The e-RUNDOWN - Tidewater Striders


The e-RUNDOWN - Tidewater Striders
November 2012 Edition
Monthly newsletter of the TIDEWATER STRIDERS Running Club. One of the nation’s largest running organizations.
Wicked Good Times Undeterred By Hurricane Sandy!
Over 9,000 runners took the streets of Virginia Beach during the Wicked 10k. Strider Jennifer Jeffers won the individual
costume prize as a Hamster on her Wheel. Start picture copyright Cindy Graf. Hamster Wheel - copyright Keith Bernstein
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 10
1-Hr Postal Racewalk
Sunday, November 11
Freedom Half Marathon **
Monday, November 12 - New Race
Race for the Music 5k
Saturday, November 17 - New Race
Runway 5K
Thursday, November 22
Turkey Trot
Distance Series @ Dismal Swamp Canal Trail
Saturday, December 1
Jingle Bell Run
Annual Awards Banquet
Strider Elections are this month.
The Slate of Nominees are inside this Rundown. You will be sent a ballot to vote via
e-mail. Details are inside
Important Strider Dates for 2013
January 5, January 26, February 23
February 2, 2013
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The RUNDOWN - November 2012 - Issue Number 439
Tidewater Striders Rundown, 712 Redgate Ave #1, Norfolk, VA 23507 or newsletter@Tidewater
Deadline is the 20th of every month, may be earlier during the holiday seasons.
Letters and Comments are appreciated, please send to
Striders Service Directory . . . . . . . . 2
President’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Notes from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Race News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Treasurer’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
50k Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Update or Renew Membership . . . . 5
Team Competitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Happy Birthday! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Still Running Strong . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Singlets Still Available . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Membership Expirations . . . . . . . . . 8
The Athlete’s Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5K Race Walk Championship . . . . 10
VA RRCA Championship Races . . 11
Board of Directors Elections . . . . . 12
Vote by E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Welcome Aboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
New Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Getting to Know Cindy & Ada . . . . 18
Volunteer Opportunities . . . . . . . . . 18
Running Grand Prix . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Hall of Fame Nominations . . . . . . . 19
Course Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Multi-Sport Grand Prix Series . . . . 19
All 2012 Grand Prix Races . . . . . . 20
Tidewater Striders Training Sites . 21
All Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Grunt Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
ODU Homecoming 5k . . . . . . . . . . 23
Young Strider at RNR . . . . . . . . . . 24
From Here to Eternity . . . . . . . . . . 24
Women on the Run . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Wicked 10k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Race for Breath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Striders on the Road . . . . . . . . . . . 28
History of the Tidewater Striders . . 30
Special Discounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
RUNDOWN Ad Rates . . . . . . . . . . 58
Other Event Flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The RUNDOWN is published monthly
by the Tidewater Striders, a nonprofit educational and recreational
organization for running, walking and
triathlon enthusiasts in the Tidewater
Virginia area. Opinions expressed in the
RUNDOWN are not necessarily those
of the Editor or the Tidewater Striders
Striders Service Directory
2012 Board Of Directors Officers:
Jean Phelan, President (681-0248)
Rich Hildreth, Vice President (481-9027)
Deb Sommer (623-0594)
Dan Edwards, Treasurer (717-0259)
Officers are elected by BOD from BOD and serve 1
year terms from January thru December.
Board Members thru Dec 2012
Ryan Conrad (717-496-1049)
Don Greene
Dave Harrah (636-2204)
Rich Hildreth (481-9027)
Steve Patterson(406-0077)
Sharon Rodier (377-1269)
Board Members thru Dec 2013
Amiele Barakey (757-650-2431)
Dan Edwards
Jean Phelan (681-0248)
Steve Shapiro (592-6720)
Lori Sherwood (406-1247)
Deb Sommer (623-0594)
Adopt-A-Highway: Rich Hildreth*
Advisory: Mel Williams
Audit: Bethany Sanchez (471-8233)
Awards: Deb Sommer and Sharon Rodier
Banquet: Ada Lester -
Budget: Dan Edwards*
Community Service: Chris Catoe
Constitution & Bylaws: Mel Williams
Elections: Susan Sneed (285-7716)
Grand Prix:
Running: Marie Price,
Triathlon: Sharon Rodier *
Walking: Lori Sherwood *
Youth: Angelo Celesia
Hall of Fame: Mel Williams (531-9220)
Marketplace: OPEN
Bob Brunner (757-270-0285)
Nominations: Joan Gustaffson (621-6473)
Programs: Nick May (426-6167)
Publications: OPEN
Publicity & PR: Dave Harrah*
Race Committee Co-Chairs:
Rick Brown (499-5506)
Dan Edwards*
Scholarship: Dan Edwards*
Social: Cathie Reade
Chairperson - Gene Edwards
Senior Men’s- Mel Williams
Master Women - Jami Callahan Brill
Senior Women - Susan Snead
Women Open - Elizabeth Campos
(415) 350-8696
Men Open-Martin Stacin 757-484-1866
Men Masters-Tommy Nesson (757) 4790745
Triathlon -Gene Bachman - 467-0898
Walk -Steven Shapiro
Youth - Angelo Celesia (288-7715)
Triathlon: Sharon Rodier*
Volunteer: Rich Hildreth*
Heidi Sleasman
Youth Programs:
Chair -Dan Edwards*
Coach -Angelo Celesia
Web Site Committee Chair:
Tommy Neeson
Web Site Manager:
Steve Speirs (478-6403)
*Board members contact information is not repeated Please see their BOD listing for contact
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
President’s Corner
Fellow Striders:
A big thank you goes out to John Price
for conducting a clinic on how to certify
a course. On a beautiful Saturday morning
members met at Mt. Trashmore for some
insightful information on what is needed
for a course to be certified. A course must
be certified in order for a state record to
be recorded. John is the official keeper
of state records for Virginia. Please visit for more information.
Annual Banquet
February 2, 2013
This if not just for awardees but a
chance to honor our top athletes,
volunteers and the 2013 Hall of
Fame Inductees.
I know a lot of members have been asking
about the Distance Series. This year we are
trying the Dismal Swamp for the venue. As
I have stated before, long distance events
are very hard to find a venue that cities will approve. The 30K time limit is 4 hours. I’m
very optimist that this venue although not perfect is the best fit for our members. If you are
training for Shamrock, you will be able to get your distance runs in without fear of falling
or traffic. We hope to provide everyone with a great training experience. The post race
party venue is excellent with good food & beverages. Sign up on line before December
15th for only $50.00.All events will have a chip start and finish. As always, we are looking
for volunteers.
Congratulations to Brandi Gutierrez who stopped by the Strider booth at the Wicked 10K
and won the singlet and hat. We had a good response, so we will be offering this again at
future expos. I’ll try and get some weather related goodies to give away now that winter
is approaching.
Paul Boyett’s string of 1282 consecutive days running has come to an end. Unfortunately,
Paul had to have surgery on October 31. But before surgery he got up to run. I first met
Paul when I became a board member. Paul was also membership co-chair. The Strider’s
family wishes him a speedy recovery.
When you are reading this our volunteer 40th anniversary party will be over. I would like
to thank our hosts Bee & Goody for organizing this party. It’s just another example of
Why you want to be a Strider member.
Just around the corner is our Turkey Trot. It seems there are a lot of Turkey Trot’s this
year. I think ther are three in the Tidewater area. Hopefully, everyone is signed up for the
correct race. Please visit our website.
Keep moving,
Distance Series Dates
There is a new home for the Tidewater
Striders Distance Series, the Dismal
Swamp Canal Trail. The Series takes place
on January 5, 26, and February 23, 2013.
You must preregister for each race. You
may register the night before each race
at Packet-Pick up but CANNOT register
raceday. You can pick up your packet on
race day.
There will be a postrace social each week
at Cahoon Plantation Golf Course.
Details are available in the flyer.
Surf-n-Santa Expo
Help is needed at the Striders’ Booth
at the Expo on Friday, December
7, 2012 from 12pm to 8pm. Shifts
are generally two hours. It’s a great
way to meet fellow members and
spread the word about the Striders
to potential members. If you can
help, please contact Jean Phelan, to volunteer
Treasurer’s Report
Notes from the Editor
Hopefully, there will not be any mud-slinging but it is time for the Board of Directors
Election. There are 8 candidates running for the 6 slots open. Please be informed and read
all about their goals for the Striders which are inside.
We’re almost to the end of another year. Our biggest race of the year is Thanksgiving Day.
Dick Brothers is looking for volunteers, please contact him via email if you are available
to help.
Business owners - the December newsletter is a great opportunity to advertise some
special Christmas gifts. Contact me for pricing information.
Race News
See ya at the races,
Ada Lester
Are you looking for the Treasurer’s Report?
The format has been changed; the Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement can be
found on inside. The new format is easier
for both the Treasurer and Editor!
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Tidewater Striders Race Schedule
November 10
1-Hr Postal Racewalk
How fast can you race walk in an hour?
The track at Tallwood High School
serves as the venue for this Walking
Grand Prix event and The Shore AC
National Postal Competition. There will
probably be two heats. Each competitor will compete in one and count laps
for a walker in another heat. The race
is judged for proper Race Walk technique.
November 10-11
Wounded Warriors 5k/Freedom Mile
& Freedom Half Marathon/Marathon
The marathon has been added this
year to the events. The Tidewater Striders are fielding a team for the Half
Marathon and Full Marathon Organizational Cup Challenge. The Striders are
the defending champions for the Half
Cup. The weekend’s events start with
the Expo at Scope on Friday; All races start and finish near Waterside and
Town Point Park
Monday, November 12
Race for the Music 5k - New Race
Race for the Music is a new event on
a scheduled holiday for Chesapeake
Schools at Bells Mill Park. The race is
a fundraiser for the Oscar Smith High
School Orchestra. Show your love for
Surfin Santa **
Seashore Ultra
Beat the Ball 5k
Distance Series 10k/20k
12-Jan Frosty 5k
26-Jan Distance Series 15k/25k
Virginia is for Lovers**
16-Feb Run with the Law 5k
23-Feb Distance Series 20k/30k
Pembroke Meadows Elem
Falcon 5k
16-17 MarShamrock Marathon
** Strider Supported non-Strider events
November 17
Virginia Beach Runway 5K - New
Ready for a fun event; you are guaranteed
a great time when Jennifer Jeffers puts on
an event. Join Jennifer and her crew for the
inaugural event at the Military Aviation
Museum to raise money for Untamed Spirit,
a program designed to enhance and enrich
the lives of individuals with special needs
through a partnership with horses. There is
a half mile course for our younger runners.
Both courses are mostly It’s mostly run on
the grass runway - no roots or stumps to
trip over. The postrace party features chili
and, of course, beer to washdown the heat!
Thanksgiving - November 22
Turkey Trot
More runners participate in races on
Thanksgiving Day than any other day
of the year. Bring your out of town
guests and join your fellow Striders at
the Tidewater Striders Turkey Trot. No
excuses, if your guests can’t run or
walk a 10k, they can have fun in the
mile! Register early to avoid the lines
on race day morning. The 10k is part of
the Running Grand Prix and the mile is
the final event of the Youth Grand Prix .
December 1
Jingle Bell Run
The 5k is the FINAL event of the Running Grand Prix. However, this event
also features the Reindeer Run for
Children 12 & Under and an untimed 3k
walk. All events take place at Old Dominion University. This is a fundraiser
for the Arthritis Foundation.
50k Volunteers
Not running the 50K? Share in the fun and
excitement by volunteering to help with the
race. We will need volunteers for morning
(7:30 - 11:30) and afternoon 11:30 - 3:30 or
4:00) shifts. We can also use some help at
the After Race Party. ALL volunteers will
receive a t-shirt featuring the race logo.
Some of the following volunteer positions
are available:
• Runner Verification
• Aid Station workers
• Aid Station Coordinators
• Course monitors
• Finish Line Assistance
• Course sweepers post race
• After Party Help – to help serve
Volunteer individually, with a friend, or get
a group together and come on out and have
some fun! If you’ve helped in the past, you
know what a great time it is,
Ready to volunteer? Contact Rosemary
Plum at or Cell: 757615-3238.
The good news is that volunteers work
shifts so do not need to be out on the course
as long as the runners.
This race has been recognized by Ultra
Runners around the country as a superior
event. The volunteers are responsible for
that reputation, so come out and be part of
this great event.
J&A Racing / Non-Strider Event
First Lndg St Park
Rich Hildreth/StacinMartin
NavHospital Portsmouth Race it Registration Link
1 Mile
5k & 1 Mile
Mar/Half/8k/1 Mile Dismal Swamp Trail
Dismal Swamp Trail
VB Sportsplex
Dismal Swamp Trail
PM Elementary
Cox High School
VA Beach Oceanfront
Jean Phelan
Lewis Falls/Minnie Nery 471-5566
Jean Phelan
J&A Racing / Non-Strider Event
Jean Phelan
Gina Pacheco-Forehand 651-1634
Victoria Sachar - 469-3902
J&ARacing / Non-Strider Event
We seek your ideas and input on our schedule. Questions and suggestions can be sent to
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Turkey Trot
Next Walker Grand Prix Race is
Volunteers are needed to help on
race day and at packet pick-up on
Wednesday, November 21, 2012. If
you can help, please contact Dick
Brothers, via e-mail.
November 10th
One Hour Postal Race Walk
2012 Grand Prix Standings
Online thru Strider Mile
Tidewater Striders
Balance Sheet
As of September 30, 2012
Sep 30, 12
Current Assets
Bk of Amer Ckg
Bk of Amer Money Mkt
Bk of Amer Race for Breath
Bk of Hampt Rds Rest'ed Acc'ts
BkofHRCD 1.1% - 1/25/14 PSEdw
BkofHRdCD 1.1% 1/25/14 Bashara
BkofHRdCD 1.1% 1/25/14 Youth
BkofHRdCD 1.1% 1/25/14Gen'l Ops
BkofHRdCD 1.1%1/25/14 GenSchol
Total Bk of Hampt Rds Rest'ed Acc'ts
Total Checking/Savings
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Total Accounts Receivable
Total Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Total Accounts Payable
Credit Cards
Visa Credit Card
Total Credit Cards
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Opening Bal Equity
Retained Earnings
Net Income
Total Equity
Above: THE Party Planners, Goody Tyler
and Bee McLeod. Below: Two very important volunteers, Dick Brothers and Joan
Update or Renew
Membership Renewal
Time to renew your membership?
Easily renew online now! https://
w w w. r a c e i t . c o m / r e g i s t e r /
Search for your name, click renew
and pay! It’s that easy.
Have you recently moved or have a
new email address? Don’t forget to let
the Tidewater Striders know! We now
offer an easy way to for you to update
this record. Visit the Tidewater
Striders Membership page and click
the update membership button. You
will need your confirmation number
and date of birth to update your
record. No fear you can request your
confirmation number there also.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Team Competitions
The Tidewater Striders want to form at least
one Open team to compete in each of the
2012 RRCA Virginia Championship races.
Please contact the Open team chairperson
for Women (Elizabeth Campos) or Men
(Stacin Martin) to join the team or Susan,
Mel, Tommy, Jami, or Marie if you are
interested in competing for the Striders in
any of these events.
Governor's Land 5K in Williamsburg on
November 17th hosted by the Colonial Road
Runners. http://www.colonialroadrunners.
Adopt - A - Trail
October 14, 2012
Amiele Barakey
Tom Boose
Chris Catoe*
David Johnson
Greg Snyder
*Coordinator, Adopt-a-Trail
Tidewater Striders
Profit & Loss
September 2012
Sep 12
Club Race Reven
50K Trail Ultra
Postal Racewalk / Mile Race
Total Club Race Reven
Exec Race Comm
Market Place
Membership Rev
Newsletter Rev
T-Trot Revenue
Youth Revenue
Club Race Exp
50K Seashore Ultra
Strider Mile Race / Postal RW
Nov. 3
Nov. 6
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 9
Nov. 12
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 15
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Nov. 21
Nov. 24
Nov. 26
Nov. 30
Community Svc
ERC Race Oper's
General Ops
Website Expense
Total General Ops
Membership Exp
Newsletter Exp
Turkey Trot Exp
Total Scholsh&T-Trot
Youth Devel.
Net Income
David Phillips
Mary E. Noonan
Douglas Smith
Peggy Munley
Ranulfo G. Lopez
Erin Wreski
Ann Turner
Elizabeth McLeod
Randy Webb
Howie Hodapp
Susan Edwards
Jodi Wroblewski
Justin Walters
Lamont Payne
Dulcey Lloyd
Robert Curtin Jr.
Yuki Young
Total Club Race Exp
Total Expense
In October, 124
Striders are celebrating
their birthday and 17
to a new age group.
Total Scholarsh+TTrot
Total Income
Happy Birthday!
Now we know what Bee McLeod thinks
about aging up to the new 30! Happy 50th,
Bee! Below, Birthday girl Dulcey Lloyd hard
at work
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Still Running Strong
The Striders celebrated 40 years as a running
club at the Annual Volunteers’ Party on
November 4th at the Ocean View Fishing
Pier. Thank you to Bee McLeod and Goody
Tyler for making this celebration happen!
Pictures starting to the right and going
clockwise. Marie Price and Dave Harrah
give Wallie her light in appreciation of her
volunteer efforts. Fred Curry, Sharon Curry,
and Bill Spruill enjoy some light discussion.
The Board Nominees were presented during the General Meeting portion: Randy
Cook, Lisa Armistead, Sherry Celesia,
Dave Harrah, Rich Hildreth, Mel Williams.
Jennifer Cowell, Marie Price, and Sheila
Bailey enjoy some healthy snacks before
the cake.
Singlets Still Available
Purchase a new blue singlet for $20 to wear
racing; for training, purchase an $8 older
white model Strider singlet.
In the colder weather, wear your singlet
over a long sleeve base layer.
Both are great for racing, training and
letting everyone know you are a Strider.
Please contact Dave Harrah, tidesbb@aol.
com to purchase. They are also available at
the Strider Booths at race expos, such as
the Surf-n-Santa expo on December 7th.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Membership Expirations
If your name is on this list, your membership is due to expire in November 2012. You may renew online or mail in the application.
Betty Brothers
Richard Brothers
Darren Busam
Eric Busam
R. Keith Butler
Teresa Carter
Jane Crouch
Richard Cruce
Michael Daniels
Hall Dunn
Isabella Dunn
Lei Dunn
Tyson Dunn
Joshua Ellis
Rebecca Garson
Paul Hamlin
Steve Hunnicutt
Jeff Imgrund
Shannon Kane
Aaron Keckley
Anita Keegan
Fay A. Kennedy
Christina Kinerk-Cruce
Michael Knight
Ada Lester
Allen E. Lester
Colleen McDaniel
Cheryl Monaco
Judy Paschall
Maria R. Poranski
Christopher Poulos
Amber Pratt
Mason Pratt
James Alexander Resolute, Jr.
Joey Richardson
M.K. Richardson
Tommy Richardson
John Roberts
Kelsey Roberts
Shannon Roberts
Brian Rogerson
Jake Rogerson
Mark Rogerson
Mike Rogerson
Tricia Rogerson
Troy Rogerson
Martha E. Schwenk
Richard N. Schwenk
Ashley Shoop
Karyn Smith
Anne Spillane
Jeff Stastny
Cecelia Wall
Cherita Washington
Eddie Washington
Jasmine Cherita Washington
Sherita Washington
DeeDee Webster
Joe Webster
John Webster
Nick Webster
Jeremy Weiss
Freya Zimmer
Marc Zimmer
The Athlete’s Kitchen - Should We Enable Obesity?
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Copyright: Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD October 2012
The joke goes like this: Americans don’t The good news is obesity is strongly linked
need to build bombs. We just need to export to behaviors we can control, including the
all of our junk food and spread obesity to foods we choose to chew and the amount of
the rest of the world so we all self-destruct exercise we get. Granted, other factors also
together. Ha-ha-ha. But it’s not really have an impact, including gut microbiota,
sleep deprivation, and genetics (and genes
funny, is it. It’s sad.
While attending the Institute of Coaching’s can be changed with positive food choices.)
Fifth Annual Conference in Boston along So if we will be able to have more fun, let’s
with 700 other health and leadership do it!
coaches (,
I had the opportunity to listen to public
health guru Dr. David Katz spread his
health message that we, as a society, need
to curb the obesity epidemic. Though you,
my readers, are likely fit, I’m sure every
one of you has been affected by an overfat
relative or friend who is dealing with
cancer, heart attack, stroke, and/or diabetes.
While they’ve undoubtedly heard the
public health messages to eat cleaner and
exercise more, they have not felt motivated
to make lifestyle changes. Instead, they are
suffering from the so-called diseases of
aging that are really diseases of inactivity
and overnutrition. They aren’t having much
fun at the doctors’ offices....
According to well-documented research
presented by Dr. Katz, if we don’t stop the
obesity epidemic, an estimated 42% of all
Americans will be obese in 18 years. Onethird will be diabetic. Our kids will die at
a younger age than their parents, and the
healthcare system will be bankrupt.
By preventing obesity, we can see stunning
benefits. That’s why Mayor Michael
Bloomberg is working hard to change the
obesogenic environment in New York City.
The naysayers may be complaining he is
taking away a person’s right to choose, but
he’s not taking away soda. NYC is just not
enabling that bad choice.
In our modern world, we are victims of
our own success. We have engineered
out the lifestyle that kept our parents and
grandparents fit and strong, including
riding bikes to work, walking to school,
and hanging laundry outside to dry. We
have engineered in processed foods that
come in huge portions and taste yummy.
No surprise less than 2% of Americans
eat the recommend number of fruits and
vegetables! How can we motivate people to
take better care of themselves? We need to
focus on the personal benefits–longer life,
less pain, and more fun.
According to Dr. Katz, each one of us has
a choice to either help solve the obesity
problem, or become part of the problem.
We need to build a levy to hold back the
flood of fattening foods that pervade our
environment. We need lots of individuals
to contribute a sandbag or two to the levy.
For example, smaller-sized soda pop is
one sandbag. More activity is school
classrooms in another. Healthier choices in
vending machines are a third. The NuVal
food ranking system is a fourth. (NuVal
ranks foods according to healthfulness
so that consumers in 1,700 supermarkets
across the country can easily compare
foods to determine the better loaf of bread,
brand of soup, and better choice of any
Employers who encourage their staff
to exercise contribute a very effective
sandbag and they get a good return on that
investment. Not only are their employees
healthier and take fewer sick days (think
lower healthcare costs), they are happier and
more productive. The Cleveland Clinic’s
employee wellness program has saved
millions of health care dollars. The clinic
has made changes in the work environment
that has transformed the disease-inducing
culture to a culture of wellness, with loss of
330,000 pounds in five years.
If you want to take steps to change your
work environment, check out www.cdc.
gov/nationalhealthyworksite. You’ll find
lots of ideas and toolkits, including how
to create a program that encourages people
to take the stairs not the elevator, and how
to improve vending machine choices.
Hospital workers might want to pass along
this URL to
an influential VIP. The goal of the initiative
is to enroll at least 2,000 hospitals over the
next three years to buy and serve healthier
For your own personal activity program
(when you are not running), take a peek
at Activity Bursts
Everywhere offers free activity videos that
last from 3 to 8 minutes. The videos are
organized by setting (office, home, waiting
room), body part involved (lower body,
upper body), and whether the exercise is
performed standing or seated. Pass along
the info to your friends and relatives who
have “no time” to exercise; they’ll lose all
excuses for why they cannot get a few more
minutes of activity each workday.
Empowering kids to be active is an essential
health initiative. If you are a parent or a
teacher, check out www.ABCfor fitness.
com (Activity Bursts in Classrooms). These
fun exercise videos insert educational
activity into the curriculum during
downtimes when the kids aren’t really
learning anything (before lunch, end of the
school day). Dr. Katz believes the answer
to hyperactive kids can be more activity,
not more Ritalin.
Not everyone loses weight easily, so Dr.
Katz has started a website for frustrated
Exchange for Weight Loss Resistance).
This site wants to connect frustrated dieters
with researchers so we can find solutions
to the “Why can’t I lose weight?” problem.
Maybe you know someone who can
contribute his or her experiences.
While changing the work and school
environments is helpful, lasting changes
really need to be made at the family level.
Kids are a driving force; they have the power
to change parents’ food and exercise habits.
Kids are unlikely to make choices based on
health, but rather on pleasure. When they
understand that health means more fun,
they’ll start making the right choices--just
like victorious sports teams that win with
good nutrition. Unjunk Yourself, a YouTube
video for teens (
watch?v=PLaS0En9Q98) gets kids (of all
ages) to think more about choosing what
they chew. Isn’t it time for us to all work
together to make it cool to fuel well?
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified
Specialist in Sports Dietetics) counsels both
casual and competitive athletes at her office
in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her Sports
Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for new
runners and marathoners offer additional
information on resolving weight issues They are
available at See also
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Strider Walkers Place at 2012 National USATF 5K Race Walk Championship
by Steve Durrant
Seven Tidewater Strider walkers competed
in the National 2012 USATF 5K Race Walk
Championship held in Kingsport, TN, on
Saturday, September 29th. The Strider
Women’s Race Walking Team made up of
Cindy Williams of Virginia Beach, Rebecca
Garson from Afton, VA, and Kathy Nash
from Maryville, TN, took 3rd Place overall
in the Women’s Team competition. First
place in the Women’s Team competition
was won by Team Pegasus from Michigan.
Taking the second place in the women’s
team competition was South Florida AC.
Tom Gerhardt, from Chesapeake, teamed
with Hartley Dewey and Steve Shapiro,
both of Virginia Beach, to make up the
Tidewater Strider men’s team which
finished in 2nd Place overall in the Men’s
Team competition behind a strong Team
Pegasus from Michigan. Steve Durrant also
competed and was available to the men’s
team in the event one of the other team
members was disqualified during the race.
Race day started off with a steady morning
rain. However, by the start of the women’s
race at 8:15 a.m. the rain had mostly
stopped. The temperature remained in the
high 50’s through the low 60’s during the
women’s race and the subsequent men’s
race which started at 9:30 a.m.
The 5K race course is a 1K loop that the
competitors complete five times during
the race. Several Race Walk Judges are
stationed along the length of the course to
insure the race walkers follow the two rules
of race walking that require the walkers to:
(1) maintain one foot on the ground at all
times, and (2) that the advancing leg is
straightened immediately on contact with
the ground, and remains straightened until
passed over by the walker’s body in the
vertical position.
Rebecca Garson was the top Strider woman
finishing in 31:34, placing her 12th overall
for the women and 3rd in the W45-49
age group. Cathy Nash was 24th overall,
finishing in 38:10, and 5th in the W5559 age group. Cindy Alexander was 28th
overall in 41:35, and 3rd in the W50-54 age
In the men’s race Tom Gerhardt has the
top finishing Tidewater Strider, completing
the five 1K loops in 30:22 for 13th place
overall and 2nd in the M60-64 age group.
Steve Shapiro was the next Strider in
34:07 which was 19th overall and 3rd in
the M55-59 age group. He was followed
by Hartley Dewey in 35:42 for 23rd place
overall and 4th in the M60-64 age group.
Steve Durrant, the “backup walker” was
24th overall finishing in 36:42. He was 5th
in the M70-74 age group.
Above: As dawn breaks out, it’s time to
stretch. From left to right, Steve Durrant,
Hartley Dewey, Cindy Alexander, Rebecca
Garson, and Steve Shapiro.
Below: Tom Gerhardt passes over the timing mats during his 5k race, lappng an unkown competitor. Photos courtesy of Steve
Durrant and Kathy Nash
In addition to the seven Strider competitors,
Tidewater Strider Judy Paschall served as
the DQ Board operator on the Race Walk
Judging staff. All red cards assigned to
competitors observed failing to follow the
rules of race walking are displayed on the
DQ Board. When three “reds” are on the
board for a competitor, the competitor is
removed from the race.
From left to right: Judy Paschall was the DQ Board Operator for the Race Walk Judging
Staff. Rebecca Garson - On the left wearing white Strider top and pink compression socks
as she chases the leaders at the first turn-around after the start of the race. Cindy & Kathy
Nash at the 1st turn-around on the course. Cindy is wearing one of the new blue & white
Strider Singlets. Kathy Nash is wearing a blue Strider Shirt. Photos courtesy of Steve Durrant and Kathy Nash
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Meet on Shore Drive opposite Fort Story west entrance for
cleanup along Shore Drive to Atlantic Avenue. Social follows in First Landing/Seashore State Park.
Meet at the “Narrows” boat ramp parking area (west end of
64th St. off Atlantic Ave.) at First Landing/Seashore State
Park for trail maintenance along Long Creek Trail and Osprey Trail. Social usually follows in boat ramp area.
Sunday, November 18 10:00 AM
Mark your calendar now for 2013 Dates
Sunday, January 6 10:00 AM
Sunday, March 10 10:00 AM
Sunday, May 19 10:00 AM
Sunday, July 14 10:00 AM
Sunday, September 22 10:00 AM
Sunday, November 17 10:00 AM
Mark your calendar now for 2013 Dates
Sunday, April 14 10:00 AM
Sunday, June 9 10:00 AM
Sunday, August 4 10:00 AM
Sunday, October 20 10:00 AM
For more information call Chris Catoe on 425-6556 or
For more information call Rich Hildreth at 481-9027 
2012 VA RRCA Championship Races
Governor’s Land 5K in Williamsburg on November 17th hosted by the Colonial Road Runners.
Seashore Nature Trail 50k in Virginia Beach on Dec 15th hosted by the Tidewater Striders.
A complete listing of all RRCA Championship Series events are available at
Kick off the holidays in a festive and healthy way!
Walk through 2-miles of dazzling holiday lights.
