ABS-DWV Pipe and Fittings PVC-DWV Pipe
ABS-DWV Pipe and Fittings PVC-DWV Pipe
DIMENSIONAL CATALOG ABS-DWV Pipe and Fittings PVC-DWV Pipe and Fittings PVC Sewer Pipe PVC Schedule 30 DWV Thin Wall 3.25 in. O.D. Pipe and Fittings DWV (Updated October 1, 2016) DC-DWV © 1977-2016 Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Plastic DWV Pipe and Fitting Dimensions All products manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are proudly made in the U.S.A. Table of Contents Page ABS “Foam Core” Schedule 40 DWV Pipe Data...................................................4 ABS Plus® “Foam Core” Schedule 40 DWV Pipe Data...................................................5 PVC “Foam Core” Schedule 40 DWV Pipe Data...................................................6 RePVC® Schedule 40 DWV Pipe Data..................7 PVC Schedule 40 DWV Pipe Data.......................8 D 3034 PVC Sewer Pipe Data.............................9 PVC D 2729 Sewer and Drain Pipe Data............10 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings Dimensions.......11-55 PVC Thin Wall Sch. 30 Pipe Data......................56 PVC Thin Wall Sch. 30 Fittings Dimensions..........................................57-63 Certification.................................................64-65 Warranty..........................................................66 Download our Tech Tools App for dimensional info, tech calculators and more on your mobile device. Charlotte Pipe, ABS Plus and RePVC are registered trademarks of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. Pipe Data ABS Foam Core Pipe ABS Schedule 40 DWV Pipe (For Non-Pressure Applications) ABS SCHEDULE 40 FOAM CORE (BLACK) PLAIN END ASTM F 628 MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) ABS 3112 11⁄2” x 10’03132 2590 1.900 0.145 27.1 ABS 3112 11⁄2” x 20’03133 5180 1.900 0.145 27.1 ABS 3200 2” x 10’031341670 2.3750.154 37.7 ABS 3200 2” x 20’031353340 2.3750.154 37.7 ABS 3300 3” x 10’03136 750 3.5000.216 74.5 ABS 3300 3” x 20’031371500 3.5000.216 74.5 ABS 3400 4” x 10’03138 480 4.5000.237 107.1 ABS 3400 4” x 20’03139 960 4.5000.237 107.1 ABS 3600 6” x 20’03141 400 6.6250.280 187.8 NSF Listed. Meets All Requirements of ASTM F 628. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. NOT FOR PRESSURE Do not use PVC / ABS / ABS Plus® cellular core (foam core) pipe for pressure applications. The use of cellular core pipe in pressure applications may result in system failure and property damage. 4 Pipe Data ABS Plus® Foam Core DWV Pipe ABS Plus is a registered trademark of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. ABS Plus Schedule 40 DWV Pipe (For Non-Pressure Applications) ABS PLUS SCHEDULE 40 FOAM CORE (BLACK) PLAIN END ASTM F 1488 MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) APA 17112 11⁄2” x 10’12495 2590 1.900 0.145 31.4 APA 17112 11⁄2” x 20’12494 5180 1.900 0.145 31.4 APA 17200 2” x 10’12497 1670 2.3750.154 41.9 APA 17200 2” x 20’12496 3340 2.3750.154 41.9 APA 17300 3” x 10’12499 750 3.5000.216 84.0 APA 17300 3” x 20’12498 1500 3.5000.216 84.0 APA 17400 4” x 10’12501 480 4.5000.237 118.80 APA 17400 4” x 20’12500 960 4.5000.237 118.80 NSF Listed. Meets All Requirements of ASTM F 1488. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. NOT FOR PRESSURE Do not use PVC / ABS / ABS Plus® cellular core (foam core) pipe for pressure applications. The use of cellular core pipe in pressure applications may result in system failure and property damage. 5 A B S D W V P I P E Pipe Data PVC Foam Core Pipe PVC Schedule 40 DWV Pipe (For Non-Pressure Applications) PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOAM CORE (WHITE) PLAIN END ASTM F 891 MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) PVC 4112 PVC 4112 PVC 4200 PVC 4200 PVC 4300 PVC 4300 PVC 4400 PVC 4400 PVC 4600 PVC 4600 PVC 4800 PVC 4910 PVC 4912 11⁄2” x 10’04178 11⁄2” x 20’04177 2” x 10’ 04174 2” x 20’ 04173 3” x 10’ 03934 3” x 20’ 03935 4” x 10’ 03936 4” x 20’ 03937 6” x 10’ 03938 6” x 20’ 03939 8” x 20’ 03941 10” x 20’03942 12” x 20’03943 1650 1.900 0.145 3300 1.900 0.145 990 2.3750.154 1980 2.3750.154 1040 3.5000.216 920 3.5000.216 600 4.5000.237 1200 4.5000.237 280 6.6250.280 560 6.6250.280 360 8.6250.322 220 10.7500.365 120 12.7500.406 PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOAM CORE (WHITE) 32.3 32.3 43.9 43.9 89.7 89.7 123.8 123.8 235.0 235.0 371.0 566.3 700.0 BELL-END MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) PVC 4300B3” x 20’04782 920 PVC 4400B4” x 10’04783 540 PVC 4400B4” x 20’04784 1080 PVC 4600B6” x 10’09904 240 PVC 4600B6” x 20’04786 480 3.5000.216 4.5000.237 4.5000.237 6.6250.280 6.6250.280 89.7 123.8 123.8 235.0 235.0 NOTE: When ordering, please specify plain end or bell end. NSF Listed. Meets All Requirements of ASTM F 891. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. NOT FOR PRESSURE Do not use PVC / ABS / ABS Plus® cellular core (foam core) pipe for pressure applications. The use of cellular core pipe in pressure applications may result in system failure and property damage. 6 Pipe Data RePVC® DWV Pipe RePVC is a registered trademark of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. PVC Schedule 40 DWV Pipe with Recycled Content (For Non-Pressure Applications) PVC SCHEDULE 40 (WHITE) PLAIN END ASTM F 1760 MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) PVC 15112 11⁄2” x 20’11744 3300’ 1.9000.145 50.7 PVC 15200 2” x 20’117451980’ 2.3750.154 68.1 PVC 15300 3” x 20’11746 920’ 3.5000.216 141.2 PVC 15400 4” x 20’117481200’ 4.5000.237 201.2 PVC 15600 6” x 20’11749 560’ 6.6250.280 353.7 PVC 15800 8” x 20’11984 360’ 8.6250.322 544.6 NSF Listed. Meets All Requirements of ASTM D 4396 and ASTM F 1760. All products manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are proudly made in the U.S.A. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. 7 R e P V C D W V P I P E Pipe Data PVC Schedule 40 DWV Pipe PVC Schedule 40 DWV Pipe PVC SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 40 40 (WHITE) (WHITE) PVC PLAIN END END PLAIN PVC PVC 1120 1120 ASTM ASTM DD 2665 2665 WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD MIN. WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) PVC 7100* 11⁄4”x10’03945 2120’1.660.140 42.4 PVC 7100* 11⁄4”x20’03946 4240’1.660.140 42.4 PVC 7112* 11⁄2”x10’03947 1650’1.900.145 51.8 PVC 7112* 11⁄2”x20’03948 3300’1.900.145 51.8 PVC 7200* 2”x10’03949 990’2.375.154 69.5 PVC 7200* 2”x20’ 039501980’2.375.154 69.5 PVC 7300* 3”x10’ 039511040’3.500.216 144.2 PVC 7300* 3”x20’03952 920’3.500.216 144.2 PVC 7400 †4”x10’03953 600’4.500.237 205.5 PVC 7400 †4”x20’ 039541200’4.500.237 205.5 PVC 7500 †5”x20’04837 760’5.563.258 272.5 PVC 7600 †6”x10’03955 280’6.625.280 361.2 PVC 7600 †6”x20’03956 560’6.625.280 361.2 PVC 7800 †8”x10’13087 180’8.625.322 543.6 PVC 7800 †8”x20’03958 360’8.625.322 543.6 PVC 7910 †10”x20’03959 220’10.750 .365 770.7 PVC 7912 †12”x20’03961 120’12.750 .406 1019.0 PVC 7914 †14”x20’04862 60’14.000 .437 1205.0 PVC 7916 †16”x20’04918 60’16.000 .500 1575.7 * Dual Marked ASTM D 1785 & ASTM D 2665. † Triple Marked ASTM D 1785 & ASTM D 2665 & ASTM F 480. NSF Listed. Meets All Requirements of ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 1785, and ASTM D 2665. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. 8 Pipe Data PVC Sewer Pipe PVC SDR 35 PSM Pipe SDR-35 ASTM D 3034 & ASTM F 477 GASKETED - PS 46 PART NO. NOM. SIZE S/M 6004G S/M 6004G S/M 6006G S/M 6006G S/M 6008G UPC # 611942- QTY. PER SKID LAYING LENGTH WT. PER 100 FT. (LBS.) AVG. OD (IN.) MIN. WALL (IN.) 4”x14’ 11920 84014’-0”110.4 4.215 .120 4”x20’ 040121200 20’-0”109.7 4.215 .120 6”x14’ 11921 39214’-0”249.6 6.275 .180 6”x20’04016 56020’-0”247.0 6.275 .180 8”x14’ 11922 14014’-0”451.0 8.400 .240 Weight is approximate and is for shipping purposes only. SDR-35 SOLVENT WELD - PS 46 PART NO. NOM. SIZE S/M 6004 S/M 6004 S/M 6006 S/M 6006 P V C UPC # 611942- QTY. PER SKID LAYING LENGTH WT. PER 100 FT. (LBS.) 4”x10’0400860010’-0”108.3 4”x20’ 04009120020’-0”108.3 6”x10’0401328010’-0”241.7 6”x20’0401456020’-0”241.7 AVG. OD (IN.) 4.215 4.215 6.275 6.275 MIN. WALL (IN.) .120 .120 .180 .180 Weight is approximate and is for shipping purposes only. Meets All Requirements of ASTM D 3034. SDR 35 Gaskets meet or exceed ASTM F 477. Gasketed joints meet ASTM D 3212. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. NOT FOR PRESSURE Do not use PVC Sewer pipe for pressure applications. The use of sewer pipe in pressure applications may result in system failure and property damage. 9 S E W E R P I P E Pipe Data PVC Sewer and Drain Pipe PVC ASTM D 2729 Pipe SOLVENT WELD BELLED END PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # 611942- QTY. PER SKID AVG. OD (IN.) ASTM D 2729 MIN. WALL BELL DEPTH (IN.) (IN.) WT. PER 100 FT. (LBS.) PVC 30030 3” x 10’10903 810’3.2500.070 3.00 PVC 30040 4” x 10’10905 500’4.2150.075 3.50 52.8 70.4 Perforated PVC ASTM D 2729 Pipe SOLVENT WELD BELLED END PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # 611942- QTY. PER SKID AVG. OD (IN.) ASTM D 2729 MIN. WALL BELL DEPTH (IN.) (IN.) WT. PER 100 FT. (LBS.) P VC 30030P3” x 10’118141040’3.250 0.070 3.00 52.8 PVC 30040P4” x 10’11815 500’4.2150.075 3.50 70.4 Perforated pipe is supplied with two rows of 1/2” diameter holes every five inches. Rows are parallel to the pipe axis and are 120° apart. Weight is approximate and is for shipping purposes only. Pipe listed in this section meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTMD 2729. All products manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are proudly made in the U.S.A. Failure to follow safety precautions may result in misapplication or improper installation and testing which can cause severe personal injury and / or property damage. Primers and cements are extremely flammable and may be explosive. Do not store or use near heat or open flame, or death or serious injury may occur. • Solvent fumes created during the joining process are heavier than air and may be trapped in newly installed piping systems. • Ignition of the solvent vapors caused by spark or flame may result in injury or death from explosion or fire. • Read and obey all manufacturers' warnings and any instructions pertaining to primers and cements. • Provide adequate ventilation to reduce fire hazard and to minimize inhalation of solvent vapors when working with cements, primers and new piping systems. NOT FOR PRESSURE Do not use PVC Sewer pipe for pressure applications. The use of sewer pipe in pressure applications may result in system failure and property damage. 10 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings HUB DIMENSIONS ABS SIZE A B C D 11⁄2 1.9101.895 .687 .156 2 2.385 2.370 .750 .156 3 3.5153.4951.500 .218 4 4.5154.4951.750 .250 6 6.6476.6143.000 .281 PVC SIZE A B C D 11⁄4 1.6751.650 .687 .156 11⁄2 1.9151.895 .687 .156 2 2.390 2.370 .750 .156 3 3.5203.4951.500 .218 4 4.5204.4951.750 .250 6 6.6476.6143.000 .281 8 8.6558.6104.000 .322 10 10.776 10.737 5.000 .365 12 12.778 12.736 6.000 .406 14 14.035 13.085 7.000 .437 16 16.045 15.980 8.000 .500 11 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 100 Coupling SIZE HUB X HUB AB 1 11⁄4 ⁄8 15⁄8 1 11⁄2 ⁄8 19⁄16 2 15⁄64 13⁄4 3 3⁄16 33⁄16 4 1⁄4 33⁄4 6 1⁄4 61⁄4 8 1⁄4 81⁄4 10 5⁄16 103⁄8 12 3⁄8137⁄16 14(F) 317 16(F) 3 3⁄8 19 3⁄8 PART NO. 101 Female Adapter SIZE FPT X HUB A 1 11⁄2 ⁄4 2 1⁄4 3 5⁄16 4 11⁄32 6 1⁄4 8 9⁄16 10(F) 2 7⁄8 12(F) 3 3⁄16 PART NO. PVC 101X Female Adapter with Cleanout Plug FPT X HUB SIZE 8 10(F) 12(F) See Part No. 101 and 106 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 12 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 102 Pipe Increaser–Reducer SIZE HUB X HUB AN 11⁄2 x 2 25⁄32 17⁄32 11⁄2 x 3 311⁄32 13⁄32 2 x 3 35⁄32 7⁄8 2 x 4 4 13⁄8 3 15 3 x 4 4 ⁄16 ⁄16 3 x 6 61⁄22 4 x 6 69⁄3213⁄4 4 x 8 71⁄2123⁄32 6 x 8 813⁄32 113⁄32 4 x 10** 1125⁄64 415⁄32 4 x 12** 4 x 14(F) 1993⁄4 (F) 4 x 16 205⁄8 101⁄4 6 x 10 927⁄3217⁄8 6 x 12** 133⁄8 43⁄8 (F) 6 x 14 6 x 16(F) 8 x 10 103⁄4 11⁄16 8 x 12 123⁄421⁄16 (F) 8 x 14 221⁄2 113⁄8 (F) 8 x 16 241⁄4 121⁄8 10 x 12 123⁄4 111⁄16 10 x 14(F)173⁄4 53⁄4 10 x 16(F) 2512 12 x 14(F)1611⁄16 33⁄16 12 x 16(F)203⁄4 67⁄16 14 x 16(F)197⁄8 47⁄16 Fabricated ** Assembled from two molded components Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 13 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 103 Trap Adapter–Male, Less Washer & Metal Nut SIZE 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 SPIGOT X SLIP A ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. 103P Trap Adapter–Male, with Washer & Polyethylene Nut SIZE 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 SPIGOT X SLIP A ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. PVC 103R Trap Adapter–Male, with 11⁄2” Plastic Nut & Washer & 11⁄2” x 11⁄4” Washer SPIGOT X SLIP WITH PLASTIC NUT SIZE A 11⁄2 ⁄16 3 PART NO. 103W Trap Adapter–Male, with Washer & Plastic Nut SPIGOT X SLIP WITH PLASTIC NUT SIZE A 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 14 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 103X Trap Adapter–Male, with Washer & Chrome Nut SIZE 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 SPIGOT X SLIP A ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. 104 Trap Adapter–Female NOTE: NOT A MALE ADAPTER. HUB X SLIP A SIZE 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 ⁄16 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. 