Camping Nova Scotia
Camping Nova Scotia
Discover the best c a m p g r o u n d s a n d r v pa r k s i n n ova s c o t i a Brought to you by | 1 Table of Contents 2689 Westville Rd., New Glasgow, NS (902) 752-3164 #4 Highway, Sydney Forks, NS (902) 564-9095 Need Service? 7 Technicians • 7 Fully Equipped Bays 3 Mobile Service Trucks Over 90 Years in Tech Experience Atlantic Canada’s # 1 Motorhome Tech 100’s New & Used RVs in STOCK! Top Brand Names: Keystone; Coachman; Forest River; Breckenridge; Roadtrek and Primetime FUNDY SHORE & ANNAPOLIS VALLEY Belle Baie Park............................................................................8 Fundy Trail Campground & Cottages............................8 Hidden Hilltop Family Campground..............................8 Highbury Gardens Tent & Trailer Park..........................8 Klahanie Kamping Ltd.............................................................8 Land of Evangeline Family Campground ....................8 Plantation Camping Resort.................................................8 Raven Haven Beachside Family Park..............................9 Renfrew Camping.....................................................................9 Ridge Valley Campground....................................................9 Scotia Pine Campround........................................................9 Sherwood Forest Camping Park...................................10 South Mountain Park, Family Camping & RV Resort..........................................................................10 Wide Open Wilderness Family Campground......10 NORTHUMBERLAND SHORE Birchwood Campground and Cabins.........................10 Cranberry Campground...................................................10 HyClass Ocean Campground........................................12 Linwood Harbour Campground...................................12 Seafoam Campground........................................................12 Sunset Watch Family Campground.............................13 The Mermaid & The Cow Campground..................13 Whidden’s Campground & Cottages.........................13 CAPE BRETON ISLAND Ceilidh Trail MacLeod’s Beach Campsite.............................................16 Cabot Trail Adventures East Campground & Cottages............16 Baddeck Cabot Trail Campground...............................16 Hide Away Campground..................................................17 Bras d’Or Lakes Arm of Gold Campground and Trailer Park..........17 Ben Eoin Beach RV Resort & Campground..........17 Fleur de Lis Point of View Suites..............................................................17 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Thursday: 8am to 6pm; Friday: 8am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 1pm 1663 Trans-Canada Hwy 105 Bras d’Or (close to Nfld Ferry) YARMOUTH & ACADIAN SHORES Campers’ Haven Campground......................................18 EASTERN SHORE E & F Webber Lakeside Park & Cottages................19 Murphy’s Camping on the Ocean................................19 Seabreeze Campground & Cottages.........................19 Spry Bay Campground & Cabins..................................20 HALIFAX METRO Halifax West KOA.................................................................20 SOUTH SHORE Fisherman’s Cove RV & Campground.......................21 Hubbards Beach Campground & Cottages............21 Lahave River Campground...............................................21 Little Lake Family Campground.....................................21 Lockeport Cottages & Campground.........................22 Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground.................22 Oakhill Pines Campground .............................................22 Ovens Natural Park.............................................................22 Rayport Campground.........................................................22 Wayside Camping Park......................................................22 TOUR OPERATORS Bird Island Boat Tours..........................................................18 Donelda’s Puffin Boat Tours.............................................18 USEFUL INFO & SERVICES Amenities & Facilities Tables................................ 14 & 15 Camping Select.......................................................................23 Cape Breton Trailer Sales.....................................................3 Fraserway RV..............................................................................5 Jerry’s RV Trailer Sales.........................................................11 Lobster Supper Shore Club.............................................21 Marine Atlantic...........................................................................4 Nova Scotia Map............................................................4 & 5 Park Street Trailer Sales......................................................11 Province of Nova Scotia.......................................................6 Stone’s RV.....................................................................................2 TIANS..........................................................................................11 Fifth wheels, travel trailers, tent trailers & cargo trailers PARTS • SALES • SERVICE Large service bays and a fully-stocked parts and accessories department 902-544-0157 Toll Free: 1-800-352-4419 New Glasgow 1.877.452.6111 Sydney • www. 2 | Campers Guide 2014 | 3 Borden 2 366 Amherst Minudie Joggins 209 Glooscap Trail Eatonville Cape Chignecto Spencers Island N.B. Ferry to Saint John, 217 Sandy Cove ry er Tiverton F Long Island erry Westport F Church Point Upper Clements Smiths Clementsport Cove Bear River Port Maitland Beach Darling Lake Aylesford Greenwood 201 101 Kejimkujik Scenic Drive Kejimkujik Maitland Bridge 1 Morristown 2 1 Newburne Maplewood Greenfield 325 3 Ferry 8 331 103 Shelburne Clyde River Lockeport Summerville Centre Martock Louis Head 330 Cape Sable Island Seaside Adjunct Kejimkujik National Park of Canada 0 