varsity conquers loyola, cu and canisius
varsity conquers loyola, cu and canisius
THE VILLANO V AN 1 VATICAN-STATE Students ConPEACE AGREEMENT tribute Deposits College r Announcements ! (Continued from Page One) right to appoint Hisliops in riiiy Members St>e. There will be a very itnpurtunt exmooUnjj of the Sophumore cIujjb to- Tills assumed riglU it formerly day at one o'clock in room 400. ercised as the heir of the ancient ;'. Men will be eU'cted to the olflcea of secretary and treasurer. All friophoinores arc earnestly requested to attend. ,• Juniors who have ordered rings and who liMve not received thera may ulituln them from Mr. Van ' Hprn. '. V ••>".<!• ;'"': ' Any liuvinR .liinlors which they would ^ like to .snapsliois have pub- • • who tl.;- further renounces any authority to confirm the. nominations of parish priests by the Bishops. The aiipointinent of parish priests of tlie right the lieconies solely nominations of Hishops shall he made freely by the Pope with the sole condition that l>efure the namlnation the Vaticiin and tiie shall advise the Government so that the latter may inform the Vatican whether there exist against the candidate any dilflculties of a polit- wish to use last character. year's i)ictures may do so by pay- ical concordat recognizes fully the The requested ing a feci of $1.00. This is moral and Juridical personality of by the photographers l^or retoucliing tlie churches, ecclesiastical instituand printing tlie necessary gloss. religious parishes, tions, dioceses, Those who have ordered p ctures orders and congregations according inusit i)ay their fee. No pictures to the precepts of canon law, with ..can be ordered from the photo- the full right to possess, administer Seniors ,• [\! : • igraplier until tlie fee is paid. Salaries are stabilized for Bishops, parish priests, vicars, canons and staffs of seminaries. Religious instruction will be given primary and in all schools, both secondary, under the supervision of Special ecclesiastical authorities. recognition also is given to Catholic and be a meeting of the Dewitt Clinton Club, Saturday at Tliere will Fedlgan 220. 11 o'clock in Boom Hull. All Clinton men attend. There will Junior Class. be a meeting of TODAY, Tuesday, the in inherit. universities. Jtooni K. Aluninl Hall, at 1 o'clock Ecclesiastical authorities also are be permitted to participate in Juridical proceedings against members of the clergy. The clergy is I ' to new — ATLANTIC CITY CLUB .. j ' . i i j ' I I At a meeting that was held last Monday, it was decided by President Jack Sorbo to continue the the ten dollar gold piece the 28th of this month. He also stressed the fact that all returns are to be made by ticket holders on no Later date than the 25th of this month, Matt Lieb, chairman of the committee on admissions, took the floor .ind submitted the names of Hanlon, raffle for until PA. 7. UNCJENTLBMANLY CON- the or horse-play, which student would not be allowed to do in his own home, will not be tolerated In Jiny of the buildings. Congregating In corridors and empty rooms, while classes are in 8. absolutely forb dden. 9. The posting of noticffl on bulletin oftlcial other the boards will be eonsider<>d ;is defacing the property. Discarded cigarettes are not 10. on the floor of private thrown to bo fOssion, Is rooms. Fpltting Is not only disgustto also most Injurious ing, but health, and Is forbidden. 11. socially The Bryn Mawr 1795 Ire Cream J. McDevitt Printing 1145 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAVR. was then read by MOTOR SALES secretary, who also read the minutes of the last meeting. With the parting words to get out and hustle the chances for the coming raflle, president Sorbo called the meeting to an end. PA. Sevillp rCI^MAL Hupmobile INrCI^MAL Sales the **Proin" a typical George Hatchina value .... in patent leather .... or gun-metal calf . ... an achievement in style USED CARS PA. From $200 to BRYN MAWR, Phone a aeiiaation in price Sixea-S to 12 . . . . Widths- A to E Open EveningK $800 1207 W.Lancaster "Careful Handling and Quality" THE WILSON LAUNDRY PA. Pike CccHiitdiins stores Watson, !• MAY DEGREE CHESTNl'l SIRKK'I 5621 GermantuHn Ave. l207-0«> 27.'>2 Gtrmanluwn Ave. 4058 Lauraairr Ave. 4405 Main Sl.JMaiMNunk " ' A Stanley NECESSARY — — of the I're Meds; .Mr. .lolin Kelly, of the Kngineei-s and Mr. Lovatt of Lovatt the Hiislness School. Mr. explained the iiecess ly of getting by the in the assessment money middle of April. If all returns are in by that time the different com- mittees may push the arrangements much [ faster with specific figures to This is one of the most important notes in the scale of success attending the Junior week. work on. The Sophomore A. B. section Is making up classes thnt were missed due to the inability of the Instructors to appear because of illness Vacant or departmental duties. this periods are being used for ^..rpose. and in making the selection — Excellence (lualities of character of leadership 2 and literary abllits Scholastic 3 Physlclal attainments; and vigor as demonstrated by interest and activity in outdoor sports and — athletics. The scholarships provide for tuibo.ird and room while at the University. F'leld work expenses tion, are provided by the organization to Mr. Henry was much pleased which the student is attached. Full information and application with the outcome of the meeting specially the enthusiasm shown by lilanks may lie obtained from BrothHowever, the turn- er H.irnabas, F. S. C, Executive present. out was not nearly what it should Secretary, Knights of Columbus Hay have been as there were only about Mfe Hureau, New Haven, Connecticut. (Continued on I'age Four) Dean Humphrey Issues Letter Admonishes High School Students About Engineering Course chairman, Mr. Orbach, Mr. Cartenuto, Arts, Mr. Bradley, Engineer, Business, Mr. Glldea, problems certain and Mr. Nagle Tre. Med. "Red" are There Engineering all (hirrett was appointed artist for which confront It Is planned to .schools, and which Villanova feels the committee. erect a drinking fountain In the as keenly as tl>>^ There is too entrance to the stadium, the foun- little understanding nylllgh School tain will be surmounted with the faculties of the real fl^Jdjaccupied of figure of a foot 1 all player running by the Engineering proWsslon with his hand stretched out before the type of student who should be Action will be taken Imme- encouraged to enter it, nnd of the him. money and nature of the preparation which diately to raLio the form the design for the monument. best fits a boy for Its study. Conmisfit of sequently, the number Engineering the MAKE TO for applicants SOPHOMORE A. B.'S of sidered 1 are: many boys schools Is high, nnd possess the talents of successful Engineers are misjudged Into less congenial fields. In the hope that some of these mistakes may be averted by timely advice, the Villanova Engineering (Continued on Page Four) Forensic Club ... Academy Austin Hall Fedlgan Hall Good Council Hall With three minutes remaining to the game and Canlslus on top by a point Hughie Nolan revensed the standing with a timely field goal, his second of the encounter and thereby enabling coach Cashman a dBlue and White varsity to squeeze through to .a 16-15 triumph. The victory was the third In four days. Catholic U. and Lyola falling before the Wildcats earlier in the week. marvelous Villanova pulled a sprint in the closing minutes of the the final period, after being on short end of a 11 to 3 count at mid- #22 #204 #125 #165 .. ... #5 Mendel Hall Papers may also be purchased In the Pie iind room Shoppe, the places otiier dining on the campus. I j j i who have any Subscribers complaints or who wish to make any adjustments. If on the campus see Mr. Prokop in #12.5 Those on the Hall. Fedigan mailing list whose address has been changed or wlio have not been receiving their copies regularly or those who desire any other iidjustments please write to Mr. Prokop, Hox #401, Vlllanov.i HALF RALLIES WIN 2ND. siring the paper who have not been receiving their copies regularly, that they may obtain the same in the following rooms: time. Jack Birmingham and Captain Nolan were the only two of the homesters to score from the field. Jack had three and three, while [ .snared two double-deckers. Donovan, Morgan and Myretetu* brought in the other three count- Hughie ers on free throws. College, villanova. Pa. (Continued on Page Yearlings Lose in Snow Battle to N. J. Normal Senior-Junior Fra- First Year Men Hold Concas Staged Before Army querors of Temple Freshof Photographers men to Low Score Annual Die man Winter, in spite of his Playng their best game of the sudden and unexpected attack last current season Villanova's first ytar to infailed Thursday morning, to spire terror into the staunch hearts men lost a hard fought battle Trenton, Normal State at Trenton On body. of Villanova's student the contrary, he afforded them a N. J., last Wednesday night by the means rare of amusement in the score of 31-24. I»los' Baskoteers played a good the first half although on the short end of a were they Contl's Conquerers and Henry's Haulers fought it out in a battle 22-11 score. The second half openroyal in a knee-deep sea of snow. ed up with the Cubs mainfesting a The tug of war came first. The fight which is <;haracteristic of all outWildcats. They line tightened and, for what seemed Villanova to be ages neither side held an ad- scored their heavier and older opThen someone in Hen- ponents this iieriod 13-9, only to be vantage. ry's line slipped and fell, dragging defeated by a last minute rush. two or three of his teammates with '•;'• The lineup: form of a tug of war and snow game during fight. j A him. chain Is as strong as Its Trenton Villanova Tooniey advantage, the harder and soon succeeded in Tracy dragging their opponents 'across Edwards the finish line. Stock Czescik weakest Quick to seize the Conti's con.sorts tugged link. forward . . Forms Plans 3) Upperclassmen — — Game Last Circulation Trokop, of tlie Vlllanovan, Announces to the suh.scribers of the Vlllanovan and to all those de- Manager ii for to CANISIUS — ' : AND Birmingham Runs Wild In Every Fray Nolan Saves A letter has been received from On Tuesday, February 19th, room Secreof tlie Academy was the scene ot brother Harnabas, Executive who t IS the very entliusiastic l)Ut poorly at- tary of the Hoy Life Bureau of tended .lunior Class Meeting. The Knights of Columbus, announcing meeting was called to order by The Knights of Columbus Scholarthe volume Is perfected. Tills year Tresident .lames Henry at 1 o'clock. ships in iJoy Guidance for the the Belle .