UNIMA Council Varadero - Cuba April 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2014


UNIMA Council Varadero - Cuba April 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2014
Union Internationale de la Marionnette
Organisation Internationale non gouvernementale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de
l’UNESCO fondée en 1929
UNIMA Council
Varadero - Cuba
April 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2014
Agenda - Ordre du jour - Orden del día
Day 1 - Tuesday / Mardi / Martes 22nd, 2014 > 9:00 to 13:30
1/ Welcome speech by the UNIMA President
Discours de bienvenue du Président de l'UNIMA
Discurso de bienvenida por el Presidente
2/ Report of the Secretary General
Rapport du Secrétaire Général
Informe del Secretario General
3/ Report of the Treasurer
Rapport de la Trésorière
Informe de la Tesorera
4/ Approbation of the compilation of the minutes of the Congress of Chengdu
Approbation du résumé des minutes du Congrès de Chengdu
Aprobación del resumen del acta del Congreso de Chengdu
5/ Reports of the Commissions
Rapports des Commissions
Informes de las Comisiones
Day 2 - Wednesday / Mercredi / Miercoles 23rd, 2014 > 9:00 to 13:30
6/ Reports of the National Centres
Rapports des Centres Nationaux
Informes de los Centros Nacionales
7/ Presentation of the project of Bank of visual and numerical information
Présentation du projet de Banque d'information visuelle et numérique
Presentación del proyecto de Banco de información visual y numérica
8/ Information about preparation of next Congress (San Sebastián- Tolosa 2016)
Information sur la préparation du prochain Congrès (San Sebastián- Tolosa 2016)
Información sobre preparación del próximo Congreso (San Sebastián- Tolosa 2016)
9/ Committee of Election
Comité des Élections
Comité de las Elecciones
Day 3 - Thursday / Jeudi / Jueves 24th, 2014 > 9:00 to 13:30
10/ Presentation of the new website
Présentation du nouveau site internet
Presentación del nuevo sitio web
11/ Open discussion
Discussion ouverte
Discusión abierta
12/ Various questions
Questions diverses
Cuestiones diversas
- Welcome Speech of President
- Report of Secretary General
- Report of the Treasurer
- Compilation Minutes Chengdu
- Commission Africa
- Commission Asia -Pacific
- Commission Cooperation
- Commission Cultural Exchange
- Commission Education-Development and Therapy
- Commission Europe
- Commission of Puppetry Heritage Preservation
- Commission of International Festivals
- Commission for Latin America
- North American Commission
- Commission Publication and Communication
- Sub Commission Contemporary Writing
- Research Commission
- Statutes Commission
- Commission of Strategic Development
- Training Commission
- Women Commission
- UNIMA Austria
- UNIMA Belgium
- UNIMA Bulgaria
- UNIMA Canada
- UNIMA China
- UNIMA Croatia
- UNIMA Cuba
- UNIMA Finland
- UNIMA France
- UNIMA Germany
- UNIMA Iceland
- UNIMA India
- UNIMA Indonesia
- UNIMA Ivory Coast
- UNIMA Japan
- UNIMA Mexico
- UNIMA Netherlands
- UNIMA Poland
- UNIMA Russia
- UNIMA Korea
- UNIMA Spain
- Representation UNIMA in Costa Rica
- Representation UNIMA in Iraq
- Preparation of next Congress 2016
- Commitee of Election
- Various Questions
Thank a lot to Idoya Otegui for the
Translations into Spanish - FG
Address by UNIMA President,
at the UNIMA executive and council meeting in Varadero - Cuba 2014
Dear Puppeteers, colleagues, friends and hosts,
It is a great honour and pleasure for UNIMA, to be meeting you all in Cuba.
This is the first such large and important meeting for UNIMA in Cuba, and on behalf of our organisation , I
thank you all for attending the same, most importantly our hosts for this event :The Cuban Ministry of Culture
Gisela Gonzales, president of the National Council for the Scenic Arts.
Mileidy Denis Perez, vice president of the Provincial Assembly of Matanzas.
Sandra Jiménez, president of the Provincial Council for the Scenic Arts and president of the Organizing
René Fernandez, president of UNIMA-Cuba.
Rubén Darío Salazar, national secretary of UNIMA-Cuba and director of the Matanzas International
All the members of the Cuban Organizing Committee and specially
Sorangel Fuentes at the communications department of the CPAE
José Gonzalez from Gaviota Tour.
Gilberto Guada and Sissi Ubals from Havana Holdings.
The directors of the Varadero Plaza America.
Before I go any further, let us remember and honour those who have left us in these last few months, above
all our previous general Secretary Miguel Arreche,
And others namely……….
May all the good work they have done for puppetry live on, as a legacy of their commitment to UNIMA and
the art of puppetry, may I please request you to stand for a moment of silence in their memory.
Since our last Council meeting in Dordrecht - Netherlands, June 2010, UNIMA its national centres,
commissions and members have done extraordinary work, at times in most difficult situations but always for
the love and respect of the art of puppet theatre.
Looking back it was in our council meeting in Atlanta that I had suggested the date 21st March to be
celebrated as UNIMA world puppet day. Observing the many celebrations and events all over the world ,one
can say this year, that UNIMA world puppet day, just celebrated last month has grown tremendously, people
all over the world are now ever more aware of the contributions which puppet artists create in their corners
of the globe.
As you will see in our General Secretary’s report, the organisation has definitely made strides, both national
as well as international, we have many more national centres and representatives then before, thanks to the
untiring effort of our general Secretary Jacques Trudeau.
Our mammoth project WEPA -world puppet encyclopaedia in English ,will soon see the light of day , thanks
to the untiring dedication of a few persons working on the same, thank you to Karen Smith Heesen and her
team in the concerned commission, as also the many individuals all over the world who have assisted them.
I am proud to say after years of deliberation and discussions, our new site is up and functioning, and I hope
that all our members will make good use of the same; here also it is the dedicated effort of a few individuals
Raphaèle Fleury , Lothaire Claudel and Fabrice Guilliot.
I would like you all to give a big hand to Fabrice who for many years has voluntarily maintained our old site
and done everything possible to keep it functioning till the present.
To the many heads of our national centres and commissions in UNIMA, many of you again on voluntary
bases have been doing your best to function in the larger family of this esteemed organisation, Yes I know
the road is not always easy, but it is due to your dedication and constant efforts that many of you have
achieved success in your areas, and others…. I’m sure will get there soon as well.
I would be happy to see all our national centres functioning in the way they have worded out in their
constitutions, there are many that frankly speaking are dormant, and this does injustice to the puppeteers and
members of their countries.
Having said all this and painted a rosy picture, we all need to look into the situations of traditional
puppeteers in our countries. Traditions are also being appropriated into hybrid new traditions, we all need to
discuss and give thought and support to the many artists and masters who against an onslaught of new
media, continue to carry on their art forms, against many odds; mind you I am not against new media and
techniques, however they cannot and must not impose themselves on traditional art forms which are
centuries old which change and evolve at a much slower pace.
We need to impress in whatever way we can to our authorities, that culture is one of the most important
aspects of humanity and brings and should bring people together, rather then divide; of course in our present
situations this is more easier said then done, but however there is always a way forward.
As councillors it is your duty to carefully follow the discussions and vote accordingly, to take back to your
national centres the deliberation’s of this meeting and to start preparing for our Congress in 2016 in San
Sebastián - Tolosa.
Once again,
Wishing you all the best,
To a fruitful executive and council meeting and to a great festival in Cuba
Thanking you
Dadi D.Pudumjee
President UNIMA
Report of the UNIMA Secretary General
for Council in Cuba - April 2014
Dear UNIMA Councillors and members,
First of all, I would like to thank sincerely the president of the Cuba National Scenic Arts Council, UNIMACuba and the Cuban Organizing Committee for their incredible hospitality and professionalism.
UNIMA is constantly progressing, you will see it in this report. Our association gets new members and
acquires more and more notoriety everywhere in the world. UNIMA is actually present in 97 countries,
which constitutes an increase of 31 countries since 2008 and 14 since 2012. The members of the new
Executive Committee,elected at Chengdu in 2012, are working hard to realize the priority projects
established by you the Councillors during the last Congress.
It's with tremendous surprise and sadness that we have learned the sudden death of one of us, Miguel
Arreche, ex UNIMA Secretary General and new President of the Patrimonial Commission.
Here are the list of the members of the Executive Committee and Presidents of Commissions elected in
Dadi Pudumjee
Jacques Trudeau
Secretary General
Manuel Morán
First vice-President and President of the North American Commission
Annette Dabs
Second vice-President and President of the Commission of Festivals
Lucile Bodson
Karen Smith
President of the Commission Publication and Communication
Susanita Freire
President of the Commission for Latin America
Nina Monava
President de la Commission Europe
Simon Wong
New President of the Commission Education-Development and Therapy
Pierre-Alain Rolle
President of the Commission Cooperation
Ángel Casado
President of the Commission Cultural Exchange
Tamiko Onagi
President of the Women Commission
Knut Alfsen
President of the Statutes Commission
Ida Hledíková
President of the Research Commission
Ronny Aelbrecht
President of the new Commission of Strategic Development
Tito Lorefice
New President of the Training Commission
Greta Bruggeman
New President of the Sub Commission of contemporary Texts
I mention also the 2 new Presidents of Commission
Check Kotondi
President of the Africa Commission
Tang Dayu
President of the Asia -Pacific Commission
As Check Kotondi was the 19th person on the voting list in Chengdu, he was invited unanimously to join the
Executive Committee during our last meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, following the death of our dear Miguel
Arrreche, President of the patrimonial conservation Commission.
Economic Balance
Despite the very hard economic situation that France is experiencing and more specifically the ChampagneArdenne Region, the department of Ardennes and the city of Charleville-Mézières, where important cuts had
been made in all the sectors, we can consider ourselves very privileged, having received for the year 2013
almost the totality of our subsidies. Lucile Bodson, our treasurer, would give you all the details, allowing
you to notice that, despite the fact that we have suffered a cut, from the Conseil Général des Ardennes, of
8.000 Euros per year for the next 4 years, we are still able to fulfil our duties and realize our projects. During
the next year, however we are expecting to find new sources of funding that will increase the range of our
sponsors and donators (See details at the end of the present report).
Meetings of the Executive Committee and decisions taken
The Executive Committee held, since the last Chengdu Congress, 2 live meetings and a consultation via
internet: a first meeting, June 2th, 2012 following the Congress, (17 members of the Executive Committee,
more 1 President of Commission were presents, Susanita Freire and Check Kotondi were absent) a
consultation via internet whose voting results were divulged on march 9th, 2013, and a meeting in Baku,
Azerbaijan November 9-10-11th 2013 (14 members were present, Manuel Móran, Susanita Freire, Tito
Lorefice, Ida Hledíková were absent) I take this opportunity to thank sincerely the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism of this country and UNIMA Azerbaijan for their warm hospitality. During this last encounter an
important modification occurred. From now on, the UNIMA working Commissions won't received
automatically 2000 euros per year, as it was the case since 2010. The Presidents will have to submit a project
accompanied by a consequent budget and these projects will be accepted or not, according to their merit.
For year 2014, 2 projects were accepted. They are coming from the Africa Commission and the Festival
Commission. You will learn about their content at the point Commissions of the Agenda. Concerning the
project Bank of informations, it has received a budget for 2 shootings.
Secretariat of the UNIMA
As you probably know, Fabrice Guilliot, that continues his excellent job as assistant of the Secretary
General, is no longer alone in our office of Charleville-Mézières. He was joined by Lothaire Claudel, that
was hired to coordinate the rebuilt of our new website. Very good job have been done on that matter, we will
see it later. The Lothaire's contract will end the last day of april 2014, a few weeks after the release of our
new website.
Maintenance of our building
Repairs have been made on the roof of our building due to infiltration of water. Some walls needed to be
repainted. No increases of the rent are expected for the year 2014.
Presence at Charleville
I went to our office of Charleville three times since Chengdu: to proceed to the evaluation and hiring of
Lothaire Claudel, our new employee, to meet our sponsors, to represent UNIMA on the board of the Institute
and recently to assure the presence of UNIMA at the Festival Mondial together with Dadi, where 3 UNIMA
Events were organized. I will speak of each of them later in the report.
National Centres
UNIMA is currently present in 97 countries (72 National Centres and 25 Representatives) with about 6.500
members. It's an increase of 16 countries since Chengdu. This is due to the appointment of new UNIMA
representatives in Nicaragua, Ecuador, Cyprus, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Guinea and in 9 Arabic
language countries, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan and Yemen. I
thank the Arab Theatre Institute and the UNIMA Representative of the United Arab Emirates, as well the
UNIMA Indonesia and the organizers of the World Summit in Jakarta that refunded my costs of travel and
my fees of stay, so permitting me to create links with puppeteers that became UNIMA Representatives in
their country.
Working Commissions
There is a great difference between the work carried out by some Commissions which have organized
meetings since Chengdu versus other ones that have some difficulties to mobilize their members.
I have confidence in all the Presidents of Commission and I hope they will accomplish the most possible
things before the end of our mandate for the benefit of our members.
The work accomplished in last 4 years gives us the proof that the Commissions can be active and getting
excellent results. Let's remember what was concretely done for the Chengdu Congress. Let's hope that
similar results might happen for the 2016 Congress in San Sebastián-Tolosa (Spain). Because for some of us
it will coincide with the end of our 12 years mandate in the Executive Committee. The dates of our next
congress in Spain are from may 28th to june 5th.2016.
Karen Smith, the President of the Commission Publication and Communication dedicates almost all of her
time to this huge task, supervising, correcting and producing new entries for the publication of the English,
Spanish and on-line versions of the WEPA. We met twice in Jakarta, first in 2012 and also on August 2013 in
order to clear some points about new articles and updating coming from the centres or from authors of the
encyclopaedia and also to discuss budget. Because her work is out of proportion compare the work of the
other Presidents of Commission, becoming in part a job of editor in chief and corrector, we decided, (the
President, the treasurer and myself), to give her an amount of money for her work. Decision that was
approved by all the members of the Executive Committee in Baku.
Rebuilding and maintenance of the UNIMA website
As you all know, the UNIMA website does not reach the requirements needed for the 21th century. After the
Chengdu Congress, it appeared clear to Karen Smith, the President of the Commission Publication and
Communication and the board of UNIMA that it would be more adequate if the rebuilding of our new
website is done by a European French speaking provider, even better if it's from France. Among the active
members of the Commission, Raphaèle Fleury led the dossier. You know her because she came presenting
the PAM, Gate of Puppetry Arts in Chengdu. This young competent and experienced woman represented the
pearl that we were looking for. She introduced me to a qualified young man inhabitant of Mézières, Lothaire
Claudel, who could be able to coordinate the different steps, leading to the rebuilding of our website. Lucile,
Raphaèle and myself interviewed him, we acknowledged his competences and we hired him on January
14th, 2013. He made an excellent work. We received serious quotations from 3 companies. We choose the
group e-magineurs from Lyon, France. The contract has been signed on April 12nd, 2013. A bit less than one
year later, a lot of work has been carried out and already we can be sure to get a website with a great grafic
quality and easy to access for the users.
I wholeheartedly thank Fabrice Guilliot that, in addition to creating the first UNIMA website, dedicated
voluntary an enormous quantity of hours for the benefit of our organization.
On September 21st, 2013, in the Musée de l'Ardenne, within one of the activities of the UNIMA's presence
in the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes of Charleville, Raphaèle and Lothaire presented the
site in construction and explained the different components.
We invited Raphaèle to Baku, so, she could directly expose to all the Executive Committee members the
characteristics and new applications of our new website which was finally put on line on march 13th 2014.
Taking into account our budget, will we need a web-master? ..if we wish our new website gives all its
potential? ... Someone experienced in new technologies, including Facebook, Twitter and all these social
networks and rapid way of communication which UNIMA should be actively involved in.
Project of Bank of audiovisual and numeric informations on traditional puppetry
I'm exposing you the data concerning this UNIMA new project which was subjected to readjustments during
the Baku meeting et for which we will have to take a decision.
This project, at the origin was implicating a co-production associating UNIMA and the company Etcétera
from Grenada, Spain. The project was submitted to the Executive Committee on March 9th, 2013. It was
accepted with strong majority.
Since this moment, invited by UNIMA-Italy for the international Day of Puppetry, a shooting of one week
was made in Italy, first in Roma, around the singular work of Maria Signorelli secondly in Acerra and Naples
documenting the tradition and revival of Pulcinella, then, in Maori, on the Amalfitaine coast filming images
of the Pupi Napolitani, a dying tradition.
A second shooting of one month occurred in Vietnam, gathering an infinity of images coming from 21
interviews done with anthropologists, searchers, writers, directors of company, farmers, artisans, puppet
builders, masters and young puppeteers. 2 shows from big companies and 3 made by paysans's associations
of the Red Delta River have been filmed under several angles, even under the water, (that was a premiere).
Total 81 hours of rushes from what it's necessary to do the selection, calibration, labelling and editing. A 3
minutes about the traditional Water Puppet Theatre from Vietnam was produced at the beginning of
September 2013 and has been seen on Facebook by 5000 persons.
A third shooting was done during the last Charleville-Mézières Festival involving the works of the Chinese
shadow Masters from Nanchong and several Masters of the European traditional puppetry that were
regrouped under the marquee on the Place Ducale.
I asked Enrique Lanz the film director and Yanisbel Martínez from the Etcetera company to be present on
april 23th to explain the project directly to you. They will show a sample of the editing. Also, the multi
media presentation of the project we have made in Charleville will be presented here in the frame of the
Matanzas Festival. Eventually a 26 minutes montage on the Vietnam water puppet tradition will serve as
example for a serie of documentaries going from general to specific aspects. It will be used for finding
So, on September 21st, 2013, in the frame of the presence of UNIMA in the Festival, we presented the
project in the Musée de l'Ardenne, in a special form, combining presentators (Yanisbel and myself), images
(from Enrique Lanz) and live puppets (operated by 2 manipulators). The operation was a real success. Some
members of the Executive Committee were also present and could give you their opinions. Already, directors
of international festivals who attended the presentation, are wishing to receive it in the frame of their event,
among them Segovia and Bochum. As I said, the project in its special form will be presented here three times
and I wish you could reserve your place.
A letter of intentions was formulated between the two parties, on September 28th, 2013 and it will be signed
soon. The next shootings will be in Brazil on july and Mexico on august.
I have to tell you that, in Baku, the members of Executive Committee agreed on the fact that UNIMA could
invest in a project of bank of informations but not in a documentary, judging it will too expensive.
Concerning this project, a long discussion was held in Baku. Here below the results of the votes of the
members of the Executive Committee.
1/ Is UNIMA interested in participating in the production of a bank of images/videos ?
Yes: Unanimous
No: 0
Abstention: 0
2/ Is UNIMA interested in participating in producing documentaries ?
Yes: 7 +1
No: 7
Abstention: 0
3/ Is UNIMA is interested in producing bank / documentary by ourselves (with certain commissions) so as to
make an UNIMA product ?
Bank of Images/Videos
Yes: 6
no: 3
Abstention: 5
Yes: 1
No: 10
Abstention: 3
4/ Is UNIMA interested in co-producing with an external partner ?
Yes: 5
No: 7
Abstention: 2
5/ Is UNIMA interested in supporting external project(s) ?
Yes: 9
No: 0
Abstention: 5
Council Meeting in Varadero
Following the decision taken in Chengdu by the Executive to hold the next Council Meeting in Varadero, I
went to Cuba at the invitation of Mrs Gisela Gonzalez, President of the Consejo nacional de las Artes and
UNIMA-Cuba President and national secretary in order to visit the installations of the Centro de Convención
Plaza América, hotels and theatres of Matanzas where each 2 years there is an international puppet festival.
On October 1st, 2013, you have received the details regarding our Council Meeting that would be held on
April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2014 in Varadero, Cuba.
The day before, on April 21st, 2014, we will hold our next E.C. meeting in one of the suite of the Hotel
Meliá Varadero, a few meters from the Centro de Convención Plaza América.
A blog created by UNIMA-Cuba is updated and give the information regarding both this event and the
Festival, called Taller Internacional de Títeres de Matanzas.
A member of the Commission for Latin America participated, together with the Cuban organizing
committee, to the opening of a special website in the 3 UNIMA official languages with the following link:
You will find there all the necessary informations including the programme.
News of the next Congress in San Sebastián-Tolosa
As you could see on the Agenda, Idoya Otegui, the President of UNIMA Spain will give us the updated
informations. I underline that Dadi, our President went to San Sebastián and Tolosa and was enthusiastic
about the progression in the preparation of the event. I will follow up in 2015. So the dates are from may
28th to June 5th. For countries and UNIMA Centres interested in holding the congress 2020, I remind them
that the suggested date to send your application will be may 2015. Already few UNIMA Centres have started
to make some steps in that direction.
Newsletters of the Secretary General
4 Newsletters of the Secretary General have been issued since the last Congress in Chengdu. They outlined
the invitations that Dadi and myself received for the celebration of UNIMA Centre's anniversaries, including
our meeting with the Pope, the International Puppetry Day Festivities and International Day for Peace, which
brought us closer to UNESCO. In these newsletters we also mentioned the death of our fellows artists and
great friends of puppetry. I conceive this newsletter with pleasure, but, perhaps, a dynamic web-master could
accelerate the pace of these publishings and promote a new synergy. Our new website with its interactive
option should bring, I hope, new materials and informations on puppetry from the 5 continents.
International Puppetry Day
For 2013, the chosen author of the message was Maestro Roberto de Simóne, great Italian completely
dedicated to the character and the tradition of Pulcinella, puppet which the influence in the world is
tremendous. In 2014, UNIMA recruited a great Argentinian puppeteer and teacher, Maestro Eduardo Di
Mauro who contributes a lot to the development of our art in all Latin America and whose convictions and
vision, that he shared with his passed away brother Hector Di Mauro, had repercussions in many European
countries. The big manifestation that we are celebrating each 21st of march, has a growing success. We
congratulate all the UNIMA Centres which organize with all their heart numerous and dynamic
I'm are fascinated by all the work done in all the UNIMA Centres around the world. I speak with knowledge
since I had the privilege to visit many of them the last 6 years. Unfortunately those actions are not known by
the majority of our members. I'm asking all the Councillors to communicate more their activities. The new
website will offer this opportunity. We are starting the last portion of our mandate and in the Executive
Committee we have the firm intention to realize our objectives in completing the WEPA in its English,
Spanish and web version. Karen Smith already realized an enormous work and we will support her for the
final phase. The working Commissions have in front of them some time to complete their innovative
projects. Let's double our energy for the next two years and let's meet in San Sebastián-Tolosa with the
satisfaction of an accomplished duty and the feeling that our big family goes forward.
Jacques Trudeau
UNIMA Secretary General
The Balance sheet 2013 is balanced by a repossession of dedicated funds (38636,74 euros), as foreseen
during the adoption of the Estimated budget by the Executive Committee, in March 2013.
However, this repossession is lesser since some activities (shootings bank of images video) were not
Also, we completed the realization of the website for a cost a little bit higher (part for hosting) and an item
of salaries increasing (extension of the contract of Lothaire Claudel for tests and training of the future users,
also foreseen on 2014 for 4 month).
The expenses and charges are properly kept and the result is generally below the previsions (travel of the
President and the Secretary General), permitting to finance supplementary travels for employees and guests.
The membership fees from our members are significant and as expected.
I call the attention of the Executive Committee on the underpayment about the expected subventions 2013 (11600 euros). We have to be vigilant because, in France, concerning the public subsidies,the trend is
The figures of the subventions 2014 are marked following the amounts received in 2013.
The membership fees were planned slight increasing as result of the creation of new national centres, and
also taking into account the presence of a Council, that, generally, is encouraging the national centres to pay
their membership fees.
A repossession of dedicated funds (35.000 euros) was also planned (bank of images video and achievement
of the translation of encyclopedia).
The shootings for the bank of images video should continue. Our Secretary General will give us more details
about this project in progress.
About the website, now on line and accessible for all the people, a provision of web-master is foreseen to
give it live (7500 euros) as well a hosting and maintaining necessary for the tool of communications.
The salary charge is decreasing (end of the mission of Lothaire Claudel).
The helping grants for the commissions were increased for exceptional projects.
Concerning the help for travels, it have been taking into account the current meeting in Cuba.
Budget/Balance 2013 (Comparison) – Expenses
Purchases and External Fees
Electricity & Gas
Supply, Maintenance & Small Equipments
Office Supplies
Translation & Interpreting
Various Sub-Contracting (Printing, etc..)
Office Hire
Maintenance Equipment
Video Documentary
Other Fees
General Documentation
Contributor Remuneration
«Customers» Gifts
Transport on Sales
Travel Costs President
Travel Costs General Secretary
Travel Costs Assistant and Guests
Meeting & Reception Fees
Mail Fees
Internet (Offices)
Banking Fees
Taxes, Assimilated payments
Professional Training
Various Taxes (Dues, etc...)
