f!:: €i" @ Management Service CERTIFICATE The Gertification Body of TUV SUD Management Service GmbH certifies that .A E PESTAN PESTAN d.o.o. 1300 kaplara 189 34301 Arandelovac Serbia has established and applies a Quality Management System for Design, manufacturing and sales of PVC and PE fittings, PVC and PE pipes, PP pipes and fittings, plastic vessels and garden sets (plastic sets), plastic waste containers, PVC and aluminum windows and doors, PVC profiles, compounding and micronisation of calcium carbonate. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to ISO 9001 :2008 are fulfilled. The certificate is valid from 2014-03-25 until 2017-03-24. Certificate Registration No. 12100 23526 TMS rt, ,{tTProduct Compliance Management Munich, 2014-03-25 ( DAKKS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle D-ZM-14143-01-03 fUV SUO Management Service GmbH . Zertifizierungsstelle . RidlerstraBe 65. 80339 Mi.jnchen . Germany TUV@ T @ .f;i t3 P' Management Service CERTIFICATE The Gertification Body of TUV SUD Management Service GmbH certifies that .A' trl PESTAN PESTAN d.o.o. 1300 kaplara 189 34301 Arandelovac Serbia has established and applies an Environmental Management System for Design, manufacturing and sales of PVC and PE fittings, PVG and PE pipes, PP pipes and fittings, plastic vessels and garden sets (plastic sets), plastic waste containers, PVG and aluminum windows and doors, PVC profiles, compounding and micronisation of calcium carbonate. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to fSO 14001i2004 are fulfilled. The certificate is valid from 2014-03-25 until 2017-02-10. Certificate Registration No. 12104 23526 TMS /r, ,{t ?"Product Compliance Management Munich, 2014-03-25 ( oou11;,.,* Akkreditierungsstelle D-ZM-!4L43-OL-O4 fUV SUO Management Service GmbH . Zertifizierungsstelle . RidlerstraBe 65. 80339 Mi.jnchen . Germany TUV@ I .', r- @ .. s*i;* Management Service CERTIFICATE The Certification Body of TUV SUD trtlanagement Servlce GmbH certifies that A trI PESTAN PESTAN d.o.o. {300 kaplara 189 34301 Arandelovac Serbia has established and applies an Occupational Health and Safety Management System for Design, manufacturing and sales of PVC and pE fittings, PVC and PE pipes, PP pipes and fittings, plastic vessels and garden sets (plastic sets), plastic waste containers, PVG and aluminum windows and doors, pVC profiles, compounding and rnicronisation of calcium carbonate. An audit was performed, Report No. 70077767. Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to OHSAS 18001 :2007 are fulfilled. The certificate is valid from 2014-03-2s until 2017 -og-24. Certificate Registration No. 12116 23526 TMS I rt, /Ur?* Product Compliance Management Munich, 2014-03-Zs fUV SUO Management Service GmbH . Zertifizierungsstelle . RidlerstraBe (oou5l,.." Akkreditierungsstelle D-ZM-14143-01-05 65 .80339 Mtinchen . Germany TUV@ ''EVNIAPKOHTPOffi'' AA croKoB KoHTpon u nenpulnHu ornEEu, flAEopATopHtr otIEHtBAHE HA CbOTBETCTBT4ETO 4EE: CI4CTEM G4^ €:"|,"-fsv @ 14 3A YNPABII EH 14 t4 AHAflut3l/t, TEXHl4rtECKl4 HM3OP, E l-{eHmpaneH oQuc:1000 CoQur, yn. "l1apve0uu" Ne42 Ten.: 021 989 4070, Oakc: 02l 988 2354, leHoHouleH meri.: 0889 400 400 E-mail: sales@bulgarkontrola.bg, cert@bulgarkontrola.bg KAT 3A CbOTB ETCTB 14 - HCWCOCCn. 