The Flaming Sword - European American Evangelistic Crusades


The Flaming Sword - European American Evangelistic Crusades
The Flaming Sword
Contending for the faith – jude 3
Volume 14
Issue 1
Evangelistic Crusades
All scripture references are
taken from the King James
We would like to hear from you.
Please contact us by any of the
following means:
Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC)
P.O. Box 166
Sheridan, CA 95681
(888) 708-3232
(916) 944-3724
8341 Fair Oaks Blvd,
Suite B
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 944-3724
Sunday Worship 10:30 AM
Thursday Bible Study 7:30 PM
John S. Torell, Sr. Pastor
Charles Thorell, Pastor
We are a Bible centered group
of believers desiring to grow in
the full knowledge of Jesus
Christ without compromise to
His Word.
“If sinners will be damned, at
least let them leap to hell over
our bodies. And if they will
perish, let them perish with our
arms around their knees,
imploring them to stay. If hell
must be filled, at least let it be
filled in the teeth of our
exertions, and let not one go
there unwarned and unprayed
~ C.H. Spurgeon
Dear Friends,
Have you ever had anything stolen from you? I recently had a car stolen, in fact
this was the second time someone had decided they needed this particular car and
taken it. I woke up on a Sunday morning and went about my usual routine until I
looked outside and saw the ministry vehicle I use was missing from its parking spot
and immediately knew it had been stolen. The first thought that entered my mind
was that Satan was laughing hysterically and waiting to see how I would react. Well,
what can one do in a situation like that? It was only about one hour before I was to
be in church and lead the congregation in worship. I didn’t panic because I knew
there was nothing that could be accomplished until later, but it still was a disturbing
feeling -- something akin to rape, that someone had violated my property.
I decided to praise God for the return of the car and sang my heart out that
morning with the congregation. Later in the service, a prayer request was put out
about the car and the man who led the prayer asked God to return it in the same
condition as it was taken. After the service I thought about the difficulties having
only one car would impose on my family as I drove home. I didn’t know how things
were going to turn out and I still refused to panic. I was almost home and decided to
take an alternate route through my neighborhood when the Holy Spirit popped a
thought into my mind, “I wonder if my car is parked somewhere in this area?” I
immediately started scanning the parked cars and thirty seconds later was surprised
to see what looked to be my vehicle sitting in the parking lot of an apartment
complex. Turning around I found it was indeed my car and could see the contents of
the glove compartment strewn all over the floor. Interestingly, the thief had carefully
locked up his pilfered car and a closer examination showed there was no forced
entry and the ignition was not damaged so that I was able to drive it away. You
could say that I stole my car back and I get a good laugh over the irony when the
thief later walked out and found the car missing.
I want you to know that I don’t believe in luck as long as there is God in heaven
and I want to emphasize the power of prayer and making the choice to praise God
in the midst of the storm before you receive a miracle! In our church we speak often
about how Moses was able to praise God on both sides of the Red Sea when taking
the Israelites out of Egypt, whereas, most people only praise God after He delivers
a miracle. Don’t get me wrong, it is very hard to praise the Lord when there is all
kinds of pressure, but then it is so gratifying to know that you were able to praise
God before He moved. That is the essence of faith, believing God for a miracle
before it happens. Satan is thwarted and you have a great testimony to share with
family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.
May God richly bless you today,
Charles Thorell
Part 5: Biological Warfare
By John S. Torell
messy because the wind could blow it in a wrong direction
and the people in the world would never tolerate the
gassing of entire cities. The idea of germ warfare was tried
during World War II but that too also became messy
because germs could not be controlled and would
indiscriminately kill those who were not supposed to be
We have now step-by-step learned that the government
of the United States is not in the hands of elected
American politicians but is ruled by unseen and unknown
persons residing in and outside the country. These unseen
and unknown rulers, as far as common people are
concerned, are determined to install a leader someday who
will rule all the nations on the earth. The Bible calls this
ruler the Antichrist.
It was then that the researchers for the world rulers
came up with the idea of virus induced diseases
administered via mass vaccination. The world rulers and
their own people would be spared while specific people
groups could be targeted and eliminated. In order to help
the reader to understand the sinister evil thinking of these
world rulers, I am going to turn to the 1994 Spring issue of
The Dove and share what we exposed 16 years ago and
then I will share what we know in 2011. These are the four
articles we are including in this newsletter plus some
Wars have been fought over the control of land and
people down through the centuries, and millions of people
died as a result, but the world population still continues to
rise faster and faster. These rulers managed to exterminate
some 80 million people during World War II (1939-1945),
but the war was messy and destroyed much property. With
Israel in place, there is no need for another massive World
War; instead, another method had to be implemented to
reduce the world’s population. Too many people are hard
to rule under a dictatorship, it is much more efficient to
reduce the world population to a manageable number and
select the people who will be allowed to live.
 From the Desk of John S. Torell - The Dove 1994
 The Strecker Memorandum
 Biological Warfare Against American Citizens
 AIDS Epidemic Cover Up
The unseen world rulers are white European Jews who
do not like people of other races. This can be seen in the
State of Israel, where the leadership consists of white
European and American Jews. There is a race war going on
in Israel that is almost never reported in Gentile media and
the poor Jews from North Africa and Jews from Middle
East nations are at the bottom of the social ladder.
A select biological war where certain ethnic groups can
be targeted is the choice of the world rulers and the
foundation for this extermination was laid in the early
1900’s. During World War I (1914-1918) poisonous gas
was used by both sides to kill many soldiers, but it was
murder at least half the human population on this earth.
During our lifetime we all make “overstatements” or
“understatements.” What I am going to tell you in this
article is so important and vital that it will affect the lives of
millions of people on earth; not only their earthly lives, but
where they are going to spend eternity. Here is what I am
saying to you today: There is a plan in operation to
Some of you reading this will laugh and tell yourself that
John Torell has lost his marbles but I will ask you to read
through the material and then pass judgment.
On Monday, May 11, 1987, an article appeared in the
well respected British daily newspaper, THE LONDON
TIMES, with a headline: “Smallpox Vaccine Triggered
AIDS Virus.” For some reason this article was not carried
in any newspaper in the United States and eventually the
story was buried. In this article, The London Times
science editor, Pearce Wright, came out with some
stunning news:
school years would become very ill after having received the
smallpox vaccination. Two and a half weeks later the
recruit developed fever, headaches, neck stiffness and night
sweats. In three weeks he was admitted to Walter Reed
suffering from meningitis, and rapidly developed further
symptoms of AIDS, and died after responding only for a
short time to treatment. There was no evidence that he
had been involved in any homosexual activity.
“The AIDS epidemic may have been triggered by the mass
vaccination campaign which eradicated smallpox. The World
Health Organization, which masterminded the 13-year campaign,
is studying new scientific evidence suggesting that immunization
with the smallpox vaccine, Vaccinia, awakened the unsuspected
dormant human immune defense virus infection (HIV).”
The medical team from Walter Reed published their
findings of this case in “THE NEW ENGLAND
JOURNAL OF MEDICINE” and gave a warning against
the plan to use modified versions of the smallpox vaccine
to combat other diseases in the developing countries. In
addition, they were concerned about the impact on other
public health campaigns with vaccines such as diphtheria
and the continued use of Vaccinia in potential AIDS
Let me continue to quote from this article:
“Some experts fear that in obliterating one disease, another
disease was transformed from a minor endemic illness of the Third
World into the current pandemic. While doctors now accept that
‘Vaccinia’ can activate other viruses, they are divided about
whether it was the main catalyst to the AIDS epidemic. But an
adviser to the World Health Organization (WHO), who disclosed
the problem, told The Times: ‘I thought it was just a coincidence
until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can
be caused by Vaccinia. Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory
is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS.”
Despite warnings from U.S. doctors, some African
countries continued to ignore the existence of AIDS.
When epidemiologists began to study this problem by
comparing information from government officials in the
African nations and studying the report about smallpox
eradication as recorded in the “Final Report of the Global
Commission for the Certification of Smallpox
Eradication,” a frightening picture began to emerge. Seven
central African nations top the table of the most affected
countries; Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American
nation and Haiti in the Caribbean. This study explained
how the infection of AIDS was spread more evenly
between males and females in Africa and why there is less
sign of infection among five to eleven year olds in central
Africa. The greatest spread of HIV infection coincides with
the most intense immunization programs. The numbers of
people immunized were as follows:
Mr. Wright then points
out a strange case from Walter
Reed Army Medical Center in
Washington, D.C. that gives
further evidence to the
triggering of AIDS. At this time
(1987), the smallpox vaccine
was no longer kept in storage
for public health purposes, but new recruits to the
American armed serves were immunized as a precaution
against possible biological warfare. Routine vaccination of a
19-year old recruit was the trigger for stimulation of
dormant HIV virus into AIDS. Dr. Robert Redfield and a
medical team he led at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
discovered that people with sub clinical HIV infection are
at risk of rapid development of AIDS as a vaccine induced
disease. The recruit who had been healthy through his high
 Zaire 36,878,000
 Zambia 19,060,000
 Tanzania 14,972,000
 Uganda 11,616,000
 Malawi 8,118,000
 Ruanda 3,382,000
In the Strecker report, the following information is
printed from Volume 47 of the bulletin of the World
Health Organization, where A. C. Allison and others,
including the WHO officials and the NIH bureaucrat
make the following recommendations:
 Burundi 3,274,000
Brazil, the only South American country covered in the
eradication campaign, has the highest incidents of AIDS in
that region.
(1) A systematic evaluation of the effects of viruses on the
immune functions should be undertaken. A number of viruses
should be studied and a standard set of immune functions should
be employed. Among the factors that deserve investigation are
antigen types (e.g., thymus-dependant vs. non-thymus dependent),
antigen dose, and the time relationship between infection and
antigen administration.
The best information on this subject is found in a
video called “The Strecker Memorandum.” Let me try to
share it with you in laymen terms: The AIDS virus is a
combination of a virus from a cow and a virus from a
sheep. The AIDS virus is a man-made not found in man or
any animal. Scientists studying the AIDS virus have been
able to conclude that someone has taken a virus that
normally lives in cows, and a virus that normally lives in
sheep, and created a new species through genetic
engineering which man has no natural protection against.
(2) The effects of virus infections on different cell types (e.g.,
macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in greater
detail with morphological changes perhaps serving as an indication
of functional alteration. Since differences in terminology often
make it difficult to assess reports of pathological changes in
lymphoid tissue, all modifications of the lymphoid organs should be
described according to standardized criteria. Efforts at
standardization are currently being supported by the World Health
Has virus engineering taken place before? In his report
published March 28, 1986 entitled, “This is a Bio-Attack
Alert,” attorney Ted Strecker researched this information
with his brother Robert B. Strecker, MD, Ph.D. This
report was sent to the president of the United States,
senators and congressmen and many publishing officials,
including medical journals. Let me give you some quotes
from this report:
(3) An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses
can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by
depressing 7S vs. 19S antibody, or by affecting T cell function as
opposed to B cell function (Allison et al. 1972). The possibility
should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus
itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less
selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens…” 2
The Strecker brothers drew the following conclusion:
“I did not realize that the National Cancer Attack Act of
1971 would be used to research virus warfare, finance virus
warfare and attack the United States of America. Daniel
Greenberg outlines the attack’s beginning in DISCOVER, March
1986, on page 47 in an article, ‘Whatever Happened to the War
on Cancer.’ He recalls that in 1971 President Nixon sought to
preclude Senator Kennedy from running for president by cornering
the health care field among other methods. He fails to mention
that Stuart A. Abronson had just announced that he had altered
mouse RNA tumor viruses to extend their range and to replicate
efficiently in humans by culturing the tumor virus in human cells.”
“Thus, AIDS today is the disease of which the possibility of
which was ‘to be looked into’ in 1972, because in AIDS the
immune response to the virus is impaired when a portion of the
cells responding to the viral antigens are the infected cells which
are killed ‘lysed’ in virologists terms, by the viral antigen…” 3
How was the study to be conducted in humans? The
committee of the conference was sponsored by the John E.
Fogerty International Center for Advanced Study in the
Health Sciences and the World Health Organization. At
that conference in a “histocompatibility” workshop, D.B.
Vol. 47, pp.257-274 (1972)
THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, March 28, 1986, Ted Strecker
& Robert B. Strecker
THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, March 28, 1986, Ted Strecker
& Robert B. Strecker
Amos of Duke University with other allegedly independent
scientists and bureaucrats, who in fact were and are
dependent upon United States government grants to
further their research stated:
history with other infamous tyrants like Joseph Stalin and
Adolf Hitler.
Leonard A. Cole, professor of political
science at Rutgers University, used the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to
obtain information from the United
States Government and wrote a book “Clouds of
Secrecy.” 6 It was impossible to find a copy of this book to
purchase in 1994 but many copies are available off the
internet today.
