The WOW effect of Printing
The WOW effect of Printing
SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 The WOW effect of Printing - Second year Milan, 19 - 20 April 2016 FRANCE sponsored by SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 MILAN 19 - 20 April 2016 Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 What makes the SOUTHERN EUROpEAN pRiNT CONGRESS unique? This Congress is organised to promote innovation in the print industry and to create a dynamic networking arena for associations’ members to exchange ideas, practices and business opportunities. Over two half days, delegates have the chance to hear from top industry experts, meet actors across various printing sectors and learn how to grow their businesses. The networking dinner on the first evening provides delegates with exclusive access to print manufacturers and suppliers. The Southern European Print Congress is organised by the four Southern European Associations who are members of FESPA. FESPA Italia è l’associazione che rappresenta gli operatori del settore della stampa specialistica e tessile, sia serigrafica sia digitale. La missione di FESPA Italia è quella di contribuire allo sviluppo del mercato attraverso la condivisione di informazioni ed esperienze e gli approfondimenti su applicazioni e tecnologie. FRANCE FESPA France, anciennement GPSF, rassemble depuis 1951 les professionnels de la sérigraphie et de l’impression numérique grand format. Ces techniques sont de formidables outils au service de la créativité, du design, de la couleur dans des domaines d’applications variées et à forte valeur ajoutée. Pour répondre aux enjeux de nouveaux marchés, FESPA France réunit, au niveau national, des entreprises et des dirigeants désireux d’accompagner l’évolution de leurs métiers. FESPA España es la Asociación Española de Empresas de Serigrafía, Impresión Digital y Comunicación Visual. Tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación y modernizacion del sector siendo la plataforma para vincular y poner en contacto todos los actores del sector: proveedores, impresores y clientes. En definitiva desarrollar un visión de futuro del sector de la comunicación visual y acompañar a las empresas miembro en este camino. Apigraf, Associação Portuguesa das Indústrias Gráficas, de Comunicação Visual e Transformadoras do Papel foi fundada em 12 de dezembro de 1974, sendo a representante dos interesses destas indústrias em Portugal e internacionalmente, atualmente congrega cerca de 460 empresas que constituem um universo representativo do que de melhor se produz nestas áreas a nível nacional. FESPA is a global federation of 37 national associations for the screen printing, digital printing and textile printing community. Founded in 1962, FESPA organises the leading exhibitions and conferences, and reinvests profits from these activities into the global print community. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan, 19 - 20 April 2016 FORMAT SEPC is a two-days conference which mixes educational sessions with specific networking activities and the opportunity to visit a production site. Simultaneous translation is provided to speakers and attendees in the four languages involved. The event’s promotion as well is run in Spanish, French, Italian, English and Portoguese. SCHEDULE AND CONTENT 19 April 2016 14:00 – 14:30 Welcome with a coffee 14:30 – 15:10 Opening – by Associations’ Presidents 15:10 – 16:10 The industry of Interior Decoration and Product Decoration 16:10 – 16:40 Coffee break 16:40 – 17:25 The industry of Textile 17:25 – 18:15 Speedy Meeting between participants to better share what they can do 18:15 – 18:30 Wrap-up 19:30 – 23:00 Dinner 20 April 2016 9:15 – 9:45 Welcome with a coffee 9:45 – 10:05 Opening – by Associations’ Presidents 10:05 – 10:45 The industry of Out Of Home 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 – 12:15 The industrial & 3D Printing 12:15 – 13:00 Wrap-up and “arrivederci” 13:00 – 14:00 Light lunch SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 Last year WELCOME CONFERENCE SPEEDY MEETING DINNER MILAN 19 - 20 April 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 ViSiT TO A SiTE pRESS REViEW SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 MILAN 19 - 20 April 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 MILAN 19 - 20 April 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 19 - 20 April 2016 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 SILVER LARGE MEDIUM LARGE MEDIUM SMALL LOGO ON EVENT WEB SITE SMALL LARGE MEDIUM SMALL LOGO ON PAPER AND ONLINE COMMUNICATION SMALL LARGE MEDIUM SMALL LOGO ON SLIDES, ROLLUPS AND MENTIONS DURING THE CONFERENCE SMALL LARGE MEDIUM SMALL LOGO AND COMPANY NEWS ON EVENT PROMOTING NEWSLETTER X X X X COMPANY PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL AND/OR GADGET IN CONFERENCE BAG X X ONE TABLE TOP IN NETWORKING AREA 2 8 4 VIP TICKETS FOR CLIENTS 2 5 3 X X SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY BY ONE MEMBER OF COMPANY’S STAFF X X X SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY BY ONE TESTIMONIAL X X X LIST OF ATTENDEES PROFILING OF LIST OF ATTENDEES 5.000 € 4 1 2 Analysts & Media Vendors 14% 1.500 € COST (+ VAT) MAX SPONSORS 70% 40% 85% Product Decoration Interior Decoration Textile Out Of Home 60% 70% 25% 70% 9% NG DI N A R B COMMUNiCATiON pLAN Starting from December 2015 the Organising Associations will simuntaneously promote the event through: G NT EVE RKETIN MA PARTICIPATION IN DESIGNING CONFERENCE CONTENTS X Marketers 11% FREE TICKETS FOR STAFF X Screen Printing Pad Printing Digital Printing Attendees declared to be active in LOGO ON EVENT BANNER ON ORGANISING ASSOCIATIONS WEB SITE (ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL) SMALL 1 66% you ar ns costs if g associatio ip h s r o in s is n n o a p org on s of the 4 of one BRONZE SMALL 9.500 € Printers 20 SMALL 3.000 € Attendees declared to be active in OUNTmember C S I D % ea GOLD 19 - 20 April 2016 LAST YEAR’S ATTENDEES Sponsor’s plan PREMIUM MILAN T EN ONT C D LEA D AN UP M R C LOW FOL • Direct email marketing and specific event’s newsletter to all their members (insert total number) and to all specialists belonging to each country’s community (for a total reach of 7800 contacts) • Media partnerships with the most important magazine and online publications in each country • FESPA’s support in spreading the news about the event through their European network OTHER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NETWORK SPONSOR — 1.500 € + VAT opportunity includes all branding activities plus company’s logo on napkins and a 5 minutes welcome speech to attendees before lunch TRANSLATION SPONSOR — 1.500 € + VAT opportunity includes all branding activities plus company’s logo displayed on translation booth and promotional material in conference bag PAD&PEN SPONSOR — 1.000 € + VAT (+ production costs) opportunity includes logo on notepads and pens given to attendees LANYARD SPONSOR — 1.000 € + VAT (+ production costs) opportunity includes logo on badge lanyard given to attendes SOUTHERN EUROPEAN PRINT CONGRESS 2016 Milan 19 - 20 April 2016 FRANCE contact & information FESPA Italia Enrico Barboglio FESPA España FESPA France Apigraf Portugal Pablo Serrano Marion Ferhat Teresa Borba Segretario Secretario General Chargée de développement +39 02 26 92 70 81 + 91 307 74 44 +33 01 44 08 64 22 Assessora para as Relações Externas External Relations Adviser + 351 21 849 1020