\ire is dedicated to llev. From the .seveial dl.scu.ssions and graduate course at the I'niversity of Joseph Hickey, D. D.. J. C. D., O. S. came the formal announce- Notre Dame. whose services to Villanova phins A., A limited number of Scholarships by Mr. Crosby Coughlin, the ment merited this distinction. The vol- class Secretary, tliiit Mai Hallefs iiie avail able to young men to perfour ume is to be divided Into (•oluml)ia Recording Orchestra mit of their studying and training books as follows: would furnish tho music for the for the profession of Hoy Guidance. Notre '^BoQk 1 College. .lunior I'rom. After exhaustive coni- The tinie at the I'niversity of History of entirely to be devoted (a) will Dame negotiations detailed Iiarison and Hoy Guidance work. Campus Scenes (b) \\itli tlie majority of the foremost The course comprises one year of College Adniinlstratloi. (c) lolU'ge prom orcliestras in tlie Fast, (Featuring llallett s orchestra was selected lie- academic work, six weeks in a seClasses II Book Senior Class) eause of the reputation lie has ac- lected boys' cami) and five months' practical field work with an ap(Featuring; Activities III <!Ulred. Book work organization. boys' the unathletics especially Mr. Mahan then outlined the plans proved Master of Arts and a degree of The This track all-round team. for the he has made defeated football specialists certificate for this new late Indlthe for competition the to field ind dedicated is part Goodreau who met his vhlual chami)ionship of the college. profession are awarded upon the T.po satisfactory completiim of the redeath during the football .sea- No definite information or final ar«iuirements, yet rangements have been made as son.) Scliolarshiits are awarded on the meet Book IV Fraternities and Clutjs liut according to Mahan the promises to be one of the big events basis of cfdlege record and pracFour) I'age on (Continued tical experience in Hoys' Work. of .lunior Week. There was also a suggestion to General lte>;:ulations: A Candidate to be eligible must: set aside the Saturday of .lunior 1 He between the ages of 21 and \\eei< as Alumni Homecoming Day. 2 Hold a bachelor's deyears; 33 it Alumni, of tlie roster The entire cree from a recognized college or was siiKKest«'d, sliouhl receive an university; 3 Have had successinvitation to partake in the activful practical experience in Hoys' day. of the ities Lechner and Garrity Elected Work. asJunior the of Collection Mr. Ha sis of Selection: to to Fill Treas. and Sec. sessments was allotted The qualities which will be conMr. Lane School Art of the nashach Vacancies UP CLASSES ' 2tyi W. Editor-lnthe Chief of the Belle Aire year bnok. announces that all is going well and that the final plan of editing F. sisting and Service ALSO Bril- IN Five Cents Price: Scholarships at Outlook MANY NEW FEATURES SECOND DAY memorial to Leo Goodreau. Mr. Martin Orbach the advocator of need this proposition, stressed the commemto memorial of a fitting orate the name of our former friend and class-mate. A committee was selected by President Boucher con- Arcade BRYN MAWR. liant WEEK THIS Blue and White Courtmen Sweep Thru in Triple Win — Notre Dame in All Within Four Days Graduate Course Week Assumes TOWER THEATRE 26, 1929 U. C. Elaborate Manuscript Bids Class of 1930 to Present Knights of Columbus Offer Boy in Scholarships Many Innovations in to Surpass All Previous Guidance Study Brilliant Week Publications a the Barber Shop shake, John GERHARD anticipated. NITTI The famous OrolT milk Sodait is roll call Junior the Editors class was held in room electing of the purpose vacant made othces fill the men and by the death of Leo Goodreau The Orcutt. Bill of the absence attendance at the meeting while per ridiculously small (about ten were cent of all the Sophomores other there) was better than at the The election of secremeetings. tary was held first and Mr. Oarrlty was chosen to fill that position. Mr. Carl Lechner was then elected to oththe position of treasurer. The class Sophomore the er officers of and are Irving Bueher, president vice-president. "Red" Bradley, The next Important business to be brought up was the erection of . DRUGGIST By 400 applause. GROFF DUCT Year Book Plan Now Completed Sophomore Bob's vitn VILLANOVA, PA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY No. 13 Last Tuesday a meeting of the | committee, next spoke of the plans and arrangements that they have made in regard to the Club's annual dance, which will be held shortly. Their plans were greeted with much enthusiasm, ond whole hearted cooperation has been promised by each member of the club. A successful dance, both financially and VIM Class of 1931 Elect Officers 851 Lancaster Avenue Zwigard and Becza as men who were Interested in the club and who wished to become honorary members. Each were voted upon and the votes were counted. After folIty each one was introduce<j into the club and was received with loud Rocco Telia and Rocco Vederosa, Joint chairmen of the dance I BENEFIT AT VARSITY CONQUERS LOYOLA, to the the evening of January 29, some playful youth in Fedlgan Hall celebrated the anniversary of the fire by turning in an alarm steel. The old auditorium was' from the second floor of this omitted and student dormitories building. Since that time, no less were left out. It has been estimthan ten false alarms have been ated that the floor space In all of turned In from this box. The the college buildings with the exmatter was called to the attention ception of workmen's quarters, of the college officials by th«5 fire totals an acreage of around 7% department in Bryn Mawr. Stu- acres. dents are warned that anyone caught turning in a false alarm Ronuintic A'isitor: "How 1 Jove will expelled immediately. the heiiutiful vistas )n this jiark!" be Resident: "So do I; but 1 always Moreover such a ptrson is liable to be blacklisted In every college In wish It wasn't against the rule to pick them." the country. BRYN MAWR, GYM NIGHT Vol. OMEGA PHI PI 1 FRIDAY COOKE'S RESTAURANT STAMFORD CLUB Last Thursday evening the Dance Committee of the Atlantic City Club Rules and Regulations for Students met in Room 322, Fedigan Hall. Using College Buildings The members were: Ed Hookey, Errlc Jack Kahle, 1. Smoking is absolutely for- (^halrman. Harry Slngley, Prevetti, biddcTj in all publ c places, at all Storms, times, and under all circumstances. and I^arry Cicero. Tliese men have finally iigreed upon the plans for Smoking room is provided. the dance to be given on Easter 2. Any student who is discover- Saturday night. ed defacing the buildings or proGene Uellly will furnish the nuisperty in any way whatsoever, will i,. from 10 p. m. until 2 a. m. The '"',-' -. be expelled. ', orchestra will consist of seven of 8. The lecture rooms of MP<ndelr dene's best men and they are arHall may not be used for student ''inKlnK' to present several novelty meetings. Boom No. 400 in Good numbers. At midnight they will Counsel Hall is reserved for this »»'«>' »^ «""« written especially for tb.e club by Joe I.^wlor who wroto purpose the Alma Mater of Villanova. .. , ,,, ,, ^ ,, , 4. Students may enter Mendell ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j ^,,^ Ambassador HoHall by all the regular entrances, tel will be the scene of the dance. with the exception of the main en- Anyone who has attended "Fr.itertrance (fac ng Lancaster I'ike), nity Night" at the Ambassador will which is to be kept for the use of recall that the Grill has an atmosvisitors. phere that seems to create a feel5. Students are requestBd to de- ing of enjoyment. Inflated balloons posit waste paper and other dis- will be dropped from the Ceiling at carded articles in the receptacles different Intervals. Fraterplty banprovided for this purpose In each ners will serve to lend a Villanova atmosphere. Favors will be given. class-room and laboratory. Requests have already been re6. Any student who has so littlei ceived for tickets. To the students respect for himself and for the who do not go home for the holidisre- days the dance will enable them to college, that he habitually gards the rules, and who by his have an enoyable time, besides, uncleanly habits, proves himself they will be able to see the famous coarse iind unfit for the association fiister Parade. Tickets cost J3.00 of educat€Hl people, will be re- and may be secured from any memquested to res gn from the college. ber of the club. IN Be Ingenious plans of the accommodations are Mendel Hall has a class room capacity of 1200 with laboratory facilities for the sale number. This was effected by the use of thinner walls reinforced with On — — identification in BOXING TOURNEY Answer Questions Hue AND FOUND by fr. Stanford to / ^*'«"*^** ^^^ STUDENTS LIABLE architect the TO EXPULSION now doubled. SOPHOMORES TO MEET TODAY be obtained the book room. (Cuntlnued from Page One) [ HALL : These articles may SPONSOR BENEFIT Memliers of the various s<'hools of s^iowing Del Rio performing her In older to accommodate any stuthe college were called together last "IU»d Dance" are made in techni- dent Mvho may be bothered scholaa* week for the purpose of re<|uesting color. There ar«, plenty (»f thrills, tically. and In the matter of rellgiort a the respective ineml)ers to contril)- a fine' romance, and scenes of un- Father Stanford is publishing ute their bi'eakage fee to tlie reno- usual historical interest in this i)ro- schedule of when he will be in his vati(m of the rooms in the Moiias- ductlon. The ezar and Ills family; office in the new building, No. 221, which have lieen made over Besputln, the^Hlack Monk; Trotsky iMendell Hall. Oftentimes there will t,eiy into <'lass rooms, .'ifter last year's and other famous characters of the come a question pertaining to our fire and wiped out all other accom- revolution play their jwrts and help religious life here, and this will be modations. The deans of the vari- round a nearly perfect entertain- afforded an opportunity for the stuous departments addressed the ment. The direction of Haoul Walsh <lent to Interview the Director of meetings and tlien Introduced Fath- is splendid and the maker of "What Heligious activity at a definite time. er Colgun, tlu' procurator, w'ho Price Glory" proves that he Is still Father Stanford will he available spoke about the necessity for such mastei- of them all. for personal consultation in the repairs. He explained that the morning from 11:30 to 12:30 on Theatre Exceptionally Beautiful Tuesday, Wednesday, utilization of the Monastery for The Tower' theatre in which the Monday, class-rooms. student dormitories benefit is to be held is one of the Tlunsday and Friday; in the evenand administration otfiees had largest and most beautiful play- inns (Monday excepted) from seven necessitated much inconvenience to houses In the city. It was opened to eight o'clock; at other times by the Fatheis. Now that accommo- less than a month ago and contains appointment. With such means as dations are available In Mendel many novel features such as an as- this, there should be no doubt at all Mall, it is necessary to do much le- cending and descending orchestra in the minds of the individual stupairlng and construction work to pit, a celling across which clouds dent as to his religion, conduct or effect the former cloistered privacy are drifting and stars are twinkling any question which is i'^ither Stanof the past. A large amount of all during the perfctrmance. It is ford's lot to jinswer. This will probnumey will he needed to return the an excellent i»lace to take your date ably eliminate many false ipiprosMonastery to Its former condition, and it many novelties will make a sions and be a step towards forming as tiie remodeling and the hard big hit with her. a better understanding between the student and the faculty. usage by the students for tlie perGet Tickets Now iod of a year has caused much damTickets