Alls well on the Lifelong Wellness front
Alls well on the Lifelong Wellness front
November 2008 Available online at 80 Days to Wellness Awarding Ceremony Nov. 15, 2008 All’s well on the Lifelong Wellness front The Lopezes at the PMA ...p.3 PHOTO: ANDY ZAPATA TWOyearsafterthelaunchofLifelongWellness,Rafael M.AlunanIIIcanlookbackattheWellnessTeam’saccomplishments and the changes the program has wroughtinthelifestyleofLopezGroupemployees andpronouncehimselfreasonablysatisfiedwiththe waythingshavebeenprogressing. SMC buys into Meralco …p. 2 Executives get into the wellness groove in one of the group’s regular ‘Walk the Talk’ sessions. Overall,participationinactivitiessuchasthe Walk the Talk series, mountain treks and varioussportstournamentshavereached20%ofthe 16,000-strongworkforceandcontinuestoratchet up. The Lifelong website (www.lopezwellness. com/index.php)istheenvyofFilipinodoctorsbecauseofitslinkstoJohnsHopkinsandtheothermajorhospitals, institutions such as Harvard Medical School, Wharton andStanford,andevento international HR groups and large corporations with model wellness programs. “People from the outsidewouldlogonandsay‘Thisis fantastic!’Allthedoctorsthatwe’ve gottentospeakinourwellnessforums, they log on to our website and they say‘My God, you’ve got atreasuretroverightthere.’They’re veryimpressed,”Alunanreports. TheWellnesschief,who is backed by a seven-person team of executives and employees working gratis, also cites the quarterly wellness fora where top medical practitioners tackle vital wellness Lopez Group sa gitna ng global crisis Makakaraos din By Carla Paras-Sison Power Plant gets ready for Christmas …p. 12 AYON AYON sa mga pangulo ng publicly listed listed holding companies ng Lopez Group, Group, mayroong mga masasamang epekto epekto ang pandaigdigang krisis pinansiyal pinansiyal sa Pilipinas at maging sa Lopez Group, subali’t ito’y pansam- antalalamangatmakakabawirinang bansaatanggrupo. Sinabi ni Angel Ong, pangulo ng Benpres Holdings Corporation, na bagama’t suportado pa rin ang bansangpatuloynapagdaloyngremittances mula sa OFWs (overseas Filipinoworkers),maaaringbumaba Turn to page 6 ang antas ng remittance dahil inaasahang mayroong mga OFW na mawawalan ng trabaho sa gitna ng paghina ng ekonomiya ng US, kung saannanggagalingangkaramihanng remittances. Gayunpaman, hindi gaanong maapektuhanangekonomiyangPilipinaskumparasamgabansangmayroongmalakingcapacitysamanufacturingtuladngChinaatKorea.Dahil inaasahangbabagsakangdemandmula Turn to page 2 Lopezlink November 2008 LopezLink November 2008 MAKAKARAOS... from page 1 sa US habang nagbabawas ito ng mgapagkakautang,maghihigpitdin ngsinturonangmgamajortrading partnersnito. Service industry Para sa mga kumpanya sa ilalim ng Lopez Group, sinabi ni Ongnaangkaramiha’ynasaservice industryatmaaapektuhansilaayon sa magiging problema ng kanilang mga customers. Halimbawa, ang SkyCable Corporation at Bayan Telecommunications ay maaaring makaranas ng pagtaas ng voluntary disconnections. “SkyCable’smovetointroduce prepaid is actually good because it willcushionthelossofsubscribers,” wikaniOng. Babagal din daw ang property marketdahilhindimunabibiliang mga OFWs ng mga condominium atbahaykunghindisilasiguradong m a r e - r e n e w ang kanikanilang mga k o n t r a t a n g magtrabaho sa ibangbansa. ‘Fear factor’ “Property sales will slowdownbut I don’t think prices will go down too much since nospeculative buyinghappenedbeforethiscrisis. There is what you may call a ‘fear factor’ and consumers all over the worldwilltendtospendless.They willtrytoconservetheirresources and forgo buying consumer durables because of the uncertainty,” sabiniOng. Nakasalalayrawsakunggaano kabilis maibabalik ang consumer confidence sa US market ang pag- recover ng pandaigdigang ekonomiya. Sinabi naman ni Elpidio L. Ibañez,pangulongFirstPhilippine HoldingsCorp.,naangpinakamalaking epekto sa Lopez Group ng kasalukuyang krisis ay ang pagtaas nginterestratesamgabagongborrowings. Kailangan kasi ng power andenergysectornggruponakumalap ng panibagong kapital upang maitaguyod ang mga bagong investments nito noong nakaraang taon. Communications sector walang problema Walang ganitong problema ang communications sector na binubuongABS-CBNCorp.,Bayan at SkyCable sapagka’t nauna na nilang mapondohan ang kanilang mgapangangailanganatnagbabayadnalamangnginteressalumang mgapagkakautang. Mariin ding pinabulaanan ni Ibañez ang mga balitang malapit nangmabangkaroteanggrupo. “Bankruptcy is when a companydoesnothaveenoughassetsto cover its liabilities.That is not our case.Oursisreallyaquestionofliquidity.ButImustsayweareina muchbetterpositiontodaythanwe wereduringthecrisisof1983when thecountryitselfwentintomoratorium.Ifwesurvived1983,Ihaveno doubtwe’llsurvive2008anditwill bemucheasierin2009,”pahayagni Ibañez. Maganda ang assets Maaari raw ipaalam ng mga manggagawa ng Lopez Group sa kani-kanilangmgakakilalanahindi bangkaroteanggrupoatmagagandaangmgaassetsnapinamuhunan nito. Ipinaalala rin niya na halos 200 taon na sa pagnenegosyo ang pamilya Lopez at napalago nila at ngkanilangmgaprofessionalmanagersangkanilangmgainvestments sa bansa. Dumating at lumipas na angmaramingadministrasyongpulitikalhabangpatuloynanaglilingkodsamgakapwaPilipinoatnagtataguyod ng pag-unlad ng bansa angLopezGroupofcompanies. “I’ve seen so many ups and downs,I’musedtothem.Thissituationisnothingnewforus.We’ve been through so many crises and we’veweatheredthemall,”pagtataposniIbañez. First Gen to pay off loans GSIS flips Meralco Lopez (FRL) at the sidelines of the Management Association of the Philippines International CEOConferencerecently. The company’s chief option to raisefundsfordebtrepaymentisthe refinancingandreleveragingofthe 1,000-megawattSantaRitapower plant owned by its subsidiary, First Gas Power Corp.,FRLsaid. First Gen has alsoenteredintoa salepurchaseand investmentagreementwithEnergy D e v e l o p m e n t Corpo. (EDC), a subsidiary of FirstGen,forthe 60% equity stake in the 112-MW Pa nt a ba n g a nPantabangan-Masiway Hydroelectric Power Plant FIRST Gen Corporation is studyingseveraloptionstopayoffitsdebts amountingto$440millionbyNovember,and$360MbyMay2009. “We…haveanumberofalternatives to pay off that maturing debt,” said First Gen president and chief executive Federico R. Masiway hydroelectric complex. TheindependentdirectorsofEDC managedtheprocesswiththehelp andinputsofindependentadvisors. Inaddition,FirstGenislookingatselling40%ofRedVulcan HoldingsCorp,holdingcompany ofEDC.FirstGenacquireda40% economicinterestingovernmentownedEDCthroughRedVulcan inlate2007. FRL stressed that “bulk of FirstGen’s$700-Mdebtismade undertheholdingcompanyandare short-termobligations.”“There’sa lotofdebtcapacity,andit’sjusta matter of putting things together intherightplace,”headded. Operating companies have beensuccessfulinpayingoffdebts overtheyears.InFirstGen’scase, it has gained enough elbowroom to borrow money, the First Gen CEOfurthersaid. ABS-CBN Corp.: Going beyond TV ABS-CBN Corporation is the new corporate name of the Kapamilya network, dropping the word “broadcasting” as it continues to serve Filipinos globally through all forms of media connection such as free television, cable TV, cinema and music distribution,internetandmobile phone services, magazines and radio. “ABS-CBNfeelsduty-bound toexpanditsreachbecausemore and more Filipinos are compelledtomigrateorworkabroad to address the economic needs of their family,” ABS-CBN president Charo Santos-Concio said. Top 200 Corporations “We hope that through the various platforms and content, ABS-CBNcanhelpbringoutthe bestintheFilipinoandhelpopen morewindowsofopportunityfor everyFilipinofamily,”sheadded. ABS-CBN jumped to the 43rd slot in the Securities and ExchangeCommission’s2007list oftop200corporationsfrom68th place in the previous year, after the country’s largest media firm’s net profit in 2007 jumped by an annualized71%. PSEi index The company had a net profit of P1.27 billion and total sales of P19.89B in 2007. It posted a second-quarter net profit of P514 million, up 12% from P459M in thesamequarterlastyear. ThePhilippineStockExchange announced that ABS-CBN will jointherosterofblue-chipsinthe 30-company mainshare PhilippineStockExchangeindex(PSEi) startingNovember14. ChiefrivalGMANetworkInc., whichhadslippedto93rdplaceon thelistfrom77thin2006,wasnot selectedtobepartofPSEi. T H E Governm e n t S e r v i c e Insura n c e S y s t e m ( G S I S ) has bailed outofMeralco,agreeinginlateOctobertosellits27%staketofoodand beverage conglomerate San Miguel Corp.(SMC)atthepriceofP90per share,oratotalamountestimatedat P27billion. The state pension fund said it earned P12.7 billion from the sale, which will be completely paid by SMC in three years with interest. SMCisheadedbybusinessmanEduardo Cojuangco Jr. as chairman and RamonAngaspresident. Underthesaleandpurchaseagreement, GSIS will retain two seats in theMeralcoboarduntiltheblockof sharesisfullypaid. SC ruling on ABS takeover sends wrong signal to ‘people in power’ THESupremeCourthasupheld a 1997 ruling by the Ombudsman recognizing the validityofa1973letteragreement between the LopezesandFerdinand Marcos crony Roberto Benedictoregardingthe takeover of ABS-CBN duringmartiallaw. The two parties had entered into the agreement on the use of ABS-CBN facilities onJune8,1973.TheLopezeswereassuredBenedictowouldpayrentforthe facilitiesandEugenio“Geny”LopezJr. bereleasedfromdetention. When rent wasn’t paid nor Geny freed,“theLopezeswereleftwithonly one other recourse than invoking the letter-agreement,andthatwastochallengetheentireschemeofmartiallaw inthecourtsandgetGenyLopezshot fortheirpains,”theBusiness Mirror said initsOct.20editorial. “Theletter-agreementwasissuedbyBenedictotoprotect himself from the legal consequencesofhisillegal,nottosaycriminal, exactions should the dictatorial regime end and democratic processesberestored.” Benedicto and his group went on to control ABS-CBN until the dictator’s ouster in 1986. In 1994, the Lopezes “filed complaints for the crimes of execution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation, estafa (fraud), theft, robbery, occupationofrealpropertyorusurpationofrealrightsinpropertyandother deceits” against