporary staff augmentation services on time and within budget. Our proposal will clearly demonstrate that we have extensive and directly relevant experience in successfu lly delivering similar Administration, Finance and Information Technology temporary staff to our othe r clients. In particular, we would like to highlight the following points: • The core members of our proposed support team have worked together as a team in successfully delivering similar staffing services simil ar in scope of this RFP, to our other clients such as, but not limited to: Broward College, Broward Sherriff's Office, Miami Dade (several agencies), Florida Department of Correction, Florida Department of Transportation, Miami Beach, Florida Power and Light, Nextera, Tyco, ADT Security Services, Motorola, Honeywell, Schlumberger, etc. • Paul Neto, our VP of Global Services, has extensive experience in managing similar temporary staff augmentation projects within the scope as outlined in RFP# 2014-290DD. In addition, he has extensive experience in leading all phases of the staffing services life cycle and is particularly adept in facilitating and leading resource need gathering to delivering the right resources within given time line and budget. With Paul's combined management, technical and staffing subject matter expertise, we are confident that he will lead the proposed team in delivering paramount quality services to The Broward College on time and within budget. • In this proposal, we have analyzed and presented methodically, our processes, support infrastructure and tools, developed by GDKN such as our state -of the-art recruitment lifecycle management system - RCRMS. This will be used to jumpstart the delivery of staffing services and allow GDKN and The Broward College Office to be productive immediately, right from the beginning of the effort. GDKN is excited about the opportunity to provide these very important services to The Broward College and we are confident that we will successfully deliver unparalleled quality of services to the College. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please feel free to contact me at 954-985-6650, Ext . 206. My email address is: Sincerely, GDKN Corporation / D~i;~ Recruiting Operations Manager TAB 3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RELEASED ADDENDA TO RFP Attached are two addenda that were received on the following dates: Addendum No. 1-July 23, 2014 Addendum No. 2- July 24, 2014 •BROWARDW Procurement Services Department 6400 NW 61h Way Room 275 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 954-201-7455 Fax 954-201-7330 vendor t®,.coLLEGE www. ADDENDUM NO. 1 RFP No.: RFP Title: Date: RFP-2014-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation July 23, 2014 This addendum is being issued to clarify and/or revise the solicitation documents, Proposer's Conference clarifications, proposal specifications, drawings, and/or blueprints. PROPOSAL DUE DATE (EXTENDED AS FOLLOWS): 'We encourage proposers to schedule additional time for delivery of proposals due to new security procedures i 07/28/2014 8/5/2014 8/18/2014 08/26/14 08/21/2014 08/29/14 TBD 09/01/2014 09/04/14 Proposals due at or before 2:30:00 PM (Proposals due at location specified in Section 1.0) II Evaluation Committee Shortlist Meeting I Posting of Shortlist Interview Presentation (if necessary) I Posting Date of Award Recommendation I I I I i'i':ltti''i:ltttt;ttHtt*****ittt*****it:li"tttt*H*i*HHti'ti'tt•tttt·t HtHHtt:l*i*H*I*i*ttH-**iH:tttttttU-UtHttttt***i t ttttt tttt* ~l~ - ~{ ~:....LL--...:._ Si:..... gn--.:a=tu-re -*...lL,_____ Company Name I I I *******'***** Addenda should be returned with the proposal. Failure to do so may disqualify your proposal. Please sign below to verify that ; hrr: read ~nd ~nd~stanwthis addendum. GDKN Corporation I Recruiting Operations Manager Title 08-01-14 Date •BROWARDW t®,.coLLEGE www. Procurement Services Department 6400 NW 6th Way Room 275 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 954-201-7455 Fax 954-201-7330 www.broward .edu/community/vendor ADDENDUM NO. 2 RFP No.: RFP Title: Date: RFP-2014-290-00 Temporary Staff Augmentation July 24, 2014 This addendum is being issued to clarify and/or revise the solicitation documents, Proposer's Conference clarifications, proposal specifications, drawings, and/or blueprints. SECTION 3.19 Adding or Deleting Campus/Center Locations DELETE AND REPLACE • Delete: Southwest Center (Name Change) • rtcplace: Miramar West Center SECTION 4.0 Submittal Requirements DELETE AND REPLACE • Delete: limited to not more than 4Q (8.5 inch x 11 inch) pages • Replace: limited to not more than 50 (8.5 inch x 11 inch) pages SECTION 4.3 Proposer's Qualifications DELETE AND REPLACE: (Tab 10) 4.3.1 Executive Summary • Delete: Letter shall include the year the Firm was established, number of years in business, summarize the Firm and their qualification for the missellaAeews JlFejesls and identify principal(s) who will be assigned to the missellaAeews JlFejesls. • Replace: Letter shall include the year the Firm was established, number of years in business, summarize the Firm and their qualification for the services of this RFP and identify principal(s) who will be assigned to these services. (Tab 12) 4.3.3 References • Delete: 0Ase st:tertlisled - please inform all references they will receive a Performance Evaluation Survey via fax and email. • Replace: Please inform all references they will receive a Performance Evaluation Survey via fax and I or e-mail. (Tab 14) 4.3.5 Litigation History • Delete: State whether Prime or Joint Venture partners have been involved in any l:laAkiAg servises related litigation, action or claim, whether active, pending, or concluded, at the mediation, arbitration, trial or appellate level, within five (5) years preceding the submission of this submittal. For each instance include the following information: • Replace: State whether Prime or Joint Venture partners have been involved in any services related litigation, action or claim, whether active, pending, or concluded, at the mediation, arbitration, trial or appellate level, within five (5) years preceding the submission of this submittal. For each instance include the following information: REPLACE Bid Summary (Pricing) Page with attached REVISED Bid Summary (Pricing) Page - descriptions updated RFP-20 14-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS FOR ITB: 01. Can Job Descriptions be provided for the Positions Listed in Attachment F (Bid Summary Pricing Page) R1 . Yes, if available see attached 02. We do not see a Tab 191isted within the RFP in the required response section. Is this missing? R2. Yes, Tab 19 is missing 03. Does Attachment G and H within the RFP apply to this bid? Are we meant to include a response to these forms in our response? R3. Attachment G & H are not required for this RFP 04. To confirm, a bid or performance bond is not required for this particular RFP, correct? R4. Correct, a bid bond is not required 05. For the required electronic RFP response, how would you like Attachment F provided to you? In a separate folder? On a separate CO/Flash Drive sealed with the hardcopy? Would you like it excluded from the electronic response? RS. Please create a separate folder on your USB or CD for Attachment F 06. Is this a Single-Award Contract or will you be awarding to a pool of qualified vendors? R6. We will be awarding to multiple vendors. 07. If utilizing a vendor pool, how many vendors will be selected? R7. The committee will decide on how many vendors will be awarded 08. What was the 2013 or YTD 2014 spend of the contract? R8. YTD 2013 =$1 ,884,677- YTD 2014 =$4,993,947.94 (inclusive of special project for the implementation of financial administrative computing system) Q9. What is the estimated 2015 annual spend for this contract? R9. Unknown, the hiring spend 'Nill be dependent on the need of the college Q10. Who is/are the incumbent supplier(s) for this contract? R10. Broward College does not have a contract for Temporary positions, we currently piggyback off the Florida State Contract 991-460-07-1 ( operations/state purchasing/vendor information/state contracts and agreements/state t erm contracts/temporary employment staffing services) 011 . What is the current vendor's hourly Mark-up or Hourly Bill Rate per position provided in Attachment F (Bid Summary Pricing Page)? R11. See response to Q10 012. Will any of the positions listed in RFP possibly require travel? R12. Travel will not be required, limited with in the College campuses 013. If any, is travel in county, state, or out of state? R13. See response to Q12 014. Is the Procurement or Vendor Management Software Tool utilized in this program? If so, what is the tool? R14. A Procurement or Vendor Management Software tool is not used 015. Is the process for requesting temporaries and receiving candidates also through HR, Procurement or Individual Depts? R15. Requesting of temps are done through individual departments 016. What is the requesUsubmittal process for temporaries? R16. A phone call followed by an email request, we interview then we issue a purchase order for the services 017. What is the average length of temporary assignment? R17. Varies depends on the assignment 2 RFP-20 14-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation Q18. Will vendors who choose not to partner or subcontract with diversity suppliers be excluded from consideration? R18. No, however we encourage partcipation Q19. Can you please provide job descriptions for the positions requested? R19. See response to Q1 Q20. Can you specify the reports you would like to see submitted with our proposals? We typically customize reporting to our clients request. R20. Upon request customize reports will be needed. Q21. 4.0 Submittal Requirements- does the 40 page limit include or exclude, key staff resumes, staff handbook, performance appraisal documents, and copies of licenses and certifications? R21 . Yes, the 50 page limit includes key staff resumes, performance appraisal documents, and copies of licenses and certifications. The Staff Handbook does not count toward the 50 pages. Q22. 4.3.2 Organizational Profile - Do you need both the resume and profile of the key staff? Or, can the resume alone suffice? R22. Yes, both resume and profile of key staff is needed Q23. 4.3.3 References- COST- our contracts for engagements that are similar to this RFP are not project based but are performed under a master services agreement. So, we provide specific skilled resources as needed by the client. Instead of project based cost can we provide the total money a specific client spent with us in the last year for temporary staffing services? R23. Yes, you may provide the total money a specific client spent with you in the last year. Q24. 4. 4.4.1 Proposed Methodologya) Our Employee Handbook is over 40 pages ... we assume you are more interested in what policies we have in place to address things like a drug and alcohol free workplace, our policy on sexual harassment, etc. Rather than provide the entire handbook can we provide copies of the policy acknovAedgements that consultants sign during the on boarding process? R24. As requested in the RFP, please provide the handbook which does not count toward the 50 pages. Q25. 5. Tab 19 is skipped in the RFP. Should we repeat that in our response, or change what is listed as Tab 20- SOB Certifications/Plan to Tab 19? R25. Do not skip Q26. For the Bid Summary Pricing Page- Attachment F, can we provide a range for the specific positions that are listed? Depending on years of experience, background and the salary requirements of candidates that we work with we have seen a range is more successful in identifying qualified candidates R26. No please provide Proposed Bill Rate, see revised Attachment F Q27. The RFP provided gives an example of a standard Statement of Work, Attachment E, do we need to include this in our submitted RFP? R27. Yes, Attachment E must be completed Q28. How many vendors is Broward looking to add as a result of this RFP? R28. See response to Q7 Q29. For section 4.3.3 on References, (1) are we allowed to site specific projects that we have completed successfully with Broward College? (2) If so, up to how many projects can be listed? (3) Otherwise, if provided other contacts for projects, can we provide projects that are currently in process, and will we be able to be informed prior to contact so we can ensure our references expect the contact/call? R29. (1) No, the College cannot be used as a reference. (2) None. (3) Yes, you may provide projects that are currently in process and No, you will not be informed prior to references being contacted. QJO. During our meeting, it was stated that the job descriptions for the Bid Summary Pricing Page will be provided. Please advise on where we can obtain these or if the job descriptions will indeed be provided. RJO. See response to Q1 Q31 . For the Standard Contract for Services, Attachment C, states See separate Adobe PDF in Demandstar. Is this for our usage and review, do we need to physically add this to our submitted RFP? R31. This is for your review, if you are selected as a awardee it will have to be completed during contract negotiations. 