The Carnegie Connection
The Carnegie Connection
FREE City of Janesville Recreation Division The Carnegie Connection JANESVILLE SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER DECEMBER SPECIALEVENT December 2015 The “Action Place” HolidayLunch&Music WHEN:Wednesday,December16 ǣ RiverviewRoom ǣ 11:30a.m.Ȅ2:00p.m. ǣ $8Members,$10Guests MENU: PoppySeedChicken Casserole,CranberryFluff,Peas,Roll, andaHolidayDessert Comeenjoygoodfood,goodfriends,andtheHolidaymusic performed by the talented people and groups who gatherattheSeniorCenter.WewillstartoffwithadelicioushomeǦcookedmealpreparedbythestaff..TheBlue Velvet Dance Orchestra directed by David Parrish will playholidaymusicduringthemeal. After lunch, we will have a great lineǦup of talented entertainers who will share their holiday performances with you. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the essenceofChristmas! RegistrationandpaymentisduebyFriday, December11 Stopinorcalltheoficeat755Ǧ͵ͲͶͲ Inside This Issue WaitingListOnlyȂDecember,January Trips,FebruaryTripandNewMarch Trip,Bunco……………...………….……….........2 JanuarySpecialEvents,Membership ǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǤǤǥǤǥǥǤǤ͵ TaxInfo,NewLineDanceClass,VetsRoll andQuiltWinner,WinnerSeniorFair, NewGroupȄǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǤǥǥǤͶ MemberoftheMonth,Janesville’sJolly Jingle,MittenTree…………...…………….......6 DailyActivityCalendar………………….......7 GriefSupportGroup,WhatYouNeed toKnowAboutMedicare,OhMy AchingJoints,ThankYouHuntington....8 TripNotice,Lunches,MembershipFee, Facebook,BoardElection……………….....10 RentalOpportunity……………..…….……....11 TheJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenteroffersrecreationalandeducational activitiesincludingcreativearts,advocacy,fellowship,leadershipandhealth andwellnessprogramstopeopleage50andbetter. WelcometoJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenter 2 THESETRIPSARE WAITINGLISTONLY!!! Ifyouareinterestedongoingononeofthese trips, go ahead and get your name on the waiting list. There’s a chance youmaygetcalled! DECEMBERTRIP ClausonFamilyChristmason theFarm&HoChunkCasino WHEN: ǣ TIME: MARCHTRIP ShearMadnessandJumersCasino ǣWednesday,March16 WHERE:Circa21DinnerPlayhouse ǣ Leave:9:15a.m. Return:8:30p.m. DepartsfromtheIceCenter(timesubject totraf7ic&weather) COST: $74Members,$84NonǦmembers Thursday,December10 HoChunk&ClausonFarm Leave:7:45A.M. Return:5:30P.M. (timesubjecttoweather) America’sfavoritecomedywhodunitdelightsaudiencCOST: $65Members$75NonǦ eswithitsuniqueblendofmadcapimprovisationand DepartsfromtheIceArena Ǧticklingmystery.ShearMadnesstakesplaceina PaymentsduebyThursday,Nov.12. JANUARYTRIP LateNiteCatechism&HoChunk WHEN: Wednesday,January27 ǣ ThePalaceTheaterinthe TIME: Leave:9:30a.m. Return:7:00p.m. (timesubjecttotraf7ic& Ȍ COST: $56Members $66NonǦ DepartsfromtheIceArena Paymentdue byThursday,Dec.31. FEBRUARYTRIP AlfredHitchcockTHE39STEPS ǣ Wednesday,February24 ǣ TheatreattheCenter Munster,Indiana ǣ Leave:9:15a.m. Return:7:30p.m. (timesubjecttotraf7ic&weather) COST: $75Members,$85NonǦ members DepartsfromtheIceArena PaymentsduebyFriday,Jan.22 Westillhave5openingsavailable hairstylingsalonandischockfullofupǦǦǦminute spontaneoushumor.Duringthecourseoftheaction,a murderiscommittedandtheaudiencegetstospotthe clues,questionthesuspects,andsolvethefunniest mystery.Theoutcomeisneverthesame,whichiswhy