“In relation to the immune response, a number of useful
experimental approaches can be visualized. One would be a study
of the relationship of HL-A type, to the immune response, both
humoral and cellular; to well defined bacterial and viral antigens
during preventive vaccinations. This approach would be
particularly informative when applied to sibships.” 4
Sibships means children of the same parents. The
Strecker brothers then came to the following conclusion:
News broke in January of 1994 regarding the nuclear
testing of using Americans as guinea pigs and hearings
were held by Senator John Glenn’s Committee on
Governmental Affairs. Energy Secretary Hazel R. O’Leary
became an outspoken critic of the Atomic Energy
Commission’s handling of American citizens, and a
telephone hotline was setup where victims could call in
and file a complaint. The telephones began to ring off the
hook. Since space is limited in this article, let me cite some
cases which corroborate my case:
“Therefore, it is clear that the World Health Organization
and the National Institute of Health decided in 1970 to inject
known viruses and bacteria into children of the same parents
during allegedly preventative vaccinations to study HL-A type.
Then in 1972, the WHO Bulletin changed the study to a study of
viruses which cause a depression in the immune function.” 5
I believe it is appropriate to let our readers know that
two years after this report had been released to key leaders
in the United States, Ted Strecker was found shot to
death in his home in Springfield, Missouri on August 11,
1988. The police ruled it suicide. On September 22, 1988
Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of Chicago was
found alone in his home; dead from an apparent overdose
of cocaine and heroin. Huff had been working hard to
make The Strecker Report publicized on a large scale.
1) In 1951 near Newport News, Virginia at the Norfolk
Naval Supply Center, the Army released an organism
called “Aspergillus Fumigatus.” This naval institution was
selected because most of the workers were black. Here was
the Army’s reasoning for the test: “Since Negroes are more
susceptible to coccidioides than are whites, this fungus
disease was simulated by using Aspergillus Fumigatus.”
This experiment was part of the U.S. Army Germ
Warfare testing program, and the unsuspecting black
workers were used without knowing that they were exposed
to danger. The Navy then monitored their workers and
reported to the Army how many became ill and were
unable to work, including the severity of the illness. The
agent Aspergillus Fumigatus was known by the Army
scientists at that time to be able to cause lethal infections.
Sadly, the answer is yes! Every American president since
Franklin D. Roosevelt until Bill Clinton all have the same
thing in common and that is that they ordered or allowed
the mass murder of American citizens, as well as people
from many other nations. They have taken their place in
The Fogerty International Center Proceedings, No. 15 published
in Federation Proceedings, Vol.31, No.3, May-June 1972, reports
the proceedings of a workshop held at the NATIONAL
INSTITUTE OF HEALTH, Bethesda, Maryland, July 27-30, 1970,
THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, March 28, 1986, Ted Strecker
& Robert B. Strecker
2) From 1949 through 1969, the Army released
bacteria among millions of unsuspecting people. At public
CLOUDS OF SECRECY: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over
Populated Areas, Leonard A. Cole, Rowman & Littlefield, 1988
hearings in 1977, Pentagon witnesses acknowledged that
bacteria and chemical particles were sprayed over San
Francisco, St. Louis, Minneapolis and some 236 other
populated locations. All of these releases were part of the
Germ Warfare Testing by the U.S. Army. 7
hospitals to fill up and patients began to develop heart
problems and urinary-tract infections and one person even
3) The Army conceded that it had released microorganisms at Washington National Airport in 1965 and
into the New York City subway system in 1966 during
peak travel hours. The purposes for these tests were to see
how the bacteria spread and survived as people went about
their routine activities. 8
The government can also load the flu vaccine with
different viruses that they want to test on the population.
The testing is pretty much over at the present time as the
vaccines are now loaded with viruses that will eventually
kill the victim. This is part of the population control. Do
you remember the “Swine Flu Vaccine” in the 1980’s?
Many people died from those shots and thousands were
crippled for life.
6) In 1993 a mystery illness broke out in the corners of
Nevada, Arizona and California. Scores of people died,
and it was attributed to a virus that the authorities said was
spread through rodent droppings. This illness did not last
very long and disappeared as fast as it had cropped up.
4) The Army still sprays bacteria outdoors at Dugway
Proving Ground, 70 miles west of Salt Lake City. The
Army admitted that during the 1980’s it conducted more
than 170 open air tests at Dugway. The stated purpose was
to evaluate the performance of biological-detector systems.
Most people with the knowledge of viruses and Germ
Warfare testing blame this on the same culprit, the US
7) In the late 1940’s, 751 poor women went to Vanderbilt
University’s prenatal clinic for free care during their
pregnancies and ended up as subjects in a government
radiation experiment. The experiment and follow-up study
of its effects were both published in the medical journals in
the 50’s and 60’s. The experiment ended in 1948 and was
published in 1951 in the “American Journal of Obstetrics
and Gynecology.” The follow-up study was published in
the “American Journal of Epidemiology” in 1969.
5) In 1968 the U.S. Army released a nerve gas agent
into the open air at Dugway Proving Ground that killed
6,000 sheep 20 miles away. The Army refuses to
acknowledge that its microorganisms can be wafted by
wind and reproduce quickly.
The germ warfare practice can be harmful like when
the city of San Francisco was blanketed with bacteria
sprayed from a boat offshore; it only took a few days for the
The women were never warned of the experiment.
Documents on the experiment stayed with the ten
researchers involved and were destroyed in the mid-70s,
according to Wayne Wood, a university medical center
spokesman. Today no one knows the names or addresses
of these women. The Vanderbilt study sought to assess the
long term effects of radiation on children. The women
were given radioactive pills 30 times higher than natural
See the articles by Antony Sutton in this newsletter.
This will help you understand how the flu viruses are being
predicted every year by the government, months ahead of the socalled flu season. There are currently 135 different flu viruses and
each one has very carefully been created in the test laboratories.
The pharmaceutical industry is told in advance what kind of
vaccine to produce and millions of dollars are made each year as
the population is exposed to flu viruses.
misdiagnosed with stomach cancer and lived for 20 years
after the injection. Other victims were Fred C. Sours from
Gates, New York; John Moussa from East Rochester, New
York and Eda Schultz Charton, of Canandaigua, New
York, a homemaker.
radiation - about the same as an x-ray. One of the mothers
given the radioactive pills gave birth to a girl who died at
age five from lymphatic leukemia, usually associated with
radiation. Another girl died of a tumor at age 11 and a boy,
whose mother was fed the pills in her 20th week of
pregnancy, also died from cancer at age 11.
9) Toward the end of 1951, Cherie Anderson, then six
years old, was taken by her parents to the David Grant
Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base in California. She
had inflamed sinuses and the doctor decided to cure her
problem by inserting radium capsules deep into her nose.
At the age of eight she contracted polio. Between the ages
of 11 and 13 she underwent major surgeries to counter its
crippling effects and was introduced to morphine to
counter the pain. At age 22 she had two breast tumors
removed and more painkillers were prescribed.
8) “The Albuquerque Tribune” published a report on
November 15, 1993 with research done using FOIA and
other sources and were carried over the Associated Press
Wire Service. Here is a summarization of this report:
During the 1940’s, 18 people were injected with
plutonium in a secret government project and all of them
are dead at this time. The experiment took place at
hospitals in Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Rochester, New York;
Chicago and San Francisco. The experiment was part of
the “Manhattan Project,” which was the codename for the
research and building of the first atomic bombs. The
recipients of the injections all supposedly were terminally
ill but some lived for decades afterwards.
The link between radiation and thyroid cancer began
to be publicized in 1977 and she asked her mother what
the doctor had placed in her nose at the age of six. Her
mother told her that it was radium. Cherie went to a
doctor for some further examinations and discovered she
had tumors on the thyroid. In addition, the doctor
diagnosed Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder
that attacks the thyroid. Medical doctors advised that the
thyroid be removed and she had surgery again. Shortly
after this she started to lose her teeth. Dentists examining
and treating her teeth could not explain why her teeth were
dying. She lost all but seven of the front lower teeth.
Because of the many surgeries she became heavily addicted
to legal painkillers and this addiction led to the breakup of
her marriage and the loss of her three children. The
government will not take any responsibility and she is on
her own.
One of the men was Elmer Allen, a former railroad
porter. He injured his left knee in an accident in
September of 1946. The knee never healed, and on July
14, 1947, hospital pathologists concluded Allen had bone
cancer. Allen was injected with Plutonium in the left calf
on July 18. The leg was amputated three days later. Tissue
samples from the severed limb were studied for plutonium.
The Albuquerque Tribune found a consent form in the
government file signed by Allen, which did not detail what
he was told, and his family doubts he understood what had
happened. Allen did not die and began to tell people that
he had been used as a guinea pig for plutonium injection.
The family doctor, David Williams of Waxahachie, Texas,
said he diagnosed Allen as paranoid schizophrenic and
treated him from about 1970 until his death at the age of
80 in 1991. It was not until after his death that the truth
came out that Allen was not mentally ill, but simply told
the truth.
10) There are some 300,000 atomic veterans. These are
American servicemen and women who were intentionally
exposed to nuclear radiation from 1945 until the late
1970’s. The exposure came as part of government tests in
the United States and South Pacific, and atmospheric
nuclear tests by British, French, Chinese, Indian and South
African governments. Only a handful of that number (300400), were able to satisfactorily link their exposure to
The following persons have been identified in this
project: Albert Stevens was injected with plutonium in
1945 at a San Francisco hospital. Stevens at that time was
radiation from U.S. tests and receive some VA (Veterans
Administration) compensation.
scientists would later view the movies of their deaths,
analyze them and then write their reports to the people in
charge. 9
A national study by NAAV in 1993 involving 400
deceased atomic veterans showed that 75% had died of
cancer at an average of 57.5 years. A comparable number
of deceased World War II veterans, who were not exposed
to radiation, died at an average age of 70 years. The cancer
rate for that group was not known. Many children and
grandchildren of atomic veterans were born with
deformities and mental retardation.
11) Dr. Joseph Hamilton was a Berkeley scientist and
physician who participated in the secret 1940’s program
that has thrust the University of California into a national
controversy over radiation experiments performed on
unwitting subjects. It was Dr. Hamilton that injected
plutonium into three victims at the University California
San Francisco hospital; a four year old boy, Albert Stevens
whom we have already discussed and also Elmer Allen.
The boy died within weeks; Allen had been misdiagnosed,
did not have cancer, and lived for a number of years after
During the years of testing nuclear bombs by the
Atomic Energy Commission, it was common practice to
keep American soldiers without protective gear as close as
1,500 feet from the blast center at the test site in Nevada
just south of Las Vegas. Only hours after the explosions,
soldiers were sent to ground zero to collect information
and to clean up after the blasts. As the soldiers finished
their clean up and they returned to their quarters, it was
common practice to use a broom to brush off the worst of
the dust that clung to their uniforms. No one told them
the dust was highly radioactive and deadly. At the test sites
in the Pacific Ocean, Navy ships were sent right into the
midst of the half sunken test ships and the sailors were
exposed to red hot glowing radiation which could not be
seen with human eyes with no protection. They did not
have any Geiger counters to warn them and the young
men and women were doomed to an early death as cancer
would eat their bodies.
Later on, Dr. Hamilton became a
researcher for the U.S. Army and studied
radioactive smoke that would poison urban
populations, as well as finely ground
uranium aerosols. From 1949-1952 he was
an adviser to radiation weapons tests that
scattered radiation to the U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving
Ground in Utah. Ironically, Dr. Hamilton died in 1957 at
age 49 of leukemia brought on by exposure to radiation.
His death was listed as an industrial accident.
It is very important for you understand that the elected
political leaders are not in charge of the United States.
They are only puppets who carry out what they are told. As
you can see, the sinister policy of germ and virus warfare,
nuclear testing and radiation experiments has been carried
out since the early century and started with poison gas used
in World War I.
Many of the GI’s involved in the testing would tell
stories of placing living people close to ground zero in
concrete bunkers above ground. These people then would
be wired for testing, similar to the wiring of a patient in a
hospital having an EKG test. The identities of these people
are not known except by high government officials. When
soldiers came back to the area, they would find these
people still alive with blood and fluids gushing out from
their eyes, ears, nose and mouth as they writhed in pain on
the ground. Film cameras would record as they lived out
their last moments in a death that was as painful as if they
would have been in hell and tormented. American
Since the United States has shifted between
Democratic and Republican governments since 1900,
there has been no continuous leadership and policy from
elected politicians. But there is a shadow government that
GI GUINEA PIGS: How the Pentagon Exposed Our Troops to
Dangers More Deadly Than War: Agent Orange and Atomic
Radiation, Michael Uhl & Tod Ensign, Wideview Books, 1980
has never changed and remains unchanged regardless of
the party that wins an election. These groups of people are
ruling through different front organizations like the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, The
Bilderbergers, The Aspen Institute, etc.