2 400,00 €
400,00 €
1 800,00 €
500,00 €
850,00 €
10 800,00 €
500,00 €
500,00 €
2 580,88 €
15,55 €
497,35 €
330,00 €
162,66 €
10 782,00 €
2 918,75 €
499,82 €
19 000,00 €
35 000,00 €
1 993,00 €
15 963,30 €
2 500,00 €
1 000,00 €
26 500,00 €
500,00 €
500,00 €
4 000,00 €
8 000,00 €
1 900,00 €
1 500,00 €
1 100,00 €
1 900,00 €
1 300,00 €
450,00 €
75,00 €
2 520,00 €
500,00 €
28 019,60 €
164,60 €
2 193,84 €
5 402,40 €
2 661,14 €
255,45 €
614,98 €
559,68 €
973,34 €
902,21 €
400,00 €
100,00 €
727,05 €
37,08 €
Employees Fees
Temporary Employees
Fees on Remunerations
38 600,00 €
1 100,00 €
10 400,00 €
46 392,67 €
864,03 €
12 407,63 €
Miscellaneous Projects Fees
Grants for Commissions
Various Events
External Project Participation
30 000,00 €
1 500,00 €
1 000,00 €
13 510,93 €
410,09 €
1 499,39 €
-2 053,30 €
Miscellaneous Expenses
Various Compensations
Provision for Funding Advice Contracts and Rights
Obligations to realize
Purchase Materiel (n° 5) for Doc in Depreciation
for Depreciation
Provisional Funding
Exceptional Expenses
6 000,00 €
212 000,00 €
f orm updated f ebruary 2013
665,83 €
10 197,00 €
5,77 €
165 249,72 €
Budget/Balance 2013 (Comparison) – Incomes
Sale of Books
2 900,00 €
1 630,00 €
8 920,74 €
17 000,00 €
17 018,33 €
14 100,00 €
35 000,00 €
24 000,00 €
35 000,00 €
10 500,00 €
30 500,00 €
24 000,00 €
31 500,00 €
2 200,00 €
2 458,56 €
1,00 €
81 000,00 €
300,00 €
38 636,74 €
100,00 €
Variation on Stock
Provision of Services
Membership Fees
Reviews & Various
Commissions on Sales & Copyrights
Ministry of Culture
Regional Council of Champagne-Ardenne
General Council of the Ardennes
City of Charleville-Mézières
Investment Interest
Livret A & other Investments
Exceptional Products
Various Incomes
Repossession of Provision & Transfert of Charges
Participation from National Centres
500,00 €
212 000,00 €
165 265,37 €
f orm updated f ebruary 2013
Explanations on Comparison Budget/Balance 2013
C4 Translations & Interpretation
Transcript 1 day Chengdu : 330,00 €
C7 Maintenance Equipment
Works of Painting
2.918,75 €
C9 Encyclopaedia
Translations English:
C10 Documentary Video
Naples (n° 1):
Charleville (n° 3):
Vietnam (n° 6):
Purchases (n° 5):
Fully refunded by Insurances
1.993,00 €
3.022,77 €
2.831,99 €
8.055,24 €
2.053,30 €
15.963,30 €
736,82 € for SG
including 2.103,27 € for SG
Passed in Depreciation (a)
C11 General Documentation
Purchase DVD Acrobate
75,00 €
C13 Advertising
Website Toni Rumbau
500,00 €
C14 Website
Building Website:
25.833,60 €
1.973,40 €
118,40 €
Printing Instruction booklet:
94,20 €
28.019,60 €
C18 Travel Costs Secretary General
Excluding Travels
for Documentary:
5.402,40 €
C19 Travel Costs Assistant and Guests
Assistant SG:
813,50 €
R. Fleury :
522,10 €
C. Kotondi :
1.325,54 €
2.661,14 €
C25 Professional Training
CCI (Course English):
C27 Salaries
Assistant SG:
Assistant SG:
Responsible Website:
C28 Temporary Employes
1 Temporary employee for
Bookfair Festival
C29 Fees on Salaries
Assistant SG:
Assistant SG:
Responsible Website :
C31 Various Events
Renting Stand Bookfair :
Photocopies Baku :
305,04 €
422,00 €
727,04 €
19.620,00 €
4.645,00 € (Provisional funding for Holidays)
22.127,67 €
46.392,67 €
864,03 € (All included, Fees, taxes, etc...)
4.195,06 €
1.457,00 € (Provisional funding for Holidays)
6.755,57 €
12.407,63 €
50,00 €
360,09 €
410,09 €
C32 External Projects Participation
1.200,00 €
Marionettes for Peace:
174,39 €
125,00 €
1.499,39 €
(fees 2 years)
P1 Sale of Books
Including Bookfair in Charleville: 691,00 €
P3 Membership fees
Year without Congress or Council
P11 Livret A & other Investments
Account “Potential”
600,00 €
592,25 €
Livret A:
1.266,31 €
2.458,56 €
P13 Repossession of Provision & Transfer de Charges
Repossession of Dedicated Fund: 38.636,74 €
(a) >
Part of Shooting Naples (n° 1):
Part of Shooting Vietnam (n° 6):
Travel Cost:
736,82 €
2.103,27 €
5.402,40 €
ESTIMATED BUDGET 2014 – Expenses
(on 11/11/13)
Updated and Voted by the EC in Baku on 11/11/2013
(in Euro)
Purchases and External Fees
Electricity & Gas
Supply, Maintenance & Small Equipments
Office Supplies
Translation & Interpreting
Various Sub-Contracting (Printing, etc..)
Office Hire
Maintenance Equipment
Video Documentary
Other Fees
General Documentation
Contributor Remuneration
«Customers» Gifts
Transport on Sales
Travel Costs President
Travel Costs General Secretary
Travel Costs Assistant and Guests
Meeting & Reception Fees
Mail Fees
Internet (Offices)
Banking Fees
Taxes, Assimilated payments
Professional Training
Various Taxes (Dues, etc...)
2 500,00 €
300,00 €
300,00 €
450,00 €
500,00 €
11 000,00 €
400,00 €
500,00 €
11 000,00 €
25 000,00 €
2 500,00 €
750,00 €
10 000,00 €
500,00 €
500,00 €
4 000,00 €
7 200,00 €
4 400,00 €
800,00 €
800,00 €
700,00 €
1 100,00 €
800,00 €
400,00 €
100,00 €
Employees Fees
Temporary Employees
Fees on Remunerations
27 800,00 €
1 100,00 €
8 600,00 €
Miscellaneous Projects Fees
Grants for Commissions
Various Events
External Project Participation
38 000,00 €
1 000,00 €
1 000,00 €
Miscellaneous Expenses
Various Compensations
Provision for Funding Advice Contracts and Rights
Obligations to realize
6 000,00 €
for Depreciation
Provisional Funding
Exceptional Expenses
170 000,00 €
f orm updated f ebruary 2013
(on 11/11/13)
Updated and Voted by the EC in Baku on 11/11/2013
(in Euro)
Sale of Books
900,00 €
Variation on Stock
Provision of Services
Membership Fees
Reviews & Various
Commissions on Sales & Copyrights
19 000,00 €
100,00 €
Ministry of Culture
Regional Council of Champagne-Ardenne
General Council of the Ardennes
City of Charleville-Mézières
10 500,00 €
30 500,00 €
24 000,00 €
31 500,00 €
Investment Interest
Livret A & other Investments
Exceptional Products
Various Incomes
Repossession of Provision & Transfert of Charges
Participation from National Centres
2 200,00 €
35 000,00 €
1 200,00 €
14 600,00 €
500,00 €
170 000,00 €
f orm updated f ebruary 2013
The figures marked in black are the ones that
the Executive Committee changed during its meeting of
Baku, on 11/11/2013
Explanations on Budget 2014 updated and voted by the EC in Baku, on 11/11/13
C9 Encyclopaedia
Translation in Spanish
Adaptation WEPA on website
Refunding Karen Smith
7.500 € (Balance of 17.500 €)
carried forward to 2015
3.500 €
11.000 €
C10 Documentary Video
Prague (n° 4):
Brazil (n° 9)
Mexico (n° 15)
C14 Site Internet
Hosting (1 year):
Maintenance (± ¼ an):
5.000 €
15.000 €
5.000 €
25.000 €
1.973 €
598 €
rounded at
2.500 €
7.500 €
--------10.000 €
C18 Fees of Travel Secretary General: Budget 2013 - 10% : 7.200 €
C19 Fees of Travel Assistant and Guests
Assistant + 3 Councillors (Cuba): 1.100 x 4 = 4.400 €
C27 Salaries
Assistant SG:
Manager Website :
Salary 2012: 19.620 € + 3% seniority=
C28 Temporary people: Temporary people:
C29 Taxes on Salaries
Assistant SG:
Manager Website :
20.200 € (on 12 months)
7.600 € (on 4 months)
1.100 € (all included, Precariousness, Holidays, etc...)
5.600 € (sur 12 months)
3.000 € (sur 4 months)
C30 Grants for Commissions
Amount originally foreseen: 30.000 €, recalculated by the EC as here below:
2.000 € + 8.000 €
North America
2.000 €
Latin America
2.000 €
2.000 €
2.000 €
Cultural Exchanges
1.300 €
2.000 €
2.000 €
Intern Festivals
2.000 € + 4.000€
2.000 €
2.000 €
2.000 €
2.000 €
Strategic Development
500 €
37.800 €
rounded at 38.000 €
P3 Membership fees: Year of Council
P6 Subventions Ministry of Culture: idem 2013
P7 Subventions Regional Council Champagne-Ardenne: idem 2013
P8 Subventions General Council of Ardennes: idem 2013 (fixed by convention)
P9 Subventions City of Charleville-Mézières: idem 2103
P13 Repossession of Provision & Transfer of Charges
100 % of the expenses of Documentary on Dedicated Funds: 35.000 €
P14 Donations: idem 2012 (Congress): 1.200 €
Compilation of motions, votes, propositions, decisions and agreements taken
during the Congress held in Chengdu between May 29th and June 2nd, 2012
May 29th, 2012
After the speeches of all the local authorities, the speech of Mr Wan Zongli, Vice President of the city of
Chengdu, and a welcome show, Dadi Pudumjee reads an inaugural speech.
Jacques Trudeau reads, in French, the Agenda of the Congress.
On proposal of Manuel Morán, Marek Waskiel (Poland) is elected as managing President of the Congress.
Dadi Pudumjee, as UNIMA President for the period 2008-2012, does his Congress opening speech.
He thanks all the Executive committee members, above all the Secretary General Jacques Trudeau and his
assistant in Charleville Mézières, the Institut International de la Marionnette, the Worldwide Puppet festival
in Charleville Mézières, our very important supporters and sponsors, the City and Mayor of Charleville
Mézières, the Conseil Général des Ardennes, the Région Champagne Ardenne and the French Cultural
organisations and Government.
He thanks the members and friends attending this congress, but above all on behalf of UNIMA he thanks the
officials and government of Chengdu city and UNIMA China, for their great work.
Mrs Joelle Barat, Vice President of the Conseil Régional de Champagne Ardenne reads her speech before the
start of the Congress.
On proposal of Miguel Arreche, Tomas Froyda and Cariad Astles are chosen as the two minuting Secretaries.
Marek Waszkiel invites the attending people to elect the 10 supplementary councillors.
Dadi Pudumjee presents the list of the Honorary Members elected the day before by the Executive
- Carucha CAMEJO (Caridad Hilda Camejo González) from Cuba
- Alan COOK from USA
- Mariano DOLCI from Italy
- Penny FRANCIS from Great Britain
- TAKEDA Sennosuke from Japan
He confirms that the following people were also named Honorary Members during the extraordinary
Congress of Dordrecht in 2010:
- Edi Majaron from Slovenia
- Vincent Anthony from USA
Jacques Trudeau reads his report of General Secretary.
Edmond Debouny, President of the Auditing Committee, read his report.
The Election Committee announces the results as here after:
Idoya Otegui specifies that the members registered with right to vote at this moment were 91 from which 1
didn't use his right; consequently there have vote 89 persons
The proposed names and the results of the voting were as follows:
Number of votes
Kembly Aguilar
Costa Rica
Darja de Caluwé
Emmanuelle Castang
Raphaèle Fleury
Tomas Froyda
Czech Republic
Fabrice Guilliot
Tito Lorefice
Erica Luo
Karen Smith
60 Withdraw
Samodra Sriwidjaja
Ida Marie Tjalve
James Webster
New Zealand
According to the counting of votes and the Rules of Procedure of the UNIMA, the Candidates elected as
Supplementary Councillors for the period 2012-2016 are as follows:
Erica Luo
Tito Lorefice
Kembly Aguilar
Darja de Caluwé
Tomas Froyda
Ida Marie Tjalve
James Webster
Raphaelle Fleury
Fabrice Guilliot
Samodra Sriwidjaja
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Karen Smith who had obtained 60 votes withdraws as she is candidate for the next Executive Committee.
About the number of registered councillors in/for the Congress, Idoya Otegui indicates that, at the moment,
there are 91 registered councillors, 66 ones present and the balance with proxies.
Marek Waszkiel asks the people to give the discharge of responsibilities to the out going Executive
The people votes.
Yes: 59
Abstention: 1
Idoya Otegui, President of the Election Committee, reads her report.
May 30th, 2012
The report of the following Commissions, National Centres or Representatives is read:
Commission Africa, , Amateurs, International Festivals, Asia-Pacific, for Cooperation, Cultural Exchanges,
Education, Development and Therapy, Europe, for Latin America, North American, Publication &
Communication, Research, Research of New Economical Resources, Statutes, Professional Training, Women
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Cost,
Japan, Lithuania, Mali, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Togo, Turkey, USA, Costa Rica, Argentina, Armenia, Cuba, Germany, India, Moldova, Great
May 31st, 2012
Marek Waszkiel reads the list of the candidates for the Executive Committee and stipulates, in spite they are
absent, the following people stays candidates:
Jaroslav Blecha (Czech Republic)
Susanita Freire (Brazil)
Uroš Korenčar (Slovenia)
Li Yannian (China)
Sid Ahmed Meddad (Algeria)
Garipou Perou (Mali)
Mahamat Saleha Ado (Mali)
Mamadou Samaké (Niger)
Marek Waszkiel indicates that nobody presented/proposed eventual modification of Statutes or Rules.
Marek Waszkiel emphasizes that only Ekaterinburg and Tolosa-San Sebastián stays in competition of the
hosting of the next XXII UNIMA Congress in 2016; the Finnish city of Oulu having withdrew its candidacy.
The Russian delegation presents the candidacy of Ekaterinburg.
Marek Waszkiel thanks the people from Russia for their presentation.
The delegation of Tolosa-San Sebastián presents its candidacy.
Marek Waszkiel thanks the people coming from Tolosa-San Sebastián and the Spanish Basque region for
their presentation.
Marek Waszkiel, specifies that the location of the next Council, in 2014, is not the responsibility of the
Congress and stays the choice of the next Executive Committee, but invites the representatives of the two
cities candidates to present them.
Ivan Raykov and his colleague, Hristina Stefanova Arsenova-Andreeva, present the candidacy of Sofia.
Rubén Dario Salazar presents the candidacy of Matanzas-Varadero.
Marek Waszkiel thanks the two delegations for their presentations.
He specifies that the decision would be taken by the next Executive Committee during its first meeting.
Marek Waszkiel explains that any motions were presented in time to be proposed in the Dossier Congress.
Idoya Otegui gives the result of the vote for the next Executive Committee.
She indicates that, today, the members registered with right to vote at this moment were 109 from which 108
have vote and she indicates that there has been one invalid vote because there more crosses than 18.
She reads the results of the voting as follows:
Karen Smith
Manuel Morán
Dadi Pudumjee
Jacques Trudeau
Knut Alfsen
Tito Lorefice
Lucile Bodson
Simon Wong
Annette Dabs
Pierre-Alain Rolle
Angel Casado
Ida Hleidkova
Ronny Aelbrecht
Nina Monova
Miguel Arreche
Tamiko Onagi
Greta Bruggeman
Susanita Freire
Check Amadou Alheri Kotondi
Hamidreza Ardalan
Jennifer Pfeiffer
Kati-Aurora Kuuskoski
Jaroslav Blecha
Czech Republic
Ana María Allendes
Tang Dayu
Vahur Keller
Albert Bagno
Mamadou Samaké
Jasminka Mesarik
Li Yannian
Sid-Ahmed Meddah
Uroš Korenčan
Mahamat Saleh Ado
Number of votes
101 votes
94 votes
85 votes
85 votes
84 votes
84 votes
78 votes
74 votes
67 votes
65 votes
64 votes
61 votes
60 votes
59 votes
56 votes
56 votes
51 votes
51 votes
48 votes
46 votes
43 votes
40 votes
34 votes
29 votes
29 votes
29 votes
27 votes
25 votes
18 votes
10 votes
8 votes
7 votes
2 votes
Idoya Otegui explains that, according to this counting of votes, the 18 first names of this list (marked on
black) are the members of the new Executive Committee of UNIMA for the period of 2012-2016.
Margareta Sörenson gives the result of the vote about the city that will held the next Congress in 2016.
She specifies that the members registered with right to vote at this moment were 109 from which five don't
use his right, consequently 104 persons did vote
She reads the results of the voting as follows:
Tolosa - San Sebastián
68 Votes
36 votes
Consequently, the next UNIMA Congress 2016 will be hosted by Tolosa - San Sebastián (Spain).
Simon Wong proposes Jacques Trudeau like candidate for President.
Jacques Trudeau tells he prefers to stay General Secretary.
Marthe Adams proposes Dadi Pudumjee like candidate for President.
Dadi Pudumjee agrees to be candidate for President.
Vahur Keller proposes Lucile Bodson like candidate for President.
Lucile Bodson don't agree to be candidate for President.
Miguel Arreche proposes Annette Dabs like candidate for President.
Annette Dabs don't agree to be candidate for President.
Marek Waszkiel indicates we have 1 candidate for President: Dadi Pudumjee.
Ronny Aelbrecht proposes Pierre-Alain Rolle like candidate for General Secretary.
Pierre-Alain Rolle don't agree to be candidate for General Secretary.
Manuel Morán proposes Jacques Trudeau like General Secretary.
Jacques Trudeau tells he wants to follow like General Secretary and accepts.
Dadi Pudumjee tells also he wished to propose Jacques Trudeau.
Pierre-Alain Rolle proposes Miguel Arreche like candidate for General Secretary.
Miguel Arreche don't agree to be candidate for General Secretary.
Marek Waszkiel indicates we have 1 candidate for General Secretary: Jacques Trudeau.
Dadi Pudumjee proposes Lucile Bodson like candidate for Treasurer.
Lucile Bodson accepts to be candidate for Treasurer.
Albert Bagno proposes Pierre-Alain Rolle, emphasizing the great qualities of this person.
Pierre-Alain Rolle agrees to be candidate for Treasurer.
Marek Waszkiel reminds the names of the two candidates for Treasurer: Lucille Bodson and Pierre-Alain
Ronny Aelbrecht proposes Edmond Debouny for the Auditing Committee
Edmond Debouny accepts.
Manuel Morán proposes Stanislav Doubrava.
Stanislav Doubrava agrees.
Jacques Trudeau proposes Marek Waszkiel.
Marek Waszkiel don't agree.
Michael Huber proposes Frans Hakkemars.
Frans Hakkemars accepts to be candidate.
Ida Hledíková proposes Livija Kroflin.
Livija Kroflin don't accept.
Miguel Arreche proposes Juan Luis Clavijo.
Juan Luis Clavijo, due his charge of works, don't agree.
Idoya Otegui proposes Cariad Astles.
Cariad Astles don't accept.
Marek Waszkiel confirms the name of the three candidates:
Edmond Debouny
Stanislav Doubrava
Frans Hakkemars
Marek Waszkiel proposes to open a discussion about the program for the next 4 years and the people agrees.
June 1st, 2012
Marek Waszkiel invites Dadi Pudumjee, candidate for the position of President, to give a speech.
Jacques Trudeau expresses his pride to occupy, for a second mandate, this position.
He reminds his personal wish to see the UNIMA with 100 National Centres in 2014.
He proposes his project of Documentary about puppetry arts on the five continents to the National Centres.
Reminding the numerous contacts of the UNIMA around the world, he explains there is a urgent situation
filming and keeping tracks of very old traditions in danger of disappearance.
He explains that his project can take many forms and he is waiting suggestions and, even, is ready to give
money to National Centres.
He expresses that his idea is to stimulate young people through modern media, doing researches, gratifying,
in first, the work of great masters, doing slowly a portrait of what is going on, also in schools and streets.
Marek Waszkiel invites the three candidates for the Auditing Committee to say some words.
Edmond Debouny indicates the aim of this Committee is to get transparency, to see how is used “our”
Frans Hakkemars agrees, like Stanislav Doubrava, to see Edmond Debouny following like President of the
Auditing Committee.
Marek Waszkiel opens again the discussion about the program for the 4 next years.
Greta Bruggeman speaks about her idea to do something on the contemporary writing for puppet theatre.
Hamidreza Ardalan suggests to establish a Committee of strategic development
Idoya Otegui gives the following results:
The members registered with right to vote at this moment were 100 which 4 didn't use his right,
consequently 96 persons did vote.
Being the results of the voting as follows:
Dadi Pudumjee
89 votes
7 votes
General Secretary:
The members registered with right to vote at this moment were 100 which 5 didn't use his right,
consequently 95 persons did vote.
Being the results of the voting as follows:
Jacques Trudeau
90 votes
5 votes
The members registered with right to vote at this moment were 100 which 5 didn't use his right,
consequently 95 persons did vote.
Being the results of the voting as follows:
Lucile Bodson
60 votes
Pierre-Alain Rolle
35 votes
So, Lucile Bodson is elected like Treasurer
Auditing Committee:
The members registered with right to vote at this moment were 100 which 2 didn't use his right,
consequently 98 persons did vote.
Being the results of the voting as follows:
Edmond Debouny
91 votes (named President)
Stanislav Doubrava
Czech Rep.
85 votes
Frans Hakkemars
80 votes
2 votes
Jacques Trudeau proposes Annette Dabs as Vice-President
Annette Dabs accepts to be candidate.
Edmond Debouny proposes Manuel Morán as Vice-Presidents
Manuel Morán agrees.
Angel Casado, Karen Smith and Dadi Pudumjee indicate also they wanted to propose Manuel Morán.
Jennifer Pfeiffer proposes Knut Alfsen
Knut Alfsen agrees.
Barbara Scheel proposes Karen Smith.
Marthe Adams also proposes Karen Smith.
Karen Smith don't accept.
Simon Wong proposes Pierre-Alain Rolle.
Pierre-Alain Rolle accepts to be candidate.
Idoya Otegui gives the following results:
Vice Presidents:
The members registered with right to vote at this moment were 104 which 3 didn't use his right,
consequently 101 persons did vote.
Being the results of the voting as follows:
Manuel Morán
65 votes
Annette Dabs
64 votes
Knut Alfsen
50 votes
Pierre-Alain Rolle
26 votes
So, Manuel Morán and Annette Dabs are elected like Vice-Presidents.
Marek Waszkiel reminds the names of the new authorities for the 4 next years, inviting the persons to
“show” them at the bottom of the stage.
General Secretary:
Dadi Pudumjee
Jacques Trudeau
Manuel Morán and Annette Dabs
Sorry, he calls also the Treasurer, Lucile Bodson, new position, just created and he forgot.
Reminding their names, he invites the members of the Auditing Committee:
Edmond Debouny
Stanislav Doubrava
Frans Hakkemars
John Bell supports the suggestion of Hamidreza Ardalan to create a Strategic Development Commission
Annette Dabs explains the “current” project of the Commission, the Repertory of festival now is finished and
tells the Commission cans attend the topic of recommendation for future world Congress/Festival.
Miguel Arreche asks the topic of the WEPA and its translations in English and Spanish is mentioned in the
official records of the Congress, in the projects for the 4 next years, in order to take into account these costs
in the future budgets.
Cariad Astle reminds the expressed propositions to give to the Executive Committee some lines for the
- Proposition of Manuel Morán, about the functioning of the Commission for Latin America, asking for the
election of 5 regional coordinators.
- Question of the Commission for Africa and representative from Africa.
- Question of the Commission Asia, big region and the recommendation for more representative from Asia,
from different countries.
- Specific project presented by Greta Bruggeman about “Contemporary writing for puppet theatre”.
- Proposition of Simon Wong to rename the Commission Education, Development and Therapy, may be,
combining it with Commission Amateurs, renaming it “Applied Puppetry”.
- Question of the Commission Amateurs and difficulty to definite the “statute” of Amateurs, to defender
- Project of Erika Luo about shadow puppetry in China and her request for support from UNIMA.
- Wish of Albert Bagno to work with Walid Badr, from Egypt, to encourage and to help the development of
new Centres around Mediterranean sea and in countries of Middle East.
- Proposition of Hamidreza Ardalan to create a new Commission for Strategic Development.
- Recommendation to set up a kind of network in order to offer free accommodation to travelling puppeteer.
- The question: How the UNIMA cans support young people (puppeteers) for festivals, UNIMA events.
- Proposition for a Commission that will speak about puppetry to government and NGOs.
- Proposition to foresee discussion groups and demonstrations in the frame of Congress/Council/meetings.
- Proposition of an Asian puppet festival in Indonesia.
- Proposition for the UNIMA to have more contact with international bodies, to develop more links with
- Reminder to the Executive Committee, asking to support and recognize the important and hard work in the
development of the Encyclopaedia.
- Proposition to create a not too expensive travelling exhibition showing puppetry to governments.
- Request of Poupak Azimpour about the questions: What is puppet, puppet theatre, Why puppet ?, in order,
may be, to compile the questions and answers in a book.
- Proposition to donate, before to leave the country, the remaining Chinese money to the Travel Fund.
- Find answers to the following questions:
How we can get bigger and better audience ?
How we can get more publications ?
- Proposition to find how to use technology to support and communicate, worldwide, with the people unable
to attend the meeting, permitting communications within the Congress itself.
- Think about important social networking for UNIMA, work for the Commission Publications &
- Proposition, for future meeting, to invite the local people or puppeteers to host foreign people coming for
Congress or to perform in festival.
- Advice to the Executive Committee to refocus on chosen works, establishing clear direction for
The General Secretary didn't receive any proposal about the amount of the membership fee for the 4 next
Marek Waszkiel confirms the current system will follow and the membership fee will be 3 Euro per member,
for 4 years, until the next congress.
Jacques Trudeau thanks Marek Waszkiel for his wonderful job as managing President.
Marek Waszkiel invites the new President, General Secretary, Vice-Presidents to continue the discussion.
Dadi Pudumjee thanks Marek Waszkiel, Cariad Astles, Tomas Froyda for their excellent work as well Idoya
Otegui and Margareta Sörenson for their work within the Election Committee.
June 2nd, 2012
On proposition of Jacques Trudeau, Dadi Pudumjee asks the people for voting the President of Commission
Africa, let Check Amadou Kotondi.
Idoya Otegui announces the results of the vote for presidency of Commission Africa:
For: 81
Against: 2
Abstentions: 2
Dadi Pudumjee confirms the election of Check Amadou Kotondi as head of African Commission.
Manuel Morán reads/reminds the 3 propositions concerning the amateurs commission
Proposal number 1: To merge the amateur commission with the education development and therapy
commission and rename it “Applied puppetry”, proposed by Simon Wong.
Proposal number 2: To eliminate the amateur commission and to create a new heritage commission
Proposal number 3: To keep the commission, the amateur commission as it is…. Both proposed by Miguel
Dadi Pudumjee ask the results to the Election Committee.
Idoya Otegui gives the results:
For the first motion
For 20
Against 47
Abstentions 20
For the second motion
For 49;
Against 26
Abstentions 6
Manuel Morán confirms that the commission of amateurs is eliminated, and there’s no merging to it.
Miguel Arreche proposes to maintain the Asia-Pacific commission
Dadi Pudumjee confirms that the Asia-Pacific commission stays.