manyaudiencemembersreturnagainandagaintothe sceneofthemayhem.ThisisthelongestrunningcomǨ Priortotheshow,wewillenjoyadeliciousmeal servedatourtables.Italsoincludesachoiceofoneof thefabulousCirca21dessertsservedduringtheintermissionoftheshow.Aftertheshow,wewillheadto JumersCasinoinBettendorf,Iowatotryourluck. PaymentsduebyFriday,February12 JoinTheFun PLAYBUNCO! Buncoisafunandeasydicegame.Buncoisusually played the third Wednesday of every month. You don’t know how to play. Well, no problem. The group is always happy to teach anyone that wants to learn. We hope to see youatthenextBuncogame! “The Action Place” Janesville,Wisconsin 3 JANUARYSPECIALEVENT EdisonAmberolaProgram WHEN:Wednesday,January13 ǣ RiverviewRoom ǣ 9:00a.m.ȄͳͲǣͲͲǤǤ ǣ $5Members,$7Guests SPEAKER:SteveBenton MENU: Quiche, fruit, muf6in, and beverage SteveBentonwillbeherewithhisoriginalEdison Amberolawindupphonograph.Hewillgivea briefhistoryofThomasEdison'sinventionand howtherecordingsweremade.Hewillbefeaturingoneofthepopularsingersoftheday...Billy ǤStevewillbringafewsamplesoftherecordshehasandwillfeatureoneofMurray'srecordings,"TheLittleOldFordRambledRight Ǥ̶Peoplewillbeamazedathowclearthe recordsstillsoundconsideringthey'reover100 yearsold.Hewillalsohavesomecorroborating picturesandinformationontheitemsandpersonshe'llbetalkingabout.Steveisnotanexpert, justaguywhoenjoyssharinghistreasure(a workingcenturyoldphonograph).Come,sitback andenjoythesweetsoundsfromtheAmberola. Brunchtofollowtheprogram. RegistrationandpaymentisduebyFriday, January8 Stopinorcalltheoficeat755Ǧ͵ͲͶͲ ͘ Membership Drive 2016 A new year is fast approaching and that means it is time again to renew your membership at the Janesville Senior Activity Center. On December 1, we will start taking memberships for 2016. We are offering you again a chance to get tickets that can be used in our Chinese Raffle. If you pay in December you get 3 tickets, if you pay in January you get 2 tickets and if you pay in February you get 1 ticket to enter in the raffle. If you bring a friend who has never been here and becomes a member of the Senior Center, you will get 10 tickets! The winners will be picked at the Membership Appreciation Breakfast in March. Here are some of the fantastic raffle prizes that are available. 2016 Janesville Senior Center Day Trip Donated by Senior Advisory Board Wine Basket—Donated by Huntington Place & $10 Pizza Card Winter Warm Up Basket Donated by Our House Crock Pot - Donated by Ann Buchanan & $25 Aldi Gift Card $25 Gift Card Kwik Trip Donated by Independent Care Health Plan & $25 Aldi Gift Card $30 Citrus Café Gift Certificate & $20 Kwik Trip Gift Card WelcometoJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenter 4 NEWLINEDANCECLASS TAXPREPARERS The AARP tax consultants will do tax prepara Center. tion in 2016 at the Janesville Senior Appointments will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Tuesday, February 2 from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This service is free to individuals of low to moderate incomes. We will start taking appointments on Monday, January 11. Appointments are required and must be made by stopping in or calling the senior center office at 755-3040. All appointments will be 60 minutes. Pleasebringtoyourappointmentyourlast year’staxes.Informationneeded:WǦ2,1099and otherevidenceofincome,healthinsurancepremiums, rentcertiicateorpropertytaxbillandotherdeductible