Infections, states on page 106 of Omni publication, March,
1986, Vol. 34, in response to the question, ‘Isn’t Fort
Dietrich in Maryland such a biological-warfare research
facility?’ he answers:
‘No, emphatically No, there is no defensive
or offensive warfare microbiology done at Fort
Dietrich today. It is the national cancer research
facility of NIH. In this facility I have a building
where more good and loyal Communist scientists
from the USSR and mainland China work-with
Fuji passkeys to all the laboratories-than
Americans. With night working US citizens and foreign
Communist investigators here, obviously there is no ‘secret’
bacterial warfare activity going on. Even the Army’s infectiousdisease unit is loaded with foreign workers-not always friendly
nationals. It is a valid basic research unit on worldwide problems
of infectious diseases in which no classified or secret activities
unfold…” 11
They have placed bureaucrats in all government
agencies including the military, who are loyal only to them,
and it is these bureaucrats who will maintain a continuing
policy regardless of which party is in power. If a president
or any other political elected leader speaks out, they are
forced out of office or murdered. 10 These bureaucrats are
hired gunslingers, who have sold their souls to the Devil
and his people, and have betrayed their own nation. This
holds true for all nations in the world as the system is the
same wherever you look.
Remember, Adolf Hitler did not kill
the Jews, prisoners of war or his political
enemies. It was respected bureaucrats that
carried out his orders. Respected judges
signed the death orders, respectable
policemen and soldiers did the round up, transportation
and incarceration, and respectable ordinary citizens turned
into soldiers and guards who did the actual killing. It is the
same in the United States today and in all other nations,
the murder and the destruction is done by ordinary people,
who for mammon (cash) have sold themselves as
mercenaries to the World Government, and will turn on
their own people and families without any scruples. As
long as men and women are willing to become traitors and
sell themselves, Satan and his people will be able to carry
out their plans.
Gajdusek said there was no more secret microbiology
done at Fort Dietrich because it had all finished in the
1970’s. The World Government scientists were working
out the problems they had previously created; how to have
an orderly reduction of the world population.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia had projected
that in 1993 new AIDS cases would jump 75% in the first
year of the new definition. They actually increased by
111%, from 49,016 in 1992 to 103,500 in 1993.
We have a story to tell you, a very strange story, one
that affects you, me, and every other human being on
earth. A story that must be taken seriously by the
governments of every nation in the world because there
may not be many humans left to govern by the turn of the
century, or shortly thereafter. A story so bizarre, and so
Let me again quote the report by the Strecker brothers
on Fort Dietrich being a biological-warfare research facility:
“D. Carleton Gajdusek, now chief of the National
Institute of Health (NIH) Laboratory and Temperate Virus
President’s Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy were all murdered;
Nixon was forced out of office.
THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, March 28, 1986, Ted
Strecker & Robert B. Strecker
sinister that, if it were not for the fact that it is all true, it
would make a great science fiction thriller. 12
government and the so-called AIDS experts were telling the
public was not only misleading, but outright lies… The
truth of the matter is:
The story begins in 1983 with Dr.
Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. who
gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a
trained pathologist and holds a Ph.D. in
pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother Ted, an
attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health
maintenance organization (HMO) for the Security Pacific
Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term
financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients.
In as much as this information was not readily available in
1983, both brothers began researching the medical
literature to learn what they could about this relatively new
disease. The information they uncovered was so starling
that it dramatically altered their lives and lead them on a
five year quest, culminating with the creation of “The
Strecker Memorandum,” a controversial video and a
remarkable set of documents called “The Bio-Attack Alert.”
 AIDS is a man-made disease
 AIDS is not a homosexual disease
 AIDS is not a verneral disease
 AIDS can be carried by mosquitoes
 Condoms will not prevent AIDS
 There are at least six different AIDS
The most dreaded fear that all oncologists (cancer
doctors), virologists and immunologists live with is that
someday cancer, in one form of another, will become a
contagious disease, transferable from one person to
another. AIDS has made that fear a reality. If you think
that you are safe because you are not gay or promiscuous,
or because you are not sexually active, then you must watch
“The Strecker Memorandum” very carefully.
Right there in the medical literature for anyone to read
for themselves was, basically, proof that the AIDS virus and
pandemic was actually predicted years ago by a world
famous virologist, among others. They found that top
scientists writing in the “Bulletin of the World Health
Organization” (WHO) were actually requesting that AIDSlike viruses be created to study the effect on humans. In
fact, the Strecker’s unearthed thousands of documents
supporting the man-made origin of AIDS.
The most common misconception being foisted upon
us right now concerns sexually active Americans. We are
told that if a man uses a condom, the transference of the
deadly virus is virtually eliminated. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Of all the body fluids where the
AIDS virus is found, semen contains the least. As a matter
of fact, in every single study ever published on the subject,
no one has found a significant amount in anyone’s semen.
It just isn’t there in huge numbers. There is usually about
one virus per milliliter, a statistically irrelevant amount.
One copious ejaculation might produce only two or three
viruses. This is substantiated in the medical literature.
Meanwhile, the governments were telling everyone that
a green monkey in Africa bit some native and started
AIDS. As their research continued, it became obvious from
the documentation that the virus was not only created as
requested, but actually deployed, and now threatens the
existence of mankind because it does what it was designed
to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus.
Eventually, the Streckers came to realize everything the
But, just for argument’s sake, let’s say all the medical
studies are wrong. Let’s pretend that there are countless
millions of AIDS viruses in the ejaculation. Are you aware
that condoms are riddled with microscopic or larger holes?
Studies show that even the smallest holes found in
Lorimar Pictures of Hollywood purchased the rights to Dr.
Strecker’s life story.
condoms are two to ten times larger than the AIDS virus.
It’s like shooting a golf ball through a basketball hoop.
Condoms have not, will not, and cannot prevent AIDS.
percent, in 1988 they finally agreed with Dr. Strecker that
AIDS is virtually 100 percent fatal.
We could go on with facts Dr. Strecker unearthed that
the “experts” said were wrong and now accepted as truth.
Dr. Strecker, like a good scientist, submitted paper after
paper with his findings to all the prestigious medical
journals in America. They refused. He then tried to have
his findings published in Europe. Again, closed doors.
What to do? Dr. Strecker did not feel he could take the
time from his practice and his research to write a book. On
the other hand, everyone has a television and now (1987)
most households have a video cassette recorder (VCR).
Over one hundred thousand Americans have already
died (1985) because they did not know the truth about
AIDS. Approximately 23 million Americans are already
infected. More than one in 60 babies born in New York
City is infected; three in 100 college students in America
are infected; one in 20 aliens applying for amnesty is
infected, including men, women and children. These are
just some of the facts you are not likely to hear from the
The time involved to make a video is nothing
compared to writing a book, and so “The Strecker
Memorandum” video was created. It is 96 minutes of the
most startling controversial and
information-packed video you will
ever see, and disputes virtually
everything the American public is
being told by the government, the socalled AIDS “experts” in the media.
In fact, after seeing it YOU will know
more about AIDS than 99 percent of
all doctors in America.
One of the first things the Streckers
did was to try and tell their medical
and legal colleagues what they were
finding in the literature. Some were
interested; most were not. Certainly no
one was prepared to risk their
professional standing by making waves
within the establishment.
Ted Strecker compiled some of the
most damaging documents into a report he called “The
Bio-Attack Alert” and sent it to the governor of every state,
the president (Reagan), the vice-president (George Bush),
the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and selected members of
Congress. He got a grand total of three replies from three
governors; nothing from the government.
With the video made, it seemed a simple matter to
advertise it and the world would become aware of what it
was facing, right? WRONG! The fact that you are even
reading about “The Strecker Memorandum” is a minor
miracle by itself, in as much as television stations have
refused to advertise it. Television and radio time brokers
that sell blocks of commercial time have refused to sell us
time. Television station managers have refused to even air
programs containing interviews with Dr. Strecker.
Both he and Dr. Strecker were laughed at and ridiculed
at every turn. As an example, Dr. Strecker told the
government in 1985 that virtually every person testing
positive for AIDS would die prematurely and painfully.
The government said that was nonsense. Their figures
showed that maybe ten percent at most would die from the
A national radio network did an interview with a
famous talk show host and Dr. Strecker and then refused
to run it. Virtually every big name television network show,
In 1986, the government said maybe 50 percent of
those infected would die, in 1987, they said maybe 75
magazine, and all the syndicated TV interviewers and talk
show hosts have said “No” to Dr. Strecker.
were buying their blood supply from Africa. On top of
that, the World Health Organization conducted a large
scale small pox vaccination program there in the 1970’s.
Big city newspapers will not take any print ads telling
about it, and so it goes…Why? What is in “The Strecker
Memorandum” that sends a cold chill down the spine of
most media executives?
Southern Japan has at least 30 present infected with
HTLV 1, the leukemia causing virus (although you never
hear about that on television). Russia is now reporting
AIDS as a problem. Cuba has already set up concentration
camps for AIDS-infected, and they are full (you won’t see
that on television either). Haiti of course, is ravaged by
AIDS; more than 20 percent of the people are infected and
getting worse every day. And so it goes. Virtually every
nation on earth with few exceptions (Iran is one) is
reporting a growing problem. It’s on every continent, every
sub-continent, and every island chain, Atlantic and Pacific.
So why won’t the media or government tell you these
things? Is it too controversial for you to handle? Are you
going to panic?
The excuse we hear over and over is that it is too
controversial. Too controversial? They say that this
information, if widely disseminated, will cause the public
to panic. If someone had poisoned your water supply and
you and your family could die, would you want to know
about it? Would you panic? Or would you more likely be
outraged and try to find out who did it and punish them?
We feel the only persons who might panic are those
scientists who willingly or otherwise created AIDS and are
now promoting misinformation by covering it up. After all,
if you made AIDS, would you tell anyone about it?
Yes and no. No, if you are waiting for the government
to create a magic bullet. As you will see in “The Strecker
Memorandum,” part of the problem is that all the various
AIDS viruses are “recombinant retroviruses.” Very simply,
that means they have the ability to recombine with the
genes of any cell they enter and the offspring or new viruses
they form are different from the parent viruses.
It may take a while before the words “species
threatening” sink in, because the term has rarely been used
before to describe an existing human condition, but once
you realize the implications of that term, and realize that,
unlike any other kind of disease ever known to man, past
or present, AIDS can, if unchecked, kill every human on
earth, then your outlook and attitude regarding everything
in life must change. Whether you like it or not, and despite
all your precautions, the time will come when you will test
positive for AIDS, and it can happen much quicker than
you realize.
HTLV III alone (that’s the most common American
AIDS virus) has the mathematically ability to change itself
to the 9,000th power. The common cold recombines much
less frequently and we haven’t found a cure for it after a
hundred years. Besides does it make much sense to entrust
the cure of AIDS to the same people that may have created
Yes, there is hope if Dr. Strecker and a growing
number of realistic scientists are correct in looking at
alternative, non-allopathic, non-drug modalities based in
Raman spectroscopy. In fact, much research is going on
now that offers great promises. Unfortunately, our
government takes a dim view of any type of treatment for
any type of disease – let alone AIDS – that does not
conform to its rigid rules for acceptance, registration and
The number of AIDS-infected people is doubling
approximately every 12 months, and in some areas even
sooner. With 23 million Americans carrying the virus, you
don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see how long we have
here in the U.S. Africa has conservatively 75 million
infected; some estimates double that. Brazil as a country is
in serious jeopardy because all through the 1970’s they
legalization. Of course the FDA would definitely like to see
an allopathic drug treatment or cure presented by an
ethical drug company or university.
We all know it is easier for a king to have a lie believed
than a beggar to spread the truth. Well, we are spreading
the truth about AIDS. Unfortunately, it isn’t pretty. But
the fact is you are not being told the truth by the
government or the so-called AIDS experts.
Well, we don’t think that’s going to happen. Because of
this attitude, much experimentation in America must go
underground, underfunded or out of the country entirely.
Again, this is explained further in “The Strecker
The media, for reasons of their own, will not present
information contradicting the official propaganda. So you
can choose to go along with the same people who gave us
brain cancer (SV-40 virus) as a result of their contaminated
polio vaccines in the early 1960’s; a polio-like disease from
their contaminated Swine Flu vaccine in the 1970’s; and
AIDS from their smallpox and hepatitis B vaccines; or, you
can at least make yourself aware of the clear and present
dangers that we all face by watching “The Strecker
Memorandum.” The cost of the video is nominal, but we
submit that remaining ignorant can cost infinitely more.