Dimitri Carter proposes to keep the Cultural Exchange Commission.
Manuel Morán reads the 2 proposals for the Commission for Education Development and Therapy.
Proposal number 1 is to eliminate the word development from the name of the commission
Proposal number 2 is to change the name to applied puppetry; proposed by Barbara Scheel and Cariad
Idoya gives the result of the vote:
64 for
18 against
10 abstentions
Manuel Morán confirms the commission will stay with the name-education, development and therapy
The Europe Commission is confirmed
The Commission for international festivals is confirmed.
Anna Maria suggests that we keep the Commission of Latin America
Pierre-Alain Rolle proposes to have only one commission for all America and sub-commissions or delegates
for some regions.
Tito Lorefice proposes to keep this commission of Latin America
Dadi Pudumjee confirms that both the commissions stay, Latin America and North America.
Dadi Pudumjee confirms that Publications and communications commission stay.
The Research commission is confimed
Dadi Pudumjee propose that the Commission for Research of new economic resources doesn’t exist, and the
Treasurer has her own group of working people.
Idoya Otegui gives the results of the vote
For: 63
Against: 22
Abstentions: 5
Manuel Morán confirms that the commission of funding is eliminated.
The commission of statutes stays
The professional training commission stays
Edmond Debouny presents the following motion: To eliminate the Women’s commission
Idoya Otegui gives the results of the vote on this motion
For: 4
Against: 85
Abstentions: 8
Manuel Morán confirms the Women’s commission will stand.
Idoya Otegui gives the results of the vote about the name of (Women) Commission
For: 78
Against: 10
Abstentions: 8
Manuel Morán confirms that the Women Commission keeps its name
Greta Brugemann would like to propose a new Commission for contemporary writing for puppet.
Erika Luo proposes a new committee, an assistance or help commission.
John Bell proposes the creation of a Strategic Commission.
Miguel Arreche proposes the creation of an Intangible heritage commission.
Kata Csató proposes the creation of a new Commission called Social committee.
Jacques Trudeau proposes his documentary about puppetry in the world, explaining that it’s a new project.
Greta Brugemann agrees to form a sub-commission within the publications commission.
Dadi Pudumjee invites the people to vote on the creation of a commission for cultural heritage and a
commission of strategic development
Idoya gives the results of the votes:
Commission for cultural heritage
For: 101
Commission of strategic development
For: 71
Against: 12
Abstentions: 19
Manuel Morán confirms that the commission for strategic development will be formed, as well as the
heritage commission, which was unanimous.
Jacques Trudeau, about his documentary, says that he won’t propose a commission.
He explains that it will be a project, maybe a Secretary’s General project.
He says that he will send all the centres, more details about it and the procedure we could have.
He proposes it’s not a commission but it’s a project and he could choose people that could help him in this
project and he will communicate to us who are those people.
Name of the Presidents of Commission:
Cultural Exchange:
Education Development and Therapy:
International Festivals:
For Latin America:
North America:
Publication and Communication:
Sub-Committee Contemporary Writing
Professional Training:
Women’s Commission:
Strategic Commission:
Cultural Heritage:
Cheik Amadou Kotondi
Mrs Tan Dayu
Pierre-Alain Rolle
Ángel Casado
Simon Wong
Nina Monova
Annette Dabs
Susanita Freire
Manuel Morán
Karen Smith
Greta Bruggeman
Ida Hledikova
Knut Alfsen
Tito Lorefice
Tamiko Bonagi
Ronnie Albrecht
Miguel Arreche
Lucile Bodson gives some explanations about the portal for Puppetry Arts and thanks Raphaèle Fleury for
her great involvement put into this initiative.
Raphaelle Fleury explains her project, initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Communication in France,
and now carried by the IIM.in Charleville-Mezieres, that the partners are essentially French partners who
have international connections, but it’s meant to be open to other countries, that their aim is to promote
puppetry arts for the public at large via a tool that they mean to be very visible on the internet, user-friendly,
free of charge.
She says that the project started in 2009 and it was online since September 2011.
She emphasizes what the people cans find there. an inventory of documents, over 30,000.
Margareta Sörenson, as vice-president of the International Association of Theatre Critics, reminds us that
this is a friendly organization that loves puppetry, and that they very often collaborate and that we like to
Toni Rumbau presents his project of magazine online, in fact 3 projects, one in Catalan, one in Spanish and
one in English.
Stanislav Dobrava presents shortly the international project ‘Jesters from around the world’ prepared by the
museum of Chrudim.
Dadi Pudumjee welcomes the vice-mayor of Chengdu, inviting him to give the certificates for the member of
honor and asking somebody of the national centre to receive the certificate on behalf of the nominated
Dadi Pudumjee invites the people to attend the handle over of the UNIMA flag.
Jacques Trudeau specially thanks Mrs. Tang Dayu, the president of the organizing committee, as well the
president of UNIMA-China Mr. Lee Yang Yang.
Dadi Pudumjee gives a big hand to all the interpreters, to all the volunteers. He offers flowers to some
people as prove of our recognition. Also, he thanks again all the present people, wishing us a pleasant
journey and thank us for being with them at this Congress and close the Congress.
The Report of the following Commissions would be read during the Meeting
Commission Africa
Commission Asia-Pacific
Commission Education-Development and Therapy
Puppetry Heritage Preservation Commission
(eventually, if some member of this working group is present ?)
Statutes Commission
Commission of Strategic Development
Training Commission
Union Internationale de la Marionnette
Commission for Cooperation
Commission created in 2008 in Perth
Report for 2012-2014
Council Meeting Varadero-Cuba
Pierre-Alain Rolle, Switzerland – président / Kembly Aguilar Chaves, Costa Rica / Cariad Astles, United
Kingdom / Angel Casado, Spain / Magali Chouinard, Quebec, Canada / Simon Wong, China
To carry out actions of international solidarity in the area of puppet theatre.
Agreed tasks:
In Chengdu the Commission amended its policy.
1/ Emergency situations in which the Commission can intervene were defined more clearly as emergencies
linked to political, social or climatic crisis.
2/ The Commission may offer support in the areas of creation, construction, teaching, subsistence, training,
lodging etc.
Commission meeting:
A plenary meeting took place in Chengdu in 2012 to discuss the Cambodian project (see below). A later
meeting was planned to take place in Niger, under the auspices of the festival in Niamey and to better link to
the projects of UNIMA Africa. Unfortunately military action in the region broke out in Mali and the situation
in Niger quickly became very dangerous. I therefore cancelled this meeting. Subsequent project applications
which were either accepted or refused support were debated fully with the members of the Commission with
an exchange of opinions and ideas via email.
Projects receiving support from the Commission:
1/ Emergency aid to be sent to puppeteers in the Sahel affected by famine (July 2012). Aid was sent to
Djouli Djibir, a Nigerien traditional farmer and puppeteer, who had been particularly affected by the famine
due to living in a very isolated and rural region. The president of UNIMA Niger and of the UNIMA African
Commission, Cheik Kotondi, identified this person and delivered produce to him directly over a six-day
journey. Thanks are due to him for this work. The Commission sent 600 Swiss francs (about 500€) for this
2/ Emergency aid: on 21st August 2012 I received a request for aid from Cheik Kotondi, from Niger. The
overflowing river was flooding the town and its houses (which have mud walls) were beginning to crumble.
This flood was the biggest in Niger since 1923, the river having swollen to seven times its normal size. That
same day it continued raining. The area affected is inhabited by many performers. After discussions about
the best course of action to take, a decision was made to assist in the construction of small dams in the roads
to protect the walls of the houses. UNIMA sent the necessary aid to buy the quantity of building material
needed (very hard tropical rock). The works were carried out by puppeteers themselves. 8 houses were thus
secured, representing safety for around 200 people, as each ‘house’comprises several buildings around a
courtyard. The Commission committed 2,056.90 Swiss francs to this operation, or around 1700€.
3/ Project support : Setting up a construction workshop for SBAEK THOM (Great Leathers) in
PHNOM PENH (CAMBODIA); project presented by the Association of Artists KOK THLOK during the
year 2012-2013. The project was supported by UNIMA to the amount of 3000 euros. This amount was
increased by 1000 Canadian dollars through extra support from UNIMA Quebec. The project was carried out
in an exemplary manner, and fulfilled all its aims. As it is complex and rich in imagery, more information
can be found on the internet.
4/ Emergency aid for an individual, requested by UNIMA Costa Rica to cover part of the funeral costs for a
Uruguayan puppeteer, M. Castiluce, who died far from his family. The Commission committed 300 Swiss
francs and members of UNIMA Switzerland also donated the same amount (total approximately 500€) for
this action.
5/ Project support: Mano in Quebec, 2014, ongoing. Under the auspices of a large support project for
Cuban craftspeople, UNIMA Quebec has decided to support the equipping of community workshops by
sending materials and tools for Cuban artisans. This project is set up as a partnership with UNIMA Cuba. It
will be initiated during the Council meeting in Matanzas-Varadero. The project is supported to the sum of
2000€ from UNIMA, and 500 Canadian dollars from UNIMA Quebec, plus a quantity of materials which
has not been valued in monetary terms.
Actions of this nature could be adopted bv multiple countries in the future.
Proposed and aborted projects :
Following the banning of the Elkhatawi festival in Jerusalem, the Commission made local contact, and a
proposal was created to send aid to enable puppeteers to perform so that neither local children nor
puppeteers were disadvantaged. The contact made ended up being catastrophic; the project partners just
wanted us to express our anger, not to set up something constructive together. This project was abandoned.
Future projects
The Commission hopes to develop a network of volunteer puppeteers who would be able to assist by
travelling to situations of urgent need, based on the model of clowns sans frontieres.
Fribourg, March 1st 2014
Pierre-Alain Rolle
International Puppet Union
REPORT TO EC and COUNCIL OF UNIMA......................... VARADERO (Cuba)
APRIL 2014
President: Ángel Casado (España)
- Alberto Cebreiro (España)
- Magali Chouinard (Canadá)
- Kembly Aguilar (Costa Rica)
- Paola Busca (Suiza)
- Cariad Astles (Reino Unido)
- Damiano A. Zigrino (Italia)
GOAL of Commission:
To create and networks of exchange mutual knowledge between members of UNIMA and general
The Congress of Chengdu in May 2012, allowed the cultural Commission to renew and integrate new
people and new projects that have strengthened its projection and activity.
Throughout this time (2012--2013) have been designed and implemented various proposals which provides
a synthetic information below.
The Commission has created an extensive Festival Network to offer their cooperation to facilitate
attendance by members of Unima interested in the organization, programming or futures of these festivals
Contributors festivals offered free to grantees: accommodation+ food +Tickets for shows.
It has been created an annual prize for the festivals most implicated in the granting of such aid.
They have been awarded festivals of: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia... (2011-2013)
Nº. aids granted in the period: 2000-2013...: 213
Nº. festivals involved in……….………………....: 46
More information:
The Cultural Commission has created a new space for communication and broadcasting, for those
who wish to disseminate experiences and projects that connect puppetry with the promotion of
social values and human rights, through the website: www.periscopiounima.org
Number of visitors to the web in the period 2010-2013...: 6.000 (from 97 countries)
Number of projects inserted in the web……………………...: 110
More information: http://www.periscopiounima.org
Short stories blog about puppets from the image (photo, illustration...),made by the author himself,
for free distribution under the "Creative Commons" license.
It is intended to promote the creation of a literary archive and image,
contributing to maintain and expand a common heritage around
the puppets..
An award based on the voting of the visitors of the blog has been created.
More information: http://www.wordswithshadow.com
Bed and Puppets UNIMA is a network of accommodation for puppeteers created to stimulate
international exchange between members of UNIMA for congresses, meetings, festivals etc...
It allows members of UNIMA know around the world. It is possible to stay, travel or both.
Nº of people who have visited the blog (Dic/13)..3.000 aprox.
Nº of people registered in network……………………… 70
Nº of individuals offering accommodation…………….. 62
Contact: bp@unima.org
More information: http://bedandpuppets.wordpress.com
We believe that the creation and launch of the NEW WEBSITE of UNIMA will contribute to
improving the communication and dissemination of these projects who want to facilitate and
broaden the participation and involvement of more people.
Work Report of Commission Europe
Through that period under report Сommission Europe has done big and extensive work on its tasks, fixed in
UNIMA statuses. In particular:
Fundamentally important was to form Commission’s stuff, aimed on energetic and positive activity for the
welfare of the whole community. As a result the most competent European puppeteers will work in
President: Nina Monova (Russia)
- Albert Bagno
- Jaroslav Blecha
(Czech Republic)
- Ruth Bruckhausen
- Iris Pavić-Tumpa
- Ivan Raykov
- Alexsandr Gref (Russia)
- Vilmantas Juškėnas (Lithuania)
The next stage of work were the subject discussing and agreement on the most actual themes and problems,
meetings, which has to be held by members of European commission, and also the succession of activities
for realization of the projects.
Discussions and concordances were held also with the National centers of Russia, Ukrina, Belarusia,
Estonia, Bulgaria and presidents of commissions Tito Lorefuce (The UNIMA Professional Training
Commission) , Ida Hledikova (The Research Comission)
The following themes and problems were discussed:
1/ The new project of UNIMA European Commission calls on creation of international catalogue of
such an outstanding and still working Desainers-puppet makers of different types of puppets and
masks. The Commission will be looking for persons who are desianers and puppet makers in one person.
They have to be both artists and very good at technology. Moreover, these people must be want to work in
different puppet theatres-companies and schools. The aim is to make a list of desianers-puppet makers with
their short information, list of works and photos, so that interested theatres can get in touch with them and
invate they for productions.
In catalogue, except of the names, e-mails and post addresses, there will be a short biographical information
and short description of everyone, including photos of their puppets.
Such a Catalogue will widen opportunities for modern directors, designers and performing actors of puppet
theatre in their search for people, who can either fulfill their creative intentions, or produce and realize new
Candidacies for publishing in the Catalogue will be offered to the Commission by national UNIMA centers
after consultations with leading directors, designers and soloist puppeteers.
2/ The reflection of Iris Pavić Tumpa, Zadar : «I have to tell that this idea of creating the International
catalogue of puppet makers is exquisite. I have already spoken to the people from UNIMA Croatia and I've
spoken to Livija Kroflin because she has experience in it. If we start doing this job very important question
is the method of doing it. Where is this thin line that separates good puppet makers from the best? And how
to make it equal for each country? Should we collect all the information (maybe to make some kind of
contest) and then choose the names for the catalogue. I'm sure there are even young people maybe unknown
who should enter in it. Of course the idea of doing it in collaboration with other commissions is great as
well. This is really good idea and we should do it on national level too.»
3/ The next step was the realization of chosen project, collection of the information and distribution of
informational letters.
4/ As a result of discussions, among many projects, chosen for realization, the most relevant became this
project, the aim of which is the development of Puppetry in Europe.
This project currently is under realization. Currently we’re prepearing the questionnaire, which will be
distributed to all European national centers. Non-European puppeteers (from India) are also interested in this
5/ The European commission took part in organization and holding VII S. V. Obraztsov International puppet
theatre festival in Moscow at October 2013.
Following European theatres took part in the festival: Krakov’s Puppet Theatre Groteska from Poland,
Theater ”Im Wind” from Germany, puppet theaters from Bulgaria and Lietuva.
6/ In October 2013 with the active work of European commission the International Moscow Conference
“Puppet theatre – traditions and innovations” was organized (Moscow, 15th, 16th of October 2013). The
leading theorists and experts presented their reports took part in the Conference (with participation of
Children, Youth and Puppet theatre Cabinet of UTP RF and Russian UNIMA Center). In particular: Lucille
Bodson (France), Katya Petrova (Bulgaria), Sinisha Yelushich (Chernogoria), Boris Goldovski (Russia),
Enno Podehl (Germany).
7/ Also there in Moscow a Round table discussion with directors of puppet theatre was held on the 10th of
October. The following directors took part: Boris Konstantinov, Viktor Shraiman, Ekaterina Obraztsova
(Russia), Adolf Velshtek (Poland), Yanosh Pai (Hungary), Eric de Sarria (France)
8/ European Commission also participated in organization and holding of III International puppet theatre
festival in Omsk (13 – 20 May, 2013). The playbill of the festival concerned 20 shows from 13 countries.
The joury consisted of Anatoliy Kulish, Anna Nekrylova (Russia), Victor Boychev (Bulgaria), Stanislav
Dubrava (Check Republic), Marek Waskiel (Poland).
9/ In frames of the Festival with support of European Commission an International scientific and practical
Conference “Human and puppet: pro et contra” was held. The theme was “Social and cultural adaptation of
children in puppet theatre”. Substantial reports were presented there.
10/ European Commission took part in organization and holding of widen session of Russian UNIMA Center
Board during III International puppet theatre festival in Omsk (13 – 20 May, 2013). Victor Boychev
(Bulgaria), Marek Waskiel (Poland), Stanislav Dubrava (Check Republic) took part in it. Approximately 5
hours the most vital questions of activities of International UNIMA in common and National centers of
Poland, Bulgaria and Check Republic were discussed. As a result concrete plans of more close cooperation
of that UNIMA Centers were formulated.
11/ Created by European Commission member Albert Bagno our commision’s account in Facebook provides
free space for communications of puppeteers and puppet theatres.
12/ UNIMA European Commission held the meeting of its members (Jaroslav Blecha and Ivan Raykov)
during the XVII World Festival at Charleville-Mézières (France). Thanks for Lucile Bodson, director of IIM.
13/ Next meeting of Commission Europe will be in Cuba at April 2014.
Report of the Commission for International Festivals 2012 - 2014 for Cuba meeting
President: Annette Dabs (Germany)
- Anne-Françoise Cabanis (France)
- Ulla Dengsøe (Denmark)
- Stanislav Doubrava (Czech Republic)
- Jean Kaplan (France)
- Louise Lapointe (Canada)
- Simon Wong (China)
Honorary Member: Miguel Arreche †
Aims and tasks
The UNIMA Commission for International Festivals builds up and supports networking between festivals
around the world.
The Commission can be consulted by UNIMA-members, festivals and the General Secretary.
It updates the "List of Recommendations" concerning the festival linked to the World-Congress.
It informs actively via the "Repertory of International Festivals", which will continuously be updated.
It stimulates the discussion of actual tendencies, of aesthetics and the development of the art through special
It is a space of reflection about responsibilities and additional values of festivals.
6th and 7th of March 2013 in Montréal
23rd of September 2013 in Charleville-Mézières
Next meeting: 17th of May 2014 in Bochum
„List of Recommendations“
The „List of Recommendations“ has been updated. See attached. It has been handed to the General Secretary
who decides about how the list will be used. On the point „prices and logos in UNIMA festivals“ we suggest
the formulation: Prices and logos in UNIMA festivals can be given only after appointment with the General
„Repertory of International Festivals“
The book “Repertory of International Festivals” is selling well. The members are happy with the realization
done by Stansilav Doubrava. It can be ordered and/or downloaded from a PDF file at UNIMA’s website.
The Repertory actually is updated from TOPIC in Tolosa, but on the new website it will be possible to
continuously update the Repertory.
The "Third Meeting of Festival-Directors" in Bochum, 18th- 20th of May 2014
The members decided for a conference in Bochum, 3 days during the Fidena festival 16. - 24. May 2014.
The theme will be „Cultural Education vs. Artistic Freedom – International Festivals in Times of Crisis“.
Various experiences on communicating puppet theatre to different target groups, to the audiences of
tomorrow, are discussed, surprising forms of cultural education will be presented. Examples of best practice
and the various suggestions are discussed during Fidena in Bochum 2014. Participants from all regions of
the world are expected. Simultaneous translation is provided in German, English and French. The costs will
mainly be borne by the festival. The project receives the financial support of Unima.
Recommendations of the UNIMA Commission for International Festivals
In order to improve the organization of the World Festival linked to the Congress of UNIMA, to avoid the
mistakes and misunderstandings of the past, to provide the optimal conditions for the guests and the
performing companies, the UNIMA Commission for International Festivals would like to propose the
following suggestions.
1/ The festival connected to the World Congress primarily has the task to highlight puppetry
around the world. The organizer therefore will try to invite companies from all continents
and many regions of the world without excluding any artists due to political or ethnical reasons.
2/ The general information regarding a World Festival linked to the Congress of UNIMA should be available
at least in English according to the following schedule:
2 years before: world-wide publication of dates
1 year before (optional): publication of general information about the festival on website
6 months before: publication of the pre-program on website
3 months before: publication of the definitive program and reservation form
3/ The National Centre of the host country early and in written form establishes who is in charge of
organizing the Congress and the Festival. In order to assure the successful development and achievement of
both events, the organizers are responsible to work in close relationship with each other as well as with the
General Secretary of UNIMA, allowing the participants to take part in the Congress as well as attending the
4/ The festival organization will treat the companies with respect concerning the conditions of
accommodation and meals. It will facilitate the contacts, official as well as informal, between companies and
councillors, i.e. by supplying a common space for meals and/or an open lodge to meet at nights.
5/ The festival organization will guarantee the companies the technical support they need, according to their
technical sheet and their signed contract.
6/ The festival organization guarantees the personal and material security of the companies.
7/ The festival organization guarantees communication facilities for each company at all times
(accompanying interpreter for technical set-up, press and public relations).
8/ The communication services of the festival will be assured at least in three languages (French, English,
9/ The festival office will be in operation four months prior to the festival.
10/ The festival organization assures the press services before, during and after the festival.
The festival organization has a clear and efficient ticket reservation policy. The assistance of professional
services is advised.
11/ The festival should offer special conditions to the councilors ,i.e. package deals including: registration to
the Congress, communal meals, show tickets, free access to and proper promotion for lectures and
professional meetings, and free or cheap public transportation in the city.
12/ Awards, diplomas or prizes cannot be awarded on behalf of UNIMA.
The use of the UNIMA-logo needs the acceptance of the General Secretary.
The UNIMA Commission for International Festivals hopes that these recommendations will help the future
UNIMA World Festival organizers.
Montréal, March 2013
Annette Dabs (Chairman) - Germany, Stanislav Doubrava - Czech Republic, Louise Lapointe - Canada, Jean
Kaplan - France, Anne Francoise Cabanis - France, Miguel Arreche - Spain, Simon Wong - Hongkong, Ulla
Dengsøe - Denmark
Report of the UNIMA Commission for Latin America
Mandate 2012 - 2016
The Commission was created during the UNIMA Worldwide Congress in Japan in 1988 and, after 25 years,
thank the work of different presidents, it has been able to spread the Puppetry Art.
The Commission is formed by:
President: Susanita Freire (Brazil
Councillor : Ana María Allendes (Chile)
Members of UNIMA Centres:
Alicia Gerhart (Argentina)
Tadica Veiga (Brazil
Carmen Luz Maturana (Chile)
Carlos Andres Velásquez (Venezuela)
Jordy Valderrama (Peru)
Analía Brun (Uruguay)
César Tavera (Mexico)
Ruben Dario Salazar (Cuba)
Fabrice Guilliot (France - webmaster)
Exchange Connexion with:
North American Commission:
Manuel Morán-Martínez (USA / Puerto Rico)
Commission Cultural Exchanges:
Ángel Casado y Alberto Cebreiro (Spain)
Professional Training Commission: Tito Lorefice (Argentina)
The Commission and its members have permanent contacts with activities that involve the Puppetry Art, the
animated forms and puppet-therapy.
La Hoja del Titiritero
Electronic Bulletin y mean of communication of the Commission for Latin America that inform and put in
contact the puppeteers speaking Spanish and Portuguese, maintaining the links of union through the
Puppetry Art.
Editors: Ana María Allendes, Susanita Freire y Fabrice Guilliot.
Assiduous collaborators: Carmen Luz Maturana, Toni Rumbau, Alejandro Jara, Conceição Rosière, Kembly
Aguilar, amongst other ones. Between the year 2004 and 2013, twenty nine issues were published and it is
divided in thematic pages:
Editorial and Summary
Unforgettable People
Shining Women
Unima and World
Education and Therapy
Puppet Heritage
Interesting Links
Previous Hojas
With the important help of many authors and materials, the bulletin is issued periodically en its new website,
that permits to have most important number of materials and photos. It accounts a group of subscribers on all
the continents, that are receiving the Hoja del Titiritero.
New page
The academic programme about puppetry as contemporary art don't repudiate the popular origins of this art.
This level of the reflexion on the topic is increasing in Latin America foolowing the complet programme
developing in Brazil. La Hoja del Titiritero incorporated an investigation section, a new page within the
review. We invite the Latin american resaerchers to use this space in order to spread sinthesis of works. For
reasons of space, only we can present summaries, but the intention is that the puppeteers interesting on the
theme can contact the authors in order to access the full material.
The Grants.
The grants for students in puppetry, members from Latin American UNIMA Centres has been our main
proposition/aim since the beginning of uour task within the CAL.
In 2010, two Latin American students of the IIM of Charleville Mézières received an help in order to buy a
set of tools and they received a copy of the Worldwide Encyclopaedia.
In 2010, Idoya Otegui, President of Spanish UNIMA, offered 5 grants to Latin American puppeteers for the
Spring Workshop that Spanish UNIMA has been organizing every year and held in Tolosa, in the Cultural
Centre TOPIC.
In 2011, 2012 and 2013, 10 grants were awarded and the CAL gave support offering 2 grants in addition for
the Workshops of Tolosa 2013.
In 2013 and 2013, supporting the workshop offered by the international group, Caixa do Elefante, in south of
Brazil, 7 grants for different course offered by the group Caixa do Elefante and the company Sombras
Lumbra were given by the Commission. The grant holders was artists from Mexico, Chile, Argentina,
Uruguay and Brazil.
In 2013, we offered an help for costs of food to the Mexican puppeteer and student, living in Venezuela,
Alejandro Jara, that received a grant for research from the International Puppetry Institute of CharlevilleMézières. Also, he received, within the UNIMA headquarter, in Charleville-Mézières, a copy of the
Worldwide Encyclopaedia.
Grants 2014
XI Taller de Matanzas, Cuba April 18th to 27th
Grant holders selected in order to participate to the XI Taller de Matanzas 2014 - Cuba
Mamulengo Presepada - show: “O Romance do vaqueiro Benedito” with Chico Simões - Member ABTB /
UNIMA Brazil
Talk on: La Fabulosa história da Génesis del Mamulengo, según Januario de Oliveira, o mamulengueiro
Jinú, adapted by Hermilo Borba Filho and told by Chico Simões or de “Como la verdad anda por dentro de
la mentira”.