expenses.Thereisnochargeforusingthisservicebut donationstotheJanesvilleSeniorCenterareaccepted. Returnswillonceagainbeelectronicallyiled. Patriotic Winner WHEN: Thursdays,starting January7 TIME: ͻǣ͵ͲǦ10:30a.m. WHERE: RiverviewRoom This class teaches the basics of line dance through easy dances. No prior experience is needed. For members, the class is $10 for the entireyear.Ifyouwouldliketotrytheclassyou can attend 3 classes free of charge without becoming a member. No registration required justsigninatclass. Quilt Congratulations to Vivian Welch for winning the patriotic quilt during our salute to veterans program. We were able to donate $305.00 to Vets Roll. Mark Finnegan attended our event and happily accepted our donation from the raffle. NEWGROUP COMEPLAYCRIBBAGE WHEN: ǣ ǣ Thursday,December3 10:00a.m.toNoon Cribbage,orcrib,isacardgametraditionallyfor twoplayers,butcommonlyplayedwiththree,four ormore,thatinvolvesplayingandgrouping incombinationswhichgainpoints.Thisgroup willbeplayingsingles,notpartners.This6irst meetingwillgiveusachancetoseewhoisinterestedinplaying.Ifyoucan’tmakeitonDec.3,but areinterestedinplaying,pleaseleaveyourname RockCountySeniorFairWinner andnumberatthefrontdesk. Congratulations to Sandy PleaseregisteratthefrontdeskbyNovember30 Sommerfeldt! She stopped by our sowehaveenoughcribbageboardsforDec.3. boothattheRockCountySeniorFairandwon the FREE Day Trip donated by the Senior CenterBoard!Wow,wehad375peoplestop byandregisterforthetrip. WelcometoJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenter 6 MEMBER OF THE MONTH SANDRA DUNCAN ^EZ t^ KZE /E >sE͕ t/ E 'Zt hW t/d, &KhZ ZKd,Z^͘ ^EZ t^ DZZ/ E Z/^ ^/y ,/>ZE ;zKhE'^d Z dt/E^Ϳ͘ &dZ ^, Z/^ ,Z ,/>ZE͕ ^, tEd < dK ^,KK> E Z/s ,Z D/>^^/^dE 'Z͘ ^, >^K ,^ /',d'ZE,/>ZE E d,Z'Zd'ZE,/>ZE͘ ^, DKs dK :E^s/>> Khd ^sE zZ^ 'K t/d, ,Z ^/'E/&/Ed Kd,Z͕ Z/,Z ,Kt>>͕ W,͘ hE&KZdhEd>z͕ Z/,Z W^^ tz &/s zZ^ 'K͘ ^EZ ,^ EDDZdd,^E/KZEdZ&KZKhd^/yzZ^͘^,tEd^KDd,/E'dKKt,E^, DKs ,Z͕ ^K ^, ^dZd WZd//Wd/E' /E d, tdZK>KZ >^^͘ ^, >^K E:Kz^ Kd,Z WZK'ZD^ d,d Z K&&Z d d, EdZ E 'K/E' KE ^KD K& KhZ z dZ/W^͘ ^, /^ E >dZEd&KZd,KZKEd,Zd^ͬtZ/d/E''ZKhW͘tZ>^Kd,E<&h>d,d^,,^d<E Z^WKE^//>/dz&KZd,Zdd,d/^/^W>zd/dz,>>͘^,,E'^d,/^W>z^&KhZd/D^ zZ͘^,EKhZ'^sZzKEdK^dKWKsZdK/dz,>>͛^&KhZd,&>KKZ;/dzKhE/>,DZ^Ϳ dK d< >KK<͘ ^EZ E:Kz^ ^WE/E' d/D t/d, ,Z &D/>z͕ tdZK>KZ^͕ 'K/E' dK W>z^͕ dZs>/E'E/^Es/ZZ;Dz^dZ/^͕/K'ZW,/^EhdK/K'ZW,/^Ϳ͘^,/^DDZ K&tZW;t/^KE^/EZ'/KE>Zd^WZK'ZDͿ͘ ^EZ^z^͞/&zKhtEddKDdtKEZ&h>WKW>E^d>/^,>^d/E'&Z/E^,/W^͕KDdK d,:E^s/>>^E/KZEdZ͘d,^E/KZEdZK&&Z^^h,sZ/dzK&d/s/d/^EWZK'ZD^͘ d,Z/^^KDd,/E'&KZsZzKE͘͟ MITTEN TREE JANESVILLEJOLLYJINGLE DowntownJanesville AFunFamilyEvent JoinusattheSeniorCenter December5 From3:00ȄǣͲͲǤǤ RefreshmentsforsalebytheJSC AdvisoryBoardasafundraiser Onceagain,wewillbedecoratingaChristmas tree in the lobby with mittens, scarves and hats. These items will be distributed to children in the Janesville area that are in need of warm items. These items can be homeǦmade orpurchasedfromareastores.Theitemsare alwaysmuchappreciatedandneeded. Hours 8:00 am-4:30pm JanesvilleSenior ActivityCenter December 2015 ͼͶ;ǦͽͻͻǦ3040 1 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 11:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 7 8 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Clogging, Dominos, Line Dance 3 12:00 Scrabble 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Watercolor Choristers, Krafters 