3 RFP-20 14-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation Q32. Can the College provide job descriptions for the various IT jobs that will be included under this contract? R32. See response to Q1 Q33. On the Bid Summary (pricing} page can we provide a price range (low- high} rather than just one price for each position? We believe this will give the College the most economical solution. R33. See response to Q26 Q34. Can you please provide the job descriptions for the roles that will be sourced under the RFP R34. See response to Q1 Q35. What other roles/positions will be potentially included in the scope of the project? R35. This RFP is for various roles/positions through-out the contract period Q36. Who is/are the incumbent(s}? R36. See response to Q10 Q37. How many suppliers are in the current contract? R37. Broward College does not currently have a contract for temporary services, however we piggyback off the Florida State Contract Q38. What is the average frequency of the staffing job orders? R38. Varies depends on the college needs Q39. Are placements staggered or staged in any way, or will providers staff all positions upon contract launch? R39. Temporary position will be placed on an as-needed basis Q40. Is the RFP open to payrolling services for these and/or other roles? R40. No, this RFP is not open to payrolling services. Q41 . How many suppliers will be awarded the contract? R41. See response to Q6 Q42. What is the expected annual hiring spend? R42. Unknown, the hiring spend will be dependent on the need of the college Q43. What is the estimated contract duration per role? R43. Unknown, depends on the department need Q44. Please clarify if you need full resumes or summarized bios of the members of our org chart as it applies to the scope of the RFP's services. R44. See response to Q22 Q45. If our company handbook exceeds the maximum 40 pages in the RFP response, can we submit it in a separate document, as an addendum, or can we state that 'our company has an employee handbook that is shared with all resources that we hire and can be submitted to Broward College upon contract confirmation'. R45. Please submit your handbook as a separate document Q46. Can we redact any documents required by the RFP, which we consider confidential? R46. All responses to a competitive solicitation are public records unless exempt by law. Any respondent claiming that its response contains information that is exempt from the public records law shall clearly segregate and mark that information and provide the specific statutory citation for such exemption inserted by reference FL Statue 119.011 Q47. What are your policies around Right of Refusal for Temp Labor? R47. The College shall have the right of approval and refusal of any temporary employee. In an instance of an unsatisfactory or unqualified person being assigned, that person may be dismissed from his/her duties immediately (Attachment 0.2} 4 RFP-20 14-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation Q48. In order to meet the College's SOB subcontracting requirements, our company will be working with a certified SOB company. HoVJever, it is also possible that our SOB subcontracting partner may want to submit a separate RFP response as a prime contractor. Is this allowable by the College? Please advise. R48. Yes, any one has the right to respond Q49. Are there any performance/payment/bid/surety bond requirements for this opportunity? R49. See response Q4 Q50. According to the RFP's General Conditions, the College "requires that MSDS are required for all applicable items, materials and/or substances ordered" and that "Respondent must supply all MSDS with this Bid or Upon Request." Are the MSDS applicable for Temporary Staff Augmentation? If so, is this form required to be completed for this proposal submittal R50. MSDS are not required for this RFP Q51 . The RFP's Tab 10 - 4.3.1 Executive Summary section requires Firms to summarize "their qualification for the miscellaneous projects and identify principal(s) who will be assigned to the miscellaneous projects." What does the College mean by "miscellaneous projects?" Please clarify R51. Please see Clarifications above Q52. The RFP's Tab 11 - 4.3.2 Organizational Profile section requires Proposers to include "the operational safety record" of their firms. What type of operational safety record/documentation does the College require? R52. Any claims or losses due to safety issues Q53. Are Proposers alloVJed to submit exceptions/suggested contract changes to the College? If so, would the proposer be adversely affected during the evaluation period? R53. You may submit exceptions/suggestions, hoVJever all exceptions/suggestions will go through Broward College Contract negotiator, upon award of contractor only Q54. What are the College's current rates for each job category? R54. See response to Q10 Q55. During the contract term, will the College allow for adjustment in pricing when mandates of the Affordable Care Act go into effect? R55. See 4.0 Submittal Requirement, sub-section 3.2.1 Contract Renewal Q56. Are Attachment G- Written Opinion Requirement re: Florida Preference- Printing and Attachment H- Written Opinion Requirement re: Florida Preference - Personal Property applicable to Temporary Staff Augmentation? If so, are these forms required to be submitted along with proposal submissions R56. See response Q3 Q57. Are vendors required to bid on all positions (an all or nothing bid)? R57. The College is seeking vendors who can provide all services. Q58. What is the NIGP Code for Temporary Staff Augmentation? R58. The NIGP code is 96269, Personnel Services, Temporary Q59. Attachment A4 -Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Form requires Proposers to state the dollar value of work to be subcontracted to a SOB. In response to this form, what is the total dollar value of this contract? If the total contract dollar amount is not known, how should Proposers respond to this requirement? R59. See new form and supply historical SOB usage Q60. Should the RFP's Section 4.7.1 be labeled as Tab 19? R60. See response to Q25 Q61 . According to the RFP's Attachment D- Scope of Services, "the Contractor will provide the College with a copy of the FDLE criminal background check, or any other type of background check.' The Contractor will also "conduct and pay for the background check.' HoVJever, Section 4.4.1 of the RFP's 4.0 Submittal Requirements requires Proposers to list any background checks not included in their billing rates and the corresponding levels to the College, should the College choose to request such checks. Are Proposers allowed to bill back costs of background checks and/or drug screens back to the College or should these costs be included within the bill rates R61. These costs should be included in the bill rates 5 RFP-20 14-290-DD Temporary Staff Augmentation Q62. According to RFP's page 8 of 22, "the cover letter" required via this RFP do not count toward the 40-page limit. Do both of the RFP's Tab 2: Letter of Interest and Tab 10: Executive Summary require signatures? If so, can Tab 10: Executive Summary be excluded from the 40-page limit page count due to its letter form? R62. Tab 2 -does not require a signature. Tab 10 requires a signature and Tab 10 counts toward the 50 page limit. Q63. Are Proposers required to acknowledge receipt of addenda in Tabs 2. 3, and 10 of the Proposal? R63. Yes, you must acknowledge receipt of all addenda's Q64. Does the separately sealed Cost Proposal also require a separate CO/USB copy (which would have a total of four [4] copies: one [1] original technical hard copy, one [1] technical proposal CD/USB, one [1] cost hard copy, and one (1] cost proposal CD/USB)? R64. See response to QS Q65. The RFP's Tab 15 requires proposers to provide Staff Handbooks, background check pricing sheets, forms, training agendas, and management reports. Can these documents be separate from the 40 page limit? R65. All documents listed count toward the now amended 50 page limit, except the handbook Q66. Section 28. Background Checks of the RFP's Attachment E -Sample Contract refers to an "attached 'Contractor Policy Code Acknowledgement Form,' which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'B.'" The aforementioned form is not included within the RFP. Is this form applicable to Temporary Staff Augmentation? Please advise R66. Yes, see attached Attachment I Q67. Can you please provide the sign-in sheet for the Temporary Personnel pre-bid conference? R67. See attached Attachment A6: Historical Utilization of Supplier Attachment F: Bid Summary (Pricing) Page REVISED Attachment 1: Contractor Policy Code Acknowledgement Form Attachment J: Positions Descriptions Attachment K: Proposer's Sign In Sheet t t Htttft•ttHtt• tt t tt•tttt•ttttttt tH t-ttttt•tt t ttttt tt t tttttttttttt tt t t tttt t ttt t• tt tttt• t: tt tttttt t t tH tt t t ttt ttt• ttU :*-tt tt t t•t tt ttt t ttt tt Addenda should be returned with the proposal. Failure to do so may disqualify your proposal. Please sign below to verify that you hav read and understand !tlis addendum. Recruiting Operations Manager Title GDKN Corporation Company Name 08-01 -14 Date 6 TAB 4- W -9 FORM Below please find completed W-9 form . ~- . . W-9 Roquoot for Toxpoycr fl•• ""'-oull 2013) Qlv• ~LI,......•t~l et,u'f~--...') t:'Of'tfl to tJ~ • requoator. Do n o t ocm.l t o tho lA:). Identification Number and Certification NotmiOI " " ' ' - Otfw.B u liUIII• n ~ ,....,...,_... fJI-A '--'>~ [1 Olhoi .... IIWI...........,.. .. ~· lnU"'b•. "'"'''- ona I 7 7 q fo ) L tt Ill" Ctty,IIM.. "'J"7lPCOU. r · "~ ~ r- P <' t nvwK.t.J I' • from rAlCJI Ivpurdng """"''""VI et _ , nn) ' !:•!:J n,,. .~ u.t-.ounlnu~he..,~•t J_ J /11 33o2. '-1 ~~:::::...=-...L----------.L-------------------- Tt&AJJUYUI ll.IUIIUIII.:ullun NurnlJur (TtN} t:ntlf' yow TIN tJ tho lll>fl'OiliiMo box. Tho TIN Pl· ..:..:ov=,-ld:;:od=-;;.:..nual..>...:.-:"-'mel "'~ch -:--:::lho-n-rrno ---IJNM-:-c-cn-:-:-:::,h:-:o-:"N=arno--'"'·::-~=-...--• lr.-=:.c•:::l-::•::•_=.: ,. lty = n"'um= b= er= - - - - - -- - - ,1 to WOk:! llftel<14> " ithholdlng. For lndMdunlt. tNa Ia your aocill MC\.rly RJrrber (SSN) I~ • lOt o 1Cl!liden1 _.., !IIOie pt<>pr1cla, 01 dlsr-dud "''Illy, 500 the Par1 I lnslru<:Uons on page 3. 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I or III)GC:I:I t:ll P46J)OCA.O, ,.,.,...,..n., Untad aw-_pro.WS.f"orm W~ lui"" ,_-iploooi.U4ilyo.. U.S . • I""'• .,fl......,4...,...i+n 11M -."\._,,.....,"8 . ".,._ •h- • ., lnoorno 11>o I am W-9 fl-v 11~1!'1) TAB 5- NOTICE PROVISION Below please find completed Notice of Provision form . 4.1.5 Notice Provision When any of the parties desire to give notice to lhe other, such notice must be in Yt'riting, sent by US Mail. postage prepaid. addressed to the party for Y.rom it is intended at the ~ last specified; the ~aoo for giving notice shall remain sum un!Jl ft is ~ by written notice in com~iance wilh the provisions of this paragra~ This information must be submitted with the proposal or within three days of request for the present the parties designatethe foiiO\ving as the respective places for giving notice: To College: ZaidaRiollano. InterimAVP- Business Services &Resource Management Procurement Services Department- 2"'1 Floor 6400 NW6" Way, Fort lauderdale. Florida 33309 With Copy To: Gregory Haile. General Counsel &VP. Public Policy &Govern Affairs President'sSutte - 121" Floor 6400 NW 6" Way, Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33309'4 With Copy To: Human Resource Department 6400 NW 6" Way, Fort Lauderdale. Rorida 33309 With Copy To: Donna Harris-Gill - Recruiting Operations Manager GDKN - 1779 N University Drive. Pembroke Pines. FL 33025 TAB 6- REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM Attached is completed Required Respon se form . REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) #2014·290-DD 1.0 REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM RFP#: RFP-2014-290-DD DUE DATE: 07/2812014 RFPTITLE: Temporary Staff Augmentation NUMBER OF TIME DUE· AT OR BEFORE: ORIGINALS: PROPOSAL COPIES 2:30:00 p.m. 1 REQUIRED: Hard Copy -7 RELEASE DATE: I COPIES: 0 Additional Hard Copy 06/16/14 Complete Electronic Copy of Proposal (On CD Rom or USB Flash Drivel: *1 *Must be a sim:~le Adobe PDF File This Proposal must be submitted in a sealed package to the Business SeJVices & Resource Management/Procurement SeJVices Department of Broward College, 6400 NW 61h Way, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, plainlv marked with RFP Number and Title. We encourage proposers to schedule additional time for delivery of proposals due to new security procedures. Proposals received after the date and time due will not be considered. All proposals shall include this REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM fully executed. Proposal must contain all information required to be included in the proposal as described herein. Proposal submittal package must include one original proposal, the additional number of copies stated above and, if required above, an electronic version of proposal on CD(s) or Flash Drive(s). PROPOSER'SNAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY AND STATE: PROPOSER'S INFORMATION GDKN Corporation 1779 N University Drive Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 PROPOSER TELEPHONE: 954-985-6650 PROPOSER FAX: 954-985-6652 ------~~----------------------------PROPOSERTOLLFREE: (~\ &61- Gr,b (Lfl X 2- 0b CONTACT PERSON: ____...,!Q, a_, _____________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON'SADDRESS: __. .: S:. : a:.m :. :. :. :e: . . :a=.:s: . . :a=.b::. : o:.v..::.e . :. _________________________________________________ CONTACT TELEPHONE: 954-985-6650 X206 CONTACT FAX: ___;:_95::....4:....-9::..:8:..::5'--'-6:..::6=-=5-=2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ CONTACT TOLL FREE: ------------------------------------------------------------------INTERNET E-MAILADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERNET URL: _ _. :. :cwww..:. :. . :. :c.:. o·g=d=k"-'n=.c=o:m . :.;'---- - - - - - -- - - PROPOSER TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: _.:.L3..~..:1-:..J.1.:.l.3""82.._1._,3,....9:..___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ How were you informed of this solicitation? (Please provide media name(s) in blank space): • Website: Newspaper: Other: ___________ Proposal Certification I hereby certify that: I am submitting the following information as my finn's (proposer) proposal and am authorized by proposer to do so; proposer agrees to complete and unconditional acceptance of the contents of this document inclusive of this Request for Proposals, and all attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; proposer agrees to be bound to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained in the Request for Proposals, and any released Addenda and understand that the following are requirements of this RFP and failure to comply will result in disqualification of proposal submitted; proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other proposers and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; all responses, data and information contained in this proposal are true and accurate. ~ ~ -- . (jy-0/-/4:: Signature of Proposer's thonzed Pnnc1pal Date Donna Harris-Gill Recruiting Operations Manager Name of Proposer's Authorized Principal Title of Proposer's Authorized Principal NOTE: Entries must be completed in ink or typewritten. This original Required Response Form must be fully executed and submitted with this Proposal (see Section 3.7 - Joint Ventures). Page 1 of 22 TAB 7- LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS Below is Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations- proof of registration R LED 2014 EORBGN PROAT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT Mar 30 , 201 4 Secretary of State CC3003928829 DOCUMENT# F00000000502 Entity Nam e: GDKN CORPORATION Current Principal P lace of Business: 1779 tl. UtWERSITY DRIVE 102 I'EJJBROKE ~IES, fL 3302-4 Curre nt Mailing Address: 1n9 N. UNIVERSITY DRIVE 102 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33024 FEI Number: 31-1382139 Certificate of Status Desired: No Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: fiARAfiG, JAY 1779 tl Utii\IERSilY DRIVE 102 PELIBROKE ~IES. fL 3302-4 US ___ _,_.,_lorlt>o-<lldiM-b~-01'~-01'--- SIGNAlURE: ... -d-. Eledronic Signature of Registered Agent Officer-/Director Detail : p tlame IIARAfiG, VIC Address Cly..stat&.Zip: VP tlame tiARAfiG, JAY 1779 N. UtWERSITY ORJ\IE; SUITE 102 Address 1779 ll UIIIYERSIJY OR/liE; SUITE 102 laJBROKE PflES fL 3302-4 cty-Sblle.ZCI: I'IELIBRDI<E PliES FL 33024 I NtUy~I'Wb~~GJI'ltl8f/GIZCI~..,,.;d~a:D~qa~~~lliilmft.U~..,a:taaUiflaazallr~!25i!I~M G:"M--- Cat'«OD'KI:f(;/ft~Uft.IKa!l~U:tliSM~ob..,..;;dtWl:ftPC,QU~.)y~~ .rlxl:ll.s:D2fre11'II:IIIJ'fii~~UCl· (IIGW~~d SIGNAlURE: VIC NARANG PRESEIDENT 03130/2014 Below is copy of Broward County Local Bu siness Tax Receipt 115 S. Andrews Ave., Rm. A-100. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 -1895-954-831-4000 VALID OCTOBER 1,2013 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,2014 DBA: , GENERAL DATA KOMMUNICATION BUSIness Name 'NETWORKING CORP 327-12300 Receipt# .'BUS INESS/ FINANCIAL/CONS Business Type: (CONSULTING> & Owner Name: JAY NARANG Business location: 1779 N UNIVERSITY DR 102 PEMBROKE PINES Business Phone: 954-985-6650 Soats Rooms Business Opened:Ol/01/2002 State/County/Cert/Reg: Exemption Code: Machines EmployMS Profnslonal• 6 f.......,tJ II \\ IL__..I/ \\ For Vending Bullness Only Number of Machines: Tax Amount Transfer Fee 81.00 Vending Type: NSFFee 0.00 0.00 Penalty 8 . 10 PriorYears ~~ 0 . 00 Collection Cost Total Paid 0.00 89.10 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY IN YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS THIS BECOMES A TAX RECEIPT WHEN VALIDATED This tax is levied for the privilege of doing business within Broward County and is non·regulalory in nature. You must meet all County and/or Municipality planning and zoning requirements. This Business Tax Receipt must be transferred when the business is sold, business name has changed or you have moved the business location. This receipt does not indicate that the business is legal or that it is in compliance with Stale or local laws and regulations. Mailing Address: JAY NARANG 1779 N UNIVERSITY DR STE 102 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33024 Receipt IWWW-13 - 00000271 Paid 10/04/2013 89.10 2013 - 2014 TAB 8 - NON-DISCRIMINATION PROFILE FORM Attached is signed Non-discrimination Profile Form ATTACHMENT A2 ABROWARD- te...coLLEGE www. b OFFICE OF SUPPLIER RELATIONS AND DIVERSITY NON-DISCRIMINATION PROFILE The undersigned und erstan ds that it is the poli cy of Broward College to promote full and equal business opportunity for all persons doing business with the College. The undersigned covenants that we have not discriminated, on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, national origin, ethnicity, disability, or religion, with regard to prime contracting, subcontracting or partnering opportunities on this proj ect; contract. The undersigned further covenants that we agree to make a Good Faith Effort to utilize SOB subcontractors/suppliers and will comply truthfully an d full y with the req uired forms SDB-2, SDB-3 and SDB-7. Set forth below is the signature of an officer of the bidding entity with the authority to bind the entity. Recruiting Operations Manager Title of Attesting Party s-\- (\ . - ...l. On this _ \_ day of ~ , 20~, before me appeared person who signed the above covenant in my presence. b~mQ. \\:,...~--<5\\\ , the --~~~·~~''• INDlRA SEERKRISENJEE • Notary Public . State of Florida • ~-;.U}.• • -..: •: My Com m. Expires Dec 3• 2016 • "·:·~ ~z--Commrssron ff EE 853654 ,,,OFn:,,, 8onded Through Nalronal NOtary A$sn. '"""' {"m • '\~\ Form: SDB-1 Broward College Page I of I TAB 9- INSURANCE Be low is copy of certificat ion of insurance per requirements outlined in Section 3.0; pa ragraph 3.11 .,____.... ACORD• I CERTIFICA TE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAR......,.,..,. 711712014 TltiS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF lliFORMATIOII OIILY AIID COIIFERS 110 RIGHTS UPOII THE CERTIACATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIACATE DOES riOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR IIEGATIYELY AM£110, EXTEtiD OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES B.E LOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF IIISURAIICE DOES riOT COriSTffUTE A COIITRACT BETWEEII THE ISSUitiG IIISURER(S ). AUTHORIZED REPRESEIITATIYE OR PRODUCER. AIID THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTAliT: H lbe certifiC31e bolde< is an ADDITIOIIAL IIISURED, lhe policy(les) must be endorsed. II SUBROGATIOIIIS WAIVED. subject to lbe terms and conditions o f lbe polic:y, cemin policies may <equire an enckM'semenL A statement on lbis cenificate does not coot... lights to lbe caur.c:ate holde< in lieu of such endoo'sement(s._ -.aA :a':U~ Sean O'H;tJianja Caonmeuial Unes- (813) 6J9.30IJO .~~IS13-6l9-3000 .I r~"""-SSS-299-7117 Wds Fargo lnsur.lnce Services USA. Inc.. ~s- 2SII2 H_ Roc:l<y Pclint DINe, Suite 400 Tan;pa, R.33607 -D DIS~B : GOt<N Corpoqlilln 1779 tl ~ HNC• -NRlla*GCOIIERAGE •s..otA. : 16535 194 10 Zurich American Insurance Co c.............,. & Industry Insurance Company Dl:naotC : tlrwel'102 . ..u.t:DID: DI.U IIIDlE : ~-R.33024 ··~r : CERTIACATE NUMBER: 7981399 COVERAGES REVISION N UMBER: S . . . - n G I S TO CERTIFY THAT THE I'OUCE.S OF INSURANCE U STED e a.ow HAVE BEEN ISSUED TOn£ ~ NAio!ED ABOVE FOR THE P<li.JCY PERIOD INDICATED_ NOT~oiiTHST~ AWf R£0UIRSIEMT. TERU OR CONDITI<»I OF AW'I OClHJRACT OR OTHER OCX:UUEHT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CCRTF'ICATE UAY eE ISSUED OR liMY PERTAIN. nlE I~CE AFFORDED BY THE PCllJCJES DESOR!eED tfERBN IS SUBJECT TO All. THE 'IERUS.. EXCU JSJON SANOOONDIT'IOHS OF SUCH ~l.A11TS L!AY HAVE eEJEJ>REDUC£08Y PAID CU.WS. •s• U lt A T"'PE: Olf •.JU~~&~~Ce ~ - 001 IIEROALGOIERN. ~ P <UIMSWDE l!:.loceul •uo ..... X X POUC1'- .-n PftA9314654DD 313112DI4 31311201S I.EDDP _ _ _ , f'ERSONiOL ~- .....- ~,_ AGG1iEGAlELMf N'RJES PER: f'OUC\' ~~JE D m D ux: FRlllUCTS-CCU'.'CP NJG anERo A &.UTOMOB&£ UUia.ITY x X X PRA93146S4DD 3131/2014 313112DIS X EX.t2.SSUI.8 A'NYPRC:PJa901l'P~~ ~- .... UDl.OilD tJDijDI 111.1111 UDl.OilD 2tDlJIII 2tDlJIII l.llllCDI s s IEAOUXXU~B<CE -~ oro ~~EJIXJI..U:JI!D"! s I~ ..uRu.I..WI B .um EIIPLOYEKS'" UABaiTY s s s s s s s I!CDLYIN.JlfiY-~ S ~'.NED I l ~e~amcN $ .....,._.,.__...., - _, SODLYINUir 11'0< pon<>n) ~~~~ H oceul HIRB)AlJIOS EAI:HOCCUR!le4CE 0 y IN MIA 313112014 3131£!014 WCDD I 6 13412 WCDD1613413 (CA) 313t/201S 31311201S ~~CFERATIONS- ~OPGP.UlAIJDMS· I LDCADOIUIVHK:I..£S X I Sf'A'lUiE I s s s s I rK UDIJIII- EL901ACCIIBIT s EL ~~~SEASE ·EA BII'LOYB s UDJJD) EL DISEASE -FCUCYLMll S tJD)jDI p_COfU) 1GI,. . . . . _ . ........ s~_msy . . asacaec~•-~· lf......,;J ., R9:uds to RFP-2014-290-00 enwecs Tem,pcr.>ry S13lf Aog""""""'lilln. c~rtifieate holdl!r is named as addllion31Rsured as it rebtes to gener.>J & aulD li2lbllily & waive< of Slbogation is graMed as i1 - - t o gener.>l and auto bblily 3Bd WOI1<etS c:omp in acconlance wilblhe tenns and c:ondilions of lhe policies. Ulnb<eSa folbWs form as il rebles &o 3dllilional ~s. The abo•.-e coverage is prina.y and -.contrillutory-., ~ b y - - . . conaract. CERTIACATE HOLDER Bmw:ml College f>n>cuRmenl Savic:es De~ 6400 t~W 6lh Way Fort L.auden131e, florida 33309 CANCELLATION . SHOUlD IUf't OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE DATE TltEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE llEUVERED THE EXPIRATION ACCORDANCE WITH TlE POUCY PROVISIONS. A~ llf:PRSDRA."D'n. 9(~- l The ACORD name :md logo are registe<ed m:JJils of ACORD ACORD 25 (2014iD1) <0 1988,2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All nghts reserved. TAB 10- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GDKN is a global full service staffing firm with a reputation for quality, superior technical skills, and proven customer service oriented results. Our mission is to understand our clients' business needs and their industry. We use Information Technology in meeting and resolving their complex business and technical challenges. GDKN has been providing the highest quality of integrated, full lifecycle staffing services since 1993, across a broad range of business and technical platforms. At GDKN we believe that for organizations to exceed the expectations of their customers in a competitive environment, formation of a value chain founded on core competencies is imperative. GDKN perseveres to form such a value chain . This enables GDKN to help our clients use technology to improve their core business processes. This allows our customers to focus on their core competencies. At GDKN we listen, learn, and then co-create business solutions. GDKN solves client problems through a durable global infrastructure and powerful methodologies. We deliver profitable results that accelerate our clients' competitive advantage. Our goal is to assist our clients in leveraging their resources to improve business performance. Utilizing a knowledge-based approach, we bring our collective thinking to each engagement. We are committed to making our processes accessible, sharing information and insights and inviting participation to and from our Clients. It is this ability that makes the GDKN process so special. We provide a climate where employees are continually developing their skills and are committed to meeting and exceeding client expectations. We invest a significant portion of our gross income on training our employees to continually improve efficiency and productivity while maintaining the professionalism required for conducting business in a competitive marketplace. This enables the employees to stay abreast with the latest technologies and new developments. Our employees are on the high end of the spectrum with respect to their compensation while our se rvice delivery costs at the low end. This ena bles us to deliver top quality of services at very competitive prices. We believe that our employees are our most important assets and back that up with excellent compensation package and benefits. GDKN is a Certified MBE and an approved SOB. GDKN has been involved in the Staffing industry for over 20 Years. VISION We believe in focusing on building strong individual client relationships. Therefore, the value that we place on our relationship is a priority. We are large enough to provide temporary staff augmentation services to Broward College and small enough to provide the personal detailed attention and commitment required to provide service of the highest quality. Additionally, GDKN is large enough to provide its workers with superior benefits and training opportunities, and small enough to stay close to their projects and personal goals. GDKN's perspective places tremendous value on our long-term relationships with our clients and the quality of the service that we provide to them . :··························............................................................----···-····-·······················-······················································································-·············-······························-················--·-····-·- ···············-·······..... ICOMMITMENT TO QUALITY At GDKN we believe that the quality of our people speaks for itself. Our extensive recruiting and interviewing process ensures that our consultants are "cream of the crop". When GDKN provides our clients with quality people, this automatically generates requests for additional quality people. As a result 75% of our business is repeat business and often turns into long-term assignments. Satisfied clients such as these are the reason why quality is our number one concern . :···············································································································································..············································································"·"""""''"""'""_"_,,,........................................................................ ISERVICE When GDKN was founded in 1993, it was built upon a philosophy that true success manifests itself in meaningful relationships. At GDKN, we believe that relationships that are built on mutual tru st are the relationships that last. It is this long-term philoso phy that generates an attitude of service towards our clients. This mind-set is prevalent all the way from our president and management team to our consultants. Service means that we maintain a professional and friendly demeanor even under adverse circumstances. Service means that we listen carefully to our customers and pay close attention to details. Service means that customer satisfaction is always GDKN's top priority. KEY STRENGTHS The fact that we provide staffing services to several government agencies and Fortune 500 clients, drives our policy for hiring the Account Managers. All of our Account Managers have a very good understanding of the skill-set our clients require for each position, and are trained on a regular basis to keep them abreast with the latest developments in the marketplace. These Account Managers will, from time to time, come up with creative suggestions to assist our clients to be at the forefront . .....................................................................- ..............- ......- .............................................................................................. _.. _ IGD KN'S PHILOSOPHY , , .........._......................................................- ............................................... GDKN works with each individual client to define the issues and then develop and implement the right solution. Our strength lies in our ability to architect solutions to address our client's business needs. GDKN's has the philosophy of looking at the big picture and maintaining a longterm perspective. The "Service" attitude is embedded in the culture of the organization. GDKN's management team comp rises of seasoned professionals with each business-unit head possessing many years of experience in their areas of expertise. We list below a sampling of the positions that GDKN's Recruiting Division has successfully staffed for some of our existing clients: Administrative Resources: Administrative Assistants, Executive Assistants,Administrat ive Specialist s, Receptionist s, Office Clerks, Office Managers, etc. Finance Resources: Cost Accountants, Payroll Clerks, Junior Accountants, Payroll Specialist s, Payroll Managers, Senior Accountants, Junior Accountants, etc. Information Technology: Systems Analyst s, Quality Assurance Analyst s, Applications Architects Document Specialist s/Technical Writers, Database Administrators, Web Application Analyst s, Network & System Administrators (Advanced), Software Developers, etc. Based on our experience, GDKN is confident that it can provide temporary employment services t o the Broward College with ease in accordance with the scope of work outlined under RFP#2014-290-DD. We underst and that our clients have several choices in tod ay's competitive marketplace and we thank you, our potential cli ent, for consid ering us. ..t.I.~.:.S.