104P Trap Adapter–Female, with Washer & Plastic Nut SIZE 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 HUB X SLIP A ⁄16 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. ABS 104R* Trap Adapter–Female, with 11⁄2” Plastic Nut & Washer & 11⁄2” x 11⁄4” Washer HUB X SLIP WITH PLASTIC NUT SIZE A 11⁄2 * ⁄16 3 * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 15 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 104W Trap Adapter–Female, with Washer & Plastic Nut HUB X SLIP WITH PLASTIC NUT SIZE A 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 ⁄16 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. 104X Trap Adapter–Female, with Washer & Chrome Nut SIZE 11⁄4 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 HUB X SLIP A ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 PART NO. 105 Fitting Cleanout Adapter SIZE SPIGOT X FPT AB 3 11⁄4 ⁄16 3⁄4 1 5 1 ⁄2 ⁄32 5⁄8 2 5⁄32 5⁄8 3 7⁄32 3⁄4 4 1⁄4 7⁄8 6 5⁄1617⁄16 5 8 ⁄1611⁄2 15 10(F) ⁄1621⁄4 (F) 1 12 1 ⁄827⁄16 PART NO. 105X Fitting Cleanout Adapter with Cleanout Plug SIZE SPIGOT X FPT A For dimensions see part numbers 105 and 106. Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 16 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 106 Cleanout Plug SIZE MPT AB 11⁄2 13⁄8 5⁄8 2 13⁄8 5⁄8 21⁄2 *11⁄2 3⁄4 3 13⁄4 3⁄4 4 17⁄8 7⁄8 6 21 8 23⁄8 13⁄8 10 27⁄1617⁄16 12 217⁄32 117⁄32 PART NO. 107 Flush Bushing SIZE SPIGOT X HUB C 11⁄2 x 11⁄4 3⁄16 5 2 x 11⁄4 ⁄16 1 5 2 x 1 ⁄2 ⁄16 3 x 11⁄2 1 7 3 x 2 ⁄8 4 x 2 1 1 ⁄8 1 4 x 3 ⁄2 3 6 x 4 1 ⁄4 8 x 4 27⁄8 8 x 6 15⁄8 10 x 4** 10 x 6** 35⁄32 10 x 8 1 1 ⁄2 12 x 4** 55⁄32 12 x 6** 45⁄32 12 x 8 2 1 ⁄2 12 x 10 1 1 ⁄2 * Available in ABS only ** Assembled from two molded components Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 17 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 107 Concentric Reducer Bushing SIZE SPIGOT X HUB C 14 x 4(F) 8 14 x 6(F) 14 x 8(F) 14 x 10(F)95⁄8 14 x 12(F)73⁄8 16 x 4(F) 83⁄4 16 x 6(F) 91⁄4 (F) 16 x 8 101⁄4 (F) 16 x 10 107⁄8 16 x 12(F)105⁄8 16 x 14(F) 91⁄4 PART NO. PVC 108 Flush Bushing (Cleanout Adapter) SIZE SPIGOT X FPT C 5 2 x 11⁄2 ⁄16 (CP) 8 x 6 15⁄8 10 x 8 11⁄2 12 x 8 113⁄16 PART NO. PVC 108X Flush Bushing (Cleanout Adapter) with Plug SIZE 10 x 8 12 x 8 SPIGOT ABC F or dimensions see part numbers 106 & 108 Fabricated PVC 108, 8”x6” is available only as a component part of PVC 444X. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) (CP) 18 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 109 Male Adapter MPT X HUB NOTE: NOT A TRAP ADAPTER. WILL NOT ACCEPT A TAIL PIECE. SEE PART NUMBER 104 SIZE A 11⁄4 11⁄4 x 11⁄2 11⁄2 2 3 4 ⁄16 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 3 (Octagon shoulders for tightening purposes.) 3 PART NO. 110 Flush Cleanout Plug SIZE 2 3 4 A ⁄8 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 5 3 PART NO. 111 Male Fitting Adapter SIZE MPT X SPIGOT AB 11⁄2 113⁄16 3⁄4 11⁄2 x 11⁄4111⁄16 11⁄16 2 115⁄16 7⁄8 3 31⁄16 11⁄2 PART NO. PVC 113 Tray Plug Adapter SIZE HUB AB 11⁄2 29⁄16 17 ⁄32 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 19 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. ABS 113S* Tray Plug Adapter SIZE SPIGOT AB 11⁄2 35⁄16 1 ⁄4 PART NO. ABS 114* Threaded Cap FPT SIZE 11⁄2 * A ⁄4 3 PART NO. PVC 115 Adapter Coupling SDR 35 HUB X DWV HUB SIZE A 8(F) 13⁄4 10(F)31⁄2 10 x 8(F)31⁄2 12(F)1 PART NO. 116 Cap SIZE SOCKET AC 11⁄2 115⁄1615⁄16 2 25⁄3213⁄8 3 215⁄16129⁄32 4 31⁄821⁄32 6 43⁄435⁄8 8 613⁄324 10 73⁄45 12 97⁄166 14(F) 51⁄251⁄16 16(F) 53⁄451⁄4 * Available in ABS only (F) Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 20 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 117 Adapter Coupling (Adapts Sewer and Drain Spigot to DWV Spigot) HUB X HUB SIZE A 3 x 3 4 x 3 4 x 4 ⁄8 ⁄4 1 ⁄2 1 3 PART NO. PVC 117X Adapter Coupling (Adapts Sewer and Drain Spigot to DWV Hub) HUB X SPG SIZE A 4 x 3 1 ⁄4 PART NO. 118 Adapter Bushing (Adapts DWV Hub to Sewer and Drain Spigot) DWV SPIGOT X HUB SIZE AB 3 4 1 1 ⁄413⁄4 ⁄42 PART NO. 119 No-Hub Adapter (Adapts Cast Iron No-Hub Spigot to DWV Spigot) SPIGOT X HUB SIZE A 11⁄2127⁄32 2 123⁄32 2 x 11⁄2111⁄16 3 113⁄16 4 127⁄32 4 x 3 25⁄32 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 21 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 120 Adapter Bushing DWV SPIGOT X SDR 35 HUB SIZE A 8(F) 10(F) 12(F) ⁄8 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 5 5 PART NO. 122 Spigot Adapter, Cast Iron (Adapts Cast Iron Spigot to DWV Spigot) HUB X HUB SIZE A 2 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 4 ⁄8 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 3 7 PART NO. 123 Hub Adapter, Cast Iron (Adapts DWV Spigot to Cast Iron Hub) HUB X SPIGOT SIZE A 2 x 2(P)323⁄32 3 x 3(P)45⁄64 4 x 4(P)425⁄64 PART NO. PVC 123R Hub Adapter, Cast Iron, Increaser (Adapts DWV Spigot to Cast Iron Hub) HUB X SPIGOT A SIZE 11⁄2 x 2(P)31⁄2 3 x 4(P)4 Plain End: Joint can be made with compression gasket only. Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (P) (F) 22 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 130 Repair Coupling SIZE HUB X HUB A 11⁄215⁄8 2 17⁄8 3 33⁄16 4 33⁄4 6 61⁄4 8(F)83⁄16 10(F)103⁄16 12(F)123⁄16 PART NO. PVC 131 Test Cap(C1) SIZE 11⁄2 2 3 4 A ⁄32 9 ⁄32 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 9 PART NO. PVC 132 Outside Diameter Test Cap SIZE 11⁄2 2 3 4 (C2) A ⁄16 9 ⁄16 9 ⁄16 9 ⁄16 9 Inserts into pipe Inserts over pipe Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (C1) (C2) (F) 23 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 300 1/4 Bend (Sanitary 90° Ell) ALL HUB SIZE A 11⁄419⁄16 11⁄213⁄4 2 25⁄16 3 31⁄16 4 37⁄8 6 5 8 6 10 99⁄32 12 1023⁄32 14(F)163⁄4 16(F)189⁄16 PART NO. PVC 300A Short 1/4 Bend SIZE (90° Ell) ALL HUB B 8(N)41⁄2 10(N)61⁄4 12(N)75⁄16 PART NO. 300R 1/4 Bend, Reducing SIZE ALL HUB AB 2 x 11⁄227⁄1625⁄16 Fabricated Not a sanitary pattern Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) (N) 24 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 300S 1/4 Bend with Side Inlet SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 3 x 3 x 11⁄235⁄6417⁄8 3 x 3 x 2 35⁄6417⁄8 15 15 ⁄16 ⁄16 PART NO. PVC 301 Vent 1/4 Bend, Street SIZE HUB X SPIGOT AB 8(F)41⁄2131⁄2 10(F)61⁄4183⁄4 12(F)75⁄161813⁄16 PART NO. 302 1/4 Bend, Street (Sanitary 90° Street Ell) SPIGOT X HUB SIZE AB 11⁄415⁄825⁄16 11⁄213⁄421⁄2 2 25⁄1633⁄16 3 31⁄16 49⁄16 4 37⁄8 55⁄8 6 53⁄1681⁄8 8 61⁄810 10(F)147⁄16193⁄4 12(F)163⁄819 14(F)161⁄4 239⁄16 16(F)197⁄8 237⁄16 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 25 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 303 1/4 Bend, with Low Heel Inlet SIZE ALL HUB AB 3 x 3 x 