Halifax Metro 101 103 Tancook South Rawdon Peggys Cove Lighthouse Route 104 101 South Shore 20 30 km South Shore Dartmouth 7 2 210 6 107 111 322 289 Lawrencetown Eastern Passage Westville Trenton New Glasgow 337 245 4 Pomquet Bayfield 348 Lochaber Upper Musquodoboit Caledonia 7 Sherbrooke Spry Bay Clam Harbour Sheet Harbour Liscomb 7 Marine Drive Halifax Dartmouth St. Marys River 211 Bras d’Or Lake Arichat rry Fe Fleur-de-lis Trail Canso 316 Tor Bay Eastern Shore Supervised Beach Nova Scotia operates a toll-free information and reservation service. For assistance when planning your trip or when you are in Nova Scotia, call 1-800-565-0000. Trunk Highway Provincial Visitor Information Centre Local Road Local Airstrip Look for one of the Visitor Information Centres located on this map. Qualified travel counsellors are waiting to serve your information and reservation needs. Information service is available seasonally on board most ferries to Nova Scotia and at locally operated tourist bureaus. Beach Park with Mixed Facilities Collector Highway Major Airport 24-hour Gas Station (Number per community) Acadian Region Yarmouth & Acadian Shores Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley . fld ,N ues sq Ba uxld. rt-a a, Nf Po genti to Ar Ferry New Waterford Dominion Glace Bay Reserve Mines 22 255 Marconi Trail Mira Gut Beach Scaterie Island Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada Cape Breton Island Atlantic Ocean Trans Canada Highway Provincial Arterial Highway Gabarus Fourchu Point Michaud to Sydney River 247 Isle Madame 28 Louisbourg Bras d’Or Lakes Scenic Drive 320 ry Fer Indian Beach North Sydney Irish Cove 16 Isaacs Harbour Big Pond Sydney Mines Boisdale Westmount Sydney River Sydney Forks 1 327 Marion Ben Eoin Bridge St. Peter’s Louisdale 206 4 162 Bras d’Or 105 Bras d’Or Lakes Scenic Drive Dundee 4 205 Baddeck 223 Cabot Trail Bird Islands ry Fer Englishtown Port Bickerton Ecum Secum Tangier Cape Sambro 344 Little Narrows Iona Grand Narrows Eskasoni Marble Mountain 105 316 224 Musquodoboit Harbour Jeddore Oyster Pond 1 Aulds Port Hastings Cove Mulgrave Boylston Ferry Orangedale Havre Boucher Guysborough 312 1 Whycocomagh Judique Port Hawkesbury Goshen Aspen 374 Indian Brook St. Ann’s Cabot Trail 252 Craigmore Antigonish 104 St. Georges Bay Wreck Cove Margaree Valley Northeast Margaree Lake Ainslie Mabou 19 2 395 Glenville Port Hood Arisaig Melmerby Beach 336 Moose River Gold Mines Martinique Beach 348 Stellarton Cape George 347 Middle Musquodoboit Meaghers Grant 207 Caribou Pictou Upper Stewiacke 224 357 North Preston Porters Lake 7 118 Halifax Metro Scale 1 : 1,100,000 10 4 349 Sambro 277 212 Fall River Lower Sackville 306 The Ovens 1 106 289 Brookfield 2 Ceilidh Trail Ingonish Margaree Forks Inverness Northumberland Shore Pictou Island 376 2 White Point Neils Harbour Cape Smokey East Margaree 219 Ferry 6 311 Stewiacke Shubenacadie Enfield 1 1 4 Herring Cove Broad Cove Urbania 289 1 Elmsdale 1 River John Truro 236 215 214 Sunrise Trail Brule Dingwall St. Joseph du Moine Wood Islands 256 102 14 Mount Uniacke 1 Upper Tantallon 213 326 104 Maitland 202 Halifax White Point Port Joli 3 3 236 Brooklyn New Ross Lunenburg Rissers Beach Port Medway Milton Liverpool Sable River Noel ai t Balmoral Mills Londonderry Kennetcook Bedford St. Beach Chester 329 Margaret’s Oak Island Ferry Bay 1 6 333 Mahone Bay Timberlea Blandford 324 LaHave 103 Birchtown 215 Hantsport Windsor 1 246 Debert 354 Queensland 1 Bridgewater 332 West Pubnico Walton Grand Pré Hubbards 325 Argyle Barrington 341 Kentville Wolfville 1 New Minas 1 New Germany Caledonia 203 Pubnico Minas Basin 14 210 335 Canning Str Malagash Wentworth Tatamagouche 2 nd Wallace 307 4 104 Bass River Economy 208 Lake Rossignol Tusket Ste. Anne du Ruisseau Shag Harbour Berwick Coldbrook 10 340 Clark’s Harbour 101 Blomidon 8 National Park & Yarmouth National Historic Site & Acadian Shores of Canada Wedgeport 221 Five Islands Cape Blomidon 358 359 Lake Paul 1 334 Kingston Halls Harbour 360 12 Carleton Yarmouth 1 1 Margaretsville Weymouth Lake Milo Beach Cape Forchu Middleton Bridgetown Annapolis Royal 362 368 Cape North Cabot’s Landing Cape North Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada Chéticamp rla 321 Williamsdale Parrsboro Cape Split be ay Causew Canso Mavillette Cape St. Mary Mavillette Beach Pinkney's Point Port Royal 2 Port George Comeauville Clare St. Mary’s Bay Meteghan to Portland, Maine Bar Harbor, Maine Delaps Cove 101 Brier Island Hebron Gilbert Cove Digby Evangeline Trail Cape d’Or Harbourville 301 Pleasant Bay Cabot Trail um Pugwash Oxford 321 204 Port Greville 209 Advocate Harbour Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley 104 Springhill 2 rth Heather Beach 6 204 302 Apple River No Northport Nappan 242 River Hebert Meat Cove Bay St. Lawrence 1 M ira New Brunswick Bay of Fundy 16 Tidnish Prince Edward Island e idg Br Northumberland Shore Eastern Shore Cape Breton Island onboard for you Canada’s only National RV dealer specializing in RV Sales, Rentals, Parts and Service 726 Rocky Lake Dr., Bedford, NS • 1-800-263-5558 Locators on this map are approximate. Please refer to listing address and official Scenic Travelways Map produced by the province of Nova Scotia. 