for this benefit are good any afternoon or evening in the ACCOMMODATIONS IN MENDEL age. .ARE DOUBLED Father Colgan further explained week except Saturday. They are on that they made this appeal as a sale now by all members of the fraThe old building which was delast resort In as much as all the ternity and can be purchased at any stroyed by fire had classroom acfunds which they could gather to- time for the moderate price of fifty comodtitlons for students and laborgether have been expended on the cents. atory facilities for 400 students. building. In reparation for the contribution of the breakage fee "Villanova" Staff the rooms of the students will not Thero will l)e a very iinpt>rtant forbidden to belong to political par- be inspected at the mid-year and this Inspection meeting of the entire staff of tlie ties. has many times Villanova. TODAY, February 19, at caused a deduction from the breakage fee paid by every resident stu3.30 in tlio Kditorlal Boom, No. 222, Mendel Hall. dent. The contribution was made optional by Father Colgan and he endeavored to impress the idea that LOST \ '>; it was a favor asked of the student (Continued from Page One) Lost: Bhyslcs book. Please »"«rather than any faculty ruling. turn to book room. I'ete Eschman, is radically wrong somewhere. There was no obligation entailed Lost: In.surance book by HuebThis afternoon at one o'clock and a man could .see as was fit for ner. Beward to ttnder. Please re- there will be an Important meeting himself. The members of the variturn to Boom No. 100, Monastery. of the class, at which the above ous schools responded most genermatters will be dealt with. Please ously to the request. No definite Jack Sorbo. Found: Organic Chemistry be- be there, one and all, and do all sUitistics can be given as yet but rough estimate is that the longing to James l..iine; A notebook that you possibly can to bring the a one hundred entitled, "Horace and Prose," Sophomore class to the high posi- answer was almost Cicero De Amlcitla; El Cap tano tion which it should hold in the percent. All definite data concerning this subject will be published Voneo, belonging Edmond College. to next week in this paper. DOuvllle. »harp. PHI TO 1929 Religious Diffifulties May In the Moscow theatre, and the village l>arl>or a minSolved by Personal ister of education— that is when he Consultation can read the appointment. Some 6f the sequences, those Donate Breakage Fees for Renovation I OMEGA 19, of Various Schools Tasia a dancer eon- sent of the Holy See. The Klfig renounces tlie right to proliihit the creation of Bishops who have been nominated •witliout his consent and Hisliops lished Junior Courtier in the pleuse turn theui in to Bill Kelly, Bill l-'runk ihinlon, John ^velly, or Quinlan. Snai)sliots of groups a»e fspeeiuIJy desired. ' dynasty, altlioiigh witliout PI February . . Maister . Forward Elste center Slane Dlleo guard Hal'.ahan guard Villanova— HamSub.stitutlons: un- mond, McDermott. Trenton Pur. . Hand to Hand Battle Henry and his boys were Reorganization of Debating daunted and determ'ned. They cell, .Muller, Coffee. souglit re'.alliitlon In the form of a Societv Started at Villanova— Toomey, snow fight. ContI obligingly com- Stock.:'; Czescik. Meeting . . . — Field 3; 2 goals Tracy, Trenton— with his request by bathing 3; Elste. Purcell, Slane 3; of Maister. Henry's face with a handful Fouls— 2. Hallahan, 2; Dlleo, snow and the second phase of the Hammond, Tracy, 3; Toomey, great battle was on. For five or plied The Villanova Debating Society held their first meeting last Friday Room 104, Mendell Hall. A In committee w.'is elected to dr.iw up a constitution and present It at the next meeting. Professor .Tonas, sponsor of the society, presented a gavel to the new organization. The Constitution Committee consists of .Toe T.nkncs, Chairman, assisted by Wieelr>r .Tonk'ns. Romei> ten minutes the battle waxes fur- Czescik. 2; ious and strong but neither side Coffee, 3, To make matwould withdraw. ters worse the men were so covered with snow that It was Imposs ble to recognize anyone and as a result many a man face his of his own h.-id washed by a member was team. When It seen that Stello !md Ed Hnokry. This com- neither side could be proclaimed mittee he'd n meeting last Sunday as winner the battle was stopped by sympathetic bystanders and the night In Fe Mtr' n 'Tall nnd have almatch was called a draw. most completed their task. As a reward for their valiant At the last meoHncr many prospicpective membp's were absent due deeds both teams had their from taken photographers tures by thel** schedules. to conflicts with I'hiladelphia newspapers and from To remedy this situation the so- different Producers of Motion Plctureb. ^ Page Pour) ((*i)ntl"i"'"' New York Elste, Club 2; Slane. 2: To Re-Organiie There will be a meeting of the New York Club this afternoon at 4 for o'lloek In room 3, Mendel Hall, the purpose of reorganization. This dub was formerly one of the most active nnd infiuential on the campus but due to carelessness and lack of spirit It has become nearly extinct It Is hoped to revive the former enthusiasm nnd to place the club on a firm basis so that It may regain worthy Its of pire State former prestige and be representing the Em- THE VILLANO V AN THE VILLANOVAN Tuesday, February 26, 1929 The Mosque Published weekly by the Boxing Tourney Date is March ®I|e ^l\tnttt STUDENTS OF VILLANOVA COLLEGE The Edwin LovATT, '30 J, Cosby Colchlin, Editor-in-Chief- '30 J. McHuch, *il. ' ..'.... .: ,,, ,\-,.,.r^, .'^i . . . Editor' Social Editor Sports Editor ........ : Joseph Takacs, '30 '30 Joseph Rinaldi, John M. Breen, ;'l '30, ''- l — scholar, athlete and gentleman Entered as serond-rlass matter at — Leo Coodreau. Villunova PostoflSce, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY December 27, 1928. AN APPEAL TO ALL LOYAL JUNIORS A PERIOD is In the offlng and It Is a period which In years to come many pleasant rettectlong of your college life will bring back you to when you are reminiscing over your school days and looking backwards over your life's journey up the ladder to success. After you have passed beyond the portals of Villanova this period will remain the one outstanding event of your college days and whose memory will linger on forever— YOUR JUNIOR WEKK— Is all the name Im- WEEK plies. YOUR SUPPORT of YOUR JUNIOR is all that is necessary for a glorious week this coming spring when a young man's fancy turns to many other things which are rarely ever bounded on two sides by covers. The mention of support will immediately bring to the mind of many one thing and one thing only, and that is the assessment. This ifi noly part of the support each ahd every Junior should feel himself duty bound to give his class. The other factors of support, one of which is co-operation are as vitally important to a successful and happy JUNIOR as the assessment. Be an enthusiastic Junior, talk the coming events up among your friends. Don't be a pessimist, always looking for the non-luminous side WEEK of the cloud. Be an optimist and do your class credit. you will stop for a minute and glance around you and note that among your class of '30 you number some of the greatest athletes who have ever been gathered in one class. You have in your class of men more active in all phases of college life than is to be found In any group of men on the campus. The CLASS of '30 has been a credit to your Alma Mater and a credit to each and every member of the class, and now is the time to stand pat behind It in its hour of need. YOUR JUNIOR WEEK, as the committees are planning, will be a decided success with all thought given to arranging a program of entertainment for you and your friends. The credit will be yours and the Bummatlon of each one's Individual credit will be reflected on the class of 30. Be a BOOSTER and stand behind the men you have stood behind for two years and whose greatest interest is In the class of '30. If * * * * # _ LENT. LENT example of Christ and the Saints. Formerly the practice of fastrigorously followed in the hope needed help would come in the battle against hte world. Now, however, due to changed ways fo living, fasting in its strictest sense would prove impractical in many cases. Today this period is regarded by many as "a relic of the dark ages." The present attitude is to avoid or make little of anything that may be the occasion of self-denial. The name is used to label any social function which is held at this time. To these It has lost ist real significance and purpose. Even those who profess to observe and practice it are often found a little too apt to grasp at exemptions and frame xecuses. Others practice it in a passive way who are satisfied with sitting hrough extra devotions and abstaining from meat oftener. For those who really gain its benefits it is a itme of Introspection, contemplation nnd resolution all strenghtened by frequent reception of the sacraments. There are any number of ways of doing penance during hese forty days preceding Easter and especially for us here at "Vlllnnova. A few are: Refraining from the movies, he theatre, and various social functions. This fact should be remembered that all with no excepltons are obliged to practice some form of penance or self-denial. was . , .'.•'' ,'•. . FOOLS'-:';>;'':VV;'^-;/v^^ "Whatever Nature has In Wealth deny'd. She gives In large Recruits of needful Pride." EA'ERY himself of the He —Pope. obvious that fools are slaves to a single Idea. It goes to their head like some diabolical wine. To state that they become fanatics Is to state that they become enthusiasts. Enthusiasm can be misdirected and hence dangerous, for there Is nothing so contagious as enthusiasm. There Is no college In the country without an assortment of fools There are boys also who, characteristically, do not appreciate the manners with which they were born. Imagine the result when the latter type meets the former. The fool, speaking with an air of finality, may call sloppiness the mark of a man. or he may gild whatever weakness he It is offer It to others. The easiest way to become a fool Is to be led. The easiest remain one Is to blind yourself to the Ideas pursued by others. him A I bit of your time and gave you a friend to A — you me gave Joy. —now can give; the best that a way to —each The pain that lies below. fools them all, but you and He man LYRIC— 'Fallen CROSBY COUGHLIN I^javes '— Frances Starr puts it over.. Musical Comedies — Crosby Coughlln was first launched on his brilliant career in FORREST— "Rose-Marie"— Old Timer back by popular deSyracuse, New York, and received mand. his elementery train ng in the schools of that city. His talents, CHESTXIT S.