Grupo Tiripitipis - show: “Leyendas de un Titiritero Antiguo” with Alejandro Jara and Yraima J
Vásquez - Members UNIMA Venezuela
Conference - show: “Millennial puppets of Meso-America" by Alejandro Jara
Open discussion "Titeroterapia, nine years of spontaneous puppets at the Psychiatric Clinic of Maracay,
Venezuela" with Yraima J Vásquez
Nini Beltrame, prof. UDESC - Member ABTB - UNIMA Brazil
Proposition of Talk/Dissertation and presentation of the review Móin-Móin 11, specialized in theatre of
animated forms and puppets, issue dedicated to Latin America, with texts in Spanish.
Distribution of reviews for the libraries of Cuba
El Tenderete - show:” Los 3 Pelos de Oro del Diablo” with Armando Samaniego Canive - Member
UNIMA Mexico
Show for children with puppets on table made with recycled material, after the show, the audience would
speak with the puppeteer and the children with the characters.
Grants Caixa do Elefante y Lumbra
The Grant holders and Workshops are:
Cecília Bruzzone (UNIMA Uruguay)
Desdoblamientos del Cuerpo (Cia Caixa do Elefante) from January 20th to 24th, 2014
Rodrigo HS (UNIMA Mexico)
Vivencia en el Teatro de Sombras (Cia LUMBRA) from January 25th to 29th, 2014
The grants included, hosting, meals and course, more the transportation from Porto Alegre to Morro Reuter,
in the sierra Gaucha.
Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe:
“Intensive workshop of Construction and Manipulation of String Puppets”
The grant holders were selected for the Workshop realized from January 13th to 25th, 2014
- Guillermo Rodrigues (UNIMA Uruguay): Full grantl: Workshop and hosting in Minas Hostel
- Edgar Hernán Moreno (UNIMA Colombia): Grant for Workshop
- Tamara Couto (UNIMA Uruguay): Grant for Workshop
- Jandi Caetano (UNIMA Uruguay): Grant for Workshop
Susanita Freire
North America Commission
Comisión de América del Norte
Commission pour l'Amérique du Nord
UNIMA’s North America Commission
Report 2013-2014
Main objectives:
Work at the promotion and development of puppetry art in North America by creating different
opportunities of exchanges and encounters between puppeteers, puppet companies, educators
and the different festivals in Canada, United States, Mexico and the Caribbean.
An idea of a North American Commission of UNIMA was created and proposed by Jacques
Trudeau at the UNIMA Croatia Congress in 2004. I twas approved by the congress and formed the
same year. At the UNIMA Congress in Perth 2008, Jacques became the General Secretary of
UNIMA. Dr Manuel Morán became the chair of the North American Commission. Previously the 12
member commission had met in Canada and then in Mexico.
1/ Dr. Manuel A. Morán, President (USA-Puerto Rico)
2/ Jacques Trudeau, Former Commission President(Canada)
3/ Oscar Garduño, León (México)
4/ Laura Madrid, León (México)
5/ Wendy Passmore (Canada)
6/ David Smith, Ontario (Canada)
7/ Karen Smith, California (U.S.A)
8/ Heather Henson, Orlando (U.S.A)
9/ Marianne Tucker, Philadelphia(U.S.A)
10/ Deborah Hunt, Río Piedras (Puerto Rico)
11/. Rubén Darío Salazar (Cuba)
12/ Norge Espinosa (Cuba)
13/ Claudia Orenstein (U.S.A)
14/ Heather Kent (Canada)
Meeting (2013)
The 2013 NAC Meeting took place at the National Puppetry Festival of Puppeteers of America in
Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA.
Commissioners, David Smith &Wendy Passmore from Canada and Marianne Tucker and Manuel
Morán from the USA, attended the meeting.
The next meeting 2014 will happen in Cuba, Tlaxcala, Mexico or New York City. This will be
decided later on, base don the availability of the Commissioners.
NAC Recent Projects/Upcoming Events/Projects (2013)
- NAC in Electronic Media: The NAC will hire a professional Social Media Group to set up a NAC
presence on different platforms: Facebook, Twitter and a Blog. Commissioners and people from all
different areas of the puppetry arts will be able to post to these platforms: news, articles, photos,
announcements, notes, blogs. The posting will be and could be in the languages of the region:
French, Spanish and English.
- Project to encourage and support interaction between Mexican, Canadian, American, and
Caribbean Centers: The NAC will act as a“liaison” between UNIMA-Cuba and the Countries in the
region to facilitate information regarding attending and/or performing at the next Taller
Internacional de Títeres and UNIMA Council in Cuba. An RFP was translated and sent to the
puppetry community in the Region.
- A Documentary of Puppetry in the Caribbean (Update):Right now in Post Production.
This 90 minutes documentary will provide the public with a historical look into the origins of theatre
and especially puppetry theatre from Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, as well as
provide unique insight to the works of many prominent pioneers and puppet companies. The NAC
is also contributing to this project. The plan is to premiere the film at the UNIMA Council in Cuba:
April, 2014.
- World Day of Puppetry Celebration (USA): For the second consecutive year, “The World Day
of Puppetry” was celebrated in NYC, on March 21 st. The NAC was cosponsoring this event, along
with UNIMA-USA, The Greater NY Puppeteers Guild and Teatro SEA. The event is becoming so
popular, that this year a Puppet Parade and Cabaret is planned and 10 other Puppet Theatres in
the USA will join the celebration, programming their own event.
NAC Finances
There is $ 4,300.00 in the NAC account. UNIMA-USA is acting as the Fiscal Agent and holding the
funds for the NAC.
$ 750.00 was spent on translation of the North America issue of Puppetry International
$ 1000.00 was spent on editing the documentary “Títeres, Puppetry in the Caribbean”.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to serve UNIMA!
Dr. Manuel A. Morán
President, UNIMA’s North American Commission
February 15, 2014
Karen Smith (USA)
Members of Commission
Steve Abrams (USA)
Marthe Adam (Canada)
Miguel Arreche (Spain; deceased October 2013)
John Bell (USA)
Greta Bruggeman (France)
Raphaèle Fleury (France)
Kathy Foley (USA)
Nina Malíková (Czech Republic)
Idoya Otegui (Spain)
The two long-term projects that have preoccupied the UNIMA Publication and Communication Commission
since the July 2010 Dordrecht Council are:
- The World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts (WEPA): English and Spanish Editions
- The new UNIMA Website
At the Chengdu Congress, June 2012, a new sub-commission was created and was incorporated into the
Publication and Communication Commission, headed by Greta Bruggeman, called:
Contemporary Writing for the Puppet Theatre
I/ The World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts (WEPA): English and Spanish Editions
A. Status Report of English Translation of the WEPA: Work Plan, Progress to Date, Budget and Financial
a/prepare the English second edition for publication, as an online edition
The English WEPA subcommittee is committed to the preparation of the web (online) version of the UNIMA
encyclopedia. After careful weighing of the costs and benefits of also preparing a print version, the
committee believes that a print version is not a viable option. For those who want a hard copy, Print on
Demand is a possible option.
To date, all of the encyclopedia articles appearing in the French version have been translated into English. In
response to the joint councillor decision taken in Dordrecht in 2010 to “correct and update” the
encyclopedia, a number of new articles have been prepared and new material has been added to existing
articles. The editing phase is well underway. In addition to linguistic editing and proofing grammar, spelling
and punctuation, the more substantive task involves incorporating corrections, “updated” and new material,
which first must be checked for accuracy, often through country and regional experts. This is a timeconsuming and painstaking process. Kathy Foley, Penny Francis, John McCormick and Nancy Staub have
recently been assisting with the more “problematic” articles.
As editor-in-chief of the English edition of the UNIMA encyclopedia, my current estimate is that 90% of the
editing of the English-language version of the WEPA is completed and the remainder will be completed by
mid April 2014. Inshallah!
As they are completed the new, corrected, and updated articles prepared by the English-language WEPA
editorial team are sent to the Spanish team to be incorporated into the Spanish-language version of the
b/ solicit and incorporate new illustrations and captions for the encyclopedia
Once the editing of the WEPA texts is completed, the focus will then turn to illustrating the encyclopedia.
This will require someone, a volunteer ideally with an appropriate background, to solicit copyright-free
illustrations with captions from the appropriate national centres.
c/ place the illustrated manuscripts on the Internet
This task is a technical one. It is going to require a specialist. The Executive Committee must also decide
where the electronic version of the WEPA (English, Spanish and eventually French) will be hosted.
Raphaèle Fleury (commission member) is investigating and costing the options.
d/ establish the process that will be used to solicit, review and incorporate new or revised articles into the
online encyclopedia
This process will be investigated once the WEPA text has been edited and the procedures for soliciting,
receiving and captioning illustrations are dealt with.
Budget and Financial Status:
The UNIMA-allocated budget for the translation and editing of the English-language WEPA is €17,500. As
of December 2013, €17,500 has been disbursed as payments to translators and editors.
In the 2014 budget, an additional €3,500 was allocated to reimburse the cost of editing hardware (computers)
purchased and used for preparing the English-language version and its final editing. This amount has yet to
be disbursed.
B. Status Report of Spanish Translation of the WEPA: Work Plan, Progress to Date, Budget and Financial
Progress to Date:
The late Miguel Arreche was managing the preparation of the Spanish-language WEPA until his sudden
death in October 2013. Up until that point Miguel had arranged for the students of the University of the
Basque Country to translate the texts. These translations were then linguistically corrected by the professor
in charge of the translation process at the university. Once corrected, the professor sends the articles to the
scientific editor, Professor Francisco Cornejo, who makes the definitive corrections. Prof. Cornejo has
reported that the work completed by mid February 2014 was 60% of the total number of articles.
Commission member, Idoya Otegui, is currently overseeing the Spanish-language WEPA.
Budget and Financial Status:
An equal amount of €17,500 was budgeted for the translation and editing of the Spanish-language version.
A contract for €15,000 was executed between UNIMA and the University of the Basque Country, at its
Vitoria-Gazteiz campus located in northern Spain in the month of May 2011. To date €10,000 has been
disbursed in two tranches to the University. A third and final payment of €5,000 will be made upon
completion of the final translation. The remaining €2,500 will be used to finance final editing.
II/ UNIMA Grants to Publication and Communication Commission and Expenditures
The UNIMA grants to commissions (of €2,000 per year since 2010), over the past 4 years (2010-2013) have
amounted to €8,000. To date, €1,329.01 has gone toward commission-related expenses. The current balance
is €6,670.99.
III/ The UNIMA Website
The Website project has been overseen since August 2012 by commission member, Raphaèle Fleury
(France). E-Magineurs, a company based in France, was selected in 2012 by the Executive Committee to
design and build the new UNIMA website. In 2013, UNIMA hired Lothaire Claudel (Charleville-Mézières,
France) as Website Project Manager. Commission members Steve Abrams (USA) and Idoya Otegui (Spain),
respectively, are coordinating the linguistic correcting process for the English-language and Spanishlanguage pages.
The initial version of the new UNIMA website will be posted in March. As a matter of course, the website
will provide specific UNIMA news and will connect with the sites of national centres. But it also
incorporates a number of innovative features. For example, UNIMA members will be able to create their
own “personal space/account”, where they can register into a Directory of Puppetry, register for the new Bed
and Puppet “hospitality network”, and where they can fill out forms to contribute to the database of
contemporary writing for the puppet theatre.
People who are not yet members of UNIMA will be allowed to create their own personal account on the
website. However, certain information will be accessible to UNIMA members only. Therefore, a validation
process for UNIMA members has to be created in cooperation with the national centres.
UNIMA will coordinate the launching of the new site with the national centres and appropriate
commissions. To help structure this process, graphic and editorial guidelines will be developed by the
Publication and Communication Commission and the Statutes Commission and, of course, approved by the
Executive Committee.
You are invited to submit to the Publication and Communication Commission any requests and suggestions
you may have to improve the site. In the future, changes may be made to the site within the budgetary
constraints of UNIMA.
IV/ Contemporary Writing for the Puppet Theatre
See separate report by Greta Bruggeman – UNIMA Sub-Commission: Contemporary Writing for the Puppet
2014 Publication and Communication Commission Report
Karen Smith
February 20, 2014
UNIMA Sub-Commission of the Publication and Communication Commission
Contemporary Writing for the Puppet Theatre
"Promoting the global circulation of written works for the puppet theatre" is the goal of a new subcommission of UNIMA. Its objective is to identify and collect a maximum of texts from countries around
the world, already published or available for other adaptations. This is a sub-commission of the Publication
and Communication Commission.
The members met in Chengdu in June 2012: Ana Maria Amaral (Brazil), Lisa Björkström (Sweden), Hans
Hartvicht Mansen and Ida Marie Tjalve (Denmark), Salma Mohseni (Iran,) Nina Monova (Russia) and
myself, Greta Bruggeman (France).
Since then, we communicate by email to propose actions and make decisions. A meeting between Hans
Hartvich Mansen and Greta Bruggeman took place in Canada on the occasion of the meeting of the Training
Commission, of which we are members. We are in regular contact with Karen Smith, president of the
Publication and Communication Commission
We have established a record for work, with the help of Raphaèle Fleury, with accurate information on each
text. It is necessary to know the synopsis of the play, a presentation of the author and publication information
and the company that produced it. A statement is attached to this report, translated into English and Spanish.
The call for participation was sent to all UNIMA national centres, with the request to put us in touch with
one or more people involved in the subject.
Responses of members of the committee:
BRAZIL: Ana Maria Amaral began research. She is an editorial advisor on the journal, Moin-Moin, which
has devoted an issue in 2011 on dramaturgy at the Theâtre de Formes Animées.
IRAN: Salma Mohseni has found the references of 20 plays which were published in the Farsi language.
This information will be translated into English.
DENMARK: Hans Hartvich Mansen is in contact with companies and finds that there is a lack of available
texts in his country. An event about this problem is being prepared. The manuscripts are not published but
are repertories at the Royal Library. The research will take time. Hans is also in contact with people in
Lithuania, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Estonia and Greenland.
FRANCE: THEMAA issued the call for participation in the journal MANIP and on its site. There is already
a list of 61 works listed by Greta Bruggeman with the help of the Centre National des Ecritures pour le
Spectacle (CNES) of the Chartreuse de Villeneuve les Avignon, of the Maison Jean Vilar in Avignon. Since
the meetings organized by THEMAA and CNES to developer links between authors and puppeteers many
successful collaborations have resulted in creations. Several authors have reacted to the call and sent the
references of their texts.
SWEDEN: Lisa Björkström lhas aunched research and she is in contact with the authors.
RUSSIA: Nina Monova has a list of several works and she is also responsible for the research in Ukraine
and Belarus.
The responses of other countries:
CANADA: Martha Adam, director of the l’Ecole Supérieure de Théâtre de l’UQAM, has forwarded a list of
74 works registered at the Centre des Auteurs Dramatiques. On their website you can find a synopsis and
information about the work and the authors.
SPAIN: Miguel Arreche reports that UNIMA Spain has already listed the texts. He suggested that UNIMA
Spain supports and makes the link with the Spanish-speaking countries. This proposal is under consideration.
CUBA: Rubén Darío Salazar noted that there are many texts written and published in his country. He sends
the references of several books on the subject.
ENGLAND: Caried Astles with Professor Matthew Cohen was commissioned by British UNIMA to
undertake this work. The research is underway.
NICARAGUA: The author Adolfo Torres Mangua has sent his full text, which had received a national
award; it will be produced in 2014.
TURKEY: Mrs Gunes Cakmakoglu has been commissioned by UNIMA Turkey to work on this project. She
has been working on contemporary writing since 1950. She will send information.
POLAND: Janusz Ryl-Krystianowski, director of the theatre in Poznan, has sent information on several
works. Marek Waskiel gave us the contact.
UNITED STATES: Lynn Jeffries has volunteered to do research. Irina Niculescu informed members of the
UNIMA-USA board about the work of the sub-commission in early August 2013.
CROATIA: Livia Kroflin is doing the research.
GREECE: Antigone Paroussi is doing the research.
HOLLAND: Otto van der Mieden was commissioned by UNIMA Netherlands to research.
SWEDEN: Michael Meschke sends information about several of his works written in collaboration with
other authors, some of which have been translated into several languages.
ARGENTINA: Tito Lorefice, director of the School San Martin in Buenos Aires, is undertaking research.
A meeting was held September 24, 2013 at the Festival Mondial du Théâtre de Marionnettes in CharlevilleMézières to discuss the progress of the sub-committee and to share and exchange the relations with
puppeteers and contemporary authors in different countries.
Martha Adams has presented the work with authors in Canada.
Tito Lorefice in Argentina and countries in Latin America.
Pierre Blaise, THEMAA President, has stressed the importance of collaborations between authors and
companies in France.
Dadi Pudumjee has spoken about the repertoire in India.
Anne Rautianen has submitted a Finnish translation of a piece/play by a French author, Jean Cagnard, at the
National Theatre in Helsinki.
Thank you to Jacques Trudeau for his attendance.
A new request for texts will be launched as soon as the new UNIMA website will open. The record will be
available on the website, which will facilitate the processing of data.
Cannes 09 02 2014 Greta Bruggeman President of the Sub-Committee bruggemangreta@orange.fr
UNIMA Research Commission´s Report 2012 - 2013
UNIMA RESEARCH COMMISSION is defined as a theatre research commission which includes
research of history, theory, critics and practise as theatre research in the field of puppet theatre.
Members: Anamaria Amaral (Brasil), Katriina Andrianov (Finland), Cariad Astles (Great Britain), Poupak
Azimpour (Iran), Raphaele Fleury (France), Kathy Foley (USA), Alexei Goncharenko (Russia), Svein
Gundersen (Norway), Erica Luo Ling (China), Yasuko Senda (Japan), Margareta Sörenson (Sweden)
Corresponding members: Matthew Isaac Cohen (Great Britain), Titus Jukov (Moldova), Livija Kroflin
President: Ida Hledíková (Slovakia), contact address: ida.hledikova@gmail.com
Meetings of Research Commission
June 2013, RC met in Slovakia, town Košice – European Cultural Capitol 2013, at the occasion of
international puppetry festival and RC ´s international conference, hosted by Puppet Theatre in Košice. RC
had three meetings within its stay in Košice
1/ Aims of Research Commission, its specification, its perspectives were agreed:
To encourage, initiate and co-organise conferences for experienced and new researchers in the areas of
history, theory and criticism;
To co-operate with professional research bodies and individuals;
To encourage practice as research in puppet theatre;
To develop and encourage relationships between the commission and critics of puppet theatre;
To encourage multicultural research in puppetry;
To encourage and develop the participation of critics in puppetry festivals and reflective writing;
To encourage publishing projects.
2/ Information and discussion on RC´s and co-operative projects:
a) Directory of Puppet Theatre Researchers – a new version
b) Big Grin Symposium London March 2013 - international symposium on Puppetry and Heritage Today,
(continuation of project of previous Research Commission, research leaders: Matthew I. Cohen, Cariad
Astles); selected contributions will be published in next publication of Research Commission in 2015/2016
c) Conference in Košice June 9th – 10th 2013, the international puppetry conference Metamorphoses of
Puppet Theatre with themes: Dramaturgy of Image and Puppet Theatre, Symbol, Plastic Metaphore,
Diversification of Acting in Puppet Theatre; Conference´s support by Research Commission 1570 EUR
(renting of translators´s cabs, interpreting). Research leading, conception: I. Hledikova, members of
Research Commission, I.Sogel (Puppet Theatre in Košice,SK).
Selected contributions will be published in the next publication of Research Commission in 2015/2016.
All contributions in Slovak language,were published in Slovakia in December 2013, conference proceedings
paid by Puppet Theatre in Košice and University of Performing Arts Bratislava, Slovakia.
Plan of activities in 2014
1/ Editing works on the next publication of Research Commission (the publication is planned to be printed
before the next UNIMA Congress in 2016. The book will consists of chosen contributions from three RC´
conferences (London, Košice, Tampere) in English and other UNIMA languages. Languages will be
discussed. Majority of texts have already existed in English.
2/ International conference and workshop Tampere 2014 (Tampere 2),
November 2014 (respons. Kati Andrianov – member of Research Commission and other members of RC)
Theme: Spectatorship in Theatre of Animation. Co-organised with Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre
at Tampere University, UNIMA Finland.
3/ Meeting or participation of young researchers in Tampere 2; participation of young researcher/s in
symposium on Censorship, Resistance and Propaganda in Charleville-Mézieres, November 2014.
Further ideas
Ana Maria Amaral suggests 2015 meeting in Brazil. April, May, June 2015, Conference on Craig and
Grossman parallel. Sao Paolo.
Raphaele Fleury reports that in Charleville in November (20th – 22nd) there will be a conference end of
project symposium on censorship, resistance and propaganda.
Alexei Goncharenko reported that would like to have conference in 2015 during Obraztsov festival.
Ida Hledíková
President of Research Commission
February 2014
Dear friends,
The UNIMA Women’s commission had their annual meeting on 27th of September 2013 in the Library of
Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, during the 8th International Puppet Theatre Festival for adults “Pierrot”. The
attending members discussed and evaluated the past, but were also very focused on the future.
a/ The Award
We decided to modify the AWARD: the commission will concentrate on one award instead of two:
the Award for Encouragement. Since 2012 UNIMA Women’s Commission has awarded two female
puppeteers that recognize and reward their work: Carmen Cardenas (Bolivia) and Noriko Nishimoto
(Australia) were the first two winners. The commission is seeking for new nominations for the next award
for encouragement.
Through these awards, the commission seeks to stimulate and reward young women who wish to work in the
puppetry field. We are looking forward to your nomination.
Date of Announcement: Cuba councillor meeting april 2014
Dead line to send Application: may 2015
Result in Public: during the UNIMA Congress in 2016
b/ Women’s Commission PROJECT for Tolosa and San Sebastian in 2016.
Since Bulgaria, we worked hard to prepare this project and carry out a planning proposal for the meeting in
Cuba. We are proud to present you this open call:
Puppeteers, writers and designers with a first or second creation project who are looking for support and
accompaniment for its development can apply to the UNIMA Women’s Commission Project.
A programme of artistic and financial support with the aim of discovering, accompanying and
supporting the new generation of puppetry authors & puppeteers.
The project is also a platform of UNIMA partners organizing this “operation”.
The project aims at supporting emerging puppetry artists: to enable young companies to create their first
shows in optimal conditions. Support is granted through a basic creation grant, artistic residencies, and
facilitated networking with performing arts professionals. With a constant aim at encouraging new
compositions to emerge, the Women’s commission project is now developing an original support scheme:
artistic laboratory, i.e. a gathering for artists committed in this artistic creation project. This so called
“laboratorium” is hosted by a member or a partner of the UNIMA Women’s Commission, and will be coorganized by several partners.
Phase 1: Call for Projects (deadline first round of applications 01-07-2014)
Send your application-letter by email to Darja de Caluwe (vice-president) stadsomroepster@chello.nl
By post:
P/A Int. Puppet theatre Festival
Aardappelmarkt 9
Correspondance must be filled in English, dvd of your work is preferable.
There is no age limit
Performances that already have been created are not eligible
Applicants must:
Be resident in Europe
Not being currently studying in a school
Not have already been selected for a UNIMA price or sholarship
Be able to present a short work-in-progress
Proposed their first or second creation project
Be available for the selection week and the public presentations
Applicants can:
Apply as individual or as a group
A legal structure or a formal company is not required
Evaluation criteria:
Originality of the project
Coherence and relevance
Quality of the performance
Phase 2: Selection on application file s by working group members
The members are:
Tamiko ONAGI
Darja de Caluwe
Ivan Raykov
Damiet Van Dalsum NETHERLANDS
Mansi Stycz
See http://www.unima.org/en/commissions/women
for more information about the commission and profiles of our members.
Phase 3: Selection week (during international festivals in fall 2014 and 2015)
Phase 4: Support (workweek in 2015) “THE LABORATORIUM”.
This will be a gathering of artists with an artistic creation project. Artists will be from various countries, all
involved in an artistic creation project. Artists are not invited as representatives of a company but as
individuals. They are selected over the course of the Women’s Commission selection process: they are not
necessarily “beginners”, but all of them participated either in the selection on application files or during a
selection week. Participants are chosen on artistic criteria (originality of their project, coherence, relevance,
etc.); the whole group has to be well balanced in terms of represented disciplines, global experience, origins
and personalities.
All selected artists have drawn the attention of the selection committee who believes a reflection phase is
necessary for these artists.
Renowned facilitators
The project is supervised by artistic personalities: directors, choreographers, experienced artists and
Academics. Those facilitators play a mentoring role without imposing any direction to the artist’s work.
They might also enlighten the artists with their own experience – careers, specialities – through open talks or
occasional workshops. Public presentations and debates might be held on an occasional basis.
Phase 5: Premiere and Public Presentations
Report of UNIMA Austria
Following a year of board challenges, the UNIMA Austria emerged stronger and with renewed energy and
focus on its core mission. Under new leadership, we began a process of formulating unified goals and
objectives to guide our efforts on behalf our members. This year, two fundamental questions at the puppet
festivals in Austria (Mistelbach; Wels; SommerTraumHafen, Wies; homunculus, Hohenems; PannOpticum,
Neusiedl – biennal next 2014; Lienz - new member since autumn 2013) bridged all areas engage visitors
with works of puppetry, provide diverse, multimodal experiences, forge local , national and international
partnership, and provide educational training and support. The years presented a rich festival program that
featured a tribute especially to all of the puppetries from around the world.
The process of thinking about the full scope of our facilities in the coming decades continued to be a priority
this year. Finding new ways to engage with our members is an ongoing commitment. That the new website
of UNIMA Austria attracts an impressive number of visits we think about a broader effort to support its
commitment to online visitors and build and encourage its relationship with them (operating social media
programs that provide content and interactive experiences).
Hope for REVIVAL of the UNIMA Austria magazine, which appeared two years ago every 3 months and
contained information about current events, interviews, reports, short articles, historical accounts and
workshops. That’s a special wish!
Successes and new initiatives that marked year 2013 underscore the vibrancy of UNIMA Austria and send to
the public a clear signal about the enduring importance of puppetry.
Centre belge de l’UNIMA
Belgisch UNIMA Centrum
Belgisches UNIMA Zentrum
(asbl – vzw – voe)
Rapport d’activités 2012-2013
Le Centre belge de l’UNIMA présidé par Ronny AELBRECHT maintient des ponts cordiaux et solides entre
les deux sections, flamande et francophone, de notre pays.