1-800-341-7981 4 | Campers Guide 2014 | 5 Fishing Cove, Cape Breton Highlands National Park Welcome to Nova Scotia! Take a deep breath of our fresh salt air and relax, you have arrived and the Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia (COANS) extends our warmest maritime welcome to you! Your best-laid plans are best left behind. Whether you are just beginning to discover the special pleasures of Nova Scotia or are returning again to enjoy one of your favorite vacations, we invite you explore the many facets of our beautiful Province. Camping allows you to become part of the landscapes, seascapes, and culture of the area you choose to venture into, but please be reminded that it is illegal to camp anywhere in Nova Scotia outside a licensed campground. As private campground owners, we are dedicated to providing you with a safe, secure, high quality camping experience. Our members offer a wide variety of settings for your stay; do you prefer an oceanfront park or a secluded forest site? Looking for a very remote location, or perhaps a park offering you convenient access to our capital city of Halifax? We are blessed with an abundance of licensed, inspected and rated campgrounds - insuring that you will always be able to find a comfortable location for a night, a week, or a season! The Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia strives to offer you a selection of parks with high quality facilities and services, and in doing so we support regulations that guarantee the same. We ask that you abide by the regulations and stay with people who are in the business of making your vacation safe, enjoyable, and all that you imagined it could be. Nova Scotia is a dream vacation, and we at COANS will do all we can to make your dreams come true! Sincerely Yours in Camping; COANS Board of Directors 1-800-565-0000 6 | Campers Guide 2014 | 7 F U N DY S H O R E & A N N A P O L I S VA L L E Y Belle Baie Park ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Church Point May 2 - Sep 22 Tel: 902-769-3160 Fax: 902-769-0065 Fundy Trail Campground & Cottages ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Delap’s Cove May 15 – Sep 30 playground, hiking trails, Member; COANS, TIANS, Rates STC $33-43 (4p), XP $5; 48 hr CXL policy. VS,MC,DD Marvin Barfoot 121 New Canaan Road RR #3, Kentville, NS B4N 4K1 Tel: 902-678-8011 Fax: 902-678-6018 Klahanie Kamping Ltd. ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Aylesford May 15 – Oct 15 Tel: 902-532-7711 Toll Free: 1-877-519-CAMP Hidden Hilltop Family Campground Tel: 902-847-9316 Toll Free: 1-888-765-8857 ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫∫[R] Fax: 902-847-0093 Glenholme May 11 – Oct 16 Land of Evangeline Family Campground Hwy 104, Exit 11 to Route 4, 3km (2 mi) west. 95 overnight sites (E(20/30-amp),W, Se, U; 14 pull-through) + 108 seasonal. Open campground. Showers, DS, wood, ice, camping supplies, and Laundromat. Large pool with slide; soap slide; wagon rides; WiFi hotspot in rec hall, available at site for a fee, planned activities for adults and children; mini golf on site; large modern rec hall and canteen. Member: COANS, CNTA. Rates; STC $25-35; 48 hour CXL policy, VS,MC.DD. First night payable at time of booking, $5 cancellation fee. Jim and Patricia Yorke Box 1131, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5H1 902.662.3391 Toll Free 1.866.662.3391 Highbury Gardens Tent & Trailer Park ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫[R] Kentville May 15 – Oct 15 Hwy 101, Exit 12, 1 km (.5 mi) south of Kentville and New Minas. 74 overnight sites (E,W,Se,U) + 26 seasonal. 50 amp available. Wooded campground, FT, washrooms, pay showers, Laundromat, ice, wood, camp store, wireless Internet access, pay phone, pool, 2600 Hwy 4 Glenholme, Box 1131, Truro NS T 902.662.3391 TF 1.866.662.3391 ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Grand Pré May 01 – Oct 01 84 Evangeline Beach, Kings Co., Hwy 101, Exit 10 to Grand Pré; follow signs to Evangeline Beach; 2 km from National Historic Site. Open wooded campground near beach; panoramic view, spectacular sunsets. FT, washrooms, pay showers, DS, laundromat, firepits, wood, ice, campers store. Pool, arcade, 130 overnight sites (90 EW, 75 Se, 30 U; 30amp and 50-amp, pull-throughs) 130 seasonal, Rates STC $32-43; 48-hr CXL policy. VS, MC. 18 Grandview Drive, Wolfville, NS B4P 1W4 Tel: 902-542-5309 O/S: 902-542-4256 Fax: 902-542-1138 Plantation Campground ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫[R] Berwick May 15 – Oct 15 Exit 15 off Hwy 101 at Berwick, turn north on Hwy #360, first right and follow our signs. 260 sites (70 overnight E, W, Se, U) many Extra Large Open & Shaded Sites, 15, 30 & 50 Amp sites, No Voltage Drop, WiFi, Food Service, Escort to Site, Exercise Room, Golf Packages, Campstore, Movie Rentals, Wood, Ice, Propane (weight & volume), FT, Pay Showers, Laundromat, Wagon Rides, Arcade, Extra Large Supervised Pool, Beach Volleyball. Rates: STC $32 Unserviced to $40.00 for 50 Amp, Cabin $115.00. DD, VS, MC, COANS, TIANS. Lindsay Reagh 210 West Steadmen Road RR#5, Berwick, NS B0P 1E0 Tel: 902-538-8888 Toll Free: 1-888-363-8882 Fax: 902-538-7986 Raven Haven Beachside Family Park ∫∫[F] ∫Ω[R] Annapolis Royal Jun 5 – Sep 2 Hwy 101, Exit 22 to Rte 8 to South Milford, right on Virginia Rd, 2 km (1.5 mi). Wooded & open campground on Lake Sandy Bottom. FT, shower, canteen, groceries, changerooms. Playground, supervised lake swimming, beach volleyball, canoe, kayak & pedal boat rentals, boat launch, group picnic area, firepits, hostel and rustic cabins. 11 W sites (4 E) 4 U. Open Jun 8 - Sep 5. Rates STC $20 minimum. VS. Municipality of County of Annapolis Recreation Services 2239 Virginia Road, West Springhill, Box 100 Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0 Tel: 902-532-7320 O/S: 902-532-2334 Fax: 902-532-2096 Renfrew Camping ∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫[R] Nine Mile River May 18 – Sept Tel: 902-883-1681 O/S: 902-883-1315 Fax: 902-883-1315 RIDGE VALLEY CAMPGROUND ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Hillgrove May 17 - Oct 13 Tel: 902-245-5600 SCOTIA PINE CAMPGROUND ∫∫∫[F] ∫Ω[R] Brookfield May 15 - Oct 15 Tel: 902-830-6466 Toll Free: 1-877-893-3666 Fax: 902-897-1969 CODES FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member Land of Evangeline Family Camping Resort at Evangeline Beach, Kings County, NS Route 101, Exit 10 to Grand Pré 35 Acres • 3-way Hookup Sites • Electrical and water sites • Pull thrus • Treed lots • Open areas Tel 1-902-542-5309 Toll Free 1-800-565-0000 Fax 1-902-542-1138 8 | Campers Guide 2014 | 9 F U N DY S H O R E & A N N A P O L I S VA L L E Y Sherwood Forest Camping Park Coldbrook May 15 – Sep 30 Hwy 101, Exit 14 to Rte 1, 1.5 km (1 mi) west of Coldbrook interchange. Open wooded campground; acres of forest and fields. FT, washrooms, showers, DS, laundromat, wood, ice, camp store. Two pools (one deep restricted access, one supervised), pond. Fishing, play areas, recreation hall, dances, hayrides, bingo, arcade, horseshoes, basketball court, mini putt, driving range and wireless internet. 