2:00 Grief Support Group 2:30 Water Street Jam 8:00 8:30 9:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 9:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Beg. Quilting Ceramics Line Dance 2 Hotdog Lunch/Chili Bingo Sheepshead, Quilting Euchre, Computers Strong Women Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Beginning Quilting Ceramics Line Dance 2 Footcare Christmas Music Hotdog Lunch Bingo Sheepshead, Quilting, Euchre, Computers Strong Women 2 3 4 Pool Played All Day Exercise Ceramics, Germ. Int. 9:30 Clogging, Big D Art B.V. Band Practice 11:30 Canasta 1:00 Mahjongg, Tai Chi Leather Tooling, 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Line Dance 1 Learn to Sew 10:00 Oh My Aching Joints 12:00 Porcelain Class 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Poker, Sheepshead Dulcimer 2:00 Scrapbooking, Strong Women 8:00 Pool Played All Day 8:30 Exercise 9:30 Friday Dance Party 9 10 11 Pool Played All Day Exercise Ceramics, Germ. Int. 9:30 Clogging, Big D Art B.V. Band Practice 11:30 Canasta 1:00 Mahjongg, Tai Chi Leather Tooling, 7:45 Clauson & Ho Chunk Trip 8:00 Pool Played All Day 8:30 Exercise, Ping Pong 9:00 Woodcarvers 9:30 Line Dance 1 Learn to Sew 12:00 Porcelain Class 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Poker, Sheepshead Dulcimer 2:00 Strong Women 8:00 Pool Played All Day 8:30 Exercise, 9:30 Friday Dance Party 18 8:00 8:30 9:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 14 15 16 17 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Clogging, Dominos, Line Dance 3 12:00 Scrabble 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Watercolor Choristers, Krafters 2:00 Grief Support Group 2:30 Water Street Jam Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Beg. Quilting Ceramics 9:30 Line Dance 2 11:30 Hotdog Lunch 12:30 Bingo 1:00 Sheepshead, Quilting Euchre, Computers 2:00 Strong Women 8:00 8:30 9:00 Pool Played All Day Exercise Ceramics, Germ. Int. 9:30 Clogging B.V. Band Practice Big D Art Class 11:30 Holiday Lunch & Program Canasta 1:00 Mahjongg, Tai Chi , Leather Tooling 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 21 22 23 24 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:30 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Clogging, Dominos, Line Dance 3 Scrabble Duplicate Bridge, 500 Watercolor Choristers, Krafters Water Street Jam 8:00 8:30 9:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 11:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 28 8:60 8:30 9:00 9:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:30 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Beg. Quilting Ceramics Line Dance 2 Troubadours Hotdog Lunch Bingo Sheepshead, Quilting Euchre, Computers , Benefit Specialist Strong Women 29 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Clogging, Dominos, Line Dance 3. Scrabble, Spouse Support Group Duplicate Bridge, 500 Watercolor Choristers, Krafters Water Street Jam 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 11:30 12:30 1:00 2:00 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Beg. Quilting Ceramics Line Dance 2 Hotdog Lunch Bingo Sheepshead, Quilting Euchre, Computers Strong Women 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 Pool Played All Day Exercise Ceramics, Germ. Clogging B.V. Band Practice Big D Art Class 11:30 Canasta 1:00 Tai Chi, Mahjongg Leather Tooling, Bunco 5 Clogging