zde. - METAL 2014
zde. - METAL 2014
15. - 17. 5. 2013, Brno, Czech Republic, EU 1 TANGER Ltd. VSB - Technical University of Ostrava The Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies ASM International Engeneering Academy of Czech Republic Materials Research Society of Serbia Norwegian Company of Material and Technology French Society for Metallurgy and Materials Italian Association of Metallurgy Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials Portuguese Society of Materials 22nd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials Conference Proceedings May 15th - 17th 2013 Hotel Voroněž I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU © 2013 TANGER Ltd., Ostrava ISBN 978-80-87294-41-3 METAL 2013 Conference Proceedings Different Authors May 15th - 17th 2013 Hotel Voroněž I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU Issued by: TANGER Ltd., Keltičkova 62, 710 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU Edition: 1st Edition, 2013 Number of pages: 2068 CONTENT METAL 2013 SYMPOSIUM A - ADVANCED IRON AND STEELMAKING ................................................................................. 29 Computer Modelling of Pneumatic Powder Injection into Liquid Alloys .........................................................30 Jan JEZIERSKI, Zbigniew BULIŃSKI, Krzysztof JANERKA Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Process Metallurgy Factors Influencing Hot Ductility behavior of Niobium bearing Steels ................................................................................................................................ 36 Steven G. JANSTO The Development of Hollow Ingot Casting Technology at Vítkovice Heavy Machinery a.s. ............................43 Pavel MACHOVČÁK, Aleš OPLER, Zdeněk CARBOL, Martin KORBÁŠ, Marek KOVÁČ, Vladimír KRUTIŠ On-line Fuzzy Regulator for Continuous Casting Process .................................................................................50 Tomáš MAUDER, Josef ŠTĚTINA, Miloš MASARIK Influence of Refinement of Primary Cast Steel Structure on Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Velocity .............56 Dariusz BARTOCHA, Jacek SUCHOŃ, Czesław BARON, Jan SZAJNAR Operational Experiences with the Secondary Cooling Modification of Continuous Slab Casting.................... 62 Josef ŠTĚTINA, Tomáš MAUDER, Lubomír KLIMEŠ, Miloš MASARIK, František KAVIČKA Determination of Temperature Dependent Cooling Intensity for the Simulation of In-line Heat Treatment .68 Jan KOMÍNEK, Michal POHANKA, Jana ONDROUŠKOVÁ Parallel Dynamic Solidification Model of Continuous Steel Casting on GPU ...................................................74 Lubomir KLIMES, Josef STETINA Modeling Viscosity and Surface Tension of CaO - Al2O3 - SiO2 System ............................................................80 Silvie ROSYPALOVÁ, Lenka ŘEHÁČKOVÁ, Rostislav DUDEK, Jana DOBROVSKÁ, L’udovít DOBROVSKÝ, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ The Effect of Boundary Conditions of Casting on the Size of Macrosegregation in Heavy Steel Ingots ..........86 Markéta TKADLEČKOVÁ, Pavel MACHOVČÁK, Marek KOVÁČ, Karel GRYC, Karel MICHALEK, Bedřich SMETANA, Ladislav SOCHA Influence of Technological Parameters on the Microstructure of the Silicon Cast Iron ..................................92 Marcin STAWARZ Identification and Control of Secondary Cooling Zone in Continuous Casting of Steel as Distributed Parameter System ............................................................................................................................................97 Pavol BUČEK, Pavol NOGA, Lukáš TKÁČ, Gabriel HULKÓ Design of Tundish for Vacuum Over-Pressure Induction Melting Device ......................................................103 Zbyněk HUDZIECZEK, Vladislav KURKA, Petra BĚDROŇOVÁ, Jaroslav PINDOR, Jiří CIENCIALA Influence of Segregation Processes on Solidification Temperature of Steels ................................................110 Jana DOBROVSKÁ, Bedřich SMETANA, Věra DOBROVSKÁ, Karel STRÁNSKÝ, Hana FRANCOVÁ, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ Comparison of Thermal Analysis Results with the Theoretical Determination of Solidus and Liquidus Temperatures for Specific Steel Grade...........................................................................................................116 Karel GRYC, Bedřich SMETANA, Markéta TKADLEČKOVÁ, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ, Ladislav SOCHA, Karel MICHALEK, Krystian JANISZEWSKI, Ladislav VÁLEK Utilization of Biomass in Ironmaking ..............................................................................................................122 Alica MAŠLEJOVÁ Model Predictive Control of Secondary Cooling Modes in Continuous Casting ............................................128 Anna IVANOVA The Description of the Mechanism for the Alloy Layer Forming Process based on the Experimental Examination ....................................................................................................................................................134 Jan SZAJNAR, Agnieszka WALASEK, Czesław BARON Evaluation of Influence of Fluxing Agents based on Al2O3 on Slag Mode and Process of Steel Desulphurization in EAF.................................................................................................................................. 140 Ladislav SOCHA, Jiří BAŽAN, Krystian JANISZEWSKI, Petr STYRNAL, Dalibor ČÁP, Gabriel HAÁSZ, Vladimír CHAMRÁD Evaluation of the Results of Steel Purity achieved in Steel Production using SSE Method ...........................147 Martin KORBÁŠ, Libor ČAMEK Checking the Systém of Quality Prediction in Concast Equipment when Producing Microalloyed Steels ....159 Miloš MASARIK, Libor ČAMEK Effect of Selenium on Metallographic Purity and Formability .......................................................................166 Vladislav KURKA, Jaroslav PINDOR, Zbyněk HUDZIECZEK, Zdeněk ADOLF, Jiří CIENCIALA Possibilities for Quality Control of Casting Products ......................................................................................171 Renáta LAKOMÁ, Libor ČAMEK Technological Parameters Influence on Continuous Cast Grey Iron ..............................................................178 Wojciech SEBZDA, Jan SZAJNAR Theoretical Study of Interaction of Elements in Iron Binary Systems ............................................................185 Jaromír DRÁPALA, Silvie BROŽOVÁ, Michal MADAJ, Gabriela KOSTIUKOVÁ Metallurgical Processing of Cast Irons and Oxygen Activity...........................................................................193 Jiří HAMPL, Tomáš VÁLEK Experimental Investigation of Spray Cooling of Horizontally and Vertically Oriented Surfaces ....................198 Martin CHABIČOVSKÝ, Miroslav RAUDENSKÝ Effect of Rare Earth Element on Microstructure of Fe-B Cast Alloy...............................................................203 Rostislav CHOTĚBORSKÝ, Barbora BRYKSÍ-STUNOVÁ, Marie KOLAŘÍKOVÁ Influence of the Solution Treatment Temperature upon the Cavitation Erosion Resistance for 17-4 P.H. Stainless Steels ...............................................................................................................................................208 Ion MITELEA, Ilare BORDEASU, Stefan-Eusebiu KATONA Possibility to Reduce the Consumption of Hydrocarbon Gases at Flowing Through Concentric Tuyeres .....214 Ladislav KOVÁŘ A Contribution to the Optimization of the Blast Furnace Material Balance Calculation ...............................219 Břetislav KRČEK Using of Waste PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) as an Alternative Reductant in Iron and Steel Industry .224 Gökhan POLAT, Burak BIROL, Muhlis Nezihi SARIDEDE Technology of Production of New Complex Ferroalloy based on Manganese for Non-furnace Treatment of Steel ............................................................................................................................................................229 Valentina SALINA, Sailaubai BAISANOV, Ivan RIABCHIKOV, Alexander ALEKSEENKO, Ilia REZNITSKIY Myths and Questions of Managers about Motivation for Employee Creativeness .......................................234 Andrea SAMOLEJOVÁ, Martin LAMPA, Andrea SIKOROVÁ SYMPOSIUM B - METAL FORMING................................................................................................................239 Review of Peak Stress Setting.........................................................................................................................240 Jiří KLIBER, Lenka KUNČICKÁ, Ilija MAMUZIC Computer Simulation of Trimming Process for High Volume Press Production ............................................249 Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Maciej NOWOSIELSKI, Krzysztof ZABA Computer Analysis of Forming of Round Forged Parts with Mechanical Press and Hammer .......................255 Tomasz MIŁEK Analysis of Theoretical Methods of Evaluation of Bainitic Hardenability of Steels .......................................261 Maciej PIETRZYK, Roman KUZIAK Development of the Complex Austenite - Ferrite Transformation Model based on CA Method .................. 