Benedicto and other privaterespondents. When this was dismissed by the Ombudsmanthreeyearslater,however, theLopezestooktheircasetothehigh court. BWL UPDATES OML 1st recipient of PMA Most affordable wireless landline BAYANTelecommunicationsoffersthemostaffordable bayanWIRELESS landline (BWL) serviceplan—theBasicWirelessatP499permonth, oronlyP17aday.TheBasicWirelessPlanoffers unlimited local landline calling, unlimited SMS fromBayanphonetoBayanphoneandispacked withIDDandNDDfunctionalitytoanynetwork. It is an alternative to the Best Value Plan that pioneeredunlimitedwirelesscallingwithlimited mobilityinthemarket. “The Basic Wireless plan at P499 gives Filipinos an affordable alternative to costly metered mobilenetworkswhilestillenjoyingaconnected lifestyle,” said chief executive consultant Tunde Fafunwa. “It complements our existing Bayan wireless landline service priced at P699 which is gearedtoheavyvoicecalluserssuchascellphone andIDDcalls.” Research: BWL users enjoy up to 50% cost savings Research conducted by Firestarters and commissioned by Bayan among a sample of 520 respondentsandusagedatafromtheirsubscribersshowed thatFilipinoscouldreducetheirphonebillsbyup to50%iftheyavailofthebenefitsoftheBWL. Intermsoflocallandlinecalls,BWLuserscan rackupto67%insavingsasBWLoffersunlimited calling to other Bayan phones and any landline located in the same area code. Cellphone users gainedthemostfromusingtheirBWLforvoice calls.Chargesrelatedtothisservicecangodown by up to 50% if these were made using a BWL, whilechargesassociatedwithNDDandIDDcalls candecreasebyupto47%and74%,respectively. Distinguished Citizen Award THEPhilippineMilitaryAcademy(PMA)awardedLopezGroup FoundationInc.(LGFI)chairman andcorporatesocialresponsibility (CSR)advocateOscarM.Lopez (OML)thePMADistinguished CitizenAwardinceremoniesheld atthePMAgroundsonOct.11, 2008. The awarding took place during the military parade in honorofOML. PMASuperintendentMajor General Leopoldo Maligalig said that the PMA Distinguished Citizen Award was presented to OML in recognitionofthesupportextendedby theLopezGrouptothePMA, whichwillhavealastingimpact on the training of generations of cadets. It was the first time inthehistoryofthePMAthat suchanawardwasgiven. Theparade,whichwaswitnessed by OML, his family, friendsandbusinessassociates, wassymbolicofthecadets’acknowledgment of the lifetime partnership forged between PMA and LGFI with the donation of the Lopez Hall of Leaders. The unveiling of the dedication marker of the hall tookplacebeforetheparade. The Lopez Hall of Leaders isseentobeavenueforstudents Family and friends flank OML (seated, center) and wife Connie after the conferment of the Distinguished Citizen Award on the Lopez Group and LGFI chairman in October. to converge in the healthy exchangeofideasandinundergo- Benpres begins IiP journey Benpres president Angel S. Ong (3rd from left) receives the company’s certificate of commitment from IiP Philippines’ Gerardo Plana (2nd from left). Witnessing the turnover are Benpres chief financial officer Salvador Tirona (leftmost) and human resources vice president Pinky RA Diokno (rightmost). By Carla Paras-Sison BENPRES Holdings Corporationunderwentthefirststep toward Investors in People (IiP) certification via a diagnosticassessmentconductedby IiPPhilippines’chiefexecutive, GerardoPlana. “We have decided to undertake the IiP journey as partofourobjectivetoelevate our people management practicestoglo-balstandards,”said FAQs: The Meralco deposit refund MER ALCOregistered customers who paid the meter deposit whentheyappliedforservice(residentialcustomersfrom1987to2004,and nonresidential customers from 1987 to 2006) will begin to receive their meterdepositrefund(MDR)starting November 2008. Residential customersstartingwiththosewithlowerconsumptionwillbescheduledfirst. 1. What was the meter deposit (MD)? The MD was the amount a customerpaidwhenapplyingforanew service connection to guarantee againstlossordamageoftheelectrical meter installed at the customer’s serviceaddress.Collectingmeterdepositsbeganin1987followingOrder No.85-121ofthethenBoardofEnergyandlater,OrderNo.95-21ofthe EnergyRegulatoryBoard(ERB). Thisisdifferentfromtheservice deposit which is the amount a customerpaysaspartofhisapplication ing training programs. (Dulce Festin-Baybay) for service. It is equivalent to one monthbillingbasedontheelectrical loadattheserviceaddress. 2. When was the MD paid? Itwaspaidaspartoftheservice applicationrequirements,beforethe newelectricservicewasactivatedor upgraded. 3. How much was the MD? Itwasequivalenttoone-halfofthe cost of the electric meter and its accessoriesrequiredforinstallation.For simplemeters,thiswasP410basedon thecostofmetersandaccessories. 4. How will the MDR be computed? The average MDR amount for residentialcustomersisP800perservice.TheMDRamountincludesMD principalamountplusinterestearned. The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)guidelinessettheinterestrates. 5. When can eligible customers get their MDR? Thescheduleisbycustomerclass and KWh consumption as of June 2008. Residential customers first, nonresidentialcustomerswillfollow. TheMDRwillbeuntil2013. Starting November 2008 for registered customers with active contracts. Anytimeforregisteredcustomers with terminated contracts who havenotyetclaimedtheirMDR. 6. How can eligible customers get their MDR? a.Waitfornoticesinyourelectric bill informing you that you qualify foranMDRandwhereandwhento getit. b. When notified, go to your Meralco Business Center stated in your bill with the following documents: Originalmeterdepositreceipt; Filled out refund application form (available at Meralco Business Centers or downloadable; One valid ID with picture and signature and Xerox copies. Acceptable valid IDs are: driver’s license; passport, PRC license; SSS ID; GSIS ID; TIN ID; • • • • • PhilhealthID;seniorcitizenID; postalID;originalNBIclearance; firearm’slicense;policeclearance (computerized printout); new Comelecvoter’sID;creditcard. Original copy of your electric billwhereyourMDRscheduleis indicated (not a requirement but willhelpverification). c. Receive MDR with these options: in cash if P4,000 or less; in check if over P4,000; credited to futurebills;orappliedtopayablesor unpaidbillstoMeralco. 7. Where can eligible customers get their MDR? a. Meralco Business Centers for residential,generalserviceandsmall nonresidentialcustomers. b.Salesofficesforgeneralpower customers. For inquiries, contact tel. nos. 1622-8888 or 632-8888, email or visit MDRissubjecttochangeasmaybe requiredbygovernmentregulations. • Did you miss an issue of LopezLink? Access our archives at! Pinky RA Diokno, Benpres vicepresidentforhumanresources. IiP is a straightforward businessframeworkfordelivering business improvement through people. Developed intheUKin1993toimprove national competitiveness, IiP has proven to improve profitability, reduce costs, motivatepeopleandimprove customersatisfaction. Organizations undertaking the IiP journey apply to be assessed against 10 key best practice indicators which form part of the IiP standard. If the external assessorscanfindsufficientevidenceofpolicyandpractices in line with each indicator, the organization is awarded “recognition” of its IiP status.Therearenearly40million organizations globally alreadyaccreditedunderIiP. InthePhilippines,thePeopleManagementAssociation of the Philippines (PMAP) ispro-motingIiPamongits member companies and has adoptedthestandardaspart of the criteria for the EmployeroftheYearaward. IiP-certifiedLopezGroup companies are First Philippine Industrial Corp., First Electro Dynamics Corp., Asian Eye Institute, PhilippineElectricCorp.,Meralco Management and Leadership Development Center, eMeralco Ventures Inc. and BayadCenter/CorporateInformationSolutions. HR COUNCIL Lopezlink November 2008 In Sync: Living Excellence and Social Responsibility the Lopez Way All together now By Norman Sison ALMOST300participantstrooped totheEugenioLopezDevelopment Center for the October 21-22 In Sync:LivingExcellenceandSocial ResponsibilitytheLopezWay. Never before in the 80-year history of the Lopez Group have delegates from the different sister companies—from power to real estate to media—congregated to shareideasonbusinessexcellence andcorporatesocialresponsibility. “We have a lot of walk-ins,” saidabeamingDulceFestin-Baybay of Lopez Group Foundation Inc., one of the organizers. She wasreferring tothosewhodidn’t confirm their attendance ahead oftime,forcingtheorganizersto make adjustments so that everyonecouldbeaccommodated. In Sync’s timing was perfect. For the past months, the Lopez Grouphasbeenfacingunusualanimosityfromthegovernment—not seen since 1986 when throngs of ordinaryFilipinosfaceddownFerdinandMarcos’stroopsandtanks. It’sbeenlike1972alloveragain. But2008hasalsobeenmarkedby othermuchbiggerchallenges:rising foodcosts,soaringpricesatthegas pump,thethreatofglobalwarming and,now,aloomingglobaleconomic recession.Timetobattendownthe hatches—andtoacttogether. Returned to the people Whenbusinessesfacebadpublic opinion, the normal knee-jerk reactionistoreplywithsavvypublicrelations.ButforLopezGroup chairmanOscarM.Lopez(OML), that’sonlywindow-dressing. “A commercial firm which couldhardlymakebothendsmeet but which gives service and real satisfaction to the community is, inourestimation,moresuccessful than a multimillion corporation whichreapshugeprofitsandkeeps themtoitself,completelyneglect- ingthecommunitywhichsustains its life,” OML quoted from his father,LopezGroupfounderEugenioH.LopezSr. “We sincerely believe that a greater proportion of earnings accrued from business should be returned to the people whether thisbeintheformoffoundations, grants, scholarships, hospitals or any other form of social welfare benefits. We consider this sound policy and a good investment which,inthelongrun,willpayoff becauseitwillmeanmorebusiness andgoodwillforthecompanyand would minimize, if not prevent, the social unrest and disorders whichareprevalentnowadays.” The late founder was actually delivering an acceptance speech in 1956 when he won a business excellence award. Back then, the Philippines was only getting back onitsfeetfromthedevastationof