Knitting 12:45 Center Card Party 1:00 Drawing & Painting 1:30 Rem. Writing 12 Clogging Knitting 12:45 Center Card Party 1:00 Drawing & Painting 1:30 Rem. Writing 19 8:00 Pool Played All Day 8:30 Exercise 9:30 Friday Dance Party Clogging, Knitting 12:45 Center Card Party 1:00 Drawing & Painting 1:30 Rem. Writing 25 Senior Center Closed 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 Christmas Eve 30 31 Pool Played All Day Exercise Ceramics, Germ. Int. 9:30 Clogging B.V. Band Practice Big D Art Class 11:30 Canasta 1:00 Mahjongg, Tai Chi , Leather Tooling 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Line Dance 1 Learn to Sew Porcelain Class Duplicate Bridge Poker, Dulcimer Sheepshead, Scrapbooking Strong Women Pool Played All Day Exercise, Ping Pong Woodcarvers Learn to Sew Porcelain Class Duplicate Bridge Poker, Sheepshead Dulcimer 2:00 Strong Women 26 Senior Center Closed WelcometoJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenter 8 Winter 2015 Community Health & Education GriefSupportGroup WHEN: Monday,December7&14 WHERE: HearthRoom TIME: ʹǣͲͲȄ3:30p.m. A grief support group for any adult that has experienced the death of a loved one will be hosted by Beloit Regional Hospice each Monday November 2nd through December 14th from 2 – 3:30 pm in the Hearth room. Tips for dealing with grief around the holidays will be provided. Meeting with other people who are experiencing similar circumstances provides encouragement and support. Coping skills and various aspects of the grieving process will be discussed. There is no charge to attend, but advance registration is requested. For further information or to register, please contact Nicole Morgan, Grief Program Coordinator at Beloit Regional Hospice toll free (877) 363-7421 or email or register at the Janesville Senior Center at 755-3040. “WhatYouNeedToKnow AboutMedicare” Janesville Community Day Care will be here on December 8th to sing Christmasmusicat11:00a.m. Comeandhearthemusic. Thanks to Aaron from Hunngton Place for the cash donaon to help increase the ĐĂƐŚƉƌŝnjĞƐĨŽƌ/E'K͘ /ƚŝƐŵƵĐŚĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚĞĚ͊ WHEN: WHERE: TIME: SPEAKER: Wednesday,January20 ConferenceRoom ͳͲǣͲͲȄ11:00a.m. LarryRaupp Learn the ABC’s of Medicare. Attend this learning session to better prepare and empower yourself. Medicare is a complex subject to know your eligibilityandenrollment,coveragechoices,costsof Medicare vs Medicaid. Learn whatchanges will be implemented due to thechanges in the healthcare ield.Pleaseregisterbystoppinginorcalling755Ǧ 3040byJanuary13 OhMyAchingJoints! WHEN: Thursday,December3 WHERE: ConferenceRoom TIME: ͳͲǣͲͲȄ11:00a.m. ǣ Dr.RajitChakravarty Whenyouhavehiporkneepain,youjustwantitto ǤWhenthepainstartseffectingyourlifestyle anddictatingwhatyoucanandcan’tdo,it’stimeto dosomethingaboutit.Joinusforthisinformative programtolearnaboutjointpain,itspotentialculprits,thingsyoucandotofeelbetter,recognizing whenit’stimetoseekmedicaladvice,andwhat treatmentoptionsareavailable. Dr.RajitChakravartyisanOrthopedicSurgeonat DeanClinicȂJanesvilleEast.HecompletedafellowshipinAdvancedOrthopedicsȂJointPreservationandReconstructionatSinaiHospitalofBaltiǤAUWǦMadisonalum,heisanavidBadgerfan andenjoysfootball(bothplayingandwatching!), pondhockeyand>ishing. PleaseregisterbyWednesday,Nov25bycallingthe SeniorCenterat755Ǧ3040. WelcometoJanesvilleSeniorActivityCenter 10 