Le site www.unimabelgium.be présente les troupes et compagnies belges, membres de l’UNIMA (flamandes,
francophones et germanophones) ainsi que les spectacles proposés.
Chaque année, une « Journée du Centre belge » réunit des amis de la marionnette des trois Communautés du
pays, alternativement en Flandre et en Wallonie. En 2012, c’était à Saint-Nicolas (Wallonie) dans le cadre
d’un festival local et, en 2013 à Gent (Flandre) dans le cadre du « Landjuweelfestival ». Lors de chaque
Journée du Centre belge, les participants ont l’occasion d’applaudir des spectacles proposés par des théâtres
francophones et flamands. Elles sont l’occasion de riches rencontres entre amis de la mrionnette parlant des
langues différentes mais partageant une même passion.
Le Centre belge participe, naturellement, à toutes les manifestations – congrès ou conseils – organisés par
l’UNIMA internationale. C’est ainsi qu’il était présent au conseil et au congrès de Chengdu, en 2012.
On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne ! L’assemblée du Centre belge a renouvelé son conseil
d’administration :
Président : Ronny AELBRECHT
Vice-président : Philippe SAX
Secrétaire-trésorier : Edmond DEBOUNY
Administrateurs: Veerle WALLEBROEK, Geert VAN DOORSELAERE et Carlo TROVATO
Le Centre belge rayonne, évidemment grâce aux initiatives de ses deux sections très actives dans leur
Communauté respective.
La Section francophone
La Section francophone publie un périodique trimestriel qui a été complètement rénové : « Marionnettes en
Castelets ». Il est imprimé et envoyé à tous les membres ainsi qu’à divers organismes et personnalités. Il peut
également être adressé, par voie électronique à d’autres centres nationaux de l’UNIMA.
La Section francophone continue, bien sûr, à diffuser, avec succès, les riches documents qui ont été édités ou
réédités ces dernières années :
« Je construis des marionnettes, fichier technique »
« Guignol, Tchantchès et les autres, plaisir d’apprendre avec les marionnettes »
« Ô miracle !...la marionnette ! » une publication de la commission mondiale « Marionnettes et Éducation
« Marionnettes à ossature en carton ».
Elle gère son propre site Internet www.unima.be .
Elle organise des journées de rencontre et de formation à l’intention de ses membres.
Elle gère, en collaboration avec d’autres organismes, une riche bibliothèque et un centre de documentation
installés à Tubize.
Tous les trois ans, elle organise un « Bouquet de la Marionnette » afin de permettre à ses membres de
proposer et de présenter leurs spectacles à un vaste public. La prochaine édition aura lieu, en octobre
prochain, au centre culturel de Perwez.
La Section francophone a collaboré avec le ministère de l’enseignement de la Communauté française à la
formation d’enseignants à l’utilisation de marionnettes comme outils pédagogiques.
Elle propose aussi, aux écoles, aux centres culturels… une exposition interactive sur le thème « Je construis
des marionnettes »
« Zwier », la Section flamande
Opendoek, la Section flamande de l’UNIMA a adopté un nouveau style : nouveau nom « Zwier », nouveau
logo, nouvelle page Facebook et, bientôt, un nouveau site Internet. La Section a développé son répertoire
d’adresses pour toucher davantage de personnes y compris des non-membres.
Elle a soutenu activement les organisateurs d’évènements tournant autour du monde de la marionnette pour
leur donner une plus grande visibilité. A partir de cette année 2014, elle s’orientera vers d’autres initiatives.
Chaque année, Zwier organise un forum sur le théâtre de marionnettes à Mechelen. Ce forum était, au
départ, organisé par « Het Firmament ». Une collaboration s’est développée et, à partir de cette année, il sera
entièrement pris en charge par la Section flamande. Il est l’occasion de riches rencontres entre
marionnettistes, de confrontations d’expériences et de participations à des sessions de travail tournant autour
du théâtre de marionnettes. Ces dernières années, le forum était surtout orienté vers les amateurs.
Chaque année, est organisé le «Landjuweelfestival» qui prend la forme d’une compétition une fois sur deux.
Quand il n’y a pas de concours, les participants travaillent en fonction d’un thème déterminé. En 2012, cinq
spectacles ont été donnés sur le thème de contes. En 2013, ce sont les cinq lauréats déterminés par un jury
qui ont présenté leurs créations. La Journée du Centre belge a été intégrée à cette session du festival. De
plus, un atelier portant sur la musique et le théâtre de marionnettes a été organisé, entre autres par Luk De
Zwier organise également un coaching sur mesure pour les compagnies membres : 69 heures en 2012
concernant 5 groupes ; 112 heures en 2013 pour 8 groupes.
Durant les années 2012 et 2013 deux projets ont concerné les écoles fondamentales : un marionnettiste a
visité des écoles fondamentales afin de lancer une interaction avec les élèves qui ont ainsi participé à la
réalisation de spectacles avec l’artiste.
Secrétaire du Centre belge.
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 14 General Gurko str.,
Tel, FAX: +359 / 2 9877288
ACT – UNIMA Bulgaria
on the activity in 2013
In September 2013 the Bulgarian UNIMA center marked its 50th anniversary – 50 years of active and worthy
presence of the Bulgarian art of puppetry on the international stage.
Currently the Executive Council has the following composition:
Mr. Petar Pashov, President
Mrs. Katya Petrova, Vice President
Mr. Darin Petkov
Mr. Victor Boychev
Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov
Mrs. Hristina Arsenova, international counselor
Mr. Ivan Raykov, national secretary and international counselor
The official address of the Center is:
AKT-UNIMA, Bulgaria
14 “General Gurko” str., Sofia - 1000, Bulgaria
Phone and Fax: +359 2 987 72 88
e-mail: akt@sofiapuppet.com
At present the number of the members is 115, including almost all the state and municipal theatres with their
artistic groups, as well as individual members. However the fact of a trend we have registered toward a
decrease in the number of members causes anxiety. This should be subject to serious analysis of the situation
and developing measures for maintaining the membership.
Numerous international and nationals are organized in Bulgaria, and a good part of them are supported by
the state in the face of the Ministry of Culture and the municipal authorities. ACT – UNIMA Bulgaria has
taken the decision to endorse four of them, specially oriented at the art of puppetry and having proven their
significance and prestige in time.
1/ "THE GOLDEN DOLPHIN" - a three-annual International Puppet Festival. Takes place from 1st to 6th of
October in the town of Varna.
2/ "PUPPET FAIR" - International Festival for Street and Puppet Theatre - a biannual organized between 17
and 22 September in Sofia.
3/ "PIERROT" - International Puppet Theater Festival - a biannual for adults organized between 24 and 29
September in Stara Zagora
4/ "TWO ARE LESS, THREE ARE MORE" - International Festival of the Chamber Puppet Theatre Forms
organized at the beginning of September in Plovdiv.
In September 2013 during the "Pierrot" International Puppet Theater Festival in Stara Zagora a meeting of
the Women Commission of UNIMA was held. The festival hosts kindly provided the committee members
with the best possible conditions for the normal meeting proceedings. An accompanying press conference
was organized for all the media at the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency facilities. The press conference was
attended by Mrs. Tamiko Onagi, president of the Women Commission who gave an interview about the
goals, objectives and achievements of UNIMA. As a result of this plenty of publications appeared in the
public space – electronic media and press – that familiarized the public with UNIMA’s mission and
In 2013 the council of the puppet theater directors bestowed for the 5th time the SIVINA award for young
actor (after the name of a renowned family of puppeteers in the country). The award is given every year on
21 March, the World Puppetry Day.
Another initiative of ACT–UNIMA Bulgaria is the special award of our Centre for overall contribution to the
field of puppetry, bestowed every year at an official ceremony organized by the Union of the Bulgarian
Actors on 27 March, the International Theatre Day.
Due to the permanent scarcity of funds for the time being the art of puppetry journal KUKLARK is currently
published once a year. Thanks to the understanding and cooperation of Mrs. Hristina Arsenova, member of
the Executive Council, the necessary funds were raised and the journal will be published again, although in a
smaller print-out and with fewer articles in English.
Analyzing the situation of contemporary art of puppetry in Bulgaria we could state that in spite of the serious
difficulties the Bulgarian puppet theatre is alive, vibrant and full of energy and has enormous creative
Since the 2012 congress, UNIMA-CANADA continues to work on unifying members across the country. In
2013, UNIMA-CANADA counted 160 members in two sections: Québec and Ontario, and spread out over
6500 km from east to west. Our country is wide but the message is slowly reaching the oceans, UNIMACANADA, is present across the country since 2010 and is there to represent all puppeteers and puppet lovers
in Canada. As this update is being written, everything is in place for the creation of a new section, the
Atlantic. It will give a voice to the members in the Maritimes. We believe that working in sections is
essential in order to implicate people in such a large country.
Every month, all members receive news of the association through our blog. There is information on new
works in puppetry, touring shows here and abroad, companies visiting Canada, festivals, training, grants,
bursaries and any project that could serve our members. With every edition, the news journal is more and
more comprehensive and the blog serves as a promotional tool towards Canadian programmers. Every
month, we have visitors from around the world.
In 2013-2014, for the first time, a UNIMA-CANADA project received financial support from our Arts
Council (Canada). The project Immersion & Outreach enabled us to invite three upcoming Canadian
puppeteers, all expenses paid, to partake in a 36 hour training by the German puppeteer Frank Soehnle and
see all the shows presented by Les Trois Jours de Casteliers Festival… and many more. Over 12 days, they
will have seen no less than 19 shows and will go back to their workshops filled with images and ideas. The
project also enabled us to offer a 5-hour Masterclass by Frank Soehnle in Montreal and Toronto, free of
charge to UNIMA-CANADA members. The outreach aspect of the project was developed through the
Marionnettes promotional tool prepared by UNIMA-CANADA section Québec / AQM, by supporting the
translation of the 2015 upcoming edition.
The 2013 AGM was held as part of the one-day conference Fresh Ideas in Puppetry presented by
Puppetmongers at the University of Toronto. All new members that were present received a copy of the 2012
Marionnettes Magazine, and were delighted. As part of the conference, the “Bed and Puppet” project and the
work of the International Cooperation Commission were presented to the participants. In 2014, the meeting
was held in Montreal in the new venue of L’Illusion, Théâtre de Marionnettes as part of the Trois Jours de
Casteliers Festival. Every year, we try to move the meeting in the different sections to be closer to our
Since October 2013, Magali Chouinard and Isabelle Payant piloted the Quebec a Mano project that received
the support of the International Cooperation Commission of UNIMA. With a support 2000 Euros from the
Cooperation Commission and supported in Canada by both sections, the project’s goal was to support the
creative work of 10 Cuban puppeteer companies by providing tools and materials. The project was
developed around the Counsel meeting in Varadero, Cuba in April 2014. The project, through the artisan
network Mano a Mano, was able to benefit from the support of Air Transat that paid the greater part of the
fees related to the cargo. We wish our fellow Cuban puppeteers the creation of new works that reflect their
Our councilors, Marthe Adam, Magali Chouinard and David Smith continued their work with their
commissions: Training and Teaching Commission, International Cooperation & Cultural Exchanges
Commission and North American Commission. Louise Lapointe, director of Casteliers, pursued her work
with the Festivals Commissions. Magali Chouinard also worked actively at developing the Bed and Puppet
network. Isabelle Payant, as president insures communications with the members and pilots various
UNIMA-CANADA projects within the country.
Thanks to the devoted work of its members, UNIMA-CANADA continues to engage in actions everywhere,
at home and around the world.
UNIMA-CANADA Section Québec / AQM
In 2013, as part of the 8th edition of the Trois Jours de Casteliers Festival, two UNIMA Commissions
meetings were held in Montreal. 14 guests from around the globe were able to pursue their work and
discover the diversity and the dynamism of Quebec puppetry artists and partake in their professional
Also in March 2013, organized by AQM, this professional meeting reunited all the international guests of the
Trois Jours de Casteliers Festival (commission members and programmers) and professional AQM
members. This networking activity was a wonderful occasion for our artists to develop contacts and working
relations. This was the third edition of the meeting that stood out with the numbers of participants: 27
international guests and 32 professional AQM members represented by over 50 artists!
2013 enabled AQM to complete the development of the new bilingual website (www.aqm.ca) with the
virtual repertory of professional members of AQM. This new version of the tool enables members to publish
content both in French and English. The new search engine allows everyone, including the programmers and
artists, to access data in a user friendly way. AQM presents the repertory in every national and international
promotional event. It is an excellent tool for the Quebec section members.
Secondly, the Marionnettes publication is a collective promotional tool for Quebec artists prepared for
performing arts professionals in Canada and in international networks. This is why the 2013-2014 edition
entitled Touring Quebec and the World was entirely translated in English – a first ! To stimulate the attention
of the reader, the graphics were entirely redesigned to offer an artistic signature and the project was printed if
full color - another first. The publication was launched at Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes in
Charleville-Mézières (France) in September 2013, enabling AQM to distribute over 400 copies.
Marionnettes was also launched at le Théâtre Aux Écuries in Montréal on the night of première of the show
Concerto au sol, a performance that incorporated music and manipulation. It is AQM’s desire to promote the
art of puppetry for those who work within the discipline of theatre or other art forms in order to stimulate
interest in puppetry and illustrate its multi-disciplinary aspect.
UNIMA-CANADA section Québec / AQM wished to enhance the Marionnettes promotional tool and knew
that its launch in Europe would have an impact on the international reach of the organization and its
members. This decision has already developed into a new project: a collaboration project between AQM and
CAP Nimy – a promotional organization for puppetry in Belgium. The project, initiated in CharlevilleMézières, is the organization of a photo exhibit showcasing Quebec puppetry as part of Mons, European
Cultural Capital 2015.
Quebec puppetry is alive and well and continues to shine around the globe.
UNIMA-CANADA section Ontario
The Ontario section continues the development work it started. Present since 2010, the section now
regroups 30 members. Since 2012, the implication of the section on the UNIMA- CANADA board has
augmented since two new seats were added to allow a better involvement of the team and a better
representation of the members. The Ontario section is developing important relations with Toronto based
company Puppetmongers and with the Humber College, a school that offers a few courses in puppetry as
part of their theatre program and a 12-day intensive course for the past 2 years. David Smith also
represented the organization at the Puppet Power Conference: the Fearless Face of Puppetry in Calgary in
March 2013.
UNIMA-CANADA is proud of its development and the work it has done on its territory. The hard work is
starting to pay off from coast to coast, paving the way for a promising future illustrating how dynamic the art
of puppetry is here at home!
The Brief Report of UNIMA China in 2012-2013
The main achievements of UNIMA China since 2012 is to improve the protection, development and creation
of Puppetry and Shadow Art. They are, in conclusion: 1. Supporting Asia-Pacific commission whose
headquarter is now in Chengdu, China; 2. Applying financial supports from Chinese governmental culture
departments; 3. Working together with China Puppet and Shadow Play Association to held national puppetry
festivals, seminars, etc.
1/ UNIMA China pay for the website of Asia-Pacific Commission which was launched in 2012. The human
and finance resources for daily maintenance and operation were born by UNIMA China.
2/ Being supported by Chinese Government, UNIMA China held, together with UNIMA, Chengdu
Municipal Government "The 21st UNIMA Conference and International Puppet Festival" from May 27 to
June 3, 2012 in Chengdu, China. There were 101 troupes from 65 countries with more than 1500 players and
conference participants.
3/ Fund the encyclopedia of Chinese puppetry arts - "Chinese Puppetry" which was presented to delegates
and participating teams on The 21st UNIMA Conference and International Puppet Festival, offering
understandings and research of Chinese puppetry arts.
4/ Work together with Chinese Puppet and Shadow Play Association to organize non-profit performance on
"World Puppet Day" and Chinese "National Heritage Day" annually to expand awareness and influence of
Chinese puppetry.
5/ Collaborate with experts from Chinese Puppet and Shadow Play Association and Chinese Shadow Puppet
Museum in Chengdu visiting shadow play art center project in Langzhong. During this visit, UNIMA China
had a discussion with project related people to help the project going through successfully.
6/ Co-host 3rd Shanghai International Puppet Festival and Tournament, as well as "1st International Puppet
Art Forum" with Shanghai Theater Academy.
7/ UNIMA China, together with Chinese Puppet and Shadow Play Association and Shanghai Theater
Academy held "The 1st Chinese Puppet and Shadow Art Inheritance Seminar" in 2012 at the Shanghai
Theatre Academy. Nearly 60 experts and scholars from around the various troupes attended the seminar and
presented speeches.
8/ In November 2012 invited by UNIMA India to attend the Wayang Summit in Jakarta, India, attending the
seminar and performance.
9/ To improve the skills of young players, UNIMA China collaborating with Chines Puppet and Shadow Art
Association and the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture organized 4th Natational Golden Lion Award
for Puppetry Young Players in December 2012 in Xi’an. 16 teams with 51 programmes presented their
performing skills of young players.
10/ In 2013, hold 1st "China·Haining Shadow Art Seminar" in Haining with Municipal Government of
Haining, Haining Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, and Chinese Puppet and Shadow Play
11/ In the last half year of 2013, UNIMA China working with Municipal Government of Rugao, the SMG
Rugao, Rugao Media Group, and Chinese Puppet and Shadow Play Association organized the "Rugao 1st
National Puppetry Non-Profit Performances".
12/ Support Municipal Government of Nachong to held the “Nanchong 1st International Puppet Festival”
which will be held in June 1 to 7, 2014. There will be performances, seminars, awards, etc in the festival.
13/ Investment the Photo Album and Paper Collective of 21st UNIMA Conference and International Puppet
Festival. At the present, this is into the editing stage. This set of two books will be presented to the
participants of the conference and festival as a memorable, historic documentary materials.
14/ Organize Tangshan Shadow Play Troup and Sichuan Wang’s Shadow Play Troup to attend the “Puppets
Pledge Themselves to Peace”, a celebration for World Peace.
February, 24, 2014
Croatian Centre of UNIMA
Amruševa 19, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 (1) 481 3252; Fax: +385 (1) 481 3252
E-mail: unima@unima.hr; www.unima.hr
President: Jasminka Mesarić; Secretary: Livija Kroflin
The Croatian Centre of UNIMA carried out all the customary activities as a centre of information and
communication, receiving notifications about important events taking place in the world of puppetry both at
home and abroad, keeping members informed thereon, and also providing information on Croatian puppetry
to international organisations. The new Strategic Plan was made, too.
Since the General Assembly held in May 2013 Jasminka Mesarić has been the new president of the Centre.
The new Board members were also elected.
Thanks to the initiative of the Croatian Centre of UNIMA, the famous Croatian artist and UNIMA member
Zlatko Bourek was awarded the “Milan Klemenčič” prize for the lifetime achievement in the field of
puppetry. The prize is awarded by the UNIMA Slovenia.
Three councillors (Livija Kroflin, Jasminka Mesarić and Iris Pavić-Tumpa) took part at the Chengdu
Congress. The Rijeka City Puppet Theatre took part in the festival accompanying the Congress. The Power
of the Puppet, a book published by the Puppets in Education, Development and Therapy Commission and
the Croatian Centre of UNIMA, was presented.
The Croatian Centre has three councillors: Livija Kroflin (Zagreb), Jasminka Mesarić (Osijek) and Iris
Pavić-Tumpa (Zadar). Livija Kroflin is a member of the Puppets in Education, Development and Therapy
Commission, and Iris Pavić-Tumpa is a member of the Europe Commission.
The representatives of the Centre took part in the following events abroad:
Puppet Fair – Sofia 2012, Bulgaria (2012)
International Festival of Children’s Theatres, Subotica, Serbia (2012, 2013)
Wayang Summit, Jakarta, Indonesia (2012)
Mateřinka, Liberec, Czech Republic (2013)
- The SLUK festival (Croatian national puppet theatre festival) is held biennially in Croatia under the
auspices of the Croatian Centre of UNIMA. The 24th SLUK was held in Osijek in 2013. The annual general
assembly of the Croatian Centre of UNIMA was held in the frame of the festival.
- As one of the four founding members of the Vukovar Puppetry Spring (a get-together of puppet theatres
from Croatia and the Diaspora) the Centre took part in the festival in 2013 and awarded prizes that it
established in 2008 (a Lifetime Achievement Award for Contribution to the Art of Croatian Puppetry, and a
Prize for Contribution to the Acting Art in Croatian Puppetry).
- Thanks to the initiative of the Croatian Centre of UNIMA, a special prize has been awarded at the Actors'
Festival since 2007: the Nevenka Filipović Prize for the Best Puppetry Acting or Best Acting in Productions
for Children and Young People.
- The PIF (International Puppet Theatre Festival held in Zagreb) is usually dedicated each year to one of the
UNIMA events. In 2012 two books published by UNIMA Int. were presented: the World Encyclopaedia of
Puppetry Arts and The Power of the Puppet.
The Centre also took part in the International Children’s Festival in Šibenik, the ASSITEJ festival in
Čakovec and the Review of Puppet Theatres in Rijeka.
World Puppetry Day has been celebrated in Croatia since 2003. Puppet theatres put on shows on that day,
many of them free of charge, and the International and Croatian Messages are read prior to the
performances. In 2013 the central celebration was held in Šibenik, organized together with the Croatian
Centre of ASSITEJ. A round table panel discussion on “Croatian Puppetry Today” was also held.
The Centre cooperated with the UNIMA Puppets in Education, Development and Therapy Commission in
publishing The Power of the Puppet book, and presented it at the PIF festival in September 2012.
In Zagreb, February 2014
Croatian Centre of UNIMA
Jasminka Mesarić, President
Livija Kroflin, Secretary
Report of the Cuban Center UNIMA 2012-2014
The Cuban Center UNIMA, refunded in 2010, has developed in the period 2012-2014, a comprehensive plan
of artistic, educational and social actions for the dignity and promotion of the puppet art.
1/ The digital newsletter “Pelusín the messenger” continues as an informative body of the work of the
members of UNIMA Cuba, with replica at the website of UNIMA International.
2/ It 1st Puppet Bacchanal figures dedicated to figures theatre for adults was held in March 2012 in Havana.
In 2014 the second edition will take place.
3/ Everybody in Cuba celebrate every year on 21st March, the World Puppetry Day with different actions
organized by UNIMA Cuba members in all provinces.
4/ The 10th International Puppet Workshop of Matanzas hosted the Meeting of the North America UNIMA
Commission and established working relations with the UNIMA Latin America Commission, translated in
grants for groups in the region; the action has been extended to the 11th International Puppet Workshop in
5/ The Cuban UNIMA Center was again present with prestigious theoretical events at the National Theatre
Festival of Camagüey, 2012 (Forum Cuban Puppet World to step 50) and at the International Theater
Festival of Havana, 2013 (100 years of the director and playwright Modesto Centeno. 50th anniversary of the
National Theatre Guignol, pathways to a live theater. Konstantin S Stanislavski and the puppetry art,
antithesis or relationship? )
6/ Cuba scored the siege of the World Council Meeting of UNIMA in the 21st Congress of the International
Organization, held in Chengdu, China, 2012.
7/ The Freddy Artiles Chair for research and theoretical studies related to the puppet universe in the Superior
Art Institute of Havana, the Arts University on the island, ascribed to UNIMA Cuba, continued developing
educational activities in several national and international scenic events as well as in the Project That is not
touched on taboo topics in children's and puppet theater.
8/ The Fourth Stage on Scenic Research at Cienfuegos devoted its 2012 session to puppetry, developing
lectures about this art having interventions by members of the Executive Committee of UNIMA Cuba.
9/ In 2012 and 2013 were developed the 2nd and 3rd Puppet Theater Day at Center promoted by the company
Polichinela from Ciego de Avila, UNIMA Cuba member.
10/ El Teatro La Proa, a prominent member of UNIMA Cuba developed the Workshop Theatre and puppets:
Accessories for a happy childhood, taught to children of primary school.
11/ The young artist from Cienfuegos, Cuba UNIMA member and director of the puppet company Retablos
de Cienfuegos was invited to exhibit at the Gallery of Scenic Design Raul Oliva, in the capital.
12/ The first Hall Puppet Museum in Cuba was inaugurated on October 18th, 2013, at the headquarters of the
Company Hilos Mágicos, at the Theatre La Edad de Oro, La Habana. The Museum gallery will be named
Maria Antonia Fariñas, a prominent artist who, with her laborious work, stimulated the development of
Puppet Theater in the country.
13/ The Prize of literary criticism at the best books of the year was awarded, among other publications, to
Mith, truth and Retablo: the Guiñol of Camejo brothers and Pepe Carril, authors Rubén Darío Salazar and
Norge Espinosa, by the Editions Union, members of the Executive Committee of UNIMA Cuba.
14/ El Papalote Theatre convened for the fourth time in Matanzas, and in coordination with the Association
Hermanos Saiz and UNIMA Cuba, the event Spring Study, especially made for young puppeteers, under 35,
with lectures, talks and professional training workshops.
15/ The year 2014 announced the involvement of Cuba in the 11th UNIMA International Puppet Workshop
and UNIMA World Council in Matanzas, Cuba and in the forthcoming National Theatre Festival of
Camagüey, among other actions.
During this period 2012-2014 important personalities of the Puppetry Cuban universe passed away (Ivan
Jimenez, director of Guiñol de Santa Clara, Mayito González, puppeteer-actor, Noel Gorgoy, musician,
Abelardo Estorino playwright, Teresita Fernández, musician, Gastón Joya, designer and Carucha Camejo,
founder of professional puppet theater in Cuba and named Honorary Member of International UNIMA), to
all of them UNIMA Cuba rendered a deserved tribute.
UNIMA Finland
Report 2012 – 2014
Information and communication
Information services are our main field of work.
In 2013 we got 50 000 € from the Ministry of Culture and Education to make a report on how to improve the
public knowledge and status of puppetry. President of UNIMA Finland, Ms Marjut Tawast and Secretary
Arja Hokkanen started the project in May by sending questionnaires to all puppeteers, professionals and
amateurs, and also to schools and other interested parties. Among other we asked the number of shows and
spectators. We also asked statements from almost 20 experts. As a result we know now, that puppet theatre is
not a marginal art in Finland: in 2012 the number of shows was about 3000 with 250 000 spectators.
Unfortunately the public subsidy for our art has not been sufficient - puppet theatres get much less support
from government than other performing art forms. The report will be published in May 2014.