1 01 5 C EPT14O14 14 E ftoraercrBile c Llacr rpera or Hapeg6ara 3a cblqecrBeHhre il3ilcKBaHilF KbM crpoexilTe I oqeHFBaHe cborBercrBl4ero Ha crpoilrefiHl4 npoAyKTt4 (o6H.a [B 6p 106/2006 r,)e ycraHoBeHo, qe crporrenHrfir npoAyKr B TPbEI'1 OT noflilETt4flEH BI4COKA nTbTHOCT (HDPE 100) ca npeflHa3HaqeHil 3a il3rpaxAaHe Ha 13BbHcrpaAHil HanopHkl rpr6onpoaoAHr/ c]/cTeMV v ci-paAHV 3a nflTefrHo -6ilroso BoAocHaoAflBaHe c pa6orHo HanflraHe il pa3Mepil nocoqeHil B [lpilnoxeHile Ne 1 KbM HacroFr{r4fl ceprilSilKar: oTKfloHeHilff NYCHAT HA NffiAPA OT PESTAN d.o,o. 34301 BUKOVIK - ARANJELOVAC, 1300 Kaplara, Serbia nPoL|3BE[EH BbB PESTAN d.o,o. 34301 BUKOVIK - ARANJELOVAC, 1300 Kaplara, Serbia e npoil3BeAeH B ycnoBilFTa Ha BbBeAeHa 0T npoil3BoAr4TeflF cr/creMa 3a npoil3BoAcrBeH KoHTpon il e noAnoxeH or npou3BoflilTeflf; Ha reKyu{o il3nilTBaHe Ha npo6un o6pa3qil no npe4nilcaH nr]aH 3a fi3nilTBaHe. [rperqnn "OqeHReaHe Ha cborBercrB]4ero" npr SynraproHTpora A[ e rsarpu:nna nbpBoHaqanHO il3nilTBaHe Ha rtAnaL4 nbpBoHaqaneH KoHTpon (ogur) Ha npoil3BoAcrBeHilfl KoHTpor 14 ocbqecrBflBa nocrofiHeH KoHTpon (Hapsop), oqeHKa n o4o6pnaaHe Ha npoil3BoAcrBeHilH KoHTpon. Tosu ceprn$ilKar y4ocroBepflBa, qe BchLrKLr paanope46n no orHoueHne Ha 14 r43l4cKBaHr'r Ara Ha ceprnSnraqn+Ta Ha crpor4TenHilTe npoAyKTn EAC EN 12201-2:2011 ca npilnoxeHil il n3nbflHeHr n qe npoAyKTbT cboTBeTcTBa Ha BcilrlKl4 npe[nilcaHil il3]4cKBaHnF, Torn cepru$ilKar orMeHn Ceprn$nKar 3a cborBercrBr,re No 024/ 05.03.2008 r, n ocraBa r43r4cKBaHilFTa Ha rexHilqecKara cneqnSrraqilF ca il3nbnHeHil il ycnoBnfra Ha finh np0il3BoAGTBeHilfl KoHTpon He ca il3MeHeHil. 28.03.2012r. rpag Co{nn fiuperrop Ha A[peKqnf, "OC": IT, SyIlI-APKOHTPOIIA A,[ - Co$nn c n4eHru$vrxalluoHeH uovep 14 or perhcrbpa PaspeureHne Ng.POCCI-14124.01 .2008 r., u3AaAeHo or MPPS ooc/cPD-10-5/01 wurw. bulgarkontrola. bg Ha crp.112 # to Certificate of Conformity No 14 - SupPtement No 1 HCI4COCCfl -1015 nertEr Nominal dimension SDR DN/OD (mm) + 630 25 + 630 20 + 500 16 + 400 50 2810312012 Operating pressure PN 6ar) 27,6 6 17 10 11 16 I 20 Director of "Conformity Assessment" Sofia i l'- BULGARKONTROLA S,A.* Sofia with identification number 14 Permit Ne POCCfl-14124.01.2008 r., issued by MRRB ooc/cPD-10-5/01 crp.212 ''EYNIAPKOHTPOffi'' AA _ilti_ r#l croKoB KoHTpon u ABApulnHu ornEAn, nAEopATopHvt AHAJIl43vr, oUEH'BAHE HA CbOTBETCTByTETO 4er--t "4t" CI4CTEM I4 3A YNPABN EH €:"*s.lgv @ U 14 TEXHilqECKI4 HAAsOP, E IlenmpaneH o$uc: 1000 CoQur, yn. "llapqe8ulr" Ne42 Ten.: 021 989 4070, Oakc: 021 9BB 2354, lenououteH men.: 0889 400 400 E-mail: sales@bulgarkontrola.bg, cert@bulgarkontrola.bg CEPT14O14 KAT 3A CbOTB ETCTB 1,,l E 14 - HCIACOCCn. 