Saturday, November 17 - Wednesday, November 21, 2012
NEW January 1-6, 2013
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
$10 person ($8 NBG members)
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Tidewater Strider Board of Directors Elections
Vote by E-mail
Ballots will be sent via e-mail on November 12th; You have until noon on November 26th to vote. Ballots received after that will not be
Nominees for Tidewater Striders Board of Directors
The slate of nominees were introducted and accepted at the general meeting during the Volunteer Party on November 4th. There are eight
nominees for the six positions to be filled. The nominees are. Lisa Armistead, Sherry Celesia, Randy Cook, David Harrah, Rich Hildreth,
Barb Mathewson, Sharon Rodier, and Mel Williams. Please read their backgrounds and ideas for the club over the next few pages. Each
elected person will serve a two-year term beginning in January 2013.
To assist you in your decision, the six members who are mid-term and will continue to serve on the board in 2013 are Amiele Barakey,
Dan Edwards, Dave Harrah, Jean Phelan, Steve Shapiro, Lori Sherwood, and Deb Sommer.
All nominees were asked to answer the following questions:
1. Give a brief personal background
2. What would you like to accomplish during your term on the board?
3. What areas on the board interest you the most and why?
Their unedited responses follow.
3. I am a triathlete as well, so I would like
to promote this aspect of the Striders. I was
thrilled when they took over Breezy Point
Triathlon and enjoyed participating in it
this past year.
Lisa Armistead
1. I have been a Strider member for the last
5 years. In April 2007, I started my journey
of weight loss. After losing 50 pounds, I
realized I could run a lot faster and have
enjoyed many successful Strider events
since. I am married to Joseph Velez. I
have a son, Christopher, who is 17 years
old and a senior at Cape Henry Collegiate.
He is on the 5 time TCIS tournament
championship volleyball team and current
state championship tennis team. I am a
graduate of Kempsville High School (class
of 1883), Virginia Wesleyan College (BA
in Math/Computer Science 1987), and Old
Dominion University (MBA, 1992). I have
accomplished many big races in my life,
but I definitely accomplished a huge goal
this year by completing Augusta 70.3.
2. As A runner, I would like to see how I can
help improve other people’s running. Also,
I would like to see what other products the
Striders could offer for sale and look at
ways to bring in new members.
Sherry Celesia
Personal background: I’ve been running
since I was about 12 - starting with my dad
and working up to a mile (seemed like such
a long way back then!) I continued running
with my husband, Angelo Celesia, and we
serve together heading up New Energy.
Our son Charlie was a New Energy runner
and benefited greatly from being a Strider
member. Our daughter Jennifer doesn’t get
to run much locally, but has run the Great
Wall Half Marathon and other races around
the globe. I have been a Strider member
since the mid 80s and have volunteered at
various races and Strider booths through
the years. I have also been a mentor for
Team in Training and a coach for Girls on
the Run. I’ve run 39 marathons, 2 50ks
and hope to complete my first 50-miler
What areas on the board interest you the
most and why? I am already very involved
in the youth running program and love our
New Energy runners. I hope to branch out
and work with growing our membership
and pursuing more ultra races in our club.
Having never served on the board, I feel the
door is wide open where I could serve!
What would you like to accomplish during
your term on the board? I hope to grow
as a Strider member personally, grow
the membership (I recruit wherever I go
already!), and give back to an organization
that has given me so much. I want our
youth more involved in our club, possibly
having 1 or 2 of our young runners sitting
on the board in an advisory/non-voting
capacity and submitting articles to our
Rundown. With the youth being a huge
part of our overall membership, their
input could be invaluable! We need to
plan for the future of our club and get our
youth excited about serving our running
community. I would also like to help with
membership retention, following up on
those who do not renew and making sure no
one falls through the cracks - phone calls,
emails, whatever it takes. Just as running
or walking can be a life-time activity, I
want to focus on encouraging membership
in the Tidewater Striders to be a life-time
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
occasionally at race finish lines assisting.
I love the running, walking and multisport
arenas and always will. I am a Grand Prix
runner soon to be a Grand Prix walker, thus
appreciating more than one side of Strider
Randy Cook
David ‘Dave’ Harrah
1. Give a brief personal background.
“Retired Navy “Mustang” (28.5 years),
13 years professional Baseball in sports
management, currently employed U.S.
I started running in high school (Maury
High School) in the early 1960s and ran
track and cross at Pittsburg St. (Kansas)
University. I joined the Striders in 1974,
served on the Board for many years and
was President in 1982 and grand prix
winner for multiple years. I was elected to
the Striders Hall of Fame in 2011. I started
the team concept for the Striders and was
instrumental in starting the Grand Prix
series. I was away from running for many
years due to hip surgeries but I am back to
running and volunteer when I can.
I am a retired teacher so I have some
free time when I am not umpiring tennis
tournaments throughout the Mid Atlantic
region. I coached track and field at Granby
High School for several years.
2. What would you like to accomplish
during your term on the Board?
I was on the committee that just completed
writing the 40 year history of the Tidewater
Striders. If I was elected I would like to
be the “Historian” and keep up with this
project on a monthly/yearly basis so it will
be ready for the 50th anniversary.
3. What areas on the board interest you the
most and why?
What interests me the most is the team
competition. I would love to see the
Striders have teams at the major races such
as Virginia 10 Miler, Annapolis 10 Miler,
Mulberry Island Half Marathon, Bay Days,
like we used to. I know there have been ads
in the newsletter to recruit team members
but there must be an incentive to get the
best runners to go out of town and race and
represent the club.
In 1980, I ran my first road race at Mount
Trashmore. It was called the Athletic
Attic 10K. I ran this race with very little
preparation and knowledge. Through the
pain of it all, I was hooked. Thus began
a 32 year love of this sport. For the first
25 years, I cared only to improve in all
distances as a middle of the pack runner
and just set PRs whenever the feeling was
right. I never had a goal to win a race, but
to always do my best and to ALWAYS
finish. This 10K created my interest in
other distances and I took to 5Ks, 10ks
and 10 Milers quite easily. In 1992 I ran
my first (and only) marathon, Shamrock in
4:42, not a great time but enough to feel
proud of my accomplishment. I continue
to run through the years for fitness and
on labor day weekend finished my 8th
Rock N Roll Half Marathon. In 2005,
I decided to change gears and do some
“giving back” to this sport that I love.
Thanks to Dan Edwards, I began the road
of volunteering (finish line) and jumped
in 2010 at the opportunity to serve on the
Board of Directors as a result of a sudden
vacancy. As a Board member I have
helped vote on issues effecting the entire
membership, created a new design race
singlet which has become quite popular,
and recently volunteered to chair the 40th
Anniversary History committee, which is
wrapping up a very time consuming project
of writing each year and creating a single
source historical document. In addition, I
have served as a New Energy coach for 6
seasons, working with our youth to promote
fitness and health. I continue to volunteer
my time at race expo’s, and can be seen
Why do I want to be on the Board?
Because I am an action Type A personality.
I believe in positive action and making
logical and timely decisions and will make
recommendations. I like fresh and new
ideas. I believe in being in the front for
the betterment of the club. I work hard,
dedicate many hours and appreciate all the
friendships I have made along the way. I
continue to learn. I want to be instrumental
and provide impact.
What do I hope to accomplish? Propose
and vote on key recommendations
and issues effecting the entire Strider
community. Assist other Board members
and General members when I can. Provide
sound recommendations on every facet of
club operation and serve the membership to
the best of my ability. To project a positive
image of what this club is all about.
Rich Hildreth
1. Brief Personal Background
I’m 64 years old. I own a business renting
and selling construction equipment. I’m
married with 4 grown children.
grandchildren yet.
I’ve been a member of the Strider board
since 2005. I was president from 2006 to
2. What do I want to accomplish on the
At this point I just want to see the Striders
continue their success going forward. We
should be able to maintain our membership
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
base, and hopefully grow it. We should
be able to maintain the races we sponsor
and offer timing for, and we should be able
to maintain the level of scholarships we
currently offer.
3. What interests me most?
Again, at this point what interests me most
is our volunteerism. We maintain a huge
list of volunteers and we depend on them
for everything. It’s important that we
continue to nurture and encourage them as
much as possible and I’m going to continue
to try to do that.
The Tidewater Striders has been around
for 40 years. It has been a big part of my
life for the past 17 years. I want to work
on things that will keep the club relevant
for the near and long term future. It is
important to me that the club continue to
serve the needs of the running community
and that it be the positive influence on the
running community that it always has been.
3. What areas of the Board interest you the
most and Why?
I served on the board for 3 years in the 90s.
I resigned when my husband accepted a
new job in NC. During that time I chaired
the awards committee, organized grand
prix results, stuffed news letters, and help
organized racing teams. When we returned
to Va. I did not return to the Board but
volunteered as Committee Chairperson for
the newsletter stuffing. My interests still
include working with the awards, on races
and helping teams. These are the things
closest to my personal interests.
Barb Mathewson
2. What would you like to accomplish on
the board?
I feel that the Club has been on the correct
path toward providing quality races, quality
programs and events for the area’s running,
walking and multi-sport communities. I
look to become more involved in ways to
improve our efforts to promote training
programs for our members, growing our
membership, and ensure we provide races
and events that everyone can enjoy.
3. What areas on the board interest you the
most and why?
I am very interested in helping provided
quality events to our strider community.
I have always had the motto, “if you run
in them, you work them”. As a non-profit
volunteer group we try to provide running,
walking and multi-sport events that serve
our whole membership. Specifically with
the transfer of Breezy Point triathlon to the
Striders last year I served as the committee
chair and the swim coordinator. I will be
working very hard this year to enhance this
local event and hopefully encourage first
timers to try the Swim/Bike/Run. I will
also be helping planning and execution of
the 2013 Distance Series.
1. Give brief personal background.
I graduated from Glassboro State College
with a BA in Health and Physical
Education. I have a MB in Recreation from
Indiana State University.
I coached High School Cross Country and
Track for 20 years in Ct, Va, & NC.
I have been teaching fitness class at the JCC
for 9 years and at the YMCA for 5 years. I
specialize in classes for active seniors. My
students tell me that I am a positive role
model for them in theses classes.
I’ve been running for 31 years and
competing in triathlons for 13 years. I’ve
completed 26 marathons and hundreds
of races from 5k to the half marathon. I
have also finished 3 Ironmans, including
finishing the World Championship Ironman
in Kona Hawaii in 2007 and 2009.. In 2006
I won my age group at the World 70.3
Ironman in Clearwater, Fl. I hold several
Va. State age group running records for
various distances and have several course
records in Ct.
I’ve been married for 31 years to my
wonderful husband Rick. We have a dog
named Bo.
2. What would you like to accomplish
during your term on the board?
Sharon Rodier
1. I’m seeking re-election to the Board of
the Striders for my 3rd term. I’ve been a
member of the Striders off and on since
1988 and have been on the Board for the
last five years. I live in Norfolk with my
family and when not out running or biking
I’m at work at NASA studying the earth. I
started running while in college and have
continued on an off for the last 35 years.
There have been times when I only log
15 miles a week and times when I log 50
miles a week. About six years ago I started
participating in duathlons and triathlons
starting as a novice and finally completing
a couple of Ironman events.
Mel Williams
Personal background
I moved to the Tidewater area of Virginia
in 1968, and am currently a professor
emeritus at Old Dominion University,
having taught exercise science and sports
nutrition over the course of 40 years. The
following are some key highlights relative
to my experiences with the Tidewater
Striders and running.
Earlier activities
• Charter member and one of the 15
founders of the Striders; member
since 1972
• Club president in 1979
• Club vice president in 1978 and 1980
• Author of the first constitution and
bylaws for the club
• Member of the Board of Directors for
a total of approximately 20 years
• Author of numerous columns for
The Rundown on various scientific
aspects of running
• Committee chair for numerous years,
including the current year
o Advisory committee
o Constitution
o Hall of Fame committee
Recent activities in the past three years
• Conceived, developed, proposed,
and initiated the Tidewater Striders
Hall of Fame; wrote the policies and
• Conceived, developed, and directed
the Seashore Nature Trail 50K race
for three years; received the Race
Director of the Year award in 2012.
• Served on the ad hoc committee to
write A 40-Year Narrative History
of the Tidewater Striders. Wrote the
history for 17 of the 40 years.
Major accomplishments in running
• Former national age-group (45-49)
record holder in the 50K; (3:10 in
• Current state of Virginia record holder
in four age groups; Half marathon
(2), marathon (2)
• Three time age-group award winner
in the Boston Marathon
• Member of the Groundpounders,
having completed all 37* Marine
Corps Marathons
o Multiple-year (19) age group award
What areas on the board interest you the
most and why?
As a charter member of the club, and as a
longtime member of the Board of Directors,
I have a deep interest in multiple facets of
club operations. Currently, the club has
a total of 24 committees, alphabetically
from the Advisory committee to the
Youth committee, and in the constitution
each committee has a list of duties that
will enable the club to fulfill its purposes.
Furthermore, each committee has an
established list of policies and procedures
to help accomplish its duties. My feeling is
some committees, such as the Membership
and Race committees, may have
responsibilities deserving more attention,
but it is the function of all committees that
make the Striders one of the best running
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
clubs in the country. As a Board member,
I would be interested in the function of
all committees, and thus, as related to the
question, all areas of club operations are of
interest to me.
What would you like to accomplish
during your term on the board?
I should note that the members of the
Board of Directors, over the course of the
past decade, have done an exemplary job
in maintaining the national reputation of
the Tidewater Striders, and I would like
to help continue the club’s progress. As
noted above, I would have an interest in the
optimal functioning of all club committees
as a means of continuing the success of the
Striders, and would work with fellow Board
members to help continue the successful
accomplishments of the club through its
various committees.
One action I would propose to the Board
is appointment of an ad hoc Strategic
Objectives committee to provide some
major objectives for the club to pursue over
the next five years or so. Many organizations
use this procedure, and I chaired such a
committee in 2004. I believe the club is
functioning very well at the present time,
but the development of specific strategic
objectives may provide the framework
to move it to an even higher level in the
future. For example, one possible topic
for this committee would be discussion
of the resurrection of the position of
Executive Director. The position, although
still listed in the Bylaws of the club, has
been vacant for nearly ten years. The
duties of the Executive Director could be
revised, possibly including responsibilities
involving recruitment of major sponsors
for races, preparation of grant proposals for
funding to develop exercise programs for
youth, cooperative events with other local
running organizations, etc.
submitted his nomination information, he
completed the 37th Marine Corps Marathon
- I hope no one is offended that I changed
his accomplishment from 36 to 37.
Star of the Sea 5k
November 4, 2012
Dan Edwards
Welcome Aboard
We welcome new friends and possibly
some old friends to the Tidewater Striders!
Sydnee Ashley
Edward Bunker
Zachary Davidson
Jennifer Dizon
Jimmy Entas
Chester Flemming
Jessica Freeman
Mike Freeman
Samantha Freeman
Susan Freeman
Zac Freeman
Zane Freeman
Dean Harris
Cathy Hasle
Allison Hopkins
Lauren Hopkins
Liz Hopkins
Evan Johnson
Jeffrey Klemmer
Lee LaMonica
Heaven McBride
Jackie Naegele
Steve Naegele
Lauren Park
Genevieve Perez
Tom Reaves
Alex Rivera
Alina Rivera
Eileen Rivera
Luke Rivera
Orlando Rivera
Sean Roos
Yvonne Saxon
Ryan Stalcup
Joe Telford
MacKenzie Tracey
RyLee Tracey
Summer Vincent
Catherine Williams
Deidre Williams
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Minutes for September 4, 2012
Committee Report for October
There was a discussion of the Face Book 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 by
President, Jean Phelan. Steve Patterson and
Ryan Conrad were absent.
adopt-a - highway and be sure to represent
different cities of the Strider area.
The August Meeting Minutes were
approved after corrections were made.
page “Tidewater Striders” which was not
created by our organization. Discussion
was held that we do not have control of
contents or postings, because the public
thinks that it is our page. We may be able
to add a disclaimer to the site, but probably
cannot control the site.
Presidents Report:
Volunteer Party/40th Anniversary Party
will be held on Sunday November 4th at
the Ocean View Fishing Pier from 1-4.
On October 6th, a race course measurement
clinic by John Price will be held at Mt
Trashmore. The time is not yet scheduled.
VP Report:
Adopt-a- Highway is scheduled for Sunday.
Sept 16th.
Treasurers Report:
We are in the black in August from
Memorial races revenues.
$550 was spent on the picnic last month
which is about half of what it had cost
when the picnic was catered. This year we
had better food and more people. Dan has
agreed to host the picnic next year.
Profit/lost – Questions on Distance series.
Dan explained the accounting period often
does not reflect the actual revenue generated
or expenses of any particular races.
Youth Development was also discussed.
New Energy also receives sponsorship by
local organizations. Discussion was held
of how we could promote sponsorship
to support club functions and how we
could get members to actively solicit
Dan presented a new format for the monthly
financial report for the RunDown.
Dave reported that our booth was fully
staffed at the Rock and Roll expo. $240
was collected on the sale of singlets and
4 memberships. New Energy runners also
staffed the booth.
In addition to making sure that we have
enough information at the booth, especially
New Energy material, Sharon suggested
the idea of designing a fabric backdrop,
featuring key races, Turkey Trot, ERR and
also community activities like adopt- ahighway to attract attention to the booth.
Banners on fabric can be folded and kept
easily for transport. The idea was seen
as very positive and everyone was asked
to compile design ideas for the banners,
including races, New Energy activities,
We have 1659 members as of the end the
The Team Reimbursement policy was not
shown as approved it the April minutes,
although approved. Motion was made and
policy was approved to adopt the Team
Reimbursement policy. However, it was
discussed that the policy should be in our
Policy and Procedure format. Steve S.
will reformat the policy to be presented
at the next meeting. Discussion continued
that most policies need to be updated and
volunteers are needed to assist. We will
ask for volunteers in the RunDown for
members to be on committees and update
our policies and procedures.
Grand Prix: Teams, running and walkers
standing are up to date.
Race committee: Dan went over the
upcoming races. On Sunday, Oct 21
volunteers are needed to notify the
neighborhood of Turkey Trot. This is a
stipulation of our permit.
Rich brought up the idea if we could have
an “App” for our race schedule for cell
phones. We could offer the race schedule,
changes and additions, etc.
Distance Series - we still do not have
approval from Chesapeake for the Distance
Series to be held at Dismal Swamp, but
we will hear in October. Flyer will be put
together now, so we can announce the races
immediately when we get approval for the
Dave reported that the Strider history is
progressing with 1972 – 2001 and most
completed through 2007. Ada has been
involved in getting photos for the project
which is steadily making progress towards
completion. The first 5 years appeared in
this month’s RunDown.
Meeting adjourned at 7:52.
Submitted by
Deb Sommer
Committee Members:
Hartley Dewey – Chair
Dwight Kane- Vice Chair
Tom Gerhardt
Richard Pidgeon
Steve Shapiro
Lori Sherwood
Heidi Sleasman
Walk Judges were provided to monitor
walkers at the following Walking Grand
Prix (WGP) races during the month:
• Memorial Scholarship 5K – 7/31/12
(Approximately 40 walkers, 10 were
• Tidewater Striders 1500 Meter
Racewalk – 8/18/12 (14 walkers, 12
were Striders)
• Mulberry Half Marathon 9/22/12 – 5
walkers – all were Striders)
• Neptune Festival 8K (9/29/12) – (27
walkers, 3 were Striders)
The Tidewater Striders sent two team to the
5K USATF Racewalk Championship and
National Junior Division Championship,
held in Kingsport, TN on September 29,
2012. The Men’s Team comprised of
Hartley Dewey, Tom Gerhardt and Steve
Shapiro. Steve Durrant also competed. The
Women’s Team will comprise of Cindy
Alexander, Rebecca Garson and Kathy
Nash. Judy Paschall also attended and
worked the DQ board as a volunteer. A full
report and photos were submitted to the
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
New Energy
Tidewater Striders Youth Running Group
Head Coach: Angelo Celesia 288-7715
HS Cross Country
Two New Energy Runners qualified
for the Eastern Region Cross Country
Championships. Thomas Amabile of
Grassfield High ran 17:03 to finish 8th in
the SE District. Will Verhappen of Granby
High was 3rd in the Eastern District.
They both performed well at the Regional
meet at Bells Mill in Chesapeake. Thomas
finished 17th Overall, 3rd Freshman,
and just missed qualifying for state! Will
was 43rd Overall and the 4th Freshman.
Will was less than a minute away from
qualifying for the State Championships.
Congratulations to Will and Thomas for an
awesome season and a great start to a High
School running career.
Fall Season is coming to an End
Three Locations for New Energy Runners
Norview High School Track - Norfolk Thurs
6 - 7pm
For Norfolk details, contact Coach Dave McDonald, dave@
Sleepy Hole Park - Suffolk
Suffolk will have a few team/group workouts on non-race Saturdays
as temps allow during Nov, Dec and Jan. Suffolk runners will be
alerted via Suffolk New Energy Group email list as those dates
approach. The first one will be on Sat. Nov 17th as a tune-up
for the Turkey Trot, time TBD for details, contact Coach Steve,
November 22nd - Turkey Trot 1
Mt Trashmore - Virginia Beach
Tues/Thurs 4:45 - 5:20pm
The last practice will be November 20th.
For Virginia Beach details, contact Coach Angelo Celesia acelesia@
Final Race of the YGP Season
Volunteers are also needed, please
contact Dick Brothers via email.
Important New Energy Links
2012 Youth Grand Prix
Current Standings
Male Youth
Female Youth
Register for New Energy
New Energy Page at
New Energy Calendar
New Energy Uniforms
AAU Cross Country
Please email us at
if you need any of the following:
The AAU Districts were moved to
Churchland High School which enabled
more of our runners to participate on
November 3rd.
Uniforms - Singlet and shorts
$10.00 per set (youth and
adult sizes - sm, med, large)
Results from Districts were not available
when the Rundown was completed but
we do have pictures, courtesty of Eileen
Warmups - Hoodie and sweats
$10.00 per set (kids run a little
T Shirts - Adult sizes only
$10.00 each (limited sizes)
Team manager Deb Redmond will
have your gear, usually at the next
Tuesday’s practice. A check made out
to the Tidewater Striders is preferable.
You will need to show her your runner’s
club membership card or payment
receipt to pick up your gear. Our
club subsidizes most of the cost so
membership is required.
Everyone who participated in Districts is
eligible to compete at the AAU Nationals,
which is not that faraway from Hampton
Roads. The nationals are on December 1,
2012 in Rock Hill, SC.
To the left is Mason Pratt competing at AAU
Districts, which is essentially the AAU Virginia State Championship. Photo courtesy
of Eileen Werve
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Getting to Know Cindy & Ada
Volunteer Opportunities
If you’ve been following along for the past several months, you
understand the title of this article. Cindy continues her streak of
answering and I continue asking. Last month I asked “What is the
best act of sportsmanship you’ve seen at a race?”
Tidewater Striders Booth at Wicked 10k Expo
We will be having a booth at the Wicked 10K expo. Hours are 11
to 8 on Friday, October 26th at the VB Convention Center. I’m
looking for volunteers to man the Strider’s booth. Prefer a two
hour commitment. Interested? Jean Phelan,
Also, stop by the booth and register to win some Strider apparel.
You do not need to be present to win. You can get the latest race
schedule & race flyers.
Getting Through the Last Mile
Let me briefly explain why I cherish the photo below and how
it applies to your question. This picture was taken at a Neptune
Festival 8K, I forget which year. Although it looks like we all are
racing together, I am the only one still in the race. This was my
first race after a 6 month foot injury layoff and I was struggling.
With still about a mile to go, I look up and see four walkers
coming towards me, all smiling. Kathy, Karen, Anita and Eric
had all finished the race and immediately turned around to find
me and make sure I was not re-injured some where out on the
course. Once they found me, they paced me to the finish. To me,
this picture represents the true spirit of not only sportsmanship but
of the Strider walkers. We look out for each other. We celebrate
our victories, console each other in our defeats and turn around to
find our lost competitors. Kathy, Karen, Anita and Eric no longer
race the same races I do but they will always be with me when I’m
struggling through that last mile.
Membership Drive Chairperson
The board is looking to have a serious drive to increase the Strider
membership and thus our presence in Hampton Roads. However,
as always, a volunteer is needed to implement the idea. If you are
interested, please contact Jean Phelan,
Race Volunteers
If you’re not running help out on race day as a course marshal,
registration or at the Finish Line. If you are running, you can still
help at packet pick-ups for the larger club events.
For Club Races, volunteers are needed for all aspects of the event
from race registration to course set-up and take-down along with
the finish line. Check out the race schedule for upcoming events
and than contact Dan Edwards to volunteer at an upcoming race.
~Cindy Alexander
Getting Through the Last Leg of a Triathlon
Ironically, my other story about great sportsmanship also concerns
the final finisher at a race. At most triathlons the transition area
does not open up until the last cyclist clears the bike course and
is heading out on to the run. At Breezy Point one year, the overall
champion, the person who was waiting the longest, redid the 5k
with the final finisher! Pretty Sweet!
Rundown Articles
Submit an article for the e-Rundown, ideas include but not limited
to training routines, exercises, nutrition, funny stories, race
reviews, favorite workouts, etc. Send articles to Ada Lester, ada@
Pick a committees that interests you and contact the committee
chair. Grab those extra 50 points for the Grand Prix
competitions, VOLUNTEER!
Question for the December Rundown:
Please send your dream gift ideas to Send them
now before you forget and to ensure your Santa knows what to
bring you for Christmas.
From the 2007 Neptune Festival, Kathy Nash, Karen Williams, Anita Keegan, and Eric Busam return to give moral support to Cindy (in
pink shorts, 2nd from right) as she finishes up the 8k. Team fellowship and Sportsmanship at it’s best!
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Course Certification
On October 6, John Price with help
from Ron Jones gave a detailed talk on
measuring race courses and getting them
certified to 8 strider members interested in
expanding the data base of members with
this knowledge and capability. The talk
lasted for about 2-1/2 hours and included
all phases of the process including hands
on demonstrations and calculations.
To the left, John Price leads the class in
course measurement at Mount Trashmore.
Running Grand Prix
2012 Tidewater Striders
Multi-Sport Grand Prix
Turkey Trot 10
Jingle Bell 5K
December 1
Check the online list for the Running
Grand Prix at
docs/gp_entrants12.pdf to see if you are
To score in the Running Grand Prix you
must be registered with Marie Price, run@
Only Strider members who contact the
Multi-Sport Grand Prix Coordinator
( will be tracked in
the Tidewater Multi-Sport Strider Grand
The GP Schedule is available on the
Striders website.
The Multi-Sport GP is done for 2012.
Results are available on the website.
Turkey Trot Notices
October 21, 2012
As part of the preparation for Turkey
Trot, the Striders must notify the residents of the neighborhoods by placing
door hangers along the route.
Jean Phelan
Linda Palluch
Sue Edwards
Dan Edwards
Poorboy Breeden
Beverly Breeden
Deb Sommer
Dick Kole
Rhonda Double
Blake Laing
Gail Biermann
Rachel Hammond
Glenda Dennison
Rich Hildreth
More volunteers will be
needed at packet pick-up on
Wednesday, November 21
and on Race Day.
Last Call for Tidewater Striders 2013 Hall of Fame Nominations
by Mel Williams
Nominations are open for election to the
Tidewater Striders Hall of Fame, Class
of 2013. Individuals may be nominated
for their accomplishments in the areas of
competition, volunteerism, or professionrelated endeavors, or a combination of
these areas.
Individuals nominated for membership in
the Hall of Fame must have been members
of the Tidewater Striders for a minimum
of ten (10) years. Individuals may use a
self-nomination process or be nominated
by other club members, the latter having
been members of the Tidewater Striders for
at least five (5) years. A maximum of five
(5) members will be inducted for the class
of 2013. Self-nominations will receive the
same respect and consideration as membersponsored nominations.
The nomination form may be found on the
club’s website,
Click on Hall of Fame Nominations link
in the left hand column. Details regarding
required information, accompanied by an
example of a submitted nomination, are
presented. A list of members inducted in
the classes of 2011 and 2012, along with
some of their major accomplishments,
may also be accessed via the Hall of Fame
Members link
Nominations must be received by
November 17, 2012. Specific directions
for the nomination process are presented
on the website and must be submitted
electronically in Word format. Email to
Mel Williams at The
Hall of Fame committee will select the
inductees by mid-December. Inductees will
be notified before the end of the year, and
will be inducted at the Tidewater Striders
Awards Banquet in early 2013.
Hall of Fame P&P Revised
The initial Strider Hall of Fame Policy and
Procedure contained instructions for the
initial nomination process and subsequent
years. This change took out the original
process instructions.
All Policy and Procedures can be found on
the Striders website.
Annual Banquet
February 2, 2013
This if not just for awardees but a
chance to honor our top athletes,
volunteers and the 2013 Hall of
Fame Inductees.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Freedom Marathon News
Strider Discount
Use Code TWS-V20121111A during the registration process.
This code is not valid for the 5k or 1 Mile events.
Strider Teams
The Tidewater Striders are fielding a team for the 11 November
Norfolk Freedom 1/2 (we are defending champions) and Full
Marathon Organizational Cup Challenge. Our initial list has been
submitted but we can add to the list to ensure we maintain the
minimum of 5. We are accepting all names, speed does not matter. The top 3 finishers score. All participants remain eligible for
age group awards and receive an individual finisher medal. Please
contact Gene Edwards at if you are interested
in participating.