223 sites. Thane & Kaye Shaw PO Box 38, Coldbrook, Kings Co., NS B4R 1B6 Tel: 902-679-6632 Toll Free: 1-888-679-6632 Fax: 902-679-0937 South Mountain Park, Family Camping & RV Resort INC. ∫∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫∫∫[R] Kentville May 15 – Oct 15 activities and comfort at our newly renovated facilities. Heated resort pool, loungers, wading pool, first-class bathrooms, laundry, rec-hall, arcade, store, JR/SR playgrounds, tennis, paddleboats, jumping bouncer & 100’ water-slide, daily activites, wagon rides, bike rentals, bike park, beach volleyball, par 3 golf hole, hiking trails, adjoining lake for fishing, kayaking. Rates STC $35 and up. Mary Idiens & Todd Faragher PO Box 753, Kentville, NS B4N 3X9 Tel: 902-678-0152 Toll Free: 1-866-860-6092 WIDE OPEN WILDERNESS FAMILY CAMPGROUND Open: Mon to Fri 8 to 5 Sat 8 to 12:30 7006 Hwy #1 Coldbrook, NS Tel 902-678-8678 Toll Free 1-800-567-9070 Fax 902-679-2772 ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Urbania May 17 – Oct 7 Tel 902-261-2228 O/S 902-261-2768 Toll free1-888-811-2267 Hwy 101, Exit 13 onto Hwy 12, 9 km south. Surround yourself with nature, amenities, Designed for Compact Cars, Vans & SUVs Weight from 550 - 3450 lbs • RV Parts and Accessories • Factory Trained Service • Licensed RV Propane Technicians N O RT H U M B E R L A N D S H O R E Birchwood Campground and Cabins ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Pictou May 17 – Oct 13 Hwy 104, exit 19 to hwy 4 to Rte 376 or Exit 22 to Pictou Rotary (15km), Lyons Brook exit from Rotary (4km). 46 overnight sites (E,W,Se,U) + 26 seasonal; 3 cabins, 3 onsite trailer rentals. Open and wooded family campground. FT, pay shower, DS, pay phone, WiFi, ice, wood, firepits, Group Shelter. Pool, playground, horseshoes, volleyball, basketball, organized activities. Reservations accepted. Members of COANS, TIANS, Rate STC $2535, 48 hr CXL policy Look for the sign of quality! Roger and Elaine O’Donnell, 2521 Hwy 376, Lyons Brook, N.S. B0K 1H0 Tel: 902-485-8565 Fax: 902-382-3565 Toll Free: 1-888-485-8565 CRANBERRY CAMPGROUND ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Lower Barneys River May 17 - Sep 30 Tel 902-926-2571 Fax 902.396-1810 The Nova Scotia Approved - Quality First Program was developed to ensure you receive clean and comfortable accommodations while visiting Nova Scotia. For a quality campground experience visit 10 | Campers Guide 2014 | 11 N O RT H U M B E R L A N D S H O R E HYCLASS ocean campground ∫∫∫[F] ∫Ω[R] Havre Boucher May 23 – Sep 30 • 51 Serviced Sites • 24 Unserviced Sites • Cottage/Sleeping Cabins • RV Rental 11373 Route #4, RR #2, Havre Boucher NS B0H 1P0 Toll Free 1.866.892.3117 15 mins. from Canso Causeway the Gateway to Cape Breton • 30 Serviced Sites • 10 Unserviced Sites • 30 and 50 amp hook ups • Sites with Harbour view 11089 HWY 4, Linwood, NS, BOH 1P0 Toll Free 1-866-661-9145 Hwy 104, Exit 37 or 38 to Hwy 4. 60 overnight sites (E,W,Se,U0) 2 camp cabins, 1 cottage, 1 RV rental + 15 seasonal. Open and wooded campground, pull-through sites; 550m (1800 ft) oceanfront. FT,DS, pay showers, laundromat, camp store, free Wi-Fi, pay phone, ice, fire rings. Ocean swimming, play area, horseshoes, bocce, dock; canoe, kayak rental, movie rentals. Member of COANS Camping Select. Rates SCT $25-40 XP 2; Cabin $59-69; Cottage $99; 48hr CXL policy, off season rates available. Mike Heath 11373 Hwy 4, Box 107 Havre Boucher, N.S. B0H 1P0 Tel 902-232-3117 Fax 902.232.2559 Linwood Harbour Campground ∫∫Ω[F] ∫Ω[R] Linwood May – September Hwy 104, Exit 37, left on Hwy 4, 5.5 km OR Exit 38, left on Hwy 4, 7.5 km. 40 overnight sites (E (30 & 50amp),W,Se,U); 2-way and pull-throughs available. Open and wooded campground; extra-large oceanview sites. FT, pay showers, laundromat, Wi-Fi, ice, fireplaces, wood, book exchange. Walking trail to ocean, fishing, beach swimming within 5 km. Member of COANS, TIANS, Good Sam and Camping Select. Rates STC 48hr CXL policy CODES FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member PF, XP $3. VS, MC, AE, DD. Greg Farrell PO Box 1744, Antigonish, NS B2G 2M5 Tel: 902-863-3736 Fax: 902-863-0110 Sunset Watch Family Campground ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Brule Point May 20 – Oct 2 Tel: 902-657-0009 Fax: 902-843-2961 THE MERMAID & THE COW CAMPGROUND West Branch May 16 – Sept 15 Tel: 902-657-0009 Fax: 902-843-2961 Whidden’s Campground & Cottages ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Antigonish May 15 – Oct 15 Hwy 104, Exit 32 to downtown. At the west end of Main St, corner of Hawthorne St, driveway on left. Open & shaded sites on Brierly Brook. FT, pay showers, washrooms, DS, laundromat, pay phones, fireplaces, wood, ice, cable. Pools, BBQ (rental), playgrounds, rec hall, outside games. Near St.F.X University, Golf & Theatre. 154 overnight sites (142 EW, 99 Se, 12 U, 60 seasonal). Rates STC $34-$40 Tory Andrews 11089 Hwy 4, Linwood, NS B0H 1P0 Tel 902-870-0000 866-661-9145 (Toll free) Seafoam Campground ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Seafoam May 11 – Oct 01 Rte 6, 22 km (14 mi) West of Pictou, 24 km (15 mi) East of Tatamagouche. 130 sites. Family camping. Open campground on ocean, WiFi, showers, wheelchair-accessible washroom and laundry room. Swimming, horsehoes, baseball, volleyball, basketball, 2 hole chip and putt golf, arcade, playground. 