1019 B croraercrBile c Llacr rpera or Hapegbara 3a cru{ecrBeHilTe v3vcKBaHnA KbM crpoexilTe cborBercrBl4ero Ha crpoilTenHil npoAyKTl4 (o6u.a [B 6p 106/2006 r,)e il oqeHFBaHe ycraHoBeHo, L{e crpor4reflHrflr npoEyKr TPbEl,l OT nOflilETl4IlEH BI4COKA flIbTHOCT ( HDPE 80) ca npeAHa3HaqeHil 3a il3rpaxIaHe Ha n3BbHcrpaflHil HanopHr/ rpu6onponoAH14 cl4cTeMil il crpaAHil oTKnoHeHile 3a nilTeilHo -6nroao eogocHa6grBaHe c paoorHo HaflflraHe il pa3Mepil nocoqeHil e llprnoxeHne Ns 1 KbM Hacroflrqilfl cepril{r4Kar: NYCHAT HA NA3APA OT PESTAN d.o.o, 34301 BUKOVIK - ARANJELOVAC, 1300 Kaplara, Serbia nPoil3BE[EH BbB PESTAN d.o.o, 34301 BUKOVIK-ARANJELOVAC, 1300 Kaplara, Serbia ycnoBilera Ha BbBeAeHa oT npoil3BonilTenfl cncTeMa 3a npofi3BoAcTBeH KoHTpor il e noAroxeH or npoil3BogtTenfl Ha reKyqo n3nilTBaHe Ha npo6nn o6pasqu no npe4nncaH nraH 3a il3nilTBaHe, [rpexqrr "OqeHreaHe Ha cborBercrBilero" npn SynraproHTpona A[ e rentpu.][na nbpBoHaqaflHo il3nilTBaHe Ha rvnav nbpBoHaqaneH KoHTpon (o4nr) Ha npoh3BoAcrBeHilfl KoHTpon fi ocbqecrBnBa nocrolHeH KoHTpon e npoil3BeAeH B (Hapsop), olleHKa r ogo6pnaaHe Ha npoil3BoAcrBeHilF KoHTpon. Tosn cepruSilKar yAocToBepflBa, qe BcnqKil paanopegbn no orHoueHile Ha ceprnsn raq nera Ha crpoilTenH [Te npoAyKTr4 n usvtcKBaHnAT a Ha EflC EN 12201-2:2011 ca npilnoxeHil il il3nbnHeHt/ il qe npo[yKTbr cboTBercTBa Ha Bcilr.rKl4 npeAnilcaHh Toalt ceprrt$ilKar orMeHr Ceprn$raKar 3a cborBercrBue r43r4cKBaHilFTa Ha rexHilL{ecKara h3r4cKBaHilfi. No 025/ 05.03.2008 r. il ocraBa BanhAeH, AoKaro cneqnQnraqns ca h3nbflHeHil il ycnoBilflTa Hfrnpoil3BoAcrBoro KoHTpon He ca il3MeHeHil. ilnil np0il3BoAcTBeHilfl 28.03.2012r. rpag Co$ur [upexrop Ha EnpeKqrfl "OC" SyI||-APKOHTPOIIA A.[ - Co$nr c n.qeHruSvrxaqroHeH HoMep 14 PaspeureHne Ne.POCCfi-14124.01 .2008 r., u3Aa,qeHo ooc/cPD-10-5/01 www. bu Igarkontrola. bg ff,n or perrcrtpa Ha or MPPE Re*\ [, \?-j # Krr,a ceprr,r$ilKar 3a cborBercrBrae Ns 14 - llpr,rnbxenlre Ne 1 HCI4COCCil - 1019 1=rBe Hounxaneu pa3Mep DN/OD (mm) SDR + 630 25 + 630 20 + 500 27,6 50 28.03.2012r. rpa4 Co$un Pa6orno Hant[aHe PN (bar) 6 17 10 11 16 tr$ fir,rperrop Ha AupeKqt,tr "OC": IT. 6yflIAPKOHTPOIIA A,[ - Co$raa c u4eHrnsraxaquoHeH HoMep 14 or perucrupa Paapeurerre Ne.POCCI-1-14124.01.2008 r., r3AaAeHo or MPPB ooc/cPD-10-5/01 Ha MPPE ctp.2l2 t\ 6\ :l DVGW DVGW " C E R TG M B H cEHT .,;,. 4-c.;-ruu 7'r3*#f DVGVI| type examination certificate DVGW.Baumu sterp r tifzertifi kat DW-8136CL0493 Registration Number Registriernummer Field of Application productsof watersupply Anwendungsbereich Produkte der Wasseruersorgung Owner of Certificate Pesfand.o.o. Bukovik 1300Kaplara189,RS-34301 Zertifikatinhaber Pestand.o.o. Bukovik 1300Kaplara189,RS-34301 Distributor Vertrciber ProduKart plasticpressuretubesfor supplypipelines: PE-HDpipefor watersupply, group14(8136) manufacturing Product Description pipemadeof plasticPE-HD(PE 100)for the drinkingwatersupply Product Gategory ProduKbezeichnung Model Modell "Pestan" PE-HD-Rohr Test Reports Priifberichte (MPD) typetesting:K 10 0783.1+K10 0783.2from 15.12.2010 from31.01.2011(TZW) KTWtesting:KR 289110 (TZW) hygienic testing:MO 107/10from10.12.2010 Test Basis Priifgrundlagen DVGWGW 335-A2(01.11.2005) UBAKTW(16.05.2007) DVGWW 270(01.11.2007) ffin | 10-0525-WNE / Fife No. 15.12.2015 Date, Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat DVGW CERT GmbH - accreditedby DeutscheAkkreditierungsstelleTechnik / /'--\ A \ f--;:- D V G WC E R TG