WorldWarII.Thenasnow,ageneration later, excelling in business topropupthebottomlinewouldn’t be enough. Business excellence and corporate social responsibility shouldgohandinhand. “My father’s words ring as true, asrelevantlyandasurgentlynowas theydidwhenhestoodinfrontofhis audiences,” OML said. “His words neednoembellishment.Theyremain asclearnowastheyweremorethan 40yearsago.Andtheyareourlegacy, tohonor,topreserveandtodefend.” With excellence comes responsibility For two days, company presidents, chief executives and senior managers from across the Lopez Group gave presentations on improvingefficiencyandproductivity, cuttingcost,maintaininghighemployeemorale,customersatisfaction, environment protection, among others.Itwasameetingoftheminds andafreeexchangeofideas. But the message was simple: with business excellence comes “BEING of service to the Filipino is not an incidental outcome of operations; rather it is an intended result of how we do business,” said ABS-CBN Corporation chairman Eugenio LopezIII(EL3)ashetoldhisIn Syncaudienceaboutthe“Lopez Brand of Excellence and Social ResponsibilityandServicetothe Filipino.” Headded,“Inthesamewaywe setstringentbusinesstargetsthat satisfy shareholder expectations, so must we set targets that spur 1 2 3 4 6 MML: ‘Let crises bring out the best’ 5 7 8 1. Lopez Group chair Oscar M. Lopez; 2. Meralco chair Manuel M. Lopez; 3. FPHC president Elpidio Ibanez with Benpres’s Pinky Diokno and Salvador Tirona; 4. Third generation Lopezes: Cedie Vargas of Lopez Museum, Federico R. Lopez of First Gen and Eugenio Lopez III of ABS-CBN; 5. LGFI executive director Rafael M. Alunan III and Business Excellence director Ben K. Liboro; 6. In Sync marketing team Dulce Festin-Baybay of LGFI, Ritzi Ronquillo of Meralco and Rosan Cruz of Benpres; 7. Meralco Dependents Livelihood Multipurpose Cooperative and their scented candle and paper products; 8. In Sync core team: Rene J. Mayol, Roel Espinoza, Maribel Rubia, Suzette Rivera, Julie Cuevas, Diane Miñon and Glenn Perez corporatesocialresponsibility. “Webelievethatacorporation should be a vehicle for good, not onlythroughthestockholders,but moreespeciallytothepeople;that whatisgoodforthepeopleshould be good for the company. This is our creed. And with God’s help, we hope to forge ahead,” OML said, this time quoting a 1962 speech made by his father before businessleaders. “We have often heard these principlesarticulatedbytheLopez leaders, by my brother Geny (Eugenio Jr.) and Manolo and by me, each in our own words. But if we had not kept articulating them, it wouldnothavechangedanything.” OML emphasized that “it is almostimperativethatanyLopez leader embody both facets of the familytradition.” Three generations later, the Lopezfamilytraditionis“alegacy thathasbeenlefttoustohonor,to preserveandtodefend.” It is now a tradition expected of everyone in the Lopez Group. OMLconcluded,“Tobethebest thatwecanbe,inordertodeliver excellence in everything we do… Excellence at both the individual andthecorporatelevels.Thiswas myfather’sway.” AndsoitistheLopezway. 80 years of service to the Filipino national development via social, environmental and economic initiatives.” EL3 retraced with pride the Lopez family and corporate histories that demonstrate its foundation on and faithful pursuit of “business excellence in service of the public,” calling it “the Lopez way.”Forhim,thethreequalities thatunderpintheLopezbrandof excellence and social responsibil- ity are being deliberate, enduring andresolute. “Foraslongasweareinbusiness, we will be in the service of the Filipino. Business excellence isthevehiclebywhichweareable to continue down this road…the measure then of our business excellence is our ability to stand at par with the best global organizations. Social responsibility is steadfast. It is not practiced just “TIMEandtimeagain,weprovethat Meralco employees are at their best during times of crises,” said Meralco chairman Manuel M. Lopez (MML) as he narrated how the electric utility has been “Delivering Service ExcellenceandSocialResponsibilityDespite Adversity.” InhisaddresstoInSyncdelegates, MMLsaidthecompanylookstoward “a future where Meralco remains to beamajorforceinwhatevershapethe power industry ends up with,” with bothexternalandinternalperformance metrics continually improving regardless of controversies. In fact, Meralco has received several local and internationalawardsrecognizingitsexcellence incorporategovernance,servicedeliveryandfinancialmanagement. Thecompanyhasbeenundulyblamed for high power rates, although it only serves as the “collection arm” of power producersandgovernmentforthevarious feeschargedtoelectricityconsumers. “We grit our teeth and continue withtheservicewecommittodeliver, and for which we are known for. Our operationscontinueeveryday,24hours aday,despitealltheattacks...Wefigure outthatthisistheonlywaywecanbe true to our vision of continuously givingthebestservicetothecommunities weserve,”hesaid. Banking on the expertise and strength of employees, Meralco has delivered on its service commitments with ever-increasing quality and costeffectiveness,nomatterthenaturaland man-madedisastersthatoccur. “We will continue fighting for the truth about the company and creating abetterworldforthecommunitieswe serve, even if we oftentimes feel very alone in our very public struggles… Through all the controversies, I have onlyonemajorandoverridinginstruction and request to the management team and to all our employees: Just delivereverincreasingstandardofservice…Sa Meralco, tuloy ang liwanag ngbuhay,”MMLvowed. (CPS) when business is doing good but ironically,moreneededwhenour businessessuffer,”EL3said. According to him, factors that burden businesses are also the same factors that burden the ordinaryFilipinoandpreventhim fromfulfillingbasicneedssuchas food, medical treatment, educationandemployment.Tothisreality, the Lopez Group has never beenindifferent. “For80years,theLopezGroupof companieshasbeenattheforefront ofbusinessexcellenceandcorporate socialresponsibility.Itwillcontinue to be so for the next 80 years and the 80 after that…this is the torch thatthefirstandsecondgenerations throughtheirtoilandsacrificehave passed us. It is a gift and privilege we,thethirdgeneration,havegratefully received and cherished. We vowthatitshallbepassedburning brightly and brilliantly to the next generation and every generation to come,”heconcluded. Lopezlink November 2008 couch potato Kris is back on ‘The Buzz’! KRIS Aquino is back on “The Buzz” after leaving the toprated showbiz-oriented talk showin2007. Wearing a Snow White costume,shewaswelcomedby cohostsBoyAbundaandRuffa Gutierrez. Her comeback coincided with the birthday celebrationofAbunda,oneofher closestfriendsinshowbusiness. Aquino left the show last year treats Modeling search for women over 35 Women 35 and over grace primetime in “She’s Got the Look,” a modeling competition series like no other. The winner gets a secondchanceatasupermodelcareer,acontractwith theWilhelminaModelingAgencyandaspreadinSelf magazine. Watch the nationwide search, follow the dramaandrootforyourfavorite!“She’s Got the Look” airs Thursdaysat10p.m.,Fridaysat3p.m.andSundaysat6 p.m.ontheLifestyleNetwork.(Katherine Solis) 10 shows current with US on Studio 23 Fresh US episodes (FUSE) of 10 hit programs are currentlyairingonStudio23.Leadingthepackisthesecond seasonof “Private Practice”everySundayat8:45p.m.;this isfollowedby“Dirty Sexy Money” at9:45p.m.Also,catch thesecondseasonof“Samantha Who?”Thursdaysat9p.m. OtherFUSEshowsinclude“Grey’s Anatomy” (Mondays, 8:30p.m.),“Brother and Sisters”(Mondays9:30p.m.),“Ugly Betty” (Tuesdays, 9:30 p.m.),” “Smallville” (Wednesdays, 9:30 p.m.) and “Desperate Housewives” (Thursdays, 9:30 p.m.).Enjoy“The Amazing Race 13”airingliveviasatellite everyMondayat8a.m.andeveryTuesdayat8:30p.m. JenniferLove H e w i t t ’ s “ G h o s t W h i sp e re r” c u r r e n t l y airs Fridays at 8:30 p.m. and will be current with the US by January 2009. (K. Choa) Dirty Sexy Money tofocusonherfamily;shewas replacedbyGutierrez. “Thankyou,Ruffaforletting me be here with you. Pinasa ko na talaga sa iyo ito pero maraming salamat na hindi ka nag-atubili na sabihin sa akin naI’malsowelcome here,”AquinotoldGutierrez. Gutierrezreplied:“Kris,ikaw naman talaga ang‘QueenofTalk.’ Sana maging prinsesa ako at sana maging kalahati man lang ako na kasing-galing mo. I’mgonnalearn somuchfromyou.I’mveryexcitedthatyou’rebackontheshow.” AquinotookoverfromCristy Fermin who was suspended fromtheshowuntiltheendof thisyearforviolatinghercontractwithABS-CBN.Fermin’s suspension was in connection with her fight against former actress Nadia Montenegro. (From The power to bring change lies in your hands ABS-CBN launches ‘Bayan Mo, I-Patrol Mo’ ‘Pieta’ transformed into daytime series ABS-CBNproducesCarlo J. Caparas’ “Pieta” anew, starring Ryan Agoncillo asthetroubledsonRigor and Cherie Gil as his mother Amanda. The new series will explain howRigorwaschangedby unfortunateevents.Willthe loveofhismotherbeenough tochangehisways?Witness the transforming power of love in “Pieta,” now airing onABS-CBN’sHapontastic ‘Pieta’ star Ryan Agoncillo Block. “Pieta” attracted a strongfollowingmorethantwodecadesagoasakomiks series,withtwomovieadaptations.Thefirst“Pieta” movie establishedleadstarAceVergelastheoriginal“badboy” ofPhilippinemoviesinthe1980s. (K. Solis) ‘Wowowee’ brings home awards! “Wowowee” was recently proclaimed the “Outstanding Noontime Entertainment Program” and Willie Revillame as the “Outstanding TV Host” at the 19th Annual Consumer’s Union of the Philippines awards. The “Wowowee” group also accepted another award, the “Televisionary Excellence-Best Host,” from the Philippine Star. The “Wowowee team” shares its achievements with Kapamilya supporters and loyal viewers as the show continues to be the leading afternoon variety show, Mondays through Saturdays on ABS-CBN. (K. Solis) ABS-CBN News and Current Affairsonceagainempowersthe Filipino people through citizen journalism with the launch of “Bayan Mo, I-Patrol Mo”following the success of its “Boto Mo, I-Patrol Mo” election advocacy campaignin2007. “Bayan Mo, I-Patrol Mo”coversawiderarrayofconcernsand allowsthepublictosendreports on corruption, anomaly, crime, tragedy, etc., using the internet ortheirmobilephones. “Wewelcomeanyreportson anything that needs to be ad- dressed.Justlikebefore,wewill validatefirstanytiporinformationwewillgetbeforepursuing thestoryandairingitontelevision,” said ABS-CBN head of newsgatheringCharieVilla. Chosen stories will be featured through the network’s multi-platforms, namely television via segments in “TV Patrol World,” “Bandila” and “Umagang Kay Ganda,”cableviaANC,radioviaDZMM,andinternetvia To send your reports, text IREPORT <name, address, message> and send to 2366, or The “Boto Mo, I-Patrol Mo” campaign garnered recognitionfromvariousaward-giving bodies, including the PhilippineGoldQuillAwardofExcellence,AnvilAwardofMerit and honorable mention in the Asia-PacificPRAwards.Itwas also the sole Philippine entry to have won the International Quill Award of Excellence given by the International Association of Business Communicators.