— "Good News"Come and see how It's done. however, called h,lm to other fields, and he continued his further educaCamera tion In Georgetown preparatory Philadelphia Pictures school, in Garrett Park, Maryland. "My Man" Fannie lirlce a melody in the 1*. and W. between Uryn Mawr Here he dlst nguished himself of song on the sliver screen. and Villanova. Who knows that many activities which that school "S»n SlHier". A good acting saves some girl waits within the Ivid provided. He was secretary and un old plot. walls down llie Lancaster I'ike for treasurer of the athletic association. "On Trial '—a New York hit runwill never return, a member of the tennis team and to the man who ning true to form. However the comrades of the strick- bring his prep Jjcliool career tu its "Sturk Mad" over-rated mystery en colleagues have not given up appropriate climax he was librarian sprinkled with creepy thrills. hope as yet, and they are working In his senior year and received the "A Woman of Affairs"— Gilbert and night and day, tunnelling over from gold medal for excellence n studies Gar bo run amuck In emotional Fedigan and Austin Halls in the unties. With such a background of prep general direction of West i'hlladel- school accomplishments Coughlln "Trlul of '98"— start cast included, phia, with the hope that they may descended into our midst In see this and enjoy a quiet evenSepbe able to find a few of them down tember, 1926, as member- of ing. the there looking for the room. 'Red Dance" intrigue, revolution class of 1930. During his freshman The last seen of that tragic expe- year he was prominent and love in a war-torn country. In many dition was around the engineering "Peter The Great"— Emil .lanuings activities, among v/hlch was the laboratories, and some hold out the does a superb bit of acting. honor of being u member of 'he theory that tliey took the aeranauFreshman Dance Committee. All tic laboiatory for the smoking room MY SCHEDULE of his activities were not brought because it was so light and airy eye Ah ha hah hah hah hah. Lute last '° ">"^'^ "^» **^e Pu^^c (By Wsljenis) Friday afternoon there was heard because of the modesty of the IndlPhysics Vidual and it was In his sophomore someone tapping out a message on year when he was brought more some pipes leading Into the Bmbroyology Laboratory, but it was into the limelight by his election to In phys cs all the laws of gravitation later disproved, because some of the chairmanship of the Sophomoro Are twisted, bent and broken the more artistic workmen were Vigilance Committee. This posievery day. merely talking over the previous tion at ;ts (test is not an enviable night's opera and were giving dem- one because it entails the dl cult We learn that things get hot by " — — — — I ^ — j mesage We We We ;. crematory crimson flames | know, we know. —AN ARTS MAN. I, It chestra was secured for that event. What he will accomplish ;n his senior year only the future may tell, but with the record which he has establshed so far it would seem logical, that he will go forth from Villanova as one of the men who have made their mark not only on the Main Une campus but in Inter-collefflate circles. In the matter of scholastic standthe baldness nf this forest monarch be a source of sorrowful sadness to ing he has met with the same rereall tree-Iovlng mourners. It Is be- ward for his efforts having of lieved that the fire was th* result ceived very hl^h marks In all of some burning asbestos mixed his subjects since his entrance. His with liquid concrete. modest and retlrlnsr nature coupled I correctly While to telling people — Bryn Mawr. how to go Retrospect 1 spo^isored Phi Theta proportions never evt-n the most opinterest aroused is astounding; ftivoiable comment has been heard froiii all corners of the campus including those in ex- at the Radio building. This event has assumed an Importance rivaling that of basketball, which is now struggling through its last steps of the season. A good entry list will be posted In the main bulletin board of the new College Corridor in a few days. ile ' Renowned Entrants As was mentioned In the sue of the the gladiators of Langan; "Jim" askl; last Is- VUlanovan such noted squared ring as "Whitey" Valdor- "Al" Latzki; will participate. To these have been added many who appear as dark horses In the tournament. Some of those who have expressed their desire to appear up to date at the VUlanovan Sports Department are: "Jim" Heron, "Fedigan" Gaunghe. Other well-known figures in tlie who have entered pugilistic world fare: Ed McKllnchey —The and pd re terror of South Phllly. — "Sock" Mclntyre one who li;is earned recognition In tlie vur ous spectacles arranged for amateurs schedule, the bane of my existence! The Judge of all my acts from day to day. would to trod the path of least resistance. But thou with Iron hand points out the way. with a dynamic personality has earned him a host of friends, who are all happy in his success. [ j I ! I I I ! \ 1 L L ANOVAN lanova tallying twenty to the opponent's eighteen. The varsity ftmtented themselves with taking Blue and White Courtmen Sweeps Three in (continued from The first half engagement at the West Catholic gym, the varsity avenged an early season defeat by turning l)ai'k tlie Green and Gray of Canis all Miniiinghani and .Myretetus semester. vented a blank Team to Be Organized In a return first p»ige) was Game Loyola Win Triple Golf us. Loyola by a 26 pre- to 19 count last Wealth of Good Material Connie Available Lacking — is Wednesday. At the former meeting the Baltitwo Imer and Myrt Fore.' Fore! Helng represented In "Batteries for today's game, Hen- stuc-k In a helped along from the fifteen foot more team subdued Cashmun's pro- all sports by formidable teams in Gillespie catching." sel i>itclilng, fast teges after a great i.econd half rally, all divisions, the students of VillaThese few words will :oon be heard mark.' It appeared that the Muffalo (|uintet had another one of and for a short space of time in this nova are about to embark in a and baseball again will be i)re8that new field the latter encounter It appeared their string of conquests by "muscle building," of claim its ented at Villanova to perhaps a repetition might be In or- that of Golf. fetlmk. The Initial plunge place in sports at this Institution. With the siore fourtetn to thiee der. But the scales, dli>iied In our was arrived at when about a dozOn March 29, Vlllanova's champion team of lust year will start on Its in the last half Hlrhingham started favor In a last ditch spurt, carried en aspirants t'ongregated in room second field the day. "A" ill the Academy building and campaign to produce the same win- the fireworks on his Donovan contributed a Up to th's fray the Maryland men assured their wholehearted support brought goal. Fred nlng conibinat on that fame and glory to Charlie McGee- foul and hen Birmey went his lan- had prevailed over every opponent and these men, among whom are figures listing ky mate one better and the the men who have had plenty of examong their victims ' ban's baseball nine lust year, the 14-8. read perience and have participated In Washington Navy, Baltimore L'., opponents being the fast moving Morgan and Moly matched sinSchool and State tournaments, and hard hitting Lafayette club College, W. Maryland and Catholic High gletons. Jack again came through engaging in all open competition, that proved to be a burrler to the U. antl Nolan's first field goal eased vlctorh)Us. Therefore emerging supposlngly aspirants of last year s Villanova held the ball and the with such competent followers of us to within one point of the BisIntercollegiate championship title. ons. The last score of the after- kad through most of the Journey. the business men's game, success Rest assured that this game will noon by Nolan finished the opponLoyola pushed ahead for a short cannot be denied to such an array prove an "eye" opener for any colents. spell on two different occasions in consisting of Prokop, Oarrlty, Marlege baseball game. Catholic U. Game their tin, Dougherty, Baker Mullen, Kelthe second half only to see With the warm weather apIt seems that every time the word vantage snuffed out each time and ly, Murray, Drummond, Myer and proaching and this combined with Cardinal is uttered a Yankee is Blue McCoy who shall be aided by a the the final gong found the spi-ing "fever" to get out and standing by for In reception. l..Jist score more who were unable to atfurther away. and further pulling swing the stick, Coach McGeehan fall the New York Yankees laced tend the meeting due to a t'OiiHlct tosses field three Myretetus with h niseif Ih all pepped up and en- the St. Louis Redblrds to a hod-deIn class work. the led fouls of number like and a thused over possibilities of the en- do and last Friday another Yankee, Among the many difflcultU-s that suing season and has vouched that .lack Mlrmlngham of Stamford laid scoring with Frank Dudley the shall temporarily binder the progbrace on a there will be plenty of competition a haym.'iker on the Cardinals of visiting leader following ress of this new enterprise Is the which ("atholic V. as the Wildcate for the of twins and one more of free ones. lack of a course. However, to cope. for the various ))osltions close have been vacu'ed thiough last seccmd time this young star scutThe first half featured some with this handicap, a committee The "hot cor- tled the basketball minions from guarding, Villanova running up an has been picked to choose a course year's graduation. ner" an<l "shoit" are the two in a nation's capital. eight to two lead that was knotted that will .satisfy the needs for pracfield positions that neetl to be filled Jack was not the whole Works by some trick circus shots by the ticing, and surrounding golf clubs and the 'ollowing men will com- but he was certainly the coloring Greyhounds as the period slii)ped will be Interviewed, and, with the pete for the honors of carrying the to the cocoa. weather permitting, jiractice will Five times during away, At ithlrd there will be the course of the activities this burden. Morgan and McCarthy sunk fouls get underway and a schedule will McCJee and Erwin while we will find court artisan from the north counbut the first be arranged, one that shall be worto open the evening Welch, llulton and Eschman fight- tiy flashed the sjtherold from sunthy of any college. To date many till field goal eluded the baskets ing to Hecure short, Erwin, Dalton dry points and positions through twelve minutes after the Introduc- colleges have sent their open dates and Eschman are the members who the circular web and split even on and among them can be found tlon, when Jim Henry, who was dorepre.sented last year's Frosh In- throwing In a floor basket and a ing noble work tying up Dudley, an these college golf teams. Penn, field. the Blue. Eighteen minutes the first Georgetown. Penn State, Columbia, The outfield will have the regu- elapsed before Pappale of the visi- old school rival, looped In Curtis, Harvard and Tale. deckers. lars Flannugen, .McAndrews Contl, tors made a freak goal for the first of his two double With Fr. Fink backing this enMelunson and Holland fighting for double marker registered by his, the right forward for the visitors, terprise the outcome Is very In shutout their positions, when the freshmen side. Another Card took a shot at' saved his mates from a bright and a successful season !• through one pushing of last year's team Wolfson, Mor- the basket, the ball striking the the half by anticipated. gan and Lynch trot out on the field celling and bounced Into the sur- from under the cords. when the first Issue fur candidates prisde Pappale's arms so flabberCurtis' shot came two and a half Is posted. gasting him that he tossed In ai minutes from the Intermission bell Be Prepared for the Storm Hen.