11⁄231⁄1643⁄16 3 x 3 x 2 31⁄1647⁄16 4 x 4 x 2 37⁄8 57⁄16 PART NO. 304 Long Sweep 1/4 Bend SIZE HUB X HUB A 11⁄223⁄4 2 31⁄4 3 41⁄16 4 415⁄16 6 9 PART NO. PVC 305 Long Sweep 1/4 Bend with High Heel Inlet SIZE 3 x 3 x 2 ALL HUB ABC 41⁄1655⁄821⁄4 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 26 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 307 Long Sweep 1/4 Bend with Low Heel Inlet SIZE ALL HUB AB 3 x 3 x 11⁄2*41⁄1643⁄4 3 x 3 x 2 41⁄16415⁄16 PART NO. 309 Long Sweep 1/4 Bend, Street SIZE HUB X SPIGOT AB 11⁄223⁄4319⁄32 2 31⁄441⁄8 3 45⁄3259⁄16 4 415⁄16611⁄16 PART NO. 310 1/4 Bend, Street with Low Heel Inlet HUB X SPIGOT X HUB SIZE ABC 3 x 3 x 2 31⁄16515⁄16 49⁄16 PART NO. PVC 311 Long Sweep 1/4 Bend, with Side Inlet SIZE 3 x 3 x 2 ALL HUB ABC 41⁄1613⁄813⁄4 * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 27 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 319 1/6 Bend SIZE (60° Ell) HUB X HUB A 11⁄21 2 15⁄16 3 111⁄16 4 21⁄16 PART NO. 320 1/6 Bend, Street (60° Street Ell) HUB X SPIGOT SIZE AB 11⁄2 113⁄4 2 15⁄1623⁄16 3 111⁄1633⁄16 4 21⁄16313⁄16 PART NO. 321 1/8 Bend SIZE (45° Ell) HUB X HUB A 11⁄41 11⁄211⁄8 2 11⁄2 3 13⁄4 4 23⁄16 6 21⁄16 8 21⁄16 1031⁄8 12 331⁄64 14(F)81⁄4 16(F)105⁄16 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 28 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 323 1/8 Bend, Street (45° Street Ell) SPIGOT X HUB SIZE AB 11⁄4 113⁄4 1 1 ⁄211⁄817⁄8 2 11⁄223⁄8 3 13⁄431⁄4 4 23⁄16315⁄16 6 21⁄16515⁄64 8 263⁄32 10 31⁄885⁄32 12 331⁄6491⁄2 14(F)93⁄8159⁄16 16(F)105⁄16181⁄2 PART NO. 324 1/16 Bend SIZE (221⁄2° Ell) HUB X HUB A 1 11⁄2 ⁄2 11 2 ⁄16 3 13⁄16 4 1 6 11⁄2 8 11⁄2 10 2 122 14(F)51⁄4 16(F)513⁄16 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 29 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 326 1/16 Bend, Street (221⁄2° Street Ell) SPIGOT X HUB SIZE AB 1 11⁄2 ⁄211⁄4 11 2 ⁄1611⁄2 3 13⁄1625⁄16 4 123⁄4 6 11⁄253⁄64 8(F)61⁄81015⁄16 10(F)511⁄16113⁄4 12(F)51⁄2141⁄16 14(F)69⁄16137⁄8 16(F)85⁄16163⁄4 PART NO. 327 Double 1/4 Bend SIZE ALL HUB AB 11⁄213⁄413⁄4 2 25⁄1625⁄16 3 31⁄1631⁄16 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄2115⁄1623⁄16 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 30 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 328 1/32 Bend SIZE HUB X HUB A 8(F)51⁄8 10(F)57⁄8 12(F)511⁄16 PART NO. 329 Closet Bend, Reducing SIZE 3 x 4 HUB X HUB AB 3 33⁄8 PART NO. 330 Closet Bend, Reducing SIZE 3 x 4 HUB X SPIGOT AB 6 35⁄8 PART NO. ABS 330X* Closet Bend, Reducing with Test Cap SIZE 3 x 4* HUB X SPIGOT AB 6 35⁄8 Fabricated * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 31 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 331 Vent Ell (90° Short Turn Ell) HUB X HUB SIZE A 11⁄213⁄16 2 11⁄2 3 17⁄8 PART NO. 333 Vent Ell, Street (90° Short Turn Street Ell) HUB X SPIGOT SIZE AB 11⁄217⁄32115⁄16 2 11⁄223⁄8 3 17⁄831⁄2 PART NO. 400 Sanitary Tee SIZE ALL HUB AB 11⁄419⁄1625⁄16 11⁄213⁄423⁄4 2 25⁄16311⁄16 3 31⁄1647⁄8 4 37⁄861⁄8 6 581⁄2 8 6101⁄2 10(F)1613⁄32161⁄2 12(F)191⁄8191⁄2 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 32 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 400A Straight Tee SIZE ALL HUB A BC E 8(N) 941⁄2 41⁄2 41⁄2 10(N)121⁄261⁄461⁄465⁄16 12(N)147⁄1677⁄3277⁄3271⁄4 14(N)(F) 21101⁄2101⁄2115⁄8 16(N)(F)237⁄81115⁄161115⁄16143⁄16 PART NO. 401 Sanitary Tee, Reducing SIZE ALL HUB A B C 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄223⁄1631⁄8115⁄16 2 x 11⁄2 x 2 25⁄16311⁄1625⁄16 1 2 x 2 x 1 ⁄223⁄1631⁄8115⁄16 3 x 3 x 11⁄229⁄16211⁄1613⁄4 3 x 3 x 2 27⁄835⁄1621⁄8 4 x 4 x 11⁄231⁄431⁄162 4 x 4 x 2 35⁄1633⁄1621⁄16 4 x 4 x 3 39⁄1643⁄43 6 x 6 x 4 427⁄3263⁄64325⁄32 8 x 8 x 4** 81⁄4101⁄241⁄8 8 x 8 x 6** 73⁄41031⁄6463⁄64 Fabricated Not a sanitary pattern ** Assembled from two molded components Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) (N) 33 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 401A Straight Tee, Reducing SIZE ALL HUB A BC 8 x 8 x 4(N)**77⁄8 101⁄2 51⁄4 (N) 7 8 x 8 x 6 **6 ⁄8 101⁄2 51⁄4 10 x 10 x 4(N)**91⁄4103⁄853⁄16 10 x 10 x 6(N)** 8103⁄853⁄16 10 x 10 x 8(N)611⁄32103⁄853⁄16 12 x 12 x 4(N)***927⁄32 101⁄4 51⁄8 12 x 12 x 6(N)**829⁄32101⁄451⁄8 12 x 12 x 8(N)75⁄32101⁄451⁄8 12 x 12 x 10(N)73⁄16127⁄1667⁄32 (N)(F) 14 x 14 x 4 1011⁄16 10 5 (N)(F) 14 x 14 x 6 111⁄4 12 6 14 x 14 x 8(N)(F)115⁄81571⁄2 14 x 14 x 10(N)(F)12 17 81⁄2 14 x 14 x 12(N)(F)123⁄81991⁄2 (N)(F) 16 x 16 x 4 1215⁄16 103⁄8 53⁄16 16 x 16 x 6(N)(F)121⁄4 14 7 16 x 16 x 8(N)(F)125⁄816 8 16 x 16 x 10(N)(F)13 18 9 16 x 16 x 12(N)(F)137⁄16193⁄497⁄8 (N)(F) 16 x 16 x 14 1315⁄16 23 111⁄2 PART NO. 403 Sanitary Tee, Street SPIGOT X HUB X HUB SIZE ABC 11⁄213⁄431⁄221⁄2 2 25⁄1649⁄1637⁄32 3 363⁄849⁄16 437⁄877⁄855⁄8 Fabricated Not a sanitary pattern ** Assembled from two molded components *** Assembled from three molded components Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) (N) 34 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 404 Sanitary Tee, Street Reducing SPIGOT X HUB X HUB SIZE ABC 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄2*25⁄32 4227⁄32 2 x 11⁄2 x 2* 225⁄6441⁄237⁄32 2 x 2 x 11⁄221⁄8427⁄8 3 x 3 x 11⁄229⁄1643⁄1631⁄4 3 x 3 x 2 27⁄843⁄435⁄8 4 x 4 x 2 35⁄16415⁄16313⁄16 PART NO. PVC 410 Tee Cross SIZE ALL HUB A B C 6 x 6 x 4 x 4(F)511⁄16 91⁄4 45⁄8 6 x 6 x 6 x 6(F)61⁄8103⁄453⁄8 8 x 8 x 4 x 4(F)65⁄16 87⁄8 47⁄16 8 x 8 x 6 x 6(F)77⁄32107⁄857⁄16 8 x 8 x 8 x 8(F)85⁄16 131⁄8 69⁄16 10 x 10 x 4 x 4(F)73⁄4 12 6 10 x 10 x 6 x 6(F)81⁄2 111⁄2 53⁄4 10 x 10 x 8 x 8(F)87⁄8131⁄263⁄4 10 x 10 x 10 x 10(F)8 183⁄8 93⁄16 12 x 12 x 4 x 4(F)87⁄8 10 5 12 x 12 x 6 x 6(F)93⁄412 6 12 x 12 x 8 x 8(F)97⁄8153⁄477⁄8 12 x 12 x 10 x 10(F)101⁄416 8 12 x 12 x 12 x 12(F)91⁄8 21101⁄2 Fabricated * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 35 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 416 Sanitary Tee with Left Side Inlet SIZE ALL HUB ABC 3 x 3 x 3 x 11⁄231⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 31⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 37⁄861⁄85 PART NO. 417 Sanitary Tee with Right Side Inlet SIZE ALL HUB ABC 3 x 3 x 3 x 11⁄231⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 31⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 37⁄861⁄85 PART NO. PVC 418 Sanitary Tee with Left & Right Side Inlets SIZE ALL HUB ABC 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 31⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 37⁄861⁄85 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 36 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 428 Double Sanitary Tee (Sanitary Cross) ALL HUB SIZE AB 11⁄213⁄423⁄4 2 25⁄16311⁄16 3 31⁄1647⁄8 4 37⁄861⁄8 PART NO. 429 Double Sanitary Tee, Reducing (Sanitary Cross) ALL HUB SIZE ABC 2 x 