~ Donna Harris-Gill Recruitin g Operations M anager Addenda: We rece ived 2 add end a dat ed as follows: Add endum No. 1 - Dated July 23, 2014 Add endum No. 2- Dat ed July 24, 2014 TAB 11- ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE Current Legal Name: GDKN Corporation Size of Organization: 350 employees Number of years is business: 20+ Number of years in business in the State of Florida: 14 Profiles of Individuals that will have direct role in performance and supervision of the engagement: Jay Narang Mr. Narang is the Co-Founder of GDKN Corporation. Currently he serves as the Vice President of Staffing Services at GDKN Corporation. GDKN is a Staff Augmentation Services provider with employees in 47 states and an Off-shore facility in Asia. Mr. Narang has been in the Staffing industry for over 17 years. During this period he has worked in different capacities/arenas ranging from Systems Engineering to Senior Technical Management at several Fortune 500 firms including, IBM, MCI (now part of Verizon), and Florida Power and Light etc. He was also selected to serve as Vice President at Nations Bank (now Bank of America) . At GDKN, he is responsible for Planning, Budgeting, Coordination, Management, TechnologyEvaluation, Sales-Management, etc. He has been instrumental in creating strategic internal systems, to grow GDKN in an orderly and organized manner, which are scalable and has prepped GDKN to continue to consistently grow in the future. He has managed several /technical ly challenging~, time and budget-con strained' projects and delivered results in time and on-schedule. He is seen as a talented visionary with in satiable aspiration for perfection. He is well respected amongst his peers and superiors alike. 1 Jay sits on Manpower Inc.'s distinguished Busi ness Advisory Board. He also Chairs FRMBC's Business Development Comm ittee. Mr. Narang was recently invited to speak at Manpower Inc's Supplier Roundtable . He presented on 11Strategic Decision Making and Risk Management". Jay also spoke on ~~surviving the Challenges of Entrepreneurship" at FRMBC's 2008 Symposium in December. Under Mr. Narang's leadership GDKN has grown from a 10 employee outfit to a group with over 140 employees in 23 states and two continents (North America and Asia). GDKN now serves several Fortune 500 firms including: Motorola, Honeywell, Siemens, General Mills, Office Depot, Florida Power and Light, Duke Energy, Progress Energy, Northeast Utilities, FOOT, FDOC etc. Mr. Narang was awarded the "Congressional Order of Merit" in 2007. GDKN, under the direction and guidance of Mr. Narang, won SFMSDC's prestigious "Supplier of the Year Award" in September 2008. GDKN also won Manpower's Supplier Achievement award in 2008. In March 2009 GDKN was awarded the Top 100 MBE Award by Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce and in October 2009, the company won the NMSDC's National Supplier of Year Award . Academic Background Bachelor of Engineering- Computer Technology- GE College, Bhopal, India Hewlett Packard- UNIX Systems Administration Certification VisuaiWorks - Smalltalk OOAD Certification Various other trade certifications Paul Neto - Vice President- Global Services AREAS OF EXPERTISE Team Leadership and Building • Workforce Planning • Social Media Recruiting • Staffing Program Development and Best Practices • Sourcing, Interviewing and Selection Process Design and Implementation. • Vendor and Agency Relationship Management • Global Talent Acquisition • Employment Branding & Marketing • Client Relationship Management and Negotiation • Staff Augmentation • Reporting and Metrics • Recruitment/Sourcing Management • On-boarding • Training and Development • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Selection Implementation/Integration • Requisition & Offer Management • Candidate Management • Assessment Tool Selection and Implementation • High Volume Recruiting • Employee Referral Program Development & Implementation • Immigration (Visa and Green Card Processi ng) • Benefits Administration and Management • HR Compliance Management • Employee Relations • Compensation Management • Risk Management • RPO Development and Deployment • Offshore Recruitment Center Development and Management ( PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 03/14- Present- Vice President Global Services - GDKN Corporation 10/12- 03/14 - Vice President Global Services {Staffing), Tech link Systems, Inc. • • • • • Hired to concurrently re-build the northern California operations and grow the India operations. Respo nsi ble for developing recruiting strategies for contingent staffing, RPO, and managed services projects. At Techlink he Grew Bangalore India location from 7 people to 22 and the northern California location from 3 to 9 while simultaneously rebuilding our account base from nearly ground-up. Act as subject matter expert for global staffing, off-shore recruitment and sou rcing, and RPO. P&L responsibility for both cost centers. 7/12- 9/12, Senior Director, Global Talent Acquisition, Pro Unlimited • • Responsible for managing all corporate hiring globally for PRO Unlimited and its subsidiary RightSourcing. Responsible for mana ging RightSourcing's contingent staffing team which supported the RightSourcing client base nationally. • Acted as subj ect m atter expert in supporting PRO's sa les team for RPO pricing, program design, and deployment as needed. • Migrated RightSourcing's contingent hiring ATS from MaxHire to Sendouts (se lection, implementation, data integrity, training, admin istration). • Worked with executive team and sen ior managers to overcome roadblocks and improve hiring effectiveness. • Transitioned the recruiting function/team from supporting PRO nationally to supporting both PRO and RightSourcing globally. 3/11- 7/12, Senior Director of Recruiting, Tea leaf Technology- San Francisco, CA. • Responsible for managing all corporate hiring throughout North America and EM EA. • Responsible for overseeing HR comp liance, immigration, benefits, and com pensation. Manage Recru iters, Sou rce rs, HR Generalist, and HR Administ rator. Implemented Taleo as an ATS and integrated it with our corporate website and popular social networking sites including Linked In and Facebook. • • • • • • • • • Developed campu s recruiting program from scratch . Reduced cost per hire by nearly 200%. Reduced time to fill by over 300% Reduced dependency on outside vendors from 1 in 3 hires in 2010 to 1 in 11 hires in 2011. Built sourcing/recruiting infrastructure from ground-up (tools, strategy, etc.). Manage internal and external employee referral programs. Developed a social recruiting program from scratch . 12/09-3/11, Vice President of Staffing, Meta byte Inc. - Fremont, CA. • • • • • Responsible for build ing and managing a global staffing infrastructure and recruiting teams in the United States and India. Doubled staff size with a continued projected growth rate of approximately 50% for the 2011 calendar year. Developed and manage staffing reports and metrics. Metabyte tripled its revenue run-rate during my tenure. Represent Metabyte as subject matter expert on staffing/hiring as a public speaker and panelist at various industry events. 12/01-12/09, Techlink Systems, Inc. - San Francisco, CA. 6/04 - 12/09, Regional Vice President • • • • • • Responsible for overseeing the west ern region for Techlink Syst ems comprising of offices in San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles. Total Regional revenue was between 20M and 25M annually. In strumental in having Techlink recognized as an INC 500 company in 2006 and 2007 Managed Branch and Division M anagers and teams of up to SO people. Built an HR Services division from ground-up which had revi ew approaching 1M within the first yea r. Represe nted Tech link as a foundin g member of th e Supplier Advisory Board for M anpower Corporation for 2 years, a first of its kind advisory board focusing on staffing indu stry best practices and trends. 12/01 - 6/04 Branch Director • • • Responsible for managing all operation al as pect s of the Sa n Franci sco Branch. Re-built all aspect s of account management and recruiting in order to position th e comp any to be successful in a changing industry land scape. Generat ed a 300% revenu e increase in th e first 12 month s. • • • Instrumental in Techlink becoming the 19th fastest growing company in the bay area in 2002 (San Francisco Business Times) and one of the top 100 fastest growing minority owned businesses in California. Top Sales producer in 2002, 2003, and 2004 at Techlink, responsible for over 70% of the sales review generated by the San Francisco branch. Hired and managed a staff of up to 20 employees. 1/01-12/01, Recruiting Manager, Covalent Technologies- San Francisco, CA. • • • • • • • Responsible for managing all corporate hiring including the recruiting team and external vendors. Developed recruiting strategies, processes and procedures. Negotiated vendor contracts and created official vendor list. Managed, organized, and attended job fairs and recruiting networking events. Managed internal and external employee referral programs. Worked closely with executive staff and hiring managers to meet hiring targets/needs. Developed interview training curriculum and conducted interview training classes. 6/00-1/01, Staffing Manager, Synapta Inc. (a subsidiary of Attachmate)- Palo Alto,CA. • • • • • • • • • • Re-vamped the recruiting organization and recruiting processes from the ground up. Launched extremely successful recruiting campaign including television, radio, print, and web advertising. Managed a team of Recruiters, Sourcers, and Coordinators. Implemented and managed performance management process for the recruiting team. Negotiated all vendor contracts and created official vendor list. Managed, organized, and attended job fairs and recruiting networking events. Managed internal and external employee referral programs. Worked with executive staff and hiring managers to access hiring targets/needs and resource allocations. Conducted interview training an d managed the interview process. Managed all immigration cases for the organization. 6/99-6/00, Recruiting Manager, Vividence Corporation- San Mateo, CA. • • Built the recruiting department from ground-up for this Kliener Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia funded Internet start- up. Assisted in building an HR infrastructure and migrating out ofTriNet. • • • • • • • • • Managed internal recruiting team and external staffing agencies. Evaluated and implemented recruiting search tools. Negotiated all vendor contracts and created official vendor list. Managed, organized, and attended job fairs and recru iting networking events. Developed a campus recruiting program from scratch. Managed internal and external employee referral programs. Managed all immigration cases for the organization. Implemented and managed resume database. Responsible for building Vividence from 20 employees to over 100 employees. EDUCATION • Ca lifornia State University, East Bay - Liberal Studies, Sociology • Chabot College, Hayward - AA Liberal Studies Donna Harris-Gill- Recruiting Operations Manager Donna Harris-Gill is a results-oriented, strategic staffing manager with a proven ability to hire, train and mentor staff while working a full time desk concurrently, combining both recruiting and other project management activities. Ms. Harris-Gill has been working with GDKN Corporation for the past 5 years. Her major responsibilities include: • Management of the recruiting operations division which includes managing the full life cycle of the recruiting process from training and managing recruiters through to ensuring that the highest quality customer standards are achieved. • Managing daily recruiting operations and a team of recruiters • Establishing excellent professional working relationships with clients • Reviewing and analyzing open requirements and ensuring that delivery of se rvice meets the clients' expectations • Coordinating specific branding/sourcing strategies tools based on geographic locations • Creating e-networking/social networking process to increase the candidate funnel • Communicating with clients to resolve issues • Maintaining daily reporting with staff and clients • Ongoing development of training material and updating of GDKN's computer based training • Continuous evaluation and development of staff Prior to joining GDKN, Miss Harris-Gill had responsibilities for management of operations, human resou rces, recruiting, training and development, in her previous roles. Accomplishments • • • • • • • • Development of Computer Based Training at GDKN Corp. Training and development of staff Implementation of operational controls Development of psychometric testing for senior management staff Rolled out of strategic plan for fourteen business units which increased company's efficiency Development of logistics flow for Supply Chain Department Developed metric reports from Salesforce for the Sales team Preparation of responses to severa l RFPs that have won awards Work History • • • GDKN Corporation Concord Camera Corporation Cable & Wireless Academic Background • • Masters in Business Administration Bachelor of Science- Management Doreen Esparza Doreen Esparza has been the Accounts Receivable and Financial Compliance Manager at GDKN since 2012. She has 8 years of accounting experience with expertise in full-charge accounting and tax preparation. She currently holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Accounting and is on route to complete her Master's with concentration in Public Accounting. The Master's program is geared to prepare Ms. Esparza for the career as a Certified Public Accountant. As of 2012 Ms. Esparza has been qualified by the Florida Board of Accountancy to sit for the CPA examination. In 2005 Ms. Esparza was employed at Gordon L. Schwieger, CPA as an accounting apprentice. She was mentored and trained by Gordon L. Schwieger who has more than 40 years of public accountancy experience. After 2 years of training, Ms. Esparza was promoted to Staff Accountant providing support to clients in all areas of financial recording and reporting, and tax planning and preparation. As a Staff Accountant Ms. Esparza managed several client accounts, assisting with the preparation of tax and accounting reporting requirements for corporations, partnerships and not-for profits, according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and current IRS tax regulations. M s. Esparza was a Staff Accountant to Gordon L. Schwieger, CPA for over 6 years. In 2012, GDKN Corporation acquired Doreen Esparza to manage and expand its accounting department. As the Accounts Receivable and Financial Compliance manager, Ms. Esparza has worked close ly with Executive Management to develop policies and procedures to improve the overall work flow of transactions to properly record and report necessary financial statements. Ms. Esparza has led her team to successfully accomplish a significant reduction of number of days outstanding as well as accounts receivable turnover ratios. Ms. Esparza is also in charge of supervising the accounting department for the Canadian Branch with GDKN Christine Carr Christine Carr has recently joined GDKN Corporation as HR Manager and Onboarding Manager. She comes with a decade of HR Management experience combined with 15 years of Office Management. She obtained her Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification from Nova University and continues to stay current on the many updates to HR compliance laws and mandated changes. Christine is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the