«el, the best pitcher that ever his two tries from the foul line. nnd paved the way for two sucHave Your Chains Fixed has been developed at Villanova, On at least a couple of other oc- ceeding goals by Twardowlcz and along with Hanzlk, are the two casions the proverbial measure- Dudley. Morgan and Myretetus in CONNELLY'S regulai-s that will shoulder most of ment that ladds sway In quo'ts, the meantime shoving our total to SERVICE STATION the burden of this year's pitching. the hairs breadth, checked morel GAS AND OIL Coach .McGeehan, however, li;i8 appli<ants clamoring for recogni- eight which was matched on DudIthan Ave. and Lancaster Pike ley's deep side court ringer. Hlllen, Kappa, Muhenna and D i- tion. "! V an, members of Villanova's second .Vine of the men who rambled beMost all the basket ball was team, to work on and to share tween the white lines for Villanova some of the pitching responsibili- aided the <ause vl.i the tally sheet. crowded in the second period. After ties Dineen is the only free mem- McCartliy used the pivot play to nine minutes Jim Henry went out ber of the "frosh" team that will good effect in drojjplng in Joe De Lucn came three of on personals nnd he of any heli) to the varsity. The our eleven field goals, the opposers favored score The in. all nice catching will be taken care of by shots made while on the run. as Henry left, not for long, howC/ulespie, iJonohue and Tlecro. Joe I>e Luca the only other man ever. Morgan nnd Birmingham put Cillesple and Donohue doing most to make more than one twin coun- us agnln In front on doubles. Once of the wor.k. Cicero, who has bad ter displayed a fust and snaky more the Green threntened but two years' work on the second team dribble and had several assists to Myretetus. McCarthy nnd De Luca will undoubtedly receive some his record of five points. Tommy sewed up the fuss with timely recognition for the good work and ball from the backboard besides points. inii)roveinent that he has shown Morgan as ever trapped ball Jack I ' , I I in I'enna. Tom Connelly Flash. Foy Eddie —The I City Jer.sey —Florldor's tion to Villanova. Bill McCarthy— West Catholic Champion. York Jack McAndrcws—New athlete. Tom Lomasney. Dixie Sheehan. Bucky Hammond, tills trio will New llstic up- claims England's fame. to Al Clurdl— The Bounding Butcher Boy Fr(tm Overltrook and former Brown Prep Walloper. Joe Murphy The pride of the — Arts Course. Muhan— VUlanovan reii- resentatlve In the matches. Bill Yarnall— A mean reputat no of fighter on. — Larry Cicero A clever man from upon Atlantic City. He Is looked as the leading contender for tlie title of his class. Andy Mineth— The hope of t^he Academy. John Contl— The dark i the tournament. , ' •.•.' . ', horse of — 'Cap" Pessolano One of the big boys who is a scrapper of the first water. ring Notables in the around Philadelphia will In In and all probability be In attendance at the annual boxing match ever sponsored by an undergraduate organization of Villanova. The event Is looked forward to as a foundation for better and greater things first The oflflclals of the at Villanova. the have assured organization writer that an enjoyable evening Is In store for all lovers or enthusiasts of the manly art of self defense. The admission fee will be thirty-five cents for all members of Villanova College and their friends only made to defi-ay the incurred by the promotion of the affair. No charge will be made for the en- at large. trants This charge ] I I — heavyWltkowskl A Charlie weight with a terrific wallop. Art llarklnii—Former Champ of Radnor High. .;.:, .'v\ George Hluney— A fast stepping lightweight. Frank I I Contribu- is and seconds. ; What you should say and how to was mainly through his say it well. efforts that the famous "Mai" Hallets Columbia Recording Or- You learn to gesture and to stand because TREE ON FIRE Cruel " Out Next Month lOpsilon assuming Is dreamed of by timistic The pug We Men Graduation tourney boxli^g active the 'by hold — COUNT The ' i come up and finally did Baseball 1 ,Gym in I radiation, Job of organizing the PYeshmen in And things cool off when heat Is the proper manner, and It Is only after curefu'ly slftlntj the thing over with taken away. the greatest delicacy and it was discovered that so.aeone rinene.Hs that this is accomplished. Latin down below wanted a matcii, and Often it becomes neces.sary to en- There Is a saying: "In hoc signo this again revived hope for the force rather stringent measures vinces.' on members. Possibly they have found the new men and this That doesn't mean a thing to sometimes the smoking room. creates hard feelings. However he lots of scholars. What to do? Already the reilef arose to the occas on and But if you warble: "In hock fradid l)oth party has gone down in their fren- himself ternity pin is." and his class justice in tlie zied hurry us far as two feet and matter of enforcing the Freshmen We'd know you were good for a half, working In between shifts rules which are thought so vitally seven dollars. down at the movies, it was dis- necessary. He Epistemology continued on in his covered after two days of working work along social lines by being a Phllo.sophy the haven of the that they were drilling down at th'.^ learned. Post Office rather than at Mendell member of the committee in charge The trap in wh <h to catch unHall, and were only looking for a of the Sophomore Soiree, and here witting fouls. way to get their mall on Washing- again he was an ardent and conclentious study you ten months a year, worker. ton's birthday, rather than being albut darn it, ti uistic In h 8 Junior year which is the enough to hunt for their can,t elucidate a single rule. missing comrades. present, he bids fair to outdo his Chemistry prtvlous years In the matter of As long as the drilling instruments, which, by the way were so- activity. He started In the year by In chemistry we learn to make explosions. cured from the dining hall, hoi I out being elected secretary of his class That rival Mt. Vesuvius' flame which the members will keep on IndefinIs rather a difficult task for of yore. itely. At least as long as their cuts anyone to carry on and In the mathelp to burn the drains out by hold out. It was decided last ter of cre<llt Is sorely neglected. As at a meeting of the Student Council Managing Editor of the "VUlanovan" corrosion. that unless the members did not he has been one of the ma n cogs And spill vile-smellinx Uquids on come out that they would be put on In this paper's success having workthe floor. cut probation and It Is thought that ed long nnd faithfully with French only this stringent measure will bring the hazy and distant end of the Francals is called the dlplomat-C them to terms. Their rei)ly was future good of the paper and language. what that "they Intended to hold out this it means to the It's spoken in all up to date individual student line if it takes all summer." Meanlegations. as his objective. We, his co-workwhile an air expedition headed by ers only realize the work he has But still to us Its nothing but a the business staff of "The VlUasandwich accomplished and received so little novan" has been sent to Camden in Of verbs and trench,'rou8 moods credit. are taking th s occasion quest of rellfe funds. can but and conjugations. to give "credit where credit Is hope for the best. English due." / In English you wUllearn to speak Yours from my padded cell, As a member of the Junior Prom ' correctly, committee his work was also noted DMITRI. A of flaming fire caused considerable consternation among all avid horticulturists here at Villanova last smile, We WALNUT— "Command to Love" Violet Cooper and Henry Stephenson — whutta pair! quest of the smoking room that is provided for that purpose, and the pity of it aie alleged to be dead martyrs to the cause of the slogan, "I reach for a cigarette instead of Tlu-ee searching parties a sweet. have been sent out In quest of the missing classmates, but the only has been l)rought evidence that buck as a reminder of the tragedy was a commutation book on one apart. Wednesday. liambent tongues of He gave you his all and you left to flame licked their fiery way through him the sizzling top of a mighty oak o A shattered and wounded heart. situated about one hundred yards away from Donnely's Gas Station He tries to hide with a carefree on the Lancaster Pike. Long shall broken, discarded toy. He gave you His days you give Philadelphia Plays of the college who find it vitally necessary to have a between class cigarette, started out some three or four days ago in Those members has and gave you a friend drab tragedy are us follows: •• always Indirectly praising The husky fool prides himself on is despises. FRIEND going- strong. We by disparaging others. the animal strength by which he Is able to Intimidate others. The polite idiot makes a god of meaningless formalities. The pedant bemoans the ignorance of those whose education differs from his own. Similarly all fools strengthen the weakness to which they are slaves. Eventually they are subject to the man who employs the foibles he TO SHE WHO REJECTED MY — Eddie Cantor whoops it up and how! '•EL,TINGE B1.,ACKUIRDS "— (Jver 300 performances and still onstrations. was ushered In by the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday two weeks ago. This annual season of penance and selfsacrifice was Incorporated into the laws of the church fater the fool is a hero to himself. ZIGKIELD WHOOl'EE" the find — 26, 1929 i> smoking room in the new Mendell laboratories, gave out no messages today up us far us press time. It seems that the facts to '30 Business Staff Business Manager -' :',',. Assistant Business Managers <"' George J. Bain, '32 John A. Freney, 2nd, '29 Stanley Prokop, '31, Circulation Manager Faculty Adviser Rev. Eugene Mauch, O. S. A. "This paper is dedicated to one of the finest man who ever entered Villanova; I Lost in Hopeless Quest Men :.". ^. Assistant Sports Editors .Fbank Mahan, • ing 1150,000— and worth It. SAM H. ilAURlS— ••CONOAl"— Helen Menken, us Thi-Llnh, thrills with powerful tale of French Indu-Chlnu. Musical Comediss \ Excellent Bouts in Store for Positions at Third and Short Left Open by Next Friday Night of — (St-e I'iinc Asitociute ;...,.',•', 4' triumph iielasco genius with l^^eonore Ulric as Mima setting costs over , Exchange and Alumni Editor No Hope Held for Victims of Big Aisistant Social Editors Mendell Hail Tragedy David J. Cabtbnuto, '31 Jqhn Kilcourse, '31 Villanova, Ja., Feb. 26, 1929.— Edward Hookey, 31 ., ,.,, ^ Martin Orbach, 31 Wheeler Jenkins, '31 Members of llie Ill-fated expedition . i; i i .;'..^,. '30.......... '. . /. .;^i\ .(.:^..i . .<.•.. .