Hakka Study Tour Abstract.odt - NeoOffice Writer


Hakka Study Tour Abstract.odt - NeoOffice Writer
Report 1: China Study Tour Results (Abstract): Jorg Ostrowski © Nov. 6/08 draft 2 1/2
October 6 to 30, 2008: HK, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Shenzhen & Meizhou, in Guangdong & Shaanxi provinces
Eco Solutions+Opportunities for sustainable development of historic sites, south China
Jorg Ostrowski <jdo@ecobuildings.net>, Helen Ostrowski, Yan-Li Xiaoyan (& Minoru Ueda)
1: Yan+Helen, Xi'an
2: networking after talk
3: PPT, Jiaying University
A) Introduction: In October 2008, our 3-person team focussed on ~20 rammed earth Hakka Villages
in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Meizhou (Guangdong province) China. These rectangular “Five Phoenix”
villages, were not round, oval or square tulous as seen in Fujian province in 2007. We reviewed their
physical condition, structural integrity, need for restoration, sustainability, planning, architecture, artwork and potential of each Hakka village for ecotourism and sustainable restoration and development.
B) Professional Achievements & Results (central/south China):
1) presentations (3 PPTs): 22nd World Hakka Conference, Xi'an; HRI, Jiaying University (Figs. 1-4)
2) site visits: a) ~20 Hakka villages (2, HK; 2, Shenzhen, 16, Meizhou) & Hakka Research Institute (HRI)
b) rammed earth architecture (mausoleums, Banpo, cave dwellings, Figs. 5-10, 13-14), 2 waterfronts
3) meetings: with (3) Profs. Breitung, Jiaping & Fang, and students at 3 universities in 3 cities
4) knowledge gained: Chinese: a) key architectural patterns (i.e. Feng Shui, Courtyards, clan housing),
b) history, c) construction methods (old+new), d) renewable energy sites, e) green building trends
5) working sessions: discussions with expanded team on joint venture R&D & projects (see “C”)
6) selected 2 buildings: to develop proposals for future demonstration projects (Figs. 9-12 & 13)
7) networking & promotional: expanded contacts with government, business, universities & others
C) Professional Followup/Initiatives now underway (Calgary Canada; HK/Shenzen/Meizhou China):
1) Report on China Study Tour Results 2008 (Abstract), to ASH-Inc. (this document)
2) private summary of trip experience for parents
3) Summary of LuoRhuiHe Village, Luo Family, Shenzhen (Fig. 8) with cross-cultural team
4) Hakka Village Architecture & Planning (Abstract): Shenzhen & Meizhou, Guangdong province
5) article on Yuan Yuan Lou, Lee Family, Song Kou Town, Meizhou (Fig. 7) with HRI team
6) letter to Meizhou County and Guangdong Province to protect & restore Yuan Yuan Lou (Fig. 7)
7) proposal to lease, research, restore, resurrect & develop 2 buildings as EcoDemonstration projects:
a) Ji Shan Lou (Zhu Family), QiaoXi, Mei Xian, 1902 (Figs. 9-12) with HRI team
b) Chong Qindi House (Gu Family), Song Kou Town, Meizhou, 1946 (Fig. 13) with HRI team
8) outline for the first “International Institute for Sustainable Development” in China” at Jiaying University
9) proposal to owners of ZhenFu Tulou to transform museum into an active & viable community project
5: Banpo Neolithic Village
6: Qin's mausoleum
7: Yuan Yuan
8: LuoRhuiHe Village/museum
Report 1: China Study Tour Results (Abstract): Jorg Ostrowski, Nov. 6/08 draft 1, 2/2
9: Ji Shan Lou in QiaoXi
10: Ji Shan Lou, QiaoXi
11: Courtyard
12: ArtWork to preserve
D) general Purpose of our self-funded work, travel & projects (this team's concept, dream & hope):
As stakeholders of our Hakka World Heritage, we can design a new paradigm together, to help:
a) keep families together without separating grandparents/children in country from parents in the city
b) reduce migration to city by making rural villages sustainable income generators (wealth redistribution)
c) incubate a new rural economy based on EcoTourism, job creation, diversification & natural capitalism
d) demonstrate leadership through sustainable development, conserver lifestyle, energy efficiency,
appropriate technology, recycling, permaculture, renewable energy, as pollution solutions for China
e) save villages & their history from being abandoned, forgotten, ruined, damaged or museumed
f) regain clean environment, with blue skies, clear stars, fresh air, safe water/soil, abundant trees/nature
g) celebrate Hakka culture, with inherited wisdom, achievements, hard work, hospitality, sustainability
E) specific Long term Goals (mitigate Climate Change, deforestation, pollution & non renewables):
We want to do our part to save, strengthen, modernize, and repopulate Hakka villages in 5 ways:
1) adding information and insights for the general public & EcoTourists:
a) Hakka Pocket Guide for English speaking ecotourists/partners
b) Hakka website for pictures, articles & inventory of Hakka architecture & planning (underway)
2) designing an “International Hakka Biosphere Plan“ with a “World Heritage Trail” linking many
villages, based on sustainable development, renewable energy & local history/materials/benefit
3) RecoFitting one Village at a time as an international demonstration for common good
4) developing an international exchange program based on co-operation, goodwill, education, partnership and innovation, with cultural events, seminars, conferences, training & applied apprenticeships
5) nominating Hakka villages (in 3 provinces) as a whole, for an international environmental award
F) Plans for a new world Biosphere in Guangdong & Fujian provinces:
A Hakka Biosphere is our plan for a Global Village of rehabilitated historical monuments and nature
preserves. Old villages and natural areas need preservation for all humankind, as beacons of hope
for the future. Sustainable development and private leadership can reclaim, rescue, restore, resuscitate,
revitalize and repopulate historic villages, to help an over-industrialized world to save our planet from
destruction, without stealing from future generations. A Hakka Heritage Trail would link them together.
Our work is dedicated to Hakka people everywhere, their ancestral villages and their culture, and
the beauty of China, for all living species. This new vision and paradigm seeks to recognize, save,
appreciate, strengthen, rebuild, repopulate and promote best examples for common purpose and
mutual benefit, with patient perseverance, hard work, modern technology and international partnerships, as the past speaks to the future through the present, in the mountains and plains of south China.
13: Chong Qindi, Mei Xian 14: Qanqiulou Meizhou
15: Sai Kung, HK
16: meeting with Mayor