(K. Choa) ‘Bago Yan Ah’ finalist in Turquoise Awards DZMM’s“Bago Yan Ah” madeitasafinalistinthe2008TurquoiseAwards:The2nd InternationalRadioCompetition. Theradioprogram,anchoredbyDZMM station manager Angelo Palmones, was praised for its discussion of topics related toalternativeandrenewableenergy,which isrelatedtotheaward’sthemeofglobalclimatechangeandenvironmentalproblems. Palmones’award-winningprogramcompeted with nine other finalists from South Korea, Italy, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Netherlands, Greece, India and Germany. Itwastheonlyentryproducedbyanongovernmentbroadcastingcompany. The Turquoise Awards is organized by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporationincooperationwiththe European Broadcasting Union and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, and aims to recognize outstanding radio programs from around the globe that tackle important DZMM station concerns and issues affecting manager Angelo Palmones society.(K. Choa) Calling all Filipinos in the Republic of MYX Be part of MYX Mo! THISyear,MYXseesashifting of the tides as local musicians gear up to bring their music to the global arena. In the last couple of years, rock bands and pop crooners have beentouringAsiaandbuilding afanbaseacrosstheregion.It’s only a matter of time before a Filipino artist makes it big in the global music scene. MYX iseagertoflexitsmediamuscle torallythemusicalmassesfor thiscauseandbringlocalmusic tothenextlevel. MYX Mo! 2008 sets the stageforthenewageinOPM, rallying behind every Filipino artistintheRepublicofMYX. Thecampaignwillstandforthe unitedfrontamongthemoversin music—artists, industry leaders and fans—as they work toward bringinglocalmusicforward. MYX Mo! 2008 features performancesbyover50artists, suchasRicoBlanco,Chicosci, 6Cyclemind, Sandwich, Bamboo, Urbandub, Kamikazee, ParokyaniEdgar,Spongecola, Hale, Rivermaya, Pedicab, Itchyworms,MarkusHighway, Pupil, Slapshock, Cambio, Kjwan and a lot more. Be at the SM Mall of Asia concert groundsonNovember6,2008 and let your love for music be heard!Gatesopenat3p.m. Spongecola Keep your TV glued to MYX on SkyCable Channel 23 and your computers logged on to for details about how you can be part of this movement and the experience that is MYX Mo! (K. Solis) Lopezlink November 2008 change Make that EXECUTIVE By Carla Paras-Sison By Carla Paras-Sison HOW did First Philippine Industrial Corporation(FPIC)presidentandWellnessTeammemberLeonidesGardelose 71poundsin15months? When his weight peaked at 289 poundsinJanuary2006andwithnosignificantimprovementafterayear,itwas the equivalent of a national emergency for the Lopez Group LifelongWellness team. Committee chief Rafael M. AlunanIIIandamedicalteamthatincluded a psychologist were subsequently made jointly accountable for the outcome of Garde’sweightlossprogram. Hisregimenconsistedofeightto12 hoursaweekofexercise,spreadoversix days, and a gradual reduction of caloric intake. Regular exercises included walking on a treadmill or outdoors, swimming,weighttraining,boxingandPilates. And from consuming between 4,000 and 5,000 calories a day, he successfully broughtitdownto2,000caloriesaday. He did it with the help and supportofhisfamilyandattainedhiscurrent weightof218poundsinApril2008.He isnowinthestabilizingphaseofhisprogramthataimstobringhisbodymassindex(BMI)downfrom“morbidlyobese” to“obese1.”Heiscurrentlyclassifiedas “obese 2” ortwo descriptive levels above “overweight.” Obesity or excessive body weight is associated with various diseases, particularlycardiovasculardiseases,diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certaintypesofcancerandosteoarthritis. UPDATE: The biggest loser D R A W N from the personal experience of itsorganizer, GaloGarde, the“80Days toWellness” contestaimstohelpLopezemployeeswith body mass indeces greater than 25 attain ahealthybody,mindandspiritandmake them permanent ambassadors of wellness intheirrespectivecompanies. August15,2008markedthefirstdayof thecompetition,whilethefirstmid-contest weigh-inwasheldonSept.27,2008atthe EugenioLopezCenter.ThesecondweighinattheEsplanadeareaoftheMallofAsia on Oct. 18 saw the contestants shedding morepoundage. Upforgrabsareout-of-townvacation packagesforthetopthreeteams. Garde, healthier and happier after losing 71 pounds in 15 months, is now a volunteer wellness advocate. Athispeakweight,Gardehadsleep apnea, was hypertensive, and his blood chemistryresultswereoffthechartswith fastingbloodsugar,liverfunctionenzyme anduricacidlevelsovertheirnormallimits.Thisiswhyheconsidersitagreatblessing that chairman Oscar M. Lopez has consistentlychampionedworkforcehealth andwellnesswithintheLopezGroup. “An established wellness program helpspeopletomakeit(fitness)sustainable,”saysGarde. Today,hedoesexerciseswithhiscoemployees at FPIC.“I join them twice a week,eitherboxingorjustwalkingupand down the stairs. It gives us a very good heartrateclimbingthestairsinouroffice building.Wenowdo50floorsinaboutan hour.”TheFPICheadofficeisonthe20th floorofJMTBuildinginOrtigasCenter. BeginningApril2008,Gardeimplementedacompany-widewellnessprogram for FPIC’s 48 employees in line with the Lifelong Wellness advocacy. His sole underweightco-employeeisnowinthenormalweightrange,whilethosewithnormal weight (25% of employees) are aiming to maintaintheirBMIsatnormal,too.Those who are overweight are exercising and changingtheireatinghabitstoreducetheir riskfordiseasesassociatedwithobesity. As for Garde, his next goal is 199 pounds,atwhichweighthisBMIwillbe at the borderline between“obese 1” and “obese2.” He encourages all Lopez Group employees to get on the wellness train. “Exercise with your fellow employees. You see them every day so they’re your bestcompanionstobetterhealth.” The key remains to keep on doing thethingsthathavehelpedhimbecome a healthier person. He never considered liposuction nor other forms of surgery because “lifestyle change makes (weight loss)moresustainable.” Atage51andwith22yearsofservice with the Lopez Group, Garde has indeed shown that it ’s never too late to makethatchange. Clockwise from left: The Lopez Group climbers in Tagaytay; Warm-up exercise during ‘Walk the Talk’ in MMLDC on Feb. 10, 2007; Warming up with Star Magic’s Princess Ryan during the LLW kickoff ceremony at the Meralco Gym on Sept. 8, 2006; First Balfour’s ‘80 Days to Wellness’ team in One Esplanade parking area, Mall of Asia during the walkathon on Oct. 18, 2008; A yoga session, part of Lifelong’s Stress Management Program (SMP); and bonding on Mt. Arayat in November 2006. ALL’S WELL... from page 1 topics as a“very important component of thewellnessprogram.” “It provides food for thought and is verywellattended.It’samazinghowpeople arehungryforinformation.Soourjobisto makesurethatwegivethemqualityinformation.That starts with the choice of the topic and the choice of speakers. Because of that we’ve established a reputation for qualityfora,”hesays. ThenewadditionstotheWellnessTeam areGaloGardeandJigYan,whoarespearheadingLifelong’slatestprojects:theongoing “80 Days to Wellness” competition and the upcomingfirstLopezGroupLifelongWellnessFair(seesidebars)onNovember15-16, respectively.Bothprojectswillbepermanently addedtothelistofLifelongmainstaysaspart ofabroaderandmorepermanentfutureventureintowellness. AccordingtoAlunan,thereareplansto convertLifelongintoaprofitcenter,evenas the program is already “semi-independent” due to a “pay-as-you-go” system that eases thecostburdenontheLopezGroup. “Lateronwhenweopenthedoorstothe public,wehopetobefinanciallyautonomous, MEET THE because they’re [the group] is still what we are sitting on.Theoretically, it’s a global trilliondollarindustry,”hesays.“It’saquestionof makingsurewehaveagoodprogramthatwe canselltoourlocalaudiences.Wecanstart withobesity,weightreductionprograms,and focus, let’s say, on elite schools and internationalschoolsaswellas…theTop100or200 corporations operating in the country, many ofthemwithexpats.Ithinkwehaveapretty goodmarketrighttherethatwillkeepusbusy yearround.” Heobservesthatthewellnessculture isspreadingwithinthegroup,withseveral companieslaunchingtheirownprogramsor gettingonboardLifelongWellness’broader efforts.Hecitesseveralcompaniesforinitiating and sustaining their own wellness programs, including Manila North TollwaysCorp.,TollwaysManagementCorp., ABS-CBN,FirstGenandFirstPhilippine IndustrialCorp. “Thewellnesscultureisspreadingand we’rehappy.Nowwhatwehavetodoisto sustainittomakesurethatitencompasses theentiregroup,”hesays. Healsoconcedes,however,thatbigger challengeslayaheadforhimandhisteam. As part of fine-tuned efforts to reach abiggernumberofLopezGroupemploy- wellness team BRAINSTORMINGonandorganizingayear’sworthofwellnesseventsfor a workforce of thousands is no mean feat. Meet the team that has pulled it offfortwoyearsrunning. Louie Martin, Overall coordinator A BS Civil Engineering graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Louie is AVP of First Philippine InfrastructureDevelopmentCorp. Therighthandman of Wellness chief Alunan says: “The development of the Lifelong Wellness system was tasked by OML to ourpresident[Alunan]anditssuccess will be a milestone undertaking for FPIDC.Weshouldassistandtakethe