An ominous personal aspect of this story has been the
sudden and unexpected deaths of two of key players. First,
Dr. Strecker’s brother, Ted Strecker, was found shot to
death in his home in Springfield, Missouri, an apparent
suicide, on August 11, 1988. Was Ted Strecker suicidal?
Perhaps. In the past he suffered from depression and
monumental frustration at the relative lack of interest in
his findings. Dr. Strecker spoke with him the night before
his death. Ted was cheerful, in good spirits, and looking
forward to certain new developments that promised
progress. The next day he was found dead, his 22-caliber
rifle next to him. No note, no message, no goodbyes to
anyone. Officially a suicide.
With the ongoing vaccine contaminations, I decided to
find out if Dr. Strecker was still alive and what he was
doing. I found that he is still practicing gastroenterology in
a hospital in the small town of Needles, California which is
located close the border between California and Arizona.
Dr. Strecker is 64 years old, and when I talked with him
over the telephone, he told me that he was not going to do
anything more in the AIDS situation. I could tell that he
was a broken man who was resigned to the fact that he
would have to give up the fight to bring out the truth if he
wanted to live out his life on earth. The World
Government forces had used the United States
government to kill two of his associates in the fight against
AIDS and with further pressure defeated Dr. Strecker.
Next, Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of
Chicago was found alone in his home, dead from an
apparent overdose of cocaine and heroin on September 22,
1988. Representative Huff did everything in his power to
make the Illinois State Legislature and the people of
Chicago aware or Dr. Strecker’s work. He was very vocal,
gave many press interviews, was constantly on television
and radio urging people to wake up to the cover up
concerning AIDS. Did Representative Huff use drugs?
Perhaps. Was he an addict? No. Would he have known
how dangerous a massive overdose of cocaine and heroin
was? Yes, of course. Cause of death; officially a stroke.
Dr. Strecker had formed a small workforce in 1988
with an office in Eagle Rock, Colorado. He had named it
“The Strecker Group” but the office is closed and the
group does not exist anymore.
Dr. Strecker has serious doubts that his brother killed
himself. Representative Huff’s associates doubt he died
accidentally, and yet they are gone. Who’s next?
I asked Dr. Strecker if he would give us permission to
convert his VHS cassette tape to the DVD format and sell
it to the public and he granted us this request with the
stipulation that we pay him a royalty on each DVD. Thus
we are able to reintroduce “The Strecker Memorandum”
some 20 years after it was produced and make it available
to a generation who has never heard of Dr. Strecker and
his brother Ted.
be one year. These numbers are for people who are not
treated once they have been infected.
 56,000 Americans became infected with HIV in
 2.5 million people were infected by HIV in 2007.
 2.1 million people died from AIDS in 2007; they
had been sick for some time.
 33.2 million people
HIV/AIDS in 2007.
DVD - $20
 Between 2.4 to 3 million people were infected by
HIV in 2008.
 Between 1.7 to 2.4 million people died of AIDS IN
Order online at
I also asked Dr. Strecker in an e-mail if he would be
willing to do an interview with me, so he could share with
the people what his thoughts were 20 years after the video.
I offered to pay for his trip to Sacramento and record the
interview as this would give us a second DVD but he never
replied to my request. I believe he has been told that he
would be assassinated if he becomes active again in this
fight against the AIDS cover-up just like his brother Ted
and Representative Huff. Nevertheless, the research work
that Dr. Strecker and Antony Sutton did will stand on its
own merit and history will confirm that these men were
 15.7% of the AIDS infected people are women.
 2.1 million children are infected by AIDS.
 Between 31 to 35.8 million people were diagnosed
with HIV/AIDS.
According to government statistics 25 million persons
have died from AIDS since 1981 and in Africa there are 14
million AIDS orphans. Looking at graphs over HIV/AIDS
infections from 1981 to 2008, the curve is rising very fast
in the beginning of the first 10 years and then it is leveling
off. This can depend upon several reasons;
1. The reporting from government agencies is not
Let me share some statistics with you that are available
today. It is impossible to vouch for the reliability of these
numbers since they are released by government agencies
who have a tendency to not tell the truth. Most likely these
numbers are lower than what are true numbers.
2. People in the industrial nations are changing their
4. God he is slowing down the AIDS pandemic.
3. The release of drugs in the West to combat AIDS is
slowing down the death rates, while they still are
high in Africa and other third world nations.
According to government statistics, a person with a
HIV infection would have a life expectancy of 9 to 11 years
once the person is infected. Once the HIV infection has
moved into a full blown AIDS, the life expectancy would
The nations that have suffered the most are in Africa,
Asia and South America. Is it a coincidence that World
Government leaders have for years talked about the
Germany (burning of the Reichstag building = Waco
massacre) with touches of Stalinist horror (extermination
of the “kulaks.”) 13
necessity to reduce the population in these third world
Let us now move to Antony Sutton and what he had
to say about this subject. He was born in England in
1925, and after his education, moved to the United
States and became a professor at the
California State University of Los
Angeles. From here he moved to the San
Francisco Bay Area and became a
Research Fellow at Stanford University’s
Hoover Institution, where he worked
from 1968 until 1973 when he was fired for publishing
his findings concerning the U.S. role in helping the
Communists to take power in Russia and then giving
financial and military aid the Soviet Union to keep it
from collapsing. He wrote a number of books on the
subjects, including an exposé on the financial aid from
American corporations to Nazi Germany, beginning as
early as 1930. Sutton also exposed the Order of Skull and
Bones and was the one who published the secret
membership list of this order at Yale University. He was
also the author of the Phoenix Letter, which we
published in The Dove magazine and are quoting in this
newsletter. Antony Sutton died in 2002.
The late Gary Allen (of “None Dare Call It
Conspiracy” fame) used to cite Nelson Rockefeller’s habit
of terming Americans as “peasants.” But Gary had no idea
how far elitist contempt for to be “peasants” had gone even
in the late 1960’s
Compare Waco with Somalia.14 The FBI and BATF
used tanks to destroy Koresh and his followers. The U.S.
deliberately used tanks against American citizens. In
Somalia the U.S. sent in Rangers and U.S. troops without
armored backup, although assaults without tanks and self
propelled artillery are doomed to failure. The White House
threw away 7 American lives using McNamara “rules of
On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms (BATF) attacked the compound of David Koresh and his
followers outside Waco, Texas. David led a group of people who
called themselves “Branch Davidians.” The attack on this religious
group led to the death of four BATF agents and six Davidians. The
FBI and the HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) were called in to beef up
the government forces. The government forces laid siege to the
compound for 51 days, when U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno
ordered the compound to be stormed. All the buildings were set
ablaze by the government forces and with the gun fire Koresh and
most of his followers could not escape the burning buildings. He
and 76 of his followers were burnt or shot to death inside the
buildings, of which 17 were children under the age of 17. Despite
sniper fire by FBI agents, a few Davidians managed to escape the
burning buildings and they were arrested and some were sentenced
to long prison terms.
In 1993 President Bill Clinton ordered American forces to attack
Somali rebels in order to shore up the Somali government. The
codename for the operation was “Operation Gothic Serpent” and
the attack took place October 3, 1993. The American force was
made up of Army Delta Force, Ranger teams, aircraft from the
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, four Navy SEAL
operators and personnel from the Air Force. The American
commander of the operation was Major General William F.
Garrison. During the operation two Black Hawk helicopters were
shot down and three other damaged. A number of American
soldiers were trapped and in the morning a force was sent to
retrieve them. Because the U.S. forces did not have heavy battle
tanks, the fighting was fierce and there were great losses. Nineteen
soldiers were killed, 73 were wounded and one was captured and
tortured. Somali rebels could be seen television dragging dead
American soldiers through the streets in Mogadishu and
desecrating the bodies through mutilation.
Antony C. Sutton
December 1993
Vol. 12, No.12
A once free United States has become an “us” versus
“them” society. Similar to the early Hitler years in
engagement” in Somalia. In Waco the “rules of
engagement” concept was thrown out the window.
The number of one way tickets sold at time of release was
used to estimate distribution of the bacterial agents.
(Bacillus subtilis can be bought at biological supply houses.
It is not listed as a pathogen, but can cause respiratory
infections like blood poisoning and food poisoning.)
Disregard for American life is emphasized in domestic
use of biological warfare against American citizens. Part of
the story was in Phoenix Letter (November 1992.) This
described Congressional approval for U.S. Army
development of an artificial AIDS virus in 1970. This
shocker is part of a larger story. Here’s another installment
of the domestic biological warfare story:
According to declassified Army documents, the
Greyhound terminals in San Francisco and Chicago were
the location for “six operatives to launch covert attacks”
spread over 7 days. Specially designed suitcases sprayed
bacteria into crowded terminals for maximum exposure.
Photographs were taken and other Army personnel
“covertly collected air samples in close proximity to the
passengers” to determine if the civilians had been infected.
 U. S. Army-CIA jointly used biological agents
against American citizens inside the U.S.
 These agents included: bacillus subtilis, smallpox
and AIDS.
Later tests were repeated with smallpox agents, grown
in large quantities and converted to a lethal powder for
spraying. Senate investigation in 1975 revealed close
cooperation between SOD and CIA:
 The Federal Government has concealed then lied
about these programs and placed the blame
elsewhere, including the former Soviet Union.
 The State Department attempted to counter an
exaggerated Soviet propaganda war using these
programs but tripped up because State did not
know how much authentic information had been
leaked inside the U.S.
“CIA association with Fort Dietrich involved the Special
Operations Division (SOD) of that facility. This division was
responsible for developing special applications for biological
warfare agents and toxins. Its principal customer was the U.S.
Army. Its concern was with the development of both suitable
agents and delivery mechanisms for use in paramilitary situations.
Both standard biological warfare agents and biologically derived
toxins were investigated by the division.”
The Senate Committee found the CIA had covered its
tracks to conceal this unconstitutional activity from the
American public. The Senate Committee stated:
Fort Dietrich in Maryland is the U.S. biological warfare
base. Originally called U.S. Army Biological Laboratories it
is now labeled U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
“Although some CIA originated documents have been found
in the project files it is clear that only a very limited
documentation of activities took place.”
The Army maintains a Special Operations Division
(SOD) on the Fort Dietrich base with a formal operating
agreement with CIA (Memorandum signed in May 1952.)
Both CIA and Army have covered their tracks well but
some original documents survive to outline a horrific story.
An extract from a U.S. Army report details why
smallpox was selected as the “agent of choice.” Its
“attractive” features are listed as:
1. Smallpox is highly infectious with close contact. It
spreads readily from an infected person to susceptible
In the early 1960’s U.S. Army SOD personnel used
specially designed suitcases to spray unsuspecting American
civilians with bacillus subtilis at the Greyhound Bus
Terminals in Washington, Chicago and San Francisco.
Similar operations were conducted at airports in
Washington D.C., New York, Boston and Los Angeles.
2. A long incubation period of relatively constant
duration permits the operatives responsible to leave the
country before the first case is diagnosed.
3. The duration of illness for those who recover is
relatively long. Although the Federal Government claims
that the 1972 treaty banning biological weapons stopped
further use of Fort Dietrich we know that the U.S. Army
applied for $1.4 million appropriation to EXPAND germ
warfare testing ability in the early 1980’s. Senator James
Sasser objected and it is unlikely that the appropriation
went through. It could have been handled on the “black
On October 2, 1970 just 15 months after Dr.
MacArthur requested an appropriation for AIDS
development, Robert McNamara, now World Bank
President, made a speech to international bankers in which
he identified population growth as “the gravest issue that
the world faces over the years ahead.”
McNamara said, “It is not a world that any of us would
want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not sure but
there are two possible ways by which a world of 10 billion
people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must
come down more quickly or the current death rates must
go up. There is no other way.”
In his speech to the bankers McNamara argued that
population growth was leading to instability, that a 10
billion world population would not be “controllable.”
In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S.
Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)
appeared before Congress (the Appropriations Committee
of the House) and stated:
“…within a period of 5-10 years it would be possible to
produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not
naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have
been acquired.”
In brief, Robert McNamara was in the final decision
making role for development of AIDS at the very time he
was contemplating the idea that “world death rates must
This synthetic agent is AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency syndrome virus or HIV-1) ARPA requested $10
million to develop AIDS, 10 years before the virus was
identified in the field.
Our conclusion is that Robert McNamara knowingly
encouraged development of AIDS as a means to reduce the
world’s population. It is difficult to arrive at any other
Dr. MacArthur added, “It is a highly controversial issue
and there are many who believe such research should not
be undertaken lest it lead to another method of massive
killing of large populations.”
Slowly bits and pieces of hidden history are leaking
from Russia. Official U.S. history is that the U.S. was
fighting only Vietnamese in Vietnam. It now appears
Soviets were there as well, fighting the U.S. The Soviets
had casualties, so far 16 admitted killed in action.
