IN Bud


IN Bud
IN Bud
A Newsletter for Indiana‟s Orchid Enthusiasts
January, 2010
Newsletter Highlights
 AOS Corner
 Pahiopedilum: All Secerts
 Obession a Poem by Susan
 Orchid of the Month: Hwra.
Lava Burst
2010 Officers
Chad– President
Mike-Vie President Speakers
Lowell– Recording Secretary
Kortney– Corresponding
Meeting Dates
January– Sunday the 24th
July-Picnic at Hilltop
September-Chicago Trip?
December– Orchid Bingo
Garfield Park
Take I-65 to the Raymond
St. exit, turn west toward
Shelby St. Turn left
(South) onto Shelby St.
and go approx. 3 blocks.
The entrance to Garfield
Park will be on the right
side (West) of Shelby St.
The Conservatory is located
just inside the park on the
December 09 Meeting - Orchid Bingo Event
We had a great
turn out for our
December orchid bingo!
Our bingo winning plants
came from Carmela
Orchids of Hawaii, Hilltop
Orchids, Russ Vernon,
and several contributions
from our members.
Thank you to all
the contributors to bingo
prizes. Our prizes this
year not only included
orchids but many orchid
related supplies, other
types of plants, handmade
items, and books.
Our refreshment
table was huge and left
some of us wondering if
we had enough room on
our plates. We had
several requests for the
recipe for Hoosier Toffee,
December Orchid Bingo Event Prize Table
made by Carol Begley.
This recipe is included in
this month‟s newsletter.
The orchid bingo
event is a great way to
end the year and have
some fun together! I hope
you all enjoyed the event
February Meeting!
AOS Corner
Our February speaker
will be Glen Evans. Glen is an
AOS judge out of the Cincinnati
AOS judging center and a member of our society. He will talk
about judging orchids. This will
be excellent information as we
have a show coming up in the
Spring! If you have never been a
clerk before or even if you have
this is will be a great
opportunity to learn all about
the judging process.
The American Orchid
Society Affiliated Society Committee is requesting innovative
ideas to help orchid societies
that are facing challenges including the economy, changing
demographics, and changing
communication methods. If you
would like to submit ideas or
would like to receive the information from what is gathered
please email Carol Holden @
and took home some nice
plants and supplies. Have a
great start to the new
year, may this new year
bring many blooms for
you and some new plants
as well.
For details on the
meeting go to and
look under “Events” and then
“Members Meetings” .
Also check out the
AOS Facebook page located at
Page 2
In Bud: January 2010
Message from the President….
Neofinetia falcata
I hope that this newsletter find
all of our members and their
families well! I also hope that
everyone had a fantastic holiday
season and that your orchids
are happy, healthy, and ready
to produce for our forthcoming spring show. Because I
know that each of you are
fantastic orchid growers, I can
almost bet that your plants are
smiling as we speak!
I can‟t believe we are in 2010!
Holy smokes, an entire year
has went by since becoming the
president and it hardly feels like
“I started out
small - a gift
from a friend.
An innocent
hobby, a
fabulous trend.”
-Susan Fordyce
it. As they say, time flies when
you are having fun.
New Logo!
I believe that this year is going
to be a milestone year for the
CIOS. We have a great group
of members, a very willing
group of active volunteers, and
a lot of beautiful orchids that I
know will fill our hearts with
joy each and every time we
come together.
After years of deliberation, we finally have a
new logo. I would like to
thank Scott Arvin, of the
Indiana Audubon Society,
Inc. for very patiently
working with us on the
creation of this new logo.
Thanks Scott for volunteering your time to help
us out! We love it!
I look forward to seeing each
of you at the January meeting!
Calling For Content & Plants
We have some special requests this month for
content for future meetings
and for future newsletters.
We will be hosting
another meeting of
member growing areas in
February or March and we
need members who would
like to share their space!
Mike will come out and
photograph your setup to
include in a presentation.
The Miami Valley Orchid
Show is February 21st &
we need members‟ plants
to send.