e d loadinprovidingtheneedbackroom support. So, here I am—no ifs, no buts,alwaysready.” Elizabeth Canlas, Wellness 101//201/301 program manager Beth is the VP andheadofthe ees, the WellnessTeam has completed the firsthalfofthetwo-partHealthAssessment Survey (HAS) administered from August 7,2007toMay7,2008.Thesurveygeneratedthebaselinedatabaseofemployeeswith information on their health and lifestyle; healthandlifestyleprofileusinggender,age andpositioninthecompanyasdimensions; awareness and participation in company wellnessprograms;andtheirrecommendationsonwellnessprograms. HAS 2, where the employees’ additionalbaselinedata(bloodpressure,blood lipids, fasting blood sugar and body mass indexorBMI)weregenerated,isexpected tobecompletedbymid-November. “Rightnowwe’reattackingwellnessin averygeneralmanner,butthemomentwe firmuptheprofile,we’llbeabletocomeup withmoredeliberatewellnessprogramsdesignedtoaddressspecifichealthissues.That was the purpose of the health assessment survey,”hestates. With the survey results and their healthprofilesonhand,theWellnessTeam can even make recommendations for every companyinthegroup,Alunanpointsout. “Like Benpres, we can say, ‘All right, thisistheprofileofBenpresandtherefore thisiswhatwerecommendforBenpres,’or HRmanagementgroupofFPHC.She isacoregroupmemberoftheCorporate HR,HRCouncilandtheCSRCouncil, aswellasthemanagingeditorofTanglaw,theofficialpublicationoftheFirst Holdings group of companies. “It is a legacyofourvisionarychairman,OML, tothecorporateworld.Itisamanifestation of his love, care and genuine concernforhisemployeesandkapamilya.I am privileged to be part of theteamwhosegoalisto keepthatlegacyalive.” Rico de Manzana, Walk the Talk program manager Rico is a Lopez Group s t a l w a r t , ‘ThisiswhatwerecommendforFirstGen, thisiswhatwerecommendforso-and-so.’ Butforthosecompanieswhohavenotyet organized their wellness teams and developedtheirwellnessprograms,orthosethat missedoutontheHAS,theycouldadopt what Lifelong has in the meantime and thenjustmodifyitinthefuturetosuittheir needs.” AstheLopezGroupmarchesitswayto 2009,theWellnesschiefpromisestokeepthe coreprograminplace,withregulartweaksto continue growing the number of employees hookedonwellnessandofcourse,toconvert whateverholdoutstheremaystillbe.Alunan will probably be able to fully sit back only whenheseescontinuousgrowthintheemployees’participationrate,whichwouldindicate“wellnessistakingroot,andthatpeople aretakingitseriously.” “Whatwewantattheendoftheday istomakewellnessawayoflife,something that is not company led or imposed, but something that you want to do voluntarily becauseyou’reawareofyourresponsibilities toyourself,toyourfamilyandyourfriends andyourcompany,”hesays. “FromwhatI’veseen,thingsaremoving.TheLopezGroupisnotstagnant,we’re moving.That’swhatIlikeaboutit. having come onboard in 1978. A BS Marine Transportation graduate, he shelvedhisdreamoflifeontheseasand joined Meralco as a probationary employee. His transfer to FPHC was the firstofaseriesofmovesandpromotions within the company. He assumed his presentpostasseniormanagerin2003. Eric Comsti, Venue manager Eric has worked with FPHC for 14 years, having been exposed to the subsidiariesatthestartand focusedonassetmanagement under the administration group inthelastsixyears. After his retirement, he moved feature RAFAELM.AlunanIII,chiefadvocateforchairmanOscarM.Lopez’slegacyproject,LifelongWellness,hasbeenconcurrentlyappointedasexecutivedirectorofLopezGroupFoundationInc.(LGFI)and presidentofFWVBiofieldsInc.,astart-upengaged intheresearchanddevelopmentofalternativefuels. “ThetransitionfromLifelongWellnesstoLGFI wasseamless.WellnessisacomponentofCSR(corporatesocialresponsibility).Itispartofthehealth andsafetyaspectofCSR.AsforBiofields,itisafutureprofitcentergiventheproblemofglobalwarming,energysecurityandpoverty.Iamamultitasker sotherewon’tbeaproblem,”Alunansays. A graduate of the Philippine Army’s Command and General Staff College, Alunan currently holds therankofcolonelintheArmedForcesofthePhilippinesandservedascommandingofficerofthe131st Infantry Division (Standby Reserve) and the 9th InfantryDivision(ReadyReserve)ofthePhilippine Army. Assuch,heisusedtothemilitary’scommand culture,wherewhatthemostseniorofficersaysgoes, andsubordinatesobeyfirstandaskquestionslater. Power of ideas Incontrast,hefoundadecentralizedculturein theLopezGroup,withthechairmanpreferringto winoverpeoplewiththepowerofhisideasrather thancoercingthemintoaction. “OML(chairmanLopez)preferstouseinfluence andpersuasion.Tohim,gettingthingsdonethisway ismoreimportantthan mereobedience. It’s a good leadership style because it builds ownership in the initiativeorinthesolution.Thisisreallythewayto leavealegacy.Ofcourse,itrequiresalotofpatience because it takes time for people to align their ideas andactions,”saysAlunan. Thewellnessprogramaimstogeteverybodyon the road to wellness. Each employee is expected to take personal responsibility for his or her own health. At the same time, an unhealthy workforce decreases the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.Hence,manycompaniesopttoprovideworkerswithopportunitiestoimprovetheirhealth. Evolving system Overthelasttwoyears,Alunanandthevolunteerteam workingwithhimhaveseenanincrease in participation in Lifelong Wellness activities including health lectures, hikes (Walk the Talk and mountaintreks)andhealthassessment. “LifelongWellnessisasystemthatcompaniescan adopttomeettheiremployees’healthneeds.Because thesystemisevolvinginitspursuitofbestpractice, we learn from companies whose programs have gainedrecognition.Butsmallercompaniesthathave nomanpowerorresourcestosetuptheirscansim- toFirstPhilippineRealtyCorp.asVP and general manager. Eric has been a memberoftheWellnessTeamsinceits inception. Jig Yan, 1st Lopez Health and Wellness Fair project manager Jig holds degrees in psychology and education from UP Diliman and the University of Perpetual Help, respectively, and an MBA from the Ateneo Graduate School of Business.TheAVP for corporateHRofFirst Philec has been activeinWellnesssince her ABS-CBN days. “This is a worthwhileinitiative that will ben- Lopezlink November 2008 Multitasker spreads the wellness philosophy plyadoptoursattheoutset,thentailor-fitittotheir needsinthecourseoftime,”explainsAlunan. Still,themessageofpersonalresponsibilityis importantbecauseevenifthecompanyprovides themeans,lackofinterestfromemployeeswill onlywasteresourcesdevotedtowellness. Record of excellence Goingforward,AlunanbelievestheLifelong Wellnessteamisbuildingarecordofexcellence sufficienttoturnitsprogramintoaprofit center, accessible by corporations outsidetheLopezGroup. “It (wellness) is a trilliondollar industry globally. But we must sustain our gains to coverthewholeLopezGroup first.Thewellnesscultureis spreadingandweareseeing those participation numbersgrowing,”hesays. Theidealisforemployees to join health and wellness activities on their own volition. The team does not want theprogramimposedby companies. “We have very good people in the Lopez Group and I wouldn’t exchange that (being part of the group) for the world. Peopleoweittothemselves tobewellandtostaywell. Itisapersonalresponsibility,”con-cludesAlunan. efittheemployeesoftheLopezGroup, and I am in the company of comembers who are equally dedicated, committed and who share the passion of OMLinimprovingemployees’ health andwell-being,whichinturncontributestonationbuilding,”shesays. Dr. Juan Ma. Pablo Nañagas DocJohnny,aproductoftheUPCollege of Medicine, also holds a Master in National Security Administration degree from the National Defense CollegeofthePhilippinesandaMaster in Public Health degree from UP. A former director of the Philippine General Hospital and undersecretary of health, he is currently a consultant onSixSigmaatFirstBalfouraswellas adirectoroftheCenterforEconomic Health Fair @ Rockwell on Nov. 15-16 THELopezLifelongWellnessHealthFaironNov.15-16 at the Rockwell Tent will showcase options for a healthy lifestyle. Exhibitors from themedical,diagnostics,health, beautyandfitnessindustrieswillhosttalks,demonstrations, consultations and an interactive corner. Previous Lifelong courses such as first aid and fire safety, Krav Maga, and stressmanagementtechniqueswillalsobefeatured. Theeventwillbekickedoffby“WalktheTalk”andculminate with the announcement of the winning team of the “80 Days to Wellness” contest. Entrance fee is P100 pesos and a 50% discount will be given to Lopez employees and family members. Upon completion of a Wellness Passport, a raffle stub will be given that would entitle one to special prizes.Formoreinfo,contactBenjoSandovalat634-3715or Lopezlink November 2008 Bikers ‘ride with pride’ for La Mesa WITH the goal of protecting La Mesa Watershed and enhancing the area, bikers assembled to rise to the challenge of completing the racecourse in La Mesa in Bantay Kalikasan’s“Ridewith Pride.” ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. managing director Gina Lopez expressed her gratitude to the bikers for their participation in the event, then race director King Bernas explained the race mechanics. Victor Paterno, president and CEO of 7-Eleven, led the oath of sportsmanship. Lopez started the countdown as the bikers surged to Victor Paterno of 7-Eleven (5th from left) leads fellow bikers in reciting the oath the interior of La of sportsmanship. Mesa. Fun games CSR ACTIVITIES ONGOINGS with raffle prizes enticed the spectators as they answered triviaquestionsaboutBantay Kalikasan and the environment. H2Hope, BK’s environmental awareness and fund generation campaign, spearheaded the event with the support of 7-Eleven, Soluziona,Deuter,AquaSoft, Ecco, Spyder, W&H Faith and Arts Shop, Del Monte, PocariSweat,Binalot,Waffle Time, Krispy Kreme and Bo Shirts—indeedatestimonyto “working together to make a difference.”(Ana Terrese Junio) Lecture on ‘The Opposite of Pleasant’ on Nov. 15 BK partners with DKS ABS-CBNFoundationInc.