Busch gardens
December 2, 2012
All 2012 Grand Prix Races
All the runners listed below have completed all the 2012
Grand Prix Races thru the Neptune 8k
Betty Brothers
Susan Hagel
Tony Heimer
Mike Kottmer
Christine Leiding
Jon Leiding
Steve Scudder
Next Grand Prix Race:
Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd Turkey Trot 10k
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Tidewater Striders Training Sites
Weekday Training
Weekend Training
Location: Great Neck & Seatack Recreation Centers
Coached Swim Workouts by Betsy Durrant &
Karen Mickunas
Days & Times:
Great Neck Recreation Center
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 7:45 – 8:45 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Seatack Recreation Center
Monday & Wednesday 6:30=7:30 PM
Pace: All levels welcome!
Reason to swim with us: The only way to improve
your swim split is to swim, so join us in the water for a
coached workout. The cost is $4 per class; punch cards
are available at the front desk.
Contact: Betsy Durrant (
Location:  Visitor’s Center of First Landing State Park
Days:  Saturdays
Time:  7:00 AM
Distances:  Varies.  We run from 12 to 20 miles depending on training for marathons
Pace:  Generally 9:30 miles
Number of runners:  Varies.  Ranges from 4 to 10
Reason to run with us:  We run at a pace representative of middle of the pack marathoners and are a diverse
group with discussions that include anything.  We even
discuss politics and religion.
Contact:  Rich Hildreth @ 481-9027 or 377-4130 or Doug
Location: Final Kick Sports at Great Neck, VB
Days: Saturday morning
Time: 7:30 AM
Distances: Long run in First Landing State Park
Pace: All ability levels and paces
Number of runners: Anywhere from 30 – 60 runners
Reason to run with us: Great social atmosphere with a
wide range of ability levels. 
Contact: Final Kick Sports 757-481-3400
Location: Great Neck Middle School Track
Coached by Dai Roberts
When: Tuesdays - Meet at FKS 5:45pm or Track 6pm
Reason to run with us: Multiple groups of different pace
runners. Training with similar paced runners provides
mutual benefits for all.
Location: Group meets at Running Etc, 1707 Colley
Ave., Norfolk. 
Days: Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Time: 5:30 PM.
Tuesday workout: 5-8 miles total interval distances
range from 400 meters to 1 mile. The workouts are
located on a measured Graydon Ave.“street course” in
West Ghent. Geared for runners with 5K pace of 5:30 to
9:00 minutes per mile pace.
Thursday workout: 6 to 10 miles. Training runs, tempo
runs, or depending on a group’s desires, just an easy run.
Pace varies from 5:30 to 9:45 minutes per mile.
Number of runners: 15 to 30
Reason to run with us: Improve your race times by
running a structured workout and meet other runners
with similar goals.
Contact: Running Etc, 627-1500
Sources for Group Workouts:
Check the websites at,,
Walker Training and Workouts The Strider Walkers
hold many informal walks with various starting points, distances and
paces. If you’d like to be notified of any walks being held contact Heidi
Sleasman at to be added to their distribution list.
The Tidewater Striders Training Sites column is
designed to list training sites organized by Tidewater
Strider members throughout the Southside Hampton
Roads area. It complements information provided on the
Tidewater Striders website. Provide info to newsletter@ One Time Training Events may
also be listed.
Location: Running Etc at Virginia Beach, Regency
Hilltop Shopping Center, 1940 Laskin Road Suite 308
Days/Time: Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM.
Training Run: 4 to 8 miles easy run
Pace: 7 to 10 minute mile
Number of runners: 10 to 15
Reason to run with us: mid week run with a fun group
Contact: Mark @ Running Etc, 491-2340
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
All Access
October 13, 2012 - Virginia Beach, VA
5k Finishers: 153 1 Mile Finishers: 6
Beverly Breeden
Brian Breeden
Rick Brown
Sharon Brown
Bob Curtain, Jr.
Eric Cowell
Jennifer Cowell
Virginia Davis
Sue Edwards
Debbie Redmond
Terri Weaver
Jan Yerkes
Race Summary & Highlights:
Which is more impressive that Ryan Carroll
ran a 15:23 5k or that Steve Speirs ran in
20:11 but stopped to eat a Moes Burritto.
Steve will have plenty more of them this
year as the winners of the Moes Challenge
gets a year’s worth! Taytem Riley was the
woman’s Moes Challenge winner but was
followed closely by Stephanie Manny. The
fastest woman in the 5k was Mollie Turner
of Chesapeake. Coming in second and
third respectively were Nicole Carson and
Margaret Taylor.
Complete results are available at http://
Starting directly below and going clockwise: Western Branch Cross Country
runners testing out Moe’s products.
Curtis Simone finishes up the 5k. Craig
Borkman captures the 45-49 age group
in 19:18. Winning another one, Ryan
Carroll crushes the course in 15:23.
Running Etc runners, Steve Speirs
and Stephanie Manny (in background)
enjoy a break from the 5k and munch
down a Moe’s Burritto. Steve earned a
year’s supply!
More photos are available at and are
courtesy of
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Grunt Run
October 13, 2012 - Chesapeake, VA
Finishers: 594
Brian Breeden
Rick Brown
Sharon Brown
Virginia Davis
Dan Edwards
Sue Edwards
Bill Fox
Don Greene
Race Summary & Highlights:
With rain helping swamp the course just
days before the event, the course was even
more challenging...just the way MWR
wanted! Race day was a beautiful sunny
Almost 600 runners completed the course.
The top two finishers overall were the first
male runner, Chadwick Shray in 34:05
and Strider Clink Gebke. The first female
runner was Michelle Stauffer in 35:12.
Obviously these runners did not have as
much fun as the rest of the field as some
runners were ‘playing’ on the course for
over 2 hours.
Complete results are available at http://
ODU Homecoming 5k
October 14, 2012
Norfolk, VA
5k Finishers: 156
Rick Brown
Sharon Brown
Bob Curtin, Jr.
Virginia Davis
Dan Edwards
Bill Fox
Don Greene
Jean Phelan
Steve Ratajczak
Mel Williams
Race Summary & Highlights:
Since this was on the ODU campus there
was a better than average turnout among
college age students. However, it was a
faculty member, Eddie Hill, that out ran
them all. Eddie finished in 17:40, he was
followed by Jacob Summer of Norfolk and
Eric Berge of Poquoson. On the women’s
side Kimberly Burgess finished first,
second was Blair Fine, and rounding up the
top three women was Jami Callahan-Brill.
The ODU Homecoming 5k is put on by
the Department of Accounting so there are
some special categories. The top Alumnus
was Don Davis, first accountant was Ryan
Young, the first ODU Student was John
Winchester in 20:14, and the top faculty
member after overall winner, Eddie HIll,
was Matthew Wilson.
Starting with the start to the immediate left
and going clockwise: Yes, the field of competitors were clean at the start. One of the
many obstacles was a rope fence climb.
Deanna Coddington emerges from a muddy low crawl. An unknown athlete scales a
high wall!
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
From Here to Eternity
October 20, 2012 - Norfolk, VA
5k Finishers: 133
Race Summary & Highlights:
Definitely a different venue for a race but it
is traffic free except for the ghosts.
Strider Masters Women swept the 5059 age group with Sunny Fox, Beverly
Breeden and Carole Bachman.
Beverly Breeden
Poor Boy Breeden
Sharon Brown
Rick Brown
Virginia Davis
Bill Fox
Sunny Fox
Don Greene
September 2, 2012 - Virginia
Beach, Va.
Oops, due to a name confusion in the
membership database, 12 year old Grant
Hinshaw was left out of the list of Striders
who completed the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half
Marathon in Virginia Beach. Grant ran
with his Dad, David. This was his first Half
Marathon and they finished with smiles!
The top Strider runner was John Lomogda
who won the Men 40-49 in 20:01.
Complete results are
Young Strider
at RNR
Grant Hinshaw 3:14:03 Half Marathon
Beverly Breeden celebrated aging up by
taking 2nd place in her new age group at
the From Here to Eternity 5k. She’s definitely on the right side of the grass for this race!
Picture courtesy of Sunny Fox.
After the 5k thru the cemetery, a gathering
of Striders show off their hardware, from
left to right: Nancy Reeves, Carole Bachman, Gene Bachman, Elizabeth Campos,
Sunny Fox, Virginia Davis, Beverly Breeden
& ‘Poor Boy’ Breeden. Picture courtesy of
Sunny Fox.
Women on the Run
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
October 21, 2012 - Virginia Beach, VA
5k Finishers: 48 1 Mile Finishers: 31
Race Summary & Highlights:
Special prizes went to participants that
dress like detectives or Veronica, the
heroine of MOCA’s Woman on the the Run
Beverly Breeden
Poor Boy Breeden
Sharon Brown
Rick Brown
Dan Edwards
Bill Fox
Sunny Fox
Don Greene
It was all Strider blue for the 5k and One
Mile at the Women on the Run race. About
2 dozen New Energy runners hit the street
on a nice days for PRs....and there were a
bunch of them on a true one mile course.
Several runners have dropped a minute off
last seasons’ time and it is getting tougher
for us (or at least me) to keep up with them.
The highlight of the day was 11-year old
Ben Werve, who posted the fastest times of
the day in both the 5k and 1 Mile distances.
He was well under 20 minutes in the 5k
with a 19:31 and ran 5:35 in the mile.
New Energy had seven runners sub 6:30
with three of them sub 6:00. Our girls, as
always, show strong depth.
Above, Tyler Fritz cruises to first place in his
age group for the mile. Below, Sydnee Ashley and Amy Terminello pace each other in
the mile. To the immediate right, Deborah
Chovane and Linda Duchaire get in the
spirit of the event! Below and to the right is
Alexis Hunter on the way to winning her age
group. Photos courtesy of Eileen Werve.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Wicked 10k
October 27, 2012 - Virginia Beach, VA
10k Finishers: xx
Race Summary & Highlights:
Despite the looming arrival of Hurricane
Sandy off the Virginia Beach, Virginia
coastline, over 9,000 Halloween revelers
donned not only their costumes, but also
their running shoes. Sandy’s predicted
high winds and potential beach erosion did
necessitate one major change, however, as
race directors Jerry & Amy Frostick and
their staff made the decision early Friday to
move the festive post-race party from the
beach to the Virginia Beach Convention
Center – site of the Sports & Fitness Expo
held the day before the event.
On the competitive side, Ryan Carroll was
the repeat men’s open champion, taking the
crown with a 32:51 finish in near gale force
winds. Steve Slaby of Virginia Beach was
second in 34:00, and Gregory Mariano of
Alexandria, Virginia finished third in 34:20.
On the women’s side, 19-year old Emily
Denning – also of Portsmouth, Virginia –
took the open crown with a 38:11 finish.
Second place went to Brittany Van Nielsen
of Norfolk, with a 39:20 finish. Elizabeth
Knize of Midlothian, Virginia finished third
in 39:31.
For the masters, Andy Johnson of Dayton,
Ohio, took the men’s crown in 34:38,
followed by Robert Dinterman of Moyock,
North Carolina in 37:15, and Keith Gray of
Tidewater Striders Booth
at Wicked 10k Expo
October 26
Above, Running Etc’s Tide led by Drew Midland arrives just in time to the finish. Photo
copyright Keith Bernstein/J&A Racing Inc.
Buxton, North Carolina in 38:01. Dolores
Ware of Virginia Beach led all masters
women in 41:42, followed by Tricia Lee of
Virginia Beach in 42:02, and Leisa Villani
of Virginia Beach in 43:38.
Source: J&A Racing Press Release
Complete results are at
Amiele Barakey
Jami Brill
Eric Cash
Randy Cook
Lori Hall
Dave Harrah
Rich Hildreth
Jean Phelan
Ann & Bob Stern
Deanna Webster
Below, a school of fish tease an unknown
fisherman who may decide to keep his
“mermaid”. Photo copyright Cindy Graf/J&A
Racing Inc
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
R ace For Breath
November 3, 2012 - Virginia Beach, VA
5k Finishers: 215 plus many more untimed
Beverly Breeden
Brian Breeden
Dick Brothers
Rick Brown
Virginia Davis
Evie Foster
Terry Foster
Dan Edwards
Don Greene
Dwight Kane
Brian Sagedy
Race Summary & Highlights:
Strider Billy Chorey set a fast pace for
the 5k finishing a minute ahead of Peter
Mitchell. Third place was Josh Woton of
On the women’s side, Jackie Tugman
of Virginia Beach was first followed by
Christine Loehr and Kelly Burke Jennings,
both from Chesapeake.
The mile event was untimed.
Complete results are available at http://
More photos are available at
From top left going clockwise: Kris Duke, 4th in his age group but the 2nd 39 year old in the
10 year age group. Billy Chorey, overall winner, heads home. Placing 2nd in his age group
is Joshua Ellis, also closer in age to the end of the 10 year old bracket. Just one place away
from hardware, Tony Olcott was fourth in his age group. Deanna Kringel, peeled off a layer
as the sun won the heat battle over the wind. More photos are available at
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Striders on the Road by Steve Scudder
If you’ve been racing on the road, please let Steve know for running events. E-mail your name, race name, location, date and your results
to for running events If the full results are available online, please provide that link so that other Striders might
be identified. This is a great opportunity to let Striders know about other events out of the area. When sending in your results, please
consider including a little write-up about your experience. If you’re a new or recently renewed Strider and we omitted you in the
“Striders on the Road,” it’s probably due to the membership data Steve had available this month. We apologize.
Iris Welsch will be collecting on the road results for multisport events, please e-mail Iris at those results.
Odyssey Trail Marathon & HalfMarathon
Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon
Medoc Trail Marathon & 10 Miler
September 8, 2012
Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minn.
Douthat State Park; Millboro, Va.
Kristen Lawrence
Robert Rantanen
Michael Nicolaides
Michele Smith-Harden 4:38:11 (3 A/G)
10 Miler
Curtis Consalvo
Brian Jeffreys
In addtion to last month’s postings:
Half Marathon
Diane Haupt 2:13:09 (2 O/A)
Erie Marathon at Presque Isle
September 16, 2012
Erie, Pa.
In addtion to last month’s postings:
Half Marathon
Tom Gerhardt 2:20:09
Notes from Tom: I noticed the Erie
Marathon Race Report by Sam
Wittenberg on page 29 of the latest
edition of the Tidewater Striders’
Rundown. I, too, was at Presque Isle
that weekend, and did successfully
defend my crown as the Erie Half
Marathon Walk champion and was
awarded a beautiful framed watercolor
of the Presque Isle lighthouse. I too
believe that this is a worthwhile event
to travel 500+ miles to attend. I thought
the weather was perfect, though it had
rained the night before...55 degrees
and a few sprinkles is OK by me!
October 7, 2012
Bank of America Chicago
October 7, 2012 - Chicago, Ill.
Natalie Hoffman
Michael Hoffman
Kevin Lane
Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half
October 7, 2012
Mt. Vernon Estates (Alexandria, Va.) to
National Harbor, Md.
Elizabeth McLeod
Rodney Perdue
Eileen Werve
Under Armour Baltimore
Marathon & Half Marathon,
October 13, 2012 - Baltimore, Md.
Maria Peters
Steven Peters
Curtis Sturkie
Half Marathon
Charla Diggs
Nicholas Diggs
Joshua Ellis
Marie Price
Bill Price
Bethany Sanchez
Virginia 10-Miler
ING Hartford Marathon
James Mamrot
Elizabeth McLeod
Nan Park
Drew Park
Elizabeth McLeod
Goody Tyler
Maymont X-Country 8 Miler
September 29, 2012
Maymont Park; Richmond, Va.
September 29, 2012 - Lynchburg, Va.
October 13, 2012 - Hartford, Conn.
October 13, 2012 - Hollister, N.C.
United Healthcare Half Marathon
October 14, 2012 - Newport, R.I.
Richard Foley
Shawna Gugel
Nike Women’s Marathon
October 14, 2012 - San Francisco, CA
Lauren Ascah
Monster “Mash” Marathon
October 20, 2012 - Dover, Del.
Michael Rodriguez
Myrtle Beach Mini (Half)
October 21, 2012 - Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Bryon Greenwald
Rachel Greenwald
Rebecca Greenwald 2:17:04
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus Marathon
October 21, 2012 - Columbus, Ohio
Tommy Neeson
Crozet Trails 5K Run
October 21, 2012 - Crozet,Va.
Tom Gerhardt
23:46 (1 A/G)
Niagara Falls International
October 21, 2012
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Melissa Brichacek
Lori Sherwood
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Marine Corps Marathon
Ironman August 70.3
Roger Baxter 4:37:37
Jen Bibb 4:02:23
Roy Blakeburn 4:23:57
William Bostelman 4:56:45
Patti Bright 5:07:21
Lynette Carruth 5:07:16
Nancy Delaney 3:49:08
Nicholas Diggs 5:24:08
Kris Duke 4:48:54
Peter Gerlach 3:56:41
Tracy Hoffman 5:54:50
George Howell 4:05:16
JJ Johnson 3:45:08
Michael Kottmer 4:41:26
Bradley Kuether 4:12:29
Denaze Llewellyn 5:55:32
Duane Lougee 4:36:49
Tom Murphy 3:37:15
Tommy Neeson 3:24:29
Michael Nicolaides 5:13:14
Jonathan Nobles 5:27:38
Rosemary Plum 5:22:43
Hobie Ritzel 4:23:56
Dolores Roberts 5:09:14
Steve Scudder 6:50:25
Margaret Seymour 4:44:16
Ashley Shoquist 4:53:47
Denise Singleton 6:02:41
Heidi Sleasman 5:02:09
Susan Snead 5:22:45
Mary Spear 5:54:28
Terence Toatley 4:15:36
Robert Veland 4:52:50
Jill Violini 4:58:00
Mel Williams 5:51:58
Sam Wittenberg 4:37:30
Daniel Zickefoose 4:53:06
Ironman Augusta 70.3 was my first
attempt at the half distance. The day
started off overcast and in the mid 60’s
(and stayed there through the day).
The water temp was 76 degrees so it
was wetsuit legal. My wave was 11 out
of 25 so start time was 8:12 for women
45-49. The swim was with the current
in the Savannah River, guaranteed a
PR for the distance. There were wetsuit strippers, so getting the wetsuit off
was not a problem. The bike course
was very hilly, especially for us flatlanders. I was amazed at how many
people I passed on the uphills. The run
was pancake flat with 2 loops through
downtown Augusta. Can’t wait for the
next one!
~Lisa Armistead
October 28, 2012 - Washington, D.C.
September 30, 2012 - Augusta, GA
Ironman August 70.3
September 30, 2012 - Augusta, GA
1.2 Mile Open Water Swim ~ 56 Mile Bike ~ 13.1 Mile Run
Swim T1
Lisa Armistead
35:44 5:25 3:00:06 4:36 1:57:41 5:43:32
New Energy Runners qualify for a “Striders
on the Road” event. By competing in the
AAU District meet, the runners qualified for
AAU Cross Country Nationals in December.
From left to right: Jada Smith, Julia Hamrick, and Ben Werve.
Photos courtesy of Eileen Werve
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Strider History Coming Together
Men’s masters – Jack Jarrett
Men’s Seniors – Cokey Daman
Membership – Cheryl MacDonald
Shamrock – Jerry Bocrie
Transportation – Preston Springston
Legal Counsel – Tom Franz
Medical advisors – Rudi Schuster, Jay Tischler, Steve
A small cadre of Tidewater Striders consisting of Dave Harrah
(chair), Mel Williams, Randy Cook, and Sam Wittenburg are
attempting to write the “40th anniversary” history of the club.
Anyone interested in helping to accomplish this noteworthy project
or offering a piece of nostalgic that might be photographed should
contact Dave Harrah at “” or 757-443-9249.
Additionally, Buddy Levitin, like Dan Edwards, is a member of
the committee but does not have the responsibility for the actual
writing of any of the chapters. Buddy has written the History of
Walking in the Tidewater Striders and that is a key resource used
by the authors in relationship to the walking aspect of each year.
Board members took turns hosting the Board Meetings. At
the January meeting, the proposed budget included funds
for both men’s and women’s teams, newsletter costs, club
operations and other miscellaneous items for a total of
$11,150. The budget also included $1,000 for youth teams
and $500 for scholarships.
Pictures are being gathered by Ada & Allen Lester. Many pictures
are being rescanned from earlier Strider newsletters; however,
actual photographic prints from the pre-digital error would be
The Board developed procedures for the presentation of
proposals at its meetings. The proposal, with underlying
rationale, must be presented to all Board members at least
a week before the meeting. (This was long before Email
communication.) In January, Charlie George proposed a
compensation schedule for the race coordinator, which was
approved at the February meeting. Jan Forrester developed
a proposal involving the preparation and presentation of a
monthly financial statement to be presented to the Board,
detailing all receipts and expenses from the previous month.
The proposal was accepted.
The History of the Tidewater
This month we present 1982-1986 of the History.
by Mel Williams
The Tidewater Striders continued to grow, increasing not
only in membership but also its involvement in various
aspects of running. In the October issue of The Rundown,
the editors noted that according to the Road Runners Club of
America, the Striders rank 12th in the nation in membership.
Membership was over 2,000 in September. The club was
involved in the production of approximately 45 races over
the course of the year, and the first Grand Prix awards for
race performance would be provided to club members.
Bernie Duffy arranged the annual banquet at the Breezy
Point Officers Club at the Naval Operations Base in Norfolk.
The club had use of the facility until closing time. The awards
ceremony followed dinner at 8:30 and Duffy announced
that there will be a 10K run at 3:00 AM.
Membership grew during the year. In February, there were
1,216 members, increasing to 2,061 by September. Club
dues were $8 for individuals, $12.00 for a family, and $75
for Golden Runners. Other major sources of revenue for the
club included the Shamrock Marathon, the Greenbrier Race,
and the Turkey Trot. The treasury balance varied throughout
the year, being $4,550 in May, $3,383 in September, and
$2,721 in October.
Club operations
The Board of Directors and their positions at the beginning
of 1982 are listed below.
President and Submasters Committee – Randy Cook
Vice President and Programs – Bernie Duffy
Secretary and Club Historian – Don Martin
Treasurer – John Gray
Public Relations and Publicity – Jan Forrester
Long Distance Race Coordinator – Charlie George
Newsletter editor – Ken Martin
Course Certification – John Peele
Women’s Committee – Sonya Whitley
Board member – Dave McDonald
Board member – Glen Logan
Board Member – Mel Williams
The Women’s meetings continued during the year and
usually involved a guest speaker on some aspect of running.
Men were invited to the meetings.
Through the efforts of President Cook, the Striders pursued
the installation of a water fountain at the junction of 64th
Street and the Cape Henry Trail. Thousands of thirsty
runners would eventually appreciate this action.
Ken and Don Martin continued to improve the quality of The
Rundown with full page photos of various races, such as the
start of the Elizabeth River Run. What a mass of runners! In
the May issue, the editors noted that they intended to have
better pictorial coverage from now on. Many of the photos
presented splendid panoramic views. In the November
Other key chairpersons within the club were also listed in
the club newsletter, including the following.
issue, The Rundown had a full page of photos of Grete
Waitz, some with Grete running with club members.
The Board changed the timing of the newsletter so that the
issue coming out at the end of August would now be the
September issue.
In a column in the November issue of The Rundown,
Valerie Ambrose wrote an article on the 50 members of the
Tidewater Striders who competed in the Virginia 10 Miler,
noting that “our group of runners were and are definitely
the fastest, most spirited, best looking, craziest, and most
wonderful people you’ll ever want to know.”
The Member Profiles column was now written by Sonya
Whitley, who profiled Carolyn Cook, one of the club’s
foremost female runners. Carolyn is only one of two female
club members, the other being Juanita Etheridge, to run
a sub-3:00 marathon. At the time, Carolyn was a full-time
student at Old Dominion University. Whitely also profiled
Debbie Beckner, discussing her progress from her first 5K
race time of 26:00 to her current personal best, 19:19.
Valerie Ambrose and Fran Adams were also profiled during
the year.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The Old Hampton 10-Miler
The Elizabeth River Run
St. Jude’s 5K
Summer Two Miler on Track
The Tidewater 10K
The Phoebus 10K
The Northwest River 15K
The Northwest River 25K
The Northwest River 30K
The Half Marathon
Shamrock Marathon
The club also had some races with weight divisions, in
which the runner received a one minute handicap for each
5 pounds over 180 pounds, for males. Additionally, for elite
runners, the club provided a racing suit to team members
who attained a qualifying time standard.
The following are some of the key races during the year.
Unfortunately, results of some club races have not been
uncovered in the archives available for this history.
• The Northwest River Park “Pick It Up” Race Series
served as this year’s Virginia RRCA Championships
for the 15K and 20K runs.
The race coordinator, Charlie George, provided periodic
columns throughout the year. In one column, George cited
20 significant improvements in the conduct of the Elizabeth
River Run to make it one of the largest and best 10K races
in the state.
• The Winter 4-Mile Run at the Norfolk Botanical
Garden was held in January. Jenny O’Donnell was
the first female with a time of 25:28 and Pete
Gibson won the men’s open in 20:29.
The June newsletter contained a column by President Cook
entitled President’s Corner, which appears to be the first of
such monthly columns written by a club president, a model
that would be followed by future club presidents.
• The Northwest River 25K took place in January.
Carolyn Cook was the first female in 1:42:10, and
the first male was Dave McDonald in 1:22:01.
• The Northwest River 30K was run in February.
Carolyn Cook again was first in 2:08:58, and there
was a tie between Pete Gibson and Rick Thompson
with a time of 1:45:01.
The editors, Ken and Don Martin, were well known for their
sense of humor, and included the following essay from a 5th
grader in New York.
All About a Jogger
• The Athletic Attic 5th Annual 10K Run took place on
South Boulevard in Virginia Beach. Irene Slater, in
36:44, was the first female, and Dave McDonald
was first male in 30:52.
Joggers are very impotent people.
My father jogs and he is a very impotent person.
He in fact is just about the most impotent person in my
• The Walsingham Academy 8-Mile Run in
Williamsburg, a Striders event, was won by Michael
Fields in 42:30 and Amy Donovan was first female
in 54:27.
He keeps telling us “Jogging is impotent to your health.”
He is the best jogger on my block, I think, and maybe
some day he will win the Noball prize in jogging, if they
have one.
• The Shamrock Marathon had 1,111 finishers on a
cold windy, rainy day. It took 400 volunteers to keep
the runners on course, and the course went through
a muddy Seashore State park. Sean O’Flynn, from
Ireland and with the blessing of St. Patrick, was first
male with a time of 2:19:05 and Linda Edgar was
the first female in 2:45:36.
The end.
In his History of the Tidewater Striders, Raymond Ochs
noted that 1982 was off to a good start with 45 events on
the race schedule. Additionally, this was the start of the
second season of the Grand Prix series, which consisted of
the following races for the 1981-1982 season.
• The Run for the Children 5K and 10K, along with a 1
mile “Fun Run” was held at the Children’s Hospital
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
• The 4th Annual Lite Beer 5K Couples and Singles
Run was held at South Boulevard in Virginia Beach.
The women’s open was won by Juanita Etheridge in
17:36 and the men’s open by Alan Bufton in 14:50.
The first married couple was Deborah and Michael
Beckner in 40:47.
of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk. In the 5K,
Juanita Etheridge was first female in 20:34 and Ray
McDaniels was first male in17:33. In the 10K, Mary
Ann Lynch won the women’s division in 42:41 and
McDaniels won again with a time of 33:53.
• The 4th Annual Azalea Festival 10K run was held in
downtown Norfolk in mid-April. Carolyn Cook was
the first female with a time of 41:04, and Cletus
Griffin won the men’s open in 32:33.
• The Tidewater 10K, at the Cape Henry Lighthouse
on Fort Story, was won by David McDonald in 30:16
and the first female was Juanita Etheridge in 36:55.
• The Animal Shelter 5K Run, at Tidewater Community
College in Chesapeake, was won by Jeff Maisey in
16:53 and the first female was Donna Harper in
• The Old Hampton 10 Mile was held in late April.
Juanita Etheridge was first female in 1:01:46, and
first male was Craig Allen in 51:55.
• The Norfolk Public Library 5K Run, in late April, was
at the Kirn Memorial Library in downtown Norfolk.
Susie Bohlander was first female in 20:41 and Dave
McDonald was first male in 14:38.
• The Virginia Beach General Hospital 5K Run, in
September, was won by Ken Lampert in 15:11 and
first female was Valerie Ambrose in 19:12.
• The Bay Days 10K, in downtown Hampton, was won
by David Romaine in 31:54 and the first woman was
Gigi Kessler in 37:42.
• The Elizabeth River Run received television
coverage, and two locals, Dave McDonald (30:04)
and Juanita Etheridge (36:55), topped the men’s
and women’s field.
• The Larchmont Runs At Twilight, or RAT Race, in
October, was won by Dave McDonald in 14:57 and
the first female finisher was Donna Harper with a
time of 19:27. This was the first RAT Race.
• The 3rd Annual 5K Hospital Health Run, in
Portsmouth, was won by Ronnie Borsheim in 15:25
and the first female finisher was Mary Ann Lynch in
• In October, the Neptune Festival 8K Run was held
on Atlantic Avenue and the Boardwalk. The winner
was Bruce Coldsmith with a time of 24:38. The first
female was Juanita Etheridge in 29:42.
• The Pepsi Challenge 10,000 Meter Series was
held at the Norfolk Harborfest, and this year the
Tidewater Striders were involved in the conduct of
the race. Juanita Etheridge won the women’s open
in 36:00 and Dave McDonald was first in the men’s
open with a 30:06. This was one of the first local
races to have a wheelchair division, which was won
by Donald Davidson in 35:30. Lew Faxon, the top
master runner in the region, ran a 32:19.
• The Lite Beer 5K, at Old Dominion University, was
won by Mark Mullady in 15:02 and Donna Harper
was the first female finisher with a time of 19:54.
• The 4th Annual Phoebus Day Run on the Fort, a
10,000 meter race, had a great turnout and was
won by John Romaine in 31:19, with Gigi Kessler the
first female in 37:36.