From 1961 to 1968 while this artificial biological agent
was under discussion in the Pentagon, Robert McNamara
was Secretary of Defense. 15 Clark Clifford (of BCCI
notoriety, a failed British bank) took over as Secretary in
1969. 16
This explains the heat this editor came under with
“National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union.” A
detailed criticism of our technological aid to the Soviet
Union while the Soviets were aiding the Vietnamese to kill
Americans. No wonder we came under so much pressure
to keep quiet! Our big businessmen were actively
committing treason! If the Soviets were fighting in
Born in 1916 and died in2009.
Clark Clifford was born in 1906 and died in 1998. He was a
second White House Counsel from 1946-1950, Chairman of the
President’s Intelligence Advisory Board from 1963-1968, and
Secretary of Defense from 1968-1969. He became involved in the
Bank of Credit and Commerce International in 1991 which is a
Pakistani bank registered in Luxemburg, with offices in Karachi
and London. Clifford served as chairman of First American
Bankshares, which grew to the largest bank in Washington D.C.
His ties to BCCI and its fraudulent operations caused Clifford to
be indicted in a criminal court case. The indictment was dropped
due to his failing health.
Vietnam, then the Soviets were an active enemy, not a
passive onlooker.
Henry Kissinger17 and Robert McNamara won’t look
too good in the light of history when the full story comes
out. “The Best Enemy Money Can Buy” is a rewrite and
update of the original “National Suicide: Military Aid to
the Soviet Union” which caused a storm 20 years ago.)
This information became known to the Soviets and in
October 1985 the Soviet Union mounted a worldwide
propaganda campaign. AIDS had been manufactured at
Fort Dietrich Maryland by the Pentagon. The initial
information was planted in a Soviet backed newspaper in
India and then surfaced in more than 30 media sources
worldwide. The report was backed by an East German
report by Professor Jacob Segal of Humbolt University,
East Berlin. Segal argued that the AIDS virus is “the
product of an abortive experiment carried out at a
laboratory to develop biological warfare means.”
SOD-CIA agents at work
This team member
was photographed
while operating his
suitcase sampler at a
newsstand at the
Greyhound bus
This Soviet propaganda campaign was discounted in
the West (this Editor included.) It was beyond the realm of
rationality that the U.S. would develop a killer agent such
as AIDS. Professor Segal appears to hold the view that it
was “accidental” i.e. an “abortive experiment.” This
position we also held for a while, until the McNamara
speech of October 1970 surfaced.
Team members took
air samples near
crowded Gate 7
(top) and among
departing passengers
(bottom) in the
Greyhound bus
terminal in
Washington D.C.,
to measure the
amount of Bacillus
Subtilis with which
passengers would be
In any event, in the late 1980’s the U.S. State
Department ran a rebuttal campaign to the Soviet charges.
However State was unaware that Congress had published
Dr. MacArthur’s requests and statements so the rebuttal
fell flat on its face. The State Department for example
claims the U.S. Army had never used Fort Dietrich as a
biological warfare base. This is just not true. Further State
apparently had no knowledge of the McNamara
contemplation of rising death rates by design.
obtained by
under the
Freedom of
1. CIA - U.S. Army undertook field tests with bacillus
subtilis and smallpox against American civilians.
2. There is no question that the Army received funds
from Congress for AIDS development and this was
probably undertaken at Fort Dietrich.
The AIDS release could have been accidental but we
discount this for several reasons. Initial cases came from
Africa and Haiti; not the United States. Second, Robert
McNamara had simultaneously called for increase in world
Born 1923.
death rates. This suggests a deliberate policy of controlled
release of the AIDS virus.
infecting epithelial cells thus raising the possibility that the
AIDS virus is now airborne.18
3. The Soviets obtained the information and used it for
a propaganda campaign. The State Department rebuttal
was ineffective because State had no idea how much
information had already been made public.
We find it extraordinary that any risks are taken today,
after the Cold War has ended with these agents. What is
the rationale in developing stronger airborne strains?
In the December Phoenix Letter we described how the
U.S. Army (ARPA) developed the AIDS virus with ten
million dollars voted by Congress in 1969.
The Secretary of Defense at that time and responsible
for approval of the 1969-1970 budget, was Robert
McNamara, followed by Clark Clifford of BCCI notoriety.
The final decision for the AIDS program was made by
McNamara and Clifford.
The standard biography of Robert McNamara Promise
and Power (The life and time of Robert McNamara) by
Deborah Shapley (Little Brown, Boston 1993) has
interesting comments on the McNamara view of world
over population and the critical need to reduce world
population i.e. an excellent rationale for development of a
virus resistant to cure.
In 1966 McNamara warned that world population was
growing faster than gross national product and that the
World Bank had a dominant role to play.
Pravda: October 31, 1986 - “The AIDS virus, a terrible disease
with no cure was, according to western researchers, created in
Pentagon laboratories.” (SPID = AIDS) In Balloon: “Virus “AIDS”
In 1969 McNamara’s speech to the Governors of the
University of Notre Dame cited the population explosion
as more significant than the danger of nuclear war.
“Casting its shadow over all this scene is the mushrooming
cloud of the population explosion” (page 480). McNamara
extended the extraordinary thesis that “the children who
were dying were fortunate for the millions of those who
lived languidly on were stunted in their bodies and cripples
in their minds.”
“Pentagon SPIDtsialist” (In Russian a play on the words “SPID”
and “specialist”)
Phoenix Letter has reported a new string of AIDS virus,
much tougher, much more dangerous and possibly
airborne. In early 1990, Science reported that AIDS
researcher Dr. Robert Gallo had tested an altered AIDS
virus, one that could infect cells previously left uninfected
by the early AIDS strain. This new strain was reported as
Robert Charles Gallo was born in Waterbury, Connecticut in
1937 to Italian immigrants. He is an American biomedical
researcher, and been credited with co-discovery of the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Gallo is the director of the
Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School
of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland.
Shapley points out that inside the World Bank these
McNamara views on population “sounded almost nutty”
and many wondered where McNamara had gotten these
ideas. But this was precisely the time when McNamara
moved from Secretary of Defense to take over the World
Bank and in the same year 1969, when the U.S. Army
went before Congress to ask for $10 million to develop an
AIDS virus.
Phoenix Letter views the McNamara program, continued
by Clark Clifford, as genocide.
Dr. Monteith was one of the very first to recognize the
significance of AIDS and has devoted over 20 years of his
life to investigation and warning about the dangerous
nature of the disease to everyone in his book “AIDS: The
Unnecessary Epidemic.” 19 We distinctly remember
meeting with Dr. Monteith as far back as 1981 when he
prophetically laid out to this Editor the epidemic potential
in AIDS. This long before even African governments had
recognized the killer potential. 20
By 1973 (page 510), McNamara had steered the World
Bank to explore the cycle of overpopulation, insufficient
food and poverty and in the Fall of 1973 at the annual
meeting of World Bank Governors in Nairobi, Kenya,
outlined his QUANTITATIVE GOALS for population.
“Nairobi” became synonymous with the McNamara
population reduction five year plan. Coincidentally
Nairobi and Kenya became initial focal points for the
AIDS virus. Kenya and Uganda in East Africa is where the
epidemic began and where today some 50% or more of the
population is infected.
This book, excellently written and
produced, contains Dr. Monteith’s
conclusions and is far in advance of other
AIDS books simply because he is well
aware of the elitist nature of the world
control. The neglect of government and politics to face up
to the disease and its implications is clearly outlined and
we are left with the question that this is deliberate neglect
to destroy the United States? Although Dr. Monteith does
not touch on the documentary evidence published in
Phoenix Letter concerning the roles of U.S. Army (Fort
Dietrich) and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara
(indeed this would be irrelevant for the medical approach)
In 1977 McNamara spoke at MIT and
argued that world population was
exploding at an unacceptable rate.
McNamara was so intensely carried away
with the ideas of population explosion that
he reportedly (at a lunch meeting) started to scribble
numbers on the dining room table cloth, “there was no
stopping his verbal torrent or his emotion.” The table cloth
was tinged with scribbled numbers and “looked like an
artifact left by an ancient visitor from another world.” (page
Covenant House Books, 1991
For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a
delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of
Delegates of the California Medical Association. For 10 years he
led the battle within organized medicine in California to address
the AIDS epidemic as a medical issue rather than a civil rights issue.
As a result of his experiences trying to implement an effective
medical approach to the HIV epidemic, he wrote the book, “AIDS:
The Unnecessary Epidemic”, the widely circulated pamphlet, “To
Deceive a Nation”, and more recently, “A Nation Deceived and
Betrayed.” Supported by physicians across our nation, his public
health approach to the HIV epidemic was eventually accepted by
the California Medical Association. Unfortunately, powerful forces
continue to oppose the dictates of doctors. Dr. Monteith currently
spends five hours daily on talk radio in California. He writes
extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He has spent 30 years
researching the causes for America’s spiritual and moral decline.
The Shapely book has a great deal more on the
McNamara fervor to control world population. While
development of an AIDS virus may appear to most of us as
tragically even murderously wrong, to an ideologue like
McNamara it would appear to be opportunity to solve
what he saw as potential disaster.
Matching the time frames and the opportunities for
decision making there is a least a prima facie case; well
worth investigating, that Robert McNamara knowingly and
deliberately encouraged development of the AIDS virus.
Dr. Monteith’s evidence is entirely consistent with the
argument that there is deliberation in the spread of AIDS.
More surprising we learn in great detail how the Gay
Lobbies are insistent in policies and actions that encourage
the epidemic.
Leon Panetta
You will read that Congressman Panetta 21 and
Congressman Waxman 22 of Los Angeles are associated
with policies that promote the epidemic. How the
American Medical Association, Centers for Disease
Control, and the Surgeon General attack any doctor who
dare propose monitoring or controlling the disease. The
numbers of HIV infected are just not known, they are
mere crude underestimates because Government refuses to
adopt procedures that would give us a realistic count.
Henry Waxman
For your personal protection we urge you to read this
book. It will be a harsh dose of realism to counter the
propaganda pap issued by Government and AIDS lobbies.
AIDS Was Deliberately Created By the United
States Government
AIDS is a synthetic biological agent, knowingly and
deliberately created by the United States Government.
Development funds were not included in any secret “black
budget,” they were openly voted on by Congress.
Leon Edward Panetta was born in Monterey, California in 1938
to Italian immigrants and is a practicing Roman Catholic. He
received a degree of Juris Doctor from Santa Clara University
School of Law in 1963 and joined the U.S. Army in 1964 as a
second lieutenant and discharged in 1966 with the rank of first
lieutenant. In 1966 he became a legislative assistant to Senator
Thomas Kuchel (R) from California. In 1969 he became the
assistant to Robert H. Finch, Secretary of the United States
Department of Health and Welfare under the Nixon
administration. Shortly thereafter he was appointed Director of the
Office for Civil Rights. His vigorous policy of enforcing the law
irritated President Nixon, who wanted him fired. Panetta resigned
in 1970 and went to work for Mayor John Lindsay (R) of New York.
In 1971 he moved back to Monterey and worked as an attorney for
the law firm Panetta, Thompson & Panetta until 1976. At the
same time in 1971 he left the Republican Party and joined the
Democratic Party. In 1976 he ran for congress and was elected
from the 16th congressional district of California. In 1993 he
resigned from Congress and was appointed by President Clinton to
become the Director of the United States Office of Management
and Budget. In 1994 he was appointed White House Chief of Staff
by President Clinton and held this position to 1997. On January 5,
2009 President Obama nominated Panetta for the job as Director
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), on February 12, 2009 he
was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in on February 19, 2009.
Henry Waxman was born in Los Angeles to Jewish parents in
1939. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1961
and a law degree from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
in 1964. He worked as an attorney from 1964 to 1969, when he
was elected as a Democrat to the California Assembly, and served
three terms. In 1974 he was elected as congressman from
California’s 30th congressional district and has been re-elected 16
times. He has held the office of Chairman of the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee from 2007-2009 and
chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee from
In 1969 Department of Defense (DOD) representatives
appeared before the Defense Subcommittee of the House
and requested $10 million in 1970 DOD Appropriations
for design and manufacture of a synthetic AIDS virus.
Specifically, on Tuesday, July 1, 1969, Dr. MacArthur
of the Army Advanced Research Project Agency made the
following statement to the Subcommittee:
“There are two things about the biological field agent I would
like to mention. One is the possibility of technical surprise.
Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and
eminent biologists believe that within a period of five to ten years it
would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent
that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity
could have been acquired.”
MacArthur later submitted more detail to the
Congressional Committee. The key points were:
1. Up to this point, (1969) all biological agents are
naturally occurring.
2. It is possible to make a “new infective microorganism” that would be “refractory to the
immulogical and therapeutic processes upon which
we depend to maintain our relative freedom from
infectious diseases.”