local chapter of Human Resources Association of Broward County (HRABC). Prior to joining GDKN, Christine was employed at U.S. Imaging Solutions initially as Office Manager and within one year promoted to HR Manager as she single-handedly turned around a struggling Human Resources department from ground up, establishing company policies and strategies to help benefit overall operational health. Christine was responsible for all aspects of HR including payroll, benefits, employee relations, workman's comp as well as developed compa ny new hire process and retention strategies. As Office Manager, Christine's primary focus was supporting all company operations to achieve organizational objectives while maintaining customer relations and overall quality assurance. During her 15+ year history in operations, administration and HR Management, Christine delivers a high degree of personal drive and work ethic to deliver valuable solutions and improvements to aid in company success. Since joining GDKN, Christine has assisted in fine-tuning existing processes within HR and GDKN's Onboarding System to ensure efficiency and accuracy. She manages a team both locally and India-based and works regularly with the recruitment department with a common goal of improving the new hire process from initiation to completion. Her focus extends to em ployee benefits, establishing company policies and procedu res, employee relations and researching affordable healthcare solutions while ensuring strict ACA compliance. Maritza Saxe - Payroll Manager Key Accomplishments • From creation to implementation of TEEMS software • Training for TEEMS software • Implemented new software for payroll processing and record keeping • Completed payroll with 2,000 hours to as much as 25,000 hours • Redesigned office improving office productivity & customer service • • • • Transitioned office management change without down time Bilingual (English/Spanish} - Spoken & Written Opened, structured, and established an efficient doctor's office Created employee application, manual and guidelines for employees Maritza has 20 years experience in office administration, ten of those years specializing in Contributing team member where her Human Resources and Payroll Administration. experience can be a significant factor in helping achieve the company goals. Dedicated, team player, dependable, quick learner, work independently, and meet deadlines. • • • • • • • • Accurately record, calculate and processes bi weekly payroll for 30-500 employees and contractors (different events and locations, hard sites). M aintain organization's personnel files and policies. Oversee compensation programs to ensure regulatory compliance and competitive salary levels. Evaluate procedures and technology solutions to improve human resources data management, implemented paperless office. Assisted the Director in managing of the Human Resources Dept Account Receivable, Accounts Payable Bank Reconciliations and petty cash . Ordered and maintain inventory for office supplies and uniforms Knowledge of all office positions for vacations and time off Strong knowledge and experience with Excet Word, Outlook skills Overseeing all other aspect for the successful daily operations of the busin ess. • • • • Management of th e Human Resource Department Synchronize staff development and meetin gs Processing payroll for 80-500 employees Coordinated grievances and m ediated employee counse lin g sessions • • • Work History Academic Background Accurate Event Group M arcone Nissan of Delray Eldo n L W ebb, MD PA Bachelor's Degree in Business M gmt. TAB 12- REFERENCES Below are four references: Project Name Temporary Staffing Services Address of Project 8120 Nations Way Building 100 Jacksonville, FL-32256, USA 2101 Maryland Circle Tallahassee, FL-32303, USA Project Type IT; Professional Services; Office Administrative/Clerical Cost $1M-$2M Completion Date In progress Company Address of Company Broward College Property Insurance 2101 Maryland Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32303 Contact Name Huw O' Callaghan Contact Email Address Huw.O' Callaghan@Broward Contact Phone Number 850-521-8336 Contact Fax Number 888-392-6739 Project Name Address of Project Library of Professional Information Technology Services 2601 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Project Type IT Cost $300,000- $500,000 Completion Date In Progress Company Broward Sheriffs Office Address of Company 2601 W . Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Contact Name Rick Torres Contact Email Address Contact Phone Number 954-831-8170 Contact Fax Number 954-765-4006 Project Name IT Consultant Services Address of Project 5680 S.W . 87th Avenue M iami, FL-33173, USA Project Type IT Cost $1M-$2M Completion Date In Progress Company Miami Dade County Address of Company 5680 S.W. 87th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33173 Contact Name Santiago Pastoriza Contact Email Address Contact Phone Number (305) 375-1084 Contact Fax Number 305-375-5688 Project Name Temporary Employment Services Address of Project Throughout the State of Florida Office Administrative/Clerical and IT Project Type Cost $500,000- $1M Completion Date In Progress Company Florida Department of Corrections Address of Company 501 S. Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500 Contact Name Keren sa Lockwood Contact Email Address lockwood.kerensa@mail.dc.state Contact Phone Number 850 717 3131 Contact Fax Number (850) 922-2238 TAB 13 - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Below is the GDKN's organizational chart: President &CEO V"KeNarang ExecutiYe V"Ke Preside11t JayNarang ao CPA Rid Porras Ram Ramochandtan V"Ke President -Global Semces PauiNeta I Operations Manager Olxeen Espana I Payroll Manager MoritzoSoxe I I Reauiting Operations Mgr. OOIIno Hams-Gil Business DeYelcpment Manager (Vaant) I filandal Comptiance Manager Natalia Goukassian Acrount Managen (6) J Reauitefl (20) HRManager Christine Co" I I QualityAsS~.J~a~Ke Manger Indy Seertrisenjee Onboardil'€ Team (S) TEAM MEMBERS: KEY PERSONNEL THAT WILL ASSIST WITH THE PROVISION OF SERVICE TO BROWARD COLLEGE The team members who will work on this project have several years of experience combined, working in the staffing industry. Below is a breakdown of the roles and responsibilities for each person . •......................................................................... ITASK BREAKDOWN ······· · ····· · ·······························-· · ··· · · · · ·························································· ·············~ - ... -·-······································..············ ............................................................... . We plan that Paul Neto will be the primary Single Point of Contact for Broward College. He will be backed by a support team of highly qualified individuals that will be available on his cue to address any of Broward College's temporary staffing needs. We have found this approach to be very successful with some of our other clients. However, if Broward College prefers more than 1 point of contact, GDKN will gladly facilitate the need. The Broward College Single Point of Contact at GDKN @ GOIN / ISALES TEAM The Sales Team under Paul Neto's leadership will : Provide supervision/monitoring of assigned temporary staff as necessary Handle temporary staff disputes as necessary Ensure that all of Broward College's needs for resou rces are met within the timeline provided and within budget. Contact Details: Name: Paul Neto Title : Vice President- Sales and Recruiting 1779 North University Drive, Suite 102, Pembroke Pines, FL Address : 33024 Work Phone: (954) 985-6650 x 248; Toll Free (877) GET-GDKN x 248 Cell Phone: (954) 881-9920 Email address: IRECRUITING TEAM The Recruiting Team under Donna Harris-Gill's leadership will : Ensure that qualified temporary workers are provided to Broward College in a timely and cost effective manner at their requisite locations, for, but not limited to the following job categories: Administration, Finance, Information Technology. Work with Representative from the College to get clarification on any requirement for which additional information is needed. Ensure that all potential temporary workers are properly prepped prior to an interview. Replace, within 48 hours of notification, at no expense to Broward College, any temporary worker that is not performing satisfactorily. Contact Details: Nam e: Donna Harris-G ill Title: Recruiting Operations M anager 1779 North University Drive, Suite 102, Pembroke Pines, FL Address: 33024 Work Phone: (954) 985-6650 x 206; Toll Free (877) GET-GDKN x 206 Ce ll Phone: (954) 885 9920 Email address: IPAYROLL AND ACCOUNTING TEAM S Payroll and Accounting under Maritza Saxe/sand Doreen Esparza/s leadership the team will : Provide reporting information that may become necessa ry during the contract term/ including but not limited to : a list of temporary staff that will be provided to Broward College under this contract/ individual wage reports/ history of wage increases/ monthly and annual reporting request s/ etc. Perform administration and maintenance of all employment and payroll records/ payroll processing/ remittance of payroll and taxes/ including the provision of payroll time sheets/ checks/ and delivery of checks . Provide login details to temporary worker for input of their weekly time sheets into our Time Entry Employment Management System (TEEMS). Ensure that invoices are accurate and are submitted to the College within the required time frame. Ensure that all supporting documentation that justify prices for all services invoiced/ are kept for at least five (5) years after completion of this contract. Contact Details: Name: Maritza Saxe Title: Payroll Manager 1779 North University Drive1 Suite 102 Pembroke Pin es/ FL 1 Address: 33024 Work Phone: {954) 985-6650 x 227; Toll Free {877) GET-GDKN x 227 Ema il address: Contact Details: Name: Doreen Esparza Title: Operations and Accounting M anager 1779 North University Drive/ Suite 102 Pembroke Pines/ FL 1 Address: 33024 Work Phone: (954) 985-6650 x 223; Toll Free {877) GET-GDKN x 223 Email address: Desparza@gd IHR/QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAMS The HR and Quality Assurance teams under Christine Carr's leadership will provide the following services to each employee assigned to Broward College : E-Verify each employee to verify their employment eligibility. Provide services including but not limited to hiring, firing, counse ling, reprimands, and absences. Provide follow-up service to ensure that all temporary staff is performing satisfactorily. Provide notification of temporary staff leave/projected absences to Program Manager. Drug Test each employee- 5 or 10 panel dependent on the request of Broward College. FDLE background check each employee. Other background checks include seven year nationwide background checks with service provider Hireright. Ensure that each temporary staff completes and signs non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements (if necessary) prohibiting the temporary worker from sharing GDKN and its client Broward College's proprietary information with any third party. Provide an orientation of GDKN benefits, procedures and philoso phy as outlined in the GDKN Handbook. Benefits include access to health, dental, and life insurance and GDKN's 401K plan. Ensure that Broward College's mandated forms, if any, are presented and duly signed by all temporary workers prior to st art of their assignments. Provide Broward College's policy and procedure orientation to new temporary workers, as deem necessary by the College. Coordinate direct deposit of temporary workers' pay, at no cost to them . Contact Details: Nam e: Christine Carr Title: HR Manager 1779 North University Drive, Suite 102, Pembroke Pines, FL Address: 33024 Work Phone: (954) 985-6650 x 220; Toll Free (877) GET-GDKN x 220 Email address: l"l:·E·G·A·L··&····c:c;·R·r;·; ·R·Ar·E·· c:c;·M·P. L·i·A·N·c:-E";··················..········································································································································································ Legal and corporate compliance will be handled by Jay Narang working with legal counsel Ellen Leibovitch. They will ensure corporate compliance with all State and Federal laws. Contact Details: Name: Jay Narang Title : Executive Vice President 1779 North University Drive, Suite 102, Pembroke Pines, FL Address: 33024 Work Phone: (954) 985-6650 x 202; Toll Free (877) GET-GDKN x 202 Email address: TAB 14- LITIGATION HISTORY No litigation or regulatory action has been filed against GDKN. TAB 15- PROPOSED METHODOLOGY RECRUITING , SELECTING , TRAINING AND EVA LUATION Outlined below is the proposed recruiting methodology to provide Broward College with temporary staff augmentation services. ,. .................................................................................., _ , , _,,,..........................................................................-..