• The St. Jude 5K was held at Mt. Trashmore, in midJune. Susan Duquette was first female in 19:15 and
Dave McDonald was first male in 14:59.
• The Suffolk News Herald 5K Run was held in October.
The first place male was Ken Lampert, in 15:10, and
the first place female was Gigi Kessler in 18:26.
• In June, the Mary Kay 5K Run was held at Mt.
Trashmore and the winner in this all-female
race was Denise Love in 19:08. Only six seconds
separated the first four finishers.
• The Green Run Run, held in October, was won by
Cletus Griffin in 15:09, while Gigi Kessler was first
female in 18:25.
• In the Women’s Distance Festival 5K Run, at the
Norfolk Naval Amphibious Base, Deborah Beckner
placed first in 19:17. In the men’s segment, Dave
McDonald won in 14:53.
• The Great Dismal Swamp Half-Marathon, in
November, was a one-loop course on the unpaved
service roads of the Great Dismal Swamp. The first
male finisher was Rick Thompson in 1:11:19 and
the first female was Linda Arthur in 1:35:30.
• The 4th Annual Virginia Association of Blind Athletes
5K was held at Granby High School in Norfolk
and Dave McDonald won in 14:40, with Juanita
Etheridge the first female in 18:02.
• The Greenbrier Mall 10K Challenge, in Chesapeake,
was won by Dave McDonald in 30:28. The first
female was Juanita Etheridge in 35:31.
• The Portsmouth City Park 5K, in August, was won
by Dave McDonald in 14:38 and the first female was
Gigi Kessler in 18:28.
• The net proceeds from the 5th Annual Turkey Trot
10K was given to the Tidewater Striders Scholarship
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Fund. Race director was Jim Corzatt. Gigi Kessler
was the first female with a time of 37:18 and Harry
Freeman was the first male in 31:28.
also set a national age group record in the 30K with
a time of 1:50:39 at the Northwest River Park Series.
• Dave Noble was ranked in the top 50 in age group
• The Northwest River Park 15K took place in
November. The first male was Rick Thompson in
48:51 and Juanita Etheridge was first female in
55:36. Vernon Geary, age 70, won the men’s 60 and
over age group with a time of 1:10:44.
• Nancy Goodridge, age 35, was ranked in the top 25
women nationally in the 10K for the age group 3539.
• Cokey Daman was ranked in the top 25 men
nationally in age group 60-64 in the 10K. Daman
also set a national record in the 30K with a time of
2:32:26 at the Northwest River Park Series.
• The Northwest River Park 20K, in December, was
won by Dave McDonald in 1:03:21, and Deborah
Beckner was first female in1:20:10.
• The Joy Fund 8K Run, held at Mt. Trashmore, in
December, helped provide Christmas Joy to needy
children in the local communities. Deborah Beckner
was first female in 30:55, and Alan Bufton was first
male in 26:13.
• Rachael Bourn was ranked nationally in the top 10
women in age group 50-54 for the 10K.
• Steve Frisk was ranked nationally in the top 50 men
in age group 35-39 for the 10K.
Virginia (Gigi) Kessler moved to Franklin from Syracuse,
NY in mid-year. She had placed 27th in the Avon 20K, in
Washington, DC, with a time of 1:19:20 and was first overall
female in a number of local races during the second half of
• The Portsmouth Fire Prevention 10K was won by
Steve Cook in 33:01 and the first female was Juanita
Etheridge in 36:13.
Elite Club Runners
Over the course of the year, the most successful individual
male and female overall runners were, respectively, Dave
McDonald and Juanita Etheridge. They dominated local
races in which they entered. In the very prestigious Virginia
10 Miler, McDonald placed 13th overall in 49:34.
Ray McDaniels won the Richmond Half-Marathon in an
excellent time of 1:06:25 and also was the first overall male
in many local races. In the CHKD Race that included both a
5K and 10K, McDaniels won both races.
In international competition, Etheridge placed 9th overall in
the Avon Half Marathon in New York City.
At the July Board meeting, President Cook noted he had
received a letter concerning the possibility of having a
local triathlon. At the August meeting, John Gray reported
that he has tried to check on scheduling a triathlon, but
was having difficulty finding a cycling contact. However,
at the September meeting, Gray gave a report on the
progress being made on a Virginia Beach triathlon and the
ratio of distances in the separate events was discussed. In
November, Gray noted that a triathlon would be held in
conjunction with the Neptune Festival, in 1983.
Other club members also won a significant number of
races. Moreover, the first Grand Prix awards were bestowed
on age-group runners this year and they are listed in the
Awards section. Also, club teams performed well in out-oftown races. The Women’s Team placed first at the Virginia
10 Miler while the Men’s Masters Team placed second.
One of the most significant accomplishments of the year
was by one of our super-senior runners. Vernon Geary, age
69, set two national age group records in 1981: a 43:50 in
the 10K and a 1:41:28 in the half marathon.
Youth program
At the January meeting of the Board, $1,000 was earmarked
for youth teams. However, for some reason, the results of
youth team completion over the course of the year were
not discovered in the course of reviewing the archives.
One of our master’s runners also performed exceptionally
well. Lew Faxon was ranked nationally in the top 10 men
in age group 40-44 for the 10K, and held the national track
record for 2 miles with a 9:34 in the same age group. Faxon
was also 2nd in the Masters competition at the National 5K
Cross Country Championships
Some individual performances may be cited. David Coulter
was the leading male youth runner in the area and Clara
George was the leading female runner. Coulter was first in
the 13-18 age group with a time of 16:14 at the St. Jude
5K, and George performed well in the overall category in
the Grand Prix Series. Additionally, as noted below under
Awards, Reina George tied with Clara in the Women 19 &
Under Grand Prix category and Kevin Predom won the Men
19 & Under category.
In addition to Faxon and Geary, an issue of The Rundown
listed other Strider club members who were ranked
nationally in their respective age groups, including the
• Bryan Hawley was ranked in the top 25 men
nationally in age group 40-44 for the 10K. Hawley
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The first season (1981-1982) of the Grand Prix Series was
completed with the Shamrock Marathon, in March. With 12
races and a top score of 20 points for each race, a maximum
of 240 points was possible. However, most of the winners
did not run all 12 races. The following presents the winners
in the various age categories along with their winning point
In its July meeting, the Board awarded the “First Tidewater
Strider Scholarship” to Paul Miles of Kellam High School.
However, the recipient was not attending a school with
a track team; thus, at the August board meeting the
scholarship was presented, instead, to Ricky Clark.
This 40-year History of the Tidewater Striders might not
have been written had it not been for Dave Harrah, a Board
Member who volunteered to oversee its production. In the
October, 1982 issue of The Rundown, there is a photo of a
young Dave Harrah. At the time, Dave was stationed aboard
the USS Guam and was sending greetings to all while on
deployment to the Mediterranean, and noting that he
missed “my many Strider friends and weekend runs.” Dave
was a much faster runner back then.
Women 19 & Under
Reina and Clara George, tied with 155 points
Women 20-29
Carolyn Cook, 195 points
Women 30-39
Nancy Goodridge, 175 points
Women 40-49
The club was always looking for race directors. Mike
Borysewicz, race director for the Northwest River Park
Distance Series, noted that over the years he has learned
that a race director must be multitalented and must serve
in the following capacities: parking attendant, dog catcher,
truck driver, bike rider, coffee maker, water tender, healer,
rain dancer, policeman, and Mr. Nice Guy. And he did it all.
Judy Marx, 155 points
Women 50 & Over
Jeanne Nelson, 75 points
Men 19 & Under
Kevin Predom, 153 points
Board members initiated action to submit articles for
publication in national running magazines, such as Running
Times and Runner’s World.
Men 20-29
Dave McDonald, 160 points
Men 30-39
Nationally renowned sports scientists and runners visited
the area, including the following.
Randy Cook, 151 points
Men 40-49
• Dr. Dave Costill, an international scholar in the
science of distance running, was the guest speaker
at the Shamrock Marathon.
Bryan Hawley, 165 points
Men 50 & Over
• Jeff Galloway and Dr. George Sheehan spoke at the
Coliseum Mall 10K, sponsored by the Peninsula
Track Club. Invited runners included some of
the best in the world, including Rod Dixon, Benji
Durden, Patti Catalano and Grete Waitz. Waitz set
a state 10K record in the race with a time of 32:23,
and there was a great photo of Grete on the cover
of the November issue of The Rundown.
Cokey Daman, 160 points
At the January meeting of the Board, $500 was earmarked
for a scholarship. Jim Corzatt chaired the Scholarship
committee. Some concern was raised about the procedures
for selecting the scholarship award. In response, Corzatt
revised the guidelines and presented them to the Board.
One of the guidelines indicated that the award will be
directed toward, but not limited to, high school athletes
participating in cross country or track events of one mile or
longer. One high school senior, male or female, shall receive
a scholarship each year.
• Alberto Salazar was in town again, visiting his
brother and preparing for the Falmouth Road Race.
Jim Hintz, a Marine stationed locally and one of the
founders of the Tidewater Ultra, was an accomplished
ultrarunner, having completed the 1982 Old Dominion 100
Mile Endurance Run in 21:54, and receiving one of the race’s
cherished belt buckles.
This was the first year the Striders have sponsored a
scholarship race, and it was the Turkey Trot, which continues
to raise funds for the Striders scholarship account. Corzatt
volunteered to serve as permanent race director of the
scholarship race and served in that capacity for a number
of years, but was eventually succeeded by others after he
left the Board.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The women continued to have bimonthly meetings at a
conference center in JANAF Shopping Center. However, in
the May issue of The Rundown, a notice indicated that the
women’s meetings would now become general meetings.
The general meetings were held in various locations
throughout the year, and generally included guest speakers,
such as Gigi Kessler-Sixour, a renowned local runner.
by Mel Williams
As more individuals joined the ranks of runners, and those
who started in the late 1960s began to age, the Tidewater
Striders adjusted with the times by increasing the number of
age groups, in five-year segments, to include categories for
runners 60 and over for men, and 50 and over for women.
The club expanded some of its services to members and the
club budget increased accordingly.
Other points of interest for the year included the following.
• The Striders developed and printed an official
letterhead to be used in communication. The
letterhead contained the Striders’ logo and the list
of club officers and board members.
Club operations
The Board of Directors and their positions at the beginning
of 1983 are listed below.
• Charlie George, as race coordinator, secured
Campbell’s Soup Company as a contributing
sponsor for the Elizabeth River Run. The VirginianPilot and the Armed Forces Staff College remained
as sponsors. Elite runners were invited to compete
for monetary awards, with $1,000 for first place
male and female. However, in its June meeting after
the race, the Board decided having such runners in
the race did not increase the number of registered
President and Men’s Open Coordinator – Dave McDonald
Vice President and newsletter co-editor – Don Martin
Secretary and Women’s Chairperson – Sonya Whitley
Treasurer – John Gray
Men’s Submaster – Randy Cook
Course Certification – John Peele
Public Relations and Publicity – Jan Forrester
Programs – Bernie Duffy
Race Coordinator – Charlie George
Scholarship committee – Jim Corzatt
Publications and Newsletter co-editor – Ken Martin
Board member – Mel Williams
• The club was instrumental in having a water
fountain constructed at the junction of 64th Street
and the Cape Henry Trail in Seashore State Park.
• The club was improving its computer technology,
recommending the purchase of a special computer
that communicated with three other portable
Other key chairpersons within the club were also listed in
the club newsletter, including the following.
Men’s masters – Jack Jarrett
Men’s Seniors – Cokey Daman
Shamrock – Jerry Bocrie
Transportation – Preston Springston
Legal Counsel – Tom Franz
Medical Advisors – Rudi Schuster, Jay Tischler, Steve
Taubman, David Young
• To help promote socialization among members,
the club hosted a Striders night, usually an evening
social during “Happy Hour” at such venues such
as Lloyds on Newtown Road; draft beers were
$0.60 accompanied with free, hot hors d’oeuvres.
Additionally, the club decided to have a hospitality
room at the Virginia 10 Miler in Lynchburg to
promote camaraderie among the many Striders
competing in this nationally recognized road race
Jim Corzatt served as interim treasurer while Gray was on a
6-month out-of-town assignment.
The bylaws and constitution were revised and approved by
the Board at its November meeting.
Ken and Don Martin continued as editors of The Rundown
and introduced several new features. They would conduct
periodic surveys of club members, such as the incidence
of running injuries and possibly how to avoid them. They
sponsored a contest for best photos from the Shamrock
with a first place award of $75. Club members were
enticed to submit articles or columns for publication and
throughout the year numerous articles were submitted
by club members, mainly stories highlighting experiences
at out-of-town races. One particularly interesting and
humorous story was submitted by Zeke Zucker reflecting
Club finances appeared to be stable. At its February meeting,
the Board approved a budget of $17,000 for the year.
Budget projections included $15,795 income and $16,550
for expenditures. The club treasury had a balance of $6,241
at the start of 1983. In June, the balance was $5,167 and
in December, there was $7,076 in unrestricted funds. Other
than dues, the Shamrock Marathon was a major source of
income, mainly associated with volunteer services provided
by the club to the race, which was functioning as an
independent enterprise.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
his experiences in running the Berlin Marathon. This was
before the wall came down.
Trail Half-Marathon in honor of the dedication of George to
the success of club.
The editors continued to sprinkle their humor throughout
The Rundown. They were dear friends of Jerry Bocrie, the
founder of the Tidewater Striders and race director for the
Shamrock Marathon. In one issue, they posted a photo of a
very tired Bocrie following a long run in Seashore State Park
as he was leaning against a sign entitled Unleashed Pets
Prohibited. Along with the photo they posted the following
Several series of races became part of the club’s offerings.
The Norfolk Botanical Garden Summer Race Series was
held on three consecutive Tuesdays in July and August,
with a race distance of 4 miles. There was a $1 fee to enter
the Gardens, and a $2 race fee. The $1 entry fee to the
Gardens has remained unchanged for nearly 30 years. The
other series was the Grand Prix races, which included the
following events for the 1982-83 season:
Wanted: A loving owner for a lost male Homo Sapien found
wandering unleashed in Seashore State Park (See photo –
Doesn’t he make your heart just melt?). Appears to be gentle,
but does become quite ornery every March for some reason.
Has a nice glossy coat, but is beginning to shed somewhat
about the cranium. Is housebroken, but does sweat a lot.
Has had all necessary shots (vodka, gin, etc.). Easy to feed –
just give him plenty of beer and pasta. For more information,
please contact the Tidewater Strider Branch of the SPCA-GH
(Somebody Please Come And Get Him).
Sidebars appeared periodically, such as the following,
attribute to Ted Hayden of the University of Chicago, who
has finally figured out why marathon runners are able to
push their bodies to the point of exhaustion:
The Old Hampton 10-Miler
The Elizabeth River Run
St. Jude’s 5K
Women’s Festival 5K
The Tidewater 10K
The Phoebus 10K
The Northwest River 15K
The Half Marathon
The Northwest River 25K
The Northwest River 30K
Shamrock Marathon
The following are some of the key races during the year:
• The 8K Run for Leukemia was held in August at
Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beach. Dave McDonald
was overall winner in 24:01 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour
was first female in 29:42.
Their foot bones are connected to their ankle bones.
Their ankle bones are connected to their knee bones.
Their knee bones are connected to their hip bones.
• The Lite Beer Couple and Singles 5K was held at
the Cardinal Racquet Club in Virginia Beach. Dave
McDonald won with a 14:46 and Sonia Lawler, age
14, was first female in 18:05.
Their back bones are connected to their neck bones.
And, their neck bones are connected to nothing.
Poems appeared on a periodic basis. They were simply listed
by the title of the poem, not part of a standard column, such
as Poetry Corner, as in the past.
• The Nature Trail Half Marathon was held on New
Year’s Day at Seashore State Park. The registration
fee was $2.00. Deborah Beckner was first female
in 1:28:08 and Dave McDonald was first male in
Most issues contained about three full pages listing
forthcoming races. Advertisements for races as well as other
services relative to running were accepted. Advertising in
The Rundown was $120 for a full page, $70 for a half page,
and $50 for a quarter page.
• The Winter 8K took place at the Norfolk Botanical
Garden on January 8. Juanita Etheridge was the first
female in 29:26 and Dave McDonald finished as first
male in 24:35.
Races continued to increase in size and cost. The Shamrock
Marathon had outgrown its race headquarters, the Hilton,
and would move to the Pavilion Towers Hotel with the finish
of the race now being in the nearby convention center.
Races were becoming more expensive to conduct. The total
expense for the Elizabeth River Run was $66,201.91. As a
consequence, race fees began to increase.
• The Northwest River Park 25K was held on January
22. Deborah Beckner was the first female with a
time of 1:40:42 and Bill Bernard was the first male
in 1:27:08
• The Northwest River Park 30K was run on February
5, with Deborah Beckner finishing as the first female
in 2:01:20 and Rick Thompson was the first male in
There were numerous races during the year. Many were
Tidewater Strider events, while others were used as fund
raisers for various charities, and were simply managed by
the Striders. At the July Board meeting, the Nature Trail
Half-Marathon was renamed the Charlie George Nature
• The Athletic Attic 10K took place on February 19
at Mt. Trashmore. Juanita Etheridge was the first
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
• The Armed Forces Day 5K, held in Virginia Beach in
May, was won by Pete Gibson in 15:28 and Deborah
Beckner, in 18:32, was the first female.
female with a time of 36:21, while Alan Bufton was
the first male in 31:52.
• The Walsingham Academy Runs included both
an 8 Mile and 5K race. Donna Harper, 21:18 and
Allan Cibert, 16:16 were the first female and male
finishers, respectively, in the 5K, while Laurie
Halifax, 57:14 and Cletus Griffin, 42:41, were the
top finishers, respectively, in the women’s and
men’s open division for the 8-Mile race.
• The Ambulance Chase 5K Run, held at the Municipal
Center in Virginia Beach, was won by James Goff in
16:35 and Mary Ann Lynch was first female in 19:13.
• The Striders sponsored its 1st Annual Tidewater
Ultra Classic & Relay at Northwest River Park, in
Chesapeake. Jim Hintz and Bob Bryce were race
directors. The two main race distances were 50 and
100 kilometers. Mel Williams placed first in the 50K
with a time of 3:17. In the 100K, D. M. Berta was
first, but he waited about 20 minutes at the finish
line for the second place finisher, J. H. Clark, and
then they finished together with the 9:26:45.
• Full results from the Shamrock Marathon, held on
March 19 were posted in The Rundown. Juanita
Etheridge was the first female, a two-time winner,
with a time of 2:51:52, and Nick Manciu was the
first male in 2:19:32. Both the Tidewater Striders
Men’s and Women’s teams placed first in the team
competition. The top three Striders men were Bill
Bernard, Randy Cook, and Steve Cook, and the top
three Striders women were Etheridge, Deborah
Beckner, and Sue Cook.
• The Blairfoot Runs, at Blair Junior High School in
Norfolk, included a 5K. Carolyn Cook ran a 19:14 to
place as first woman, while Ronnie Borsheim was
first male in15:34.
• The 3rd Annual Bronco Stampede 10 Mile Run was
held in April at Franklin High School. Donna Jenkins
was the first female in 1:10:44 and Randy Scharberg
was first male in 53:58.
• The St. Jude 5K, at Mt. Trashmore, was won by
Dave McDonald with a time of 14:31, and Deborah
Beckner was first female in18:23.
• The Mary Kay 5K Run, an all-woman race held in
June, was won by Sonia Lawler with a time of 18:32.
• The Run for the Children 10K, in April, was won
by Randy Scharberd in 31:59, and the first female
finisher was Mary Ann Lynch in 41:13. Carolyn Cook
won the women’s division 5K in 18:56 and Allan
Cibert was first in the men’s division in 15:35.
• The Women’s Distance Festival 5K Run, in July, was
won by Susan Duquette in 18:42. In the men’s race,
Dave McDonald ran a 14:40 for the win.
• The Virginia Association of Blind Athletes (VABA) 5K
was run at Granby High School in Norfolk, and the
first male finisher was Dave McDonald in 14:33. The
first female was Gigi Kessler-Sixour in 18:15.
• The Elizabeth River Run had 2,879 entrants.
Several elite runners were invited to compete for
the available prize money. Runners came from 20
states to participate. The first male finisher was
Adrian Leek in 29:36 and the first female was Nancy
Mieszcaak in 34:41. Both were invited runners.
• In the Hampton Bay Days 10K, David Romaine ran
a 31:09 to win the men’s open division, while Gigi
Kessler-Sixour ran a 38:05 to win the women’s open
• The Azalea Festival 8K, in downtown Norfolk, was
won by Cletus Griffin in 25:27, and Juanita Etheridge
was first female in 29:25.
• The First Annual Ocean View Run, an evening race
in September, was won by Allan Cibert in 15:38, and
Donna Harper was the first female in 18:58.
• The Lion’s Journey for Sight 5K, an April race in
Virginia Beach, was won by Cletus Griffin in 15:50,
and the first female was Susan Duquette in 19:18.
• The Healthfest 5K Run at Virginia Beach General
Hospital, in September, was won by Mark Mullady
with a time of 14:53, and the first female was Mary
Baumgarten in 19:00.
• The Old Hampton 10 Miler overall winner was Rick
Thompson in 52:22, and the first female was Juanita
Etheridge with a time of 59:57.
• The Larchmont Runs At Twilight 5K, or RAT Race,
was held in the Larchmont section of Norfolk. Mary
Baumgarten was the first female with a time of
19:02 and Alex Pincus ran 16:09 to place as the first
male finisher.
• The W. H. Taylor Book Run, a 5K race in the Ghent
section of Norfolk, was won by Ken Lampert with a
time of 15:28. The first female was Donna Harper
with a time of 19:40.
• The Pepsi 10K Harborfest Race was won by Dave
McDonald in 30:15, and the first place female was
Gigi Kessler in 38:04.
• The Neptune Festival 8K Run, on Atlantic Avenue
and the Boardwalk in Virginia Beach, was won by
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Lanny Doan in 25:25, while the first female was Gigi
Kessler-Sixour in 29:39.
and Alan Ganderson was 3rd in the Men Masters I
with a time of 35:34.
• The 5th Annual Phoebus Day Run on the Fort, a
10,000 Meter Run, was won by Pete Gibson in
31:39, and the first female was Susan Duquette in
• The Joy Fund 8K, held at Mt. Trashmore in December,
was won by Dave McDonald in 24:16, and the first
female was Mary Baumgarten in 29:46.
• The Nature Trail Half Marathon, on December 31,
was won by Dave McDonald in 1:08:26 and Gaye
Heckman was first female in 1:23:56
• The Coliseum Mall 10K, held in Hampton, again
hosted world-class runners. Grete Waitz from
Norway won the women’s division in 32:18, setting a
new Virginia State Record for women. The first male
was Sosthenes Bitok, from Richmond, in 29:15. The
quality of runners in the field was exceptional, as
noted by the fourth place finish of Dave McDonald,
the dominant regional runner.
• The last race of the year, Wendy’s 5K Run Into
The New Year, started near midnight and finished
January 1, 1984. It was won by Harry Freeman in
15:12 and the first female was Gaye Heckman in
18:27. Overall the times were not too bad for a
midnight run.
• The Green Run Run 5K was held in October. Sonia
Lawler, age 15, was the first overall female in 17:42,
and Allen Cibert was the first male in15:30.
Elite Club Runners
Dave McDonald continued to be the premier male runner
in the local area, placing as first overall male runner in local
races that he entered.
• The Portsmouth Fire Department 10K Run, in
October, was won by Pete Gibson in 31:54, while
Mary Baumgarten was the first female with a time
of 39:10.
Juanita Etheridge had an excellent year, particularly in the
first half. She placed first in the overall female division of the
Shamrock Marathon with a 2:51 finish and won numerous
other local races.
• The 5K Autumn Amble, in Norfolk, had David
Coulter as the first male in 15:34 and Dona Harper
as the first female in 18:44.
Gigi Kessler-Sixour came on strong in the latter part of the
year. She had an excellent time of 36:34 in the Greenbrier
Mall 10K Challenge, edging Etheridge by almost 40 seconds.
Kessler-Sixour also won a significant number of other local
• The Northwest River 15K, in November, had Dave
McDonald in first place with a 47:58 and Mary
Baumgarten as first female in 59:47.
• The Northwest River 20K, in December, found
Clara George as the first female in 1:19:37 and Ned
Poffenberger as the first male in 1:04:58.
The rankings of the Grand Prix age groups were listed
periodically. After the first five races, Rick Thompson (3539), Lew Faxon (40-44), and James Alexander (50-54) had
perfect scores of 100, with 20 points being the top score for
each race.
• The Greenbrier Mall 10K Challenge was won by
Dave McDonald in 30:22 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour in
36:34. Juanita Etheridge, who was eight years older,
finished second in 37:13. This was the first local
race in which Etheridge competed that she did not
place as the first overall female.
Rick Thompson had a great year as a submaster. He placed
first in his age group, 30-34, at the prestigious Virginia
10-Miler in Lynchburg. He also won the men submasters
division at the Virginia TAC Cross Country Championship.
• The Great Dismal Swamp Half Marathon, in
November, was won by Pete Gibson in 1:12:13, and
the first female was Gigi Kessler-Sixour.
Lew Faxon was again the leading master’s runner in the
club. Faxon also won the men’s Seniors in the Virginia TAC
Cross Country Championship with a time of 34:02, defeating
runners in their 20s.
• The Turkey Trot 10K was won by Judson Springer in
33:27 and the first female was Juanita Etheridge in
Jim Alexander also won the Men Masters II Division at the
Virginia TAC Cross Country Championship.
• The Beach Ford All-American 5K Run, in early
December, was won by Dave McDonald in 14:58,
and the first female finisher was Gigi Kessler-Sixour
Alan Ganderson, a medical doctor, was also a winner at the
Virginia TAC Cross Country Championship, taking first place
in the Men Masters I Division.
In the more senior age groups, Bernie Duffy was the
dominant 55-59 age group runner, and Cokey Daman
correspondingly so in the 60 and over age group.
• The Virginia TAC Cross Country championship was
run in December and Lew Faxon was 1st in the
Men Seniors division with a time of 35:02. Rick
Thompson was 2nd in the men submasters in 35:22
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Vernon Geary was 70 years of age, but age groups normally
did not go beyond 60 and above in local races. Nevertheless,
Geary was a regular winner of this lower age group. For
example, he ran a 2:25:58 in the Northwest River Park 30K to
win the 60 and over division. Moreover, national rankings did
have higher age groupings and Geary, known affectionately
as the Ancient Marathoner, set another national age record
in the Northwest River 25K. Additionally, Geary was ranked
5th in the 10K, 2nd in the 10 Mile, 20K, half marathon and
marathon, and 1st in the 25K distances.
the overall women’s winner in 2:01:25, and James Nicholson
of Quantico was the overall male winner in 1:54:05. Local
triathletes, many who were Striders, who competed and
won their age category, include Sandy Doyle (women, 3034), Stephanie Duross (women, 35-39), Mike Waring (men,
25-29), Steve Cook (men, 30-34), John Donahoe (men, 3539), Rich Woolard (men, 40-44), Mel Williams (men, 45-49),
Robert Holland (men, 50-54), and Rudi Schuster (men, 55
and over). The Sandman triathlon would become the most
popular local triathlon.
Jim Hintz, who organized the Tidewater Ultra 50K and 100K,
was also an exceptional ultramarathoner. Hintz won the Old
Dominion 100-Mile Cross Country Endurance Run, on June
11, 1983, with a time of 21 hours and 2 minutes.
Most local and regional triathlons were not Strider
events, but the Striders supported such competition and
volunteered to make the events successful. Many runners
began to incorporate swimming and cycling into their
training regimens in order to compete in these multisport
events. In an article in The Rundown, Jan Stark, president
of the Tidewater Bicycle Association, invited Striders to
experience a group bike ride, to help prepare for that phase
of the triathlon.
Club teams performed well during the year. At the Virginia
10-Miler in Lynchburg, both the Women’s Master Team
and the Men’s Submaster Team took first place. Moreover,
about 90 Striders ran the Virginia 10 Miler and 21 won an
age-group award.
Youth program
Other elite club runners were winners of the Grand Prix
series and are listed below under the Awards section.
Many events had 1-Mile races for the youngsters, and would
attract several hundred children. One of the most popular
of these races was the Larchmont Runs At Twilight 1-Mile
race. Young members of the club also performed very well
in many of the regular local races, including the 5K distance
and longer. Here are a few of their accomplishments.
Local interest in the triathlon was rapidly increasing. At the
January general meeting of the club, John Bates presented
a lecture on training for a triathlon. Woody Bedell, who
competed twice in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, presented
training tips. In the January issue of The Rundown, Rick
Woolard noted that he had organized a modest triathlon
(30-mile cycling; 2.4-mile swim; 10-mile run), but only for
Navy SEAL and UDT men. The March newsletter contained
an International Triathlon Calendar, listing 16 triathlons
around the country, including the Escape from Alcatraz
Triathlon, and the United States Triathlon Series of twelve
races with a 2K swim, 40K bike, and 15K runs.
Sonia Lawler, age 14, was first female with an 18:05 in the
Lite Beer Couple and Singles 5K. Later, at age 15, she was
the first overall female in 17:42 at the Green Run Run 5K.
Laura Stevens won the girls 11-12 age group 3K with a time
of 11:58 at the Virginia Association Junior Olympic Cross
Country Championships. At age 11, she was 14th overall and
first in the 10-11 age group in the all-female Mary Kay 5K
Other than the Wilmington triathlon mentioned in previous
years, the Inaugural Nags Head Triathlon became the closest
regional triathlon. It was held in the spring and consisted of
an ocean swim in the Nags Head area, a cycling component
heading north and ending in the Southern Shores area, and
a run south finishing at the Wright Memorial. The overall
winner was Jerry Bocrie, the founder and first president of
the Striders.