3. A research program would take six years and $10
Department of the Army
4. The program should be initiated through the
National Academy of Sciences-National Research
Council (NAS-NRCI.
Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project
5. The matter was discussed with NAS-NRC and
“tentative plans were made to initiate the
Statement of Director, Defense Research and
Printed for
The report added:
“It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who
believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to
another method of massive killing of large populations.”
Synthetic Biological Agents
There are two things about the biological agent field I
would like to mention. One is the possibility of
technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is
advancing vary rapidly and eminent biologists believe that
within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to
produce a synthetic biological agent an agent that does not
naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could
have been secured.
Dr. Robert B. Strecker, a health care consultant, has
tracked the story of AIDS through WHO and
collaboration with U.S. Army Laboratories in Fort Detrick,
Maryland (now National Cancer Institute.
Mr. Sikes: Are we doing any work in that field.
Dr. MacArthur: We are not.
Apparently, the AIDS virus was released in Uganda,
Haiti, Brazil and Japan about 1972-74. This was not an
accident. It was deliberate release. 24 AIDS entered the
United States through the New York Blood
Center/Centers for Disease Control in the late 1970’s.
Mr. Sikes:
Why not?
Lack of money or lack of
Dr. MacArthur: Certainly not lack of interest.
Mr. Sikes: Would you provide for our records
information on what would be required, what the
advantages of such a program would be and the time and
the cost involved?
In conclusion, we note that Congress knowingly voted
funds for this development program in the 1970
Dr. MacArthur: We will be very happy to.
Extract From House of Representatives Department of
Defense Appropriations for 1970 Hearings Part 5
The information follows:
The dramatic progress being made in the field of
molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this
field of science to biological warfare. A small group of
experts considered this matter and provided the following
FOR 1970
129 – Tuesday, July 1, 1969
By 1972, the World Health Organization called on
scientists to work on such viruses “to see if viruses can in
fact exert selective effects on the immune function.”
(WHO is supposedly devoted to “health” progress and
financed in part by the U.S. taxpayer on this supposition.
See Bulletin of World Health Organization, 1972, 47:257-63
WHO MURDERED AFRICA, William Campbell Douglass,
1. All biological agents up to the present a time are
representatives of naturally occurring diseases and are thus
known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily
available to qualified scientists for research either for
offensive or defensive purposes.
inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.
2. Within the next 5 or 10 years it would probably be
possible to make a new infective microorganism which
could differ in certain important aspects from any know
disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that
it might be refectory to the immune and respiratory
processes upon which we depend on to maintain our
relative freedom from infectious diseases.
Antony C. Sutton
March 1994
Vol. 13, No.3
3. A research program to ensure the feasibility of this
could be completed in approximately 6 years at a total cost
of $10 million.
HIV-AIDS is a virtually out of control epidemic with
government officials and gay lobbies jointly imposing
censorship to hide the true picture from the American
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program.
Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not
many highly competent scientists in this field. Almost all
are in University laboratories and they are generally
adequately supported from sources other than DOD.
However it was considered possible to initiate an adequate
program through the National Academy of Sciences,
National Research Council (NAD-NRC).
Half a dozen books have emerged in recent months
which tell similar stories: gay lobbies control AIDS policy
and they are only interested in preserving gay rights, despite
whatever happens to the rest of America.
Because of their united lockstep, political power gays
dominate the AIDS political scene. Gay rights have
absolute precedence over public health.
The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC and
tentative plans were made to initiate the program.
However, decreasing funds and growing criticism of the
CD program and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC
in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it
for the past 2 years.
There is disturbing evidence that the virus is
transmitted by more than sexual contact and blood. It is
certainly carried by saliva (one testing procedure is based
on saliva) and may be airborne. Initial experiments
demonstrate airborne capability. Government officials
dominated by gays refuse to follow up with research on
these initial findings, because the gay lobby fears
monitoring and quarantine. Right now AIDS has the
potential to wipe out the world but is not treated as an
infectious disease. Doctors cannot routinely monitor, test
It is a highly controversial issue and there are many
who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it
lead to yet another method of massive killing of large
populations. On the other hand without the sure scientific
knowledge that such a weapon is possible and the
understanding of the ways it could be done, there is little
that can be done to devise defensive measures should an
enemy develop it. There is little doubt that this is an
important area of potential military technological
United States House of Representatives. Subcommittee of the
Committee on Appropriations 91st Congress, 1st Session,
Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Part 5 Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation, HB 15090, July 1, 1969,
Chairman Robert Sikes of Florida.
and report; they are restricted by official limitations not
applied to other infectious diseases.
U.S. compared to the official 1 million, itself low. The
same column reports 3 million worldwide “cases,” a more
accurate figure is well over 10 million.
We attach a list of recent books well worth reading that
spring the lid on a criminally negligent policy. Some of our
conclusions come from these books:
This is where the politics of HIV-AIDS becomes murky
and public health abandoned in favor of special interests.
Back in 1981, San Francisco and New York medical
authorities determined that gay bathhouses were killer
institutions where the AIDS virus was flourishing and
passed through homosexual contact. Gay organizations
fought against closure, the bathhouses ultimately closed
only because their patrons were killed off one by one by the
disease. Gays placed their civil rights ahead of public health
and paid the price. At this point, infection was limited to
Government has no really accurate number of HIVAIDS infections because gay lobbies vehemently oppose
any form of monitoring or reporting. The latest
government number of one million HIV infections is guess
work; this is a low end guesstimate. But even official
guesstimates are reporting 50 to over 100 million infected
within five years.
Kenya in Africa has 50-70% infection rates in cities,
while rates are unknown in the countryside. New York
Times reports Kenyan hospital system overloaded two
AIDS patients to a bed, and many are just placed in
Then the blood supply became infected with the virus.
Gays protested because blood organizations bypassed gay
areas for blood collection. By early 1980’s it was generally
thought that infection could only take place sexually or
through blood transfer.
Dr. Lorraine Day, former surgeon at
San Francisco General Hospital, and
outspoken critic of head-in-the-sand
government policies, states the epidemic has
the potential “to wipe out the world.” 26
Research into infection routes was blocked by the gay
lobbies. Dr. G. Johnson of Stanford Medical Center, in
1988, determined that HIV could be transmitted through
the air. Dr. Johnson asked San Francisco AIDS unit to
request further research at the federal level on airborne
Gay-lesbian lobbies/outlets report much lower
numbers than even the government. Example: San
Francisco Examiner (19 January 1994) column “AIDS
WEEK,” by Lisa M. Krieger, reports 339,000 “cases” in
Dr. Lorraine Day reversed her advanced cancer by rebuilding her
immune system with natural therapies so her body could heal itself.
She is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and
bestselling author who was for 15 years on the faculty of the
University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as
Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of
Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San
Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an
AIDS expert. She has been invited to lecture extensively
throughout the U.S. and the world and has appeared on numerous
radio and television shows including 60 minutes, Nightline, CNN
Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live, The 700 Club, John
Ankerberg Show, USA Radio Network, Art Bell Radio Show,
Three Angels Broadcasting Network and Trinity Broadcasting
Why? Because S.F. General policy on AIDS is
essentially influenced by active gay lobbies who fear
monitoring and quarantine. If AIDS is determined as
transmitted only by sexual contact and blood supply, then
proposals for quarantine can be fought off. However, if
AIDS can be passed through the air or through saliva, then
the general population is placed at risk and public health
measures will be instituted to limit contact. Gay districts
will be isolated. Restaurants and facilities employing gays
will be affected. Obviously the community, seen as the
source of HIV-AIDS, will face quarantine.
truth, that HIV-AIDS may possibly use numerous
transmission routes.
Similarly, gays have always denied that the virus can be
passed through kissing i.e. saliva and most doctors advise
this is unlikely. Again, research organizations have not
investigated saliva transmission because their policy is
biased by gay organizations. When Phoenix Letter advised its
readers in 1993 to keep out of high priced San Francisco
restaurants, the item was picked up by the San Francisco
Chronicle and labeled hysteria.
We are not dealing with the same HIV-AIDS strains
today that were encountered in the early 1980’s. The
strains are tougher, mutate more easily and even have a
facility to convert antibodies (generated by the body to fight
off disease) into the virus itself i.e. convert the body’s
defense into AID’s allies.
This ability of the AIDS virus to turn the tables on the
human immune system has never before been reported in
any virus or bacterium.
What the Chronicle refused to report is that an AIDS
test system manufactured by Saliva Diagnostic System Inc.
uses saliva as the vehicle for mass testing. Rocky Mountain
News (November 20, 1993) reported that the company had
a contract with a Hungarian health organization to
undertake the largest mass testing ever, using its OMNISAL system at a Budapest rock concert. Saliva is used for
testing in Hungary but in the United States is not
considered a means of transmission.
San Francisco virologist, Dr. Jay Levy at University of
California, who discovered the phenomenon says, “This
indicates on the molecular level how some viruses are able
to learn to escape the immune system.”
This ability is significant because it frustrates efforts to
find an anti-AIDS vaccine. The virus can quickly change
the molecular make up of its outer envelope.
An obvious public health measure, not undertaken at
this date in 1994, is to determine the parameters of HIVAIDS infection. Certainly HIV-AIDS can be passed
through sexual contact, blood supply and contact, saliva
and urine. These are definitely established as transmission
This suggests we are many years from an AIDS vaccine
because researchers do not yet know what the vaccine has
to do to defeat the virus.
We are looking at 100 million infections within six
years so the urgency is obvious, at least to the Phoenix
letter, the federal government is stalling on research.
There is also preliminary evidence that HIV-AIDS can
be transmitted through aerosol (coughing droplets) and
can be airborne. The federal government has been grossly
negligent in this area. We suspect that political pressure by
gay lobbies has stalled the research.
As the virus originated within the U.S. Army
laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the federal
government at least owes its citizens the courtesy of speedy
cures. What we are getting is denial and double-talk.
Gay pressure is so irrational in San Francisco that
hospitals cannot put AIDS patients in separate waiting
rooms to prevent transmission of airborne diseases as
tuberculosis, fatal to AIDS patients. Gays fear stigma of
isolation and rather accept the risk of possibly fatal
infection from tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
This is only part of the story we have uncovered. You
won’t get it from establishment media simply because they
are scared of creating panic. Our view is that citizens would
rather know and handle panic if and when it comes.
Historically, citizens have always performed to higher
standards than politicians expect.
This confusion of civil rights with public health is
killing people and very few public health officials or
medical doctors have the guts to stand up and tell the
What is urgently needed is congressional hearings
which are not influenced by gay lobbies. Gay rights may
have to be subordinated to overall public health welfare in
the interests of the majority. This statement will probably
bring vitriolic criticism upon the head of the Editor but
with 200,000 U.S. citizens dead and at least 1 million
infected, we have to make some tough decisions.
In the last decade the New York publishing industry
has shrunk. In January, Harcourt Brace, a major New York
house reduced its editorial staff to just two editors. Selfimportant New York publishing is suffering from its own
myopia, an incestuous industry rooted in establishment
thinking is falling rapidly, its place taken by small
publishers scattered around the United States.
Recommended Reading on the AIDS Epidemic
(1) Dr. Stanley Monteith, AIDS: The Unnecessary
Epidemic (Covenant House Books, 1991.) Highly
recommended. Dr. Monteith first alerted this Editor
to the coming epidemic as far back as 1981 after Dr.
Monteith returned from a trip to Africa.
Once all publishing was centered in New York. The
above AIDS books were published in California, Georgia
and Texas. The publishing aroma in New York is so
stifling, reflecting self-important pompous editors, that we
rarely find a New York published book worthy of favorable
review. Gary Taubes Weird Science (Random House,
reviewed in Phoenix Letter, December 1983) is typical of the
trash generated by old line once proud houses as Random
(2) Dr. William Campbell Douglass, AIDS: Why Its
Much Worse Than They’re Telling Us and How to
Protect Yourself and your Loved Ones (1991.)
Second Opinion Publishing Inc. Dr. Douglass also
has a newsletter updating information on AIDS and
government misdeeds in medicine.
Book review: Carol Pogash, AS REAL AS IT GETS
(Birch Lane Press, New York, 1992.)
(3) Dr. William Campbell Douglass, Who Murdered
Africa? Booklet
San Francisco General Hospital is the epicenter of the
AIDS epidemic in the United States. This is the story of
the political, medical and ethical battle that has been
fought at San Francisco General Hospital over the past ten
(4) Dr. Alan Cantwell, Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS
Genocide Plot (1993) Dr. Cantwell is a gay
dermatologist who concludes that AIDS is a
genocidal plot. Excellent!
(5) Dr. Lorraine Day, AIDS: What
the Government Isn’t Telling
You, Rockford Press.
(6) Carol Pogash, As Real as it
Gets, Birch Lane, 1992.