267 Rafal GOLAB, Lukasz MADEJ Flow Stress Determination Methods for Numerical Modelling .....................................................................273 Ivana POLÁKOVÁ, Tomáš KUBINA Analysis of Metal Flow during Rolling of Z-Section Sheet Pile .......................................................................279 Stanisław TURCZYN, Michał DZIEDZIC, Zbigniew KUŹMIŃSKI Deformation Behaviour of Surface Layers of Continuously Cast Blanks from C-Mn-Cr Steel ........................285 Stanislav RUSZ, Ivo SCHINDLER, Jaroslav SOJKA, Rostislav KAWULOK, Petr KAWULOK, Rostislav TUROŇ, Petra TUROŇOVÁ TPM Method in the Analysis of Flow in the Cold Rolling Mill ........................................................................291 Edward MICHLOWICZ Modelling of Metal Yielding in Processes of Forging and Stamping ..............................................................297 Konstantin SOLOMONOV, Sergey LEZHNEV Capacitance Detectors used for Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Test (SHPBT) and their Comparison with Numeric Simulation SHPBT.............................................................................................................................305 Ivo DOHNAL, Miroslav ŠLAIS, Milan FOREJT Influence of Severe Plastic deformation on Mechanical Properties of low Carbon Steel .............................311 Stanislav RUSZ, Vladislav OCHODEK, Lubomír ČÍŽEK, Vít MICHENKA, Tibor DONIČ, Michal SALAJKA, Stanislav TYLŠAR, Jan KEDROŇ Tool for Realization severe Plastic Deformation ............................................................................................317 Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Violetta ANDREYACHSHENKO, Jiri KLIBER, Radim KOCICH The Way to Modify Ultrafine Grain Structure of Medium Carbon.................................................................322 Jozef ZRNÍK, Sergey V. DOBATKIN, Libor KRAUS Analysis of the Microstructure Evolution of Copper at Equal Channel Angular Pressing ..............................329 Sergey LEZHNEV, Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Irina VOLOKITINA, Oksana CHALAYA Analysis of Surface Defects of „Dent“ and „Pin-Hole“ Types Formation Process during Cold Rolling ...........335 Abdrahman NAIZABEKOV, Vitaliy TALMAZAN, Almas YERZHANOV Mini-Thixoforming of Tool Steel X210Cr12 ....................................................................................................341 Hedvika MIŠTEROVÁ, Andrea RONEŠOVÁ, Štěpán JENÍČEK FEM Model and Experimental Production OF Titanium Rods using Conform Machine ................................ 347 Josef HODEK, Tomáš KUBINA, Jaromír DLOUHÝ Wire Surface Roughness as Possible Criteria for Evaluation of Dies Wear ....................................................352 Viktor TITTEL, Miroslav ZELENAY, Ľuboš KUDELÁS Influence of Technological Conditions of drawing on Inhomogeneity of Deformation under Conditions of Hydro-dynamic Lubrication ........................................................................................................................358 Richard FABÍK Thermomechanical Processing of P/M Ti-6Al-4V Alloy ..................................................................................364 Marek WOJTASZEK, Tomasz ŚLEBODA Influence of Chemical Composition on Spreading of Steel at Hot Longitudinal Rolling ................................370 Petr KAWULOK, Stanislav CZERNEK, Ivo SCHINDLER, Rostislav KAWULOK, Stanislav RUSZ, Zdeněk SOLOWSKI, Karel Milan ČMIEL Research of a New Method of Deformation - „Pressing - Drawing“ on Mechanical Properties of Steel Wire ................................................................................................................................................................376 Andrei VOLOKITIN, Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Sergey LEZHNEV Compensation of Springback Effect in Designing New Pressing Technologies ..............................................380 Maciej NOWOSIELSKI, Krzysztof ŻABA, Paweł KITA, Michał KWIATKOWSKI Physical Modeling of Seamless Tubes Producing ...........................................................................................385 Petr UNUCKA, Roman NOGA FEM Simulations and Comparison of the ECAP and ECAP-PBP Influence on Ti6Al4V Alloy’s Deformation Behaviour........................................................................................................................................................391 Lenka KUNČICKÁ, Radim KOCICH, Jaromír DRÁPALA, Violetta A. ANDREYACHSHENKO Controlled Surface Treatment with Machine Hammer Peening ....................................................................397 Beatrix ADJASSOHO, Ernst KOZESCHNIK, Christoph LECHNER, Christoph HABERSOHN, Friedrich BLEICHER, Stefan GÖSSINGER, Christian BAUER, Franz HEINDL, Christian TOMASTIK, Manel RODRIGUEZ RIPOLL Comparative Evaluation of Technologic Lubricants .......................................................................................403 Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Dmytry SAMSONOV, Olga KRIVTSOVA, Sergey LEZHNEV, Vitaly TALMAZAN, Alexandr ARBUZ Optimization of Low-Temperature Thermo-Mechanical Treatment on 54SiCr Steel for Spheroidization of Carbides ......................................................................................................................................................408 Vit PILECEK, Ludmila KUCEROVA Analysis of the Quality of Hot-rolled Steel for Side-Members .......................................................................416 Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Vitaliy TALMAZAN, Olga KRIVTSOVA, Alexandr ARBUZ, Alexandr VIVENTSEV Combined Process of Helical Rolling with Equal-Channel Angular Pressing ..................................................422 Abdrakhman NAIZABEKOV, Sergey LEZHNEV, Aleksandr ARBUZ The Springback Analysis at Free Bending by Contact-less Optical Systems ...................................................427 Pavel DOUBEK, Pavel SOLFRONK, Jiří SOBOTKA, Michaela KOLNEROVÁ, Lukáš ZUZÁNEK Development of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel after ECAP Deformation ...................................................................................................................................................431 Miroslav GREGER, Ladislav KANDER The Use of Computer Techniques to Evaluate the Drawability of the Thin Sheet Metal ..............................438 Monika HYRCZA-MICHALSKA Model of Hot Deformation Resistance of the Iron Aluminide of the Type Fe-40 at.% Al ..............................444 Rostislav KAWULOK, Petr OPĚLA, Ivo SCHINDLER, Petr KAWULOK The Influence of Chemical Composition and Microstructure on Wear Mechanism of Equipment Rolls for Fine Section Mills ......................................................................................................................................450 Janusz KRAWCZYK, Bogdan PAWŁOWSKI, Piotr BAŁA Plotting of Processing Maps of P91 Steel and Ms70 Brasswith Energy Dissipation and Instability Parameter Computation on the basis of Plastometric Tests............................................................................................456 Tomáš KUBINA, Jiří KLIBER, Lenka KUNČICKÁ Optimization of the Tube Rolling Process for 25CrMo4 Steel Grade .............................................................462 Ľudovít PARILÁK, Milan MOJŽIŠ, Tomáš KVAČKAJ, Lucia DOMOVCOVÁ462 Experimental Investigations of „Controlled Impact“ Effect ...........................................................................467 Todor PECHNEV, Ivan ALTAPARMAKOV Static Recrystallization of Intermetallic Compound of the Type Fe-40 at.% Al-Zr-B ......................................473 Ivo SCHINDLER, Stanislav RUSZ, Pavel HANUS, Jaromír KOPEČEK Isothermal Forging of P/M FeAl Alloys ...........................................................................................................479 T. ŚLEBODA, S. BEDNAREK, A. Łukaszek-SOLEK Investigation of Defects IN Forging Tools by Nondestructive Detection Method .........................................485 Dana STANČEKOVÁ, Andrej CZÁN, Michal DERBAS Dynamic Recrystallization during ECAP of Magnesium Single Crystal ...........................................................491 Petra ŠEDÁ, Aleš JÄGER, Pavel LEJČEK Numerical Analysis of Production Procedure of Alluminium bellows by Means of Hydroforming ...............496 Martin HYNEK, Luboš ŘEHOUNEK, Petr VOTÁPEK Characteristics of Copper Wire Drawn Distended for Electrical Cabling by Electron Back Scattering Diffraction .......................................................................................................................................................502 M. ZIDANI, F. DENDOUGA, S. MESSAOUDI, L. BESSAIS, M. D. HADID, C. DERFOUF, A. L. HELBERT, T. BAUDIN SYMPOSIUM C - STEEL PRODUCTS - PROPERTIES ................................................................................. 507 Grain Size Prediction of Steel P92 by Help of Numerical Simulations............................................................508 Jaromír MORAVEC, Josef BRADÁČ, Heinz NEUMANN, Iva NOVÁKOVÁ Study of High Temperature Properties and Microstructure of Heterogenous P23/P91 Welds during the Creep Exposure at 500, 550 and 600 oC ................................................................................................... 