>:•. James J. Henry, '30 James M. Hanlon, Jr., •_/.: . '30 Plays AUMA'— A ••lil5i^ASC(() /! „ u ^ eu . Clcc Shave M«m,g,nK £ci,W G''"««« Brother. #17SIt> ,.....,.,. v..;,.,....... A. Herbert Marbach, Hugh New York TABLOID NUMBER Staff THE Tuesday, February 26, 1929 Prizes and Prizes have been secured divisthe victors of the various ions will 1)6 designated as Champions of Villanova and will form the nucleus of a boxing team. Here is the chance to win fame, honor and Deglory for yourself nnd your partment. Marquis of Queensbury rules will prevail at the fisticuffs. All Villanova students are asked to be present at this affair and thus make a success of 1 1 The success will be reflected upon the student body as a whole and not upon a mere Individual. The future of boxing Is In he hands of the men of Villanova and they alone will be the Judges as to the success or failure of the event. I ' since his Jlrst year. With such men as after things easy. these three on the receivOne of the features of the Cathing end to accept the fast ones of olic U. game was the two etam the pitching staff our team is now system employed by their coach. ready to commence battei'y pracBoth aggregations were of about tice and to round out Into condiequal streng'.'i, and each lineup tion for the first game. Therefore played about half the contest, let us take a look at the array of games that has been arranged for duo of fouls. Captain Nobm, Myretetus, Henus by the manager. Donovan and Gardner ry, MAKE CARDAMONE ami>ll- The schedule this year Is the fied the verdict, all having one strongest that has ever been at- fielder and Jim Henry also contribtempted by Villanova, and as a uted a foul. It is too much to go matter of fact It Is the toughest at length and give each man his one that can be found among any due, suffice to say all the boys college baseball team that is bid- looked good and what more Is ding for collegiate honors. It shall wanted. be composed of such strong opponThe first half was a runaway for ents as Fordham, Boston College, goal. The half ended 19 to 4. N. V. U., Penn State* Duke's, HarOn a basis of point scoring the vard. I'rlnceton, Mas.s. Tech. and latter period was quite close, VllI'rovidence. Can a more fitting list of opponents be found In the schedule of other colleges? \'illani)va In its attempt to climb higher In the ranks of baseball, has arranged such an outline of games so as to prevent any dispute that shall arise as to our su- sisted nt second YOVR DRUGGIST Bryn Mawr by DeLuca, Villa- Its greatest basewilling to sacrifice all In Its attempt to forge ahead. I..end a hand you oons of Villanova and pull with the greatest team that ever composed our nine. premacy as the leading baseball Let us see the baseball team season team among the Eastern colleges as successful as our football season. anil requests your attendance at these games to Inspire Its baseball men on to victoryland to secure Its championship title. The the team are to give their all and will soon get Into by playing condition confining second schedule, DRUGS for practice. The authorities have seen to it that we have the best baseball diamond that can be found at any college nnd even now workmen are busy getting It Into playing condifirst call tion. GIFTS Coladonato With most of the positions filled nnd with Captain Curtin holding PRICE—THIRTY -FIVE CENTS. down first base, being capably as- Tailor Shoppe OFFICIAL COLLEGE TAILOR Candy BRYN MAWR We Deliver . . . . twice thb price. Modern Drug Store 837 LANCASTER AVENUE BRYN MAWR, PA. Phone bv the men who buy George Hntchins «ho«t . . hcre*a '*The fashion-built in . London** noir and brune ... of the finest Saratoga calfskin . . comblnar tion lasts . . other ahope would sell '*The London** at . POWERS & REYNOLDS Soda C VALU PCCrCRKED Lancaster Pike ''The Place to Meet'* *'The Place to Treat'' members of themselves to "Gym" work so as to be in the best possible shape at the Service 975 Villanova Campus Store nova embarks on ball Delivery Phone, Agent for the Hubb Made-to-Measure Clothes of Baltimore, $25 and up. 921 I I SiM«-5tol2 Widths- A to E Open Evmningk CccHiitchins stores 1207-09 CHESTNUT STREET 5621 Gcrmantown Ave. 2752 Germantown Ave. 4058 Lancaster Ave. 4405 Main St., Maaaynnk — mllKtmt a K^M' Vm, THE VILLANOVAN Year Book Plan Now Completed by the Editors College Announcements (continued from ilooni incotinB of the o'clock today in Acatleuiy. ]•'. ii 1 Student Council The Htydent council will meet to , elect «)lticeis in Room V Academy, on Thursday uftcrnoon at u - '.- Bello Aire All Seitiuru, Juniors and KicHliaiert are as soon a.s to present, any snapshots Goodieau the I j ' I I The purpose- be to reorganize, Kveryone from New York State is eligiljle el for will membership and uestetl to be is re- present. Lost and Found Schaeffer Fountain I'en. Please return to .\rthur Agree. Lost:— A Koom Room. Mendel Reward. 53, Hall, or Book liost:—A I'arker Duofold Fountain Pen. I'leuse return to Rook Room. Lost:—A Mchueffer Fountain Pen. Please return to Mary Ryan, ai4 Fedigun Hull. — Lost: Law te.\t boolc. Please return to Jim Langan. Lost:— A Rook, entitled "Plato and I'latonisHj." Please return to Kenny Brooks. Lost:—Green leather notebook, left in one of the clu-s.-srooms. Will the Jlnder please return it to the bookrooni us soon us po.ssible. The owner places a high value on It due to personal sentiments attached to DELTA , PI —C. C. Fugazzi, Daugherty; Class, F. McNulty; Activities, V. J. J. Doyle; Organization, A. A. E. J. Mossey; Copy, D. M. Blatt; and A. F. lull. New York Club There will be a meeting of the New York Club ut 4 o'clock this afteinoon in Itoom 3 Mendel Hall. Watson F. G. Associate Editors Council Hall. VJIIanovan Staff The weekly meeting of the VlUanovan staff will be held this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, as usual, In J tHese their work In com» pleting their final year at Villanova, the duties attenrient to the edition and publication entail a severe sacrittce upon their time, especially when that nightmare of the Seniors, the thesis, is taken into considtration. The staff of the Belle Aire Is as follows: tJelitor-ln-t^hief Memorial Committee, Wednesday evening at seven o'clock in room 400 Qood Counsel Hall. I'i ()me«a I'hi meets this afternoon at ZA5 in room 400, Uood Mendel Engrossed as current year. Austin Hull. The weekly meeting of the V. II C. Will be held Wednesday at 12.30 in Itoom 400 Good Council Hall. There will be an important meetof compile u volume con- news of Villanova in write-ups and pictures for that Sophomores men are with asked possible, it is to taining the that iniKht apply to their individual classes, All these photos may !•'. be BUbni.tted to G. Watson, ing duty 1 o'cloclc. (Signed) Jiernard O'Hara. I I [ Emery; Art. J. S. Slane; Business Department— Business Manager, J. E. Lyons; Advertlsement.s, E. A. Quinlan; Circulation, M. F. McDonald. The work on this book Is progrossing rapidly, and it is expected that the Belle Aire will be distributed during the last week of May when it can be procured at the bookroom. or from the business department. If any undergraduate has photos which jire of interest to the publication, such as views of groups of any one class, or intlividual snapfchots which are interesting from the viewpoint of composition, the Belle Aire year book will be glad to publish them. All pictures may be turned in to the Editor-inchief, or the Art Editor during the next few weeks. - FORENSIC CLUB FORMS (continued from ciety will Room 104, first PLANS page) meet in the future Mendel Hall at 2.35 in p. m. This time may inconvenience ^ome, but to the orgaiiizjition us a whole it is most satisfactory. The purpose of tile organization is not only to train men in public speaking but to afford them an in- means of learning the und cons of Importunt topics. teresting EPSILLON I)ros In this way their opinions will not Another attraction was announcbe bai.sed like those refered to by ed for the fraternity by I'residtnt Pope: Thomas J. AlcCoy on Monday last, '•Some ne'er advance a when he made known the fact that judgement of their own lie had .ippointed ,Wulter Quintx. 30, Rut catching the spreading as chairman of a Committee on notion of the town; Complaints. This committee, w^iich will meet oncu u will be a nieana week They reason n the future, iind conclude by precedent." through which all complaints or suggestions made by The society will also aim to foster thut feeling of responsibility any member of the Fraternity will which is so essential to success be considered by this body and feeling thut many college youths tlirough them made known to the huv(?i been neglecting. faculty for the betterment of VillaAs it is rather late in the season, nova. By this means a closer conthe society may not debate with nection will be made between the other colleges, Inter-Class debates Faculty and the Fraternity which will probably be the order of this will be conductive to the betterment season or until the society gains exof all concerned. perience. There is a wealth of It wus also announced that at- forensic ability ut Villanova .and tempts were being made to have the Debuting Society unwill the Fraternity entered as a local doubtedly have a successful future. member of Delta S gma I'i, the National Business Fraternity. Nothing definite Will be made JR. known until May. discussion followed concerning the Membership Committee and (continued from first page) how the names of the different forty Juniors present fiom a posFreshmen would be made to this sible attendance of one lumdred and Committee to act upon. The Com- seventy !n the class The fact that mittee will inqu re as to the per- the coming Junior week assumes sonality, loudorship, initutlve and tlu' aspects of being the biggest and character of the men suggested and best ever held by any Junior class decide on their eligibility before should be an incentive to the entire bringing their names before the class to attend the meetings and 8upj)ort those In charge of the acmembers for final act on. tivlties. Realization of the fact that Junior week is one of the most CLUB important events, one of their most tiensurable memories after graduNo meeting of the Lawrence ithm, that comes in their four years «luh has boon held recently due to of college should urge them on to the mid-years and the illness of If nd their wholehearted uss'stance However in and I'resident Twiomey. redouble their efforts to meet the near future the club will hold their pecuniary obligations within an import mt meeting to elect the time members for the coming year. The third yearlimit. If ench nnd every man would take a perPresident urges that all members ^'onal interest in making this week to order elect the be pre.'^ent in achievement worthy of the class men that are to have charge of an 't represents, its success would be — j WEEK ASSUMES BRILLIANT OUTLOOK A I pj Qmega " PW ~ .