Clara George, age 18, was 12th overall with a time of 20:14
at the all-female Mary Kay 5K Run.
Anthony Brinkley, age 12, won his age group at the Lite Beer
Charles E. George, III, age 17, ran a 16:29 at the Lite Beer 5K.
He also ran a 33:41 in the Pepsi Challenge 10K.
David Coulter was second in the boy’s 17-18 age group
5K with a time of 16:12 at the Virginia Association Junior
Olympic Cross Country Championships. He also placed
second in the 17-18 boy’s age group competition at the
TAC Region II Olympic Cross Country Championships in
December with a time of 16:18. Coulter also ran a 15:23 5K
at the Lite Beer Run.
The first recorded triathlon in the Tidewater area was the
Neptune Festival Sandman Triathlon, held in September
1983, at the oceanfront in Virginia Beach. Mike Hechtkopf, a
local dentist, was the driving force behind the organization
of this event. At the April meeting of the Board, John Gray
noted that registration for the triathlon had reached 85 and
that the race could accommodate 200 entrants. The event
consisted of a 1-mile ocean swim, a 16-mile bike, and 6.2mile run. Records indicate that 280 triathletes started the
race and 268 finished. Kathie Hensel of Williamsburg was
The Virginia Association Junior Olympic Cross Country
Championships were held on November 20. The Tidewater
Striders only had one team listed in the results, the 17-18
boys, and they placed second of four teams.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Striders Men’s division finished 2nd of ten teams, scoring 62
points to 132 by the 1st Virginia Track Club.
The Grand Prix Series for 1982-1983 finished with the
Shamrock Marathon in March. The following were the
winners in the various age categories
In recent years (2012) our local newspaper, The VirginianPilot, although presenting results of local races in the sports
section, had reduced the number of age-group finishers,
usually publishing only the first place finisher. However, in
1983, the Pilot not only reduced publication of age-group
results, they stopped the publication of any race results.
Fortunately, more extensive race results would be presented
in the later years.
Women 19 & Under
Clara George, 115 points
Women 20-29
Deborah Beckner, 217 points
Women 30-34
Juanita Etheridge 120 points
Women 35-39
by Mel Williams
Sharon Devlin, 114 points
Nineteen Eighty Four did not materialize as George Orwell
envisioned in his 1949 novel, but in the sport of running “Big
Sister” certainly outshone “Big Brother,” this year. Women’s
running was becoming increasingly popular worldwide.
This would be the first year that women would compete in
an Olympic Games Marathon. America’s own Joan Benoit
would be the first woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal
in the marathon event, defeating some of the world’s best
female distance runners, including Grete Waitz.
Women 40-49
Fran Adams, 194 points
Women 50 & Over
Patricia Brown, 160 points
Men 19 & Under
Charles George, 77 points
Men 20-29
The club was also growing. It was now the 6th largest in the
RRCA with a membership of 1,693. Board member Carol
Senechal recommended the club submit a bid to host the
1986 RRCA convention in conjunction with the Elizabeth
River Run. The bid was not developed, but the club would
eventually host the convention years later.
Pete Gibson, 154 points
Men 30-34
Rick Thompson, 212 points
Men 35-39
Club operations
Cecil Davis, 159 points
The Board of Directors and their positions at the beginning
of 1984 are listed below.
Men, 40-49
Dave Noble, 163 points
President – Dave McDonald
Vice President and Newsletter Editor – Ken Martin
Secretary – Carol Senechal
Treasurer and Scholarship committee – Jim Corzatt
Women’s Chairperson – Sonya Whitley
Course Certification – John Peele
Public Relations and Publicity – Jan Forrester
Programs – Sue Duquette
Programs – Bernie Duffy
Publications and Newsletter Editor – Don Martin
Board member – Mel Williams
Board member – Michael Beckner
Men 50 & Over
George Hoover, 190 points
The Turkey Trot was successful in raising funds for the
scholarship. The August financial statement presented
by Jim Corzatt, acting treasurer and chairperson of the
Scholarship committee, indicated $1,000 of restricted funds
was allocated for the scholarship award. However, the
scholarship award for 1983 was $600, but would increase to
$1,000 for 1984. Clara George was selected as the recipient
of the Tidewater Striders Scholarship for this year
Robert Woytych replaced Michael Beckner during the
course of the year.
William P. Morgan, an internationally renowned sports
psychologist, was the guest speaker at the Shamrock
Marathon. Dr. Morgan presented a lecture on the
psychological aspects of distance running.
Other key chairpersons within the club were also listed in
the club newsletter, including the following.
Course Certification, Northwest River Park Series – Mike
Shamrock Marathon Director – Jerry Bocrie
Membership Chairperson – Cheryl Macdonald
At the Virginia Track & Field Championships, held at
Christopher Newport College in August, the Tidewater
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The Board cut expenses when possible. For example, no
prize money was awarded at the Elizabeth River Run this
Men’s Masters Chairperson – Jack Jarrett
Men’s Seniors Chairperson – James Alexander
Charlie George served as the Executive Director for the
club, a position developed as an expansion of his role as
race director. This was the first year for this position, which
essentially involved the planning and conduct of the club’s
numerous racing events, formalizing what George had been
doing for years.
In June, George indicated he had received no financial
report from the Shamrock, and thus could not submit the
club’s tax return. Apparently the Shamrock budget was still
somewhat entwined with the Tidewater Striders budget,
and an accurate reporting of club finances was critical for
maintenance of nonprofit status. The treasurer needed
reports from the Shamrock in order to make a full financial
disclosure every 30 days in accordance with the bylaws.
This problem was apparently resolved over the course of
the year.
In March, the program of club meetings for the year had
been developed, including at least five general meetings
with speakers already approved and committed. The club
hosted several nationally recognized authorities in various
aspects of running, as speakers for the general meetings,
including the following:
The club received some recognition for its service to the
community. For example, a certificate indicated that the
Tidewater Striders was among Norfolk’s Best because of
its support for the development of the Granby High and
Community Track.
Harry C. Cordellos, named The World’s Greatest
Blind Athlete.
Ellen Wessel, founder of Moving Comfort running
clothing for women.
John Graham, author of Target 26, a book on
marathon running.
The Rundown continued to improve, particularly in the
presentation of photo collages that often resembled photo
journalism. One issue presented a collection of photos
representing various views of the Shamrock Marathon.
The photos were taken by club members in response
to a contest sponsored by the editors. The winner was a
photo of a single runner in full stride on the Cape Henry
Trail of Seashore State Park. Photos by The Rundown staff
of internationally renowned runners, such as Anne Audain,
appeared in a Photo Gallery of the Virginia 10 Miler. The
cover of the November issue has a beautiful photo of the
Striders women’s submaster team, the first-place team in
the Virginia 10 Miler, accepting their awards. Team members
included Donna Harper, Susie Bohlander, Janey Gordon,
Suzanne Puryear, Fran Adams, and Susan Duquette.
Drew Mearns, International Management Group;
the agency for Alberto Salazar.
The Annual Banquet was held at the Breezy Point Officer’s
Cub on the Norfolk Air Station.
The Striders membership was increasing, but at a lower
rate than the preceding year. Last year, club membership
increased by 17 percent over the preceding year, but the
increase was only 2 percent this year. Membership dues
increased in 1984, and were $10 for individuals and $2 extra
per family member; Golden Runner dues were $100.
Club finances seemed to be stable. At the start of the year,
the club had a balance in the treasury of $10, 022, of which
$7,076 was in unrestricted funds. In October, unrestricted
funds totaled $5,314. Sources of revenue included club dues,
race entry fees, and funds from the Shamrock marathon.
Club expenses included a number of factors, including the
Club members continued to contribute monthly columns.
President McDonald wrote a column entitled Run It By in
each issue of The Rundown. Mel Williams presented a series
of scientific articles on Sports Nutrition for Distance Runners.
Randy Cook provided member profiles, including one about
Board member Bernie Duffy. Duffy was encouraged by his
physician (an active Strider member), Rudi Schuster, to try
running for health reasons. Duffy did; it helped reduce his
weight, lower his blood pressure and resting heart rate,
and also resulted in his becoming a recognized age-group
contender. Bernie not only performed well in running,
but also took up cycling and swimming for triathlon
competition. Along with Schuster, Bernie completed the
Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii. A periodic column by “The
Marathoner” described some of the joys of our local races.
For example, during the Northwest River Park 25K, in
January, “The Marathoner” noted that “the last water hole
had been abandoned by its icy crew before I arrived . . . and
• Race amenities (awards, T-shirts, etc.)
• Executive Director’s stipend, a minimum of $150 per
• Team expenses for transportation and lodging
• Travel expenses for race directors to attend selected
race management meetings
• Updating of computers, including $8,000 for a new
• Purchase of a heat stress index monitor to ascertain
heat dangers at races
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
found neat little rows of ice-filled cups on the table.” In later
years, “The Marathoner” was identified as Karl Tiedemann.
The revised Constitution and By-Laws were presented
for the membership’s perusal in the January issue of The
The Northwest River 15K
The Seashore Half Marathon
The Northwest River 25K
The Northwest River 30K
Shamrock Marathon
The following are some of the key races during the year.
Unfortunately, results from some races were not available
in the club’s archives.
The race schedule for 1984 was published in The Rundown
and included all Tidewater Strider races and races less than
10K that were within a two-hour drive, as well as races
longer than 10K and within a 6-hour drive. The schedule
was several pages long and included over 65 Strider races,
which averages to more than one race per week over the
course of the year. Most races included 1-mile fun runs for
children and accompanying adults.
Wendy’s 5K Run Into The New Year, starting before midnight
on New Year’s Eve and finishing on January 1, 1984, was
won by Harry Freeman in 15:12 and the first female was
Gaye Heckman in 18:27. Overall the times were not too bad
for a midnight run.
The Winter 8K, in Norfolk, was held in early January, with
David Raunig winning in 24:15 and Kathleen McAllister was
the first female in 31:31.
The number of races was expanding, but turnout was
decreasing somewhat, possibly due to an oversaturated
schedule. Carol Senechal presented a detailed report from
the Road Race Management and Race Director meeting in
November, highlighting some of the applications to Strider
races. Many race directors were stunned when they heard
that our club is involved in 80 races a year.
The Northwest River Park 25K was held in January and the
men’s open winner was Dave McDonald in 1:25:56 while
first in the women’s open was Carolyn Cook in 1:44:03.
In the Northwest River Park 30K, Carolyn Cook repeated
her 25K win from the preceding month, finishing in 2:07:33.
Randy Scharberg won the men’s open in 1:46:25.
The club was helping various charities conduct races, but
usually the race director representing the charity was
inexperienced in race organization. The Race Coordinator,
George, recommended such directors must have various
qualifications or hire a director from the Striders.
The Descente Star Test 10K was held at the United Way
Family Center in Virginia Beach. Carolyn Cook was the first
female finisher in 39:11 and George Green was the first
male in 33:12.
To attract more participants, some races began to offer
various prizes. For example, the Run for the Roses 8K
had drawing prizes, including round trip air fare for two,
compliments of TWA, to Athens, Greece, home of the
original Marathon.
The GE 5K was held at the General Electric plant in
Portsmouth. Ken Lampert was first overall male in 15:44
and Mary Baumgarten was the first female finisher in 18:52
The 1984 Shamrock Marathon had a close finish between
the two top males with John Doub (2:19:46) finishing
slightly ahead of Dave McDonald (2:20:04). Karen Miles was
the first female finisher in 2:48:54. In the 5-Mile Race, Ray
McDaniels set a course record 23:55 and Inge Schuurmans
was the first female in 28:45.
Responding to some concerns of race participants, the
Board, in May, considered changing the race awards system
so that overall winners do not receive duplicate age-group
awards. Moreover, the Board recommended that races
guarantee T-shirts to preregistered runners.
The Greenbrier Mall 5K was run on March 24. Dave
McDonald in 14:49 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour in 18:02 were
the top male and female finishers, respectively.
The Norfolk Botanical Garden Race Series again presented
a 4-mile race on three consecutive Tuesdays in the summer,
but added a 6-mile run on a fourth Tuesday. However, the
club introduced some variety, such as a Predict Your Time
race and a Harrier Race in which the pack was to run down
the “Hare” over the course of about six miles.
In the Run for the Children 10K, Dave Harrison was the
first male finisher in 31:49 and Mary Baumgarten was the
first female finisher in 36:31. Harry Freeman won the 5K in
15:05, and Baumgarten double-dipped with a win in the 5K
with a time of 18:30.
The Grand Prix races series for the 1983-84 included the
• The Old Hampton 10 Miler
• The Elizabeth River Run
• St. Jude’s 5K
• Women’s Festival 5K
• The VABA 5K
• The Tidewater 10K
• The Phoebus 10K
The Bronco Stampede 10 Miler in Franklin was won by Roy
Kulikowski in 52:48 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour was the first
female finisher in 1:02:07.
The Wave Goodbye to Litter 8-Kilometer Run in downtown
Norfolk, to benefit the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, was
won by Harry Freeman in 25:30 and Karen Gallivan was the
first overall female in 31:24.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The 2 Annual Bud Light Ultra Classic 50K and 100K was held
at Northwest River Park on April 1. Unfortunately no results
were uncovered in the club’s archives or The Rundown.
The results for the Run for the Roses 8K, at the Norfolk
Botanical Garden, had Harry Freeman as first male in 24:43
and Gigi Kessler-Sixour as the first female in 28:43.
The Virginia Beach Recreation Center at Kempsville 5K Run
was won by Alex Pincus in 15:38 and Valerie Ambrose was
the first female finisher in 20:25.
The Chesapeake Crime Line 5K was won by Randy Scharberg
in 15:24 and Donna Harper was the first female in 19:02.
The Old Hampton 10 Miler, in April, was won by David
Harrison in 51:52 and Maureen Hinnebusch was the first
female in 1:02:56.
The Women’s Distance Festival 5K Run took place at the
Naval Amphibious Base. Susi Bohlander was the first female
in 18:14 and Dave McDonald won the open men with a
The Lions Journey for Sight 5K was held at Mt. Trashmore
on April 28. Harry Freeman was the first male in 16:35 and
Mary Baumgarten was the first female in 18:07.
In the YMCA Independence Day 5K race, in Virginia Beach,
Randy Scharberg won in 15:38 and Susie Bohlander was the
first overall female in 18:21.
The 6th Annual Azalea Festival 5K, sponsored by the Optimist
Club of Norfolk 8K, was won by Harry Freeman with a time
of 24:40 and Laura Stevens, 12 years old, was the first
female in 30:48.
The 8K Run for Leukemia, at the Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia
Beach, was won by Harry Freeman in 24:10 and Gigi KesslerSixour was the first female in 29:44
In the 6th Annual VABA 5K at Granby High School, Harry
Freeman ran a 15:06 for the win and Susie Bohlander ran an
18:06 as the first female finisher.
The 5K Hospital Health Run first female finisher was Donna
Harper in 19:17 while David Alexander was the first male in
The Tidewater 8K, in Virginia Beach, was won by Dave
McDonald in 25:12 and the first woman was Janey Gordon
in 30:17.
The Elizabeth River Run experienced one of its largest
turnouts this year, with 3,599 registered runners and 3,179
finishers. However, no results have been uncovered in the
club’s archives.
At the Pembroke Mall Couples and Singles 5K
Run, Harry Freeman in 15:08 and Gigi KesslerSixour in 17:40 were the first overall single male and female
finishers, respectively.
The First Annual Lakewood Spring Fling at Lakewood Park
in Norfolk was won by Todd Lindsley in 16:03 and Mary
Baumgarten was the first female in 18:05.
The Armed Forces Day 5K was won by Cletus Griffin in 15:17
and the first female was Juanita Etheridge in 17:59.
The 10th Anniversary Portsmouth City Park 5K Run, in
August, was won by Harry Freeman in 14:32 and Kathleen
McAllister was the first female in 19:12.
The 6th Annual W. H. Taylor Book Run was held in Norfolk.
Ronnie Borsheim was the first male in 15:41 and Mary
Baumgarten was first female in 17:56.
In the Hampton Bay Days 10K, Carolyn Harrison was the first
overall female with a time of 39:08 and Harry Freeman was
first male in 30:42.
The Run for the Arts 10,000 Meter Run was held in Newport
News. Steve Littleton was the first male finisher in 31:14 and
Laura Stevens, age 12, was the first overall female in 39:03.
The Labor of Love 8K Run, sponsored by Friends of Animals,
took place at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. Pete Gibson
was first male in 26:28 and the first female was Renee Scott
in 32:56.
At the Blair Clipper Classic, Donald Bond was first male in
15:57 and Susan Duquette was first female in 18:53.
The Second Annual Ocean View Run, a 5K, was won by Ken
Lampert in 14:50 and the first female was Anne Drozdowski
in 19:33.
The Mary Kay 5K in June was won by Cecil Snead from
Richmond in 19:08. That is the name listed in the results.
Since this is an all-female race, that might be a misprint and
she is actually Cecilia?
At the Neptune Festival Healthfest 5K Run, in Virginia Beach,
Randy Scharberg finished as first male in 15:22 and Betty
Blank was the first overall female in 19:30. In the Neptune
Festival 8K, David Romaine was first male in 24:47 and Susan
Duquette was the first overall female in 31:02.
The St.Jude 5K was won by Harry Freeman in 15:14 and
Janey Gordon was the first female in 19:03.
The Jewish Community Center 5K winner was Harry Freeman
in 14:46 and Carolyn Cook was the first female in 18:47.
The Big Blue 5K, at Old Dominion University, was won by
George Green in 19:24 and the first female was Rosa Boyle
in 22:38.
In the Ghent Run 5K, Carolyn Cook was first female in 19:11,
with 12-year old Laura Stevens 2 seconds behind. Donald
Bond was first male in 15:35.
The Suffolk News-Herald 5K Run was held on October 7 and
was won by Ken Lampert with a time of 15:13. Gigi KesslerSixour was the first female in 18:32.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Key runners
The Run with the Witches 5K, at Pembroke Meadows
Elementary School in Virginia Beach, was won by Lew Faxon,
age 44, with a time of 16:11, while Susie Bohlander was the
first female in 18:35.
Dave McDonald continued to win a large number of local
races, and also performed well nationally. McDonald
qualified for the 1984 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in
Buffalo, NY and his finishing time of 2:19:36 put him in 31st
place. McDonald was also the first place finisher in the 10K
(30:50) at the Virginia Track and Field Championships.
The Pasquotank River Runs, including both a 10K and 5K,
were held in Elizabeth City, NC. In the 5K, the first male
was Ken Lampert in 15:53 and the first woman was Susan
Spencer in 21:45. In the 10K, Pete Gibson won in a 34:21 and
Laura Stevens was first in the women’s open with a 41:52.
Ray McDaniels won a significant number of races with
some outstanding times. In the 5-Mile race at the Shamrock
Marathon, McDaniels set a course record with a time of
The Green Run Run, at Green Run High School in Virginia
Beach, was run on a Sunday at 2:00 PM. The first male
finisher was George Green in 15:52 and the first female was
Sandra Bland in 22:47.
Harry Freeman was one of the best local runners for the
year also. He won at least 17 local races over the course of
the year.
The Portsmouth Fire Department 10K Run finished at the
Tower Mall. Pete Gibson was the first male in 32:53 and
Carolyn Harrison won the women’s overall in 40:22.
Lew Faxon continued as the top master’s runner in the club.
He placed first in the 3K Steeplechase (10:09) at the Virginia
Track and Field Championships.
The Beach Ford All-American Run was a 5K race at Kingston
Elementary School in Virginia Beach. Harry Freeman was
the first male in 14:40 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour won the open
women’s division in 17:27.
Ken Lampert also won several local road races and placed
first in the 1500 meters with a time of 3:57 at the Virginia
Track and Field Championships.
The Kempsville Junior High School PTA 5K race was won
by Harry Freeman in15:27 and the first female was Karyn
Gallivan in 18:33.
Gigi Kessler-Sixour continued as one of the leading female
runners, winning numerous local races. Kessler-Sixour also
placed 4th overall with a time of 37:19 in the Bonnie Bell
10K Run, in Washington, DC. More than 3,500 runners were
The Northwest River Park 15K was run in November, and
was won by Geoff Mearns in 47:14 with the first female,
Susan Duquette, finishing in 57:53.
Juanita Etheridge did not race as much this year, but had an
impressive 17:59 in one of her 5K races.
The Autumn Amble 5K was held in Norfolk on Newport
Avenue. Ken Lampert in 15:15 and Donna Harper in 19:04
were the overall male and female finishers, respectively.
Carolyn Cook, also racing as Carolyn Harrison later in the
year, won a significant number of races with impressive
The Turkey Trot was now the club’s major scholarship race.
Harry Freeman was the first male in 31:57 and Maureen
Hinnebusch was first female in 38:04
Laura Stevens, age 12, was not only one of the leading youth
runners in the area, but also was the first overall female
finisher in at least four races during the year.
The Crime Line Half Marathon, in Norfolk, started at Fleet
Recreation Park on Hampton Boulevard and ran north
through the Naval Air Station. The race was won by Al Dunn
in 1:05:24. This is one of the fastest half-marathons run
locally, and Dunn may have been stationed here with the
Navy. The first female was Janey Gordon in 1:25:02
Mary Baumgarten won her share of races during the year,
and also had an impressive double victory in both the 5K
and 10K, at the Run for the Children Races.
As noted below, other elite male and female club members
won their age groups in the Grand Prix race series.
The Joy Fund 8K, run in December at Mt. Trashmore, was
won by Harry Freeman in 25:00 and the first female was
Valerie Ambrose in 32:23.
Multisport competition began to expand in the Tidewater
area and stimulated many club members to take up the
sports of biathlon and triathlon. In the October issue of
The Rundown, an article noted that there was a new club in
town, The Tidewater Triathlon Club. The article noted that
the club will provide training seminars, a newsletter, and
workouts for club members. The Striders mentioned that
our club also provides schedules and training information
when available. A notice in the March issue of The Rundown,
entitled Attention Triathletes, indicated there would be
a film presentation focusing on cycling. Also, the Striders
The Northwest River Park 20K run, in December, was won
by Dave McDonald in 1:02:54 and Nancy Turner was the
first female finisher in 1:20:12.
At the Nature Trail Half Marathon at Seashore State Park,
Dave McDonald was first overall in 1:09:05 and Susan
Duquette placed as first female overall in 1:26:49.
In the last race of the year, Wendy’s Run into the New Year
5K, Deborah Beckner was the first female finisher in 18:28
and Rodney Rothoff was the first male in 16:19.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
helped conduct three triathlons during 1984, one of which
included canoeing instead of swimming.
The top female and male Grand Prix point collectors were,
respectively, Pattie Fulford and Rick Thompson, who both
were awarded watches courtesy of Timex. The following
represent the Grand Prix award winners for 1983-84. Total
points were not uncovered in the club’s archives.
The Tidewater Triathlon was held on April 8 in Virginia
Beach. The first Ironwoman was Joanne Janas in 2:49:35
and the first Ironman was Randy Drake in 1:47:53.
Women 19 & Under
Several Striders competed in the Ware River Biathlon near
Gloucester, a 10K run and 30K bike, and several placed first
in their age groups, including Chris Gibson (Open Men,
1:30:23), Susan Duquette (Open Women, 1:44:37), Deborah
Burgess (Female 25-29, 2:01:47), and Jan Stark (Female 3034, 1:49:21).
Laura Stevens
Women 20-29
Deborah Beckner
Women 30-34
The Surprising Suffolk Biathlon was held in May, with an 8K
run and 23.5K bike segment. Steve Cook and Rudy Schuster
of the Striders finished in the top ten men, and Jan Stark
was in the top ten women.
Donna Harper
Women 35-39
Pattie Fulford
Women 40-49
The Ocean View Triathlon, the first in Norfolk, was held
on June 10. The race distances involved a 1.3K open bay
swim paralleling the beach, a 15K cycle race, and a 5K foot
race. Entry fee was $15 and John McDowell was the race
director. There was no mention of the Tidewater Striders on
the entry form. Those entering the race needed to submit
a Swimming Verification form certified by an appropriate
swim official, such as a certified Red Cross Water Safety
Instructor; the entrant must have completed a continuous
1-mile swim. Bernie Duffy, in the June Board meeting, noted
that 323 athletes had registered for the triathlon. No race
results have been uncovered in the Striders’ archives.
Jeanette Douglas
Women 50 & Over
Fran Adams
Men 19 & Under
Men 20-29
Dave McDonald
Men 30-34
Dave Harrison
The Sandman Triathlon was again held in conjunction with
the Neptune Festival. No race results have been uncovered
in the Striders’ archives.
Men 35-39
Youth program
Men, 40-44
Rick Thompson
In Hampton, the Phillips Athletic Association initiated a
cross country program for the first time beginning in March.
The program was designed for boys and girls from ages 8 to
14, and would hold meets, including 3K races for those age
8-11 and 4K races for those 12-14 on Friday afternoons. The
notice was a call for coaches.
Lew Faxon
Men, 45-49
Mel Williams
Men, 50-54
James Alexander
As noted above, Laura Stevens, age 12, often placed first as
overall woman in local road races.
Men, 55 & Up
Bernie Duffy
The Virginia Association of the Junior Olympic Cross Country
Championships was held at Mt. Trashmore, in November.
Stevens, from Chesapeake, was the Striders outstanding
runner, finishing 1st in the female age group 11-12 in the 3K
with a time of 11:04. Laura also placed first in her age group at
the Region III Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships
with a time of 11:13, also held at Mt. Trashmore.
In the April newsletter, the guidelines for the scholarship
indicated that beginning in 1984 scholarship winners were
eligible to receive additional financial assistance in each of
their remaining college years if they continued to participate
in an intercollegiate cross country or track program.
Carlos George, age 18, won the open division at the Old
Hampton 5K in 16:37.
There was $2,000 in the scholarship budget for 1984.
The recommendation from the scholarship chairperson
provided $500 each to Winston Brown and David Coulter,
and $500 to Clara George for her second year at Virginia
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Board Member – Ken Martin
Board Member – Carol Senechal
Board Member – Sonya Whitley
Board Member – Mel Williams
This was an Olympic year and in the July newsletter the lead
article focused on Donna Harper, one of the leading female
runners in the club, who along with fellow relay runners
would help carry the Olympic torch from Lawrenceville,
N.J., to Akron, Ohio from May 13-19.
The Executive Director was Charlie George.
Membership numbers varied throughout the year. The March
report indicated that numbers were down from previous
years. The report also provided some demographics. Total
membership was 1330, with 991 males and 339 females.
In percentages by city, Virginia Beach was largest with 46
percent, Norfolk was 20 percent, the Peninsula was 13
percent, Chesapeake was 8 percent, and Portsmouth was 3
percent. In April, the club had 1,659 members with 154 paid
Golden Runners and a male:female ratio of 73:27 percent.
In October, the club had 2,177 members.
Fred Weaver traveled to Greece to run the Athens Marathon,
the historic first marathon course, in October.
The Tidewater Striders women’s team placed third overall
in the competitive Avon 15K, in Washington, D. C. The team
included Gigi Kessler-Sixour, Clara George, Gaye Heckman,
Carolyn Cook, Susie Bohlander, Debbie Beckner, Jane Duffy,
Linda Arthur, and Valerie Ambrose. The Striders women also
placed first in the Shamrock Marathon team competition,
including team members Juanita Etheridge, Gaye Heckman,
Kathleen McAllister, and Janey Gordon.
Dues were $10.00 for individuals and $2.00 for each
additional family member. Golden Runners paid $120.00.
At the end of January, the club had $18,893 in unrestricted
funds, and $3000 in the Scholarship fund. In the April
meeting of the Board, Treasurer Corzatt noted the club
is doing well, and was ahead of last year with $26,000 in
membership dues already in hand.
Ken Lampert noted in the July issue of The Rundown that
the sport of Track and Field was dying in the Tidewater area.
No longer do we have the Virginian-Pilot Relays, the Norfolk
State Relays, the Norfolk City Meet, or even the Tidewater
Striders Summer Track Meets.
Club members competed not only locally, but in many outof-town races as well, and the club considered linking up
with a travel agency to plan group travel to races such as
Bermuda, Gasparilla, and other popular road racing venues.
by Mel Williams
The major function of the club continued to be the
organization and conduct of local races, and a wide variety
of such events that included multisport competition, was
presented throughout the year. Board meetings were now
held at the Virginia Beach YMCA, which would remain as
the location for Board meetings for about 10 years. The club
also developed a Volunteer Participation Program this year,
including a point system to be used to determine awards.
Jan Forrester was appointed as chair of the Constitution
Committee, which was charged with the responsibility
to update the Constitution and Bylaws. However, each
month the minutes of the Board meetings indicated no
progress was being made. The process would continue for
several years, Changes to the Articles of Incorporation was
completed in 1990.
The club continued to provide excellent speakers at its
general meetings, including the following over the course
of the year.
• Hal Higdon, Runner’s World journalist, author of
numerous books on running and a nationally ranked
master’s runner, spoke at the October general
• Barry Brown, one of the country’s best distance
runners, was sponsored by the Striders and Norfolk
General Hospital, and talked on various aspects of
road racing.
• John Wareing, Scott Banks, Ignacio Ripoll, Charles
Ewing, David Young, Rudi Schuster, and Mel
Williams, all local physicians and sports scientists,
talked on the medical aspects of running.
Club operations
The Annual Banquet was held at the Breezy Point Officer’s
Club on the Norfolk Naval Air Station. The special guest
speaker was Gary Fanelli, the “Clown Prince of Running.”