514 Lucie STŘÍLKOVÁ, Zdeněk KUBOŇ, Vlastimil VODÁREK Precipitation Processes in AISi 316LN + Nb Steels during Creep at 600 °C ....................................................520 Jan HOLEŠINSKÝ, Vlastimil VODÁREK Weld Repair of Grade 91 Steel .......................................................................................................................526 J. D. PARKER, J. A. SIEFERT Investigation of Mechanical Properties of P92 Welded Joints made by MMAW ..........................................532 Petr MOHYLA, Kristýna FOLDYNOVÁ, Miroslav LINDOVSKÝ, Andrea ZAPLETALOVÁ Evaluation of Kinetics of Austenite Graingrowth of selected Stells used for Heavy Forgings .......................537 Petr ZUNA, Jakub HORNÍK, Jaroslav MÁLEK, František JANDOŠ A New Development in Thermo-Mechanical Processing of TRIP Steels ........................................................542 Ludmila KUČEROVÁ, Hana JIRKOVÁ, Vojtěch PRŮCHA, Vít PILEČEK Development in Production of High Formability Boron added Low Carbon Steel .........................................548 Chokchaithananan NUNTAWAT, Takateru UMEDA Influence of Different Heating Strategies on Stress-Strain behaviour of Continuously Cast Bloom with and without Internal Defect ...................................................................................................................554 Miroslav KVÍČALA, Karel FRYDRÝŠEK, Aleš HENDRYCH Effect of Tensile Test Specimen Size on Ductility of R7T Steel .......................................................................560 Bohumír STRNADEL, Jan BRUMEK Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Heterogeneous Weld Joint 22K - 08CH18N10T .....................................566 P. ČÍŽEK, K. MATOCHA, L. KANDER Estimation of Fracture Toughness of the Oxide Scales ..................................................................................572 Jozef HRABOVSKÝ, Petr LOŠÁK, Jaroslav HORSKÝ Microstructure Characterization of Goes after Hot Rolling and Cold Rolling + Decarburization Annealing..578 Vlastimil VODÁREK, Jan HOLEŠINSKÝ, Anastasia MASLOVA, František FILUŠ, Šárka MIKLUŠOVÁ, Ondřej ŽÁČEK Influence of Experimental Conditions on Data obtained by Thermal Analysis Methods...............................585 Monika ŽALUDOVÁ, Bedřich SMETANA, Simona ZLÁ, Jana DOBROVSKÁ, Silvie ROSYPALOVÁ, Daniel PETLÁK, Ivo SZURMAN, Alice ŠTVRTŇOVÁ Study of Latent Heats of Fe based Metallic Alloys .........................................................................................592 Bedřich SMETANA, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ, Simona ZLÁ, Jana DOBROVSKÁ, Lucie KREJČÍ, Ladislav VÁLEK, Radim PACHLOPNIK, Alice ŠTVRTŇOVÁ Plasticity of Steel X50MnAl27-7 with Nickel and Copper Addition ................................................................598 Eva MAZANCOVÁ, Michal CAGALA, Bedřich SMETANA, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ Hardness of different Manganese Steel Types in Relation to Processing ......................................................604 Eva MAZANCOVÁ, Michal CAGALA, Ivo SCHINDLER Corrosion behaviour of selected High Manganese Austenitic Steels .............................................................610 Stanislav LASEK, Eva MAZANCOVÁ Phase Analysis Explosive welded Ti-Cr/Ni Steel in AS-received Statte and after Heat Treatment using Synchrotron (BW-5) ........................................................................................................................................616 Dmytro OSTROUSHKO, Eva MAZANCOVÁ, Karel SAKSL Desing of Dual Phase High Strength Steel Sheets for Autobody ....................................................................620 Emil EVIN Diffusion Characteristics of Hydrogen in the Trip C-Mn-Si-P Steel ................................................................626 Jaroslav SOJKA, Petr ŠTĚPÁN, Petra VÁŇOVÁ The Effect of Final Surface Treatment of 34CrMo4 Steel on Resistance to Sulphide Stress Cracking (SSC) ..632 Pavel KUČERA, Anastasia MASLOVA, Eva MAZANCOVÁ Comparison of the Heat affected Zones and Base Metals of 0.5-9 % Cr Steels to Hydrogen Embrittlement Sensitivity........................................................................................................................................................638 Anna VÝROSTKOVÁ, Roman MACKO, Juraj BLACH, Lucia ČÍRIPOVÁ Microstructural Characterization of Medium Carbon Dual Phase Steels after Intermediate Quenching .....645 Ersoy ERİŞİR, Serap GÜMÜŞ, Oğuz Gürkan BİLİR Tempering Response of Sub-Zero Processed Cr-V Ledeburitic Steel Vanadis 6.............................................651 Peter JURČI, Martin KUSÝ, Mária DOMÁNKOVÁ, Lubomír ČAPLOVIČ, Jana SOBOTOVÁ, Petra SALABOVÁ, Otakar PRIKNER, Darja JENKO Structure and Properties of Sub-Zero Processed Ledeburitic Tool Steels......................................................657 Jana SOBOTOVÁ, Jiří CEJP, Peter JURČI, Petra SALABOVÁ, Otakar PRIKNER Laser Welding of DOMEX Steel and Heterogeneous Weld with DC01...........................................................663 Libor MRŇA, Lukáš KOPECKÝ, Tomáš NĚMEČEK, Šárka MIKMEKOVÁ, Ivo DOHNAL Primary Crystallization of Chromium Část Steel in Metastable Conditions ...................................................669 Andrzej STUDNICKI, Marcin KONDRACKI, Jan SZAJNAR Elastic-Plastic behaviour of Advanced ADI studied by In-Situ SEM Tensile Test ............................................676 Martin PETRENEC, Hana TESAŘOVÁ, Karel KRAHULA, Jaroslav POLÁK Controlled Shot Peening of ADI/AGI Castings ................................................................................................682 Z. ANDRSOVA, B. SKRBEK, I. SEJNOHOVA The Influence of the Kinetics of Phase Transformations during Tempering on the Microstructure Development in Tool Steel with Different Carbon Content ...........................................................................689 Piotr BAŁA Microstructure and Microhardness of Low Alloyed Steel 32CDV13 Nitrided by Plasma...............................695 Okba BELAHSSEN, Abdelouahed CHALA, Mohamed Hamza BELAHSSEN, Said BENRAMACHE, Djamel BENSAHAL, Foued CHABANE Effect of Heating Rate on Phase Transformations during Tempering of Cr-Mn-Mo Alloy Steels ..................700 Rafal DZIURKA, Jerzy PACYNA, Tomasz TOKARSKI Effect of Microstructure and TRAP Typology on Hydrogen Redistribution in Steel .......................................706 Daniel GAUDE-FUGAROLAS Modelling of Nd-YAG Continuously Laser Welding Process of Ti-6Al-4V and X5CrNi18-10 using Factorial Design .............................................................................................................................................................712 Cosmin Florin GROZA, Dragoş BUZDUGAN, Ion MITELEA Electron Beam Welds of Austenitic Stainless Steels and ODS Steels .............................................................718 Petr HAVLÍK, Pavel ŠOHAJ Effect of Cold Deformation on the Properties of New Austenitic Stainless Steel for Boiler Superheater Tubes ..............................................................................................................................................................724 Šárka HERMANOVÁ, Lenka DOBROVODSKÁ, Ladislav KANDER Assessment of Energy Dissipation at Initiation Moment of Fracture Process of Low - Carbon Steel ............730 Karel CHOBOT, Martin KRAUS Effect of Steel Purity on Rotor Degradation ...................................................................................................736 Roman HEIDE, Petr JONŠTA, Zdeněk JONŠTA, Miriam GABČOVÁ, František JANDOŠ Microstructure and Cavitation Erosion Resistance for Stainless Steels with 12 % Chrom and Variable Nickel Concentrations .................................................................................................................................... 742 BORDEASU Ilare , MITELEA Ion, JURCHELA Alin Dan, OANCA Octavian Structure and Properties of A508 Gr. 4N Class 3 Grade Steel ........................................................................748 Ladislav KANDER, Šárka STEJSKALOVÁ, Magdalena ŠMÁTRALOVÁ, Petr ČÍŽEK, Petr PUSTĚJOVSKÝ Influence of the Solution Treatment Temperature upon the Cavitation Erosion Resistance for 17-4P.H. Stainless Steel .................................................................................................................................................754 BORDEASU Ilare, MITELEA Ion, KARABENCIOV Adrian, OANCA Octavian The Influence of Nickel Interlayer for Diffusion Welding of Titanium and Austenitic Stainess Steel ............760 Ladislav KOLAŘÍK, Marie KOLAŘÍKOVÁ, Pavel NOVÁK, Martin SAHUL, Petr VONDROUŠ The Influence of Resistance Spot Welding on Weld Joint Quality and Service Life of Elektrodes .................766 Marie KOLAŘÍKOVÁ, Ladislav KOLAŘÍK Determination of Fracture Toughness and Tensile Properties of Structural Steels by Small Punch Test and Micro-Tensile Test ..........................................................................................................................................772 Pavel KONOPÍK, Jan DŽUGAN, Radek PROCHÁZKA Degradation of Heat Resistant Steels Components of Power Plant...............................................................778 Martin KRAUS, Jaroslav BYSTRIANSKÝ, Vratislav MAREŠ Transition Zones