107 EW sites (83 Se), 23 U. 5pm CXL policy. Rates STC $30 & up. VS, MC. David Tattrie/Kim Shand 3493 Hwy 6, Seafoam, NS B0K 1N0 Tel: 902-351-3122 Fax: 902-351-3122 www. 10 minutes from Cape Breton, home of the famous Cabot Trail 12 | Campers Guide 2014 | 13 t to change ) Games Ro Rec Hall om • Ad & Edit . Page Rate Rang e (subjec Mini Golf 5 km Within Convenie Canteen nce • Planned Activities Swimmin g Fishing W 5 km ithin Playgroun d e Site Internet Connectio n/WiFi Cable/Sate llite Telephon l Boat Ren ta H o t Sh o w ers Access Laundry Disabled Sites Pull-Thru Max Amp erage Seasonal Water On ly) (Electricity , Water & Sewer) 3-Way (Electricity & G = Game H = Rec Hall F = Free $ = Charge 2-Way P = Pool L = Lake R = River O = Ocean Total Ove Sites rnight Unservice d Campgrounds & RV Parks CODES Adventures East Campground 85 10 45 30 0 50 A 3 3 F3 3 3 3 Arm of Gold Campground 140 20 0 120 0 50 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 Baddeck Cabot Trail Campground 175 61 50 59 51 50 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 Belle Baie Park 152 6 0 150 100 30 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3PH $20-$43 3 $ 3 $30-$40 Ben Eoin Beach Campground 35 10 200 175 50 A 3 3 Birchwood Campground 72 16 34 26 30 A 3 3 Campers’ Haven Campground 200 40 50 95 80 50 A 3 3 Cranberry Campground 34 10 14 10 60 50 A 3 E & F Webber Lakeside Resort 65 14 4 47 33 30 A 3 3 Fisherman’s Cove RV & Campground 24 9 15 0 5 30 A 3 3 22 3 3 P GH 16$28.95-$35.95 17 $29 & up PG16 $26-$69 3 3 3 3 3 L GH17 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 P10 $25-$35 3 F 3 3 3 3 F3 3 3 3 3 P/OGH 10 3 F 3 3 3 3 L H19 3 F3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P/L O GH18 G $24-$45 $23-$40 21 $27-$53 $35-$38 Fundy Trail Campground & Cottages 73 20 20 23 20 30 A 3 3 3 $3 3 3 3 3 P/OGH 8 $22-$30 Halifax West KOA 112 20 70 22 0 50 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 PG20 $25-$45 Hidden Hilltop Family Campground 210 19 40 151 109 30 A 3 3 3 PGH 8 $23-$35 Hide Away Campground 37 27 10 0 0 30 A 3 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 O H 17 $18.50 + up Highbury Gardens Tent & Trailer Park 100 20 47 12 26 50 A 3 $3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PG 8 Hubbards Beach Campground 129 0 0 129 75 30 A 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3OH21 Hyclass Ocean Campground 75 15 35 20 20 30 A 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 O 12 $33-$43 $32-$40 $25-$40 Klahanie Kamping Ltd. 150 45 25 80 70 30 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PH 8 $27-$36 Lahave River Campground 93 10 83 0 45 30 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 R GH21&22 $25-$75 Land of Evangeline Campground 95 15 21 15 140 50 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Linwood Harbour Campground 40 10 10 20 5 50 A 3 3 3 $3 3 3 Little Lake Family Campground 100 0 30 5 65 50 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 PGH Lockeport Cottages & Campground 40 74 0 16 4 50 A 3 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground 55 10 23 22 0 30 A F 3 22 $26-$38 MacLeod’s Beach Campsite 126 75 10 41 35 30 A 3 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 Murphy’s Camping on the Ocean 40 20 20 0 10 30 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OH19 $24-$34 3 $ 3 3 P 3 POGH 8 P 12 OGH16 $35-$38 $25-$35 $30-$34 Oakhill Pines Campground 145 15 88 40 64 30 A 3 3 3 3 3 160 87 42 30 35 30 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 Plantation Camping Resort 260 12 28 20 200 50 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 PGH 9 $32-$42 Point of View Suites & RV Park 25 0 0 25 0 50 A 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 O $26-$35 Raven Haven Beachside Family Park 15 11 4 0 0 30 A $ 3 3 3 L 9 STC $20-$24 Rayport Campground 70 10 60 30 50 A 3 3 F 3 3 3 3 3 P G $28-$36 Renfrew Camping 193 39 54 45 30 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 PR G $28-$33 92 22 $22-$37 Ovens Natural Park 3 G $32-$43 $25 + up PO 22 $25-$65 9 Ridge Valley Campground 50 A 3333 PR Scotia Pine Campground 120 60 10 50 30 50 A 3 3 $ Seabreeze Campground & Cottages 74 25 21 28 8 30 A 3 3 3 $ Seafoam Campground 134 32 38 39 70 30 A 3 3 3 $3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3PR R 3 3 3 3 3 3 3O R 19 3 3 3 3 O GH 12&13 $30-$24 $25-$35 $30 + up Sherwood Forest Camping Park 223 2 31 10 180 30 A 3 3 $3 3 3 3 3 3 PGH10 $29-$35 South Mountain Park, Camping & RV 200 15 22 175 100 30 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 P GH 10 $35 + up 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P GH 20 $23 & up F 3 3 3 3 F3 3 3 3 Spry Bay Campground & Cabins 41 18 23 0 1 50 A 3 Sunset Watch Family Campground 84 12 26 49 35 30 A 3 The Mermaid & The Cow Campground 35 25 10 0 0 20 A 3 Wayside Camping Park 150 25 25 100 40 50 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 33O 22&23$25-$30 Whidden’s Campground & Cottages 154 12 43 99 60 30 A 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 Wide Open Wilderness Family Campground 218 29 84 88 150 30A 3 3 $ 3 3 3 14 | Campers Guide 2014 3 OGH13 PGH 3 PGH13 3 3 P GH $25-$35 $30-$40 $39 $27-39 | 15 C A P E B R E TO N I S L A N D Rated one of the top five North American campsites (London Free Press, ON) BEACH CAMPSITE Located on a sandy beach Ocean temperatures to 70°F Hwy 105, 8 km west of Baddeck 45 mins. from Newfoundland Ferry 1 866 404 4199 Camping Cabins • Licensed Restaurant Free WiFi • Pets are Welcome Centrally located to Explore the Island On the coastal route to Cabot Trail, full hook-ups, 15&30 amp service, wheelchair accessible washrooms, laundry, rec room & playground RR#1, Inverness, NS B0E 1N0 1-902-258-2433 Ceilidh Trail MacLeod’s Beach Campsite Dunvegan Jun 10 – Oct 1 Rte 19, 10 km (6 mi) north of Inverness, 10 km (6 mi) from Cabot Trail. Extraordinary view from all sites. Open and sheltered tent sites. New washrooms, FT, PT, DS, showers, wood, firepits, store, laundromat, games room. Ocean and freshwater stream on sandy beach. 126 overnight sites (51 EW (15 30 amp, 41 Se, 75 U) 24 seasonal STC $30-$34 VS.MC.DD. Wireless internet available. Alistair MacLeod Dunvegan, NS B0E 1N0 Tel: 902-258-2433 Fax: 902-258-2653 Surround Yourself with Good Times... “A quiet setting, at the very beginning of the Cabot Trail” ADVENTURES EAST Cabot Trail Adventures East Campground & Cottages ∫∫∫[F] ∫[R] Baddeck May 31 - Oct 20 ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫[R] Ben Eoin Jun 12 – Sep 19 Tel: 902-383-2116 O/S: 902-383-2701 40 mins. from Nfld. ferry. 