m b H Josef-Wirmer-StraBe 1- 3 5 3 1 2 3B o n n T e l e f o n+: 4 9 2 2 8 9 1 B B - B B B DW-8136CL0493 TechnicalData TechnischeDaten PE-HD-Rohr "Pestan" group:14 manufacturing ri,fi . i \ t\ 6\ DVGW C E R TG M B H i ':". Dvcw CERT li..l"q. *r1.,.,"i1 DVGW-Baumusterprtifzertifi kat DVGWtype examination certificate DW-8146CL0495 Registriernummer registrationnumber Anwendungsbereich Produkteder Wasserversorgung field of application productsof watersupply Zertifikatinhaber owner of certificate Pestand.o.o. Bukovik 1300KaplararSb,RS-34301 Vertreiber distrtbutor Pestand.o.o. Bukovik 1300Kaplara189,RS-34301 Produktart product category ngen: PE-HD ft1r die re ftir Versorgungsleitu Kunststoff-Druckroh Fert.-Gr.16 (8146) Wasserversorgung, Produktbezeichnung Kunststoffrohr aus PE-HD(PE 100)ftir dieTrinkwasserversorgung product descrtpfion Modell "Pestan" PE-HD-Rohr model Prlifberichte fesf reporfs Priifgrundlagen fesf basis (MPD) K 10 0783.5+K10 0783.6vom 15.12.2010 Baumusterprtifung: KR 289110 vom 31.01.2011(TZW) KTW-Prtifung: vom 10J2.2010(TZW) Prrlfung:MO 107110 Mikrobiologische DVGWGW 335-42(01.11.2005) UBAKTW(16.05.2007) DVGWW 270(01.11.2007) 15.12.2015 / 10-0525-WNE DVGWTERT GmbH - von der DeutschenAkkreditierungsstelleTechnik (DATech) in der TGA GmbH akkreditiertfrlr die Konformitatsbewertung von ffi Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat c-) D V G WC E R TG m b H Josef-Wirmer-StraBe 1- 3 5 3 1 2 3B o n n T e l e f o n+: 4 9 2 2 8 9 1 B B- B B B -: ," l:' : +j :'.i: -:: ';i;.:1:.1. if,'.. $l' t f;i i..ry,r;l;l ig::, : ,li ' , r r,rflii', 1 : r i ' i : riii : r l l,;ll, itt , .::::ti:lliir-',, . II 6\ ',r,%ffk*,' DVGW C E R TG M B H E ovcw ;t DVGW;Baumusterprlifzertifi kat DVGWtype examinationcertificate DW-8141CL0494 Reg'rstriemummer registrationnumber Anwendungsbereich Produkteder Wasserversorgung field of application productsof watersuPPlY Zertifikatinhaber Pestand.o.o. Bukovik 1300Kaplarat'8-g;RS-34301 owner of ceftificate distributor Pestand.o.o. Bukovik 1300Kaplara189,RS-34301 Produktart prductcategory frir Versorgungsleitungen: PE-HD fiir die Kunststoff-Druckrohre Fert.-Gr.15 (8141) Wasserversorgung, Produktbezeichnung aus PE'HD(PE 100)filr die Trinkwasserversorgung Kunststoffrohr Vertreiber productdescriPtion "Pestan" PE-HD-Rohr Modell model Priifberichte fesf reporfs 10 0783.4vom 15122010 (MPD) K 10 0783.3+t< Baumusterprufung: vom 31.01.2011(TZW) KR 289110 KTW-Prrifung: (TZW) vom 10.12.2010 Prrlfung:MO 107110 Mikrobiologische Priifgrundlagen fesf basis DVGWGW 335-A2(01.11.2005) UBAKTW(16.05.2007) DVGWW 270(01.11.2007) :ffi / 10-0525-WNE 15.12.2015 der DVGW CERT GmbH - von der DeutschenAkkreditierungsstelleTechnik von (DATech)in der TGA GmbH akkreditiertfilr die Konformitdtsbewertung Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat /- \ f.-> DVGW CERTGMbH 1- 3 Josef-Wirmer-StraBe 5 3 1 2 3B o n n T e l e f o n :+ 4 9 2 2 8 9 1 B B - B B B DW-8141CL0494 Tvp vw nPestan" PE-HD-Rohr 4 l $:" {l i: TechnischeDaten technlcaldata Bemerkungen rcmarlrs Fertigungsqruppe: 15 Abmessungen: 75 mm bis 225 mm ,fi \ r t ,t r -
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