Study of the Heterogenous Welded Joints .........................................................................785 Lucie KREJČÍ, Ivo HLAVATÝ, Xenie ŠEVČÍKOVÁ Influence of Alloy Elements on Corrosion Resistance on Valve Steels in Environment of Combustion Gases of Gasoline with 5, 10 and 50 % of ethanol Additives ........................................................................................790 Jan NOWAK, Krzysztof ADAMASZEK Thermo-Mechanical Treatment of forged Products of Ti-V-B Microalloyed Steel.........................................796 Marek OPIELA, Barbara GRZEGORCZYK Effect of Carbon and Silicon Addition on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure in Nodular Cast Iron .802 Mehmet EKICI, Ugur OZSARAC, Salim ASLANLAR, Faruk VAROL Effect of Welding on the Properties of HR3C, Super 304H, Tp347HFG and P92 Steels .................................806 Lukáš POMIKÁLEK, Šárka HERMANOVÁ, Lenka DOBROVODSKÁ Joining of Metallic Composite Materials by CMT Pulse .................................................................................812 Mihaela POPESCU, Radu Alexandru ROŞU ,Cosmin LOCOVEI, Ion Aurel PERIANU Structure and Electrochemical behaviour of Fe-9Cr-W Alloys with Variable Carbon and Tungsten Content ...........................................................................................................................................................817 Jiří RAPOUCH, Jaroslav BYSTRIANSKÝ Effect of forging on Microstructure of Fe-B Cast Steel...................................................................................822 Jarmila SAVKOVÁ, Rostislav CHOTĚBORSKÝ, Olga BLÁHOVÁ Parameters of Advanced High Strength Steels Weldability ...........................................................................828 Eva SCHMIDOVÁ, Michal KONEČNÝ Magnetic Spot in Structuroscopy of Steel Products .......................................................................................834 Břetislav SKRBEK, Vladimír NOSEK The Hydraulic Bulge Test and its Importance for the Vegter Yield Criterion .................................................839 Jiří SOBOTKA, Pavel SOLFRONK, Pavel DOUBEK, Lukáš ZUZÁNEK Utilization of the Contact-less Optical System for the Bore Expansion Test ..................................................845 Jiří SOBOTKA, Pavel SOLFRONK, Michaela KOLNEROVÁ, Lukáš ZUZÁNEK Creep Strength Decrease of Cast Steel P91 Weldments ................................................................................851 Tomáš VLASÁK, Jan HAKL, Pavel NOVÁK, Jiří SOCHOR, Jan ČECH Comparison of results Correlations of the Steels p91, p92 AND 15 313 after Creep Sp Test ........................856 Josef VOLÁK, Zbyněk BUNDA, Eva CHVOSTOVÁ Texture Development during Recrystallization Process of HS-IF Steels .........................................................861 Peter ZIMOVČÁK, Štefan NIŽNÍK, Martin ČERNÍK, Juraj GRABAN, Ivor KUČERA Initial Stage of Mutual Diffusion of Carbide in Iron ........................................................................................867 Jiří ČERMÁK, Lubomír KRÁL Comparison of Diffusion Coeffecients in Initial Stages of Mutual Difusion in Layered Structures Carbon/Ferrite and Carbon/Austenite Alloys .................................................................................................873 Jiří ČERMÁK, Lubomír KRÁL SYMPOSIUM D - MODERN TRENDS IN SURFACE ENGINEERING ............................................................ 879 The Influence of the Kind of Surface Treatment on the Wear of Machines Elements Applied in the Textile Industry...........................................................................................................................................................880 Dariusz JEDRZEJCZYK, Maciej HAJDUGA Analysis of CrAgN Coating on Vanadis 6 Steel after Pin-On-Disc Testing.......................................................886 Jana BOHOVIČOVÁ, Peter JURČI, Mária HUDÁKOVÁ, Ľubomír ČAPLOVIČ, Martin SAHUL, Pavel BíLEK The Influence of Side Surface of the Slink on the Nature and Corrosion Resistance of the Hot-Dip Zinc Coating............................................................................................................................................................892 Sylwia WĘGRZYNKIEWICZ, Dariusz JĘDRZEJCZYK, Dariusz SOŁEK, Ilona SZŁAPA, Maciej HAJDUGA Effect of Filler on the Surface Roughness of Hard Chromium Composite Coatings.......................................898 Ondřej CHOCHOLATÝ, Antonín KŘÍŽ, Pavla KLUFOVÁ, Tomáš DEVERA Zirconium alloyed DLC Layers for Biomedical Applications............................................................................903 Luděk JOSKA, Jaroslav FOJT, Hynek MORAVEC, Vítězslav BŘEZINA Bacteria as the Menace to Human Live in Sanitary Ambulances ...................................................................909 Marta HAJDUGA, Rafał Jakub BUŁDAK, Sylwia WĘGRZYNKIEWICZ, Dariusz SOŁEK, Maciej HAJDUGA, Dariusz JEDRZEJCZYK Spraying Parameters Study of HVOF Coatings based on CrC .........................................................................915 Šárka HOUDKOVÁ, Zdeněk ČESÁNEK, Michaela KAŠPAROVÁ, Jan SCHUBERT Laser Re-Melting of HVOF Sprayed NICrBSi Coatings.....................................................................................921 Marek VOSTŘÁK, Matěj HRUŠKA, Šárka HOUDKOVÁ Evaluation of Effects of Laser Hardening on Fatigue Resistance of 42CrMo4 Steel ......................................926 Ivo ČERNÝ, Dagmar MIKULOVÁ, Jiří SÍS The X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Phase Evolution in Zn-Al-Mg Coating Layer ..............................................931 Kristián ŠALGÓ, Martin KUSÝ Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Zinc Coatings on Component of the Ambulance ...............................936 Ilona SZŁAPA, Dariusz JĘDRZEJCZYK, Maciej HAJDUGA, Sylwia WĘGRZYNKIEWICZ, Dariusz SOŁEK Investigation of DLC Coating and its Influence on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy TI-6Ai-4V by Means of Automated Ball Indentation Test ..............................................................................................943 Maxim PUCHNIN, Evgeniy ANISIMOV Surface Roughness Determination using Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope Zeiss LSM 700 .................... 947 Tomáš BEZÁK, Martin KUSÝ, Michal ELIÁŠ, Michal KOPČEK Study of Influence Corrosive Environment on Characteristics Protective Coatings used for Long-Term Corrosion Protection of Steel Substrate .........................................................................................................953 Jitka PODJUKLOVÁ,Kateřina SUCHÁNKOVÁ, Petr ŠRUBAŘ,Sylvie KOPAŇAKOVÁ, Kamila HRABOVSKÁ CrAg7N Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited of Cr-V Ledeburitic Steel .........................................................959 Pavel BÍLEK, Peter JURČI, Mária HUDÁKOVÁ, Jana BOHOVIČOVÁ, Jana SOBOTOVÁ Kinetics of Iron Silicide Deposited on AISI D2 Steel by Pack Method .............................................................965 Ugur SEN, Ozkan OZDEMIR, Senol YILMAZ, Saduman ŞEN Corrosion Resistance of Plasma Nitrided Structural Steels ............................................................................971 David KUSMIČ, Vojtěch HRUBÝ Deposition of Alumina Ceramic Biocompatible Layers by Plasma Spraying ..................................................977 Radu Alexandru ROŞU, Mihaela POPESCU, Viorel-Aurel ŞERBAN, Ion Aurel PERIANU Comparison of NiCrBSi Coatings, HVOF Sprayed, Re-Melted by Flame and by High-Power Laser ................982 Šárka HOUDKOVÁ, Marek VOSTŔÁK, Matěj HRUŠKA, Jan ŘÍHA, Eva SMAZALOVÁ, Zdeněk ČESÁNEK, Jan SCHUBERT Corrosion Resistance of Coating and No Coating Materials at the Glass Industry.........................................988 Michaela FEDOROVÁ, Františka PEŠLOVÁ, Rastislav TALAŠ Utilization of Micro-Indentation Methods for Evaluation of the Degradation Rate of Polymeric Materials at Extending Equipment Lifetime of the Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power Plants ..............................994 ŠTĚPÁNEK Ivo, TENGLER Marek, SLADKÁ Jana Standard and Scanning Laser Hardening Procedure ....................................................................................1009 Matěj HRUŠKA, Marek VOSTŘÁK, Eva SMAZALOVÁ, Michal ŠVANTNER Structural Stability of Plasma Sprayed CoNiCrAlY - ZrO2+Y2O3 Thermal Barrier Coatings after Isothermal Exposure at 1050 °C......................................................................................................................................1015 David JECH, Ladislav ČELKO, Lenka KLAKURKOVÁ, Simona HUTAŘOVÁ, Martin JULIŠ, Jiří ŠVEJCAR The Effect of Heat Treatment Parameters on Crystallization of Basalt Base Glass Coatings .......................1021 Gunhan BAYRAK, Ediz ERCENK, Ugur SEN, Senol YILMAZ Mechanical Compatibility Of Ti Coatings deposited by HVOF Thermal Spraying ........................................1027 Elena Simona CUTEAN, Ion MITELEA, Viorel - Aurel ŞERBAN, Florin Marian CORNEA Influence of Feed Speed on Machined Surface Quality ...............................................................................1033 Robert ČEP, Jana PETRŮ, Tomáš ZLÁMAL, Jan VALÍČEK, Marta HARNIČÁROVÁ, Adam JANÁSEK, Lenka ČEPOVÁ Comparison of Abrasive Wear