85 overnight sites, (E (30 & 50 amp) W, Se U) Quiet family campground: open & wooded sites, FT, heated washrooms, showers, laundromat, firepits, wood supplies, pay phones, free WiFi, modem, large pool and sun deck, public boat launch, playground, horseshoes, planned activities, campfire singalongs, adventure tours arranged, 3 housekeeping cottages. GTD $28.95-$35.95. 24 hr CXL policy. VS,MC,AE,DD. Gary Roberts 9585 Hwy 105, Box 373, Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0 GPS N46 5.286 W60 51.436 Tel: 902-295-2417 Toll Free: 1-800-507-2228 Baddeck Cabot Trail Campground ∫∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Baddeck May 15 – Oct 15 CAMPGROUND & COTTAGES • 1 & 2 Bedroom Housekeeping Log Cottages with Satellite TV • Large, Level RV & Tent Sites • 2 & 3-way Hookups • 30 & 50 A • Playground • Pool & Sundeck • Heated Washrooms • Laundry • 40 Mins. to Nfld. Ferry • Free WiFi Ben Eoin Beach RV Resort & Campground Hide Away Campground Dingwall June 1 – Oct 15 Hwy 105, 8 km west of Baddeck, 45 min from Nfld ferry. Campground on river. FT, heated washrooms, free showers, laundromat, DS, wood, groceries, camping RV supplies, gift shop. Heated pool, playground, games room; free wifi. Canoe rental, beach, floating dock. Nfld storage. Licensed rest 175 overnight sites (111 EW (30/50 amp), 51 Se, 57 U; 2- 3-way hookups; pull-throughs available) 6 camping cabins STC $62-$69. VS.MC.DD. Schlemmer Family - PO Box 417, Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0 Tel: 902-295-2288 Toll Free: 1-866-404-4199 Fax: 902-295-2288 Bras d’Or Lakes Arm of Gold Campground and Trailer Park ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫[R] Little Bras d’Or Jun 01 – Oct 01 Hwy 105, Exit 18 George’s River, 5 km (3 mi) from Nfld ferry. Open campground overlooking Bras d’Or Lakes. FT, pay showers, free WiFi/satellite friendly, play area, laundromat, exercise room, games room, rec. hall, eating shelter and tent sites. 140 sites (30/50 amp service), 120 serviced sites, 20 unserviced. Closest campground to the NFLD ferry (3 miles). Overnight accommodations is our speciality. Open June 1 to October 15. Rates STC. $29 minimum. RV storage while in Nfld. Camping cabins. John Brennick 24 Church Road, Bras d’Or, NS B1Y 2Y2 Tel: 902-736-6516 Toll Free: 1-866-736-6516 Fax: 902-736-6671 • Ben Eoin Beach RV Resort & Campground invites you to camp with us on the shores of the beautiful Bras d’Or Lakes. You will slowly awake to an amazing day at our park with sun and fun. You will linger over your morning coffee and enjoy the antics of our bald eagle family frolicking overhead and fishing for breakfast for the eaglets. Experience a sunset like no other while preparing your beachside campfire for your family and friends. We offer the complete camping package for your travelling and staying vacation. Find all you need to know to make your visit with us happen @ Come camp with us! 6140 Highway 4, Ben Eoin, Cape Breton, NS B1S 1E9 Tel: 902-828-3100 FLEUR de LIS Trail POINT OF view Suites & rv park ∫∫Ω[F] ∫[R] Louisbourg May 15 – Oct 15 Tel: 902-733-2080 Closest Campground to Newfoundland Ferry CODES 9585 HIGHWAY 105 (TCH) JUST EAST OF EXIT 7 • 10 KM WEST OF BADDECK (902) 295-2417 ~ 1-800-507-2228 16 | Campers Guide 2014 FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member Toll Free 1-866-736-6516 | 17 C A P E B R E TO N I S L A N D H A L I FA X M E T R O EASTERN SHORE T O U R O P E R AT O R S 230 Fox Island Main Rd., Canso NS 902-366-2352 Open May 15 to October 15 A small quiet campground by the sea, in the center of Cape Breton Island for easy day trips to attractions and a boat tour on site to see puffins. Mountain Vista Seaside Campground 4 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Big Bras d’Or, 800-661-6680 Bird Island Boat Tours in operation; experienced captain. Also cottages, campground, gift shop. Reservations recommended. Adult $38, Child $17 (ages 7-12), Infant free (ages 0-6). Discounts available for Advanced Booking, Seniors, AAA/CAA and Groups. Big Bras d’Or May 12 - Sept 25 Daily tours to see puffins, other seabirds, seals & eagles. Educational, uniquely narrated 2 3/4 hr tours (1 1/2 hours at islands viewing nature). Rain or shine in new covered boat; most windows removable for glass-free photography. Puffins guaranteed until mid-Aug, seals until mid-Sep. 41st year Vincent and Sheila Van Schaick 1672 Old Rte 5, Big Bras d’Or, N.S.B1X 1B1 Tel 902-674-2384 Toll Free 800-661-6680 See the Atlantic Puffin other sea birds, Bald Eagles and Grey Seals. Cabot Trail’s only Bird Island boat tour. Over 80 Excellent Reviews A full 2.5 hour bird watching experience looking at species that nest on the mainland and then lots of seabirds at the Islands! Donelda Narrates all tours. Englishtown, Exit 12 off TCH 105 donelda’s puffin boat tours Tel: 902-742-4848 Fax: 902-742-8904 18 | Campers Guide 2014 At Upper Lakeville, 61 km, (38mi) east of Dartmouth, 4km, (2.5mi) off Rte 7. Beautiful wooded campground on the shore of Lake Charlotte. New modern & clean washrooms with FT & free showers & coin laundry. Limited groceries & supplies, pay phone, wireless network, wood & ice available. Lake swimming & boating marina facilities. Limited free boat use with your registration & additional boat rentals. Rec hall with activities on selected weekends. One large housekeeping cottage & 2 new camping cabins. 