HotDogDay ͳͳǣ͵ͲǦ12:30pm or WheneverWeRunOut Ǥ TRIPSIGNUPNOTICE: Weappreciatetheearlysignupthatishappeningfor ourtrips.Wehavenoticedthatthereareseveralpeople signing up and then cancelling when they are calledforthepaymentreminder.Whenthishappens itmakesalotofextraworkforourvolunteersatthe desk. Ourpolicyisasfollows:Ifyoucanceltwicewhenwe callforthepaymentofatrip,wewillrequestforthe remainderoftheyearthatyoupayforatripwhenyou signup. MEMBERSHIP FEE The Senior Center implements a mandatory annual membership fee of $25 from January 1ȄDecember 31. This important fee offsets the cost of operating theCenter.ThereisanadditionalactivityfeeimplementedforLineDance.Thefeeis$10peryearor$1 perclassattended.GuestsoftheSeniorCentermay participate3timesbeforetheymustbecomeamember. All guests must register at the front desk. Our memberships make ideal gifts for birthdays or special occasions. Gift certi>icates can be purchased at thefrontdesk. ComejoinuseveryTuesdayfor“Hot Dog Days.” Hotdogs $1, chips 50¢ andicecream50¢.Thisisoneofthebestdealsin town. “SomethingNewForDecember” On December 1 we will be offering a bowl of chili alongwithourhotdogs.Youmaywanttoget adventurousandtryachilidog. 2015 BOARD ELECTIONS The Janesville Senior Center Advisory Board is accepting nominations for the 2016-17 year that will be held in February if necessary. Nomination papers are available at the front desk. These are the groups that are up for election: 3-Dim Crafts Ceramics, Porcelain Dolls, Woodcarving, Leather Tooling, Krafters, Scrapbooking People who are not able to pay the membership fee due to >inancial limitations can contact staff about gettingascholarship.Donationsforscholarshipsare alwaysappreciated. Games Pool, Ping Pong, Bingo, Dominos, Scrabble, Wii, Bunco, Mahjongg Dance Groups Line Dance, Fri. Dance, Clogging, Exercise Class ͞>ŝŬĞhƐ͟KŶ&KK< ƌĞLJŽƵĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌǁŝƚŚ&ĂĐĞŬ͍&ĂĐĞŬŝƐĂƉŽƉƵůĂƌ ƐŽĐŝĂůŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐǁĞďƐŝƚĞƚŚĂƚŝƐƵƐĞĚďLJďŝůůŝŽŶƐŽĨƉĞŽƉůĞ ĂůůŽǀĞƌƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͘tŚLJŶŽƚĐŚĞĐŬŽƵƚƚŚĞ^ĞŶŝŽƌĞŶƚĞƌ͛Ɛ &ĂĐĞŬƉĂŐĞĂŶĚǁŚŝůĞLJŽƵĂƌĞƚŚĞƌĞ͞>ŝŬĞƵƐ͘͟ KƵƌ&ĂĐĞŬƉĂŐĞŝƐ͗ hps://Ͳ^ĞŶŝŽƌͲ ϬϱϰϱϬϴϲϵϲϴϱϯϵϵ Card Games Euchre, Poker, 500, Sheepshead, Cribbage, canasta, Duplicate Bridge 2 Member at Large These people can be from any area of the Senior Center representing all the population. All nominations must be turned into the office by Friday, January 15. This is a wonderful way to better serve the Senior Center and be involved! ADDRESSSERVICEREQU 69SouthWaterStreet Janesville,WI53545 CityofJanesville SeniorActivityCenter SENIORCENTERSTAFF ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤJanetMcLean RecreationProgrammer……………………………………………………………………………..LindaKleven CenterPhoneǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͷͷǦ͵ͲͶͲ CenterHoursǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ8:00a.m.Ǧ4:30p.m.MondayǦ The Janesville Senior Center is a part of the City ofJanesville Recreation Division. The SeniorCentermembershipis$25annually.Themonthlynewslettercanbeobtainedat the Senior Center and other locations in Janesville, or a mailing subscription can be purchasedfor$12ayearforhomedelivery.Checkourwebsite:Ǥ ǤǤǤǤ
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The Carnegie Connection
Ceramics, Germ.
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