(7) Some Call it AIDS: I Call it
Murder, Dr. Eva Lee Snead,
Aum Publications, 2 volumes
1,000 pages.
Note on Publishers
Every one of the above books
(except Carol Pogash) is published by
a small publishing house or is self
published and they all deserve
widespread distribution.
This is a disturbing account, how HIV - AIDS has
generated a complex reaction of fear, heroism, irrational
behavior, and denial fought over the bodies of dead and
dying AIDS patients.
1) After having read through all the material presented
in this article, order a copy of “THE STRECKER
MEMORANDUM” DVD from us. This video is also
available online. 27
Here are a few highlights we gleaned from Pogash:
 Nurse Jane Doe was infected with AIDS while
caring for patients at S.F. General - on the job
occupational injury. The City of Francisco tried for
years to deny compensation, bury its head in the
sand. City Hall didn’t want to face the reality of the
2) While you are waiting for the DVD, begin to pray to
God over this subject. Ask God to give you insight in the
problem, because if it is not stopped at this time; it will
forever alter the population on this earth. It will mean
millions of people will die within the next ten years, and
most of them will not have heard the Gospel, and will go
to Hell.
 Dr. Lorraine Day, an orthopedic surgeon, smart,
tough, realistic, dedicated, and was demonized by
the gay community because she wanted to protect
the medical staff and the general public.
Don’t forget that the AIDS virus might strike your
family, and you will have to attend funerals for your
children, grandchildren and other loved ones and YOU
 Incoming patients, about one quarter of whom has
AIDS cannot be routinely tested because the gay
community considers testing an infringement of
their rights. Anyone who points out that non-gays
have rights also, is viciously attacked.
Read this article until you understand the subject and
can discuss and explain it to others.
 AIDS policy is largely established by the gay
community that places its own interest first and
foremost and to hell with the general public, this
in a city “saturated” with AIDS.
3) When you receive the DVD, invite all your friends
and neighbors at different times and show them the video
with discussion afterward. This will open doors for you to
witness. I believe many will receive Christ when they hear
of this.
 Dr. Lorraine Day, “The whole thing is politics. If
this had started out in the heterosexual community
the disease would be under control… we’ve got
two different things now, we’ve got gay rights to
have proper jobs, housing and all that and we’ve
got a deadly disease that can kill the world, and the
two are being mixed up.”
4) Start petition lists of people living in your
community and demand that your local senator and
congressmen, when they come back home from
Washington, D.C., meet with your group.
Stress that this is very important to the local voters and
if the congressmen or senator does not have the time, or
will—a recall drive will be started against him or her. At this
meeting there is only one thing to be discussed, the spread
of AIDS and that it must be stopped at once. Demand
from your local congressman or senator that you want the
president of the United States impeached for not having
stopped this. Tell the leaders that you, the people are fed
 Dr. Day was abused, threatened, harassed, EVEN
was out there all by herself because no one at San
Francisco General would support her - even
though they knew the truth.
God Help Us!
up, time is up, and there shall be action either by the
elected leaders or by the people.
Rick Warren and his purpose driven life message have
not helped nor has the smooth talking of Joel Osteen done
anything. The reprobate television evangelists like Benny
Hinn and others are turning people off.
5) Have the video shown on local access channel, call
local radio talk shows, write letters to the editors and stir
up as much publicity as you can. Ask God to give you
wisdom and ways to get the message out into your
Are you willing to stand in the gap for all the children
in the future who are doomed to become victims of AIDS?
Or will you to stay asleep and live for yourself until tragedy
strikes your family? Who is going to come to the aid of
your family?
6) Confront local county and city health officials and
demand a stop to all vaccinations in your community. Be
forceful, your life and the lives of your loved ones are at
stake. Refuse all blood transfusions.
Dr. Strecker is not a born again Christian as far as I
know. Antony Sutton was not a born again Christian but
these men have done more than the combined numbers of
all pastors in America. This is a shame and how this must
pain Jesus as he looks upon his body, the church. When
you contract cancer or AIDS, guess what, you will become
extremely “religious.” What hypocrisy! Shame on us all! It
is time to wake up and repent!
7) Remember, this is a SPIRITUAL WAR AND
EFFORT, IT WILL BE IN VAIN. Regardless, if you like
our elected leaders or not, WE MUST PRAY FOR
“And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans
write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true
witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy
works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou
wert cold or hot.
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto
the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is
like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him
to continue forty and two months. And he opened his
mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his
name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor
hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods,
and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art
wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
and to overcome them: and power was given him over all
kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that
thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou
mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness
do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that
thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” (Revelation
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
whose names are not written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man
have an ear, let him hear.” (Revelation 13:4-9)
The reason that AIDS has spread so far and taken
millions of lives is that the Church of Jesus Christ for the
last 30 years has refused to address this pandemic. Instead
the church has focused on getting more members with an
increased financial base.
Testimony of Jimmy White
In 1964 while living in Buffalo, New York I went to
work for Spalding Fiber, where among other things we
made various gears of which a great portion were made of
fiberglass. For several months I worked on a drill press
drilling the holes in all types of parts. We had to work in
short sleeve shirts for safety purposes, and even though
there were individual vacuums above each drill, a lot of
dust would still get on your hands and arms. This of
course would irritate your skin and make you itch. Most
people could wash it off with cold water and the itching
would stop, the rest were usually out of it a short time
and would be fine. However, there are a few like myself
of whom I will tell you about in this story.
getting less and less sleep, as I would wake up in the night
scratching to the point that I began to develop open
sores. I was put on several different special diets, one of
which I was allowed only 5 things to eat - Duck, Lamb,
Rice, Sugar and water. After several weeks of this diet,
which did nothing to help me, the Doctor decided to try
a series of skin allergy tests which again led to no answers.
While in Michigan our first daughter, Robyne was
born. She was born with very fine hair which would
irritate my skin to no end if I held her close to my body
due to the open sores. By this time the sores were getting
to the place that I was scratching so much that they
became open, running sores. Of course this was not
pleasant to the eye for other people to look at, let alone
how I felt.
When I filled out my application there was one
question that asked if you were allergic to anything. One
of the items mentioned was fiberglass. I had never
worked around it so to my knowledge I had none. I had
no idea of the problems I was headed for. After a few
weeks of working on the drill press my hands and arms
began to become quite irritated and itch. In the weeks
and months ahead it began to spread until my face and
head, chest and legs, and even my feet began to itch. I
went to the medical station at work and they sent me to
the company doctor. He would put me under some kind
of purple light and gave me salve to put on the irritated
skin—but all of this was futile.
My strength was beginning to fade as I was not getting
proper rest. This was about 2 years along at this point. I
would make myself get up in the morning, put all of my
energy into making it through the day at work, then
come home at night and collapse on the couch, not
having much strength or energy left to do things around
our home that I needed to do.
We were attending Mamre Assembly of God, (now
called New Hope) in Melvindale, Michigan. I was the
youth and choir director for part of the time we were
there, and although my energy and strength were
constantly decreasing, God was faithful to His word and
kept me going.
Our first child, a son, Todd was on the way at this
time so I continued to work so we would not lose our
insurance, and new employment was hard to find at that
time. I had been at the plant for 12 to 14 months when I
finally was able to land another job. I did continue to go
to the doctor; however this was to no avail. My condition
continued to get worse even though I no longer worked
in the fiberglass.
Around this time I was told that if I would go to a
warm, humid climate it might help my condition. So in
desperation we sold our mobile home, packed up, and
moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. The company that I
was working for agreed to transfer me to their branch
office in that area. As soon as we arrived, I went to check
in for work, but when I got there I was informed that
they had filled the position a couple of days earlier, thus
leaving no employment for me. It was very difficult for
me to go looking for a new job because of my waning
About 10 months after leaving this job we moved to
Detroit, Michigan where I had obtained a job. Because of
this physical condition which was getting worse I found a
specialist and started seeing him. By this time I was
strength. I was only getting about 3 to 4 hours of sleep in
a 24 hour period at this point and even that was broken
up in small segments. My appearance didn’t help either
because I was starting to look like a leper from the open
running sores.
do anything. We were only going about 35 miles per
hour and my wife grabbed the wheel from me and
managed to get the car stopped, and then drove us on
home. From this point on I would have these spells
several times a week, sometimes not so bad and other
times very bad, but gradually I learned to control them to
some degree.
The Lord was very gracious to me and in a few days I
was able to obtain another job. Although the pay was very
low, when you have a family you take what you can get
and I was very grateful for it. In a few months the Lord
helped me to obtain a better paying job and we were able
to get back on our feet.
During this time I would wake up in the night during
my short times of sleep gasping for air. It felt as though
someone was choking me even though nothing was
touching my throat. Being taught over the years there was
power in the Name of Jesus, I would struggle to say His
Name. All I could get out at first was J, then Je - Je - Jes Jes - and finally Jesus and then I was released and could
breathe. This would happen two or three times a week
for several weeks and finally Satan quit attacking me in
this way.
During this time I sought out another specialist who
tried more unsuccessful remedies. One was soaking in a
bathtub full of cold oatmeal every day. When you’re as
desperate as I was, you will try ANYTHING!
There were still no results so the doctor sent me to a
medical school in New Orleans where I was
experimented on once again and then to another
specialist. After a few weeks with this doctor I began to
get some relief from a shot that I was receiving once a
week which caused the itching to lessen in intensity. I was
ever so grateful for this relief. When I went in to get my
shot on the seventh time the doctor told me that he
could not give me any more. I knew my insurance was
still good and he told me he had been giving me narcotics
and that I would be addicted if he continued. Within 4
days I was back in the same condition and became very
discouraged and depressed due to thinking that the
temporary relief I had received was going to be
After being in New Orleans for about a year and a
half, we took a trip to Washington State to visit my
parents. On our return trip just north of Medford,
Oregon traveling about 70 mph on the freeway I had
another major breakdown. The Lord was gracious to my
family once again, by giving me the strength to hold it
together long enough to get the car stopped on the side
of the road, where I was unable to control myself once
again. My wife drove us on into Medford and into a
motel and after a few days rest she drove us on to
Rosemead, California, with the help of a friend, Don
Varga from our youth choir at Mamre who was with us,
to my adopted parents, Steve and Ida Andrews. At this
time I seemed to lose all control when people would talk
to me and I would begin to shake and sob
uncontrollably. After spending 2 or 3 weeks there I began
to settle down but the shaking spells became quite
frequent and with no warning.
While in church one Sunday morning a few weeks
later I was reaching the end of my rope. I knew that God
could heal me and I had been prayed for many times, but
for whatever reason, I continued to get worse. Satan tried
to take my life three times but God had other plans. That
morning I remember praying simply but meaning every
word of it, “Lord, please heal me or kill me.” It wasn't
suicidal; I was just at the end of my rope. Again, nothing
happened. As we were going home that morning a couple
of miles from church, I had an instant breakdown and
began to shake and cry uncontrollably and was unable to
When I was able to travel again, we were encouraged
to go back to Portland, Oregon and get plugged into a
church called Bible Temple, now City Bible Church.
They were wonderful in helping us get back on our feet,
helping us get into a house, furniture, dishes, linens, etc.
My appearance at this time was so bad no one would hire
me. Finally someone gave me a kid’s morning paper
route only because I had to be done by 5:00 am and no
one would see me. This job at least paid rent, utilities and
gas but we had to go on welfare for food, etc. which was
very hard on my pride.
to the last night of the meetings so I asked our pastor,
Dick Iverson, if she could be prayed for by the prophetic
team after the last night of meetings. He said of course.
After the service I took her down front and hands were
laid on her and she was prayed for. I was not prayed for at
this time as this was a time for Kyme. She showed no
change and we went on home and went to bed. After
sleeping for several hours, my wife woke up and realized
that the bed was not shaking as was the norm because of
my constant scratching. She assumed that I was getting
my usual 10 to 15 minutes of rest before I would start the
bed shaking again with my scratching. She lay awake for 1
to 2 hours - thinking I was dead because I was not
moving. She finally got enough nerve to poke me and I
woke up. I had been sleeping for about 4 solid hours, for
the first time in many years. The next night I slept for 8
straight hours and have never had problems sleeping
since that time. The itching stopped that night even
though it took several months for my skin to heal and
clear up, and I wasn’t even prayed for that night.
I then went to another specialist, at the medical
school in Portland and then finally to the VA hospital.