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄223⁄1631⁄8115⁄16 3 x 3 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄229⁄16211⁄1613⁄4 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 27⁄835⁄1621⁄8 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 35⁄1633⁄1621⁄16 4 x 4 x 3 x 3 39⁄1643⁄43 PART NO. PVC 431 Double Sanitary Tee Street, Reducing (Sanitary Cross) SPIGOT X HUB X HUB X HUB SIZE ABC 3 x 3 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄229⁄1643⁄1631⁄4 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 37 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 438 Double Sanitary Tee with Side Inlet SIZE (Sanitary Cross) ALL HUB ABC 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 31⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 37⁄861⁄85 PART NO. PVC 439 Double Sanitary Tee with Left & Right Side Inlets (Sanitary Cross) ALL HUB SIZE ABC 3x3x3x3x2x2 31⁄1647⁄8311⁄16 4x4x4x4x2x2 37⁄861⁄85 PART NO. 441 Vent Tee SIZE ALL HUB AB 11⁄213⁄1623⁄8 2 11⁄23 3 17⁄833⁄4 4 21⁄25 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 38 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 444X Cleanout Tee with Cleanout Plug SIZE HUB X HUB X FPT ABC 11⁄2115⁄1623⁄813⁄16 2 21⁄4311⁄2 3 211⁄1637⁄8115⁄16 4 33⁄851⁄829⁄16 6 484 6 x 6 x 4** 8 8 4 8 51⁄4 101⁄2 55⁄32 8 x 8 x 4(F)73⁄4 91⁄4 45⁄8 8 x 8 x 6*** 81⁄4111⁄455⁄8 10(F)123⁄4 121⁄2 61⁄4 10 x 10 x 4(F)87⁄8 93⁄4 47⁄8 10 x 10 x 6(F)105⁄8 113⁄4 57⁄8 10 x 10 x 8 103⁄8103⁄853⁄16 12(F)133⁄8 141⁄2 71⁄4 12 x 12 x 4(F)911⁄16 10 5 12 x 12 x 6** 95⁄16121⁄861⁄16 12 x 12 x 8 115⁄32101⁄461⁄32 12 x 12 x 10(F)135⁄16121⁄261⁄4 Fabricated ** Assembled from two molded components *** Assembled from three molded components Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 39 See Part No. 106 for plug dimensions. P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 445 Cleanout Tee SIZE HUB X HUB X FPT ABC 11⁄2115⁄1623⁄813⁄16 2 21⁄4311⁄2 3 211⁄1637⁄8115⁄16 4 33⁄851⁄829⁄16 6 484 8 51⁄4101⁄255⁄32 8 x 8 x 4(F)73⁄491⁄445⁄8 8 x 8 x 6(F)81⁄4111⁄455⁄8 10(F)123⁄4121⁄261⁄4 10 x 10 x 4(F)811⁄16113⁄457⁄8 10 x 10 x 6(F)105⁄8113⁄457⁄8 10 x 10 x 8 103⁄8103⁄853⁄16 12(F)133⁄8141⁄271⁄4 12 x 12 x 4(F)911⁄1610 5 12 x 12 x 6(F)95⁄16121⁄861⁄16 12 x 12 x 8 115⁄32101⁄461⁄32 12 x 12 x 10(F)135⁄16121⁄261⁄4 PART NO. 445X Flush Cleanout Tee with Cleanout Plug For dimensions see Part Numbers 445 and 110. Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 40 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 447 Horizontal Twin Tee SIZE 3 x 3 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄2 ALL HUB ABCD ⁄813⁄413⁄3229⁄16 7 PART NO. 448 Two-Way Cleanout SIZE ALL HUB A 3 41⁄16 4415⁄16 PART NO. PVC 449 Sanitary Tee with 2” Left Hand Sanitary Inlet on Center SIZE ALL HUB AB 2 25⁄16311⁄16 PART NO. 500 Double Fixture Fitting SIZE ALL HUB ABC 2 31⁄245⁄841⁄4 1 1 1 2 x 1 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄227⁄831⁄231⁄8 2 x 11⁄2 x 2 x 2* 31⁄245⁄841⁄4 2 x 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄227⁄831⁄231⁄8 3 415⁄1663⁄4 61⁄4 3 x 2 x 3 x 3* 415⁄16615⁄1661⁄4 * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 41 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 501 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend SIZE (One Piece) ALL HUB ABC 11⁄2315⁄1631⁄2315⁄16 2 51⁄847⁄1651⁄8 3 79⁄1661⁄279⁄16 4 1081⁄210 PART NO. 502 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend, Reducing SIZE (One Piece) ALL HUB ABC 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄243⁄1631⁄2315⁄16 2 x 2 x 11⁄243⁄1631⁄2315⁄16 3 x 3 x 11⁄243⁄431⁄2315⁄16 3 x 3 x 2 511⁄1647⁄1651⁄8 4 x 4 x 2 61⁄841⁄251⁄8 4 x 4 x 3 81⁄1661⁄279⁄16 PART NO. PVC 503 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend SIZE (Two Pieces) ALL HUB ABC 6**§1115⁄32101⁄8119⁄64 8**§1419⁄32141⁄81423⁄32 10**§181⁄2161⁄2181⁄4 12**§211⁄2191⁄2211⁄2 14(F)∞ 16(F)∞ Fabricated ** Assembled from two molded components § Fitting shipped with any required bushing(s) installed, street bend strapped to fitting; assembled from molded components. ∞ Fitting shipped with street bend strapped to fitting. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 42 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 504 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend, Reducing SIZE (Two Pieces) ALL HUB ABC 6 x 6 x 3§93⁄871⁄16719⁄32 6 x 6 x 4(1)87⁄887⁄16713⁄16 8 x 8 x 4§ 13107⁄16113⁄4 § 8 x 8 x 6 121⁄2107⁄16113⁄16 10 x 10 x 4§163⁄16141⁄41527⁄64 10 x 10 x 6§1531⁄32141⁄4159⁄64 10 x 10 x 8§157⁄16141⁄41425⁄32 12 x 12 x 4§163⁄4131⁄21511⁄32 12 x 12 x 6§167⁄16131⁄2155⁄64 12 x 12 x 8§163⁄321317⁄32145⁄8 12 x 12 x 10§1915⁄32171⁄16183⁄16 (F)∞ 14 x 14 x 4 (F)∞ 14 x 14 x 6 14 x 14 x 8(F)∞ 14 x 14 x 10(F)∞ 14 x 14 x 12(F)∞ (F)∞ 16 x 16 x 4 16 x 16 x 6(F)∞ 16 x 16 x 8(F)∞ 16 x 16 x 10(F)∞231⁄4 232215⁄16 16 x 16 x 12(F)∞ (F)∞ 16 x 16 x 14 Fabricated One piece short pattern § Fitting shipped with any required bushing(s) installed, street bend strapped to fitting; assembled from molded components. ∞ Fitting shipped with street bend strapped to fitting. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) (1) 43 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 507 Double Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend (Three Pieces or Five Pieces) ALL HUB A BC SIZE 4 913⁄3281⁄495⁄32 1 1 2 x 2 x 1 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄247⁄843⁄8415⁄16 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 65⁄64415⁄16511⁄64 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 75⁄165 6 4 x 4 x 3 x 3 819⁄6465⁄8719⁄32 § 6 x 6 x 4 x 4 1121⁄32101⁄8103⁄16 PART NO. PVC 515 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend with Left Side Inlet SIZE A ALL HUB B C D E 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 65⁄16731⁄6451⁄433⁄817⁄8 PART NO. PVC 516 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend with Right Side Inlet SIZE A ALL HUB B C D E 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 65⁄16731⁄6451⁄433⁄817⁄8 § Fitting shipped with any required bushing(s) installed, street bend strapped to fitting; assembled from molded components. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 44 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 517 Combination Wye & 1/8 Bend with Left & Right Side Inlets SIZE A ALL HUB B C D E 3x3x3x2x2 65⁄16731⁄6451⁄433⁄817⁄8 PART NO. 600 SIZE Wye (45° Wye) ALL HUB ABC 11⁄435⁄811⁄1629⁄16 11⁄2 411⁄827⁄8 2 513⁄835⁄8 3 65⁄815⁄85 4 81⁄417⁄863⁄8 6 101⁄813⁄487⁄16 8 141⁄8 23⁄8 113⁄4 10 161⁄227⁄8135⁄8 12 197⁄16311⁄3216 14(F)313⁄8 8221⁄4 16(F)365⁄16103⁄4253⁄16 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 45 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 601 Wye, Reducing SIZE (45° Wye) ALL HUB ABC 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄231⁄211⁄16215⁄16 2 x 11⁄2 x 2 41⁄2 137⁄16 1 2 x 2 x 1 ⁄243⁄811⁄1637⁄16 3 x 3 x 11⁄241⁄4 1⁄245⁄16 7 3 x 3 x 2 5 ⁄845⁄8 4 x 4 x 11⁄2 506 4 x 4 x 2 51⁄16 3⁄859⁄16 4 x 4 x 3 65⁄811⁄166 6 x 6 x 3 71⁄16 1⁄471⁄2 6 x 6 x 4 67⁄8 3⁄1671⁄2 8 x 8 x 4** 107⁄161119⁄16 8 x 8 x 6 107⁄161913⁄16 10 x 10 x 4** 141⁄4 13⁄8 1515⁄16 10 x 10 x 6** 141⁄4 13⁄8 15 10 x 10 x 8 141⁄413⁄8131⁄16 12 x 12 x 4** 131⁄2 1⁄2 1623⁄32 12 x 12 x 6** 131⁄2 1⁄2 1529⁄64 12 x 12 x 8 1319⁄32 1⁄2137⁄8 12 x 12 x 10 171⁄1617⁄8153⁄32 14 x 14 x 4(F)123⁄8 137⁄64 1523⁄64 14 x 14 x 6(F)1551⁄64 15⁄64 1837⁄64 14 x 14 x 8(F)1549⁄6431⁄641651⁄64 14 x 14 x 10(F)1857⁄64343⁄641829⁄32 14 x 14 x 12(F)257⁄859⁄1620 16 x 16 x 4(F)1211⁄1619⁄16151⁄4 16 x 16 x 6(F)153⁄4 3⁄16173⁄16 16 x 16 x 8(F)187⁄1619⁄16183⁄8 16 x 16 x 10(F)2331⁄2195⁄8 16 x 16 x 12(F)263⁄841⁄2213⁄4 16 x 16 x 14(F)271⁄251⁄4239⁄16 Fabricated ** Assembled from two molded components. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 46 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 602 Wye, Street (45° Wye) SPIGOT X HUB X HUB SIZE A BC 11⁄243⁄417⁄827⁄8 2 57⁄821⁄435⁄8 3 81⁄831⁄85 4 915⁄1635⁄861⁄4 PART NO. 603 Wye, Street, Reducing (45° Wye) SPIGOT X HUB X HUB SIZE ABC 3 x 3 x 11⁄253⁄4 247⁄32 3 x 3 x 2 61⁄223⁄845⁄8 4 x 4 x 2 623⁄3221⁄8515⁄64 4 x 4 x 3 83⁄8213⁄166 PART NO. 611 Double Wye (Double 45° Wye) ALL HUB SIZE ABC 11⁄2 411⁄827⁄8 2 513⁄835⁄8 3 65⁄815⁄85 4 81⁄417⁄863⁄8 6 103⁄1613⁄487⁄16 8(F)191⁄1647⁄8135⁄8 10(F)221⁄16511⁄16161⁄4 12(F)195⁄1667⁄8257⁄8 14(F)287⁄1671⁄8203⁄8 Fabricated Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 47 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 611S Double Wye with 2” Side Inlet SIZE 3x3x3x2 (Double 45° Wye) ALL HUB ABCD 65⁄815⁄8513⁄4 PART NO. 612 Double Wye, Reducing (Double 45° Wye) ALL HUB SIZE A BC 2 x 2 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄243⁄811⁄1637⁄16 1 3 x 3 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄241⁄4 ⁄245⁄16 15 7 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 4 ⁄16 ⁄845⁄8 3 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 5 ⁄859⁄16 5 1 4 x 4 x 3 x 3 6 ⁄81 ⁄166 6 x 6 x 4 x 4** 101⁄813⁄4103⁄16 8 x 8 x 4 x 4(F)101⁄16 13⁄161013⁄16 8 x 8 x 6 x 6(F) 1311⁄2125⁄8 (F) 10 x 10 x 4 x 4 113⁄1627⁄1614 3 10 x 10 x 6 x 6(F)1415⁄16 ⁄4 145⁄8 (F) 7 10 x 10 x 8 x 8 183 ⁄16151⁄16 12 x 12 x 4 x 4(F)1113⁄161 14 12 x 12 x 6 x 6(F)1511⁄16 7⁄16 171⁄8 12 x 12 x 8 x 8(F)187⁄8 33⁄16 161⁄2 12 x 12 x 10 x 10(F)2111⁄16 37⁄8 181⁄16 14 x 14 x 4 x 4(F) 14 x 14 x 6 x 6(F)15 1 163⁄16 14 x 14 x 8 x 8(F) 1927⁄161719⁄32 14 x 14 x 10 x 10(F)217⁄8 4183⁄4 (F) 3 7 14 x 14 x 12 x 12 25 ⁄16519 ⁄8 (F) 16 x 16 x 4 x 4 16 x 16 x 6 x 6(F)159⁄16 17⁄32 1721⁄32 16 x 16 x 8 x 8(F)183⁄4 11⁄2 183⁄16 16 x 16 x 10 x 10(F)219⁄16 19⁄16 205⁄8 16 x 16 x 12 x 12(F)2611⁄1647⁄16213⁄4 (F) 16 x 16 x 14 x 14 Fabricated ** Assembled from two molded components. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. (F) 48 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 625 Wye with Left Side Inlet ALL HUB SIZE ABCDE 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 65⁄815⁄8 521⁄413⁄4 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 81⁄417⁄863⁄821⁄235⁄16 PART NO. PVC 626 Wye with Right Side Inlet SIZE A ALL HUB B C D E 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 65⁄815⁄8521⁄413⁄4 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 81⁄417⁄863⁄821⁄235⁄16 PART NO. 700 Return Bend SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄231⁄213⁄413⁄4 2 57⁄3223⁄823⁄8 3 63⁄431⁄1631⁄16 4 81⁄2311⁄16311⁄16 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 49 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. ABS 704P* Tail Piece Adapter with Plastic Nut & Packing Ring SIZE SPIGOT X SLIP A 11⁄2(C)23⁄16 PART NO. 706X P-Trap with Solvent Weld Joint SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1613⁄4 2 613⁄1647⁄823⁄8 3 815⁄16615⁄1631⁄16 4 111⁄1687⁄16311⁄16 PART NO. 707X P-Trap with Cleanout & Solvent Weld Joint SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1613⁄4 2 613⁄1647⁄823⁄8 PART NO. 708P P-Trap with Union & Plastic Nut SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄449⁄1631⁄213⁄8 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1613⁄4 2 613⁄1647⁄823⁄8 * Available in ABS only; contact sales office for availability. (C) Contact sales office for availability. Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 50 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 708X P-Trap with Union & Chrome Nut SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1613⁄4 PART NO. PVC 709X P-Trap with Cleanout, Union & Chrome Nut SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1613⁄4 PART NO. PVC 710 Low Profile P-Trap with Solvent Weld SIZE HUB X HUB ABC 2 613⁄1649⁄1623⁄8 PART NO. 711P L.A. Pattern P-Trap with Union & Polyethylene Nut SIZE SLIP X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1633⁄4 PART NO. 711W L.A. Pattern P-Trap with Union & Plastic Nut SIZE SLIP X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1633⁄4 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 51 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 711X L.A. Pattern P-Trap with Union & Chrome Nut SIZE SLIP X HUB ABC 11⁄245⁄8315⁄1633⁄4 PART NO. 720X Drum Trap SIZE HUB X HUB AB 3 x 6 x 11⁄2413⁄16 111⁄16 PART NO. 800 & 800K Closet Flange SIZE HUB END ABC 4 x 3 7 4 x 4◊7 11⁄4 11⁄4 ⁄16 ⁄16 7 7 PART NO. ABS 800S* Closet Flange with Stop SIZE 4 x 3* HUB END ABCD 7 21⁄4 ⁄16 7 11⁄2 PART NO. 801 Closet Flange, Reducing SIZE 4 x 3 SPIGOT ABCD 7 23⁄4 121⁄32 ◊ 800K, 4”x4” not available in ABS * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 52 ⁄16 7 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. PVC 810K Closet Flange, Adjustable with Plastic Ring SIZE 4 x 3 HUB END ABC 7 11⁄8 7 ⁄16 PART NO. ABS 811P* Closet Flange, Adjustable with Plastic Ring SIZE 4 x 3* 4 x 4* HUB END ABC 7 7 11⁄8 11⁄8 7 7 ⁄16 ⁄16 PART NO. 811 Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring SIZE 4 x 3 4 x 4 HUB END ABC 7 7 11⁄4 11⁄8 1 1 ⁄4 ⁄4 PART NO. PVC 811K Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring SIZE 4 x 3 HUB END ABC 7 11⁄4 1 ⁄4 PART NO. 812 Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring SIZE 4 x 3 4 x 4 SPIGOT ABC 7 7 25⁄8 25⁄8 1 1 ⁄4 ⁄4 * Available in ABS only Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 53 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. 