Resistance between HVOF Thermally Sprayed Alloy-based and Cermet Coatings ........................................................................................................................................................1039 Zdeněk ČESÁNEK, Šárka HOUDKOVÁ, Jan SCHUBERT, Michaela KAŠPAROVÁ Properties of Elektro Sparc deposited Stellite Coating on Mild Steel ..........................................................1045 Wojciech DEPCZYŃSKI, Norbert RADEK Influence of Coatings Chemical Composition on Corrosion Resistance of Galvanized Steel .......................1051 Juraj GRABAN, Mária KOLLÁROVÁ, Peter ZIMOVČÁK, Ivor KUČERA, Viera KOHÚTEKOVÁ, František HOLLÝ Surface Integrity Analysis in Laser Beam Cutting Process ............................................................................1057 Marta HARNIČÁROVÁ, Jan VALÍČEK, Robert ČEP, Jana PETRŮ, Lenka ČEPOVÁ Hot Corrosion behaviour of Cr Modified Aluminide Coatings deposited on Nickel Superalloy in 713 LC ...1063 Ján KAFRÍK, Jaroslav TRNÍK, Ondřej DVOŘÁČEK Microstructuring of Metallic Layers for Sensor Applications .......................................................................1069 Vladimír KOLAŘÍK, Stanislav KRÁTKÝ, Michal URBÁNEK, Milan MATĚJKA, Jana CHLUMSKÁ, Miroslav HORÁČEK Application of New Types of Metal Sheet Surface Modification for the Car-Body Design - Quality Assessment of the Bonded Joints .................................................................................................................1074 Michaela KOLNEROVÁ, Jiří SOBOTKA, Pavel SOLFRONK, Pavel DOUBEK, Lukáš ZUZÁNEK Monitoring the behavior of Resistive Layers on the Inserts of Intride Cutting Ceramics during Longitudinal Turning of Steel .......................................................................................................................1080 Jiří KRATOCHVÍL, Lenka PETŘKOVSKÁ Evolution of Texture and Mechanical and Electrical Properties in the Copper Wires: Drawn and Annealed................................................................................................................................................1085 Salim MESSAOUDI , Mosbah ZIDANI, Chems Eddine DERFOUF, Marie Hélène MATHON, Thierry BAUDIN A study Regarding the Comparation between Photovoltaic Cells ...............................................................1091 Ana Talida PACURAR, Dumitru TOADER, Cristian PACURAR Photovoltaic Panels - Application of Nanomaterials ....................................................................................1095 Cristian PACURAR, Ana Talida PACURAR, Dumitru TOADER Effect of Spray Parameters on the Properties of HVOF Sprayed Coatings with Changing Co Content based on Tungsten Carbide ..........................................................................................................................1100 Jan SCHUBERT, Šárka HOUDKOVÁ, Zdeněk ČESÁNEK, Michaela KAŠPAROVÁ Influence of Anticoagulants on Properties of Transparent Water-based Paint Systems .............................1106 Kateřina SUCHÁNKOVÁ, Petr ŠRUBAŘ, Jitka PODJUKLOVÁ, Richard DVORSKÝ, Sylvie KOPAŇAKOVÁ, Jan BRUMEK, Kateřina KONEČNÁ The Static Test Material Optimization for Solid Propellant Case .................................................................1112 Ornin SRIHAKULUNG Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Galvanic Coatings based on Zinc .................................................1117 Xenie ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Lucie KREJČÍ, Kateřina KONEČNÁ Microstructural Turbine Blades Analyses after Endurance Test F Aircraft Engine.......................................1123 Jaroslav TRNÍK, Ján KAFRÍK, Ondřej DVOŘÁČEK The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure of Scale Layer and its removing by Pickling in Reducing Melt ..............................................................................................................................................................1129 Petra VÁŇOVÁ, Roman PĚNČÍK, David ČEMPEL, Kateřina KONEČNÁ Characterization of the Friction Layer formed on the Část Iron and Stainless Steel Brake Discs during the Friction Test ..................................................................................................................................................1137 Jiřina VONTOROVÁ, Vlastimil MATĚJKA, Miroslav VACULÍK SYMPOSIUM E - NON-FERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS ........................................................................1143 Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of Creation of Cast Sacrificial Alloys .................................................1144 Vladimir KECHIN Influence of Repeated Remeltings on Formation of Structure of Castings from Aluminum Matrix Composite Alloys ..........................................................................................................................................1152 Evgeny PRUSOV, Alexey PANFILOV Analytical Methods Suitable for Rapidly Solidified Alloys ............................................................................1157 Alena MICHALCOVÁ, Pavel NOVÁK, Dalibor VOJTĚCH, Jakub ČÍŽEK, Ivo MAREK, Milena VODĚROVÁ Thermal Stability of Rapidly Solidified Al-Fe-X Alloys ...................................................................................1161 Milena VODĚROVÁ, Pavel NOVÁK, Alena MICHALCOVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Influence of Recycling of Cast Aluminium Alloys on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties .........1165 Marek BŘUSKA, Petr LICHÝ, Michal CAGALA, Jaroslav BEŇO, Miroslav BODROG, David ŽÁČEK Effect of Internal Defects on Tensile Properties of A356 Casting Alloys ......................................................1171 Jie CHENG, Norbert HORT, Karl Ulrich KAINER, Siyoung KWAK Horizontal Continuous Casting of Al and Al-Si Alloy In Semi-Industrial Conditions .....................................1177 Tomasz WRÓBEL, Jan SZAJNAR Al-Si-Fe-Mn based Alloy prepared by Centrifugal Spraying and Die Forging ...............................................1183 Karel DÁM, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of AlSi-X based Alloys prepared by Centrifugal Atomization ..................................................................................................................................................1189 Filip PRŮŠA, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Current State and Trends of Development of Aluminum Matrix Composite Alloys ....................................1195 Alexey PANFILOV, Evgeny PRUSOV Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Aluminum based Metal Matrix Composites at Elevated Temperatures ...............................................................................................................................................1200 Werner HUFENBACH, Maik GUDE, Andrzej CZULAK, Bartlomiej PRZYBYSZEWSKI, Piotr MALCZYK Influence of Stress Decay Heat Treatment on the Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Aluminum based Metal Matrix Composites ..................................................................................................................1205 Werner A. HUFENBACH, Maik GUDE, Andrzej CZULAK, Piotr MALCZYK, Bartlomiej PRZYBYSZEWSKI Optimization of Ultrasonic Wlding Parameters and Temperature Distribution in Metal Matrix Composite based on Aluminium .....................................................................................................................................1211 Marius POP-CALIMANU, Dinu GUBENCU, Ioana POP-CALIMANU, Traian FLESER Effect of Load Asymmetry and Grain Orientation on Fatigue Crack Growth in Stable and Threshold Regions in an Aircraft AL 2124-T851 Alloy ...................................................................................................1218 Ivo ČERNÝ Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Cold-Rolled Al-Mn and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr Alloys ...................1224 Martin VLACH, Ivana STULÍKOVÁ, Bohumil SMOLA, Hana KUDRNOVÁ, Tomáš KEKULE, Vladivoj OČENÁŠEK, Jaroslav MÁLEK, Dhritti TANPRAYOON, Volkmar NEUBERT Twin-roll Cast Aluminum Alloys Processed by ECAP ....................................................................................1230 Michaela POKOVÁ, Miroslav CIESLAR, Přemysl MÁLEK Thermophysical Properties and Microstructure of Selected Magnesium Alloys .........................................1236 Petr LICHÝ, Jaroslav BEŇO, Michal CAGALA, David ŽÁČEK Influence of Mechanical and Thermal Treatment on Mechanical and Biodegradation Properties of Magnesium Alloys ........................................................................................................................................ 