Jan.2012. pub - Springville Community Schools
Jan.2012. pub - Springville Community Schools
Springville Community School District 400 Academy Street Springville, IA 52336 Superintendent: Terry Rhinehart 400 Academy Street Springville, IA 52336 854-6197 Springville Secondary School 400 Academy Street Springville, IA 52336 Principal, Shauna Dennison 854-6196 Springville Elementary School 602 Mill Avenue Springville, IA 52336 Principal, Kyle Koeppen 854-6195 http://www.springville.k12.ia.us January 2012 From the Principal’s Desk Happy New Year. The Secondary has been filled with learning and projects. Our Manufacturing Enterprise students spent the first semester designing birdhouses and marketing them. Mr. James Nelson and Mr. Nic Thorp did a wonderful job getting the students in the building mode and helping them be successful in marketing their product. During our building-wide silent sustained reading, our students and staff raised over $1,000 for the Salvation Army and SANSI. We are extremely proud of all the students and staff for raising so much money. We celebrated by having a school-wide sundae party on December 16th. Our students are great! As part of School Cents, our students took a trip to the Mall to turn in report cards and dine in the food court during the last part of November. Thank you to the community for all your support. There is also a video that Nate Sanderson, Head Girl’s Basketball coach made. I have attached a link for you to view it. Nice job, Coach. http://youtu.be/N9cXk3H0Sxc MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Springville Community Schools is to instill a lifelong love of learning, while promoting the achievement of the individual student within a positive learning climate where high expectations are cooperatively set by school personnel, students, parents and the community. The music department held both of their Winter Concerts. We have wonderfully talented students. Mrs. Chrisman and Miss Fisher did an outstanding job preparing all our students and Mrs. Wright, who narrated Twas the Night Before Christmas. Please attend the school-sponsored events held at Springville Schools. We have several events and activities that can fill some of those long winter nights, check the school calendar. I wish everyone the best in 2012. It does seem as we get older time does start to fly a little faster. I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful school and community. Respectfully submitted, Ms. Shauna Dennison Manufacturing Enterprise Written by Spencer Glackin Over the previous semester we have constructed two styles of bird feeders. Both of the feeders express Springville school spirit with bright, uplifting colors. The total profit of our project was $425. The class was a great success! A special thanks to the class for donating $225 to the Nietert family. Also, thank you to everyone who purchased a feeder! THANK YOU SPRINGVILLE COMMUNITY I would like to thank this amazing community once again for the support you have shown through the “Nietert Ninja” volleyball t-shirt and birdfeeder fundraisers! The way this community pulls together in times of need is simply amazing! It makes me very proud to work in a community such as this one! When life throws you challenges, it’s nice to know so many people care and can help you through! With MUCH gratitude again and always, Amber, Joe, Payson, and Brekin Nietert Lighting the Way Fourth Grade students spent the last few weeks learning about electricity. They started by lighting a light bulb with a D cell battery, a bulb, and one wire. Through the course of the students’ exploration they made many types of circuits and answered numerous questions they had about electricity. Did you know that you can light a household light bulb with 10-13 D cell batteries? Students learned how a light bulb works and constructed their own. To end the unit, the students took their knowledge of electricity and constructed a flashlight. They had the following requirements: 1. Only Use One Hand 2. Turn On and Off on Command 3. No Wires Showing. Checkout the final projects: Don’t Forget to Check-Out our Blog at http://4thgradereflections.blogspot.com/ to See More Fourth Grade Projects! December in Second Grade By: Mrs. Wittenburg and Mrs. Sanders Our busy December schedule. First: We decorated a small tree to donate to SANSI to help raise money for all the services they provide to the community. Second: Our Winter Music Program was held in the new Fine Arts Center. We sang three songs with the kindergarteners and first graders and three songs with just the second graders. Third: We walked downtown to view the tree in the Christmas Tree Walk. We spotted the tree we decorated in the front window. Then we sang carols to the following businesses: Springville Memorial Library, Exchange State Bank and Springville Telephone Company. Fourth: We spent time making Christmas gifts for our parents. Fifth: Many students have already read their 100 minutes for the Pizza Hut Book-It Reward. A big thank you to parents who are helping their child become a better reader. Sixth: Students have listened to and discussed many Christmas stories. Seventh: During some of our work times we listened to Christmas music. Eighth: Students have continued to do Rocket Math, with one child passing all 26-addition tests. Keep up the hard work. All of us wish you a Happy 2012!! Live Concert By Mr. Porter The 4th and 5th grade students boarded a school bus November 3, 2011, at 10:15 AM to travel to the First Assembly Auditorium. Upon their arrival they experienced and enjoyed a live symphony orchestra concert by Orchestra Iowa (Cedar Rapids Symphony). This year’s youth concert was titled “All In The Family.” The first four songs on the program spotlighted one of the four families of instruments in the orchestra: percussion, brass, woodwinds, and string. The full orchestra was then assisted by the Discovery Chorus. This group is auditioned 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. They sang Meridith Wilson’s “76 Trombones as the orchestra played. The concert ended with Peter and The Wolf by Prokofiev and included the narration of the star with the orchestra. Students returned to school to eat their sack lunches. Thank you to CAST for making the attendance at this concert possible. Looking For Kindergartners Please help us compile our list of incoming Kindergartners for the fall, 2012-2013 school year. Your child must be five years old on or before September 15, 2012, in order to be eligible to attend kindergarten or junior kindergarten next fall. Please list your own youngster and/or those of any of your friends or neighbors you believe may not have received this form. Please drop the completed form off or mail it to the Springville Elementary School office. Thank you! Child’s Name___________________________________________ Date of Birth___________________________________________ Parents________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ Springville Elementary School 602 Mill Avenue Springville, Iowa 52336 854-6195 _____I would like more information about the Junior Kindergarten program. ************************************************************************************************ We would like to give a special thanks to all who helped support school cents this year. We participated in several fundraisers this year, which helped earn points for Springville. On October 30th the National Honor Society helped by passing out candy for the Special Needs Trick-or-Treat, which earned Springville 50 points We also earned 50 points by participating in a costume contest. We earned an extra 50 points for coming in second in the costume contest. Thanks Megan Hall for playing Clifford! With your help we also donated hats, scarves, and mittens to the Four Oaks. This earned 300 points for Springville. Our last fundraiser to earn points was to donate canned goods. To accomplish this we had a penny war at the middle and high school. This proved to be very successful as we collected $1024.50! The students competed for an ice cream party and it was so successful that everyone received ice cream! The winning class received a pizza party. We then earned points by purchasing the can goods at Lindale Hy-Vee and earned 500 points for donating them to the Salvation Army. A big thank you to Nate Sanderson for coming up with an advertisement that is on You Tube at the following link http://youtu.be/N9cXk3H0Sxc. It is awesome! Whether you donated hats, scarves, mittens, can goods or shopped Lindale Mall and surrounding areas. This year we had a large number of people who shopped Lindale Hy-Vee. Thank you so much! We appreciate all the effort Springville community does to support Springville Orioles! The final awards ceremony is at Lindale Mall on January 7, 2011 at 11:30. We are currently in 1st place, so come see if we end up in 1st place. Lindale Mall is opened from 10 am-5 pm on Dec. 31. If you received gift cards for Lindale Mall please be sure to use them by the end of this year to earn more points! All receipts have to be turned in by 5:00, Dec. 31st. School Cents is sponsored by: Lindale Mall, Mix 96.5 and The Gazette Lego League For the first time since 2006, Springville competed in the First Lego League(FLL) regional competition. This year the competition was held in Solon on Saturday, December 10. The LegO’s teammates include eighth graders Brady Barner, Carter Gillmore, Andy Hagensick, Vanessa Harding, Chrissy Hoogland, Emily Horak, Nicole Miller, Megan Wagaman, and Sydney Williams. They continue to thrive under the support of mentor Sean Willams. The regional competition proved to be a success, with the LegO’s winning top prize (and a handsome trophy) in the Core Values category. Their achievement came by way of knowing each other, working together cooperatively, and living the meaning of “Gracious Professionalism”. The teammates also faired well in their project and robot categories. Just as important, the LegO’s invigorated the crowd with their cheers for their robot Filipe: “Go Filipe! Go, Go, Filipe!” Some well-placed paper mustaches didn’t hurt either. The victorious LegO’s will be moving on to the State Competition- an all-day event at Iowa State in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday, January 14, 2011. Your support and attendance are appreciated and encouraged! School Board Meeting will be Wednesday, January 18th at 7:00PM Physical Education Wow, here we are getting ready to go on break and with no snow on the ground. Perhaps we will be able to get outside for class sooner than thought. I know wishful thinking. As we wind down the second quarter and first semester, I would like to share with you what has been going on in physical education at the middle school and high school level as well as high school health. Since ending first quarter the middle school and high school students have been faced with the fact that it is too cold to go outside for class, which means staying in the gym all week long. The middle school students have done a couple of units that are "made" to be inside. Two of these units were basketball and floor hockey. These are usually two of the favorite units in middle school and hopefully you have heard some of the stories kids have, as long as they were not of the injury kind. Some units the students will be doing after break will be handball, volleyball, and hopefully archery (depending on where our grant is at). The high school students have also been busy in the weight room, if they chose that as a their class for physical education. We were able, with the donation from Sports Boosters, to buy a Ground Base Jammer. This