(AFI)- Bantay Kalikasan recently signed a memorandum of agreement with Deutsche Knowledge Services (DKS) for the protection of a 56hectareforest(equivalentto14,000 trees)atLaMesaWatershed. Gina Lopez, managing director of AFI, and Valerio Mendoza, project manager of Save La Mesa Watershed project, represented BK, while Chris Sullivan, Caesar ParladeandMarilenTuazonrepresentedDKSatthesigning. BAYAN ACADEMY CALENDAR THEfollowingcertificate trainingprogramswill beconductedatthe2/F CinderellaBldg.,EDSA, QuezonCityfrom8:30 a.m.to5p.m.: Enterprise Development in Microfinance BreakingtheVicious CycleofPoverty Nov. 6-7 Marketing to the Masses ReachingtheBottom ofthePyramid:Going WhereNoOneDared toGo Nov. 13-14 Self Mastery BacktoSquareOne: KnowingThySelf Nov. 26-28 Total Performance Management System MakingtheWhole GreaterthantheSumof itsParts Dec. 4-5 RegistrationfeeisP2,000 perparticipantperday. Formoreinfo,contactKC Villanuevaat920-5203or atmcesvillanueva@yahoo. com. DKS expressed enthusiasm in pilotingcarbonneutralization.Sullivan, who is an environmentalist, saidhehopedDKS’moveinworking to preserve nature would be emulated by other companies. BK program director Marlo Mendoza later welcomed DKS to La Mesa for the ceremonial tree planting. Mendoza also introduced EcoAcademy, a new BK project that aimstoimpressupontheyouththe AFI’s Gina Lopez and DKS’ Chris Sullivan affix their importance of caring for the envi- signatures on the memorandum of agreement for the protection of 56 hectares of La Mesa. ronment.(A.T. Junio) Lopez Group contributes to UP fund Angela Lopez-Guingona (right) was recently in Iloilo City to receive a certificate of appreciation from University of the Philippines in the Visayas chancellor Dr. Glenn Aguilar and vice chancellor Dr. Ma. Luisa Mabunay for the donation to the UP Centennial Fund made by First Philippine Holdings Corp., ABSCBN Corp. and Lopez Group Foundation Inc. chair Oscar M. Lopez. The Lopezes trace their roots to the city’s Jaro district. (D. Festin-Baybay) More than good gifts, goodwill! By Norman Sison CHRISTMAS may just be aroundthecorner,butthere’s stilltimeforyoutodosome early shopping to beat the holidayrush. We did some looking around in the Lopez Group and found gift suggestions that will not onlyshowthatyoucare;you alsogettodosomegood. Bantay Bata 163 offers items that will make simple but nice presents as well as corporate giveaways. All proceedswillgotothefoundation’s beneficiaries. They have ID holders made by indigenousfolkinSarangani province (P50 each) and a setoflovelynotecards(P135/ set).Theyalsohavepostcards designed by children under BantayBata’scare(P40/set). Forthoselookingfortasty treats, try some genuine Ilocano goodies from Popong’s Deli.PopongDeli’sownerisa graduateofABS-CBNFoundation’sBayanAcademy. Two of Popong’s main attractionsaretapang usa(P120/ packof250grams)andTongson’sRoyalBibingka(P145/box of16pieces).Popong’sDeliis on Visayas Avenue, Quezon City.Youmaycall456-5141or 0916-3229953fororders. And then there are lovely scentedcandlesandtealights (P5-P450) from Meralco Dependents Livelihood Multipurpose Cooperative, a banner project of Meralco’s corporatesocialresponsibility program. For orders, email How about a bar of Rozglow Herbal Soap (P130P150)? Rozglow is made by Rozglow Enterprises, whoseownerisalsoaBayan Academy graduate. For orders, call 413-1318 or 0919-3874182, or email Check out their website at So,goforthesesimple yet thoughtful gifts that notonlybringgoodcheer, butalsogoodwill. (From top left): Royal Bibingka, P145/box; Bantay Bata products, P10-P135; Rozglow Herbal Soap, P130-P150; Scented candles, P5-P450 @Lopez Museum The Lopez Memorial Museum, with thesupportofFirst Philippine Holdings Corp., hosts cartoonist Jose Santos Ardivilla Ardivilla on November 15, Saturday,from2p.m.to4p.m.todiscussthe significanceofFernandoAmorsolo’spen-andinkcartoonsandothereditorialcartoonsina lecturecalled“TheOppositeofPleasant.” Amorsolo vividly portrayed the social ills of Manila society in “Ganito Pala sa Maynila,” apopularcomicstripduringtheAmericanoccupationofthePhilippineswrittenbyeminent writer Lope K. Santos and serialized in the satiricalBagong Lipang Kalabawmagazinefrom 1922to1924,and“Kiko at Angge”publishedin sistermagazineTelambangafewmonthsahead. Ardivilla has lectured on political cartooning,mass-producedartduringtheAmericancolonialperiodinthePhilippines,andthecultural valueofpoliticalcartoonsandFilipinokomiks. He represented the Philippines in the Nihon ShimbonKyokaiandConfederationofASEAN Journalists,andintheWittyWorldConference. Apartfromcomingupwithexhibitionsandarticlesforvariouspublications,heteachesatthe UniversityofthePhilippinesinManila. ThetalkcomplementstheongoingexhibitionTelltale: The Artist as Storyteller, Amorsolo as CoauthorwhichwillrununtilApril4, 2009.LecturefeeisP120. Amorsolo as illustrator, cartoonist Selected illustrations by Amorsolo from1909to1924areonexhibitinTell- Lopez Museum director Cedie Vargas with columnist Amando Doronila. SPECIAL Lopezlink November 2008 tale: The Artist as Storyteller, Amorsolo as Coauthor. Amorsolohadcollaboratedwithearly20th centurywriters—TagalognovelistsIñigoRegalado and Severino Reyes, Lope K. Santos andwriter-educatorCamiloOsias. HeillustratedthefirstTagalognovelofRegalado,“Madaling Araw”(1909),andrendered drawingsinthecoverofLiwaywaymagazine whereRegaladoservedaseditor.Theillustrations in Reyes’ “Parusa ng Diyos” (1911) were collaborationswiththeauthorandwithother artists—IrineoMirandaandN.Reyes—done whenAmorsolowasastudent.Osias’Philippine Readers(1924)usedintheprimarygrades werealsoillustratedbyAmorsolo. The exhibit also featuresacontemporary project by Ikoy Ricio where he produced 15 sawdustsculpturesand 15 acrylic paintings. Ricio is a graduate of theUPCollegeofFine Artsandhasalsodone production designs for videos and television, stage and set deIkoy signs. Zero In 7: Bridges Now on its seventh year, the Zero In consortium of the Philippines’ leading private museums, takes on the theme of Bridges—between artist and the public, between art and audience, between the past and today. The Lopez Memorial Museum exhibition Keeping the Faithmakesroom for re-presentations of skewed situations where relationships between point of origin and destination are governed by a power wielder and those wantingforpower.Featuredareworks byJuanLuna,FelixResurreccion Hidalgo, Ang Kiukok, Bencab and Pablo Amorsolo, and by contemporary artist Kiri Dalena,whowillbecreating Tinman, Ed an installation referencing Sicangco images from Lopez Library feature materials from the martial law period. Her workwillappearalongsidevideodocumentation by Egay Navarro and Rica Concepcion of the 1992 performance of the late RobertoVillanuevainNaguri,Japan,aswell as sculptural work from Agnes Arellano. The exhibit opens on November 14, 2008. Meanwhile, Museo Pambata will present an outdoor art installation, called Palipalaruan.Perth-basedFilipinoartistAlwin Reamillo led volunteer Australian artists MadeleineChallender,VeronikaMihalj,Jon BradshawandLeahMcManustotransform thedecommissionedHueywarhelicopterat the forecourt of the Museo Pambata playgroundintoaTutubingBakal.Palipalaruan was created in conjunction with the First Asian Children’s Museum Conference. The exhibition will be supplemented with workshops and will involve the developmentofanoutdoorplaygroundspearheaded by artist Don Salubayba as a place to promotepeaceandthespiritofbayanihan.The exhibition opens on November 20, 2008. Bahay Tsinoywillshowcasethehistoryand culture of the Chinese-Filipino heritage in remnants Treasure and Heritage.Tangibleremnants exchange of the beginnings of this rich exchange trade of material culture, language and trade museum areceramics,oftentheprideinmuseum from and private collections. Selections from the collection of Juan T. Lim, trade trade ceramicsthathadbridgedpeoples peoples and histories, offer glimpses of of the wealth of pre-Hispanic pre-Hispanic Philippines and witness to to the Philippine islands’ extensiverelationswithChina centuries ago. The exhibit opensonNovember29,2008. Reina Sofia curator visits Lopez Museum Head librarian Mercy Servida (right) welcomes Catherine Coleman to the Lopez Library. Coleman, an American, is curator of photographyinSpain’sMuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofiaandhasbeenbasedin Spain since the 1970s; she earned her PhD, cum laude, at the Universidad Complutense deMadridin1990.Shewasaccompaniedby artist Lulu Conching, wife of Instituto Cervantes director Jose Jose Rodriguez, Rodriguez, during during her Octobervisit. Folio your heart STILL available for sale at the Lopez Museumareseveralall-occasiongiftitems thatwillmakeperfectChristmasgiftsfor friendsandlovedones. Oneisalovely12-piecesetofnotecards featuringpaintingsofflowersbyJuanLuna. Anotherisa12-piecesetofcardsfeaturing FilipinodressandfashionduringtheSpanish colonial era. The museum also offers a folioofraremapsofthePhilippinesdrawn duringtheSpanishera,andanelegantfolio ofPhilippinefloraandfauna. Exhibition dates Ateneo Art Gallery: Oo: Selected Paintings and Projects by Maria Cruz, 1996-2008, until December 13, 2008 Ayala Museum:From Inspiration to Illusion: The Scenography of Eduardo Sicangco, untilJanuary14,2009 Lopez Memorial Museum: Keeping the Faith, opens November 14, 2008 until April4,2009 Museo Pambata: Palipalaruan, opens November20,2008untilJanuary31,2009 Bahay Tsinoy: Treasure and Heritage, opens November 29, 2008 until January 31,2009 The Lopez Memorial Museum is at the ground floor, Benpres Building, Exchange Road corner Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. Museum days and hours are Mondays-Saturdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., except holidays. For more information, please call 631-2417 or email Planning a Christmas get-together? MMLDC gets the party started! THISYuletideseason,MeralcoManagementandLeadershipDevelopment Center (MMLDC) offers Christmas party packages with four menus to choose from. We’ll set up your celebrationatanyofourspaciousdining hallsorattheBalinese-inspiredAreva Pavilionwithitsrefreshingviewofthe poolandsurroundinggreenery. Thepackagesincludefourhours’use ofthevenue;buffetmenuforlunchor dinner;oneroundofdrinksforall;floral centerpieces and luminaries; lights and sound system; widescreen and LCD projector; videoke setup; complimentarydrinksandbarchowworth P2,000;andfreeandsecureparking. PackageratesrangefromP900++ toP1,200++perpersonforminimum groups of 50 guests. Other perks for partyorganizersincludecomplimen- taryuseoftheswimmingpool,gym and game room facilities, and 30% discount on all additional room accommodations. Book your Christmas party now! CallMMLDCat632-8111loc.304. (Peng Young) 10 LopezLink LIFELONG WELLNESS November 2008 Mexicans go national with weight loss drive ABRAHAM Leon was getting a checkupwhenhefoundouthehad highbloodpressureandwasatrisk ofdevelopingdiabetes. On the spot, the 5’6’’, 240-lb labresearcherjoined“Vamos Por Un Million de Kilos” (“Let’sLoseaMillionKilos”),anationalcampaignto get Mexicans to collectively trim abouttwomillionpounds. Theprojectisoneofseveralnew efforts to fight obesity in Mexico, whichisontracktocatchupwith the US within a decade as one of the world’s fattest countries, according to the Mexican government.NearlyhalfofMexico’s110 millionpeopleareoverweight,and the number of fat children has climbed 8% a year over the last decade. Newcasesofhighbloodpressure increased24%inMexicoinjustsix years, from 2000 to 2006. New casesofType2diabetes,believedto belinkedinparttoobesity,jumped 31%duringthattime. Mexico is working to mandate more physical education in public schools and encourage employers and unions to give workers time for exercise. The government says ithasbuiltorrenovatedmorethan 800 public sports facilities around thecountry,whiletheNationalInstituteofPublicHealthispromoting food education and healthier choicesinschools. “Vamos Por Un Million de Kilos” cameoutofapromotionalcampaign by the Televisa media company, launchedafteritssportsdepartment Outreach chess match in Las Piñas The Meralco Chess Club duels against inmates of the Las Piñas City Jail over the chessboard as part of the outreach project of Meralco’s Las Piñas Business Center. Photo shows club members (r-l) Jonathan Santiago of SCADA, Rolly Sol Cruz of Customer Process, Renz Kimo of Call Center, Edson Gonzales of Alabang Business Center, Rolly Sapalasan of Las Piñas Business Center, Marvin Andes of Sub-Transmission Services and Bong Masa of Alabang Business Center. Not in photo are Manny Benitez of Sub-Transmission Services, Romy Aguilar of Call Center, and Jun Chua, Roger Morit and Ding dela Cruz of Las Piñas Business Center. (Raul Sol Cruz) 1st LLW BOWLiNg TOuRNAMENT RESuLTS TEAM STANDiNgS 1 MNTC 2 ABS-CBN 3 FPIC 4 Philec 5 EDC 6 TMC 7 Meralco 8 First Gen 9 Rockwell 10 FPHC 11 Lopez/Benpres 12 First Philec 13 FPMTC 14 Fedcor (As of Oct. 6, 2008) TOTAL PiNFALLS 17, 595.00 16,830.00 17,091.00 16,786.00 17,323.00 17,410.00 17,264.00 16,771.00 16,111.00 16,709.00 15,550.00 14,108.00 15,161.00 14,877.00 THEbestoflucktoourvery ownRosanCruzandJocelyn Saw, who are racing abroad thisNovember! Fresh from her successful stintintheAnnualMRAInternational Triathlon event in Bali, Benpres PR’s Cruz now moves on to the 38th ING NewYorkMarathon.Thereare about20Filipinostakingpart in the Nov. 2 run, including Sen. Pia Cayetano, who joins forthesecondtime.Theyjoin 40,000 other participants— TOTAL POiNTS 42 42 40 40 38 34 32 28 16 14 6 4 0 0 noticed that “some… sportscasters were talking about fitness while they themselves were obese.” Then the Mexican Institute of SocialSecuritysignedon, recruiting clinic patients like Leon for the weightlosschallenge.Thecampaign reached its goal in just four monthswith2millionpeople. “We only recommend that peopleloseahalftoafullkilo(1to 2pounds)aweek,”saidDr.Ernesto Krug,apublichealthunitdirector. “Morethanthatisnothealthy.” Leon,39,hasdropped40pounds sinceMay.Hehaslearnedtocook so he can choose healthy ingredients. He takes the stairs at work andwalksatleasttwiceaweekwith hiswife.He alsoplanstolose20morepounds. “I think that it has paid off,” he said. “Physically, I feel great and more secure with myself.” (Excerpted from com/s/ap/20080928/ap_on_he_me/ lt_mexico_fat_challenge) Lack of can shorten lives WE all know just how important regular exercise or other intense physical activity is for our physical well being. But did you know that not engaging in exercise can actually be fatal? This article excerpted from explains how. STUDIES have shown that people die from inactivity, not justfromaging.Aspeopleage,theylose muscleandtheirimmunitiesweaken.Because of their weakened immunity, they aremorelikelytodieofcancerandinfectiousdiseases.Whengermsgetintoyour body,youmustmakewhitebloodcellsand proteinscalledantibodiestokillthem. Antibodies and cells are made from protein—andtheonlyplacethatyoucan store extra protein is in your muscles. When you have large muscles, you have a ready source of protein. With small muscles,youhaveaverylimitedsourceof aminoacidstomakeprotein,soyourimmunitymaybeinadequatetokillgerms. Whitebloodcellsandproteinantibodiesarealsonecessarytokillcancercells.You developcancerwhenthesecancercellssurviveandstartgrowing.Havinglargemus- to make antiies that kill cancer and germs. Furthermore,whenyourskeletalmusclesaresmall, soisyourheartmuscle.Astrongheartcan withstand arteriosclerosis and infections thatcankillaweakheart. Lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longertorecoverfromexercise.Whenolderpeoplegetinjuredorgettiredtoosoon orfeelsoretooearly,theydolessandless ortheystopexercisingaltogether.Instead, theyshouldbeexercisingmoreintelligently sotheycanretaintheirmuscles. Competinginsportsatanyageallows youtolearngoodtrainingtechniquesand howtoavoidinjuries.Ifyoucanexercise into your nineties and beyond without quittingorgettinginjured,youcanretain musclemass,keepupyourimmunityand livelongerandhealthier. Running ladies FredLebowandorganizedby theNewYorkRoadRunners, the event is watched by some two million spectators live in addition to 315M people watchingontheirTVscreens allovertheworld. OnNov.7,Sagip Kapamilya Rosan in transition area managerSawjoinsthetoughsomeofwhomareprofessional est team challenge event in athletes—fromtheUSandall the world—the Oxfam Trailovertheworld.Cofoundedby walker, a 100-kilometer run c l e s g i v e s youthe sourceof protein bodcells andwalkcompetitioninHong Kong as a member of Pinoy Ultra Runners. Participants form a team of four members each to complete the 100-km MacLehosehikingtrailacross the mountain ranges of the New Territories within 48 hours. The team is comprised of Saw; property underwriter Jose de Vera (team leader); orthopedic surgeon Paolo sports & wellness calendar 1st Lifelong Wellness Bowling Tournament Ongoing until Nov. 28, 6 p.m. except on Nov. 14, Nov. 19, Nov. 21 @ Green Valley Country Club, Pasig City Free Tae-Bo Sessions Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4 p.m.-5 p.m @ the former MNTC office, 2/F Benpres Bldg. Walk the Talk Nov. 15, 6:30 a.m. @ Rockwell Center, Makati Contact Rico de Manzana @ 449-6122 OpentoLopezGroupemployees andtheirfamilies.Participants mustregisterwiththeirrespective HRdepartments.Wearcomfortableattireandbringacap,extra shirt,towelandrefreshments. 1st Lifelong Wellness Health & Wellness Fair Nov. 15-16 @ Rockwell Tent, Makati Entrance fee: P50 (Lopez Group employees); P100 (non-employees) ‘Lakad Laban sa Pekeng Gamot’ 10km run-5km run-3km walk/jog Nov. 16, 2008, 6 a.m. @ SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City Fee: P150 Thiseventisorganizedbythe TriathlonAssociationofthePhilippines(TRAP)fortheSamahan LabansaPekengGamot.Fee comeswithfreerunningsinglet. Only1,000singletsavailable,firstcomefirst-servedonsizes.Free entryfor3kmwalk/jog.Formore info,contactTRAPat710-8259or KathRabeat0921-5770237. 1st Anvaya Cove Invitational Triathlon Nov. 22-23 @ Anvaya Cove Beach & Nature Club, Bataan Fee: P2,500, sprint (Nov. 1-15); P3,000 (Nov. 16-21) Formoreinfo,contactTRAPat ph. OUR very own Pinoy Ultra Runner, Jocelyn Saw Punsalan; and neurosurgeon Peter Rivera. Together they are taking up the challenge to finish the race and raise at least HK$6,500 donation for Oxfam. To support Team Pinoy(teamno.0812),visittheir webpageat ht t p: // hk/en/registration/teamDetail.html?teamId=200801390 or email your pledge to You may also purchase Pinoy UltrarunnerslanyardsforP100 atROXBonifacioHighStreet. For more info, visit Don’t keep the good news to yourself. Pass on your copy of LopezLink! For your comments and suggestions, please text 02-382-0139 (Bayan Wireless Landline). Sudoku Maglaro tayo ng Sudoku, ang bagong libangan ng bayan! Ayusin lamang ang mga numero simula 1 hanggang 9 para ang bawat numero ay minsan lang magagamit sa bawat row, column at kahon. Very Easy Easy Medium Hard Answer to October puzzle Solution, tips and computer program available at www. griffin sierra RECOMMENDS Lopezlink November 2008 11 INSync:LivingExcellenceandSocialResponsibilitytheLopezWaymaybesaidto beaforetasteoftheLopezGroupinaction inthemidstofcrises. Put together by Lopez Group Business Excellence and Lopez Group Foundation Inc. (LGFI), In Sync allowed the 280 attendees—greatly exceeding the organizers’ expectations— to meet and network with kapamilya. More than that, they learned how to align CSR with and integrate excellence into business, benefited from the exchange of strategies and approaches to organizational challenges and listened to various board members andthird-generationLopezessharetheirpassionfortheiradvocaciesandbusinessinsights,amongothers. Thetwo-daylandmarkevent,writerNormanSisonreports,was a meeting of minds and a free exchange of ideas, underscored by the message that“with business excellence comes corporate social responsibility.”This reminder will serve us well in these uncertain times,evenastheLopezGroup’spositionitselfremainssecure. “TheLopezGroupisinamuchbetterpositiontodaythanitwas duringthe1983financialcrisis,andwillcomethrough2008relativelywhole;2009willevenbebetter”—thiswastheassessmentof FirstPhilippineHoldingsCorp.(FPHC)presidentElpidioIbañez withregardtothegroup’sfate. He noted that the Lopezes have been involved in business for almost200yearsandhaveweathered,eventhrivedin,politicalandfinancialstorms—includingthe1983and1997financialmeltdowns— withthehelpofprofessionalmanagers.