51 EW sites, 47 Full Hookup, 15 unserviced. Open May 11 - Oct 11. Rates STC: $27-$40. Off season rates available. Reservations accepted, 24 hr. CXL policy. V. MC. Amex, Debit. Tel: 902-772-2700 Seabreeze Campground & Cottages ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Murphy’s Cove May 15 – Oct 15 Robin Webber 738 Upper Lakeville Rd., RR #2 Oyster Pond, NS B0J 1W0 tel/fax 902 845 2340 toll free 800 589 2282 opening for veiwing and picture taking from the comfort of your seat and washroom on board. Reservations recommended. Gift shop. Member: NSATA and CAA. VS, MC, DD. We price match (CAA/AAA Discount). GPS: N46 15.57 - W60 32.387 Open May 6 - Mid-Sept 1099 Hwy 312, Englishtown, NS B0C 1H0 902-929-2563 TollFree 1-877-2PUFFIN CODES FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water ∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Fox Island May 15 – Oct 15 Near Canso Town. Open wooded camping RV park on Chedabucto Bay. 4 housekeeping cottages with satellite TV. Washrooms, pay showers, laundromat, groceries, wood, ice, pay phone, free WiFi, lobster pound. Beach swimming, canoe rentals, saltwater fishing, playground, horseshoes. Site of transatlantic cable landing. 28 (30 amp/w,e,s) 21 (w,e) 25 unservices tents sites, 74 total sites. 8 seasonal STC $25-35. VS, MC, 48 hr CXL policy. Ann Marie Rhynold 230 Fox Island Road, PO Box 501, Canso, NS B0H 1H0 Tel: 902-366-2352 O/S: 902-366-2206 Toll Free: 1-866-771-2267 Fax: 902-366-2959 book online YA R M O U T H & A C A D I A N S H O R E S ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫∫ [R] Arcadia May 18 – Oct 01 Murphy’s camping on the Ocean ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫∫[R] Oyster Pond May 11 – Oct 11 TF 1-877- 2 PUFFIN Englishtown, Exit 12 off TCH 105. Closest Bird Island Tour to Baddeck and Ingonish. Find out why thousands of visitors have said that we were the highlight of their trip to NS and why our tour has over 80 excellent reviews on Trip Advisor! Donelda narrates the 2.5 Bird Island tour to puffins, other seabirds, eagles and seals (in July and Aug daily at 10am, 1:00 & 4:30pm; O/S call for sailing times). Covered boat with all side windows CAMPERS’ HAVEN CAMPGROUND E & F Webber Lakeside RESORT CODES SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member Upper Lakeville, Marine Drive, NS Tel: 902-845-2340 Toll Free: 1-800-589-2282 Fax: 902-845-2340 • Complete 3-way Hookups Free Hot Showers New Washrooms Fireplaces and Firewood Ice Laundry Room Boat Launch Boat Rentals Playground Pay Telephone Recreation Hall | 19 H A L I FA X M E T R O EASTERN SHORE Spry Bay Campground & Cabins ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Spry Bay May 1 – Oct 27 Spry Bay Campground & Cabins consists of 50 campsites; 31 are 2-way sites, 19 are beautiful, spacious tent sites plus 2 rustic camper’s cabins. The shower house offers acrylic stalls and flush toilets. The pool is crystal clear and waiting… A dump station is available on site. We are not only a campground operation; we offer a range of services through our convenience store, our PIZZERIA, a Laundromat and two 1 bedroom suites which are all part of the joys of being a guest at Spry Bay Campground & Cabins. Come and enjoy our hospitality, services and clean premises while you explore the dynamic culture, history and sights of the area. Let us help you explore our Shore and, by night, enjoy the calm atmosphere by a camp fire! Only 1-1/2 km down the road is Taylor Head Provincial Park where you’ll discover three beautiful sandy beaches; trails which will take you on an adventure for a day or a few hours leading you through forest & rocky coastline. Avelene Osmond & Danielle Langevin 19867 Hwy 7, Spry Bay, NS Tel: 902-772-2554 Toll Free: 1-866-229-8014 www. SOUTH SHORE Fisherman’s Cove RV & Campground ∫∫Ω[F] ∫[R] Hunts Point May 01 – Oct 31 Tel: 902-683-2772 Fax: 902-683-2425 Hubbards Beach Campground & Cottages ∫∫∫[F] ∫∫[R] Hubbards May 15 – Oct 01 1/2 hour from Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Lunenburg. From Hwy 103, Exit 6 to Rte 3, 2.5 km (1.5 mi) east (follow signs around cove). Open & shaded campground. Washrooms, pay showers, DS (fee), laundromat, wood, camping supplies, canteen, WiFi, computer hook-up, pay phones. Lobster supper. Ocean swimming, white sandy beach, charter boat, horseshoes, playground, hiking. Reservations. 66 overnight E.W.S 2 water only. Rates STC $32 minimum. VS, MC. Clyde Harnish 226 Shore Club Road, Hubbards, NS B0J 1T0 Tel: 902-857-9460 Fax: 902-857-3949 lahave river campground HALIFAX WEST KOA (888) 562-4705 3070 Sackville Drive, Upper Sackville Email : Web: Directions: Exit 4B off 102, west 10 mins on Hwy 1, Exit 3 right 2km Halifax West KOA ∫∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫[R] Upper Sackville May 1 – Oct 31 Hwy 102, Exit 4B, west on Hwy 101, Exit 3 to Rte 1, right 2 km. Central for day trips to Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Fundy Shore. Open & wooded campground; river frontage. FT, 20 | Campers Guide 2014 Kamping Kabins 24 hour security Big Rig friendly Drive Thrus 50 amp sites Pool • Laundry Free Wifi Satellite access Full service sites Free hot showers Camp fires permitted Canoe and fun cycle rentals Both wooded and open sites 25 mins to Downtown Halifax 40 mins to Peggy’s Cove showers, laundromat, DS, groceries, ice, fire pits, wood, pay phone, free modem access. Pool, games room, boating, playground. Good Sam. 90 sites (19 EWSe (pull-throughs, 50-amp available), 69 EW, 2 U); Kamping Kabins. Rates STC $25 minimum. MC,VS,DD. 3070 Highway 1, Upper Sackville, NS B4E 3C9 Tel: 902-865-4342 Toll Free: 1-888-562-4705 Fax: 902-865-7157 GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member On LaHave River. From Hwy 103, Exit 11, 25 km north towards Annapolis Valley. Our open and wooded campground features 40 overnight sites with electrical and water hook-ups, as well as 38 seasonal sites. We also have 7 slumber huts with electrical and water hook-up, deck and fire pit. Guest amenities include flush and pit toilets, showers, a disposal station, fire pits, wood, laundry, shelter, camp store, and a pay phone. Outdoor activities include mini-golf, outdoor bowling, a playground, horseshoes, river swimming, and shuffleboard. Pets are welcome. Visa, MasterCard and Debit are accepted. Cancellation policy: Must cancel 24 hours prior to the day of arrival. Luc and Angela Doiron 1781 Newburne Rd., Newburne, Lunenburg, NS Tel: 902-644-2654 Little Lake Family Campground ∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫[R] Lunenburg Apr 15 – Oct 15 ∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫[R] Lahave May 15 – Oct 15 H A L I FA X M E T R O CODES FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced Tel: 902-634-4308 Fax: 902-543-2616 THE ORIGINAL NOVA SCOTIA Lobster Supper Since 1936 All you can eat salad bar, unlimited fresh cultivated mussels, lobster, potato salad, dessert and coffee or tea Steak, chicken and kid’s menu available Shore Club, Hubbards Reservations 857-9555 OPEN - May 12 - Oct. 13 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Sun. Hours: 4:00 - 8:00 Lunenburg Hubbards Exit 6 Rte. 103 Halifax 3 km Chester Rte. 3 Hubbards Cove Peggy’s Cove Shore Club • 30 amp full service sites • Beautiful white sand beach on the ocean Your headquarters when visiting Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Mahone Bay & Lunenburg • Charming cottages • Lobster suppers (Nova Scotia’s Beautiful South Shore) • Shopping and restaurants nearby 902-857-9460 • • WiFi | 21 SOUTH SHORE Centrally Located Halifax - Peggy’s Cove - Lunenburg 150 Sites • 125 RV Sites • 25 Tent Sites 30 & 50 Amp Electricity • Laundromat • Hot Showers Big Rig Friendly • Free Wifi & Dial-up Internet Lahave River, Newburne 902-644-2654 Exit 5 from Hwy 103, to Hwy #3, to Hwy #333 at Glen Margaret, Hwy #333 leads to Peggy’s Cove Ph: 1-902-823-2547 or 1-902-823-2271 Fax: 1-902-823-1119 Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature along the Lahave River! CODES FT Flush Toilets DS Dumping Station STC Subject to Change EW Electricity & Water SeSewer UUnserviced GTDGuaranteed CXL Cancellation Policy VSVisa MCMasterCard DD Direct Debit Check In Member Lockeport Cottages & Campground ∫∫Ω[F] ∫Ω[R] Lockeport May 24 – Sep 30 Tel: 902-656-2876 Fax: 902-656-2763 Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground Oakhill Pines Campground ∫∫Ω[F] ∫∫∫[R] Bridgewater May 15 – Oct 01 From Hwy 103, Exit 12 into Bridgewater, left on Rte 325 to Oakhill Rd, right 1 km (0.5 mi); or from Rte 3 in Dayspring turn on Oakhill Rd, 1.5 km (1 mi). Open wooded campground. FT, pay showers, washrooms, DS, laundromat, pay phone, firepits, store, pool. Pull through 103 overnight sites (88 EW (15/30 amp), 60 Se, 15 U) 64 seasonal STD $25 minimum. Rental cabins available (VS, MC). RR #7, 388 Oakhill Road, Bridgewater, NS B4V 3J5 Tel: 902-543-2885 Ovens Natural Park ∫∫[F] Lunenburg May – Oct Riverport May – Oct From Hwy 103, Exit 11. Open campground adjacent to Visitor Information Centre. Scenic views of both front and back harbours. Easy walking distance of historic downtown Lunenburg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. FT, showers, DS, French spoken. WiFi access. 55 overnight sites (22 EWS, 23 EW, 10 U). Member: COANS, TIANS, CAA/AAA, NS Approved Quality First, Camping Select. Rates STC $26 minimum. 48-hr CXL policy. VS, MC & Debit. 11 Blockhouse Hill Road, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0 Tel: (902) 634-8100/3656 Toll Free: 1-800-615-8305 Tel: 902-766-4621 Fax: 902-766-4344 Rayport Campground Martin’s River May – Oct Tel: 902-627-2678 Fax: 902-627-1144 Wayside Camping Park ∫∫∫[F] ∫[R] Glen Margaret May 01 – Oct 31 CAMP IN HISTORIC LUNENBURG “Unsurpassed location with scenic views of both Front & Back Harbours” · 55 sites · reservations accepted · daily & weekly rates · · 22 EWS, 23 EW, 10 UNS · Pets welcome · Internet access & Wi-Fi · · Free hot showers & flush toilets · Municipal water & dump station · · Visa, Mastercard & Debit accepted · 1-888-615-8305 1-902-634-8100 22 | Campers Guide 2014 Rte 333 at Glen Margaret, 8 km (5 mi) West of Peggy’s Cove; from Hwy 103, Exit 5. 30 min from Halifax. 125 overnight sites (E (30- & 50-amp), W,Se,U) + 25 seasonal. Open & wooded campground across from ocean inlet; 200 acres. FT, washrooms, showers, shelter, DS, fireplaces, wood, ice, laundromat, pay phones, internet connection, free wi-fi. Ocean swimming; good area for sea kayaking. Big rigs welcome. RV washing permitted. Good Sam. Member: COANS, TIANS. Rates STC $25-30; 48-hr CXL policy. VS, MC, DD. The George Family 10295 Hwy #333, Peggy’s Cove Road Glen Margaret, NS B3Z 3H1 Tel: 902-823-2547; 902-823-2271 Fax: 902-823-1119 ∫ Star Rating Descriptions ∫ Modest Campgrounds meeting basic standard of cleanliness, comfort & safety ∫∫ Moderate Campgrounds with additional facilities and some amenities ∫∫∫ Above Average Campgrounds with a greater range of facilities, guest amenities and services ∫∫∫∫ Exceptional Campgrounds with an extensive range of facilities, guest amenities and services Campgrounds among the very best in the country, with an ∫∫∫∫∫ Luxurious outstanding range of facilities, guest amenities and services Ω A 1/2 star is awarded to properties whose physical attributes reflect an enhanced quality for the rated level. Camping Select inspects and rates participating campgrounds in two categories: Facilities and Recreation. You will find two sets of stars for each Camping Select rated campgrounds. One reflects the excellence of the facility; the second denotes the standard of recreational activities The Camping Select rating program is based upon a two-tier system, reflecting separate Facility and Recreation scores. Higher star levels are achieved as Facilities, Services, Quality, Amenities, and Recreational items and services increase. For more information on the Camping Select rating program, please visit our website at: Quality Visitor Services P.O. Box 28007, Dartmouth, NS B2W 6E2 Phone: (902) 406-4747 Fax: (902) 406-4748 E-mail: | 23 Look For The Sign Of Quality With more than 500 NSA properties ranging from campgrounds, B&Bs, inns, motels, hotels, and resorts, you’ll be sure to find a property that will meet your needs. Look for the NSA symbol to ensure a quality accommodation. For more information, please visit Recognize Excellence! Did you experience exemplary customer service during your stay in Nova Scotia? Nominate that person for a Pineapple Award and celebrate their dedication to exceeding your expectations! Share your story with us at Presented by: We want to hear from you