The following constituted the 12 members of the Board of
Directors for 1985.
President – Dave McDonald
Vice President – Bob Woytych
Secretary – Debbie Beckner
Treasurer – Jim Corzatt
Board Member – Susan Duquette
Board Member – Jan Forrester
Board Member – Cheryl Macdonald
Board Member – Don Martin
The club developed a Volunteer Participation Program,
designed to recognize the time and efforts donated by our
members to provide the support essential to a non-profit
organization. Volunteer points, ranging from 1 to 20, were
awarded for various activities. For example, 1 point was
earned for working longer than an hour at a Strider race
while 20 points was earned for serving as a member of the
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
The cover of the March issue of The Rundown featured Jim
Ryun, considered the greatest American miler at the time.
Jim spoke at the Shamrock Marathon. In the April issue,
Ryun wrote a letter to Jerry Bocrie expressing his gratitude
visiting the area and noted that the race needed very little
constructive criticism as it was so very well organized.
Board of Directors. Awards included a Tidewater Striders
T-Shirt for 4 points, and a Golden Runner membership for
20 points.
There was a proposal to change the election process.
Basically, the proposal indicated that the Election
Committee would nominate a slate of candidates and selfnominations would not be permitted. Also, limits on terms
of office would be instituted. The Election Committee was
then a President’s committee. However, the proposal was
rejected at the September Board meeting and the election
procedure would proceed as in past elections.
The club provided a comprehensive race schedule for the
year, including the summer series at the Norfolk Botanical
Garden and the Grand Prix Series. The summer series
consisted of fun events, such as a “Predict Your Time” race
and was held on four consecutive Wednesday evenings.
The Grand Prix schedule for 1984-85 included the following
twelve events.
Newsletters were being mailed via bulk mail. In the August
issue of The Rundown, the editors documented the
procedures necessary to publish each issue: (1) collection
of material submitted for publication; (2) formatting and
typesetting; (3) printing; (4) stuffing with race flyers; (5)
labeling with addresses; and, (5) mailing.
The Old Hampton 10-Miler
The Elizabeth River Run
Run for the Roses 8K
Women’s Festival 5K
The Tidewater 10K
The Phoebus Day 10K
The Northwest River 15K
The Seashore Half-Marathon
The Northwest River 25K
The Northwest River 30K
Shamrock Marathon
Randy Cook continued to provide profiles of club members
who were dominating their age groups in local races.
Allen Cibert had some great times, including a 32:20 for
the 10K and a 2:35 marathon. Cletus Griffin, whose best
times included a 29:50 for the 10K and a 14:25 for the 5K
was then the new cross-country coach at Green Run High
School. Janey Gordon profiled Kathleen McAllister, who had
transitioned from roller skating to running. McAllister had a
3:09:57 personal best for the marathon.
The following represent some of the race results over the
course of the year.
Zeke Zucker, traveling worldwide while in the military, wrote
a series of articles detailing his running experiences while
sailing on what he calls the “Ike”, or better known as the
USS Eisenhower, a Navy aircraft carrier. Along with other
members of the “Ike” who are also members of the Striders,
Zucker enthralls us with his runs in Greece, Israel, and other
ports of call. In one account, he reported on his “Jamaica
High,” which actually was a parasailing venture above the
Caribbean Sea.
• The Winter 8K Run was won by Harry Freeman in
25:24 and Diane Ridgway was the first female with
a time of 33:24.
• The Northwest River Park 25K was run in January,
and the first male finisher was Ron Borsheim in
1:27:14 while the first female was Rosa Boyle in
• The Northwest River Park 30K first female finisher
was Nancy Turner in 2:04:33, and Mel Williams was
the first male in 1:48:42.
In his History of the Tidewater Striders, Raymond Ochs
noted that the April issue of The Rundown included a
questionnaire; the results of which were to serve as the
basis for publication of a book about running routes in
the Tidewater area. The questionnaire asked Striders to
submit their favorite running courses including such
details as location, length of course, outline of the
course by streets, and if there were restrooms or water
along the way. The book, entitled the City Man Running
Guide to Tidewater, was compiled by Mick Pope and
later published in September. Striders members were
snapping them up at general meetings and the book was
also sold in local bookstores. The Guide contained 100plus routes.
• The Blair Clipper Classic 5K was won by Steve
Littleton in 15:45 and Susan Duquette was the first
female in 18:26.
• In the Wave Goodbye to Litter Run, at Waterside,
Robbie White was the first male in 15:44 and
Carolyn Harrison won the female overall category
in 17:00.
• In the Lions Journey for Sight 5K run, at Fort Story
in Virginia Beach, Stephen Pinard ran a 15:05 and
was one of the few to outrace Dave McDonald in a
local race during the early 1980s. Susan Duquette
was the overall female winner in 18:38.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
• The 7-UP MDA 7K race, at the Norfolk Botanical
Garden to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy
Association, was a rather unusual distance,
calculated to be 4.34 miles. The first male and
female finishers, respectively, were Steve Littleton
in 22:08 and Janey Gordon in 26:49.
• In the Shamrock Marathon, Dave McDonald was the
first overall male in 2:20:28 and Charlene O’Brian, a
good Irish name, was first female in 2:54:45.
• The Mount Trashmore Fun Run, a 5K, was won by
Frank Ford 16:15 and Elaine Daniel was first female
in 23:08.
• The Women’s Distance Festival 5K run, at the
Norfolk Naval Amphibious Base, was won by
Charlene O’Brien from Jacksonville, NC with a time
of 18:10. Sonya Whitley noted that it was the most
successful women’s distance festival to date.
• The Point of View Sprint into Spring 5K had Lanny
Doan as the first male in 15:25 and Carolyn Harrison
was the first female in 19:12.
• The 7th Annual Azalea Festival/Optimist Club of
Norfolk 8K was held at the Norfolk Botanical Garden
and Finn Pincus in 27:39 was the first male while
Diane Ridgway in 33:06 was the first female.
• The St. Jude 5K, at Mt. Trashmore, now on a new
all-weather course, was won by Al Dunn in 14:42
and Inge Schuurmans was the first female in 17:29.
• The Old Hampton 5K was won by Pete Gibson in
17:03 and Lori Eady was the first female in 21:43.
• The Boardwalk 5K, at the Virginia Beach oceanfront
in July, was won by Ray McDaniels in 15:08 and
Deborah Forrester was the first overall female in
• The Ghent Run 5K race was held at Ghent Elementary
School in Norfolk, in May. Anthony Vodacek won
the race in 16:09 and Carolyn Harrison was the first
female in 18:55.
• The Tidewater 8K at Sandbridge, in Virginia Beach,
was won by Dave McDonald in 24:27 and Carolyn
Harrison was the first female in 31:39.
• The Norfolk Harborfest race was part of The Diet
Pepsi 10,000 Meter Series and was held on June 8
at Waterside. No race results have been uncovered.
• The Virginia Association of Blind Athletes (VABA)
5K, at Granby High School, was won by Al Dunn in
14:08 and Jo White was first female in16:48.
• The 7th Annual Elizabeth River Run was held on May
4; a point-to-point 10K race ending at Waterside
in Norfolk. However, no race results have been
uncovered in the Striders archives.
• The 8K Run for Leukemia was held at the Lynnhaven
Mall in Virginia Beach. Winston Brown in 26:11 and
Kathleen McAllister in 31:43 were the first place
male and female winners, respectively
• The Armed Forces Day 5K Run for Sobriety, at the
Cape Henry Lighthouse in Fort Story, was won by Al
Stanczak in 15:55; Jayne Hoffman in 19:49 was the
first female finisher.
• The Virginia Beach Arts Center 5K Run was held in
the oceanfront area. Scott Herman in 15:50 was the
first overall male finisher and Susan Duquette in
18:14 was the first female.
• The 7th Annual W. H. Taylor Book Run had Dave
McDonald as the first male in 15:26 and Kathleen
McAllister as the first female in 18:33.
• At the Pembroke Mall Couples and Singles 5K Run,
Ray McDaniels was the first male in 14:47 and Susan
Duquette was first female in 17:58.
• The 2nd Annual Run for the Roses 8K was held at the
Norfolk Botanical Garden. Al Dunn was the first male
with a time of 24:10, while Inge Schuurmanns was
the first female in 29:25. The race held a drawing for
round trip air fare for two to Amsterdam, Holland,
the Flower Center of the World, compliments of
• The Hampton Bay Days 10K, a very popular local
race, was won by Paul Hough in 31:47 and Carolyn
Harrison was the first female in 38:25.
• The Third Annual Ocean View Run was held on a
Sunday, the main race being a 5K distance. Tom
Bernard won with a 15:03 and Donna Harper was
the first female in 18:42.
• At the Chesapeake Crime Line 5K Run, Al Dunn in
14:36 was the first male and Kathleen McAllister in
18:45 was the first female.
• The Health Fest 1985 5K Run was held at the Virginia
Beach General Hospital. Ray McDaniels was the first
male finisher in 15:37 and Laura Stevens, age 13,
was the overall female winner with a time of 18:59.
• The Maryview Hospital 5K, in Portsmouth, was won
by Pete Gibson in 16:18 and Carolyn Harrison was
the first female in 19:39.
• The Neptune Festival 8K Run, at the oceanfront in
Virginia Beach, was won by Ray McDaniels in 25:15
and Laura Stevens was first female with a time of
• The YMCA Independence Day 5K, at Mt. Trashmore,
was won by Al Dunn in 15:22 and Suzanne Puryear
was first female with a time of 19:14.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
• The results of the 11 Annual Portsmouth City
Park Run, a 5K, lists’ Dave McDonald in 14:52 and
Kathleen McAllister in 19:22 as the first place male
and female winners, respectively.
male in 30:02 and Carolyn Harrison as the first
overall female in 37:49.
• In the Turkey Trot, the club’s main scholarship fund
raiser, Sean O’Flynn in 32:21 and Nancy Turner in
38:43 were the overall male and female winners,
• The Big Blue 5K, raced on the campus of Old
Dominion University, was won by Pete Gibson in
16:02 and the first female was Donna Harper in
• The Joy Fund 8K was held at Mt. Trashmore. Dennis
Lamountain was the first male in 26:06 and Carolyn
Harrison was the first female in 30:28.
• The Run for Liberty II, an 8K race in Hampton, was
won by Dave McDonald in 24:13 and Gretchen
Maurer was the first female in 30:22.
• The Northwest River Park 15K was won by Pete
Gibson in 49:58 and the first female was Carolyn
Harrison in 59:32.
• The Portsmouth Fire Department 10K, in downtown
Portsmouth, was also won by Dave McDonald in
31:05; Kathleen McAllister was the first female with
a time of 39:41.
• The Nature Trail Run half-marathon first-place male
finisher was Ray McDaniels in 1:07:13 and Carolyn
Harrison was the first overall female in 1:26:00.
• The 6th Annual Mulberry Island Run, a half-marathon
at Fort Eustis, had Carolyn Harrison in 1:25:58 as
the first overall female and Tom Bernard in 1:10:42
as the first overall male.
• The Northwest River Park 20K was won by Paul
Ruston in 1:08:16 and Carolyn Harrison was the first
female in 1:22:51
• In the last race of the year, the Lynnhaven Mall
5K, on December 31, Anthony Young was the first
male in 15:22 and Kathleen McAllister was the first
female in 19:28.
• At the Larchmont Runs At Twilight 5K, in Norfolk,
Dave McDonald was the first overall male in 14:53
and Donna Harper was first overall female in 18:53.
• At the The Norview Pilot Runway 5K, Greg Eck was
the first male finisher in 16:06 and Jodee Harrington
was the first female finisher in 21:27.
Elite Club Runners
The club had many outstanding runners, both male and
female, during 1985.
• The 7th Annual Green Run Run results revealed
Harry Freeman as the first male in 15:52 and Dana
Wright as the first female in 19:58.
Dave McDonald did not race as much this year, but was
very successful when he did. In particular, McDonald won
the Shamrock Marathon and many other local races. Other
exceptional male runners included Ray McDaniels and
Harry Freeman, both of whom had multiple wins over the
course of the year. Al Dunn, a non-Strider living in the area
for several months, had some exceptional times, including a
14:08 for the 5K. The cover of the July issue of The Rundown
had a photo of Dunn as the New Man to Beat in Tidewater.
• The Autumn Amble on Newport Avenue in Norfolk,
a 5K race, was also won by Harry Freeman in a time
of 15:46 and Donna Harper was the first female in
• The Run Against Crime Half Marathon, at Fleet
Park in Norfolk, was won by Joe Weston in 1:14:21
and Kathleen McAllister won the female overall
category in 1:29:27.
Several other men had excellent performances in state or
regional competition. Ken Lampert placed 1st in the 30-34
age group for both the 800 meter and 1500 meter events
at the Virginia State Indoor Track and Field Championships.
Greg Eck placed first in two events, both distance races, at
the Southeastern Masters International Track, Field, and
Long Distance Championships in Raleigh, NC. Dave Harrison
finished 7th overall in the Annapolis Ten-Miler
• At the Kempsville Junior High School PTA 5K Run,
Lanny Doan was first male with a time of 15:18 and
Gretchen Maurer was the first female in 18:03.
• At the Beach Ford All-American Run, a 5K at
Kingston Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Ray
McDaniels was the overall winner in 14:44 and Gigi
Kessler-Sixour was the first female in 17:55.
As for the club’s female runners, Carolyn Harrison was one
of the most dominant, winning races of varying distances
from the 5K through the half-marathon. Kathleen McAllister
also won a substantial number of races, again ranging from
the 5K through the half-marathon. Susan Duquette finished
2nd overall in the prestigious Annapolis Ten-Miler. Duquette
also won several key local races, as did Laura Stevens, age
13. Inge Schuurmans, a non-Strider living in the area for the
summer, dominated races in which she entered.
• The Witches 5K, at Pembroke Meadows Elementary
School in Virginal Beach, was won by Keith Batten
in 15:44 and Karen Bunting was the first female in
• The Greenbrier Mall Simply Terrific 10K, in
Chesapeake, had Ray McDaniels as the first overall
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Ridgway, Kathleen McAllister, Janey Gordon, and
Susie Bohlander.
In master’s completion, Lew Faxon, now in the 45-49 age
group, had an exceptional year. Most notably, Faxon won
the 3K Steeplechase in his age group at the World Track and
Field Championships in Rome, with a 9:53:29, or 4:59/mile
pace. Faxon also placed 1st in this age group for the 1500
meter (4:22) and the 5000 meter (16:39) at the Virginia
State Indoor Track and Field Championships. He also placed
first in three events, all distance races, at the Southeastern
Masters International Track, Field, and Long Distance
Championships in Raleigh, NC.
• The Men’s Submasters Team also placed 1st overall
at the Virginia Ten-Miler. Team members were Dan
Hurley, Dennis Bohlander, Dave Harrison, Al Cibert,
Cletus Griffin, Randy Cook, and Greg Eck.
The names of additional club members who experienced a
successful racing season are presented below in the Awards
The club also had other nationally recognized age-group
runners. Thirty club members were nationally ranked in
race distances ranging from the 5K through the 50K. In
particular, Fran Adams was ranked in eight different race
distances for the 50-54 age group. In addition to Adams,
the following members, recognized in the November issue
of The Rundown, each had multiple rankings in their age
Several local multisport events were mentioned in The
Rundown, but no results were uncovered for such events.
Some of these events were not Strider races.
• The 2nd Annual Ocean View Triathlon, in Norfolk, a
1K open water swim, 15K bicycle race, and a 5K foot
race, was held in June. Participants needed to be
certified in a 1-mile swim.
Richard Bourn (50-54)
James Alexander (55-59)
Cokey Daman (65-69)
Bernie Duffy (60-64)
Lew Faxon (40-44)
Vernon Geary (70-74)
Mary Park MacFarlane (45-49)
Karen Sage (35-39)
Rick Thompson (35-39)
Mel Williams (45-49)
• A recreational biathlon was scheduled for the
Kempsville Recreation Center, geared for the
beginning biathloner.
• The Try-Athalon, cosponsored by the Striders
and the Tidewater Triathlon club, was held at the
Northwest River Park. The race started with a 2K
run, followed by a 15K bike ride, and finishing with
a 4K canoe race.
However, some results were available for Striders competing
in out-of-town events.
The club also had some very impressive team performances
during the year.
• Rudi Schuster finished 3rd in his age group in the
United States Triathlon National Championship at
Hilton Head, SC. Susan Duquette was 7th in her age
group. Overall, there were 1,200 entrants.
• The Tidewater Striders women’s team took first
place in the Open Team competition at the Bonne
Bell 10K, in Washington, DC. The team consisted of
Debbie Beckner, Janey Gordon, Nancy Turner, and
Carolyn Harrison.
• Greg Eck finished third overall in the Fifth Annual
Lynchburg Biathlon Championships, with a 1:50:29
for a 10K run and 24-mile bike.
• The Men’s Submasters Team won the TAC
Cross-Country Championships in November at
Raleigh, NC. Team members included Roland
Parsons James Edwards, Bill Hart, Randy Cook,
Cletus Griffin, Lennie Hillers, Greg Eck, and Lew
• The Outer Banks Triathlon, a 0.5 mile swim, 15-mile
bike, and 5K run, attracted several Strider members.
Troy Lewis and his wife Nancy both finished 2nd
overall, respectively, in the men’s and women’s
open division with times of 1:22:17 and 1:25:38.
Bob Jennings, a former club president, finished first
in the 36 to 45 year age group.
• The Women’s Master’s Team placed 1st at the Capital
Trail 10-Mile Run in Raleigh. The team consisted of
Karen Stronach, Olga Cohen, Jeanette Douglass,
and Joanne Bamburg.
Youth program
The club continued to provide support for youth running.
In the May issue of The Rundown, a motion was presented
relative to the operation of the Teams Committee, and the
list of official teams, other than various categories for men
and women, included youth teams.
• The Men’s Submasters Team won the Virginia State
TAC Cross-Country Championship. Team members
included Randy Cook, Bill Hart, Randy Estes, Greg
Eck, and Dan Hurley.
• The Women’s Submaster Team placed first overall at
the Virginia Ten-Miler, in Lynchburg. Team members
included Jeannie Atwell, Suzanne Puryear, Diane
This was the first year for the New Energy Youth Running
team. The head coach was Bill Bernard. In the December
minutes of the Board meeting, President McDonald noted
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Rick Thompson, 130 points
that Coach Bernard’s youth team was quite active and
merited team money.
Men, 40-44
Other local groups also supported youth running. The
Neptune Festival Youth 2-Mile Beach Sand Run, for children
age 14 and under, was held in September, and there was no
entry fee.
Ed Brinkley, 144 points
Men, 45-49
Larry I’Anson, 167 points
Men, 50-54
Two young girls had some impressive running performances
during the year. As noted above, Laura Stevens often was the
first overall female finisher in several local races, including
the Health Fest 1985 5K Run and the Neptune Festival 8K.
Stevens, from Chesapeake, won the girls 13-14 age group
at the Virginia Association Junior Olympics Cross-Country
Championships at Mt. Trashmore. However, the results
listed her with the Richmond Track and Field Club, another
club to which she belonged. Dawn Grabb, age 9, won the
12 and under age group at the St. Jude 5K in 25:06 and also
the girls 10 and under age group at the Virginia Association
Junior Olympics Cross-Country Championships with a time
of 12:40 for a 3K course. Grabb was to become one of the
leading youth runners over the course of the 1980s.
James Alexander, 110 points
Men, 55 & Up
Lewis Allen and Ed Small, tie with 86 points
Guidelines indicated that two high school seniors,
normally one male and one female, are eligible to receive
a scholarship each year. Additional candidates will be
reviewed on an individual basis. The fund for the year was
set at $3,000. A report from Brevard College highlighted the
team’s exceptional performance led by Winston Brown and
David Coulter, the club’s two scholarship recipients for the
previous year.
On the boys side, Adam Guherman, a Strider from Norfolk,
won the boys 15-16 age group at the Virginia Association
Junior Olympics Cross Country Championships, a 5K event,
in 19:16.
Four $500 scholarships were awarded this year. Brown and
Coulter received awards for the second consecutive year.
The other two awards went to Michelle Arnold and Shannon
Jeter, two graduating high school seniors who would be
attending Christopher Newport College and William &
Mary, respectively. However, in the minutes of the October
Board meeting, the chair of the Scholarship committee
noted that Arnold was not in school so her scholarship was
not awarded.
The following are the Grand Prix awards for the 1984-1985
Women 19 & Under
Laura Stevens, 180 points
Women 20-29
A full page advertisement appeared in the June issue of The
Rundown, entitled “Sport Shoe Resoling.” For those of us
who have run around the block more than a few times, we
can recall when you did not throw away shoes that were
worn down – you simply resoled them and treated them like
a new pair of shoes. As running shoe costs began to spiral
upwards, this was a reasonable approach to save some
money by extending the life of your favorite running shoes.
A full resole was about $17 and a full resole and midsole,
$25. The process was comparable to retreading automobile
tires back in the day, another money-saving procedure, and
the costs were similar.
Carolyn Harrison, 131 points
Women 30-34
Susan Duquette, 145 points
Women 35-39
Linda Arthur, 115 points
Women 40-49
Jeanette Douglas, 140 points
Women 50 & Over
Fran Adams, 175 points
The Shamrock Marathon sponsored a dance the evening
after the race and the popular singing group, The Coasters,
provided two shows during this post-race activity.
Men 19 & Under
Asa Canaway, 99 points
Men 20-29
Sy Mah ran his 357th marathon at the Shamrock, a world
record at the time.
Pete Gibson, 82 points
Former Strider member, Barry Heath, won the famous
London to Brighton race, roughly 54 miles, in 5:24:15.
Men 30-34
David Harrison, 115 points
Men 35-39
The Board voted to purchase a WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe
Thermometer) to help assess heat stress at club races and
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Banquet, Awards – Bob Woytych
to provide guidance to race directors to either shorten the
distance or cancel the race.
Charlie George served as the Executive Director. Due to
an injury, Carol Senechal resigned from the Board in June.
Jeanne Kruger was selected as her replacement.
Two club members, Cheryl Macdonald, a board member,
and her husband, Mike, were operating Finish Line Sports,
a store in the Kempsville section of Virginia Beach catering
to runners.
Membership dues for 1986 were $10.00 for individuals
and $2.00 for each additional family member. The Golden
Runner fee was still $120.00. At the December Board
meeting, dues were increased for 1987. A detailed financial
report appeared with the minutes of each Board meeting.
In January, the total in hand was $15,191. In February,
the amount was $18,388 with $6,000 in restricted funds.
The amount fluctuated over the year, but the last report in
December showed only $6,487.
Ochs noted there was sadness among the Striders
during 1985 as two fellow Striders, Robert Thomas
and Ray Romans, died in races. Both were in their 50s.
The Striders made a donation to the Heart Fund in their
General meetings of the club were held at various sites,
such as Wareing’s gym. A discussion on resistance exercise
training for runners was presented by the popular gym
owners. Other renowned speakers, such as Henley Gibble
from the RRCA and Boston marathon legend Johnny Kelley,
provided informative talks. The club sponsored Kelley as a
speaker at the Shamrock Marathon. The Annual Tidewater
Striders banquet was held at Old Dominion University.
by Mel Williams
The Tidewater Striders continued on the road to
improvement in a variety of areas. Proposals were made on
several initiatives that, although not developed this year,
would be accomplished in years to come. Sonya Whitley
made a proposal for the Striders to host the RRCA National
Convention in 1989, but such would not occur until the
next century. Pat Molnar proposed a Hall of Fame, but it
would take 25 years before this proposal would resurface
and become a reality. This year may be considered the first
in which organized walking was incorporated within the
club. In his History of Walking in the Tidewater Striders,
Jordan Levitin noted that various walking courses have been
developed in several local shopping malls, and President
McDonald noted that a walking group will be formed as
part of the Striders. Multisport competition was increasing
in popularity both locally and nationally. Our youth teams
performed exceptionally well in regional competition. World
class runners would continue to compete in local races, and
in this year one such runner would set a world’s record.
To top it all off, at the July Board meeting, Charlie George
noted that the club was now the fifth largest running club
in the country.
Other items of interest during the course of the year include
the following:
• At the January Board meeting, Corzatt suggested
that the club should have a uniform requirement
among race directors relative to age groups for
awards. As older runners are now participating in
races, the 50 and over category did not appear to
be appropriate for runners in their 60s and 70s.
• The Women’s Distance Festival was very successful,
including not only a race, but a wonderful tribute to
the club’s female runners. Each received a bouquet
of flowers when finishing the race and a great
cookout afterwards.
• A schedule was developed for team completion for
both men and women, including Open, Submaster,
Master, and Senior age groups. The average budget
allotment for each race was approximately $300.00.
Club operations
• In a story familiar today, the Board investigated
why the Virginian-Pilot did not carry age-group
categories with the publication of race results.
The following constituted the 12 members of the Board of
Directors for 1986.
President – Dave McDonald
Vice President – Sonya Whitley
Secretary – Patti Fulford
Treasurer – Jim Corzatt
Publicity – Carol Senechal
Publicity – Pat Molnar
Programs – Kathleen McAllister
Programs – K. E. Morgan
Publications – Ken Martin
Teams – Jan Forrester
Elections – Debbie Forrester
• At the October Board meeting, Corzatt resented the
fact that the Turkey Trot had been turned over to a
new organization without notifying him and he was
resigning as race director. There was no indication
as to the identity of the new organization.
• The turnout at general meetings was sparse, and
a recommendation to schedule them quarterly,
rather than bimonthly, was made. No decision was
made at the October Board meeting. However,
that recommendation was eventually approved
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
as the club currently holds general meetings on a
quarterly basis.
The Grand Prix schedule for 1985-1986 included the
following twelve events.
• Changes to the constitution were approved at the
December meeting of the Board, but the specific
changes were not noted in the minutes of the
Old Hampton 10 Miler
Elizabeth River Run 10K
Run for the Roses 8K
St. Jude 5K
Tidewater 10K
Phoebus Day 10K
Northwest River 15K
Nature Trail Half Marathon
Northwest River 25K
Northwest River 30K
Shamrock Marathon
In June, 1,600 copies of The Rundown were printed for
distribution. Ken and Don Martin continued as editors.
The newsletter continued to publish a variety of articles,
both by club members and nationally recognized members
of the running community, on the various aspects of running.
In particular, many articles focused on the medical aspects
of running, including nutrition, injury prevention and
treatment, and running in the heat. One much respected
columnist was Gabe Mirkin, a renowned medical specialist
who was also a dedicated runner.
The following represent some of the race results over the
course of the year.
• The Northwest River Park 25K took place in January.
Bill Hart, 1:27:53, and Nancy Turner, 1:44:28,
were the first place male and female finishers,
Comprehensive race schedules were published, including
not only local races, but also a complete 1987 Marathon
schedule listing marathons across the country with dates
and contact information. As noted below, comprehensive
multisport race schedules were also published periodically.
• In the Lions Journey for Sight 5K, Dave McDonald
won with a 15:35 and Laura Stevens was the first
female with an 18:36.
The profile column continued to be popular, and more club
members, particularly Board members, submitted profiles
of club members. Here are a few. Randy Cook profiled Ken
Lampert. Lampert played all sports, but did not start running
until his junior year in high school. He dominated the local
running scene for years, running the mile in 4:04 and the 5K
in 14:29. Sonya Whitley profiled Gigi Kessler-Sixour, one of
the best local female runners. Kessler-Sixour won most local
races she entered. She trains about 35-40 miles a week,
with a 10-mile run on the weekend. Whitley also profiled
Jeanette Douglass, chair of the Women’s Masters team and
an accomplished master’s runner, winning this year’s Grand
Prix for the 40-49 age group. Other profiles include those of
Pete Gibson by Dave McDonald and Don Martin by Jeanne
• The Wave Goodbye to Litter 5K, in Norfolk, was won
by Ray McDaniels in 15:00 and the first woman was
Carolyn Harrison in 18:55.
• The Shamrock Marathon started to attract some
of the mid-elite national and international runners
to its races, particularly the shorter 8K race, but
also the marathon. The first-place male this year
was Joseph Kipsang, from Kenya, with a time of
2:18:59. The first-place female finisher was Claudia
Ciavarella, from Florida, with a time of 2:56:50.
• The 7-Up MDA 7K was won by Phillip Roman in
22:37 and the first female was Carolyn Harrison in
• In the Elizabeth River Run, Steve Pinard ran a 28:31
as the first male finisher and Maria Daniel was the
first female in 34:16.
The November 1985 issue of The Rundown listed the
Tidewater Striders race schedule for 1986. It included over
50 races, starting with the Winter 8K, on January 4, and
ending with the New Year’s Eve 5K, on December 31. Also,
in the December 1985 issue of The Rundown, President
McDonald indicated that in 1986 the club was going to stress
quality over quantity for our races, possibly in response to a
decrease in registrations for current races.
• The Pungo Strawberry Festival 5K was won by Rick
Thompson in 15:47 and the first female was Laura
Stevens in 19:45
• The Norfolk Botanical Garden 4 Mile Run was won
by Rick Thompson in 21:40 and the first female was
Laura Stevens in 25:05.
• In the Blair Clipper Classic, Lanny Doan ran a 15:32
as the first overall male and Deborah Forrester was
the first overall female in 18:03.
Some races were becoming “big budget” events. The
expense report for the Elizabeth River Run indicated that
at one point prior to the race, expenditures to date were
$24,704.90 while entry fee income was $25,435.50.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
• The 9th Annual Turkey Trot 10K benefitted both
the United Negro College Fund and the Tidewater
Striders Scholarship Fund. Paul Hough in 32:53 was
the first overall male and Kathleen McAllister in
39:09 was the first overall female.