- ............................................................................................................................................... !EVALUAT ION/INTERVIEW/ACCEPTANCE PROCESS If awarded the opportunity to serve Broward College under RFP#2014-290-DD: ~ GDKN's team will meet with Broward College to determine the requirements for each assignment. ~ GDKN's team will set-up interviews with Broward College's staff to evaluate the candidates' level of competency required for the assignment. Examples of test s conducted are as follows: o Administration: typing speed and accuracy, business writing, data entry speed and accuracy, e-mail etiquette, etc. o Finance: cost accounting, accounts receivable and payable, payroll, advance accounting, financial analysis, etc. o Information Technology: various software applications test s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GDKN's team will perform professional reference checks on each individual professional. GDKN's team will determine the potential candidates' legal employment status/eligibility and will ensure that only eligible individuals are forwarded to Broward College. Prior to a candidate's interview with Broward College, GDKN's team will submit a copy of the necessary certification/licenses and/or degrees and a copy of each interviewee's resume that verifies qualifications. GDKN's team will facilitate screen ing of resumes with Broward College and will schedule interviews with Broward College for qualified professionals prese nted by GDKN. GDKN understands and acknowledges that Broward College reserves the right to accept or reject the interviewee(s) for the proposed assignment based upon the result of the screening process. GDKN wi ll do Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) criminal background check or any other type of background check process on temporary employees prior to the start of their assignment. A copy will be provided to the College. GDKN's team promises to ensure that t emporary workers accepted by the College agree to all the terms, conditions of employment with the College. : GDKN'S RECRUITMENT CYCLE INCLUD ING RCRMS (HOME GROWN CUSTOM ATS) Communication with the client is an extremely important ingredient in ensuring the success of our relationship with our clients. At GDKN we listen, learn, and then co-create solutions to our customers' needs. GDKN solves client problems through a durable infrastructure and powerful methodologies. We deliver profitable resu lts that accelerate our clients' competitive advantage. Communication is the key to success. It is imperative that the lines of communication are open not only between GDKN and the client management but also with the representatives of the end-user-community. The use of project methodologies, and associated checklists ensures duediligence on the part of the GDKN team members and ensures that all the t's are crossed and i's are dotted . If in doubt about any of the customer recruitment needs we contact the responsible client employee to seek clarification. We utilize a template to ask questions from the customer about the resource they seek. Some of the example questions in the template are: • Skill set sought • Bu siness Area expertise sought • Knowledge of tools sought • Communication skill level required • Required Vs Desired skills etc..... . This helps us in narrowing down our search criteria to deliver most accurate results. Once we deliver the choices of potential candidate resumes, GDKN then communicates with the customer manager to ensure that we are meeting their expectations. If there are any concerns at that point we then document and act on resolving those concerns to deliver the right results to our customers. Documentation is important every step of the way so that we avoid the same issues in the future. Commun ication with each of th e stakeholder is maintained through period ic status meetings and reports. We conduct a thorough screening upfront, to reduce the likelihood of errors. We list below the steps that comprise our recruitment methodology. •..........................._................_. ..................................................................... ...... .............................................................................................................................................. . ! THOROUGH REQUIREMENT ASSESSMENT GDKN provides a single point of contact to each customer. Our Client Liaisons are very busin ess sawy and they have a very good understanding of the marketplace. They conduct an extensive assessment ofthe client requirements by: (a) reviewing the client requirements and then (b) by interviewing the client manager to better understand the project requirements, the work environment, etc. We list below some of the logical steps of our process o Discuss and understand the resource requirements with Client Manager o Create a Skills Matrix by extracting the relevant information from the requirement details received from Broward College. o Create a job description and add that to our proprietary home grown Order Management System (see an example below) B.: 1:fil ""- , ...~ fcdl tilfp ~ '\i ~51G i) •"r~Siiu6d.7 '"' ~ c..rr-.4il~ltefi*- ~ kelt~ ' JCil:lrN-, ~ <DNICD.IS · ,..__ ~ <DlfJCBI5 ........... ~ GDUCIDNS·P......,.._ ,_ .,..... ~ .,._ ~ : 1- ... n ~,. n ---DIIIjl - CM111t8 .,__ - ........... EOO Tao<JO --- 0&1$ ~ MMM: : - -~ - - ~...tbr.'eflu.olu~ __...._am · be VCO:S._~Aahm cnt "*- » .-... . .,.... apd ...,tllldln5l al ~{llard'.:aSI'I;~G .I NMIS ~ tlllnC.:n~ · Cir'ddl:a~ . . lta iO ~CCG'CIIrbtecMCII...,_ICr~ · CiriOISr4'S.S: ba4~ ~~ ·Cmcfd.Ds-.1U'ldntll'ld 1QQ9ta.~ llllf W'Ittdcn (saa:ilttl • c.dU.a-.t.,.. ~lbr* · EIDII.W....,.._~ noosttdlts:Ao: ·~-,.....~~CIOOibmid..-'II:StllG Cie ~~ ---JD._..., br ~ Vaoa 1MW20 t , _ __ » J~ --- -~ ...... alldlct ... ~·~ ...... ~ .. . . . , -. . . . Cieldll . . . . ~af·Strrotl t j CDNIICJ!U§ · P. . . - - ......... ~~ .............. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~·-· iSEARCH FOR THE RIGHT CANDIDATE The above assessment process provides our recruiters with all the information they need to start searching for the right candidate. GDKN's recruiters gather the information provided by its clients and start the search for the best candidate, to fit the client's requirements. At GDKN we use state of the art techniques to search for the candidates. GDKN has a proprietary state-of-the-art recruiting software application and an in-house top-of the line successfu l, recruiting division with access to several job-boards such as Monster, Dice, Hotjobs, CareerBuilder, The Ladders, Beyond .com etc. GDKN also utilizes government unemployment agencies such as Workforce One, Craig's List, social networking sites such as Linked-In, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In addition, GDKN has state-of-the- art Business Intelligence (BI) tools which have the ability to data-mine resources from its internal databases with close to one million resumes. This provides efficient and effective resume search and improves efficiency in recruiting by increasing our recruiters' ability to quickly find qualified candidates. The Bl tools enable significant reduction in sourcing time by eliminating/ reducing 'false positives', resulting in truly qualified candidates quickly. The Bl tools also enable our recruiters to move beyond key word search and identify talent based on what the candidates are capable of doing, not just the words they place in their resumes/profiles. GDKN's recruiters also use its proprietary state-of-the-art web-based recruiting software application which allows them to track the client-needs and candidates for those needs. They also use this system for planning and managing their day-to-day tasks to ensure the process of recruitment for client-needs runs smooth ly. Management reports available through this system allow the Recruiting Manager to be on top of all the recruiters and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. This proprietary management system is maintained by in-house technical support at GDKN and enhancements are made, as the market evolves to improve the processes and ensure that our clients are served in the best possible way. Advertisements in the trade publications, Job fairs, flyers and our business alliances all over the country are some of the other ways that are used to look for the perfect fit for every client requirement. All in all we do not leave any stone unturned. All in all we do not leave any ston e unturned. PR E-SC REEN ING On ce the candidates are identified, GDKN's Recruiters then conduct a pre-screening to ensure that each candidate m eet s the minimum proficiency necessary for the client requirement in the areas of work experience, education and training. This may include online skills assessment testing. A check list of suggested question s is then utilized for this effort. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. ICUSTOMER SERVICE SCREEN ING Upon passing the pre-screening each candidate is interviewed by GDKN's Client Relation Executives who extensively examine the candidate's work history, customer orientation skills, professionalism, reliability, flexibility, positive attitude and team attitude. A check list of suggested questions is then utilized for this effort. ; ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I TECHNICAL SCREENING The eligible candidates filtered through the above process are then interviewed by our technical managers or consultants who are proficient in the areas of expertise involved. This three tier process eliminates the undesirable resources. : ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ___ ....................- - -·--···-···---············..........- ......_, I E-CONSENT, FINALIZE INITIAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSULTANT Candidate that makes it out successfully from the above screening process is then sent an Electronic Consent From (a web-link is sent). The candidate then logs-in and signs the Consent Form in compliance with the ESIGN Act and UETA, where we capture and record the Timestamp, Physical Location and IP Address of the candidate. This electronically signed consent form provides us the candidate's authorization to present their resume to FOOT and proceed to the next steps in our screening process. Before presenting the candidate to our clients, this consent form enables us to finalize the negotiations, and ensures that the candidate understands client's benefits, compensation plan, philosophy etc. We realize that effective commun ication with both our candidates and our clients is the key to a successfu l bu siness relationship. ············--·············--........-................................................................................................_________,,,........................................................._, j SKI LLS TESTING AND ASSESSMENT _____............................................................................................. Each individual candid ate is required to go through a skills assessment process. This assessment ranges from online testing for more technically demanding positions to typing speed test s, computer skills test, phone interviews for other positions. We have several proprietary online testing tools available to us that are used to conduct these test , such as 'Prove-it' testing. The test s are done in the various job areas such as Administration, Finance, Information Technology . ...................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ICLIENT INTERVIEWS We arrange candidate interviews directly with the client's personnel once we have accomplished a positive eva luati on of the ca ndidate. An initial phone interview is typically arranged, followed by a face-to-face interview if required. FINAL SCREENING PROCESS GDKN is a drug free and safe (crime free) workplace. We take safety of our employees and our clients VERY SERIOUSLY. Hence, we conduct the following checks as a part of our pre-hire process: );> Three References (minimum) );> Thorough Background Check (7 Year) );> FDLE Background Check );> Drug Screen );> Employment Eligibility Verification (E-Verify) These checks can be altered to suit the needs of Broward College. Process Flow of the Recruiting Cycle at GDKN - C'?) Professional Recruitment Support Del ivery P r ocess Flow a t GDKN GDKN"s C l ient Liaison C l ient lnh.late the new- R eeru1t.rnent I SUpport Need GDKN"s P rofes sional Recrui ting Team d IOGOKN I I Clorificotion I EvaJu.ate~ 1 Pam- 1 and Discuss 'oN'ith Professional requ l~lO RCRMStor R:eorolling T eam 1Internal pt'DCIItSSfng1 t j 1 1 1 l'ru-·11 Ref~l II ~ s 1. ? Oet.abese Search Submit to Prota ssionol Reauiting T""'" I I Coord.natlon 1 S u bn\&t and Coordinate fntcrvtow with Client M anager II CGndlda ta Selected Parlonn A) Periodic Fon~ps B .) Fac:ilitDt.a Mentonnglf necessary 1 s FO"N&rd I R esources I 1 li lA~ Print M~a I ~P~a-• 1 Orientution .._..,....,n - FOf'W'ard kltefVicw 50bfnilled candidat. . and <X><>VeY lhe findings to~ Online R equest Sysl.t tnl I 0 I GDKN "s HR and ARTeams iend few sub<nissWn I I I Pas~ Candklales Po~ I RefC:~ I YES C&ndkfs.les Ret- a nt T ectv\k:al Quiz ond~ico l I I S.thedent I for servloes ORIENTATION OF NEW EMPLOYEES Coordinating an orientation program for new employees (also referred to as onboarding) is an important step to help introduce new employees to our team, familiarize them with the workplace, and create a positive first impression. Employee orientation helps to increase retention and enhance employee productivity. Below is our New Employee Orientation Checklist: CHECKLIST - ORIENTATION FOR NEW EMPLOYEES INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY _ _ _Welcome _ _ _ Description of the company: • • • • • Mission, Vision, Philosophy Hours of Operation The importance of quality service Goals Organizational Structure POLICIES AND PROCEDURES _ _ _Explain dress code _ _ _Ensure that biometrics is done and employee knows how to sign in and out of the building _ _ _ Review amount of sick time, holiday time, personal time and vacation time as applicable _ _ _ Review of Benefits - 401K, Health, Dental, other applicable insurance _ _ _ Explain out of office procedures- who to call if unable to attend work _ _ _Explain time off request proced ure _ _ _Explain rules on personal t elephone use _ _ _Review disciplinary guidelines _ _ _ Review teamwork policy _ _ _ Review Employee Performance Appraisal system _ _ _Ensure that em ployee acknowledges receipt of Employee Handbook The employment handbook is attached under separate cover. SUPERVISORY PLAN We share with you some of our internal processes and procedures. At GDKN the supervisory plan comprises of following 4 components: • Reward good performance • Proactively identify the problem and take appropriate action • Progressive discipline • Just cause self audit •··················································································································· IREWARD GOOD PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... We believe that rewarding top performers not only is the right thing to do but it makes business sense. Rewarding good performance encourages others to learn from the example of the successful employees. It's not only an incentive to the employee receiving the reward to keep up the good work they do but, also an incentive for others to achieve the same level of performance. We have set procedures and measurement metrics for our in-house employees. We will be glad to work with the Broward College managers to develop a similar program for the temporary staff at their facilities. I PRO ACTIVE LY I DENTIFY THE PROBLEM A ND TAKE APPROPR IATE ACTION When facing a performance discrepancy (a gap between expectations and actual performance} we ensure that employees have: 1. The performance standards the training the direction, and 2. The feedback to do the job before moving to disciplinary actions. We create a Performance Improvement Plan if we feel additional information is necessary in any of these four areas. If we feel confident that we have provided each of these opportunities to our employees, then we have addressed our supervisory responsibilities. If a performance discrepancy still exist s with a particular employee we : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make it explicitly clear to the employee what is expected Repeat the performance standards to the employee Enforce the performance standards Document the performance discrepancy and actions we have taken, and then Begin the Progressive Disciplin e Process Apply th e stand ards of Just Cause. Each situation can be classified in one of the category most similar to the problem : • • • • • • • • Missed deadlines Attendance-related issues (unscheduled absences, excessive absences, tardiness} Poor quality work Inappropriate behavior Insubordination Not doing enough work Personality conflicts Rule Violation (dress codes, call-in procedures, break-times, departmental policy violations, using phone inappropriately, etc}. :·······························································································································································..