“We’vebeenthroughsomany crisesandwe’veweatheredthemall,”Ibañezstressed.That,assuredly, isnewsyoumayspreadtoyourfriendsandfamilytoassuageworries thattheyandtheirlovedoneswillsoonbeoutofajob. LopezGroupchairmanOscarM.LopezhasaddedthePhilippine MilitaryAcademy’sDistinguishedCitizenAwardtohislistofdistinctions.OML,whobecamethefirstrecipientofawardinOctober, wascitedforhisandthegroup’ssupportforthevenerableinstitution. Thegroup’snewestendowment,theLopezHallofLeaders,isseento signifythe“lifetimepartnership”betweenthePMAandthegroup, representedbytheLopezGroupFoundationInc. LearnallaboutwellnessandthepeoplebehindLifelongWellnessinthisissue.AsOML’slegacyproject,thisemphasisonwellness isdefinitelynotafad—we’reinthisforthelonghaul.Wellnessteam chiefRaffyAlunanrevealshisplansforthishealthyundertakingin ourcoverstorythismonth. Meanwhile,thedayofreckoningisalmostupontheparticipants inthe“80DaystoWellness”contest.Aswewritethis,therearea coupleofweeksmoretogobeforerevelationdayduringtheWellness Fair on Nov. 15-16 at the Rockwell Tent. It’s still anyone’s game—andthecoolprizesarestillthereforthetaking.Watchfor ourupdateonthischallengingnewWellnessactivitynextmonth! Dear Rosie AlsohappeningatthesametimeasWellnessFairisthefirstGrand Kapamilya NegosyoFairattheWorldTradeCenter.Theorganizersenvisionittobeanopportunityforentrepreneurstoselltheirproducts,meet potentialclientsandsuppliers,andlearnmoreaboutrunningabusiness. Ifyou’reintomakingandsellingstufforevenifyoujustwanttogeta headstartonbeingyourownboss,checkoutourstoryinthisissue. ooOoo Thanks for publishing the Lopez Group Prayer. It’s such a touching piece. Makes me proud to be part of the Lopez Group and a kapamilya!—Dory We’regladyouliketheprayer.Wehopeitbecomesaregularpart ofoureventsandget-togethersaswell! ooOoo What can you say about the sale of government’s stake in Petron? Is that something the Lopez Group will consider purchasing?— Dominic ResponsefromFirstGen’sEsteladelaPaz:“Petronisanoilcompany.Itsellsoilproductslikedieselandgasoline.FirstGen,onthe otherhand,isapowergenerationcompany.Rightnow,ourpreference andfocusisonusingrenewableandenvironment-friendlyfuelslike geothermal,hydro,windandnaturalgasforpowergeneration.” ooOoo “Lopez vs Garcia” was so funny! Pero educational din. More chess articles like that, please.—Jeri Thanksforyourkindwords.SportscontributorRollySolCruz willsurelybeinspiredtocomeupwithmoreenlighteningandeducationalarticlesonhisfavoritesport. ooOoo The Amorsolo exhibit at the Lopez Museum reminded me of the copies of Philippine Readers that we have at home. Would anyone from the museum have any idea how much they’re worth now, just out of curiosity?—Sheena LibrarianMercyServidasays:“ThelasttimeIwenttoOldManila onSeptember2008,theyweresellingthePhilippine Readers Book 5 atP2,000,anditwasnotinperfectcondition.TheLopezMuseum Library has no Philippine Readers Books 1, 3and5.Ifanyonewantsto donateorselltheircopies,pleasecontact631-2425.” If you have questions, comments, opinions, suggestions and reactions about anything and everything about the Lopez Group, please send them to Dear Rosie through email or send text to bayanWIRELESS landline number 02-3820139 (for Globe, add 2963 + 02 +3820139). Macau! Experience vibrant THEREarelotsofthingsyoucandoinMacauwithfriends,colleaguesandfamilymembers other than indulge in the extravagant splendor its world-class casinos offer. Here areafewtipsonhowtogetthemostoutof fourdaysandthreenightsinMacau: Day 1 Arrive in Macau, check in at your hotel, refresh and head for Senado Square along SanMaLo,Macau’smainsquare.Haveyour first taste of Macanese cuisine for lunch at Ristorante Platao or at Restaurante Escada. Spend the afternoon exploring the Historic Centre of Macau. Be amazed by the Ruins ofSt.Paul’s,Macau’smostfamouslandmark. A stone’s throw away is Monte Fort, where fascinatingandinteractiveexhibitsawaityou attheMuseumofMacau.Savorthepleasure of shopping in this free port. By day’s end, pamperyourselfwithaspatreatment. Day 2 Afterbreakfast,hopontoacablecaratthe FloraGardenforashortridetoGuiaHill.Visit thebaroquechapelofOurLadyofGuiaand Guialighthouse,theoldestchapelintheChina Coast. Take in panoramic views of the city andsurroundingseascapefromtheoldcannon platform.Enjoytherestofthemorningatthe GrandPrixMuseumandtheWineMuseum. For lunch, stroll over to the Fisherman’s Wharf,Macau’sfirstthemepark.Capoffthe afternoon with your choice of extreme adventures,includingSkywalkX,Skyjumpand theworld’stallestbungeejumpattheMacau Tower. As day turns to night, revel in the thrillofgreyhoundracingattheCanidrome. Finishofftheeveningbytryingyourluckat the gaming tables and slot machines at the megacasino. Day 3 For an unusual breakfast, join the locals with their birdcages at the Lou Kim leoc TeaHouse.ExploretheislandsofTaipaand Coloane. Visit the A-Ma Cultural Village; enjoyaspinatthe1.2-km.go-kartcircuitof theMacauKartodromo;takehomeboxesof LordsStow’sdelectableeggtarts. Lunch at Litoral Restaurant—all traditionalfavoritesarehere,including,currycrab, curryprawn,Africanchickenandduckrice, ortrytheFeiojada,stewedoxtailandgrilled prawnswithgarlicatALorcha.Afterlunch, head back to Macau Peninsula. The rest of theafternooncanbespentonmoreshopping andexploring.Fordinner,dineatCaféatthe MacauTowerforexcellentbuffetmenus. Day 4 Have a quick shopping trip before headingtotheairport. Travel essentials PatacaistheofficialunitofcurrencyinMacau.Moneychangerscanbefoundnearhotels andalongmajorthoroughfares.Theexchange counterintheairportofferscompetitiverates. Philippine pesos can be changed directly to patacas. Visa is not required for 14 days and maximumonemonthforFilipinotravelers. For more info, get in touch with Jacqui of Griffin Sierra Travel Inc. at 2/F, 38 Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City, tel. no. 898 2451, or (Pauline Cala-or) 1 LopezLink November 2008 What’s new from ABS-CBN Publishing this November By Sheila Quieta Transform your life with ‘Metro’ On Metro’s cover are 10 beautiful women who share how they made changes for thebettermentoftheirlives.LearnfromNikkiGil,MajaSalvador,JessicaWilson, AmandaLapus,PattyLaurel,GraceLee,AndiManzano,GutzeeSegura,JemPerez andAlexiAlunan.Metropresentsitsbiggestgiftissue,withover100giftsuggestions fortheimportantpeopleinyourlife.Ourfashioneditorialsincludecollectionsfrom topnamesindesign:RandyOrtizcelebrates25yearswith“Aspirer,”RajoLaurel mesmerizes with his shapes collection and Tippi Ocampo goes on cruise control. KatrinaGoulbourn-Feisthasyouthservedwithherchristeninggowns. Special holiday issue of ‘K Magazine’ Movies and more in ‘StarStudio’ In the cover feature of K Mag, Kris Aquino shares her journey of self-discoveryandhowshebecameabetterand more spiritual person. She also shares photos and kuwento from the family’s triptoHongKong.Readerswillalsoget to see the entire Aquino family—from formerPresidentCorytobabyJames— inafamilyphotoshotbyJundeLeon. Theissueisalsoasalutetoherlatefather on his birthday month in November. Celebs like Gerald Anderson weigh in with their take on heroism and what NinoyAquinomeanstothem. ROCKWELL POWER PLANT FINDS Readaboutthe“Fab Four”—PioloPascualandAngelLocsinand Read Vhong VhongNavarroandToniGonzaga—whotop-billtwoStarCinema’s “Land Down Under” Under”and“My Only U.”PioloandAngeltalkabout filming filming in Bukidnon, while we discover what makes Vhong and Toniclick.CocoMartinsharesanecdotesdetailingspecialmoments Toni inhiscareer.StarStudioalsohelpsyougetreadyfortheCinemaOne in OriginalsFilmFestival.Sevenfilmswillcompeteforhonorsatthe Originals Cinema One Originals 2008 awards ceremony on November 28. Cinema Celebratethe13thanniversaryofStarRecords,asGaryValenciano Celebrate talksaboutdecisionpointshefacedandhowhedealtwiththem. talks Get the newest issues of your favorite magazines at leading bookstores and magazine stands nationwide. Exclusive to Lopez Group employees within Metro Manila, use your office address and get a full year subscription discount up to 50% off cover price. For inquiries, call ABS-CBN Publishing Inc. at 455-9434. Happy(More Christmas shops are open) By Lisa Gomez Shu Uemura Editorial Advisory Board Executive Editor Contributing Editors Carla Paras-Sison (Benpres) Maite Bueno (Meralco) Estela de la Paz (First Gen) Kane Choa (ABS-CBN) Nicole Carlos (FPHC) Rafael Alunan III (Wellness) Circulation Editorial and Layout Boo Chanco / Danny Gozo Rosan Cruz LOOKINGforsomethingunique,especiallyfortheholidayseason?PowerPlantMall gives shoppers just that—a one-of-a-kind shoppinganddiningexperienceintimefor theholidays! Shu uemura The Shu Uemura boutique in Power Plant houses an atelier room or learning center where VIP clients can have private makeover sessions; here, they will not only get their makeup done, but also their hair as well! Now, you don’t have to worry about having to look for the perfect makeup for those company or family Christmas parties—ShuUemuragiveswomenareasonto splurgeandspoilthemselvesthisseason! Astralis Marlene Ochoa (MNTC) John Rojo (Bayan) Juno Chuidian (SkyCable) Sheila Quieta (ABS-CBN Publishing) Vienn Tionglico (Rockwell) Vanessa Suquila (LGFI) Lucy Torres (Tel. 449-2468) Mousetrap Publishing LopezLink is published by Benpres PR Group 4/F Benpres Bldg., Ortigas, Pasig City Telefax: 633-3520 For feedback, please email Available online at tea with your friends or after-work drinks with your buddies? Astralis is the perfect place!Astralis,runbyDiamondHotel,gives youahotelexperiencewithinamallwithits widerangeoffinefoodandwines.Itsfresh, airy, hotel-like atmosphere will surely set themoodforaperfectlunchordinner. Planet Sports Lulubelle Shakes, ice cream and yogurt—you can never go wrong with these treats! Choose the ingredients or toppings that go into your yogurt or shake, making the sweet treatyourveryown.Notonlyaretheyheavenly,youcanbeassuredthatthey’re100% healthyaswell! With all these stores, there’snodoubtthatthere’salwayssomethingnewinPower PlantMall,wherefashionable Manilashops! Planet Sports Astralis Lookingforaplacewhereyoucandiscuss businessmattersoverlunch,haveafternoon Planet Sports is the perfect one-stop shopforsportswearandsportsgear.Its philosophy, “play+style,” debunks the idea that being sporty means wearing baggy, unfashionable clothes. Planet Sports carries all the brands that give you stylewhileyouplay! Lulubelle
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