• The Women’s Distance Festival 5K, in Norfolk, was
won by Debbie Forester in 18:14. In the men’s race,
Ray McDaniels won with a 15:20.
• The Virginia Beach Arts Center 5K was won by Ray
McDaniels in 15:27 and the first female was Debbie
Forrester in 18:01.
• The Ghent Run 5K was won by Dave McDonald
in 15:14 and the first overall female finisher was
Carolyn Harrison in 18:56.
• The Run for Leukemia 5K, in June, was won by Ray
Ochs in 16:29. Kathleen McAllister was the first
female with a time of 18:44.
• The Greenbrier Mall Simply Terrific 10K was won by
Ray McDaniels in a time of 31:02 and Gigi KesslerSixour was first female in 35:47.
• The Chesapeake Crime Line 5K, in June, was won
by Dave McDonald in 15:06 and Kathleen McAllister
was the first female in 18:43.
• In the Run with the Witches 5K, in October, Lanny
Doan placed as first overall male in 15:42 and Joey
Burns was the first overall female in 19:26.
• In the Independence Day 5K, Ray McDaniels won in
14:40 and Deborah Forrester was the first female
with a time of 17:27.
• In the Suffolk News-Herald 5K, Gigi Kessler-Sixour in
17:44 and Lanny Doan in 15:25 were the first place
overall female and male finishers, respectively.
• The Portsmouth City Park 5K took place in August.
The first male was Ray McDaniels in 15:07, and the
first female was Gigi Kessler-Sixour in 17:30.
• The Lynnhaven Mall 8K was won by Paul Hough
in 25:25 and Nancy Turner was the first female in
• The Ocean View 5K, in September, was won by
Randy Cook in 16:29 and Donna Harper was the
first female in 19:57.
• In the Northwest River Park 15K, Dave McDonald
was first overall male in 48:32 and Deborah
Forrester was the first overall female in 58:05.
• In the Bay Days 10K, the September event held in
Hampton, Ray McDaniels in 31:01 and Gigi KesslerSixour in 36:35 were the first male and female
finishers, respectively.
• In the Northwest River Park 20K, both McDonald
(1:06:06) and Forrester (1:18:05) repeated their
victories from the previous series race.
• The results from the Kempsville Junior High School
PTA 5K Run listed Paul Hough as the first male in
15:06 and Pamela Morell as the first female in
• The Nature Trail Half Marathon, in December, was
won by Ray McDaniels in 1:07:46 and Elizabeth
Andrews was the first female in 1:26:12.
• In the Run for Sight 5K, the first male and female
finishers were, respectively, Ray McDaniels in 14:47
and Deborah Forrester in 17:55.
Elite Club Runners
Gigi Kessler-Sixour was one of the top ranked female runner
in the club. Kessler-Sixour ran a 57:20 race in the Capital Trail
10 Miler for 3rd place overall in this very competitive field.
She won most of the local races in which she competed,
including a 17:30 time for a 5K.
• In the Run for the Roses 8K, Ray McDaniels won
in 24:37 and Gigi Kessler-Sixour was first female in
• The Run Against Crime 5K, in October, was won by
Pete Gibson in 16:00 and Suzanne Puryear in 18:49
was the first female.
Deborah Forrester, formerly Deborah Beckner, was also
one of the club’s top ranked runners. Forrester placed 3rd
overall female in the 11th Annapolis 10 Mile Run. She was
a consistent winner in local races, including both short and
long distances. She ran a 17:25 for the 5K and a 1:18:05 for
the 20K.
• Stroh’s Run for Liberty III 8K, in Norfolk, was won by
Dave McDonald in 24:42 and Deborah Forrester in
29:55 was the first female finisher.
Carolyn Harrison and Kathleen McAllister also performed
very well in local races; each placed first in several during
the year.
• In September, the Neptune Festival 8K, in Virginia
Beach, had Susan Duquette as the first female
finisher in 30:03 and Ray McDaniels as the first
male finisher in 25:44.
Two new club members, Elizabeth “Bee” Andrews and
Lorraine Hochella, performed well in the Elizabeth River
Run, placing 1-2 respectively in their 20-24 age group.
Andrews also ran a 2:57:21 to place as 5th overall female in
the Marine Corps Marathon. Both eventually would become
two of the most distinguished female runners in the area.
• The Portsmouth Fire Department 10K open winner
was Michael Henneberry in 32:44 and the first
female was Carolyn Harrison in 38:47.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Multisport events were blooming all over. The June issue
of The Rundown contained a 3-page list of biathlons and
triathlons from July 12 through September 27. A total
of 100 races were listed throughout the country and
The dominant male runner over the course of the year was
Ray McDaniels, who placed first in over a dozen local races
ranging from the 5K through the half-marathon. He ran a
14:40 for the 5K and a 1:07:46 for the half-marathon.
Dave McDonald had a good year, winning several local races
in the early part of the season and finishing with two strong
wins in the Northwest River Park 15K and 20K races.
Many club members also participated in multisport events
so the newsletter started carrying articles relevant to
multisport athletes. One such article was The Well Dressed
Cyclist, highlighting what you should look for in helmets,
gloves, shoes/cleats, shorts, and jerseys.
Lew Faxon, Ed Brinkley, and Dennis LaMountain were the
leading master’s runners. Cokey Daman was the leading
runner in the senior age group, placing 1st in the 400, 800,
and 1,500 meter races at the Virginia Masters Track & Field
Championships in Charlottesville.
John Pagenstaacher and Pam Zimmerman, from the
Tidewater Triathlon Club, met with the Board at the June
meeting, and the discussion focused on a merger of the two
clubs, which eventually would occur.
The Striders women’s teams were running very well. Both
the Women’s Open team, consisting of Nancy Turner, Laura
Stevens, Janey Gordon and Gaye Millings, and the Women’s
Masters team, consisting of Bobbie Allen, Mary MacFarlane,
Olga Cohen, Joanne Bamburg, and Jeanette Douglass, took
first place in the Bonne Bell 10K race, in Washington, D. C. At
the Virginia 10 Miler in Lynchburg, the Women’s Submasters
Team, consisting of Janey Gordon, Carolyn Harrison,
Suzanne Puryear, Jeanne Kruger, Kathleen McAllister, and
Linda Arthur placed first in the team competition.
There were several multisport events in the Tidewater
area. The 3rd Annual Ocean View Triathlon was scheduled
for June 1. The 4th Sandman triathlon was to take place in
Virginia Beach, in September, and a biathlon was scheduled
for the Saturday after Thanksgiving. However, perusal of
the Striders archives did not reveal results for any of these
Isolated reports in The Rundown provided brief accounts of
club members participating in regional multisport events,
such as the following:
The men’s teams did not do too badly either. The Men’s
Master’s Team at the Marine Corps Marathon, which
included Ed Brinkley, Larry Pederson, Rex Reed, Ken Royston,
and Mel Williams, took the first place award. At Lynchburg,
the Striders Seniors team took first place in the Virginia 10
Miler competition; team members included John Hort, Bob
Clark, Charlie Flynn, Jim Alexander, Jimmy Farmer, and Larry
• Dr. Rudi Schuster won the 60 and over age
group at the United States Triathlon Association
Championships in Hilton Head, SC.
• Two club members, Bill Wittpenn and Joey Burns,
were performing well in out-of-town triathlons.
• Bernie Duffy wrote an account of his and Rudy
Schuster’s participation in the 1985 Ironman
Triathlon in Hawaii, noting that it was an exceptional
experience with more than 1,000 triathletes from
around the world. The Hawaii Ironman competition
is the Mecca for all triathletes.
As noted in the Introduction to this chapter, 1986 appears
to be the first year in which walking would be included
in the club’s activities. At the June Board meeting, a brief
discussion was held on whether there should be a division
in races for walkers. The Board indicated that, because of
time constraints, the walkers would be limited to shorter
distances, such as the mile.
This was a banner year for the club’s youth running program.
Bill Bernard was off to an excellent start with the New
Energy Club. President McDonald and the Board were in full
support of the youth program. A Youth Grand Prix Series
was developed. The front page photo in the July issue of The
Rundown of young children lining up for the Independence
Day Mile Fun Run, is a tribute to the club’s support and
promotion of youth running. The Board provided funding
for three races, which were the East Coast Cross Country
Classic, the Region III Cross Country, and The Athletes
Congress (TAC) Cross Country. However, the teams did so
well that Bernard appeared at the December Board meeting
and petitioned the club for financial assistance to send the
team to the youth nationals in Los Angeles. However, funds
were not available. Various fundraisers were suggested and
At the September Board meeting, President McDonald
noted that more attention should be paid to walkers.
According to Levitin, the following entry appeared in the
minutes of the Striders board meeting on October 21, 1986,
with President McDonald presiding: “Dave informed the
board that Pembroke Mall is establishing a walking course.
A walking group will be formed as part of the Striders. He
spoke of the walking course at Military Circle. Pat Molnar
reported there was also one at Tower Mall.” Molnar became
a competitive walker in 1986. He was the first Strider walker
elected to the Board of Directors, and would become an
activist for walking during his tenure on the Board.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
the Chesapeake City High School Meet with a 5K
time of 15:54 and was fourth in the Regional Meet.
George was looking into a NIKE grant to promote youth
running programs.
Bernard was the head coach for numerous New Energy
runners, but had assistance from Ken Lampert, a coach at
Norfolk Academy, and several parents of young runners,
particularly the Grabbs and the Canaways. In the November
issue of The Rundown, Camille Grabb posts a tribute to Bill
Bernard for the time and energy he devotes to promoting
running with youngsters.
The Strider budget contained $3,000 for Scholarships. Jim
Corzatt, as chair of the Scholarship Committee, raised the
scholarship program to a new level. He was resigning as
chair, but indicated he would remain Race Director for the
Turkey Trot, the major fund raiser for the program. However,
as previously noted, Corzatt resigned when another
organization assumed control of the Turkey Trot race. Pat
Molnar assumed the chair position for the Scholarship fund.
In competition, the New Energy Youth Running team had
quite a year, including the following highlights from the
November, 1986 issue of The Rundown.
Former scholarship winners Winston Brown and David
Coulter had received full college scholarships at Old
Dominion University. Four scholarships were awarded
over the course of six months. The recipients were David
Smith (June), Brian Wakefield (July), Cherie Alexander
(September), and Rodney Rothoff (December). No dollar
amount for the scholarships was uncovered, but previous
grants approximated $500.
• Virginia TAC Junior Cross Country Champions
• TAC-USA National Cross Country Qualifiers
• TAC-USA Region III Cross Country Champions
o 11-12 Boys
o 11-12 Girls
• TAC-USA Region III Cross Country Runners-Up
o 9-10 Girls
A separate affair was held this year to honor those
individuals supporting the club’s activities through their
volunteer efforts. The Volunteers Dinner was held at the
Little Creek Amphibious Base. Sonya Whitley received the
Volunteer of the Year Award.
Here are some highlights for the regional competition. In
only their second year of existence, the New Energy running
team stunned the defending champion, Atlanta Red
Runners, at the regional cross country championships with
impressive individual and team performances. The Boys
11-12 team placed 5 runners in the top 12 and outscored
the second team by 40 points. Team members were Jason
Canaway, Sean Ayres, Travis Thiele, Karl Ostrand, Josh
Barclay, Tracey Thoroman, and Matt Bott. The Girls 11-12
age team was even more impressive with a sweep of the
top 4 places. Dawn Grabb led the girls with Virginia’s only
individual title. Nichole Elliott, Virginia Clark, Stephanie
Smith, Alicia Dandar, Maura Lee and Shirley Nethaway
completed the team.
Kathleen McAllister and K. E. Morgan planned the awards
banquet, which included a variety of club awards. The
following Grand Prix awards, with accumulated point totals,
were presented at this banquet:
Women, 19 & Under
Lourdes George, 139 points
Women, 20-29
Carolyn Harrison, 152 points
The following are highlights of the exceptional performances
by several of the club’s young runners.
Women, 30-34
• Laura Stevens, age 14, ran a 19:26 for the Blair
Clipper Classic 5K, for third place overall female.
She won her age group at the Elizabeth River Run.
In school completion, Stevens won the Chesapeake
City Meet with a 5K time of 18:34. Although Stevens
was a member of the Tidewater Striders, she ran
competitively with the Richmond Track and Field
Women, 35-39
• Dawn Grabb was the Virginia Individual Cross
Country Champion for the girl’s age group 11-12.
With a time of 44:04, she also placed first in the
girl’s age group 1-12 in the Elizabeth River Run.
Men, 19 & Under
Susie Bohlander, 120 points
Linda Arthur, 152 points
Women, 40-49
Jeannette Douglass, 128 points
Women, 50-59
Oma Jean Fox, 110 points
Marc Ayers, 79 points
Men, 20-29
Pete Gibson, 89 points
• Anthony Brinkley, age 15, placed first in the 19 and
under age group in the Independence Day 5K with a
time of 16:21. In school competition, Brinkley won
Men, 30-34
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
David Harrison, 135 points
Men, 35-39
Bill Hart, 167 points
Men, 40-44
Michael Brownley, 139 points
Men, 45-49
Ed Brinkley, 170 points
Men, 50-54
Floyd Dormire, 118 points
Men, 55 & Over
James Alexander, 115 points
Alberto Salazar provides some training tips to local runners.
Photo by Bill Bellenberg, reprinted from Strider Rundown.
Below, the Great Dismal Swamp Half-Marathon, in November 1982 was won by Rick Thompson in 1:11:19. The course
was one-loop on the unpaved service roads of the Great
Dismal Swamp.
In March, Grete Waitz blitzed the Shamrock 8K course with
a time of 25:03 to set a women’s world record for that
The July issue of The Rundown carried an advertisement for
a new player in the athletic store market, Running Etcetera.
The ad described Running Etcetera as “Tidewater’s Newest
Running and Aerobics Store.” Later abbreviated, Running
Etc. over the years would play a large part in club activities.
The Rundown was stuffed with race entry forms at the store
and the club’s hotline was maintained by store owner, Mike
Robinson. Many new Strider members had been recruited
by Robinson, at his store. Running Etc. also became an
unofficial gathering place for many Striders before a running
workout through Ghent or speedwork at a local track.
To the Left: Lew Faxon was second overall at the NW River 20k.
Below, the start of the 1984 Shamrock Marathon.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Special Discounts for Tidewater Striders
Chesapeake Foot & Ankle Ctr.
10% Discount 436-5824
Great Bridge Cyclery
10% Discount Parts & Accessories, 4825149
Massage Discounts - 20% Discount for
massage therapy. Two Locations in Virginia
Beach - 34th Street at the Oceanfront, and
Inlet Fitness - Great Neck.
Tamara Vandelinde 757-615-3782
Brian D. Deutsch, MD, 10% Discount
Integrative Message Therapies, 575-3044
$10.00 Discount on all therapeutic massages
Freedom Ford, Call 583-3673 for details
New Balance Virginia - Hilltop East
10% Discount 433-0100
Running Etc. - Ghent (See ad in this
Mediation Center of Hampton Roads,
10% off of Mediation Services and Training, 624-6666.
Ghent Chiropractic - complimentary
first day services (including consultation,
examination, x-rays (if needed) 622-1222
Newport News:
Runner’s Source 223-4970 15% discount
on non-sale in stock inventory.
Virginia Beach:
Athlete’s Foot
Salem Crossing Shopping Center - 2085
Lynnhaven Parkway 10% discount on
shoes and apparel to card carrying members of the Tidewater Striders.
Cosmo’s Corner. Cage Free Doggie
Daycare and Boarding. 10% discount to
Tidewater Striders on all purchases
(daycare ,boarding and retail items)
Conte’s Bicycle & Fitness Equipment
491-1900 Also, Norfolk, NN & Richmond
Dynamic Health Services - Free consult for
Final Kick Sports - 10% off shoes and
First Colonial Chiropractic 496-4956
Free Exam. Necessary x-rays included
with one paid treatment.
New Life Chiropractic
A $160 value for $50. would like to offer
striders a consultation, Exam, report of
findings and first chiropractic treatment for
just $50. Dr. Mike Geheren 757-222-0910
HDK Cycles - Kempsville 424-6151
15% parts and accessories
Running Etc. - Regency Hilltop (see our ad
in this issue)
Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy
Student Clinic 457-7146 - Student massages ~ $20.00; Other services (Reflexology,
massage/facial) ~ $5.00 off with Tidewater
Striders ID
Shorebreak (Pizza, Sports & Billards)
10% discount to Striders, not to be combined
with any other specials or coupons.
Sterling Meadows Kennel - 471-0040
10% off boarding/supplies - does not include
pet food - Must present Strider membership
Therapeutic Massage - Allison Thomas
10% discount 285-6411
Foot Reflexology - 757-430-2526 or e-mail 10% discount for members
Wells Therapeutics, Inc. - 490-9488
Massage therapy in Mount Trashmore area
10% discount on all therapeutic massage.
Zen Hot Yoga. - 757-288-9142 $25 discount
off 1-month unlmited package or $75 off
a 3-month unlimited package. http://www.
Various Locations
In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports
10% off VO2 Max testing -
Duck, NC
Outer Banks Running Co.
10% Discount 252-255-5444
Other Locations
Lifetime Running and Fitness
10% on all training programs, 703-975-1605 - 20% discount use code “STRIDERS”.
Monthly advertising rates are as
Full Page.................$75.00
Half Page.................$50.00
Quarter Page...........$35.00
Eighth Page.............$25.00
Business Card.........$15.00
Flyers (8.5”x11”)......$50.00
5% Discount for 6 months
10% Discount for 12 months
To qualify for newsletter mailing costs
assigned to non-profit organizations,
we can only accept ads which are
related to sports or health, fitness
and wellness. Ads may be accepted
from other agencies when they help
sponsor the Tidewater Striders and
club events.
To advertise in the RUNDOWN,
please contact Ada Lester, ada@
Ads should be in a pdf, .tif or .jpg
format. All ad copy is due by the
20th of each month.
Strider Apparel
and more..
Hybrid Academy of Martial Arts (Scores Plaza) Receive a free one week
trial on Muay Thai Kickboxing or Submission Grappling 490-6906.
These merchants give discounts to Tidewater Strider members. Most stores give at least 10% discount on non-sale
items. Bike shops usually give discounts on parts and accessories only. You must show your Strider membership
card and the discount is non-transferable. Please support these merchants willing to support us!
Striders Tweet
Follow the Tidewater Striders on Twitter:
Feel free to send an email to with any
Strider announcements you’d like to make via Twitter.
The RUNDOWN - November 2012
Save Time & Paper & $$$$
Sign Up Online @
Membership Application
Tidewater Striders Running Club
1585 Lake James Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Questions or Changes
Call / Email Dan / Bob
Our 40th Year of
Running Hampton Roads
757 495-3551
Name: (First, Middle, Last)________________________________________________________________
Address (Include Apt. #)___________________________________________________________________
City_______________________ State ____ Zip____________ Phone Number (____) _____________
Email Address (please print carefully) ______________________________________________________
(required for sending newsletter & other club updates)
Birth Date (mm dd yyyy) _____________ Gender: M or F Primary Interest: ___Running Walking__
___ New <<<< check one >>>> Renewal ___
For 2-Person or Family Membership, please complete for additional members:
Name (first, middle, last)
Birth Date(s)
Email (print)
(circle one)
____________________________ _____________ M or F ____________________________________
____________________________ _____________ M or F ____________________________________
(circle one)
____________________________ _____________ M or F ____________________________________
(include additional family members on an attached sheet of paper)
Regular Individual
____ $20
Youth (Age 18 & Under)
____ $12
2-Person Family—Same Address
____ $25
2-Year <<<<< Check your option
____ $30
Amount Enclosed:
Dues: $_____________
____ $18 Tax Deductible
Donation $____________
____ $40 __Scholarship __Youth
3 + Family—Same Address
____ $30
____ $50
$ ___________
Checks Payable to
Golden Runner (any age/includes
____ $100
Not Available
Tidewater Striders
Note: Club is a 501c3 nonprofit; donations, not dues, may be deductible
Entry into club-owned races)
I know that running and volunteering to work in club races and other events is potentially hazardous. I should not enter & run or participate in
club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of race officials relative to my ability to safely
complete any race or event. I assume all risks associated with running o volunteering to help with races, including but not limited to, falls,
contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road or trails and traffic on the
course, all such risks being known & appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Tidewater Striders, their
national governing body and their sponsors, their representatives and the successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my
participation in club activities even though liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of those named in this waiver.
(Parent or guardian for all youth memberships)
Apply online or mail check & application to:
Send address or email changes to:
Tidewater Striders Membership
Virginia Beach, VA 23464-6750
Questions ???? Call 757 495-3551
strider app
new energy flyer
new energy app
PLAN TO JOIN the Tidewater Striders' New Energy Youth 2012 Running Team
New Energy is an informal youth group training together to improve their times in road races as well as their
performance in track and field and cross-country events sanctioned by the USA Track and Field (USATF)
and AAU. Motivations vary from those who simply enjoy running, to those who are goal oriented and
recognize the need to train in order to perform well in races. With its group approach to running practices,
New Energy provides a fun, sociable forum for running preparation and development.
New Energy welcomes all youth runners, ages 6-16, regardless of ability. Practices are informal, and
participants are encouraged to attend as many as possible. Runners must have a good pair of running
shoes to avoid injuries. Uniforms (singlet and shorts) and Warm ups ( Hoodie and Pants) can be purchased,
but are optional. Membership in the Tidewater Striders is required by the third practice in order to
participate in sessions and compete on a team basis in Track and Relay teams. The cost is $10.00 per year
or $15.00 for two years. The Team participates in road races held in the Tidewater area, which are part of
the Youth Grand Prix 1-mile series and are sponsored by local organizations such as school PTAs. Check
race flyers for specific information by visiting . A New Energy Team race
schedule will be part of the program and can be found under ‘Youth Programs’ on our Web Site.
Coaching is provided by volunteers who are Tidewater Striders members. Again this year, Angelo Celesia
will provide leadership for training. Other running enthusiasts/parents will also assist.
New Energy provides youth runners and their families an enriching environment which can be a building
block to the youth runners' future. In the past, New Energy runners attended National Cross Country and
Track and Field Championships around the Country. Many previous New Energy runners are currently
participating with high school and college teams where they have excelled in Cross Country, Indoor and
Outdoor Track and Field with All State and National recognition. New Energy has produced numerous
All-American medalists, State Champs and one National Champion in Cross Country.
The New Energy Team practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5-6 p.m., at Mt. Trashmore
(Kid's Cove area facing South Blvd.), beginning Thursday March 6, 2012. Visit the Striders Web Site and
look under ‘Youth Programs’ for a complete training and racing calendar.
Suffolk Training Site: Sleepy Hole Park, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 - 6:30 PM.
Norfolk Training Site: Norview HS Track, Thursdays from 6-7 PM.
For more information, contact:
Coach Angelo: 288-7715
Dan Edwards, Chairman of the Tidewater Strider Youth Committee: 757-495-3551
Evie Foster, Team Coordinator:
Detach and Mail completed form to: Angelo Celesia, 2586 Ocean Shore Ave., Va. Beach, VA 23451
(Also, you may email completed form to or fax to 481-9514 or use our Online
web form: )
Name of Runner: ________________________________________DOB:___________ Gender___
Address__________________________________________ City__________________ ZIP_________
Parent’s Name(s)_____________________ Phone #_____________*Email______________________
*{required to receive schedule / team info}
Child currently a Strider Member _____ Child will be joining the Striders as a New Member_____
Parent's/Guardian's signature________________________________________ Date___________
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Tallwood High School, 1668 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach, VA
*A Walking Grand Prix Event *
*A Golden Runner Race*
The track will open at 7:00 am; 1 Heat starts at 8:00 am
This is the 2012 Virginia Association USATF Open One Hour Race Walk Championship on the track. Non
USATF members and other NonVA-USATF members are welcome to participate and are eligible for Tidewater Strider
awards for open M & W 1st - 3rd places. In accordance with Rule 3 of the USATF Competition Rules, only VA-USATF
members are eligible for VA-USATF open awards M & W 1st – 3rd places.
In past years the one hour race walk results were submitted by mail to the Shore AC of New Jersey, where the
term “Postal” originated, and combined with one hour races from other venues. Walk On! Minnesota took over as
national sponsor for two years using digital reporting of results. The Shore AC has returned as the country-wide race
sponsor, has retained the “Postal” name, and has returned to the postal method of submitting race results. Competitors
may have their race results submitted to the Shore AC 2012 country-wide One Hour Postal Race Walk for a separate
$10 fee. This is in addition to the $10 Tidewater Striders race entry fee used to offset the cost of using the track at
Tallwood High School. $20 is the total fee for race entry and participation in The Shore AC National Postal
Competition (one $10 check payable to Tidewater Striders; and one $10 check payable to Dave Talcott for Shore AC
race registration). Lap time forms will be available at the race site. The race director will consolidate and submit all
country-wide Shore AC Postal race fees, completed registration entry forms, & lap sheets to the Shore AC (Attn: Dave
Talcott, Owego, NY). Receipt of payment, or Tidewater Strider Golden Runner #, and the completed entry form
It is anticipated that two, one hour heats, will be conducted. Individuals walking in the first heat must remain
available to count and record lap times for the second heat walkers. It is recommended that prior to arriving, walkers
arrange with another walker to record lap times during one heat and compete in the following heat, or visa-versa.
three (3) USATF certified racewalk judges will be assigned to judge the racewalkers in each heat. One caution (yellow
paddle) may be given by a judge to walkers observed to be in danger of ceasing to comply with the rules of racewalking
during their heat. Failure to (1) maintain contact with the ground at all times, and/or (2) failure to insure that the
advancing leg is straightened immediately upon contact with the ground, and maintained straightened until the body
passes over the leg, will result in warnings (red cards) being issued by the judges. Walkers receiving three warnings (1
red card per judge) will be disqualified and their names will not be submitted to the national sponsor: Shore AC of NJ.
An air horn will be used to start each heat. A large digital race clock, located in the vicinity of the starting line
and visible to all competitors, will display the time. Each walker’s lap recorder will use the digital clock, or their own
digital clock/watch, to record the cumulative time of each of the walker’s laps. When five minutes remain to be walked,
each walker will receive a marker with their name on it to carry during the remaining time. A hand bell will be used to
indicate when there is one minute remaining. The air horn will sound when the hour time has elapsed. Walkers will
drop their markers at their location on the track when hearing the final air horn blast. Officials will then measure – using
a measuring wheel - and insure the distance of each walker’s final lap is properly recorded on each walker’s lap sheet.
*----------------------------------tear here------------------&----------------mail with check------------------------------------------Make $10 Checks Payable to the Tidewater Striders and mail to: 211 – 66th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2040
Race Director: Steve Durrant –, Phone 757-422-6811 or 757-615-2452 VA-USATF Member:
Name(First,MI,Last)____________________________________________USATF Mbr#__________________M__F__
Phone #__________Email Address________________________GoldenRunner#__________Age on 11/10/12________
I understand that racewalking is a potentially dangerous activity. I should not enter the event unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide to any decision of a
race official relative to my ability to safely complete the walk. I assume all risks associated with racewalking this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other
participants, the effects of weather including heat and humidity, and the condition of the track and all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and
knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Tidewater Striders, Shore AC of
NJ, RRCA, USATF, VA-USATF, the City of Virginia Beach, the Virginia Beach Public School System,, race officials, and all sponsors, their representatives and
successors from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event. I grant permission for all of the forgoing to use any photographs, motion pictures,
recording or any other record of this event for legitimate purposes. I understand that this is an event conducted under the rules of the RRCA and USATF, is not intended for baby
joggers, head phones, roller blades, and dogs on leashes. I will abide by these guidelines.
Signature (Parent, if under 18)
9:00am (Awards will be presented immediately following the race.)
PAYMENT INFOMATION: Make check or money order payable to the “OSHS Orchestra” and mail to:
Race for the Music, Deanna Kringel, Oscar Smith High School, 1994 Tiger Dr., Chesapeake, VA 23320
(No refunds, exchanges or transfers. Incomplete applications will not be processed.)
RACE COORDINATOR: Deanna Kringel,, (757)288-4055,
Individual Competitor Entry Fees for all Runners & Walkers:
EARLY-BIRD REGISTRATION (postmarked by October 1, 2012)
_____$15.00 = EARLY-BIRD REGISTRATION for___ music educators (current or retired) and ___music students currently enrolled in
NAME OF SCHOOL: ____________________________________
REGULAR REGISTRATION (postmarked by November 1, 2012)
_____$25.00 = REGULAR REGISTRATION (postmarked by November 1, 2012)
_____$20.00 = REGULAR REGISTRATION for ___music educators (current or retired) and ___music students currently enrolled in
NAME OF SCHOOL: ___________________________________
ALL RACE DAY REGISTRATIONS (& registrations postmarked after November 1, 2012)
14 & under 15-19
20-24 25-29
Adult Small Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult X-Large
Adult XX-Large
(T-shirts are only guaranteed for early-bird and regular registrations.)
55 & older
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: _______________________ Zip: _____________________
Phone Number: __________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________
Age: _______ Birthdate: _____________________
Contestant Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature (if under age 18)
P-40 Warhaw
P-51D Mustan
5K Run/Walk – 9 a.m.
½ Mile Run – 10 a.m. (12 and under)
Registration opens at 7:30 a.m.
Refreshments & Awards following race
Race Location:
Military Aviation Museum
1341 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23457
To benefit
Untamed Spirit Therapeutic and Educational Program
Providing equine assisted activities
for individuals with special needs
For more information:
VB Runway 5K Run/Walk Entry Form
Participant Name: _____________________________________________________________ Sex: _____ Birthdate: ___________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Age on race day: _______________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Register me for:
5K Run
5K Walk
½ mile My T-Shirt size is: Adult/Youth
Tech shirts to the first 200 registered for 5K.
