Member of Parliament, Pierrefonds


Member of Parliament, Pierrefonds
Parliamentary Bulletin: Summer 2016
Member of Parliament, Pierrefonds-Dollard
Come join us at Parc Eugene-Dostie for a fun-filled, family-friendly
On the menu will be burgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs, free of
charge, as we celebrate summer with a BBQ.
Our office will have a booth where you can meet our staff and get
information on the services offered to you and to local organisations.
Several local not-for-profit organisations will also be featured on site,
so you can learn about their services and how they help our community.
The parc is home to a playground for children. Additionally, always a
kid-favourite, emergency services will be present!
Come to meet your neighbours and your Member of Parliament.
Free BBQ
Saturday, August 13th
Noon to 3 pm
Parc Eugène-Dostie,
Île-Bizard, QC H9E 1B5
$ 400,000 for Dollard Soccer Club
$ 903,670 for Youth Employment
We were proud to announce to the Dollard Soccer Club that it has
obtained a grant via the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure
Program (CIP150). Launched in 2015 to celebrate Canada’s 150th
anniversary, the CIP150 supports the renovation, improvement
and expansion of existing community infrastructure.
This year, through the Canada Summer Jobs program (CSJ), we are happy
to announce that 243 new summer jobs were funded by a total injection
of $ 903,670 into our three cities. Notable participants in the program
include not-for-profit organisations which help populations in need, such
as Pierrefonds Community Project and the West Island Women’s Shelter.
Community pools and summer camps were also featured prominently.
The objective of this funding opportunity is to ensure long-term
economic development in Quebec, create jobs, strengthen
communities and celebrate Canada’s rich history and heritage.
Thanks to this grant, the Dollard-des-Ormeaux Park will undergo
a complete restoration of its field. This includes a flattened, softer
surface, thus decreasing the risk of injuries. With new artificial turf,
the field will also be open earlier in the season, and close later.
The funds will provide our community with a much improved sports
field used for soccer, baseball, football and rugby, meaning many will
benefit from the project.
Great news for our community!
The CSJ is an annual program. Each year, the Federal Government
helps community organisations and small businesses create student
employment through the CSJ. Last year, Pierrefonds-Dollard’s budgetary
envelope for the program was $ 335,250. The Prime Minister announced
that the maximum number of jobs funded per riding would be increased
for the next three years. However, this was dependant on having enough
organisations participate, and on those organisations meeting local
priorities set by the Member of Parliament’s office.
We recruited organisations into the program and provided them with
information on the process. In the end, our funding was tripled. We would
like to thank all community organisations that helped make this initiative
a success.
On Friday June 17th, the House of Commons
closed for the summer recess. It is safe to
say that Bill C-14 on Medical Assistance in
Dying was by far the most debated bill prior
to our closing.
The need for a law on Medical Assistance
in Dying came from a Supreme Court ruling
that gave the government a deadline of
February 2016 to put a law in place. The
Court then extended this to June 2016 to
take into account delays due to the election.
After the change of government last October,
a Special Joint Committee was set-up to hear
from witnesses and prepare recommendations
on how to write the law. This committee
worked very long hours and completed their
report this February. Their report was then
used by the Minister of Justice and the
Minister of Health to draft Bill C-14.
At this point, the debate started in earnest.
There were views from all corners. Some
argued that the bill should encompass all
possible cases of people needing medical
assistance in dying. This point of view was
supported by people who did not want to
see sick patients suffer unreasonably. Others
argued that the bill should be more restrictive
so as to protect the vulnerable. We heard
this from caregivers who look after the old,
the sick, and the mentally incapacitated.
Then there were people who felt that there
should be no bill at all, regardless of what
the Supreme Court mandated. These people
felt that it was morally wrong to take a life
no matter the circumstances.
As a Member of Parliament, I received many
letters and emails from people who expressed
all of these different opinions. When it comes
to such matters, I truly believe that everyone’s
opinion is valid. In such a situation, the
Ministers were not going to be able to draft
a law that would satisfy everyone. Therefore
they decided to take a cautious approach.
Bill C-14 only allows people facing a reasonably
foreseeable natural death to have access to
this procedure. I believe that this is a wise
approach. In my estimation, the Ministers have
found a balance between helping those who
are asking for medical assistance in dying and
protecting the vulnerable. For this reason, I
spoke in the House supporting Bill C-14 on
May 31st, 2016 and then voted for it.
In the end, we will all face our death. At
that time some will choose to fight on. Our
society supports that decision and we use
our medical system to help those people. On
the other hand, some will choose to accept
death. As a society, we must now accept the
decision of these people and allow our
medical system to help them.
Meeting with West Island College student
Yoad Vered. The future is bright!
With this new law, we will.