UNIMA Finland publishes twice a year magazine Nukketeatteri. The magazine has articles also in Swedish
and English. The average circulation has been around 300 copies. Mr Timo Väntsi worked for years solely as
the editor and improved the magazine. In 2013 we got a new editor, Ms Silja Ylitalo. The 2013 issues were
published in one cover at the end of the year. The 1-2 /2013 magazine was the first one printed totally in 4
colours. In 2012 and 2013 the Ministry of education granted 3000 € support for the magazine for its cultural
In 2012 and 2013 newsletters for members were sent by email about once a week.
UNIMA Finland has an internet home page, www.UNIMA.fi. We are also on Facebook,
www.facebook.com/UNIMAfinland. At the end of 2012 a new web site with updated information was
launched. We have listed on web all Finnish puppet theatres, groups and festivals. Also a short history of
Finnish puppet theatre is found on the site.
Our library (over 300 books plus some magazines and videos) and archive have been open with request for
members and researchers. However, the library is not in very active use.
Press releases of all major events were sent to wide circulation. In summer 2013 the letter from UNIMA
president and general secretary on Israel prohibiting children's puppetry festival in Eastern Jerusalem was
translated into Finnish and Hebrew and delivered to Finnish Press Agency and the embassy of Israel.
30th Anniversary Celebration and the Finnish Puppetry Day
February 11th, 2014 in Finnish Puppetry Day, UNIMA Finland celebrated its 30th anniversary. The
celebration day included shows for adults and children and a seminar "Puppetry now". The puppetry award
of the year 2013 was given to production Myrsky (The Tempest by Shakespeare), the biggest puppetry show
of all times in Finland, with almost 20 puppeteers working on the production. Myrsky was a co-production
by TEHDAS Teatteri and Aura of Puppets -puppetry group of Turku area. Also three new honorary
members were nominated: Mr Rainer Kaunisto, Ms Anna Ivanova and Ms Eeva-Liisa Holma-Kinnunen.
The same day February 11th is traditionally also The Day of Finnish Puppetry, when we announce the
Declaration of National Puppetry Day. A person or a group that has developed Finnish puppetry has the
honour of writing the Declaration. Year 2012 it was written by Ms Satu Paavola and 2013 by Mr Timo
Väntsi. Year 2014 it was written by Marjut Tawast, the present president of UNIMA Finland.
Festivals and other events
The Showcase of Finnish Puppetry, Suomalaisen nukketeatterin näyteikkuna, is our biggest yearly event,
which has its 8th edition this year. Every year about ten theatre companies or artists coming from all over
Finland have volunteered to perform in the festival. The number of visitors has been about 1000. The festival
includes also an exhibition, a seminar and children’s workshops. In 2013 and 2014 we've had also a
workshop for teachers.
Helsinki culture centre Stoa and International Children's theatre association Assitej Finland have been our
regular festival partners.
In 2013 we organized for the first time a puppetry weekend for adult audiences called Lumous - An
enchantment. The event was a co-production with the culture house Lumo run by the city of Vantaa.
In 2012 UNIMA Finland took part for the first time to Thalia-gaala, a national gala evening where all theatre
organizations give their yearly prizes. UNIMA Finland rewarded Mr Timo Väntsi of his devoted work as an
editor of Nukketeatteri magazine. In 2013 the prize was given to Ms Marjut Tawast of her life long work as a
supporter and writer devoted to puppetry.
Unima Finland organizes twice a year an evening where members have a chance to meet each other and the
board unofficially. In August 2012 Mr Knut Alfsen, the president of UNIMA Statutes Commission, was
invited to the meeting organized in Mikkeli at the international Umbrella of Stories festival. UNIMA Finland
was considering of founding a Puppetry Information centre within UNIMA Finland or as an independent
organization and wanted to ask for advice. Mr Alfsen found no obstacles in the UNIMA statutes for the
centre. In Finland there are government subsided information centres for theatre, circus and dance, while
information work for puppetry rested on UNIMA Finland.
Trade union work
In 2013 UNIMA Finland organized two public meetings to discuss the present state of the working
conditions and salaries of puppeteers. The goal is to set minimum fees for all the work on the field. The
Puppetry guild was founded in 2009 under the trade union organization of the theatre workers, TeMe. It has
been organized by the Vice President of Unima Finland, Mr Riku Laakkonen.
In Finland puppetry can be studied in the Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences. Vocational
education is given in Seurakuntaopisto (former Koulutuskeskus Agricola). UNIMA Finland has a permanent
seat of consultancy in the degree committee of theatre, dance and circus set by the Ministry of Education.
Ms Marja Susi had the seat in 2010–2013, and Mr Hannu Räisä since August 2013 for the next three years.
UNIMA Finland also keeps a record in the web of the several companies that organize short courses of
International affairs
UNIMA Finland has traditionally been an active member in international cooperation, both on global issues
and with our neighbouring countries.
Our councillors are Ms Kati-Aurora Kuuskoski, Ms Katriina Andrianov and Mr Aapo Repo.
UNIMA Finland sent two councillors, Ms Kati-Aurora Kuuskoski and Ms Katriina Andrianov to the UNIMA
International Congress in Chengdu 2012. Ms Kuuskoski also performed her play Peacock Butterfly in
NEECPA, The Northern and Eastern European Centre for Puppet Arts, is a cooperation network of Northern
and Eastern European puppet theatres and organizations, founded in 2011.
NEECPA's general meeting was in Tallinn, Estonia June 7th 2013. UNIMA Finland was represented by Ms
Roosa Halme and Ms Arja Hokkanen. NEECPA published in 2013 A Guidebook for touring theatre
productions, museums and festivals, which includes also some Finnish productions.
The Nordic UNIMA representatives´ meeting was held in Denmark 7-9. September 2013. UNIMA Finland
was represented by Ms Marjut Tawast and Ms Kati-Aurora Kuuskoski. Discussions were about co-operation
in the field of education and festivals.
The UNIMA Research Commission had a meeting in Kosice, Slovakia 8 and 10 June 2013. Katriina
Andrianov took part to the meetings. As a result, the Commission will organize with the University of
Tampere an international scientific conference in Tampere, Finland 26-28 November 2014.
The two last years have seen growth in puppetry publicity in Finland. The trend shows also in the number of
our members: it has kept increasing, from 180 (2012) to 200 (2014), including 14 puppet theatre companies.
UNIMA Finland gets incomes of membership fees, ticket sales and magazine orders. Our membership fees
were in 2013 30 € / person, 15 € / student, 120 € / company. Support of the state is vital. 2012 and 2013 we
received from the Ministry of Education 9000 € for general purposes and 3000 € for our magazine. In 2013
we also got grants for Finnish Puppetry showcase festival from the State and private funds. Ministry of
culture and education granted also 50 000 euros for improving the public knowledge and status of puppetry
and the Nordic Culture Point gave 2 460 € travelling stipend to our representatives for attending the Nordic
UNIMA representatives´ meeting in Denmark.
National board and employees
The general meeting in March elects the members for our national board. The board consists of president
plus four members from different parts of Finland. The members can be professionals or amateurs.
At the moment (February, 2014) our president is Ms Marjut Tawast. Other board members are Mr Aapo
Repo, Mr Riku Laakkonen, Ms Roosa Halme and Mr Antti-Juhani Manninen. Vice members are Ms Johanna
Salo, Ms Elviira Davidow, Ms Marja-Leena Lintunen and Ms Pia Kalenius.
UNIMA Finland has one employee, secretary. In 2013 we had also a part time project manager.
Contact information:
UNIMA Finland
Address: Sahaajankatu 19
00880 Helsinki
Email: UNIMAfinland@gmail.com
Internet: www.UNIMA.fi
Tel. +358 46 811 4024
Centre français de l'Unima
- Continuer d’œuvrer pour le dialogue et la concertation interprofessionnelle
- Être une instance de ressources actives et un organisme permanent de liaison et d’information au service de
la profession
- Promouvoir les arts de la marionnette par la mise en place d’opérations d’envergure nationale et
internationale à destination la plus large possible
Moyens mis en œuvre - outils, démarche
Outils éditoriaux, rencontres professionnelles, coopération/co-construction avec les professionnels
>> Adhérents: 300 adhérents en 2013: compagnies, artistes indépendants, scènes de diffusion, festivals,
compagnies amateurs, amateur de cet art
Objet de l’association
Fort de son caractère fédératif, l’association THEMAA s’engage à soutenir et valoriser les actions
entreprises sur le terrain par ses membres. Fort de son caractère fédérateur, l’association THEMAA s’engage
sur des opérations collectives en direction de l’ensemble de la profession. THEMAA a pour objectif de
toucher au travers de son action et selon ses missions les adhérents de l’association, les professionnels des
arts de la marionnette et plus largement les acteurs du spectacle vivant.
1/ THEMAA œuvre pour le dialogue et la concertation interprofessionnelle
4 groupes interprofessionnels actifs animés ou co-animés par THEMAA travaillent sur la formation, la
reconnaissance des lieux indépendants, l’aménagement du territoire et la production/diffusion.
>> En 2013, THEMAA écrit un manifeste 2013 des arts de la marionnette élaboré avec Latitude
Marionnette (nouvelle association de diffuseurs français de la marionnette) et des membres représentatifs de
la structuration du secteur professionnel pour poursuivre sa demande de reconnaissance plus importante des
arts de la marionnette auprès des politiques.
L’association travaille également à la reconnaissance du métier de marionnettiste à travers la
requalification du diplôme d’acteur marionnettiste délivré par l’ESNAM.
>> Mise en place des rencontres à destination de l’ensemble de la profession pour développer la
concertation entre les compagnies, les lieux d’artistes, les lieux de diffusion, les festivals, les agences
régionales. En 2013 :
- Rencontre sur la place de l’artiste dans les territoires.
- Journée professionnelle sur la question de l’accompagnement des artistes par les structures.
- Coordination d’un groupe de 25 lieux qui proposent des projets en cours de production de compagnies
qu’ils soutiennent : 12 projets ont été proposés au festival mondial des théâtres de marionnettes de
>> Œuvrer, en lien avec d’autres organisations professionnelles, à une réflexion commune sur des
problématiques touchant l’ensemble du spectacle vivant.
Différentes journées de réflexions ont été mises en place en 2013.
2/ THEMAA est un organisme de ressources actives, de liaison et d’information au service de la
>> A travers un projet éditorial:
THEMAA a édité 4 numéros de Manip et son agenda, un numéro spécial sur la marionnette au festival
d’Avignon en 2013 et un hors série en décembre 2012 sur l’accompagnement des artistes
L’association est partenaires depuis 2009 du portail des arts de la marionnette (PAM) porté par l’Institut
International de la Marionnette
L’association poursuit un travail d’observation plus précise du secteur pour établir une analyse plus fine des
activités et de conditions de travail du secteur professionnel avec de nouveaux outils.
3/ L’association THEMAA promeut les arts de la marionnette par la mise en place d’opérations
d’envergures nationale et internationale à destination la plus large possible
>> L’association accompagne le dialogue entre le monde universitaire et les artistes professionnels
En relation en 2013 avec le pôle recherche de l’Institut international de la marionnette, la Bibliothèque
nationale de France (BNF), l’université Lyon 2 et le Clastic Théâtre autour d’un cycle sur trois ans
«Marionnette et politique: censure (2012) / propagande (2013) / résistance (2014)»
>> L’association met en place des événements avec d’autres secteurs artistiques et culturels
> En 2013, THEMAA a accompagné la mise en place d’un échange entre marionnettistes et scientifiques
spécialistes des imprimantes 3D avec l’université de Grenoble, la scène nationale du Meylan et la plateforme Gi-Nova et proposé les «Rencontres nationales sciences et marionnette - corps, objet, image»
accueillies au Centre Dramatique national de Strasbourg.
>> L’association a coordonné l’Exposition itinérante «Marionnettes, territoires de création»
> En 2013, l’exposition a été accueillie à Fouard, à Vitry-le-François et à Vieux-Condé.
Des cartes blanches très fournies et en collaboration avec les compagnies de la région ont été mises en place
en Lorraine et en région Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
> En 2013, THEMAA a investi dans la réalisation d’une vidéo permettant de garder une trace de l’exposition
physique et de son contenu. L’association réfléchie la valorisation des contenus de l’exposition.
>> Travailler sur des questions internationales en partenariat avec l’UNIMA et d’autres structures
> En 2013, THEMAA a accompagné la mise en place d’une rencontre au dernier festival de Charleville
Mézières sur les écritures contemporaines en marionnette dans le monde, portée dans le cadre de la sous
commission de l'unima éponyme pilotée par Greta Bruggeman.
UNIMA Deutschland activities, 2012 through 2014
Representation of puppet theatres in nationwide organisations
UNIMA Deutschland represents puppet theatre in the German federal organisations "Fonds Darstellende
Künste" (Performing Arts Fund) and "Deutscher Kulturrat" (German Cultural Council), and closely
collaborates with Verband Deutscher Puppentheater (German Puppet Theatre Union), the professional
association of German puppeteers.
Deutscher Kulturrat (German Cultural Council):
This council supports representatives of German cultural affairs.
For the allocation of subsidies – a sector where all strands of the arts are struggling and facing ongoing cuts
– the public acknowledgement of puppetry art is vital. UNIMA Germany specifically supports the
implementation of the puppetry medium in drama classes in schools.
It continually emphasises the broad variety of contemporary puppet theatres in Germany.
Contact: Frieder Paasche
UNIMA Deutschland supports national and international festivals, as well as exhibition openings including
welcoming speeches.
German UNIMA events
"Fundsache Harry Kramer" (Harry Kramer Lost and Found)
In 2012, TheaterFigurenMuseum (TFM) in Lübeck and Figurentheater Lübeck together organised an
exhibition of figures from the Fey collection, created by Harry Kramer, that had been believed lost, with an
international symposium and experimental performances. This was accompanied by a scientific collection of
essays, featuring contributions from art historians, musicologists, the animated film class of the Art Academy
in Kassel, and puppet theatre experts such as Henryk Jurkowski, Michael Meschke, and Silke Technau.
"Im Reich der Schatten" (In the Realm of Shadows)
In 2013, TheaterFigurenMuseum Lübeck (TFM) held the special exhibition "Im Reich der Schatten" under
the patronage of UNESCO. This exhibition also featured Ruth Brockhausen who presented a lecture about
the UNIMA world congress in Chengdu, China.
Trade journal "Das Andere Theater"(DAT) – "The Other Theatre"
UNIMA Deutschland released the magazine issues DAT 80-84:
80: Puppet theatre in Italy
81: Reports from the world of puppet theatre
82: 200 years of Grimm's Fairy tales in puppet theatre
83: Puppet animation film in past and present
84: Animals in puppet theatre
A compilation of the contents of DAT 1-84 will be provided in the summer of 2014, making all the articles
easier to retrieve.
"Road of Puppetry" website
The German UNIMA Road of Puppetry team worked on creating a map that shows all puppeteers and all
relevant museums, archives, and institutions in Germany. UNIMA groups from Denmark, Belgium, and
Latvia contributed to the map as well. In order to decide how the Road of Puppetry concept should be
presented on the new UNIMA website, an informational meeting with the Publication Commission was held
in Charleville.
"Internationales Schattentheaterzentrum" (ISZ)
The leadership of ISZ changed in 2013.
The International Shadow Theatre Centre in Schwäbisch Gmünd marked its 25th anniversary in 2013.
Founded by Rainer Reusch in 1988, it works on behalf of the World Association of Puppeteers (UNIMA). It
is the only institution worldwide that is dedicated to exploring, developing and promoting the art of
contemporary shadow theatre, and serves as the hub of activities in this sector. Its founder, (retired teacher,
shadow artist, author of several reference books, college lecturer) has served as its honorary director for 25
years. The ISZ is located in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany). Funding is provided by the city of Schwäbisch
Due to his age, Rainer Reusch passed on the leadership of ISZ to his successor, Christian Kaiser, on October
6th, 2013. Mr. Kaiser is a professional sand artist and head of the "Sandtogether" association.
The pillars of the Shadow Theatre Centre are:
- Communication and cooperation
The centre is in touch with more than 300 shadow and puppet theatres.
- Research and documentation
The ISZ collects information regarding shadow theatre all over the world, evaluates it, and publishes the
results in a series of magazines and books.
- Festival
In collaboration with UNIMA and the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd, the 1st International Shadow Theatre
Festival was founded in 1988. It is the oldest festival of contemporary shadow theatre worldwide, and the
only continuous one.
Advanced training
ISZ focusses on this sector especially. Since the earliest days of the festival, workshops have been offered as
part of the supporting programme.
News from the German centre
UNIMA Deutschland regrets the passing of
Dieter Kieselstein
Klaus Schriefer
Dorle Walter-Schichtl
- International cooperation
Various German stages worked in international cooperation:
Together with "Speeltheater" from Edam in the Netherlands, the theatre "Salz und Pfeffer" staged "Benjamin
und die Wunderkissen" (Benjamin and the Miracle Pillows) in a mutual production.
In cooperation with the Salzburg Festival and Tafelhalle Nuremberg, the theatre "Thalias Kompagnons"
staged "Das Mädchen aus der Feenwelt oder Der Bauer als Millionär" (The Girl from Fairyland or The
Millionaire Farmer).
Stefan Fichert, from Puppet Players in Munich participated in "Puppetry in Opera" , a symposium in
- Various announcements
The international festival in Husum, "Pole Poppenspäler Tage", marked its 30-year anniversary in 2013.
In November of 2012, at the puppet theatre in Magdeburg, the largest public puppetry collection in Central
Germany opened in villa p®, a renovated heritage Rayon house built in 1884.
13th documenta in Kassel
The 13th documenta, the most important international arts exhibition in Germany, put special emphasis on
puppetry by featuring the video work "Cabaret Crusades" by Wael Shawky, born in Alexandria in 1971.
His work contemplates the crusades from an "Arabian point of view". Events are being retold with the help
of marionettes.
Shadow theatre featured prominently as well through "In search of Vanished Blood« (2012), the work of
Nalini Malani, born in Karachi (India / now Pakistan) in 1946.
George Tabori Award for the puppet theatre Wilde& Vogel
The jury of the Fonds Darstellende Künste (Performing Arts Fund) selected the two prize winners for 2013
from six nominated free theatre groups. The first prize was awarded to the puppet theatre "Wilde & Vogel"
from Leipzig. As the jury explained in their statement, the "congenial duo" of Michael Vogel, puppet-maker
and puppeteer, and musician Charlotte Wilde represent "an outstanding German puppet theatre company
which also excels in experimental work."
"Kasparek" in Hohnstein
The Hohnsteiner Puppenspielhaus (Hohnstein House of Puppetry) opened in Hohnstein in February of 2013.
Wolfgang Buresch, a former "Hohnsteiner" member, delivered a greeting note.
The transnational border project "Kasparek" – crossing the border with Kasper – supports German-Czech
activities in cultural and youth work. Detlef Heinichen is active in this project, playing Kasper.
New director at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin
The degree programme "Puppenspielkunst" (Puppetry) has been renamed as "Zeitgenössische
Puppenspielkunst" (Contemporary Puppetry). Since 2013, it is headed by Markus Joss from Switzerland.
Puppet theatre and the Nazi era
As part of the Berlin theme year "Diversity Destroyed", Christiane Klatt (puppen etc.) organised a little
festival about "Puppets and the Nazi Era" in the puppet theatre Grashüpfer in Berlin-Treptow in late May of
Under the heading of "Propaganda-Survival-Resistance", Figurentheater Lübeck and
TheaterFigurenMuseum (TFM) will hold two annual evening events around Palm Sunday, starting in 2014.
The first event is dedicated to historical aspects of puppet theatre of the era; the second night features an
outstanding contemporary puppet theatre production that is focussed on this topic (2014: "Hannes und Paul"
by Seifenblasentheater Meerbusch).
UNIMA Deutschland / Ruth Brockhausen
Obere Str. 1 - D-37154 Northeim
Tel. +49 (0)5551-9080777 / Mobile +49 (0) 151 656 222 39
/ Fax +49 (0)5551-919059
UNIMA Iceland was founded in 1976 and currently counts around 20 members.Lately, UNIMA Iceland has
focused on collaboration with the fellow Nordic UNIMA associations, discussing amongst other things
puppetry education in the Nordic countries. Recently, the city of Reykjavík agreed to become a part of
AVIAMA, the organization of puppet friendly cities. This will without a doubt help UNIMA Iceland to
promote the art of puppetry in the city. Please find news on active puppet theatre groups in Iceland below:
The 10 Finger Theatre is Helga Arnald’s one-woman touring theatre, transcending artistic disciplines with its
integration of visual arts, music and the new media, founded in 1993. In 2012 Helga received a highly
significant culture prize called “The Optimistic Awards‟, given to Icelandic artists leading in their art field.
The latest performance of the theatre, The Monster My Little Sister, received the Icelandic Theatre award as
the best Children's performance in Iceland 2012. The Monster has now been performed in four languages in
CINARS (Canada), The Spring Festival Copenhagen (Denmark), Alandica (Aaland Islands) and The Nordic
house (Faroe Islands). In autumn 2013 the story was published as an illustrated children's book both in
Iceland and in Faroe Islands.
The theatre company of Bernd Ogrodnik and Hildur M. Jónsdóttir, offering excellence and innovation in the
field of puppetry since 1986. Highlight of 2013 was the opening of their new theater located inside the
National Theater of Iceland. The new stage is named “The Puppet Loft”, and serves an intimate 90 people
audience. Inauguration performance was the original marionette production of Aladdin.2013 also saw the
publishing of a children ‘s book named The Troll and the Raven, (both in English and Icelandic) which was
created with pictures taken from our award-winning performance Gilitrutt. International touring and
teaching activities included North-America, The Carribean and Poland.
VaVaVoom Theatre is a visual theatre company, based in London and Reykjavík. VaVaVoom was founded in
2011 by S. Sunna Reynisdóttir (puppetry and performance artist) and Sara Marti (director) who met while
studying at CSSD in London. VaVaVoom received Tallinn Treff Festival Awards for Hands Up! in 2011. The
company was nominated for “Newcomer of the Year” and “Music of the Year” at the Icelandic Performance
Arts Awards in 2013 for the critically acclaimed Breaking News, which premiered at the National Theatre of
Iceland in 2012 and re-opened in Summerhall at Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2013. VaVaVoom
currently prepares the new work Wide Slumber.
Brúðubíllinn is Helga Steffensen’s travelling puppet theatre van, performing outdoors during the
summertime in Iceland since 1980. The theatre is currently working on two new shows to be premiered this
summer in June and July. In addition, Helga Steffensen regularly tours the country with the performance
“Númi with the seven heads” (based on a story by author Sjón). The performance was created in
collaboration with the Landsbjörg rescue squat, as a part of their educational program which aims towards
raising awareness of children’s safety and wellbeing.
The Kids on the block is an American project which has developed over 40 different programs addressing
various disabilities, educational and medical differences and social concerns, using puppetry to approach
each topic. One of the performances addresses various forms of child abuse and has been brought to Iceland
by puppeteers Hallveig Thorlacíus and Helga Arnalds in collaboration with the Blátt áfram association. In
2012 the parliament of Iceland decided to partake in an Eurpean project which raises awareness of child
abuse. Consequently, this show was made a part of the national curriculum of every primary school for a
three year period, aimed at 7 year old children. This is a unique collaboration between the ministries of
education, welfare and interior in Iceland.
The UNIMA India Page
An Introduction
Unima India was registered in India in 1986 and currently has
While the members renew their membership annually, we have a vast network of supporters and well
wishers in the field of puppetry who participate in every which way.
It has always been a challenge to communicate with such a diverse and geographically spread out
community as in India.
However despite the challenges Unima’s work has been growing slowly.
Today there is a positive perception of this body of puppeteers which is established with certain premium
cultural institutions like the India International Center, The India Habitat Centre, Dilli Haat, The Crafts
Museum, The IGNCA, ICCR, Sangeet Natak Akademi and the Kamla Devi Bhavan.
Unima India – 2012-2013
After the closure of the UNIMA India website, we have now gravitated towards social networking site to
keep us connected. In 2012 we launched the Unima India Facebook Page Every paying UNIMA-india
member is also an administrator so that they can keep uploading their information. Thus this page is
always full of information. We have 62 members and counting, uploads of new events, posters of shows of
members, pictures of shows of rehearsals etc. The link
is http://www.facebook.com/groups/342106832490002/ .
World Puppet day celebrations have been held every year and are growing in popularity.
Besides New Delhi there have been celebrations, performances, festivals in 5 other cities:
by Dhaatu, Anupama Hoskare
by Meena Naik
by Mayur Puppets Milan Yadav
by Prabhitangshu Das
by Ratnamala Nori
Also in Agartala (Tripura) and Calcutta.
- Workshops for children - As part of the WPD celebrations every year we have had workshops for children
on puppet making at the India International Center and at the Dilli Haat.
- The Puppet Parade at Dilli Haat has become a fantastic crowd puller -and is an annual feature on World
Puppet Day. The number of Puppeteers participating with their large and giant puppets has gone up.
Workshops for children at India International Center.
It is imperative to build a future audience for puppetry. The objective was storytelling and building puppets
from waste material. Unima was invited to conduct this workshop as part of an event being organised and
hosted by the India International Centre. The workshop was based on The Last Jungle on this Earth by
Randhir Khare
Workshop for Professional Puppeteers – 2012 at the India International Center. Many international
puppeteers also participated, notably puppeteers from France, Spain, Afghanistan.
Library - A copy of WEPA, the World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts was gifted to Unima India by Dadi
Pudumjee, President Unima Internationale. This formed a modest beginning of a Library of Puppetry
Literature, Publications, Journals and videos. The Library, is housed and maintained by a member of Unima.
Promoting new work - Young emerging puppet groups exploring a new language of puppetry were invited to
perform by Unima India at the India Habitat Center. This was a great encouragement to them and we played
to full house. :Participants
- Object Theatre by Tram Theatre - Choiti Ghosh
- String Puppetry by Kuchkuch Theatre - Mohd. Shamim
- Inside my Mind; a play on Alzheimers - Anand Kumar
Public interface during Ishara Festival- Unima India holds a stall and distributes information about Puppetry
and Unima India.
UNIMA-India offered a seed grant of Rs 10,000 each to 3 puppeteers to create a new show
This was only to be a small incentive to start a new performance and would support a part of the material
and production costs of a new show. This grant was made possible by personal donations from puppeteers
like prof. Michael Meschke and Ms. Theodora Skipptares and money raised by UNIMA-India by doing
small projects with the Srinivas Mallaiah Trust Kamala Devi Chottopadhaya Museum.