« bers of Fraternity are guaranteed. | I'i Phi fraternity the question was raised of admitting as honorary members Prof, J. T. Jones and Prof. J. T. OSullivan. According to the constitution of the fraternity a unanimous vote In favor of the prospective member la required. This vote was received both times when the names of each "I'rof." was brouglit up. Both Prof. Jonas and Prof. O'Sulllvan have shown much progress of the Fraternity and have done everything in their power to help It along. Many times they have gone out of their way and put themselves to a great deal of inconvenience to make some suggestion that would further the cause of this fraternity. Professor Jonas, who has been our advisor from the tuibulent days before the organization up to the present time has always taken a personal interest In this organization and has helped us and is still helping us in a countless number of ways, I'rointerest in the ISSUES LETTER first page) —26— of the Spanish Club order yesterd.iy afternoon by I'resident Thomas Mccalled to Coy. The payment of dues was in order and the club's coffer was enriched to quite a degree as a re.sult of this fact. President McCoy announced a novel plan which with the most hearty approval of all the members present. It Is planned to furnish the college library with Spanish book.s, novels histories, granmiars and other volumes which will enable the Spanish student to carry out research has ' ' The worst blizzard of the year covered the campus last Thur.sday with a deep blanket of snow which was estimated to be at least 13 Indies deep. The l>arometer had been falling for the two days preceding, but it did not seem to pre- a storm of this intensity. These got up to go to early mass were met with a heavy snowstorm work in the field of this modern driven by a ilO-mile wind. The la nguage. campus was clo.uktd with a snowy President McCoy also announced mantle, and more was coming that he wus contemplating running a dance .sometime in the near future. The affair will be held in a decidedly Spanish atmosphere and promises to be a gala affair. Its novelty should serve to a liugc success. make it — Mich.. Feb 18 Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics ut the Univenslty of Michigan, believes that foot bail players are more sportsmanlike dict down to than finish tliis Patronize Home Talent! Louie's PRUGGIST The famous Groff milk shake. Ice Cream Barber Shop in the Rear for J. McDevitt Printing 1145 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR, PA. Phone 2.'>4 — Promptness The Freshman Clas^ be held at and oclock sharp, University of Southern California Alumni Review. The Syracuse Daily Orange. COOKE'S RESTAURANT PA. Mawr 1795 • MOTOR SALES Sales and Service to I ! called to meeting of the ord^ last by Father Dougherty, Friday the at (•iovuniiiicci, 8.45 <i of that club. Five Cents — till 10.30 A. M., after meals, 10 P. M and from to 11 P. M. NEW FRENCH INSTRUCTOR Professor Jones, the new French instructor, took up his duties In that Prof. Tuesday. department last Jones succeeds Prof. Jonggblatt, who has returned to his native Belgium. At North Carolina State a freshwas shot while raiding the college apple orchard. Monday between -1.30; 11.40 9.45-11.20; 12.30 between First Half John's Lead Aids —Redmen Held ly St. brilliance of Collins stellar forwards for helped in the 35 to 24 triumph of the Brooklyn basketball team over the Blue and White last Friday. As before earlier in the season the Flatbush men turned back the Villanovans. these two forwards accomplished most of the scoring. Villanova experienced much trouble in keeping these stars away from the when I | basket. John's had won twenty-two out of twenty-four contests prior to the Villanova fray. Only Fordham and Providence gained a decision over j | society, because them. contest, but ties four of The varsity started off well and for a short space it looked as though another upset might be In the offing. Nevertheless the three Judges who could appear showed great nicety of Judgment and are to be heartily con- McCarthy, Morgan and Birmingham sticking in goals to give us a 6-0 lead. Then the Redmen. as the opponents are known around their own baliwlck began their high pressure stunt. Before Villanova could count another marker the Klnnabrunner and Collins combination had dropped in gratulated. three baskets apiece and j ; It is not as yet decided if the winner of this oratorical contest will be entered in the national oratorical contest, which was announced a few weeks ago in this paper, but if he does, with the wealth of material that there is at hand, there Is no reason that he will not bring honor to himself and his Alma Mater. Public speaking, the ultimate source of this contest is valuable in every walk of life whether one is going to enter the business or professional world. Conte-sts of this nature not only develop one's ability along this line but they also enable a man to apply the knowledge which he has gleaned from the class-room. Seven Judges were chosen originally to decide the winners for this The individual St. I revealed a number of men who had forensic ability, who would not be known along this line if it were not for this contest. and Kinsbrunner, John's formed debating Schuckman 3) to departmental du- them could not appear. I Mr. the his ability Is our own stadium which he built two years ago. This alone would stand as a test of his power with the blue-prints. Mr. O'Brien has willingly volunteered his services in teaching this course in order that the proceeds may be donated to the Villanova engineering fund. Mr. (Continued on Page Four) Juniors Plan Individual Meet All-Around Test to Take Place During Junior Week Activities One of the features for the ing Junior Week, the second comweek in May, will be an all around track and field competition for the individual championship of the college. At tlie present time plans are only In the formation and no defin- information can be given out. will be open to every student in the school, the only requirement being the flllinK out of an entry blank within a certain time prior to the day of the meet. The contest shall consist of either five, seven or ten events to be decided later. The scoring of points shall be On the accepted method now in use at the I'enn Relays in their Decathlon, with the exception that par marks will be established for particular use in this competition. Awards will be given to the winner and the men finishing second, third, fourth and fifth, probably In ite The competition the form of a silver cup and med- als. The attempt of an event of this kind it is hoped will receive responses from the different classes and fraternities. We have never before here .at Villanova had anything of this nature and it will cerPoise. tainly be an honor for the man who The winners of this heat must comes out first, and for those elaborate more upon their speeches who place. The sponsor of this meet for the finals becatise according to and the Junior class want to make the rules they are to be ten minutes it an annual affair and the best In length. This will probably, In a w.ay to aid in this Idea Is to make few require the writing of a the first affair a huge success by new speech and will insure possibly the support nnd cooperation of the greater Interest. The winner of this student body. will receive a gold medal donated by Additional Information will apthe college for excellence in Public pear In following issues of the Speaking. The date of the final event VlLIiANOVAN. Now Is the time has not been announced as yet, but for the participants to start getting It will be held In the near future. into shape. In choosing the winner the Judges to take many points Into consideration. The most stressed of the points were: 1. Appropriateness of Subject; 2. Composition; 3. Memory; 4. Vocabulary; 5. Enunciation; 6. had with Posnack brought it up three points more. The Saints now were in front by a 14 to 6 margin. The half ended soon after at 17 to 7. Like in the previous period the latter semester commenced auspiciously for the Blue. But as before Kinnsbrunner ran wild to nullify our efforts and the balance of the half witnessed the opposition playing Just enough ball to keep a safe lead. (Continued on Page due The new course — it in Final Period St. ' "Faith." These men gave splendid orations and it will be difficult to choose the ultimate winner. It Is, however, an excellent aid to the new- John's Five Downs Varsity St. 12. school local firm of McHale and Company in Since his the capacity of engineer. graduation from Villanova his rise has been rapid until today he is one of the leading authorities on blueprints in the East. His wide range of Instruction makes him competent to teach this subject. A monument to Manager Plan of Government," "The Constitution," "Necessity for a Larger Navy," "Tolerance," and 8.00-9.30; March added to the evening Villanova class of 1913. O'Brien is at the present with E. original subject on something which was of an especial Interest to him. Theli respective subjects are as follows: "America and Democracy;" n.40-5.00. j attire. Hookey, Mr. McClarney, Mr. William J. Murphy and Mr. Bernard Weiss. Each one of these men spoke on an to be under the name of "Plan Reading" and will be offered twice a week for ten weeks. The classes will meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening In the new building. It was also announced that the course would be taught by Mr. James J. O'Brien, C. They are alphabetically arranged as follows. Mr. Joseph T. Foley, Mr. Martin T. Gill, Mr. Edward M. Is is "City Wednesday clothes does create an Impression was In one ofrecently demonstrated Georgia Tech's classrooms when the that he always professor asserted gave better marks to those dressed In white shirts and good-looking ties. The same professor recently sent a student to his room to change his sweater for a coat. The student re- tuxedo 9.45-10.20; starting were run off last Monday, February 25, in the new Mendel Hall. Quite a number turned out and from all aspects the first attempt of this nature was an overwhelming success. Tweny-two men were participants, all of these from the Btislness and the Arts Schools, who according to the rules of the contest were the only ones eligible for entrance. Six men were chosen for the final contest in which the winner will receive a gold medal. The Judges were: Professor Humphrey, Dean of the School of Technology. Professor Meestrees and Professor Sweeney. After careful deliberation on the part of the Judges the six men who are entered in the final contest were chosen. course curriculum of the inaries LomasMcCann, -6.00. NEATNESS IN DRESS AND CLAS S MARKS Savannah, Oa. —That good-looking full Korte, 2.45-5.00. Tuesday 'oetween O'Neill. turned In Ingham, .IoIiiikoii, A new After much work on the part of Professor Jonas and the men taking part in the oratorical contest prelim- FoUlline, Iglesby, (ioeltz. Six MEDAL FOR FINALIST COURSE OPEN TO ALL Dorm. SHOP SCHEDULE $800 Price: I Preliminaries of Oratorical Bi-Weekly Classes in "Blueprints" to Be Taught by Contest Show Much Forensic Talent J. J. O'Brien, C. E. '13 Not Later Than These Dates (This applies only to those who must see the Editor.) Room 309 Austin Hall, New M J. report Schneider, Schuyler, Sellito, Sevareiice, Slane, Skelly, H. •!. Smith, •los. Smith, R. E. Smith, Sorbo, TIghe, Turnbach, Watson, Welser, WIsnIewskI, Woods, Worthier. To those whose names do not appear here-on, see the editor at once and find out the trouble. Failure to do so shifts responsibility to your own shoulders. Be The pie shop will be open weekdays from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M.; it will On reopen at 10 11 P. M. P. M. Sundays It will be open after church will ney, Lopez. Mc.Vniff, .McC'arney, .J. T. .McCarthy, F. T. .McCoy, .Mc(iann, .McCillnchey, McHiikIi, .Mclntyre, McOuire, Marshall, Martin, .Milne, Moore, .Mossey, .Mulligan, Myrtetus, Nolan, O'Brien. O'Xelll, Ow<'zykowskl, I'ellicane, Placio, KeKllski, Kelley. Keilly, Rlcciardelli, Schleicher, He explained the program that he has mapped out for the rest of the semester