812P Closet Flange, Adjustable with Plastic Ring SIZE 4 x 3 4 x 4 SPIGOT ABC 7 7 25⁄8 25⁄8 7 7 ⁄16 ⁄16 PART NO. 815 Flush Closet Flange (Fits Over 3” Pipe or Inside 4” Pipe) HUB SIZE ABC 4 x 4 / 4 x 3 7 27⁄8 ⁄16 7 PART NO. 815K Flush Closet Flange with Knockout (Fits Over 3” Pipe or Inside 4” Pipe) HUB ABC SIZE 4 x 4 / 4 x 3 7 27⁄32 ⁄16 7 PART NO. 820 Offset Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring SIZE 4 x 3 (11⁄2” Offset) HUB A B C 7 45⁄16 1 D E ⁄411⁄225⁄16 PART NO. 820P Offset Closet Flange , Adjustable with Plastic Ring SIZE 4 x 3 (1 1⁄2” Offset) HUB A B C 7 45⁄16 7 D E ⁄1611⁄225⁄16 Note: Shading indicates available in PVC only. 54 PVC and ABS DWV Fittings PART NO. ABS 824* Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring & 4” Extended Spigot SIZE 4* SPIGOT ABC 7 411⁄16 1 ⁄4 PART NO. ABS 900* Swivel Tray Plug Adapter with Washer SIZE SPG X FPT AB 11⁄2*123⁄32 15 ⁄32 PART NO. ABS 900X* Swivel Tray Plug Adapter with Washer, Extended SIZE SPG X FPT AB 11⁄2*27⁄16 15 ⁄32 PART NO. ABS 910* Swivel Tray Plug Adapter with Washer SIZE H X FPT AB 11⁄2*113⁄16 15 ⁄32 * Available in ABS only 55 P V C & A B S D W V F I T T I N G S Pipe Data Thin Wall PVC DWV Pipe PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Pipe PVC SCHEDULE 30 (White) PLAIN END ASTM D 2949 MIN. WT. PER PART NO. NOM. SIZE UPC # QTY. PER AVG. OD WALL 100 FT. 611942-SKID (IN.) (IN.) (LBS.) PVC 93003”x10’039631250’3.25 .125 80.2 Weight is approximate and is for shipping purposes only. Pipe listed in this section meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D 2949. All products manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are proudly made in the U.S.A. Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. 56 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings HUB DIMENSIONS PVC Thin Wall SCH 30 Fittings Hub Dimensional Tolerances SIZE A B C D 3.2653.2451.5000.140 3.25 O.D. ±.008 ±.008 MIN. MIN. IPS Hub Dimensional Tolerances SIZE A B C D 11⁄ 1.9151.894 0.7500.156 2 +.010/-.005±.006 MIN. MIN. 2 2.3902.369 0.8750.156 +.010/-.005±.006 MIN. MIN. 3 3.5203.498 1.5000.218 +.010/-.005±.008 MIN. MIN. 4 4.5204.491 1.5000.250 +.010/-.005±.009 MIN. MIN. 57 T H I N W A L L P V C D W V PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1100 Coupling SIZE 3 HUB X HUB ABC ⁄16 3 37⁄32 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1101 Female Adapter SIZE 3 FTP X HUB ABC ⁄16 3 11⁄2 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1102 Pipe Increaser-Reducer SIZE 11⁄2 x 3 2 x 3 4 x 3 HUB X HUB ABCN 23⁄4 3⁄4 23⁄4 7⁄8 47⁄32 19⁄16 11⁄2 11⁄2 13⁄4 PART NO. PVC 1105X Fitting Cleanout Adapter with Cleanout Plug SPIGOT AB SIZE 3 7 ⁄32 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1109 Male Adapter SIZE 3 MPT X HUB ABC 5 ⁄16 11⁄2 11⁄2 58 11⁄4 11⁄4 27⁄32 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1112 Reducer Bushing SIZE HUB X SPIGOT ABC 3 x 11⁄225⁄16 3 x 2 27⁄16 4 x 3 21⁄8 11⁄2 11⁄2 13⁄4 ⁄4 ⁄32 15⁄8 3 29 PART NO. PVC 1116 Cap SOCKET AC SIZE 3 25⁄16 115⁄16 T H I N PART NO. PVC 1117 W A L L Adapter Coupling (Adapts S&D Hub to DWV Hub) SPIGOT X SPIGOT SIZE A ⁄16 P V C PART NO. PVC 1129 D W V 4 x 3 9 Hub Adapter (Adapts 3” IPS Hub to 3” Thin Wall Pipe) SPIGOT X HUB SIZE AB 3 x 3 11⁄2 125⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1130 Repair Coupling SIZE HUB X HUB A 3 33⁄16 59 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1300 1/4 Bend SIZE HUB X HUB AB 3 27⁄8 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1302 1/4 Bend, Street SIZE SPIGOT X HUB ABC 3 27⁄8 49⁄32 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1319 1/6 Bend SIZE HUB X HUB A 3 11⁄2 PART NO. PVC 1321 1/8 Bend SIZE HUB X HUB AB 3 11⁄32 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1323 1/8 Bend, Street SIZE 3 SPIGOT X HUB ABC 11⁄32 217⁄32 117⁄32 60 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1324 1/16 Bend HUB X HUB A SIZE 3 11 ⁄16 PART NO. PVC 1400 Sanitary Tee SIZE 3 HUB X HUB ABC 231⁄32 41⁄2 117⁄32 T H I N PART NO. PVC 1401 Sanitary Tee, Reducing SIZE 3 x 11⁄2 3 x 2 A HUB X HUB B C D 29⁄16 211⁄16 111⁄16 11⁄2 27⁄32 33⁄8 131⁄32 11⁄2 E 3 7 ⁄4 ⁄8 Sanitary Tee with Right & Left Side Inlets ALL HUB A B C 3 x 3 x 3 x 11⁄2 x 11⁄2215⁄16 3 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 215⁄16 P V C D W V PART NO. PVC 1418 SIZE W A L L 413⁄32 215⁄16 413⁄32 215⁄16 61 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1429 Double Sanitary Tee, Reducing SIZE 3 x 11⁄2 A HUB X HUB B C D 21⁄4 221⁄32 125⁄32 117⁄32 E 25 ⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1444X Cleanout Tee with Cleanout Plug SIZE 3 HUB X HUB X FTP ABC 23⁄4 33⁄4 17⁄8 See Part No. 106 for plug dimensions. PART NO. PVC 1600 Wye HUB X HUB ABCD SIZE 3 47⁄8 3 ⁄4 41⁄8 117⁄32 PART NO. PVC 1601 Wye, Reducing SIZE A 3 x 11⁄2 311⁄16 3 x 2 311⁄16 HUB X HUB B C ⁄8 1 ⁄4 3 D 31⁄2 117⁄32 43⁄8 117⁄32 E 25 7 ⁄32 ⁄8 PART NO. PVC 1611 Double Wye SIZE 3 HUB X HUB ABCD 429⁄32 13 ⁄16 41⁄8 117⁄32 62 PVC Thin Wall Schedule 30 Fittings PART NO. PVC 1800 Closet Flange SIZE 4 x 3 HUB ABCD 7 11⁄4 7 ⁄16 19⁄16 PART NO. PVC 1800K Closet Flange SIZE 4 x 3 HUB ABCD 7 11⁄4 7 ⁄16 19⁄16 PART NO. PVC 1811 Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring SIZE 4 x 3 HUB ABCD 63⁄4 11⁄4 1 ⁄4 11⁄2 Closet Flange, Adjustable with Metal Ring 4 x 3 SPIGOT ABCD 63⁄4 W A L L P V C D W V PART NO. PVC 1812 SIZE T H I N 11⁄4 1 ⁄4 63 11⁄2 Certification This is to certify that all Plastic Pipe and Fittings manufactured by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company are manufactured in the United States and conform to the following standards: PVC SCH. 40 SOLID WALL PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 1785, ASTM D 2665 FHA UM 79a FEDERAL SPECIFICATION L-P-320a NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 PVC SCH. 40 DWV CELLULAR CORE PIPE ASTM D 4396, ASTM F 891 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 RePVC ® SCH. 40 DWV PIPE ASTM D 4396, ASTM F 1760 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 PVC SCH. 40 DWV FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2665, ASTM D 3311, ASTM F 1866 FHA UM 79a FEDERAL SPECIFICATION L-P-320a NSF STANDARD NO. 14 PVC SDR-21 AND SDR-26 PRESSURE PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2241 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 PVC SCH. 40 PRESSURE FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2466 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 PVC SCH. 40 WELL CASING PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM F 480 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 PVC SCH. 80 PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 1785, PVC 1120 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 PVC SCH. 80 FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2467, ASTM D 2464, ASTM F 1970 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 AND 61 64 Certification