Six puppeteers applied for the grant from Andhra Pradesh, Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi.
Three successful new initiatives launched in 2013:
The Sutradhar an E magazine devoted to the Puppet Arts, is brought out twice a year in October and
February. The second issue has just been published with articles from many countries.
An exhibition of Contemporary Puppets and collections from South East Asia
“Exploring Boundaries” at IIC from 9th December to 15thDecember 2013
It was well visited by many schools. It was appreciated and we may repeat it every two years.
Next time we should invite puppeteers from all over the country to participate.
School Puppetry Festival – April 2013
The endeavor was to create a climate for puppetry, create awareness and puppet-literacy amongst children
investing in them as the future audience, creating opportunities and space for puppet theatre performances .
A partnership between Unima India, Sangeet Natak Akademi and Enactus ( a student volunteer body from
No of schools: 4. NGO’s - 2
Plan for 2014-2015:
Enlarge the subscriber base for Sutradhar - Create a network of Libraries, Theatre libraries, Schools,
Universities and other interested parties/departments
Repeat the School Festival in this academic year (2014). Target time is mid July. We are collaborating with
ASSITEJ India for this festival. Work will begin on this by mid March.
Interface with India Foundation for the Arts and introduce upcoming puppeteers to this funding organization
MasterClasses or Professional Workshop for professional puppeteers annually.
Continue the Seed Grant, which will henceforth be called a Support Grant to be given to 1 pupprteer instead
of 3.
Collate lists of puppeteers from various regions of India, both urban and rural.
Ambassador Samodra Sriwidjaja
UNIMA Indonesia has been established by Senawangi (Indonesian National Wayang Secretariat), Pepadi
(Persatuan Pedalangan Indonesia/Indonesian Puppetry Union). The declaration of the establishment of
UNIMA Indonesia was signed on the 15 December 2009 by Drs. H.Solichin, Chairman of The National
Secretariat of Indonesian Wayang, Mr Ekotjipto, Chairman The of The Indonesian Puppeteers Union, Mr.
Dadi Pudumjee,President of Unima International , Mr Jacques Trudeau, Secretary General of Unima
International. Declaration of the establishment of Unima was addressed by Ambassador Samodra Sriwidjaja
in front of and witnessed by the Indonesia Vice President H.E.Prof. DR.Boediono at the Vice Presidential
Palace in Jakarta on 16 December 2009.
Vision: Indonesia wayang become a means and forum to enhance and understanding and friendship among
nations leading to world peace and welfare.
1/ To intensify art and culture of Indonesia wayang abroad
2/ To increase cooperation in puppetry through various organizations and sub region, region and global
3/ To utilize wayang as an instrument of diplomacy; to enhance friendship and understanding among nations.
4/ To keep performing Indonesian wayang /puppetry of its best quality in the international fora, so that it can
be an exemplary model for puppetry in the world.
Governing Board of UNIMA Indonesia 2013-2018
Ambassador Suparmin Sunjoyo
Vice Chairman
Ambassador Abdul Ghani
Drs.H. Solichin
Ambassador Nurrachman Oerip
Nano Harsihono
Executive Board
Vice President
Secretary General
Vice Secretary General
Vice Treasurer
Ambassador Samodra Sriwidjaja
DR. C. Harinowo
Mariani Ojong
Maria Theresia Widyastuti
Maurich Sinaga
Yopit Liswardi
Yulita Samodra
DR. Mohmmad A.S. Hikam ,MA
DR. Al Zastrouw NG
Gaura Mancacaritadipura
Internal Activities:
1/ To create the Marionette of Indonesia by coordinating with the established marionette organizations
In this direction, Unima National Center will organize workshop by inviting all potential marionette creators
from all Indonesian region.
2/ Indonesian Unima celebrated the 4th Anniversary on 21 December 2013. More than 400 people attended
where dominated by University students. The anniversary closed by the performance of Wayang Kampung
Sebelah from Surakarta.
3/ Participated in the World Wayang Puppetry Carnival (WWPC) where attended by 47 states mostly
member of Unima. This event was extremely successful and attended by The Secretary General of Unima
Mr. Jaques Trudeau.
4/ To continue publishing serial comics of Baratayuda.
External Activities
1 /Councilors of Unima Indonesia will participate in the Congress of Council at The Convention Center
Plaza America of Varadero , in Cuba , April 22nd – 23rd 2014.
The following members are: DR.MAS Hikam, DR Al Zastraouw, Gaura Mancacaritadipura, Ambassador
Samodra Sriwidjaja, two Indonesian delegates will also attend the council meeting such as Ambassador
Suparmin Sunjoyo, Ambassador Nurrachman Oerip.
2/ To participate the Seminar of the 1st Asia-Pacific held in Nanchong - China. And also participate in the 1st
Asia –Pacific International Puppetry Festival in Nanchong –China, on June 1-7, 2014.
Unima Indonesia will perform an Electric Shadow Puppet from Sanggar Paripurna Bali
Jakarta, February 12th, 2014 / Ambassador Samodra Sriwidjaja / President Unima Indonesia
Rapport d'activité 2013 de UNIMA-Côte d'Ivoire
Le présent rapport va s’articuler autour des points suivants :
1/ Activités réalisées
2/ Difficultés rencontrées
3/ Recommandations
4/ Remerciements
La vie du Centre ivoirien de l’Union Internationale de la Marionnette au cours de l’année 2013 a été
marquée par les activités suivantes :
- La réunion du Bureau Exécutif
- La réunion des Directeurs des Compagnies membres
- La Compagnie PANTACLOWN de Baha Fidèle est installé au Bénin pour ses activités.
- La Compagnie NOURMI THEATRE AFRICA, composé uniquement de femmes est actuellement
sous la direction de Bassin Jelick.
- Les visites de travail à quelques directeurs de Compagnie et l’accompagnement artistique.
- La recherche de financement pour les activités du centre
- Une campagne de sensibilisation pour le paiement des cotisations.
- La représentation aux événements et manifestations internationaux.
- La participation de la Compagnie Ivoire Marionnette aux jeux de la francophonie à Nice où elle
a remporté la médaille d’or au concours de marionnette.
- La participation de cette même compagnie au concours Marionnette pour la paix couronnée
par le 2è Prix.
- Le manque de financement n’a pas permis l’organisation de l’atelier de formation
au programme d’activités.
- Le non paiement des cotisations par les membres n’a pas permis au centre de faire face à
ses engagements vis-à-vis de l’organisation ce qui a entrainé un cumul d’arriérés de cotisation.
Apporter un appui à UNIMA – AFRIQUE pour l’organisation chaque année d’atelier pôle dans les
différentes zones de l’Afrique en vue du renforcement des capacités des marionnettistes afin que ces derniers
puissent véritablement contribuer au développement de l’art de la marionnette dans leurs pays respectifs.
Mes sincères remerciements s’adressent à toutes ces compagnies et membres individuels qui malgré les
difficultés ne cessent de prendre des initiatives courageuses pour la promotion de l’Art de la Marionnette en
Côte d’Ivoire.
151-0053 東京都渋谷区代々木 2-12-3-2F Phone & Fax (+81) 3-3379-3370
Residential address: UNIMA-JAPAN 2-12-3-2F Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
151-0053 JAPAN
URL=http://homepage2.nifty.com/unima/ eMail=unima-jp@mbg.nifty.com
Mr Tsubame Kusunoki
New President of UNIMA-JAPAN
Numbers of Members: 258persons (dated: 31st of December 2013)
Member fee: 12000 yen (=85 euros, approximately @140.72yen) =per a year
Location of office: Exist in 2nd floor of Puk Puppet Theatre house, it takes about 10minutes walk from
Shinjuku-station(JR lines), in Tokyo.
Board of directors:
Our new directors were elected during the UNIMA-JAPAN Congress 2013!
Tsubame Kusunoki: President
*Honorable President: Sennosuke Takeda
Takeshi Kumada, Mizue Wake
General Secretary: Fumiko Matsuzawa
Board of directors: Hideaki Ishii. Makoto Uso, Setsuko Otani, Takaharu Karaki, Mamika Kawajiri,
Takaki Kida, Yasuhiko Naka, Kunio Yagi
Yukio Ozawa, Takuro Fukazawa
The Secretariat:
Noriko Sato, Toyoko Takeuchi
EC(2012-2016) Tamiko Onagi(President of Women’s Commission)
CL(2012-2016) Tamiko Onagi, Nobuhiro Sugita, Yasuko Senda, Yasuhiko Naka
We got the new board! Tamiko ONAGI, the former president of ours, encouraged Tsubame KUSUNOKI to
be the new UNIMA-Japan president. He is an active UNIMA member for more than 20 years, and some of
his shows were frequently performed abroad. The youngest UNIMA-Japan president ever will lead our
organization with his smile!
Newsletter of UNIMA-JAPAN, “Ningyougeki-no-Hiroba”/3 issue a year
Yearbook of Japanese Puppetry
*Regarding this Yearbook, we UNIMA-JAPAN is sending by postal-mail to all of National Centers of
UNIMA, all of Councilors of UNIMA and all of Members ofExecutive Committee of UNIMA as gift, so that
if you did not receive this book, You are kindly requested to inform it as follows:
or Residential address: UNIMA-JAPAN 2-12-3-2F Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo151-0053 JAPAN with your
name, residential address and e-mail address if you have.
We will send by postal-mail within two months.
Thanks in advance!!
May 2013 the 43rd Congress of UNIMA-JAPAN Location: Puppet Theatre Kyogei (Kyoto) theatre Kyogei
August 24 & 25, 2013 UNIMA-JAPAN Study Tour “Tsunabi”
*For 2 days, thirteen UNIMA-JAPAN members enjoyed “tsunabi” in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
*Tsunabi: Following an introduction, the show will consist of string puppets moving their bodies and limb stretched above the heads of the audience against a night sky illuminated by a display of special fireworks.
OBARI SANBON TSUNABI was devised by Matsushita Iwami-no-kami, the master of Obari Castle, as a
means of celebrating victory in battle. The technique has been preserved since the 15th century as a
traditional art in Ina Village, Tsukuba-gun – Ibaraki prefecture. Iwami-no-kami, who was a famed firelock
explosives expert, devised the technique himself. [Quoted from the 1988 WORLD PUPPETRY FESTIVAL
November 2013
December 2013
November 2013
Tamiko ONAGI, UNIMA Executive Committee Meeting in Azerbaijan.
Correction of some contents for the web version of the WEPA
Expression of sympathy to UNIMA-Philippines for the disaster caused
by the super typhoon.
Centro Méxicano de la Unión Internacional de la Marioneta A.C.
UNIMA México
UNIMA-MEXICO wishes to thank the Secretary-General of UNIMA, Mr.
Jacques Trudeau, for his steady approach to our concerns and dreams,
thanks to the hosts of the island of Cuba to bring us to this World Council of
UNIMA 2014, especially to Rubén Darío Salazar Taquechel, Cuban
President of this ancient art and all the artists who have made it possible to be here, to Fabrice Guilliot, our
link with the Council and our beloved, Sausanita Freire our Ambassador of CAL UNIMA. Thanks to all the
colleagues from countries who join us. Thank you, Academy and puppeteers of America, of Europe, of Asia,
and of the world.
Mexico is a country rich in traditions and vast. Each of our States or provinces has its own season, its flavor,
its colorful, handicrafts, culture experiences, his art is always renewing itself. "Respect for the foreign law is
peace", said the national hero Benito Juárez... and under this simple and human currency we have worked.
Each of our puppet carries the white flag that is opposed to violence and never down the banner of your
hands from clay, wood or paper mache.
Each puppet is an ally of dreams which sleep with the conscience of having done something good for others
from sunrise to sunset. And we do not lose heart, we do not get tired, we do not desist clamor for a world
more friendly to the children of today, yesterday and tomorrow.
This message bring it with Don Ferruco, with la Cucarachita Martina, with the Coyote Vate, Harlequin,
Burattino, tortoise, Kaspar, Greta, the strega Malerba, Lumaccone, Pelusín del Monte and his grandmother
Chicha, Sicilian Puppi il Pulcinella, il Dottore, Papagueno, Don Giovanni, Colombina, Lela and Chereke,
Pierrot and Fiorinetta, Alelé, three chicks, the blue driver, Bolek and Lolek and the bird that does not live in
a cage.
UNIMA-MEXICO has worked continuously in this year 2013 which ended, managing to achieve the goals
proposed by its national coordinator: German spirit, Salvador Lemis, Elisa Serrano, Jorge Vega, Gilberto
Palma and Alejandra Lugo. It is step by step revived the Union by all States, settling the following
delegations of UNIMA Mexico: Mexico City, Tlaxcala, Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, Michoacan and Yucatan as
well as puppeteers who belong to the Association of the States of San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Toluca,
Querétaro, Durango, Guerrero, Quintana Roo, Monterrey and Veracruz, becoming in this year more than 100
members around the country.
This year 2013 was held the Annual Assembly powered by videoconference in two locations: UNIMA
Mexico Federal District and UNIMA Mexico Michoacan.
Held the world day of the puppet concentrated in the "GUATEQUE TITIRITERO" (Festival of puppets)
from 21 to 30 March, 2013, with activities in all the Mexican Republic, there were more than 70 different
shows, 60 companies of puppets and more than 20 activities with puppets such as workshops, conferences
and fashion shows in the States of Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, Guerrero,District Federal, Veracruz, Durango,
Tlaxcala, Yucatán, Hidalgo and Monterey Michoacan.
UNIMA Mexico City with a beautiful parade from the Palacio de Bellas Artes, inaugurated the CARP OF
THE PUPPETS of the delegation Unima Mexico D.F. alternate and itinerant space that offers workshops
and performances. Is a great manipulation of puppets workshop led by maestro Carlos Converso Prato,
benefiting more than 50 artists, puppeteers and other artistic disciplines.
Also participated in the parade of the DAY WORLD OF THE THEATRE in the city of Mexico making
presentations at various venues as a sign of the living art of puppetry. In addition this delegation performed
the I AND II FESTIVAL OF PUPPETS FOR PEACE UNIMA DF in Iztacalco and Coyoacán, also
support of the University of the México City with a response by artists and researchers very relevant.
Performed also at the House of Tlaxcala in Mexico City, a meeting with the Mayor of the town CharlevilleMezzieres, France, the Director General of the Institute Tlaxcalteca of culture and the national coordinator of
UNIMA-MEXICO, with a view to join the puppet masters of the world capital of the puppet and our
The delegation UNIMA Sinaloa opened several alternative spaces for presentations titeriles and with the
support of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and culture institutions promoted the PUPPET
currently working on the creation of a theatrical space for the puppeteers.
UNIMA area southeast, in union with the Association civil CREATI Creating and Titereando A.C.,
inaugurated the FIRST ITINERANT PUPPET MUSEUM, with pieces that are from different places in the
world such as China, Brazil, Italy, Mexico and Yucatán, this has as main attractions take and share the art of
puppets everywhere.
Managed by the National Coordination UNIMA México, more than 10 scholarships for puppeteers of
UNIMA participants at the Escuela Latinoamericana del Arte del Títere "Mireya Cueto" in Tlaxcala
UNIMA México has maintained contact with the museums of puppetry in the Republic: MUSEUM OF THE
HISTORY OF THE PUPPET of the State of México, THE HOUSE OF PUPPETS in Monterrey and the
Updated the presence in electronic networks and virtual communication platforms: Facebook, email and the
creation of the website www.unimamexico.org and www.unimamexicodf.org
Performed tributes to the artist Mireya Cueto in across the country, many tributes to her great creative work.
Functions were performed and offerings for the traditional celebrations of DIA DE MUERTOS MEXICO
were designed in different spaces of our regions of UNIMA members, North, Central and surreste.
Also were conducted workshops of updating and professionalization with outstanding teachers and creators
of the art of puppetry throughout the country.
Being a primary objective that by 2014 it will have priority on the items on our agenda.
We are working hard and are confident that our puppets will remain our flag of peace and with it we will
succeed to bring our message of brotherhood to all corners of the world.
National Coordination UNIMA Mexico 2012-2016
Puppetry in and from the Netherlands - actual addresses and information
NVP-UNIMA: Association for Puppetry in the Netherlands
Unima Netherlands
Since 21st of April 2013 UNIMA Netherlands has a new board:
From left to right, Roby Bellemans; Ron Holst - Treasurer, editor monthly newsletter and
webmaster; Alexander Bauwens - President; Koos Wieman, Sigrid de Reus - Secretary,
(secretaris@poppenspelers.nl) and Elly Bakker.
The four Dutch councillors for the period 2012 - 2016 are Hans Schoen, Frans Hakkemars, Ron
Holst and Otto van der Mieden. (UNIMA@poppenspelers.nl) Darja de Caluwe is
supplementary councillor and vice-president of the Women Commission.
The policy plan of NVP-UNIMA for the period 2012 – 2015 (“Show Netherlands Puppetry”)
emphasizes networking, education and exchange of information.
To achieves these goals there is a commission of about 20 members (divided in 7
subcommissions) which is implementing the goals into the organisation.
Puppetry in the Netherlands
There are about 30 residential puppet theatres, about 300 puppet theatre companies in
Holland, about 10 percent of which are professional.
The 262 members of the NVP-UNIMA (puppeteers, museums, theatres, puppet builders,
teachers) are autonomous in organizing activities.
The NVP-UNIMA digital:
There is a website: www.poppenspelers.nl
There is a face book page: www.facebook.com/NVP.UNIMA
There is a monthly newsletter for members.
Magazine: WP, ‘The World of Puppetry’ appears six times a year in Dutch. Contact through
our website www.poppenspelers.nl. Here you can read or download the issues on line.
Libraries and museums
The NVP-UNIMA has an extensive library of more than 1,500 books in Haarlem, Brouwersvaart 70, 2013 RB, tel. 023
5317713. The catalogue has been digitalised and can be downloaded at our website.
3. In Vorchten is the Poppenspe(e)lmuseum with a large collection of historical Dutch puppets and marionettes.
(www.poppenspelmuseum.nl). The book collection of the Puppetry Museum contains more than seven thousand
editions, in many different languages and covering a wide variety of subjects connected with puppets, puppetry,
shadow and object theatre.
There are also puppet collections in the libraries of several Dutch Universities and cultural heritage museums. For
adresses see our website www.poppenspelers.nl
Education and support
Talented puppeteers and graduates from art- or theatre-schools can get support in creating a new production
at Production house ‘Feikes Huis’ www.Feikeshuis.nl Eliane Attinger is artistic leader.
At the In Holland academy there is a post bachelor course for teachers
Wim Kerkhove organizes activities to stimulate the traditional Dutch puppetry of Jan Klaassen, the nephew of
Polichinelle, Kasperl, Punch, Petroucka and all the others. Puppeteers can learn how to play at the Jan
Klaassen Academie (www.JanKlaassenacademie.nl). These puppeteers will perform Jan Klaassen shows at
Sunday summer afternoons at Dam square Amsterdam.
One of the goals in the policy plan is that puppeteers learn from puppeteers, Max Verstappen, Elly Bakker, Ina
Geisler, Jochen Lange, Wim Kerkhove, Koos Wieman are puppeteers who do so.
Quarterly we have special Networking days – in 2014 9 feb, 17 may, 21 sept and the 1 st of November - for
programming see our webiste
There are 3 international Puppetry Festivals in the Netherlands
Amsterdam, annual Poparts Festival, 5th version 1 – 9 february 2014: www.popartsfestival.nl,
Meppel, bi-annual, 17-22 Sept. 2014 International Poppenspelfestival: www.poppenspelfestival.nl
Harderwijk, bi-annual paper theater , 8-10 may 2013 www.papiertheaterfestival.nl
There are 2 regional puppetry festivals one in Amersfoort, 6-7 sept 2014: www.poppeninhetpark.nl and the second
in Roermond, annual, storytelling and puppetry: www.vertelfestivalroermond.nl. 13 -14 sept 2014. There are lots
of festivals where puppetry is one of the disciplines programmed
Other puppetry activities in the Netherlands Can be found on our website www.poppenspelers.nl .
NVP-UNIMA stimulates all performances given by amateurs and professionals in schools, shopping centres, theatres,
at birthday parties at home, on the streets, all the workshops, all the research, special projects like our cultural
heritage and the use of puppets in education (e.g. “Puk en Ko”)
Dutch professional theatres
Fonds Podiumkunsten performing art fund gives information about professional theatre in the Netherlands, including
information about Dutch professional puppetry. www.fondspodiumkunsten.nl
The c entre for international cooperation is www.dutchculture.nl Assitej Netherlands, ASSITEJ the international
organisation for professional youth theatre groups, tells there are 4 youth festivals in the Netherlands and eight (out
of twenty six) Dutch groupmembers use a lot puppetry: www.assitej-international.org
Some impresario’s for puppettheatre: www.jeugdtheatergroepen.nl ; www.lipmanvanpelt.nl ;
www.stipproducties.nl ; www.vanaf2.nl and www.steenimpresariaat.nl.
Further information
More information about the NVP-UNIMA can be obtained from our General Secretary Sigrid de Reus,
secretaris@poppenspelers.nl , the councillors UNIMA@poppenspelers.nl or the contact person of the Dutch
councillors: Frans Hakkemars, Flevomeer 102,1423ER Uithoorn, Holland, Tel (0031) (0) 297566694, or (0031) (0)
640610384 franshakkemars@hetnet.nl.
© 5th February 2014 NVP-UNIMA: Association for Puppetry in the Netherlands - Unima Netherlands
Dutch puppetry! Living and strong as always!
1/ The membership amount of POLUNIMA is now 61 individual members and 29 puppet theatres
2/ Polunima activities were financed by “Arlekin” Puppet Theatre in Lodz, by income from membership
fees and a grant from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Organization, like most of National
Centrums of UNIMA, lacks the economical resources for any big projects.
3/ Members of the Board met many times . They supported the initiatives of the puppet theatres to help to
solve their important problems. Because of that the low on the organization and the management of cultural
activities was changed in Poland they expressed opinions on candidate for the positions of director of some
Polish theatre, recommending persons with unquestionable achievements. They also gave opinions on the
draft regulation on remuneration of employees of cultural institutions.
4/ Polunima regularly issues the magazine “Teatr Lalek”
(“Puppet Theatre”) and the newsletter for its members “Animator”, providing the repertoire of Polish
puppetry theatres, festivals and news about important events . The first issue of 2012 was entirely devoted
to puppetry education and was published in cooperation with the UNIMA Training Commission and with the
financial support of UNIMA.
5/ POLUNIMA cooperated with puppet festivals’ organizers and is a patron of many events especially:
- International Festival of Puppetry Art. In Bielsko-Biala;
- International Festival of Puppet Theatres „City Katowice for Children” in Katowice
- Meeting of Amateur Puppeteers in Pulawy;
- International Puppet Theatre Festival for Adults „Puppet is also a being”;
- International Festival of Puppetry Miniatures ANIMO in Kwidzyn;
The Board decided that one student of each High Puppetry School can take part as an observer
in the festivals which are under the auspices of POLUNIMA.
6/ Polunima Honorary Diploma, awarded for taking care of traditional values of the art of puppetry was
delivered to Bonecos de Santa Aleixo from Portugal and to Scarlattine Teatro from Italy.
7/ Polunima moved for prizes and medals for representatives of Polish puppetry environment. The Minister
of Culture and National Heritage appreciated the creative achievements of the stage designers, with many
years of work contributed to the development and promotion puppetry art. On the occasion of the World
Puppetry Day he decorated Mrs. Joanna Broun silver medal “Gloria Artis” and Mr. Jan Zielinski bronze
8/ Recommended by Polunima the representatives of the Board, Mr. Krystian Kobylka and Mr. Zbiwgniew
Nicikowski, were appointed to the Artistic Institutions Council which was set up by the Ministry of Culture .
Mr. Waldemar Wolański was elected to the Council of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in
Lodz, in which the Department of Puppet Performances.
9/ The Board of POLUNIMA constantly working with the Association of Polish Artists Scenes, the Theatre
Institute in Warsaw and the Book Institute in Krakow.
The Board members also participated in various artistic events and especially festivals and jubilee events in
the puppet theatres.
10/ The most important activities of the office:
The current correspondence with POLUNIMA members and with the international bodies of UNIMA.
Work on the issue of publications of Polunima.
Deliveries the magazine „Teatr Lalek” and the bulletin „Animator”.
The permanent contact with the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage. Application for financial help
in accomplishing POLUNIMA’s projects.
Application for financial help in the institution sponsoring cultural activities.
Membership and financial documentation.
Running the Internet page: www.polunima.art.pl
Russian UNIMA Centre’s brief report on its activities in 2012 - 2014
In 2013, the 55th anniversary of the Soviet UNIMA Centre (USSR) foundation was celebrated by the
Russian national centre which has become its successor.
The page RUSUNIMA set up in Facebook.
Russian Centre’s photo library is digitalized. We hope to put these invaluable photos as historical
evidences of the UNIMA, USSR/ Russia’s centres and puppetry art on UNIMA-Russia website, which we
plan to set up.
Russian articles for English version of the WEPA were updated by Natalia Raitarovskaya, PhD,
International department of the Theatre Union of Russia.
UNIMA-Russia Counsel had its regular meetings in the framework of the Russian puppet festivals. On
April 2013, at the international festival “V gostyakh u Arlekina” (Visiting Harlequin) our UNIMA colleagues
Stanislav Doubrava (Czech Republic), Marek Waszkiel (Poland),Victor Boychev(Bulgaria) took part at
the meeting. Thanks to their attendance there was very interesting and fruitful discussion on UNIMARussia’s subjects and activities.
3rd International Conference “The Puppet Art: Origins and Innovations” within the framework of the 8th
International Obraztsov Festival took place in Moscow in October, 2013. The conference was organized by
festival’s board, Russian UNIMA Centre, Department of theatres for children and youth led by Olga
Glazunova (Theatre Union of Russia) and historian of puppetry Boris Goldovsky, Grand PhD. The event
was financed by the Theatre Union of Russia. Apart from Russian specialists Lucile Bodson (France), Julio
Michel (Spain), Poupak Azimpour Tabrizi (Iran), Katya Georgieva-Petrova (Bulgaria), Sinisa Jelusic
(Montenegro), Enno Podehl (Germany) took part in the conference. By comments of the participants and
guests the event was interesting and lively. The papers will be published in the Teatr Chudes (Magic Theatre)
magazine issued by Sergey Obraztsov Puppet Theatre. Hoping that conference will become traditional we
would be glad to see our colleagues from different countries among its participants.