If you would like to submit
photographs for upcoming
issues of In Bud for the
Orchid of the Month section please send them in
and include your secret
growing tips.
We are looking for book
reviews of orchid books
our members own to
Paphiopedilum: All Secrets Revealed
Den. Caty Beck
This book has 151 water color
illustrations in it, detailed species descriptions, a section on
taxonomy, history of hybridization, all about Paph. cytology,
color management, anatomy
and morphology, It talks about
subgenera, natural hybrids,
complex hybrids, a whole section on maudie hybrids, multi
floral hybrids, and propagation!
I highly recommend this book
to any Paph. loving orchid person! It is amazing! -Kortney
By Bruno Friesen
Published: December, 2009
Price: $203.78
Available from Trafford Publishing
include in newsletters.
If you have any announcements or anything in general that you would like to
have included in the newsletter please submit those
as well.
The deadline for the
February newsletter is January
31. Please email Kortney with
newsletter submissions at
Page 3
In Bud: January 2010
Obsession by Susan Fordice
O heavens above - I'm obsessed and I'm crazed,
More often than not, I go about dazed.
My orchids have multiplied like rabbits in heat.
I try to contain then, but they've got me beat.
I started out small - a gift from a friend.
An innocent hobby, a fabulous trend.
Onc. Jungle Monarch
Soon my counter tops were crammed and I added a rack.
And said "No more Room!"" - but my resolve was to crack.
A greenhouse window was installed, and a bay for good measure
Psychopsis from CIOS Spring
Show 2009
And, lo, skylights were added for the light that they treasure.
The humidifier was next, and some fans for the breeze.
“…once you're
('Cause the mold it was causing was making me sneeze!)
hooked on
I invested in molly bolts and dozens of hooks
orchids you're
To hang up my vandas like I read in the books.
finished. You
never get off
orchids ...
- Joe Kunisch,
Soon my shower and tub were filled to the brim
(and my social life suffered and became very dim.)
On the john I installed a fertilizer injector,
A few couplings here and a hose to connect'er.
She works gosh darn well, though the output is small,
Stima. Kelly Lea
But I have to go to the neighbors to heed nature's call.
Throughout my kitchen - I pitched it all on a lark (But I did save the oven for sterilizing the bark).
The cabinet doors had to go, they were abandoned with glee.
Inside I put grow lights - what an ingenious me!
Loud speakers are rigged to play a rain forest tune.
(The hoot of some monkeys, the cry of a loon.)
I'm sure the plants love it - they never complain.
Masd. From CIOS
Spring Show 2009
(Which is more than I can say for my neighbors' refrain...)
Haraella retrocalla
To be continued in next month’s newsletter!
Orchid of the Month: Hwra. Lava Burst
Hwra. Lava Burst „Punami‟ AM/AOS
Grower/Photographer: Kortney Bewley
Grown outdoors on a southwest facing
balcony during Summer & in west facing
window in winter and fall. Grow in Hilltop‟s
Kortney Bewley
641 Turtle Creek S. Dr. # 4
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Light: Medium
Intermediate to warm
Blooms when new growth
matures (aprox. 2x a yr)
intergeneric hybrid of
Leochilus, Oncidium, &
Do not let dry out completely
Compact grower
Flower size: about 1 inch,
several on each spray
Repot in Spring in medium
fir bark or coco husk mix
Hoosier Toffee
saltine crackers
2 sticks butter or margarine
1 c. sugar
1 12 oz. bag chocolate chips (semisweet, white or milk)
1. line a jelly roll pan (15 x 10) with foil
2. cover with a single layer of saltine
3. boil sugar and butter EXACTLY 3
minutes, stirring constantly
4. pour over crackers
5. bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes (until
6. remove from oven and sprinkle
chocolate chips over mixture
7. as chips melt, spread evenly over
toffee mixture
8. refrigerate until cool. peel off foil
and break into pieces
May keep in refrigerator, but keeps ok
at room temp. Sprinkle with colored
sugar for seasonal coloring. i don't buy
it, i make it with sugar and food coloring
-Carol Begley-