and it advisor men Haley, uteri, .lenkins, Faculty LOUIE GIVES PIE USED CARS From $200 sixth, 16 Two GERHAIU) OXhOCK Evening School Winners in Offers Course Oratory Trials in Plan Reading pay the Senior Belle Aire assessment so that they may be assured Failof their place in the book. ure to do this will mean thut you do not wish to appear. liritt. Brooks, Ahern, Itlatt. Buckley, li.vgott, liyrne.s, Caulfleld, K. F. i)uly, Delnhunty, Day, Dennis, Denny, Donahue, Donaldson, DouRherty, D'l rso, Ktnory, Franchina, Fruney, FuKa/.xi, Furluii);. Are Announced Bob's '^•/•:Bryn 1929 Announce TO SENIORS! following Tiie It is imperative that every mem- appears that the pre-medical organber of the class of 1932 be present at ization will enjoy a series of events In the first place it this gathering. win eclipse all activities that which is the first milestone in your college career as it is the first official and it has participated in formerly. Fathorganized action in which the class as er Dougherty, went on to say that Many classes in there would also be a speaker at the a body functions. numerous colleges have failed to ever next meeting, a prominent doctor become organized or active due to from Philadelphia who would lecture the lack of proper spirit and the for- on things pertinent to a medical camation of a solid foundation at the reer. Movies will be also shown of beginning of their official existence. things of Interest in the new amplIn the second place every freshman theatre, and various other forms of be brought in will is under what might be called a mor- entertainment and from time to time. al obligation to his classmates The chair was then assumed by his Alma Mater, to participate in all functions of his class, therefore start John Lyons the president of the frain right. In the third place, as a ternity who spoke first of all to the college is Judged by its students and incoming freshman and the Initiation The same committee their activities and as the organized of more men. class Is the organ for the perform- in charge of initiations will again take charge of the new group of men (Continued on Page Four) who will be brought in. He then announced the committee for the anThis dance is always nual dance. held on Saint Patrick's day, but owing to that fact that this day comes on a Sunday tlie dance will be held on the preceding Saturday. The comOffered mittee is as follows. Edward Brltt, to the Chairman of Belle Aire Ball, will for Best Papers on also be chairman of this dance and his committee is made up of Messrs. Subjects O'Brien. Ingham, Mossey, Sallito, In a recent circular sent to all stu- Godflne, Romano, McGuinn, McGardent members, the American Society rity, McMannus. Algre, Mullen, MarEskin. With of Mechanical Engineers extended to bach, Christiano and of the Students of Engineering in Vil- such a representative gathering and men all gathered from the upper greetings lanova most cordial good wishes for success in their pur- classes there is no reason why the They dance should not be an overwhelmsuits during the year 1928-,29. This dance will revive 1929 ing success. the to also called attention tlie custom of holding all school danawards to be offered by the Society. The following awards are offered: ces, other than proms, in the gymOne award of ^ 150.00. known as the nasium, which was impossible, up Charles T. Main Award, for the best until now because the gymnasium paper on "The Influence of Engineer- was used for temporary laboratories. Two The floor is being reflnished, and Production;" ing on Farm awards of $25.00 each for the best there will be decorating done for this In order tliat there will be papers on any engineering subject event. or investigation prepared under the no confusion, the dance is being held direction of the Department of Me- Saturday, March 16, in the Gym. and An engraven begins at eight o'clock. chanical Engineering. The following men have been acPresident the by certificate, signed and the Secretary of the Society, will cepted for membership In the frateraccompany each award. All papers nity: C. Busenkell, T. G. Byrne, R. A. must be submitted not later than Carulll, N. Catti, G. Ellis, J. Greczn, June 30, 1929. Students should con- J. Haage, J. Hendricks, P. J. Kelly, Kennedy, sult the honorary Chairman regard- J. Henry, J. Hickey, W. Judson, M. Saures, E. J. Kahle. ing the rules for these awards. D'OuvUle, O. Korte, C. Ludwlg, F. McDermot, J. McFeely, A. Meyer, J. O'Donnel, E. Principe, F. Remy, R. Schelcher, J. Smith, E. Storms, J. Sykes, R. Weiss, E. Bugnlazet and Two Awards V- ':';.' 5, to Mr. J. E. Lyons as soon as possible and make arrangements to A. S. M. E. Awards 851 Laneiaster Avenue •;.' TUESDAY, MARCH NOTICE^ Delta Fraternity was | talks. Rochelle Tatler. very Important TOMOR- Lembda Kappa Hook:Vigilance ;hfc ey, '31, Chiilrman of Committee and Presiden' Uucher, of the Sophomore class wll gl"e brief The Gleaner. The Tomahawk. The Laurel. BRYN MAWR, 1 A elections will ROW, Wednesday. Match th'j in Koom F, Academy. Edwurrl Crimson and Gray. Niagara Index. Mountain Echo. New PA., ; Prominent Doctor to Lecture in Amphitheatre Soon 1 ALL FROSH BE THERE! DANCE DATE MARCH man __l M. at Order Urged es: Pike PA. P. The VlHunovan gratefully Acknowledges the following Exchang- "Careful Handling and Quality" BRYN MAWR, Men Gather 1932 All EXCHANGES Keen Knmpus Kollege Kut THE WILSON LAUNDRY Freshmen Class Dance Planned Elections to Be at Lambda Kappa Held Tomorrow Delta Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Villanova Club of New York City, at its February meeting will be guests at a testimonial dinner to be given by the Augustinian Fathers ut the Augustinian Academy, Staten Island N. Y. 1207 W.Lancaster John VILLANOVA, No. 14 1 WINNERS IN ORATORICAL CONTEST TRIALS ANNOUNCED Jack Sheehan. a former student at the school plays a leading rde in "Follow Through" a golf comedy now -showing on Broadway. Shoppe Needs I WEDNESDAY YllLll tion ALSO Everything the College Student VoL prominent New Co. as a rating engineer. a church. Pie GROFF ELECTIONS ASSESSMENTS employed by York Construc- cloaking pro- cess until it was only with the greatest difficulty that the students couhl fight their ways ag.iinst the wind until they arrived in the the WEEKS LEFT TO PAY P. Connolly is who spectators. ^odus John Hupmohile ANN ARBOR, ' ' is.sued, BLIZZARD I SIX over the signaW. J. Flynn, Jr., Is now employed ture «>f Dean Humphrey, a letter in Wall Street by the firm of De to High School students, asking Poppet-Doremus. them not to overlook the claims of —23— the lOnglneering Held when Wm. P. Cronin is at^ present rethey are choosing their life work, and siding in New Orleans, La. giving them an outline of the op—21portunities open to Sydney Sweeney is located with technically trained men, and of the. prepara- the printing-house of Qulnn-Bodtory school work recommended for en In Rahway, N. J. boys who may wish to enter some Si'lio(»l of Engineering. Phlneas Vize is now a salesman It is, hoped that this letter can be in Brooklyn, N. Y. biought to the attention of a large number of young men, as early as Thomas O'Malley, Is In the eml)osslble in their High School ca- ploy of th* Philadelphia Record. leers. It is particularly addressed —26— to such young men in the ParochEdward Cotter, of Hartford, ial High Schools. Dean Humph- Conn., is now an insurance salesrey will be grateful for the co-op- man in that city. erution of the student body und —24— Alunmi generally in the matter of Wm. I'oplaski has established a supplying him with the addresses flourishing Ice business in Lawrof .schools or of individuals to whom ence, Mass. this letter might well be sent. Villanova need no longer Harold Meuder is athletic direcoffer any apologies for deficiencies in tor at Noridgewalk, Maine, high the equipment or personnel 6f its school. Scliool <)nly a little <:oof)erati(m is necessary to al)out this and so let us ull be generous. A meeting was FRESHMEN! JUNIORS! , (continued from technical school. I is now In order, as never before, for all loyal Vill.inova men to "boost" their School of Engineering, and to see to it thut the young men it really fessor O'Sullivan, always offering' should serve are not diverted to sound advice and helpful sugges- other fleldsi or to secular colleges. tions is furthering the cause of our Joining u national Fraternity as CHARITY TO COLLECTIONS otlier organizati(ms on the campus There is an old saying about charare trying to do. We sincerely thank these jHo.essors for all they ity an<l that it begins at home. In have done for us and hope that, as view of the fact that this is our members, they will continue to aid home for the major part of the year us in the future as ably as they why not practist. a little of that Chiist.aii pi liuiple when we are afhave in the past. forded the opportunity. A week ago The only other important busitlie retreat collection was taken up ness that was at hand was the election of Mr. as Ker- and this amounted to the sum of geant-at-Arms to succeed Mr. •1>!t0.9X, thf resident students conAgree, who has changed his course tributing $36.98 and the day students 154.19. In this the day students who are far outnumV)ered PHI KAPPA PI I'V the resident students, were the The Engineers ure fast complet- most generous l)y very near fifty Of course cue could say ing their jdans for the freshman per cent. initiation which will be held dur- that because tiny are riglit at home ing the later |)art of this month. where they can get extra money At the last meeting President Avd whenever they want it and that the announ<-ed the committee that college boy is as a rule in a perpetwould handle the !i flair. In the ual state of being l)roke, will not next few we >ks it is expected that excuse us from contributing mori- in the committee will come into ac- llie future. It is pr iposed that tiiere tion. The cnimiiittee has passed lie sent a check of one liundred and out bids to ull nuMiibers of Heart the fifty dolliirs to the Sacred Freshman class und the returns Missions at Embrudo, New Mexico, are expected to be in as soon as where the sisters' home church and possible. President Avil asks the school uccommoduting 120 ln<liun Freshmen to .see to this matter at iind Mexican children were recently their earliest convenience. This destroyed l)y fire. When the collecwill greatly facilitate the work of tion is taken up in the future for the <'ommittee ,ind permit ))resent this fund, if u collection is taken up, I)luns to get under way in the next liere is a warning in advance to all week or two. the men of the colb ge to set apart a very small sum for the accomSPANISH CLUB plishment of a great deal of good. I ! the functions that annually given In the mill city. meeting of the Omega I THE LAWRENCE lust —^•*\ i>' .\ Tuesday, February 26, 1929 «. Mr. Jonas and Mr. O'Sullivan Made Honorary MemAt the ' , DEAN HUMPHREY Honors Faculty page) The' new outline diJYers from the old organization under wijose ausplf-es they took place, rather than being assigned a separate space in the yearbook, as wa.s. the custom previous to this year's edition. Tlie Belle Aire yeai- book is published by a group of Seniors wTiosje" JUNIORS There will be Junior Class at ilrst | >