Viktor Nazariti’s display named 57 Angels took place in the Moscow- based Bakhrushin Central
Theatre Museum. The exhibition was held on January 10 to 19, 2013, and has bean dedicated to the
Christmas time. An artist and puppet maker Viktor Nazariti presented wooden dolls and original verteps
made in papier-mâché. Display visitors could also meet artistic works of Galina Nazariti, artist’s wife, and
their daughter Polina. Some interesting photos of the exhibition could be finding at the Facebook page
During the display days the Vagrant Puppeteer club had one of its monthly encounters. The program of
event enclosed a performance of unique folk group “Kamyshenka” led by Andrei Kabanov. For the first time
along with traditional singing the group performed Christmas show in vertep booth, Viktor Nazariti’s gift.
Many Russian puppeteers joined UNESCO’s action “Puppets Pledge Themselves to Peace” on September
21. On this day before the performances they organized creative encounters with spectators, and gave charity
performances for children with disabilities and special boarding schools. See photos of the action taken in
the Ivanovo puppet theatre.
Russian UNIMA Centre tries to expand contacts with festivals in other countries. We regularly send out
information to offer our teams to participate in these festivals. And the results do not slow effect.
So Vologda puppet theatre, one of the oldest Russian companies not familiar to foreign audience,
participating in the International Festival for children in Subotica in spring 2013, received the Grand Prix
and the unanimous recognition of the show Carmen designed by artist Victor Antonov and directed by Boris
Konstantinov, who became the Obraztsov Theatre’s chief director last year.
In turn, Russian festivals are getting a lot of requests from foreign groups, as we try to inform foreign
colleagues about puppet festivals in Russia.
We hope that the puppeteers’ friendly relations and creative contacts eventually will grow and expand,
despite all the political and economic realities of our difficult times.
Elena Ivanova
UNIMA-Russia President
Elena Tochilko
UNIMA-Russia General Secretary
Report of UNIMA-KOREA (28/02/2014)
UNIMA-KOREA has devoted itself to increasing the number of its members for the last two years. As a
result, the total number of members has risen from 51 to 105.
UNIMA-KOREA has developed a close relationship with puppet theater companies and people who are
members of such companies by seeking to implement progressive measures that will help us all leap
forward. UNIMA-KOREA is keen to cultivate Kokdu-Geuk, Korean traditional puppet plays, and apply upto-date modern technologies to them after conducting research on the traditional play. This is because
UNIMA-KOREA believes that “a creative reinterpretation of the tradition” is the quickest way for the
Korean puppet play to gain recognition around the world.
Under the direction of President Kim Ock-rang, UNIMA-KOREA has devised a plan to establish avenue for
puppet performances. Once the design for construction is completed, the puppet theater will be established in
two to three years.
UNIMA-KOREA is also expected to invite more puppet theater companies from all around the world in a
more proactive way. It will develop programs so that overseas puppet troupes that visit Korea in close
partnership with puppet theater companies in Korea can play a pivotal role as a driving force to develop the
puppet play sector in Korea.
In addition, UNIMA-KOREA is committed to spreading awareness about the puppet play throughout the
country firstly by founding woodcraft schools.
Above all, UNIMA-KOREA will make every effort to effectively integrate the scattered power of the puppet
troupes in Korea and prepare to bring the Korean puppet play to the next level.
Thank you.
Secretario General:
Juan Luis Clavijo
Pintor Carlos Santiesteban nº 4, 8º 41008 SEVILLA
e-mail: secretario@unima.es
Idoya Otegui
Plaza Euskalherria, 1
e-mail: presidente@unima.es
Secretaría Técnica
C/ Sagasta, 12 Esc. B-3º D
Teléfono: 910 810 361
El número de socios al cierre de este informe, febrero 2014, es de 213, y el número de entidades que integran
UNIMA Federación España es de 13.
UNIMA Federación España ha realizado a lo largo de los años 2012 y 2013 las siguientes actividades:
- Escuela de Verano
- Becas de Formación
- Edición de “FANTOCHE” Revista Especializada
- Actualización periódica del sitio Web
- Difusión y Distribución de Publicaciones
- Desarrollo del Fondo Bibliográfico e Intercambio de Publicaciones
- Traducción de la enciclopedia.
Servicios contratados:
- Secretaría Técnica
- Gestoría
- Web Unima España
Sede de la UNIMA
Tal y como se proyectó, UNIMA tiene ya una sede estable en un centro de negocios en la C/ Sagasta 12 Esc.
B 3º C, esto nos va a permitir que nuestra asociación no tenga que cambiar de sede cada vez que se cambie
el Secretario General o la secretaria técnica. Así mismo nos permite tener un lugar donde poder reunirnos el
Comité Federal y el Comité de Gestión, en un punto central de nuestra geografía.
Escuela de verano
Desde el año 2010, la Escuela de Verano se celebra en el TOPIC de Tolosa y se organiza en colaboración
entre UNIMA Federación España, UNIMA Euskalherria y el TOPIC de Tolosa, desde el año 2011 uno de los
cursos que se celebran en la Escuela está enmarcado dentro de los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad del
País Vasco, lo cual ha venido a reforzar el prestigio que está adquiriendo la Escuela, no sólo entre los
titiriteros sino también entre otras disciplinas artísticas y entre los profesores.
En el año 2012 la Escuela se celebró entre el 27 de Junio al 4 de Julio contando con la participación de 23
alumnos de los cuales dos fueron becarios latinoamericanos procedentes de Uruguay y México, estas becas
se conceden de la mano de la Comisión Latinoamérica de UNIMA; otros 4 procedían de: Brasil, Francia,
Italia y Nueva Zelanda y el resto de Galicia (4), Madrid (2), Murcia (2), Navarra (1), La Rioja (2) y País
Vasco (6). Los cursos impartidos fueron los siguientes: “El Poder de la Marioneta” por Neville Tranter;
"Tecnología audiovisua y digital en la escenografía teatral" por Juan Crego; "Construcción y vida de las
marionetas" por Greta Bruggeman y "Títeres y Literatura Infantil" a cargo de Fernando Marías y Rodorin.
La valoración general de los alumnos fue muy positiva, animándonos a seguir por el camino iniciado.
En el año 2013 la Escuela se celebró del 1 al 8 de julio, participaron 21 alumnos de los cuales tres fueron
becarios latinoamericanos procedentes de Brasil, para ello se volvió a contar de
forma importante con la colaboración de la Comisión Latinoamérica de UNIMA; otros 2 procedían de
Francia y Bélgica y el resto de diferentes Comunidades Autónomas: País Vasco (10), La Rioja (2), Andalucía
(1), Catalunya (1), Madrid (1), y Murcia (1). De estos últimos, a 4 se les ha otorgado beca de formación, los
4 que la solicitaron. Los alumnos quedaron plenamente satisfechos con las enseñanzas recibidas por los
profesores Stephen Mottram, (Construcción y Manipulación de Marionetas) Alejandro Szklar (Poética de la
sombra) y Rene Baker (Marioneta y terapia). Ver Memoria Adjunta
Se está trabajando ya para hacer posible la Escuela de Verano 2014, teniendo ya confirmada la colaboración,
un año más con los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad del País Vasco.
Becas de formación nacionales e internacionales. Sigue siendo una de nuestras inversiones más fuertes y
sus frutos ya son palpables en el panorama de los títeres en el contexto nacional. El objetivo de UNIMA
España es el de establecer y facilitar el acceso a cursos profesionales a sus socios para estar en pleno
conocimiento de los avances que se hacen día a día en el entorno de su oficio. Las normas para las ayudas a
cursos de formación profesional posibilitan la participación abierta de todos sus miembros en igualdad de
condiciones. En en el año 2012 se solicitaron 18 becas, de las cuales 1 renunció al haber recibido otra beca
de otra institución, 2 se presentaron un mes más tarde de lo indicado en las normas y otra fue denegada
debido a un conflicto antiguo con el solicitante que ya se ha solucionado, por lo tanto se otorgaron 14 becas.
En el año 2013
se han entregado 9 becas, la totalidad de las solicitudes que fueron justificadas.
Edición de “FANTOCHE”
Se han editado los números 6 y 7 de la revista:
El número 6 excepcionalmente tiene 120 páginas, 16 más que los número anteriores. Los artículos que
incluye son:
- Dialogo de Maria José Frias y Luís Zornoza sobre: los procesos
- Marionetas golemicas-el cine de Jan Svankmajer
- Los títeres y los clásicos
- Los maestros constructores para Herta Frankel. Marionetarium.
- Aureli Capmany: el teatro de marionetas y títeres de la Sala Reig
- Nueva documentación sobre los orígenes y difusión de la Tía
Norica de Cádiz
- Mamulengo brasileiro – (colaboración con Revista Moin-Moin)
El número 7 de la revista, cuenta con 104 páginas, e incluye los
siguientes artículos:
- Encuentro entre Angel Calvente y Enrique Lanz
- "Ser titiritero" por Neville Tranter
- "Gonzalo Cañas, un actor entre marionetas" por Adolfo Ayuso
- "Muñecos de ventriloquía en la radio" por Natividad Carreras
- "Abizanda, un museo con los Pirineos al fondo" por Adolfo Ayuso
- Foto comentada por Fernando Julian y Paco Cornejo
- "Hilos bajo el agua" por Laura Ortega
Se sigue trabajando en el mantenimiento de las listas de distribución de la revista, tratando de actualizarlas
continuamente para una mejor y más eficaz distribución de la misma.
Sitio Web de UNIMA España
En el año 2012 se completó la actualización hecho que ha supuesto que la web se convierta en un espacio de
intercambio de información entre los socios y, a la vez, un canal a través del cual el Comité de Gestión puede
informar de todo aquello que sea de interés general a todos los miembros de la asociación. Nuestro reto sigue
siendo mantener la web permanentemente actualizada y seguir animando a todos los socios a participar
activamente en ella. La web es una pieza clave en la comunicación de Unima. Cada vez más socios se
animan a consultarla con frecuencia en busca de novedades y a colgar sus propias noticias sobre festivales y
otros eventos.
Las noticias que tienen que ver con cursos o festivales de títeres, cuyas convocatorias se encuentren abiertas
y en las cuales puedan participar todos nuestros socios en igualdad de condiciones, así como las relacionadas
con aquellos eventos en los que participen las Unimas Autonómicas que conforman la Federación, van en el
apartado central.
Confiamos en que los socios sigan participando activamente elaborando y compartiendo sus noticias, ya que
de este modo se propicia que Unima sea una comunidad cada vez más integrada.
También queremos animar a visitar el apartado “Textos de títeres”, donde se pueden consultar aquellos que
ya se han recibido y confiando en que la bibliografía digitalizada siga creciendo para disfrute de todos.
En este sentido desde UNIMA Internacional se está trabajando sobre este tema y nuestra intención es
compartir la información de forma que llegue a mayor número de personas.
En la página web se encuentra actualizada toda la información relativa al funcionamiento de la asociación
(estatutos, órganos, formularios, etc.), fotos de los eventos más destacados, festivales de títeres, enlaces
interesantes sobre publicaciones y centros, etc.
Gracias al convenio de colaboración con la Universidad del País Vasco se comenzó en el año 2012 la
traducción al castellano de la enciclopedia mundial del títere. Estaba previsto que dicha traducción finalizará
en el año 2013, sin embargo y debido a la continua llegada de artículos corregidos o incluso nuevos, no se
ha finalizado todavía, el volumen de artículos traducidos y corregidos es de un 60%, confiamos en que la
traducción esté finalizada para mediados del año 2014. Una vez traducida, junto con la Comisión de
Publicaciones de UNIMA Internacional, se trabajará para su publicación, ya sea en formato papel, digital o
en ambos; parece que en este momento el formato más viable es el digital.
Re-escritura de Textos para digitalización
Aquellos textos que se nos han enviado se encuentran colgados ya en la página web, os invitamos a visitar la
web y conocer los textos. Animamos a los socios que no hayan enviado sus textos a que nos los envíen, ya
que es una forma de conservarlos para la posteridad. Desde UNIMA Internacional se ha puesto en marcha
una iniciativa similar, por lo que la intención es colaborar con ellos y unir esfuerzos.
Comité Federal
Como viene siendo habitual se celebraron los Comités Federales del año 2012 y 2013 en Madrid, en el
domicilio social de la asociación. Ha dichas reuniones asistieron representantes de las distintas Unimas
autonómicas que forman nuestra Federación tratandose los temas habituales de la Asociación como
Balances, Presupuestos, Proyectos y demás. Entre los temas más importantes que se trataron estuvo los
preparativos del Congreso UNIMA 2016.ngreso de 2016.
Congresos 2012 y 2013
Como es reglamentario se han celebrado los correspondientes Congresos/Asamblea General de socios, en el
año 2012 se celebró el 1 de diciembre en el TOPIC de Tolosa coincidiendo con el TITIRIJAI y en el año
2013 se celebró el 5 de octubre en Santiago de Compostela coincidiendo con el Festival Galicreques.
Congreso de Chengdu:
Entre el 28 de mayo y el 4 de junio, se celebró en
Chengdu (China) el 21 Congreso de la UNIMA y
Festival Mundial de Marionetas, Al Congreso
asistieron Miguel Arreche, Angel Casado, Juan Luis
Clavijo e Idoya Otegui, finalmente Ricard Soler
decidió no asistir ya que tenía previsto un viaje a
China en verano. El Congreso fue todo un éxito
especialmente para nosotros los representantes
españoles, ya que por un lado conseguimos que dos
de nuestros compañeros formen parte del Comité
Ejecutivo Internacional: Miguel Arreche y Angel
Casado, Miguel preside la Comisión de Patrimonio
Cultural y Angel la de Intercambio Cultural, así mismo Idoya Otegui continúa con la presidencia del Comité
de Elecciones y su participación activa en la Comisión de Publicaciones y Comunicación de la UNIMA. Por
otro lado conseguimos que el próximo Congreso de UNIMA 2016 se celebre en España entre San Sebastián
y Tolosa, siendo la primera vez en la historia de la UNIMA que un Congreso se celebra en un país de habla
Comité Ejecutivo:
El miembro del Comité Ejecutivo Internacional, Ángel Casado, asistió en el año 2013 en Baku (Azerbaiyán)
en el mes de noviembre. Allí se trataron los presupuestos, la situación del trabajo en relación a las ediciones
online en inglés y en español de la WEPA, la web de Unima Internacional y los informes de las diferentes
Comisiones de Trabajo.
Congreso Internacional 2016
En el Comité Federal celebrado en Madrid en abril de este año se crearon tres comisiones de trabajo:
“Festival Mundial de Marionetas”, “Actividades Paralelas” y “Mecánica del Congreso”. Se fijaron las
fechas del Congreso y Festival que serán del 28 de mayo al 5 de junio y se decidió el lema del Festival: “De
la Tradición a la Vanguardia”. El objetivo es aprovechar esta oportunidad única para dar un impulso al
mundo de la marioneta en nuestro país.
El 13 de septiembre se personó en San Sebastián el Presidente de Unima Internacional, Dadi Pudumjee,
quién, junto a la Presidenta de Unima Federación España, Idoya Otegui, y la Tesorera, Nati Cuevas,
mantuvieron una reunión con los miembros de la Comisión Donostia 2016 e inspeccionaron algunos de los
espacios que se piensa destinar a la celebración del Congreso Mundial de UNIMA.
Finalmente el año 2013 ha sido un año triste para UNIMA España ya que sufrió la pérdida del compañero
Miguel Arreche, miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de UNIMA Internacional, quien fue Secretario General de
UNIMA Internacional entre los años 2000-2008 y quien tanto hizo por el mundo del títere en España.
Informe Representación UNIMA-Costa Rica 2013
Ante todo, es importante recalcar que la mayoría de los espectáculos de títeres en Costa Rica están dirigidos
a público familiar y que existe la Asociación Producciones Artística Educarte -formada en su mayoría por
titiriteros- quienes trabajan en la creación de estatutos que le permitan su adhesión a UNIMA Internacional,
como representantes del futuro Centro Nacional UNIMA-Costa Rica. Gracias al trabajo e insistencia de esta
asociación independiente, en su búsqueda de incidir en políticas públicas, se logró dos cambios importantes
en los medios oficiales que benefician el desarrollo de las artes escénicas y la formación de nuevos públicos,
particularmente con el uso de títeres.
El primero de estos logros, es la inclusión de una categoría de espectáculos para
público infantil-juvenil en el Festival Centroamericano de Teatro (antes Muestra
Nacional de Teatro) organizado por la Compañía Nacional de Teatro (CNT).
Gracias a esta nueva categoría se presentaron 5 espectáculos de títeres: 3 de
Guatemala y 2 de Costa Rica. Si bien ninguno de los espectáculos era de los
asociados, lo consideramos un logro, resultado del diálogo y reflexión que ha
logrado la asociación con su participación en los comités de apoyo de la
Muestra durante años anteriores y que viene a fortalecer el sector en
“Gracias por mi vida”
Grupo Hormigas
Así mismo, Educarte logró el apoyo de la CNT para llevar a cabo el Taller de
construcción y manipulación de marionetas "Entre hilos", facilitado por la
Asociación S.O.S. Titelles de España y su Laboratorio Titirinante y al mismo
tiempo facilitar a los colegas su tránsito por el país centroamericano.
En el taller se vieron beneficiados cerca de una veintena de artistas con
herramientas básicas en una técnica prácticamente ausente en la escena
Diego Soto.
Artista independiente
Igualmente, la decisión de incluir el teatro infantil-juvenil se extendió a otro de los programas de la CNT,
ampliando así las categorías existentes para creación de público y siendo el gran beneficiado el medio
titiritero. Se trata de Escena Viva, programa que busca apoyar a agrupaciones independientes con un apoyo
en el financiamiento de nuevos montajes de pequeño formato.
El concurso posee siete categorías distintas:
“Dramaturgia Costarricense” (para público adulto)
“Dramaturgia Latinoamericana” (para público adulto)
“Dramaturgia Española” (para público adulto)
“Dramaturgia Universal” (para público adulto)
“Dramaturgia Costarricense para público infantil y juvenil” (*Abierta en primera edición)
“Dramaturgia Latinoamericana para público infantil y juvenil” (categoría nueva)
“Dramaturgia Universal para público infantil y juvenil” (categoría nueva)
Gracias a este concurso se financiaron dos estrenos de espectáculos de títeres. Las agrupaciones ganadoras
del concurso fueron:
Compañía La Bicicleta con “Olivia y el Sombrero Mágico” (ver información en www.biciteatro.com) y
Ticotíteres con “Una comunidad para todos”. Espectáculos que quedarán en el repertorio permanente de
ambas agrupaciones, favoreciendo así su permanencia en el tiempo y la escena nacional.
Ticotíteres. “Una comunidad para todos”
Cía. La Bicicleta. “Olivia y el Sombrero Mágico”
Otros espectáculos de títeres estrenados en el 2013:
"Las fábulas de la zorra, el oso y el león". Del artista Diego Andrés Soto.
Marionette in Iraq
The importance of arts puppets in Iraq as one of the means used to express the issues of social , political,
economic and promotional , including afford these arts and dramatic shapes of the contents of thought in
order to achieve the objectives of those shapes dramas aimed at the general public regardless of their
affiliations class and referents cultural by going to them in places their presence in order to communicate
with them through the expression of their issues and find solutions to their problems , so the arts Almkhaalh
as street theater , it provides them with a complete analysis of the pressures they face because of the
difficulties of daily life and its problems , and you know their causes and provide solutions to them and
incite them to do what is appropriate because these arts which progress in the streets and public squares have
the results of social influence in the social activity of the community by contributing to bring about the
desired change , and that these arts leave marks can not be forgotten in the short term , represented in the
discovery of the people for themselves through interaction with their offerings , which serves as the
moments of dating and the discovery of a mass centered on the values and collective dimensions of a joint
humanitarian nature and my values , Vtkadimha aims to achieve many objectives is to:
1/ Say something to the public manner connected with new vitality depends watching.
2/ Add achieving a knowledge of human activity.
3/ Attempt to gain access to the public or the normal audience chance.
4/ Creating a state of interaction between the actors and the audience are not getting used to it and is not
found in the presentations made in the enclosure.
5/ The urgent need for a sense of the kind of pleasure by its employees and the communication to the public.
6/ Get rid of stereotypes and the routine and the desire to move, travel and spontaneity.
7/ Achieve the benefit of the performers are in their vision of the largest number of viewers and thus help
them to get this other work.
8/ Showing a particular issue of concern to people or to comment on something or milestone in the life of the
current society or ridicule him.
9/ Establish the concept of the theater and the dissemination of culture play between the public and offer a
range of beautiful images play them.
10/ Provide new forms of theatrical manner so as not to be just bringing art was the goal , but shall Proposals
characterized by excellence.
That is why the worker participation and interaction with the audience plays a crucial role in these arts
accept and confirm its importance in the lives of Arab societies , where many of them sought to sponsorship
and encourage its employees , given the decline in serious presence in our lives and others , including
Arts and shadow puppets and maintain
Over the years , the influx of western theater to Iraq with the remedy of the nineteenth century , there was a
significant deterioration in dealing with the folk tradition , known as well as the deterioration in the use of
folk arts in general , including the arts Almkhaalh and Alerajos , after they rounded the cinema , television
and radio , which Sep break the link between connecting people arts and heritage destroyed all forms of folk
art and ancient civilizations and is the concept of the word community and thus became a shadow theater
part of the past no longer exist and have been ( Arts Almkhaalh ) for the same fate.
That ( art dolls ) are currently vulnerable to extinction and oblivion for several reasons, including:
1/ The full impact and absolute control of the media, audio-visual and print ( satellite TV / radio /
newspapers ) to influence public life for the Iraqi people.
2/ Lack of interest in formal institutions ( cultural and artistic ), of which this art and not to encourage
3/ Subspecialties in the absence of institutes and academies Iraqi technical study for the Arts , and nonacademic research studies given the utmost importance in studying them.
4/ The absence of formal institutions or quasi- official Iraqi deal to provide these arts on the road to preserve
them from extinction.
5/ The festivals and forums that represent the Arab expanse enough to display these arts and publicize it.
6/ Non-allocation of Arab Wings in museums to save these residues Arts and the original tools and
techniques that were used in its offering , as an important part of the heritage of the Arab popular.
Bashar Oleiwi - UNIMA representative in Iraq
Given the concern created by the information disseminated among the members of the Executive Committee
of UNIMA International in relation with problems within Donosti2016, Jacques Trudeau contacted me to
verify the situation.
I should clarify that it is true that the 2016 San Sebastian Foundation, has had problems stemming from a
lack of leadership, the political changes that took place at the time (just before gaining the cultural capital for
San Sebastián), and the economic crisis is affecting everyone, but in NO time the UNIMA Congress and
World Puppetry Festival projects, have been compromised, as it is considered by those responsible of
Donosti2016, as one of the 5 major and secure projects from the Lighthouse voices* within which our
project is part.
In any case, if my word was not enough to dispel the doubts that had been planted on the situation, I
proposed to Jacques Trudeau and Dadi Pudumjee, that taking the advantage that Dadi was in Paris, which is
not so far from Tolosa, he can come and check in person the situation.
This was done and on September 12 I organized a meeting with the heads of Donosti2016 in which Dadi
could see first-hand the situation. Nati Cuevas, treasurer of UNIMA Spain attended also the meeting.
At that meeting, Dadi confirmed what I had said earlier, feeling the great interest that Donosti2016 has in
this project, they also confirmed that it was expected to sign an agreement, that agreement it has not being
signed due the changes that have taken place in the executive management of Donosti2016, since the
agreement was ready for signature before the summer when the CEO resigned. At the time of our meeting
the new management team had only 10 days in office and were catching up on projects and other issues
related to their new responsibilities. At the moment of translate and send this rapport (7 Novembre) I must
confirm you that yesterday we signed the agreement.
Dadi could also visit the space where we will have the “Festival Club " or meeting place, located at the
headquarters of Donosti2016, the space has a small performance stage, bar, terrace, three small meeting
rooms and exhibition space. He also visited two of the theatres that are already booked for the event.
I think Dadi can confirm that the management of Donosti2016 is completely involved with the project.
Furthermore, and although the World Festival is not a responsibility of the National Center it has been my
pleasure as President of UNIMA Spain, to try to involve UNIMA Spain members in the organization of such
an important event for our UNIMA. With this aim we created last April three working Commissions:
Festival, Parallel Activities and Infrastructure. As normally happens in these cases some committees has
worked better than another, but all three brought their proposals to the Assembly / Congress held last
October 5. There we approved the various activities that will complement the Congress as well as the timing
and planning of the event, documents attached to this report, but when it comes to planning must be
confirmed by Donosti2016. I can assure you that there is much enthusiasm by many of the members of
UNIMA, eager to show the world our puppeteer reality, our culture and ultimately our hospitality.
From my side I can say that together with my colleagues from the Board of UNIMA Spain, I'm doing my
best for the Congress 2016 to be as successful as possible, and to organize an event that remains in
everyone's memory, the attendees had the opportunity to live, meet, share, both with fellow puppeteers,
congressmen or not, participating in the event, as well as with the citizens of San Sebastian and Tolosa.
I hope to have clarified all doubts, if not I remain at your disposal for any further information.
Greetings and Happy and fruitful meeting !
Projects Donosti2016 European Cultural Capital, are divided into three sections called Headlights:
Lighthouse of Peace
Lighthouse of Life
Voices Lighthouse
Idoya Otegui
President of UNIMA Spain
Director of TOPIC
Dadi at DSS2016 Headquarters
Small meetings room
Victoria Eugenia Theatre
Festival Club (under construction)
“Sala Club” from Victoria Eugenia Theatre
(small performances)
Principal Theatre
TOPIC Theatre
The Report of the Committee of Election would be read during the Meeting
Various questions
Discussion in order to appoint a new chairman of the Commission Heritage Preservation
Mandate of Representatives without any activity
National Centres without any activity
List of members from National Centres in order to permit the General Secretary checking the opening of
member spaces within the new website
Translations of the reports of National Centres & Representatives
Guideline about “way of functioning” for new (and some old) National Centres
Guideline to write Statutes and Rules that we would send to the Representatives in order to create a Centre
writing their own statutes from the “International Texts” as “drafts”
Booklet about organisation of Congress/Council and Festival with advices and requirements in order to help
the organisers to know exactly what to foresee and to “supply” and make easier the preparation of the events
The Quick Research of Frans Hakkemars
Travel Fund for Councillors
Dossier Congresss / Council on USB stick in order to save paper and fee of printing.