1242 Jiří KUBÁSEK, Milena VODĚROVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Evaluation of Hydriding Parameters in Mg─Ni-based Alloys Doped with Transition Metals .......................1249 Vítězslav KNOTEK, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Utilization of Ecological Friendly Cores for Magnesium Alloys Castings ......................................................1255 Jaroslav BEŇO, Petr LICHÝ, Eliška ADÁMKOVÁ, Michal CAGALA, Petr JELÍNEK, Marek BŘUSKA, Karel GÁL, Marcin MORYS Formation of a Mg-Al-Zn Intermetallic Surface Layers on Magnesium .......................................................1261 Renata MOLA, Wojciech DEPCZYŃSKI Dynamic Recrystallization during Hot Deformation of Mg-Zn-Ca ................................................................1266 Monika HRADILOVÁ, Pavel LEJČEK In-situ Neutron Diffraction and Acoustic Emission Investigation of Microstructure Evolution in Magnesium ...............................................................................................................................................1272 Jan ČAPEK, Kristián MÁTHIS, Petr LUKÁŠ, Přemysl BERAN The Efect of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of Single Crystal CMSX-4 Superalloy .....................1277 Juraj LAPIN, Tatiana PELACHOVÁ, Oto BAJANA Microstructural Evaluation of IMPAC IN718: Higher Temperature Application Range for an Old Superalloy .....................................................................................................................................................1283 DI GIANFRANCESCO, P. LOMBARDI, D. VENDITTI The Influence of Zr on Microstructure of Beta-Titanium Alloys...................................................................1295 Jaroslav MÁLEK, František HNILICA, Jaroslav VESELÝ Powder Metallurgy Preparation of Porous Titanium for Medical Implants .................................................1301 Pavel NOVÁK, Ladislav SITA, Anna KNAISLOVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH The Effect of Chemical Composition and Microstructure on Elastic Modulus and Hardness of Biomedical Titanium Alloys based on Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta Composition with Small Fe and Si Additions ...................................1307 Josef STRÁSKÝ, Miloš JANEČEK, Petr HARCUBA, Michal LANDA Tribological Properties of Ti-Si-Zr Alloys.......................................................................................................1313 Sergey TKACHENKO, Oleg DATSKEVICH, Leonid KULAK, Håkan ENGQVIST, Cecilia PERSSON New Ti-alloys with Superior Specific Strength..............................................................................................1319 Mohamed Abdel-Hady GEPREEL, Mitsuo NIINOMI Preparation of the NiTi Shape Memory Alloy by the TE-SHS Method - Influence of the Sintering Time ....1323 Jaroslav ČAPEK, Vojtěch KUČERA, Michaela FOUSOVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Influence of Solidification Parameters on the Distribution of the Alloying Elements during Directional Solidification of the Intermetallic TI-44AL-5NB-0.2B-0.2C Alloy ................................................................. 1328 Alena KLIMOVÁ, Zuzana GABALCOVÁ, Juraj LAPIN Directional Solidification and Solidification behaviour of g-TiAl Intermetallics wiht Higher Carbon Contents .......................................................................................................................................................1334 Tomáš ČEGAN, Miroslav KURSA Creep Damage Characterisation of Intermetallic Ti-46Al-8Ta Alloy Under Thermal Cycling Creep ............1341 Hana STANEKOVÁ, Juraj LAPIN Preparation and Properties of Boride Layers on TiAl Intermetallics ............................................................1347 Tomáš POPELA, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Effects of AdditionS and Heat Treament on the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets .......................................................................................................................................... 1353 Vladimir P. MENUSHENKOV, Aleksander G. SAVCHENKO, Kateřina SKOTNICOVÁ, Miroslav KURSA Study of Diamond-like Coating deposited on the Surface of Nd-Fe-B-Type Sintered Magnets ..................1358 Natalia KOLCHUGINA, Aleksandr LUKIN, Gennadii BURKHANOV, Georgii SPRYGIN, Miroslav KURSA, Katerina SKOTNICOVA, Aleksandr KOSTYUCHENKO The Effect of Thermal Stabilization on the Composition, Microstructure and Magneric Properties of Nd-Fe-B sintered Magnets............................................................................................................................1364 Kateřina SKOTNICOVÁ, Tomáš ČEGAN, Michal LESŇÁK, Miroslav KURSA, Kateřina KONEČNÁ Properties of Ni/Cu/Ni and Ni Coatings for Corrosion Protection of NdFeB Base Magnets ........................1371 Stanislav LASEK, Nela DOBROVODSKÁ, Kateřina SKOTNICOVÁ Peculiarities of Obtaining Castings of Alloys with Stoichiometric Compositions with Peritectic Transformations ........................................................................................................................................... 1377 Evgeny SIDOROV, Mikhail PIKUNOV, Jaromír DRÁPALA Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Composite Skeleton Casting .....................................................1383 Tomasz SZUTER, Mirosław CHOLEWA, Werner HUFENBACH, Andrzej CZULAK Preparation of Multiphase Materials with Spark Plasma Sintering .............................................................1389 Radek MUŠÁLEK, Zdeněk DLABÁČEK, Monika VILÉMOVÁ, Zdenek PALA, Jiří MATĚJÍČEK, Tomáš CHRÁSKA Microstructure and Properties of Nanocrystalline LaB6 Powders Synthesized in a High Energy Planetary Ball Mill .........................................................................................................................................................1395 Duygu AĞAOĞULLARI, Özge BALCI, İsmail DUMAN, M. Lütfi ÖVEÇOĞLU Study on Bulk Nanocrystalline Copper prepared by Selective Dissolving ....................................................1401 Ivo MAREK, Dalibor VOJTĚCH, Alena MICHALCOVÁ, Vítězslav KNOTEK Influence of the Chemical Composition on the Selected Properties of Lead-free Solders ..........................1406 Lýdia RÍZEKOVÁ TRNKOVÁ, Marián DRIENOVSKÝ, Ján LOKAJ, Milan OŽVOLD Wastes of Processing of Combustible meta-bearing Slates of Uzbekistan, as Perspective Raw Material for Metallurgy ...............................................................................................................................................1413 V. P. GURO T Zone of Sic Particulate Reinforced AZ91D Magnesium Alloys under Ballistic Impact on a Specially Designed Gravitational Ballistic Test Apparatus...........................................................................................1418 Cem AKÇA, Yaman ERARSLAN Casting Routes for Porous Metals with Regular and Irregular Structure .....................................................1423 Vlasta BEDNÁŘOVÁ, Petr LICHÝ, Ivo LÁNA, Tomáš ELBEL The Recycling of Metal Waste Production Monocrystal of Permanent Magnets ........................................1429 Igor V. BELYAEV, Alexandr V. MOISEEV, Alexey A. STEPNOV, Alexandr V. KUTEPOV Microstructure and Properties of Hot Pressed Fe-50 % Co Sinters..............................................................1432 Joanna BOROWIECKA-JAMROZEK Intergranular Fracturing Susceptibility of Metallic Nickel Having Small Bulk Content in Sulphur ...............1438 Djamal BOUTASSOUNA, René Le GALL, Ibn Khaldoun LEFKAIER Tungsten Coatings and Free Standing Parts .................................................................................................1443 Vlastimil BROŽEK, Pavel CTIBOR, Jiří MATĚJÍČEK, Radek MUŠÁLEK, Zdeněk WEISS Study of Deformation Mechanisms of a Mg-Al-Sr Alloy Reinforced with Short Saffil® Fibres......................1449 Gergely FARKAS, Zuzana ZDRAŽILOVÁ, Kristián MÁTHIS DSC Analysis of an ECAP-deformed Cu-Ni-Si Alloy .......................................................................................1455 F. Hadj LARBI, K. ABIB, Y. KHEREDDINE, B. ALILI, M. KAWASAKI, D. BRADAI, T.G. LANGDON Effect of Mn-content on the Phases Stability of Binary Ti-Mn Alloys ..........................................................1461 Mohammed K. GOUDA, Mohamed Abdel-Hady GEPREEL, A. ABD El-MONIEM Analysis of New Technology Forging Monolithic Forged Bottoms...............................................................1468 Miroslav GREGER, Jiří PETRŽELA, Vladimír LÁZLÓ, Miroslav JUHAS Study of the Factors Influence on the Objective Functions of Wire EDM of AA2124/SiC/25p ....................1474 Dinu GUBENCU, Marius POP-CALIMANU Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of Ultra-fine grained CP Ti.......................................1480 Petr HARCUBA, Michal HÁJEK, Pavel ZHÁŇAL The In Vitro Effect of Alloying Elements used in Biodegradable Magnesium Implants on Eukaryotic Cell Matabolism ...................................................................................................................................................1486 Eva JABLONSKÁ, Jiří KUBÁSEK, Marek SCHWARZ, Jan LIPOV, Dalibor VOJTĚCH, Tomáš RUML Assessment of the Structure and High Temperature Strength of Fe-35Al-5Zr Intermetallic Alloy..............1491 Pavel KEJZLAR, Eva MACAJOVÁ, Lukáš VOLESKÝ, Petr KRATOCHVÍL Influence of Production and Heat Treatment on Microhardness and Phase Transformations in Mg-Y-(Nd)-Zn Alloys.................................................................................................................................. 