PVC SDR 35 SEWER MAIN PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 3034 SDR 35 ASTM D 3212, ASTM F 477 PVC SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2729 PVC THIN WALL PIPE & FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2949 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 CPVC FLOWGUARD GOLD ® CTS PIPE & FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2846 FHA UM-61a NSF STANDARD NO. 14. AND 61 CSA LISTED ON SPECIFIED ITEMS CPVC REUZE® CTS PIPE ASTM D 1784, ASTM D 2846 NSF STANDARD NO. 14. CPVC CHEMDRAIN ® SCH. 40 PIPE & FITTINGS ASTM D 1784, ASTM F 2618 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 ABS SCH. 40 DWV CELLULAR CORE PIPE ASTM D 3965, ASTM F 628 NSF STANDARD NO. 14 ABS PLUS ® SCH. 40 DWV CELLULAR CORE PIPE ASTM D 3965, ASTM D 4396, ASTM F 1488 NSF STANDARD NO. 14. ABS SCH. 40 DWV FITTINGS ASTM D 3965, ASTM D 2661, ASTM D 3311 FHA UM 79a FEDERAL SPECIFICATION L-P-322b NSF STANDARD NO. 14 65 C E R T I F I C A T I O N LIMITED WARRANTY Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company® (Charlotte Pipe®) Products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects and to conform to currently applicable ASTM standards for a period of five (5) years from date of delivery. Buyer’s remedy for breach of this warranty is limited to replacement of, or credit for, the defective product. This warranty excludes any expense for removal or reinstallation of any defective product and any other incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. This limited warranty is the only warranty made by seller and is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express and implied, including any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No statement, conduct or description by Charlotte Pipe or its representative, in addition to or beyond this Limited Warranty, shall constitute a warranty. This Limited Warranty may only be modified in writing signed by an officer of Charlotte Pipe. This Limited Warranty will not apply if: 1) The Products are used for purposes other than their intended purpose as defined by local plumbing and building codes, and the applicable ASTM standard. 2) The Products are not installed in good and workmanlike manner consistent with normal industry standards; installed in compliance with the latest instructions published by Charlotte Pipe and good plumbing practices; and installed in conformance with all applicable plumbing, fire and building code requirements. 3) This limited warranty does not apply when the products of Charlotte Pipe are used with the products of other manufacturers that do not meet the applicable ASTM or CISPI standards or that are not marked in a manner to indicate the entity that manufactured them. 4) In hubless cast iron installations, this warranty will not apply if products are joined with unshielded hubless couplings. Charlotte Pipe requires that its hubless cast iron pipe and fittings be joined only with shielded hubless couplings manufactured in accordance with CISPI 310, ASTM C 1277 and certified by NSF® International or with Heavy Duty Couplings meeting ASTM C 1540. 5) The Products fail due to defects or deficiencies in design, engineering, or installation of the piping system of which they are a part. 6) The Products have been the subject of modification; misuse; misapplication; improper maintenance or repair; damage caused by the fault or negligence of anyone other than Charlotte Pipe; or any other act or event beyond the control of Charlotte Pipe. 7) The Products fail due to the freezing of water in the Products. 8) The Products fail due to contact with chemical agents, fire stopping materials, thread sealant, plasticized vinyl products, or other aggressive chemical agents that are not compatible. 9) Pipe outlets, sound attenuation systems or other devices are permanently attached to the surface of Charlotte® PVC, ABS or CPVC products with solvent cement or adhesive glue. Charlotte Pipe products are manufactured to the applicable ASTM or CISPI standard. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry cannot accept responsibility for the performance, dimensional accuracy, or compatibility of pipe, fittings, gaskets, or couplings not manufactured or sold by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. Any Charlotte Pipe products alleged to be defective must be made available to Charlotte Pipe at the following address for verification, inspection and determination of cause: Testing with or use of compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings can result in explosive failures and cause severe injury or death. • NEVER test with or transport/store compressed air or gas in PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings. • NEVER test PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings with compressed air or gas, or air over water boosters. • ONLY use PVC / ABS / CPVC / Cast Iron pipe or fittings for water or approved chemicals. • Refer to warnings on PPFA’s website and ASTM D 1785. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Attention: Technical Services 2109 Randolph Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 Purchaser must obtain a return materials authorization and instructions for return shipment to Charlotte Pipe of any product claimed defective or shipped in error. Any Charlotte Pipe product proved to be defective in manufacture will be replaced F.O.B. point of original delivery, or credit will be issued, at the discretion of Charlotte Pipe. 4/24/15 Charlotte and Charlotte Pipe are registered trademarks of Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company. 66 This catalog accurately reflects dimensional information to the best of our knowledge. If the dimensions on your job are critical, please verify dimensional information with our factory. This dimensional catalog accurately reflects our product line at the time the catalog was printed. However, we add and delete items on an ongoing basis to better serve our customers. Please refer to our current list price sheets for an accurate listing of items offered. Charlotte Pipe® products are manufactured to the applicable ASTM standard. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry cannot accept responsibility for the performance, dimensional accuracy, or compatibility of pipe, fittings, gaskets, or couplings not manufactured or sold by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. 67 PO BOX 35430 CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 28235 PHONE (704) 348-6450 (800) 572-4199 FAX (800) 553-1605 WWW.CHARLOTTEPIPE.COM
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