machine allows athletes to build the lower body muscles along with getting great strength in the hip movements. We are in the process of getting new mirrors and "Record Boards" up, too. The "Record Boards" will be used for seeing what a student can lift in their core lifts (squat, bench, and clean). There will be multiple weights that will allow almost all students to achieve one of their goals. Also ask your student about the possibility of "Early Bird" again in February. However, this will most likely be without a physical education credit. In health, the students have dove into the "meats and potatoes" of health. Units such as the systems in our bodies and diseases made the students think about their own bodies and what is healthy to them. We then went into a couple more serious units on the uses and consequences of drugs and alcohol where we spent time on tobacco, underage drinking, and other illegal drugs. We finished the semester with our “Making Proud Choices” curriculum that deals with sex education. This unit differs from several years ago, where it was all abstinence-based. This curriculum talks about if you decided to be sexually active, what the consequences are and possible results of this. It also talks about how to prevent and protect individuals against STIs (formally known as STDs), HIV/ AIDS, and pregnancy. I hope that all of you have enjoyed the first semester and look forward to the second semester and the arrival of 2012. Have a safe and happy holidays!! SPRINGVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2011-2012 YEARBOOK ORDER FORM Dear Parent or Guardian of Springville Elementary Students: The Springville Elementary Memory Book committee is pleased to announce this year's memory book. It will be bursting with student portraits, photos of school activities, highlights, and of course, space for special autographs. The smiles and memories of your student's year at Springville will be remembered forever in our memory book! Make sure your student doesn't miss out on this opportunity! To order a memory book for your student, please complete and return the bottom portion of this form with your payment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name: _______________________ Teacher/Grade: ______________________ Payment enclosed : __________ ($15.50 per book) ********************************************************* Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Springville Schools is in its third year of implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Students are taught directly the behavior expectations in the classrooms and common areas of the school and earn o-tickets for meeting the expectations. Students turn in otickets in the office, where each week, names of winning students are drawn randomly and students receive a small reward. The most popular rewards include leaving class a few minutes early for lunch and reserved parking near the main entrance for students who drive. The week of the big rival game with Central City, students got free tickets to attend the game. There is also a competition among the classes to see which grade can earn the most o-tickets. Later this winter, the class with the most o-tickets will earn a bowling or sledding trip. Congratulations and thank you to all secondary students who follow the Oriole promise to “Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Kind.” This month’s “O” ticket winners are: Samantha Smith, Tyler Stewart, Destiny Hard. Haley Kirchman, McKaylah Schmelzer, Henry Hoogland, Riley Menster, Lucas Pilipovic, Blake Jordan, Brandi Warren, Nicholas Yousse, Andrew Blakely, Noah Lamb, Sam Lorimer, Nicholas Stuppi, Tanner Morrissey, Jacob Loehr, Drew Hoskins, Jesse Robertson, Breeanna Garman, Sidney Hopkins, D.J. Hotz, Austin Howe, Cody Blake, Chris Hart, Alex Emig, Holly Mikita, Megan Hall, C.J. Fitzgerald, Bayli Chapman, Brandon Mysak, Ty Nelson, Tucker Nelson, Tyler McDowell, and Evan Kaczinski. Week 10 School Cents Results 1. Springville 2. Alburnett 3. Central City 4. Cedar Valley Christian 5. Olin 6. North Linn 7. East Buchanan 8. Center Point-Urbana 9. Kennedy 10. Xavier 11. CR Washington 12. North Cedar 13. Metro 14. Marion 15. Solon 11864 11641 4998 4532 4007 2834 2384 2175 1929 1802 1692 1158 903 411 51 SPRINGVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Springville, Iowa BOARD MINUTES – December 7, 2011 NOTE: These minutes are unofficial until approved by the board at the next regular meeting. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING President Lee Ann Grimley called the special meeting of the Springville Community School District Board of Directors to order on December 7, 2011 at 7:30 pm. Other members present were Todd Nulle, Dennis Thies and Judy Studt. Also present were Superintendent Terry Rhinehart and Board Secretary/Business Manager Stacey Matus. Tami Gillmore was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Todd Nulle made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. All ayes, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS APPROVE AT-RISK/DROP OUT APPLICATION FOR 2012-2013 Judy Studt made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve the At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention Application for 2012-2013 for the amount of $17,164.00. All ayes, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business President Lee Ann Grimley declared the special board meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm. Following adjournment the board met as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) for collective bargaining strategy session. Respectfully Submitted, _________________________________________ Stacey Matus, Board Secretary _________________________________________ Lee Ann Grimley, Board President
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