1498 Tomáš KEKULE, Ivana STULÍKOVÁ, Bohumil SMOLA, Martin VLACH, Hana KUDRNOVÁ Structural Peculiarities of Sintered (Nd,Pr,Dy,Tb)-Fe-B Magnets prepared from TbH2-Containing Powder Mixtures........................................................................................................................................................1504 Natalia KOLCHUGINA, Aleksandr LUKIN, Gennadii BURKHANOV, Andrei DORMIDONTOV, Miroslav KURSA, Katerina SKOTNICOVA, Henrik DRULIS The Analysis of Forging Inconel 718 Alloy ....................................................................................................1510 Aneta ŁUKASZEK-SOŁEK, Janusz KRAWCZYK, Piotr BAŁA, Marek WOJTASZEK Effect of Nb on the Phase Transformation in Biocompatible TiNb-based Alloys .........................................1516 Monika LOSERTOVÁ, Petr ŠTĚPÁN, Bedřich SMETANA, Monika ŽALUDOVÁ ModelLing OF Ternary Alloy Systems using Matlab Software ......................................................................1521 Michal MADAJ, Zuzana MORÁVKOVÁ, Jiří VRBICKÝ, Jaromír DRÁPALA Structural and Fracture Characteristics of Nickel-based Alloys ...................................................................1528 Jitka MALCHARCZIKOVÁ, Vít MICHENKA, Martin POHLUDKA, David KAŇÁK, René FRIDRICH Tensile Testing at High Strain Rates using DIC Method................................................................................1533 Martina MAREŠOVÁ, Pavel KONOPÍK Structure and Magnetic Properties of SrFe12O19 Hexaferrite prepared from Submicron-sized Powders....1538 Vladimir P. MENUSHENKOV, Vladimir P. SHUBAKOV, Dmitriy Yu. KUDASOV Effect of High-pressure Torsion on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of As-cast Nd9.5Fe84.5B6 Alloy .1542 Svetlana V. POLIKUTKINA, Vladimir P. MENUSHENKOV, Sergei V. SKORODUMOV, Michael ZEHETBAUER, Jelena HORKY Evolution of the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of AE21 Magnesium Alloy after ECAP ............................................................................................................................................1546 Peter MINARIK, Robert KRAL, Milos JANECEK, Josef PESICKA Plastic Instabilities in AlMg4.5Mn Alloy Sheet .............................................................................................1551 Orsolya MOLNÁROVÁ, Patrik DOBROŇ, František CHMELÍK Formation and Thermal Stability of Intermetallics in Al-Cu-Fe Alloys..........................................................1556 Pavel NOVÁK, Milena VODĚROVÁ, Lucie MEJZLÍKOVÁ, Alena MICHALCOVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH Phenomenology of Degtradation by Cavitation for Heat Treated Cu-Al-Ni-Fe Bronzes ..............................1561 Ilare BORDEASU, Octavian OANCĂ, Ion MITELEA, Corneliu CRĂCIUNESCU Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nickel Alloys .................................................................................1567 Martin POHLUDKA, Jitka MALCHARCZIKOVÁ, Vít MICHENKA, Miroslav KURSA, Tomáš ČEGAN, Ivo SZURMAN Mechanical Properties of Zn-Mg Alloys........................................................................................................1573 Iva POSPÍŠILOVÁ, Dalibor VOJTĚCH On the Dependence of the Structures of the Solid Solution Alloy Castings on the crystallization Character Indices ...........................................................................................................................................................1577 Evgeny SIDOROV, Jaromír DRÁPALA, Mikhail PIKUNOV Possibilities of Ni-Ti based Alloys Recycling .................................................................................................1587 Ivo SZURMAN, Miroslav KURSA, Daniel KOCH Ageing Study of TIMETAL LCB Titanium Alloy ..............................................................................................1592 Jana ŠMILAUEROVÁ, Miloš JANEČEK, Petr HARCUBA, Josef STRÁSKÝ The Effect of Zirconium Content on the Phase Structure of Fe3Al-xC Type Intermetallic Alloys .................1597 Věra VODIČKOVÁ, Petr KRATOCHVÍL, Stanislav DANIŠ, Martin ŠVEC Experimental Study of Ultrafine-grained Commercial Magnesium Alloy AZ31 prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation Method ...................................................................................................................................1603 Jitka VRÁTNÁ, Miloš JANEČEK Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of IN713LC Nickel Superalloy Castings ....................................1608 Jiří ZÝKA, Irena ANDRŠOVÁ, Božena PODHORNÁ, Karel HRBÁČEK Failure Analysis of the Ttanium Alloy Horn used in Ultrasonic Processing of Polymeric Materials in the Automotive Industry..................................................................................................................................... 1613 SÎRBU Nicuor Alin, OANCĂ Octavian, ȘERBAN Șerban-Iancu SYMPOSIUM F - ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION ..........................1619 Complex Application of Statistical Process Control in Conditions of Profile Bars Production .....................1620 Darja NOSKIEVIČOVÁ, Eva JAROŠOVÁ The Production Capacity Planing Model in Term of Supply Chain Management ........................................1629 Dušan MALINDŽÁK, Peter KAČMÁRY, Lucia BEDNÁROVÁ, Jana VRLÍKOVÁ Improving of Processes in the Metallurgical Company focusing on Information and Human Resources Processes ......................................................................................................................................................1638 Jiří CIENCIALA, Vladimír KRAJČÍK, Marek TACINA Preference of Information Sources on the Market of Stainless Steel Products ...........................................1644 Vojtěch SPÁČIL Support for Maintenance and Technology Control on Slab Device of Continuous Casting .........................1650 Jiří DAVID, Pavel ŠVEC, Robert FRISCHER Possibility of Continuous Reheating Furnaces Control using Simplified Models .........................................1656 Milan HEGER, Ivo ŠPIČKA, Jiří FRANZ Analysis of Robust Technology Design Methods ..........................................................................................1662 Josef TOŠENOVSKÝ, Filip TOŠENOVSKÝ, Ondřej KUDĚLKA Stochastic Control of Process Times based on Working Performance ........................................................1668 Filip TOŠENOVSKÝ BSC-approach for Supply Chain Deviations Management ...........................................................................1672 Steffen REINECKE, Radim LENORT Application of Social Life Cycle Assessment in Metallurgy ...........................................................................1679 VAVRA Jan, BEDNARIKOVA Marie Issues of Corporate Social Responsibility Web Site Communication of mMetal Industry Companies ........1685 Alena KLAPALOVÁ Determination of the Technology Place in the Metal Company on the Basis of the Toyota´s Management Pronciples...............................................................................................................................1691 Stanisław BORKOWSKI, Joanna ROSAK-SZYROCKA, Dorota KLIMECKA-TATAR, Marta JAGUSIAK-KOCIK, Piotr SYGUT Aspects of Ferrous Metallurgy Development in Kazakhstan at the Example of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC .................................................................................................................................................................1697 Victoria LEZHNEVA, Sergey LEZHNEV Approaches to the Process Capability Analysis in the Case of Non-Normally Distributed Product Quality Characteristic ................................................................................................................................................1700 Jiří PLURA, Milan ZEMEK, Pavel KLAPUT Allocation of Internal Activity Costs in Production Enterprises ...................................................................1706 Paweł KUŻDOWICZ The Issues Relating to Reporting and Valuation of Long-term Tangible Fixed Assets in Acounting of Industrial Enterprise ................................................................................................................................. 