Entry fees: $25 by October 1, 2012; $30 October 2 thru race day. $10 for ½ mile race.
For more information or if you have questions, contact: Jennifer Jeffers, Race Coordinator, at
5K Awards will be given to: Top 3 Male and Female overall runners in 5K and Walk Division and top 3 runner finishers in the
following age groups:
5K Age Groups: 13 and under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and up.
Medals will be given to all who finish the ½ mile.
By participating in the Virginia Beach Runway 5K, I hereby for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, release the Military
Aviation Museum, Untamed Spirit Therapeutic and Educational Program, all sponsors, representatives and successors from all claims
and/or liabilities of any kind arising out of participating in this event. I understand that this race is not intended for baby joggers,
strollers or dogs. I give the Military Aviation Museum and Untamed Spirit permission to use any photos, videos and/or recordings of
this event for any legitimate purpose, Including newsletters and public relations materials. Children under the age of 18 must have a
ParentÕs signature.
Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
ParentÕs Signature for minor: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Entries must be postmarked by November 11, 2012 and mailed to: Jennifer Jeffers, Race Coordinator, 2724 Renaissance Way,
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 or register online Online registration closes November 16. Mail in
registration closes November 11. Registration will be on site starting at 7:30 a.m. day of race (11/17/2012).
Untamed Spirit Therapeutic and Educational Program
A 501(c)(3) organization, Untamed Spirit provides equine assisted activities to
individuals with special needs in a relaxing farm environment.
Established in 2010 by Barbara S. Ford, Untamed Spirit encourages children and
adults to experience nature and horseback riding in a holistic and nurturing
setting. Untamed Spirit PATH, Intl. Certified Instructors cater to each person’s
individualized needs and life’s challenges.
Untamed Spirit is a PATH, Intl. and Therapeutic Riding Association of Virginia
Untamed Spirit
Aviation and
member center. For more
class schedules call
and Educational Program
(757) 288-5999 or contact
Visit our website at:
A 501(c)(3) organization, Untamed Spirit
provides equine assisted activities to
individuals with special needs in a relaxing
farm environment.
The Military Aviation Museum is home to one of the
largest private collections of World War One and World
War Two era military aircraft in the world. Each has
Been beautifully restored to its prior military condition,
Military Aviation Museum
using original parts whenever possible.
Established in 2010 by Barbara S. Ford, Untamed
Spirit encourages children
and adults to
Call (757)
to obtain
The Military
is 721-7767
home to
one of
nature and horseback riding in a holistic and
our website at:
of World
nurturing setting. Untamed
Spirit PATH,
Intl. War One and World War Two era military aircraft in the
Certified Instructorsworld.
cater to each
Each has been beautifully restored to its prior military condition,
individualized needs and lifeÕs challenges.
using original parts whenever possible.
Untamed Spirit is a PATH, Intl. and
Call (757) 721-7767 to obtain more information
Therapeutic Riding Association of Virginia (TRAV)
member center. Foror
our website
class schedules call (757) 288-5999 or
Visit our website at:
One Mile & 10K Run
Thanksgiving Day
Race Day Schedule Registration Opens: Registration Closes: 1‐Mile Run / Walk 10K Run A Tidewater Striders Grand Prix Event
10K Certified Race Course
7:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:15 AM 9:00 AM Location
Packet Pick Up & Registration (Wed & Thu) & Awards Ceremony at Mt. Trashmore YMCA at 4441 South Boule‐
vard, Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Conveniently located just off I‐264, take the south Independence Blvd exit, turn left onto Edwin Dr, and then left onto South Blvd. Registration Striders Non‐
Member Member Early Registration online* & Postmark by Nov. 11 $14 $17
Late Pre‐registration* Nov 12 through Nov 21 $22 $22 The 10K race will begin at the YMCA located on South Blvd and run down to Presidential, onto Colonial Pkwy, Palace Green, Cumberland, Chancellor, William Penn, Palace Green, Winsdor Woods Blvd, Silina, West Colonial Park‐
way, South Blvd, through Mt. Trashmore, and back to the YMCA. USATF Certification: VA11043RT
1‐Mile Course
The 1‐Mile event will begin and finish at the YMCA and is an out and back on South Blvd. Packet Pick‐up & Late Registration Wed. 11/21 1‐7PM Late registration & pre‐registered packet pick‐up will be held Wed., Nov 21 from 1:00 to 7:00 PM at the Mt. Trash‐
more YMCA , 4441 South Boulevard in Virginia Beach. Chip Timing by Winning Time
Race Day Registration $25 $25 * Online open thru 12 noon Nov 20th; no transaction fees. Golden Runners & race passes postmarked by Nov. 11th Register On‐line at Start and finish line times for the race will be recorded using the Winning Time chip timing system. You must pick up your chip on race day and wear it on your ankle. 2012‐13 Scholarship Recipients: $14,000 Tom Bashara Scholarship
Tidewater Striders Scholarships
Tidewater Striders Scholarship Fund The objective of the Scholarship Award is to provide financial assistance to Tidewater area college bound high school running, track, and cross country athletes, and continuing assis‐
tance where appropriate to current college student athletes. Annual scholarship awards will be designated for the most deserving graduating high school seniors as recom‐
mended by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. For more information about Tidewater Strid‐
ers scholarships or sending donations, contact the Scholarship Chairman: Dan Edwards 1585 Lake James Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464 495‐3551 or Brent Coulter Mathew Schwartzer Landstown High School Indiana University Princess Anne High School Indiana University Pamela Edwards Scholarship
Alexandra Justice Samantha Park Western Branch High School Lipscomb University Ocean Lakes High School University of Mary Washington Elizabeth Cornell Princess Anne / Univ of Tennessee “The purpose of the Turkey Trot 10K and 1 Mile Run is to provide a tradi‐
tional quality running event for families & runners of all abilities with all proceeds going to the Tide‐
water Striders Scholarship Funds.” Zackary Fanelty Tallwood / Georgia Tech Jeremy Greenwald Grassfield / Georgia Tech Alexandra Yerkes Princess Anne / Sweetbriar Information & Online Registration Links: Race Director: Dan Edwards 495‐3551 or 10K Awards 10K Age Groups Runners: First 3 male and female and top 3 in each age group. Walkers (walking entire race) top 3 male and female walkers. Male: 12 & under, 13‐19, 20‐24, 25‐29, 30‐34, 35
‐39, 40‐44, 45‐49, 50‐54, 55‐59, 60‐64, 65‐69, 70 & over
Female: 12 & under, 13‐19, 20‐24, 25‐29, 30‐34, 35‐39, 40‐44, 45‐49, 50‐54, 55‐59, 60‐64, 65 & over Mile Run/Walk Awards Race Features Top 3 male and female age groups: 6 & under, 7‐8, 9‐10, 11‐12, 13‐19, 20‐39, 40 & above; Ribbons for all finishers. Colorful 100% cotton T‐shirts Random drawings for runners & volunteers Unique turkey trophies After race refreshments Traditional family fun 10K Event Records 1996 2008 Tommy Holland Natalie Sherbak 30:22 35:12 Volunteers Needed! Contact Dick Brothers at 481‐6155 or by e‐mail at—get a new race crew T‐shirt and earn a pass for next year’s Turkey Trot and the gratitude of 2,500 runners. Don’t miss a great op‐
portunity for family and friends of runners to participate. Special Thanks To Our Sponsors
Presented by:
of South Hampton Roads
In Cooperation with the City of Virginia Beach Special Events Office & Department of Parks & Recreation Register online or mail entries to:
Turkey Trot, c/o Dan Edwards
1585 Lake James Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Make checks payable to: Tidewater Striders
Name (First—Last)
Phone Number
Golden Runner #
Email: (required for race updates)
Check Race
10K Run
1 Mile Run/Walk
Check if race walker
Zip Code
T-shirt size
(circle one)
Yth-M Yth-L
I understand that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter the run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by
any decision of a race official to my ability to safely compete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in the event including, but not limited to; falls, contact
with other participants, the effects of the weather including heat, cold, humidity, traffic, conditions of the roads or trails, and all such risks being known and appreciated
by me. Having read this waver and knowing these facts and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive
and release the Tidewater Striders, The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation, RRCA, race officials, volunteers and all sponsors, their
representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising from my participation in this event. I grant permission to all of the forgoing to use any
photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand I am responsible for turning in my WT timing chip
& will pay a lost chip fee of $25 if I do not return it. I understand that skate boards, roller blades, and dogs on leashes are not allowed in this race and I will abide by
these guidelines.
Signature _________________________________________________________
(Parent’s signature if under 18)
Jingle Bell Hero,
3rd Annual
Newport News Jingle Bell
Run & Walk
25th Anniversary
Norfolk Jingle Bell
Run & Walk
Erica Watson
Virginia Beach, VA
At 9 years old, Erica was
diagnosed with
Juvenile Arthritis.
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012
Erica refuses to let her arthritis
slow her down and she is doing
great on her methotrexate shots.
She is an active young lady
who spent the past summer
volunteering and has started 8th
grade at Star of the Sea. She
loves to read, her dogs Oliver
and Henry, and riding horses.
Newport News Park
Awards & Divisions:
5k Chip-timed Run • 3k
Walk • Kid’s Reindeer Run
5k Run ▪ 3k Walk ▪ Kid’s
Reindeer Run
8:30 am Reindeer Run - 9:30 am 5k
Run—9:45am 3k Walk
Saturday Dec. 1, 2012
8:30 am Reindeer Run - 9:30 am 5k
Run – 9:45 am 3k Walk
After the races—
Music, Food, Drinks, a Silent Auction, Raffle Prizes & Awards
Entry Fees:
3k walk or 5k Run: $25
(fee increases to $30 & t-shirts are no longer guaranteed: Nov. 3rd, Newport
News & Nov 17 for Norfolk)
Kid’s Reindeer Fun Run (12 & Under): $10
(fee increases to $15 & t-shirts are no longer guaranteed: Nov. 3rd, Newport
News & Nov 17 for Norfolk)
All entries include: long-sleeve T-Shirt, goodie bag, food & drinks
5k Run:
Top 3 overall male & female.
Top 3 male & female:
12 & under, 13-19, 20-24,
25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44,
45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64,
65 & over.
Team Awards:
Highest Fundraising Team,
Most Team Spirit, Largest
Team, Highest Fundraiser
Raise Money, Win Prizes!
Participants who raise $100
earn either a Jingle Bell
runner’s hat or Ornament.
Arthritis Foundation (757) 456-1119 ▪
View all prizes at:
Register at
or by event at:
Newport News:
Please complete this registration form and return to the Arthritis Foundation or register
on-line at
Name (First & Last)__________________________________________________________________________________
Team Name (if applicable) _________________________________________ Team Captain ______________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________E-mail Address: ______________________________________
REQUIRED : Date of Birth: (1/1/70)_______________________ Age on Race Day _______ M/F______
T-Shirt Size* (please circle one):
Amount enclosed $___________
Check all that apply:
Participating on: Nov 17, Newport News Park
Please register me for:
5k Run
3k Walk
Dec 1, ODU, Norfolk
Reindeer Fun Run (12 & under)
Please note that the registration fee for the 5k is $25, regardless of age
 I am unable to attend, please accept the enclosed donation $_________
Please return to the Arthritis Foundation:
Arthritis Foundation, 5101 Cleveland St., #307, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Phone 757-456-1119 ▪ Fax to: 757-456-2347
Waiver Release: I hereby certify the following (1) I am physically fit and have received medical clearance to participate in the Jingle Bell Run & Walk for Arthritis, (2) in consideration for my application to participate in the Jingle
Bell Run & Walk for Arthritis being accepted, I, on behalf of myself, my heirs and assigns, and my estate, hereby
waive and forever discharge the sponsors, organizers, affiliates, as well as their agents and employees from any and
all claims that may accrue as the result of my participation, and (3) I hereby grant the Arthritis Foundation specific
permission to reproduce, publish, circulate, copyright or otherwise use any and all photographs and/or video of me
and /or my family, taken at the Jingle Bell Run and Walk for Arthritis, for use by the Arthritis Foundation.
Signature _____________________________________________________
(Parent or Guardian if less than 18 years old)
No Pets Allowed
Seashore Nature Trail 50K at First Landing State Park
4th Annual -- Saturday, December 15, 2012 - Race starts at 8:00 AM
20th largest Ultramarathon and 11th largest 50K of 2011
This is a 2012 RRCA Virginia State Championship Race –
ENTRY FEE: $80 before November 10; $100 from November 10 to December 15. Entry fee for Tidewater
Striders members who have a Golden Runner membership is $40 before November 10, and $60 from
November 10 to December 15. Golden Runners must register by mail. Eighteen (18) is the minimum age
to enter.
LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: The race field is limited to the first 300 registered runners and
to the first 30 registered Tidewater Strider Golden Runners, after which the regular registration fee applies
to Golden Runners.
REGISTRATION: Register by mail or online. For registration by mail, complete the form on the reverse
side. For online registration, go to If the race registration quota is not filled, runners may
register at packet pick up on Friday, December 16 or on race day starting at 7:00 AM. The race sold out
in 2011.
COURSE: This 50K (31.07 mile) race is run on the trails of First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach,
with a total of approximately one mile at the start and finish on a paved road. The two-loop course is lined
with trees and follows hardpacked dirt trails through a variety of ecosystems. The main trail is mostly flat,
while side trails are slightly hilly with some tree roots to negotiate in certain sections. Wooden bridges are
also found on several trails.
FLUIDS AND FOOD: Various fluids and snack-type foods will be provided both prior to and after the race.
Two aid stations on the course, each passed multiple times, will provide fluids, sports drinks, and
carbohydrate/protein snacks.
TIME LIMITS: The race starts at 8:00 AM with a time limit of 8.5 hours. Sunrise is about 7:05 AM. All
runners should have completed the race in 8.5 hours, by 4:30 PM. Sunset is about 4:45 PM.
HOST HOTEL: The Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center (2800 Shore Drive), an all-suite
hotel with balconies facing the Chesapeake Bay, is the host hotel ( Rates
are $79 per room per night for two persons. To get this rate, you must contact the hotel at (757) 481-9000
and ask for the Tidewater Striders room rate. Rooms must be booked by November 10, 2012 to get this
discounted rate.
DIRECTIONS TO HOST HOTEL AND RACE START: From I-64, take Northampton Boulevard (Route
13) to the Shore Drive exit; turn right and continue on Shore Drive approximately 3½ miles. The host hotel
is on the left just past the intersection with Great Neck Road. The parking area for First Landing State
Park is also on the left about 1 mile beyond the hotel at the blinking stop light. Please car pool on race
day if possible.
PACKET PICK-UP: To avoid the race day rush, please pick up your race packet on Friday, December 14
at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center between 4:00 and 8:00 PM. Alternatively, you
may pick up your race packet on race day morning at First Landing State Park beginning at 7:00 AM.
AWARDS: All finishers will receive an award. Additionally, the following overall and age group awards will
be presented: (1) First three overall male and female finishers; (2) First three submasters (age 30-39)
male and female finishers; (3) First three masters (age 40 and above) male and female finishers; (4) First
three senior (age 50 and above) male and female finishers. Overall place winners are ineligible for
submasters, masters and senior awards; masters place winners are ineligible for senior awards.
AMENITIES: All entrants will receive a premium long sleeve technical shirt. Please note your size on the
registration form.
INCLEMENT WEATHER OR NATIONAL SECURITY: The Race Director and the Tidewater Striders
reserve the right to modify or cancel events as needed in the interest of safety or access restrictions to
the venue. No refunds can be given in the event of modification or cancellation.
1. Stay on the designated trails for the course.
2. Numbers must be worn and visible on front of body at all times during the race.
3. Pacing by unregistered runners is not allowed.
4. Littering may be grounds for disqualification.
5. The trail is open to other runners, walkers, and cyclists. Be courteous.
6. No dogs are allowed to accompany runners.
7. If you can, please carry your own water container to avoid use of cups and possible littering.
8. If need be, stop to help others in need.
9. In places of heavy two-way running traffic, keep to your right as far as possible.
10. Please carry any trash (cups, food wrappers, etc.) with you to trash bags on the course. Leave the
park cleaner than you found it.
POST-RACE PARTY A post-race party and awards ceremony will take place from 4:30 to 7:30 PM
(location TBA). Beverages and pizza will be provided to all runners and volunteers. Awards will be
presented about 5:30 PM.
MORE INFORMATION: Contact the race directors, Stacin Martin ( or 757-8397711) or Rich Hildreth ( Go to
Many Thanks to the professionals at First Landing State Park for the use of their beautiful trails
for our 50K race.
Name (First, MI, Last) ____________________________________________________
Street Address_______________________________________________________
City____________________________________ State__________Zip___________
Age on 12/15/12____ Sex: M__ F__ Tidewater Strider? Y__ N__
Email_____________________________________(Print clearly)
Shirt size: _____S _____ M _____ L _____ XL
Predicted finish time: _____ Hr _____ Min
Regular Entry: _____$80 prior to November 10; _____$100 November 20 to race day
Golden Runner: _____$40 prior to November 10; _____$60 November 20 to race day
I have read the section on Trail Race Etiquette and Race Requirements and acknowledge that violations may be grounds for
disqualification. I understand that running and/or walking a trail race is a potentially dangerous activity. I should not enter and run
unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely
complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and/or walking in this event, including but not limited to: falls; contact
with other participants; the effects of the weather on body temperature, including excess heat and humidity or frigid conditions and
cold rain; traffic and the condition of the roads or trails; and all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this
waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my
behalf, waive and release the Tidewater Striders, First Landing State Park, the City of Virginia Beach, the State of Virginia, race
officials, volunteers, and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of
my participation in this event. I grant permission for all of the forgoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recording or any
other record of this event for legitimate purposes. I understand that this is a trail race conducted under the rules of the RRCA and
USTAF, is not intended for baby joggers, skates, roller blades, and dogs on leashes, and I will abide by these guidelines.
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads (NMCP)
Call 757-967-2500 for more information.
www.rac at
Monday, December 31
Race begins at 11:35 p.m. (That’s right 11:35 p.m.)
Get a head start on those New Year’s resolutions with a healthy alternative! Special award to those who finish before midnight.
Through November 16
Military Community without T-Shirt .........FREE
Military Community with T-Shirt .................$12
General Public without T-Shirt ...................$15
General Public with T-Shirt .........................$27
Through November 30
Military Community without T-Shirt .........FREE
Military Community with T-Shirt .................$14
General Public without T-Shirt ...................$17
General Public with T-Shirt .........................$27
Through December 16 (T-shirt cut-off date)
Military Community without T-Shirt .........FREE
Military Community with T-Shirt .................$17
General Public without T-Shirt ...................$20
General Public with T-Shirt .........................$32
December 17 through 28
General Public without T-Shirt ...................$20
*T-shirts will not be available if you have
not registered by December 16.
14 & younger
15 to 19
20 to 24
25 to 29
30 to 34
35 to 39
40 to 44
45 to 49
50 to 54
55 to 59
60 & older
Register at
Scan this code with your smartphone to visit
Visit Fleet Readiness online for the
latest on events and activities in
the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Interactive Receive event info on your cell phone!
In the “TO” window, type 30364
In the “MESSAGE” window, type:
We need your feedback!
Become a fan of
“Norfolk Naval Shipyard”
or “NSA Hampton Roads,
Portsmouth MWR”
on Facebook!
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads (NMCP)
Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:35 p.m.
Register at
Registration forms may be returned to any of the
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard or Navy Medical Center fitness
centers or faxed to (757) 953-5101.
BASE ACCESS - Registrants will be contacted, via e-mail, two
weeks prior to this event with detailed instructions on how to
obtain access to the base.
Starts at 10 p.m. on Monday, December 31 at (NSAHR) NMCP.
For all military community, government I.D. checked at packet
pick-up for verification purposes.
Scan this code with your smartphone
to visit
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Age __________________ Sex ________________
Work Phone _______________________________________ Home/Cellphone _____________________________________________
E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
T-shirt size: Small _____ Medium _____ Large _____ XL _____ XXL _____
COST: Military Community without T-shirt, FREE
____ Active duty personnel
____Qualifying family member
____DoD civilian
Through November 16
Military Community with T-Shirt .......$12
General Public without T-Shirt .........$15
General Public with T-Shirt ...............$27
Through December 16 (T-shirt cut-off date)
Military Community with T-Shirt ............$17
General Public without T-Shirt ...............$20
General Public with T-Shirt ....................$32
Through November 30
Military Community with T-Shirt ........$14
General Public without T-Shirt ...........$17
General Public with T-Shirt ................$27
December 17 through 28
General Public without T-Shirt ...............$20
Please make checks payable to MWR FUND.
*T-shirts will not be available if you have
not registered by December 16.
T-shirts will NOT be available
if you have not registered
by December 16!
Total enclosed ______________
In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I, the below signed, intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrator waive and release all rights and
claims for damages and personal injury that I may have against the facility and any persons and all sponsors, organizers, and their representative, successors, and assign for
any and all injuries suffered by me in traveling to, performing in, and traveling from said event. I verify that I am physically fit and have trained for this event and my
condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor.
If under the age of 18, parent/guardian signature _______________________________________________________
distance Series
JAN 5TH — JAN 26TH — FEB 23Rd
Tune-up for the Shamrock Marathon
Tune-up for the Shamrock Half-Marathon
A Tidewater Striders Club Event
20K and 10K
25K and 15K
30K and 20K
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
(20K-Grand Prix Event)
(30K-Grand Prix Event)
Registration: Pre-registration is recommended to ensure entry and online entry via is strongly encouraged. Packet pick-up will be held at Running Etc, Virginia Beach
Laskin Rd from 5:00PM to 7:00 PM on the Fridays before each series date. Registration will be
available on Fridays at packet pick-up but not on race day. Registration fee is $20 by Dec 15th &
then $25 per race for Strider members and $25 by Dec 15th & then $30 for non-members. A $10
discount is available when registering online for all three races (10-15-20K or 20-25-30K) by
Race Course:
All races will begin and finish at the entrance to the Dismal Swamp Canal Trail,
Chesapeake, VA 23323 and will be an out & back. The start will be a chip start and all runners will start
Finishline closure is based for each race date on a 90-minute 10K pace.
Directions: Dismal Swamp Canal Trail: 1200 Dismal Swamp Canal Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23323 just off Rt 17
Running Etc. VB is located just off Laskin Rd in the Regency Shopping Center
Packet Pick-up & Late Registration at Running Etc. VB from 5:00PM to 7:00PM on the Fridays before each race
Awards: Runners who complete all three of the distance event series (20K-25K-30K or 10K-15K-20K) will
receive a sweatshirt. Golden Runners and runners using Free Race Passes may also get the sweatshirt by
Jan 20th for $10.
Finish places are based on cumulative times for the 3 events. Age divisions are the same for the Strider
Grand Prix competition.
Grand Prix: The 20K on January 5th and the 30K on February 23rd are both Tidewater Striders Grand Prix events.
Inclement Weather: The Race Director and the Tidewater Striders reserve the right to cancel or reschedule or adjust
distances as needed in the interest of safety or access restrictions to the venue. No refunds can be given in the event of
either re-scheduling or cancellation.
Race Directors: Jean Phelan (757) -681-0248, email
Linda Palluch (757) 641-0410, email:
WALKERS: All walkers must contact Hartley Dewey prior to the events: 757 434-6326 or
Post-race Social: Following each of the races, all runners and volunteers are invited to a postrace social for food and beverages at Cahoon Plantation Golf Course, 1501Cahoon Parkway,
Chesapeake, VA 23322.
Thanks: to the City of Chesapeake &
the Staff their Parks & Recreation Department
Registration available online: or by mail using the entry form below.
Receive a $10 discount by registering online for the full series by December 15, 2012.
Online registration is encouraged. For paper entries, please make checks payable to : Tidewater Striders
Mail entries to: Distance Series, c/o Linda Palluch, 308 48th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Please be sure that your entry form is complete and the waiver is signed. Incomplete entry forms can not be processed.
No Refunds on Pre-registered Entries.
If you are a walker, please check this box:
Name (First—Last)
Phone Number
Golden Runner #
Check all that apply
Race Distance & Date
30K (2-23-2013)
20K (2-23-2013)
____ X-Large
____ XX-Large
_____ Golden Runners & Free Race Pass
users—Check here and enclose $10.00 with
1st Registration receive series premium.
Zip Code
RACES / FEES—Check desired race(s) & circle appropriate fees
____ Small
____ Medium
____ Large
Strider Member
$20 by 12/15 then $25
$20 by 12/15 then $25
$20 by 12/15 then $25
$20 by 12/15 then $25
Golden Runner
$25 by 12/15 then $30
$25 by 12/15 then $30
$25 by 12/15 then $30
$25 by 12/15 then $30
$20 by 12/15 then $25 $25 by 12/15 then $30
$20 by 12/15 then $25 $25 by 12/15 then $30
I understand that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter the run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any
decision of a race official to my ability to safely compete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in the event including, but not limited to; falls, contact with
other participants, the effects of the weather including heat, cold, humidity, traffic, conditions of the roads or trails, and all such risks being known and appreciated by me.
Having read this waver and knowing these facts and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release
the Tidewater Striders, the City of Chesapeake, RRCA, race officials, volunteers and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any
kind arising from my participation in this event. I grant permission to all of the forgoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this
event for any legitimate purpose. This road race is conducted under the rules of USATF. I understand that skate boards, baby joggers, roller blades, head phones and dogs
on leashes are not allowed in this race.
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date_________________
(Parent’s signature if under 18) __________________________________ Date ________________
Other Event Flyers
4th Annual
Making a Difference
Mind, Body, Spirit
8K & 3K Run / Walk
Race Location
Everyone Invited
Race Course
Race Day Schedule
Mariners’ Museum Main Entrance
100 Museum Drive, Newport News, VA, 23606
Runners, walkers, adults & children,
all ages & abilities welcome in both events.
8K and 3K paved road course, traverse the
scenic areas of the Mariners’ Museum Parkway,
the majestic Lion’s Bridge at the James River
and the beautiful Riverside neighborhood.
7:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:45 am
USATF-Certified 8K and 3K courses.
Race Shirt and Goody Bag
Team Entry
Submit 10 or more registrations together by mail.
$5 entry fee discount for 15 & over category.
Team members can mix 8K & 3K distance.
Custom award medals for both events.
8K Event - Male/Female
Top 3 Overall, Top 3 Masters, Age Groups
U10, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39,
40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+.
3K Event - Male/Female
Top 5 Overall 14 & Under, 15 & Over
Registration & Packet Pick-up
8K & 3K Race Start
Post-Race Party
Raffle Prizes & Awards
Technical shirt and reusable goody bag.
Guaranteed with early entry only,
regular entry and race day while supplies last.
Choose Your Prize Raffle
Gift Certificates and Merchandise.
Open to participants, volunteers, and spectators.
Receive one raffle ticket with race registration.
Purchase additional tickets for $1 each.
Early Packet Pick-Up
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
52 Harpersville Rd, Newport News, VA, 23601
Friday, November 9th, 2012, 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Register online at
First Name
Last Name
Nov 10th, 2012
Mariners’ Museum
Newport News
Event Proceeds
Event proceeds benefit the students of Our Lady
of Mount Carmel School (OLMC) to promote health
and well-being...mind, body and spirit. OLMC
unites with family and community to provide a
Christ-centered and educationally stimulating
environment, where students recognize their
God-given gifts and achieve their highest potential.
OLMC's fully-accredited academic program includes
language arts, science, social studies, mathematics
and religion with weekly enrichment in art, music,
computer, foreign languages, physical education,
library and community service for Pre-K through
8th grade students. OLMC’s athletic program offers
competition in various team sports, as a member of
the Peninsula Independent Athletic League.
More Information
Pam Garrett / 757-285-6645
Race Director & Volunteer Coordinator
Michele Smith / 757-596-2754 x221
Sponsorship & Donations
Fees (per person)
Individual or Team 14 & under
Individual 15 & over
Team 15 & over
Early Entry (thru 10/20/12)
Regular Entry (10/21/12 - race day)
PTC Race Passes accepted with early entry
Acknowledgment and assumption of risk and
waiver of liability (must be signed):
Apt / Unit #
∟∟∟∟ ∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟∟
Email Address
Phone Number
Age on Race Day
Team Name (required for team entry only)
Technical Shirt Size (circle one)
Event (circle one)
I know that running or walking in a road race is a potentially hazardous
activity. I should not enter or participate unless I am medically able and
properly trained. I also know that, although police protection will be
provided, there will be traffic on the course route. I assume any and all
other risks associated with running this event including but not limited
to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather,
including high heat and/or humidity, and condition of the roads - all
risks being known and appreciated by me. Knowing these facts, and in
consideration of your accepting my entry fee, I hereby for myself, my
heir executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my
behalf, covenant not to sue, and to waive, release, and discharge Our
Lady of Mount Carmel School, The Mariners’ Museum, the City of
Newport News, the Peninsula Track Club, the Road Runners Club of
America, Race Officials, Volunteers, and any and all sponsors including their agents, employees, assigns, or anyone acting on their
behalf, from any and all claims or liability for death, personal injury or
property damage of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in
the course of my participation in this event. The release and waiver
extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or
unforeseen, known or unknown. I grant full permission to Our Lady of
Mount Carmel School and its agents authorized by them to use my
photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other
record of this event for legitimate purposes.
Checks payable to “OLMC School”. Mail entry & payment to:
OLMC School, 52 Harpersville Road Newport News, VA 23601
Finish line results and race support provided by the Peninsula Track Club.
Signature of Athlete
(parent/guardian if participant under 18 years)
Entry fees are non-refundable & non-transferable.
Event held rain or shine. Race officials reserve the
right to cancel the event due to severe weather.