The doctors there put me through all of the previous tests
again but turned up nothing new. They had me use 1%
Cortisone to try to ease the itching. I would use about 1
pound a week but this relief would only last about an
hour or so. The final conclusion was that my pours in my
skin were very open and the fiberglass dust went through
my pours into my blood stream. I was told to drink
honey and vinegar in water 3 times a day (horrible
tasting) to purify my blood. I did this for several months
but it made no change in my condition. Due to the
foreign matter (fiberglass) in my blood, the doctors
considered a complete blood transfusion, however
decided against it because there were tiny fiberglass pieces
stuck in my veins and the transfusion would do nothing
to eliminate them. The final conclusion was that there
was nothing more they could do for me and I would just
have to learn to live with the situation as best I could. By
this time I was feeling so discouraged that I didn’t really
feel like going on.
Why did the Lord choose to heal me that night and
not before? I don’t know, and it really doesn’t matter but
what I do know is that I am healed and have remained so
for the last 33 years. I have some indentations in various
parts of my body where the sores were so deep and some
patchy places where hair no longer grows, but these are
just daily reminders of God’s miracle healing power and
grace to me.
About this time our third child was born, a daughter.
By the time she was a few weeks old we realized that
something was wrong as her whole right side was stiff, her
right hand was a clenched fist and cold all the time and
her right eye drooped. When she was 9 months old she
came down with pneumonia and was put in the hospital.
At that time we were told that she had brain damage and
to be thankful for anything that she was able to do. The
doctors told us she would never walk, talk or do much of
anything. We found out when she was 6 years old by way
of a brain scan that she did not have brain damage but
rather had 1/3 of the left side of her brain totally missing.
I'm still like you, I have my problems and my
challenges, but this one thing I can tell you and no one
can ever take it away from me. My God is faithful and
still works miracles in the 21st century. Whatever your
need is, I know God is there for you as well so keep
believing and your day will come as did mine.
Footnote: We had a third daughter, Amber, born to
us on the first Washington for Jesus day, April 29, 1980.
Also the next morning after Kyme was prayed for, we
were riding in the car, when we noticed Kyme’s right
hand was open and warm for the first time since she was
born. She has accomplished many things we were told
she could never do, including finish high school with
At the time Kyme was in the hospital, our church,
Bible Temple, (City Bible), was having a week of
prophetic services. Kyme was able to come home the next
honors and a partial scholarship. She serves God with
her whole heart and if you were to meet her today you
would see that she walks and talks just like any other lady.
Thank you my faithful God for always being there for
Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit that
overflowing that my light shall shine
forth your glory to others today.
Jimmy White lives in Citrus Heights,
He operates his own
businesses, Center Services Printing and
Treasures Unlimited, a business dealing
with various products. As well as his 4
children, he keeps busy with his 5
grandsons and 3 granddaughters. He has been involved
with Full Gospel Business Men since 1965 and is
currently a member of the Citrus Heights chapter of
BMFI where he is treasurer. He attends Living Way
Community Church in Roseville, California where he
plays tenor saxophone in the orchestra, is a Life Group
leader, and works with the Golden Pillars of his church.
Jimmy may be contacted at P.O. Box 2250, Citrus
Heights, California 95611 or at (916) 726-2409.
Let me always come to your fountain
of love, power and a sound mind. For
only through the oil of your Holy
Spirit shall the blessings flow.
Watch therefore.
Lord fill my vessel every day that will
be ready. Let me now sleep but be
ready when the hour has come. Only
your light and the oil of the Holy
Spirit will light my way.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
By Darl Dinger
The Bible was written
And its words are true,
Life saving instructions
Just for me and for you.
Be kind to one another,
Be helpful to enemies and
Being helpful as you can,
Before your life on earth ends.
Now Jesus made a statement,
It was for you and me.
You must be born again.
If heaven you wanted to see.
You were born on this earth,
You were born in sin.
That is why Jesus said,
"You must be born again.
Born by water
And born by blood.
That is why it is written
In God's Holy word.
The spirit is calling,
Don't make him wait.
If you take too long
You will enter hells gate.
Jesus died on the cross
Your sins to atone,
So you can miss hell
And call Heaven your home.
Only believe in His word,
The atonement He has done.
This maybe your last chance
To be accepted by God's only
Jesus is calling
Why should you wait?
It won't be long
Before He closes Heaven's Gate.
Christian Dynamics Course 1
Salvation, Deliverance & Healing
“My husband has locked himself in the bathroom and is going to kill himself!” These were the frantic
words spoken by a friend named Glenda as I was ready to enter a Southern Baptist Church on a
Sunday morning in 1970 in San Rafael, California. My heart almost stopped as I heard these words
because Jim was the worship leader in the church and a staff member at Golden Gate Baptist
Theological Seminary where I was a first year student. They were really good friends to my wife and I
and now he was going to kill himself? As a young Christian, I knew very little about spiritual warfare
and wondered how I could save my friend.
I rushed over to Jim and Glenda's apartment and found
to my great joy that Jim was still alive but very
distraught. I told him about a book I had just read about
demons and asked him to come with me to my
apartment to get the book so he could read it and get
some help. Jim grabbed me in a bear hug when we
arrived at my apartment and said he was not leaving
until I had cast out the demons in him. I was shocked
since all I had ever done was read a book about it. As
we knelt in front of a couch and called upon the Lord, I
was again stunned when Jim lifted the couch in the air
and foam came out of his mouth. There was no time for
fear so I began to command the demons to leave. Jim
collapsed on the floor after a fierce battle and I thought
he was dead. I laid my hands on him and as I prayed the
Holy Spirit fell on him and he got up and screamed,
“Praise God, I am free!”
This is how I was thrust into a deliverance ministry. I
purchased every book I could find on demons and the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit. As my wife and I prayed for
people, our skill level increased and so did the anointing
See the back page for ordering details.
from God. During our travels we ran into Satan
worshippers, learned about the world government and
for the next 40 years I have recorded what I learned. This practical handbook is the culmination of my
life’s work and will give you a solid understanding of salvation, how to pray for the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit and how to have a close relationship with God the Father and His Son, Jesus. You will also
learn the blessings God has for those who obey His Word and the curses that come upon those who
disobey it. You will learn the difference between demon possession and oppression and how to
handle demonic problems. In short, this book is the manual that I never had.
Thousands of people over the years have had their lives changed as they moved from defeat
to victory and the same can happen for you!
Defending the Truth of Christ in
Modern Day Europe
Gert Timmerman
Saturday sky, lit up
with incoming rockets
near my compound, I
felt my life could end
at any minute. I looked
up at the lonely foreign
sky feeling thousands
of miles from my loved
ones and cried out to
God that I would seek and serve Him if He got me through
In January 2002, the Euro
currency was introduced to
Europe and so was my family.
At the end of 2001, I was
offered a job in Belgium and
after prayerfully considering the
offer, we decided to relocate.
We moved from South Africa to
Belgium on 4 January 2002,
together with our 3 small
children. Both my wife and I
came to know the Lord at a
young age. We grew up in Pentecostal/Evangelical/Bible
believing/Holy Spirit permitting churches. At the same time
our country was going through a dark period in her history.
God kept His side of the bargain but I didn't. I came
home safe and sound and pursued my dreams. I received a
bronze star on my departure from the army. I graduated with
a college degree. And I was honored by meeting Elvis Presley
and working as one of his security guards, all of which I
never dreamed possible.
Being born-again Christians in a general protestant
environment, we had to defend why we believe that water
baptism is an act of obedience coming from a saving
knowledge by faith in Christ instead of christening a baby.
We also had to defend from scripture why we believe in the
baptism in the Holy Spirit. But we never had to defend the
BASIC BELIEF IN THE BIBLE because “everybody”
believed the Bible, it was only a matter of interpretation. But
modern day Europe is different than South Africa because it
has changed from Christian values to a lifestyle which shouts
However, nothing seemed fulfilling to me, especially
when I came close to Sunny West, Elvis' personal bodyguard.
He told me about all the Cadillac's and gifts from Elvis, yet
no one in his organization seemed happy. As a matter of fact,
even Elvis, who had achieved fame and fortune seemed
I would lay at night and ask God, "What's life all about?
Are you even there?" The following songs are testimonies of
my struggles to find happiness and fulfillment and purpose
in my life. This only happened when I realized God was
there all the time, waiting for me to come to the "reality" of
His love and saving grace, which come to us through His
death on the cross.
I quickly realized that quoting from scripture or referring
to Jesus’ teachings is not stimulating for the cause of the
Gospel but will cause the average European to shut his ears.
Gert Timmerman was born in South Africa and currently
lives in Belgium. He is an account manager by profession
with a post graduate in science but also a student of the Bible
by passion. He has been married to one wife for seventeen
years and they have three children. Gert came to know Jesus
as Lord and Saviour at a very young age, and as he has
studied the Bible, he desires to see the truth of Gospel reach
the whole world.
The "reality" is that Jesus Christ is real and I could never
earn God's love by anything I tried to do. I simply had to
accept His gift. My prayer is that I can give back something to
Him through these songs, small as that is, for all He has
given me and that others may find Him to be "reality" too
because God's gift is for all who will receive it.
The Master Study Bible (KJV)
Some study Bibles are born
simply to be popular. The
Master Study Bible was created
nearly twenty years ago simply
to be powerful. Many students
will value the fact that the
Master Study Bible keeps the
text of Scripture separate from
the many study tools. This
enables the reader to give clear
focus on the Bible text and then
go from there to the great variety
of tools available within one
Special Features Include:
 500 page encyclopedia with thousands of entries on
important people, places and events - your ever
present guide to Bible facts and information.
 8 full color maps
 400 page topical concordance where terms and
concepts gather in orderly groups for hours of
conversation, understanding and discovery.
 Bible book introductions
 Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Bible reading plan
 Center-column reference system provides a
thorough, systematic study approach that allows the
Bible to serve as its own best commentary.
6.5” x 9.5” x 1.75”
 How to read and study the Bible
The Master Study Bible center-column reference system
links you to thousands of related passages in the King James
text, as well as alternate readings for obscure and difficult-totranslate words. They create a systematic approach to Bible
study, allowing the Bible itself to serve as its own best
commentary. The most unique feature about this Bible is
that it contains Self-Pronouncing Text in the Old and New
Testaments. Meaning, all proper names are divided into
syllables accented and marked with the vowel sounds
showing how they should be pronounced.
 Who is Jesus?
 Titles of Jesus
 The Gospel Message
 Teachings of Jesus
 Jesus and the Ten Commandments
 Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament
 A Harmony of the Gospels
 Parables & Miracles of our Lord
 Discourses of Jesus
 Prophecies of Jesus' Second Coming
And though all these learning features are always
available, they are placed apart from the Bible text itself so
they are there when you need them but easily put away when
all you want is uncluttered, undisturbed reading.
Black Bonded Leather
Burgundy Bonded Leather
Spanish/English Bible
(RVR 1960/KJV)
This Bible features the Reina Valera 1960 with the King
James in a two column format which allows you to read the
English and Spanish scripture side by side with the words of
Jesus in red.
Even though you might not live locally, you can still join us
every Sunday morning and Thursday night at Resurrection
Life of Jesus Church via the internet.
 There is an index in the
back which features topics
of where to turn when
you're facing a difficulty.
Come and join us as we praise the Lord through music and
testimonies, pray for one another and hear a message from
God’s throne room.
 Jesus and the 10
If you’re not able to watch the webcast, you can catch the
recorded music, testimonies, prayer and sermon from the
webcast archives.
 History of the Apostles
 Harmony of the life of
 The Plan of Salvation
If you don’t have a computer, we can also offer it on DVD,
which means you can receive the whole service on DVD and
join us from your home. Please contact us for more details.
6.5” x 9.5” x 1.75”
Black Hardcover
Black Imitation Leather
Black Bonded Leather
Come join us for a Thursday night Bible study at 7:30 PM as
we dive into the Bible. We are currently only webcasting
these Bible studies but are planning on posting them to the
website in the future.
Shipping & Handling
0 – $9.99
$10.00 – $19.99
$20.00 – $49.99
$50.00 – $99.99
$100.00 and Up
Send Check or Money Order to:
European-American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC)
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, CA 95681 USA
If you wish to pay by credit card, please go to our
web site.
We welcome you to visit and fellowship with us. Join us
for praise and worship of the Lord and a study of the Bible as
God speaks to us through His Word.
Charles Thorell
Assistant Pastor
John S. Torell
Senior Pastor
(Nursery & Sunday School available for children)
If there is a need in your life, Jesus is the answer! We
desire to pray and minister to you and then watch God work!
If you are seeking answers, have a need, or if you are in the
midst of a trial or circumstance of any kind that seems to
have no answers, we want to assure you that Jesus is the
answer. Won’t you let us pray for you? God will touch you.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks Blvd
San Juan Ave
Marshall Ave
Manzanita Ave
Champlain Ln
Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,
and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye
shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my
burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
8341 Fair Oaks Blvd, Suite B
Carmichael, CA 95608
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$ _______________
Sales Tax (CA Residents 8.75%)
$ _______________
Shipping & Handling.................
$ _______________
Total Amount..........................
$ _______________