1712 Zdeněk SCHWARZ, Jana BUCHTOVÁ, Petra BERANOVÁ Motivational Potential of Strategic Controlling............................................................................................1717 Marcela BLACHOVÁ MIKŠOVÁ Possible Application of Quality House in Industrial Supply Chain Resilience Assessment...........................1722 Roman MAROUŠEK Possibilities of Detection of Interactions between Parts and Appraisers in the Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Study using Graphical Tools ................................................................................................1729 Pavel KLAPUT, Jiří PLURA Economical Aspects of High-temperature Heating Utilization for Industrial Waste Treatment..................1735 Silvie BROŽOVÁ, Manuela INGALDI, Ivan ŠPERLÍN Sustainability and Eco-Efficiency Assessment of Biomass Use in Steelmaking ............................................1740 Dorota BURCHART-KOROL Commercialization of the „Legnica“ Copper Smelter - Key Aspect of Change .............................................1747 Urszula BĄKOWSKA-MORAWSKA Prediction of a Heating Process in Continuous Furnaces with Regard to the Economy of Operation ........1755 Ivo ŠPIČKA, Milan HEGER Modeling of Circle Crystallizer ......................................................................................................................1761 Pavel ŠVEC, Jiří DAVID, Robert FRISCHER Fuzzy Logic Model for Evaluation of Lean and Agile Manufacturing Integration ........................................1767 Tatiana USTYUGOVA, Darja NOSKIEVIČOVÁ Situation in Waste Treatment in Poland ......................................................................................................1773 Edyta KARDAS, Silvie BROŽOVÁ Economy and Possibilities of Waste Utilization in Poland ...........................................................................1779 Manuela INGALDI, Simona JURSOVÁ Energy Exploitation of Industrial Waste .......................................................................................................1785 Simona JURSOVÁ, Pavlína PUSTĚJOVSKÁ, Silvie BROŽOVÁ Managing Innovation in Metallurgy .............................................................................................................1790 Sebastian BAKALARCZYK Development of Value Productivity in Metallurgical Industry .....................................................................1795 Jiří KLEČKA, Dagmar ČÁMSKÁ Changing Financial Ratios of Basic Metals Manufacturing Companies in Poland ........................................1801 Przemysław POMYKALSKI Provisions in the Metallurgical Industry in the Czech Republic ...................................................................1805 Michal BOBEK Main Trends in Financial Health Among Companies related to Metallurgical Industry in Central Europe .1811 Jiří HÁJEK, Dagmar ČÁMSKÁ Implementation Procedure of Lean Methods in Logistics Processes ...........................................................1817 Roman BEDNÁR, Natália HORŇÁKOVÁ, Helena VIDOVÁ Innovation in the System of Iron ORE Evaluation ........................................................................................1823 Petr BESTA, Andrea SAMOLEJOVÁ, Kamila JANOVSKÁ, Martin LAMPA Monitoring the Quality of Suppliers of Input Raw Materials in Metallurgical Production ..........................1829 Petr BESTA, Milan MIKOLÁŠ, František ZAPLETAL, Jindřich HAVERLAND, Miroslav HENDRYCH Is a Joint Owner a Guarantee of Coordinated Efforts of Entities in the Value Network? ............................1835 Lenka BRANSKA, Hana LOSTAKOVA, Zuzana PECINOVA Innovations as a Factor of Business Models Dynamics in Metallurgical Companies ...................................1842 Jan BRZÓSKA Ant Colony Optimization: Survey on ApplicationS in Metallurgy .................................................................1849 Martin ČECH, Šárka VILAMOVÁ Control and Controlling in the System of Personal Management in the Industrial Plant ............................1854 Ivana DLUGOŠOVÁ Companies Financial Performance Determanitation Applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Method .........................................................................................................................................................1860 Dana DLUHOŠOVÁ, Zdeněk ZMEŠKAL Production Logistics Concepts and Systems in Metallurgical Companies....................................................1867 Radim LENORT, Jerzy FELIKS, Leo TVRDOŇ Vulnerability of Industrial Supply Chain .......................................................................................................1873 Martin FOLTA, Petr NOVOTNÝ Usage of Clustering Analysis in Diagnostics of Metallurgical Devices ..........................................................1881 Robert FRISCHER, Miloš POLLAK, Tomáš TUHÝ, Veronika PRAŽÁKOVÁ Maintenance Management of Metallurgical Processes ...............................................................................1887 Lucie FRISCHEROVÁ, Jiří DAVID, Romana GARZINOVÁ Metallurgical Industry Risk Management ....................................................................................................1892 Ryszard GRADZKI, Sebastian BAKALARCZYK, Przemyslaw POMYKALSKI Utilization of Simulation Software for Supply Chains Resilience Simulation ...............................................1897 Ekaterina GRAKOVA, Emilie KRAUSOVÁ Stress Risk in Management Systems in Metallurgical Problems ..................................................................1904 Ionela Ramona GUSETORIU, Dumitru TUCU The Application of Fuzzy FMEA ....................................................................................................................1909 Petra HALFAROVÁ, Tatiana USTYUGOVA, David VYKYDAL Multi-criteria Decision-Making in Management under Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty .......................1914 Karel CHOBOT Workers Evaluations of Ribbed Wire Competition and Rolling Mill Technological Possibilities..................1920 Stanislaw BORKOWSKI, Manuela INGALDI Process Management in the Část Iron Foundry ...........................................................................................1926 Robert ULEWICZ, Jacek SELEJDAK, Stanisław BORKOWSKI, Marta JAGUSIAK-KOCIK Prediction of Internal Defects in Rolled Products from Cr-Mo Steels using Artificial Intelligence Methods .......................................................................................................................................................1932 Zora JANČÍKOVÁ, Ondřej ZIMNÝ, Miroslav KVÍČALA, Pavel KOŠTIAL, Roman MECA Innovations in Czech Metallurgical Plants ....................................................................................................1938 Kamila JANOVSKÁ, Andrea SAMOLEJOVÁ, Jakub GAJDA, Martin LAMPA, Šárka VILAMOVÁ, Josef KUTÁČ Economic benefits of raw materials reducibility testing ..............................................................................1944 Simona JURSOVÁ, Jiří BILÍK ..................................................................................................................... 1944 Improvement of Production Planning based on the Application of Principles of MRP ...............................1948 René KLEGA Ecological Possibilities of Waste Utilization in Metallurgical Processes ......................................................1954 Anna KONSTANCIAK, Pavlína PUSTĚJOVSKÁ Treatment of Ultra Fine-grained Steels using the STRAD Method...............................................................1960 Petr KOŇAŘÍK, Miroslav OLSZAR Identification of Bottlenecks in Iron Foundry Production - Case Study .......................................................1965 Nicole KYNCL Innovative Access to Solution "Two-dimensional" Cutting Problem in Metallurgical Operations ..............1971 Martin LAMPA, Kamila JANOVSKÁ, Petr BESTA Analysis of Maintenance Data in Terms of Possible Application of SPC ......................................................1977 Marek LEIDOLF, Darja NOSKIEVIČOVÁ Concept of a System for Resilience Measurement in Industrial Supply Chain.............................................1982 Radim LENORT, Pavel WICHER The Service Life Calculation of Crane Ropes in Metallurgical Operations....................................................1989 Janka ŠADEROVÁ, Radim LENORT The Key Strategic Customer Benefits Leading to Strengthening of Relations with Customers in the Chemical Industry ...............................................................................................................................1994 Hana LOSTAKOVA, Iva STEJSKALOVA A Deep Dive into Resilience Capabilities as a Result of Supply Chain Efficiency ..........................................2000 Petr NOVOTNY, Martin FOLTA Barriers to the Development of Cooperation in Value Networks with a Low Level of Cooperation ...........2006 Zuzana PECINOVA, Hana LOSTAKOVA, Lenka BRANSKA Possibilities of Energetic and Economic Utilization of Waste Mine Gas ......................................................2013 Pavlína PUSTĚJOVSKÁ, Silvie BROŽOVÁ, Edyta KARDAS, Ivan ŠPERLÍN Performance Management in Metalworking Processes as a Source of Sustainable Development ............2017 Anna SANIUK, Dagmar CAGÁŇOVÁ, Miloš ČAMBÁL System of Production Flow Planning in Metalworking Clusters...................................................................2023 Sebastian SANIUK Marketing Innovations in Industrial Firms ...................................................................................................2029 Andrea SIKOROVÁ, Andrea SAMOLEJOVÁ, Martin LAMPA Condition and Prospects of Innovative Activity in the Steel Industry in Poland ..........................................2036 Arkadiusz SZMAL Selected Aspects of Marketing Management of Metallurgical Companies .................................................2043 Šárka VILAMOVÁ, Kamila JANOVSKÁ, Roman KOZEL, Petr BESTA, Milan STOCH, Martin ČECH Inventory Planning and Control of Electrodes for Electric Arc Furnace .......................................................2050 Pavel WICHER, Radim LENORT Management of Production Orders in Metalworking Production ...............................................................2057 Anna SANIUK, Krzysztof WITKOWSKI, Sebastian SANIUK Usage of Datamining Methods for Control Support of Crystalizer’s Lifetime ..............................................2063 Martin ZUSKÁČ, Jiří DAVID, Lucie FRISCHEROVÁ, Romana GARZINOVÁ
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