Celebrating the 118th anniversary of
Philippine independence with Seniors of West
Island & Suburbs
One of the central pillars of our local campaign was economic opportunity, particularly
strengthening Montreal’s industry. With Mr. Baylis’ background as a businessman and
engineer, he was named to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
The Committee studies areas covered by the Department of Industry Canada: industry and
technological capability, scientific research & development, telecommunications, investment,
trade, small business and tourism.
The first order of business for the Committee was to do an overview of the various federal
departments that report to Industry Canada. This included the Business Development Bank
of Canada, the Canadian Space Agency, the National Research Council of Canada, and more.
With the review completed, the Committee started its first study on strengthening the Canadian
manufacturing sector and providing training to fill skills shortages in the domestic labour force.
As part of the study, Committee Members must travel to major companies in order to gain a
better strategic view. On Mr. Baylis’ recommendation, the tour started with Montreal companies
Bombardier, CAE, MDA Corporation and District 3, a Concordia University incubator.
We would like to acknowledge the
extraordinary work of Caroline Tison,
outgoing Executive Director of West Island
Community Shares (WICS).
Under her leadership over the past
12 years, WICS grew to new heights.
Caroline led WICS in raising over $11
million for 40 West-Island community
groups that offer services in various
sectors. Annually, WICS distributes over
$1.2 million to community groups which
helps over 50,000 citizens a year.
On behalf of our community, we wish
Caroline the best in her future endeavours
and welcome Leanne Bayer, who will
officially become the new Executive
Director of WICS in August.
Anyone with ideas on this topic may submit them online:
At a roundtable hosted by la Table de quartier du Nord-Ouest de l'île de
Montréal in Sainte-Geneviève to discuss the organisation’s strategic plan.
Celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste day with residents of Pierrefonds-Dollard.
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Welcoming new Canadians during a Citizenship Ceremony held at Wilder Commemorating the victims of the tragic Orlando shooting at a vigil in
Montreal. We stand in solidarity with Orlando and the LGBTQ2 community.
Penfield School in Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
On May 21 and June 28, we held two open houses in the constituency office of Pierrefonds-Dollard. Open houses are a great opportunity to meet with as
many constituents, community groups, and not-for-profit organisations as possible in an informal setting. During the open houses, we met with over
250 people, who shared with us their opinions on our government’s performance since the election. Some solicited our help with their files with
government departments, such as Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. Others needed our help to identify federal funding programs
available for their organisations. Our thanks to everyone who attended these two successful events.
Which of the Canada Post services are important to you?
Are there new lines of business or service that Canada Post could offer?
To return survey: cut off slip; place in envelope; mail to MP office address – no postage required. Alternatively, you may email your responses to
Helping you:
Helping your organisation:
Get information on Federal government programs
and services.
 Assist you in your dealings with Federal departments.
Present your petitions to the House of Commons.
 Organize visits of Parliament Hill and viewings of
Question Period.
 Get Canadian flags and lapel pins, as well as messages
of congratulations from your MP, the Prime Minister,
the Governor General or Her Majesty the Queen.
Get information on federal government programs and
services, such as Canada Summer Jobs, and assist
in processing requests.
Host educational visits, for schools, on the topic of
Canadian governance.
 Get support for community work and recognition of
achievements for its volunteers.
 If you have an event you would like your MP to attend,
please feel free to email your invitation to our office.
For an appointment, please
do not hesitate to contact us
phone or e-mail:
501-3883 Blvd St-Jean,
Our Government is conducting an independent review of
Canada Post in consultation with Canadians. This review will
allow us to make informed decisions about Canada Post services
and costs. For it to be a success, Canadians need to be involved
and the Government is working to ensure that Canadians across
the country have a say in the future of Canada Post.
Contribute to the review on social media:
Facebook: Share your views on the Canada Post Review page at
Twitter: Tweet your views using
hashtag #CPReview2016
Instagram: Post your views using Instagram hashtag
YouTube: View and comment on the Canada Post Review launch
video at
The independent review of Canada Post will be carried out in
two phases:
Phase 1: An independent task force is gathering facts, conducting
analysis and identifying options for postal service in Canada.
Canadians’ views are being collected to feed into a discussion
paper which will be made available in Sept. 2016.
Phase 2: In Fall 2016, a parliamentary committee will examine
results from Phase 1, consult Canadians and make final
You may visit the Government’s website for more information and
details on how you can get involved:
We encourage you to take part in this important discussion.
You can voice your views throughout the entire review on social
media, through fax or email, and of course, by regular mail!
Please answer the survey and return to our office by regular mail, postage free, or by e-mail
No Postage
Postal Code
Frank Baylis, M.P.
501-3883 Blvd St-Jean,
Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec
H9G 3B9