··········-································································································--············································-······· l PROGRESSIVE DISCIP LIN E We adopt a progressive discip line approach towards employees that violate GDKN's policies. Progressive discipline is the process of using increasingly severe steps or measures when an employee fails to correct a problem after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so. The underlying principle of sound progressive discipline is to use the least severe action that we believe is necessary to correct the undesirable situation. We increase the severity of the action only if the condition is not corrected. Some guidelines we take into consideration are: • • • • • Thoroughly investigate the situation which includes obtaining the employee's explanation or response prior to administering discipline. Document the process and resu lts of our investigation. It is acceptable to repeat a step if we feel that it will correct the problem . This may be the case if some time has passed since it was last necessary to address the issue and the situation has only recently reappeared. Or perhaps, the employee misunderstood or we feel there is value in doing it again in a clearer fashion . If repeating the step works, the situation has been resolved without escalating it unnecessarily. However, we remain aware that an employee may be led to believe that nothing worse will happen if we continually repeat a step. If repeating a step does not resolve the problem, we can then move on to a higher step. The goal is to modify the unacceptable behavior or improve the performance. The goal is not to punish the employee but to more strongly alert the employee of the need to correct the problem. There is no rigid set of steps nor is there an inflexible rule that all steps must be followed before terminating an em ployee. The circumstances of each case and our judgment as to the least severe action that is necessary to correct the situation will help determine which step to use. • • • Early, less stringent, measures are skipped for serious offenses such as theft, fighting, drug or alcohol use or sale. All steps are typically used for attendance or general work performance problems. While usually unnecessary, it is acceptable to have a witness or note taker present when meeting with the employee during the progressive discipline process. Our witness/note taker should never be a peer of the emp loyee. GDKN's policy permits the employee to have a witness if he or she wishes. Human Resources is available for consultation at any step of the process, but it is especially important at the steps of suspension and termination . Essential elements of each progressive discipline step Disciplinary actions are often overturned completely or reduced to a lesser level when any of the essential elements of progressive discipline are missing. • • • The employee is explicitly informed of the unacceptable behavior or performance and is given specific work-related examples. It is not sufficient to assume that the employee knows what the problem is. Explaining acceptable behavior or performance standards and give the employee reasonable time to comply. This may be a longer time frame if a skill needs to be learned or a shorter time frame if it is a behavior to be changed. The employee is informed of the consequences of failing to comply. This is not a threat, rather it gives the employee reasonable expectations of the consequences if change does not occur. These three essential elements need to be present at each step of progressive discipline and are discussed prior to taking disciplinary action. Typical progressive disciplinary steps : Cou nseling/ Verbal Warning Written warning Termination/Dismissal Counseling/ Verbal Warning Counseling is usually the initial step. • We conduct the whole counseling session in a "low-key" manner. We are friendly, yet firm. • This discussion is done in private. We tell the employee the purpose for the discussion. Identify the problem. • We try not to be mechanical or read from a piece of paper. We have documentation available to serve as a basis for the discussion. • We seek the input from the employee about the cause of the problem. • Where possible we jointly identify a solution to the problem; otherwise, we identify your desired solution. • We clarify the employee 's understa nding of our expectations concerning the situation. • We let the employee know that possible disciplinary action may follow if the problem is not corrected . • We try to get a commitment from the employee to resolve the problem. • We schedule follow up with the employee. Provide feedback. Let the employee know how he/she is progressing on solving the problem. Considerations: Counseling sessions are used to bring a problem to the attention of the employee before it becomes so serious that it has to become part of a written warning and placed in the employee's file. The purpose of this discussion is to alleviate any misunderstandings and clarify the direction for necessary and successful correction . Most "discipline" problems are solved at this stage. If some progress is seen, this counseling step can be repeated to allow the employee full opportunity to correct the problem. It is not necessary to document the counseling session as it is considered an informal step in progressive discipline. However, a brief statement confirming the subject matter discussed and the agreed upon course of action to correct the problem can be noted in a short memo to the employee. Written warning • • • • • We initiate this step by repeating the process used in the counseling step, i.e., talking before preparing any written action. After this discussion, we prepare the written warning. Build in information, responses, and commitments made in the discussion. The written warning will have three parts: o A statement about the past, reviewing the employee's history with respect to the problem. o A statement about the present, describing the who, what, when, etc. of the current situation, including the employee's explanation. o A statement of the future, describing our expectations and the consequences of continued failure. The warning is addressed to the employee. This step may be repeated with stronger consequence statements. Examples range from a statement that failure to correct this situation "may lead to further disciplinary action" to a statement that "this is a final warning and failure to correct the problem will lead to discharge." Termination • • • • • This is the last step of GDKN's progressive disci pline system and is used when earlier steps have not produced the needed re sults. A discussion with the employee must occur before a final determination is reached. We inform the employee about the nature of the problem. See sequence described under co un seling. The employee must be given an opportunity to explain his or her action and to provide information. If the employee takes this opportunity, we must investigate where appropriate an d give consideration to the information provided . A written notice of termination is prepared after the discussion and considerat ion of all available information. J··············..··················································································································· ····························•·······•···•·····················································································•···································································· i JUST CA USE SE LF AUD IT GDKN's personnel policies provide that employees will only be disciplined for just cause. Establishing just cause means; having legitimate reason to invoke formal discipline. Disciplinary actions are frequently overturned completely or reduced to a lesser level if even one of these elements does not exist. However, there are occasional situations in which such serious issues arise that termination is merited. A self-audit to determine if just cause exists We adopt the method of answering yes or no to each question on the audit. A "yes" response to all seven questions indicates that just cause for discipline does likely exist, however just cause may occasionally exist even if fewer t han all seve n are answered in the affirmative. 1. Adequate warning Did the employee know or should the employee have known that the behavior could result in disciplinary action? 2. Reasonable, related rules Was the rule or order reasonable, safe, and related to GDKN's needs? 3. Fair investigation Did we conduct a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances--including the em ployee's explanation and/or evidence--prior to administering discipline? Was the investigation conducted in a timely, fair and objective manner? 4. Substantial proof Is there substantial proof for our case? 5. Equitable treatment and past practice Have the rules, orders, and penalties been consistently applied to this and other employees in the past? 6. Appropriateness of discipline Was the discipline related to the seriousness of the offense, to the employee's record, and to the employee's level of responsibility within GDKN? 7. Meeting with the employee Was the employee provided an opportunity to be heard, to present evidence, give statements, etc.? In cases of termination or other loss of pay situations, this opportunity is required prior to taking action. !'"E·M·PLovEi.E.vA.i:.u.Ar·i·o·N·F·a·R·M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Attached is copy of employee evaluation form . EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS As a potential client most firms will tell you what they can do for you. How do we actually do it is the unique insight into our operations. At GDKN we provide a climate where employees are continually developing their skills and are committed to meeting, and exceeding client expectations. We invest a significant portion of our gross income on training our employees to continually improve efficiency and productivity while maintaining the professionalism required for conducting business in a competitive marketplace. This enables the employees to stay abreast with the latest technologies and new developments. In order to ensure that our employees are equipped to meet the challenges of the changing times GDKN has instituted an R&D team of excellence that is constantly researching to find effective and efficient ways to perform day to day tasks. This team then makes recommendations that are reviewed by our senior management team. Once approved, our Training Development Analysts develop WBTs and other training material to prepare our teams to use the new methods while our IT team prepares to deploy the same into our production environment. We provide below screenshots of such a WBT for our proprietary RCRMS. New versions of this WBT are available every 3-4 months. As a result of our continuous training programs GDKN has been able to continually improve its processes and enhance the delivery to our clients. Moreover, this keeps our staff motivated thus allowing us to maintain a low attrition rate. Annual Performance Evaluation ((_!) Page 1 GDKN Employee Supervisor Hire Date Job Title Department Review Date 1. PERFORMANCE REVIEW FACTORS A. JOB KNOWLEDGE 0 Poor - Unable to complete job duties, poor understand of job 0 Less than Satisfactory - Lacks knowledge of some phases of work 0 Satisfactory - - Has adequate grasp of job requirements 0 Very Good - Understands all phases of work 0 Superior - Has completely mastered job, strives to learn more/improve job skills OBSERVATIONS B. INDUSTRY/BUSINESS "GDKN" KNOWLEDGE 0 Poor- unable to assimilate to GDKN Corporate Culture; doesn't understand business model 0 Less than Satisfactory - needs to better understand our business 0 Satisfactory - Understands GDKN's needs 0 Very Good - Still needs some coaching and direction 0 Superior- Needs very little coaching and direction; Represents GDKN in proper manner OBSERVATIONS C. QUALITY (correctness, completeness, and accuracy of work duties performed) 0 Poor- Makes frequent and recurrent errors; does not understand job requirements 0 Less than Satisfactory - Makes above average number of errors 0 Satisfactory - Usually accurate makes minimum number of mistakes Very Good - Requires little supervision, is exact and precise most of the time, seldom makes 0 errors 0 Superior- Requires minimum of supervision, consistently thorough and accurate OBSERVATIONS D. QUANTITY OF WORK (amount of calls /appointments/placements made during workday) 0 Poor - Not enough calls , placements and appointments being made 0 Less than Satisfactory - not enough income producing activity 0 Satisfactory - making break-even placements 0 Very Good - consistent follow up on leads and calls , making sales goals 0 Superior - Placing qualified candidates in positions; exceeding sales goals OBSERVATIONS 2014 CCL Performance Review (CJ) Annual Performance Evaluation Page 2 GDKN E. RESPONSIBILITY & DEPENDABILITY (willingness to take on assignments and be held accountable) D Poor- Unable to complete job duties, poor understand of job D Less than Satisfactory - Lacks knowledge of some phases of work D Satisfactory-- Takes care of necessary tasks; completes them with reasonable promptness D Very Good- Reliable , requires little supervision, carries through effectively D Superior- Requires minimum of supervision, seeks additional responsibility; is very reliable OBSERVATIONS F. EFFECTIVE USE OF TIME (ability to organize , prioritize and schedule) D Poor- does not qualify and quantify income producing tasks as priority D Less than Satisfactory - Difficulty in determining priority and schedule of duties D Satisfactory - Completes assignments within time expected, meets schedules D Very Good - Plans skillfully, handles unusual situations D Superior - Extremely capable in coordinating tasks in changing situations OBSERVATIONS ~- INITIATIVE (origination and development of vital job procedures) D Poor- Unwilling to demonstrate interest in gaining new knowledge D Less than Satisfactory D Satisfactory - Follows formal instructions as necessary D Very Good - Seeks additional knowledge pertaining to job D Superior- Thinks "outside the box"; Develops new ideas and methods to improve quality of results OBSERVATIONS H. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS (communication and cooperation with fellow employees & Clients) D Poor- Fails to consider others, not courteous, lacks understanding D Less than Satisfactory - Sometimes rigid and defensive, does not foster good working relationships D Satisfactory - Adapts self to others and to most situations, seeks guidance when needed D Very Good - very cooperative and considerate of others, gives a positive image D Superior - Goes out of way to promote good interpersonal relations ; proactive OBSERVATIONS I. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY (conformity to work hours; timely attendance at meetings) D Poor - Absent often, frequently late, chronic offender D Less than Satisfactory- Lax in attendance or reporting time, allows personal factors to interfere D Satisfactory - Usually present and on time, generally reliable D Very Good -Very prompt, shows responsibility toward regular attendance D Superior - Superior attendance and promptness, always dependable 2014 CCL Performance Review cc_, Annual Performance Evaluation Page 3 GDICN OBSERVATIONS *Note For every poor and/or superior performance ratings , must have examples in the observations section. 2. PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Listed below are five performance appraisal factors which are considered representative of positions requiring administrative/managerial responsibility. A brief description is provided for each factor. In the space provided, the reviewer should place words or phrases that most appropriately describe the employee's ability to perform the administrative/professional function. A LEADERSHIP. Consider the ability to motivate subordinates and co-workers, to foster high morale and to function consistently and effectively in an objective and rational manner. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Consider the ability to keep you informed and to communicate (both written and verbal) effectively with peers, subordinates and supervisor. C. DECISION MAKING Consider the ability to identify problems, gather and organize facts, evaluate, and make an effective final decision. Examine the ability to understand the bottom line and adhere to budget effectively. D. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Consider how well the employee selects, assists in proposals, and develops leads. Also consider how well Executive develops business relationships, networks, maintains and services existing clients. E. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION Consider the ability to plan in advance, to utilize resources (e.g. Time , money, facilities, materials, equipment, employees' skills, etc.) and to accomplish objectives, meeting all deadline dates. 2014 CCL Performance Review Annual Performance Evaluation (CJ) Page 4 GDKN 3. PERFORMANCE REVIEW SUMMARY Performance Strengths 4. Areas for Improvements OVERALL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Rating at the completion of 90 days: 0 Poor - Unable to complete job duties, poor understand of job 0 Less than Satisfactory - Performance is below the minimum requirements for an Executive 0 Satisfactory - - Performance is acceptable, but could be more profitable 0 Very Good - Performance is above normal expectations; makes all sales goals 0 Superior - Performance exceeds requirements and expectations Comments: 2014 CCL Performance Review Annual Performance Evaluation ((_!) Page 5 GDKN 5. MUTUALLY UNDERSTSOOD GOALS Goals to be evaluated at next review Goals Deadline Goals met Y/N a. b. c. Employees are encouraged to send written comments concerning the evaluation process to the Human ~sources Department; and Executive Management. Specific comments regarding evaluation of performance, ::~val setting, and plans for improving performance would be most helpful. I, the supervisor of the employee, certify by my signature below that the content of this performance review has been discussed with the my manager. GDKN Enterprises GDKN Employee Agreed and Signed by: Agreed and Signed by: Name: Title: Date: Name: Title: Date: 2014 CCL Performance Review ) dl ,~ Gc>-1j!e"'Jc~-==- .a- f oots ...._ -o - x ---" Hdp ~ Cio i· G' "~> ~ f tt laslcT<-.g r..... a--C- c - 1o ...._.,_ l!il>IOblodad l ,a-~< _ ·""-1- 11 Basic Training for the Cllfmt-Consulblm-Lblson (CCL) a-•--"" """"'__ I> The CCt. rrust always keep on mnd that we rej)ri!Sirt GOI<N and Ole <iefllllflalwe do. ~ Ole.-.. os why we are al here. 1> GOKH's ciellls eJpl!d lheu re<premertslo be met ina pnleswwl and buslnessa;e way. - R!lleds wel1410fllhem as an orgar1llllllon. Of course. ol's resuls IIIII a.tis 1o pr~ Ole (jed Wllhlhe most tectricaly IJ.Wfied candtdales available,. and .. Ole moslltml!ly .......... pa55illlt!. .--goal way.- I> The candtdales we conlad also hiM! expedalions. They exped Ill be-~~~ a relledsa sensi1Miy lor eachnilodual as a person(nal;.sla .......a!) To persaaaunoilblle~ we rrust be sensiiM! Ill each candtdale's needs a n d - a oe--IXIDCI!OII.., ~ lliln1ler1hDse needs. We sllaUd ~keep 1R mnd- irs .... persons job {paltelllaiJJ - - . . , laltilg . - lhal's preay ·~ lo most people I> Gutdelnes lor elledM! use of telepllooe and e...-.ait a1e ~ • a_. dlailler oftis --.g a-•--"" £ t=!''Ef'!'M'bili f'iii"''"?i ¥"'¥'' i'!'h'1 !!!!!! ~ --..;; "r:l 1 X \ \ ,..,·fti)I\Do<A\lt«NNIong\CCL T•'"""'g\Cn- . . . . . fa.: Edit V'". .., F..writ1 Tooh Hdp o-.- Co.JslelC · EIGo l·¢) >0 ~ · l -et --.. !Jilloo ......., ~~<.- ~ le o..~cr.-,. ,.. ,,.e~on<-~0 n · ~>J · s · t.' ••· O r- · » Hof":"'>f' (-"'J~~r; f !. Q 'i (.ou ru Lt..acl -4 ... This chapter presents a tlnal enmlnaUon for new CCL'a who have -this c:owse. It covers .U c hap ters, .ml te.b for understand ing of key c:onc:epts pruentecl In 1he course. Quesdona may be of the following lypes: 1 . True/F.tae 2. UuiUple Choice (select a single choice from 1he h i) 3. U ulliple Selecllon {select any that apply from 1he hi) After answering each question, cDc:k lhe " Grade lhe Tul" -..n to review yow • resutta. a- •--"" ·················-·-··········································-···-···········································································--·····-···············......................... ! EXAMPLE OF TRAINING COURSE ...•.•........ ····················································-·······-·········································· ,.,_ Attached is copy of tra ining course for the Administrative job cat egory. TRAINING SCHEDULE- ADMINISTRATION ADM IN ISTRAliVE ASSISTANT/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Module One: Getting Started Module Five: Meeting Management • • • • • Housekeeping Items The Parking Lot Workshop Objectives Pre-Assignment Action Plans and Evaluations • • • • Creating An Agenda Keeping Minutes Keeping the Meeting On Time Variations for Large and Small Meetings Case Study Module Five: Review Questions • • Module Two: Working with Your Mc:m ...:er ;.'lodule Six: Tools of the Trade (I} • • • • • • Adapting to Their Style Anticipate Their Needs Getting Your Responsibilities Defined When to Take the Initiative Case Study Module Two: Review Questions • • • • • • Email Protocol Office Machinery Computer and Software Skills Communication Skills Case Study Module Six: Review Questions Module Seven: Tools of the Trade (II} Module Three: Administrative Soft Skills • • • • • • Social Intelligence Basic Business Acumen Office Management Active Listening Case Study Module Three: Review Questions • • • • • • Phone and Voicemail Etiquette Word Processing Business Writing Internet Research Case Study Module Seven: Review Questions Module Eight: Being an Effective Gatekeeper Module Four: Effective Time Management • • • • • • Calendar Management Prepare for Changes and Surprises Keeping Others On Track Urgent/Important Matrix Case Study Module Four: Review Questions • • • • • • Filtering Data and Information Learn to Say No Dealing With Difficult People Recognize the Tricks Case Study Module Eight: Review Questions Module Nine: Organizational Skills • • • • • Prioritizing Your Workload Goal Setting Plan for Tomorrow, Today Staying on Track Case Study Module Nine: Review Questions Module Ten: Confidentiality Guidelines • • • • • • Your Confidentially Duty Be Diplomatic and Discreet Keeping Data Secure What To Do in Sticky Situations Case Study Module Ten : Review Questions Module Eleven: Special Tasks • • • • • • Project Management Trade Shows Interacting with Clients Social Media Management Case Study Module Eleven: Review Questions Module Twelve: Wrapping Up • • • • Words from the Wise Review of Parking Lot Lessons Learned Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations TAB 16- AVAILABILITY OF PERSONNEL GDKN has hundreds of qualified candidates in its database for all job categories. As a result we are able to provide qualified resources to our clients at very short notice. Longer lead time would be required for the more technical requirements. RESPONSE TIME Within the first 2 hours of GDKN receiving the recruitment request following steps will be completed: ································································-·····--····--·······························..···············································································-·-·······-·-······-································................................................................................. IREQUEST REVIEW -.. GDKN's internal review of the Job Description received from Broward College will be conducted by our recruiting team If in doubt about any of the specifics of the need we will contact the responsible Broward College emp loyee to seek clarification . We utilize a template to ask questions from the customer about the resource they seek. Some of the example questions in the template are: • Skill set sought • Business Area expertise sought • Knowledge of tools sought • Communication skill level required • Required Vs Desired skills etc...... Within the next 2 hours j SK ILLS MATR IX DEVELOPMENT If there are no doubts or once all the doubts are cleared up, we will develop a Skills Matrix ···········-··································..····································································································-···--··········-----·················································-·-··································································..··--······........ _.,. IADD TO RCRMS AND GDKN .COM Once the above steps are completed we will then add the request in our internal Work Management/Applicant Tracking System RCRMS. This will immediately make the requirement description available on our website. ................................................................................................................................................................................... IASS IGN , POST AND MATCH o o o o ............................................................................................................................................. ~""'~ This request is then assigned to relevant recruiting personnel. Our highly trained Recruiters then search our internal proprietary RCRMS database, and various premium "members only", web based search engines RCRMS sends out the job requirements via emails and fax to our industry contacts for referra ls including our current employee base We utilize the trade journals and print media for sourcing these candidates If it is a very difficult to find skill set then our technical recruiters make a determination and we may use radio ads etc. Based on the response from the above effort the following takes place in next 20 hours PROCESS THE RESPO NSE The response from the above effort is then processed where we perform (as described earlier in the "Recruiting Procedures" section) : )> Pre-Screening, Customer Service Screening, Technical Screening etc. )> Electronic Consent Signing )> Presentation of resumes to Broward College's Hiring Manager i BROWARD COLLEGE INTERVIEWS Based on the time it takes for Broward College's hiring managers to review the resumes prese nted by GDKN, and the response received, rest of the process moves accordingly. TAB 17- COST PROPOSAL FEE The cost proposal is enclosed under in a separate package. TAB 18- FINANCIAL CAPACITY GDKN' s Dunn & Bradstreet Number is: 03-288-9680. Attached is copy of Dunn & Bradstreet Report Dun &Brads tre e t C CoR P R J!ID i t \ I L I T Y G d k n Corpo ra1:i o n ouN s , Business l n 1'o nnatlon R eport Company l n f onnation o.r- Ste "1779 1:'11 ....~ ~Pineo . FL "102 330.24 "'Tb:is is a single l ocation loc:D11an. ....... .,·-= .-CIU•'f S~ ~ Sy-.lbol.: Y e..-.-S~ DlRECTOR(S ... THE OFF'ICER(S. NA . _ . . _ - ...._ _ss= t Q ge Corporate FamBy: r-IH-!1111.!.I PAYDEX®..., tCoC I 79 I :JoGD•"•Goc ... - ~- - . p - Z:a ----~ D&.B P .AYD:EXIE» "'-Jo' -- --~ ~ of late P=J)I"h"'C::t"W aiflr"rage 3Q d..aJrSO or- k-s"S ~ .vnc::~ ..1\eclturn ser-rno. LatA· n~ o:l L.::ll~ pay~ Ca..:elf'alge~ 1o .30 ... dalP'"S ~ ~~ RFP·2-0-14·2Yll·DU Temporary Staff Augmentation IPricin<~l Page· Attachment F REVISED 5 100 Payroll Specialist $29.00 6 100 Payroll Manager $47.00 7 100 Accountant $45.00 8 100 Senior Accountant $60.00 10 100 11 100 12 . ·-···-··· & System Administrators (Advanced) I $6,000.00 $80.00 $8,000.00 Applications Architect $83.76 $8,376.00 100 Document Specialist/Technical Writer $58.33 13 100 Database Administrator $66.00 14 100 Web Application Analyst $45.00 $4,500.00 15 100 Quality Assurance Analyst $53.03 $5,303.00 16 100 Systems Analysts $55.00 $5,500.00 *The quantities listed on the Bid Summary (Pricing) Page are estimated quantities to be used as a guide and not a guaranteed of actual hours. COMPANY NAME: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITILE: GDKN Corporation ~- I(;;Jj; Recruitino Operations TAB 20 - SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS (SOB) CERTIFICATION/PLAN GDKN is approved to participate in the SDB program by Broward College. Please see letter below: •BROWARD- PROCUREMENI" S ERVICES ~COLLEGE Cyp•'. ,."" ~ Ad..a.Uni!llrahv e Center 6400 N .W . 6th W a y . Fort La...~.,. FL 33309 Phon.. ~201-74c55/Fax 954-201 -7330 --ww.broward...du/coaununlty /vendo. www. broward . e d u OFFICE OF SUPPLIER RElATIONS AND DIVERSITY December 9 , 2013 JayNarang GDKN Corporation 1 77 9 N unn-ersity Drive tH02 Pem.broke Pines_ Fl.. 33024 Dear Jay Narang: Congratulations! The- Bro"'-"'ard Colle-ge Offi~ of Supplier Relatioos and ~' as ple-ased to announce' that }"OW' finn is eligible- to participate- in file Sina.ll Disadvantage-d Business Program (SDB). The documentation received from one of our Ce'rtification agents bas been '~ed m accordancewith Broward College' s SOB Program ~s- The '-alidation proc-ess documents your finn ns a "ertified , -endor. Your finn ' s eligibility s tatus as a certified vendor is '-alid through Se-ptenber 19 , 2015. B roward College protides ac~s to supplier tesowces and ~ oppcxtuoities on lme- at broward.edulcommunity/vendor. This link also gn·es }-aD ace~ to the- Certified Vendor Directory and lhe Seahawk Sowcing system. for supplier ID3D3gemeu1 and re-gistration. During the certification period, you are- require-d to protide current contact infonnation for }"OUI" finn with the Office of Supplier Relations and Div~-- ReJ-"1 any cb:uages in your finn' s ownership and managerial or operational control to }'Our cmnpany· s ~tifying agen c·y . S h ould you have questions. you may contact the 0~ of Supplier Rdatioos and Dive.Yty by te-leph one a t (954) 2 01- 7 898 or e-mail SDC@broward.eodu. Sincerely, Broward College Offic e- o f Supplier Relations and Dn·ersit)· GDKN's Corporate Headquarter, Pembroke Pines, Florida.